Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Think Like A Pro Java Programmer" |
"In programming it is crucial, to have an excellent grasp of the current material, before continuing to the next one. Although usually in class there is a lack of time to really stay and repeaton hard topics or it may be hard to concentrate at a particular moment or for a long periods of time, but then the teacher goes on the next topic and since it relies on the previous one.. It would be even harder to follow..Therefore I have prepared this course for you. My approach is to have a solid foundations in the most essential programming knowledge and over explain these topics as they are so important, and by that you will be able to further your knowledge and know exactly what you are doing, instead of only knowing by theory.Once you are trained in thinking like a programmer, you will be able to grasp new study materials in the future, since you have mastered similar things in different forms and gotten used to a new kind of thinking and learning.Thinking Like a Pro Java Programmer was designed to make you understand and be confident programmers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
innovative-e-portfolio-in-education |
"(-) . , - . - , . , . 12 01.09.2016 ., , , , - , , , , .E- . - -, , 21- . "" -"" , o."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impromptu public speaking mastery: always ready to speak!" |
"This course is for those who don't want to feel stupid because of having nothing to say in front of a camera oran audience.It is OK to feel lost because of stress that so many of us experience during public communication. But it doesn't mean that it has to stay that way.This course contains a set of exercises to develop your eloquence, so that you will sound as if you have a prepared speech for any occasion, even though it is justyour ability to get your thoughts together and to imrovise on a spot."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BIM applications for Roads, Highways & Transportation design" |
"The BIM applications course has been completed in the design of roads and trafficThe course is not only an application of the BIM technology in the design, but it is considered that the course will deal with all the design elements of the roads in accordance with the methodology of the global design code and the transition from the elementary level of the student to the advanced level of the professional engineer is taken into account as follows:1 - study the interface of the program infraworks2. How modal works to simulate reality with the model builder3 - How to design the initial design and put more than one design proposal4 - Adding roads, people and buildings to the project5- Designing parking spaces and public location6- Adding and preparing new elements for the project7. Surface analysis and cantor study8 - standards of road design according to code AASHTO9 - Design of the horizontal route of the road10- Designing the vertical path of the road11 - Design of stations and bus stops on the side of the road12- Studying the elements of road protection.13- Design criteria for surface intersections according to AASHTO14- Modeling and design of intersections15- Modeling and design roundabout rotors13- Design criteria for surface intersections and interchanges according to AASHTO14 - Modeling and design of surface intersections interchanges15 - Study and modeling traffic16 - Calculation of quantities for cutting and filling and all elements of roads."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Product Owner & Scrum Product Owner Certification" |
"NEW: After receiving high demand for it, we have added ""Preparation for Scrum Product Owner certification tests "" lecture. This course will save you hundreds of dollars on Scrum training and help you to pass Scrum Product Owner certification test in your first try.What will you learn? In this course you will learn the basics of scrum and get into details on the responsibilities of the product owner in scrum teams and how to manage products in an agile environment. At the end of this course you will not only learn about the product owner role in scrum but also will have detailed knowledge on scrum to direct your team using the best practices of agile and scrum. This course will provide you with a certification but also help you to pass the official professional product owner certification test of other organisations and become a certified scrum product owner.New Addition: We have added an article to this course to get into details of User Stories and the INVEST technique and also added the slides in PDF format in the resources section of each lecture.This course has 29 lectures, 3 of them text articles.Why this course?Because ICAN Consultancy has trained hundreds of Product Owners and we get constant feedback from their experience. Course content is prepared with this practical experience from numerous Scrum implementations and product management practices.While getting fed from field experience this course also sticks to Scrum guide book and agile manifesto. So, you will learn both practical tips especially about soft skills of a Product Owner and the theory behind the Product Owner role in Scrum teams. You will be able to ask me questions and I will respond to all of them in detail Who should take this course? This course is useful for scrum masters, scrum product owners, product managers who will transition to agile environments or product managers who will start their journey as a newbie. Business analysts, testers, software developers can also step into their product owner role journey with this course. You dont need any background or expertise for this course.Disclaimer: this course has professional voice overTerms of use: This course is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Generic License ( This course has some passages being used without making any changes from Scrum Guide and the original version can be found at """" and it is attributed to Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, the originators of Scrum. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Agile Transformation and Scaled Agile" |
"Our Agile courses have been carefully designed by our in-house team to provide you with the opportunity to learn the key skills and latest thinking in Agile. In this course we will show you how to safely and pragmatically introduce agile into any size organization, also give you information on 2 major enterprise level agile frameworks, SAFe and Nexus. You will find examples from real case studies and suggestions from industry leaders. This course is useful for scrum masters, scrum product owners, project managers and agile coaches who will manage an agile transformation project. At the end of this course you will have the necessary knowledge to manage agile transformation not only in SMEs but also in large enterprises. When you finish this course you will also receive a certification that you can reference to in your further job applications.This is not a beginner course so if you don't have any experience or knowledge about agile practices like SCRUM please take one of our beginner courses; either Scrum and Product Owner Role or Scrum and Scrum Master Role before you start this one.Disclaimer: this course has professional voice over"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"GDPR Certification & Preparation to CIPP Certification Test" |
"NEW: We have added an article to explain the differences and similarities of GDPR and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)The course is a complete A to Z GDPR training, so we will cover everything that you need to know.Our GDPR training course offer a structured learning path to equip professionals with the specialist knowledge and skills needed to deliver GDPR compliance and also fulfil the role of data protection officer.Delivered by an experienced and certified GDPR consultant, our training is built on the foundations of our extensive practical experience gained advising on GDPR compliance and related information security standards.This course provides a complete introduction to the GDPR, and an overview of the implications and legal requirements for organisations, including responding to individuals exercising their data rights, data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) and data breach reporting. As a student of this course, you will also get regular updates and access to new additional lectures as they are added. This course will not only teach you all the details of GDPR but also includes all the information you need to pass the CIPP/E certification test. There is a dedicated lecture which includes example questions and answers. After your comments we have also added a case study section where you can find different case studies. This course comes with the GDPR Course Completion Certificate to show you completed the course and is ideal for your career portfolio and CPD purposes.Remember this course comes with 'LIFETIME ACCESS' giving you an amazing ongoing reference resource."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Optimismus lernen - Leicht gemacht" |
"Optimismus lernen - Leicht gemachtDu willst einen gesunden Optimismus aufbauen?Du weit aber nicht wo du beginnen sollst und wie du starten sollst?Du stehst noch ganz am Anfang deiner persnlichen Weiterentwicklung?Dieser Kurs ist bewusst einfach und verstndlich gehalten, damit auch Anfnger die Inhalte mit Leichtigkeit verstehen und in die Praxis umsetzen knnen. In diesem Kurs geht es um:Die Mentalitt eines OptimistenPositive Lebenseinstellung entwickelnGesundes Optimismus aufbauenPraxis Wissen fr die PraxisIn diesem Kurs geht es nicht um:Wie voll oder wie leer das Glas istOb der Optimist oder der Pessimist Recht hatSchnelle SupertricksGeheimformel oder hnlichesDein NutzenDu wirst eine positive Geisteshaltung aufbauenDu wirst dich persnlich weiterentwickeln und strkenDu wirst fokussierter und ein ProblemlserBonus: DownloadPower Suggestionen Mp3Ich freue mich, dich in diesem Kurs begren zu drfen!Dein Cahit Sahin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Selbstwertgefhl strken - Leicht gemacht" |
"Selbstwertgefhl strken - Leicht gemachtHast du auch das Gefhl, dass du von deinem Umfeld wenig Anerkennung und Respekt bekommst?Hast du auch das Gefhl, dass deine Mitmenschen, deine Freunde, deine Verwandte und deine Arbeitskollegen dich fr deine Dienste, fr dein Tun nicht wertschtzen?Hast du auch das Gefhl, dass du mehr gegen dich bist, als fr dich?Willst du endlich deine Gedanken die dich innerlich sabotieren loswerden?Willst du endlich dein Selbstwertgefhl steigern und dich persnlich weiterentwickeln?Wenn du jetzt in dir ein JA hrstDann ist der Kurs fr dich richtig!Du wirst in diesem Kurs lernen, wie du mit Leichtigkeit deinen Selbstwertgefhl steigerst und dich persnlich strkst.Dein NutzenDu wirst dich mehr mgenDu wirst innerlich freierDu wirst dich annehmen knnen wie du bistDu wirst ein positives Selbstbild habenBonus: DownloadPower Suggestionen Mp3Ich freue mich, dich in diesem Kurs begren zu drfen!Dein Cahit Sahin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Selbstvertrauen strken & aufbauen - Leicht gemacht" |
"Selbstvertrauen aufbauen - Leicht gemachtDu willst mit Leichtigkeit und unkompliziert Selbstvertrauen aufbauen?Du willst deinen Glauben an dich selbst festigen?Du willst mehr Mut und innere Strke entwickeln?Du willst deine Strken erkennen und entfalten?Du willst deine Grenzen sprengen und dich persnlich weiterentwickeln?Wenn du jetzt in dir ein JA hrstDann ist der Kurs fr dich richtig!Du wirst in diesem Kurs lernen, wie du mit Leichtigkeit Selbstvertrauen aufbaust und dich persnlich strkst.Dein NutzenDu wirst mehr an dich selbst glaubenDu wirst mehr Mut und Selbstvertrauen aufbauenDu wirst deine Strken bewusst werdenDu wirst persnlich wachsenBonus: DownloadPower Suggestionen Mp3Ich freue mich, dich in diesem Kurs begren zu drfen und dich zu untersttzen ein starkes Selbstvertrauen aufzubauen!Dein Cahit Sahin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Siegermentalitt entwickeln - Leicht gemacht" |
"Siegermentalitt entwickeln - Leicht gemachtDu willst dich mental strken?Du willst Herausforderungen anpacken und meistern?Du willst Rckschlge, Niederlagen und ngste berwinden?Du willst dein Mindset, deine innere Einstellung verbessern?Du willst deinen Glauben an dich selbst festigen?Wenn du jetzt in dir ein JA hrstDann ist der Kurs fr dich richtig!Du wirst in diesem Kurs lernen, wie du mit Leichtigkeit Siegermentalitt entwickeln und dich persnlich strkst.Dein NutzenDu wirst mit Rckschlgen besser umgehenDu wirst innere Strke aufbauenDu wirst mehr Gedankenordnung habenDu wirst eine positive Geisteshaltung aufbauenBonus: DownloadPower Suggestionen Mp3Ich freue mich, dich in diesem Kurs begren zu drfen und dich zu untersttzen ein Siegermentalitt aufzubauen!Dein Cahit Sahin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vom Ziel zum Erfolg - Leicht gemacht" |
"Vom Ziel zum Erfolg - Leicht gemachtDu willst unkompliziert Ziele setzen lernen?Du willst dein Unterbewusstsein auf deine Ziele programmieren, damit du deine Ziele erreichst?Du willst dich persnlich weiterentwickeln und dich innerlich strken?Du willst Beharrlichkeit und Durchhaltevermgen entwickeln?Du willst dein Mindset, deine innere Einstellung verbessern?Wenn du jetzt in dir ein JA hrstDann ist der Kurs fr dich richtig!Dein NutzenDu wirst Klarheit ber deine Ziele habenDu wirst dein Mindset strkenDu wirst persnlich wachsenDu wirst lernen Herausforderungen zu meisternDu wirst lernen wie du deine Ziele in dein Unterbewusstsein einprogrammierstBonus DownloadPower Suggestionen Mp3Ich freue mich, dich in diesem Kurs begren zu drfen und dich zu untersttzen, damit du deine Ziele erreichst!Dein Cahit Sahin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Developers: Create a Plugin #1 - Shortcodes" |
"This class is not a beginner level.Here is what you need to know when you want to learn WordPress plugin development.1) You should have a basic understanding of HTML2) You should have a fair knowledge about CSS3) You should know how to program in PHP4) You should have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and jQueryIn this class, I will show most of the examples running in my local environment.The course will not teach, how you can set up a development system for WordPress, but you can find useful resources, where you can learn it.For example, my fellow teacher Laurence Svekis has an excellent class named ""Setup XAMPP run a local server web development.""I recommend watching his class if you want to learn how to setup a local web server, where you can install and run WordPress for local development.He is also teaching a class named ""Quick Learning PHP for Beginners,"" so if you are not a PHP programmer yet, you can start there.You should also be familiar using a code editor.I am using sublime text, but you can use any code editor that you are familiar with, for example, Notepad++, Atom, Coda, or Brackets.I also assume that you know what WordPress is and how to work with it as a regular user or webmaster.If you need basic knowledge about this, check out my class series here on Udemy that is named ""Zero to Hero Webmaster.""These classes will teach you how to set up WordPress and how to use it as a professional website for your business.This class is for developers, who wants to learn to build WordPress plugins from scratch."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Developers: Create a Plugin #2 - Member Directory" |
"This course will show how to create a member listing plugin.The plugin was originally a request from a client of mine, so this is a real-world example that I have developed in a similar manner for a real customer.It is using the plugin template from Hugh Lashbrooke.It's also using a plugin for custom fields (CMB2).The finished plugin will have these features:1) It defines a custom post type ""directory.""2) It defines a custom taxonomy ""cities"" for the directory entries.3) It adds the custom fields ""Company Name"" and ""Address.""4) It creates a shortcode to display a search form on a page.5) It implements a custom WordPress query to search by name and taxonomy.6) It can import CSV files, so that you can batch-insert new data from an Excel table.The class contains step-by-step instructions to make it easy to follow the instructions. You can also download the final plugin and just use it and make your own modifications to it."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda fundamentos de eletrnica com simulador - mdulo 1" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo capacitar o aluno na compreenso do funcionamento de componentes eletrnicos atravs do uso de simulador. O uso de simulador possibilita que o aluno aumente rapidamente sua curva de aprendizagem observando o funcionamento dos componentes sem a necessidade de compr-los ou tendo o risco de queim-los. No curso so abordados os principais componentes passivos de eletrnica, tais como resistores, capacitores, indutores, LDR e rels, analisando os comportamentos desses componentes em um circuito eltrico. O foco do curso no funcionamento e simulao dos componentes, no abordando as complexas frmulas matemticas requeridas por um curso de engenharia. Comece imediatamente a montar circuitos eletrnicos de maneira rpida, fcil e econmica. O uso do simulador gratuito."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"American Accent and Phonetics" |
"American Accent and Phonetics course will help you to learn: American phonetics,linking sounds,accent reduction, and how to speak English like a native speaker.With practice exercises in the course,your accent will be improved quickly.You will be learning types of intonation which will help you to speak English confidently and clearly so that anyone would understand your English.In section two of the course,you will be learning the following: American accent vowel sounds,American accent consonants sounds,American accent phonetics chartYou're not just watching videos,you will also do some assignments to make sure that you understand the lessons within this course. I will give you my personal feedback on the assignments you do,and that's how you master the American accent and phonetics.In section three of the course,well, that's a BONUS! which means more practice videos on the rules of pronunciation I give within this course.In section four of the course,well, that's another BONUS videos. Lots of bonus videos for students who have finished the course..Enjoy being with us in this course.Ask questions any time.I'm glad to support you at all times."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar For IELTS" |
"English Grammar For IELTS course assists you to know the foundation of English grammar rules to be ready to start your IELTS preparation course. It begins with sentence structure elements which are nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and more; then all English tenses. This course has helped many students learn English grammar well. Step by step, everything will be very easy for you. This course is updated regularly. New English grammar exercises with answers are added regularly to meet your satisfaction. There is a bonus section which contains new lessons for FREE. Feel free to ask any questions you like. I will be responsive as much as I can at all times. Enjoy!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Principles of Management" |
"In this short course, you'll learn the most useful principles of management to be the best leader at work. You're going to learn what management is, Who are the managers?, Types of managers, and more. I will for sure update and add new lessons for FREE! as soon as I have time. All I want, is to give you simple explanations and solutions according to principles of management to help you manage well and be the best leader in the world. The principles of management course were designed and presented in a fun way that you'd never feel bored, always strive for new concepts and information."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda usar o MuseScore" |
"Este curso apresenta as funcionalidades bsicas do MuseScore de edio de partitura. Voc aprender ao longo do curso a:Configurar um arranjo com vrios instrumentosDefinir o andamento da msica na partituraInserir e remover instrumentosDefinir armadura de clave da msicaDefinir o tipo de compassoTrabalhar com clave de sol e de fInserir e remover tabladuras para violoInserir notas e pausasConfigurar seu teclado midi para utiliz-lo com o softwareConfigurar se trabalho final para impresso.Neste curso criamosum arranjo para uma msica folclrica brasileira para ser executado por uma banda formada porpiano (solo), violo (tabladura), contrabaixo e bateria. Ao final do curso, o aluno ser capazde produzir sua prpria partitura."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How to build chords" |
"In this course you will learn how to build triads chords (major and minor) and also four notes chords adding the dominant seventh and the major seventh notes to them. Some knowledge in music is desirable, but not mandatory.We will start from the early beginning presenting the musical notes and how to locate them on the keyboard or piano.We will teach you everything about flats and sharps, diatonic scales, clefs, the basic on music notation, intervals,so you can understand the rules and will be able to read a note or a chord on a music sheet.Then we will build together the cycle of fifths and fourths and understand the relationship among the different tonalities and you will learn how a music transposition works. Then we will build all the major and minor chords and their inversions at the twelve keysand finally apply them to a small parts of pop music.This course is formatted for piano and keyboard, however its theory applies to any musical instrument.Join me in this journey! See you there!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Data Analysis with MATLAB for Excel Users" |
"Basic Course DescriptionTechnical professionals oftenfinds that they arefaced withlimitations when using Excel for analyzng theirdata. This coursewill illustrate the capabilities ofMATLAB for overcoming these limitations. In particular, we will focus on how tosupplement the capabilities of Microsoft Excel by having access to thousands of customizedmathematical and advanced analysis functions, flexiblevisualization tools, and the ability to automate your analysis workflows.The following are the course outlinesSegment 1: Introduction to MATLAB for Excel UsersSegment 2: Data Preprocessing and Importing Data from ExcelSegment 3: Data AnalysisSegment 4: Generating Reports for Sharing PurposeSegment5: Using MATLAB from Excel EnviromentAt the end of this course,You should be able to create your own templates for data visualization and data analysis.You should be able to work with data preprocessing usingMALTAB.You will able to create reports based on your data analysis._____________________________________________________________________What am I going to get from this course?At the end of the course you be a confident user of the MATLAB for analyzing data that resides in EXCEL.You should be able to work with processing data, importing data, visualizing data, do meaningful analysis and reporting your results.____________________________________________________________________________Student Testimonials!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)""___________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and Advantages:You receiveknowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer sciencewith over 10 years of teaching and 15 years of programmingexperience and another decade of experience in using MATLABThe instructor has6 courses on udemy on MATLABincluding abest seller course.The overall rating in these courses are (4.5/5)This course includeHow to import, preprocess, anlayze, visualize and generate reports of data analysis.the main focus is on automating all the processes without digging deep into MATLAB programming.If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...I am excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam___________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Classification Algorithms using MATLAB" |
"This course is for you If you are being fascinated by the field ofMachine Learning?Basic Course DescriptionThis course is designed to cover one of the most interesting areas of machine learning called classification. I will take you step-by-step in this course and will first cover the basics of MATLAB. Following that we will look into the details of how to use different machine learning algorithms using MATLAB. Specifically, we will be looking at the MATLAB toolbox called statistic andmachine learning toolbox.We will implement some of the most commonly used classification algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, Discriminant Analysis, Decision Tress, Support Vector Machines, Error Correcting Ouput Codes and Ensembles. Following that we will be looking at how to cross validate these models and how to evaluate their performances. Intuition into theclassification algorithms is also includedso that a person with no mathematical background can still comprehend the esesential ideas. The following are the course outlines.Sgement 1: Instructor and Course IntroductionSegment 2: MATLAB Crash CourseSegment 3: Grabbing and Importing DatasetSegment 4: K-Nearest NeighborSegment 5: Naive BayesSegment 6: Decision TreesSegment 7: Discriminant AnalysisSegment 8: Support Vector Machines Segment 9: Error Correcting Ouput Codes Segment 10:Classification withEnsembles Segment 11: Validation MethodsSegment 12: Evaluating PerformanceAt the end of this course,You can confidently implement machine learning algorithms using MATLAB.You can perform meaningful analysis on the data._____________________________________________________________________Student Testimonials!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsThis course is really good for a beginner. It will help you to start from ground up and move on to more complicated areas. Though it does not cover Matlab toolboxes etc, it is still a great basic introduction for the platform. I do recommend getting yourself enrolled for this course.Excellent course and instructor. You learn all the fundamentals of using MATLAB.Lakmal WeerasingheGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)""___________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and Advantages:You receiveknowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer science (machine learning)with over 10 years of teaching and reaserch experience, In addition to15 years of programmingexperience and another decade of experience in using MATLAB.The instructor has6 courses on udemy on MATLABincluding abest seller course.The overall rating in these courses are (4.5/5)If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...I am excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam___________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LaTeX A-Z: from beginner to advance in less than 3 hour" |
"88% Four star or aboveratings and 50% Fivestarratings with an overall rating of (4.4/5) You receiveknowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer sciencewith over 10 years of teaching and research experience andanother 7 years ofexperience in using LATEX____________________________________________________________________________Student Testimonials!""The selection of topics is good. The content of the lectures is fine. The lecturer talks a bit too fast. I had problems with coding one of the lectures and asked for help from the lecturer He answered me quickly and to the point."" OddurGood Class, gives a good overview of using Guide in MATLAB. Explanations are short and to the point. Does not give in-depth instruction. However, the class is very good at showing how to use the Guide in building MATLAB GUIs. If you are unfamiliar with the Guide at all, this is a good class. It will show you how to make GUIs using the Guide and how to work with the many different elements available in the Guide like tables, check boxes, drop down lists, etc.Joe Boyd___________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and Advantages:This course includeAll about latex, from downloading to typesetting a latex document,importting images, including tables, workging withmath equations, algorithms, including citations and many other useful topics, necessary to master the art of producing professional documents in latex.If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...I am excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam___________________________________________________________________________Basic Course DescriptionThis course illustrate the essential components required tocreate a professional quality documents with the LaTeX. LaTeX is frequently used to write thesis, reports, scientific papers for journals,conferences and making presentations. The essential beauty of LaTeX is thatit separates the task of document layout/visual representationfrom that of the contents of the documents. As a result you pay more attention to the actual contents and are not distracted by the visual appearence. It alsoautomatesmany of the tedious processes involved in writing a professional publications such as managment of references, visual layout and formatting styles.With LaTeX, you will find easy andeffective management ofreferences, figures, tables, footnotes, formatting, mathematical equations, algorithms, scientific proofs, that have no match compared to the the conventional document setting and word processingsoftware.The course is design in a way that it will introduce you totools that are freely available online. The examples and other instructional material are included for you to download and practice.At the end of this course,You are confident user of LaTeX.You will be able to create your own document in LaTeX.You will learn about different elements of creating professional documents such ashow tomanagereferences, figures, tables, footnotes, formatting, mathematical equations, algorithms, scientific proofs and many others.You will be able to create well formatted mathematical equations, algorithms, and proofs."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Advance MATLAB Data Types and Data Structures" |
"Basic Course DescriptionMATLAB(matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language which is frequenlty being used by engineering and science students. While teaching to students and observing different MATLAB relatedcourses on Udemy for more than sixmonths now. I realized that there is a need for a course which should cover the key data types such as Cells, tables, time tables,structures and Map containerswhich should provide the students with the essential skills for taking full advantage of MATLAB strengths in data analysis and programming. In this course we not only cover these data Types but also demonstrates different functions and operation and their conversions to make analysis and programming a greater experience.The following are the outlines of this course.Segment 1: introduction to the CourseSegment 2: Cell Data TypeSegment 3: Table Data TypeSegment 4:Time Table Data TypeSegment 5:StructuresSegment 6:Map ContainersSegment 7:Conversion between Different Data Types___________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and AdvantagesYou receiveknowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer sciencewith over 10 years of teaching and 15 years of programmingexperience and another decade of experience in using MATLABThe instructor has6 courses on udemy on MATLABincluding abest seller course.The overall rating in these courses are (4.5/5)If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.____________________________________________________________________________Student Testimonials!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)""___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...I am excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam___________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB Master Class: Go from Beginner to Expert in MATLAB" |
"Basic Course Description MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is one of the fundamental and leading programming language and is a must learn skill for anyone who want to develop a career in engineering, science or related fields. Excellent MATLAB programming skills is therefore a crucial factor in making or breaking your career. This course is designed from a perspective of a student who has no prior knowledge of MATLAB. The course starts from the very basic concepts and then built on top of those basic concepts and move towards more advanced topics such as visualization, exporting and importing of data, advance data types and data structures and advance programming constructs. To get the real feel of MATLAB in solving and analyzing real life problems, the course includes machine learning topics in data science and data preprocessing. To convert the source codes into meaningful pieces of softwares, the course also covers topics in building GUI's using GUIDE and App Designer utilities of matlab. Finally, we also cover topics in text processing such as building Regular Expressions. The course is fun and exciting, but at the same time we dive deep into MATLAB to uncover its power of formulating and analyzing real life problems. The course is structured into four different Parts. Below is the detailed outline of this course. Part 1: MATLAB from Beginer to Advance Segment 1.1: Handling variables and Creating ScriptsSegment 1.2: Doing Basic Maths in MATLABSegment 1.3: Operations on MatricesSegment 1.4: Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data TypeSegment 1.5: Interacting with MATLAB and GraphicsSegment 1.6: Importing Data into MATLABSegment 1.7: File Handling and Text ProcessingSegment 1.8: MATLAB ProgrammingSegment 1.9: Sharing Your MATLAB ResultsPart 2: Advance MATLAB Data Types Segment 2.1: Cell Data TypeSegment 2.2: Tables and Time TablesSegment 2.3: Working with Structures and Map Container Data TypeSegment 2.4: Converting between Different Data TypesPart 3: Machine Learning for Data Science Using MATLABSegment 3.1 Data PreprocessingSegment 3.2. ClassificationSegment 3.2.1 K-Nearest NeighborSegment 3.2.2 Naive BayesSegment 3.2.3 Decision TreesSegment 3.2.4 Support Vector MachineSegment 3.2.5 Discriminant AnalysisSegment 3.2.6 EnsemblesSegment 3.2.7 Performance EvaluationSegment 3.3 ClusteringSegment 3.3.1 K-MeansSegment 3.3.2 Hierarchical Clu steringSegment 3.4 Dimensionality ReductionSegment 3.5 Project Part 4: Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning using MATLABSegment 4.1 Handing Missing ValuesSegment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical VariablesSegment 4.3 Outlier Detection Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data DiscretizationSegment 4.5 Selecting the Right Method for your DataPart 5: Build Regular Expression using MATLAB for Text ProcessingSegment 5.1 : Introduction and getting started with regexesSegment 5.2: Character ClassesSegment 5.3: Anchors and Word BoundariesSegment 5.4: Repetitiongs using QuantifiersSegment 5.5: Group ConstructsSegment 5.6: Assertions, Conditions and BackreferencingSegment 5.7: Practical ExamplesPart 6: Matlab App Designing Using GuideSegment 6.1: Basics of the GUIDE Segment 6.2: Linking the Code with GUISegment 6.3: Advance Techniques for GUIDESegment 6.4: Sample Projects with GUIDESegment 6.5: More Useful Tricks and Examples with GUIDEPart 7: Create MATLAB Apps with App DesignerSegment 7.1: Basics of App DesignerSegment 7.2: Tips and Tricks for Effective use of App DesignerSegment 7.3: Coding GUI'sSegment 7.4: Advance TechniquesSegment 7.5: Sample Projects with App Designer"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning for Data Science using MATLAB" |
"Basic Course DescriptionThis courseis for youif you want tohave a real feel of theMachine Learning techniqueswithout having tolearnall the complicatedmaths. Additionally, thiscourse is also for youif you have had previous hours and hours ofmachine learning theorybut could never got a change orfigure outhow to implement andsolve data science problems with it.The approach in this course is very practicalandwe will start everything from veryscratch. We will immediately start coding after a couple of introductory tutorialsand we try to keep the theory to bare minimal. All the coding will be done in MATLAB which is one of the fundamental programming languages forengineer and science studentsand is frequently used by top data science research groups world wide.Below is the briefoutline of this course.Segment 1: Introduction to course Segment 2: Data preprocessingSegment 3: Classification Algorithms in MATLABSegment 4: Clustering Algorithms in MATLABSegment 5: Dimensionality ReductionSegment 6: Project: Malware Analysis___________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and Advantages:If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You will be sure of receiving quality contents since the instructorshas already manycoursesin the MATLAB on udemy.You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...We are excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam_______________________________________________More Benefits and Advantages: You receiveknowledge from an experiencedinstructor(Dr. Nouman Azam) who is thecreatoroffivecourses on Udemy in the MATLAB niche. The titles of these courses areComplete MATLAB Tutorial: Go from Beginner to ProMATLAB App Desigining: The Ultimate Guide for MATLAB AppsMachine Learning Classification Algorithms using MATLABCreate Apps in MATLAB with App Designer (Codes Included)Advance MATLAB Data Types and Data Structures_______________________________________________Student Testimonials for Dr. Nouman Azam!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning using MATLAB" |
"Basic Course DescriptionThis courseis for youif you want tofully equip yourself with the art of applied machine learning using MATLAB. This course is also for you if you want to apply the most commonly used data preprocessing techniques without having tolearnall the complicatedmaths. Additionally, thiscourse is also for youif you have had previous hours and hours ofmachine learning implementationbut could never figure out how to further improve the peformance of the machine learning algorithms.By the end of this course, you will have at your fingertips, a vast variety of most commonly used data preprocessing techniques that you can use instantly to maximize your insight into your data set. The approach in this course is very practicalandwe will start everything from veryscratch. We will immediately start coding after a couple of introductory tutorialsand we try to keep the theory to bare minimal. All the coding will be done in MATLAB which is one of the fundamental programming languages forengineer and science studentsand is frequently used by top data science research groups world wide.Below is the briefoutline of this course. Segment 1: Introduction to course and MATLABSegment 2: Handling Missing ValuesSegment 3: Dealing with Categorical VariablesSegment 4: Outlier DetectionSegment 5: Feature Scalling and Data DiscretizationSegment 6: Project: Selecting Techniques for your DatasetYour Benefits and Advantages:If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You will be sure of receiving quality contents since the instructorshas already manycoursesin the MATLAB on udemy.You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...We are excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam_______________________________________________More Benefits and Advantages: You receiveknowledge from an experiencedinstructor(Dr. Nouman Azam) who is thecreatorofmanycourses on Udemy in the MATLAB niche. The titles of these courses areMachine Learning for Data Science using MATLABMachine Learning Classification Algorithms using MATLABComplete MATLAB Tutorial: Go from Beginner to ProMATLAB App Desigining: The Ultimate Guide for MATLAB AppsCreate Apps in MATLAB with App Designer (Codes Included)Advance MATLAB Data Types and Data Structures_______________________________________________ Student Testimonials for Dr. Nouman Azam!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Body: Power Yoga For Weight Loss, Lean Muscle, Mobility" |
"Yoga Body is not just yoga. Yoga Body is a complete workout system. It's smart fitness,and it leaves you feeling energized, accomplished, and ready for more at the end of every workout. Youll look great AND feel great as a result. Best of all, the results happen sooner than you think.Hows it work?We spent years testing, tweaking, and perfecting Yoga Body to create a highly efficient series of workouts.You probably know that traditional yoga is great for a lot of things. It helps with stress relief. It improves flexibility. But it doesnt build a lot of muscle.So we did something different. We combined:The most effective exercises from power yogaLow-impact bodyweight exercisesModifications for non-flexible peopleAnd engineered a workout program toSculpt the muscles you wantBurn the fat you dont needTurn your body into a well-oiled, painfree, injury resistant machine.Its the body you wantand the body you need.This unique combination of exercise is calledSlow-Burn Power YogaIts not like any yoga session youve ever seen!You wont find any mindless, repetitive movements here. Yoga Body uses deliberate, controlled movements to sculpt long-lasting lean muscle.Follow along to the Yoga Body workouts and transform your body into a well-oiled machine, capable for whatever you want to throw at it next!Challenging, yet achievable. Difficult, but rewarding. Yoga Body is here to take you to your next level of fitness.Increase overall power with more mobility.React faster with improved balance and muscular awareness.Recover more quickly with increased flexibility.Dramatically reduce your risk of injury.Look stronger and more confident with seriously improved posture(And yes youll still get the beach body you can show off in the summer.)Your body needs time to recover and get strongerHitting the same muscle groups over and over prevents that from happening.Thats why weve done something totally unique from other yoga programs by breaking up our workouts into lower, upper, and full-body sections, to maximize your recovery.Leg day at the gym yesterday? -Crush the Upper-Body Workout.This is a yoga workout to build strength, stability, and endurance in your upper-body and core. Build chest and shoulder muscles while improving mobility in your entire torso for injury-resistant joints and smooth, fluid movement.Sore from all those pull-ups? -Switch to the Lower-Body Workout.Build your glutes, strengthen your quads, and skyrocket your lower-body mobility to increase functional fitness ability and prevent injury in your knees, ankles, hips, and spine. Feel the burn in your legs as you take your lower-body to the limit!Ready for it all? -Time for the Full-Body Workout.Transform your body into a well-oiled machine with this workout. This class combines strength, mobility, balance, and body control into one highly efficient yoga class. This workout is about half the length of a traditional yoga class, but it sure wont feel like it when youre finished!When you order today, we've also included a full set of resources to guide you to total body transformation.The Yoga Body Calendar(onlyavailable for purchasesmade through themanflowyoga website)Eliminate the guesswork of scheduling your workouts, and follow along to the schedule weve created for you. Use with your existing workout program or as a standalone routine.BONUS Yoga Abs WorkoutA challenging, dynamic, and FUN workout designed to give you abs of steel. Comes in 3 different levels!The Yoga Body Blueprint (onlyavailable for purchasesmade through themanflowyoga website)A comprehensive guide (over 13,000 words!) to everything we could think of youll need to get success from following these workouts, including:The Yoga Body Eating Habits (Know all the right foods and when to eat them!)The Most Important Nutrient: Water (Burn more fat, perform better, and feel better!)Goal Setting (Set goals youll actually achieve!)Morning Routines (Start your day off right!)Sleep Routines (Get great sleep every night.)Sunlight Exposure (Get more than just a tan!)Stress Management Activity Guide (Learn how to relieve stress for body and mind!)Daily Movement (How to undo the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle)Yoga Body BurnTake your body to the limit in just 28-minutes. Yoga Body Burn focuses on longer holds, intense strengthening exercises, and building muscle!Yoga Body SculptAn exciting, dynamic yoga workout to sculpt muscle, keep your body guessing, and get stronger. This workout is sure to make you sweat!Yoga Body Exercise Tutorial LibraryLearn 9 of the more challenging exercises from Yoga Body as we break it down in easy-to-follow tutorials in just under 60 minutes of video content.7-Minute Yoga Body BeastA quick, highly efficient full-body workout to strengthen your entire body in just 7 minutes.5-Minute Mobility BoostTake just 5-minutes to stretch tight muscles, improve your mobility, and increase energy.What have people been saying about the workouts?Ive been doing resistance training for years, but I found this seemingly simpler session to be challenging! This is really an entirely different kind of workout.James BradshawIve always been skeptical about yoga, mainly due to being shown as a womans workout (pardon me ladies), however, I got my ass kicked hahaha. Good stuff, keep it up!Chevalier BleuThis workout is the hardest of all yoga workouts Ive ever done. This was the first time I felt my hamstrings actually burning! The instructions were awesome, too!Daniel KovacsI try to do this workout twice each week, and its remarkable how much my core and upper body stability have improved. I like that there is so much core worked into the usual upper body stuff.Chris LingardGreat workout, Dean. Very good for my wife and I at mid-forties and rather soft. Your workouts have been our first and favorite power yoga fitness endeavor.Your teaching is very clear especially seeing we have no yoga background. We love that you use simple to understand terms. Keep up the good work. We are telling our friends about your workouts!Christopher WheelerYeah but how soon can I expect results?The great thing about these workouts is that it wont take long for you notice the difference in your body, and youll notice the differences everywhere, in how you feel, how you carry yourself, and how you move. You can expect these changes to happen within just days or weeks.We created these workouts specifically to transform the way you look, too. If you do the workouts, follow the tips in the bonus materials, and put in the effort, you can expect noticeable changes within a month.How difficult is Yoga Body?Youre able to choose the right level for you. Weve created 3 variations for every workout to match your fitness level. Start off with the shorter, beginner workouts, and then progress to intermediate and advanced once youve mastered beginner.Not only will this make you stronger, it also gives you room to grow, so you can use Yoga Body for months and months!You also dont have to worry about whether or not youre flexible. Weve carefully selected poses to ensure that youll be able to do each exercise, especially if youre not very limber yet!How much time will I need?Workouts last as little as 20 minutes, with some of the advanced workouts reaching 40 minutes long."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Administrao do Tempo em Projetos" |
"Este curso indicado a todos os profissionais da rea de projetos, independente da sua natureza. Sero apresentadas ferramentas e conceitos de Administrao do Tempo, porm direcionados especificamente para a aplicao de projetos dos mais diversos tipos. Ao final das sees, o aluno ser capaz de identificar os principais problemas que causam desperdcio de tempo em projetos, alm de conhecer as ferramentas para evit-los ou mitig-los de forma eficaz."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build a Pizza Oven for FREE" |
"I built a pizza oven for $36. I could have built it totally FREE if I'd had more patience. I asked a professional pizza construction company for a quote for an oven my size, it was close to $5000.00 and it didn't have any of the decorative elements or the bench I built opposite it also for free. If I can build it with no building experience, you can build one too. This course will teach you how. It will take you through the design from siting your pizza oven, to getting material for free, to designing your pizza oven, everything you need to know about mixing and building with cob through building your pizza oven. I could make 15+ pizzas, bake 4-5 loaves of bread, a casserole and still have enough heat to dry fruit."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Programacin (nivel intermedio) para programadores novatos" |
"Descripcindel Curso.En este curso tendrs la oportunidad de aprender conceptos bsicos y fundamentales de la programacin orientada a objetos. Debestener conocimiento previo en programacin bsica, si no sabes programar entonces te recomiendo que veas mi curso bsico: ""Aprende a programar y crea tus programas desde cero"", ya que este curso es su continuacin.Si eres un estudiante que aprob su primer curso de programacin sin problemas o una persona que conoce de programacin estructurada bsica, entonces apntate en este curso:Entender y mejorar la lgicade la programacines fundamental para ser unprogramadorexitoso.Tendrs disponibilidad 24/7 y durante toda la vida para que puedas descargar y consultar el material en caso de cualquier duda. Puedes ir a tu ritmo, no hay ninguna presin para visualizar las clases o realizar las practicas. El objetivo es claro:mejorar la lgicade programacinque te den las bases solidas para crear una carrera exitosa en estarea.Te has puesto a pensar porque esos cursos de youtubede 150 o 200 vdeos de aprender java oC#desde cero, no funcionan? O sientes que puedes resolver ciertos problemas pero te sientes limitado cuando te enfrentas con algo real?La respuesta es sencilla:no hay bases solidas. Los verdaderos programadoressaben como elaborar un algoritmo y luego lo traducen a cualquier lenguaje de programacin. La nica forma de aprender un lenguaje de programacin como java, C++ o C# es conpractica, pero si tienes los conocimientos slidos en lalgica de programacin,entonces esa curva de aprendizaje es mucho menor y no necesitas ver200 vdeospara empezar a generar algn desarrollo del cual ests orgulloso.Cada seccin esta compuesta por un vdeo de introduccin, clases y practicasen vdeo,un quiz al finalizar la seccin (que podas tomar las veces que lo necesites), cdigos de ejemploy una practica que podrs descargar y realizar en tu casa.Te garantizo que con esfuerzo, estudio y dedicacin en pocos meses estars listo para crear y desarrollar software del cual estars orgulloso de mostrar a tus familiares y amigos.Nos vemos en clase! Te espero :D Miguel"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |