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career-pr |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
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Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
ScratchPC |
"ITScratchPCScratch PC ScratchMIT816IT401501ScratchScratchScratch"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"5 Java" |
"*2019/10/17 AndroidAndroid Studio 3.52019/10/7macOSEclipse2019-09JavaFXOracleJavaFX2019/8/30macOSEclipse2019-062017/10/30Eclipse Oxygen(4.72017/10/29Eclipse Oxygen(4.72017/3/3 JDK, Eclipse 4.6 NeonJavaJavaJavaJava 8Android107JavaAndroidJSP / JavaFXGUIJava 11Oraclejava2019/7 Windows mac 2016/8/5"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"1Moodle 3" |
Price: 6600.00 ![]() |
"5 Linux LPIC Level1" |
"LinuxLinuxVirtualBoxWindowsMac OS XLPIC Level 1LinuxLinuxWebRaspberry PiIoTLInuxVPSCentOS7PHP, MySQLDocker"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"3 Ruby on Rails 4 Ruby" |
"2017/3/3macOSmac OSSierra10.12.310.10.x10.11.xRuby on RailsRubyRailsRuby on RailsAirbnbWebRuby on Rails 4RubyRubyRailsHTMLRailsScaffolfdingBootstrapRails 4SQLite3Ruby on Rails2016Rails4Rails 4.2Rails 5RubyHTML"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"2 PHP 7 x Laravel 6" |
"201993Laravel 6.0 LTS - macOSPHP7.2, Composer, Laravel 6.0, 2017/9/1 SQLite42PHPPHP 7Laravel 5.x/6.0WebPHPHTML5JavaScriptBootstrapWindows, macOSLinuxPHP 7WebLaravel 5.2Laravel 6.0 PHP2016/7/31"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
2WordPress |
Price: 16200.00 ![]() |
30Web2019 |
"201722630Complete Web Developer 2.0UdemyRob PercivalAPIWordPressHTML512HTML53CSS4JavaScript5jQuery6Bootstrap 47WordPress8PHP79MySQL 510API1112: HTML513: Python14TwitterFacebookUberPythonHTML5IoTInternet of ThingsPythonRuby on RailsSwiftJavaScriptNode.jsAngular 2, ReactJS(300BootStrap3Apache/PHP/MySQLMAMP2017/2/26 2017/2/24 App.js 112017/2/22 2017/2/12 CSS2017/2/8 APIGeocoding API(6:52, 7:02, 15:162017/2/6 2017/2/5 APIGoogle Maps API18:252017/2/1 API62017/1/31 MySQL2017/1/9 BootstrapScrollspy2017/1/5 MySQL62017/1/4 CSS2016/12/30 MySQL2016/12/14BootstrapWordPress"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"3AndroidAndroid Studio 2.3Java 8" |
"- 2017/4/22 Android SDK Manager- 2017/3/17 Android Studio 2.3AndroidJava 8Android Studio 2.1WindowsMacOKRealmToDoWeb APIVolleyGoogleWebWebAPIAndroid"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"3LinuxCentOS 7PHP 7Docker" |
"LinuxLinuxVPSCentOS 7WebPHPWordPressDockerWordPressVPS1,000LAMPWordPressDockerLInuxLinuxLinuxPHP7LAMPDocker"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"TOEIC 650~800650~800650~800TOEIC TOEIC15 TOEICAble English Studies20061030001150(1400UP) Able English Studies1 650~800 650~80065055100 Let's Get started!"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
iPhone |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
1000-watt-presence_jp |
"TVSONYAlexa Fisher1000 Have you been secretly longing to achieve more in life? To many, you seem content and successful, but inwardly you know you have not yet stepped into your full potential. And the realization hurts. Maybe you never asked for that well-deserved raise. Or you avoided presenting to a room full of influencers. You stayed behind-the-scenes"". Totally competent, but utterly invisible. But there is this whisper in your ear, begging you to speak up. You long to jump out of your comfort zone. And your message? You know you have one yet something holds you back from going big, from shining as brightly as you could. What. Is. It.?!?!? The answer is - it's different for everyone. And the good news is, it's not that hard to find that box, open it up, and let the butterflies out. Because what do you have to gain? Is it fame? Fortune? More professional recognition? Yes, all of that is truebut what you really get, and this is what's priceless, is the gift that comes with expressing your truest self, in the most effective, contagious way possible. To as many people as possible. It is the gift to you, but it's also the gift to us. Yes, us. You playing small, as the great Marianne Williamson has said, doesn't do us any favors. Hi, I'm Alexa. I spent most of my career as a television actress until the moment came when I knew that life on a TV show set was never going to fulfill my desire to help others. The craft of acting is about interpreting human behavior. Studying what makes a person tick. Understanding the obstacles they face to get what they want. I loved acting, but it pained me to see the impact the entertainment industry was having on the average person. I watched countless people tear themselves down while comparing themselves to air-brushed celebrities. I knew it was time for me to step into the unknown and teach. Here's the truth: Actors are just like you and me. In fact, each person on this planet was born to shine. You came into this world with a passion and a purpose. You may not know what that is yet, but you know in your gut it's time for a change. Imagine what your bravest self can achieve: You have the courage to ask for what you want. You have the tenacity to not give up. You walk into a room with confidence and calm. You express yourself effortlessly. You command the attention of an audience. You achieve deeper authenticity and honesty. You use ALL your existing skills, but better. You create new and inventive ways to share your business. You start making your own opportunities happen. You step in front of the camera with ease. You stop the negative chatter in your head once and for all. When you overcome your fears and doubts, you harness your personal power. When you connect to your purpose, you ignite your passion. When you build your confidence, you move in the direction of your destiny. Quite simply, when you light up, the world takes notice and opportunities come to you effortlessly. But first the most important aspect to this process is your willingness to start. Are you ready? Are you ready to step out of the shade and into the warm sun and feel the difference in every single aspect of your life? I'm ready. I'm ready for you to do it. And I believe you can do it. You do not need to go at it alone. Let's start now. Together."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
Web |
"Web190UdemyWeb20WebUdemy""Creating Responsive Web Design""90WebCC webHTML5, CSS3, Media QueriesHTML5Shiv for Internet ExplorerPhotoshop9011CSS3HTML5CSSUXCSS, HTML, and Photoshop CSS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
superlearning-speed-reading-memory-techniques_jp |
"Udemy Recently selected as Udemy CEO Dennis Yang's #1 Staff Pick and updated for 2015, this course will teach you how to hack your learning, reading, and memory skills, empowering you to learn anything and everything faster and more effectively. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply embarking on a new hobby, you are forced to grapple with an every-increasing amount of information and knowledge. In fact, it's believed that one week's worth of the New York Times contains more information than people 100 years ago encountered in their entire lives. We've all experienced the frustration of an ever-growing reading list, struggling to learn a new language, or forgetting things you learned in even your favorite subjects. Anyone can develop Super-Learning skills This course is about improving your ability to learn new skills or information quickly and effectively. We go far beyond the kinds of ""speed-reading"" (or glorified skimming) you may have been exposed to, diving into the actual cognitive and neurological factors that make learning easier and more successful. We also give you advanced memory techniques to grapple with the huge loads of information you'll be able to process. You'll learn how to input and retain information in a whole new way - a faster, better way The core of this SuperLearning course involves 3 ""super skills"": Speed-reading with high (80%+) comprehension and understanding Memory techniques for storing and recalling vast amounts of information quickly and accurately Developing the cognitive infrastructure to support this flood of new information long-term However, the SuperLearning skills you'll learn in this course are applicable to many aspects of your every day life, from remembering phone numbers to acquiring new skills or even speaking new languages. How we'll teach you SuperLearning and advanced memory techniques The sad irony is that in order to learn most of these superlearning skills and memory techniques in the past, you had to read dozens of books and psychological journals. Or, you had to hire an expensive private tutor who specializes in superlearning. That's what I did. And it changed my life. Fortunately, my instructors (experts in the fields of superlearning, memory techniques, and speed-reading) have agreed to help me transform their materials into the first ever digital course. We've designed a course based heavily on video-lectures and a great deal at-home exercises. The lecture components are only a small part of this superlearning course - you will be practicing various exercises and assignments on a regular basis. The course will require 2-3 hours of memory and speed-reading practice and training per week and training, and last roughly 4-6 weeks. It won't be easy - but if you put in the work, you are guaranteed to succeed. In addition to the lectures, there is an additional 1.5 hours of supplemental video content from TED, YouTube, and other sources which are considered part of the course curriculum."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
Apple |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marie Claire" |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
flowerarranging_jp |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
sewing-101_jp |
"CC Brit+CoBrit + Co"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
job-interview-skills_jp |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
excelvba_beginner |
"3-----------------------------Step1150Step22360VBAStep3451201VBA-----------------------------Step1 1 VBAStep2 23 Step3 45step1step2"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
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"1-----------------------------Step1 71 60Step2 2 60-----------------------------Step1 71SUMAVERAGEROUNDCOUNTVLOOKUPIFLEFT(RIGHT)Step2 2"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"10 Excel" |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
Excel(VBA) |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
Excel(VBA) |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"TAKA 6 "
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |