Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Using the BlueLetterBible App for Bible Study on the go" |
"BlueLetterBible is a free Bible Study app for the devotional Bible Reader as well as the seasoned Bible Study expert.This course takes you through all of the important features of the app, and provides you with free downloadable files: a quick reference guide that outlines all the most important features, and a Greek Verb tense reference that takes some of the complexity and mystery out of New Testament Greek word study.Android and Apple iOS devices are both supported and are nearly identical. This course demonstrates the BlueLetterBible app using the Apple iOS device."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"E-commerce: Venda na Internet para Micro e Pequenas Empresas" |
"O curso ""E-commerce: Venda na Internet para Micro e Pequenas Empresas"", foi desenvolvido, pelo Sebrae/SC, visando auxiliar empresas e empreendedores que desejam entrar no universo do comrcio eletrnico um dos segmentos econmicos que mais crescem no Brasil. Como todo bom empreendimento, para montar uma loja virtual voc precisa ter um planejamento inicial. So dezenas de detalhes que no podem ficar de fora do seu projeto de e-commerce, e para ajud-lo neste desafio oferecemos um treinamento especial.No necessrio ter conhecimentos profundos em informtica, pois o curso foi pensado com o intuito de motivar voc a criar e gerenciar lojas virtuais. O resultado um treinamento introdutrio em e-commerce, que vai desde as etapas de planejamento e escolha do sistema at a divulgao da loja virtual e o atendimento aos clientes."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"All in one HTML CSS and JQuery" |
"HTML is the base of any website. You must need to write HTML if you want to start developing a website. And CSS is the core component of HTML language. To make your website look good and professional. You must need to design your HTML tags using CSS.You can start a new career in web development today by learning HTML CSS and JQuery. All you need is the computer and a text editor like notepad. And you are ready to create your own professional static website. Moreover you can also start working as a freelancer (online service) on various platforms and start earning online easily using you HTML CSS and JQuery skills.The Content of the Course The content of this course will take you from absolutely basic to the advance level of website development. Youll learn how many HTML tags are there for use. And then how you can design those tags to make it look good. Dont need to have any knowledge to start this course. We will start from absolute beginner and go forward together. By the end of this course you will be creating your own website that will look great on phone, tablets and desktops etc.Content of OverviewThis course is of only 16 lectures long. That is it! That is the time it is going to take to learn a complete HTML CSS and JQuery. The course focuses on having you begin writing code right away.For HTML you will learnHTML FoundationAll Available TagsBasic structure of a websiteCoding and stylingCSSCSS SelectorsId and classesDesigning tags in CSSJQUERYFoundation of JQuerySyntax and structureSelectors and Events Animations and AJAX requests"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to convert PSD to HTML and CSS responsive" |
"Are you planning to start your online career? And looking for a good starting point which can serve you all the needs of learning webpage development. Or maybe you are a web developer already and want to enhance your front end skills. OR you want to learn specifically HOW TO CONVERT ANY PSD DESIGN INTO HTML AND CSS AND MAKE IT RESPONSIVE as well. Either way, PSD to HTML conversion is aMUST-HAVEskill for any aspiring or experienced web developer/designer out there. This PSD to HTML and CSS conversion course will take you from acompletebeginner to aExpert level developerwho is feeling comfortable converting PSD designs into fully functional and responsive HTML websites. Adding sliders, adding sliding navigation bars and animations. This course serve you more than just PSD to HTML. This course will give you the ability to understand how HTML works. I made this course to share my knowledge that I received throughout my online career as a web developer. This course will cover allot of different portions where most of the people stuck and find very difficult to come over that issue. In this course we will be learning how can start writing basic structure of HTML by looking at your PSD design, and then design that HTML code in CSS. I will teach you how to deal with problems and bugs that occurs during conversion in HTML. How to fix positions and arrangements of div. During the development stage, we'lllearna lot of things when styling our design: floats, positioning, width, custom columns, fluid design, full-width backgroundsAND MUCH MORE!!! We will animate things for example Animation of sidebar or navigation menu. Adding Image Slider right from scratch Adding masonry effect using masonry library to arrange all of your posts aligned and responsive. We will make our website responsive, mobile and tablet friendly using CSS media queries. We will see. What are the basic programming technique that will help you throughout your programming career? So, what are you waiting for? Press onTake this coursebutton and start learning web design & development today!30-day money back guarantee!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create a social network using PHP Mysqli HTML Css and JQuery" |
"Want to learn how to use PHP and MYSQLI in order to create a professional website? Isnt it a bonus if that website is SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITE.That is what you are going to learn in this course. If you already know the basics of PHP, MYSQLI, HTML, CSS and JQuery. This course is a gem for you. In this course you will learn how you can combined use all of these languages in the right direction to create a professional working website. How is this social media network perform? Social media is basically for people to share their thoughts, activities and interest to the world. To make that kind of functionality together is called social networking website. Social media network in this course is basic but beautiful. This course is specially designed for people who really want to enhance their programming skills and want to know how you can use all basic languages to build a social network. We will learn all this right from the scratch and program every single line and view the live effect of our website. What should you know? You should know the basics of PHP & MySQLi before joining this course, because we'll straight start working on the project instead of explaining the basic syntax of PHP. We'll first create the web development environment on our local computer. Content and features of this website: Displaying all members of website Signup & Login Systems User Profile Update User Timeline User Posts Notifications Send or receive friend requests User comments on each Post Sending & Receiving Messages Privacy Settings for User timeline"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"PHP Login and Registration System with PDO - Email Confirm" |
"Are you ready to learn how to build a complete login and registration system using PHP and MySQL and PDO? Then you are at the right place at the right time. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This Course: This course is about showing students how to make a complete login and registration system that you can directly include in your website very easily. Making Login and Registration system in PHP with the most secure way was a big deal before if you are not using any framework. This problem is now solved. Want to know how? This is what this course about. This course will teach you how you can make your PHP web application fast, secure, professional and hack proof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- We love helping! Have a problem in one of the lectures? No problem we are here to help. Need personal assistance from a lecture? Tells us the problem and let's get it done. Features 1. User activation by email after Registration 2. Password Encryption before storing in database 3. Login with Email address 4. Login with Facebook 5. Login with Google 6. Password Recover by email with verification code 7. Security Features (CSRF protection, SQL Injection) 8. Sending emails to Gmail server 9. Features added all the time ----------------------------------------------------------------- We will be using Latest PHP version and its syntax, Also Latest versions of MYSQL, Facebook SDK, Google SDK and Bootstrap. You are definitely going to learn a lot from this course. Lets Get Started"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Setup an OpenCart shopping store quickly" |
"OpenCart is one of the fastest and growing E-Commerce software. OpenCart team claims that they are the largest and fastest in the Online IT world. OpenCart is lightweight on server. Its intuitive admin panel makes it easy to manage and administer all the operations. People from non-technical walk of life can also easily manage the store and run their business online. OpenCart is quite a popular script for managing your online shopping cart,large number of plugins, goods efficiency and easy customization make it an interesting alternative for other E-Commerce Platforms. As far as this course is concern. In This course you will learn how to create your own shopping website where people can shop whatever products you have entered in your store. People can purchase through different payment methods like Paypal or Cash on Delivery. This course will make you a good expert on OpenCart without doing any sort of programming. You will learn Downloading and Installing OpenCart on your systemAdd new ProductsPurchase productsAdding New Themes for your storeEnabling or disabling extensions for better performanceAdd Different Payment and Shipping methodsPlacing orders and returnsIf you are a developer how you can find any file which is loaded through OpenCart URLAnd much more.My goal of this course is to give you the basic overview of complete admin dashboard. SO that you will be able to launch your store as soon as possible. Happy learning Best of LUCK!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Paragraph Killer: ngilizce Paragraf Yazmay renin" |
"Merhaba! Bu dersimde temel paragraf yazma becerilerini gelitirmek zere tm bilgi ve becerilerimi sizlerle paylamaya altm. zellikle essay (Makale), e-posta, reklam metni veya dz yazgibi trlerde yazma becerileri kazanabilmeniz iin ncelikle gzel paragraflar yazabilmeniz gerekmektedir. ngilizce bilmeniz iyi bir ekilde yazacanz anlamna gelmez, nk yazma becerisi oluturduunuz cmleleri gzel bir ekilde organize etmenizle dealakaldr. Tm seviyedeki rencilerin bilmesi ve uygulamas gereken noktalar sraladm. Dersler boyunca indirebileceiniz materyaller ekledim ve aralarda zmeniz iin quizler var.ncelikle paragraf yazmak iin gerekli olan ""Brainstorming"" tekniklerini renecek ve uygulayacaksnz. Paragrafn tm paralarn tek tek ileyeceiz veadm adm paragraf oluturmay reneceksiniz. Paragraf yazdktan sonra kendi yazdklarn nasl editleyeceinizi de reteceim sizlere. Son olarak da tm paragraf trlerini greceksiniz. imdiden kolay gelsin!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Test Your TOEFL Vocabulary Skills 50 Medium Words Part 2" |
"Hi! My name is Sefa and I am a lecturer at Yasar University in Turkey! I have been teaching English since 2010 and apart from Turkey,I have worked as language teacher in magic landFinland, Estonia and Sweden so far. I prepared this test to see how well my students do when it comes to TOEFLvocabulary. You can test your vocabulary skills free and see how well you do on vocab test. Hope this course will be a great help on your language studies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market investment: Non financial fundamental analysis" |
"As an investor, how often do you findyourself lost when you try to read the companysreports? How often are you able to decode how a certain market event willaffect a company? How do you know whether a company has the right dividendpolicy for you as a shareholder? Does this company have a sustainable competitiveadvantage that allows it to be profitable years down the road?When it comes to fundamental analysis,most courses would talk about financialanalysis, ratio analysis, PE ratios, and efficiency ratios. Yes, these aredefinitely important. What about the qualitative factors of the company?Qualitative factors will provide better insights into what will happen into thefuture when combined with other methods of analysis.Wewill start off by learning about the business lifecycle. Then we move ontopower and competitive analysis. And finally we will end off the course with 3quality case studies.Unlike some other courses out there whereyou just hear instructors talking endlessly, andyou only see text in their power point presentation, thiscourse will include animations, images, charts and diagrams help you understandthe various concepts.I promise I will not be teaching generic unactionableideas like you must buy low and sell high. Also, this is also not a motivationclass where I preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you musthave discipline to profit from the market.In this course, I will teach you exactmethods and frame work.In addition, Udemy andI promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If Ifail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back afterattending the course. No questions asked.Sowhat are you waiting for? Its time totake action! Goahead to click on the enrol button. I will see you at our course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market investment: Practical Accounting" |
"Be honest to yourself. How many of you are investing in the stock market without knowing anything about accounting? You just use technical charts and indicators like moving average cross cover or fibonacci retracements. Is that really enough? The truth is, it is not! You need to know exactly what you are investing into. And to do that, you need to know accounting! There are many questions like:Is the company profitable? Does the company have any assets? Is the company actually making any money at all? And even if a company is profitable, is the money coming into the companys bank account? Obviously you would like to know these answer but when you try to read the companys financial statements, you get lost! Where to start? What does each number mean? How long is this going to take me! In this course, I will teach practical accounting knowledge for investors. Starting with the profit and loss statements, we will move onto the balance sheet, and eventually to cash flow. Along the way, I will discuss accounting concepts like: Why do we want to depreciate expenses over many years? Net profit comparison with cash flow. How does profit and assets interlink? What do you truly own as a shareholder? How exactly to interpret the cash flow statement? Unlike other courses out there where you just see a wall of boring text presentations, this course will include animated diagrams, charts and diagrams to simplify concepts and guarantee your understanding. I promise I will not be teaching generic unactionable ideas like you must buy low and sell high. Also, this is also not a motivation class where I preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you must have discipline to profit from the market. In this course, I will teach you exact accounting concepts and frame works. In addition, Udemy and I promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If I fail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back after attending the course. No questions asked. So what are you waiting for? Its time to take action! Go ahead to click on the enrol button. I will see you at our course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market investment: Consistent Dividend Passive Income" |
"Are you tired of your 9-5 job? How would you like to have your money work hard for you to generate passive income? In this course, I will teach how you can build consistent passive income by investing into dividend stock. You turn the tables by having others work hard for you in their 9-5 jobs. We start off by learning about a business lifecycle and company's dividend policy. Then we move into 11 check points to ensure the company which you invest into is able to generate consistent passive income. You do not need an expensive Bloomberg terminal for research. I will teach how you can obtain quality data for free. As a bonus, I will also teach how you can financial engineer your own dividends payments at your own preferred pay out dates, even if the company does not pay any. Unlike some other courses out there where you just hear instructors talking endlessly, and you only see text in their power point presentation, this course will include animations, images, charts and diagrams help you understand the various concepts. This is also not a motivation class where I preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you must have discipline to profit from the market. In this course, I will teach you exact methods and frame work. In addition, Udemy and I promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If I fail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back after attending the course. No questions asked. So what are you waiting for? Its time to take action! Go ahead to click on the enrol button. I will see you at our course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market Investment : Analysing Software Companies" |
"Are you looking to invest into softwarecompanies? What are the important characteristics andtrends of this industry? Dothese companies have any moat? How do they spend their cash? What are therisks?In this course, I will teach how to analyse and invest into softwarecompanies.We start off by learning about thedifferent sub segments of the software industry. Then wemove onto quantitative financial analysis. After which, we will continue intoqualitative non financial discussion. All this will give us a holistic view ofsoftware companies before we commit investments into them.Unlike some other courses out there whereyou just hear instructors talking endlessly, and you only see boring text intheir presentation, this course will include animations, images, charts anddiagrams help you understand the various concepts.This is also not a motivation class whereI preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you must have disciplineto profit from the market.In this course, you will learn actionablemethods and frame work.In addition, Udemy andI promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If Ifail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back afterattending the course. No questions asked.Sowhat are you waiting for? Its time to take action! Go ahead to click on theenrol button. I will see you at our course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Technical analysis: Backtesting the stock market" |
"As a trader or investor, you probably have some technical analysis or risk management method that you use to trade or invest. Maybe you have a moving average system to determine when to buy or sell? Maybe you use RSI to time your entries? Or maybe you have a trailing stop loss system for risk management and profit taking?Even though your methods are grounded on very sound principals, have you ever wondered if your method actually works? And if it has been working well for you, will it continue to work for the long run into the future? Have you actually tested them before?Hows the performance like? What kind of draw downs will you encounter. What is your percentage win rate? Do you have any idea at all how your trading system will perform? Chances are, you probably do not know until its too late!Think about it. You are risking your live savings into the market, and yet how can you not know whether your trading methods work or not!?So what could the solution to all these uncertainties? The solution is backtesting! Backtesting will test your trading method in the past to model how it may perform in the future. This will allow you to judge the performance and risk associated with your trading system before you put your life savings at risk!We start off by learning on the basics of backtesting and how to judge the performance of a backtest.After which we will learn how to use the backtesting software and conduct our own backtest!This course shall be conducted by an experience instructor with many years of proven track record.Unlike some other courses out there where you just hear instructors talking endlessly, and you only see boring text in their presentation, this course will include animations, images, charts and diagrams help you understand the various concepts.This is also not a motivation class where I preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you must have discipline to profit from the market.In this course, you will learn actionable methods and frame work.In addition, Udemy and I promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If I fail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back after attending the course. No questions asked.So what are you waiting for? Its time to take action! Go ahead to click on the enrol button. I will see you at our course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market Investment: Applied Financial analysis" |
"Be honest to yourself. How many of youare investing in the stock market without knowinganything about the companys financials?Areyou simply relying on the wiggly lines on the price chart to make tradingdecisions?Areyou heavily relying on analysts or brokers for stock tips?Isthat really enough? The truth is, it is not! You need to know exactly what youare investing into. And to do that, you need to know financial statementanalysis!Thereare many questions like:Is the company going to be profitable? Is management manipulating the earnings?Can the company sustain its operations?Obviouslyyou would like to know these answer but when you try to read the companysfinancial statements, you get lost!Where to start?What does each number mean?How long is this going to take me!Inthis course, I will teach practical financial analysis for investors. Startingwith the profit and loss statements, we will move onto the balance sheet, andeventually to cash flow. Alongthe way, I will discuss concepts like:How do you spot trends to forecast the companys future.What is core and non core earnings?How do we determine if earnings are repeatable?How management can manipulate earnings.The truth about acquisitions.Warning signs to lookout for.This course shall be conducted by an experienceinstructor with years of proven track record.Unlike some other courses out there whereyou just hear instructors talking endlessly, and you only see boring text in their presentation, this coursewill include animations, images, charts and diagrams help you understand thevarious concepts.This is also not a motivation class whereI preach to you that you must work hard to succeed, or you must have disciplineto profit from the market.In this course, you will learn actionablemethods and frame work.In addition, Udemy andI promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If Ifail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back afterattending the course. No questions asked.So what are you waiting for? Its time totake action! Go ahead to click on the enrol button. I will see you at ourcourse."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basic IT computer task you should know in the office at work" |
"Are you anoffice executive, or a fresh graduate out of school looking for your first job?Are you familiar basic office computer tasks?Did you know that basic IT computer skills are expected in99% of every office job out there?How to perform data manipulation?How to professionally deal with PDF files? How do you email large files? How do you organize your work tasks and be efficient at it?These are bare basics that your colleagues and boss will beexpecting from you! Ifyou are still clueless on how basic office tasks are performed, this is thecourse for you!Inthis course, I will get you up to speed on the basic requirements of working inthe office.Wewill start off with daily essentials. Then we move onto organizing your tasks.Afterthat, we learn about excel and finally onto PDF.Thislesson shall be conducted via a computer screen recording. So you can easilyfollow along on your computer.In addition, Udemy andI promise a 30 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk. If Ifail to deliver up to your expectations, you can have your money back afterattending the course. No questions asked.So what are you waiting for? Its time totake action! Go ahead to click on the enrol button. I will see you at ourcourse."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Investing : Valuation Ratio analysis for profit" |
"I am sure all of you know about financial ratios. But did you know that valuation ratios are the most profitable ratios out there? And did you know that most new investors do not know how to use them properly? In this course, we will focus on valuation ratios to help you identify undervalued companies so you can invest into low risk, and high return opportunities.We will cover:Price to earningsPrice to bookPrice to tangible bookPEG Ratio Dividend YieldThis course shall be conducted by an experience instructor with actual proven track record.I will include interesting animated diagrams to help you understand the various concepts and I guarantee your understanding.In this course, I will teach you exact actionable methods and frame work that you can immediately apply to your investments.So, what are you waiting for? It's time to take action! Go ahead to click on the enrol button and I will see you at our course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How women can build a strong personal brand as professionals" |
"While a personal brand seems like a strange concept, it's actually incredibly important.Barely a week goes by when gender in the workforce isn't a hot topic. For women looking to move their careers forward in spite of gender-biased obstacles, it can be increasingly difficult to create the right opportunities to ensure your talent is noticed.Your brand affects how people perceive you professionally; having and projecting a strong personal brand can give you greater confidence and open up more career opportunities. It also has important business benefits too.Identifying your personal brand can be one of the most challenging things, yet at the same time when explored it can be prove to be the most rewarding and eye-opening adventure. I guarantee that upon completion of this course you will leave feeling inspired and ready to take those first steps to defining your identity, purpose and brand for application in your personal and work life!This course includes:Video lessons that clearly explain the roadmap required to develop your personal brandExercises and worksheets that help you match your brand to your personality, thus improving authenticityReal-world examples of brands created by other professionals just like you to inspire you and get you excited about creating your brandFree and low-cost resources so you can use along the way to develop, strengthen and protect your brand"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn Sketch - Design and Prototype Instagram in 7 steps !" |
"**// This is a new course just Launched in May 2017//** ( will be adding section for Free )This course is built to let you design the app of your dreams and build it prototype.We will be using Sketch 3 ( or Sketch 4 ) to design Instagram ( version 2017 ) and then we will build a quick prototype using Marvel App ( or InVision ).This course, will bring you the knowledge to design any app you want, like Snapchat, Uber, Instagram, Tinder, or Airbnb...Learning to design is important to visualize app ideas or to start your carier as a UI designer or UX Designer.Ifyou want to be an entrepreneur, having the knowledge to design the app you want will give an advantage :- Showing a Prototype of your App to Investors-Showing a Prototype of your App to final user and get feedback-Showing a Prototype of your App to developers that will build your App( they will know what to do and tell you how much it will cost )It's the only course that shows you how to design an Instagramprototype step by step using Sketch and Marvel app.In this course on how to learn Sketch ( a designing tool )by designing an Instagram app, we will go step by step on designing the last version of Instagram on Sketch 3 ( or Sketch 4 ) and you will then use Marvell app ( quick prototyping tool )or InVision to build our Prototype with the screenshots we have built.Learn Sketch from scratch now by building an Instagramprototype.Take this course nowanddesign the app you always wanted and learn to build quick prototype :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Beginner Fundamentals" |
"Everything for total beginners is here.JavaScript is a programming language that drives the web: from front-end user interface design, to backend server-side programming, you'll find JavaScript at every stage of a web site and web application. In this course, you'll learn the fundamental programming concepts and syntax of the JavaScript programming language. I'll kick you to the next skill level of JavaScript programming!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RESTful API web services testing &documentation with Swagger" |
"Every software company needs to use APIs and needs to test and document it. If you have the skills taught in this course, you are guaranteed of one thing - jobs!jobs!jobs! from all over the world.Swagger is the best API documentation tool available worldwide, it is used by many top tech companies around the world. Swagger isa very powerful, efficient and all-round API testing and documentation tool. It covers all aspects of API documentation and also helps your consumers test the APIs right on the documentation itself. This course will put you through how to document an already existing API using a combination of powerful swagger tools - swagger edit, swagger ui and swagger ui dist. See you at the top."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 3 Firebase - Become an iOS/Android rockstar developer!" |
"This course will take you step by step on how to build an android and iOS applications using the powerful but simpleIonic framework.In this course, you will learn 4 core technologies:Ionic 3Angular 4 - Owned by GoogleTypescript - Owned By MicrosoftFirebase - Owned by GoogleI covered some of the topics some people are finding really hard when learning on their own such as :- User Authentication- User Login- User Signup- Retrieving user Profile- Upload Profile Picture- View Uploaded PictureThis course covers the following about firebase:1. How to create new user accounts2. How to Save data in the database3. How to update data4. How to overwrite data5. How to delete"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency investment 2019 - tracking with spreadsheets" |
"Once you start investing in cryptocurrencies, you face a whole new difficult problem which is, how do you keep track of all the coins you invested in?The problem grows as you go deeper and deeper. I have not seen anywhere on the internet where someone explained a very easy and cost-free way to solve this problem, so I made this course to sort it out.If you are not able to track your coins, you will lose lots of money within hours. So this course is here to save you that stress. The course is useful for anyone that has any sort of interest in cryptocurrencies, sooner or later they will be faced with this problem and this course will save the day.Once you start investing in cryptocurrencies, you face a whole new difficult problem which is, how do you keep track of all the coins you invested in?The problem grows as you go deeper and deeper. I have not seen anywhere on the internet where someone explained a very easy and cost-free way to solve this problem, so I made this course to sort it out.If you are not able to track your coins, you will lose lots of money within hours. So this course is here to save you that stress. The course is useful for anyone that has any sort of interest in cryptocurrencies, sooner or later they will be face with this problem and this course will save the day."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"2020 Fullstack: Full Laravel with QRCodes, APIs, Android/iOS" |
"This course is the ultimate web and mobile development course for 2018. It covers all the topics in each technology stack very well. This one course contains tutorials in :MVC - Complete MVCcourseLaravel - Complete beginner to professional course on thelatest version of laravel (Laravel 5.6),QRcodes - How to integrate QRCodes scanning and retrieval of information into your platform,Payment integration - How to integrate payment platforms like paypal, stripe to enable usersmake and receive payments on your platformAPIs andmicroservices - how to build robust microservice platforms that will make it possible for other developers to connect to your platform using packages like laravel passportMobile app development (Android and iOS) - Complete guide on building mobile apps and making them communicate with APIs and microservicesEveryonethat intends to be a well-rounded super star in development must have to take this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lesson 1 - Chinese Mandarin Language For beginners" |
"China is one of the top world powers and their technology being used in every single corner of the earth. China has the highest population of any country in the world and their economy is among the most powerful. China is essentially taking over the world. Learning the Chinese language is very essential to surviving the the world we are entering into. Knowing the Chinese language will enable you do business in China.There are so many reasons to learn the Chinese language, below are some1. China is the most widely spoken language in the worldMany people may not have noticed, but Chinese is the number one most spoken language in the world! There are approximately 1,197,000,000 people speaking Chinese, that's about 14% of the world population. 2. Countries that speak MandarinThe Chinese language is spoken in countries such as China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Phillipines and Mongolia. If you ever hope to do business in these countries then it would be beneficial to learn their language.3. Learn about history and culture of ChinaChinese history and culture is one the richest and certainly the oldest in the world. China is renowned for producing beautiful novels, short stories, poetry and more recently excellence in film. Reading great Chinese biographies and watching short films about the history of China provides a greater understanding of the language.4. Make friends with different culturesChina has the biggest population in the world with approximately 1.28 billion people so learning the language gives you access to communicate with many people and connect on a deeper level. Get a Chinese pen pal to improve your writing and understand family life in China.5. It is good for businessMark Zuckerberg is wowing audiences across the world with his new Chinese Skills, especially those important business executives in China. In fact, there are many top CEOs that speak Chinese as a second language.Mark Zuckerberg spoke Chinese during a Q&A session at Tsinghua University in China. You can find this on youtube.So why would a man already highly successful learn to speak Mandarin and then deliver a 30 minute presentation in a language he is just getting to grips with? Well he could just be learning the language to communicate with the in-laws as his wife is Chinese, or this is part of a business strategy to move Facebook into China then truly become Global.6. Learning Mandarin is easier than you thinkYou do not have to worry about verbs! there are no verbs, no plurals, no tenses, no subject-verb agreement, and no conjugations. There are over 80,000 Chinese characters but generally only 3,500 are used in conversation. In fact, it could be regarded as a more logical language.7. Improve your artistic skillsChinese symbols and characters require a steady hand. The written words are actually iconographic characters rather than letters. These symbols and characters are created using strokes rather like painting.8. Improve your brain powerWe know we need to keep are brains well oiled and studies have shown that Mandarin speakers use both sides of their brains! This will certainly keep brains motoring.9. Travel to beautiful countries knowing you can communicateIf you can speak Mandarin the world is your oyster as you travel across Southeast Asia you will have the confidence to speak with the locals in Chinese, you might even be invited into their homes for home cooked food experiencing real Chinese life. Travelling around the world is always more enriching when you make friends with local people.10. Eat great foodSizzling food markets across China offer some unique dishes not found anywhere else. Chinese cuisine is a joy to behold so the language will acquaint you with the types of food not found in our local Chinese Take Away.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel Project 2019: Build a beautiful referral system[pt1]" |
"Laravel is the most popular PHP web development platform and arguably the most powerful. This tutorial teaches you from basics to advanced on how to use Laravel. All you need to know before this course is how to use some basic html and some PHP.Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the modelviewcontroller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.At the end of this course you'd have learnt how to build a referral system where users can signup and refer others while seeing their progress on a dashboard.Many diverse topics will be covered in this course including but not limited to the following:1. Authentication2. Cookies3. Session4. How to build referrals5. Laravel generators6. Migrations7. Database schemaThis is the part 1 of this course and will go even deeper to add more optional features to what will be built in this section."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Mandarin Language For beginners - Lesson 2" |
"This beautiful follow up course teaches you a lot more about Chinese language word pronunciations. This is the same language that Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook taught himself to speak when he was in his 20s. It is your time now to shine. It rounds up the pronunciation tutorials on Chinese words. You will also get to learn about 30 new words including numbers 1 - 10. The Chinese language training and practice course is very important because it covers your basics of learning the Chinese language and makes the rest of the journey easier for you.Iam not a native Chinese Language speaker but if I can learn to speak Chinese, so can you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel course: build a beautiful referral system - part 2" |
"This is the second part of a 2 - part intensive Laravel course. This course adds more diverse features to the laravel referral system built in part 1. Laravel is the most popular PHP web development platform and arguably the most powerful. This tutorial teaches you from basics to advanced on how to use Laravel. All you need to know before this course is how to use some basic html and some PHP.Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the modelviewcontroller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.At the end of this course you'd have learnt how to build a referral system where users can signup and refer others while seeing their progress on a dashboard.Many diverse topics will be covered in this course including but not limited to the following:1. Authentication2. Cookies3. Session4. How to build referrals5. Laravel generators6. Migrations7. Database schemaMore features were added to the already existing app such as:Task creationTask assignment Task completionUser rolesAdmin controlsHow to install and configure CK EditorAnd so on"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Mandarin Course HSK1 - numbers,clocks,dates,months" |
"Due to so much demand from my students, I have finally created a comprehensive course on Chinese numbers from 1-100. Im sure youll notice a trend in how you form numbers from 11-99 and how the trends changes from 100 to 1000 then changes again from 10,000 and so on. See if you can figure it out on your own. I even went ahead and threw in the number zero and counted all the major numbers up until one trillion for no extra charge!Numbers in Chinese will help you understand so many other aspects of Chinese basics. Things like weekdays, months, dates, years, clock time etc are all based off of the numbering system I will teach you in this course.Monday in Chinese for instance translates to ""Week 1"", Tuesday translates to ""Week 2"" and so on.It's the same with months.January translates to ""Month 1"", February translates to ""Month 2"". You will find a lot of things easier if you take this course.I expect to see you progress through this course from knowing absolutely nothing about Numbering system in Mandarin Chinese up until when you become a complete pro.Chinese numeralsare words and characters used to denotenumbersinChinese.Today, speakers of Chinese use three writtennumeral systems: the system ofArabic numeralsused worldwide, and two indigenous systems. The more familiar indigenous system is based onChinese charactersthat correspond tonumerals in the spoken language. These are shared with other languages of theChinese cultural spheresuch as Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. Most people and institutions in China and Taiwan primarily use the Arabic or mixed Arabic-Chinese systems for convenience, with traditional Chinese numerals used in finance, mainly for writing amounts on checks, banknotes, some ceremonial occasions, some boxes, and on commercials.[citation needed]The other indigenous system is theSuzhou numerals, orhuama, a positional system, the only surviving form of therod numerals. These were once used by Chinese mathematicians, and later in Chinese markets, such as those inHong Kongbefore the 1990s, but have been gradually supplanted by Arabic (and alsoRoman) numerals."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mainframe IBM en tu PC" |
"Sabas que a diariousamoslos Mainframespero no somos conscientes de ellos? Sin ellos, el mundo actual sera muy diferente. Los Mainframesson una categora de ordenadores desconocida para muchos, pero esencial en la informtica moderna.Deseas instalar un entorno Mainframe en tu PC de una manera fcil y guiada?Bienvenido al CursoMainframe IBM en tu PC!!En este Curso aprenders, paso a paso, como tener un entorno Mainframe IBM en tu PC:Queindustrias usanlos MainframesInstalacin de un Mainframe MVS de IBMen la PCInstalacin de unemulador de Terminales 3270 necesario para acceder al MainframeCreacin y usode bibliotecas particionadas y archivos secuencialesPractica de mens y del editor de ISPFFile-Transfer de archivos de PC a Mainframe y de Mainframe a PCCompilacin yLinkedicin de un programa COBOLEjecucin de un programa COBOL y anlisis de sus resultadosTe recomiendo que respetes la secuencia que tieneel Programa del Curso y de esta forma lo aproveches al mximo.Porque estoy compartiendo este Cursocontigo?Los especialistas actuales que conocen los Mainframes y elCOBOLtienen entre 50 y 65aos, por lo que estn a punto de jubilarse. Ahora los jvenes profesionalestendrn que dar continuidad al trabajo que venan desempeando todos aquellos especialistas de Mainframe, sin embargo, la generacin ms joven tiende a tener poca o ninguna experiencia con los equiposMainframe ya que se ha centrado ms en la informacin distribuida, la Web y las tecnologas mviles. Existe un riesgo de tener unaprdida de capital intelectual y una falta de experiencia para los equipos de TI en las muchas empresas que aun manejan esta tecnologa.Deseo que este Curso sea de granutilidad para los jvenesprofesionales que estn conscientes del gran mercado que aun existe en el uso de los Mainframes y que con su talentocontribuyan al crecimientos de las reas de TI."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"( flat icon ) illustrator" |
". . : - - -... . 15 . . 30 100%"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |