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"Creating 3D Logos with Maya and Photoshop" |
"NOTE THAT THIS IS AN INTERMIDIATE COURSEIn this course, we will go through the process of making a 3Dlogo from scratch. Through very detailed videos, youll learn the complete creation process.This course will help you extend your knowledge on the tools you already know, as well as learning tips and shortcuts that willaccelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of 3D logo creation.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message if you encounter any issue. I will help you solve it and understand why it presented itself.So please, take this course now.Promotional Video Music by: Bensound"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Model And Texture Stylized Props for Videogames 2018" |
"NOTE THAT THIS IS AN INTERMEDIATE COURSELearning 3Din general can be very confusing and time-consuming when doing it by yourself. I want to make the learning process easy for you. Well be going through all the tools and concepts of modeling and texturing in very detailed videos.We will only be working with industry standard software. That way, youll be prepared for any professional challenges that may be presented to you.In this course, we will create a game ready asset from A to Z. Some of the topics covered on the course are:Base mesh modeling Hard Surface SculptingRetopologyUVmappingMap BakingTexturingThis course will not only be useful to new users. Intermediate to advancedstudents will find content in these lessons very usefultoo, as wego through the fundamentalsof modeling and texturing using powerfulmodeling techniques and shortcuts.After finishing this course, you'll have the knowledge required to create your own props of games.You'll learn tips and shortcuts that willaccelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of 3D modeling and texturing.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message if you encounter any issue. I will help you solve it and understand why it presented itself.So please, enroll today.Testimonials:-Rodrigo Andres:""What I liked most in this course was the use of baking maps on substance painter, it makes everything easier. The instructor explains very well how to make high detailed props with few polygon counts. I recomend it."""
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"SSL/TLS Operations" |
"This course is a deep dive into concepts, management and operations of SSL/TLS certificate system. It covers practical demonstrations of various operations on certificates. A review on various SSL/TLS versions and a deep dive into TLS 1.3 and its properties are the most recent part of the course. We also discuss some of the advanced topics like certificate transparency, Let's Encrypt and ACME as well.While this course gives you everything about the SSL/TLS system, it has targeted contents for the website administrators as well. The reasoning and philosophy behind the driving principles give you enough knowledge to take architectural decisions as well as understand and troubleshoot various technical issues."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Ilustrao com Clip Studio Paint" |
"Ol Eu sou o Dado Almeidae esse o Curso de Clip Studio Paint para Ilustrao.Nesse novo workshop Eu demonstroo passo-a-passo do meu processo de Ilustrao Eao mesmo tempo ensino atrabalhar com oClip Studio Paint.O Clip Studio Paint a ferramenta de Desenho e Pintura digital que est tirando o Photoshop do posio de 'OMelhor Programa para Arte-Digital'. Muita gente acha que, por ser japons, o software s serve para criar Mangs (Quadrinhos) e Animes (Animaes). Maspelo contrrio - as ferramentas, funes e a poderosa Engine de Brushes o tornam a perfeita alternativa pra qualquer tipo de Criao de Arte no Computador (Comics, Sprites pra Games, Ilustraes, Splash Screens, Sketches, Estudos, etc.)Ao longo dos vdeos apresento todos osRecursos e Funes para que voc conhea o programa por completo. Mas fao isso dentro de um contexto (criar uma ilustrao do zero);mostro as ferramentas que voc vai precisar nas etapas apropriadas.Ento,escolhauma idia para Desenhar, baixe o programa e comece a seguir os vdeos.Criei esse Curso para que voc siga as etapas enquanto produz a sua arte. No final alm de aprenderuma ferramenta nova, voc tambm vai ter umanova Ilustraopara publicar por a.Espero que gostem muito do resultado.- Dado"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Design & Criao de Personagens" |
"Ol Eu sou o Dado Almeida,Esse o Curso de Design & Criao de PersonagensDesenhar personagens o que mais gosto de fazer.Como vocs, Eu cresci interessado em Games, Desenhos e Cultura Pop.Hoje, Eu trabalho com isso todos os dias, e crio personagens para Jogos,Ilustraes e Animaes 3D.Com experincia prtica dessa indstria Eu acho que agora um bom momento para compartilhar o que aprendi e sei que funciona de verdade.Esse novo curso dividido em duas partes:Na primeira, Eu explico e mostro as idias de design que voc pode usar pra melhorar qualquer desenho.So conceitos importantes, especialmente pra quem aprende a desenhar sozinho e precisa de idias pra melhorar a Arte pessoal.Na segunda parte o foco mostrar o processo de Criao de um personagem, do comeo ao fim.Eu vou te ensinar todas as etapas, do briefing entrega da Arte Final.Cada passo com explicaes e comentrios sobre os Porqus de cada deciso. como se a aula fosse aqui no meu estdio.No final, quem desenha s por hobby e para projetos pessoais vai conhecer ferramentas para deixar os personagens mais interessantes e dinmicos.Mas se alm disso voc procura trabalhar como Designer de Personagens, o contedo do curso um atalho paraproduzir um portflio slido, com um tipo de arte que realmente mostra sua tcnica e capacidade de inveno.Agora com voc.Inscreva-se, planeje seus estudos e comece a desenhar.Eu realmente espero que voc goste e aproveite esse meu novo curso. isso ai.- Dado"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de apps para Iphone: Swift para Leigos" |
"Swift para Leigos o curso que vai te permitir desenvolver aplicativos para iPhones, iPads e toda a linha de dispositivos da Apple: iPods, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Macbooks e computadores Mac.Eu me chamo Caoj e desenvolvi este curso para quemesmo quem nunca proguramou em nenhuma linguagem possa se familiarizar com a linguagem Swift, da Apple, e perceber que super divertido programar.Durante o curso voc desenvolve vrios aplicativos e, ao final, voc desenvolver um Jogo de Baralho completo, com nvel e placar do jogador, tocando msica de fundo e efeitos, movendo e animando imagens, e muito mais.A metodologia imergir voc diretamente na prtica: em cada vdeo eu apresento cdigos e aplicativos, e voc faz simultaneamente no seu computador, o que vai te permitir aprender de forma muito mais fcil!Requisitos:Um computador Mac, preferencialmente, ou:Um PC rodando uma mquina virtual Mac OS (h um vdeo explicando como fazer isso);Voc no precisa ter nenhum conhecimento em programao; ingls bsico ajuda, mas tambm no obrigatrio.Pblico-alvo:Qualquer pessoa que deseja desenvolver aplicativos para distribuir gratuitamente ou vender na App Store.Contedo:MDULO 1: Introduo1.1 Introduo ao curso1.2 Instalando Xcode no Mac1.3 XCode no Windows ou Linux1.4 Meu primeiro App: Hello, World!1.5 Referncias para o estudo do Swift1.6 Swift 2 x Swift 3MDULO 2: Bsico de Swift2.1 Algoritmos2.2 O Xcode e o Playground2.3 Constantes, variveis e tipos mais comuns2.4 Operadores aritmticos2.5 Operadores de comparao2.6 Lidando com texto: Strings2.7 Tomando decises: If2.8 Tomando decises: Switch2.9 App: Clculo de IMC2.10 Exerccios2.11 Resposta do Exerccio 1: App IMC sem SWITCH2.12 Resposta do Exerccio 2: App Faixa EtriaMDULO 3: Bsico de Swift II3.1 Estruturas de repetio3.2 Funes3.3 Optionals3.4 App: Calculadora3.5 Exerccios3.6 Soluo dos ExercciosMDULO 4: Tipos de coleo4.1 Tuplas4.2 Arrays e Sets4.3 Dicionrios4.4 App infantil: Alfabeto4.5 Exerccios4.6 Soluo dos ExercciosMDULO 5: Tipos Definidos pelo Usurio5.1 Programao Orientada a Objetos: Classes5.2 Simulao de Jogo de Corrida usando Classes5.3 Proriedades calculadas - set e get5.4 Heranas e Type Casting5.5 Deinit e Automatic Reference Counting5.6 Estruturas - Struct5.7 Enumerations5.8 App: Embaralhado5.9 Exerccios5.10 Soluo dos ExercciosMDULO 6: Caminhando para o App final6.1 Closures6.2 Usando imagens6.3 Detectando toques na tela e animando imagens6.4 Animar objetos6.5 Animao usando imagens em sequncia6.6 Usando temporizadores6.7 Tocando udios6.8 App final: Jogo de Baralho - parte I6.9 App final: Jogo de Baralho - parte II6.10 Instando seus Apps no iPhone, iPad ou iPod6.11 Design e concluso do curso"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Grave suas msicas no GarageBand do IPad (ou iPhone)" |
"Este curso te permitir usar o Garage Band do iPad para compor, editar e gravar suas msicas de forma profissional. Vamos gravar 1 vinheta e 1 msica completa usando o Garage Band no iPad.OGarage Band j possui vrios instrumentos e loops, como bateria, baixo, teclados (pianos), guitarra, violo, etc. Voc pode usar estes instrumentos e ainda gravar vocais com microfones, guitarras com pedaleiras ou microfones, e assim por diante.OGarage Band tambm est disponvel no iPhone."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Complete guide to MongoDB" |
"In This Course together we will learn about MongoDB starting from the basic concepts of NoSQLdatabases,Mongo basic Components, Mongo Development Tasks, and MongoDBAdministration Tasks, all this through hands-on labs and exercises.At the end of the course you will be familiar with different aspects of MongoDB development , MongoDBAdministration, and you will be able to start your applications development MongoDB.In This Course you will learn the following:Install and setup Mongoin your machineManage your MongoserverManage Mongo Database and collectionsdifferent CRUDoperations on Mongo DocumentsMongo modifiershow to query your documents in Mongohow to model your data in MongoInterface mongo with Python to use in your python applicationsAdministration tasks in Mongo ServersCreate Replication to protect your data and applications from failures"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Angular 2 e 4 do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Este curso foi criado por um arteso, um desenvolvedor de software, neste curso voc encontrar informaes estruturadas e didaticamente exemplificadas com cdigo real e disponvel para download, nele voc aprender criar aplicaes incrveis, de maneira produtiva, atravs das diversas dicas dadas por um profissional que trabalha com a tecnologia no dia a dia.O aluno aprender a fazer testes automatizados, a fazer integrao contnua, utilizar anlise esttica de cdigo a fim de verificar aderncia aos padres, e at mesmo vulnerabilidades de cdigo.Tambm ser ensinado como trabalhar de maneira integrada com outros frameworks, e bibliotecas comuns em uma aplicao real, como Bootstrap ePrimeNGEste curso alm de te acrescentar conhecimento, e lhe fornecer certificado, oferecido pela Udemy, que podeincrementar o seu currculo no linkedin, e lhe tornar apito a receber cupons de desconto de outros cursos.Uma boa prtica s existe com umaboa teoria, teremos um pouco dela, mas ofoco totalna prtica, por isso voc como aluno deve praticar, como um bom arteso, deve treinar, e testar cada um dos cdigos que eu lhe mostrar.Sabemos que h diversos cursos disponveis, muitos deles abordam o tema de maneira superficial, tenha a certeza de que este curso diferente, pois foi criado por um profissional da rea que tem acompanhado a evoluo ao angular desde as verses beta.Voc aprender ao menos trs maneiras rpidas de configurar o seu projeto de software, evitando aquela fase chata de configurao, a fim de, desenvolver aplicaes (single-page) utilizando Angular. Em nossas contas, isso significa um ganho de mais de 44 horas de trabalho, dando aquele ponta p inicial e em poucos minutos voc ter o seu projeto configurado, e pronto pra comear o desenvolvimento.Ensinaremos como criar seus prprios componentes, adicionar componentes de terceiros ao seu projeto, com o Prime NG, e Bootstrap.Como linguagem principal, ser utilizado o TypeScript, mas conhecimento emJavaScript desejvel, no obrigatrio, pois lhe explicaremos cada linha produzida neste curso.Este curso, est constantemente em reviso, e estaremos incluindo novas aulas. Isto quer dizer, que comprando este curso, voc est garantindo tambm a suaatualizao do seu conhecimento medida que a tecnologia evoluir.Temos muitos elogios dos nossos contedos, que vem atravs do nosso blog no medium e docanal cdigo refinadonoyoutube. Por isto, temos a certeza de que estamos lhe entregando um excelente contedo.Voc pode esperar ver neste curso, nodejs, git, jasminejs, visual studio code, tcnicas de depurao, webstorm, karmajs, boas prticas de desenvolvimento de sofware, tem muita coisa, que no d pra listar rapidamente, melhor voc olhar o ndice do curso"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Typescript" |
"Neste curso, voc ter uma apresentao da linguagem de programao, criada pela Microsoft, chamada de TypeScript, de maneira que aaprender as estruturas fornecidas por ela.Este conhecimento serve como de base para o curso de Angular,este Framework da Google melhor documentado em TypeScript.Como o Angular tem usado fortemente esta linguagem, a comunidade TypeScript vem crescendo, e muito, isso significa que voc ir encontrar mais respostas as dvidas frequentes na internet (stackoverflow ;) )Neste curso, no iremos criar um aplicativos, mas iremos explorar diversas caractersticas e recursos da linguagem."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso de VueJS 2" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender os recursos do VueJS, mas antes de comprar veja gade curricular.Vueerauma bibliotecajavascript, agora um framework, para o desenvolvimento de componentes reativos para interfaces web modernas (Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces). Componentes em resumo so ""pedaos de cdigo"" que contm marcao, estilo e comportamento (html, css e javascript) e que juntos podem compor interfaces extremamente reaproveitveis.Neste curso voc ser apresentado ao:VueCliBulma, como alternativa ao BootstrapVueRouterAxios para fazer requisies HTTPVue Material Design, que te oferece componentes reutilizveisVuetify, que tambm te oferece componentes reutilizveisVuex, como a implementao oficial da arquitetura FluxSe desejar comprar o curso, voc pode utilizar o cupom:99DE35"
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Curso de IONIC" |
"Este curso criado por um programador, que entrega software em produo na prtica, isto quer dizer que alm do conhecimento da tecnologia o aluno pode esperar receber dicas de como um profissional trabalha na prtica, dicas de como melhorar a produtividade e ferramentas que facilitam a vida do programador ;)Ocurso destinado a quem quer aprender a IONICdesde obsico, ensinadoconceitos e prticas importantes de desenvolvimento de software, alm, claro, da tecnologia em si.Iniciamos o curso com um pouco de teoria e uma breve viso geralda tecnologia para ento seguir para a prtica.Criamos um aplicativo do zero, passo a passo, como meio de demonstrar ao aluno como iniciar sua aplicao e seguir at a instalao do mesmo no celular.Ser ensinado a utilizar diversos componentes do prprio IONIC, inclusive alguns que do acesso ao hardware acessando-o nativamente. Tambm ensinado a utilizar componentes da prpria comunidade.Idealmente, necessrio prvioconhecimento em:AlgoritimoHTMLCSSAngular 2 ou maior (Angular 2+)Oaluno aprender a trabalhar com:Componentes nativosComponentes de terceiros, da comunidadeGerar o aplicativo pararodar no AndroidExecutar a aplicao no AndroidDepurar o app mesmorodando no AndrdoidUtilizar componentes que acessam o hardware, por exemplo, fazendo ligao direto do App que construmosDistribuir e disponibilizar o app para outras pessoas."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Docker para programadores" |
"Neste curso, focado nas necessidades de um programador o aluno ir aprender a trabalhar com Docker do bsico, ao avanar no curso, ir adquirir conhecimento suficiente para lidar com a maioria das situaes, como utilizar uma imagem existente, ou criar uma nova configurando balanceador de carga, rede ou at mesmo um servidor web.Iremos apresentar projetos em linguagens diferentes, de maneira a demonstrar que o conhecimento aprendido em um, utilizado no outro, agregando mais e mais conhecimento independente da linguagem que o programador trabalhe, j que o Docker o mesmo para todas elas."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Become a Great Baker #1: Mastering the Tarte Tatin" |
"Learn how to make amazing Tarte Tatins in any size, shape and flavor, using many kinds of fruits and spices. Explore how to adorn and decorate them using sugar decorations, Tuile cookies, puff pastry treats and fresh fruits. Developed by award-winning pastry chef Irit Ishai, this course is your ultimate step-by-step guide to creating tarts and desserts that never fail to impress.In the courseyoull learn how to make all of the recipes and decorations from scratch using inexpensive tools and fairly simple techniques. Master the art of making sophisticated sugar decorations using caramel and isomlat, and discover how to create yummy puff pastry treats, such asflavored twists and irresistible palmier cookies.Toward the end of the course you'll get a detailed step-by-step demonstration ofplating and serving these amazing edible creations as large tarts or individual desserts,using many serving and plating ideas that will surely wow your guests. Working on these culinary masterpieceswill advance your skills and help you with many of yourbaking and decoration projects."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Plated Desserts Made Simple: Elegant Chocolate Towers" |
"Learn how to make amazing chocolate and mousse Towerdesserts for any occasion!These edible creations are incredibly yummy, visually stunning, and very versatile. Let award-winning pastry chef Irit Ishaiguide you, as you explore all the elements that will allow you to create your own show-stopping plated desserts.In the course youll learn how tocreate these desserts and customizethem to match any event theme, and explore many great chocolate-based recipes like chocolate mousses and ganaches,as well as delicious fruit sauces. Youllalso master the art of creating variouschocolate decorations, and learn how to make and decorateunique and modern elements such as 3D chocolate rings, chocolate discs, chocolate spheres, and chocolate sticks.At the end of the courseyou'll get a detailed step-by-step demonstration ofplating and serving these magnificent tower desserts in ways that are sure to leave your guests speechless!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Become a Great Baker #2: Cheesecake Extravaganza" |
"Amaze your family, friends and clients with perfect stunning cheesecakes that never fail to impress. Follow award-winning pastry chef Irit Ishai in this comprehensive course, and create many kinds of cheesecakes, leveraging modern designs and unique presentations.Learn many exciting recipes including cream cheese filling, graham cracker crust & fruit flavored sauces, and discover how to customize them by adding surprising flavors and spices. Master critical baking techniques to ensure your cakes always turn out perfect. Advance your decoration skills by making many kinds of elegant decorations and learn sophisticated techniques for working with isomalt and filo dough. Explore the world of edible flowers and advance your skills making them using fruits and fondant.Finally, youll get detailed step-by-step guidance on decorating and plating four unique and stunning cheesecake desserts, as well as on creating three fabulous large cheesecake designs. You can leverage the recipes and techniques taught in this course for many projects, and advance your baking skills in many areas. Simply put your favorite apron on, and join us on the path to baking mastery!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Perfect French Macarons #1 - Simple to Sensational" |
"If you ever tried to make French macaronsyou probably discovered that making perfect ones consistently is not that easy!Thats why our mission in this course is to help you to overcome some of the tricky aspects of making macarons,so you can successfully make them at your home or shop with confidence!Follow the step-by-step guidance provided by master pastry chef Irit Ishai, to become a pro macaron maker yourself. Leverage Irit'syears of experiments,refinement and tweaking of themacaron recipes, and learn the important secrets that anyone who's serious about making macarons needs to know.Master great techniques for making great macaron batterthat workevery single timeDiscover the secrets of piping, baking and assembling insanely delicious macaronsLearn how tomake macarons in any flavor, color and sizeExplore four unique andstunningdesigns of macaron-based dessertsCreate elegant and show stoppingMacaron Towers and gift boxesOnce you finishthis course you'll you'll be one step closer to becoming a great baker and pastry chef. You'lldiscover a new world of extremelyvaluable recipes and techniques, and learn how to create outrageouslyyummy macaron cookies, innovativeandstunningmacarondesserts, and magnificent macarondisplays."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Dein zweites Gedchtnis - Evernote fr Dich" |
"Seit acht Jahren organisiere ich mein Berufs- und Privatleben mit Evernote. Wie das geht, wie du deine Produktivitt steigernund dich auf die wichtigen Dinge des Lebens konzentrieren kannst, zeige ich dir in diesem Kurs.Wo ist denn die Mailchimp-Anleitung schon wieder zu finden?Wo hatte ich die Vorlage fr die Verkaufsseite gesehen?Ich habe doch letztens den Artikel zur https Umstellung gelesen - wo war das noch?Wo habe ich das Post-It mit der Telefonnummer hin?Wo habe ich die Hotelinformation zu meiner Geschftsreise gespeichert?Habe ich auch nichts vergessen, was ich unterwegs brauche?Wie ist die Versicherungsnummer meiner Haftpflicht?Was stand noch in dem Artikel ber ...?Wo habe ich blo das Rezept fr Lachs mit Erbsprree hin?Bei der Beantwortung all dieser und noch viel mehr Fragen hilft Dir Evernote.Mach Dein Leben leichter mit vielen Tips und derAnleitung, wie Evernote Dich dabei untersttztDu hast Evernote schon, weit aber nicht, wie Du es effektiv nutzen kannst?Dann ist dieser Kurs auch fr Dich richtig!Ich verwende im Kurs das respektvolle Du."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sitios Web profesionales desde cero - Wordpress" |
"Bienvenido,Con este cursologrars crear, desde cero,un sitio web totalmente profesionalutilizando Wordpress. No tendrs que pagar una gran suma de dinero para poder tener tu negocio en Internet.Disea tu propio sitio web y haz que todo el mundo lo vea en Internet.Aprenders lo necesario para crear el Sitio web que necesitas.Desarrollars habilidades a la hora de escoger las funcionalidades que mejor de adaptan a tu Sitio web.Conocers algunos Plugins de gran utilidad, para darle un diseo profesional a tus pginas.Logrars publicarlo en Internet.Wordpress es la herramienta de diseo web lderen le mercado por su facilidad de uso.Este curso est diseado para aquellas personas que quieran tener su propio sito web y an no saben por dnde comenzar. Tal vez eres un emprendedor, freelancer o tienes ya un negocioy quieres tener presencia en Internet, este curso es para ti. A lo largo de este curso crearemos un sitio web desde cero y veremos como, paso a paso, le vamos a dar un aspecto profesional.De igual forma, si te gusta mucho este tema, podrs adquirir las herramientas necesariaspara crear sitios web de otras empresas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sideseas descubrir tu verdadero potencial estas en el curso correcto pueslogra tus metas y trasforma tu vidaes un curso que fuediseado con la finalidad deguiarte yayudarte a esclarecer tus objetivos en la vida,paraque al final cuentes con tus propsitos de vida bien claros."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sell Like an Expert" |
"This course will exclusively focus on customers psychological master keys and practical techniques that will upgrade your selling skills and will take your sales to the NEXT LEVEL.Caring about your customers is a crucial part of growing a successful business. Customers have needs and steps that they go through that convinces them to buy your products. If you spend time and money promoting your products or services, but you are still not selling as much as you would like? It is because your promotion is not meeting those requirements. If you run a business you often have many people buying your products or services, or at least too many to get to know each personally. So, thats why, you must learn how to deal with customers psychology and customers behavior. I know we are all different, but in many instances our brains are disposed to react in a similar manner, and understanding these fragilities of human mind can help your business find creative ways to engage with customers emotions and their decision-making process and that is what will help you increase your sales enormously. So, why you should enroll in this course? If you are looking for more sales, this course is Immensely practical, Easy to implement, and Delivers results."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Poster and Banner Design for Beginners" |
"Have you ever looked at beautiful advertising posters or banners on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or on noticeboards on your area, and wished you had the design skills to make something similar?You may be pleased to hear that you dont need to be a skilled graphic designer to create eye-catching posters or banners. You will learn how to create them in few minutes without previous experience in graphic design.Posters and banners allow you to spread your message to a wide audience far cheaper than radio, print or television advertising in a simple, easy and affordable way. An amazing design at the right time can turn your business or event into a crowd magnet.Advertising posters and banners are affordable and offer a high return on investment relative to newspaper or magazine ads. Posters and website banners reach people who are actively looking for something to do, whether it be making a deposit at the bank, looking for a night out or just trying to escape boredom by looking around. They are so diverse, they can be designed for web, print or both.With a clean, eye-catching design, you can make a strong visual impression that lingers in the mind without breaking your marketing budget.By the end of this ultimate guide to poster and banner design, youll be able to design a them for every event or holiday. You will have them ready to drive results and drive people to your business or event."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Raspberry Pi Bootcamp : For the Beginner" |
"This course is an introduction to the Raspberry Pi platform. It uses the latest Raspberry Pi 3.It is catered for all levels and those interested in learning about the Raspberry Pi and its capabilities. After completing this course:You will understand all the components needed to get your Raspberry Pi up and running and how to connect themYou will learn how to easily prepare anSD card and flash it for anyOperating System for the PiYou will learn to work with GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins and how to programmatically control them with PythonYou will be able to build simple circuits with an LED and interface them to GPIOpinsYou will build a fully functioning gaming system with RetroPie to play old Nintendo, Sega,PlayStation games and games from many other older consoles..You will build a Personal Digital Assistant or Google Home Clone using the Google Assistant API complete with robust speech recognitionYou will learn about the different types of Raspberry Pi modelsYou will learn the difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi and when you should use one over the otherLots more bonus content is included and new content will be added over timeNo previous knowledge is required. All principles taught from scratch! The best and easiest way to get up to speed and become extremely familiar with the Raspberry Pi Platform.Don't just take my word for it, here are what some past students are saying about the course:A great way to get started in the Raspberry PI world for a novice like myself. Lee explains step by step what is needed to accomplish the task and why it is necessary. Just a great way to get your feet wet. ~ Anthony InnissGood examples and easy to understand ~Brad EgebartJust exactly the intro to Raspberry Pi I was looking for! Great instructor and excellent course. - Adam MuellerThe instructor is very easy to understand unlike many other courses. All steps are included and there isnt a lot of repeated information. Getting a gaming system going was worth the price of everything.~ Dan Viste"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2020 Ultimate Guide to Raspberry Pi : Tips, Tricks and Hacks" |
"Last Updated : November 2019 Includes the Raspberry Pi 4! Covers both the Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 3. Step by Step instructions on how to setup your Raspberry Pi in Headless Mode - No extra monitor, keyboard, mouse or HDMI cable needed!This course will provide the information you need to Master the Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 4! It assumes no prior programming or electronics knowledge and walks you through everything you need to know to use the platform to the fullest! Here are some of the topics that are covered:We will first dive into what the Raspberry Pi is and learn what components you need to set everything upStep by step videos on how to set it upWe will walk through how to easily flash an SD card with any OS for the PiWe will talk about tips to prevent SD card corruptionWe will show configuration tips for the Raspbian Operating SystemMultiple methods of connecting remotely to your Raspberry Pi will be covered to show how you can run it in ""headless mode"" without a monitorWe dive into the Terminal and Linux commands to show how you can navigate your system, work with files, perform network and system commands and keyboard shortcutsWe dive in depth into the APT Package system for installing software and show how to install any software for your PiBest practices for securing your Raspberry Pi are coveredWe install a Web Server using different approachesWe work with GPIO pins and show how you can control LEDs, determine if a button is pressed, work with a PIR sensor and will make a PIR sensor alarm circuitWe will do Python code reviews for the projects so you will understand how the software and hardware work togetherWe work with cameras and images and show how you can setup a USB web cam and install software to create a live streaming camera feedWe use the Raspberry Pi Camera module and show how you can interact with it programmatically to take photos, video and create special effectsWe create a working Amazon Echo Clone with the Alexa Voice ServiceMuch much more!No previous programming or electronics knowledge is required.You get the best information that I have compiled over years of trial and error and experience!Learn the Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi 4 fast! Install software, build circuits, make projects! Get started now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Building Alexa Skills for Home Automation with Raspberry Pi" |
"With millions of Alexa devices being sold, learning to build CustomAlexa Skills is becoming a highly sought after skill by employers. Electronics hobbyists and do-it-yourselfers can also use Alexa to perform home automation. There is great power in being able to control any device in your home with an Alexa. But what if you want to perform home automation and have Alexa control your lights, appliances and even any tv in your home and have complete control to customize which devices you control with your voice without spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on smart home gadgets or devices?By using a Raspberry Pi, it is easy to interface with home electronics and devices to create custom skills using Alexa to voice control anything in your home and achieve true home automation!This course will teach you how to build Alexa Skills that will run on any Amazon Echo device to voice control anything in your home.In this course, you will learn:What is Alexa and the underlying Alexa ecosystem that uses the Alexa Voice ServiceWe will discuss Custom Alexa Skills and you will learn the components that make up a Custom Alexa SkillWe then dive into preparing your Raspberry Pi for the projects we will buildWe will describe the flask-ask Python library which we will be using to build Custom Alexa SkillsYou will learn how to use the Amazon Developer Portal to configure and create your Custom Alexa SkillWe will build a Skill to control an LEDconnected to the Raspberry Pi with AlexaWe then dive into using relays to safely connect to our Raspberry Pi and AC mains powerWe will create a Skill that allows you to control any device in your home to turn it on or off using AlexaWe create an awesome project that will enable you to voice control any tv in your house even it is 20 years old using AlexaWe will build an IR receiver and transmitter circuit that connects to our Raspberry PiWe will work with the LIRC(Linux Infrared Control)library on our Raspberry Pi You will be able to adjust volume, navigate channels, go to a specific channel, power on and off your tv using AlexaThis can be completely customized to work with any tvYou can add any functionality to the skill such as play, pause, rewind for DVRs or basically add any feature your remote can performThe skills that will be created in this course can be run on any Amazon Echo device in your home. You will learn how to test the custom skills that we will build on an Amazon Echo or any Alexa-enabled device.Along the way you will learn:Basic ElectronicsHow to work with relays and safely control high voltage AC devices from a Raspberry PiHow to use an octocoupler circuit to allow electrical isolation to protect your Raspberry Pi when connecting to high voltage AC power from a relayHow to work with GPIO pins on the Raspberry PiLearn about infrared transmitters and receiversPython programmingLearn to program for AlexaHow to build Custom Alexa Skills from scratchHow to expose your Raspberry Pi to the internet via a publicly available https endpoint using NgrokHow to build projects for home automation and the internet of things that can be controlled via AlexaNo previous programming knowledge or electronics knowledge required. All principles taught from scratch!No Amazon Echo device is required to build and test skills.What are you waiting for? Let's learn to build home automation and internet of things projects that you can control via any Alexa Device now!Get started today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking Master Course : Web Bug Bounty from scratch" |
"Web attacks are a major business risk that is hurting the reputation of corporate field.We have seen in our past time that personal data of users & user accounts are compromised.Security of major fortune companies like facebook, flickr etc.were compromised and we have the live demonstration &mitigation of those attacks with complete case study.This is a very comprehensive course on website hacking and mitigation with case studies, assuming that student is a beginner and has no prior experience.We have even designed our own SQLLab so that you can try the live demonstrations of this number 1 vulnerability of OWASP as a bonus.Let's have a look at the course flow now.First of all you'll be getting the basic introduction on what types of hackers are there on this earth and how many job opportunities are there in this field.We will have a look at the platforms where you can make tons of money by reporting bugs.We will setup our own pentesting lab so that you cannot harm anyone.We will take a quick crash course on Linux so that you can get friendly with the basic linux commands.We will also talk about maintaining anonymity and how to trace the criminals with their mac addresses.We will then jump on to the information gathering of the websites because you should have a complete knowledge of the background that you are playing in.Vulnerabilities :-Payment Gateway bypass &OTPBrute forcing :- We will learn that how you can brute force the one time password that is given to the user to verify and how you can manipulate the payment gateway bypass.Local File inclusion -This vulnerability can be used to read any file on the target derver, this can exploited toread sensitive files, we will not stop at that though, you will learn two methods toescalatethis vulnerability and get areverse shellconnection which gives youfull control over the targetweb server.RemoteFile inclusion -This vulnerability can be load remote files on the target web server, exploiting this vulnerability properly gives youfull controlover the target web server.File upload: This vulnerability allow attackers to upload executable files on the target web server, exploiting these vulnerabilities properly gives youfull control over the target website.Code Execution -This vulnerability allow users to run system code on the target web server, this can be used to execute malicious code and get areverse shell accesswhich gives the attackerfull control over the target web server.SQL Injection-This is one of the biggest sections on the course, this is because this is one of themost dangerousvulnerabilities ever, it is found everywhere, not only that but it can be exploited to doall of the things the above vulnerabilities allow us toand more, so it allows you to login as admin without knowing the password,access the databaseand get all data stored there such as usernames, passwords, credit cards ....etc, read files stored in the server, write files to the server and even get a reverse shell access which gives youfull control over the web server!XSS-This vulnerability can be used to run javascript code on users who access the vulnerable pages, we won't stop at that, you will learn how tosteal credentials from users(such as facebook or youtubepasswords) and even gainfull accessto their computer. You will learn all three types (reflected, stored and DOM-based).Insecure Session Management- In this section you will learn how to exploit insecure session management in web applications and login to other user accounts without knowing their password, you'll also learn how to discover and exploitCSRF (Cross Site Reguest Forgery.Brute Force & Dictionary Attacks- In this section you will learn what are these attacks, what is the difference between them and how to launch them, in successful cases you will be able toguess the password for your target login.All the attacks in this course arepractical attacksthatwork against any real websites, in each vulnerability you will learn thebasic exploitation, then you will learnadvanced methodsthat will give youmore privilegesor allow you tobypass securitymeasurements-- You will learnhow and why these vulnerabilities are exploitable, how tofixthem and what are the right practices toavoidcasing them.NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only andall the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create a Regular Savings Portfolio" |
"This course if for those who wishes to:Combat Inflation:Inflation rate is about 3%. If your money is not growing by at least 3%,Your money is being eroded away by inflation!Create a Passive Income Stream:Having a passive income stream that covers your expenses = financially free!Plan for Retirement:To maintain current standard of living, most of uswill require $1 million at retirement. Are you able to save this amount?Accumulate Wealth:Learn strategies on how to retain and grow your hard earned money!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Long Term Share Investing Technique (International Edition)" |
"You will be equipped with the skillset to create an investment portfolio that generates a secondary income stream! This is done throughfundamental analysis comprising of Business, Financial Statement, Pricing, Risk, Economic Analysis and Portfolio Management.Through these analyses, you will learn how to differentiate the good companies from the rest and how to know if the share priceis over or under valued. At the same time, you will getguiding principles to when you should buy or sell the shares to generate your investment returns!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Shares Investing" |
"This course is for those who are:New to Investing:With your savings at stake and so many things to understand, it is understandable why investing is so intimidating for beginner investors. With this in mind, we have therefore designed this course for complete beginners who knows nothing about investing.In this course we will be covering:The preparation you need before you can start investing.Common terminologies used in investing.The financial instruments thatavailable for you to invest, such as stocks, bonds,ETFs and REITs.The step by step guide to investing using online platforms.Simple analysis to pick the right investment instrumentsCourse Image Copyright: awrangler / 123RF Stock Photo"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Geld verdienen mit E-Books" |
"Du bist Coach oder Experte und willst mit deinem Wissen noch mehr Geld verdienen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich! Denn hier zeigen wir dir, wie du aus deinem einzigartigen Wissen ein digitales Infoprodukt erstellst, dass du ber Amazon automatisiert verkaufen kannst!Oder bist du Selfpublisher und Autor, und willst mehr Leser erreichen?Auch dann solltest du diesen Kurs belegen! Denn hier zeigen dir erfahrene Amazon-Bestseller-Autoren, mit welchen Methoden sie ihre Bcher erstellen und vermarkten, um noch mehr Leser zu erreichen und alle Mglichkeiten von Amazons Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) auszunutzen!Wir helfen dir:die richtigen Themen zu findenlukrative Bcher zu schreibenonline Geld zu verdienendeine Auenwirkung als Coach und Experte zu schrfenmehr Sichtbarkeit zu bekommenDenn der Siegeszug der E-Books ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten, und immer mehr Menschen konsumieren digitale Infoprodukte! So kannst du dein Publikum gezielt ansprechen und dich und dein Thema umfassend darstellen, und dabei auch noch jeden Monat Geld verdienen!Was du lernen wirst:aus einem ersten Brainstorming ein fertiges Buch macheneffektives Marketing fr mehr Verkufewie du dein Wissen und deine Leidenschaft zu Geld machstwie Amazon dir hilft, zu einem echten Experten zu werdenund noch vieles mehr.Du musst noch nicht einmal ein Buch geschrieben haben!Selbst, wenn du bis jetzt noch nie zuvor etwas geschrieben hast, kannst du mit diesem Kurs zum erfolgreichen Selfpublisher werden! Alles, was du brauchst ist der Wille, online Geld zu verdienen und mit deinem Wissen tausende Leute zu beeinflussen!Hast du das Zeug zum Bestseller?Hier bekommst du kein Blabla und kein unntiges Gequatsche - hier zeigen dir erfolgreiche Selfpublisher Schritt fr Schritt, wie aus einem leeren Word-Dokument ein lukrativer Bestseller werden kann! Starte jetzt dein eigenes Online-Business mit E-Books auf Amazon!Dieser Kurs ist deine Eintrittskarte zu deinem eigenen lukrativen E-Book-Business auf Amazon - also melde dich an und lege noch heute los! So gnstig kommst du nie wieder zu einem eigenen Online-Business!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Erfolgreich Videos verffentlichen auf Amazon Video Direct" |
"Youtuber und Coachesaufgepasst!Du suchst eine Mglichkeit, mit deinen Videos Geld zu verdienen?Du willst noch mehr Zuschauer erreichen?Du willst dein Wissen an mglichst viele Menschen weitergeben?Du willst eine dauerhafte Einnahmequelle schaffen, die dir jeden Monat Einkommen bringt?Dann starte durch mit Amazon Video Direct!Denn die Video-Plattform von Amazon ist nicht nur fr groe Blockbuster mit Jennifer Lawrence oder Ryan Gosling geeignet!Nein, auch du kannst dort deine Videos einstellen und sie einem weltweiten Publikum zugnglich machen. Und das Beste:Du kannst damit Geld verdienen!Ich zeige dir, wie es geht!Seit mittlerweile fast fnf Jahren verdiene ich Geld auf Amazon, mit E-Books, Online-Shops, Werbung - und jetzt auch mit Videos!Ich bringe dir alles bei, was du fr echten Erfolg auf Amazon Video brauchst:mglichst viele Zuschauer erreichendeine Inhalte optimieren und verbreitenGeld mit Videos auf Amazon verdienenDabei ist es egal, ob du bereits eine Schar aus Fans von Youtube hast, oder ob du bei Null startest - hier erfhrst du, wie du Amazon Video Direct fr dich nutzen kannst!Ich zeige dir unter anderem, wie duInhalte richtig erstellst;den Upload-Prozess optimierst;Amazon Video Direct als Multiplikator fr dein Business nutzen kannstund noch vieles mehr!Schreibe dich jetzt einund starte durch auf Amazon Video Direct!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |