Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Laravel 2019 - how build API Microservices for laravel" |
"Have you ever had to build a website that also communicates with a mobile app and other websites? The website is expected to send data to the mobile app and to other sites. That's exactly what I am teaching in this course, how to build one of such platforms. All big web sites have microservices running at the background eg. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. It is the modern way to build platforms. That's why they are able to build mobile apps for their platforms and even open up APIs for developers around the world and make money selling access to such APIs.This course teaches you the easy, straightforward and robust way to build API and microservice platforms with Laravel. Have you ever had to build a website that also communicates with a mobile app and other websites? The website is expected to send data to the mobile app and to other sites. That's exactly what I am teaching in this course, how to build one of such platforms. All big web sites have microservices running at the background eg. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. It is the modern way to build platforms. That's why they are able to build mobile apps for their platforms and even open up APIs for developers around the world and make money selling access to such APIs.This course teaches you the easy, straightforward and robust way to build API and microservice platforms with Laravel. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin Trading 101 - how to buy and sell cryptocurrencies!" |
"You've heard about cryptocurrencies, and how people that invested in certainJanuary 2017 had their money multiply between 300 to 500 times before December 2017! There is almost no other investment you would have made in 2017 that would have yielded that many returns.Millionaires are being born everyday from cryptocurrencies -ex-barbers, ex-programmers, ex-sportsmenetc. Many millionaires were made in 2017 alone after their meagerinvestment multiplied so many times.Take a look at this list below, if you invested $1,000 in any of the coins listed below on january 1, 2017, by december 31 2017, you'd have had the gains listed below:Bitcoin => Profit of $14kEthereum => profit of $106kRipple =. profit of $362kLitecoin = profit of $58kMonero => profit of 27kDash =. profit of $100kSteem => profit of $34kNow you want to jump into this awesomewagon of cryptocurrency and ride the wave.This is the course for you.Cryptocurrencies and blockchains are very new technologies and aren't up to a decade yet,maybe that explains why people are able to make lots and lots of gains within just 12 months. This year, 2018, is the year of massive adoption, the rest of the world will jump on bitcoin.The value has been predicted to skyrocket from $10k to $1m before 2020.This is the one-stop course where you learnstep by step what the whole thing is about, where to invest and how every other thing is done so that you can then be able to make your own financial decision and hopefully become financially independent.In all my courses, as confirmed by thousands of my students,I teach only relevant and useful stuff.I make all concepts look beautiful and super interesting to try outand that's exactly what you will get from this course. Let's get started already!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 2019 course - multi-user roles/level & admin section" |
"If you have been wanting to learn how to add user roles, levels, permissions, admin dashboard etc to your app, then this is the course to learn.If you have taken any of my course (Dave Partner) in the past, then you should know that you are expecting a very high standard, well explained and well thought out course. The method I teach in this course will work on any framework, language or platform. So, not only will it work on Laravel 2019, it will work on all versions of laravel and even other frameworks such as CakePHP, Flask, CodeIgniter, RawPHP, Django etcSo tag along and lets go for a nice ride!If you have been wanting to learn how to add user roles, levels, permissions, admin dashboard etc to your app, then this is the course to learn.If you have taken any of my course (Dave Partner) in the past, then you should know that you are expecting a very high standard, well explained and well thought out course. The method I teach in this course will work on any framework, language or platform. So, not only will it work on Laravel 2019, it will work on all versions of laravel and even other frameworks such as CakePHP, Flask, CodeIgniter, RawPHP, Django etcSo tag along and lets go for a nice ride!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 2019 full course - super-fast prototyping techniques" |
"Have you ever found yourself building an app with Laravel and wished it can be done faster and with less code? Well, you are not alone, this is a well-known problem. Nobody likes manually creating that controller, model, resource, API, routes etc. This course shows you a simple trick that helps me build Laravel apps very fast and with little code. Using the prototyping and scaffolding techniques I'll introduce to you in this course, you'll build 2 weeks Laravel applications in 2 days. This method works for all versions of Laravel and newer up until the latest version of Laravel. Let's go there!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency security: never lose to fraud and theft!" |
"As cryptocurrency market opens up to more and more people, millionsof people's money are lost on a daily basis to hackers, cryptocurrency investmentmistakes, cryptocurrency frauds and bad practices.The increasing rate of cryptocurrency inspired suicide is one of the main reasons this course was created.It is very important that people learn early on what to expect from cryptocurrency investments, the best time to invest and how to protect themselves from loss ofproperties to armed robbers looking to steal bitcoin at gun point.As the cryptocurrency investment field advances, internet fraudsters invent new ways to defraud honest cryptocurrency investors. This course points out some of the major ways they do avoid getting defrauded.This course is a guide on how best to protect your investmentsfrom all these vices that come with cryptocurrencies. It contains rules every crypto investor must know"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 2019 socialite - social media login integration" |
"Let's be honest, filling forms on web pages is boring. Your users don't like it and many will prefer not to signup on your site rather than fill a long login form. This is one of the reasons social media login feature was introduced to Laravel.Reviews:""This is the best course I've taken social media integeration, I'm lucky I found this course"" - Joan""I've always followed Dave's course and like his style of teaching. He breaks everything down and makes it look so simple. I was expecting top quality on this course and I got more than I expected. Kudos"" - Francis""I like Dave's accent, it sounds like the ultimate accent every programming instructor should have"" - Danielle""Thanks for providing the source code for this course and making it Free too, I and my team appreciate from Netherlands"" - AprilAfter taking this course, you will be able to add social media signup and login functionality to your new or existing web application. This is a highly demanded course from lots of my studentsusers who have built functional websites but wish to make the signup and login much easier."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 2019 bootcamp - very comprehensive - 125 videos!" |
"Have you ever wished you could find this one tutorial that will teach you Laravel, PHP MVC, Front end development with bootstrap, css, html, blade etc completely and comprehensively? Well here it is finally.Over 120 videos, this course will take you step by step through all the awesome features of Laravel, comprehensively and beyond.A lot of topics were covered, in several instances I will take a detour just to spend more time explaining a concept very well. As we go deeper and deeper the style of teaching gradually changes as you get better at coding Laravel. All in all, you will end up exceptionally good with all the topics covered."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Object Oriented Programming(OOP) - Become a Master developer" |
"Object oriented programming is a way to write code such that it is more efficient and built around classes and objects. Its a standard around the world that every programmer must be good in.Many people failprogramming interviews that would have led them to a better paying jobs just because they failed the OOP questions. This Object Oriented Programmingcourse is centered around building your capacity in that area. Hopefully this is the best course you will find on this topic on the internet.There is a problem with many courses around the internet that Ihave seen on Object Oriented programming, they don't relate the concepts they have taught to real world examples. This course comes complete with two practical exercises on how to build real world applications with OOP.Feel free to ask any questions as you take each video. Welcome!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Test Driven Development(TDD) with Laravel - Trust but Verify" |
"As a PHP developer, you may use the Test-Driven Development (TDD) technique to develop your software by writing tests. Typically, TDD will divide each task of the development into individual units. A test is then written to ensure that the unit behaves as expected.Test driven development is a concept usually used in standard projects that many software developers surprisingly don't know.Every project that uses Test-Driven Development follows three simple steps repeatedly:Write a test for the next bit of functionality you want to add.Write the functional code until the test passes.Refactor both new and old code to make it well structured.Continue cycling through these three steps, one test at a time, building up the functionality of the system. Testing will help you to refactor, which allows you to improve your design over time and makes some design problems more obvious.The tests that contain small individual components are calledunit tests. While unit tests can be carried out independently, if you test some of the components when they are integrated with other components, you are doingintegration testing. The third kind of testing istest stubs. Test stubs allow you to test your code without having to make real calls to a database.Join me in this course as I expose you to whole new world of programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Komplettanleitung - Thrive Architect alles im Detail erklrt" |
"In diesem Kurs erlernt der Teilnehmer, wie Webseiten fr WordPress mit dem Plugin Thrive Architect (dem Nachfolger des Thrive Content Builder von Thrive Themes) erstellt werden.Alle Einstellungsmglichkeiten und Elemente werden in jeweils einzelne Videos erklrt. Der Kurs ist so aufgebaut, dass dieser auch als Nachschlagewerk genutzt werden kann.Zustzlich gibt es zum Austausch noch eine deutsche Facebook Gruppe und es knnen bei Bedarf bersetzungsdateien heruntergeladen werden (kostenpflichtig), die den Thrive Architect (und alle anderen Plugins/Themesvon ThriveThemes)in die deutsche Sprache bersetzen."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Digistore 24 - Eine Anleitung zu den ganzen Funktionen" |
"Dieser Kurs gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in Digistore24. Die Videos sind so aufgebaut, dass nach dem ersten berblick jeder einzelne Menpunkt in einem seperaten Video erklrt wird. Dadurch dient dieser Kurs auch spter als Nachschlagewerk. So lernen Sie wirklich alle Funktioinen von Digistore 24 kennen und nutzen am Ende das volle Potential."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Komplettanleitung - OptimizePress alles im Detail erklrt" |
"In diesem Kurs erlernt der Teilnehmer, wie Webseiten fr WordPress mit dem Plugin OptimizePress erstellt werden. Alle Einstellungsmglichkeiten und Elemente werden in jeweils einzelne Videos erklrt. Der Kurs ist so aufgebaut, dass dieser auch als Nachschlagewerk genutzt werden kann. Zustzlich gibt es zum Austausch noch eine deutscheFacebook Gruppe und es knnen bei Bedarf bersetzungsdateien heruntergeladen werden (kostenpflichtig), dieOptimize Pressin die deutsche Sprache bersetzen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ThriveThemes: Thrive Headline Optimizer - Der Komplettkurs" |
"Der komplette Thrive Headline Optimizer Video-Kurs.Der umfangreichste Video-Kurs zu diesem Thema: Es bleiben keine Fragen mehr offen!Der Thrive Headline Optimizer ist der schnellste Weg fr bessere Ergebnisse im Content-Marketing!Das einzige Plugin, das berschriften gegeneinander testen kann. Selbst, wenn Sie kein Zahlenmensch sind, geben Sie Ihre unterschiedlichen berschriften einfach ein und lassen den Rest durch den Thrive Headline Optimizer erledigen."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"ThriveThemes: Thrive Ovation - der Komplettkurs" |
"Thrive Ovation ist ein WordPress Plugin, das dafr sorgt, dass Sie sich um Ihre Testimonials nicht mehr kmmern mssen. Ob Sie fix bestimmte Testimonials einbinden wollen oder dynamische Testimonials zu bestimmten Produkten, all das geht vllig leicht mit Thrive Ultimatum. Dabei gibt es vielfltige Designs, die dezent, auffllig oder als Slider usw. die Testimonials in Scene setzen. Zustzlich knnen Sie Testimonials auf verschiedene Weisen einbinden und somit Ihren Kunden durch Fragen in einem Formular helfen, diese zu formulieren. Dadruch bekommen sie deutlich mehr Testimonials.In diesem Kurs wird jede Mglichkeit Schritt fr Schritt ausfhrlich erklrt. Da bleiben zum Thrive Ovation Plugin keine Fragen mehr offen."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"ThriveThemes: Thrive Ultimatum - der Komplettkurs" |
"Thrive Ultimatum ist das ultimative Scarcity Plugin fr WordPress. Nur mit Thrive Ultimatum sind Sie in der Lage 100% authentische Scarcity Kampagnen zu erstellen. Denn auch bei einem Browser-Wechsel, Gerte-Wechsel oder beim Lschen der Cookies, bleibt Countdown fr Angebot bestehen.Die Einrichtung der Kampagnen wird in diesem Kurs Schritt fr Schritt erstellt. Da bleiben absolut keine Fragen offen. Lernen Sie alle Funktionen von Thrive Ultimatum in deutscher Sprache hier in diesem Kurs."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DSGVO - Zusammenfassung und Tipps fr die Umsetzung" |
"In diesem Kurs habe ich dennoch alles Relevante zum Thema DSGVOzusammengetragen.Die Rechte des EinzelnenImpressum & DatenschutzerklrungVerarbeitungsverzeichnis und AuftragsverarbeitungEinsatz von Cookies & TrackingNewsletter und EinwilligungenDatenschutzbeauftragterMitarbeiterdaten Sie erhalten zustzlich Tipps und Anregungen, zur Umsetzung.Wichtiger Hinweis:Dieser Kurs ist keine Rechtsberatung und ersetzt diese auch nicht. Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben oder eine Rechtsberatung bentigen, kontaktieren Sie bitte einen Rechtsanwalt!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Rapid Prototyping in the Chrome Browser for UX Designers" |
"Would you like to create real web prototypes really fast?Are you tired of recreating entire pages in Sketchjust to make a few modifications? Would you like to make changes to an existing website with ease? Do you want to learn a new and exciting way of improving your design process?If so, this course is for you!My name is Drew, and I ama Product Designerwith more than 5 years of experience working at startups (currently working at Udemydesigning the site you are on right now!).In this course, Iwill teach you how to quickly and easily create prototypes live in your Chrome browser using the Chrome Dev Tools. This will allow you to test out ideas in the real context that a user will experience them by: - Editing text live - Editing the styling of elements in real-time - Changing the style of multiple elements at once - Changing the order of elements on a page -Changing the hover state of elements - Creatingand re-usingcomponents from other parts of your site or your style guideAdditionally, I will show you how to save and share your work with others for quick feedback, whether it is with other designers in your company, product managers, VPs, or end users.Getting to a super quick yet high fidelity prototype will allow you toiterate and get feedback more frequently and easily, and as a result, build a better product overall.I hope you enjoy the course, and if you have any questions, I am here and willing to help!***BONUS!***I will provide you with a chrome extension I built myself to help you avoid a common pitfall of using the chrome dev tools :)Cheers,Drew KochProduct Designer, Udemy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) Complete Course & Practice Exam" |
"** Taught by a Best Selling IT Certification Instructor **** COMPLETED UPDATED AND REDESIGNED FOR THE CS0-002 EXAM **This course provides everything you need in order to study for the CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst+ (CySA+) (CS0-002) exam, including a downloadable Study Guide (PDF), quizzes to check your knowledge as you progress through the videos, and a full-length practice exam to test your knowledge before test day!Taught by an expert in information technology and cybersecurity with over 20 years of experience, this course is a fun way to learn what you need to know to pass the CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst+ (CySA+) (CS0-002) exam or to better prepare yourself to serve on your organization's cyber defense team. The CompTIA CySA+ (Cybersecurity Analyst+) (CS0-002) certification is a vendor-neutral certification that validates your knowledge and ability to conduct intermediate-level cybersecurity skills. This certification fills the gap between the entry-level CompTIA Security+ exam (for those with about 1 year in the field) and the advanced-level CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (for those with at least 5 years in the field). The CompTIA CySA+ exam is focused on the technical, hands-on details of the cybersecurity field, including not only cyber threats, secure network architecture, and risk management, but also the ability to perform log analysis, configuration assessments, and more. This CySA+ (CS0-002) course is designed for IT Security analysts, vulnerability analysts, threat intelligence analysts, or anyone who is trying to get a better understanding of the concepts involved in conducting cybersecurity analysis, to include threat management, vulnerability management, cyber incident response, security architecture, and the toolsets associated with these cybersecurity efforts. To help you practice for the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) exam, this course even comes with a realistic practice exam containing an 85 multiple-choice questions spread across the five domains tested by the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-002) certification exam! This course will provide you with full coverage of the five domains of the CySA+ (CS0-002) exam: Threat and Vulnerability Management (22%)Software and Systems Security (18%)Security Operations and Monitoring (25%)Incident Response (25%)Compliance and Assessment (13%)This course stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA CySA+ exam (CS0-002), and also provides a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!This course is brought to you by Dion Training Solutions, a CompTIA Platinum Delivery Partner, and aligns directly with the OFFICIAL CompTIA CySA+ CS0-002 Certification Study Guide.What Other Students Are Saying About Our Courses:Jason Dion always has some of the best courses. This is the third CYSA+ course I bought from different vendors to see which one would help me more and like always this has already caught my attention and kept me focused the entire time. Other courses have too many distracting factors, unlike this one. I will always recommend Jason Dion. (Luis, 5 stars)Great course, very detailed. Passed the exam on the first try. I have recommended this course to everyone I know in the security industry trying to pass the CySA+ exam. (Jose D., 5 stars)I have really enjoyed and learned a lot from this course. I used Jason's course to pass the Network + on my first attempt, I am expecting that this course will enable me to pass the CySA+, too! (Leone W., 5 stars)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEHv10) Exams #UNOFFICIAL#" |
"""Certified Ethical Hacker"" and ""CEH""is a registered trademark of EC-Council and this course is not licensed, endorsed or affiliated with EC-Council in any way.These UNOFFICIALCertified Ethical Hacker (CEH 312-50 v10)PracticeExams provide you with realistic test questionsand provide you withinteractive, question-level feedback.In this course, I willprepare you for what it is will be liketo take the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)Certification Exam. With 4practice exams, each of which is timed at 100minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each questionto put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.This practice examcourse is an UNOFFICIAL course made by an instructor who holds the Certified Ethical Hacker certification to help provide you additional study questions after you havetaken an official training from Ec-Council.These practice examquestions are based on the Exam Objectives for EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH)exam for all areas of the exam(Background, Analysis/Assessment, Security, Tools/Systems/Programs, Procedures/Methodology, Regulation/Policy, and Ethics) to help better prepare you for the real certification exam.You won't behoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 90% or higher on them, you will be ready toPASSonthe first attempt and avoid costly re-take fees, saving you time and money.You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation andfeedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.This course is frequently updated to ensure it stayscurrent and up-to-datewith the latest release of the certification exam, and also provides you witha 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!What Other Students Are Saying About This UNOFFICIAL Practice ExamCourses:Excellent check on learning. Author has been extremely responsive and attentive when questions or concerns arise. I highly recommend this for anyone looking to verify their knowledge before taking the test.(Darrell, 5 stars)What I like most about his courses are the explanation of why an answer is correct [and]his prompt response to my questions. (Jin, 5 stars)Used a book and this course, passed first take. (Michael, 5 stars)Excellent study questions and preparation for the exam. (Christopher, 5 stars)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Risk Management for Cybersecurity and IT Managers" |
"Have you ever wondered why your organization's executives or your manager made a decision to fund or not fund your project?In this course, you will get an inside look at how cybersecurity and information technology (IT) managers determine which projects they will support with funding and which they won't based on a preliminary risk analysis. Over the past two decades, I have worked in the cybersecurity and information technology realm, fighting for my projects to become funded. Early in my career, I didn't understand why certain projects would be funded and executed, while others wouldn't. What I learned, is that it all came down to Risk Management by our executives and managers.You will learn the terms used by executives and managers in discussing Risk Management, and how to apply the concepts of Risk Management to your networks, systems, and projects. This course is not an operational or tactical course that focuses on how you will secure your networks, but instead focuses on the mindset of managers and teaches you how to think like they do. Once you master these concepts, it is much easier to build your business case for your projects and justify your budgetary needs.Throughout this course, we will discuss what comprises Risk (assets, threats, and vulnerabilities), providing numerous real world examples along the way. We will also cover Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Measurements, showing how you can calculate the risk of an uncertainty due to vulnerabilities and threats.This course also includes two case studies of what happens when risk management fails, as demonstrated by the Amazon Web Services outage and Equifax data breach that both occurred in 2017. You will learn to better understand these scenarios, what caused the outage/breach, and why managers may have made the decisions they did that led up to them."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Motivate yourself to practice guitar" |
"If I miss one day of practice, I notice it. If I miss two days, the critics notice it. If I miss three days, the audience notices it. Jan Paderewski(18601941) Polish pianistThe importance of practicing the instrument is well understood from most of the students and parents.This course is not about what exercises or scales to practice, it is rather to provoke you to think in a bit different direction. You will learn: how to motivate yourself and bring back your enthusiasm, how to organize yourself and how to establish your practice routine, how to make your practice time more efficient more productive and the most important, how to make your practice time more enjoyable.The course is designed in three virtual the first one you will understand: more about the music as an activity, about yourself as an aficionado and music lover, about the components of the guitar lesson.All that will help you understand, how you got here and why are you struggling. In other words, we will try to locate and explain the complications that you may have.In the second part you will learn: what you should work on, what aspects of your assumptions about the music will need to be reconciled and cleared? You will learn about the necessity of defining your musical goals.Finally, in the third part you will learn step by step: How are you going to solve your problems what things you need to do in order to benefit from your guitar activities? How to establish your daily routine and how to stick to it. What to do with your routine once you establish it How to improve and keep your motivation and enthusiasm. How to make your everyday practice time feel enjoyable. How to prepare yourself for upcoming concert or performance. How to behave on stage, in general, or in an informal setting while performing your music."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Certification Foundation Level - Practice Test" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mmoire sous Hypnose" |
"** BIENVENUE DANS LA FORMATION UNIQUE ""MMOIRE SOUS HYPNOSE"" **La premire formation o lepouvoirde lhypnose et la puissance des techniques de mmorisationsont runis au service de votre mmoire!Vous prouvez des difficults pour retenir ce que vous apprenez oupourmmoriser de nouvelles informations? Alors vous tes au bon endroit!LExpert de la mmoireet des techniques d'apprentissageFranois Trsorier sest alli avec lHypnothrapeute Adrien Smajdor pour vousproposer une formation unique,une approche novatricequi vous permettra de dcupler vos facults mmorielles par 5.Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre comprendre et utiliser votre inconscient et votre mmoire de manire optimale grce lHypnose et aux Techniques de Mmorisation.Bientt vous aurez toutes les cls en main pour dvelopper un panel de comptences complet qui vous permettra de mmoriser de nouvelles informations5x plus rapidement!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"BB Call vs Button Raise: Perfecting Button Poker Play" |
"In this online course, you will learn how to perfect your play as the button aggressor after the big blind defends vs your raise. I will show you preflop ranges I currently use, go over a variety of postflop situations with you in PioSolver, and review hundreds of examples of hands I have played in my Hold'em Manager pertaining a bb call vs a btn raise. After taking this course, you should immediately be able to win more money when you get in these common situations yourself."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Automation: How To Set Up Autoblogging System For Your Blog" |
"Cash inA$500-$3000 monthlywith a fully-automated blog without you really doing muchEXPERIENCE THE POWER OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEWe are in the era of artificial intelligence. You can see this in the life of Mark Zukerberg, the founder of Facebook. He created a Robot, named Jarvis for his home. Jarvis does the basic household chores for him, ranging from toasting of bread and othersYou don't need to spend all your time updating our blog anymore. Let a Robot do it for you. Everything based on automationHAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO BLOG BEFORE?If you have ever tried to start a blog before now, you will agree with me that blogging isn't easy at all. Especially at the beginning stage, when no money is coming in, yet you will have to sit down and write and post contents to your blog. If not, you won't get any traffic (Meaning, nobody will visit your blog). For this, you'll have to spend a great deal of your time, creating and posting contents on your blog, just to keep it active and engage your visitors. It's not a pleasant journey at all.But with an automation, using a Robot, that's a thing of the past. You no more have to spend all your time and effort, creating contents for your blog or doing copy and paste from other people's blogs. You just relax, a robotwill doall that for you. With an automation, you have the opportunity to take advantage of quality contents from authority blogs without you lifting a finger. You just get everything into your own blog, even when you're sleeping. Not only that, your Social Media accounts will also be getting updated automatically with all the blog posts. Besides all these, you're getting a mobile app for your blog. And to crown it all, you're not only monetizing your website, you're also monetizing the mobile app. Meaning, you will be getting paid from both website and the mobile apps. All these and many more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Custom Domain Email for FREE (e.g" |
"Do you know that you're losing a lot of clients or prospects by using your personal email address instead of your Brand Custom Domain Email Address?This Course is a Step-By-Step Video Tutorials that will show you.How To Create and Manage your own Custom Domain Email Address for FREE (e.g Without using G-Suite and even if you don't have a websiteAs a Business Person, having your own Custom Domain Email Address (e.g OR gives you a high regard and competitive advantage over your competitors.Imagine if your Business Name is John Abraham Group, and you having your own Custom Domain Email Address as: or even if you don't have a website. And the beautiful part of this is that you can do all these easily by yourself in less than 10 minutes.-Without having to hire or pay a developer,-Without having to pay for G-Suite-Without even having a websiteHaving your own Custom Domain Email Address will give you a great carriage when discussing deals with your prospects, making you look like a big brand and win contracts with ease.-You can easily create and manage as many Custom Domain Email Addresses as you want by yourself within 5 minutes-You can send Custom Mails to your prospects, partners, clients, etc, such that a Custom Message with a Custom Email Address ( is received by your recipient-You can use the Custom Domain Email Address to receive mails from your partners, prospects,clients, etc.-Any mail you receive through your Custom Domain Email Address can be forwarded instantly to your personal email address, e.g, your Gmail or Yahoo Mail Address, such that all the emails sent to your Custom Email Address ( are also copied to your personal email address.-You can create autoresponses for any of your Custom Domain Email addresses, such that if anyone sends an email to you, they get a reply instantly even while you're sleeping. The message will go to them directly from your Custom Domain Email Address.All these and many more.These are great ways of promoting your brandAnd this Video Tutorial is less than an hour, meaning, you can learn and do all these by yourself right now. Tomorrow is even too far.This will obviously take your brand to the next level in business. With this, you can easily win a lot of contracts. You can't imagine how many contracts you have lost by using your personal email addressSo, hit the add to cart button and take your business to the next level"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Communicate Better with Your Dear Seniors" |
"This course teaches you how to talk to your dear Seniors in order to avoid stress and improve your relationships - during crisis or normal times. Everyone who uses these strategies when talking to people over 65, has developped strong connections with them while being a likeable person. If you get nervous or unsure of what to talk about when you meet a Senior, or how to maintain a relationship with them, then this course is for you! Join now and start making your life easier and better with simple changes in your way of communicating with Seniors from the family, neighbors or other important older persons near you!This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and lifetime access to course material, including updates and additions, and can be accessed on computers, iOS devices and Android. You will also receive a certificate of completion on finishing the course. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to build your own PHP MVC Framework" |
"Learn the basic concepts of using a model-view-controller framework that will make your PHP projects faster, easier to write and maintain, and more secure.Learn to PHP-MVC Creating your own framework.Model-view-controller (MVC) pattern conceptsBuild an MVC framework in PHP from scratchSeparate application code from presentation codeUse namespaces and an autoloader to load classes automaticallyTake your PHP Projects to the Next LevelLearning how to use an MVC framework puts a very powerful tool at your fingertips. Most commercial websites and web applications written in PHP use some sort of framework, and the MVC pattern is the most popular type of framework in use.The gap between knowing PHP and using a framework can be huge. This course bridges that gap. By writing your own framework from scratch, you'll gain an understanding of just how each component works. Frameworks like Laravel, Symfony and CodeIgniter all use the MVC pattern, so understanding how an MVC framework is put together will give you a strong background to more easily learn frameworks such as these.Content and OverviewI designed this course to be easily understood by programmers who know PHP but don't know how to use a framework. Are you putting database code and HTML in the same PHP script? Want to know why this is a bad idea? Want to know how to do it better?Starting with the basic concepts of MVC frameworks, this course will take you through all the steps needed to build a complete MVC framework, a piece at a time.Beginning with a single PHP script, each lecture explains what you're going to add to the code and why, building up the framework step by step. At the end of this course, you'll have built a complete MVC framework in PHP, ready to use in your own projects.Complete with working source code at every stage, you'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Who is the target audience?This PHP MVC course is meant for those who already know PHP but want to know how they can improve their code by using a framework. This course is not for you if you don't already know PHP.The gap between learning PHP and using a framework can be large - if you've just learnt PHP and you're wondering what the next step might be, this course is for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to build CRUD app (golang) TCP gRPC Mongo" |
"Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to buildsimple, reliable, and efficient software.Go is an amazing choice for a language as it wasdeveloped by some of the same individuals who created the C programming language, Unix, and UTF-8- some of the most influential contributions to computer science. Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created Go to be a modern language that easily uses multiple cores, easily implements concurrency, easily works in distributed environments, and easily allows the programmer to write programs - it has a very lean and user-friendly syntax.Go was created byluminaries in computer scienceat one of the best, if not the very best, software engineering firm to have ever existed - Google.The credentials of Go are unsurpassedIn my opinion,Go is the best programming language that you can used for web development today.I began programming in 2005 with Borland Builder, I have worked with many languages, and Go is the best language which I have ever used. Go is alsothe top-paid programming language in Americatoday.Come learn aboutthe greatest programming languageever created. You will leave with resources and code samples to start making all of your software and apps really go.What knowledge & tools are required?You should install go sdk, editor for coding application. This course starts at the level if you have already expirience in codingand open to get a new knowledegs"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to build chat messaging app with(golang)" |
"Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to buildsimple, reliable, and efficient software.Go is an amazing choice for a language as it wasdeveloped by some of the same individuals who created the C programming language, Unix, and UTF-8- some of the most influential contributions to computer science. Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created Go to be a modern language that easily uses multiple cores, easily implements concurrency, easily works in distributed environments, and easily allows the programmer to write programs - it has a very lean and user-friendly syntax.Go was created byluminaries in computer scienceat one of the best, if not the very best, software engineering firm to have ever existed - Google.The credentials of Go are unsurpassedIn my opinion,Go is the best programming language that you can used for web development today.I began programming in 2005 with Borland Builder, I have worked with many languages, and Go is the best language which I have ever used. Go is alsothe top-paid programming language in Americatoday.Come learn aboutthe greatest programming languageever created. You will leave with resources and code samples to start making all of your software and apps really go.What knowledge & tools are required?You should install go sdk, editor for coding application. This course starts at the level if you have already expirience in codingand open to get a new knowledegs"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to build applications with Javascript ES6" |
"RequirementsModern web browserBasic HTML/CSS knowledge is helpful but not requiredDescription""This course has made clear to me many obscure concepts about JS. I've tried to learnit for years. This makes it easy.""In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of coding in JavaScript, including ES6. You will learn how to change what is displayed on a webpage using JavaScript.No prior experience in JavaScript is required.We will explore ES6 in depth and cover many of its new features. You will learn the newest possibilities and fundamental building blocks of JavaScript.What is ES6?With ES6 (ECMAScript 6th Edition), you can code for the web. ECMAScript is another name for JavaScript. ES6 has standardized features that JavaScript engines implement. ES6 is well-supported across different web browsers.You too can become a web developer by learning the popular programming language JavaScript.Enroll today to join the Mammoth community.Who is the target audience?JavaScript beginnersJavaScript developers who want to learn ES6"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |