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"Corso di italiano per principianti" |
"Corso di italiano per principianti Corso insegnato in italiano (metodo di immersione totale) con sottotitoli in italiano. Questo corso tratter i seguenti argomenti: discorso in lingua italiana, la pronuncia, la scrittura, le regole e modelli grammaticali italiani, il vocabolario italiano, conversazione nel italiano e le abilit di comunicazione. Lo schermo interattivo aiuta visivamente gli studenti e il metodo di immersione utilizzato per l'insegnamento accelera la velocit di apprendimento, la comprensione del parlato e la fluidit nella lingua italiana. Il corso parte dalle nozioni di base e include il supporto pdf gratuito. Questo corso include: Lezioni video Full HD presentati su uno schermo interattivo File PDF scaricabili per ogni lezione Situazioni quotidiane presentate in italiano Un modo semplice per capire la grammatica italiana La valutazione e il miglioramento delle conoscenze usando dei test dopo ogni lezione Aggiornamenti futuri Accesso completo a vita Soddisfazione garantita o rimborso dei soldi entro 30 giorni Accesso alle lezioni dal computer, cellulare o Smart-TV Questo corso di italiano integra tecniche di apprendimento innovative e attuali con il prezioso aiuto dei nostri professori specialisti, che hanno creato le lezioni come brevi ed intensi sessioni di e-learning. Ogni lezione di italiano insegnata nella madrelingua, con supporto visivo perfettamente integrato nel contesto, creando un ambiente perfetto per l'apprendimento del italiano. Questo corso di lingua italiana per principianti offre corsi video adattati per integrare vari metodi nell'insegnamento e adattamento dei diversi stili di apprendimento in modo che siano adatti per ogni studente, indipendentemente dal livello di conoscenza o da quello che ha imparato a scuola . Se ti chiedi ancora: perch questo corso di lingua italiana? Per almeno 3 ragioni: 1. Prima di tutto, ogni lezione viene insegnata nella madrelingua, con supporto visivo perfettamente integrato nel contesto. La comunicazione adattata ad ogni studente e alle situazioni della vita reale in modo leggero e amichevole. 2. Secondo, gli studenti possono imparare il italiano al proprio ritmo. 3. E, ultimo ma non meno importante, gli studenti possono misurare le loro prestazioni e progressi attraverso pi test, una tecnica molto efficace di verificare il vocabolario e di migliorare la grammatica per chiunque decida di seguire questo corso di italiano per principianti."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Espaol para Principiantes" |
"Curso de Espaol para PrincipiantesCurso impartido en espaol (mtodo de inmersin total) con subttulos en espaol.En este curso cubriremos los siguientes temas: hablar espaol, pronunciacin, escribir, reglas y modelos de gramtica espaola, vocabulario espaol, conversacin en espaol y habilidades de comunicacin. La pantalla interactiva ayuda a los alumnos visualmente, y el mtodo de inmersin utilizado para la enseanza acelera la velocidad de aprendizaje, la comprensin del habla y la fluidez en espaol.El curso comienza desde lo bsico e incluye soporte pdf gratuito.Este curso incluye: Lecciones video FULL HD presentadas en una pantalla interactiva Archivos pdf descargables para cada leccin Situaciones diarias presentadas en espaol. Una manera fcil de entender la gramtica espaola. Probar y mejorar el conocimiento usando pruebas despus de cada leccin Acceso completo de por vida. Satisfaccin garantizada o devolucin de dinero dentro de 30 das Acceso a lecciones desde computadora, telfono mvil o Smart-TV.Este curso de espaol integra tcnicas de aprendizaje innovadoras y actuales con la valiosa ayuda de nuestros profesores especializados que han creado lecciones como sesiones de e-learning intensas y breves.Cada leccin de espaol se ensea en el idioma nativo, con soporte visual perfectamente integrado en el contexto, creando un ambiente perfecto para aprender espaol.Este curso de espaol para principiantes os ofrece cursos video que se adaptan para incorporar diversos mtodos de enseanza y adaptacin de diferentes estilos de aprendizaje para que sean adecuados para cada alumno, independientemente del nivel de conocimiento o lo que hayan aprendido en la escuela. Si todava te preguntas: por qu este curso de espaol?Por al menos 3 razones:1. En primer lugar, cada leccin se ensea en el idioma nativo, con soporte visual perfectamente integrado en el contexto. La comunicacin se adapta a cada alumno y a las situaciones de la vida real de una manera fcil y accesible.2. En segundo lugar, los estudiantes pueden aprender espaol a su propio ritmo.3. Y por ltimo, pero no menos importante, los alumnos pueden medir su desempeo y progreso a travs de mltiples pruebas, una tcnica muy eficiente para verificar el vocabulario y para mejorar la gramtica para cualquier persona que decida tomar este curso de espaol para principiantes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cours dEspagnol pour Dbutants" |
"Cours dEspagnol pour DbutantsCours enseign en espagnol (mthode d'immersion totale) avec des sous-titres en francais. Pendant ce cours nous allons dcouvrir les sujets suivants: le discours en espagnol, la prononciation, lcriture, les rgles et les structures grammaticales, le vocabulaire, la conversation et les capacits de communication. Lcran interactif va aider les tudiants dune faon visuelle et la mthode dimmersion utilise peut acclrer la vitesse dapprentissage, la comprhension de la langue et la fluidit de votre discours. Le cours commence avec les lments de base et inclue un support PDF gratuit. Ce cours inclut: Des leons vido FULL HD prsentes sur un cran interactif Des fichiers PDF tlchargeables pour chaque leon Situations quotidiennes prsentes en espagnol Une faon facile pour comprendre la grammaire espagnole Vrifier et amliorer vos connaissances en utilisant des tests aprs chaque leon Des mises jour prochaines Accs complet pour toute la vie La satisfaction garantie ou le retour de largent en 30 jours Laccs des leons sur lordinateur, sur le portable ou Smart-TVCe cours despagnol intgre les techniques dapprentissage innovatives et actuelles avec laide de nos professeurs spcialiss qui ont cr les leons en format des sessions de-learning intenses et courtes Chaque leon despagnol est enseigne dans la langue maternelle, le support visuel tant intgr parfaitement en contexte, qui vous offre le cadre parfait pour apprendre lespagnol. Ce cours despagnol pour dbutants vous offre des vidos ajusts qui comprennent des techniques et des styles varies afin quils puissent tre appropris pour chaque tudiant quoi quil soit son niveau ou les notions acquises lcole. Si vous avez encore des doutes, pourquoi choisir ce cours despagnol?Voil au moins 3 motifspour le faire:1.Premirement, chaque leon est enseigne par un natif, le support visuel tant intgr parfaitement dans le contexte. La communication est adapte pour chaque tudiant et pour les situations de la vie relle, dune manire facile et amicale. 2. Deuximement, les tudiants peuvent apprendre lespagnol dans leurs pas 3. Et dernirement, mais pas le moins important, les tudiants peuvent mesurer leurs performances et leurs progress par des multiples testes, une technique vraiment extrmement efficace pour vrifier lamlioration de leur vocabulaire et de la grammaire."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curs de limba spaniol pentru nceptori" |
"Curs de limba spaniol pentru nceptorin acest curs vom acoperia urmtoarele subiecte: vorbirea n limba spaniol, pronunia, scrierea, regulile i modelele gramaticale spaniole, vocabularul spaniol, conversaia n limba spaniol i abilitile de comunicare. Ecranul interactiv i ajut pe cursani n mod vizual, iar metoda de imersie folosit pentru predare accelereaz viteza de nvare, nelegerea vorbirii i fluena n limba spaniol.Cursul pornete de la elementele de baz, include suport pdf gratuit i multe exerciii / teste de practic / chestionare.Acest curs include:Lecii Video FULL HD prezentate pe un Ecran InteractivFiiere .pdf descrcabile pentru fiecare lecieSituaii de zi cu zi prezentate n limba spaniolO modalitate uoar de a nelege gramatica spaniolTestarea i mbuntirea cunotinelor folosind teste dup fiecare lecieAcces complet pe viaSatisfacia garantat sau Returnarea banilor n 30 de zileAccesul la lecii de la calculator, telefon mobil sau Smart-TVAcest curs de limba spaniol integreaz tehnicile de nvare inovatoare i actuale cu ajutorul valoros al profesorilor notri specialiti, care au creat leciile ca sesiuni de e-learning intense i scurte.Fiecare lecie de spaniol este predat n limba matern, suportul vizual fiind perfect integrat n context, crend un mediu perfect pentru a nva limba spaniol.Acest curs de limba spaniol pentru nceptori v ofer cursuri video care sunt adaptate pentru a ncorpora diverse metode n predarea i adaptarea diferitelor stiluri de nvare, astfel nct acestea s fie potrivite pentru fiecare cursant, indiferent de nivelul cunotinelor sau de ceea ce au nvat n coal.Dac v mai ntrebai: de ce acest curs de limba spaniol?Din cel puin 3 motive:1. n primul rnd, fiecare lecie este predat n limba matern, suportul vizual fiind perfect integrat n context. Comunicarea este adaptat fiecrui cursant i situaiilor din viaa real, ntr-o manier uoar i prietenoas.2. n al doilea rnd, cursanii pot nva limba spaniol n ritmul propriu.3. i nu n ultimul rnd, cursanii i pot msura performanele i progresele, prin teste multiple, o tehnic extrem de eficient de verificare a vocabularului i de mbuntire a gramaticii pentru oricine decide s parcurg acest curs de limba spaniol pentru nceptori."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso di spagnolo per principianti" |
"Corso di spagnolo per principianti Corso insegnato in spagnolo (metodo di immersione totale) con sottotitoli in italiano. Questo corso tratter i seguenti argomenti: discorso in lingua spagnola, la pronuncia, la scrittura, le regole e modelli grammaticali spagnoli, il vocabolario spagnolo, conversazione nel spagnolo e le abilit di comunicazione. Lo schermo interattivo aiuta visivamente gli studenti e il metodo di immersione utilizzato per l'insegnamento accelera la velocit di apprendimento, la comprensione del parlato e la fluidit nella lingua spagnola. Il corso parte dalle nozioni di base e include il supporto pdf gratuito. Questo corso include: Lezioni video Full HD presentati su uno schermo interattivo File PDF scaricabili per ogni lezione Situazioni quotidiane presentate in spagnolo Un modo semplice per capire la grammatica spagnola La valutazione e il miglioramento delle conoscenze usando dei test dopo ogni lezione Aggiornamenti futuri Accesso completo a vita Soddisfazione garantita o rimborso dei soldi entro 30 giorni Accesso alle lezioni dal computer, cellulare o Smart-TV Questo corso di spagnolo integra tecniche di apprendimento innovative e attuali con il prezioso aiuto dei nostri professori specialisti, che hanno creato le lezioni come brevi ed intensi sessioni di e-learning. Ogni lezione di spagnolo insegnata nella madrelingua, con supporto visivo perfettamente integrato nel contesto, creando un ambiente perfetto per l'apprendimento del spagnolo. Questo corso di lingua spagnola per principianti offre corsi video adattati per integrare vari metodi nell'insegnamento e adattamento dei diversi stili di apprendimento in modo che siano adatti per ogni studente, indipendentemente dal livello di conoscenza o da quello che ha imparato a scuola . Se ti chiedi ancora: perch questo corso di lingua spagnola? Per almeno 3 ragioni: 1. Prima di tutto, ogni lezione viene insegnata nella madrelingua, con supporto visivo perfettamente integrato nel contesto. La comunicazione adattata ad ogni studente e alle situazioni della vita reale in modo leggero e amichevole. 2. Secondo, gli studenti possono imparare il spagnolo al proprio ritmo. 3. E, ultimo ma non meno importante, gli studenti possono misurare le loro prestazioni e progressi attraverso pi test, una tecnica molto efficace di verificare il vocabolario e di migliorare la grammatica per chiunque decida di seguire questo corso di spagnolo per principianti."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cours dItalien pour Dbutants" |
"Cours dItalien pour DbutantsCours enseign en italien (mthode d'immersion totale) avec des sous-titres en francais. Pendant ce cours nous allons dcouvrir les sujets suivants: le discours en italien, la prononciation, lcriture, les rgles et les structures grammaticales, le vocabulaire, la conversation et les capacits de communication. Lcran interactif va aider les tudiants dune faon visuelle et la mthode dimmersion utilise peut acclrer la vitesse dapprentissage, la comprhension de la langue et la fluidit de votre discours. Le cours commence avec les lments de base et inclue un support PDF gratuit. Ce cours inclut: Des leons vido FULL HD prsentes sur un cran interactif Des fichiers PDF tlchargeables pour chaque leon Situations quotidiennes prsentes en italien Une faon facile pour comprendre la grammaire italienne Vrifier et amliorer vos connaissances en utilisant des tests aprs chaque leon Des mises jour prochaines Accs complet pour toute la vie La satisfaction garantie ou le retour de largent en 30 jours Laccs des leons sur lordinateur, sur le portable ou Smart-TVCe cours ditalien intgre les techniques dapprentissage innovatives et actuelles avec laide de nos professeurs spcialiss qui ont cr les leons en format des sessions de-learning intenses et courtes Chaque leon ditalien est enseigne dans la langue maternelle, le support visuel tant intgr parfaitement en contexte, qui vous offre le cadre parfait pour apprendre litalien. Ce cours ditalien pour dbutants vous offre des vidos ajusts qui comprennent des techniques et des styles varies afin quils puissent tre appropris pour chaque tudiant quoi quil soit son niveau ou les notions acquises lcole. Si vous avez encore des doutes, pourquoi choisir ce cours ditalien?Voil au moins 3 motifspour le faire:1.Premirement, chaque leon est enseigne par un natif, le support visuel tant intgr parfaitement dans le contexte. La communication est adapte pour chaque tudiant et pour les situations de la vie relle, dune manire facile et amicale. 2. Deuximement, les tudiants peuvent apprendre litalien dans leurs pas 3. Et dernirement, mais pas le moins important, les tudiants peuvent mesurer leurs performances et leurs progress par des multiples testes, une technique vraiment extrmement efficace pour vrifier lamlioration de leur vocabulaire et de la grammaire."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Italienisch fr Anfnger" |
"Italienisch fr AnfngerKurs in Italienischer Sprache (totale Immersionsmethode) mit deutschen Untertiteln.Whrend dieses Kurses werden wir folgende Themen entdecken: Italienische Rede, Aussprache, Schreiben, Regeln und grammatische Strukturen, Wortschatz, Konversation und Kommunikationsfhigkeiten. Der interaktive Bildschirm hilft den Schlern auf visuelle Weise und die Immersionsmethode kann die Lerngeschwindigkeit, das Verstndnis der Sprache und die Fliefhigkeit Ihrer Rede beschleunigen.Der Kurs beginnt mit den Grundlagen und beinhaltet kostenlose PDF-Untersttzung.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet: FULL HD-Videolektionen auf einem interaktiven Bildschirm Herunterladbare PDF-Dateien fr jede Lektion Tgliche Situationen auf Italienisch dargestellt Eine einfache Mglichkeit, Italienische Grammatik zu verstehen berprfen und verbessern Sie Ihr Wissen mit Tests nach jeder Lektion Bevorstehende Aktualisierungen Voller Zugriff fr ein Leben lang Garantierte Zufriedenheit oder Rckgabe des Geldes in 30 Tagen Zugang zu Unterrichtsstunden am Computer, auf dem Laptop oder Smart-TVDieser Italienischkurs integriert innovative und aktuelle Lerntechniken mit Hilfe unserer spezialisierten Lehrer, die den Unterricht in Form von intensiven und kurzen E-Learning-Sitzungen erstellt habenJede Englischstunde wird in der Muttersprache unterrichtet, die visuelle Untersttzung ist perfekt in den Kontext integriert, was Ihnen den perfekten Rahmen gibt, um Italienisch zu lernen.Dieser Anfnger-Italienisch-Kurs bietet Ihnen mageschneiderte Videos, die eine Vielzahl von Techniken und Stilen enthalten, so dass sie fr jeden Schler unabhngig von seinem Niveau oder den in der Schule erlernten Konzepten geeignet sind.Wenn Sie noch Zweifel haben, warum whlen Sie diesen Italienischkurs?Dafr gibt es mindestens 3 Grnde:1. Zunchst wird jede Lektion von einem Einheimischen unterrichtet, wobei das visuelle Medium perfekt in den Kontext integriert ist. Die Kommunikation ist fr jeden Schler und fr Situationen des wirklichen Lebens auf eine einfache und freundliche Weise angepasst.2. Zweitens knnen die Schler Italienisch in ihren Fustapfen lernen3. Und in letzter Zeit, nicht zuletzt, knnen die Schler ihre Leistung und Fortschritte durch mehrere Tests messen, eine Technik, die sehr effektiv bei der berprfung von Verbesserungen in Wortschatz und Grammatik ist."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Italiano para Principiantes" |
"Curso de Italiano para PrincipiantesCurso impartido en italiano (mtodo de inmersin total) con subttulos en espaol.En este curso cubriremos los siguientes temas: hablar italiano, pronunciacin, escribir, reglas y modelos de gramtica italiana, vocabulario italiano, conversacin en italiano y habilidades de comunicacin. La pantalla interactiva ayuda a los alumnos visualmente, y el mtodo de inmersin utilizado para la enseanza acelera la velocidad de aprendizaje, la comprensin del habla y la fluidez en italiano.El curso comienza desde lo bsico e incluye soporte pdf gratuito.Este curso incluye: Lecciones video FULL HD presentadas en una pantalla interactiva Archivos pdf descargables para cada leccin Situaciones diarias presentadas en italiano. Una manera fcil de entender la gramtica italiana. Probar y mejorar el conocimiento usando pruebas despus de cada leccin Prximas actualizaciones Acceso completo de por vida. Satisfaccin garantizada o devolucin de dinero dentro de 30 das Acceso a lecciones desde computadora, telfono mvil o Smart-TV.Este curso de italiano integra tcnicas de aprendizaje innovadoras y actuales con la valiosa ayuda de nuestros profesores especializados que han creado lecciones como sesiones de e-learning intensas y breves.Cada leccin de italiano se ensea en el idioma nativo, con soporte visual perfectamente integrado en el contexto, creando un ambiente perfecto para aprender italiano.Este curso de italiano para principiantes os ofrece cursos video que se adaptan para incorporar diversos mtodos de enseanza y adaptacin de diferentes estilos de aprendizaje para que sean adecuados para cada alumno, independientemente del nivel de conocimiento o lo que hayan aprendido en la escuela. Si todava te preguntas: por qu este curso de italiano?Por al menos 3 razones:1. En primer lugar, cada leccin se ensea en el idioma nativo, con soporte visual perfectamente integrado en el contexto. La comunicacin se adapta a cada alumno y a las situaciones de la vida real de una manera fcil y accesible.2. En segundo lugar, los estudiantes pueden aprender ingls a su propio ritmo.3. Y por ltimo, pero no menos importante, los alumnos pueden medir su desempeo y progreso a travs de mltiples pruebas, una tcnica muy eficiente para verificar el vocabulario y para mejorar la gramtica para cualquier persona que decida tomar este curso de italiano para principiantes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
english-to-chinese |
"- - (A1,A2,A2+): , PDF 30 -50,000180201612"" udemy""-Faisal Q""""-Csaba""""- Ali Taghinejad """" Lawrence """"- Matt?:1. 2. 3."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Angular/Python - Recommender system" |
"Interested in recommender systems or do you just want to learn how to build advanced systems consisting of both frontend and backend? Then this course is all you need! You will learn how to setup a API using the programming language Python such that a backend recommender can be remotely called. Furthermore you will learn how to develop a fully working frontend system using Angular and firebase which is capable of presenting user recommendations."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Machine Learning Basics: Shallow Learning Algorithms" |
"Start your Machine Learning career with this basic Machine learning course. Together we will look into the ""shallow"" learning algorithms KNN and SVD. The course consist of both assignments, follow along programming and theory lectures to ensure that you as a student have the best possible foundation to make real world applications using KNN or SVD."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Class 2020: From Beginner To Pro" |
"Ever wanted to have a career within Web Development, Machine Learning, Data mining or just simple application and scripting? Then Python is the right language for you to learn! Python has in recent years become one of the worlds most popular programming languages due to its flexability and easy to learn syntax. In this course you will go from a complete beginner to a pro programmer, who is capable of writting Web services, crawl data from web sites and create object oriented applications."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Java Web Service Bootcamp: From Beginner To Pro" |
"Are you interrested in web applications or do you just want to learn how to develop powerful web services? Then this course is all you need! Popular web applications like Facebook, Amazon and Netflix all rely on web services so it's crucial for any web developer to understand the concepts of how web services work. In this course the focus is set on RESTful web services developed in Java using Spring and Spring boot. You will go from a complete beginner to a pro developer with live running web services that can be called using HTTP methods."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java Web Services & Angular - Dynamic Web development" |
"Are you interrested in Dynamic web applications or do you just want to learn how to develop powerful Java web services? Then this course is all you need! Popular web applications like Facebook, Amazon and Netflix all rely on web services to display their content dynamically to different users, so it's crucial for any web developer to understand the concepts of how web services work. In this course the focus is set on RESTful Java web services developed using Spring and Spring boot."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to Sell :From 0 to Hero under 30 days" |
"In this course you will learn from the top Portuguese professional door-to-door salesman Diogo Marques.You will learn body language, tonality, overcoming objections and getting clients to sign on the spot in a straight to the point way, with no BS nor fluff.In his career Diogo Marques has sold everything from utilities contracts in ghettos up to raising millions for Investment Funds."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Upgrade from JSP to Thymeleaf with SpringMVC and Spring Boot" |
"If you are building web front-ends with Spring Boot or Spring MVC, and you're still using JSP(Java ServerPages)then this course is for you. Thymeleaf is a great templating engine which replaces JSP, and you can easily use it in any Spring MVC or Spring Boot application. Unlike JSPit's a pleasure to use. With Thymeleaf you work with regular HTML, which means that a lot of the frustration of JSPis taken away.If you've been given a set of HTMLand CSS templates to use for a project, Thymeleaf lets you integrate them with ease. Or if you're building the functionality and handing off to a web-designer, they'll be able to work with your code with no knowlege of Java or Spring. In this course you'll learn:How Thymeleaf allows you to seamlessly work with Web DesignersHow to integrate your code into standard HTML/XHTML without breaking the designHow to manage forms, validation and error handlingHow to convert a legacy JSP project to ThymeleafBy the end of this course you'll be confidently able to build functional and effective front-ends for your Spring web applications. As well as teaching programming, I've been building websites with Spring for a number of years, and I started using Thymeleaf about 3 years, ago. And I'd never go back! Amongst other things Ifind Thymeleaf sites much easier to support and maintain as application requirements change, and I think that's whyI'm so much of a fan of it!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build Spring Boot Apps with the Kotlin Programming Language" |
"Kotlin is a programming language for the JVM (and also for Javascript and native code too) which was created by JetBrains - the company behind the IntelliJ IDE. It offers a number of enhancements over Java, including that it's less verbose, has immutable variables, and almost always gets rid of the NullPointerException. Compared to other JVM languages, such as Scala, Kotlin is an easy transition for Java developers, and the Kotlin team hope that it will eventually replace Java alltogether!In this course we learn how to code in Kotlin, with a particular focus on how to build full stack Spring Boot applications with Kotlin.This course is aimed at existing Spring FrameworkJava developers who want to upgrade their skills to use Kotlin instead of (or as well as)Java."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Own Your Worth ~ Break The Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse" |
"Do you keep attracting narcissists into your life?And no matter what you do they keep showing up. Asa result, your self-esteem and confidence have plummeted leaving you emotionally devastated, unable to attract healthy relationships and most likely financially dependent upon or devastated by an abuser as well.Whether its intimate relationships, parents, siblings, children, co-workers or friends THERE IS A WAY to break the cycle of attracting narcissists and abusers into your life. If you are ready to heal the inner wounds that cause this to happen time and time again, then you will want to keep reading The secret to healing from narcissistic abuse isnt focusing on the abuser. Its actually the opposite. Its focusing on healing yourself. The problem is once we have experienced an abusive relationship we become physically, emotionally and mentally addicted to the abuse cycle and dont know how to live without it. Its why we continue to go back to the abuser even when we know its not healthy. Its why we have an almost obsessive desire to fix the situation or help heal the narcissist Its why we feel like we are the crazy ones even though deep down we know are not The secret to breaking free is to no longer be an energetic match the abuser. It happens by beginning to take back the energy you have given them over a period of time. The energy you have been using to try to fix the relationship andthem or have even used to think about them and what they have done to you. Step by step asyou begin to release the energetic hold they have on you and focus on yourself, your dreams come trueand thewounds that caused you to attract narcissistic abusers into your life in the first place begin to disappear.The truth is you have been given a vision of a greater life for a reasonBecause your vision is aGLIMPSE OF YOUR DESTINYAnd your destiny is your birthright.If every time you try to break the cycle of narcissistic abuse, but you keep gettingknocked off your feet. If all of the chaos, wrong turns and disappointments have left you full of shame, feeling unworthy and consumed by anxiety. Know there is a way to not just survive the abuse but begin to thrive and live a life of love, joy and happiness. If you know deep downYOU ARE WORTHYof more but you cant seemto put the pieces together to create the breakthrough you sodesire, then the Own Your Worth Program is for you.What is Own Your Worth? Own Your Worth is a 6-module training for the mind, body and soul that helps you step-by-stepcreate release the energetic attachment to narcissistic relationships, repair your finances and finally live a life of joy, happines and abundance.Its a journey that starts with you feeling frustrated, confused and lacking energy on how to overcome the abuse cycle paired with adeep knowing theres more to life than you are currently are experiencing.It ends with you feeling lighter, happier, extremely clear, full of passionand energy plus gives you the insights and tools you need to continuously up-level your relationships, finances and joy time and time again. This program takes place online withdirect access to a 6-weekdigital program,acommunityof like-minded, supportive people who are going through the same journey because profound energetic shifts happenmuch faster when there is more than one person working towards the same goal.This program includes everything Iknow about how to break the cycle of abuse, rebuild your confidence and gain clarityso you cantake inspired action and tap into your own inner knowing to effortlessly attract allthat is so rightfully yours.This program includes apowerful combination of trainingtechniques based on psychology, life coaching, energy healing & spiritual practices to help set you up for success.Those who have completed program are still telling me howthis program has transformed their life:A LIFE ALIGNED WITH INNER TRUTH. ATTRACTING FULFILLING LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS. CAREER BREAKTHROUGHS. INCREASED FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE ANXIETY ELIMINATED. BETTER HEALTH & MORE ENERGY. CONFIDENCE & PERSONAL POWER INCREASED. A LIFE OF EASE, TRUST & PEACEAre you ready for results like this? Join me to learn how to release the cycle of abuse and to tap into your personal power to effortlessly attract the life you were meant to lead.Testimonials Tanners program allowed me the space and time to consider my true feelings, thoughts and desires. Through her encouragement of the written word, new realities opened up for me and allowed me to see and put into action the wonderful possibilities for my business & life! ~Donna C.This is life changing stuff! I usually reserve that phrase for wine and meals, but really, this changes how you evaluate what you do and why you do it! ~ Katy H. MODULE 1:Regal Rituals: Creating Luxury RoutinesYou know you are being called into something greater for your life. So often we give up on the larger vision for our lives, put our true destiny on the back burner and pour our energy into fixing the relationship with the abuser. In this module, you will be led through how to create detailed clarity about your dreams so you can finally get them in front of you instead of floating aroundin your head. Then youll take these dreams anduse daily rituals to call in the energy you need to focus on what needs to happen to make them real.You Will Learn: How creating a solid blueprint for the life of your dreams based on the 9 major areas you need to master to break the abuse cycle. Why and how your blueprint will help you stay on track when doubt and fear emerge to distract you How to make your vision reality byusing daily rituals and energetic tricks to allow you to believe you are already living the life of your dreams. After Module 1 You Will: Feel crystal clear and confident about what you want from your ideal life. Have the focus and daily support of ritualsthat will help you begin to detach from the narcissist and reach all your goals.A more positive and focused outlook that will keep you strong as you begin to reclaim your energy MODULE 2:Claim Your Kingdom:Speaking Your TruthTo speakyour truth is the most powerful step you can take to own your worth, release from the narcissist and attract your desires. When you are energetically aligned with your truth the narcissist will no longer have a hold over you. You will be able to act on your truth regardless of how the narcissists reacts. In this module, you will learn how to release the fear, frustration, doubt and anxiety around speaking your truth so you can find your voice and begin to take back your power. You Will Learn: A technique called tapping or the emotional freedom technique that will help you release the energetic charge that keeps you going back to the narcissists. What your chakras are and especially about how to clear the throat chakra so you can honor and speak your truth. Once you arent afraid to speak your truth you will begin to break the energetic ties that keep you bound to the narcissist After Module 2 You Will: Have a deep understandingof why you have had issues breaking the cycle of abuse Have the tools and skills to align your energy with your truth. (Narcissists hate the truth and the more you speak the farther they will run) Notice a shift in the type of relationships you attract MODULE 3:Noble Compassion:The Art of ForgivenessYou know you have painful memories from the past you still carry with you energetically that hold you back from the life you are meant to lead. These memories cause you to feel anger, resentment, sadness and pain because you werent true to yourself in the moment. In this module, you will practice the art of forgivenesswhile learning how to redesign your relationship with guilt. You Will Learn: Exactly where you are holding onto negative emotions that are keeping you repeating the same patterns. How and why guilt are the root of your negative emotions and how to shift your relationship with guilt so it no longer runs your life. After Module 3 You Will: Feel free from resentments, anger and sadness from the past and will be energetically free to attract what you really desire You will gain energy, insight and clarity to propel you forward Begin to transform your relationship with guilt to create the freedom to bemore true to yourself in the moment. MODULE 4:Majestic Wisdom:Listening To Your IntuitionYou alreadyknow deep downthat you must truly love and honor your worth to create the life of your dreams but there is fear around listening to your intuition and changing your behavior tohonor what you know you are worth on the inside. Despite the fear, youare determined to take courageous action to honor your worth in your outside world. In this module, you will learn how to bravely listen to your intuitionbycultivatingself-acceptance for your true self, and learning how to discern what is best for you and how to set personal boundaries so you can truly honoryour worth. You Will Learn: How to tap into your inner truth and cultivate more self-acceptance to start to create quick change and step into your personal power. As a human, you have your own unique personal set of needsthat must be honored tocreate fulfillment, happiness and confidence in life. Learn how to listen and trust your body to discern your inner truth so you can set and maintainpersonal boundaries that support your personal journey. After Module 4 You Will: Uncover and accept all partsof you to allow you to fully love and honor your worth. Have the skills and confidence to discern what is best for YOU and maintain personal boundaries to best keep you energized and fulfilled. MODULE 5:Honor Your Palace:Nourishing Your BodyYou want more energy and confidence to fuel actions towards your passion, but its just lacking. Inner strength and the willpower to take courageous action can be aided by a nurtured body. You are ready to learn how to cultivate your maximum potential for energy and confidence through using your intuition to create the best nutrition, exercise and self-care practices for you. In this module, you will learn the best ways to cultivate lasting energy and confidence through taking care of your body and soul through your intuition. You Will Learn: The underlying root of rock-solid confidence is self-care. The cycle of narcissistic abuse is based on giving away our energy to someone else. By trying to make other people happy first, we dont take care of ourselves and naturally attract others feed off of this. Learn ways to incorporate more self-care into your everyday life to assure you have the energy to take care of yourself and your dreams first and the narcissists will fall away. The best way to ignite and maintain energy is to become themost confident version of yourself. Get the full breakdown on how to use your intuition to find the nutrition and exercise practices that are vital to your physical and mental well-being. After Module 5 You Will: Have the basic knowledge on how to best serve your body through intuitive nutrition and exercise practices. Feel stronger, more vibrant and watch at the abusers run away because you have finally put yourself and your needs first. Have a deepknowing and confidence that you can achieve anything you desire. MODULE 6:Live Like Royalty:Receiving Your WorthYou think about your dreams and you feel excitement but also feel the shame of past failures raising its ugly head. If the shame is not released it will subconsciously keep us going back to the abuse because we want to rectify the situation. Its time to release the subconscious need to fix things and the fear of moving forward. In this module, you will learnhow to receive your next level of abundance by letting go of the shame of past failures,releasing the fear of incoming success and false feelings of scarcity. You Will Learn: How to releaseshame about past failures and open yourself to the next level of abundance you desire. How to uncover and release your own personal fears around success and watch the magic unfold. About the hidden fears you have around scarcity, so you can shift these beliefs, not get attached to one thing and allow your destiny to effortlessly unfold. After Module 6 You Will: Have released yourself from the trap of internal blame and criticism around the past that keeps you stuck. Freedom fromthe subconsciousnagging fears around scarcity so you can energetically open yourself up to more abundance. Let go of your fears around success and be able to give, receive and attract the life you desirein a much easier, effortless and stressful way than ever before. Own Your Worth BonusesPlus you'll get 3 video bonuses...BONUS PACKAGE #1THE SECRET TO ATTRACTING FULFILLING RELATIONSHIPSBONUS PACKAGE #2HOW TO CREATE FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE THROUGH THE ART OF ATTRACTIONBONUS PACKAGE #3THE ART OF ATTRACTION THROUGH LUXURIOUS SELF-CARE"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Alles was du zum Abnehmen wissen musst" |
"Ich habe dieses Jahr viele Diten, oder Ernhrungsweisen ausprobiert. Alles unter dem Gesichtspunkt abzunehmen, innerhalb von 6 Monaten habe ich gut 20 Kilo abgenommen. In diesem Kurs mchte ich die gesammelten Erkenntnisse so kompakt wie mglich die nchste Stunde mit dir teilen. Da alles wichtige einmal vorkommen soll verzichte ich auf langatmige ausfhrliche Erklrungen, sondern benne was es meiner Meinung nach zu beachten gilt. Am Ende bekommst du eine DIN-A4Seite, auf der alles noch mal gesammelt ist. Allerdings mchte ich nicht verschweigen, ber die meisten Themen die ich Anspreche knnte man alleine mehre Stunden reden. Was ich dir hier vermitteln mchte zielt explizit darauf ab, das du nach dieser Stunde abnimmst, nicht das du jeden deiner Freunde mit ausfhrlichen erklrungen traktieren kannst, welche Kohlenhydrate wie schnell verstoffwechselt werden und, und, und.Was funktioniert und was nicht? Worauf musst du achten wenn du abnehmen mchtest? Wann siehst du ersten Ergebnisse? Was darfst du essen und worauf solltest du lieber verzichten? Kann ich nur ohne Sigkeiten abnehmen? Fr die weniger sportbegeisterten ganz wichtig, (viel) Sport ist nicht ntig, wenn auch hilfreich!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make Music Videos With Your Phone- Part 1" |
"Ever dreamed of having music videos for your original songs? We have too. And like us, you probably wrote off the idea because it was either A) too expensive to hire someone or B) too complicated to do it yourself! And that's why we went on a journey of discovering what was possible to capture with a cell phone... and we were blow away by the results!In this course we bring you into our journey and show you how to prepare for and capture high quality music videos with your phone!... along with some behind-the-scenes footage and plenty of humor!If you want to make music videos using tools you already have, this course was made for you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SSIS Integration Services (Versiyon 2012/2014/2016)" |
"Kursumuzda aadaki konular detayl ekilde ilenecektir. Ayrca kendi banza ileri dzeySSISprojeleri yapabiliyor olacaksnz.ETL Kavram (Extract, Transform , Load)SSIS Mimarisi (SSIS Development ve Runtime Ortam)Temel SSIS Konseptleri (Container, Tasks, Contraints,Variable,Package Config,)Event Handler ve Log Provider KavramETL Planlamas (Kaynak ve Hedef Belirleme)SSIS Projesi TasarlamakPackage ve Control Flow KavramlarData Flow OluturmakToolbox Aralarnn %80'ni zerinde kullanm ve rnekler yaplmas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C# Beginner To Professional Software Developer" |
"If you are thinking that it's really hard to become the programmer or professional software engineering, you are on the wrong way. The right way is to take risk and learn as much as you can.This course have nothing like tricks and black magic to developed software developer in minutes, this course is based on technical and conceptual logic of programming and experiences.I'm assure this course will increase your productivity and programming skills.Types and OperatorsObject-Oriented Programming (OOP), Classes, and ObjectsLoops and ConditionalsStudents completing the course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful C# programs or Software.Complete with working files and code samples, youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 70-483: Programming in C# (PART 2 of 2)" |
"The Programming C# course provides full coverage of the programming skills required to create Windows applications using C#. This new and exciting course also provides knowledge on language syntax, C# program structure and implementation details.This new course provides you the needed training for building new data types, handling events, accessing a database, using remote data, integrating with unmanaged code, as well as the knowledge and skills to perform operations asyncrhonously, creating custom attributes and more.This course brings together all the features of programming in C# using Visual Studio.Some of the skills you will learn in this class are:Describe the core syntax and features of C#Implement the basic structure and essential elements of a typical desktop applicationEncrypt and decrypt data by using symmetric and asymmetric encryptionExamine the metadata of types by using reflection, create and use custom attributes, generate code at runtime and manage assembly versionsIntegrate unmanaged libraries and dynamic components into a C# applicationImprove the throughput and response time of applications by using tasks and asynchronous operationsBuild a graphical user interface by using XAMLUse the types in the System.Net namespace and WCF Data Services to access and query remote dataCreate and use an entity data model for accessing a database and use LINQ to query and update dataRead and write data by using file input/output and streams and serialize/deserialize data in different formatsUse inheritance to create a class hierarchy, extend a .NET Framework class and create generic classes and methodsCreate classes, define and implement interfaces and create and use generic collectionsCreate and call methods, catch/handle exceptions and describe the monitoring requirements of large applications"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Agile Project Management" |
"Agile project management focuses on continuous improvement, scope flexibility, team input, and delivering essential quality products. Agile methodology is a modern, flexible approach to project management. It allows you to break large projects down into more manageable tasks.Today, agile project management methodology is used by software developers, construction companies, educational organizations, and even marketing teams. Many organizations can benefit from agile project management, and its simple to set up and utilize.This course covers the fundamentals of Agile projects, the Agile project lifecycle, and the best ways to manage Agile projects during each phase of their lifecycle.First we'll start by examining the stages of the Agile project in detail, including the deliverables you produce along the way and the most common tools and approaches to help you manage an Agile project. Then we'll get into techniques to help ensure your Agile projects will be successful.Next, students will learn various techniques and tools that are applied to determine project scope and set project expectations. Having the right tools and techniques in your toolkit can make the job of managing an Agile project much easier. Students will learn about these tools and techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals/Basics Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud:SCM" |
"Are you a newbie or a Business Analyst or an Oracle Developer or a Business user, who wants to know what this Global Order Promising (GOP) is all about and what it has to offer to you? If you are, then please check out this course. There might be information and videos on Google and youtube. But if you want a course that is tailor-made for the needs of a Business Analyst, Developer, Director of Operations, or VP of Operations, then you came to the right place. Instead of spending 40 to 50 hours learning SCM, you just spend less than 2 hours and you get more. In this course, I will also show you how you can make a career out of the concepts you learn from GOP Cloud. I will also talk about the fundamentals of order entry, order promising and Supply Planning, which can help you to grow in your career as well as learn more about Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Cloud Applications. I will also show a live software demo of the latest release of the GOP Cloud application. Throughout the course, I will show how the cloud applications are different from on-premise applications, which can help you bring value to your client. I have uploaded some Setup documents and Data Conversion best practices as well. I will update you with the newly released features in the supporting documentation. I will also put a quiz at the end of the course. If you want one-on-one coaching on SCM Cloud applications or concepts from scratch, please reach out to me at topics you learn on this course will also help you to get one step closer to get certified on Oracle Certified Cloud Implementation Specialist.NOTE: The views expressed on this video/post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Basics in Plan to Produce (P2P) Process: Oracle SCM Cloud" |
"Are you a newbie or a Business Analyst or an Oracle Developer or a Business user, who wants to know about Plan to Produce (P2P) business flow and how to do that flow in ERP Cloud Applications? If you are, then please check out this course. There might be information and videos on Google and youtube. But if you want a course that is tailor-made for the needs of a Business Analyst, Developer, Director of Operations, or VP of Operations, then you came to the right place. Instead of spending 40 to 50 hours learning SCM, you just spend less than 2 hours and you get more. In this course, I will also show you how you can make a career out of the concepts you learn from Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud and Plan to Produce. I will also show you the Configuration/Setups in Inventory Cloud, Manufacturing Cloud, Planning Central Cloud, and Costing Cloud for doing an end to end Plan to Produce (P2P) flow in the Cloud. I will also talk about the fundamentals of SCM Cloud, how it is different from on-premise applications, which can help you to grow in your career as well as learn more about Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Cloud Applications. I will show some use cases for the Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud and how IoT can help the Manufacturing Industry to improve efficiency and throughput on the shop floor. I will also show a live software demo of the latest release of Manufacturing Cloud and Costing Cloud. Throughout the course, I will show how the cloud applications are different from on-premise applications, which can help you bring value to your client. I have uploaded some Setup documents and Data Conversion best practices as well. I will update you with the newly released features in the supporting documentation. I will also put a quiz at the end of the course. If you want one-on-one coaching on SCM Cloud applications or concepts from scratch, please reach out to me at The views expressed on this video/post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals/Basics in Quote to Cash (Q2C) in the Cloud: SCM" |
"Are you a newbie or a Business Analyst or an Oracle Developer or a Business user, who wants to know about Quote to Cash (Q2C) business flow and how to do that in ERP Cloud Applications? If you are, then please check out this course. There might be information and videos on Google and youtube. But if you want a course that is tailor-made for the needs of a Business Analyst, Developer, Director of Operations, or VP of Operations, then you came to the right place. Instead of spending 40 to 50 hours learning SCM, you just spend less than 2 hours and you get more. In this course, I will also show you how you can make a career out of the concepts you learn from Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud, Sales Cloud, and Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Cloud while you learn the Q2C business process. Throughout the course, I will show how the cloud applications are different from on-premise applications, which can help you bring value to your client. I will also show a live software demo of the end to end Q2C business process using Sales Cloud, CPQ Cloud, Order Management Cloud, and E-Business Suite. I have uploaded some Setup documents and Data Conversion best practices as well. I will update you with the newly released features in the supporting documentation. I will also put a quiz at the end of the course. If you want one-on-one coaching on SCM Cloud applications or concepts from scratch, please reach out to me at The views expressed on this video/post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Basics in S2S from Oracle Procurement Cloud,Chatbots:SCM" |
"Are you a newbie or a Business Analyst or an Oracle Developer or a Business user, who wants to know about Source to Settle (S2S) business flow and how to do that in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Cloud Applications? If you are, then please check out this course. There might be information and videos on Google and youtube. But if you want a course that is tailor-made for the needs of a Business Analyst, Developer, Director of Operations, or VP of Operations, then you came to the right place. Instead of spending 40 to 50 hours learning SCM, you just spend less than 2 hours and you get more. In this course, I will show you how you can do the Source to Settle business process all in the cloud using Procurement, Supplier Portal, and Sourcing Cloud. I will show the demo in the form of a case study about how a Consultant can go about Solving the requirement from the client. Once you complete this course, you will be confident enough to work on Source to Settle projects and will be in a better position to write the Procurement Cloud Certification exam from Oracle. At the end of this course, I will also show the use case for some of the emerging technologies like chatbot in the Procurement cloud application.Throughout the course, I will show how the cloud applications are different from on-premise applications, which can help you bring value to your client. I have uploaded some Setup documents and Data Conversion best practices as well. I will update you with the newly released features in the supporting documentation. I will also put a quiz at the end of the course. If you want one-on-one coaching on SCM Cloud applications or concepts from scratch, please reach out to me at The views expressed on this video/post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals/Basics in Oracle WMS Cloud: SCM" |
"Are you a newbie or a Business Analyst or a Developer or a Business user, who wants to know about Warehouse Management System and how to use it to extend supply chains to align inventory management and fulfillment services with modern purchasing methods, and offers real-time visibility into an entire inventory available via smartphone and browse? If you are, then please check out this course. There might be information and videos on Google and youtube on ERP Cloud Applications. But if you want a course which is tailor-made for the needs of a Business Analyst, Developer, Super User, Functional Consultant, then you came to the right place. Instead of spending 40 to 50 hours learning SCM, you just spend less than 2 hours and you get more. In this course, I will also show you how you can make a career out of the concepts you learn from Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud, and Oracle WMs Cloud, while you learn the inventory management and fulfillment business process. I will also show you Tips and Tricks for WMS Cloud and pitfalls to avoid for WMS Implementation. You can use some or most of the information from this course to write the exam on Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud 2018 Certified Implementation Specialist. I have shown a live software demo of some of the key features in Oracle WMS Cloud. Throughout the course, I will show how the cloud applications are different from on-premise applications, which can help you bring value to your client. I have uploaded some Setup documents and Data Conversion best practices as well. I will update you with the newly released features in the supporting documentation. I will also put a quiz at the end of the course. If you want one-on-one coaching on SCM Cloud applications or concepts from scratch, please reach out to me at feel free to reach out to me, if you have any questions.NOTE: The views expressed on this video/post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Consultant Marketing: Learn Authority Marketing & Make Sales" |
"Attract The Perfect Clients And Build The Strongest Authority In Your Niche In Easy StepNote: This course teaches you the system to attract the perfect clients and build a professional branding in your niche with simple techniques! This requires practice and execution to see results. If you are serious with avoiding stupid marketing mistakes, this course is for you. What Is In This Course? In-Depth Effective And Successful Marketing Techniques For Consultant. This marketing for consultant course will teach you the formula for a strong marketing strategies to raise your sales by 150% and use the most recent, yet powerful branding techniques to position yourself as an authority in order to work with your perfect clients. I will explain why and how to use these systems. Are you looking to produce more sales, while building an unique brand? This course will teach you to do better than your competitors and implementing their weaknesses as your strength. As what Paul Cookson says ""Running a business without marketing will kill it.""This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Marketing For Consultant Course, You'll Learn: Raise Your Sales By 150% Best System To Position Yourself An Authority Build A Long-Term Profitable Business What Marketing For Consultant Is How To Adopt A Distinctive And Effective Approach To Determine Your Product/Service Value To Create A Marketing Strategy To Create An Online Marketing Strategy To Gain Deeper Hold With Networking To Effectively Network Online ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? This is for consultants who takes their business seriously. You won't raise your sales and beat others consultant if can't have good clients, as showed in this course. If you are sick and tired of running around to find the right marketing strategy, then these videos will satisfy you! Are You Frustrated You can't have long-term profitable clients? Do You Think You're Doing The Right Things, But It's Not Working? Are You Ready To Use Marketing Secrets For More Sales? Then this course is what you need to boost your income. I will show you precisely what to do this simple and easy formula that anyone can apply to do effective marketing as a consultant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why Marketing Will Increase Your Sales As A Consultant? Let Me Show You Why Marketing Will Increase Your Sales As A Consultant: 1. Attract Your Perfect Clients. With these strong branding techniques, you will only attract the individuals or professionals you want to work with. You will not receive calls or message from people outside of your target market. It will save you time and money along as attracting who you prefer to work with! 2. You Get Massive Exposure To Your Target Market. This course contains basic and advanced marketing techniques to get the most exposure at a low cost. You will benefit from all this attention you're generating with sales, testimonials and a profitable long-term business model. 3. You're An Authority In Your Niche. Being an authority will drive a crazy amount of sales since they trust and believe in your capacities to help them. They will want to do business with you because you've shown them that you can help them."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Happiness & Habits Mastery: Positive Psychology & Willpower" |
"Course DescriptionThe Science Of Haipiness From Habits Routine, Positive Psychology,Willpower/Motivation & A Happy LifeNote: This course teaches you the science of happiness by forming powerful habits,building a routine and boosting your willpower and motivation through positivepsychology. This requires practice and execution to see results. If you are serious withavoiding stupid habits forming mistakes, this course is for you.What Is In This Course?In-Depth Practical And Successful Habits-Forming Techniques In Reaching GoalsThis habit-forming course will teach you the formula to develop strong habit-forming strategies and techniques, making sure you can form new habits whenever its mostneeded for your life or business.Those are the best ways to form new habits, frompersonal experience, coaching and knowledge I acquired. Its information you definitely need to take seriously!Are you looking to learn how to form easy, but powerful habits to be happy on aconsistent basis? If so, this course will teach you the best and effective ways to form newhabits and which habits to implement to become happy on a daily basis. EnjoyAs what Aristotle says ""We are what we repeatedly do.""This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk.In Happiness & Habits Mastery: Positive Psychology & Willpower, You'll Learn:Be Happy!Master Habit-Forming TechniquesDevelop A Powerful RoutineUse Effective Tools To Form New HabitsHow Habits Will Change Your Life Start A New Life!The Most Important Step In Reaching HappinessDos And Donts Of Creating New HabitsAvoid Common Habit-Forming TrapsReach Your Life Goals By Doing The Right Things!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is This For You?This is for people who wants to form habits the right way, those who wants to reachtheir life goals. If you want to remain where you are, this is NOT for you! If you want tofinally become happy. Are you sick and tired of being depressed about your life and notunderstanding why you cant enjoy life, be happy for once? Are You Frustrated You Can't Be Happy? Do You Think You Could Implement Better Habits? Are You Ready To Be Happy And Have Great Habits? Then this course is what you need to become happy and form powerful habits.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why Habits Will Change Your Life?Let Me Show You Why Habits Will Change Your Life:1. Routines Makes You Move Forward.With these strong habits formingtechniques, you will form successful habits that will make you move forward. Why would you waste time?You will discover the power of time and how you can leverage it to your own advantage, becoming a superman at habits forming!2. Your Habits Are Who You Are. You will learn why and how habits defines who we are as a person and how to use this information at your advantage. It's easy to get lost in life and not knowing what is the next move, but when you know the next move, it's much easier.3.You Reach Your Goals. You heard right! When you are able to determine your goals and set a plan to reach them, it's much easier to accomplish you desire and live the life you desire. Grab my course now and let's get on this journey together!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |