Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"77-727 Microsoft Excel Core Exams and Video Solutions" |
"The purpose of this course is to provide you with three complete practice tests which are prepared at the level required to pass the 77-727 Microsoft Certification exam in Core Excel. Each practice exam is divided into seven projects with a total of 35 tasks for each exam. That's 21 projects and 105 project tasks all geared towards the 77-727 exam. Advice on preparation, how to approach the exam, what the interface will look like and which areas of the Objective Domain to focus on is provided. Tips on issues you will encounter with particular questions types is also included. The solutions to all of the practice projects are provided in the form of video lectures in which the instructor explains how to approach the project and how the solutions are derived.If you can master the practice projects included in this course you will be confident in your abilities to master the 77-727 exam."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"77-728 Microsoft Excel Expert Exams and Video Solutions" |
"The purpose of this course is to provide you with three complete practice tests which are prepared at the level required to pass the 77-728 Microsoft Certification exam to become an Excel Expert. Each practice exam is divided into five projects with a total of 26 tasks for each exam. That's 15 projects and 78 project tasks all geared towards the 77-728 exam. Advice on preparation, how to approach the exam, what the interface will look like and which areas of the Objective Domain to focus on is provided. Tips on issues you will encounter with particular questions types is also included. The solutions to all of the practice projects are provided in the form of video lectures in which the instructor explains how to approach the project and how the solutions are derived.If you can master the practice projects included in this course you will be confident in your abilities to master the 77-728 exam."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Networking for Freelancers, Entrepreneurs and Startups" |
"What you will be learning if you embark on this course? Youll understand in depth: why effective networking has some rules that actually make an etiquette that cannot be ignored if you want countable results youll understand how to express in a short and impactful manner your business proposal how not to waste peoples time and be considered instead a reliable resource on the labor market (be you employee, freelancer or entrepreneur) what are the tools you need to be armed with whenever you go out hunting, otherwise there is no point in networking how to make online and offline face to face good impressions - and not only impressions - but how to be sustainable in your promises how to make the most of your contacts, more exactly what I call the discipline of follow up To the point tips but also maybe fresh perspectives on several issues that will unleashtiny personal revelationson the matter. I firmlybelieve there is value inside, just unwrap the box and enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Strategy Formulation: Become a Strategy Consultant" |
"~~~The Business Strategy methodology we teach to Fortune 500, high-growth companies.~~~ As a result of the sustained economic downturn, the current business context is creating a huge opportunity for any company who wishes to get ahead of the competition and become a leader. In fact, successful leaders are already developing smart strategic initiatives to create value and gain a sustainable competitive advantage.Do you want to develop your own Business Strategy and become a Market Leader too? To do so, you will need a structured and efficient methodology with which to create adequate strategies. During this course, we will explain how to use our methodology to define and implement the right Business Strategy to reach the key business objectives defined. What are the benefits of this course? It doesnt matter whether you are the Head of Business Development of a multinational company or an SMB (Small Medium Business), the CEO of a start-up, a C Level professional within a company or someone who wants to find a job in the fascinating world of Strategic Planning, the benefits of this course for you are clear. Are you a Corporate or SMB Business Developer? Industry leaders are finding clear benefits fromhaving a Business Strategy, such as: clarity, focus and direction; drive and impetus; a better understanding of the business; better discussions, debates and alignment and better business results, among others. Within this context, Business Developers must use robust methodologies for the definition and up-dating of the Business Strategy, to thereby maximize the value of the same to the company. This course will show you how.Are you working on a start-up? A Business Strategy is a structured method used to define a specific action plan to reach the business objectives defined. However, this is a different strategic planning exercise to that used for the development of a Business Plan. Therefore, it is essential that the founders of a start-up know how and when to develop and use the strategy to obtain new funding from investors.Are you working or do you want to work on Strategic Planning? It doesnt matter whether you wish to be a Strategic Consultant or work for a Management Consulting company, this course will help you to better understand the bases of Strategic Planning.Are you a C Level professional in a listed company or an SMB? For the implementation of a Business Strategy to be successful, the teams must have the right strategic mind-set, especially those working at C Level. This course will help you to better understand the planning process of a Business Strategy so you can be a key active part of its definition and implementation.Our Business Strategy blueprint will master your strategy skills. We will teach you how to identify and implement organic and inorganic growth drivers, and the necessary business enablers to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. You'll learn how to analyse market data, formulate your growth framework and create the implementation roadmap to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. Ultimately, it is a question of reaching the desired growth and efficiency quotas and to do this quicker than our competitors.As a final training project and based on our methodology, you will be able to create a comprehensive Business Strategy for an existing business of your own. You might think to yourself I have no experience in strategy. How do I drastically increase my value in a short period of time? You'll learn from our 20 plus years of experience while avoiding our pitfalls. Will you get specific tips for entrepreneurs/start-ups? Yes. You will be given TIPS FOR START-UPS. They are based on our experience as start-up investors and operating partners. Learn the Business Strategy methodology we teach to Fortune 500 companies. If you follow these lessons and take action, we are confident you'll start to see high-growth of your business. This method works for companies from start-ups, SMBs and publicly traded companies.Trust it. It has been designed for organizations who want to achieve growth and high performance."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Digital Strategy Formulation: Become a Strategy Consultant" |
"~~~IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not a Digital Marketing course (fb, ads,SEO, etc.)~~~Our world is becoming increasingly digital. This is creating a huge opportunity for any company who wishes to get ahead of the competition and become a leader. In fact, successful leaders are already developing smart strategic digital initiatives to create value and gain a sustainable competitive advantage.Do you want to develop your own Digital Strategy and become a Market Leader too? To do so, you will need a structured and efficient methodology with which to create adequate strategies. During this course, we will explain how to use our methodology to define and implement the right Digital Strategy to reach the key business objectives defined. What are the big benefits of this course? It doesnt matter whether you are the Chief Digital Officer (CDO), a Chief Marketing Officer, a CIO of a multinational company or an SMB (Small Medium Business), a C-Level professional within a company or someone who wants to find a job in the fascinating world of Strategic Planning, the benefits of this course for you are clear. Are you a CEO? According to the last CEO Survey carried out by consulting company, PwC, 86% of CEOs say a clear vision of how digital technologies can create competitive advantages is key to the success of their investments. Within this context, the CEO or CDO should know how to use robust methodologies for the definition and up-dating of the Digital Strategy, to thereby maximize the value of the same to the company. This course will show you how. Are you a C Level professional in a listed company or an SMB? C-Level executives cannot stand to one side regarding initiatives such as big data and analytics, social-media tools and the use of new delivery platforms such as cloud computing and mobility. This course will help you to better understand the planning process of a Digital Strategy so you can be a key active part of its definition and implementation. Are you working or do you want to work in Strategic Planning? It doesnt matter whether you wish to be a Strategic Consultant or work for a Management Consulting company, this course will help you to better understand the bases of Strategic Planning. Our Digital Strategy Blueprint will master your strategy skills. We will teach you how to identify and implement Digital strategies to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. You'll learn how to analyse market and brand data, formulate your growth framework based on digital capabilities and create the implementation roadmap to achieve the objectives. Ultimately, it is a question of reaching the desired growth and efficiency quotas and to do this quicker than our competitors. As a final training project and based on our methodology, you will be able to create a comprehensive Digital Strategy for an existing business. You might think to yourself I have no experience in strategy. How do I drastically increase my value in a short period of time? You'll learn from our 20 plus years of experience while avoiding our pitfalls.Will you get specific tips for entrepreneurs/start-ups? Yes. You will be given TIPS FOR START-UPS. They are based on our experience as start-up investors and operating partners.Learn the Digital Strategy methodology we teach to Fortune 500 companies. If you follow these lessons and take action, we are confident you'll start to see high-growth of your business. This method works for companies from start-ups, SMBs and publicly traded companies. Trust it. It has been designed for organizations who want to achieve growth and high performance."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Estrategia de Ventas B2B : Convirtete en un Vendedor Top" |
"~~~Ms de 12,000 estudiantes en nuestros cursos~~~(octubre de2018)~~~La metodologa de Ventas B2Bque enseamos a las CompaasFortune 500y start-ups de alto crecimiento~~~~~~Aprende a formular tu Estrategia para ganar,mediante ejemplos prcticos basados en nuestra experiencia en el cierre de grandes oportunidades~~~ Normalmente, los equipos comerciales B2B (Business to Business, hablamos aqu de venta a empresas) centran errneamente su esfuerzo comercial en dos reas:Demostrar que el portafolio de soluciones de su compaa es el mejor para el cliente (aunque muchas veces se desconocerealmentequ quiere o qu necesita el cliente). Utilizar sus habilidades relacionales para convencer al Cliente y ganar la oportunidad, muchas veces sin pensar ms all del corto plazo.Pero, es esa la forma correcta de actuarde un buen vendedor? Por supuesto que no.Te dediques o no a las ventas,Vender es una parte nuclear del negocio y debes saber cmo hacerlo.En primer lugar, cuando nosotros explicamos al cliente lo que creemos que es el valor diferencial de nuestros productos, sin alinearlo con los valores de compra del mismo (es decir, lo que el cliente quiere realmente), estamos ofrecindole un producto que para l o ella puede tener un valor cero.Por otro lado, con respecto al segundo punto, si un comercial establece relaciones a corto plazo con sus clientes, cunto creemosque durar esa relacin? Poco o nada. En este curso os ensearemos a crear propuestas de valor especficas para vuestros clientes, y establecer relaciones a largo plazo con ellos con el objetivo de originar y ganar grandes oportunidades. En primer lugar, aprendermoes a desarrollar el proceso de Planificacin de cuenta, que nos permitir identificar cmo podemos vender valor a un cliente determinado, es decir, cmo encajan nuestras soluciones para resolver sus problemas de negocio.A continuacin, dado que como resultado del Plan de Cuenta conoceremos mejor el mapa de relaciones con el cliente (lo que en ingls se llama Power Map), generaremos el conocimiento necesario paraempezar a construir relaciones a largo plazo con las personas clave de dicho mapa. En paralelo, trabajaremos los mtodos paradesarrollar laEstrategia para ganar aquellas oportunidades prioritarias identificadas en el Plan de cuenta. Es decir, aqu se trabaja sobre la propuesta de valor, los mensajes clave y, en concreto, se desarrolla y ejecuta un plan de accin muy detallado para ganar la oportunidad. Una parte crtica en el proceso de venta B2B es el desarrollo de la propuesta y su defensa. Se trata de evitar el copia pega que hacen muchas compaas. Aprenderemos acrearmaterial especfico para ganar una oportunidad, que incluyatoda la informacin que hemos captado durante el proceso de anlisis de la cuenta y la oportunidad. Finalmente, hablaremos sobrela contratacin, un aspecto clave dela venta B2B, especialmente para emprendedores y start-ups. No esperes ms y apntate a nuestro curso. Deja de competir por precio,aprende a vender valory cierra grandes oportunidades. Supera la barrera del milln de dlares en ventas!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Estrategia de Negocio : Convirtete en Consultor Estratgico" |
"~~~IMPORTANTE:Este no es un curso de Marketing o Ventas, es un curso de Estrategia~~~~~~Ms de 12,000 estudiantes en nuestros cursos~~~(octubre de2018)~~~La metodologa de Estrategia de Negocio que enseamos a las CompaasFortune 500 y start-ups de alto crecimiento~~~ El contexto actual de negocio est creando una gran oportunidad para aquellas compaas que quieran mejorar su posicionamiento competitivo y convertirse en lderes de mercado. En realidad, las principales empresas cotizadas estn desarrollando iniciativas estratgicas para crear valor y ganar una ventaja competitiva sustancial. T tambin quieres crear tu propia Estrategia de Negocio y convertirte en Lder de Mercado? Para ello, es necesario disponer de una metodologa estructurada y eficiente con la que crear las estrategias adecuadas. A lo largo de este curso, te explicaremos cmo utilizar nuestra metodologa para definir e implantar la Estrategia de Negocionecesaria para alcanzar con xitotus objetivos clave de negocio.Esta metodologa est basada en nuestra experiencia desarrollando proyectos de Planificacin Estratgica en compaas Fortune 500.Cules son los beneficios de este curso? No importa si eres el responsable de Desarrollo de Negociode una multinacional o PYME (Pequea y Mediana Empresa), el CEO de una start-up, el Nivel C de una Compaa, o alguien que quiere encontrar trabajo en el apasionante mundo de la Planificacin Estratgica. Los beneficios de este curso son claros para ti: Eres un responsable de Desarrollo de Negocio?Las compaas lderes de mercado hace tiempo que han descubierto los importantes beneficios de disponer de una Estrategia de Negocio: claridad,foco,mpetu y mayor alineamiento del negocio con los requerimientos de los clientes,entre otros.Dentro de este contexto, los Responsables de Desarrollo de Negociodeben conocermetodologas robustas para la definicin y actualizacin de la Estrategia de Negocio,con el objetivo de maximizar el valor que aportan a la Compaa. Este curso te ensear cmo hacerlo.Trabajas en una start-up?La Estrategia de Negocio es un mtodo estructurado que permite definir un plan de accin especfico para alcanzar los objetivos de negocio definidos. Sin embargo, es un ejercicio de planificacin estratgica diferente al desarrollo del Plan de Negocio. Por ello, es imprescindible que los fundadores de la start-up sepan cmo y cundo desarrollarla y utilizarla para obtener nuevos fondos de los inversores.Trabajas o quieres trabajar en el apasionante mundo de la Planificacin Estratgica?No importa si quieres ser Consultor Estratgico otrabajas paraMcKinsey oPwC, este curso te permitir entender mejor las bases de la Planificacin Estratgica.Eres un nivel C de una compaa cotizada o una PYME?Para la implantacin exitosa de la Estrategia de Negocio es necesario que los equipos tengan el enfoque adecuado, especialmente los Niveles C. Este curso te permitir entender mejor el proceso de planificacin de la Estrategia de Negocio, con el objetivo de ser un activo clave durante su definicin e implantacin.Nuestro marco de trabajo de la Estrategia de Negocio (Business Strategy Blueprint) incrementar sustancialmente tus conocimientos de Estrategia. Te ensearemos a identificar e implantar las palancas de crecimiento orgnico e inorgnico, y los facilitadores necesarios para alcanzar un crecimiento sostenido y rentable. En este curso aprenders a analizar el mercado, formular la estrategia de crecimiento y definir el plan de accin necesario para crecer y posicionarte como lder.Se trata, en definitiva, de alcanzar las cuotas de crecimiento y eficiencia deseadas, y de hacerlo ms rpido que nuestros competidores. Como proyecto final, sers capaz de crear tu propia Estrategia de Negocio basado en todo lo que te hemos explicado.Puede ser que todava tengas dudas porqueests pensando algo delo siguiente:No tengo experiencia en Estrategia. Cmo puedo incrementar sustancialmente mi conocimiento acerca de este tema en un corto perodo de tiempo?. Tenemos la respuesta. En este curso aprenders de nuestros ms de 20 aos de experiencia, evitando de esta forma repetir nuestros errores.El curso proporciona activos de Estrategia? S. Te presentaremosnuestros principales documentos de trabajo.Habr recomendaciones especficas para start-ups? La respuesta es s.Aprende la Metodologa para formular Estrategias de Negocio que enseamos a las compaas Fortune 500. Si estudias nuestras lecciones y pasas a la accin, estamos seguros de que vers crecer rpidamentetu negocio y de forma sostenida. Cretelo. Nuestra Metodologa ha sido creada para organizaciones que quieren alcanzar el crecimiento y el alto rendimiento."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain for Business: How To Make Money With Blockchain" |
"~~~Be part of the BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION that is Changing the World~~~ ~~~Learn how to Turn a Worthless Blockchain Idea into a Successful BusinessThe blockchain market is extremely hot. In fact, one of the latest reports by KD Market Insights called ""Worldwide Blockchain Market 2018 to 2024"" describes a market size that can reach $60 billion in the coming years.Exciting, right? Can you imagine capturing just a percentage of this money with a new business model? Or finding a job to lead a new blockchain business unit within a larger corporation? Well, that is the main objective of this course: to explain to you in a very practical way the technical principles of Blockchain, along with the necessary methodology to create successful business models based on this technology. To do so, in the first part of the course, we will give you a detailed understanding of Blockchain technology covering the following key topics: public key cryptography, hash functions, blocks, the Chain and peer to peer networks. Next, we will discuss about the future of Blockchain, especially about smart contracts.And, finally, we will practice building specific business models based on Blockchain. We will use the Canvas method, a simple tool for designing innovative Business Models based on nine essential components: value proposition of our blockchain solution, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, resources, activities, partnerships, revenue stream and costs structure. Blockchain experts are in short supply and hot demand. In this course, you will learn why the blockchain market is hot and how to take advantage of the current skills shortage by:Understanding the key technical principles of Blockchain.Exploring how this technology can impact businesses in the short, medium, and long term.Being more agile than your competitors in identifying and managing this technological trend. Developing disruptive business models supported by Blockchain.As you know, it is important that businesses are managed by thinking about what the market will be like tomorrow. Understanding the latest technological trends like Blockchain will allow you to anticipate the changes that will occur and develop new business models that can generate growth.Are you ready to be part of the Blockchain Revolution? Great! Then enroll now and start creating winning business models based on this technology.IMPORTANT NOTE: The Business Model Canvas is licensed as Creative Commons. Enjoy it and adapt it freely, as long as you reference with citation Strategyzer .com and share your work under the same license."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Jurdico: La Estrategia Comercial del Abogado" |
"Este es el curso que necesitas para tu XITO PROFESIONAL COMO ABOGADO Este curso es para ti, s:Quieres formar tu propio despacho,Si ya tienes un despacho pero quieres hacerlo ms rentableSi quieres trabajar tu MARCA PERSONAL COMO ABOGADOSi quieres tener clientes ms rentables y encontrar tu nicho de mercadoSi eres estudiante de Derecho y quieres aprender esta asignatura que se le olvido a la facultadEn fin este curso te va a ayudar a tener: MS Y MEJORES CLIENTES Espera! Es realmente para ti este curso?Vamos a tratar temas de marca personal, cmo encontrar tu cliente ideal, cmo promocionar tus servicios, cmo cerrar el trato y por ltimo pero no menos importante, hablaremos sobre honorarios profesionalesEsta podra ser una de las mejores inversiones que hagas para tu carrera profesional. Pero no te preocupes porque si no quedas satisfecho TENEMOS GARANTA 100%. (30 DAS PARA PEDIR REMBOLSO)Por menos de lo que te cuestan los libros de Derecho vas a aprender LO QUE NO TE ENSEAN EN LA FACULTAD DE DERECHO"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Real World English Idioms" |
"Welcome to Real World English Idioms!This course teaches 100 phrases that will help you when communicating with native English speakers.Even English language learners who have great grammar and vocabulary struggle when it comes to communicating with native (British, North American, and Australian) speakers. It's partly because native English speakers use a lot of language that isn't often taught in schools and in textbooks.Did you know that, 'break a leg' means good luck? With this phrase, you can't understand what it means by looking at the words alone - the meaning is totally different!The English language is full of idiomatic phrases which is why it can be difficult, even for people with a high-level of English to understand native English speakers' everyday speech.In this course you will learn 100 English idioms that are commonly used by British, North American, and Australian Speakers every day.In each video lesson you will learn 4 English idioms. Each idiom is presented and shown with two examples; one in everyday speech and the other in writing. Then there 16 questions for you to practice using each idiom- these are part of each video lesson. You can record your answers on the downloadable answer sheet and in the grade book (which will calculate your score) if you like.The course is divided into 6 sections and at the end of each section is a mini quiz to test your understanding of the phrases you've learned.Finally, I've included an ebook of all phrases covered in the course which you can download and keep!Learning these idioms will help you speak more naturally and better understand native English speakers.So what are you waiting for? Join Real World English Idioms and start speaking English with the world!Fiona"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pathfinding in Unity" |
"DescriptionThis courseis designed for intermediate users of Unity (see the Prerequisites for specific topics you should be familiar with before joining).Though Unity comes pre-packaged with an excellent pathfinding system, we explore beyond using a black box to calculate paths through your game levels.Pathfinding and search algorithms are a core component of game development. If you want to level up your skills, enroll today anddive into implementing your own version of A* search!Through a carefully crafted set of lectures we learn search algorithms, starting with Breadth-First Search, diving in Dijkstra's algorithm and culminating with the industry-standard A* search for pathfinding.All concepts are presented witheasy-to-understand visuals!Some other bonus featuresof those course:learn to use text files or texture maps to drive level data in Unitylearn how to implement a priority queue (binary heap) in C#learn to structure a small project using the MVC(Model View Controller) design pattern"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Make an Assassins GO Board Game in Unity" |
"Are you ready to level up your game dev skills? There's no better way than immersing yourself in a capstone project!In this course, we will:start with a blank Unity project and flesh out a fully working game levellearn fundamental techniques for creating your own turn-based game with 3d assetscreate C# scripts line-by-line and learn how to architect game components cleanly and logicallyLevel up your Unity skills!Design game board components in C# Use the iTween plugin to script animationSetup a player character to respond to keyboard inputScript enemy behavior to challenge your playersDesign user interface components Use UnityEvents to manage complex gameplay behaviorExplore Unity's Lighting system to render a game levelWhen you complete the class, you should have a full set of source code and a prototype for your own turn-based indie game!Learn from 60+ videos broken into small 10-15 minute lessons. Power through 11 hours of lectures and save weeks of coding to jumpstart your own Unity project!Join the ever growing ranks of our class and see what you can build today!Note: the course project files have been updated and you should be able to complete the course using Unity 2019.Though the UI in the recordings is may show a slightly older version of the Editor, the completed game project runs on Unity 2019.We recommend that you use Unity 2019.2 or higher."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Production Musicale avec Logic Pro X : le guide complet" |
"Le cours le plus complet sur Logic Pro X et la production musicale disponible sur Udemy France : interface, options, enregistrement, dition, workflow, mixage nous allons passer en revu lensemble des tapes ncessaires la cration musicale.SATISFAITou REMBOURS 30 jours !Hormis un tour dtaill de linterface, nous nallons pas passer en revue chaque menu, option et paramtres du logiciel. Nous allons directement passer aux outils vraiment pratiques qui permettent de crer ta boite outil de producteur sur Logic Pro X.Ce cours est construit pour vous donner de bonnes mthodes et tousles outils pour acqurir de nouvelles comptences en production musicale au sein de Logic.Les bases de la production avec Logic Pro XComprendre l'interfaceConnaitre les outils essentiels pour avancer vite, et bienApprendre les fonction d'dition avancesDcouvrir la puissance des instruments virtuels de LogicAmliorer votre workflow, votre efficacit au sein du logicielTout au long de ce cours, j'essaye de vous faire passer des concepts fondamentaux qui vont bien au del de la seule utilisation deLogic Pro X.Des concepts essentiels pour tre dans un bon tat d'esprit, et comprendre certains des enjeux majeurs de la production musicale.Bref, ce cours regroupe tout ce qu'il faut pour devenir un ""Super Producer"" avec Logic Pro X !"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Crer sa musique avec GarageBand : le guide complet" |
"Le cours le plus complet sur GarageBand disponible sur Udemy France : interface, instruments virtuels, enregistrement, dition, , mixage nous allons passer en revu lensemble des tapes ncessaires la cration musicale avec ce logiciel trs simple.SATISFAITou REMBOURS 30 jours !Ce cours est construit pour vous donner de bonnes mthodes et tousles outils pour acqurir de nouvelles comptences en production musicale avec GarageBandConnaitre les outils essentiels pour crer sa musiqueApprendre les fonctions d'dition audio et midiPlein d'astucesde crationDcouvrir la puissance des instruments virtuels et les bouclesFaire le mixage dans GarageBandSuivre la cration d'un titre jusqu' sa finalisationTout au long de ce cours, j'essaye de vous faire passer des concepts fondamentaux qui vont bien au del de la seule utilisation deGarageBand.Des concepts essentiels pour tre dans un bon tat d'esprit, et comprendre certains des enjeux majeurs de la production musicale.J'ai hate qu'on fasse de la musique ensemble !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020" |
"In this course you'll find everything you need to get the best from your own pictures using this world class software. Start at the Beginning Starting with the basics, author Robin Nichols shows students how to get the best results using this fantastic photo editor. The processes learned here will enable newcomers to make significant improvements to their photos, quickly and easily. Understanding the different Edit modes Organising images in Elements Organizer Discover what each tool does Learn the different ways to get your photos into Elements Create instant Wow! effects with Quick Edit Mode Discover the editing power of RAW files Make your own striking visual effects with the Guided Edit mode Hands-on Practice As you progress through the class students will find their creative options broadening with such techniques as: Creating multimedia slideshows Convert colour to fabulous black-and-white Creating wide screen panoramas Enhance smiles in portraits with the Adjust Facial Features tool Making picture collages and photo books Make a business card by adding text to a picture Using Blend Modes for special effects Advanced Techniques Once students are familiar with these hands-on exercises they have the opportunity to move up to some advanced editing techniques that will take their image making creativity to a totally new level: Learn local edit control using the power of selections Harnessing the power of layers Simple, and advanced, masking techniques Practical Stuff This course also covers the practical aspects of photo editing and troubleshooting: Learn how to resize your images Relocating 'lost' image files in the Organizer Uploading to Flickr and Facebook Basic colour management Exporting photos for other projects Printing "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC Projects" |
"Adobe Photoshop CC Projects CC Projects has been designed to enhance your knowledge of photo editing through carefully designed picture making projects.Though some of these projects certainly are complex and time consuming, my philosophy as an educator has always been to keep things as simple as possible so that students never lose sight of the primary goal: making great images. At the beginning of this class exercises take students through the process of learning simple enhancements. Further into the course youll discover tutorials designed to push students into areas of Photoshop that might be unfamiliar - not just for the sake of doing something different - but rather to expand your creative image-making repertoire. I finish the course by teachingstudents how to combine and blend completely different images together to create a range of photo-realistic illustrations, and montagesIn the beginning: Understand how to create and save Photoshop Workspaces Understanding Camera RAW previews Learn the power of masking with the Camera RAW Adjustment BrushUsing the Camera RAW Radial filter Radically improve landscapes with the Camera RAW Gradient filter Learn how to track down fantastic (free) custom fonts for use in Photoshop Discover the potential of selections with the Quick Mask tool Source, load and use hundreds of free custom Photoshop brush files Getting Creative These lessons are designed for students to learn how to change existing images into something with far greater visual impact. Create fake HDR looks Making stunning black-and-white and colour infrared looks Create a painted look using Photoshops Art History Brush Create your own pickle or jam labels from clip art and stock photos Create your own custom movie posters Stylise your work by adding a miniature look Getting RealMany classes involve creating a completely new image from several different picture elements so students can: Understanding and working with vector objects Learn how to integrate your own custom text into an image project Learn the ultimate selection techniques with the Pen tool Learn how to combine and edit different image elements so they fit seamlessly Customise text to make it appear aged or worn Create a photographic look using simple, free, downloadable clip art fileCombine multiple vector, pixel-based and clip art elements to create a photo-realistic illustration"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Elements for Beginners" |
"Adobe Premiere Elements for Beginners is structured so that every student, even complete novices, can use this powerful software to create simple, but fun and great-looking results in a few minutes. Students with a desire to ramp up their production skills can then move from the basics of instant, automated movie production to a more sophisticated level of video editing. Here you'll learn, in clear, step-by-step tutorials, how Premiere Elements' many features can be harnessed to produce competent and professional looking movies, for fun, family, and even for business applications..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photographic Composition for Absolute Beginners" |
"Many of my students ask me ""how do I learn to take great shots?"" This class is not about repeating dry photographic techniques, it's all about how to master the art of good composition in as simple a way as possible. On the strength of that, it really doesn't matter what type of camera gear you use - this class is all about learning the art of picture making!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom for Absolute Beginners" |
"This class is presented in short, bite-sized chunks, thus allowing newcomers to ease their way into this quite complex application. I initially present the information in the form of general overviews then, if students want to get more specific information about what's presented in each overview, they can move through the detailed snippets that cover every panel, module and tool in the application, one at a time..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photography for Absolute Beginners" |
"In this class I explain how the aperture, shutter speed and ISO work together to make a successful exposure. I demonstrate how light metering works, what metering patterns are, how to choose memory cards, batteries, and lens. I discuss auto focussing, the use of depth of field, how to control image sharpness, read the LCD information data, how to use UV, Polarising and Neutral Density filters, get the best from basic flash operation, and offer wide range of camera shooting techniques plus include an introduction to basic RAW file editing with a range of popular software applications..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Flash ActionScript 3 Balang Eitimi" |
"Adobe Flash ActionScript3 (AS3) Balang Eitimi, Adobe Flash ile ilgili almalar yapan ancak Action Script ile henz tanmam kullanclara ynelik temel programlama bilgileri iermektedir. Bu eitimi alan kiiler ActionScript 3 ile ilgili temel bilgileri almann yan sra XML gibi uygulamalarda ihtiya duyabilecekleri ek bileenler ile ilgili de bilgi sahibi olacaklardr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Drive - Beginner to Expert" |
"Find out whyGoogle Drive is one of the most powerful cloud storage options available. Everybody has heard of it, but not everyoneknows how much it can do for them.This course will show you howGoogle Driveis a safe and secure way to store your files in the cloud, as well as sync them to your desktop and easilyshare them with anyone you want to. It's a great tool for personal use, as well as in a business environment and with teams.Together we will explore all of the ins-and-outs of this amazing tool. By the end, you will feel more than comfortable using all of the great features of this tool!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Sheets & Forms - Beginner to Expert" |
"Google Sheets and Forms are two incredibly powerful office apps that Google provides for free!This course will show you how to use Google Sheets tocreate incredibly powerful and complex spreadsheets, while being able to easily share and collaborate with others all over the world. Make your data stand out with beautiful charts and graphs, and save time with built-in formulas and conditional formatting.Learn how to effortlessly collect and organize information with Google Forms. Manage event registrations, quickly take polls, collect email addresses, and more!Get started now and learn how to use these two tools together and do some amazing things!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Docs & Slides - Beginner to Expert" |
"Google Docs and Slides are two incredibly powerful office apps that Google provides for free!This course will show you how to useGoogle Docs towrite, edit, and collaborate on documents from anywhere. Easily format and text and paragraphs with smart editing and styling tools. Hundreds of fonts and images are available to spice up your document for free.Learn how to quickly and easily create beautiful and impactful presentations with Google Slides. You'll see how to use themes to instantly spice up your presentation, then add images, videos and animation to take it to the next level.Get started now and learn how to use both of these amazing toolsto become a shining star in your office or classroom!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Sheets - Working With Formulas and Functions" |
"If you've ever dreamed of using those really cool functions in your spreadsheets that you've seen other people use, then this course if for you.By the end of the course, you will be on your way to becominga spreadsheet wizard!In this course we'll start with the most basic function, learning how to write it and understand how functionswork. Then we'll work our way up through more and more advanced functions, so that by the end of the course, you'll be able to use several functions together in powerful ways.Don't worry if you have limited, or no experience with formulas and functions. This course will walk you through every step of the way. You should, however, have a basic understanding of how spreadsheets work before taking this course. If you are completely new to spreadsheets, you should check out the course, ""Google Sheets and Forms - Beginner to Expert"" first.This course is done in Google Sheets, but the functions are all relevant to MicrosoftExcel as well."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D Modeling Bootcamp in Blender - The 3D creator course" |
"Learn the process of 3D modeling based on modeling pictures and get a good foundation of the process involved. Learn to navigate and model in Blender quickly as we take full advantage of short cut keys and speed up your workflow.The course is designed for practical learning and willwalkyou step by step through the process of creating theprocess of modeling a 3D formula e-car.When you complete this course you will be able to use Blender as the complete drafting and 3D visualization package. With the latest release of Blender there has never been a better time toget your creativity flowing.The lessons are taught withpractical examplesand aimed at completing this design project. Learning Blender doesn't need to be difficult and you should enjoy thejourneyas you create some amazingrenders and 3D models. This 3D design course will take you step by step through each critical stage and help you develop your skills along the way.Learn how to design in this amazingly powerful 3D production suite and start designing architectural 3D models, design for 3D games, design unique 3D assets, design for 3D printed objects, or create amazing art work.Blender is fast becoming a design industry standard due to its wide range of design tools and intelligent interface design. This interface combined with the sheer power of Blender makes it the ultimate 3D design tool on the market.This is a practical learning course that will walk you step by step through modeling all the different aspects of this car. Whether you are relatively new Blender or want something a little more difficult this course is designed to take you all the way.Developa strong understanding of the process of modelling in the 3D world of Blender. Create this 3D model Blenders modeling tools UV unwrap your models Realistic Lighting Discover your creative sideJumpon in and start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Architectural Visualization - Blender - Design" |
"Do you want tolearnhow tocreate stunning photo realisticarchitectural rendersinBlender? Do you want todesignand3D modelyourownarchitectural projects inside this amazingFreesoftware?By the end of this course you will be able to use the methods andtechniquesdemonstrated in this course to design, model and render your own unique3D models and scenes.Learn the basic concepts, discover the amazingtools and efficientprocessesto designphoto realistic3Dmodelsand interior scenes in the free software Blender.This course is apractical approachand will allow you to developthe skills of 3Dmodeling while also seeing the result of our progress in real time. Learn the process of manipulating Blender to get the results you require and solve any tasks quickly and easily. The course takes you step by step through the process of modeling, adding material and rendering the final result.Content and OverviewIn this course you are going to learn the whole process of 3D modeling and finishing 3 interior rooms.The course uses the very powerful free and open source software suite Blender 3D.The course is designed for practical learning and willwalkyou step by step through the process of creating 2D drawings tocreating custom 3D models. Discover the new PBR capabilities inside Blender as we addmaterials, lighting, cameras and renderthe final scene and evencreate a short animation .When you complete this course you will be able to use Blender as the complete drafting and 3D visualization package. With the latest release of Blender there has never been a better time toget your creativity flowing.Blender is anamazingprogram that enables your creative side while constantly challenging you to improve. By simply following this course you will be learning the basics of Blender and after completing this sceneyou willbe capable of modelling anything, from 3D printed gifts, assets for games and models for animation. The lessons are taught withpractical examplesand aimed at completing the architectural design project. Learning Blender doesn't need to be difficult and you should enjoy thejourneyas you create some amazing architectural renders and 3D models. This 3D design course will take you step by step through each critical stage and help you develop your skills along the way.Learnhow to design in this amazingly powerful 3D production suite andstart designing architectural 3D models, design for 3D games, designunique 3D assets, design for 3D printed objects, or create amazingart work.Unleash your Creative sideOpen Blender and be amazed at the possibilities. Discover a newworld of creativity. Blender is free, and constantly improving to deliverindustry standard tools. Ithas a strong online community just waiting to be discovered.More industries than ever are starting to use Blender with more and more small production houses releasing work created using this amazing and user focused software.This will increase greatly over the coming years given the huge improvements to Blender in recent releases. Blender offers the full production pipeline and is constantly improving to ensure you get the best 3D tools available.Take total controlDesign floor plans with easeLearn how to quickly add rooms to the scene sing Archimesh.Learn how to create yourdesigned custom 3D models for each room.Use the new PBR shader in Blender.Learn how to add 360 environment textures for real world lighting.By learning Blender you take control of the design process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Touch Typing Mastery - Learn to type correctly" |
"The aim of thecourse is to teach you to touch typein twelve easy lessons. Each lesson progresses on through letters, words, sentences, capitalletters/upper case and finally numbers, all aimed at improving your typing skill as we proceed.To help with thiscourse, there are typing lesson notes included for practice after each typinglesson to help you learn quickly.. The more you practice the foundation lessons of typing the moreaccurate and faster you will learn.A keyboard will appear on your screen together with a notepadas the letters are typed.You can simply open notepad andstarttypingwhilst listening tothe audio. Just follow the instructions on screenThe success ofthe course depends on your willingness to follow the lesson plans. Lessons are slow and repetitious. Do not expect speed initially this will come as you progress.Remember topractice after each lesson from the course notes provided and your typing will improve.At the end of thecourse you should be proficient in keying in letters automaticallywhilst looking at the screen only. This will be most helpful whichyou are writing emails, reports, letters, books etc. as you can editas you go along."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Architectural Bootcamp - Blender - 3D Design" |
"Welcome to the course Design Quickly in blender. Throughout this course you'll be learning how to create conceptual designs for your architectural models. This is a great skill to have especially for designers and artists looking to iterate quickly through different ideas and designs without having to produce time consuming renders. We begin with an amazing add-on called Archipack to quickly assemble the house and all its components. This add-on is great for anyone looking to create architectural models.We complete this section by creating some custom 3D models to add extra detail to the house.Once the structure is complete we create viewport material for each of the different parts of the model. This viewport material allows the objects stand out and sets us up for fast rendering later.The next stage involves setting up camera views to capture the different angles of the model. These include front, side and top view. We render these views then combine the views to a single render for a detailed look at your design. Learn how to create early stage design renders using the tools available inside Blender. These include the Archipack and Archimesh add-ons for the creation of parametric walls, door, stairs, railings and window elements. We will also 3D model our own custom models for inclusion in the scene.Learn how to create viewport material and render images instantly using the open GL render available in Blender. We use the orthographic cameras in Blender to render custom views. We finish by adding these views into one final layout.This courseproject basedand will allow you to developthe skills of 3Dmodeling while also seeing the result of our progress in real time. Content and OverviewArchipack:Learn to create3D parametric Architectural elementsArchimesh:Learn to quickly create large window elements for your sceneOpenGl: Quickly render your designs The course is designed forpractical learningand willwalkyou step by step through the process of creating early stage designs. We explore the use of the orthographic cameras in Blender to render custom views and create a custom 2D layout.The lessons are taught withpractical examplesand aimed at completing the architectural design project. Learning Blender doesn't need to be difficult and you should enjoy thejourneyas you create some amazing architectural renders and 3D models. Learn how to design in this amazingly powerful 3D production suite and start designing architectural 3D models, design for 3D games, design unique 3D assets, design for 3D printed objects, or create amazing art work.So jump in and start creating today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Configuracin de Apache Tomcat en un VPS con un dominio real" |
"Bienvenido al curso ""Configuracin de Apache Tomcat en un VPS con un dominio real"".Ya terminaste tu aplicacin web desarrollada con Java, y tu cliente quiere su aplicacin publicada en Internet con su propio dominio?.Pues dejame decirte que no necesitas que un Administrador de Servidores haga este trabajo, tu mismo puedes hacerlo. En este curso te voy a compartir todos los conocimientos que necesitas para comprar tu propio Servidor Privado Virtual Linux para instalar tus aplicaciones web. Este tipo de servidores ya los puedes tener por solo $5 usd mensuales.Para la creacin de este servidor te ensear como contratar un VPS (Virtual Private Server) con un proveedor de hosting, y una vez que tengamos listo nuestro VPS con nuestras aplicaciones web publicadas, te ensear a comprar un dominio con otro proveedor de hosting yredireccionaremos nuestro dominio a la direccion IP pblica del VPS.Estas son las habilidades que aprenders durante todo el curso:Contratar tu propio VPS con el proveedor de hosting Linode.Instalar a tu VPS el Sistema Operativo Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS.InstalarJava Server JRE y Apache Tomcat en Ubuntu Server.Configurar el Administrador de Aplicaciones de Apache Tomcat.Instalar aplicaciones web a partir de archivos WAR.Contratar tu propio dominio con el proveedor de hosting Godaddy.Redireccionar tu dominio a la direccin IP pblica del VPS.Configurar VirtualHost en Apache Tomcat que apunten a un dominio.Crear subdominios como una extensin del dominio principal.ConfigurarVirtualHost en Apache Tomcat que apunten a un subdominio.Configurar Apache Tomcat en el puerto 80 y abrir los puertos necesarios en el Firewall.LO QUE NO INCLUYE EL CURSOEn este curso no se explica como crear aplicaciones web con Java. A lo largo del curso se instalarn algunas aplicaciones web para explicar el procedimiento necesario para publicarlas en tu servidor Apache Tomcat. Las aplicaciones que se instalarn son SOLAMENTE UN PROTOTIPO y solo se proporciona el archivo WAR listo para publicarlo.Por lo tanto, no es el objetivo del curso explicar a detalle el cdigo fuente, es decir, se asume que el estudiante ya sabe como desarrollar aplicaciones web bsicas creadas con Java y solo necesita saber como publicarlas en Internet."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo web con Spring Boot 2 & Spring Framework 5 (2020)" |
"ACTUALIZACIN IMPORTANTE (SEPTIEMBRE 2020)TODO EL CDIGO FUENTE Y LA DOCUMENTACIN DEL CURSO HAN SIDO PROBADAS CON LAS SIGUIENTES VERSIONES:Spring Framework 5.2.8Spring Data JPA 2.3.2Spring Security 5.3.2Hibernate Core 5.4.19Spring Tools 4Apache Tomcat 9Spring Boot 2.3.2MySQL 8ALGUNAS RESEAS DE NUESTROS ALUMNOS: - Guillermo Ivan Tabera BazanEl curso es muy completo, yo no saba nada de spring, gracias a que est bien explicado, le dedique tiempo y mucha prctica aprendi sin dolor.En mi caso logr obtener un empleo para desarrollar en spring con mejores ingresos. - Alex LeivaDebo decir que este curso supero mis expectativas, secciones bien organizadas y el profesor contribuyo con su profesionalidad a que siguiera avanzando cada leccin del curso. Haba tomado unos tutoriales anteriormente de spring pero me pareca muy complejo y termine frustrado. Ahora comprend el flujo que usa el framework y como funciona, estoy muy feliz, nada mas que decir, gracias Profesor Ivan :). - Carlos Alberto Prez VallsEs un curso muy completo y muy bien explicado por parte del profesor.El ejemplo de la aplicacin del cine, a lo largo de los captulos, ayuda muchsimo a comprender los conceptos fundamentales de spring y las necesidades que se pueden presentar en un proyecto real.Se explican muchsimos detalles a nivel de Spring, Servlet API, Tomcat, Linux. Incluso a nivel de VPS para publicar la aplicacin y que est accesible en Internet.Mi ms sincera enhorabuena al profesor, por su forma de explicar los temas y su disponibilidad a resolver todas las dudas. Muchas gracias. - Jonathan RoblesExcelente CursoA travez de los aos he trabajado en Java SE y he utilizando algunos de los frameworks mas utilizados de spring, struts y demas, puedo decir que este es sin duda el mejor curso que he llevado en relacion a spring mvc, jpa.Estoy mas que satisfecho con la parte de spring security asi como poder publicar la pagina web en un servidor de aplicaciones real.El profesor muestra conocimiento de los temas ademas de que realmente resuelve las dudas que se van generando. - Arturo Ramirez CaminoExcelente curso, muy bien estructurado y ha cumplido todas mis expectativas hasta el punto de haber desarrollado sin problemas una aplicacin paralela a la explicada por el profesor. Lo recomiendo sin duda. - Faiber JuaniasEstoy muy interesado tambin en aprender ms de Linux, y este curso me dio tambin lo necesario para publicar mis aplicaciones creadas con Spring MVC. Definitivamente excelente curso, y muchas gracias! - MarcosBuenas, muy buen curso, se entiende todo a la perfeccin.Mtodo de aprendizaje excelente, aplicando todos los conocimientos sobre un mismo proyecto, el cual al final del curso ser una aplicacin completamente funcional. De esta forma se entiende todo mucho mejor y se tiene una visin clara de la utilidad de cada cosa.Muchas gracias por el curso !Un saludo desde Espaa - Ignacio Jimenez BarcoCurso muy completo y maravillosamente bien explicado. Impecable pedagoga y conocimientos los del formador, pues se nota el cuidado que poner en explicar y dejar bien claros los conceptos.El enfoque prctico, lo hacen an ms atractivo y cmodo para afianzar y comprender la materia.Adems la velocidad de respuesta es muy alta, prcticamente en el da, lo cual es de agradecer.En resumen: un curso muy recomendable para tener contacto con Spring. - Arturo CastroEs mi primer curso en Udemy y por el precio que he pagado por este contenido supera mis expectativas, contenido muy abundante con nuevas tecnologas - Jonny LozanoEl curso es muy bueno, el profesor tiene basta experiencia en el tema, ha actualizado el curso con contenido que ni siquiera estaba planeado y adems lo que no se ve en el curso, en las respuestas que da en las preguntas de los usuarios, hay informacin que aunque no aplica al curso, an as responde y dan an ms conocimiento. - Pablo ArconesMuy buen curso para iniciarse y aprender en profundidad el desarrollo de aplicaciones web con spring. Aprendes de todo, tanto a nivel teorico como prctico. Supera las espectativas que tenia con creces!! - David RuizExcelente, muy didctico, recomendado a todos aquellos profesionales que se estn iniciando en el maravilloso mundo de Spring Framework - Leo BolliniExcelente curso para empezar de 0, todo el tiempo desde q estoy veo que el instructor actualiza el material, y la vez que tuve que consultarlo no solo atendi la consulta, sino que ademas la resolvi y me explico el motivo en el cual fallaba en el mismo da de la consulta. - Alvaro BayonExcelente curso. El instructor es muy didctico, los contenidos estn actualizados. Los videos son breves y claros. Es fcil aprender Spring con este curso.INTRODUCCINEn este curso vas aprender a desarrollar Aplicaciones Web Profesionales y RestFul Web Services utilizando el framework ms popular de Java Spring Boot 2. Aprenders a usar Spring MVC para la funcionalidad de tu Aplicacin Web, para el desarrollo de la capa de datos aprenders a utilizar el mdulo Spring Data JPA. Te ensear a integrar el framework ms popular de persistencia de datos Hibernate para implementar el API de JPA. Finalmente, aprenders Spring Security para implementar la seguridad de tus aplicaciones web. BENEFICIOS DE TOMAR ESTE CURSOAl terminar este curso tendrs en tu Curriculm Vitae el manejo de Spring Framework 5 & Spring Boot 2 y te ayudar a encontrar un empleo fcilmente o mejorar tu posicin actual. Casi para cualquier trabajo relacionado con desarrollo web con Java, es necesario tener estas habilidades. Este curso te ayudar a aprender estas dos tecnologas de una forma muy rpida porque vamos a desarrollar un proyecto real para aplicar todos los conceptos que veremos a lo largo del curso. HABILIDADES Y CONOCIMIENTOS QUE APRENDERS A LO LARGO DEL CURSOSpring BootCrear proyectos Spring Boot con Spring Initializr & Spring Tools 4.Desarrollar Aplicaciones Web con Spring Boot.Desarrollar RestFul Web Services con Spring Boot.Conocer la estructura de un proyecto Spring Boot.Configurar parmetros de Spring Boot ( MVCComprender la arquitectura de Spring MVC.Comprender el ciclo de vida de las peticiones HTTP en Spring MVC.Aplicar Spring MVC en aplicaciones web. Para esto utilizaremos clases JavaBeans como componentes de Modelo, Thymeleaf para la Vista y finalmente los Controladores.Aplicar una arquitectura de 3 capas (presentacin, negocio, persistencia) en tus aplicaciones web.Desarrollar la capa de negocio con clases de servicio y la anotacin @Service. Aprenders a disear tus clases de servicio con INTERFACES para que tus clases de servicio tengan bajo aclopamiento y sean fciles de mantener. Comprender la Inyeccin de Dependencias (@Autowired).Crear controladores con @Controller.Manejo de Peticiones HTTP GET & HTTP POST: @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping.Definir URI dinmicas con @PathVariable.Comprender el Data Binding entre clases de modelo y formularios HTML.Recibir datos de formularios HTML con @RequestParam.Subida de archivos al servidor (Upload Files).Integrar las vistas con Thymeleaf.Manejo de errores en formularios HTML (BindingResult).Declarar redirecciones y definir Redirect Attributes. Formularios HTML de bsqueda.ThymeleafIntegrar Thymeleaf en proyectos Spring Boot.Iteraciones con th:each.Condicionales th:if, th:unless, Elvis Operator (?:)Configuracin de recursos estticos (Javascript, CSS, Images).Integracin del framework Front-End Bootstrap.Integracin de plantillas HTML.Thymeleaf Page Layouts & Fragments.Spring Data JPAIntegrar Spring Data JPA con Spring Boot.Configurar el Datasource de conexin a MySQL 5.7 & 8.0Configuracin de clases Entity (@Entity, @Table, @Id, @Column).Configuracin de Relaciones (@OneToOne @OneToMany, @ManyToOne).Definicin de Repositorios con las interfaces (@CrudRepository, @JpaRepository).Declaracin de Query Methods con @Query.Creacin de consultas Query By Example (QBE).Desarrollar la capa de persistencia utilizando Spring Data JPA.Inyectar los repositorios en las clases de servicio (@Autowired).Spring SecurityIntegrar Spring Security con Spring Boot.Configurar Spring Security para leer los datos de los usuarios y roles de MySQL.Definir seguridad por patrones de URLs.Aplicar seguridad a tus aplicaciones web con Spring Security.Desarrollar un formularion de Login personalizado.RestFul Web ServicesCrear controladores con @RestController.Anotacin @ResponseBodyAnotacin @RequestBody.Manejo del cliente REST Postman.A LO LARGO DE ESTE CURSO VAS A DESARROLLAR 2 APLICACIONES WEB REALES QUE TE SERVIRN COMO BASE PARA TUS PROPIOS PROYECTOS.PROYECTO 1 (EmpleosApp)Cual es la funcionalidad de la aplicacin EmpleosApp?El proyecto que vamos a desarrollar es una aplicacin web para publicar ofertas de trabajo en Internet. Esta aplicacin esta estructurada en dos secciones principales:Front-End: Esta es la parte pblica de la aplicacin y estar abierta al pblico en general. En la pgina principal se mostrarn las ofertas de trabajo mas destacadas que han sido publicadas por un administrador. En la pgina principal tambin se encuentr un formulario para buscar ofertas de trabajo por Descripcin y por Categoras. Al hacer clic en una oferta de trabajo se mostrarn los detalles de esta vacante. Estos detalles son por ejemplo: fecha de publicacin, salario ofrecido, detalles de la vacante (requisitos, requerimientos, prestaciones ofrecidas, datos de contacto, etc. En la pgina de los detalles de una vacante existir un botn para que el usuario, siempre y cuando haya iniciado sesin pueda enviar si Curriculm Vitae para aplicar para la Vacante. Finalmente, en la pgina principal de la aplicacin tambin existir un botn para que los usuarios puedan registrarse en la aplicacin.Back-End: Esta es la parte privada de la aplicacin y nicamente tendrn acceso los administradores. En esta seccin los administradores podrn administrar la aplicacin. Bsicamente existirn 3 tipos de usuarios o roles: SUPERVISOR, ADMINISTRADOR y USUARIO. El SUPERVISOR tendr acceso al catlogo de vacantes, categoras y solicitudes enviadas. El ADMINISTRADOR tendr acceso al catlogo de vacantes, categoras, solicitudes enviadas y el catlogo de usuarios registrados. El USUARIO solo tendra permisos para Aplicar (enviar Curriculum Vitae) para una determinada Vacante.PROYECTO 2 (CineApp)Cual es la funcionalidad de la aplicacin CineApp?El proyecto que vamos a desarrollar es una aplicacin web para llevar la administracin de un CINEMA. Esta aplicacin esta estructurada en dos secciones principales:Front-End: Esta es la parte pblica de la aplicacin y estar abierta al pblico en general. En la pgina principal se mostrar la cartelera de pelculas que estn en exhibicin para la fecha actual. En la pgina principal tambin se encuentr un formulario para buscar pelculas para otras fechas. Al hacer clic en una pelcula se mostrarn los detalles de esta pelcula. Estos detalles son los horarios (hora, sala, precio) disponibles para la fecha seleccionada y los datos generales de la pelcula (imagen, ttulo, actores, duracion, gnero, el video del trailer, la sinopsis, etc). Finalmente, en la pgina principal de la aplicacin tambin se mostrar un pequeo blog con noticias relacionadas con el cine.Back-End: Esta es la parte privada de la aplicacin y nicamente tendrn acceso los administradores. En esta seccin los administradores podrn administrar la aplicacin. Bsicamente existirn dos tipos de administradores o roles: EDITOR y GERENTE. El EDITOR tendr acceso al catlogo de pelculas, catlogo de horarios y el catlogo de noticias (BLOG). El GERENTE tendr los mismos accesos que los editores, pero tendr acceso tambin para modificar el banner de la pgina principal.Como puedes ver las 2 aplicacines estn muy completas, por lo tanto vas a aprender muchas tcnicas y conocimientos que podrs aplicar para tus propios proyectos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |