Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Online Home Business + FREE SOFTWARE" |
"Looking for a genuine home based business???Online Marketing is the best home based business. You have got to believe me. It really works amazing if you have the right set of software and tools. I just wanted to share my personal experience that I gained so far to improve my home business in this course for you. I will provide you the entire system that I hacked to increase my productivity in my course. I used trial and error method to find out the exact way to reach success. This course will save your time since I have provided you the step-step procedure. You are also going to get my Social Media Traffic Generation Software worth $69 completely free with this course. The idea of home based online business must be really exciting. However in this journey towards achieving a full time passive income through online home business and social network traffic is going to be definitely time consuming and even frustrating at times. You can automate the whole system using the software and the freebies that Ii provide with this course. So what are you waiting for? - I do offer 100% money back guarantee if this course does not satisfy you. Just give a try on my system and start making money from Online Home Business in just 1 to 2 weeks. Above all you are also getting my Social Media Traffic Generation Software completely free with the course. So enroll to the course today and start making money by just sitting in your home instantly.What Will You Learn From This Course?This course is the best source to make money by doing home business.Completely understand how to build their own passive income from home."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kindle Blueprint + FREE SOFTWARE" |
"KINDLE100%WORKING BLUEPRINT WITH FREE SOFTWARE.Do you want to make money online using kindle marketing???This course will help you in making residual income from kindle by launching your own eBook in very easy steps. I'm going to share my personal experience and some of the tactics I learned throughout my Kindle marketing journey. I'll also explain you my money making system with Amazon Kindle in a step-by-step manner in this course. You will also get my Social Media Marketing Software worth $69 completely free with the course. This course will teach you all the basics of Kindle marketing and how to write a good kindle e-book with step by step procedure. You will also learn on how to bring in genuine reviews and readers to your kindle book by using the free software that i provide with the course. So what are you waiting for? - i do offer 100% money back guarantee if this course does not bring you any income from the kindle store. After watching the course you can promote your e-book and bring in lots of traffic within 1 to 2 weeks. So enroll to the course today and start making a passive income using kindle marketing."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping Blueprint + Software" |
"Are you interested in making money from online dropshipping?The best way to earn more money online is the dropshipping business. Trust me. Dropshipping work amazingly well if you can generate traffic from social media or SEO.I would like to share my dropshipping money making system with you in this course. This course comes with a complete step by step blueprint which Ihave developed before few years to make passive income from dropshipping.You are also going to get my Traffic Extractor Software worth $67 completely free with this course, the idea of making money instantly with dropshipping that too with socail media marketing will look like a very easy option.However in this journey towards achieving a consistent passive income through online dropshipping is going to be definitely hard if you don't have a proper system and blueprint to follow.I had tried out a lot of methods regarding this system and Ifailed a lot before Igot the exact blueprint that is bringing me few thousand targeted customers from social media every day to my dropshipping websites.And this iswhy Icreated this course to make it easier for you, you can automate the whole system using the software and the blueprint that Iprovide with this course.I do offer 100% money back guarantee if this course doesn't satisfy you.Above all your are also getting my Traffic Extractor Software completely free with the course.So enroll to the course today and start making money from your own dropshipping business instantly."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing + SECRET SOFTWARE" |
"Do you want to make money online using Amazon Affiliate Marketing??Are you struggling to get sales from your Amazon affiliate site? Then my Amazon Affiliate Marketing method is the best way to bring in more visitors and income to your site. If you follow my traffic generation system with the software and free premium tools that i provide with the course, i assure you will see your first Amazon affiliate earnings within a few weeks. In this course I will be teaching you from my personal experience that i had came across as a successful Amazon affiliate. And this is what i am sharing with you in this course. And you are also going to get my Amazon Affiliate Marketing Software worth $57 completely free with this course I will be showing you on how to do proper niche research for Amazon in this course. I will also be explaining on how to use the software and bring in instant sales to your Amazon affiliate site. Let me tell you before itself, this is not a easy rich scheme. My system is going to be time consuming and you need to be consistent to make this system successful. Nothing comes easy as long as you put on some effort right? So dont get demotivated here. You will eventually succeed after following my system and i am providing my exact blueprint in this course so its going to be very easy for you. You can automate the whole system using the software and the blueprint that i provide with this course. Just give out a try on my system and start bringing in loads of visits and earnings from your Amazon affiliate site in just two weeks of time. Above all your are also getting my Amazon Twitter Marketing Software and 100% FREE with the course. I do offer 100% money back guarantee if this course doesnt satisfy you. Enroll to the course today and start dominating Amazon today."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Online Sales Blueprint" |
"Online Sales Blueprint- 100%Working With FREE SOFTWARE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you a marketer looking to take your brand to the next level, and wish to make millions of dollars in online sales marketing?Are you struggling to get visitors and sales to your business site? Then here is a complete guide for you to make you more successful in your online sales marketing journey. Whether your goal is to increase the sales in your current business or start a new online business ,This Sales Marketing Blueprint is what you need. Believe me. It will work great if you follow my step-by-step guide with the software and free tips that I am providing you with the course. In this course I am teaching you everything about how to make huge sales online with the right marketing strategy. All the things I included in this course are from my personal experience that I came across to succeed in my sales marketing journey. I made enough research and I had also tried a lot of methods on this because I too faced the same troubles that you are facing today. And finally, I figured out this system to make it easier for you. Let me tell you one thing very clearly. My system works 100%, but it's going to be time consuming and so you need to be consistent here to make this system successful. And you are also going to get my Sales Generation System Software worth $57 completely free with this course. You will see your guaranteed success, after following my blueprint. And You can automate the whole system using the software and the blueprint that I provide with this course. I do offer 100% money back guarantee if this course doesnt satisfy you. Just give a try on my system and start bringing in leads and earnings from your business site in just two weeks of time. Above all you are also getting my SOFTWARE and 100% FREE with the course. Join my course today and start bringing in sales to your business"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ebay Marketing + FREE Software" |
"Ebay Marketing With FREESOFTWARE.------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to make money from eBay? Or Are you a new seller trying to find good eBay niches to start and promote products? Or else do you want to become a successful dropshipper? You are at the right place. If you are enrolling to this special course, you will get a clear cut idea of how to make good money with your own eBay dropshipping business. In this course, I would like to share my personal experience and some of the special strategies in making a lot of profit with your dropshipping business. This course comes with a complete step by step blueprint which I have developed a few years before to make passive income from eBay. You are also going to get my Traffic Extractor Software worth $69 completely free with this course The aim of making money instantly with whatever business you choose to start with must be really exciting. However in this journey towards achieving a full time passive income that too with eBay dropshipping is going to be definitely time consuming and even frustrating at times. I had tried out enough methods regarding this system and I failed a lot before I got the exact process that is bringing me few thousand targeted customers from social media every day to my business. And that is why I created this course to make it easier and worthy for you. You can automate the whole system using the software and the blueprint that I provide with this course. I do offer 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with my course or if the system doesnt works for you. I also guarantee you that there is no risk in this eBay marketing system. So enroll to the course today and start making money from your business easily."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Online Business For Beginners" |
"Are you struggling to start your own business with ""no"" technical skills ?Don't worry. I am here to guide you with all my business tips and strategies in this course. If you watch this course completely you will get a clear idea of how to get started with your own business. You have got to believe me. All entrepreneur struggle to get consistent customers to their business. In this course I am going to cover on how to make tons of sales for any business using online marketing I would like to share my personal experience and some of the tricks in making more profit with your new business set up very easily. This course comes with a complete step by step procedures which I developed before few years to make passive income from any type of business. You are also going to get my Software worth $69 completely free with this course. The idea of making money instantly with whatever business you choose to start with, must be really exciting. However in this journey towards achieving a full time passive income that too with an own startup business and social network traffic is going to be definitely time consuming and even frustrating at times. I tried out enough business system and I failed a lot before I got the exact process that is bringing me few thousand targeted customers from social media every day to my business. And this is why I created this course for you to make it easier and worthy You can automate the whole system using the software and the blueprint that I provide with this course. I do offer 100% money back guarantee if this course does not satisfy you. Just give a try on my system and start your own business. Enroll to the course today and start making money from your business easily."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ecommerce Store Blueprint + Software" |
"Do you want to make money online using your ecommerce store?? or Are you a new seller trying to find good niches to start and promote your products online? Do you want to become a successful ecommerce seller? If your answer is yes, Then this ecommerce system that Im going to explain in the course is the best way to bring in more visitors and income to your store. If you follow my traffic generation system with the software and free secret niches list I provide with the course, I guarantee you that you will see your first earnings within few weeks. In this course I will be teaching you from my personal experience that I came across as a successful Amazon affiliate marketer in building profitable ecommerce store. And that is what I am sharing with you in this course. And you are also going to get my Ecommerce Marketing Software worth $57 completely free with this course I will be showing you on how to do proper niche research for Amazon in this course. I will also be explaining on how to use the software and bring in instant sales to your ecommerce affiliate site. Let me tell you before itself, this is not a easy rich scheme. My system is going to be time consuming and you need to be consistent to make this system successful. Nothing comes easy as long as you put on some effort right? So dont get demotivated here. You will eventually succeed after following the system and I am providing my exact blueprint in this course so its going to be very easy for you. You can automate the whole system using the software and the blueprint that I provide with this course. Just give out a try on my system and start bringing in loads of visitors and earnings from your Amazon affiliate site in just two weeks of time. Above all you are also getting my ecommerce SOFTWARE 100% FREE with the course. I do offer 100% money back guarantee if this course doesnt satisfy you. Enroll to the course today and start dominating Amazon today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Series 7: Intermediate Options" |
"The Series 7 Exam - the General Securities License - is recognized as one of the most challenging exams in any industry. Not only is the first-time passing rate very low, the fact that often times one's future employment depends on passing the exam the first time around adds enormous stress to the process. To make matters worse, one of the most frequently-asked topics concernsOptions (representing as much as 10-12% of the test)which most students find to be the single most difficult subject on the Series 7.My Intermediate Options Seminar builds on the concepts explored and established in my Fundamentals of Options course, discussing and explaining themore complex strategiesavailable through the use of Options, such as Straddles and Spreads, and how to calculate profits, losses, and break even. Studying and learning from this Seminar will strengthen your understanding of these Options strategies and make you a more confident and effective test taker."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Git Completo: Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Git CompletoO curso Git foi feito para fornecer conhecimentos slidos em Git. O contedo cobre desde os conceitos tericos iniciais para o entendimento de como a ferramenta funciona e a partir dos conhecimentos tericos, exerccios e exemplos prticos so feitos para fixar o conhecimento.Aps a parte mais bsica, os tpicos se tornam mais avanados como resoluo de conflitos, merge, branch, tag e muito mais!Alm disso,possuiexerccios e muitos documentos que podem ser baixados para estudos fora da plataforma.Como est estruturado?O curso est dividido em algumas sees para que fique claro o objetivo de cada uma. Vdeos curtos que cobrem um ou dois novos comandos por aula, o que faz com que o contedo visto seja facilmente absorvido. Comeamos com instalao, passamos para os conhecimentos bsicos, GitHub, Bitbucket, comandos intermedirios e avanados e terminamos com exemplos de ferramentas que j esto integradas com Git.Udemy dinheiro de volta garantido!Ao se inscrever neste curso, sua satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta.A Udemy possui uma poltica de devoluo de dinheiro se requisitado em at 30 dias a partir da data de compra. Ento no h pelo que esperar, se inscreva e vamos aprender sobre Git!Nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvedor Android Intermedirio" |
"Desenvolvedor Android IntermedirioBem-vindo ou bem-vinda, um prazer te receber no curso de Android!Este curso uma continuao do Desenvolvedor Android Iniciante onde foram apresentado conceitos de computao e lgica de programao, conceitos iniciais de Java e introduo ao mundo Android com a construo de dois aplicativos. Agora, hora de elevar o nvel das aplicaes e expandir os aprendizados. Neste curso trataremos da linguagem Java por completo e muito mais conceitos de Android com a construo de vrios aplicativos!Por que aprender Java em um curso Android?Java a linguagem que vamos usar para construir as aplicaes Android, sem ela trataramos somente sobre conceitos Android sem a base da tecnologia e teramos que ignorar conceitos importantes de programao. Aprender a linguagem Java essencial para usar os melhores recursos da plataforma Android.Quais os prximos passos?Assista a aula introdutria e outras aulas abertas de maneira a comprovar a qualidade e didtica que ser usada durante o curso. Alm disso, voc pode acompanhar o curso Android Iniciante que totalmente grtis :DUdemy dinheiro de volta garantido!Ao se inscrever neste curso, sua satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta.A Udemy possui uma poltica de devoluo de dinheiro se requisitado em at 30 dias a partir da data de compra. Ento no h pelo que esperar, se inscreva e vamos aprender sobre Android!Nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Android usando Kotlin" |
"Bem-vindo ao CursoDesenvolvimento de Aplicativos Android usandoKotlin oferecido pela DevMasterTeam! bem provvel que ficou sabendo sobre esta linguagem aps vrias mdias noticiarem que agora aplicativos Android tambm podero ser escritos em Kotlin, muito bacana! Porm a linguagem nos permite criar aplicaes para vrios tipos de plataformas, ento no faz sentido limitarmos nosso estudo da linguagem, em uma nica plataforma!Sendo assim, o melhor a se fazer ter uma base slida nos conceitos da linguagem para a sim, aplicar o conhecimento em qualquer plataforma que estiver pensando em criar suas aplicaes.Como funciona este curso?Sabemos que a melhor maneira de aprendermos a programar em alguma linguagem, no ficar lendo conceitos durante dias sem nenhuma prtica, por isto, este e todos os outros cursos oferecidos pela DMT, so totalmente prticos! Todos os conceitos da linguagem, so demonstrados com exemplos e o curso conta com repositrios contendo todos os cdigos desenvolvidos! Este curso foi pensado e estruturado da melhor maneira possvel para que voc adquira slidos conhecimentos sobre a linguagem Kotlin. Seu objetivo fazer com que voc entenda como a linguagem funciona e como tudo que aprender durante o curso, pode ser utilizado em conjunto para a criao das aplicaes. Com aulas bem definidas, claras e objetivas sero ensinados os principais conceitos da linguagem.Mas e a,o que irei aprender com este curso? Neste curso ns partimos desde o bsico da linguagem, configurao e conceitos iniciais, como executar kotlin, como ele funciona na jvm, declarao variveis, funes, controle de fluxo, e vamos nos aprofundando, Orientao a Objetos, Classes e Objetos, Herana, classes abstratas, interfaces, Colees, ou seja, possui um contedo muito abrangente!Mas no paramos aqui:A medida que for obtendo conhecimento sobre a linguagem, vamos criando alguns projetos para praticar o que aprendemos! Comearemos a partir de apps Android simples, porm que voc j poder praticar o que aprendeu. E iremos avanando at chegarmos na criao de um app complexo que utiliza vrias conceitos existentes nos apps mais modernos e conhecidos do mercado, conceitos como:Banco de dados, API, ConstraintLayout, etc.Queremos tambm destacar que este curso est em constante atualizao, a medida que saem novas atualizaes da linguagem com novos recursos, tanto do Kotlin quanto do Android, ele atualizado o mais rpido possvel!Ento a melhor maneira de ficar ciente do que aprender a partir dele, dando uma olhada em sua grade curricular!Udemy dinheiro de volta garantido!Ao se inscrever neste curso, sua satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta.A Udemy possui uma poltica de devoluo de dinheiro se requisitado em at 30 dias a partir da data de compra. Ento no h pelo que esperar, se inscreva e vamos aprender sobre Kotlin!Nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Coach Guitar - Apprendre la GUITARE facile avec des COULEURS" |
"CoachGuitar vous permet dapprendre la guitare avec des couleurs. Cest facile et accessible tousTOUT LE MONDE peut apprendre jouer un morceau de guitare !CoachGuitar est une source inestimable pour ceux qui souhaitent jouer de la guitare rapidementen se faisant plaisir et, pour tous ceux qui veulent devenir une rock star !Imaginez-vous tre capable de jouer des morceaux deRock, deBlues, desBallades, Reggae ainsi que dincroyable Riffs ! C'est maintenant possible et vous pourrez le faire en quelques mois seulement et non en quelques annes. Aucune voix Off n'est prsente,TOUT est visuel ! Vous avez l'essentiel pour jouer tout de suite votre rythme.Une incroyable mthode tapes par tapesCoachGuitar vous montre comment jouer des morceaux clbres la guitare acoustique grce des vidos et des animations du manche. Vous pouvez apprendre jouer des titres dans n'importe quel endroit du monde. Choisissez votre titre favoris et apprenez le jouer!La partie noire reprsente le manche de votre guitare. Les points colors reprsentent vos doigts. Ces points vous indiquent l'emplacement et le doigt que vous devez utiliser pour faire sonner l'accord.Vous dbuterez votre cours par des techniques de base pour amliorer votre jeu de guitare et vous pourrez poursuivre sur des morceaux incontournables deBob Marley, Adle, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Oasis, GunsN' Roses,Metallica, Led Zeppelin, etAC/DC.Ce cours inclus 14sections trs faciles suivre:Basics For Beginners 1Basics For Beginners 2Basics For Beginners 3Basics For Beginners 4Hello (Beginner) - AdleHotel California (Beginner) - EaglesNo Woman No Cry (Beginner) - Bob MarleyWish You Were Here (Beginner) - Pink FloydAngie (Beginner) - Rolling StonesWonderwall (Beginner) - OasisKnockin'On Heaven's Door(Beginner)- OasisNothing Else Matters (Beginner)- OasisStairway To Heaven(Beginner)-Led ZeppelinBack In Black(Beginner)- AC/DCCoachGuitar est l'un des seuls cours sur UDEMY qui inclut autant de richesses d'lments additionnels - chaque morceau est accompagn de la tablature en PDF que vous pourrez imprimer et amenez en voyage avec vous. Sur le dbut de chaque section, vous avez le morceau complet avec voix et accompagnement professionnel afin de vous immerger dans la musique. Tout est fait pour vous aider progresser petit petit.Simple comme des couleurs5 couleurs mmoriser et vous tes fin prts pour commencer ce cours. Nous avons mch tout le travail pour que vous puissiez capter l'essentiel des informations ncessaires votre apprentissage, tapes par tapes. Aucune connaissance musicale n'est ncessaire."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Drawing / BASIC SKILLS" |
"The Art & Science of Drawing is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day youll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. The Art & Science of Drawing is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies. This course is highly recommended for anyone interested in painting as well. Most master painters agree that drawing is a fundamental and essential skill for all painters. BASIC SKILLS is the perfect primer for anyone wanting to learn to draw. The skills you'll learn here will dramatically improve your art & design no matter what medium you work in.RECENTLY UPDATED & IMPROVED!This bestselling course is now even better with new content recently added as well as improved picture and sound. This updated version of the course now includes hours of bonus drawing demonstrations that will show you how to apply your new drawing skills to a wide range of subject matter including botanicals and birds. There's even an introduction to basic figure drawing. BASIC SKILLS is the first course in a series designed to take students from the absolute basics to advanced techniques like volumetric drawing and shading. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order: Basic Skills Dynamic Mark Making Form & Space Measuring & Proportion Contours Shading Fundamentals Shading: Beyond the BasicsIf you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Drawing / DYNAMIC MARK MAKING" |
"How you draw says just as much about you as what you draw. In this second course in the Art & Science of Drawing series, youll learn to bring your drawings to life with dynamic and engaging mark making. Youll learn to truly express yourself through drawing from the most delicate of marks to lines that jump off the page with passionate intensity.The Art & Science of Drawing is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day youll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. The Art & Science of Drawing is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies. This course is highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn to paint as well. Most master painters agree that drawing is a fundamental and essential skill for all painters.This course is the second installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order: Basic Skills Dynamic Mark Making Form & Space Measuring & Proportion Contours Shading Fundamentals Shading: Beyond the BasicsIf you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Drawing / FORM & SPACE" |
"This course contains the third and fourth installments of The Art & Science of Drawing series. In this course youll learn to do drawings that give the illusion of 3-Dimensional objects occupying deep space.Youll start by learning how to draw the sphere, the cylinder and the cube, the foundational shapes that all other forms, no matter how complex, are constructed from. Next youll learn to combine and manipulate these forms to draw any form observable or imaginable. You'll even get an introduction to linear perspective! Never again will your drawings appear flat and lifeless on the page.The Art & Science of Drawing is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day youll watch one video lesson that introduces an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. The Art & Science of Drawing is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.This is the perfect course for painters who want to add depth to their work and the perfect primer for figure drawing. Learning how to think and draw in terms of volume is what makes the difference between good artists and great artists. This course contains the third and fourth installments of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order: Basic Skills Dynamic Mark Making Form & Space Measuring & Proportion Contours Shading Fundamentals Shading: Beyond the BasicsIf you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Drawing / MEASURING & PROPORTION" |
"This is the fifth course in THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING series. In this course youll be introduced to a series of measuring tools and strategies that will take the guesswork our of the drawing process. You'll learn how to determine the proportions of any subject and draw them accurately on the page. Youll also learn how to use angle sighting to triangulate the location of any conceivable point on your subject. This course is perfect for artist of any medium looking to improve their accuracy and a great primer for painting and figure drawing.THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day youll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies. This course is highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn to paint as well. Most master painters agree that drawing is a fundamental and essential skill for all painters.This course is the fifth installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order: Basic Skills Dynamic Mark Making Form & Space Measuring & Proportion Contours Shading Fundamentals Shading: Beyond the BasicsIf you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Drawing / CONTOURS" |
"In this course youll learn to describe complex, volumetric form using three kinds of contour lines. First, youll learn to craft a detailed outside contour. Next youll learn to draw inner contours and overlaps that will describe any subject with great depth. Finally, youll learn to draw using cross contour lines to create the illusion of dramatic volume and deep space. By the end of this course, youll understand how to combine different kinds of contour lines to draw any form. Youll even be introduced to foreshortening, one of the most sought after drawing skills.This course is the sixth installment of the 8-part series THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING which is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day youll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies. This course is highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn to paint as well. Most master painters agree that drawing is a fundamental and essential skill for all painters. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order: Basic Skills Dynamic Mark Making Form & Space Measuring & Proportion Contours Shading Fundamentals Shading: Beyond the BasicsIf you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Drawing / SHADING FUNDAMENTALS" |
"In this course youll learn how to draw using dramatic light and shadow. All form, no matter how complex, follows a basic set of shading principles. By understanding how light operates on the fundamental volumes of the sphere, cylinder and cube, youll be able to realistically shade and render basic forms and be prepared to draw and shade more complex subjects. Its essential that every artist and creative professional know and be able to use these powerful shading techniques.This course is a perfect prerequisite to painting and figure drawing.THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day youll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies. This course is the seventh installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order: Basic Skills Dynamic Mark Making Form & Space Measuring & Proportion Contours Shading Fundamentals Shading: Beyond the BasicsIf you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Drawing / SHADING: BEYOND THE BASICS" |
"If you can shade a sphere, a cube and a cylinder, you can learn to shade any subject, no matter how complex. This course will show you how. In these five in-depth lessons youll learn how light operates on complex objects including concave forms like cups and bowls as well as organic subjects like fruit and vegetables. This course even includes an introduction to cross-hatching, one of the most sought after drawing skillsThe skills taught in this course are essential for anyone interested in continuing on to figure drawing.THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day youll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies. This course is the eighth and final installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order: Basic Skills Dynamic Mark Making Form & Space Measuring & Proportion Contours Shading Fundamentals Shading: Beyond the BasicsIf you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing Course -The Step by Step Guide" |
"Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. Your customers are already interacting with brands through social media, and if you're not speaking directly to your audience through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, you're missing out! Great marketing on social media can bring remarkable success to your business, creating devoted brand advocates and even driving leads and sales.Social media marketing, or SMM, is a form of internet marketing that involves creating and sharing content on social media networks in order to achieve your marketing and branding goals. Social media marketing includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and and other content that drives audience engagement, as well as paid social media advertising.Weve created this guide to provide you with an introduction to social media marketing and some starter social media marketing tips and training to improve your business's social presence.With these tips, you can begin developing your own social media marketing expert plan.Before you begin creating social media marketing campaigns, consider your businesss goals. Starting a social media marketing campaign without a social strategy in mind is like wandering around a forest without a mapyou might have fun, but you'll probably get lost.Here are some questions to ask when defining your social media marketing goals:What are you hoping to achieve through social media marketing?Who is your target audience?Where would your target audience hang out and how would they use social media?What message do you want to send to your audience with social media marketing?Your business type should inform and drive your social media marketing strategy.How Social Media Marketing Can Help You Meet Your Marketing GoalsSocial media marketing can help with a number of goals, such as:Increasing website trafficBuilding conversionsRaising brand awarenessCreating a brand identity and positive brand associationImproving communication and interaction with key audiencesThe bigger and more engaged your audience is on social media networks, the easier it will be for you to achieve every other marketing goal on your list!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hygge. The Art of Comfort & Happiness. Creative Projects." |
"Hygge is a Danish word.Although it has no direct English translation, hygge has been described as the art of creating comfort & happiness. Hygge is intimate & cozy. It is the presence of soothing happy things.You know hygge when you feel it. It is when you are cuddled up on a sofa with a loved one, or in a cozy cafe with a friend, or sharing comfort food & conversation with family. Books have been written about hygge. Among my favorite is Meik Wikings The Little Book of Hygge. The Danish Way To Live Well Meik is CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and has spent years studying the magic of Danish life. He is committed to finding out what makes people happy and has concluded that hygge is the magic ingredient that makes Danes the happiest nation in the world.This series of classes focuses on hygge & teaches that comfort & happiness are priorities.Course FocusComfort arts & crafts, knitting, crocheting, fibre artsArt & Design, drawing& illustrationHealth & Well being, meditation, indoor & outdoor activitiesPlease join me in this course."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Digital Nomads. Your Artist Bio & Sell Your Art in Galleries" |
"SECTION1. Write a Great Artist BioArtists need tools. And one of the most important tool is an ARTIST BIO. An artist bio, or biography, is important information about the ARTIST.Art gallery curators and art directors expect an artist to have a bio.Artists need a bio for:Call for submissions to art galleries + eventsWriting a proposal to art directors, curators, music producersInterviews for media, blogs, television, podcasts, and magazinesPublic Relations + marketingCatalogsYour portfolioArt, Music, Theatre, Artist Residency grant proposalsWebsitesThis class is for:New artists who have never written or perhaps seen an artist bio.Emerging artists who have some experience + would like help writing an impressive bio.Established artists wanting to refresh their bio.The definition of artist in the framework of this class includes fine art, visual art, painters, illustrators, photographers, coloring book artists, writers, animators, musicians, potters, knit + crochet art, wearable art, actors, and so many more genres.Building your profile correctly will result in a polished professional appeal that will propel your creative business in the right direction.Many artists dread having to write their creative story. They fear they dont have enough experience to impress curators and art directors. Sometimes they have too much experience and get bogged down with making decisions on what to include in their story. I love the challenge of tackling words, experience, and story to create fascinating collateral supporting my artwork + my brand. An artist bio is an essential marketing tool that moves your creative business forward. Your bio has the power to create positive buzz that will result in more sales that keep you in the freelance art career that you love. YourClass Project is to write your artist bio and share it in the Class Project section below.This Class Project is a great way for art directors + curators find you. They are constantly looking for new artists and often visit classes to find new talent. Include photographs of your artwork to gain the attention you need to move your creative business forward.With your permission I will share your artist bio on my social media platforms giving you positive exposure to the art world and thousands of followers.Please join me in class and together we will write an effective and fascinating bio that will impress art gallery curators and art director.Class ContentLesson 1: Technical criteriaLesson 2: What are directors + gallery curators expect to read in your artist bioLesson 3: Artist educationLesson 4: Artist exhibits + boutiquesLesson 5: Extraordinary acheivementsLesson 6: Example of an artist bioSECTION2.Sell Your Art in Art Gallery + Museum Boutique ShopsHave you ever walking through an art gallery boutique or museum gift shop and thought,One day Id like to see my art in this shop.This class is for artists + crafters + makers wanting to build their creative career by selling their art in art galleries + museum shops. OVERVIEWLesson 1: Approach art galleries + museum shop curatorsLesson 2: Examples of submission emails to the curatorsLesson 3: Reciprocal art gallery memberships + over 700 art galleries accepting new artistsLesson 4: Secret to selling art in the Smithsonian, Royal Ontario Museum + other prestigious boutique shops. Lesson 5: Case Study One. Selling a coloring bookLesson 6: Case Study Two. Selling arts + crafts + fine art in gallery shopsFinal Thoughts"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"2017 Color of the Year & the 10 Spring Color Palette" |
"What Non-Designer Entrepreneurs Need To Know About Color TrendsAny graphic artist will tell you that trends are important for commercial success.Commercial success is critical for an artist to stay in business.Artist + Designer Entrepreneurs make trends + implement them into clients branding that attract new customers for the artists client.A trend that all non-designer entrepreneurs can utilize are color trends.Commercial Artists + Graphic Designers use standardized colors that are widely recognized in the industry.The Pantone Color Matching System is a design industry standard.By standardizing colors, Artists + Designers can count on different manufacturers in different locations to refer to the exact same colors in the Pantone color matching system.Color influences our choices.This class is for non-designer entrepreneurs who want to learn how to use color trends advantageously in their business to stay ahead of the competition."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create a Majestic Bear on Adobe Illustrator" |
"Hello + WelcomeDigital illustration has multiple applications. One of my favorite is to create art prints. My recent art print collection utilized Pantone's 2016 color palette of the year and a contemporary tribal illustration technique.The lesson is this class teaches students how to:create the contemporary tribal techniquetrace an image (the bear, see Attach File section)apply Pantone's 2017 Spring Palette (10 color trends)make faux patternsuse gradient colorpolish the image for a professional and framable finishIf you do not have Adobe Illustrator, you can download a free trial on Adobe's website."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Master Pre Calculus and Trigonometry" |
"All new quiz solution videos plus even more content to help students master all aspects of Precalculus and Trigonometry!WELCOME TO MASTER PRECALCULUS!This Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry Course includes over 65 lectures that will introduce students to many topics including trigonometric graphs, vectors. and conics. The students' progress will be measured along the way through practice videos that contain examples following almost every new topic. This course can be broken into a few key categories:Everything graphing: Students will leave this course being able to graph and transform trig functions, quadratics, and more.Trigonometry: After this course trigonometry won't seem so frightening anymore. Students will develop an understanding for trig by solving triangles, using trigonometric identities, and becoming comfortable with the unit circle.Calculus Preparation: Throughout the course students will be preparing for calculus. Working with conics, vectors, and polynomials will all help to make Calculus feel less daunting if that is the next step. Here's what students have to say:This was an excellent course. Each topic is well explained. The intimidation of the subject is non existent with the instruction. Recommend it to anybody interested in Pre Calculus - James, Udemy StudentFreaking awesome instructor! this has taught me a lot. - Zacchary, Udemy StudentExcellent pre-calculus course! - Matt, Udemy StudentGreat precalculus course. Lessons were clear and engaging - Bridgette, Udemy Studentgreat tricks for remembering hard concepts - Babu, Udemy Student"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Geometry: Full Curriculum with Practice" |
"Welcome to Master Geometry!This is a brand newcourse designed to help you master the difficult topics of Geometry and get you prepared for your next math course, which may be trigonometry, advancedalgebra, or precalculus. Ihave been tutoring for many years and my students have had great experiences with my teaching methods!Here'swhat students of previous classeshave hadto say:Freaking awesome instructor!this has taught me a lot. -Zacchary, Udemy StudentThis was an excellent course. Each topic is well explained. The intimidation of the subject is non existent with the instruction.-James, Udemy StudentLessons were clear and engaging -Bridgette, Udemy Studentgreat tricks for remembering hard concepts -Babu, Udemy StudentThis Master GeometryCourse includes over 50 lectures that will introduce students to many topics including triangles and their angles, geometric proofs, and mathematical logic.The students' progress will be measured along the way through practice videos and quizzesthat contain examplesfollowing almost every new topic. This course can bebroken into a few key categories:Everything shapes:Students will leave this course being able to find angles and side lengths in triangles, polygons, and circles.Coordinate Geometry:After this course students students will understand the key aspects of coordinate geometry. This includes things like equations of parallel and perpendicular lines in addition tothe distance and midpoint formulas.Geometric Proofs and Mathematical Logic:Students will learn the foundations of mathematical proofs and logical statements. We start at square one and by the end of the course students will be able to complete multiple step two column proofs. Proofs are often what students find most difficult about Geometry so Imade sure to include multiple examples to really ensure students are understanding the topic.Later Math ClassPreparation:Throughout the course students will be preparing for trigonometry and other future math classes such as algebra 2 or precalculus. Working with proofs, mathematical logic, and similarity will all help make these classes seem a lot easier once they begin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
seth-godins-freelancer-course-korean |
"... ? . , . . , . , . ! . ., . . . ...- .- , .- . . . .... . . . . . . , . ... , . , . , . ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SAP Materials Management (MM) Super User Training" |
"SAP is the most popular enterprise business system used by the biggest organisations in the world to help run their companies. This SAP power-user course is designed for SAP beginners and will teach you the basics to intermediate level of the SAP system knowledge in no time. After you have completed this course you will be comfortable working with the most commonly-used functions and features of SAP.This course not only gives you a thorough insight into how the SAP work but is delivered in such a way that everyone who takes the course will have absolutely no problem in understanding all the topics discussed. This course makes it so easy to learn SAP, you will running transactions and analyzingreport data in no time.So not to bog you down with theory this course focuses on learning through a hands-on approach and is packed full of practical step by step examples so that you are using SAP from day one. Whether you are a new SAP user, Business Analyst, Project Manager or a C-Level executive, this SAP course is designed to be your guide and introduction to SAP systems.So What is Covered as Part of this Course:Introduction to the CourseIntroduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the SAP SystemHow to Navigate in the SAPSystemRole of Organizational Structure in the SAPSystemA Business Example:Samsung Inc.,Fundamentals of Purchasing and Inventory ManagementHow to Create MM Master Data in the SAPSystemPerform end to end transactional activities in the SAP System (Procure to Pay Cycle)A bonus task: Introduction to the Customization and ASAPMethodologyAnd much more!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) Super User Training" |
"SAP is the most popular enterprise business system used by the biggest organisations in the world to help run their companies. This SAP power-user course is designed for SAP beginners and will teach you the basics to intermediate level of the SAP system knowledge in no time. After you have completed this course you will be comfortable working with the most commonly-used functions and features of SAP.This course not only gives you a thorough insight into how the SAP work but is delivered in such a way that everyone who takes the course will have absolutely no problem in understanding all the topics discussed. This course makes it so easy to learn SAP, you will running transactions and analyzingreport data in no time.So not to bog you down with theory this course focuses on learning through a hands-on approach and is packed full of practical step by step examples so that you are using SAP from day one. Whether you are a new SAP user, Business Analyst, Project Manager or a C-Level executive, this SAP course is designed to be your guide and introduction to SAP systems.So What is Covered as Part of this Course:Introduction to the CourseIntroduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the SAP SystemHow to Navigate in the SAPSystemRole of Organizational Structure in the SAPSystemA Business Example:Samsung Inc.,Fundamentals of Sales &DistributionHow to Create SDMaster Data in the SAPSystemPerform end to end (Order to Cash Cycle)transactional activities in the SAP SystemA bonus task: Introduction to the Customization and ASAPMethodologyAnd much more!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to get Free SAP System Access" |
"As a SAP aspirant and consultant we all need access to a training or a demo system from time to time. If you are employees with a large consulting company, then you might have access to the companys training and IDES system but these system are not quite up-to-date.However, if your interest lies with having to own your personal mini SAP system then you are at the right place. With this system, you get the newest SAP NetWeaver ABAP application server, which will allow you to experiment with ABAP Development, Business Workflow, Authorizations, the NetWeaver Business client, etc. This system is called NSP or minisap and you will get a free 90 days trial installation, and its license can be renewed for FREE when it expires.The License for this system allows you to use it for training and demo purposes. It is not allowed to use this system for any commercial purposes."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |