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my-copywriting |
"11$287000""""24$2380How to Make $4,000 A Day Sitting At Your Kitchen Table In Your UnderwearDRMDRM"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
simplelife |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2019ZBrush Core 3D" |
"3DZBrushZBrush Core3D3DDForm2Form2Form2PreformForm2zbrush core1213D3D"
Price: 13800.00 ![]() |
"20192D! SculptrisZBrush(Core)" |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
pec_gamehistory01 |
"30VR197019621985JICC1991 1993#01Tennis for two#02#03#04#05#06#07#08#09#10"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
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"30VR1970 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
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"30VR 1980 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
pec_gamehistory04 |
"30VR 1980 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
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"30VR 198090 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
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"30VR NINTENDO6490 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
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"30VR 1990 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
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"30VR3DSWii2000 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
pec_gamehistory10 |
"30VR4Nintendo SwitchVRe-Sports 19621985JICC1991 1993"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"Yin Yang Yoga Best YOGA" |
"webUPBefore & AfterBefore & AfterBefore & After"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Yin Yang Yoga - Best YOGA for Top athletes -" |
"When I went to Europe as a trainer in the 1990's, I was poor in English, so I could not grasp the state of the players also athlete at all, so I spent one year as an assistant to other trainer. I could not communicate smoothly, so I observed that athletes and players exercised at that time. It was to find out the tendency of injury caused by the competition event and the part which is muscle fatigue. By synchronizing it, I began treating pain by simulating their pains.Because it was the only way for me ""to communicate"" with them who experienced the same low back pain, neuralgia, fasciitis, muscles damage, dislocation, stress fracture as their athletes during the student at Chukyo University. Also note their condition and the range of motion of joints, and the style of assembling the treatment on that day is also used in the sessions at current studio and workshops.In ""ShiatsuYoga -Self maintenance yoga- (mins challenge & find your trigger points ) "" released for inflexible persons and yoga beginners, it is a remnant of when I could not communicate with them, introducing a lot of poses to compare left and right difference. The concept of maintanance our body is exactly the same. It is the idea of conditioning text before starting yoga. Yoga asana does not introduce as much as possible. Many of them, sequence for easy practice of poses combination and explain pressure points of location our the body. To make it easy for you to realize the shiatsu effect, I introduce a combination that can be done in 8 minutes a day for each part of the body. It is the same effect that the athlete who finished the match or game becomes relaxed after sports massage.In this course, I was devised to be able to shiatsu massage using tennis balls by yourself which effective shiatsu massage for athletes. We divide each section of the body to prevent injuries in advance and how to efficiently improve the performance. Let's take a photos with ""Self check Before & After"" at the beginning of each section. In many cases, the trigger points and stiff muscles are not in the vicinity of those parts. To make it possible to perform maintenance by yourself, we will lecture at each part with ""Improvement sequence"", ""Spiral stretch"" and ""Shiatsu yoga"". Then you can take a photos again with ""Self check Before & After"" at the end of each section to check for improvements.There are two reasons why I released two courses to Udemy's web lesson. One of the reasons, I introduced a lot of knowledge and experience as a chiropractor and sports also shiatsu trainer in this course. And I wanted people who needed it to make use of improvement record of physical conditioning. As another reason, RCT ( Randomized Controlled Trial ) has been done for many years before and after ""Shiatsu Yoga"" and ""Improvement sequence"" and ""Spiral stretch"". For books and yoga lesson DVDs, it is inconvenient for readers and audiences to communicate with lecturers. But at Udemy web course, you can easily do it anytime, anywhere in the world. And your question will useful in research to further enhance the authenticity of ""Shiatsu Yoga"" , ""Improvement Sequence"" and ""Spiral Stretch"" effects. As a result, this course will evolve on day by day. I hope to use this course as a reassuring trainer also Improvement chart for your physical conditioning."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
dxjvlkhn |
"10Punnapa Khantarat"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
yukataiwan1 |
"10Punnapa Khantarat(PENTYAN))"
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
jisaku-pc |
Price: 9000.00 ![]() |
chizu001 |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"[Windows] WordeBook" |
"[Mac] PageseBook#27#33WindowsWordOfficePOP9WordEnterWordMicrosofteBookWordMicrosoftWinWordeBookWordWordWordWord2222WordeBookWord"
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Poster design in Photoshop CC - A basic guide for beginners" |
"Do you have a small business that you want to represent, or do you want to make some money on the side with some freelance work? Well poster design is one of the hottest topics out there when it comes to freelancing!And you're at the right spot to get started with it!The course covers everything that is needed to design a print readyposter on Photoshop CC.Enroll in this course with no prior experience in design or Photoshop and leave with the skill of designing amazing print ready Posters right away.WHOSHOULDTAKETHISCOURSE?Complete beginners in graphic design or print design. No experience is required to gain the benefits from this course. The student only requires a working copy of Photoshop CC (preferably the latest version).WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?I am a professional graphic designer with over 5 years of experience, with experience as an In-house graphics designer for two of the largest MNCs in the world, including Uber. Allot of my design involved around print design and developing motion graphics, corporate brand identity. I have built this course for anyone from any background to easily understand the process and elements required to design a professional poster easily in the shortest amount of time. If you are a serious learner, within just a few minutes, you'll be designing professional posters after taking this course.My previous course on Business Card design on Photoshop attracted over 14,000+students who are reaping the benefits everyday! Read about their experiences below - WHATSTUDENTSARESAYINGABOUTMYPREVIOUSCOURSE ONBUSINESSCARDDESIGN:""It's awesome and interactive. I've learned a lot "" - Benjamin-Whyss Olumide ""What I liked about your course was some of the links that you shared. I like watching your process of making it all come together. I picked up on some tips and tricks that seemed useful. I liked your use of simple objects to make a well presentable business card."" - Maggie A SUMMARYThe course is for complete beginners. The student requires no prior experience with any sort of software. Anyone with a few minutes can learn the skill through this course. From the skill learnt from this course, students can easily make a poster, use for themselves or sell them on various online marketplaces to earn money right away.Also, there are tons of FREEBIESas you go along the course. Students will receive various resources to help them out through out the lectures. The final lecture will have design assets for students to experimentwith."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Radical Acceptance with Tara Brach" |
"One of the most painful and pervasive forms of suffering in our culture is the belief that something is wrong with me. For many of us, feelings of deficiency are right around the corner. It doesnt take much--just hearing of someone elses accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a mistake at work--to make us think that, deep down, we are just not okay. This, accompanied by our judgment of others, keeps us at war with life. When not faced, our fears and blame prevent us from living and loving fully. On the societal level, designating a bad other fuels the violence that so plagues our world today. Astaught in the beloved bestseller Radical Acceptance, mindfulness empowers us to see clearly what is happening in the moment and respond to it with skillfulness. The course will explore this pathway to compassion and freedom through engaging lectures, guided meditations (ideallyused many times, going deeper each time), and question & answer sessions on how best to put the teachings into practice in everyday life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Freeing Ourselves With Mindfulness - with Tara Brach" |
"Often when our basic needs and desires are not met, we pursue substitute gratifications. Craving and fixating on these substitute gratifications is what drives addictive and compulsive behaviors.Overachieving, overextending ourselves, trying to check more and more things off the list: these substitutes are largely socially-accepted. Some private habits, like obsessive thinking or spending many hours every day gaming or browsing online, may go unnoticed. Other behaviors draw more disapproval (causing us to work harder at keeping them hidden), because everyone can see the damage they do: addictions to alcohol or other substances, gambling, shopping, sex, overeating, violence, and so on.Whichever attachments we find ourselves caught in, as long as we keep pursuing them and shaming ourselves for doing so, we cant free ourselves in a deep way.The good news is that the way we pay attention dramatically affects the structure of our brain and the function of our body, mind and heart. Any time an obsessive thought or a craving arises, if we can learn how to pause just long enough to attend to the feeling of it, we can step out of its trance.Mindfulness meditation directly de-conditions habitual grasping - the hungry ghost syndrome and allows us to reconnect in a healthy way with the energy of desire that makes all life possible and joyful!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Meyer Microwave Pressure Cooker Cooking Recipes" |
"This is a course which offers you recipes which you can cook with the use of Meyer microwave pressure cooker. You will learn new ways how to cook and prepare vegetables as well as meatwhich everyone can enjoy. The recipes in this course are very versatile as you can substitute the vegetable ingredients with whatever vegetablesyou have at home.The recipes taught in this course are cooked using a microwave pressure cooker. The cooking videos are easy and fun to seeso you will not get bored learning while watching.This course is specially made for the busy papas as well as the busy mamas out there who wants to prepare healthy and delicious dinner with the limited time they have at home. The recipes are really easy and quick to prepare plus it's healthy so there's no reason for you not to try the recipes. At the end of this course you'll appreciate your microwave more and realize that it's not only for heating/defrostingfrozen food but also to cook healthy and delicious meals.See you all in class. Everyone is invited to take the course.Happy cooking!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Microwave Cooking Recipes for the Busy Papa" |
"Learn to make over 50 delicious Japanese recipes cooked in the microwave! the recipes are alleasy, simple and quick thanks to the most efficient equipment in the kitchen that is often overlooked.Everyone is invited to take part in this course. Most of the recipes are Japanese-inspired recipes and Japanese dish recipes which has been simplified so its possible to be cooked in the microwave. Among the many other things that youll pick up from this course are how to cook rice in the microwave, healthy recipes for tofu and fish, traditional Japanese food cooked in the microwave such as saba no misoni, buri daikon, oyakodon, gyudon, and many more. All the recipes were tested and tried so you dont need to be worried as long as you follow the suggested cooking time.Aside from the fact that whencooking in the microwave itonly takes a few minutes to cook food,The microwave has many moreadvantages that is often overlooked. These includes:You don't need oil when cooking in the microwave because you don't fry or saute food in the microwaveNo heavy and greasy pans to clean after meals.More time in the dining table rather than in the kitchenYou'll be encouraged to use the healthierparts of meat when cooking in the microwave as these parts are easier to cook.Many of us would limit the use of microwave only to defrosting and heating frozen or leftover food. I think the microwave has been neglected for a very long time. Now that we are busier than ever, I think its time to use the microwave more.I completely understand if you have doubts with the power of microwave because I too have experienced several errors when using the microwave which includes, burnt, undercooked, overcooked, hard, unevenly cooked food. But I have learned many things and with trial and error I became a better home chef and microwave has been my trusted tool whenever Ineed to cookmeals but do not have the luxury of time to prepare.With this course you will learn many tips and tricks in order to cook food using the microwave successfully in the kitchen. In each lecture, I have provided the recommended microwave cooking time for every dish so you can be more confident using the microwave and not worry about whether your food will be cooked well or not.Enjoy the course and have fun in the kitchen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"75 Best Sandwich Maker Recipes Cooking Class" |
"UPDATD 12/2017: 5 lectures are added in Section 2 ""Outdoor"".This is a sandwich making class where you will learn new recipes for preparingsandwich toasts. Be it for breakfast, lunch or snack - the recipes that you will get from this course will fit your needs for a delicious sandwich toast.Most of the sandwich recipes are Japanese-inspired and it'slike no other so it's going to be a surprising taste for sandwiches if you make the recipes taught in this class at home.Sandwich toasts are a delicious breakfast choice. It may not be as easy to prepare as your bowl of cereals, but it's nice to have a more fulfilling breakfast before you start the activities of the day.Everyone is invited to take this course. Home chefs, busy moms and dads, students or even those who are just looking for a different kind of breakfast experience.It would be great if students could try the recipes at home.At the end of this course, you'll have more options for your sandwich toasts. A lot of ingredients can be added to your sandwiches, you don't need to stick with what you already know.Prepare your kitchen tools, preheat your sandwich maker now and start toasting your first sandwich toast learned from this course.Happy cooking!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Authentic Okinawa Food Recipes: Secret of Japanese Long Life" |
"Okinawa is the southernmost region of Japan known for its unique culture, warm climate, beaches and the people with the longest life expectancy in the country. Experts have found four main reasons why the Okinawans live longer than other Japanese and it is interesting to note that one of it is the food they eat.In this course, we will take a look into what the one of the longest living people in the world eats. We will take a peek into what they usually put on their table. We will also learn the ingredients they commonly use and how their food are prepared. It would be a surprise to students to know that Okinawan food are simple and easy to prepare. Though some of the ingredients they use may be hard to find outside Okinawa, you can find substitutes which are more readily available in most places and are also mentioned in this course.This course is divided into several sections and in each section you will learn several recipes for a specific main ingredient commonly used in Okinawa cuisines. It was surprising for me to learn that pork is a vital part of Okinawa cuisines and you will learn several ways to cook pork the Okinawa way. In addition to pork, you will also learn how to prepare Okinawa ingredients such as Okinawa soba, mimigar or pork ears, bitter melon or goya and shima rakkyo or island shallots among others. You will also learn common cooking methods and techniques used in preparing Okinawa food.This course is filled with so much fun, information and deliciousness from every Okinawa dish you will learn to cook. Start with the first lecture now and enjoy every food you will prepare. Have fun in the kitchen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Healthy and Delicious Japanese Recipes Using Soy Milk" |
"Welcome to this cooking course where you'll learn new and exciting recipes to cook with the use of soy milk. In this course, you will learn new Japanese food recipes which is cooked with the use of soy milk or ""tonyu"".If the sound of Okonomiyaki is not enough to convince you to take this course, maybe you won't be able to resist it if you'll realize that in this course you'll learn to cookSoy Milk Ramen which is not only easy to make but much healthier and contains less cholesterol than the normal ramen. Not only that, you'll also learn to cook other exciting Japanese food recipes in this course such as ankake (steamed tofu balls), Japanese-style spaghetti carbonara and my husband and son'sfavoritechicken and vegetables soy milk stew.Soy milk has many known health benefits and some of it are for the improvement of your cardiovascular health, relief from postmenopausal issues, relief from osteoporosis, and it is alsosought afterfor its anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. This course will also be beneficial for those who are trying to remove cow's milk from their diet and learning to substitute it with soy milk. If you're allergic to dairy products, this course might just be the one you're looking for.You'll also learn more about the benefits of using soy milk as you go through the recipe lectures included in this course.The recipes included in this course are easy to make and doesn't require much time to prepare. Enroll in this course and start learning.Have fun in the kitchen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Healthy and Quick to Prepare Japanese Recipes Using Miso" |
"Welcome to this cooking course where you'll learn new and exciting Japanese recipes to cook with the use of miso. In thiscourse, you will learn the different types of miso and its uses and benefits.This course presents you with new and exciting recipes which are simpleand quick to prepare. The lectures are easy to follow presented withhigh-quality videos.Miso is a staple in Japanese cuisine. It is usually produced by fermenting soybeans andother ingredients like rice and barley. Miso has many uses in Japanese cuisine not only in making miso soup but alsofor making sauces, spreads, confectioneries, pickling vegetables andcuring meat There are many types of miso and it has different tastein which you will learn some of it in this course. Miso is also high in protein and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. You'll learn more of the health benefits of miso in this course.The recipes included in this course are easy to make and doesn't require much time to prepare. Enroll in this course and start learning.Have fun in the kitchen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Vegetable Soup Recipes - Complete Meals in One Dish" |
"In this course, you will find recipes for Japanese vegetable soups which are healthy and delicious. What's good about the recipes students will findin this course is that each recipe will complete your body's nutrient needs for the day. It contains traditional Japanese soup recipes as well as Japanese-inspired dishes. There will also be recipes with meat as well as vegetarian dishes so everybody is welcome to take a look in this course and try out the recipes at home.Students who will take this course will learn many things about Japanese cuisine including the Japanese cooking techniques and methods as well as ingredients which are commonly used. The soup recipes can be cooked in less than 30 minutes, which aregreat meals to prepare for the whole family in this current busy world of ours. The whole family will enjoy the dishes because it's not only healthy but also very tasty.I hope to see everyone in class. Have fun in the kitchen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |