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"Chinese Idiom Stories and Chinese Philosophies season 1" |
"Chinese idioms were originated from the ancient Chinese historical and philosophical works, crystallizing the wisdom of Chinese culture through thousands of years. They have become familiar daily language of today spoken by ordinary Chinese people in daily life. Being able to use them adroitly will lend vividness, authenticity, humor and refinement to your conversation and writing. The language in the Chinese idiom stories studied in this course encompasses the realms of politics, literature, military, philosophy and culture, which will enrich your Chinese vocabulary in all fields. This course particularly emphasizes the link of Chinese idiom stories with the four greatest indigenous classical Chinese philosophies. For example, you will study the idioms coming from Confucius Analects, that embody the Confucian ideas of benevolent rule, importance of study, the relationship between monarch and ministers; you will study the idioms coming from Taoist philosopher Lao Zi s Tao Te Ching and Zhuang Zis Complete Works of Zhuang Zi, which exemplify Taoist ideas of the opposition of cosmic and human knowledge, the omniscient perspective from the sky achieved through self-emptiness, the Taoist conception of intuitive wisdom versus acquired learning, Taoist idea of making no distinction, and opposition to Confucian ethical order, Taoist dialectics in which the opposites are transformable into each other; you will also learn the Pacifist idea of Mohism, its advocacy of universal love and opposition to war, and its strikingly ingenious use of analogy in winning arguments over rivals with much greater worldly power; you will also study the forceful measure of army and law advocated by Legalism, its idea of highly unified and centralized power consolidated by war and forceful state machine, its demand of uniformity and consistency, which are in sharp contrast to the Pacifist idea of Mohism. All these central values of different schools of philosophies are learned through riveting, compelling idiom stories with ingenious arguments different from the typical methods of argument in the Western tradition. These stories give flesh and blood and humor to these profound philosophies. For each idiom story, there are three lectures, the first lecture is text practice of the idiom stories: I will lead you to learn the vocabulary, explain to you sentence by sentence the text, and lead you to read the text twice, and ask you questions about the texts; the second lecture will teach you how to use the idioms in sentences, both grammatically and meaningfully. The source stories of these idioms all carry each schools philosophical implication where they come from, but evolves into more generic meaning in which the philosophical implication is receded. The third lecture will be my talk-head video speaking these stories, so that you can review them and understand them without the text. Chinese idioms are living fossils of language that are still extremely popular in daily conversation today, and will definitely lend humor, refinement, vividness and authenticity in your communication with Chinese people. You will find your Chinese acquire a new height with this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Humorous Stories Season 2" |
"Hello, everyone, welcome to my new course Chinese humorous stories season 2: make your Chinese leap amidst laughter! Learning humorous stories is an excellent way of learning daily language: the vocabularies in humorous story are among the most frequently used, colloquial words that appear at highest frequency in daily communication. The syntax in humorous stories utilizes the most commonly used grammar in Chinese language. Despite its accessibility and commonality, the entertaining, hilarious nature of humorous language makes the language impressive, skillful (even comically artistic) and highly memorable, thus makes language learning process entertaining, easy and fast. This course chooses 20 hilarious humorous stories that covers a diverse realm of topics, daily situations, and therefore vocabulary range: family, love, marriage, school, law, army, sports, health and medicine, profession, archeology, travel, competition and contest, etc. You will find your daily spoken and written language progresses speedily after learning the course, soon being able to use the most common words and syntax to communicate in Chinese about comprehensive realms of daily life. This season is different from season 1 humorous story in that it emphasize spoken Chinese, so there is no written text. Each story is taught in two talking-head video lectures: the first lecture, I lead you to understand phrase by phrase the meaning of each sentence via medium English, also I will lead you to speak after me. I advise you to re-play it 2-3 times, until you can understand the story perfectly. The second lecture is my acting video, I will narrate the story to you, so that you can review your listening comprehension, so that after that, you can tell the story yourself. Stories are short, so that you can narrate without difficulty. Go to the end of lectures for more information on related free contents. You will find your daily conversational Chinese enhanced greatly with this course, your speech fluent and accurate on a lot of daily topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zen Buddhist Stories" |
"Zen, or Chan Buddhism is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang Dynasty as Chan Buddhism. Zen school was strongly influenced by Taoism and developed as a distinguished school of Chinese Chan Buddhism. From China, Chan Buddhism spread south to Vietnam, northeast to Korea and east to Japan, where it became known as Japanese Zen. The term Zen is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Middle word (Chan), which traces its roots to the Indian practice of ""meditation. Zen emphasizes rigorous self-control, meditation-practice, Insight into Buddha nature, and the personal expression of this insight in daily life, As such, it de-emphasizes mere knowledge of Sutras and doctrine and favors direct understanding and interaction with an accomplished teacher. As they expressed in the Zen phrase, teach beyond scripture, transmit without words, point directly to human heart, attain instantly to Buddha nature. your fingers are the words, the truth is like the moon, the finger can point to the moon, but is not the moon. It emphasizes the identity of being and vacuity, moment and eternity: Life is between breathing. Ten thousand years void, one mornings wind and moon. It venerate insight into Buddha nature more than ritualistic worship of a Buddha figure, as they expressed, Outside mind, no Buddha, killing the Buddha, killing the patriarch, becoming Buddha and demon is only moment of thought. It talks about annihilating desires to achieve an immobility of heart among the fluctuation of all things: as Six Patriarch expresses it, Neither the flag nor the wind is moving, human heart is moving, The wind passes the bamboo forest, the bamboo retains no sound after it passes; the wild geese flying over the cold lake, the lake does not retain the forms of the geese. Like the Taoist philosopher Zhuang Zi It advocates getting rid of the mentality of making distinction, including the distinction between the self and other, to enter instantly and directly into a situation and react to it most effectively, for example, the wrestler images himself a huge wave becomes an all-sweeping, all-swallowing, invincible fighter. Zens major practice includes observing the breath, observing the mind, Zen Koan, Buddhist chanting etc. Zen koan is an enigmatic, logic-defying method of prompting the disciples to achieve instant enlightenment. It was during the late 1950s and the early 1960s that the number of Westerners other than the descendants of Asian immigrants who were pursuing a serious interest in Zen began to reach a significant level. Japanese Zen has gained the greatest popularity in the West. The various books on Zen by people such as Alan Watts and D. T. Suzuki published between 1950 and 1975, contributed to this growing interest in Zen in the West, as did the interest on the part of beat poets such as Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and Gary Snyder. In 1958, the literary magazine Chicago Review played a significant role in introducing Zen to the American literary community, especially beat poets. The course includes 20 Zen Buddhist Stories, each story is taught in two lectures, mostly Zen Koan in an intensely interesting, enigmatic, iconoclastic, and humorous style used by Zen masters to prompt instant enlightenment in their disciples, the first lectures teaches the language of the Zen story, I will lead you to study the vocabulary list, the text of the story and lead you to recite them, and practice answering questions about the text. The second lecture is a recitation of the story, so that you can practice listening comprehension and be further familiar with the language and content of the stories. You don't need prerequisite for this course, it has detailed vocabulary list from the beginning to advanced level, however, it isadvisable to take my College Mandarin Chinese on Your Own Beginning Level. This course will teach you a wide range of vocabulary from beginning to advanced level, and acquaint you with the core values of Zen Buddhism, and its unique means of enlightenment. Through this course you will find your Chinese language level soar together with your spiritual delight and thrill with the most iconoclastic and hilarious way of acquiring sudden, deep religious wisdom that has profoundly influenced both the East and the West, particularly American Beat Poets ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese idioms season 2" |
"Hello, everyone, welcome to Chinese idioms season 2: learn 80 most commonly used Chinese idioms through a comic story. Chinese idioms were originated from the ancient Chinese historical and philosophical works, crystallizing the wisdom of Chinese culture through thousands of years. They have become familiar daily language of today spoken by ordinary Chinese people in daily life. Being able to use them adroitly will lend vividness, authenticity, humor and refinement to your conversation and writing. The language in the Chinese idiom stories studied in this course encompasses the realms of politics, literature, military, philosophy and religion, which will enrich your Chinese vocabulary in all fields. While the season 1 of this course emphasizes the link of Chinese idiom stories with the four greatest indigenous classical Chinese philosophies, and taught 16 Chinese idioms and trace their source stories to Chinese philosophical and historical works, this season 2 aims to teach a much greater amount of idioms--80 in total-- by making you learn a piece of hilarious essay (taught in 11 parts) made of all these 80 idioms, so that you would easily memorize and understand their usage in sentence context that is hilarious and memorable. For each idiom story, there are three lectures, the first lecture is text practice of the idiom stories: I will lead you to learn the vocabulary, explain to you sentence by sentence the text, and lead you to read the text twice, and ask you questions about the text; the second lecture will teach you how to use the idioms in sentences, both grammatically and meaningfully. I will also explain briefly the source stories of most of these idioms. The third lecture will be my talking-head video speaking these stories, so that you can review them and understand them without the text. Chinese idiom stories are living fossils of language that are still extremely popular in daily conversation today, and will definitely lend humor, refinement, vividness and authenticity in your communication with Chinese people. You will find your Chinese acquire a new height with this course. If you go to China or talk to Chinese people, the use of a considerable amount of these Chinese idioms will make your Chinese truly sound sophisticated, refined and humorous, and make you easily be regarded as a true insider of Chinese culture."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Songs Season 1" |
"Hello, everyone, welcome to Chinese Songs Season 1:Learn Chinese through beautiful Chinese folk songs. As you all know, learning songs is a great means of learning language ever since our birth. The melodious rhythm, poetic and rhymed language, frequent use of refrains and repetition in songs are not only intoxicating to our mind and heart, but also make the lyrics highly memorable and make the learning experience close to our childhood learning experience of our mother tongues. This sequence of learning Mandarin Chinese through Chinese songs includes popular Chinese songs from different Ages, genres and geographical regions and therefore embody the cultural diversity and folk customs of the different races constituting Chinese culture. The first season of this sequence chose mostly popular folk songs, because folk songs have strong local-color music and tune, simple but beautiful language, and embody most the idiosyncrasies of each geographical region and racial or minority culture. Passing down from generation to generation, they have constituted the unforgettable fabric of the rich Chinese culture. All the ten songs chosen for this course are extremely popular Chinese folk songs passed down through generations and well-known to every household. Being able to sing them will allow youto be considered as an insider of Chinese culture when you go to China or communicate with Chinese people and therefore endear you to them. Among these 10 songs, ""Jasmine flower"" is from Jiang Su Province, the southern China,and embodies the feminine, soft beauty and oblique expression of love in the cultural ambience of southern China, ""Kang Ding Love Song"" is from Si Chuan province, with its bolder, opener expression of love, ""Ali Shan's Girls"" are from Taiwan, with its local mountain and water and native Taiwanese customs.Each song is taught in two lectures, the first lecture will introduce you to the language of the lyrics, you will learn vocabularies and lyrics: I will explain to you the meaning of the lyrics, and lead you to read it twice, and ask you questions about them. Then I will sing to you the song, and lead you to sing twice after me sentence by sentence, before you will sing together with me. All these repetition will ensure you to sing the songs accurately and beautifully and understand the lyrics thoroughly. The second lecture is the singing video of a professionally trained singer, so you can sing together with her, with your by-then-already-memorized lyrics in your head.You will see you can master a great range of Chinese language through these songs, from expression of emotion to description of Nature, appreciate the diverse beauty of the poetic and musical ambience of Chinese culture in different geographical regions, and these lyrics will be branded in your memory and delighted heart as almost your first language did.Please do check out the last lecture with free youtube links of these songs sung by the most famous Chinese singers, and other related course information."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tao Te Ching---the Book of Te" |
"Hello everyone, welcome to Tao Te Ching--the book of Te: learn the wisdom and language of the most translated Taoist philosopher. Tao Te Ching is a fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism, and strongly influenced Legalism, Confucianism and Chan Buddhism, which when first introduced into China was interpreted through the use of Taoist concepts. Many Chinese artists, including poets, painters, calligraphers and gardeners, have been greatly influenced by Tao Te Ching. Its influence spread widely outside East Asia, and is among the most translated works in world literature, only next to Bible. The passages in Tao Te Ching are ambiguous, with topics ranging from advice for rulers and profound religious experience of cosmic origin of Tao and its application in all realms of life. The book has 81 chapters ,this course teaches the second half of the book: the Book of Te. The central values of Tao Te Ching are: the ineffability of Tao, the privileging of the female attributes, the force of Yin--such as softness, yielding, humility, resilience and non-action effecting all actions. The returning movement as the movement of Tao, the interchangeability of the opposites, political rule with least interference, philosophical and religious experience of vacuity and power of nothingness. It believes that the masters of Tao do nothing, while leave nothing undone. It is only when Tao is lost, that there are the artificial human standards of virtue, benevolence, righteousness and ritual. It believes that the great rulers are like the ocean, residing in a low place, and through its humility all states flow down and gather to it without resorting to military force and coesive measures. Tao Te Ching has been translated into Western languages over 250 times, its cryptic and poetic language is a famous puzzle which everyone would like to resolve. It exerted a profound influence on western philosophies: its dialects formed Leibniz' and Hegelian dialectics, and influenced Schopenhauer and Nietzsche's opposition of the world of ideal and the world of the will. Many western thinkers, upon the disaster of the First World war and the contemplation of the ruins of western civilization, had looked upon Lao Zi's ideal of rulership in the vein ""performing non-action to achieve all action"" and freedom from state greed and violence as a welcoming antidote to the ruins of western civilization. In learning the course, print out the PDF of Tao Te Ching text in the introduction chapter, and with it in hand, study the selected chapters in the following lectures (because there is no subtitle of the text in the video). For each lecture, I will explain word by word the meaning of the classical Chinese text, and then I will explain to you the philosophical implication of these texts, often comparing it with other schools of Chinese philosophies. Finally I will lead you to read the text twice so that you can recite and memorize them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Faith Mind Inscription" |
"Hello, everyone, welcome to the course: Faith Mind Inscription: Study the language and wisdom of sacred Zen Buddhist text. Faith Mind Inscription was written by the third patriarch of Zen Buddhist school, Sengcan. It has been much beloved by Chan (Zen) practitioners for over a thousand years. It is still well studied in Western Zen circles. Xinxin"" has commonly been interpreted as ""faith"" or ""trust."" It is regarded as a departure from the traditional view of seeking refuge in the three jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. It is a declaration and poetic polemic of the Chan (Zen) school written as a response to the increasingly popular movement of faith in Amitaba Buddha known as Pure Land Buddhism. From the Chan/Zen point of view, Buddha and Mind are one () (see the Platform Sutra of Six Patriarch ()), as expressed in Mazus famous dictum ""Mind is Buddha"". Thus, faith in outward Buddhas is contrary to the goal of Buddhism, because the goal of Zen Buddhism is the direct experience of enlightenment. This can only be attained by having faith in Mind Buddha himself did. Another reading of the text allows that Xinxin could be understood as the Truthful Mind, which is always ready and perfect, implying that there is no need to further ""perfect"" it. From the Chan/Zen view, the true mind is perfect as it is and only false views obscure the true mind's inherent perfection. As the text states, ""Any degeneration of your previous practice on emptiness arises because of false perspectives. There is really no need to go after the Truth but there is indeed a need to extinguish biased views."" ( ) Moreover, the passage explicitly warns against losing the original, true mind (): ""Do not dwell in the two biased views. Make sure you do not pursue. The moment you think about right and wrong, that moment you unwittingly lose your true mind."" ( ) As an early expression of Chan Buddhism, the Inscription on Faith in Mind reveals the Buddhist missionary use of expedient means in China by adapting Taoist terminology to the Buddhist context of awakening. It also draws on the Wisdom Sutra as well as the Avatamssaka Sutra and Lankavatara Sutra to express the essential unity of opposites and the basic nature of emptiness. The poem professes the need to take pleasant and unpleasant life experiences with a sense of equanimity. Broadly speaking, the Xinxin Ming deals with the principles and practice of non duality. The world is non-dualistic, therefore in our attitude towards things in this world, we should not grasp or loathe things, but accept all things in their totality, exert no individual will on things. Any aversion or attachment will throw us into the realm of demon; non-attachment, following the flow of Nature will bring us to heaven. Heaven and Hell are only a moments thought. Tao resides in the large as much as in the small, in the infinite and the infinitesimal. Void and Being are one, so dont be fixated on the notion of emptiness and not see the beauty of small things around you, nor pursue delusory desires without seeing the emptiness beneath all things. One and many are the same: One is embodied in many; Each of the many manifests the One. When you dont allow human desires, artificial judgement and the mentality of making division to disrupt Nature, you will see Nature in its totality and oneness, see things in themselvesone suchness---rather than things as perceived. In such perception of oneness, you will be free from the volatile circumstances, and see rest in motion, permanence in change. Outside mind, no Buddha, enlightenment and Buddha state can be reached in this life, at this moment, beyond the teaching of scripture and beyond words, when such enlightenment is suddenly reached, there is no past, present or future, rather, you achieved Eternal Now at this moment, in this life, as Buddha said, how long is human life. Life is between your breathing. Zen Buddhist enlightenment often comes when our usual sense of time and space collapses. This course teaches the language and the wisdom of the inscription in eight parts, each part contains 8-12 stanzas of the poem. Each part is taught in two lectures, the first lecture teaches the language of the text, explains in English the text word by word, and explains the philosophical implication, and leads you to read the text. The second lecture is a talking head video reviewing the teaching of the language and religious meaning of this part of the text, so that you would be further familiarized with the language of this famous inscription and deepen your understanding of it. You will find your Chinese language and understanding of the gist of Zen Buddhism enhanced together with your study of this cryptic, condensed, canonized Zen Buddhist text that have stood the test of time for more than a thousand years and is still extremely active in both Eastern and Western Zen Buddhist circles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Humorous Stories Season 3" |
"Hello, everyone, welcome to my new course Chinese humorous stories season 3: make your Chinese leap amidst laughter! Learning humorous stories is an excellent way of learning daily language: the vocabularies in humorous story are among the most frequently used, colloquial words that appear at highest frequency in daily communication. The syntax in humorous stories utilizes the most commonly used grammar in Chinese language. Despite its accessibility and commonality, the entertaining, hilarious nature of humorous language makes the language impressive, skillful (even comically artistic) and highly memorable, thus makes language learning process entertaining, easy and fast. This course chooses 10 hilarious humorous stories that covers a diverse realm of topics, daily situations, and therefore vocabulary range: family, love, marriage, school, law, army, sports, health and medicine, profession, archeology, travel, competition and contest, etc. You will find your daily spoken and written language progresses speedily after learning the course, soon being able to use the most common words and syntax to communicate in Chinese about comprehensive realms of daily life. This season is different from season 1 humorous story in that it emphasize spoken Chinese, so there is no written text. Each story is taught in three talking-head video lectures: the first lecture, I lead you to understand phrase by phrase the meaning of each sentence via medium English, also I will lead you to speak after me. I advise you to re-play it 2-3 times, until you can understand the story perfectly. The second lecture is my acting video, I will narrate the story to you, so that you can review your listening comprehension. The third lecture is English version of the story, with pause between sentences, so you can practice translating them into Chinese according to your memory of the Chinese text. You will find your daily, conversational Chinese enhance greatly with this course, your speech fluenct and accurate on a lot of daily topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2-in-1 Film Set Studio Lighting for Budget Videography" |
"Video is now the world's number one method of communication. It is estimated that the number of video cameras now surpass the number of people in the world. Without a basic understanding of video cameras, you'll quickly be left in the dust.This class is designed for someone who would like to take their photo/video more seriously without breaking the bank. Maybe you have a vlog and you wish you didn't have to hire someone else to shoot it. Maybe you just wrote your first short film and aren't sure how you're going to film it. Maybe you're looking to photograph some clean portraits.Film Lighting on a Budget will not only show you which equipment to purchase, but it will provide you with 14 different professional looks, complete with examples and schematics for how to acheive each look.In the Interior Studio Lighting half, students will:Create a photo/video studio for under $65Gain access to over a dozen informative PDFs explaining how to acheive professional looksLearn lighting theoryThe Exterior Location Lighting halfwill teach you how to:Create beautiful outdoor footageUtilize existing lightProperly position your subjectMake use of filtersAdjust camera settings for maximum dynamic range"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Smartphone Videography: A Practical Guide" |
"The smartphone camerais now the most widely-used camera in the world, andthis class will guide you through simple & transformative tips for getting the most out of its features. Filmmaker and photographer Marshall Rimmer shares essential tips for shooting your best photos and short videos on a phone, optimizing how and what you share on social media, and some basic apps you can use while shooting.You'll assess your style and hone in on a personal brand for your social media accountas a tool to refine your style, and gain more followers.You'll learn everything from working with video exposure & sound to universal best practices like landscape framingand ditching the digital zoom feature. This class is essential for the amateur and professional photographer or filmmaker who wants to get more comfortable using the extensive features on their phone.After finishing this class, you will undoubtedly prefer a mobile device for capturing the world around you exactly as you see it."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 - Na gesto da produo" |
"O curso Criao Excel 2016 - Na gesto da produo do vesturio, uma forma contextualizada de aprender as funes e comandos bsicos do Excel 2016, a pesar de ser feito no Excel 2016 ele tambm serve para as verses2010 e 2013. Aqui voc vai aprender a usar as funes do Excel para construir uma ficha tcnica do produto, muito utilizada pela indstria do vesturio. uma forma mais racional de ensinar a utilizao do Excel, onde o aluno conhecer uma situao e vai aprender a usar os recursos do programa para resolver sessa situao, tornando o aprendizado mais consistente e dinmico."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360 For Hobbyists and Woodworkers" |
"This course is designed to teach Fusion 360 in the way that I learn best - withstart to finish project tutorials. As a self-taught 3D modeler, I found it difficult and frustrating to understand atoolorprocesswithout having any context for when it might be used.In ""Fusion 360 For Hobbyists and Woodworkers"" we model five different projects using only the tools necessary forthatmodel. Each project gets progressively more difficult as you build on your newly acquired skills.Why Learn CAD as a Hobbyist or Woodworker?Use CAD to save time, money and materials.Work from your own plans.""Virtually prototype"" your ideas before building them.Design projects for CNC and 3D printing.Why FUSION 360?Parametric modeling.Design history timeline.Joints and contact sets.CAD and CAM in one.It's FREE!What TOPICS Are Covered in This Course?95% in the ""Model"" workspace.3D model woodworking and 3D printing/CNC projects.Create plans and technical drawings.Apply materials and appearances to your design.Add functionality to your ideas."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Start Trading Stocks Using Technical Analysis! Part 2" |
"Learn how to trade like a professional investor from a former stock broker! No matter how much experience you have with the financial markets, you can trust us to teach you the fundamentals of technical analysis, and get you started on the right track!Corey began trading the global markets in 2001 and actively trades equities, futures, forex, options, and index options. As the Chief Market Analyst for a publicly-traded company, he provides multiple trade strategies and leadership for his team of professionals consistently achieving returns that outperform the broad markets. In 2011 Corey developed a weekly trading strategy using SPX index options which have returned +390.6% from March of 2011 to current day.Corey is the content creator for a variety of trading newsletters and author of complete investing courses targeted to professionals and individual traders. His content covers the full spectrum of market knowledge from the basic of investing essentials through advanced options and technical analysis. He has been recognized as a top instructor for two of the most popular online financial education courses and is responsible for teaching over 100,000 clients throughout the US and Canada!Coreys professional career includes successful positions as stock broker, Options Principal, Chief Market Analyst, financial education author and content creator. Corey has been Series 7 Licensed (General Securities Representative) and Series 4 Licensed (Options Principal)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Technical Analysis PART1!" |
"Learn how to trade like a professional investor from a former stock broker! No matter how much experience you have with the financial markets, you can trust us to teach youtechnical analysis, and get you started on the right track!Corey began trading the global markets in 2001 and actively trades equities, futures, forex, options, and index options. As the Chief Market Analyst for a publicly-traded company, he provides multiple trade strategies and leadership for his team of professionals consistently achieving returns that outperform the broad markets. In 2011 Corey developed a weekly trading strategy using SPX index options which have returned +390.6% from March of 2011 to current day.Corey is the content creator for a variety of trading newsletters and author of complete investing courses targeted to professionals and individual traders. His content covers the full spectrum of market knowledge from the basic of investing essentials through advanced options and technical analysis. He has been recognized as a top instructor for two of the most popular online financial education courses and is responsible for teaching over 100,000 clients throughout the US and Canada!Coreys professional career includes successful positions as stock broker, Options Principal, Chief Market Analyst, financial education author and content creator. Corey has been Series 7 Licensed (General Securities Representative) and Series 4 Licensed (Options Principal)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Technical Analysis PART 2" |
"Learn how to trade like a professional investor from a former stock broker! No matter how much experience you have with the financial markets, you can trust us to teach youtechnical analysis, and get you started on the right track!Corey began trading the global markets in 2001 and actively trades equities, futures, forex, options, and index options. As the Chief Market Analyst for a publicly-traded company, he provides multiple trade strategies and leadership for his team of professionals consistently achieving returns that outperform the broad markets. In 2011 Corey developed a weekly trading strategy using SPX index options which have returned +390.6% from March of 2011 to current day.Corey is the content creator for a variety of trading newsletters and author of complete investing courses targeted to professionals and individual traders. His content covers the full spectrum of market knowledge from the basic of investing essentials through advanced options and technical analysis. He has been recognized as a top instructor for two of the most popular online financial education courses and is responsible for teaching over 100,000 clients throughout the US and Canada!Coreys professional career includes successful positions as stock broker, Options Principal, Chief Market Analyst, financial education author and content creator. Corey has been Series 7 Licensed (General Securities Representative) and Series 4 Licensed (Options Principal)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Mindset - Tap Away Toxic Thoughts with EFT" |
"Release stress, calm your mind & boost your confidence within minutes - Become the master of your mindset and your emotions.You are about to learn a cutting-edge personal development technique that produces real-world results.Within just a few minutes of applying this tapping technique, you'll notice stress, worries and unwanted mental chatter simply fading away. Neuro Linguistic Tapping (NLT), integrates the power of several powerful systems of personal growth into a single, easy to use, technique. NLT has helped thousands of people around the world to let go of unwanted emotional stress and to break through the barriers that were holding them back.In these 'tap-along' session videos, you will be personally guided by NLT's creator Tim Robins.You'll come away from these videos feeling noticeably calmer, happier and more confident.#mindset #positive #change #coach #business #mastery #anxiety"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript for beginners For Students" |
"Update: How to Make Random Colors EffectUpdate: Create Live Digital ClockUpdate: Added 'How to print Page' video tutorialThis course is aimed to teach university or school students the basics of JavaScript,anyone can take this course if they want to geta good grasp of JavaScript Fundamentals. This course is awesome because it was created with the help of a friend of mine teaching at university and all the exercises in this course are the questions that came in university'sexams. And i promise you that at the end of this course you'll be comfortable programming with JavaScript."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Android Development with Kotlin for Absolute Beginners" |
"Learn the basics of Android with kotlinprogramming, and take the first step on your journey to becoming an Android developer!This course is designed for students who are new to programming, and want to learn how to build Android apps. You dont need any programming experience to take this course. If youve been using a smartphone to surf the web and chat with friends, then youre perfect target student!Learning anything new can be tough. I'ill walk you through the process of making Android apps, but to get the most out of this course, you must bring your enthusiasm for learning, and budget time on your calendar.By the end of the course, youll build asimple (but powerful) appthat you can share with your friends."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Android Development with Kotlin Mastering Intents" |
"New Video :Coding our own Intent FilterNew Video : What is an Intent FilterNew Video :Learn to Add Google Place Picker in your appOne of the most important factor in android development is how different components work together. And in android we achieve that by intents. In this course, you'll learn different ways to use intents with activities, including both within your own app and outside. First, you'll cover how to use explicit intents to launch an activity within your app. Next, you'll delve into how to use implicit intents to launch an activity outside of your app.By the end of this course, you'll have the fundamental knowledge of Android intents, and how to utilize it to have different apps working together seamlessly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Kotlin for Absolute Beginners" |
"Google is now officially supporting Kotlin in Android development. Kotlin is clearly the future for Java. Come learn it in this fun and exciting course!This Course is for beginner programmers:We'll start off from very basics such as installing IDE, Java JDK and writing Hello World Program.In this class we'll cover:VariablesData TypesOperatorsConditional StatementsArrays andFunctionsIf you're looking to make Android apps, command line tools, Javascript, or just want to learna new programming language, this is the course for you!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Manejo Emocional del Cambio" |
"Sumrgete en la apasionante aventura de conocer nuestra naturaleza humana y cmo esta influye en la manera en que nos adaptamos a los nuevos retos que nos presenta la vida hoy en da.Aprenders a entender la respuesta natural del ser humano frente a los cambios y cmo nuestro cerebro est preparado no solo para luchar contra ellos sino tambin, para aprender y crecer con ellos.Conocers tcnicas y herramientas necesarias para manejar eficientemente los cambios, en lugar de que ellos te manejen a ti, y aprovecharlos para tu crecimiento personal y profesional. Mientras ms preparado/a ests, menos dejars a la suerte!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wix : crez votre site web de A Z sans coder !" |
"Ce cours a t construit afin de vous donner les moyens et la mthodologie pour raliser vos propres sites internet, acqurir de nouvelles connaissances rapidement qui vont vous servir au quotidien et vous permettre d'voluer professionnellement.Crer votre site internetBONUS : L'ajout d'une boutique en ligne pour vendre vos produits ou servicesDcliner votre site en version mobile & tablette (responsive)Ajouter des pages spciales (plan, vido, etc.)Crer des formulaires de contactGrer des pop-up intractifs pour votre newsletter et promotionsAvoir les connaissances pour raliser un site internet en quelques heures est une comptence trs recherche et qui fera la diffrence sur votre CV. Avoir l'ensemble des notions de la construction et du fonctionnement des outils permet aussi de mieux s'intgrer dans les projets professionnels."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Formation photographie avec Genaro Bardy" |
"Le cours sur laphotographie le plus agrable suivre disponible sur udemy France : comment dmarrer, choisir son botier et l'ensemble des guides qui vont vous servir faire de photographie un clich unique!EXCLUSIF: SATISFAITOUREMBOURS durant 30jours !Dcouvrez en une heure la base de la photographies et l'ensemble des guides qui vont vous servir raliser de vritable clich quelque soit votre appareil.Ce cours a t construit en deux parties, l'une thorique avec des vidos courtes et dynamiques afin d'apprendre l'ensemble des guides les plus important afin de composer en photographie.L'autre sur le terrain, dans la fort de Fontainebleau afin de mettre en pratique et d'apprendre des astuces.Ainsi vous aurez toutes les cls en main pour comprendre en voir concrtement comment voluer et progresser afin de rendre vos photo uniques et spectaculaire.Choisir son boitierComprendre le triangle d'expositionApprendre composer son planCours pratique sur le terrain la fin de cette formation, vous aurez compris l'ensemble des fondamentaux et aurez confiance en vos capacits pour aller saisir l'instant dcisif !"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a usar Unity 3D y C# para crear videojuegos" |
"Todos hemos soado con crear un videojuego a partir de lo que imaginamos, de nuestras ideas, de lo que soamos, sin embargo esto no siempre es tarea fcil, por ms simple que sea la idea, queremos que la ejecucin sea lo ms perfecta posible. Por su puesto que existen herramientas que nos ayudan a hacerlo de una manera simple, sin embargo en cierto punto esas herramientas se nos quedan cortas porque deseamos hacer ms y ms con nuestras ideas.Afortunadamente existe Unity 3D, y ste curso, que nos ayuda entender las bases en la creacin devideojuegos de manera visual y si deseamos hacer algo mucho ms complejo, es posible tambin, codificando en C#, esto ltimo si bien puede hacer que a ms de uno le empiecen a temblar las piernas, no es tan complicado como parece, y en este curso abordamos el tema de la forma ms simple posible, pero aplicando buenas prcticas para que el aprendizaje sea slido y consistenteEl curso tiene todo lo bsico para que sea aplicado a las ideas de videojuego que puedan surgir, el estudiante obviamente al principio podr hacer cosas bsicas que conforme a la experiencia se irn haciendo mucho ms complejas, pero siempre usando la teora bsica enseada en este curso.Todo esto de una forma original y lo ms creativa posible para que te diviertas aprendiendo Unity y creando tu juego, y quin sabe, tal vez lo conviertas en la prxima joya de los juegos actuales.Adicional a esto aprenderemos a construir unjuego para distintas plataformas, porque, quin se conforma con jugar el juego solo en casa en un PC cuando se lo puede tener tambin en la palma de la mano?...Espero verte dentro, y empezar este arduo pero hermoso camino del desarrollo de videojuegos de la mano de Unity 3D, aprendamos juntos a hacer realidad nuestras ideas y sueos y mostrarlo en una pantalla para que los dems se diviertan con nuestras creaciones."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Realidad Aumentada con Unity y Vuforia para principiantes" |
"En este curso bsico podrs aprender a crear un proyecto en Unity usando los componentes de Vuforia, desde la creacin de una licencia en el Portal de Vuforia Developer, pasando por la creacin de Targets, hasta la integracin de los componentes de Vuforia en Unity, su uso inciial, la carga de la base de datos de Targets hasta la respuesta interactiva a cada target reconocido por la API de Vuforia.Este curso abarcar lo mencionado anteriormente, de una forma detallada hasta la construccin final de la aplicacin para nuestro smartphone. Antes de empezar el curso es indispensable conocer el manejo bsico de Unity para poder seguir el mismo de una manera gil."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Wordpress + Visual Composer" |
"El mundo en la web avanza cada vez ms rpido, y as tambin el desarrollo de sitios web es cada vez ms competitivo, por eso he decidido crear este curso para aquellos a quienes les interesara ingresar al mundo del diseo web, y una de las formas de hacerlo es por medio de Wordpress, pero esta herramienta en estado puro requiere de un poco de conocimiento medio para crear un sitio web decente, sin embargo la solucin a esto llega en forma de Plugin llamado Visual Composer, el cual hace que el desarrollar y sobretodo disear un sitio web en Wordpress sea ms llevadero y sobretodo visual, ya que nos brinda una serie de herramientas y elementos del tipo Drag&Drop los cuales solo deberemos colocar en nuestro sitio, darles su espacio, su contenido y estn listos para ser probados en nuestro sitio web.Esta es una forma bastante agradable y simple de ingresar al complejo mundo del Diseo Web, lo cual no implica que el mismo es fcil de dominar, pero tenemos un punto de acceso al mismo que est a nuestro alcance.En este curso podrs aprender a usar Wordpress desde una perspectiva ms visual en conjunto a Visual Composer para en un principio crear sitios web del tipo One Page de una forma eficaz, sencilla y rpida, ya que el mundo de hoy se mueve a una velocidad vertiginosa y no debemos quedarnos atrs.Te invito a echar un vistazo al curso, no te vas a arrepentir, al contrario, saldrs con buenas bases de los que es Wordpress y Visual Composer para empezar a crear tus propios sitios web."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First Year University Calculus: Exponential Eq'sLimit Laws" |
"In this set we will provide you with a wide variety of questions to build a solid understanding of logarithmic and exponential functions, their domain and range, and logarithmic and exponential equations. Then we will talk about limit laws, limit indeterminate forms, one-sided limits, and limit of multi-relation functions. We also will briefly talk about the definition of the derivative which is defined by a limit. This set of problems is an efficient tool to provide you with the skill set and confidence you need to start any differential calculus course. These questions are coming from years of experience and research from North American universities and straight A homework team wishes you enjoy studying them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make A Hit 3D Mobile Game in Unity" |
"Do you wanna make mobile games that are good enough to be liked by everyone?If yes, then this is the course for you!In this course you're gonna learn about -Unity 3D Mobile Game Development.You will learn how you can make an awesome game with very little coding. You're gonna learn about simple techniques used in Mobile Game Development and how you can implement them to successfully make a mobile game which will be loved by mobile game publishers.Salient Features of This Course -- You Don't Need To Purchase Any 3rd Party Assets.- This course is designed to make use of most of the assets that are included in Unity. - This course is designed in such way which makes coding a breeze."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cloudera CCA 175 Spark Developer Certification: Hadoop Based" |
"Apache Spark is the single most revolutionizing phenomenon in Big Data Technologies. Spark turns infrastructure into a service, making provisioning hardware fast, simple, and reliable.Knowing this, many companies are transporting their bigdata analysis, staging, and storing needs to the Spark Framework. In this course, I will be preparing you for the CCA175 Spark Developer Certification. This is the most popular and a very potent certificate in the Big Data realm.In order for you to be able toget into this newrealm of intense Tech competition, you will need a course to guide your way in Spark. The problem is that mostcourses are not designed to help you learn by example (immersion is the most potent way of learning in humans). Rather they bathe you with inapplicable information that you have to learn over and over again anyways.This course is designed to cover the end-to-end implementation of the major components of Spark. I will be giving you hands on experience and insight into how big data processing works and how it is applied in the real world. We will explore Spark RDDs, which are the most dynamic way of working with your data. They allow you to write powerful code in a matter of minutes and accomplish whatever tasks that might be required of you. They, like DataFrames, leverage the Spark Lazy Evaluation and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) to give you 100x better functionality than MapReduce while writing less than a tenth of the code. You can execute all the Joins,Aggregations,Transformations and even Machine Learning you want on top of Spark RDDs. We will explore these in depth in the course and I will equip you with all the tools necessary to do anything you want with your data.I have made sure that this journey becomes a fun and learning experience for you as the student.I have structured this course so that you can learn step by step howSpark works and you can do the activities that I do in the course yourself. As you do these activities, you will become a master of Spark and complete any exercise asked of you on the CCA175certification exam.There is no risk for you as a student in this course. I have put together a course that is not only worth your money, but also worth your time.I urge you to join me on this journey to learn how to dominate the ITworld with the one of themost popular Big Data Processing Frameworks: Apache Spark."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Master in PeopleSoft Base Benefits Training" |
"PeopleSoft HCM Base Benefits expert training ,we are making it a easy with very good teaching techniques.This course provides a Step by Step configuration of PeopleSoft Base Benefits module and steps forenrolling benefits to employees and managing them.It is designed to start with a basic overview of the module and step by step configurations and maintaining employees managing benefits. This Course is designed to exceed jobs expectation.The Trainer is a Real time Industry Expert with 12+ yrs of experience. He trained several employees in TOP IT companies."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"American English Vowels Pronunciation Practice" |
"Welcome to theAmerican English Pronunciation Practice - Vowel SoundsCourse. In this course, you will learn the pronunciation ofthe 16 most common vowelsounds in AmericanEnglish. Understanding and practicing the pronunciationthese sounds will help you improve your Englishand make yourself better understood.This course will help you make Your American English pronunciation sound more clear and natural.Learn how to shape your mouth to pronounce these English sounds.Recognize the difference between tricky sounds like:cap vs. cop vs. cupbit vs. bet vs. batrest vs. racedbeat vs. bit, and more!Get structured practice speaking these sounds.Make yourself understood in English conversationsGain confidence in your AmericanEnglish pronunciation.Improve Your English Pronunciation.The vowel sounds in AmericanEnglish are quite different from the vowel sounds in other languages. Perhaps your native language doesnt have the [r] sound as in bird and earth, or the [i] sound as in hit or kiss.Maybe youve wondered how American English speakers move their mouth, lips, and tongue to pronouncethe vowel sounds inEnglish. Well, you will learn all about how to correctly move your mouth forAmericanEnglish vowel pronunciation,which will result in reducing your non-English accent.For each of the vowel sounds, you will first learn how to shape your mouth. Youll see a short video clip during the lecture that demonstrates how to make the sound. Then, youll practice the pronunciation of thebasic sound itself, then words using the sound in various positions, and finally sentences and phrasesthat have words using those vowel sounds. Then there exercises contrasting the various vowel sounds taught in the first part of the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |