Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Lean System Thinking in Manufacturing" |
"This course is all about improving your manufacturing system performance by reducing or eliminating waste in the manufacturing and supporting the process by applying lean system thinking simple, powerful lean tools and techniques.This course is structured with basic understandings of lean, lean manufacturing, and lean system thinking in any business environment. I have clarified some of the misconceptions of lean in the manufacturing environment. Also explained broadly, how the cost of product and delivery lead time could be reduced by identifying waste or non-value added activities in the value chain. Also discussed the practical difficulties in implementing a lean journey, the reason for failure in some of the organization and listed out the prerequisites for implementing lean system thinking in any organization. To get confidence to implement Lean initiative in your in your organization irrespective of your industry background, I have given real case study examples of lean success case studies and its impact on business profitability in various manufacturing industriesThis course is beneficial if you struggle to improve your operational productivity in your organization. Ideal learning course for Small, emerging (SME's) business owners, Plant heads, Manufacturing, Process Engineers, Managers, Executives, Industrial Engineers, Shop floor supervisors, Lean manufacturing champions, Operational excellence managers from manufacturing organizations in small, medium scale organizations of any industry background.At the end of the course, you will be able to re-look at your organizational processes from a different perspective like value addition, non-value addition, and ready to apply right lean tools and techniques. You will be in a position to reduce your manufacturing cost and delivery lead time through the application of lean system thinking."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Application of Project Management in New Product Development" |
"This course is all about improving your new product development process and ensuring on-time delivery, cost and meeting product requirements by applying project management principles, concepts, tools, and techniques.This course is structured with basic understandings of projects in a business environment, causes of project success or failure, typical scenarios in emerging organizations on the new product development processes and the relevance of project management to manage those challenges or issues. Also explained broadly, the proven practices of project management principles and the relevant tools and techniques to apply in new product development processes. Also discussed the people aspects in new product development and the role of top management, project leader or manager, team members, competency requirement.To get confidence to implement Project management principles in the new product development process in your organization irrespective of your products or industry background, I have given practical examples that had been tested and implemented in various manufacturing industries.This course is very useful if you struggle to develop new products on-time, within cost estimate and meeting customer's requirements. Ideal learning course for SME business owners, Plant heads, Manufacturing, Process Engineers, Design engineers, project managers, development teams from manufacturing organizations in small, medium scale organizations of any industry background.At the end of the course, you will be able to re-look at your organizational new product development processes from a different perspective, identify the gaps and able to apply some of the project management principles learned in this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Matemticas Financieras Avanzadas, sin secretos." |
"Valuacin de Capitales Financieros consistentes en Series Uniformes y no Uniformes. Clculo de Valor Actual Neto (VAN) Clculo de TIR (Tasa Interna de Retorno) y de Costo Financiero Total (CFT) mediante interpolaciones lineales. Amortizaciones de Prestamos mediante sistemas: Francs, Americano y Alemn. Computo de los efectos de la inflacin en la tasa de Inters."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis Matemtico (Calculo/Calculus) ""Llegando al Lmite""" |
"En este curso se analiza y explica el concepto fundamental del Anlisis Matemtico/Clculo/Calculus que es el de lmite de una funcin. Ideas como las derivadas son en definitiva lmites. Para saber el comportamiento de una funcin y poder hacer un grfico aproximado, conviene usar lmites y hay ms aplicaciones de los lmites que resultan fundamentales. En estos Videos/lecciones comenzamos con una descripcin bsica de qu es el limite de una funcin y explicamos los mtodos que hay para calcular varios tipos de limites de funciomes. Tambin se explica/analiza/ejercita la continuidad de funciones en un punto. Y por ltimo se aborda uno de los temas que ms confunden a los alumnos, la demostracin de limites por definicin (mtodo epsilon-delta)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Derivando Funciones (Cunto cambia cuando cambia?" |
"Curso con videos donde se explica desde cero el concepto y la utilizacin de la Derivacin de funciones. Ms de 50 videos de teora y prctica explicando los fundamentos de la derivacin de funciones. -Derivada: interpretacin geomtrica como lmite del cociente incremental, recta tangente y recta secante. -Derivacin por tablas y aplicacin de propiedades. -Continuidad y Derivabilidad. Teoremas de Rolle, de Lagrange y de Cauchy -Derivacin de funciones compuestas: ""Regla de la cadena"" -Problemas tpicos de optimizacin: bsqueda de mximos y mnimos. -Analisis de funciones con auxilio de la derivada: mximos, mnimos, crecimiento y concavidad. -Derivacion por definicin para hallar las funciones derivadas como lmite del cociente incremental. -Derivacin implcita: calculo de derivadas de funciones inversas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aplicaciones de la Derivada (para qu las puedo usar?)" |
"Curso con videos donde se explican distintas formas de aplicar la derivacin de funciones para clculos en Fisica, en Geometra Analtica y en Anlisis Matemtico. Ms de 30 videos de conexplicacin de cmo ver cierto tipo de problemas desde el punto de vista de la utilizacin derivada como herramienta de resolucin, hasta el punto de resolver una sencilla ecuacin diferencial. -Aplicaciones a la fsica para calcular a partir de ecuacines horarias de distinto tipo las ecuaciones de Velocidad y Aceleracin de un punto movil. Ejemplos dnde se establece la relacin entre distintos elementos que hacen a la definicin de la posicin de un movil en funcin del tiempo. Clculo de otras velocidades (enfriamiento, nivel de un liquido, etc) mediante la aplicacin de derivadas. Introduccin al concepto de Ecuacin Diferencial. Aplicaciones en Geometa Analitica para obtener rectas Normales y Tangentes a una curva. Concepto de Curvas tangentes. Derivacin de funciones paramtricas que definen curvas en R2 y en R3 y nos permiten calcular vectores Tangentes, normales y planos normales a curvas. ngulo entre curvas mediante los vectores tangentes. Clculos de lmites mediante la aplicacin de la regla de L`Hopital. Aproximaciones lineales de funciones. Clculo aproximado de valores de funciones mediante diferenciales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Probabilidades III: Distribuciones con nombre propio" |
"En este curso vas a encontrar las explicaciones claras y concretas que necesitas para entender un tema como el de Distribuciones de Probabilidades para las Variables Aleatorias Continuas y Discretas Ms conocidas.Las distribuciones que analizamos y practicamos son:Uniforme Discreta, Binomial, Geomtrica, Binomial Negativa, HiperGeometrica, de Poisson, Normal de Gauss, Uniforme Continua y Exponencial.Adems vas a ver como resolver mltiples ejercicios (que estn resueltos paso a paso), sin utilizar lenguaje complejo y sin clculos y frmulas difciles de comprender. Slo necesitas saber sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir y manejar los conceptos bsicos de clculo de probabilidades y sus leyes.Si estas por comenzar estudios a nivel terciario y/o universitario o estas cursando alguna materia que incluya clculo de probabilidades, estas mas de 40 lecciones en video te van a aclarar muchos de los temas fundamentales para proseguir con tus estudios.En muchas carreras, desde Psicologa hasta Ingeniera se necesitan conocimientos de Clculo de Probabilidades y Variables Aleatorias. En este curso te acompao a realizar de manera sencilla este tipo de clculos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Esttica plana" |
"La Esttica es una de las partes de la fsica que se encuentra explicada de manera muy superficial en muchos textos y cursos aun de carreras dnde son fundamentales los conceptos y mtodos utilizados. Trata sobre el anlisis, estudio y clculo de las fuerzas actuantes sobre un cuerpo que est en Reposo o esttico.Es fundamental el aprendizaje y dominio de: utilizacin de magnitudes vectoriales para representar y operar con fuerzas en sistemas en reposo.Temario del Curso:Fuerzas y Magnitudes VectorialesSuma o composicin de Magnitudes VectorialesDescomposicin de Magnitudes Vectoriales.Sistemas en equilibrio. Condiciones de equilibrio para sistemas de fuerzas concurrentes.Momento de una fuerza respecto a un punto. Condiciones de equilibrio para sistemas de fuerzas no concurrentes.Fuerzas paralelas.Reacciones de vnculo.Maquinas Simples: Poleas, palancas, torno y plano inclinadoProblemas clsicos resueltos paso a paso.Luego del realizar el curso podr resolver problemas clsicos de esttica donde acten fuerzas todas contenidas en un mismo plano. Sean fuerzas oblicuas, paralelas, concurrentes o no.Aprendern y ejercitarn el concepto de Momento de una Fuerza respecto de una punto y como aplicarlo a la resolucin de problemas de esttica.Comprender la necesidad de realizar diagramas de los problemas a resolver y como utilizar un mtodo sistemtico para plantear las ecuaciones y luego resolverlas.Tambin es importante aprender y comprender conceptos como los de composicin, descomposicin, condiciones de equilibrio, reacciones de vnculo, funciones de los vnculos y otros."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dividend Investing Masterclass" |
"Let me ask you two questions:1.What if there was an investment strategy that could provide you with a steady stream of passive income cash flow for decades?2.What if this investment strategy allowed you to live off 2% - 5% of your portfolio WITHOUT having to sell stock to fund your lifestyle?This may come as a surprise to you, but the best way to generate long-term stock returns is through dividends (NOT capital gains). Buying dividend stocks is much better than chasing the next hot thing. Dividend Aristocrats have been around for decades and will provide you with a source of steady passive income.Consider this CRAZY and amazing statistic: *If you invested $100 in the S&P 500 10 years ago, you would have $197.91 dollars today. *However, if you invested $100 in the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats index, you would have $254.25 today! In fact, Warren Buffett is a big proponent of dividend investingand he just so happens to be worth a cool $75 BILLION! He owns many classic Dividend Aristocrats like Coca Cola and Johnson & Johnson. Dividend growth investing (DGI) is simple to follow and easy to execute. Dividend investing is all about buying businesses that can pay and increase dividends over multiple decades.Once your portfolio gets big enough you can actually live solely on the dividend payments and not have to sell stock to fund your lifestyle! Not only that, but dividends receive preferential tax treatment in the U.S. So you could be paying a tax rate as low as 0% on your dividend income! Many of the greatest investors have gotten rich investing in dividend stocks. And you too can follow in their footsteps. Get this course to learn how to build a well-diversified dividend portfolio from scratch. I will teach you how to screen for these stocks using my EXCLUSIVE 9 factor checklist for successful dividend investing. Start your journey towards passive income retirement! As with all of my courses, you get LIFETIME access and a 30-day FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Video Game Modelling: The Ice Axe:" |
"Within this course you will learn how to model an Ice Axe game asset for engine. We will go from High poly to Low poly relatively easily within 3DS Max. All UVW Unwraps and Smoothing groups will be produced within 3DS Max, along with Material ID's. Once this stage is complete we will transfer to Substance Painter and create a texture for our asset to be used within a game environment. The final stage will be applying the asset to the games engine, we will be using the Unreal engine to complete this. We will also render our Asset within IRAY and marmoset for use in a portfolio."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Biology 101: Introduction to Digestion and Excretion" |
"Are you a high school student? Or are you simply looking to expand your knowledge in biology? Then this is a course that you should enroll in.Together we will examine the very basics of human digestion and excretion. We will discuss the changes that occur in food from the time we consume ituntil it is fully digested.Butwhat happens when our food is fully digested? What happens to the metabolic wastes? Well, we shall examine how our excretory system helps us to get rid of metabolic wastes, in order to protect our cells from damage. In this short course you will also learn about the importance of a balanced diet, nutrient deficiency, and how our body control the amount of water in the blood vessels.This is therefore an ideal course for students who are preparing to write ""O"" level examinations. All the basic information will be provided on the topics that we will be exploring. However, this course is not restricted to students only, but to anyone who wish to have a basic understanding of these two fundamental processes that are taking place in our body, every single moment of our lives.At the end of the course, I have also included a bonus section, with contents from one of my upcoming course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Biology101: Nervous, Endocrine and Skeletal System" |
"Biology is a multidisciplinary field of studythat explores living organisms from a cellular to ecological level. It is almost impossible to imagine how an organism will survive without a proper system to detect changes in its surrounding. After responding to changes in the environment, it is essential that the organism moves towards or away from such changes or stimulus.This is an introductory course that seeks to help develop an understanding in students, of how the nervous system allows us to detect changes in our environment. We will examine the very fundamental structure that the nervous system is made up of : neurons. We will also spend some time to understand how the sense organ, our eye functions. We will look at eye defects and ways in which we can correct these defects.The second part of this course will look at the endocrine system. It is a system that is closely related to the nervous system in its function. We will explore the major differences between these two systems and how they both work in order to allow us to survive in our environment.In the final part of this course, we will discuss the importance of movement in living organisms.We will examine the human skeletal system and learn how the skeletal system works along with the muscular system in order to bring about movement.This is a course that is most suited for high schools students. However, anyone with interest in these topics can enroll and have a better understanding of how our body systems work. There will be questions in the form of quiz at the end of each sectionand sample questions with answers in this course. This should enable you self evaluate your learning throughout the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Master TOEIC Listening test" |
"Hey, how are you doing? Welcome to the ""Learn English Master TOEIC Listening Test"" course where you will develop the necessary skills to do well on the TOEIC Listening test.What is TOEIC? TOEIC stands for Test of English for International Communication. This is an English language proficiency test for non-native English speakers. More than 5,000 corporations and institutions in over 60 countries use the TOEIC test, with nearly five million people registering to take it each year. By the end of the course, you can get ready for the TOEIC listening test and get a high score. You can also communicate fluently and confidently with friends and colleagues. Finally, you will be capable of applying what you have learned in your daily work as well.Who are our ideal students? This course is designed for those who want to get a high score in the TOEIC listening test, speak and communicate confidently and fluently, and use English in daily work.Thank you very much for your interest in the course. Please enroll now. I am looking forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Content Management System in PHP & MySQL" |
"This course covers all the features of Content Managementsystem. And it is best suitable for developers who want to learn with hands-on project. This project covers from basic to advanced concepts on working PHP project.This course (Content Management System)is structured based on the topics. And it is easily understood by any one who has basic knowledge of PHP & MySQL."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building E-Commerce Shopping Cart Website in PHP & MySQL" |
"Here I'm going to build a Shopping Cart with these featuresIn FrontEnd Displaying Products and home page and displaying products with categories. Next adding to products cart from home page category page and adding product to cart in multiple quantity from single product page.Next is displaying products added to cart in cart page and also in drop-down menu with checkout link.While user goes to checkout page after adding products to cart. We will check user logged in or not?If user logged in we will allow him to checkout page or else he will be prompted to login or register.If he is a new user, he should register. If he is not a new user, he can login with his login credentials.In checkout page, if the user already has billing details. It will be displayed or else user will be prompted to enter billing details.After that user can choose the payment method and accept the terms his order will be placed. For now, I'm using only Cash On Delivery method.If we use payment gateways, user will be redirected to payment gateway. If he pays we will store transaction id and other information from payment gateway provider into our database.Customer can submit reviews to product, customer can submit only one review per product.Customer can cancel his order. Also customer can update his or her address from my account page.Customer can check all the orders from my account page. And also view single orders from single order view page.Wishlist for customer to add products to wishlist and remove products from wishlist.In Back End Admin Area, Admin User will be able to login and add, edit & delete products. And also admin user can check the orders. Go through the list of customers and go through all the reviews submitted by customers.Order Processing from backend, admin can process the order in 4 different stages one is Order Placed, Order In Progress, Order Dispatched, and Order Delivered.A lot more features are included."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2017 Essentials" |
"This introductory course to Photoshop covers the fundamental functions to get started editing and improving photos. Course is split into threemain sections:-Introduction to Photoshop- Tools of Photoshop- ProjectsInfirst section you will learn how Photoshop works.How to modify workspace.How to create new document. What are layers, blending options, masks, smart objects, differences between PCand MAC with shortcuts and loots of other.In second section we will go over all tools in Photoshop. For each tool you will have example inside lecture.In the third section is fun, there we have couple of projects createdfrom scratch. And when you finish with first and second section third one will be peace ofcake for you. From this course you can expect to learn all basics that Photoshop offers. And also you will get chanceto start working on real projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Mobile App Design from Scratch in Photoshop" |
"Mobile app designing is one of most demanding area in Graphic designing. With so many mobile (Android or iPhone) apps being released in such a short period of time, designers need to really create apps that stand out. And most of designers face difficulties designing top Mobile app design using beautiful user interference. So, this tutorial is solution for all mobile app designer and mobile app developer at the same time. In this course we are designing complete Mobile app design for learning platformwhich includes all pages with every single details. Lets start the firstmobile app designing in Photoshop for both android and iOS (iPhone mobiles)"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Design Business Card in Photoshop: Earn Money by Doing It" |
"The course covers everything that is needed to design a print readybusiness card template on Photoshop CC. All the basic template measurement required to sell the design online are also covered through out the lectures.The course is for complete beginners. The student requires no prior experience with any sort of software. Anyone with a few minutes can learn the skill through this course.Inside this course you can also find separate section with Tools of Photoshop. Skills learnedfrom this course, students can easily design the business card, use for themselves or sell them on various online marketplaces to earn money right away.All that's required to start is a free download of Adobe PhotoshopCC.If you want to master designing proper, professional stationery faster than you every imagined, I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Design Game Assets in Photoshop" |
"Join the course and begin designinggame art assetstoday!Do you want to learn how to create game graphics? Or maybe youre on a quest to start making money as a game graphic designer? In any case youve come to the right place.The Learn to Design Game Assets in Photoshop course will show you how to create high quality stylized game graphics that will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into just about any asset creation for games.This course will take you from having noknowledge in Photoshop to creating professional game design in as little as 1 week.So what else is in it for you?First you will learn basics of Photoshop and how to adjust it for your work.Then you will learn main tools that we are going to use for this courseOnce you've learned the basics we will jump into our projectYou will learn how to design buttons, how to animate them, also you will learn how to design backgrounds for game + assetsWhat else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course instructor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional mobile app game is designed, created, and organized layer by layer.This comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly and responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step on the way!So what are you waiting for?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Psychology: Learn More About People and Yourself" |
"The fact is that our social behavior arises from our social cognition. Especially when the unexpected occurs, we, as a humans, want to understand and explain why people act as they do. Social psychologys great lesson is the enormous power of social influence. This influence can be seen in our conformity, our obedience to authority, and our group behavior.If you have ever wondered:How Much of Our Social World Is Just in Our Heads? Would People Be Cruel If Ordered? To Help? Or to Help Oneself? A common thread runs through these questions: They all deal with how people view and affect one another. And that is what social psychology is all about. Social psychologists study attitudes and beliefs, conformity and independence, love and hate.Course is made of 13 carefully graded sections, where every section include several lectures related to the specific topic. Of course, we start with the mother of Social Psychology and have some general info about Psychology itself, than we go to the center and start with the Social Psychology. We cover two main parts of Social Psychology Social Thinking and Social Influence. Social thinking covers topics where we learn more about ourselves, who are we in social worlds, how our self esteem affect it, and how we perceive others. And later we have Social influence and topics which talk about how persuasion affect our personality, how we act if we are given power in certain fields, and are we capable of killing someone if its ordered to us? Who should take this course and why? If you find anything interesting in this field, and if you like answering on the question that are so obvious but maybe you never will ask them, you are the right person for this course. If you like to hear and learn about how today's advertisers, marketers, and scientists first of all who bombard you with those ads all over our social networks, how they experiment with our brains, and how they made someone to buy certain thingsor just to explain that unexpected behavior click enroll and lets find out together."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Use Facebook marketing to grow your business" |
"Use Facebook marketing to grow your business - This Facebook marketing course will teach you EVERY THING you need to know to dominate Facebook and earn real profit !Facebook advertising-Facebook ads the make you money These 9 lesson will guide you step by step from the very basics to the most advanced Techniques that will absolutely will bring you more profits.Use Facebook marketing to grow your business -You will learn how to generate leads by demands and convert cold leads into paying costumers - this is the course that you've been waiting for- and your business beenCries outAfter 8 years of investigating the internet marketing world this course IS EVERY THING you've been hoping forI encourage you to enroll NOW and start your financial successin my Facebook marketing to grow your business"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Launch-make your business profitable and easy" |
"As a business you need to combine a lot of funnels to create streamingcash flow in toyour business.The launch is THE ONE OF THE PROFITABLE way of doing it rightThis course will teach you how to create a launch funnel that actually create wealth in your businessImagine that you can sell your products or services online 24/7 even when you are sleeping to 10 or 100 or 1000 people at one time'imagine what it can do to your businessThis course will give you the right formula that you can copy and paste and repeatit time after timeAnd drive money into your bank account on demandIn this course you will learn how to create :-Irresistible Offer Creation Secrets-Sales latter formula- How to create marketing materials- Epic sales funnel secrets- How to win the join venture game- Launch time- Product launch TechnicsAlso you will get an E book that willbe your personal written guide to your success"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest marketing -bring more sales with Pinterest" |
"Pinterest marketing -bring more sales with PinterestPinterest is a growing traffic source of over the world. People using Pinterest to find products to buy and creating a wish list of presents to buy for the holidaysIf you as a business owner don't usePinterest-you lose money-period!Pinterest can help you grow your business even if you sell online on Amazon and other E com stores. Interest has become the number one visual traffic source to use today if you want to sell more productsThis platform is used mostly by women -which as you know is a HUGE buying audienceso get your stuff and start sell"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin-bitcoin mining" |
"Bitcoin-earn your wealth online,Our economy is changing-you must be in front of this changeThe usual way to earn money has changed and the people are tired of being controlled by the banksSo one man invented the Bitcoin- and the world has changed since then!This course will teach you everything you need to know about the bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies worldYou will learn how to earn bitcoin, Bitcoin mining concept, your way to get paid with BitcoinThis course is about to reveal you the future that happening RIGHT NOW"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Create your dream life-and live them EVERY DAY" |
"Create your dream life-and live them EVERY DAYThis course is about the show you-guide you and teach you the core principles that you need in order to live the life that you want.It's not just empty words-it's a fact! in today world you MUST live your life the way you want them to be-not like any other person decided for youIn this course you will learn the basic and the advanced techniques to be the master of your life- it will not be over night ! BUT YOU WILL LIVE YOUR LIFE EVENTUALLY"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition for beginners-Raw food diet" |
"Nutrition for beginners-Raw food diet- Raw food diet-The ultimate raw food E course that will teach you how to create delicious raw mealsIs all about creating delicious vegan meals-the raw food is not a trend it's the presentAnd if you are considering to your health then you should listen to my adviceThe future of the culinary food is here and people all over the world adapt the vegan way and enjoy more vital,healthier life that contribute daily to there being In this curse you will learn why and how you can be much more vital and enjoy delicious vegan and raw meals"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"amazon FBA-Amazon-join the biggest online mall" |
"amazon FBA- Amazon-join the biggest online mall-Learn how to win the Amazon E commerce businessAmazon has changed the game all over the world,millions of loyal costumers but every day onAmazon DAILYNow it's your turn to join this HUGE market and start creating your own E commerce business.This Amazon course is about to teach you all you need to know in order to start your own FBA Amazon business and many more techniques that will explode your profits-JOIN ME NOW and let me guide you through those vital steps"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"chatbot - Facebook-bots hacking" |
"chatbot - Facebook-bots hacking This course is about to teach you everything you need to know in order to build an automated businessIn today economy you must act FAST and you cannot be all the time in front of the computerSo in this course, you will learn how you can automate your skills and create incoming leads intoin your businessYou cannot afford yourself to lose this course, after 9 years as an internet marketer that build an online college that teaches in 10 different countriesI know exactly what to do - and I'm willing to teach you as well- so see you in class"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Facebook marketing-learn how to create Facebook ads" |
"Facebook marketing-learn how to create Facebook ads- in today reality marketing is not enough you must do your EXTRA MILE in creating your marketing strategies -this course will teach you once and for all how to do it THE RIGHT WAY -Facebook marketing 5.0 is about to revile you the most kept techniques that you can use in order To promote your offers rapidly and efficiently -you will learn how to re target your audience, you will learn how to get to the right people that actually wants to hear from you.This Facebook marketing course will guide you and will take you by the hand step by step creating your campaigns."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Facebook ads & Facebook marketing-2 courses in 1" |
"Facebook ads & Facebook marketing-Ultimate course +Bonus course -shopify mastery - -this course will teach you ABSOLUTELY the most cutting edge techniques that Facebook use todayFacebook marketing course Is a GAME CHANGER and crucial for you to master those skills in order to learn how to drive traffic and convert this traffic to leads!It's simple - no traffic = no leads = no businessCreate Facebook ads and Learn how to win the Facebook marketing businessNow it's you to choose what to do, to continue and trying to pursue for information on YouTube or get your self in a professional position and advanced guide that will give you a short cut to your learning curve and will give you instant and immediately resultsHere are some of the things you will learn:-Facebook marketing-Use re marketing in Facebook ads- Use targeted audience in Facebook marketing - Create converting Facebook ads-Create Facebook ads that actually convert -Create Facebook ads on low budget and high ROI"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Amazon -the ultimate E commerce to start your business" |
"In today's reality people do their shopping online - so when you are not there YOU losing MONEY!e-commerce course business course that guides you through all the VITAL STEPS that you must control in order to create your own profitable E-commerce store. There is NO OTHER OPTION today other than creating your E-commerceThis course is about to revile to you all you need to know in order to run your own E-commerce store and create clients buy demand"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |