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"The Complete Guide To Build Rest Api's with Asp.Net and C#" |
"Welcome to the Complete Rest Api's course with Asp.Net and C#. Are you tired of boringoutdated and incomplete courses , then let's dive in to this course.Well I'mAsfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as the FirstXamarin University Most Valuable Professionalat Udemyand in this course I'll explain you every single aspect of rest ful web api's with and c#. Yeah I know there're lot of courses over internet but there's never a single guide that teaches you how to create a complete web api's in And the purpose of this course is to train you to build your own Restful web api's in main focus of this course is on theRestful Web Api via Asp.NET andC#. So if you're familiar with C# , Asp.Net and Entity Framework Or if you want to create the Restful web api's inAsp.Netthen this is the right course for you.If you don't have any idea about Rest Api then don't worry because in this course we'll cover all the Rest Api concepts.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I'malways happyto make the helpful content for the students.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:How to create a Rest Api via Entity Framework Code First Approach with all the advanced functions.Implement Status CodesAdding Migrations inWeb Api'sAdding Content Negotiation and Media Type FormattersImplement Validation in Web Api'sHow to add the Routing and Custom MethodsImplement Sorting , Paging & SearchingImplement Authentication and Authorization and secure your Api with Access TokenAdding both the client side and server side cachingCreate SQL Database on Microsoft AzureDeploy Web ApionMicrosoft AzureCreate A Real World Coffee Shop Api From Scratch to End (No Copy paste code I'll explain you each and every single line of code so that you cancreate a complete Real World Apis in Asp.Net happily)Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos courses. Or instructors whoyou can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Yourtime is precious. In this course you'll get a bestinstructorswith carefully crafted content, beautiful outline and proper structured materialand learning by doing.I'll explain you each and every single line of code.I've been in your shoes and every time copy and paste is not a solution and that's why I've tried to create everything in front of you so that you can learn how to solve the errors. We'll learn every thing from scratch.And before this course you don't need my other courses. If you're a C# developer then you shouldgo ahead with this course.After this course you'll be very much familiar with Asp.Net Web Api's and you'll be able to create any kind of real world web api's in quite easily as well as efficiently.Sign up today, and look forward to:Over 4hours of HD 720p video contentBuilding a RealWorldfully-fledged Web Api's including ones thatuse Rest Api Architecture , Access Token , Authentication , Authorization, Caching and much more.All the knowledge you need to start building any api you want$5000+ in personweb api development bootcampcourse materials and curriculum.Remember...After this course you'll get all the Source Code and along with this I'll also share the links and helping material for the Rest Api's with you but you need your personal Azure Portal where you can launch your web api. I'm so confident that you'll love this course thatwe're offering a FULL money back guarantee for30 days! So it's completely risk free, sign up today with ZEROrisk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for?Click the buy now button and join the world's First Complete Rest Api's Course with Asp.Net and C#."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Real World App with Xamarin Forms" |
"Welcome to the Real World App Development course with Xamarin Forms.I'mAsfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as the FirstXamarin University Most Valuable Professionalat Udemyand in this course I'll explain you every single aspect of real world application in Xamarin Forms. Yeah I know there're lot of courses over internet but there's never a single guide that teaches you how to create a real world application. And the purpose of this course is to train you to build your own Real world Application in Xamarin Forms.This courses teaches you how to code using Xamarin FormsandbuildbeautifulAndroid and iOSapps by using Xamarin Forms.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I'malways happyto answer student questions.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:How to build a real world application with xamarin forms.Consume Rest Api's.Consume third party controls in xamarin forms.Create a Complete Real World Application in Xamarin Forms From Scratch to End (No Copy paste code I'll explain you each and every single line of code so that you cancreate a complete Real World Project in Xamarin Forms happily)How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.Make application user friendly.Remember...After this course you'll get all the Xamarin RealWorld Application Source Code and along with this I'll also share a Complete Backend Code for the Rest Api's with you. In this course I've used my personal Azure Account and I'll not give the access to the Azure Account. However if you want to test the api's then you'll need your own Microsoft Azure Account. Also inside this course I'll show you how you can publish your web api's to Microsoft Azure and preview your data inside Microsoft Azure.I'm so confident that you'll love this course thatwe're offering a FULL money back guarantee for30 days! So it's completely risk free, sign up today with ZEROrisk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for?Click the buy now button and join the world's First Complete Real World AppDevelopment Course with Xamarin Forms."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dein (Kinder-) Buch mit Createspace oder KDP drucken" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du dein eigenes Kinderbuch, Bilderbuch oder ein anderes Buch als gedrucktes Buch mit Createspace oder KDP (Amazon Kindle Direkt Publishing) verffentlichstund wie du es aufAmazon mit Hilfe von Author Central noch besserverkaufst. Wenn du gern dein Kinderbuch oder Bilderbuch oder ein anderes Buch verffentlichen mchtest, dann ist dieser Kurs perfekt fr dich. Es geht in diesem Kurs um gedruckte Bcher erstellt mit Createspace oder KDP. Createspace ist kostenlos und ist fr die Verffentlichung von Bchern mit farbigen Inhalten, wie Bilderbchern und andere Bchern mit vielen farbigen Bildern optimal, da der Preis der Erstellung im Farbdruck super ist. Bisher habe ich nichts Gnstigeres und Besseres entdeckt! Createspace benutze ich selbst fr die Erstellung meiner Printbcher. Du kannst mir bei der Erstellung durch den Prozess auf Createspace ber die Schulter schauen und zusehen, wie ich es das Buch Meeresrauschen - Traumreise mit Cubanty erstelle und verffentliche. Du erfhrst in diesem Kurs Schritt fr Schritt, wie du aus deinem Manuskript ein Buch erstellst, dass du entweder fr dich selbst oder Familie und Freunde benutzen oder es auf Amazon verkaufen kannst. Ich zeige dir, wie du es mit createspace bearbeitestoder es aus deinem E-Book bei amazon kindle direkt ganz einfach als gedrucktes Buch bei KDPerstellst. Du erfhrst auch, wie du die Verkaufplattform Amazon fr dich nutzen kannst, um dein Buch weltweit zu verkaufen:Author Central hift dir dabei.Auerdem stelle ich dir exklusive Vorlagen gratiszur Verfgung, in die du deine Inhalte laden kannst.Falls du ein fertiges Manuskript von deinem Kinderbuch hast (oder von einem anderen Buch, dass du im nachfolgenden Format erstellen mchtest) oder schon ein E-Book mit KDP von amazon hochgeladen hastund es als professionell aussehendes Paperback im Format 8.5"" x 8.5"" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) ab 24 Seiten aufwrts verffentlichen willst, dann ist der Kurs fr dich geeignet.Generell ist der Kurs interessant fr alle, die mit Createspace oder kdp ihr Buch verffentlichen mchten. Die von mir bereitgestellten Vorlagen sind jedoch nur fr das Format 8,5 x 8,5 Zoll geeignet. Du kannst aber fr andere Formate und Texte geeignete Vorlagen auf den jeweiligen Seiten von Createspace und kdp herunter laden.Wir gehen zusammen den Weg von deinem Manuskript bis zum fertigen Buch anhand meiner verffentlichten Buchreihe Traumreisen mit Cubanty - Gute Nacht Geschichten. Du kannst mir gern Fragen stellen. Einmal am Tag logge ich mich hier ein, um deine Fragen zu beantworten. Schaue dir auf cubantypunktdeoder amazonan, welche Bcher hier als Beispiele genommen werden. Du hast keinerlei Risiko bei diesem Createspace-Kurs. 30 Tage lang bekommst du dein Geld zurck, falls er dir nicht gefllt. Du trumst von deinem eigenen Buch? Vielleicht fr deine Kinder, Enkel oder als Autor auf amazon? Dann probiere es doch einfach aus. Du hast nichts zu verlieren, nur ein wenig Zeit ist zu investieren. Klicke jetzt auf ""Kurs kaufen"" und lege los!Das Geheimnis eines erfolgreichen, gedruckten Kinderbuches einfach und nachvollziehbar erklrtDeine Daten in Createspace (oderKDP) einfgen und bearbeitenErstellen eines PDFs zum Hochladen anhand meiner VorlagenDu hltst dein fertiges Buch in den HndenNutzeAuthor Central vonamazonals MarketinginstrumentKurs-berblickIn zehn Abschnitten fhrt dich der Kurs in die komplexe Welt von Createspace ein. Die Seite Createspace ist komplett auf Englisch. Ich helfe dir, die richtigen Einstellungen zu whlen. In den nchsten Abschnitten kmmern wir uns zunchst um die technischen Voraussetzungen, die du fr dein Buch schaffen musst. Ich stelle dir Vorlagen zum Erstellen deines Buches zur Verfgung Diese habe ich extra fr das Format 8.5"" x 8.5"" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) erarbeitet. Auerdem erklre ich dir, wie man aus den Vorlagen ein pdf erstellt, das du dann bei Createspace hochladen kannst.In den nchsten Abschnitte geht es dann um das Erstellen deines Buches aus deinem E-Book bei KDP und das Erstellen eines E-Books aus deinem Buch bei Createspace.Auerdem geht es um Pflichtexemplare fr dieDeutsche Nationalbibliothek,Der Kurs entlsst dich nicht, ohne dir in der Bonuslektion noch interessante Angebote zu prsentieren. Natrlich stelle ich dir auch smtliche Links zusammen, die dir das Arbeiten erleichtern werden. Die 30Kurslektionen umfassen mehr als 3Stunden Video. In der Bonuslektion warten Bonuslinks unddie Einladung zu meinem Arbeitskreis Kinderbuch auf dich. Lust mitzumachen?Wer mit Createspace oder KDP sein Kinderbuch oder ein anderes gedrucktes Buch verffentlichen mchte, braucht das in diesem Kurs vermittelte Wissen. Dein Buch wird auf der ganzen Welt zu kaufen sein. Welche Voraussetzungen gibt es? Du solltest einen Computer mit Internetzugang zur Verfgung haben und ein Grafikprogram, mit dem du deine Bilder bearbeiten kannst, wie z.B. Photoshop oder auch kostenlose Programme, wie pixr oder etwas hnliches. Du solltest ein Manuskript fr ein Buch besitzen, bzw. planen ein Manuskript zu erstellen. Was bringt dir dieser Kurs? Du lernst Bcher ber diePrint-on-Demand-Plattform Createspace (oder kdp) zu erstellen, zu verffentlichen und bei Amazon zu verkaufen. Du erhltst Vorlagen zu Herstellung deiner Bcher. Du kannst nach diesem Kurs Bcher auf der Plattform Createspace und KDP verffentlichen und verkaufen. An wen richtet sich dieser Kurs? Du solltest diesen Kurs belegen, wenn du ein gedrucktes Kinderbuch oder ein anderes Buch aus deinem Manuskript im Format 8.5"" x 8.5"" (21.59 x 21.59 cm) herstellen mchtest, um es auf amazon anzubieten.Falls du ein Buch fr Freunde oder den Eigenbedarf fr wenig Geld drucken mchtest, ist der Kurs fr dich ein Muss. Ebenfalls richtet sich der Kurs an dich, wenn du eine Druckversion deines Ebooks herstellen mchtest, um die Verkufe anzukurbeln und deine Professionalitt zu steigern. Oder mchtest du vielleicht nur einen Zusatznutzen fr deine Kunden erstellen und schriftliches Material zur Verfgung stellen? Auerdem erstellen wir aus deinem fertig erstellten Buch mit Creatspace ein E-Book. Du hast schon ein E-Book bei Amazon Kindle Direct verffentlicht? Dann erstellen wir aus deinem E-Book mit KDPdein gedrucktesBuch. Der Kurs ist fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet, die die Grundfunktionen eines Bildbearbeitungsprogramm kennen. Du musst Bilder und Texte zur Verfgung haben, die du fr dein Buch benutzen kannst. Du solltest diesen Kurs NICHT BELEGEN, wenn Du einen Roman verffentlichen mchtest.Generell ist der Kurs interessant fr alle, die mit Createspace oder kdp ihr Buch verffentlichen mchten. Die von mir bereitgestellten Vorlagen sind jedoch nur fr das Format 8,5x 8,5 Zoll geeignet. Du kannst aberfr andere Formate und Textegeeignete Vorlagen auf den jeweiligen Seiten von Createspace und kdpherunter laden.Die Erstellung einer E-Book Datei ist NICHT Bestandteil dieses Kurses."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Audiobook, Hrbuch + Musik als CD on Demand - gratis" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du aus deinem Audiobook, deinem Podcast, deiner Studioaufnahme, deinen Aufnahmen im Homestudio von deiner Musik oder deinen Texten, also egal was, dein eigene echte, anfassbare CD produzieren kannst . Diese CDs kannst du fr deinen eigenen Bedarf herstellen lassen oder bei amazonverkaufen.Wenn du gern deine eigene CDverffentlichen mchtest, dann ist dieser Kurs perfekt fr dich. Es geht in diesem Kurs um reale CDs erstellt mit Createspace.Createspace ist kostenlos und ist fr die Verffentlichung von CDs optimal, da du rein gar nichts investieren musst. Du musst kein Presswerk bezahlen und hast die CDs dann auch nicht massenweise in groen Kartons in deiner Wohnung oder in deinem Lager herum stehen.Bisher habe ich nichts Gnstigeres und Besseres entdeckt!Createspace benutze ich selbst fr die Erstellung meiner CDs. Du kannst mir bei der Erstellung durch den Prozess auf Createspace ber die Schulter schauen und zusehen, wie ich eine CDerstelle und verffentliche.Du erfhrst in diesem Kurs Schritt fr Schritt, wie du aus deiner Audidatei eine CD erstellst, diedu entweder fr dich selbst oder Familie und Freunde oder als Ansichtsexemplarbenutzen oder sie auf Amazon verkaufen kannst. Ich zeige dir, wie du sie mit createspace bearbeitestundals als CD bei amazon einstellst.Wir gehen zusammen den Weg von deiner Audiodatei (vielleicht auch ein Podcast?)zur fertigen CDanhand meiner verffentlichten CD mit Gutenachtgeschichten.Du kannst mir gern Fragen stellen. Einmal am Tag logge ich mich hier ein, um deine Fragen zu beantworten.Du hast keinerlei Risiko bei diesem Createspace-Kurs. 30 Tage lang bekommst du dein Geld zurck, falls er dir nicht gefllt. Du trumst von deiner eigenen CD? Deine Band mchte endlich ihre eigene, prfessionelleCD in den Hnden halten?Vielleicht auch fr deine Kinder, Enkel oder als Interpretauf amazon? Dann probiere es doch einfach aus. Du hast nichts zu verlieren, nur ein wenig Zeit ist zu investieren. Klicke jetzt auf ""Kurs kaufen"" und lege los!Das Geheimnis einerechten CD mit Hlle und allem drum und dran einfach und nachvollziehbar erklrtDeine Daten in Createspace einfgen und bearbeitenErstellen von jpgszum Hochladen fr die DruckdatenDu hltst deine fertigeCDin den HndenKurs-berblickIn fnf Abschnitten fhrt dich der Kurs in die komplexe Welt von Createspace fr CDs ein. Die Seite Createspace ist komplett auf Englisch. Ich helfe dir, die richtigen Einstellungen zu whlen.Der Kurs entlsst dich nicht, ohne dir in der Bonuslektion noch interessante Angebote zu prsentieren. Natrlich stelle ich dir auch smtliche Links zusammen, die dir das Arbeiten erleichtern werden.Die 14Kurslektionen umfassen mehr als 1,5 StundenVideo.In der Bonuslektion warten Bonuslinks auf dich.Wer mit Createspace seine CDverffentlichen mchte, braucht das in diesem Kurs vermittelte Wissen. Deine CD wird auf der ganzen Welt zu kaufen sein.Welche Voraussetzungen gibt es?Du solltest einen Computer mit Internetzugang zur Verfgung haben und ein Grafikprogram, mit dem du deine Bilder bearbeiten kannst, wie z.B. Photoshop oder auch kostenlose Programme, wie pixr oder etwas hnliches.Alternativ kannst du die erforderlichen Druckdateien auch mit dem entsprechenden Tool von Createspace erstellen.Du solltest fertige Audiodateienfr deine CD besitzen, bzw. planen welche zu erstellen.Was bringt dir dieser Kurs?Du lernst CDsber dieon-Demand-Plattform Createspace zu erstellen undzu verffentlichen.Du kannst nach diesem Kurs Bcher auf der Plattform Createspace verffentlichen und verkaufen.An wen richtet sich dieser Kurs?Du solltest diesen Kurs belegen, wenn du eine CD ohne Investitionenherstellen mchtest, um sie auf amazon anzubieten.Falls du eine CD fr Freunde, als Belegexemplar oder den Eigenbedarf fr wenig Geld herstellenmchtest, ist der Kurs fr dich ein Muss.Der Kurs ist fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet, die die Grundfunktionen eines Bildbearbeitungsprogramm kennen. Du musst Bilder und Texte zur Verfgung haben, die du fr deine Druckdateien Buch benutzen kannst. Oder du benutzt das Tool von Createspace zur Erstellung der Druckdateien.Die Erstellung einer Audiodatei ist NICHT Bestandteil dieses Kurses."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Audiobooks, Hrbcher + CDs im Self-Publishing produzieren" |
"Audiobooks im Self-Publishing - Hrbcher und CDs einfach selber produzierenWie du dein eigenes Hrbuch als CD oder Audiodatei preiswert selbst organisieren kannst. Mache aus deinem Buch ein Audiobook!Der Hrbuchmarkt boomt! Nutze die Chance, dich mit deinem Titel als Hrbuch zu etablieren. Ob Roman, Sachbuch, Kinderbuch oder Kurzgeschichten in diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du aus deinem Manuskript ein echtes Audiobook produzierst. Die Produktion eines guten Hrbuchs einfach und nachvollziehbar erklrt Verffentliche dein Buch als Hrbuch und erschlieen dir neue Mrkte So erstellst du ein Manuskript fr deinHrbuch Professionellen Sprecher finden oder sogar selber sprechen? Wichtig: Auf was du unbedingt achten musst!Dein Hrbuch muss ansprechend aussehenDas fertige Hrbuch Erstelle professionelle und erfolgreiche Hrbcher Schritt fr Schritt zum Ziel Am Beispiel meiner eigenen Erfahrungen bei der Produktion meiner Hrbuchserie Traumreisen mit Cubanty, gehen wir zusammen alle wichtigen Schritte zusammen: Vom Manuskript zum fertigen Audiobook oder zur frisch gepressten CD. Die Produktion eines Hrbuches hat auch ihre Tcken, die du beachten musst. Der Kurs gibt dir alles mit, was du dafr brauchst. Ich bin erfahren in der Hrbuchproduktion und habe bereits mehrere Hrbcher auf den Markt gebracht. Meine Verlegerin Christiane Heyn ist eine der ersten Selfpublisher in Deutschland. Schon 2003 kam ihr erstes Kinderbuch Die Elfe Morgentau in den Handel. Nutze jetzt deine Chance dich auf dem Hrbuchmarkt zu etablieren Sei bei den ersten Self-Publishern dabei, die neben ihrem E-Book oder Buch auch eine CD oder ein Audiobook auf dem Markt verffentlichen! Und ganz unter uns: Die Umstze meiner CDs sind um ein vielfaches hher, als die meiner Bcher. Aus diesem Grund bin ich dazu bergegangen fast ausschlielich Hrbcher zu produzieren. Wir besprechen im Kurs, wie hoch deine Verdienstmglichkeiten sind. Kurs-berblick In 7Abschnitten fhrt dich der Kurs in die komplexe Welt der Audioproduktion ein. Zunchst schauen wir uns deine Chancen auf dem Hrbuchmarkt an. Im zweiten Abschnitt kmmern wir uns darum, aus deinem Buch oder Text, ein Manuskript fr dein Hrbuch zu machen. Der dritte Abschnitt weiht dich in die Geheimnisse der Sprachaufnahme ein. Mchtest du deine Texte selber sprechen? Hier findest du Tipps und Anleitungen dazu. Vielleicht mchtest du dein Hrbuch von einem professionellen Sprecher/ einer Sprecherin sprechen lassen? Wir finden jemanden! Sichere dich ab: Soll dein Hrbuch gemapflichtig oder gemafrei sein? Wo ist da der Unterschied? Wie sieht es mit Hintergrundmusik aus? Es gibt wichtige rechtliche Dinge, die du hier beachten musst.Sollst du eine CD oder nur ein Audiobook oder beides produzieren? Vor- und Nachteil deiner Mglichkeiten. Brauchst du eine ISBN? Wo kannstdu eine ISBN bekommen? Hier erfhrst du es. So findest du das richtige Presswerk? Was kostet das? Der Kurs entlsst dich nicht, ohne dir im letzten Abschnitt ein genaues Rezept fr das uere Erscheinungsbild deines neuen Produktes an die Hand zu geben: Dein Audiobook in das richtige Format umwandeln. Das Einrichten, bzw. Anlegen des Covers im richtigen Format fr CDs und Audiobooks. Alles ganz wichtig fr deinen Erfolg!Die 15Kurslektionen umfassen weitmehr als 1StundeVideo.Wer als Selbstverleger von Hrbchern den Erfolg seines Unternehmens ernsthaft steigern will, braucht das in diesem Kurs vermittelte Wissen.Dieser Kurs befasst sich NICHT mit der Aufnahme des Audiobooks."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fractions for Grades 7-9." |
"Improve your math skills while gaining a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of fractions. Learn about types of fractions, operations, applications and much more. Take this course and get Linear Relation course for free.This course includes:LCM and GCF.Addition and Subtraction with different denominators.Division and Multiplication.Application of Fractions.Quizzes and Solutions.Instructor's tips.Bonus. Prerequisite skills:Minimum knowledge of grade 6 math, multiples and factors, addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator.What am I going to get from this course? You will be able to convert, add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions in easy ways. You will know how to use your skills for solving application problems. You will gain a goodknowledgeof operations with fractions. You will be able to apply your knowledge for homework assignments, school quizzes and tests. You will benefit from instructors recommendations how to succeed in math, how to use support from different sources, what typical mistakes students are making during quizzes and tests You will benefit from tips how to develop your logical and mental math skills. You will prepare to your Grade 9 Academic math course. Ready to get started? Let's go!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Linear Relations for Grades 8 to 10" |
"In this course you will study the equation for a Linear Relation. You will learn how to connect the equation to the graph and how to build the equation given some facts about the line. I will introduce a typical test for improving your skills and for preparation to the test in your school. In this course you will find practice questions as well.Take this course and get Fraction course for free ($40 value).A structure of the course:In the first videos Im giving you theory, the basic knowledge. After that Im giving you a typical test for this unit and after that in the next video Im explaining in details full solutions for this test. For some videos I added captions, this can help you to work on this course without sound."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Using SOLID Principles to Write Better Code - A Crash Course" |
"Write Better CodeIt's easy enough to write code that works - however, code that simply 'works' just isn't good enough. Is it easy to understand? Is it easy to maintain? Is it easy to change? Is it easy to test? In other words - does it employgood software architecture principles?This course is about helping you to learn how to write good code using tried-and-tested principles from the world of object-oriented software development in languages like Java and C#. Specifically, we'll unpack what SOLID means, what its benefits are, and how you can apply SOLID principles in order to improve the architecture ofyour own code - regardless of which object-oriented programming language you use. You'll learn how to look at code, identify problems, and how to improve the code by using SOLID principles. To help you with this, the course also contains a quiz that is focused on refactoring code to conform to SOLIDprinciples.It's a short course that you can work through in an hour, but it's intended to equip you with skills that you can apply throughout a lifetime of programming!Some Review Feedback""The content is structured, step by step is laid out clearly and concisely, the code examples are definitely the icing on the cake as it takes the principles into real world examples which are very valuable.""""Great course with easy to understand examples. Good for first time explanation and as a refresher""""Firstly, the course focuses on a really important topic that most developers usually skip over, and secondly the course itself is really well thought through with the examples explaining exactly how code can be improved for readability, testing, and to ensure the code is easy to change later on.""""The salient points were well covered, and the code examples are clear enough to illustrate and support each SOLID principle discussed. As a student, were able to understand and appreciate the benefit of applying SOLID principles, and writing better code.""This course includes the option of a 30-day, no-questions-asked refund if you're not happy with it."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Fluent API Design - A Crash Course" |
"Fluent APIDesign - Write Good, Clean, Readable CodeHave you ever looked at code that you needed to use, and thought that it could just be so much easier, better, and cleaner?Have you ever wondered how tools like the JavaDSLin Apache Camel or the streaming API's in Java 8work under the covers? How you can architect your code to clearly express it's intent without the need for extensive documentation?If so, this course is for you!Throughout the course, we'll look at what fluent API's are and how we can design them. We'll look at the benefits of fluent API's, and we'll see real-world examples in practice. We'll also work through examples where we implement our own fluent API's. Our examples will be in Java, but the concepts are equally relevant to other object-oriented languages, like C#.This course is intended to help you become a better programmer, by teaching you how to write code that is incredibly easy to understand. After all, as programmers, we spend a significant amount of time reading existing code rather than writing new code. Therefore, the ability to write code that is easy to read and easy to understand is a very important skill for programmers to have. In this course, I want to help you develop that skill.Some Review Feedback""I thought the beginning of the course was quite slow and too much verbiage for the given slides. But once you got into going through code methodologies and showing coding examples, I enjoyed flow very much. I liked the use of video so I could pause in places to analyze the code.""""For a short course such as this, you get a lot of information to improve your skills. I enjoyed this course and learned some new and useful techniques.""""This course covers a familiar thought among developers; striving for well-written code, which is 1) easy to read/understand and then 2) easy to amend and build upon with subsequent revisions; essentially demonstrating the benefits of good API design overall. I also appreciated the inclusion of the code examples, which demonstrates the advantages of Fluent API Design in a practical way.""""I learned about fluent API in a short time. The characteristics of the pattern Builder and reason important for implementingthis pattern our own code. Thanks!""""Great topic, great course, great content.""""Very well explained material.""This course includes the option ofa 30-day, no-questions-asked refund."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"UML Class Diagrams for Programmers" |
"UMLis a valuable tool - do you know how to use it?As programmers, we rarely work in isolation - we often have to communicate our designs and our ideas to our colleagues. In addition, we get specifications from analysts and architects that we need to understand. UMLcan be incrediblyvaluable for this kind of communication!In this course, I want to teach you how you, as a programmer, can make the most of UML Class diagrams, both as a tool for effectively communicating with other programmers, analysts, and architects, and also as a valuable tool for software architecture and design. Because this is a course for programmers, we'll look at lots of source code as we create diagrams. Finally, the video lectures are supplemented with written materialthat you can refer back to at any time.We'll start by looking at the value that we can get from UMLClassDiagrams. We'll cover basic concepts, such as how classes are represented in UML.We'll look at the relationships that can exist between class, and at how we can represent certain specialized classes. We'll also work through a detailed example to help reinforce everything that you'll learn during the course.In the course, I want to help you do a couple of different things. I want to help you understand the fundamental concepts of UML Class Diagrams, effectively communicate with your peers using UML Class Diagrams, read UML Class Diagrams created by other people, create your own UML Class Diagrams, and understand how to get value out of UML Class Diagrams, without the need for expensive tools.This course is aimed at programmers who want to use UML Class Diagrams to improve how they work, as well as software architects and analysts who create UML diagrams for other people - such a specifications.You won't need much for this course, although it's not a course for beginner programmers. We will talk about object-oriented programming concepts quite a lot, so it will be good if you have experience with object-oriented languages like Java or C#, otherwise some parts of the course might be difficult to follow. You'll also need motivation and a desire to learn. You will not need any experience with UML, or any expensive UML tools - in this course, we'll focus on the fundamentals,so no specific tools - you can even draw diagrams on paper if you want.I want to help youunderstand the concepts, not the tools!The tools are irrelevant - diagrams drawn on paper or a whiteboard as just as good as diagrams drawn in an expensive tool.See you in the course!Some Review Feedback""Reading UML Class Diagrams is a essential skill to all BA's and Developers Countless hours can be saved by understanding your requirements as a Developer""""Good course, I really appreciate it!""""I got exactly what I was looking for, a brief intro/refresher to UML concepts and methods along with very practical advice.""""Great material for class diagrams.""This course includes the option ofa 30-day, no-questions-asked refund.*Image courtesy of Pexels."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"30 Days Of Self Awareness" |
"Over 30 day's you'll be taken through 30 powerful topics that will help youget to know yourself on a deeper level.You'll finish the course with a greater understanding of where you've come from, where you are and where you're going!We'll explore your story so far, your health, relationships, career and finances, your fears, your dreams and the legacy you hope to leave behind.In the modern world we can spend so much time looking outside of ourselves and so little getting to know ourselves on a deeper level. This course promotes the simple habit of taking 20 minutes daily to deepen your relationship with yourself.You are guaranteed to find more happiness, confidence, clarity and certainty in a short few weeks working through the simple videos and worksheets provided."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's Anxiety Busting System" |
"Anxiety is not compulsory, necessary or obligatory its a process, but if its habitual, or panic attacks are becoming your default position, its time to address how you manifest anxiety in the mind - before you get to crisis point.Barefoot Doctors revolutionary, sensational ABS advanced breaking system for anxiety and panic attacks is a simple yet profoundly efficacious 16 step protocol to implement whenever anxiety or panic attacks strikeUnderstand and make sense of your fear, so you can use it to your advantageTackle the toxic habit of anxiety, so youre no longer pumping addictive, damaging cortisol (the fight/flight hormone) into your systemIntervene and adjust your inner mechanisms, so you're no longer at the mercy of anxietyFeel more confident in facing your challenges, knowing that you can handle whatever happensGet more from life, without fear, anxiety or panic attackswasting your time, depleting your energy and holding you back.Anxiety is not a diseaseAnxiety merely describes a set of psycho-physical reactions you generate yourself. And you do so unconsciously, without cognition, and hence compulsively.Barefoot Doctors Anxiety Busting System teaches you the mechanism and how and where to intervene, so you can take command you learn a system so you can alwaysRelax your solar plexusRelease your breathRemove the tension in your neck, forehead, forearms, thorax and pelvic regionRevisit the story lines youre concoctingRelease the contraction in your kidneys and adrenals, andCounteract the cortisol rushAnxiety is just a habit you can break itYour resistance to breaking the anxiety habit derives from what RD Laing describes as 'psychophobia', fear of your own mind, a condition he said was symptomatic of the modern world.And if you're afraid of your mind, how can you sensibly interact with it? Perhaps the main driver for this fear of our own minds is a total misconception of what the mind is. People describe their minds as places where things happen, things they don't know about and can't control.Minds are not places.Minds are not thingsat all in the ontological sense.Mind merely describes the unfathomably complex sequence of mental processesyou're continually conducting on both an autonomic, subconscious level and consciously, even while asleep in your dreams.The ancient Taoist sages knew all this thousands of years ago. They also knew how to intervene and adjust the inner mechanisms so you're no longer held in thrall to any undesirable mental state, and were particular good with managing anxiety and even turning the energy to advantage.And though I'd be the last person to criticize or cast aspersions on the mainstream mental health industry, nor even the pharma companies, without whose help we'd be in an even more implausibly absurd state than we already are, at least in the short term, as someone whose life has been dedicated to passing on this Taoist heritage of ours, I would sincerely like to see this message with the truth about anxiety and all other mental states, spread as far and wide as possible.Help end the endemicBarefoot Doctor'sAnxiety Busting System is based firmly in traditional Taoist practice and has evolved over time from working with hundreds of young people over the past couple of years, in all parts of the world, helping them out of extreme high-anxiety and panic attacks.So it's built for when, like those young people, you're feeling too stressed to concentrate much no messing about and it works.But obviously it's not just the 18-30 age group amongst whom high-anxiety and panic attacks are endemic it's happening in all age groups and demographic strata.And its time to address it. Not with all the usual superficial ignorance-based garbage doing the rounds with much fanfare, which may work for five minutes by distracting you, only to leave you grasping for the nearest Zanex before you can say Christopher Robbins.But with this ancient time-honored system made fully contemporary and fully deployable for the postmodern person facing the huge stresses and challenges of the postmodern world.You dont need to train for years or have any special skills, you dont even need to have studied the most excellent and thorough nineweek in-depth intensivePsychology of Fear Trainingfor the full background detail of the Taoist approach to anxiety.he Anxiety Busting System comprises:A practical 16 step systemthats easy and quick to learn just a few minutes of your time each dayShort, follow-my-leader videos watch and follow along on your mobile device or computerFully downloadable with lifetime access so you can always have a refresher if you feel the needThe perfect giftto yourself, or anyone you know, young or not so young, facing challenging situations or relationships, exams, exam results, job interviews, dating, suffering social media overload or any other form of competition-based anxiety.INCLUDES BONUSPRACTICAL POSITIVITY PROCESS- introduction and three-step video based mini-training to help you feel and be more positive.The Anxiety Busting Systemis the simple, efficacious16 step,quick, practical processto use when anxiety strikes so you can intervene and manage your fear and prevent yourselfsuccumbing to panic. Video based training + BONUS Practical Positivity Process mini-training video sequence.INCLUDES BONUSPractical Positivity mini-training"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's E.A.S.E. Training" |
"TheUltimate Anti-Stress DeviceLost the ancient art of EASE?Experiencing excess tension in your body and stress in your mind?Feeling triggered by work, relationships, health or your financial situation?Want to run away from it all?Reclaim your pace &direction,regain control of your reactions &reduce your level of stress to minimum optimum levelswith Barefoot Doctors revolutionary, sensational E.A.S.E. TRAINING the failsafe, all-terrain, all-weather antidote to stressIt is actually possible to live a life of easeYes, even in the midst of the burgeoning insanity we call the world, even with the information load increasing exponentially, and even with every other stress-increasing factor proliferating by the second, it is possible to live a life of ease, while performing at optimal levels in all tasks and obligations, and acquitting yourself with increasing aplomb as a result.Ease is the opposite of stressOr more precisely of excess stress - if you had no stress at all, youd be but a puddle on the floor and would find that far more stressful than mere adrenal fatigue so always honor the necessary quota stress.The state of ease is what you see watching a superb martial artist, or musician, or public speaker ease in action, whether the action comprises thought, word, deed or all.And thats why this training is called E.A.S.E enjoy alleviating stress effectively because rather than focus on dispelling a negative, its far more effective to focus on the positive outcome you want to result from dispelling the negative. It keeps your eye on the goal rather than on whats already past and cant be changed anyway.Stress is neither an illness or diseaseContrary to the backward thinking of modern medicine stress is neither an illness or disease.Stress is a sign youre alive.The force of existence is ferocious.We each only exist because we resist that force, effectively enough to hold our shape for a brief moment in time.When one phenomenon resists another, it places stress on each.Eventually the stronger of the two will overcome the other in this case the force of existence eventually overcomes us and we depart these shores once and for all.This is the natural order of things.We require tension for growth and progressIn mundane terms, we require tension in order to feel release. Without these dynamics life would be ineffably dull and no growth or progress would occur. But thats hypothetical because, we will always feel that intrinsic tension from resisting in order to go on existing.The modern problem of Stress (with an upper case S) arises from us losing the ancient art of ease, ironically by our collective rush to create and subsume the very technology that was meant to make life easier for us.In many ways it does, but at the cost of ourselves.Once you get yourself back however, and thats ambiguous because the trick to reclaiming command of the vehicle lies in learning to operate it from the back of you rather than the front, youre able to cognitively determine the degree of stress occurring at any time and be in full command of reducing it to minimum, optimum, levels in order not to turn to blancmange for having too little, or to burn yourself out with adrenal fatigue by having excess stress.There are as many stress triggers as people & situations Feeling trapped and unable to speak your mind Not being able to say no Feeling trapped by debt or financial obligation Feeling trapped or diminished by obligations to follow someone elses routine or agenda Feeling rushed, overloaded, saturated with information and details to be sorted Feeling constantly on duty and electronically available Feeling angry and resentful and unable to convey your displeasure for fear of reprisal or abandonment Feeling silenced and then theres the secondary but equal stress arising from the self-destruct patterns you adopt to mask or avoid the original stress.There is a common thread, however, no matter the form of external trigger.It all boils down to pace and directionStress results from not being in control of your own pace and directionA healthy animal in the wild is so in charge of its own pace and direction it doesnt even think about it.Whenever we sacrifice either pace or direction or both, albeit in what started out as a good cause, we feel stress, because were pushing or pulling against our natural flow. And were going against our very real, visceral relationship with the universe around us, whence comes all our intuition to turn left or to turn right (without a smartphone or satnav to tell us which).This is the Tao, and when we turn our back on that were instantly bereft of chi, the power of life. Stuck in a dead-end relationship, afraid to get out, your pace is hampered and your direction challenged. Feeling financially hampered - thats affecting both your pace and direction. Feeling rushed - thats pace, obviously. Feeling overloaded and cant cope - thats pace.Rather than being banal about it and giving you routines for cashflow-stress, or dead-end-stress, or overload-stress, or whatever, the training addresses the issue at the nub and teaches you to reclaim full command over your own pace and your own direction.Once you have that back, you also have your back-back, and are finally fully in command of the vehicle and the levels of stress running through it at any given moment.It teaches you all this, or rather I do, in a most enjoyable fun way, yet not at all frivolously because stress is a very serious problem, and it seriously doesnt have to one.Youll learn:how to differentiatebetween healthy stress on the one hand, and unnecessary excess stress on the otherhow to take commandof the vehicle (you)how to make a variety of effective interventionsto take command of your stress levels and bring them back into the healthy vector of the scale.Youll also receive:a set of powerful, easy-and-fun-to-use techniques, ranging from physical move-it-and-shake-it-all-about forms, through self-applied manual stimulation of specific energy triggersthe reframe-reposition movein order to gain instant perspective on any situation however stress inducing.The training comprises:a practical system thats easy and quick to learn just a few minutes of your time each dayshort, follow-my-leader videos watch and follow along on your mobile device or computerfully downloadable with lifetime access so you can always have a refresher if you feel the needYou've nothing to lose - full 30 day, no questions asked money-back guarantee.Barefoot Doctors E.A.S.E. TrainingThe Ultimate Anti-Stress Device"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's Qigongo" |
"Love and honor yourself and the miracle of your existence each and every day with this easy and quick to learn, fun to follow, unique and positively addictive, in-depth daily qigong system drawn from all four Taoist martial artsBoosts your health, longevity, staminaImproves muscle tone, organ function, musculo-skeletal function, brain functionIncreases your confidence, strength and resilience, suppleness and flexibility of body and mindBrings you sharpened focus, brighter eyes, better vision, better hearing, better feeling, better memory, a clearer mind uhm, oh yes:Better and more youthful looks, increased courage, more stabilized emotions, a more adventuresome life, and lest we not forget, lastly but mostly,The chi of a thousand warriorsThese claims may sound too numerous and hyperbolic to be true and they're not (too numerous or hyperbolic to be true). To the contrary, if anything the above is an understatement. Not in the content or meaning of the message but in the context or medium in which it's conveyed. BecauseNo amount of words, however adroitly chosen or deployedcan go anywhere near conveying the startling effects of practicingthis qigong system even once let alone every dayTruly, with no exaggeration, I put the fact that I'm still here on the planet at all down to the fact I've practiced Qigongo, Barefoot Doctor's In-Depth Qigong System every day without fail, bar just three or four days I can think of, for the past 40 years, and even though I'm him and therefore a tad biased, I can truly say it's the most effective, powerful, fast-acting, no-nonsense system of qigong I've ever heard of, save perhaps for one or two more extreme versions involving lifting heavy weights tied to the scrotum, and leaning your throat with your entire bodyweight behind it on the sharp blade of a sword, but then attaining to this level of skill is generally over-egging it a bit and mostly of little practical use in everyday life, unless of course you find yourself (as a non-neutered male) obliged to carry a heavy weight and your hands are full, or need a first line of defense against someone slitting your throat (and still have your hands full).So call me a bit suburban if you will, but as far as I'm concerned, and I've had a few decades to prove it to myself, though I'd not rate my chances in lifting much by virtue of my scrotum aside perhaps from my mood momentarily, indirectly speaking, the enhanced self-cultivation this practice has and does afford me is astonishing.Qigongo what exactly is it?QIGONG0is my nick name for the daily qigong training I do every day of my life without fail, as the bedrock of my health, sanity, and stamina because it's QIGONG and it gives you GO, pulls you out of the most slammed states, is perfect for dissolving hangovers of all sorts, increases your positivity no end, makes you look and feel more and more trim and youthful the older you get, and serves as the perfect milieu in which to viscerally experience, enjoy and take full benefit from all the inner game methods I share with you moving into and from your back, sinking your weight, and all the principles and devices contained in the SUPERHEALING, PSYCHOLOGY OF FEAR, AND INNER ALCHEMY (School for Warriors) trainings and in the satsangs.QIGONGObrings it all alive like nothing else. Start the day with QIGONGO and you can't go wrongo, and this is not said for the sake of rhyme alone.QIGONGOis vastly different from other available qigong trainings which are either namby pamby, flowery, wet and sold as relaxation tools, and which overlook the strengthening aspect altogether, or too esoteric and riddled with mystification for anyone but qi-obsessives to gain any lasting value from.QIGONGOis direct and to the point. Unlike other trainings it draws from all four Taoist internal boxing styles, Hsing Yi, Pa Kua, Tai Chi and White Crane, and systematically strengthens both the yin and the yang, both the core and the surface, both the bones and the muscles, both the vital organs and the bowels, both the mind and the motion, progressively and exponentially more with each passing day's practice.Most qigong tends to be soft and sweet. But that's only one side of the story. For the full effect you need both the soft and the hard,the yin and the yang.Once you start, unless you're extremely contrary and strong willedto your detriment, you're so swiftly hooked you can't actually imaginehow you could possibly function without it.Of course you can but only as a regular human it's the superhuman (for want of a better word) dimension the practice affords you that's hard to do without once you're hooked. Not to mention the remarkable increase of ease and vivacity of your joints and muscles and general comfort in your skin, as well as all the aforementioned boons.Qigong What exactly is it?Qi(pronounced chi) to spell key means literally breath. However it alludes to something far more complex than we normally think of as breath. It means the power of all the motion of the universe, the breath of the cosmos.Gongmeans work or intervention.Qigongis the art of channeling or funneling the qi through your body-mind complex to give you the same internal power as all the motion of the universe to fuel you, provide stamina, endurance, immunity, strength, flexibility, poise, equilibrium and unwavering cheerfulness.Before such activation whenever you've wanted something your qi has been unconsciously, automatically mobilized in the direction of the object of your desire. This didn't mean you always got what you wanted, but simply that chi was mobilized every time.However, be trained to actively intervene in the flow of chi and your capacity for intending things into real-life being increases exponentially. And because the chi is flowing more freely, fluently and forcibly through all parts of you including your brain, cleansing wherever it passes and freeing up toxins, your natural propensity for wanting things that are in accord with the 'great flow' grows as your tendency to want things that jar the 'great flow' wanes proportionately.Qi - energy imbued with intention - is the active ingredient of true magic, whether using it to heal, or to prosper in any other way. Learn to channel chi and you're channeling with the Tao itself. And no better business partner can you have.Qigong - how did it originate?Once upon a time long, long ago, something happened but no one remembers what so they all made up loads of stories about it, many of which you'll find by googling it, some of which may even contain kernels of truth, but the actual truth is no one's really got a clue how qigong originated.Qigong was developed as preparation for martial arts practice (Hsing I, Pa Kua, Tai Chi, and White Crane), but because martial arts require huge commitment and qigong relatively far less, it's become a de facto separate training system to martial arts, in recent decades.Just practicing qigong, the health and wellbeing benefits are enormous without ever having to learn how to fight.Personally I'd feel bereft not to practice the fighting forms each day directly after the qigong, as they comprise for me the free-flight thrill of an eagle soaring way up high, or the controlled excitement of the racing driver laps ahead of all fellow contenders. As well as which I like feeling well-prepared for most eventualities including the possibility of having to diffuse the occasional incident, without overly exerting or straining myself.However if really rushed for whatever reason, I'll always prioritize the qigong practice over the fighting forms. I can go a day without fighting practice and feel utterly fine bar a feint yearning. But going without qigong for me would be like spending the day walking in the hot desert without anything to drink. That's how addicted I am my name's Barefoot and I'm a qigong-addict, and I'm proud of it (hyphenated phrase used there to preclude any unscrupulous jealous scumbag of a journalist pejoratively lifting my phrases out of context as they've sometimes been want to do).But enough about me, let's focus on you and how it will look, you practicing this qigong, and how it will look you training in it in the first place.QIGONGO in-depth qigong training - what does it comprise?Up at 4am, run 18 miles naked with a moderately heavy weight attached to your genitals not.In fact though extremely incisive in the sense of getting right to the nub of your personal bio-machinery and adjusting it with true precision and rapid effect, QIGONG-GO, Barefoot Doctor's Online In-Depth Qigong Training is a respectful sophisticated and elegant affair a system built for intelligent adults, not a punishment course designed to break your spirit and then build you back up as a foot soldier. Far from it. This is proper advanced major-general level fare.Six weeks, six sets of exercisesTraining consists of an initial phase lasting just six weeks during which, assuming you don't f**k about too much and get on with it relatively diligently and methodically, you'll learn all the fundamental moves of the six main sections including the healing sounds as combined with the five element movements of Hsing Yi, leading up to the basic but rightly renowned standing still, holding-an-invisible-friend-in-your-arms meditation.This comprises the full training less various subtle nuances, refinements and additions to the six main sections, impossible to take in in the main training stage without going doolally from information overload, the full training in the healing sounds due its own showcase as a separate entity, and the nei-gong or internal work, half of which you'll know already if having completed School for Warriors 1,2, & 3, the other half of which is also due its own show as a separate or more advanced entity. And the same goes for training in the Tai Chi as a way of following up on this training, and/or School for Warriors just to put it all perspective and context for you, as was initially intended.Follow my leaderThe training is all done standing, though if physically up against it in that respect, can all or partially be effectively trained sitting down if necessary.Minimum requirement will be watching and playing follow my leader with the film each day till you've got the moves down and then practicing them without the film, but checking back regularly in case you've misinterpreted anything and have gone wildly off course.This practice session will take about ten minutes once in the morning before going out to play with the world, and ideally again at night once you're done with all the noise.This is an average duration. Some days the film is only three minutes long other days much longer. Some days you just learn one move, other days, a few. There's a reason for this (all to do with honoring the yin-yang flow) and derives from decades of teaching the system so knowing where to ease up and where to pile on the moves. So though not symmetrical in the short-term overall it has perfect symmetry, so go with it.Making it yoursach day you'll practice the moves already learned and then tag on the new one/s, then the following week, you'll continue practicing these moves while also learning the next group. And so on, so that by the time you arrive at week six, it'll be requiring perhaps one hour of your time each day, maybe a bit less. But as soon as week seven comes and you've completed the training, the entire practice without the training aspect will take approximately just 23 minutes each morning, and ideally (especially if you want super-rapid results) 23 minutes again at night, but the morning session is the crucial one.Once you've made each section yours and especially once you've completed the training and made the entire system yours, and are therefore no longer restricted by having to be close to a screen or vice versa, you can do the practice outside, inside or in your lady's chamber, which is especially pleasant in clement weather and is a wonderful reason to get yourself out in the open air no matter the time of year, also healthy in itself.Results how fast will you see them?This said, incidentally, according to corroborative feedback of all participants I've taught the system to at all my retreats (as it forms the basis of the retreat work), who've had the gumption to continue daily practice, which blessedly happens to be the majority (that's how addictive this is so beware).What makes this in-depth system unique?Me. You. The qigong moves themselves. The in-depthness of it. And aside from me having practiced it daily for longer and with more frequency than most contemporary teachers have had hot dinners, hence having an in-depth handle on it by dint of sheer repetition alone, and aside from having had forty years experience at teaching it, hence a well-honed ability to convey it with sufficient clarity and delight, the fact that unlike other trainings around, it's utterly mumbo-jumbo- and mystification-free, it's utterly non-flowery, it's utterly to the point, and perhaps most importantly it's the only system I know of that works in such a focused way on both yin (soft) aspect qigong, and the yang (hard) aspect qigong, whereas the others tend to focus merely on the soft. Which is all well and good if you're a pastry but to be a well-honed superhuman you need the both.Moreover qigong is marketed as a relaxation tool, as it's an easy sell to exercise-lazy stressed people. However...Marketing QIGONGO qigong as a relaxation toolwould be like marketing a million dollar Bugatti as a relaxation toolbecause it has comfortable seats to recline in.Yes you'll be far more relaxed by doing it, but not in a soft, floppy, chinos-plus- denim-shirt dress-down Friday twee decaffeinated frappuccino sort of way, but in an actively relaxed, yet alert way, like a true Samurai warrior of the modern world, not just some human yoga mat.During each session, you get to thrust back into the depths of your being and discern, clarify and focus your intention. So you can determine the after-effect of the session.Hence no matter how vigorous the moves you've practiced, or rather how vigorously you've practiced the moves, if you've been doing a night time practice you can angle the effect to calm you and prepare you for a sound night's sleep, but determine your morning practice to provide you endless drive, enthusiasm and stamina for the day.Hence there's no need for the nonsense purveyed by some teachers in suggesting separate morning and evening routines, as this approach is just for babies.There is only one routine, practice it each morning without fail, and then practice it as often as you like at any time of day or night you like, or not as the case may be, just as long as you fulfill the minimum daily morning practice requirement.This stuff is pure magic but it takes more than imagining yourself waving your magic wand you do actually have to do the practice.And if you do, all the rewards you can possibly imagine and more will be yours, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, and who knows if you really go for it, century after century.Six weeks of in-depth trainingOne set of exercises released each week covering Introduction Set 1 - Waterwheel, Twisty-whisty, The Bird, the Taoist Foxtrot, Side Bend Set 2 - Tiger Claw, One Inch Punch, Slow Rolling Punch, Punching Behind You, Hip Punch, CurlingChest Expander, Rolling The Sky, Head Turner, Taking the Tiger Down To The Shops, Hanging Forwards & The Deer, Swinging Arms Set 3 - The Bear, The Hawk, The Tiger, The Rooster, The Dove Set 4 - Surrender, Upper Body, Core Strength Set 5 - Healing Sounds Set 6 - Alignment, Monkeying Around, Self Massage, Closing The Run ThroughWARNING: THE MATERIAL IN THIS TRAINING IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE, HAS BEEN MEDICALLY PROVEN GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH, AND MAY LEAD TO LIVING LONGERPLEASE NOTE:though the exercises are all gentle and easily doable by people of all ages and states of fitness, aside from obvious injuries or impediments that would make the practice unviable, and the risk of injury is so slight it's almost not worth mentioning, you must nevertheless take full responsibility for yourself in doing the training, and practice the moves exactly as instructed to avoid even that small chance of mishap.If in any doubt whatsoever consult your medical practitionerCan't go wrongo withBarefoot Doctors QIGONGOIn-Depth Daily Qigong System"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's VIP Acupressure Training" |
"BAREFOOT DOCTOR'SVIP ACUPRESSURE TRAININGto make you well, make you feel swell and get you high naturallyOne of the greatest gifts the Taoist geniuses of ancient days bequeathed us is the acupuncture-acupressure system.But pressing if taught and practiced properly (which like puncturing is rare these days owing to an endemic lack of real knowhow among the teaching fraternity, bless them all and it's probably better than nothing at all) is equally as powerful.It's not so much the method of stimulation but the points you press and the combination and order of points you use.The diagnostic aspect of primarily reading or listening to the pulse is the bedrock of the system very few people understand the pulses anymore, hence why in modern Chinese and Western schools they tend merely to teach observation of the tongue as the main diagnostic tool, and this is a shame and a little like conducting an orchestra in a Beethoven symphony with no string or double bass section. That as may be and again though highly complex it's not totally unrealistic to imagine teaching the real deal online one day but for now naturally without any diagnostic tool your range of possible interventions is limited.However we're not talking here about training you up as a fully qualified doctor of the art.There is a fairly secret sequence of points which whether needled or pressed correctly have such a powerful all-encompassing healing effect for pretty much any condition or set of conditions, that if you learn it, you'll be tooled up healing-wise for most eventualities (after all it's the person yourself or another we're treating, not a condition).And it's not just any old sequence this is the proper VIP sequence used by those same geniuses to induce a so-called trance state, or supra-conscious state that puts you fully in command of your own autonomic system or enables you to help another take command of theirs, and so heal i.e. rebalance the entire mind-body system back to optimal levels. And you don't need diagnostic skills or even an understanding of the background system to take full benefit by its use.VIP Acupressuretrains you in one very powerful modalityderived from the SUPERHEALING training I teach,demystified and simplified into 18 easy-to-follow daily videos which take you straight to the nub of the practice. You learn the full sequence of points, exactly how and when to press them to achieve thehallowed state of being fully high on life, and relieve a plethora of different symptoms.Once you've been through and learned the VIP Acupressuresequence it takes only minutes toreach thispsychically open, omniscient state in which healing flows (hence also why it provides the perfect adjunct to the SUPERHEALING training).There's a strong theory, which I tend to subscribe to myself that this sequence comprised the original practice of acupuncture, and that the geniuses would sit and puncture this sequence of points with gold needles. It was the first thing I was taught to do in my own training way back when.The real blessing in it, is that aside from facilitating and maintaining your healing or someone else's, it's possibly the most direct and effective way of getting high without drugs.So perfect if in rehab or giving up, and perfect anyway.In the training, which consists of an introduction followed by a series of videos each approximately 5 minutes long, watchable on the phone or wherever, with an exercise to practice each day:you first learn the art of pressing properlythen you learn each point of the sequence in turn, with a review each day of the sequence up to thereSo by the time you've completed the training youknow the whole sequence and how to deploy it effectively.For quick attainment of mental clarity, focus and calm, emotional equilibrium, and physical ease and robustness there's probably no other intervention more useful or handy, pardon the pun.In fact I liked it so much, I bought the company.Barefoot Doctor"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's Superself Massage" |
"Don't just love and care for yourself, though that's good, don't just heal yourself at a profound level, though this is vital, don't just set yourself up with optimized zest and life-force each day, though this is important exhilarate your superself with this super-easy, super-quick to learn superself-massage sequence to be very very healthy, very very well, highly highly energized, deeply centered, much-much relaxed, fully alert, wildly fresh, frighteningly focused and far-seeing, ...and all in just a few minutes each day!Stimulates life-force [chi]-boosts cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, elimination, circulation functionRebalances all your vital organs and musculo-skeletal functions- it feels damn good and it's profoundly healingCalms, evens, smoothes your breathing- bringsyou back to yourself, brightens and enhances your mood and outlookDissolves muscle and ligament tensionto induce deep relaxation (no matter how busy your day or night)Helps you be well and stay well, function well, do well, feel well and enjoy life wellIs sublimely sensual and existentially pleasurable, which after breathing is the most important thing in life unless you enjoy not enjoying it.These claims sound hyperbolic. They're not, In fact these claims are understatements.I've been using it as part of my daily routine for the past 40+ years, and liked it so much I bought the company.What is Taoist Massage?For starters it's not Swedish, nor any other newfangled style of rubadubdub on the market this is hugely sophisticated and evolved was once the sole province of the emperor.Taoist massage is ancient, it deploys repetitive stroking, rubbing, pulling, pushing, kneading, percussing, warming and releasing techniques to correct and adjust the inbound flow, production, circulation and regeneration of life-force or chi in your body by physically moving it.Itsone crucial element in the Taoist pantheon of healing, health-giving artswith the aim of bringing you back to yourself so healing can spontaneously occur. There are numerous ways to trigger this for yourself qigong, the martial arts (the tai chi, the pa kua, the hsing I, the white crane, and so on), acupressure, and the meditation process of the inner alchemical system, for instance.And [as herein inferred in case you'd not noticed] you can do it using this here ancient and remarkable Taoist system of massage.Do the training and you'll be flying like a hawk on the wing, or swimming like a dolphin on whatever gets dolphins high in no time.Its different from any other form of massage this side of the universe andRequires little effortFeels entirely pleasurableTakes little time to complete the routineLeaves you feeling like you've just had a bath inside your skin, like you've just done a cross country run on a cold day and are full of zest and derring do, like you've just been tenderly cared for. And it leaves you looking lustrous.How does the self-massage training fit with other healing methods?It's not that Taoist self-massage in itself is the answer to everything. It's just one crucial element in the Taoist pantheon of answers, and the object is to master them all hence why I teach them via all the online trainings we're doing. Because aside from the exponential benefits of combining them into various exotic cocktails, there are moments when pressing various selected points will do the trick of bringing you back to yourself (the primary requisite and trigger for healing to spontaneously occur), then there are times the stimulating tonifying effects of qigong will do it for you, for instance.There are times it happens easier sitting or standing still conducting the chi internally and sinking deep in awareness of the supreme being within you meditating. And there are times, say when noisy neighbors, the roadworks outside, the jets flying overhead, or just the tumult of your own thoughts, are disturbing you, that sitting still or moving about or pressing points is too quiet and the massage is just the right pitch and has an instant enough effect to hold you focused.Whats included in the training?Barefoot Doctors Taoist Superself-Massage Training comprises 20 follow-along videos showing the Taoist Superself-Massage routine, so you too can incorporate this little wonder into your daily practice or use it on the fly whenever you feel the need.You have lifetime access to the videos, which are all downloadable so you can use them on your device wherever you go.The Taoist Superself-Massage Training also has a HUGE EXTRA BENEFIT it trains you to do this exceptionally royal sequence on otherswith the requisite sensitivity and empathy to facilitate a true healing every time because you know what it feels like so well.This was always the traditional start to learning any of the healing arts and it makes sense anyone in their right mind would prefer their physician to have tried his or her own medicine first.Barefoot Doctor's Taoist Superself-MassageLike putting yourself in all stained and dirty on an extra-wash cycle and coming out sparkling pristine clean, no ironing neededLike walking in wearing a suit of sackcloth and walking out wearing finest silk haute coutureLike walking in smelling of manure and waking out smelling of BulgariLike going in the car wash a beaten up jalopy and coming out the other end a Bentley 4x4"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's Way Strongo Qigongo" |
"Imagine spending 90 minutes getting high and finding yourself twice as fit and healthy the next day.When a Taoist wants to get superfit for summer the Taoist doesnt sweat. The Taoist doesnt strain. The Taoist doesnt do anything to make a blood vessel bulge. A Taoist doesnt get out of breath. A Taoist hardly raises a pulse rate. A Taoist doesnt wear Lycra or go peddling in a slave galley or gym.But how does a Taoist do that? You may ask.How does a Taoist spend just 90 minutes getting really high, without expending any energy to talk of, enjoying each of the 90 minutes more than the one before, having great personal fun, in full communication mode with the playful loving, nature of the cosmic presence, feeling totally restored, then almost as if nothing happened aside from a resounding sensation of a big beautiful bird after a pleasant migratory flight with no headwind and a helpful tailwind all the way, soak after in a hot Epsom salt bath, and the very next day look and feel twice as toned and supple, agile and lithe as that Taoist did even just the day before?The simple answer to that mystery is that Taoist does something we in the contemporary West call WAY-STRONGO QIGONGO.WAY-STRONGO QIGONGOa megablaster workout that makes you superfit superfastBut to call it that could be giving you the wrong impression. It could conjure up images of buff-muscled sweat-panted personal trainers shouting instructions at you over cheap techno on a nearly distorting bass-amplified Bluetooth cylindrical speaker through a Bluetooth feed off that personal trainers phone. It could take you back to physical education as they had the audacity to call it, and any residue of possible childhood competition trauma or confusion born of that, and make you nervous to the challenge.In fact nothing could be further from the truth.No sweatpants, no cheap techno, no shouting, no strain.Yes that Taoist would concentrate and give full attention to proceedings, honoring each segment of each portion of each move like NASA honors a new galaxy theyve just spotted. But that Taoist would be cooler than John Coltrane on a breezy summer evening .And at the same time nothing could be closer to the truth. Because it is, in fact, exacting. It is in fact a challenge to relax that much while in the midst of concentrated movement. And it is in fact a challenge to allow yourself to enjoy something so much so programed to suffer and struggle are we.If you would really love to spruce yourself up and be fit, lean, lithe and slender like a superfly queen or king (you choose), and if you reckon you have the guts and you have the gumption, and if you reckon youll enjoy following along a super-clear set of videos just made in the heart of Olde Englands green, pleasant and increasingly xenophobic land,I issue you a challenge...The challengeAnd the challenge is this and it doesnt matter what experience of moving your body in time and space you have, it doesnt matter what state youre in provided you can move all four limbs in an upright position, it doesnt matter how much of a blob you think you are, or how much of a superhero for that matter the challenge is youDo this WAY-STRONGO QIGONGO with me (online) it takes five days, max, but you can do it all in one fat 90 minute go if youre up to it either way you get to do that after five days anyway and you return afterwards twice as fit.And to be fair to you and to honor the discipline the Taoist hailed from, that Taoist would also tell you theregular QIGONGO form is the way to keep it going and growing subsequently likewise if youve been canny enough to have already taken QIGONGO as your own and are regularly practicing, giving yourself a blast of WAY-STRONGO QIGONGO will propel you quantum into such a profoundly altered state of fresh super-power for want of a less Hollywood expression youll hardly recognize yourself in the bathroom mirror.DONT FEEL EMBARRASSED TO DISROBE ON THE BEACH, BY THE POOL,AT THE GYM, IN THE BOUDOIR ANY LONGER GET WAY-STRONGO QIGONGOWARNING & DISCLAIMERWay-Strongo Qigongo is a powerful form of exercise. Wait two hours after eating before practicing. Do not use this training while driving, cycling, operating heavy machinery, flying light aircraft, conducting serious business or political negotiations, or in dark alleys in dangerous sectors of large cities at night.If you follow the instructions properly and go at your own pace and with your current state of energy, and dont push it, this practice will benefit.If youre pregnant, or suffering from any potentially serious condition of the cardio-vascular, respiratory, musculo-skeletal, lymphatic, renal, hepatic neurological, or psychological systems, consult your physician, and/or if unsure whether youre able to follow the instructions properly consult your physician, electrician, chiropodist, or anyone you like but no one connected with Barefoot Doctor Global including Barefoot Doctor, will be held liable."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's Singsongo Qigongo" |
"When you find and speak with your true voice, you speak the truth and people feel it - your voice is the primary tool of your personality - its the instrument through which you play the tune of whatever youre communicating.Know how to play it well and your confidence in communicating your needs, wishes, desires and intentions to others increases enormouslyKnow how to play it well and the effect of the sound of your voice can be an instrument of healing in itselfThose are the immediately-obvious-to-behold benefits.The more discreet and even more profound benefits are the effects using your voice properly like this has on your health, your breathing, your state of mind and probably most importantly on your own internal dialogue with yourself once your mind gets used to hearing your voice in beautiful mode it starts mimicking that internally causing you to speak to yourself far more respectfully and remember its the quality of the internal dialogue that completely determines your levels of mental health and the choices you make, which determine the steps you take and so shape your lifes adventure.SINGSONGO QIGONGO combines in-depth vocal training with a powerful base of qigong to root your voice at the very depths of your body and soul. You learn how to generate sound as if drawing it up from the Earths core and thats what makes it totally unique and efficaciousOver the course of 12 practical yet thoroughly fun video lessons you'll learn and master:projection skillmusicality & supplenesstone & flexibilitycadence & temporesonance, muscularity & toningThe process will bring your true voice out and youll be astonished at how lovely it makes you feel to speak, plus youll enjoy the effect it has on others as it becomes an instrument of healing as well as communication.Each day you combine a voice drill with qigong forms to make you strong, sturdy, stable as a mountain and fit as a fiddle into the bargain, plus get you as grounded and centerered as a planet and expand your breath capacity as huge as the sky.The format is easy to follow and easy on the eye, filmed amidst the beauty of a summer forest beneath a pure blue sky one video a day is all you have to do it will only take a few minutes a day along with a bit of practice on your own and in just a few days youll have the gift your true voice it will change your life.Why learn with Barefoot Doctor?Aside from and often as part of my extensive experimentation in and study of sound Ive been using my voice extensively in a professional capacity for over 40 years and have been practicing and teaching qigong even longer and personally can think of no one more suited to bringing you this gift at this time. Then again Im a bit biased.But as Im required to use my voice in my work on a frequent and regular basis, people regularly compliment me on having variously a beautiful, soothing, gorgeous, soulful, reassuring. comforting, young, sexy, and amazing voice, among other flattering adjectives, and the reason is entirely due to practicing this vocal drill every day. I do it for myself primarily, because the way I see it or hear it, if I have to listen to my own voice I might as well make the experience enjoyable and if I enjoy it the chances are others will too.Furthermore at least 88% of the import of any spoken communication is transmitted via the actual sound-wave rather than the shape of the words themselves. Sound massages or disturbs those you transmit it to. Its obvious youll do better in all your interactions and transactions when you massage others instead of disturb them.Which is why I'm thrilled to bring you this singing, dancing, pinging and prancing wells/bells and whistles but no bristles all-amazing SINGSONGO QIGONGO a splendid online training of originality and worth to teach you to access and use your true voice when communicating and to communicate from the depths of your person rather than from the act, because nothing helps you connect with people and convey your needs and wants better than having a magnificent voice plus it activates the true inner voice so your internal narrative ceases being self-harming and becomes self-validating instead and you can even use it to activate your singing voice, and by extension the song of your heart, and that increases breath capacity which is good for longevity, all of which increases self-confidence and self-worth, while toning your muscles and increasing physical agility.Top that.SINGSONGO QIGONGOpractical vocal training with qigong exercises for breathing, centering, strengthening and grounding to give you your true voice and your true selfFIND YOUR TRUE VOICE AND TAKE THE ADVENTURE OF YOU TO THE NEXT LEVELIntroduction + 12 practical & fun, step-by-step video lessons to follow along with then practice on your ownLifetime access to the training so you can revisit whenever you wishWatch where ever you are - all videos are downloadable"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Barefoot Doctor's Deep Confidence Training" |
"Barefoot Doctor's in-depthDeep Confidence training is THEfailsafe way to overcome long-held, deeply ingrained feelings of not being good enough, so you cantake rather than avoid exciting opportunitiessay ""yes"" when you mean yes and ""no"" when you mean nomove forward or change direction in your careerhave the courage to start or leave a relationshipbe the real you (not the version you think others want you to be)live the life you want rather than the one youve settled forfind more freedom, fun and fulfillment.Confidence (from Latincon, meaning with andfidere, to hold faith) has the more or less literal meaning'believe in yourself'- but what is this self people have to believe in for life to perform its best for them?If it's that hodgepodge construct of half-cooked notions, lies complexes and pretense Freud called the ego defenses it's no wonder people fundamentally lack confidence -because all they'd be believing in would be a lie.Get to know your true selfParadoxically by knowing your true self, that which lies behind all the noise of personality believing in it becomes a moot point anyway, because you are it and can distinctly feel yourself so, hence belief is redundant.In all my years of working intensively and extensively withhugely popular, successful, self-assured DJs, musicians, singers,actors, models, big-up business buccaneers, designers, film-directorsand all sorts- even a reformed heavyweight gangster -Ive not met asingle person who doesntsuffer from some deficit in self-esteem, self-worth or self-entitlementBut confidence is much misunderstood it's not loud or brash, its not about front and the ability to walk into a room and dominate any conversation, it doesn't transform your life in three minutes nor get you walking about all overly-assertive like you've just been on a weekend assertiveness training.The confidence I refer to is a quieter quality more subtle, more discreet, not egocentric and in fact to the contrary, quite altruistic in the sense of focusing on being of service to our fellows rather than merely serving our own urges for superficial gratification.Confidence isabout holding trust with life through thick and thin, and with your own capacity to funnel and process life optimally for the durationWith confidence informing you you're able to do the Taoist dance of flowing like water never piling up or stagnating, always flowing towards your intended outcome no matter what obstacle rears its head in your path and you're able to enjoy the ride rather than waste it resisting and fighting the flow.To be confident requires self-esteem, self-worth and self-entitlement. These attributes are commonly in deficit due to us comparing ourselves to others and competing to qualify for humanity, rather than retaining true perspective.With true perspective it's patently clear you're a flower of nature, an expression of Tao in human form and if you're good enough for the Tao to squeeze itself into your shape you qualify. In short if you're here reading this you qualify.Barefoot Doctors Deep Confidence training helps you make the subtle yet radical shift of inner view to profoundly reset your relationship with the world around youThe training is vastly different from other available self-confidence trainings which focus on front without the radical reset - so whilst they may be helpful to a certain extent its unlikely youll gain any lasting value.Deep Confidence is an in-depth transformational training, direct and to the point. In just three weeks it takes you step-by-step through your current beliefs about yourself and the world, challenging your perspective and tasking you with exercises to shift you forward.What does the trainingcomprise?IntroductionDispelling misconceptions about being perfectInternal conversation changing how you talk to yourselfEnumerating your supposed deficienciesEnumerating your qualitiesGaining perspectiveDeveloping a kindly inner voiceUnderstanding the human balance no one is all good or all badThe value of making everyone around you feel wonderfulReintegrating split-off aspects of selfIntegrating the future youPsycho-linguistics - restructuring your model of realityThe real gauge of self worthTreating yourself wellConfident self-leadershipAffirmations - realistic positive thinkingTrusting your own unique life-stratagemUnderstanding you gift to humanityDispelling the myth of needing to earn lovePresenting yourself optimallyAcknowledging yourselfFinal wordWhat makes this in-depth system unique?Me. You. The training itself. The in-depthness of it. And aside from me having gained more insight than most contemporary teachers have had hot dinners, hence having an in-depth handle on it by dint of the numbers of people Ive taught and treated in over forty years from all walks of life, hence a well-honed ability to convey it with sufficient clarity and delight, the fact that unlike other trainings around, it's utterly mumbo-jumbo- and mystification-free, it's utterly non-flowery, it's utterly to the point, and perhaps most importantly it's the only system I know of that works in such a focused way to reset the underlying condition rather than just the surface or front.This stuff is pure magic but it takes more than imagining yourself waving your magic wand you do actually have to watch the videos and do the exercises.And if you do, all the rewards of unshakeable self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and self-entitlement and more will be yours so you can go out there and live the life youve dreamed of but hitherto been too afraid to action.Why go Deep with Barefoot Doctor?Barefoot Doctor has dedicated his life to studying the human condition and developing ways everyone can use to ameliorate it and eventually to attain to a state of perpetual delight for being alive come what may.Hundreds of thousands of people across the world have turned their lives around with his transformational training.A master of Taoist martial arts and doctor of Chinese medicine, Barefoot Doctor has spent almost five decades exploring, interpreting, practicing and teaching the methods, philosophy and life management skills of ancient Taoism, as well as being an avid student of belief systems, spirituality and human potential.He studied psychotherapy with the eminent, maverick psychotherapist RD Laing for three years and shamanism with the native American Indians of Taos, New Mexico for four years.Returning to London in the early 80s, Barefoot ran the UKs busiest acupuncture healing practice for 17 years, growing in acclaim and treating celebrities including Madonna, Naomi Campbell, Jade Jagger and members of the Pink Floyd as well as people from all walks of life.He has authored 17 books including Handbook For The Urban Warrior, Liberation, Manifesto, and more recently Pure, The Man Who Drove With His Eyes Closed, and The Message.He also wrote a weekly column for the UKs national Sunday newspaper The Observer for five years, has been a regular on radio and national TV and hosted his own TV show.Barefoot is also a musician, composer, master sound-healer and music producer who developed a new style of healing electronic dance music and pioneered the 'conscious clubbing' movement.He created the Damn Sexy range of healing fragrances and organic Precious Essence and was a pioneer in teaching self-development courses online.Barefoot now travels the world running workshops and retreats, doing talks, holding conscious clubbing nights, writing, making healing music, and teaching the Taoist way through his online courses. He also runs a mental health project at the Pavilion in London to help people diagnosed dangerous psychotic transit from the mental health ward into care in the community.In this new Deep Confidence training, Barefoot merges his lifelong research and experience from almost five decades of practice and three decades of teaching and healing to create the fastest, structured program that anyone troubled by lack of confidence, anxiety, stress or shyness in one-to-one, social or work situations can follow in order to tackle their traumas and ride the adventure of life no matter at what stage of life youre at.What people say about training with Barefoot DoctorI had crippling low self esteem and lacked confidence to make much needed changes in my personal and working life. Doing all the exercises paved the way to freedom and true happiness. I left a duff relationship and job, my life just gets better and better. I no longer suffer from unnecessary stress and anxiety.Amanda UKI worried too much about what other people think. You taught me to be more centered & less concerned with other people's ideas. Thank youJoe, USAI used to be a very, very shy girl and not confident at all scared, nervous most of the times. You have helped me MASSIVELY - I am so much more out there and more confident as person. Before I was like a bird in a cage and now with your help I feel I am a free bird!Maria, UKYou gave me greater belief in myself and my life and destinyCorinne, Spain""I had massive anxiety, addiction, low self worth. In COUNTLESS ways Doc you've been a wonderful teacher.""Julia UKI lost my confidence in decision making. I felt that I could no longer trust my gut instincts, it left me feeling scared, confused and devoid of self confidence. You made me realise my mistakes were just part of my story and I learned to love myself again - for that I am eternally grateful.David, UKYou helped me trust, believe in myself more and feel worthy. I used your affirmations to boost my confidence and secured a job after a couple of weeks. Thank you so much.Niti, UKI had no confidence although others thought I had, I didn't believe in myself - lack of self worth & self love. You taught me how to listen to my inner voice & hear it clearly, to let go of stuck habits & to have a tool kit of techniques to fall back on & to fully trust myself. I cant thank you enough.Gaby - UKI had feelings of inferiority - your teachings have helped me to have more confidence - to love myself.""Liz, ScotlandBeing a life-long sufferer of social anxiety I found Barefoot Doctor very useful in giving me insight into my thought processes and how to change them for the better.Lee - UKYou showed me how to live every moment, how to use my energy for change instead of being so afraid. Thank you from my heartSabine, GermanyI was told by older relatives that 'nice girls' didn't push themselves forward. You helped me realise how to voice my thoughts and feelings confidently.Lois, UKI felt that I simply didn't match up to what others expected of me. You taught me to be confident in the knowledge that I am fine just as I am.Lynn, UKBarefoots work has been immense for me--more than any other teacher or guide. I cannot say enough--and I have worked with a lot. You have opened my eyes, mind, heart and body and my soul says THANK YOU!Tara USABarefoot Doctor's Deep Confidence TrainingTHE failsafe method for developing unshakableself-esteem, self-worth & self-entitlement22 video-based training sessions with exercises to help you learn to hold trust with yourself and your life, through thick and thinEasy and quick to learn, fun to follow, unique and in-depthWatch on any computer or mobile device whenever its convenient for youLifetime access, learn at your own pace and dip in whenever you need it"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Taoist Daily Doodahs" |
"Two Mini-ish trainings. The first one, the Taoist Golden Ball is a sphere of energy, or chi, which when activated will enhance your chi and take you to the next level of power. This mini training shows you how.The second one shows you how to increase your psychic awareness.Doodahs done daily the modern-ancient Taoist way to enhance you, your skills, your state of mind, your health, and your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programming for Beginners: Thinking & Writing Great Programs" |
"Welcome to Programming for Beginners course. This is a course that is designed to teach the basics of computer programming, offering a solid foundation that can be used to learn almost any programming language. If you're brand new to computer programming and/or you are lost in countless books and tutorials, then you had come to the right place. This course is best suited for you!If you know the basics and you want to consolidate them and/or just to have easy access to them, for whatever reason, I suggest to enroll as well. A good knowledge of the foundations can easily correct many problems that may occur in your computer programs, so a little rehearsal does not hurt. This course is valuable not only because it teaches you the basics of two programming languages but, more importantly, because it teaches you how to think correctly about the way you will write a program, way called algorithm. The actual programming is only the tip of the iceberg and a lot of work behind a good program will never be seen. Many programmers know how to write software, but they learned this only by practice, through trial-and error. They have little to no theory to back up their practical knowledge. This leads to a few major disadvantages:They waste a lot of time discovering by themselves what others had discovered before them;They have difficulties in finding out why a piece of program works or does not work (it is also important to know why a program works, not only why it doesn't work); They have trouble explaining in detail what they had done;They cannot adapt to new circumstances. For them, small changes into what a computer program must do can translate to major, mostly unnecessary modifications in the program;Although I don't know you personally, I know that you are better than this!At the end of this course you will be able to do the following things:You will be able to think correctly about how to conceive an algorithm. An algorithm is the base for the future program;You will be able represent an algorithm using logical schemes, these are intuitive and make any algorithm simple to understand;You will be able to write simple programs, using one (or both) of two very used languages: Pascal and C++. Of course, you can use other programming languages if you want.The lectures that will be presented here are logically structured, beginning with the simplest concepts and notions and ending with the most advanced ones. Each concept is built on the previous, making everything much easier to understand.Because theory is worthless without practice, I shall present and explain in detail many examples of simple exercises. You can also solve them on your own, then you can compare them with my version. Who knows? Maybe you will find another (correct) way to solve that particular exercise.If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. I shall answer every question as soon as possible.Feel free to take a free preview of this course to see if it's a good fitfor you. Remember, you have a 30 money back guaranteewith this course so if for any reason you don't like it, you can get your money back. There's no reason not to sign up!Thank you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Construindo uma Poltica de Segurana da Informao (PSI)" |
"Polticas de segurana da informao (PSI) so documentos estratgicos que definem as regras para uso e proteo da informao corporativa, com o intuito de resguardar tanto os princpios bsicos (Confidencialidade, Integridade, Disponibilidade) como seus derivados (e.g. Autenticidade, No-Repdio, Propriedade).Atravs deste treinamento, participantes tero uma viso prtica de como se construir e aplicar polticas de segurana alinhadas aos requisitos da norma ISO 27001, o principal framework internacional de Segurana da Informao,.Aps esse treinamento alunos estaro aptos a:Descrever todos os principais conceitos relacionados a Poltica de Segurana da InformaoConstruir, revisar e aplicar polticas de segurana alinhadas a ISO 27001Explicar - em termos do negcio - os benefcios da adoo de uma Poltica de Segurana da InformaoAdaptar e aplicar efetivamente os modelos gratuitos de Polticas de Segurana da Informao fornecidos como material complementar deste cursoUsar polticas como parte das medidas de segurana administrativas aptas a proteger os dados pessoais de acessos no autorizados e de situaes acidentais ou ilcitas de destruio, perda, alterao, comunicao ou qualquer forma de tratamento inadequado ou ilcito, conforme exigido pelo Art. 46 da LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados Pessoais)"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Overcome Artist's Block & Reclaim Your Creative Power" |
"Creativity is a powerful force within you. It can express, heal, relax, and communicate from the deepest part of your soul. Its always present, but there are a few techniques that you can learn to access it more quickly and easily so that you can stay in the flow and avoid the frustration, stagnation, jealousy and even the depression that comes with artist's blockJoin artist and instructor, Jennifer Laurel Keller, and learn how to unlock the doors that lead to unlimited creative expression.You must be willing to do a little soul searching, journaling, doodling, sketching, and goon some inspiration seeking adventures so that you can remove any barriers that prevent you from creating with authenticity so that you can align with spirit and raise your artistic vibrations. By the end, youll be bursting at the seams with expressive ideas!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build A Website in 1 Hour! Wordpress & Divi Crash Course." |
"BEEMPOWEREDTOBUILDYOUROWNWEBSITE!The power of Wordpress paired with the Divi Theme is unstoppable!In the crash course you will learn and see how to build a beautiful website in under an hour.This course will take you step by step in how to create a website including my techniques on how to setup a Wordpress site in just a few clicks. You will have the tools you need to get your site up and running without the headache of traditional developers or web firms.Along with this course you will get all course updates and additional planned modules."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads Crash Course" |
"Lifetime access includes all future updates, student Q&A and additional resources.If you run a business or are an entrepreneur, you have to take this class! This is the same class Iteach in person and here are what some of my students say:""If you want to greatly improveyour online presence and have a great time learning, take this class. Steve will energize and empower you.""Brian P,MarketingDirector""Steve is absolutely a mastermind with clear, insightful and educational information on how to build your business with Facebook Ads.""Jennifer C,Executive Director""I always come away from (Steves classes) armed with new knowledge and understanding that I can use immediately""Shirona T,Marketing ManagerFacebook ads are the #1 tool to help your business grow. In this Masterclass you will understand thewhole picture and be able tocreate a Facebook Ad that actually converts! Owned media channels, to your website and landing pages,without understanding these assets, your ads are bound to fail, and I will not let that happen!You will learn how to plan, strategize and implement Facebook Ads with ease.You will be walked through how to target your audience and discover how you can create custom audiences for pin point ad targeting.You Will Learn:How ToUse Facebook Ads to Grow Your BusinessHow To Target Your Audience With Pin Point AccuracyHow To Plan and Budget For Your AdsHow Your Website and Other Online Channels Impact Your AdsHow To Determine Your Demographic TargetsHowTo Re-Market To Potential Customers Who Have Not Purchased From youHow To Market to Past Customers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker 101 - 10 Day Hackathon" |
"This course consist of two major parts. First is a 10 Day section to learn how the docker engine works from beginners to advanced. The basics of the docker engine would be covered and explained in detail. Post that we would look at Docker Swarm for orchestration of containers; Docker Compose & Docker Stack for the container flow & for for spinning up entire production environments with one command. We would also look at how to create and run Auto Healing & Auto Scaling environments, we would use some community tools to visualise orchestration and Self Healing on the go. These are community created tools that add exceptional value & bring clarity to the docker learning curve. We would also look at Docker for AWS & Azure and how Json scripts are used by these cloud providers. Everything would be done with hands-on Labs. In the second part I'll explain Industry Use Cases where docker is being used in production and do labs for these also. I would take you through implementation such as 1. Splunk for docker logs (also used in most enterprises).2. Connecting MySQL Workbench to a SQL DB running in a docker containers.3. Using Tracers to visualise the latent between Micro-Services.With the course you can expect the below from me.1. You can reach out to me and I'll respond to your queries asap. 2. I'll keep updating the courses regularly as new features are rolled out by Docker. High % of 5 * REVIEWS Till Date ************************************************************************Leandro Alcantara da RosaContedo bem prtico e didtico. Explica com situaes dirias.Rafi DudekulaFantastic resource for beginners to learn Docker. Extensive use of play with docker website to demonstrate concepts and allow us to experiment with all that we learned. Highly recommended!Product Owner Muqadus Trust me, even an IT novice will understand how Docker works after taking this amazingly well laid-out 10 day Docker course. Big Data, Cloud Computing and Containers are the next big thing in IT and we have Containers covered in this course. Brownie points to the instructor for making it so simple and easy to understand.Software Engineer Siddhartha TothaI really liked the way the tutor explained the things. I feel I've learned good amount of information with this course and I think it's the best place to get started for dockerKhairul Nizam B SI would recommend this course for Beginners and Intermediates; but you must have some Linux and coding experience. The explanation is direct and simple. I've had some Docker experience in a live production environment but my knowledge of it is only minimal. Taking this course has further improved my understanding of Docker. It's also a great refresher course for those with substantial understanding of Docker. There are some typo mistakes in the course but you will get used to it and amend those mistakes when you're doing the hands-on practices. Instructor is also obliging enough to update this course (i.e. additional videos/lessons) to fulfil some of the students' requests in the FAQ. Thumbs up! :)KavinIt's an awesome tutorial to learn docker from basicsAquaExceptionally well made course, I completed more than 50 %, the first time I started doing this. Very nice teaching style & the instructor explains the concepts very well and extremely useful community tools were introduced. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to understand the workings of the Docker engine.David SetliffHe's explanations make perfect sense and he's goes at a good speed for experienced sys adminsSoftware Engineer Siddhartha ThotaI really liked the way the tutor explained the things. I feel I've learned good amount of information with this course and I think it's the best place to get started for dockerJosef Ababat This course is what Im looking for. Nicely explained with an Indian-English accent. The pace is perfect. So far i learned a lot. I like when the instructor reviews the commands from the previous video as a refresher. Good job! So far...SatishReally Helpful for beginners to learn what docker exactly doesBhatWas looking for some material on dockers that is easy to grasp. Did not find anything better than this on Docker and Containers. To the point, Easy to understand and well explained. Thank you.Nitest SrivastavaExcellent Course!!! Very explicitly and diligently explained. Must watch for starters like me. Wonderful job and kudos to the instructor.Sandeep AjjampurExcellent !! Specially for beginning with************************************************************************We would also use graphical tools to understand how orchestration works for containers and how the system self heals. We would create nginx web servers, wordpress websites, three tier architecture based websites etc & also learn how Docker for Azure & AWS works. This course deals entirely with the docker engine and the commands that are used for getting things done using docker. Throughout the course we focus on enhancing the knowledge of the prospective student on docker."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"30 Minute Meetings: Hold Faster Meetings & Boost Efficiency!" |
"The format of the business meeting has remained largely unchanged for decades. It has failed to adapt to changes in technology, networking, and the way that companies operate in the 21st century. The 30 Minute Meeting System (30MM for short) throws out the rulebook on what a meeting has to be, and instead teaches you a whole new mindset to approach meetings within your organization.Hold fewer weekly meetings, and get more productivity and benefit out of the meetings that you do hold by using the simple, three-step process outlined in the 30 Minute Meeting (30MM) System!Learn why meetings today occupy so much of our timeAdd valuable time back into your workdayRecognize symptoms of a run-on meeting and adapt on the flyIncrease your team's productivity within the context of meetingsIn this course, you'll learn and master a holistic system to hold any meeting, with any audience, on any topic, in 30 minutes or less!COURSE OVERVIEWIn this 35 minute course, consisting of 6 academic lectures and one bonus resource lecture, I'll unpack the current state of the business meeting model, and why it doesn't work in our modern fast-paced digital society. I'll show you how to use 30MM to increase productivity in your meetings, and hold fewer of them. These are the tools that I use in my professional life every day, and they have worked for me. They will work for you, as well! This course teaches a radical form of preparation that will fundamentally alter your view of meetings, and add valuable time back into your workday each time it's implemented. Throughout the course, I'll show you, through varied media including lectures, example documents, and case studies, the benefits and methodology of 30MM. At the end of the course, there's a short quiz to test your understanding of the material. After successfully completing all the modules, you'll be prepared to start holding your own 30MM-style meetings right away!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Millennial Marketing: Increase Your Millennial Consumer Base" |
"The Millennial Generation is the fastest growing segment of the consumer sector today. As we enter adulthood, we are making the big purchases that go along with it: Cars, houses, stock options, as well as all the little day-to-day consumer decisions that we've always made.This course will teach you how to effectively market to us! It will also help explain some of the modern myths surrounding the Millennial generation and what they (we) really want in a producer-consumer relationship. In this course, you will learn:- How Marketing Theory has changed with the rise of the digital age- How your Millennial consumers differ from consumers of other generational cohorts (and also how we're the same)- How to drive targeted marketing toward Millennial consumers and, most importantly--- Why Millennial consumers ARE THE ONES YOU WANT to have buying your products!!Come along as we explore the world of marketing, Millennials, and money! In this course, I'll give you practical, easy to follow steps to increase your products' market share with the rising generation of major consumers. I'll give you the secrets to success in Marketing to Millennials, and (most importantly) I'll explain why marketing specifically to my generation is a MUST for a successful business! You can't afford to let this course go by! Sign up today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lead Through Change: the Chaotic Leadership Model" |
"If you're tired of doubting yourself, or not knowing what to do, you need this course!!Entrepreneurs and startup founders are a powerful group. They are also the group of working professionals most likely to live in a perpetual state of chaos and uncertainty. We all deal with periods of uncertainty and self-doubt. We all go through times of chaos. Whether you're an entrepreneur or not, this class will give you some tools you need to break through normal doubt and uncertainty, and keep moving forward toward your goals! In this class I'll show you step by step how to defeat uncertainty at work, and keep your business on the path to success.This class is for anyonewho has ever felt like things were spinning out of control. It will change how you handle chaos and uncertainty forever!Stop letting circumstances control you and control them!Stop the cycle of reactivity and start directing your own path!Take charge of your situation and yourself, and lead confidently!Inspire others and make a positive impact, even in the midst of chaos!In this comprehensive course, I give you the seven secrets (expressed by the acronym CHAOTIC) to achieving victory over uncertainty and self-doubt. I will give you the secrets to overcoming chaos and creating success for yourself. These principles are the most powerful tools you can have to become a more confident, capable person. Once you've completed the course, you'll know how to create more success, and overcome the uncertainty and chaos that swirls around you.NEW UPDATE: 17 AUGUST 2017 -- Students who complete this course will now receive access to the exclusive CONFIDENT LEADERSHIP Facebook Group!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Made Easy: Learn Photoshop in 4 hrs" |
"Ever feel that Photoshop istoo complicated to use? Give me 4 hours of your time and you'llnever look at Photoshop the same way again!This course is specially designedfor students with little to no prior experience in Photoshop.Learn all the Photoshop CC essentials from scratch, and integrate Photoshopinto your daily life!Use Photoshop to edit your everyday photographs, beautify yourself, create design works such as posters and logos,and share them with your friends on social media -Instagram andFacebook etc!Photoshop is a GIGANTICsoftware. This course focuses on toolsthat you arelikely EVERgoing to use in your daily life! Do not waste time on lengthy coursesthatcompromised on common everyday tools, andteach you stuff whichyou are never going to use!What This Course Entails:The first 9 Sections consist of lectures to teach you all the Photoshop Essentials.The last Section is a 1 hour long Case Study Section whereby I willshow you examples of how people combinedifferentknowledge of Photoshop to achieve their goals. You will have a good idea of allthe Photoshop essentialsand capable of using this software on your own.You can be:Either using a Windows or Mac OS. Care will be taken to highlight the platform differences.Either using Adobe Photoshop CS6 or PhotoshopCC 2017. Iwill point out the differences between the user interface throughout the course.Of all ages, from all walks of life. As long as youhave an interest in learning Photoshop essentials, this course is for you!Either a total beginner who have not touch Photoshop before, or just started using this piece of software. This course assumes you have no prior knowledge!WhatMakes This Course DIFFERENTfrom other courses:This Course is designed to teach you Photoshopin a succinct manner, and last ONLY4 hours!Even though the Course lastsonly 4 hours, it teaches you all the PhotoshopESSENTIALSin a totally BEGINNERFRIENDLY way. This is possible by carefullycraftingthe course content, and not bombardyou with unnecessary topics and words.A short Course gets you started right away without boring you through lengthy lectures!Updated for CC2017 version!Who this Course is NOTfor:This Course does not teach you 3D, as well as animating in Photoshop.If you have been using Photoshop for years, and looking to learn more advanced topic, this course might not be for you as it is designed for beginners who wish to start and understand more about Photoshop.-------- TAKE THIS COURSE &INTEGRATE PHOTOSHOP INTO YOUR DAILY LIFE!--------Become a Photoshop Mastercapable of manipulating and beautifying images in just 4 hours!Music used in this course: Carefree Kevin MacLeod (incompetech) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 LicenseUpdate:As of 26 June 2017, English Subtitles are available for ALL videos in this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition for natural beauty from the inside out." |
"Too often, people are confused about what to eat, and when that happens, we end up eating foods that stress the body instead of fuelling it. This course you will learn the physical and emotional tools you need to make life-long changes. Even though learning about a healthy diet doesnt have to be difficult, support and education is essential, so by the end you will have a clear understanding what is healthy, what you should eat and why shifting your mindset to a positive one, will have a profound effect on your overall health, weight,wellbeing and beauty.Having created this course based on my studies, background and my own experience, I know what works and what does not work. My holisticapproach decreases inflammation and allows you to uncover hidden food allergies or sensitivities by using an elimination diet. As well as feel more balanced overall. This is not a quick fix diet, but a transformative lifestyle solution to make you feel great, look great and lose weight for good."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |