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"The Art of Free-Flow Singing and Public Speaking" |
"This is an intermediate course for vocal embodiment, vocal play, and creative linguisticexpression, and is applicable for singers, speakers, poets, writers, and other creative expressivearts, or to simply bring balance,joy, and playinto your life.In this course, The Art ofFree-Flow Singing and Public Speaking, it isthrough many enjoyable games and practices,thatyou willopen up to your innateand naturalgiftsof:Your Embodied VoiceYour Playful (and joy-provoking)CreativityYour Fluid and SensualCreative NatureA Sense of Ease and Flowin Your CreativeLifeHow to Receive Your Own Creative Expression (not just give, but be in a state of reciprocity)Your time, energy, and flow of money will benefit from applying the toolsof this course, and from practicing the exercises of free-flow. As you investing yourself in this way, you shall receive.This course will help you remember your playful nature,and to help you not take yourself so personally,which is incredibly liberating to yourcreative flow.Your channel will open up, and life can flow again, in you and as you.-----------------------------------------------Your uniqueexpression isvaluable.I'm excited to witness the beauty that pours through you as you remember how to play, and that PLAYis a PRACTICE.May you allow your creative centralchannel to open, and life to move through you;unobstructed, healing, clear, potent, real, true, raw, connected...............................................................................There is magic inside, waiting for you.It is recommended to takeDestiny Love's other course,Embody Your Voice, simultaneously with this course, asit ishelpful for yourvocal embodiment and to clear stagnant energyon the energetic levels of expression.From the course facilitator,Destiny Love:Hi there!Iam so happy and honored to share my joy with you! May you deeply benefit from this course... may you begin to trust the MAGICthat moves through you when you are unobstructed and clearly expressing fromyour truth. May you have the courage to share your radiance, to inspire and uplift us all!This course is inspired by my own personal practice of free-flow singing, poetry, and channelingwisdom for myself.It is my deepest joy to record these lessons and share them with you.My personal free-flowpractice is a weaving of my life's experiences, which includes a Bachelor's degree inMusical Theatre, nine years of teaching yoga, being a mother of a four year old daughter, being married,being the daughter of teenage parents, being an only child, being the teachers pet in forth grade- and so forth.May you learn, during this course,that your entire life is the palate from which you paint your creative expressions. You will learn here to source your epic(or terrifically boring) life into amazing free-flow songs, or monologues (or dialogues)-- and it is my hope that this practice helps you tointegrate your life, to find the gems and bring them forth, sparkly, unique, and wonderfully real, relatable, and entertaining.In Deep Gratitude,Destiny Love"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Power Of RSI Indicator In Forex,Stocks, Commodities & Crypto" |
"Relative Strength Index(RSI) Is a very powerful indicator used By every trader in the Financial Markets.This course will help You To get 100% command On RSI And You will be able to trade with full accuracy.My this course will lead you people to 10% of successful traders in the Stocks and Forex Markets.I have included A very Powerful Trick Of RSI which makes it so unique and gives us strong signals with full accuracy.My This Course Includes All Advanced Strategies Of RSI Indicator.RSI is Very Important and Popular Indicator.It Tells About Momentum Changes in the Market and It Tells About Trend Confirmation.Trend Lines are Important Part Of Technical Analysis And In This Course I Have Explained How To Use Trend Lines Here On RSI Indicator.Lets see what important stuff we are going to Learn from this course,You Will Learn RSI Indicator With Full Explanation Including its Tips and TricksRSI StrategiesAdvanced DivergenceBullish Divergence StrategyBearish Divergence StrategyOverBought Levels StrategyOverSold Levels StrategyRSI TrickRSI Momentum TradingHow RSI Is PowerfulTrend Strategy With RSIMoney Management"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading : Power Of Moving Averages" |
"Moving Averages Are Very Important Technical Indicator.These Are Very Popular And Simple To Use.From A Retail trader to a Banker,any website,Moving Averages are used by everyone of these.You must have a moving average in your trading kit.Moving Averages Are Lagging indicators.They Are Trend Followers.They Tell us proper Direction Of the Trend.""Trend Is Your Friend"" Its worthy sayings and in Forex Trading Our Only Friend Is Trend.95% Traders lose Money By trading against the trend but,You will be a successful trader if you understand Trend and Follow it after This Course.My This Course Will Explain Trend In Details.You will Easily understand Proper Trend And will follow it After My Course.I have included Gold M30 strategy which is very important and by learning that you will earn a lot of pips.Gbp/jpy Daily Candle Strategy Is Also inlcuded In My Course and all other time frames strategies are also included.I Am Sure with My This Course You will get a lot of confidence In Placing new orders and it will increase Your Trading Temperament.Support And Resistance Are Very Important In Trading And My this Course Also explain Dynamic Support And Resistance In Details.Guppy Multiple Moving Averages is also explained in detail here in my course.Ribbon Moving Averages Strategy Is Also Explained In Detail."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MasterClass-Japanese CandleStick Patterns In Trading" |
"Low Risk And High Reward is key to success in Forex Trading And My this strategy is an Epic One In this Regard And It Gives 1:10 Risk to Reward Ratio.As Long As Our Strategy Will Be Simple than we will be in profit and My this Course Includes Very Simple Strategy,which is very easy to understand and Learn.My this Course Gives A huge Powerful Trend Reversal Pattern used in the Forex,Stocks And Commadities Markets.With Full Details Of taking Entry,exit and all other things i have explained Money Management Also With A Best Strategy.Candlestick Pattern Charting Is Very Important In Technical Analysis in All the Financial Markets And My This Course Most Important Candlestick pattern."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Forex Trading Course For Beginners In 2020" |
"Making a successful career in forex trading is everyone person dream and many people spent a lot of there important time to be successful in it but due to not proper guide from any expert teacher is always a major problem.and in my view this is the major problem for everyone who want to make a successful career in Forex.Well,if you are facing such kind of any problem than i got a proper solution for it.Here i brought a full course on forex education for the beginners who want to make a successful career in trading,and i have given my absolute everything for my students to make them a pro trader.In my this course i have started from definition of Forex,than with all the important basic terminologies in Forex.We will learn all the important steps to choose a Forex Broker and with its types also.There is a complete guide on Metatrader 4 because i believe that its a big problem for beginners to understand MT4 knowledge and all of its important terminologies.Each part of MT4 has been explained with full details.There is a complete guide on technical analysis,because technical analysis are very important for becoming a successful trader in Forex.All the indicators has been explained with full details.i,m sure that my this course is going to help you a lot for making you a successful Forex Trader."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stochastic Indicator-An Ultimate Powerful Tool In Trading" |
"Stochastic Oscillator Is an ultimate powerful tool used in technical analysis.It is one the most commonly used indicator having perfect accuracy which generates perfect Buy and Sell Signals.I have explained everything about this indicator in my this course with Full Explanation.Stochastic Is a Momentum Indicator Comparing the price of an asset over a certain period of time.It has best ability of predicting a trend reversal in early phases.It Is Predictive in Nature. Basically Stochastic Oscillator works one the basis of Oscillation. Its Movement is fixed between two fixed points.Stochastic Oscillator tells momentum of the very VolatileMarket.Stochastic Oscillator Is one the earliest Technical Indicator Used for Technical Analysis.It gives Perfect Buy and Sell Signals and it also gives Early Entry and Exit from the Market.In My this course of Stochastic Oscillator I have explained all the high quality advantages of using Stochastic Oscillator.Overbought and OverSold levels are fully explained with High Quality including from Real Life Examples also.How We Can Best trades from Overbought Levels and Oversold levels are explained here.How Buy and Sell Signals are Generated using this tool,are also discussedhere.Divergence is one the Most Complicated Topic In Forex Trading,but here in my this course i,ve tried my best to explain it in a very simple way so that every student should understand and should get a lot of advantage of trading divergence. Divergence gives us early entry and early exit in the market.Both Bullish and Bearish Types of Divergences are here fully explained with examples"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Simplified-Powerful Tool In Fx Trading" |
"Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Is not just an indicator,infact its a complete system particularly for the pro traders. All of those types of traders who love to trade in the Direction of Trend,then this Indicator Is made for them.Yes,its very powerful indicator for trend traders.Goichi Hasoda who was a Japanese News Writer,he showed Level of Commitment,passion and dedication,started working on this Indicator in 1930s and Completed in 1968.He Spent more than 30 Years in researching on this Indicator.Basically he believed that range of the Market is very important for a particular Time Period.According to Hasoda, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo System Gives One Glance Equilibrium Of the Market,we are going to get Balanced Look of the Market at 1st Look.Infact its a complete system,which is describing Trend direction with full details.I have tried my best to explain this system in a very simple way,all of its components have been explained with full details along with Interpretations also.We will also learn how to identify support and resistence,trend direction and stop loss take profits etc.All of its important trading signals have been described here with full details.i am sure that all of you my dear students are going to enjoy this course and it will boost your profits in Trading.I wish you good luck for it, Thank you So much."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"4 Powerful Ways Companies & Freelancers Work Well Together" |
"The lack of capacity and appropriate skill level are two reasons companies reach out to freelancers to help bridge the gap. While this partnership extends production and provides flexibility to the business, it can also become the source of their frustration. On the flip side, freelancers can be left in the stressful wake of working with over-demanding companies.So,how we do get unified and work together effectively? We need to understand our respective intentions, know the structure of how we'll work together, have a system for managing projects, and create a harmonious working relationship. In this course, we'll dive into all four of these areas and more as we discover how companies and freelancers can work well together."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comunicazione Non Verbale sul lavoro - 35 errori da evitare" |
"Questo corso svela 35 errori di linguaggio del corpoe comunicazione non verbaleda evitare sul lavoro. Conoscere questi errori permette dimigliorare la propria efficacia, efficienza ed eleganza comunicativa, che in ambito lavorativopermettono di migliorare i rapporti con collaboratori,colleghi, clienti e fornitori, e migliorare il proprio sviluppo di carriera.Il corso strutturato in video lezioni e materiali didattici di approfondimento che guidano il corsista passo passo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica para sexto ano de ensino fundamental" |
"Este curso destinado a qualquer pessoa que esteja interessada em aprender e, tambm, para todos os estudantes de 6 ano de, ensino fundamental, que desejam melhorar os seus desempenhos nas provas e nos trabalhos. Reviso, neste curso, a maioria dos contedos vistos no sexto ano, de ensino fundamental e, tambm, aproveitei contedo de um outro curso online, chamado matemtica para concurso, que de nvel fundamental. Abordo assuntos: nmeros, conjuntos, fraes e outros. Os alunos aprendem a comparar diferentes sistemas de numerao, identificar mltiplos e divisores de um nmero natural, nmeros primos, resolver problemas e desenvolver fluncia com as quatro operaes com nmeros naturais; conceituar fraes (razo, quantidade e multiplicador), ordenar, adicionar e subtrair fraes com denominadores diferentes, calcular porcentagens. O desenvolvimento de atividades, nesse curso, e sua aplicaes prticas do ensino, em particular da Matemtica, com a possibilidade de ser redimensionada toda essa problemtica que se abeirou das salas de aulas em relao ao ensino aprendizagem, de longa data vem sendo aplicado por alguns educadores, visto que j que a capacidade de raciocinar traz um fascnio e provoca emoo, despertando no aluno, algo em torno do entusiasmo, do dinamismo, causa alegria e floresce a criatividade. Ento, no perca o seu tempo, pois venha e matricule-se, aqui, para que o seu desempenho, como aluno, seja melhorado e sua capacidade, seja cada vez mais aperfeioada. Imperdvel!!! Um grande abrao e at l."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica para concurso" |
"Curso de matemtica para concurso destinado para qualquer pessoa que tem interesse de prestar o concurso. E ainda, esse curso, alm de relembrar alguns conceitos de ensino fundamental e mdio, auxilia o estudante a estar apto para qualquer concurso. As primeiras duas aulas so grtis, pois assim o aluno ter uma base do que o curso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de prolog" |
"Neste curso so introduzidos os conceitos bsicos da linguagem de programao lgica Prolog. Alm de abordar os seguintes temas: introduo, consultas, variveis, estruturas, lista, estrutura e fatorial. Os elementos bsicos da linguagem Prolog so herdados da lgica de predicados.Esses elementos so fatos, regras e consultas. Fatos servem para estabelecer um relacionamento existente entre objetos de um determinado contexto de discurso. Outros elementos sero discutidos, no decorrer, do curso."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Noes de empreendedorismo" |
"O curso de empreendedorismo tem por objetivo oferecer conhecimentos sobre o ato de criao de novos empreendimentos nos mais diversos setores, propiciando-lhes em especial:O conhecimento sobre a importncia do empreendedorismo para a economia, sua importncia na gerao de emprego e renda;O universo das aes empreendedoras que vo desde abertura de empresas com propsito econmico e financeiro, bem como com objetivos puramente sociais. Aqui, nesse curso, podemos verificar, em outras palavras que, empreendedorismo o processo de iniciativa de implementar novos negcios ou mudanas em empresas j existentes. um termo muito usado no mbito empresarial e muitas vezes est relacionado com a criao de empresas ou produtos novos, normalmente envolvendo inovaes e riscos. No curso, aproveito a oportunidade de mostrar vdeos aos alunos, para que eles possam colocar, em prtica, a sua capacidade de empreender. Ou seja, atravs, de exemplos. O curso conta com aproximadamente trs horas de durao e, tambm, com alguns exerccios para que os alunos possam refletir sobre as lies, dadas no decorrer do curso. O empreendedorismo pode ser entendido como a disposio ou capacidade de idealizar, coordenar e realizar projetos. A palavra tambm muitas vezes definida como a habilidade em criar e implementar mudanas, inovaes e melhorias a um mercado ou negcio. ... Podemos dizer, ento, que o empreendedorismo uma caracterstica. Enfim, lies importantes so ensinadas, aqui. Imperdvel!!!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de sites em xml" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo ser uma ilha de prtica no imenso oceano de teoria e promessas sobre usos e implementaes de XML. Por meio de exemplos prticos e interativos, pretendomostraraos desenvolvedores e webmasters em geral, tcnicas que, quando usadas em conjunto com o HTML, XHTML, JavaScript e CSS, possibilitam a criao de aplicaes para as mais variadas situaes."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Estude matemtica com LibreOffice Calc" |
"O Curso estude matemtica com LibreOffice Calc um curso direcionado para qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse de aprender e que goste muito de estudar. Pois,esse aplicativo, muito semelhante ao Microsoft Excel, por trabalhar com planilhas eletrnicas. Pretendo com esse curso, estar mostrando, a todos, as principais, funes de matemtica que so muito usadas, no dia a dia ,nas escolas e, assim, estar contribuindo para que os alunos, melhore os seus desempenhos cada vez mais. O LibreOffice uma potente sute de escritrio; sua interface limpa e suas poderosas ferramentas libertam sua criatividade e melhoram sua produtividade.O LibreOffice incorpora vrias aplicaes que a tornam a mais avanada sute de escritrio livre e de cdigo aberto do mercado. O processador de textos Writer, a planilha Calc, o editor de apresentaes Impress, a aplicao de desenho e fluxogramas Draw, o banco de dados Base e o editor de equaes Math so os componentes do LibreOffice. Nesse curso, Estude matemtica com LibreOffice Calc, pretendo que os alunos melhorem, cada vez mais, o desempenho na disciplina de Matemtica. Assim, alm de conhecer e aprofundar o conhecimento, no LibreOffice Calc, os alunos, tambm, podero, organizar os seus respectivos raciocnios. Pois est imperdvel!!! Matriculem-se!!!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Estude matemtica para o Enem com vrias apostilas includas" |
"A prova de matemtica do Enem (Matemtica e suas tecnologias) a nica prova que apresenta uma disciplina isolada, o que a torna o maior peso individual do concurso.As questes da prova so objetivas, com 5 alternativas de resposta, apresentam enunciados contextualizados e cobram um conhecimento global do aluno. E nesse curso, estude matemtica para vestibular, foco em vrios assuntos vistos, como, por exemplo, matemtica bsica, progresses, geometrias plana e analtica, funes, exponencial e logaritmos, trigonometria, matrizes e anlise combinatria. Reviso, tambm, toda a matria de ensino mdio, estudando algumas questes, vistas em vestibulares anteriores, pois no curso, resolvo 131 questes, que sigo de uma apostila. As demais questes, resolvi deixar para o aluno, como desafio. O curso, estude matemtica para o Enem com vrias apostilas includas, tambm, pode ser estudado por qualquer estudante, como treineiro e por todas aquelas pessoas, que tm interesse em aperfeioar e melhorar os seus respectivos desempenhos. Pois o curso est imperdvel!!! No percam essa oportunidade. Matriculem-se!!! Lembrando a todos, da equipe da Udemy, que gostaria, muito de agradecer, por esse trabalho. Obrigado a todos que se dedicaram, um pouco de seu tempo para se inscrever, no curso e ,sejam bem vindos e, desde j, desejo bons estudos!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Construa sites em HTML e Javascript" |
"HTML uma das linguagens que utilizamos para desenvolver websites. O acrnimoHTMLvem do ingls e significa Hypertext Markup Language ou em portugus Linguagem de Marcao de Hipertexto. OHTML a liguagem base da internet.OJavaScript(JS) uma linguagem de programao utilizada principalmente em pginas web. Com o JS, voc pode mostrar mensagens e outras informaes interessantes, fazer verificaes ou mudar dinamicamente a apresentao visual das pginas, conforme o comportamento que voc deseja que sua pgina (ou aplicao) possua. Ou seja, ao final do curso, o aluno ser capaz de criar sites dinmicos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Geogebra" |
"O Curso de Geogebra um curso voltado para qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse e curiosidade de aprender a trabalhar com a ferramenta e, tambm, esse curso bsico e bem prtico, sendo o nico curso de Geogebra que possuo, porque nele abordo vrios assuntos, de uma maneira geral. Pois o Geogebra um software matemtico, que possui uma janela de lgebra e uma janela de visualizao. Pois fornece ao usurio vrios comandos e vrias ferramentas para auxiliar a quem est aprendendo, ou seja, o estudante. No perca a oportunidade de fazer esse curso, pois imperdvel!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Visual Basic 2017" |
"O curso Aprenda Visual Basic 2017 um curso voltado para a rea de programao. Com esse curso, pretendo auxiliar os estudantes de Cincias da Computao, Sistemas de Informao e de outras reas afins. Abordo, tambm, os seguintes temas: variveis, eventos e outros assuntos bem interessantes. Sejam bem vindo(a) ao meu curso e bons estudos. Aguardo voc!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Programao bsica em C++" |
"O curso, programao bsica em c++, um curso voltado para a rea de programao e de desenvolvimento de software. Desejo, com esse curso, auxiliar todos os alunos da rea de cincias da computao, tecnologia da informao, sistemas de informao, anlise de sistemas ou reas afins. Nesse curso, ensino vrios conceitos como: introduo, comandos de condio, repetio e vrios tipos de exerccios para que os alunos tenham a oportunidade de praticar o que esto aprendendo. Lembrando, tambm, que C++ uma linguagem de programao compilada multi-paradigma e de uso geral. Desde os anos 1990 uma das linguagens comerciais mais populares, sendo bastante usada tambm na academia por seu grande desempenho e base de utilizadores. O curso, programao bsica em C++, tambm, pode ser estudado por qualquer estudante e por todas aquelas pessoas, que tm interesse em aperfeioar e melhorar os seus respectivos desempenhos, na rea de programao. Pois o curso est imperdvel!!! No percam essa oportunidade. Matriculem-se!!! Lembrando a todos, da equipe da Udemy, que gostaria, muito de agradecer, por esse trabalho. Obrigado a todos que se dedicaram, um pouco de seu tempo para se inscrever, no curso e ,sejam bem vindos e, desde j, desejo bons estudos!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolva sites em php" |
"O Curso, Desenvolva sites em PHP, um curso voltado para a rea de programao web. Nesse curso, abordo os seguintes temas: introduo, variveis, constantes, operadores, estruturas de controle, funes e formulrios. Ao final, do curso, o aluno ver que ser capaz de criar aplicaes incrveis. No perca essa oportunidade, aproveite e veja como vale a pena!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Programao bsica em C# com Visual Studio 2017" |
"O Curso,Programe em C# com Visual Studio 2017, um curso voltado para desenvolvimento de programas ou softwares. Trata-se de um curso bsico, mas o ponto de partida para que o aluno possa, cada vez, mais enriquecer o seu conhecimento. No decorrer do curso, abordo os seguintes temas: introduo, variveis, estruturas condicionais, estruturas de repetio, reviso geral e prtica de exerccios. Abordo, de uma forma bem resumida, os conceitos de eventos. Ol no perca seu tempo!!!Faa a inscrio nesse curso e agregue os seus conhecimentos. Seja bem vindo(a)!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolva consoles em C#" |
"Embora seja possvel usar vrias linguagens na plataforma .NET, C# aquelaque deve sempre ser considerada em primeiro lugar. As razes so simples: oC# oferece o mesmo poder que o C++ e a mesma facilidade de programaoque o Visual Basic, alm de ser a linguagem nativa para a nova plataforma da Microsoft.At pouco tempo atrs, eu usava o C++ para programas de baixo nvel(usando sockets e threads, por exemplo); o Visual Basic era usado para criar janelase acessar bancos de dados. Hoje, tudo isso pode ser feito usando apenas umalinguagem o C#. O C# oferece poder, facilidade, flexibilidade e a linguagem nativa para aplataforma .NET. O C# resolve o abismo entre as linguagens de baixo nvel ealto nvel. O C# a linguagem que vai garantir seu sucesso na revoluo que aMicrosoft vem prometendo. Este livro vai apresentar o leitor tanto plataforma.NET quanto linguagem C#. E o curso, Desenvolva consoles em C#, um curso voltado para desenvolvimento de consoles. Um console, nada mais , uma aplicao sem interface grfica e, esse tipo de aplicao se torna uma maneira bem eficaz para aperfeioar as tcnicas de programao sem ter que se preocupar em desenvolver uma interface grfica. No decorrer do curso, alm da introduo, abordo os seguintes temas: variveis, estruturas de controle e, tambm, prtica de exerccios."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Trade Forex like a Hedge Fund: Long FX Strategies" |
"Learn how I profit from trading FOREX.This course is a complete step-by-step guideon how to create a consistent monthly income using a highly profitable strategy.If you have an internet connection and a computer, you can trade this strategy from anywhere in the world. Whether you are aninvestor, novice or veteran trader, this course will provide you with the tools necessary to reach financial success.You can earn way more thanthefor the price of this course with your first trade!What you will get from this course:Learn to make money tradingonly a fewminutes per day. You DO NOT have to be glued to your computer screenHow to place high probability trades, that win over 80% of the timeLearn how to make money on trades if the market is in any trendHow to open and close winning trades...and most importantly, how to manage your tradesLots of real life trade examples...using my own moneyWhat brokers to useUnlimited email support from the instructor and his tradingteamThis course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and passion to be successful!Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Abstract Techniques Revealed Vol. 1. Create Large Modern Art" |
"In this course we will be creating 2 colorful, large modern abstract paintings. I will show you step by step how to add texture, line and form to a canvas and give you the confidence to paint loose and carefree without the worry of making mistakes. I share my secret techniques that took me over 20 years to perfect.I will cover the usage of unconventional tools and materials to add interest and excitement to your masterpiece.Without spending a fortune on art supplies, you'll learn how to paint your own original modern abstract art on canvas and other substrates.I discuss the paints and brushes that I like to use and the different mediums to add texture and depth.I use mainly acrylic paint and sometimes oil paint to create these beautiful works of art.If you are interested in creating abstract art, this course is for you.With multi-camera angles, you will grasp every brushstroke and every splatter. Even though I work fast, you can take your time, pause and rewind as often as you 'd like and watch the course over and over again. This is not your average, boring art lesson. Get ready to be amazed at your ability."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cnh tay robot iu khin bng my tnh" |
"- Cnh tay robot (Robot arm) l sn phm chim th phn cao nht trong lnh vc robot cng nghip, vi vai tr c lc trong cc dy truyn sn xut.- Kha hc l mt tri nghim hc tp th v quy trnh ch to v lp trnh cho mt cnh tay robot 3 ch : T ng, iu khin v bn t ng- Bn s b l g nu khng tham gia kha hc+ Cng ngh truyn tn hiu iu khin bng my tnh+ Lp trnh cnh tay robot t ng vi ng c servo+ iu khin cnh tay robot vi nt bm v bin tr+ Kh nng iu khin mt cnh tay v tri v gic vi quyn nng ca mt nh sng ch+ tng v kin thc c bn tham gia cc gii khoa hc cng ngh trong v ngoi nc V cn nhiu hn th na ....."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Teknik Pemrograman Odoo Tingkat Dewa" |
"Course ini berisi trik-trik pemrograman addon Odoo yang sering kita temui di lapangan ketika mengimplementasikan Odoo di client. Banyak dari kebutuhan client yang cara-caranya tidak ada di dokumentasi Odoo sehingga kami perlu mendokumentasikannya dengan detail agar bisa berguna bagi sesama developer dan implementor Odoo.Teknik yang dibahas disini umumnya berasal dari pengamalam implementasi sendiri dan banyak juga yang dari topik-topik diskusi di yang tersebar di internet baik di forum, blog, grup, mailing list dan sebagainya."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Menguasai Odoo QWEB Report" |
"Pada course ini akan dibahas tuntas semua aspek pemrograman QWEB untuk membuat laporan di Odoo, mulai dari membuat addons baru dan awal, membuat report Sale Order, Invoice, Purchase Order, Delivery Order dan Receiving, Journal Entry, menampilkan gambar, logo, barcode, qrcode, watermark pada report, membuat sub report, cetak label, dan banyak lagi.Dapatkan FREEAddons :Menampilan kolom tanda tangan pada SO, Invoice, POMencetak Kwitansi tanda terimaMenapilkan barcode , qrcode pada SOdan lain-lain"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Odoo Direct Dot-matrix Printing" |
"One of the biggest challenge in implementing Odoo in companies which already have so many daily transactions (like thousands of invoices per day), is printing to Dot Matrix Printer!Yes, it is common in big trading companies to use Dot Matrix printer to print PO, SO, Invoices, Picking List to efficiently print using continuous and carbonized forms so they can print 3-4 document at once. Printing PDF file to dot matrix printers that can take the whole day just to print :(This can be a big issue in Odoo, because it uses PDF for every document printing. The print result is good when printed at desk jet/ laser jet printers, but when it comes to dot-matrix, the font is broken and almost unreadable. This is because the dot per inch is too small. We can set it up bigger, but it will take some more time to print to dot matrix printer. It is impractical when it comes to print like 5000 invoices daily!The solution is to use a proxy printing technique. We make a small web server application at the client computer that is connected to the printer. That small application listen at a specific HTTP port and ready to receive request from Odoo's web browser client. At server side, we add an add-on that will send the raw data to print to that local application via HTTP post. The raw data is automatically composed based on the document to print using template.The result is: AMAZING! printing is now direct to dot matrix printer with it's super fast speed and perfect printing result!This course explains in details on how to make, configure, and setup the direct dot-matrix printing system for Odoo.Enjoy!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to get fast success on upwork in urdu/hindi" |
"In this course u will learn about upwrok success to get high paying jobs and first jobi will tell you how to get your first job and making start money on upworkhow to get high paying clients and make long term relationhow to make effective proposals and how to send proposalhow make best profileafter watching this course you will be able to gets high paying jobs ,make your own proposals and discuss the project of clientyou will learn lots of thing about upwork success and much more"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hosting your static website on Amazon AWS S3 service" |
"Do you need to host your staticwebsite for your company or private useon number onecloud company with very low cost about 1 $/month with high available and very fast storage also in very easy way. amazon S3 enable you to host your static website without any server or any resources to manage and very simple configurationonly you need to create andconfigure s3 bucket and enable static website hosting then upload your website content to s3 bucket.on Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 coursewe will take idea about Amazon AWS and Amazon S3 (simple storage service), and we will learn how configure amazon s3 to host your static website from A to Z using you own domain. also you will learnHow to integrate your static website with amazon cloudfrontto enable loading your website very fast and enable secureaccess to your website throw HTTPS.This course will be supported with many labs tounderstand the course very will and to be able to host your static website by yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |