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"Time Management for A Savvy & Sustainable Work-Life Balance" |
"Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to do at work and at home?... Does it sometimes feel like it is impossible for you to find a healthy balance between your professional goals and your personal life?... Are you under a great stress when you miss out great opportunities because you have much difficulty in managing you time properly?... Well then, throughout this course: You will learn the tools you need to give up on annoying time wasters that clutter your day. You will be able to go through a process of transforming the way you plan, manage and use time to your advantage. You will be also able to achieve your most desired personal and professional goals without feeling drained or overwhelmed. By the end of this course, you will know how to create effective strategies to help you achieve everything that is important to you, both personally and professionally.So embark now on this journey that will make you able to manage your time as a real master and also create the work-life balance that you want and definitely deserve."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Powerful, Confident Body Language for Business Women" |
"Do you want to be more powerful and influential in business?If you struggle to get your ideas recognised, then you know how it feels to be overlooked and ignored. Im here to help you change that! In this course, we will tackle this issue by focusing on your body language.Learning how to use body language for more impact and influence is a skill every driven business person needs. Why? Your body language is a tool that magnifies your communication and makes you stand out as a person of authority.However for women, powerful, confident body language is often difficult to embrace; its not part of our natural demeanor and its not what society expects from us. Women are often brought up to be nurturing and kind. We learn to incorporate gentle, soft body language gestures that align with this image. However, when we hit adulthood and enter the business world, these gestures no longer serve us and they become a hindrance to our professional development and goals.In the 34 videos youre about to watch and the challenges Ive set for you, you will learn an array of powerful, confident body language gestures. You will learn how to use those gestures so you can communicate with impact and influence.This course will help you to:Understand the unique body language advantage that women have over men.Understand body language hurdles that women face.Use your posture, head, legs, arms, hands, personal space, body orientation, eye contact, and objects around you for heightened power and authority.Apply powerful, confident body language gestures to networking events, business meetings, presentations, and negotiations.Avoid mistakes women often make with their body language.Feel more confident.Powerful, confident body language has been critically important for me as a businesswoman. As a coach, I teach these gestures to my executive level clients and they see amazing results. I want to teach them to you so you can get others to see you as the confident, powerful women that you are.No holding back. Lets go!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"SOLID: Flexible und resiliente Software entwickeln" |
"Prolog:Ich habe es gehasst neue Feature oder Vernderungen an laufendem, bestehenden Code zuzufgen. Das gab einfach immer Probleme. Neue Fehler tauchten aufund selbst Kleinigkeiten dauerten ewig. Irgendwann nderte sich dies. Es machte immer mehr Freude und Spa. Es ging auch einfacher und dauerte nicht viel lnger, als das selbe Feature ""auf der grnen Wiese"" zu entwickeln. Mein frherer Frust wurde Teil meiner Erinnerung und verblasste.Bis ich vor Kurzem in einem Bericht las, dass die Agentur fr Arbeit ein Softwareprojekt stoppte, in das sie60 Millionen Euro gesteckt hatte. Grund dafr war, dass das Zufgen von selbst kleinennderungswnschen und neuen Features zu aufwndig und teuer geworden ist. Bei dem Lesen dieses Textes sprte ich wieder diesen Frust in mir aufsteigen.Ich begann zu berlegen, was genau bei mir dazu fhrte, dass ich diesen Frust hinter mir lie. Wann, und vor allem womit begann es bei mir, dass ich einfach bessere Software entwickelte? Alles fing an mit der Clean-Code-Bewegung. Dort haben mir besonders die SOLID-Prinzipien geholfen. Diese werden hier als Teil meiner Clean-Code-Kurse vorgestellt.SOLID: Flexible und resiliente Software entwickeln solldich dabei untersttzen bessere, flexiblere und stabilere Software zu erstellen. Hierzu werden wir uns die berhmten SOLID-Prinzipien genauer anschauen. Ich erklre dir worauf dubei diesen Prinzipien achten sollst und welche Vorteile die einzelnenPrinzipien haben.Am Ende des Kurses wirst du die 5 SOLID-Prinzipien verstanden haben und kannst sie anwenden. Gleichzeitig wirst du gute von schlechter Software unterscheiden knnen.Meine Motivation der Clean Code-Reihe ist es, dir das Rstzeug eines modernen undguten Software Craftsman mit auf den Weg zu geben, damit dir das Softwareentwickeln weiterhin viel Spa und Freude bereitet. Denn dies wnsche ich dir von Herzen.Thorsten DiekhofThemen die behandelt werden:Was ist gute Software?Was ist schlechte Software?Was sind Prinzipien?Single-Responsibility-PrinzipOpen-Closed-PrinzipLiskovsches SubstitutionsprinzipInterface-Segregation-PrinzipDependency-Inversion-Prinzip"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Von der Idee zum Konzept" |
"Du hast viele Ideen? Du willst diese Ideen umsetzen? Dann brauchst du ein Konzept! Dieser Kurs zeigt dir, wie das geht.Du begleitest mich, wie ich aus einerIdee in zwei Tagen einstabilesKonzept entwickele.Gleichzeitig entwickelst auch duein Konzept. Hierzu erklre ich dir, welche Schritte als nchstes anstehen und wie du sie umsetzt. Am Ende des Kurses steht ein handfestes Konzept.Vielen Menschen fllt es unheimlich schwer ihre Ideen systematisch so zu durchdenken, dass diese nicht nur getestet und umgesetzt werden knnen sondern auch die unausweichlichen Kommentare, Anregungen undKritik von Kollegen, Freunden und Familie widerstehen, ja sogar an diesen wachsen.Wirklich aufgefallen wie schwierig das konzeptuelle Denken sein kann, ist mir dies bei meiner Ttigkeit als Dozent fr Gamedesign-Studenten. Einer Gruppe von Menschen deren Hauptttigkeit spter genau das Erstellen solcher Konzepte sein wird. Trotzdem viel es vielen von ihnen schwer, ihre wirklich guten Ideen tiefgrndig zu durchdenken. Den Kern der Idee herauszustellen. Alles Unwichtige weg zu lassen. Synergien zu entdecken und zu nutzen.Dieser Kurs ist diesen Studenten gewidmet. Ich kann ja nicht nur erzhlen wie wichtig das ist - ich muss es ja auch mal zeigen.Der Kurs ist recht spontan entstanden. Als ich mir eines Tages Zeit freine Konzeptentwicklung nahm, kam mir der Einfall mich dabei zu filmen, damit die Studenten mir ber die Schulter schauen knnen. Am Anfang wusste ich noch nicht, was genau ich mit den Aufnahmen bezwecke. Es gab kein Drehbuch. Mir war wichtig, dass ich mich nicht an gngige Vorgehensmodelle halte, um zu zeigen was konzeptionelles Denken ausmacht. Methoden knnen da untersttzen, sie knnen aber auch den Blick aufs Wesentliche verschleiern.Auch war mir wichtig, dass ich jeden meiner Schritte erklre.Du wirst keine perfekten Bilder oder didaktisch durchdachtePrsentationen finden. Auch werde ich viel Zeit damit verbringen dir meine Idee zu beschreiben, statt dir nur das Wissen bers konzeptionelles Denken aufzuzhlen. Dies geschieht immer mal wieder, inNebenstzen, kleinen Geschichten und ber die Videos verteilt. Einige lieben diese Art von Lernen, andere finden eslangweilig.Wenn du anfngst zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen, meine Aussagen zu berdenken, Gegenmeinungen entwickelst, deine Idee aktiv ausarbeitest und kein Problem mit einer unbearbeiteten Rigips-WandundTageslicht hast, kann dieser Kurs einige Aha-Momente fr dich bereithalten.Ich persnlich liebe es erfahrenen Menschen zuzuschauen wie sie arbeiten. Vor allem, wenn sie laut sagen, was sie wieso machen.Der Kurs hat zwei Arten von Lektionen. ""Begleite mich"" und ""Du bist dran"".Die ""Begleite mich""-Lektionen sind nebenbei an zwei TagenKonzeptarbeitentstanden. Die ""Du bist dran""-Lektionen entstanden, als schon klar war, dass dieser Kurs entstehen wird. Sieerklren dir noch einmal die einzelnen Schritte und fordern dich auf, dich aktiv mit deiner Idee zu beschftigen.So, worauf warten wir. Lass uns Ideen in die Welt bringen!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Eine Einfhrung in Clean Code saubere Software entwicklen!" |
"Clean Code ist in aller Munde. Kleine nderungen am eigenen Programmierstil und dem eigenen Bewusstsein, bringen enorme Effekte beim Entwickeln von guter, produktiver und wartbarer Software.In diesem Einfhrungskurs wirst du viele kleine und interessante Anregungen und Prinzipien kennenlernen, mit denen du die Softwarequalitt deiner Programme enorm verbessern kannst.Code wird viel hufiger gelesen und verstanden, als geschrieben. Jede Erweiterung und nderung an bestehendem Code, setzt Verstndnis von bereits geschriebenem Code voraus.Daher ist lesbarer, verstndlicher Code so enorm wichtig.Genau hier setzt Clean Code an. Unter dem Begriff fasst man viele kleine und grere Methoden zusammen, die den Code einfacher und verstndlicher machen.Es ist eine Wohltat, Clean Code zu lesen. Dein Team wird es dir danken!Mit Clean Code bekommst du genau die Werkzeuge in die Hand, um ohne viel Aufwand, lesbaren und verstndlichen Code entwickeln zu knnen.Die Beispiele sind in JAVA geschrieben - jedoch so einfach gehalten, dass du sie auch ohne JAVA-Kenntnisse verstehen kannst.Schreib dich ein, und werde ein Clean Coder!Hier Stichpunkte aus dem Inhalt:Wieso Clean Code?Die PfadfinderregelProfessionelles VerhaltenVerantwortung tragenAussagekrftige NamenAussprechbare NamenNamen fr KlassenNamen fr MethodenNamen fr VariablenSaubere MethodenSaubere KlassenDas Gesetz von DemeterGute KommentareKohsionKopplungDer saubere ProgrammiererCode Smells"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"User Story beherrschen: Agile Anforderungen meistern" |
"User Stories ist das Mittel, um modern und agil Anforderungen aufzunehmen und zu verwalten. Egal ob SCRUM, Extreme Programming (XP) oder andere moderne Vorgehen zur Softwareentwicklung - sie benutzen immer hufiger User Stories fr ihre Anforderungen. Wie kommt dies?""Der Erfolg von Projekten entscheidet sich schon mit den Anforderungen.""""60% aller Fehler in Software, geht auf falsche oder falsch verstandene Anforderungen zurck.""Zitate wie diese, machen die Wichtigkeit von guten Anforderungen und vorallem, ein Verstndnis aller Projektbeteiligter der Anforderungen klar.In klassischen Projekten werden Anforderungen vom Kunden im Lastenheft festgelegt. Im Pflichtenheft beschreiben die Entwickler dann, wie sie diese Anforderungen konkret umsetzen werden. Beides wird vor der eigentlichen Umsetzung geschrieben - und gleicht einem erschwerten ""Stille-Post""-Spiel. Das Lastenheft enthlt zwar die Leistungsmerkmale des Produkts, die unterbewussten Basismerkmale oder undenkbaren Begeisterungsmerkmale sind darin nicht zu finden. Trotzdem sind beide enorm wichtig fr ein gelungenes Produkt. Mit diesen unvollstndigen Informationen berlegen sich die Entwickler jetzt, wie sie das Produkt umsetzen wollen. Das ganze Produkt! Wahnsinn.Diese Umsetzung wird dann, in einem fr den Kunden unlesbaren, Dokument beschrieben. Dieses bildet eine Art Vertragsgrundlage.Uff... das kann ja nicht gut gehen! Auer, man steckt enorm viel Energie, Zeit und Geld in eben diese Analyse - und redet. Reden ist der Schlssel zum Erfolg.Agil geht anders. Es stellt die klassischen Vorgehen auf den Kopf. Behlt, was wichtig ist und schmeit radikal weg, was unwichtig ist.User Stories sind eine Aufforderung zum Reden. Sie sind keine scharfen Anforderungen - zumindest nicht am Anfang. Sie werden konkreter, je nher der Termin ihrer Umsetzung rckt. Konkrete Anforderungen werden ""Just-In-Time"" generiert. Die technischen Ausfhrungen aus dem Pflichtenheft entstehen dann, wenn die Entwickler sie auch umsetzen. Also, genau zu dem Zeitpunkt, wo den Entwicklern das meite Wissen ber das System vorliegt.User Stories sind einfach. Fr uns in Mitteleuropa manchmal zu einfach. Leider gilt hier immer noch der Spruch:""Das Einfache gilt schnell als banal.""Dabei ist das Einfache enorm schwierig zu erreichen. Kann eine Methode, die leicht zu verstehende Stze auf kleine Pappkarten schreibt, besser funktionieren, als ein dickes Word-Dokument, dass lange zwischen Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer hin und her gewandert ist - und voller kritischer und informativer Kommentaren steckt? JA!Wie, erfhrst du in diesem Kurs. Wir werden uns in die Methode der User Story einarbeiten. Hierbei wirst du die Mglichkeit haben, selbst ein Projekt anhand der User Stories zu erarbeiten. Danach geht es tiefer in die Methode hinein. Es geht um die Konzepte und Ideen, die hinter einer User Story stecken. Wir werden Stories schneiden, schtzen und priorisieren. Du erfhrst, was User Stories mit Amazon gemeinsam haben und was Kunden wirklich begeistert.Schreib dich ein - du hast eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie.Hier Stichpunkte aus dem Inhalt:Die gute User StoryUser Stories und SCRUMKunden, Nutzer und EntwicklerKernidee: So spt wie mglichKernidee:Aufforderung zum RedenDie 3 CsAkzeptanzkriterienEinfach EpicUser Story schneidenPersona erstellenOutcome statt OutputLevel of DetailStories gut formulierenINVEST-KriterienVersteckte KundenwnscheKano-AnalyseDefinition of DoneDefinition of ReadyUser Stories schtzenUser Stories priorisierenSpikes einsetzenAkzeptanzkriterien testenBhm... ;)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"SCRUM nur fr Softwareentwickler - der vergessene Teil" |
"ACHTUNG:Dieser Kurs ist NURfr Softwareentwickler. Agile Coaches, Projekt- oder Produktmanager, sowie Scrum Master und Product Owner, sollten diesen Kurs NICHT kaufen. Einige Teile des Kurses knnten bei diesem Personenkreis, unangenehme Gedankengnge verursachen.Du bist Softwareentwickler, Softwareentwicklerin, und arbeitest mit Scrum, bzw. interessierst dich fr diese Methode? DANN musst du diesen Kurs belegen. Dieser Kurs ist KEINEEinfhrung in Scrum. Er setzt voraus, dass du dich in diesem Thema bereits ein wenig auskennst.In diesem Kurs geht es um die Herausforderungen und Anforderungen, die ein moderner, agiler Prozess - wie Scrum - an uns Softwareentwickler stellt.Er handelt davon, dass zwar enorm viel Aufwand betrieben wird, den Prozess Scrum zu etablieren - jedoch vergessen wird, dass sich die Art, wie wir Code schreiben, mit anpassen muss. Er handelt davon, dass Scrum flexible, resiliente und leicht erweiterbare Software erwartet - jedoch keine Lsungen dafr liefert, wie wir Softwareentwickler dies erfllen sollen.Agile Software zu entwickeln, ist eine Herausforderung.Herausforderung angenommen.In diesem Kurs wirst du erfahren, wo agiles Arbeiten schnell zu Problemen fhren kann. Welche Fhigkeiten du entwickeln musst, um agil eine gute Figur zu machen. Auch geht es darum, was notwendig ist, um als Entwicklerin wirklich Power auf die Strae zu bringen.Der Kurs ist ein ""Learnings und Laber""-Kurs durch und durch. Er kommt komplett ohne praktische bungen aus. Du wirst keine Zeile Code sehen. Er lsst dich hufig mit einem Gedanken alleine. Er erklrt Nichts wirklich im Detail. Wenn du das brauchst - belegte diesen Kurs nicht! Er wird dich unglcklich machen.Doch er enthlt eine geballte Ladung Erfahrung, kombiniert mit tiefen, theoretischen Modellen und einer Priese Bauchgefhl. Serviert als Gesprchsformat auf Augenhhe.Ziel ist es, dass duam Ende sensibilisiert bist, gegenber den Fallstricken, die Scrum mitbringt. die Gefahren erkennen und umgehen kannst.enorm produktiv, gute und saubere Software entwickeln willst - und genau weit, welche Fhigkeiten dafr notwendig sind.Lass uns mal loslegen,Thorsten DiekhofInhalt des Kurses ist unter Anderem:ScrumPlanningDailyAgileReviewRetrospektiveBacklog GroomingProduct OwnerScrum MasterKernidee:Umfang variableKernidee: Kunde im ZentrumAnforderungen wirklich verstehenDas Wie liegt bei unsAugenhhe mit dem KundenEntwickler sind auch StakeholderDen Scrum Master verstehenIn Features denkenDem Bauch vertrauenCode ReviewUnit TestsContinuous IntegrationSOLID6 Stunden brennenWas tun, wenn man es besser wei?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Meditation Made Accessible" |
"Here is what you will learn:The Meaning of MeditationThe Benefits of MeditationThe Science of MeditationMisconceptions About meditationYour Default State The Subconscious MindThe Main Reason Meditation is Difficult Allowing Thoughts to EmergeBrainwave Entrainment and How It Enhances MeditationThe Pitfalls of MeditationWe will also go through the following meditations together:1. Mantra Chanting Meditation OM Mantra2. Third Eye Meditation3. Mindfulness Meditation4. Guided Imagery Body Scanning Meditation5. Loving-Kindness or Metta Meditation6. Vipassana Meditation7. Gazing Meditation 8. Self-Inquiry Meditation9. Pranayama Breathing Meditation10. The Sound of Silence Meditation 11. Sitting with God Christian-based Meditation12. Sufi Meditation - Resonating with one of the names of Allah.13. Lurianic Kabbalistic meditationAs a bonus I have included 4 Brainwave Entrainment audios you can download and use to get you in the optimum brain state when you meditate on your own."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Building Chatbots with Amazon Lex and IBM Watson" |
"Update: Join over 9,700students in the Techustler Course Series. You dont want to miss this opportunity in learning practical knowledge in Tech.Have you ever wondered how chat bots are made?Why are chat bots the next big trend?How can I build chat bots that are cool?If you ever wanted to understand the space of Bots or build them yourself, then take my course""Building Chatbots with Amazon Lex and AI with IBM Watson"". Idesigned it in a practical way so that when you finish the content you can immediately put it into use.Now, why should you build bots?Bots are the next big trend according to media journals, silicon valley companies, and web developers. The barrier of entry to build a bot is low enough, but the amount of traction you can get is enormous. This is why startups like Slack have built a billion dollar business around it. Now, we are in the early stages of this trend and in order to stay ahead you must learn a thing or two about bots. More importantly, how to build bots which I teach in this course.This course contains over 40lectures and 3hrs of content. It's designed for beginners to play with new platforms in the bot space.Youll learn the tools needed to build the bots, how the inner workings of bots, how to map a user conversation, and market your bot to your friends.Course StructureThe course follows a familiar structure where in each video I will teach the concepts followed by the student applying the concepts practically. If your goal is to become a better developer, you should understand node.js, server side developmentand how to access certain APIs to build better bots. The course does not go deep into API integration ofbot responses. This means we won't be building complex models, AI driven bots, or multiple API driven bots. That would be for an expert course.Environment SetupThis course aims to simulate a live in-person course as much as possible. After you finish each lecture, you should practice and try the solution on your own. You learn the best by practicing and doing.ProjectsAt the end of each section, you will be asked to complete a botwhich you canthen share with your network or on the Udemy network.Testimonials from other Techustler Courses and the InstructorGreat set of videos Nick! I really liked the format of the videos with you in the corner of the screen showing us how to use the website. Cool songs you use at the beginning of each video. It really gives off the vibe that your course is hip and up-to-date with modern times. You do a great job of keeping of with the times. Stay modern, but classy at the same time Nick! - PenelopeThe course is amazing so far. I didn't know you could do so much with Slack. I can't wait to build the on-boarding site and start bringing users into my community. I highly recommend this course. - John""He is a crafty problem solver, coming up with clever solutions to solve problems on schedule. When we worked together on a project, he quickly came up with and implemented UI solutions for the app to finish on time."" - Doug""Nick is highly focused and is the type of person who puts in the time and effort to solve a problem while not sacrificing quality. His attention to detail led to his design of a creative and great looking app."" - Christine""Nick's great at guerrilla customer development, he knows how to analyze data and make strong connections to the market. He understands the user flow when solving their problems."" - Taso""It was a highly positive experience working alongside Nick at DigaBlue and with the work ethic he has, I am certain that he will produce great results in his future endeavors."" - Saif""Nick is an aspiring tech entrepreneur with what I would consider a strong passion and desire to learn more and excel in the evolving digital age. He is an experienced programmer with a track record of creating both his own website and various mechanical devices."" - Elliot""Nick taught me so much, and invested a good amount of time being my mentor--teaching me to become a better non-technical leader."" - RohanWhat is the target audience?This course is designed for people with little or no experience with chatbot makingand who want to build the next cool product. By the end of the course, youll have valuable skills that will help you be creative and resourcefulin your pursuit of building products(hopefully in the bot space :)Next StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Google Home Development: From Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Update: Join over 11,000students in the Techustler Course Series. You dont want to miss this opportunity in learning practical knowledge in Tech.Have you ever wondered how Google Home Appsare made?Why areGoogle and Amazoninvesting in voice technology?A better question is why haven't you built an Google Home Appyet.If you ever wanted to understand the space of Voice Appsor build them yourself, then take my course""Google Home Development: From Beginner to Intermediate"". Idesigned it in a practical way so that when you finish the content you can immediately put it into use with your Google Homeor online counterpart.Now, why should you build Google Home Apps?The biggest industries in technology are surrounded by AI, Bots, and Voice technology. Voice technology I believe will be the new 21st centuryuser interface that will not only understand basic commands, but will be so smart to understand anything you tell it. This is why Amazon and Googlehave madebig bets;with Alexa alone planingto generateclose to $11 billion dollars by 2020. Apple's version of Google Home called ""HomePods"" is also coming to the marketby the end of 2017. Now, Google's version has come to the market is quickly taking market share from Amazon. Google understands data and knows this is where the market is heading. Now is the best time to learn these skills before the mainstream starts developing applications. We all know the story about apps for the smartphones, this is the same thing.This course contains over 55lectures and 4hrs of content. It's designed for beginners to play with new platforms in the voicespace.Youll learn the tools needed to build Google Home Apps, how to create a conversation, be able to access APIs for data driven apps, create APIs through Amazon API Gateway.Course StructureThe course follows a familiar structure where in each video I will teach the concepts followed by a challenge or practice question.If your goal is to become a better developer, you should understand node.js, server side developmentand how to access certain APIs to build better Google Home Apps. The course does not go deep into understanding Node.js but you will understand thearchitectureand ability to publish apps for Google Home.Environment SetupThis course aims to simulate a live in-person course as much as possible. After you finish each lecture, you should practice and try the solution on your own. You learn the best by practicing and doing.ProjectsAt the end of each section, you will be asked to complete a practice problemwhich you canthen share with your network or on the Udemy network.Testimonials from other Techustler Courses and the InstructorGreat set of videos Nick! I really liked the format of the videos with you in the corner of the screen showing us how to use the website. Cool songs you use at the beginning of each video. It really gives off the vibe that your course is hip and up-to-date with modern times. You do a great job of keeping of with the times. Stay modern, but classy at the same time Nick! - PenelopeNicholas, very good course on bots! I especially enjoyed that you provided us the opportunity to build bots in a hands-on fashion. Your course sections are very organized and I didn't have to guess to know what I was getting myself into. It is clear you are very knowledgeable as an instructor and have a real connection to your course material. I look forward to taking another course with you! - Rahul""First of all I want to say thank you for such a nice and informative course. I have enjoyed it from first lesson till last one. Definitely can say one of the best courses for beginners as you learn how to use a lot of useful tools. Nick keep it up!"" - Andriy Herasymenko""Thank you so much Nicholas! The bot course was very informative and helpful for my learning. Keep up the good work!"" - Christine""It was a highly positive experience working alongside Nick at DigaBlue and with the work ethic he has, I am certain that he will produce great results in his future endeavors."" - Saif""I am glad to take this course. Anyone interested in a great introduction and exercises about chat bots this is a course to start. The instructor take you to every stage of the basic creation on your first Chat Bot and then apply advanced skills."" - Miguel Rivera""This is a really good intro course to building simple but useful bots. Nick breaks each lesson up thoughtfully and into parts that are easy to follow and implement straight away. With modern api'sto make bots from simple to highly sophisticated, this course it great for learning all the moving parts. I feel more confident in designing, building and marketing a bot myself now!"" - JasonWhat is the target audience?This course is designed for people with little or no experience in javascript which is needed to make Google Homeskills. By the end of the course, youll have valuable skills that will help you be creative and resourcefulin your pursuit of building products(hopefully in the voicespace :)Next StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Intermediate Amazon Alexa Development" |
"Update: Join over 11,500students in the Techustler Course Series. You dont want to miss this learning opportunity.If you ever wanted to understand the space of Voice Appsor build them yourself, then take my course""IntermediateAmazon Alexa Development"". Idesigned it in a practical way so that when you finish the content you can immediately put it into use with your Amazon Echo or online counterpart.Now, why should you build Alexa Skills?The biggest industries in technology are surrounded by AI, Bots, and Voice technology. Voice technology I believe will be the new 21st user interface that will not only understand basic commands, but will be so smart to understand anything you tell it. This is why Amazon is making a big bet with Alexa which it plans to generateclose to $11 billion dollars by 2020. They know something about Amazon Echo which is why now is the best time to learn these skills before the mainstream starts developing applications. We all know the story about apps for the smartphones, this is the same thing.This course contains over 50lectures and 1.5hrs of content. It's designed for beginners to play with new platforms in the voicespace.Youll learn the tools needed to build Alexa Skills, how Alexa Skills work, and eventuallypublish a skill to Amazon's Alexa store.Course StructureThe course follows a familiar structure where in each video I will teach the concepts followed by a challenge or practice question.If your goal is to become a better developer, you should understand node.js, server side developmentand how to access certain APIs to build better Alexa Skills.1. Learn about the new AWSLambda and Alexa Developer Services Interfaces. (Updated July 2018)2. Learn how to design an Alexa Skill through Voice User Principles3. Learn Basic Javascript Development with a hint of Nodejs framework4. Understand Alexa Skill Development: Intent Schemas, Slots, Invocation Names, Lambda functions, Endpoints5. Understand OAuth and how Account Linking works with Skills6. Connect with Third Party APIs (Game of Thrones API)to process information and output results7. Learn to create multi-sessions, save data with DynamoDB, debug with AWSCloudwatch8. Create Alexa Skills through the Command Line Interface (CLI)9. Use the following technologies: AWS Lambda, AWSCloudwatch, AWS DynamoDB, Alexa Command Line Interface (CLI), Alexa IAMEnvironment SetupThis course aims to simulate a live in-person course as much as possible. After you finish each lecture, you should practice and try the solution on your own. You learn the best by practicing and doing.ChallengesAt the end of each section, you will be asked to complete a challenge to test your knowledge in Alexa Development.Testimonials from other Techustler Courses and the InstructorGreat set of videos Nick! I really liked the format of the videos with you in the corner of the screen showing us how to use the website. Cool songs you use at the beginning of each video. It really gives off the vibe that your course is hip and up-to-date with modern times. You do a great job of keeping of with the times. Stay modern, but classy at the same time Nick! - PenelopeNicholas, very good course on bots! I especially enjoyed that you provided us the opportunity to build bots in a hands-on fashion. Your course sections are very organized and I didn't have to guess to know what I was getting myself into. It is clear you are very knowledgeable as an instructor and have a real connection to your course material. I look forward to taking another course with you! - Rahul""This is a great course. Teacher is clear at every step. We learn concrete skills to get hands on experience....that is how one should learn. Thank you for making this course available!"" - Janice Cook""Nick teaches Alexa at a nice pace. Content is updated."" - Nadine Fisher""This course is fantastic! It got me up and running on Alexa in very little time. There are a couple places I had to debug a little to get it running, but I look at it as good exercise."" - Craig DugasWhat is the target audience?This course is designed for people with little or no experience in javascript which is needed to make Alexa skills. By the end of the course, youll have valuable skills that will help you be creative and resourcefulin your pursuit of building products(hopefully in the voicespace :)Next StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete Business Intelligence with SSIS, SSAS and SSRS" |
"*** This course includes LIFETIMEaccess, More content is being developed,quality of lectures are a 100%satisfaction guarantee *** Reviews from some of our students""I had little knowledge about Business Intelligence. But after attending this course and practising the examples. I can now do BI solutions on my own.""-Edwin Molapo""Great course. I am in College currently getting my BA in Data Analytics and this course has help solidify my learning and also helped me with projects we had in our classes. I would highly recommend for and Business Intelligence seekers ""-Jared Rentz""Easy to follow and very understandable""-Dilli SharmaAs data volumes are exploding, more data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race. With an estimate of 4.1 zettabyets of data available today, the numbers just keeps increasing every second. Organizations today estimate that only a fraction of recorded data can be analyzed, and IT professionals who can work with data by Data Integration, Data Analyzation, Data Visualization etc. in short a 'Data Geek' are becoming increasingly popular.In Simpler terms, there is enormous amount of data and not enough professionals to manage it.This course aims to close that gap with SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Data Tools for Business Intelligence (BI).We will Learn from the basics of creating a Microsoft Business Intelligence (MS BI)ecosystem, Sql server Integrating services(SSIS), Sql Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Sql Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and putting all of them together to learn the Complete Microsoft Business Intelligence (MS BI)Learn and Master Microsoft Business Intelligence(MS BI) in this Comprehensive course.SSIS(Sql Server Integrating Services)Extracting Data from Source.Transforming the Data in a staging areaLoading the data onto a destinationManaging different types of sources and destinationsImplementing aggregates and transformationsManaging data flow and control flow tasksSSAS(Sql Server Analysis Services)Configuring analysis servicesCreating a cubeManaging data in the data source viewDesigning and deploying Cube dimensions and meassuresSSRS(Sql Server Reporting Services)Creating reports and visualizationsWith 6 years of experience in the BI, Data analytics and Big Data, be sure to get rich content to help you succeed. Although it is still in the beginning phase but more in depth and quality lectures are being added regularly."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom CC: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners" |
"Find out whatLightroomis and does and how it can help you edit and organize your images. InAdobe Lightroom CC: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners, instructor Alexandru Cojocaruwill offer an easy-to-understand introduction to this usefulprogram.If youve been avoidingLightroom, this is your opportunity to explore its interface and find out how it works. Alexandru will teach you the entire workflow from start to finish:Import and organize your photosAdjust and correct your photosExport your photos for web or printEven if you have never usedLightroombefore, Alexandru will help you develop a deeper understanding of the programand how it can play a role in your creative process.AdobeLightroomwas designed to make your post-production process easier, not more confusing!In this courseforBeginners,Alexandru willshow you how exactlyit can help."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Stress Less & Savor More with Guided Meditation" |
"Stress is inevitable, but suffering is not. No matter how powerless you may feel in the face of stress, you still have control over yourthoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems.Guided meditation willsilence thenoise in your head and cultivate the power of surrender. It's easy to learn and also a very powerful tool! During a guided meditation you are in a deep state of relaxation in whichthe imagery you are guided to visualize becomes very vivid. Immersing yourself in a guided meditation while listening to positive suggestions is a blissful experience that results in real and immediate benefits. Youll feel better physically and mentally and be at the top of your gameno matter what you may be facing.This course is made up of five guided meditations. Each meditation covers a specific emotional subject. 1) Release Your Stress and Sleep Peacefully2) Serenity3) Escape4) Ignite Your Energy and Focus5) Let Go of Your Anger"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a Battle Royale game using Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints" |
"The C++ Survival Course is now available on my Patreon!Why does this course need to exist?Everyone has played a Battle Royale game such as Fortnite. Perhaps you've always wondered how to make your own, but found tutorials were too long and didn't get to the point?I want to put an end to Game Development being tiresome and boring. That is why at the end of the 8 hour series, you'll have a fully working Battle Royale game, ready to be built on and made into your own.That means that depending on your learning speed, you can have a working Battle Royale game completely finished in under a week. The lessons you will learn can be used to go on and make any other type of game you can think of.How is this possible?Unreal Engine 4 is completely free to use and is a AAA quality engine, used to make games such as Fortnite, Bioshock, Gears of War, and Borderlands. Unreal Engine ships with Blueprints, an industry standard tool that is the perfect gateway into the games industry for a beginner with no technical knowledge. Think of Blueprints as driving an automatic car: you'll be able to learn all the correct skills and concepts, without any extra distractions. It will also put you in a great position to go on to learn the more technical C++ language, if that is what you choose.Who is the teacher?The course is fully developed by Reuben Ward, who has been working professionally as an Unreal Engine Game Engineer, and has over 2 years experience working professionally developing Battle Royale games. He also has plenty of experience teaching game development, and his video tutorials have received over 1,500,000 views on YouTube.I understand how difficult Game Development can be when getting started, and that is why I love to take the technical boring parts of game development and make them as simple as possible. I hope you'll join me in making your own Battle Royale game!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Essential Excel: Go From Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Are you a total beginner who haven't used Excel before? Or a beginner who tried to follow tutorials or books, but got confused by the level of details you need to cover? Or even been using Excel at work for some time, but often get stuck at some tasks due to some gap in your knowledge?You've come to the right place!This course was designed with everyone in mind! Even if you haven't used Excel before, this course is for you!This course will start from the beginning, covering the fundamentals, and equip you with the tools you need to get up-and-running working with Excel.By the end of this course, you'll be able to accomplish most tasks you would face at your work, and at the sametime, you will be ready to take more advanced level Excel tutorials should you wish to."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Statistics for Data Science, Data and Business Analysis" |
"Are you seeking a career in Business Analytics, Business Analysis, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, or you want to learn Probability and Statistics for Data Science? Then you really need a solid background in Statistics! And .....This is the perfect course for you!Learning Statistics can be challenging, if you are not in a university setting. But with this course, you take a university-level Statistics course at your convenience, that will equip you with ALL the FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS critically important in Probability and Statistics, Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis.One of the most comprehensive Business Analytics course online!This course has both breadth of Statistics topics, and depth of content. By the end of this course, you would have mastered all the important fundamentals of Statistics.A hands-on course!This is NOT just another boring and theoretical course. It is a very practical course: With lots of insightful practice problems and exercises Full of real-world examples and case studiesWhy learn from me?I've designed this Statistics course for beginners in Probability and Statistics, Data Science, Data Analysis, Business Analysis and Business Analytics!I will provide premium support - so if you ever get stuck or have a question, just post it to the course dashboard and I'll be there to help you out!My goal is to make this the best Probability and Statistics, and Statistics for Data Science course online, and I'll do anything possible to help you learn.My Happiness GuaranteeIf you aren't happy with your purchase, I have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee.So what are you waiting for?Enroll now to this Statistics for Probability, Data Science and Data Analysis course and open doors to new careers! Feel free to check out the entire course outline or watch the free preview lessons.I'll see you inside the course!Cheers,Kashif"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Matrices: Learn the Foundations for Linear Algebra" |
"This is an introductory course on Matrices. It is intended for high school or undergraduate students, or professionals who want to brush up their knowledge of masic Algebra and Matrices. The course will lay a great foundation for advanced courses in Data Science, Algebra, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, etc.The course is very hands on, with lots of examples and practice problems. The instructor is always available to answer any questions or support you along this journey.You are also protected by the Udemy 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, so there is really no risk at all. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you are entitled to your money back, no questions asked! So what are you waiting for? Enroll now, and I'll see you in the class!Cheers,Kashif"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Loving What You Do" |
"In this course, find out how to love what you do and create the fascination that allows you to have more magic in your day.Presented in a unique way, these are strategies which are not found off the internet but are based on over 20 years of coaching clients. These tips, strategies and tactics are developed and used by Kelvin Lim, Founder of Executive Coach International.The methods taught in this course have been proven to help thousands of our clients over the past decade achieve greater career satisfaction and advancement in their careers.Is this course for me?This course is for people who are starting out in your career and looking for direction, or looking for a mid-career switch. It is for you, if you:Have found what you wanted to do, but struggling to find connection to the parts that you do not likeAre stuck in your job and want to find ways of making your job more interestingWant to find ways to make the mundane more interestingWhat are the benefits from taking this course?This course will help you learn:Strategies in creating interest in what you find mundaneHow to optimize your effectivenessHow to appreciate the process in what you doHow to connect what you do to what matters to you"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Digital Painting in Photoshop: Create Amazing Concept Art" |
"In this 6.8 hour course you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop CC to better create your digital art. This course has 27 lessons that move you through the entire process of creating a fully rendered character in full detail. ( Bonus Content )3 Additional lectures on painting wood, fire, and ice. Run time is45 Minutes and includes the PSD file to study from.In the first section you will learn the tools that I use and how I use them. You will learn about the layers and groups, the selections tools, dodge and burn, custom brushes and settings, blending modes, adjustment layers, layer styles, quick mask, and much more.You will then move through the illustrative process with me from the rough sketch to the digital painting. We will start with a pre-drawn pose that I have supplied and we work out the concept from there. You will learn how to rough sketch your ideas without jumping in too fast with refinements.This course can be completed with any drawing tablet. I am using a Wacom Intuos 4 to create this art and although I will be mentioning things about that device you can use any tablet with pressure sensitivity. Mainly so the brushes will react in the way that I explain them.I have designed this course to be a basic approach for beginner and intermediate digital painters to learn from. I created in the way that I would want to learn. This will not teach you everything about Photoshop but it will give you a firm understanding of how I use it to create my digital paintings every day.Bonus Content - With this course you get all the art files and my full Photoshop custom brush set ( 50 Pack ) to work along with.I am here if you have any questions and I would value your feedback so that I can continue to create better products for everyone. Thank you for your support. Good luck with your studies! :)Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Painting in Manga Studio 5 - Character Design" |
"In this Course you will learn How to Create a Fantasy Art Character from the rough sketch all the way to the finished paint work. We start with the drawing process and I explain how to make changes to the concept and not get too worried about everything being perfect in the beginning. There are lots of ways to edit the work and keep pressing forward within Manga Studio 5 / Clip Studio Paint.We will then cover how to lay in the base paint work and use that to create and save our selections. You will learn how to use the layers to aid in your painting process, as well as how to work in a non-destructive approach.Once the foundational information is in place we will begin to apply our digital painting effects with a variety of brushes. ( You will get access to all the brushes I use in this Course. )You will also learn how to create and apply a texture effect for the chain mail on the characters armor. We will be using the ""Distort"" and ""Mesh Transformation"" features to accomplish this.Through this course you will learn how to use : Layers and Groups, Combine Modes ( Blending Modes ), Custom Brushes, Hard and Soft Edge Shadows, Layer Masks, Quick Masks, Blending Brushes, Tonal Correction, Mirrored Windows, as well as General Drawing and Painting Techniques.This course is9 Hours and 17 Minutestotal run time.35Individual Lessons.You get theLayered Art Filesand theCustom Brushesto work along with.I am here if you have any questions or feedback for me to make this a better Course for everyone. So please feel free to let me know!Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Painting - Amazing Fantasy Art in CLIP STUDIO PAINT" |
"In this course you will learn how to digitally draw and paint a variety of fantasy art elements. You will learn how to create magical weapons, rock formations, power effects, foliage, and a fully detailed character step by step. You will be given all sorts of neat tricks and techniques to create this type of artwork while using the very powerful and affordable program Manga Studio 5 / Clip Studio Paint. This course starts with the basic elements andallows you to grow at your own pace until you are ready for the full character creation by the end.You will also get all the art files and custom brushes to study along with. I am here if you have any questions or feedback for me! Thank you for visiting my course and good luck with your studies!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Improve Your Creature Design Drawings - Step by Step" |
"In this course you will learn how to draw a variety of creature concepts step by step. You will learn the tricks and techniques that artists use each and everyday to improve their skills and draw these imaginative concepts with ease. You will learn how to create studies of the spine and why that is so important to understand. You will learn about combininganimals traits to create new concepts. You will learn how to quickly thumbnail lots of various ideas to spark creativity. You will also learn about the importance of proportions, working from a script, understanding the differences from predator to prey, and much more!In section 2 of this course you will complete a project file from a script to implement what you have learned. This will help you to understand how client work is done and what you need to accomplish in that process.In section 3 of this course you will learn how to create a creature transformation. We will start with a cute and friendly concept and transition it to something more aggressive looking. This can be a fun and informative way to practice what you have learned in this course.With this course you also get Q+A Video responses. So as great questions come in from you and other students, I answer them back and it makes for a better course experience for everyone!I am confident that you will find this course to be extremely valuable and it is supported with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.I am also here if you have any questions and feedback for me to make this course a better experience for everyone!Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Dynamic Comic Book Superheroes - Start to Finish" |
"In this course you will learn how to draw dynamic comic book superheroes step by step. You will work along with me as we break down all the major components that comprise the superhero comic characters that we know and love. You will learn about proportions, anatomy, suit design, foreshortening, rendering, perspective, and how to draw dynamic poses from your imagination. These action poses are essential to creating powerful characters that can tell an amazing story! If you want to improve your ability to draw a variety of characters effectively, then this course is for you. The techniques that I will teach you here can apply to all sorts of art styles. Everything from game art, comics, concept art, and even figure drawing. These methods will teach you how to draw imaginative bodies with confidence.You will also learn to pencil, ink, and color a fully detailed comic book scene from start to finish! This will allow you to put all of this knowledge to goo use. By implementing these techniques into a project file you will commit them to memory and you are welcome to share your project with our comic art community!I have also added 6 Lessons on Drawing Various Hand Poses - Step by Step! ( Based upon a student request. )I have also added 7 Lessons on Drawing Various Proportions and Body Types! ( 10-12-2019 ) I am very confident you will find this course to be a valuable asset in your educational collection but if you find anything that would make this a better experience for you and the other students, please let me know. I will be happy to improve the course content as well as add new lessons when needed.You also get all the art files to work along with throughout this course. Please share your artwork in the Q&A Section and I will give you any feedback that I can.I thank you for viewing my course and good luck with your art!Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Painting in Photoshop : A Beginner's Guide" |
"Welcome to my course, ""Digital Painting in Photoshop - A Beginner's Guide.""This course is designed to help you feel comfortable with painting inside of Photoshop. The lessons here are taught in an easy to understand way. You will learn how to use the basic tools that you need to get up and running with your own digital painting process very quickly. Photoshop has some extremely advanced capabilities but to utilize them, you must first master the fundamentals. That is exactly what this course is created for.Section 1 - The Introduction Video to this Course.Section 2 - You will learn the interface of Photoshop and how to navigate through it efficiently. You will learn many short cut commands as well as how the tools can be used from the perspective of an artist. We will cover the main tools for digital painting such as layers and groups, blending modes, brush settings, file sizes, selection tools, quick mask, rulers and guides, dodge and burn tool, color balance, transform tool, hue/saturation, and the smudge tool.Section 3 - In this course project you will work along side me in REAL-TIME as we create this space scene. This way you can implement all of the tools we have studied and learn how effective they can be. You will learn how to build up on the paint work to create depth. You will learn how to apply texture with basic brush settings. You will also learn how to study from reference and create your own painting. That way you are learning from the world around you while using your own artistic abilities to create the work.You will get a copy of the Layered Art File as well as my custom brush pack along with this course. ( Over 50 Custom Brushes! )I am here if you have any questions about this course. Feel free to contact me and let me know if you would like me to add any additional lessons. It is my goal to make this course an amazing experience for all of my students. It is my absolute honor to be your instructor and good luck with your studies!In this course, you also have a Q+A Section where we will cover your questions. I will respond back to any of your valuable requests by adding new video in the Q+A. This will give you a more interactive learning experience with this course!Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Amazing Backgrounds with Perspective - Step by Step" |
"Welcome to my Course, ""Drawing Amazing Backgrounds with Perspective - Step by Step."" This course will teach you how to use 1, 2, and 3 Point Perspective to create interesting and imaginative backgrounds. You will work with me as we draw an illustration for each example. This will allow you to learn not only how to use these powerful techniques but also how to create environments from imagination. You will learn a variety of techniques to create shapes with dimension through these lessons. Such as cubes, pyramids, archways, and angles. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how to draw rooms, buildings, brick walls, windows, furniture, and all in Linear Perspective!Things we will be Focusing on in this CourseCreative Design ThinkingExpressive Line MakingDepth + Scale within Our ScenesMapping Out Space in PerspectiveAdding Values for Portfolio or Client WorkCorrecting Flaws within the WorkUnderstanding the Cone of VisionThis course is designed to teach you how to draw detailed backgrounds step by step. You will be drawing an alleyway with one-point perspective, an interior room with two point-perspective, and a view looking up at various buildings using three-point perspective. These will each be created with a different style to give you the most versatile experience possible. It is important that you not only learn how to draw with perspective but also how to create a variety of styles with these techniques. I want my students to be able to relate this information to comics, storyboards, and animation. If you learn to be versatile as an illustrator you have a much greater chance of success. This is what I have experienced in my career and I want to share that with you! Drawing background with Linear Perspective is an extremely important asset to have as an artist. So let's get started right now and put Perspective Art in your toolbox!You also get a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not totally satisfied with this content. I am confident you will find tons of value in this course!I am here if you have any questions and I value your feedback!-Robert"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Certified Expert Practice Tests for Premiere Pro CC" |
"HI!My name is Aaron Wheeler, and I am an Adobe Certified Expert in Premiere Pro CC. I have personally taken the Adobe Certified Expert (ACE)exam for Premiere Pro CC andhave passed;obtaining my certification. Having this personalexperience of taking theexam has enabled me tocollect key takeaways andconcepts that you will need to fullyunderstand in order to pass the certification exam as well.This practice test course has been provided to help prepare those who are actively seeking accreditation as Adobe Certified Experts (ACE) for Premiere Pro CC.Here's a student that has passed the certification exam and credits this course in helping them succeed.""I have to thank you a lot, I've passed the exam!I think your practice tests have a lot to do with this, they give a very good idea of the general style of the exam and the types of questions.""I have structured this practice test courseafter the certification exam and it follows the same knowledge areas and core concepts covered in the exam, which are:Creating Projects & Setting Up the WorkspaceImport Organize & Selecting AssetsCreate a Sequence, Then Add & Adjust Media in a SequenceAdjust the Audio Properties of Clips & SequencesUse Effects, Transitions & TitlesUtilizing Metadata, Markers & Captioning DataExchange & Manage Media & ProjectsProving your expertisein Adobe Premiere Pro CCmight be all it takes to put your resume on top of the pile. So all you have to do now, is ENROLLTODAY!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Investment Banking - Demystifying Fed's Monetary Policy" |
"Understanding how a Central Bank's Monetary Policy is determined and implemented is crucial for trading financial markets. The same principles you learn here can be applied to any country's monetary policy.Financial and economic analysts are constantly trying to predict the Federal Reserve Bank's next move. In order tounderstand the Federal Reserve Bank's Monetary Policy webuild on multiple relationships, between -banking assets, liabilities; the fund market;money measures and multipliers; Federal Reserve Bank's objectives and tools; financial markets and more.Understanding how the Fed determines and implements its monetary policy is not a simpletask since it requires an understanding of multiple aspects of the financial and monetary system. In this course we build these relationships right from the basics.In order to understand basicfundamentals to form relationships between money,reserves and policy goals we study-Banking fundamentals - fractional reserve banking, banking reserves, ROEThemarket for thesupply and demand of funds (The Financial Account of the US)Monetary measuresCash, money and reservemultipliersMonetary impact on interest rates, exchange ratesThe functioning of the Federal Reserve BankRelationshipbetween the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve BankMonetary policy implementationtools-OMOs, Reserve ratios, Discount Window etc,The Fed Funds Market, Fed Funds Rate, Discount RateThe steps taken by the Fed to implement the monetary policyand much more...Take the free previews lessons and hope to see you soon.Thank you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Ukulele - Twinkle Twinkle - Become A Star!" |
"Learn to play Twinkle Twinkle on the ukulele. This course is aimed at beginners. There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.This course will start right at the beginning - showing you: what the different parts of the ukulele are,how totune the ukulele and how to use the resources for this course.We will then move ontoplaying the tune ofTwinkle Twinkle. By the end of the course, you well be able to play three different versions - the melody line on its own using fingerstyle, the chords using strumming and a developedversion combining the melody and chords together. This gives you a great introduction to the different sounds your ukulele can make.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs. The sheet music is alsoprovided for those who are interested but there is no need to be able to read them."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Ukulele - Happy Birthday - A Festive Serenade!" |
"Learn to play Happy Birthdayon the ukulele. This course is aimed at beginners. There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.This course will start right at the beginning - showing you: what the different parts of the ukulele are,how totune the ukulele and how to use the resources for this course.We will then move ontoplaying the tune ofHappy Birthday. By the end of the course, you well be able to play three different versions - the melody line on its own using fingerstyle, the chords using strumming and a developedversion combining thechords with a new rhythm. This gives you a great introduction to the different sounds your ukulele can make.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs. The sheet music is alsoprovided for those who are interested but there is no need to be able to read them."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Ukulele - Old MacDonald - Moo Moo, Oink, Quack!" |
"Learn to play Old MacDonald on the ukulele. This course is aimed at beginners. There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.This course will start right at the beginning - showing you: what the different parts of the ukulele are,how totune the ukulele and how to use the resources for this course.We will then move ontoplaying the tune ofOld MacDonald. By the end of the course, you well be able to play three different versions - the melody line on its own using fingerstyle, the chords using strumming and a developedversion: addingan introduction witha new way to play the melody with chords. This gives you a great introduction to the different sounds your ukulele can make.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs. The sheet music is alsoprovided for those who are interested but there is no need to be able to read them."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |