Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Node.js - Express.js - JWT et Mongoose par la pratique" |
"Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre crer une application web l'aide Node.js et du framework Express.js.Concrtement, vous apprendrez :- crer une application web en quelques minutes- comprendre les requtes que votre serveur recevra et les rponses qu'il enverra- lire les paramtres passs dans une URL- grer l'envoi de fichiers statiques- utiliser un template et des ""partials"" afin de crer des vues- passer des donnes d'Express vers vos templates- rcuprer les donnes postes via un formulaire- utiliser fetch() pour poster un formulaire en AJAX- comprendre et utiliser XMLHttpRequest lorsque vous tes contraint de supporter les clients plus anciens (Internet Explorer ...)- consommer une vritable API RESTful accessible publiquement (The Movie DB) afin d'acqurir un savoir faire qui vous servira avec de nombreuses autres APIs- intgrer les rsultats retourns par l'API dans un template en recourant uniquement JavaScript, afin de progresser en JavaScript ""pur"" dans sa version ES6- scuriser vos changes l'aide de JWT (mise en ligne en avril2017)- l'ODM (Object Document Mapper) Mongoose, qui vous permettra de persister, lire, modifier et supprimer vos donnes dans une base MongoDB (10 vidos ajoutes en avril 2017, 7 ajoutes en mai 2017)- JSON Web Token (JWT) (13 vidosajoutes en avril 2017)- les tests l'aide de Supertest et Mocha (prochainement)Un repogithub comportant tout le code source est galement fourni avec ce cours.Rinvestissez vos connaissances JavaScript acquises ct Front dans le dveloppement Back. Mme si vous vous destinez uniquement au dveloppement Front, comprendre la partie Backendvous permettra de collaborer plus efficacement avec un dveloppeur Back et donc de mener bien vos projets."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 2 pour les dveloppeurs presss" |
"Ionic 2 est sorti en version finale le 26 janvier 2017. Depuis, j'ai eu l'occasion de crer plusieurs POC avec cette version et suis enchant par les nouveauts qu'elle introduit. C'est pourquoi j'ai conu pour vous une formation d'une trentaine de vidos qui permettra, en une ou deux soires, de monter en comptence sur Ionic 2.Au programme :- configurer son environnement de dveloppement- crer une application base sur une architecture master / details- crer puis grer un formulaire- tre l'aise avec les composants utiles au quotidien (lists, tabs, alerts, toasts ...)- personnaliser le style de votre applicationLe prrequis indispensable est de connaitre Angular 2.Prochainement : une section consacre ionic native afin de communiquer avec camra, GPS etc."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"React et Redux par la pratique" |
"Si Redux peut tre utilis avec du JavaScript pur (vanilla JavaScript) ou avec Angular, Redux est frquemment utilis avec React, d'o l'association faite entre ces deux librairies dans l'esprit de nombreux dveloppeurs ... et recruteurs. Ainsi, React et Redux sontdeux comptences quiseront frquemment demandes pour un poste de dveloppeur Front spcialis sur React.Grce React et Redux par la pratique, dvenez oprationnel rapidement : que vous soyez jeune diplm, ou freelance connaissant Angular et souhaitant pouvoir postuler sur des missions React : cette formation est faite pour vous."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Vue.js 2 par la pratique" |
"Vue.js est un framework JavaScript qui monte. Il mrite l'intrt pas uniquement car c'est le petit nouveau, mais surtout car il est bien n - son crateur est un ancien de l'quipe de l'excellent framework Meteor. En outre, Vue.js permet de facilement enrichir une application web existante, l o un gros framework tel qu'Angular est taill pour les Single Page Apps (SPA) et ne se greffe donc pas volontiers sur un site existant.Vue.js est dans sa version 2. Profitez donc de sa maturit sans craindre de le voir disparatre et rejoignez les presque 55000 dveloppeurs qui ont marqu leur satisfaction en lui accordant une toile sur GitHub."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Angular 4, Node.js et JWT par la pratique" |
"Apprenez crer une application web en utilisant JavaScript ct client et serveur. Ct client, nous utiliserons Angular 4, ct serveur, Node.js et le clbre framework Express.js.Nous crerons un Jobboard simple mais suffisant pour tre confront des problmes ralistes que nous rsoudrons ensemble. Par exemple ? Autoriser un client Angular requter une API REST (oui, les problmes deCross Origin seront traits), crer un formulaire ct Angular dont les donnes postes seront gres ct serveur avec un middleware Express, crer des routes statiques et dynamiques comportant un puis plusieurs paramtres, sans oublier l'implmentation d'unsystme de login avec JWT.Cette formation sera l'occasion de revoir dans un nouveau contexte l'essentiel de ce qui avait t abord dans Angular 2 par la pratique et Node.js par la pratique mais plus rapidement, afin de pouvoir acqurir des connaissances complmentaires trs utiles. Ainsi, la cration de formulaires se fera selon la faon 'template-driven' forms ET 'reactive'. De nouveaux types de custom pipes Angular seront crs. RxJS sera de nouveau utilis pour crer nos requtes Ajax mais outre Observables et oprateurs, nous aurons l'occasion de dcouvrir et d'utilser les Subjects de RxJSdans un cas concret.Ct serveur, cration d'une API REST, de custom middlewares et d'un systme de recherche sont au programme.Comme toujours, cette formation sera l'occasion de voir ou revoir lesnouveauts d'ES6 dans un contexte pratique plutt que scolaire, afin de bien s'en imprgner sans effort."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript par la pratique" |
"Pourquoi un cours entirement ddi au JavaScript plutt qu' jQuery, undescore, la librairie X ou le framework Y ? Car il y a de nombreuses situations o vous devrez utiliser uniquement JavaScript :- un client qui souhaite simplement un peu d'interactivit sur son site web existant ne vous laissera pas effectuer une rcriture coteuse avec votre framework prfr- le code dvelopp par un dveloppeur parti depuis longtemps utilise des prototypes ou des closures mais vous ne les comprenez pas- un script existant fait presque ce que vous souhaitez, mais il vous manque les connaissances pour ajuster le comportement vos besoinsL'crasante majorit des dveloppeuses et dveloppeurs a commenc par un autre langage de programmation : C#, PHP, Python ou Ruby. Il a fallu ajouterun peu de JavaScript, puis de plus en plus. Et c'est alors que les problmes ont commenc : JavaScript n'est pas comme les autres langages. Il n'est pas orient objet mais prototypal et fonctionnel. Mme des notions videntes ailleurs - telle que la valeur de 'this' - peut surprendre en JavaScript.Faites mentir la boutade qui dit que chaque nouvelle librairie ou framework est une occasion supplmentaire de cacher son incomptence en JavaScript : apprenez JavaScript, passez de dveloppeur qui fait du JavaScript dveloppeur JavaScript part entire."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Au cur de Node.js" |
"Si votre connaissance de Node se limite installer des packages, vous vous privez de l'essentiel. Il est temps deprendre en main ce qui fait tout l'intrt de Node.Cette formation est destine vous, dveloppeursBackend et FullStack.Elle est spcifiquement consacre auxpoints essentiels de Node, ce qui vous permettra d'utiliser Node comme la plateforme puissante qu'il est, et plus comme une bote noire servant simplement installer des packages.Pour peine plus que le prix d'un livre qui prendrait la poussire sur votre tagre, cetteformation vido en franais se droule sur 3 parties:la partie 1 poseles bases de Node(callbacks, promises, call stack, event queue ...)la partie 2 vous fera comprendre en profondeurles EventEmittersla partie 3 vous montrera comment utiliserles streams(ce qui inclut Duplex, Transform et Passthrough streams)Rendez-vous ce service : consacrez un peu plus de temps la plateforme Node elle-mme, et un peu moins au package X ou Y, et Node vous le rendra bien !Rsultat court terme :vos entretiens techniques au poste de dveloppeur Backend ou FullStack se passeront beaucoup mieux. Ce que vous percevez aujourdhui comme des questions piges sont en fait des questions essentielles que vous posent lead techniques et architectes qui matrisent la plateforme Node et veulent s'assurer que c'est galement votre cas.Rsultat moyen terme : aprs avoir pratiqu cette formation, une fois en poste, vous pourrezcomprendre le code avanc de vos collgues qui utilisent EventEmitter et Streamset crer, vous aussi, desapplications plus performantes."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Orchestration 1: Compose Orchestral Music for Strings" |
"It's time to learn orchestration and use the massive sound of the orchestra in your compositions, while fully knowingwhat you are doing!Do you want to use the power of the orchestra in your compositions? Do you want that big and full orchestral sound, but aren't sure where tobegin? Ever fiddled around with orchestral plugins, without truly knowing how to actually write for the instrument?Orchestration is much more thanjust selecting aVSTand blindlycomposing away. There are many things you need to consider as the orchestrator.How do you make this line stand out? Which instrument should you select to play the melody, which techniquefor the chords and harmony? How do you make this section softer without actually writingpianissimo?Orchestration is the art of blending instruments and their techniques together. It is about careful selection of techniques, taking into consideration the instrument's natural strengths and weaknesses, tone and timbre. Which string should be used to play a mellowpart, what articulation will achieve thelightest accompaniment?Orchestration often seems like a complicated anddaunting topic, but it doesn't have to be.This course will simplify things down and take you by the handin learning orchestration and instrumentation.Orchestration and Instrumentationare two topics that go hand in hand, and we'll be studying both.We will learn every articulation and technique available for the stringed instruments,with colourful examples to help you remember everything. You will hear audio samples and see the notation for each technique as we get fully acquainted with all the articulations the string family has to offer.We will be studying real orchestral scores from the great composers so you can see the concepts and techniques in action, analyse and break them down.Finally,in the practicalsectionof the course we willgo step-by-step and you will compose and orchestrate your own full composition forstrings.By the end of this course, you will understand the string familycompletelyand be able to analyse string works, use anystring articulationand technique in your compositions, know how to orchestrate for strings, all the while composing through anorchestrator's perspective.At the end of the course series you will be able to fully write for orchestra and useeach of the four families: Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion.The Orchestra is a powerful tool, an essential tool in the arsenal of the composer or producer. Don't limit yourself by not being able to properly compose for orchestra.Let's begin learning orchestration today, starting with the strings, and you will become a proficient orchestrator andorchestral music composer in no time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Orchestration 2: Compose Orchestral Music for Woodwinds" |
"Have you mastered the Strings and want to take your Orchestral Writing to the next level?Introducing the long awaited Part 2 of the Orchestration Series: Compose orchestral music for woodwinds.This is the next natural step to learning the difficult art of orchestration. The strings were tough due to the number of articulations. The woodwinds are tough to learn due to how many there are and how different each one sounds from the next. Not only that, but there is incredible variety when it comes to their registers too.Did you know you could score an entire piece using a bunch of clarinets, each playing in a separate range? The reason is because there are very distinct registers for the clarinet, that you could view each one as an entirely new instrument altogether.It's facts like these that make the woodwinds difficult to learn.There's just so much variety, so much uniqueness, that it makes orchestration even more of a headache to learn.There's the TOO MUCH INFORMATION problem.That's where this course comes in.It's designed to be simple, giving you just the right amount of information. We don't just gloss over things like an overview - that would be betraying the art for what it is. But, we go into clear detail, with in depth examples and explanations, like a laser focusing in on all the important bits.You'll walk away knowing a ton about the woodwinds, much more than just the basic information.You'll have new techniques and new ways of exploring with the woodwind instruments.And you would have witnessed a lot of real life examples from our analyses and audio demonstrations of each instrument.By the end, you'll not only have gathered the knowledge about the instruments, but the MINDSET.You'll know how to pick apart an orchestral score for yourself and analyze what's going on.You'll know how the melodies and different lines are shifting from each woodwind instrument into various registers and why the composer chose to do that.And you'll essentially become a woodwind-sound potions master. Mixing and blending different sounds will be a new skill you pick up.The string family sounds similar all throughout the whole family. The woodwind family is entirely different all throughout the various families and sub families.This will level up your orchestration skills way above the first part of the Orchestration series, and you'll view orchestration in an entirely different light after this.The possibilities for creation and orchestral sound blending are endless.If you're not using the woodwinds, you're greatly missing out. Add some spice and flavor to your strings, or even to the rest of your modern orchestral score if that's what rocks your boat. Or else, welcome to Level 2 of Orchestration. Let's kick it with almost a hundred new sounds from the Woodwind Family!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chemistry Exam: Electron configuration, Mass & Atomic Number" |
"Hello There! :DIn this course youwill get skills to successfully solve both simple and moreadvanced tasks in specificalareas of chemistry:Electron Configuration, Mass Number and Atomic Number. These tasks are the real ones - that you are dealing with daily incollegeand some of you inadvanced high schools.In this course there is almost none theory, just real tasks! And the best thing is that you can check your knowledge with quizzes after each lesson!Do Iget some bonuses here?Yes, you do!you will get Quizzesfor selftesting your knowledgeafter each lessonyou will get Formulas specially made for this course - that you can use in your class and print it out!two Periodic Tables of Elements (one general - Oxford lab and one special - for Electron configuration determination)you will get an example of Final Exam that includes Electron Configuration,Mass & Atomic Number. And what is the best - you can solve it yourself or we can do it together!Choose what suits you the most."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming Fundamentals" |
"Learning a programming language is not easy. There are tons of books, articles, video tutorials out there. For a beginner its quite overwhelming. I saw people lost their interest quickly after going through all the theories.If you have read programming books or watched online courses, you may have noticed most of the time everyone starts by explaining all the terms of a language. For a newcomer these topics do not make sense. Its not necessary right away when you are just starting. I believe there is a better way to introduce coding to an absolute beginner.I have been thinking about this for a while and have come up with a solution. In this course I am going toteach fundamentals of programming through coding exercises. It is acrash course in Java, a widely used and very popular programming language."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Beginners Guide To Create A Weather Forecast App" |
"In this course I will introduce you to Android App Development. We are going to learn how to develop a beautiful weather forecast app from the scratch. This training is for those who has some knowledge on Java and thinking to start Android App Development.Instead of going through all the technical terms and components of anAndroid app,I will start by creating an app right away. This will give you a quick overview of creating a complete app and will boost your confidence. You may not understand all the topics at first, in this case just finish watching all lectures. Then try to do all the steps by yourself. You will have better understanding of the app once you will have hands on experience.I have attached the source code of the app, so that you can review and learn from there."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Advanced Guide to Create A RESTFul API Client App" |
"Welcome to Android advanced guide to create a RESTFul API Client app. I have designed this course for those who have some basic knowledge on Android app development. In this course I will show you how you can quickly create an API based app with modern libraries like Retrofit, ButterKnife, and EventBus.In this course we are going to build a weather forecast app using a service called DarkSky API. Here is how I structured the course. First I will discuss about the API and the structure of the data. After that I will show you how you can convert raw JSON string into Plain Old Java Objects, which is also known as POJO.Then I will use Retrofit library to get responses from the server. I will also discuss how you can refactor your code to make it clean. I will show you how to access & update user interface using ButterKnife library.When a codebase gets larger, it becomes complex to communicate back and forth between different Android components. I will show you how you can easily avoid this issue in the future using EventBus library, right from the beginning.Finally I will show you how to update the UI dynamically by using the data from that API server."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"8 Fun & Simple Mind Hacks to Sharpen Your Brain" |
"This is a very simple (but extremely powerful) littlecourse. One which will help you to get smarter by making small changes in your life.Mind hacks are designed to be 100% practical and powerful. And with this in mind, the mind hacks in this course have been specifically chosen for their effectiveness and practicality. But! They are also a lot of fun! You will find yourself actually looking forward to doing the exercises every dayBecause my coursesfocus on all the fun things that WORK to sharpen your mind, rather than focusing on things that feel like (home)work.This course will be free for 1-2 months, so enrollnow!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tricks of the Trade - 12 Great Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorials" |
"This course will not teach you how to become the world's best video editor. This is not a 'Masterclass 3.0 Super Secrets Revealed' type of courseeither;nor is it particularly a complicated course - anyone with moderate computers skills will find all of the tutorials easy to follow.This course has just one very simple goal -to teach you how to easy and effectively use Adobe Premiere Pro to achieve the 95% of tasks you'll actually need it for.In other words, I'll teach you how to quickly start using Premiere Pro so you can immediately get to work improving your business/YouTube channel/videography work in general.This course will be free for 1-2 months only, soenrollnow!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Easy Breathing, Mindfulness & Meditation Training with Jamie" |
"Whether you are interested in cultivating greater and greater amounts of personal energy, or if you simply want to learn how to relax quickly and easily, this is the course for you!In this course, you will be introduced to several different types of breathing and meditation techniques. Some are tried and tested techniques with a new twist, and some are completely unique to this course and you won't find them anywhere else.One thing is for certain - when you enroll in this course and make your way through the lectures, you will find yourself naturally relaxing, feeling more at peace with yourself, feeling greater and greater amounts of inner tranquility and rejuvenating energy.It may be one of the most important courses you ever enroll in.This course will be free for 1-2 months only, soenrollnow!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Modern Myths of Productivity Holding Back Your Success" |
"Are you ready for a course that will break all the conventional rules of business productivity? Do you want to hear me tear down each and every stupid piece of advice offered by conventional wisdom?Then keep reading...My coursesfocus on all the fun things that WORK to sharpen your mind, rather than focusing on things that feel like (home)work. So this course will not only dispel the modern myths of productivity, but you'll also learn alternative solutions that might actuallyimproveyour levels of productivity.This course will be free for 1-2 months only, so enrollnow!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Best Creativity Course You'll Ever Need to Take!" |
"Are you readyfor a course that will teach you new and unique methods that will take your brainstorming and mind mapping to the next level?Then keep reading...My coursesfocus on all the fun things that WORK to sharpen your mind, rather than focusing on things that feel like (home)work. So this course will not only teach you how to brainstorm ideas and become more creative, but you'll also have a great time doing it!This course will be free for 1-2 months only,so enrollnow!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Unofficial - Want to Stand Out as a Udemy Instructor?" |
"If you are just starting out on Udemy and feel intimidate by the amount of competition...Or if you are a Udemy veteran, but are still not getting as many students as you want...Then this course is for you!Topics include:Don't Be Artificial,Don' Be Afraid toCourt Controvesy,Your Voice of Velvet.And More!There are numerous other courses that will teach you the fundamentals. But you need this course to learn how to STANDOUTas a Udemy instructor.So enroll now! And be prepared for the honest truth to standing out as a Udemy instructor."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"First Aid Tips for Mental Health" |
"Don't you know that USA and Canada have spent billions of dollars to treat various mental health conditions?Don't you know that 20% of Canadians will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime?Don't you know that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in theUSA and Canada?With thesefacts, first aid for mental health is crucial andnecessary. While first aid is widely recognized and used forcommonphysical problems, such as bleeding and choking, it is not well established and commonly used among psychological or mental disturbances.In this lecture, Dr. Rayel introduces the CARE Approach as thefirst aid for mental health, and discusses the common mental health syndromes that people suffer from. Moreover, he explores and talks aboutsome of the relaxation and coping strategies to prevent and to deal with beginning or worsening mental problems.Topics include the following:1. The CARE Approach as mental health first aid -This practical approach has both assessment and intervention prongs, and follows four basic yet crucial steps in dealing with depression, anxiety, anxiety attacks, and other mental problems.2. Common Mental Health Syndromes - Depression, Mania or hypomania, panicattacks, anxiety, excessive drug or alcohol problem, phobia, psychosis, obsessions and compulsions, eating disorder, memory loss, grief,and emotional difficulties after a trauma are discussed.3. Relaxation and Coping Mechanisms - Physiologic interventions discussed here include breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, diversion, socialization,and sleep hygiene.If you or someone you know,such as a friend or a relative,suffers from distressful psychological symptoms, this lecture is for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"First Aid Tips for Suicide Prevention" |
"In the US in 2015, one person died of suicide every 11.9 minutes and one senior died of it every one hour and six minutes. Also in 2015, there were more than 1 million suicide attempts inUS or one suicide attempt every 29 seconds. In fact, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death, and among young people, it was the 2nd leading cause of death.With these relevantfacts, first aid for suicide prevention is crucial. While first aid is widely recognized and used forcommonphysical problems, such as bleeding and choking, it is not well established and commonly used among psychological or mental disturbances.In this lecture, Dr. Rayel introduces the CARE Approach as first aid for suicide prevention. Unlike other approaches, this CARE approach is a practical four-step process with both assessment and intervention prongs.Assessment is necessary to recognize the signs and intervention prong is important to prevent suicide through various first aid strategies.Moreover, Dr. Rayeldiscusses the warning signs and risk factors of suicide. He alsoexplores and talks aboutsome of the relaxation and coping strategies to prevent and to deal with early or worsening mental problems.Topics include the following:1. The CARE Approach as first aid for suicide prevention -This practical approach has both assessment and intervention prongs, and follows four basic yet crucial steps in dealing with mental problems and suicidality.2. Warning signs of suicide- Severe mental problems, feelings of hopelessness, agitated andrisky behavior, preoccupation with death, among others are warning signs of suicide.3. Risk factors of suicide -Major suicide risk factors, such asmental disturbances,psychiatric disorders, medical problems, medications, and substances,are discussed.3. Relaxation and Coping Mechanisms - Interventions discussed include breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, diversion, socialization,sleep hygiene, among other coping strategies.If you or your loved one suffers from mental disturbance, then first Aid strategies to prevent suicide is very important to learn."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting With Meditation, Visualisation And Yoga" |
"There is nothing you cannot achieve, but you need to be clear about your goals. After all, to reach any destination, you need a map....this course is largely based around writing exercises, but we'll also look at the role visualisation, mediation and yoga can play.During this useful and enjoyable course you will learn: How to use meditation and visualisation to focus on the vision of your dream life and authentic self.How to use meditation and visualisation to focus your life goals and core valuesHow to furtherexplore your goals, visions andcore values using writing exercisesHow to focus your visions into actionable goalsSetting out your goals into actionable stepsStrategies for checking in regularly with you goals and core values to make sure you reach your goals and how toenjoy the journey!Using yoga to help calm and focus your body and mind"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Retreats: How To Organize Awesome Events" |
"What is the difference between a good yoga event and an amazing one? Join me to find out! During this course I will help to get you inspired, informed and ready to leap into a new yoga event project! What youll learn: Your options for events: themes, classes, workshops, intensives, training, dayretreats and residential retreats What to consider when researching venues Yoga and beyond: what to offer at your events Logistical advice for planning events from start to finish: with an awesome schedule for your yogis Tips and tricks for make events truly memorable and get your yogis to return!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Stress Management in the Workplace Course" |
"Stress Management In the WorkplaceWe encounter stress each and every day, and many people work in highly stressful environments. Stress is good in some situations, but in others, it can deter one from doing their best when at work. In other cases, stress can become debilitating to the point where it can affect your well-being. This course will give you the tools required to manage the stress you have in your life.Thiscourse will arm you with the knowledge and tools you will require to manage stress in any situation, including work.What You Will LearnTheStress Management In the WorkplaceShort Coursewill give you a full overview of how to manage your stress, and then apply these skills and information to your everyday life. This course includes:An overview of what is considered stress.Dealing with stress at workUnderstanding burnout and the formation of stressCoping with stress and the effect stress has on the bodyLearning how to manage stress in a positive wayCreating a personal action plan to deal with stressBONUS Yoga routine to wind down after the work day and 2 Yoga Nidra meditations - suitable for all levels, including complete beginners."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server 2016 Administration" |
"In this course you'll be taken from novice to experienced Database Administrator.Learning about.Creating a Lab environment.Installing related services, Active DirectoryHigh Availability Systems, including mirroring and always on clustersSQL ServerSecurityBenefits of PowershellInstalling Windows Failover ClusterConfiguring Always On ClusterScans Vs SeeksTop I/O and CPU queriesBy the time you have completed this course you will have the skills to administrate SQL Server in corporate networks or your own startup."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Digital Para o Pequeno Empreendedor" |
"Esse curso objetiva apoiar o Pequeno Empreendedor na estrutura do seu Marketing Digital como elemento fundamental em sua divulgao, ampliando a visibilidade do seu negcio e conquistando mais clientes. O curso ensina noes de Marketing Digital para o empreendedor que deseja comear a divulgao do seu negcio atravs de E-mail Marketing e Mdias Sociais."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Para Negcios - 2020: Marketing Digital Poderoso" |
"Veja o video de apresentao e entenda as 8 razes pelas quais voc PRECISA comear a trabalhar a divulgao da sua Empresa ou Marca no Pinterest!...Esse curso ensina de maneira descomplicada todas as opes do Pinterest, objetivando orientar o aluno a trabalhar a ferramenta a favor do seu negcio, conquistando mais trfego para o seu blog e ampliando o nmero de suas vendas e clientes.Voc no apenas aprender a entender a ferramenta, mas tambm a trabalhar de maneira profissional sua divulgao, passando a frente dos seus concorrentes atravs de estratgias avanadas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SEO Para Iniciantes: Estratgias Para Atrair Seu Pblico" |
"Um curso que ensina de forma descomplicada vrias estratgias de SEO - Otimizao de Sites Para Mecanismos de Busca - com elementos simples de serem implementados. Com esse aprendizado, o aluno poder facilmente trabalhar seu site, blog ou mesmo seu canal no Youtube para classificaes cada vez melhores nos resultados do Google.Criao de Autoridade Atravs de BacklinksEstudo Aprofundado de Palavras-chaveProduo de Contedo Relevante Para a Sua AudinciaPlugins de SEOAprenda e implemente facilmente estratgias que produzem resultados!Coloque seu website no topo dos principais mecanismos de busca!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Performance Tuning" |
"This Course is for candidates who are in Oracle Database Administration and Oracle Developers; who are interested and want to dive-deep in Oracle Database Performance Tuning. I will be covering wide range of topics, which will surely help to optimize databases/application response time w.r.t database in your organization. There will be practical videos, which i have performed for the topics i explained and will be able to provide the scripts used in that session and can share the slides if required.Course is customizable upon request."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Creature Design and Concept Art" |
"Join the course and begin designing creaturestoday!Do you want to learn how todesign creatures for game and film like an industry pro? Or maybe youre on a quest to start making money as concept artist? In any case youve come to the right place.The 'Ultimate Creature DesignCourse' will show you how to create interesting and believable creaturesthat will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into any program from Photoshop to Manga Studio to paper and pencil.This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of creature design- or your money back!The course is your track to building a solid portfolio of creature designs andconcept art! Whether for your own contentor for other peoples projects.This course will take you from having little knowledge in designing creaturesto creating professional concept art in as little as one week.So what else is in it for you?Youll be taken from basic animal anatomy to believable and original creatures, from beginner to expertYoull gain instant access to allof the course. Youll also gain access to all of myfilesI create though out the course for you to use how ever you like. These assets can be used to study and trace over or as inspiration and reference for your own paintings.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of creating interesting creature designs. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning images and concept art!This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now tostart creating today!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Digitally Painting Light and Color: Amateur to Master" |
"Join the course and begin digitally painting today!Do you want to learn how todigitally paint beautiful, accurate, and interestingly lit paintings? Or maybe youre wanting to brush up on what you already know? Perhaps you're a complete beginner and are looking for someplace to start.In any case youve come to the right place.The 'Digitally Painting Light and Color: Amateur to Master' coursewill show you how to create beautiful and believablepaintingsthat will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into any program from Photoshop to Procreate.This course will teach you how to understand and accurately paint light and keep you from getting muddy and dull color palettes.- or your money back!Thiscourse is your track to building a solid portfolio of realistic digital paintingsandconcept art! Whether for your own portfolioor for client work.This course will take you from having little knowledge in how to interpret light and apply it to your paintingin as little as one week.So what else is in it for you?Youll be taken from basic fundamentalsto believable and beautifully litpaintings, from beginner to expertYoull gain instant access to allof the course and you'll be able to view it for life.You can follow along and view each lecture or use it as a guide book to refer too when you need to brush up on a specific topic.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of creating beautiful colors palettes and accurate lighting. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning images and concept art!This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message. Plus there are over 5 hours of content with 20 downloadable files! You could say this course is pretty lit (pun intended).I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now tostart creating today!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |