Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Dein inneres Selbstbild auf ERFOLG programmieren." |
"Durch das ndern des inneren Selbstbilds, knnen sie ihr Selbstbewusstsein strken, Sie zweifeln an ihrem aussehen, obwohl es da nichts zu ndern gibt? ndern Sie ihr Selbstbild.Sie lernen mit dieser mentalenTechnik Ihr Selbstbild zu verndern und somit direkt an ihrerPersnlichkeitsentwicklung zu arbeiten. Nutzen Sie die Mglichkeitihr Selbstbild zu gestalten fr Beruf, in schulischen Leistungenoder privat. Besser noch sie knnen al das erreichen was sie sichvorstellen. Sie knnen ihr Handicap im Golf verbessernoder in einer anderen Sportart. Sie erhalten eine Technik um inSekunden in einer tiefen und erholsamen Entspannung zu sein, wannund wo sie mchten. In dieser Entspannung arbeiten sie an ihremSelbstbild um Ihr Leben zu gestalten. Haben sie schon einmal IhreDefinition von Glck und Erfolgaufgeschrieben? Jeder spricht davon, doch diewenigsten wissen wirklich was sie selber darunterverstehen.Den Sieg/Auftragerhlt man im Kopf, das bestimmt Selbstbild mit.Wie Ihre innere Einstellung dazubeitrgt, ob Sie reich oder arm sind (Nicht nurfinanziell oder materiell) Sie erhalten mehr Selbstbewusstsein.Sie knnen nurgewinnen. Melden Sie sich jetzt an und nutzen sie dieMglichkeit der 30 Tage mit Geld zurck Garantie."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Business Etikette - Social Media - Knigge im Netz" |
"Ich stelle Ihnendie verschiedenen Medien mit etwas Hintergrund vor, sowie deren Vor-und Nachteile, bzw. deren Strken in der Kommunikation.Sicher machen Sie schon fast alles richtig, doch lieber einmal zuviel geprft, als bei einem Neukontakt einen schlechten Eindruck zu hinterlassen.Immer mit dem Blick auf den guten Ton und Einhaltung der Etikette. Was bei der Nutzung zu beachten ist und wie ein guter und positiver Eindruck bei den Kommunikationspartner haften bleibt. Die jeweiligen Themen sind in Blcke unterteilt und jeder Themenblock hat zum Schluss jeweils noch ein Quiz, um den Inhalt noch einmal abzurufen und zu strken."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"E-Mail Knigge // Business Etikette" |
"Hier bekommst du die Grundlagen Business Etikette fr den Umgang mit der E-Mail im Beruf und privat.Nutze die Regeln, um mit deinen E-Mails zu berzeugen und deinen Schriftverkehr mit Kunden, Freunden, Kollegen und Vorgesetzten angenehmer und freundlicher zu gestalten. Du kannst die Inhalte sofort integrieren und somit positiv punkten.Mit diesem online Seminar E-mail-Knigge bekommst du einen Auszug aus dem Business Knigge Seminar: Neue Medien. Dieser Kurs ist unabhngig von dem Kurs Business Etikette und dort nicht ethalten.Nutze diesen Kurs, um dich fr die Business Etikette fit zu machen.Dieser Email-Knigge Kurs gibt einen berblick und sofort hilfreiche Tipps zum Anwenden. Wie oft ist es passiert, dass der Neukunde von einer Mail abgeschreckt wurde? Ich wei es auch nicht. Doch ab jetzt wird das anders. Es ist nie zu spt um mit der E-Mail Etikette zu beginnen und sich fr Knigge generell zu interessieren.Also, warte nicht noch lnger darauf, dass sich irgendwann mal aus heiterem Himmel etwas verndert. Hol dir das Paket und leg noch HEUTE damit los!Du hast einen ganzen Monat lang Zeit, das komplette Seminar auszuprobieren und die Tipps und Techniken auszuprobieren. Solltest du danach aus irgendeinem Grund nicht zufrieden sein, schreib mir einfach eine kurze Email und du bekommst den kompletten Kaufpreis zurckerstattet. OHNE WENN UND ABER! 30 Tage 100% Geld-Zurck-Garantie"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dein Selbstbewusstsein strken mit 5 effektiven Techniken" |
"Jeden Tag erlebstdu es, du fhlst dich klein und ohne Selbstbewusstsein.Es gibt tglich so viele Situationen, in denen Du besser da stehen knntest, httest du doch nur etwas mehr Selbstvertrauen.Du bekommst hierfnf Techniken, Praxis erprobt, mit denen du Dein Selbstbewusstsein langfristig strken wirst. *Du lernst, deine Schwchen in Strke zu wandeln.*Wieso istes so wichtig wie du sprichst? *Eine bung fr morgens und abends, die dich in deiner Haltung neu programmiert.*Durchbreche alte Verhaltensmuster*Achte auf dein Umfeld."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Rhetorik: Grundlagen Wissen der Dialektik I" |
"Recht haben undRecht bekommen sind zwei unterschiedliche Dinge.Das musste auch der Dozent schon mit Mitte 20 erfahren, als er beiVerhandlungen und Prsentationen alten Hasen seine spezielleProdukte vorgestellt hat und diese ihn oft ins offene Messer laufenlieen. Darauf hat er sich mit den Techniken der Rhetorik und Dialektik beschftigt. Diese in der Praxis erprobten Techniken sind die Grundlagen fr eine positive und erfolgsorientierte Dialektik. Du erhltst :18 Techniken um mit der fairen Dialektik deine Ziele zu erreichen.22 Techniken der unfairen Dialektik mit Beispielen fr die Abwehr.Unfaire Dialektik fllt uns allen meist leichter, als die faire.10 Techniken der Fragetechnik um deine Argumente gezielt zuplatzieren um aus schwierigen Situation heraus zu finden.12 + 2 + 1 Techniken um Einwnden zu begegnen und deine Argumentezu strken.Diese Techniken haben ihm sowohl bei Verhandlungen mit prominentenTalkshow Persnlichkeiten geholfen, als auch in Diskussionen mithochrangigen Fhrungspersnlichkeiten aus der Wirtschaft. Die Grenzen sind flieend und auch deine Position in einer Verhandlung oder Diskussion. Ziele und Wnsche kannst du mit diesen Techniken leichter erreichen.Trage dich ein und damit ist der Weg frei, um in dialektischenSituationen zu gewinnen, ohne zu siegen."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Php Proje Gelitirme Kursu" |
"HTML5 ile web siteleri gelitirmeCSS 3 ile modern ve responsive tasarmJavascript ile front-end programlamaJQuery ile animasyonlar, geiler oluturma ve ajax metoduPHP ile server-side programlama (Sessionlar, Cookieler, Upload lemleri, Gvenlik, SMTP Mail)Mysql ile veritaban ilemleri, mysql fonksiyonlar,Nodejs ve Socket io ile gerek zamanl programlama."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Doal Dil leme A-Z: (NLP)" |
"Herkese merhaba,Doal dil ileme kursuna hogeldiniz. Bu kursta doal dil ilemenin karmak dnyasn adm adm ayrntlarla, sade ve anlalr bir ekilde greceksiniz. Sfrdan balayarak uzmanla kadar gnmzdeki en gncel doal dil ileme yntemlerini reneceksiniz. Ayrca en nemli derin renme alanlarndan birisi olan yinelenen sinir alarn ok ayrntl bir ekilde reneceksiniz. Makine evirisi, chatbotlar gibi karmak sistemlerin temelinde yinelenen sinir alar yatar. Kursta da ngilizce Trke eviri yapabilen bir model gelitireceiz. Bylece yinelenen sinir alarn hem teori olarak hem de gerek projelerle greceksiniz. Kurs temel programlama bilgisi dnda bir nbilgi gerektirmez. Kursta btn kodlar Python kullanarak yazacaz. Eer Python bilmiyorsanz kursun sonuna temelden Python eitimi ekledim. Ek ders sayesinde ayrntlara boulmadan ok hzl bir ekilde Python renerek kursa hazr olacaksnz.imdiden hepinize baarlar dilerim."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IBM SPSS AMOS Foundation Course: SEM Scratch to Advanced" |
"If you are looking to test a complex structuralmodel then you already know the importance of AMOS. Its a powerful and one of the most popular tool fordoing Structural Equation Modelling. If you are a researcher then your knowledge of research will not be complete unless you mastered the SEM as vast majority of researches are increasingly using SEM. You can refer to my research papers that I have published using SEM:Sanjay Singh & Yogita Aggarwal (2017). Happiness at Work Scale: Construction and psychometric validation of a measure using mixed method approach.Journal of Happiness Studies. doi:10.1007/s10902-017-9882-x. SpringerSanjay Singh & Yogita Aggarwal (2017). Antecedents and consequences of work significance in Indian organizations.Journal Management, Spirituality and Religion. doi: 10.1080/14766086.2017.1320580. Taylor & FrancisIn this course you will learn how to do SEMfrom scratch using AMOS. AMOSis apowerful tool for confirmatory validation and often used by researchers and psychometriciansfor research andhigh impact publishing. Itenables you to specify, estimate, assess and present models to show hypothesized relationships among variables. The AMOSsoftware lets you build and testcomplexmodels more accurately and efficiently than standard multivariate statistics techniques.I am sure you will absolutely love this course. If not you can take your full refund within 30 days!! No questions asked!!I am very responsive to questions and in case you need any clarification I am just a message away.Some reviews from my SPSSFoundation course:""Really Excellent in Explaining the topics each and every point step by step and I like his way of teaching approach.. I feel , it's very easy to understand the SPSS Tool in this way.. Thank You so much Dr. Sanjay Singh""""Very well organized and easy to understand""""its a must have course on SPSS. Excellent job by instructors! Trainer is very helpful n units are very well organized. Looking for more and more stuff from the trainer.""Sign up and Start learning AMOSthe right way!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Psychometrics using SPSS and AMOS" |
"Psychological Testing is widely used in schools, colleges, companies, and institutions around the world. The entire discipline dealing with construction, validation and standardisation of psychological tests and such other assessment tools is known as psychometrics.Psychometric testing is a big business and many big brands like Pearson, Thomas International, Prometric, Aon Hewitt, Ernst and Young, etc, are deeply involved into it. For Human Resource Managers psychometric skills are must but unfortunately MBA courses do not teach about psychometric testing as it's area of hard core quantitative psychologists. Sadly as per my experiences even many universities offering major in psychology do not train their students in psychometric assessment because quantitative psychology specialisations are not given in many universities.Unfortunately, corporate world is flooded with poor tests without any rigour which reflects in poor hire or improper assessment of abilities.In this background, the course has been built to impart students with technical skills required to built a good psychometric test from scratch so that they can add real value tothe intricate issue of assessing human abilities.Its hands on course and my focus will be on skills part while discussing theory only as much as it is essential.Join the course nowand start making yourself a skilled psychometrician today."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"CISM Certification Exam Practice Test" |
"Latest Question Dumps on the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Exams.4 Practice TestEach Model Test has 150 Questions and allowed 240 Minutes Time. Passing Score is 80%600 Questions with Answers & Detailed ExplanationsTask & Knowledge area-wise Practice TestDomain-wise Practice TestAll Questions have Answered with Detailed Explanations Situation-Based QuestionsTask & Knowledge area-specific questionsDesigned with research (not the traditional one!)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CQE (Certified Quality Engineer) Exam Practice Test" |
"Latest Questions for the ACQ Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) Exams.5 Practice TestEach Model Test have 30 Questions and allowed 50 Minutes Time. Passing Score is 80%158 Questions with AnswersACQ CBK & Knowledge area-wise Practice TestACQ Knowledge area-wise Practice TestAll Questions have Answers (with Explanations in some cases)Situation Based QuestionsACQ CBK & Knowledge area specific questionsDesigned with research (not the traditional one!)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CIA Part 1 Exam Practice Test (New Syllabus)" |
"Latest 2020 Question Update6 Practice Tests. Each Model Test has 125 Questions with the answer and detailed explanations.Each Practice is based on all 6 Domains of CIA Part 1 as follows:1. Foundations of Internal Auditing: Weightage(15%) & Number of Approx. Questions (19).2. Independence and Objectivity: Weightage(15%) & Number of Approx. Questions (19).3. Proficiency and Due Professional Care: Weightage(18%) & Number of Approx. Questions (23).4. Quality Assurance and Improvement Program: Weightage(7%) & Number of Approx. Questions (9).5. Governance, Risk Management, and Controls: Weightage(35%) & Number of Approx. Questions (43).6. Fraud Risks: Weightage(10%) & Number of Approx. Questions (12).The cognitive levels of CIA Part 1 are 14 basic and 16 proficient.Note: The IIA determined the scores by converting the value of questions answered correctly to a scale ranges from 250 to 750, and the passing score is 600."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CAMS Certification Exam Test" |
"360 Latest Questions with Answers & Explanations where necessaryUpdated in 2020, and regularly updating.Question Database is based on the latest CAMS Study materials Most Important Questions on the Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) Exams6 Model Test which is based on all the 4 Domains of CAMS Study Guide (Latest Syllabus) as follows:1. Risks and Methods of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: Weightage (26%).2. Compliance Standards for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT): Weightage (25%).3. AML, CFT and Sanctions Compliance Programs: Weightage (28%).4. Conducting and Supporting the Investigation Process: Weightage (21%).Each Model Test has 60 Questions and allowed 105 Minutes Time. Passing Score is 70%Situation-Based QuestionsNote: The real CAMS examination consists of 120 multiple choice and multiple selection questions. The passing score required to obtain the CAMS certification is 75. All candidates have 3.5 hours to complete the exam. There is no penalty for guessing. Avoid leaving any questions unanswered in the real exams to maximize your chances of passing."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Home Dog Care Business: Dog Boarding, Walking & Pet Sitting" |
"Have you wanted to start a dog-related business but feel intimidated? Do you currently have a dog care business but want to get the upper hand to be #1 in your area?If your answer was YES then you came to the right course where I have partnered with Alex Genadinik to bring you the best MASTERCLASS course on Udemy on how to start a dog business this month by understanding all the different aspects of it from marketing online and locally, creating a website, and even improving your website sales conversionThis is a well-rounded course for all dog lovers that want to start and improve their own dog business from home using very little startup cost. PAST STUDENTS REVIEWS AFTER COMPLETING THIS COURSE:""If you're looking to start a dog-walking business... Start here! Wow, incredible amounts of information on getting noticed, and building up your client-base and reviews."" ~Wanda""As I was updating my profile with the suggestions, I received a new client request!"" ~Lori""Really in-depth and amazing insight into starting and succeeding as a dog sitter."" ~JonathonTHIS COURSE WILL GUARANTEE: Attract new clients by implementing the various strategies Understand Google SEO and use it to your advantage Show you how to implement local marketing strategies this week Easily set up your website with pixels, SEO and improve your conversion rate MAKE 6-FIGURES DOG WALKING OR A PET SITTINGWe'll show you how to turn your simple dog walking business into a 6- or 7-figure business by getting more clients, expanding into different local areas and hiring pet sitters and dog sitters to do the work for you and work for your business while you stop doing the actual dog sitting and work on managing the business instead.Think of how much your income can increase by gaining the right tools! Go ahead and enroll today to start learning and improving your dog business locally and online to make your business be #1!Your Instructors,Tatiana & Alex "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creative Writing: Creative Exercises For New Writing Ideas" |
"With this creative writing workshop, we'll tackle different writing exercises to get your creativity flowing for new character ideas, story plots or even your next poem! We will focus on having you write to discover new ideas, increase your creative thinking flexibility as a writer and make a side income from your writing by next month!INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUND:Tatiana Ambrose graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. The biggest lesson that she has learned is that in this day and age creativity is a required skill to have. Companies aren't looking for sheep or for someone to rewrite the same story in a different place. They are wanting fresh content. In creative writing, the biggest obstacle for writers is to actually write! Some may have writer's block, but in the end, it all boils down to that writer not being inspired creatively for new ideas or motivated to finish their writing piece. This course is filled with creative exercises that will get you to think from a fresh perspective and generate new ideas for your next writing piece!This is a must-take course if you are done being stuck, and ready to get inspired to write!PAST STUDENT REVIEWS: ""I love this! Has lots of creative activities to get my creativeness flowing in new ways. I'm working on a fantasy novel at the moment and this is giving me new ideas for me to carry on writing. She has a clear and calm voice, doesn't rush and even shows her own results from the activities. I will be recommending this to those even who are advanced writers since it's for creativeness. I think this is great for anyone. Thank you for doing this workshop!"" -Jynx ""This workshop brings the best of creativity in you, it not only helps us write but also helps in thinking in creative manners too. it is very helpful and has very fun-packed exercises."" -MoshikBENEFITS OF ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE:Spark your creative thinking Generate your next great story ideaMake a side income from writing stories, novels and poemsDiscover inspiration around youKick-start writing againProven creativity-boosting writing exercises from a creative writerADDITIONAL BONUSES IN THIS COURSE:30 Day Money Back Guarantee if this course is not the right fitResponsive instructor to answer all your questions in the Q&A sectionLifetime access to future course updatesStart your own creativity journalHow to improve your writingSteps to build a daily writing habitSigns your job may be hurting your creativityOvercome frustration in your creative thinkingWHAT OTHER STUDENTS HAVE SAID: ""Great exercises to get me writing again and get me thinking with creativity also."" -Cindy ""Really great exercises that made me use my creativity and I got some good results at the end."" -YolandaGo ahead, enroll in this course to ignite your creativity and get excited about writing again!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Positive Creative Thinking: Stop Doubt & Boost Self Esteem" |
"Creativity is a process that you must push from your mind and make it into a finished product, not let it sit in your mind until the idea fizzles out.People allow doubts, perfection and procrastination to stop them from achieving and reaching their goals. This course will teach you to push past all of your mental roads blocks and successfully reach your creative goals.INSTRUCTORBACKGROUND:I am an award-winning creative artist that has seen what happens when a person allows their doubts to get the best of them. Or worse yet, to follow the crowd instead of letting their creativity shine because they lack the confidence in their creative abilities. When I was in school, I did a little personal experiment. I created artwork with various media that none of my other senior classmates touched. I pushed myself creatively. My classmates stayed with only realistic drawing and painting. Basically everyone stayed in their comfort zone.The end result?I was presented with the top art award out of everyone in my art group that year.PASTSTUDENTREVIEWS: ""Great quick tips to become mentally strong in creativity and moving forward."" -Tim ""Really inspiring author... she does have some good insights on creativity..."" -SurajENROLLINTHISCOURSETO:Overcome doubt in your creativityGet a reality check on your perfectionist mindsetLearn the steps to overcome procrastination on your creative projectDiscover what motivates you and your creativityComplete a handful of exercises throughout this course to keep you moving forwardADDITIONALBONUSESINTHISCOURSE:Find your motivation for life and creativity30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you don't love the courseSigns your job may be hurting your creativityAn responsive Instructor that answers your questions in the Q&A sectionA 6-minute guided creative meditationTop three tips for being more creativeDownloadable PDF resourcesWHATSTUDENTSHAVESAIDABOUTTHISCOURSE: ""Very well thought out course. Enjoying the process. HIGHLY recommend this!!!"" -Andy ""Short but effective explanations for making me more confident in my creativity and that all these negative emotions are not uncommon among creatives, especially new ones like myself. Motivation was my favorite section. Thank you for the course Tatiana :)"" -JennyImagine putting all your negative emotions about your creativity into perspective and accomplishing all of your creative dreams today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"21 Calming Creative Thinking Exercises Before Falling Asleep" |
"Creativity is not just a skill for artists. Creativity is the power of being mentally flexible that will enrich your life, your job/career, help problem solve everyday challenges and help mentally relax you. I have combined different creative thinking exercises with techniques to get a better night's sleep . These exercises are meant to be completed at the end of the day.The combination of these two concepts will put your mind at ease before bed so you don't lose sleep.If you're ready to step into a new world of creativity with different creative thinking exercises before you go to bed then go ahead and enroll today!PAST STUDENT REVIEWS: ""I didn't know what to expect going into this course. I'd never seen creativity and sleep in one place. It seemed counterintuitive to me since when I boost my creativity it wakes me up. But I really needed my brain to take a break, since that was the cause of one of my blocks. The exercises really did help increase my creativity. I liked seeing Tatiana's responses. Sometimes mine were similar but mostly they weren't. In establishing a habit by doing the lectures I've started being able to rest better at night. It's not perfect yet but the exercises are set up to be done over and over again so I know it will keep getting better. I also appreciate the way Tatiana responds quickly and personally to questions. It helped clarify and also added to my learning from the lectures."" -Beth ""She teaches some real-life techniques and exercises that can definitely help one improve his/her creativity if those exercises are performed on a daily basis. She has a warm and pleasant attitude and voice which I really like about her."" -BikBENEFITS OF CREATIVITY:Enhance your lifeDevelop mental flexibilityExplore your own creative styleGenerate new creative ideasProblem-solve with creativityImprove your career with creative skillsWITH THIS COURSE YOU WILL:Think more creativelyStop doubting your creative abilitiesCome up with new creative ideasStrengthen your creative skillsWHAT STUDENTS SAID ABOUT THIS COURSE: ""There is ""energy"" , positive & enthusiastic attitude. I definitely recommend this course to everyone who is willing to take the challenge represented in this course. Thanks for the time you spent to do this course. It might just be the inspiration people need to ""renew"" their daily routine."" -Zack-C ""This is different, but I liked that its a different method of creativity, it's more like stimuli or ejecting of possibilities...but I would say it's a welcome challenge if you're up to it."" -Bladymir"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"50 Drawings of Creativity: Sketch Exercises For New Ideas" |
"Do you like to sketch or draw but are currently feeling uninspired? Get a breakthrough in your creativity and easily get inspiration when you complete these different drawing exercises focused on having you think creatively.With 50 drawing exercises, this course starts with explaining the exercise and then shows you what the start of the drawing will look like that you need to transform. The key is to complete all of these exercises without thinking 'I don't know' because that will stop your creative flow immediately. THESE DRAWING EXERCISES WILL HELP YOU:Improve your hand-eye coordination to help your brain stay strong and mentally sharp.Increase problem-solving skills when you can transform shapes into a drawing.Boost creativity when you are feeling bored, stuck and uninspired.Promote better self-esteem when you successfully complete an exerciseEnhance your memory skills with the ability to transform simple lines into tangible objectsWHAT STUDENTS HAVE SAID AFTER COMPLETING THESE DRAWING EXERCISES:""I was curious and pleasantly surprised that this course actually did improve my creativity and I have a lot of new ideas to work with now"" ~Jacquie R""This is a great course if you want to get the creativeness flowing in your mind and if you just need some new ways of coming up with things to draw."" ~Ryann S""I do love the course and I recommend it to every person who is eager to draw but is not sure what to start with and is afraid of beginning. This will definitely help."" ~DariaEXCLUSIVE BONUSES IN THIS COURSE:Look at past student's exercise results to spark your creativity.Lifetime access to this course so you can go at your own pace and speed.Learn how to combat your frustration in creativity so you can stay in your creative zone.Use the environment around you to inspire your creativity for the next time you feel stuck or don't know how to start.6-minute creative meditation to help relax your mind and improve creative thinking.Top 3 tips to improve your creativity so you don't get creatively stuck again.If you are ready to feel creatively inspired again and want to come up with some new drawing ideas today then hurry and enroll in this drawing exercise course today that guarantees to improve your creative problem-solving skills!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Art Therapy: Art Therapy Exercises For Healing In Life" |
"Get ready to relax and clear your mind with these 35 different hands-on art therapy exercises that you can try at home or give them to your clients to complete. These art therapy exercises allow you to sift through your internal emotions without judgment to see where they take you. I hope that by the end of this course, you have successfully completed these exercises and have a handful of art therapy exercises that you absolutely love and continue to use from here on forward!WHAT PAST STUDENTS HAVE LEARNED: ""This a wonderful course with a lot of great therapy exercises. Well worth watching. Thank you."" -Bobbie ""Yes, I really enjoyed the course and all the different fun activities along the way. I will surely recommend this course to my friends. Thanks, Tatiana for all the trouble you've taken especially with demonstrating all the exercises yourself."" -Maria R.BENEFITS OF ART THERAPY EXERCISES:Release stress after a long dayExamine your worries that won't leave your mindReduce depression and anxiety by exploring your emotionsDig out of the hopelessness trap by actively completing these exercisesCelebrate your happiness because these moments in your life matterRelax and recharge yourself after a tough weekHave a look at your inner fears instead of keeping them insideAcknowledge your emotions that you don't want to talk about because this course was created for youCOMPLETING ART THERAPY EXERCISES WILL HELP YOU :Express yourself with musicExplore mandalasColor at your own paceTry different painting methodsDraw how you feelCraft your ideal dayLook at your past, present and envision your future Explore and express your emotions in an artistic wayExperiment and try new art mediaEXCLUSIVE BONUSES WHEN YOU ENROLL TODAY:Each art therapy exercise will include results from your professional creative instructor, Tatiana, to help guide you so you're never stuck or feel lostLifetime access to this course so you can complete this course at your own pace and come back to it at any time!A responsive instructor that answers all your questions in the Q&A section so you aren't just taking a course but have an instructor that wants to help you when you need it.WHAT OTHER STUDENTS SAID AFTER COMPLETING THESE EXERCISES: ""Great exercises with a lot of new ones that I'm excited to try out since I haven't done them before."" -Jonathon ""I loved completing this course! I learned so many different therapeutic exercises to express my emotions through art."" -Rhiana C.Buy this course today if you too would like to let go of the negative emotions that make you feel empty, uninspired, guilty, uncertain, fearful, sad or angry. I will be with you every step of the way with each exercise that you complete. Go ahead and enroll in this course to get started with your first Art Therapy exercise! -Your instructor and friend, Tatiana Ambrose"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Decluttering: Quickly Organize & Declutter Your Home" |
"Decluttering your rooms and your organizing your space can seem overwhelming and like a dreadful chore. With this course, you will get excited about decluttering and inspired to see what organization transformation is all about!Inside this course, Tatiana shares fast daily action declutter steps to completely decluttering your rooms quickly in 5 days so it doesn't feel like a chore. Learn how to declutter and maximize your space by following along with different lectures and downloadable PDF checklists with Tatiana today!WHAT STUDENTS HAVE SAID: ""I found this course to be amazing and in perfect timing for me. We are going to be moving from a 3,000 sq ft house to a 1,100 sq ft house next year. We are currently in the middle of remodeling. So the way she went through the room and her 2 yr rule was great!!! I might actually have to do this a couple of times to a couple of rooms to get to the size I need but at least I have this video to fall back on!!! It was amazing!! If you want a way to organize a room and not be stressed about this is your girl!!!!"" -Lori ""Tatiana was able to break it down! I have a room that I consider my art room... woodblock printing to knitting, but it also is my ""junk"" room. she helped me take the overwhelming task out of I can work."" -HollyBENEFITS OF DECLUTTERING:Stop tripping over items in your cluttered roomsGain confidence that you can organize your messy roomBe more energized waking up in an organized roomReduce any anxiety, stress and negative thoughts with declutteringHelp someone in need by donating the items you don't useKnow where everything is located in your clutter-free roomA time-saver course so you don't have to search for misplaced items ever again!WITH THIS COURSE YOU WILL:Improve your bedroom through simplifying and decluttering stepsGet inspired to declutter and reorganize your homeFind any lost items you've completely forgotten aboutCreate more empty space in your organized bedroom & kitchenKnow where everything is locatedFollow along on decluttering your rooms fastADDITIONAL BONUSES IN THIS COURSE:You will see the before and after of Tatiana's decluttered bedroom after each dayAn active Instructor that answers your questions in the Q&A sectionDownloadable PDF Worksheets you can print and check off each dayAn extra lecture on decluttering and organizing your creative space/craft roomStop ignoring and procrastinating on organizing your home and let's tackle the clutter today! Enroll today to get started! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting Art: Painting Techniques For Landscape Art" |
"Acrylic painting is a very flexible and vibrant art painting medium that all beginner painters must try! There are so many different acrylic painting tools and techniques that it sometimes can be overwhelming on where to start.In this acrylic painting course, you'll learn the different art painting techniques and steps to create your very own acrylic painting. This acrylic painting course will have you become more confident with acrylic painting skills and get you started off right on what tools and easy setup is needed to start painting today!INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUND:My name's Tatiana Ambrose and I'm an award-winning creative artist who loves to share my passion for creativity and art with others. I have been creating art for over twenty years. Art is a means to express yourself with so many therapeutic qualities for your mental state. So join me today for this one-of-a-kind painting workshop to get acquainted with acrylic paint.WHAT STUDENTS HAVE SAID ABOUT THIS COURSE: ""Very nice painting. I've always wanted to know the best way to do a painting like this. This was a very simple way to get a neat effect."" -Kristie ""Unfortunately I was not prepared to paint today, but I will be going to buy my supplies and paint along. I really enjoy how animated she is as she goes through this painting. It looks like so much fun, and she encourages you to do you and not to try and copy her. So there isnt that pressure of I have to be perfect! I would totally recommend this class if you are interested in painting!"" -LoriWHAT SKILLS YOU'LL LEARN:How to set up a specific area for acrylic paintingMaster different painting techniques steps to create your own acrylic paintingBecome more comfortable with acrylic paintGo at your own pace since there are many stopping points in this painting courseLearn to use your painting brushes to achieve different effects on canvasA perfect beginner paint along course to recreate your own nature sunset with acrylic paintWHAT BONUSES ARE INCLUDED:Lifetime access to all future updates of this painting courseA 30 Day Money Back Guarantee If you don't love the courseA responsive instructor that answers all your questions in the Q&A sectionWith this course, you too can create this amazing nature sunset acrylic painting with the different brush techniques and steps shown inside this course. ENROLL TODAY!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Handwriting: Improve Your Handwriting Fast: Print & Cursive" |
"Are you embarrassed of your handwriting? Do people tell you that they can't read what you wrote? Do you wish you could have a skill that could earn you extra income? After completing these handwriting exercises, I guarantee that you will be able to not only have professional handwriting that gets compliments but you will get jobs that want to utilize your legible handwriting!Did you know the ability to have consistent print and cursive style handwriting not only improves your confidence but business success as well! With a world that is technology-focused, the art of having clear and legible handwriting is a highly sought after skill for big companies that want to give clients a personalized touch. That is where you come in!I will show you how easy it is to improve your handwriting by starting with the basics and discovering your own handwriting by the end of this course.YOUR NEW HANDWRITING SKILL WILL BE ABLE TO:Add your personal homemade touch to cards, notes and letters for family and companies.Boost your confidence and self-respect since you will be proud of legible handwriting.Get a full-time job and have side jobs that utilize your easy-to-read handwriting.THIS HANDWRITING COURSE GUARANTEES TO:Improve your print and cursive style handwriting skills to earn an extra incomeShow how to properly hold your pen/pencil so your handwriting stays consistent & your hand doesn't get tired.Demonstrate how to position your paper for right and left-handed peopleFind your unique print and cursive handwriting style that you absolutely love and are proud ofEXCLUSIVE BONUSES WITH THIS COURSE:An active Instructor that answers your questions and concerns so you never feel confused about any lecturesLifetime guarantee that will allow you to go at your own pace and come back to this course at any time.Downloadable PDF Worksheets you can save and print as many times as you would like.An additional lecture that improves handwriting numbers to ensure you are ready to write anything that is requested.If you want to stop feeling ashamed of your handwriting and want to earn an extra income source then hurry and enroll in this course today to start improving your handwriting skills. I am here to answer any questions you may have in order to help you succeed professionally! - Your instructor, Tatiana Ambrose"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3DS Max - Car Modeling for Beginners" |
"In this 3dsMax tutorial we'll use an edge modeling method to begin building our Audi R8 Spyder. Computer generated cars are a staple of film and commercial projects. Whether the parts all fly together before our eyes in a commercial meant to show off superior engineering, or the car is tossed around by gigantic creatures in a feature film, there is a need to create 3D automotive models.The different parts of a car present specific challenges but also provide certain advantages. The workflow for creating a car can vary, from surfaces to box modeling. Once we're happy with the shape, we can cut the panels apart and add thickness. We'll cover methods for maintaining hard edges and smooth contours. We'll cover the common polygon modeling tools as well as some new tools in the Modeling Ribbon that will make certain tasks much easier.It's a big project, but we'll go step by step so that by the end, you'll have created a 3D car from scratch and by the end of this 3ds Max training you'll have the knowledge you need to build your own vehicle."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Text Me! in After Effects" |
"Bring your videos a fresh and fun visual element by adding on-screen text message dialogues!Contemporary storytelling, as seen in TV shows, movies, or web videos, frequently incorporates characters communicating (as they do in real life!) with text messages sent back and forth. In this course, well recreate this visual effect in After Effects so that you can add this level of animated graphics into your own video projects. In this course, well use After Effects to create on-screen text / SMS dialogues, using the following techniques:Create shapes and shape layersNest pre-comps to organize a projectAdd and animate text using an animator toolAnimate shapesRefine the animation Text Me! is really a continuation of my Creative Split Screens series of tutorials; here were focusing on one specific application of a split screen. In this course, we combine pre-existing video footage with animated motion graphics to create unique, customized text or SMS messages to appear on-screen. After Effects is a wonderfully versatile tool, in this course well just look at one approach to animating an on-screen text dialogue. I teach my online courses in a thoughtful and logical approach, and a complete beginner student could follow along step-by-step to recreate an animation project like the one I use as a demo in the tutorials. This course is not a comprehensive overview of the software, but an in-depth look at using the specific tools used for this project. More advanced students will appreciate the subtle refinements and recommended workflows that I introduce during the tutorials, building your own skill set to apply this knowledge to your other, unique projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking With Power!" |
"Do you have fear of public speaking? Learn why this fear is completely irrational! This course will teach the student how to banishthat fear and gain self-confidence not only in public speaking, but in every area of life.This course will introduce youto some simple steps that will changeyour life - not just your public speaking, but your level of self-confidence and success in any endeavor you undertake. It is through authentic communication, enthusiastic and honest self-presentation, that deals are made, promotions are given and alliances are forged. This coursewill shatterthe mystery surrounding the gripping fear of publicspeaking and will help you confront this fear and banishit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Generate a Side Income as an Audiobook Narrator" |
"You have a voice - but does that mean you can narrate? Read and record an entire book, or even a short essay? How do you accomplish those things? Where do you start? What equipment do you need? Learn the basics here. With a powerful software that is FREE, and very reasonable start-up costs, you, too, can capitalize on your voice, and let it become your personal Money-Making Machine."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tic-Tac-Toe Clone - The Complete SFML C++ Game Course" |
"Learn how to make cross platformgames using Tic-Tac-Toe as an example. A step by step process is used to show everything from project setupto essential game design techniques.Gain a good understanding of the following concepts:C++ Game ProgrammingVideo Game LogicSFML Game ProgrammingGame MechanicsSFML is one of the easiest game frameworks in the worldand will provide you with a solid foundation for your gamedevelopment journey. The gaming industry is bigger than Hollywood and is constantly growing, start your journey now.You will be provided with the full source code to aid in development during and after this course. The source code and artworkis free to use in as many projects as you wish.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A-Frame Web VR Programming Tutorial Series (Virtual Reality)" |
"""Virtual reality was once the dream of science fiction. But the internet was also once a dream, and so were computers and smartphones. The future is coming."" - Mark Zuckerberg""We are all created equal in the virtual world and we can use this equality to help address some of the sociological problems that society has yet to solve in the physical world."" - Bill Gates""By feeling truly present, you can share unbounded spaces and experiences with the people in your life. Imagine sharing not just moments with your friends online, but entire experiences and adventures."" - Mark ZuckerbergThe most powerful and influential people in the world believe virtual reality is going to shape the future of the world. This course will guide you through learning the fundamentals of Virtual Reality,providing you with the tools to make awesome and futuristic experiences.This course will cover the following concepts:A-Frame programmingVirtual Reality design philosophiesVirtual reality programmingSetting up a projectDrawing 3D objectsTransformations and animationsTexturing objectsLighting the 3D world3D Model LoadingSkyboxesPlus much moreVirtual reality is fast becoming the hottest technology in the world, with platforms from Oculus to PlayStation VR, there are millions of users around the world. A-Frame provides the features to tap into this immensely large and popular market.You will be provided with the full source code to aid in development during and after this course. The source code is free to use in as many projects as you wish.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Flappy Bird Clone - The Complete SFML C++ Game Course" |
"Learn how to make cross platformgames using the immensely successful and addictive Flappy Birdas an example. A step by step process is used to show everything from project setupto essential game design techniqueGain a good understanding of the following concepts:C++ Game ProgrammingVideo Game LogicSFML Game ProgrammingGame MechanicsSFML is one of the easiest game frameworks in the worldand will provide you with a solid foundation for your gamedevelopment journey. The gaming industry is bigger than Hollywood and is constantly growing, start your journey now.You will be provided with the full source code to aid in development during and after this course. The source code and artworkis free to use in as many projects as you wish.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Bootstrap 4 Responsive Web Development" |
"Learnabout the fundamentals that make the awesome websites we use on a daily basis.Usingdevices from mobile phones to tablets to desktop computers.A step by step process is used to show everything from setting up to essential Bootstrap and responsive design features.Gain a good understanding of the following concepts:Bootstrap 4Responsive web designWeb developmentCross platform web designResponsive web componentsBootstrap is the most popular responsive web framework in the world, most modernwebsites use Bootstrap.You will be provided with the full source code to aid in development during and after this course. The source code is free to use in as many projects as you wish.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C++ Development Tutorial Series - The Complete Coding Guide" |
"Learnabout the fundamentals that make the amazing applicationswe use on a daily basis ondevices from mobile phones to tablets to desktop computers.A step by step process is used to show everything from setting up to all the crucial C++ and software development features.Gain a good understanding of the following concepts:C++ programmingDesktop programmingSoftware developmentCross platform developmentBasic C++ knowledgeC++ is the most popular responsive web framework in the world, most modernwebsites use Bootstrap.You will be provided with the full source code to aid in development during and after this course. The source code is free to use in as many projects as you wish.Over 205,000 studentshave enrolled on my courses and all of them are extremelysatisfied.You will also be satisfied with this course.If you do not like the course, remember thatwithin 30 daysyou can requesta full refund.I guaranteeyou satisfaction.Ifyou have any questionsregarding the topics covered in thiscourse,please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn.To summarise this is what you get: Lifetime access toHD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection! Downloadable starter code and final code for each section. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck. Multiple coding challenges to practice your new skills (solutions included).Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only course that you willneed!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |