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"Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 1.0" |
"NOTE: This is independent from my other course, Hands-on Pentration Labs 1.0 - they both have original content and you're not required to buy one or the other by itself.Looking for Powerpoint slides and lectures that will put you to sleep? Keep moving, because this course is not for you.This course consists of 100% hands-on technical labs, utilizing industry standard open source technology to hack a variety of intentionally vulnerable operating systems. All of the resources to build the labs are free. Detailed instructions on how to set up the labs are included within this course (VMware Player, Kali Linux, Kioptrix, etc.). Moreover, I've set up a Google drive for you to conveniently download all vulnerable VMs. To make the most out of this course, it is recommended that you actually perform the activities within the labs rather than just watch the videos.The main points that will be covered in this course is enumeration, remote exploitation, buffer overflows, and privilege escalation. These labs will show you how to interpret results from tools such as Nmap, Dirb, and enum4linux, and use them effectively to compromise vulnerable systems. Please note that these labs contain spoilers, and it is a good idea to attempt to compromise the vulnerable systems on your own prior to getting the answers from the walk through that's provided."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"HypnoSale - NLP and Hypnosis in Sales" |
"This course is about your success in SALES by using techniques and strategies from NLP and HYPNOSIS. You will learn basic methods as well as sneaky, nifty tricks for experts. The 25 mental HACKS herein will increase your skills and, even more important, your sales.This course is very practical and will not bore you with to many theoretical details. It is more straight forward and focused on your practical use. That means you don't have to be a hypnotist with years of education an practical experience. Really ANY person in sales will take benefits out of this program and the 25 MENTAL HACKS from NLP and HYPNOSIS for your SUCCESS in SALES."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Cold Reading" |
"Cold Reading. Dieser Begriff bezeichnet die Kunst, scheinbar genaue Aussagen ber einen Menschen zu treffen, obwohl man keinerlei Informationen ber diesen hat. Die Fhigkeit also, den Gesprchspartner ""kalt zu lesen"" Cold Reading. Show-Mentalisten, Astrologen, Handleser, Hellseher und dergleichen mehr bauen auf dieses Set aus Sprachmustern und psychologischen wie linguistischen Tricks auf.Mit dem Wissen aus diesem Kurs wirst Du in der Lage sein, schlecht gemachte Pauschal-Horoskope zu erkennen oder selbst mit einer kleinen ""Showeinlage"" Deine Gesprchspartner zu begeistern. Es wird Dir niemand mehr ein X fr ein U vormachen knnen und Du weit in Zukunft, wie der Jahrmarkt-Gaukler aus Deiner Handflche solch zutreffende Aussagen ""lesen"" konnte. Du wirst dazu in der Lage sein, auf Partys andere Gste mit einer hellseherischen Darbietung zu unterhalten und grade im Dating-Kontext verleiht Dir dieses Wissen ein Werkzeug, um schnell und sicher das Eis zu brechen, sowie eine verblffende Aura der Mystik und des Abenteuers.In diesem Kurs wirst Du selber das ""Gedankenlesen"", ""Hellsehen"" und ""Vorhersagen der Zukunft"" lernen."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Paid Marketing Fundamentals: Strategies for Success" |
"Digital Marketing, especially Paid Marketing, can get pretty confusing. One day Facebook Advertising is the holy grail, the next Instagram Advertising, and the other Youtube; but every time you try to put any of these channels in action you get disappointing results.In this class, we will break down each paid digital marketing solutions available out there so you can better forecast your outcome, and start seeing tangible results next time you launch a campaign.We will review the potential and limitations of each channel.We will discuss how you can identify opportunitiesWe will review how you can set goals and budget - to help you create a customized strategy which will fit your business needs.The goal of this class - is to provide you with a toolkit so you can put in place realistic budgets - schedules and objectives when setting up your next marketing campaign.By the end of the class - you will have all the information you need to set-up a comprehensive paid marketing campaign"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sqoop and Flume" |
"this is detailed course upon Data Ingestion in Hadoop. very first Step towards analyzing Big Data. Learn How you can use Hadoop's file system commands to move Data in or out of HDFS. then we will Move ahead and see How can we transfer structured Data in and out of HDFS and RDBMS, we will see Many use cases, and I will be giving you live demo of each and every step. then we will take one more step and see How we can ingest log Datas using apache flume, we will then configure and make a data ingestion pipeline which will fetch data from social network website like twitter and ingest it to HDFS.during the course I will be doing coding in front of you and will be explaining everything simultaneously so things will become more are not required to know about Hadoop for joining the course, as this course is made with the assumption that students doesn't have a prior knowledge of Hadoop.a very little introduction to sql commands is good, but again its not a requirement, as I will be giving you the commands as and when needed when we will be seeing module dedicated to sqoop. Nothing more than the create table and select * from table is required for this course if sql is your concern.Java is not required as there will not be any Java or any other programming language's coding in this course"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Apache Pig: Sentiment analysis Using Apache Pig" |
"A course about Apache Pig, a Data analysis tool in Hadoop. we will start with concept of Hadoop , its components, HDFS and MapReduce. HDFS design and Map and Reduce Phase of analysis.then we will Look into apache Pig, what it is where we can use apache Pig and where we can not use it. we will look at teh basics of Pig and gradually proceed to more advance topics. we will also look in to apache flume , a tool to collect Log data and injest them into HDFS or any other sink. we will see its configurations in detail and will write our own configuration file to fetch data from twitter to HDFS.we will also be seeing pig UDFs and will Use them for our project.finally we will be analyzing tweets for the sentiments using apache PIg"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"OpenUI5 from the beginning to the complex app" |
"Using technologies: openUI5, javascript, html5, ajax, REST, cordova, mvn.During this cource we will get knowledge about:OpenUI5 framework?Useful tools for development with openUI5Project structureCreate and build mvn project based on openUI5Attach custom styles file to the projectPerform REST calls in background using ajax and core openui5 functions;Convert project to android application;"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Sleep - Rest and Restore" |
"Getting a good nights sleep is vital for our health and wellbeing. Just one bad nights sleep can affect our mood, concentration and alertness and longer term sleep deprivation is linked to a number of serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression and other chronic diseases. Research by The Sleep Council UK revealed that the majority of Britons (70%) now sleep for seven hours or less per night and more than a quarter (27%) experience poor quality sleep on a regular basis. An increasing number are now getting by on just five-six hours per night and nearly half of us lose sleep as a result of worry and stress. This problem is a global issue with the USA stating that insufficient sleep is a public health problem. It is estimated 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorder. Sleep insufficiency may be caused by societal factors such as round-the-clock access to technology and work schedules. Sleep insufficiency is linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters, and medical and other occupational errors. Are you feeling tired, exhausted and stressed? Yoga Sleep could help give you the good nights sleep that you are craving. Yoga and Yoga Sleep, through the use of gentle exercise, breathing techniques and relaxation, can help promote regular restful sleep patterns. The programme includes: Tips for Getting Started E-BookReplenishing Yoga Asana Video to prepare for your Yoga Sleep meditation Yoga Sleep meditation (Sacred Mountain) (Video and MP3 download) What is Yoga Sleep E-book Bonus Yoga Sleep Meditation (MP3 format)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Eletrnica Nvel A-I" |
"ELETRNICA NVEL A-IABORDA:TENSOCORRENTERESISTNCIAPOTNCIAUNIDADESASSOCIAO DE PILHAS E BATERIASTENSO CONTNUA E ALTERNADAOcurso Nvel A-I a porta de entrada para quem quer aprender eletricidade e eletrnica. Com uma abordagem simples, ele solidifica a base necessria para que o aluno, posteriormente, se aprofunde nos estudos."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Eletrnica Nvel A-II" |
"ELETRNICA NVEL A- II ABORDA:RESISTORESMTODO DAS PROPORESCAPACITORESINDUTORESSEMICONDUTORESOcurso Nvel A-II para aqueles e aquelas que j possuem um conhecimento sobre eletricidade ou eletrnica bsica. O curso aborda os conceitos e o uso dos componentes eletrnicos passivos, dando uma excelente base para que os alunos e alunasprogridam mais e conheam de perto os principais componentes eletrnicos, abordando tambm os conceitos iniciais sobre ossemicondutores."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Eletrnica Nvel A-III" |
"ELETRNICA NVEL A- III ABORDA:DIODOSLEDSTRANSSTORESLEI DE OHMLEIS DE KIRCHHOFFESTIMULANDO A CURIOSIDADENesse curso, h uma abordagem dos componentes ativos, incluindo a aprendizagem de clculos de circuitos. Complementando as abordagens dos cursos A-I e A-II, aqui, a aprendizagem avana por guas mais profundas, trazendo no somente o conhecimento terico, mas tambm, de forma prtica."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Eletrnica Nvel B-I" |
"ELETRNICA NVEL B-I ABORDA:TEOREMA DE THVENINTEOREMA DE NORTONPOLARIZAO DE BASE DO TRANSSTORTRANSSTOR COMO CHAVEPOLARIZAO DE EMISSORPOLARIZAO POR DIVISOR DE TENSOOpresente curso tem como objetivo ensinar os clculos necessrios ao desenvolvimento de circuitos eltricos e eletrnicos de maneira fcil e intuitiva, ao mesmo tempo, abordando de forma aprofundada o que for necessrio para que se alcance o conhecimento necessrio ao entendimento da matria."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Simular Circuitos Eletrnicos" |
"OCurso de Circuit Wizard temos seguintes tpicos:Conceito deSimuladores de Circuitos EletrnicosMenu Principal do ProgramaMenus Standard, Style e ToolboxMenu Gallery Inserindo ComponentesTest EquipmentVirtual InstrumentsSample CircuitsCriao de CircuitosAo concluir o curso, voc ter condies de elaborar seus circuitos atravs do simulador de circuitos ""Circuit Wizard"". Saber inserir componentes, rotacionar, inserir instrumentos de medio, alm de analisar corretamente os parmetros apresentados no circuito, quer seja tenso, corrente e resistncia."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Fcil" |
"Curso de Ingls Rpido para quem tem pressa!O curso foi criado com base no material criado por mim e utilizado minha empresa local na cidade de Natal-RN no Brasil. O objetivo desse curso bem claro: Ingls Rpido para Negcios, Viagens e Estudos no exterior. Vamos ao que interessa, o que voc vai aprender comigo nessas 40 aulas de Ingls?Primeiramente vamos ao bsico do Ingls:Gramaticalmente falando voc vai aprender a dominar o Presente Simples e o Presente Contnuo nas primeiras 20 aulas. Seu vocabulrio vai expandir para mais de 300 palavras, conseguir formar frases, perguntas, negaes e afirmaes no Presente Simples.Aps isso, vamos expandir mais o seu conhecimento:Voc vai da aula 21 at a 30 praticar uma das coisas que deixa todo aluno em um novo mundo para ser explorado, o Passado Simples! Sim, voce j vai poder se expressar sobre o seu passado, contar o que aconteceu dias atrs, seus hbitos e etc. Seu vocabulrio automaticamente ir dobrar e sua capacidade de se expressar tambm, agora voc estar falando o que faz, o que fez e o que est fazendo. Como finalizao do curso, as ltimas aulas tratam de polir tudo e trazer o aprendizado que todo aluno precisa:Estou falando do Presente Perfeito, ou seja, resumidamente voc estar falando o que acabou de acontecer no passado! Em nossa lngua nativa parece simples, mas no Ingls o erro pode custar um grande desentendimento por isso planejei esse mdulo com bastante cuidado. Alguns cursos mais tradicionais querem dar a cereja do bolo s depois de 03 anos de curso. Aqui voc j consegue compreender o sentido e o significado com explicaes e exerccios bastante fceis de assimilao. Seu vocabulrio ser mais uma vez expandido um nvel bastante complexo, note que agora voc domina os tempos verbais portanto consegue conversar com qualquer pessoa claramente sobre o que acontece em sua volta, sobre qualquer assunto que te interesse. Nota: Em todo o processo de aprendizado a escrita sempre vai ser trabalhada desde a primeira lio at a ltima, sim no tem como fugir de algo que extremamente necessrio para o seu aprendizado.Claro que para todo o programa ser conseguido seu sucesso mximo voc deve todo custo, sempre realizar as atividades propostas sem falta.Apenas seguindo as instrues dadas durante o meu curso voc ter sucesso em todas as etapas de aprendizado. Bem, espero que aprecie a aula que eu tenho de cortesia e te vejo do outro lado, o lado bilngue! "
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Business English" |
"You need strong language and communication skills to succeed in the English-speaking workplace. This course is your chance to build those skills and start on your path to success.In this Business English course, you will find video lessons, quizzes, exercises, and resources to help you work in an English-speaking company or use English in your current job. These lessons are for engineers, accountants, teachers, nurses, or any professions that require English language skills.You will learn language functions for work, helping you give advice, share your opinion, ask for help, give instructions, and much more. You will also consider how cultural differences affect workplace communication.You also need the language skills to help your professional speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Video lessons look at key grammar and vocabulary while giving you quizzes and exercises to practice. By developing these language skills, you will be able to better communicate in English in a professional way. Strong English language skills are crucial to communicate effectively at work. This course is your chance to build those skills today. Get started developing your business English, and tear down those barriers to professional success!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"English Communication Skills for Engineers" |
"This course helps you build the technical English and business communication skills you need to succeed as an engineer.The lessons and quizzes in this course help you communicate effectively with co/workers, clients, or suppliers.Start with the technical language you need. You will build the vocabulary and grammar that are common for engineers, giving you the ability to talk about all the parts of your job.You will also develop the business communication skills required for anyone in the global economy. This includes topics likedelivering presentations, writing emails, or speaking in meetings. This gives you the ability to communicate across departments with a strong ability in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.You will also work on the common English functions for engineers, such asgiving instructions or explaining a process. You will beprepared next time you need to complete a task in English.More than just language, you will develop strategies for polite communication. Learn how to work with others, including working in teams or managing conflict. It is especially important for engineers to learn to communicate with non-technical employees, which you will learn in this course.Overall, this course gives you the language skills and strategies you need for professional success as an engineer. When you are done you will be more confident and more prepared to handle the challenges you face in the workplace."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"English Writing Skills" |
"Writing in English is difficult, especially if you are still learning the language. Yet, we now write more than ever, whether at work, school, or in life. This course will help you improve your writing by giving you video lessons, downloadable resources, quizzes, and assignments.This English writing course will help you improve in all the forms of writing. Do you use English at work? You can improve your emails, reports, and written communication. Are you using English at school? Better writing can help with essays and other assignments. You can improve in any type of English writing with this course.Each section reviews language and writing rules, including grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and structure. You will also see strategies and tips to write more clearly. You can practice all these rules and strategies with the exercises and assignments.Students in this course are now better writers, and you can be too! Here are reviews from happy students:""The course is quite helpful for me. It is well-organized and easy to follow.""""This course is a well-detailed and an overall good course.""""That was an excellent course, very helpful for me to utilize in writing.""I invite you to watch the preview videos so you can get an idea of how this course can help you. I believe the 25+ video lessons cover all the key skills you need to improve your writing. When you combine them with the hundreds of quiz questions and the practice exercises, you have everything you need to become a great writer. With Udemy's money-back guarantee, you have have nothing to lose. But you have everything to gain. This is your chance to take your writing to the next level."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Networking with GameMaker Studio" |
"As there are no specified or created functions for GameMaker Studio that supports HTML5 networking, you would have to create your own extension and create your own server.In this course I walk through all the steps to build a multiplayer HTML5 game in GameMaker: StudioUsing this knowledge will allow you not only make HTML5 games, but make a variety of applications that differ from games.Having the power to makemultiplayer games in the browser will open up a bridge of opportunities.Make great games, be a great developer, and have a great time!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Suspendee Networking with GameMaker Studio" |
"Learn to make multiplayerGameMaker Studio gamesthe easy way!In this course we use Python to write our server for our GameMaker Studio game using the Suspendee Studio Networking Engine.GameMaker Studio users that have worked with networkingknow that it is incredibly difficult to run GameMaker Studio written servers on a Virtual Private Server. Since we write the server in Python, you can easily run and test your server, and use it professionally.If you wanted to store scores in your own server database, produce co-op GameMaker games, or, MMO GameMakergames;you can now do it with ease with our networking engine. This engine is for large projects, since running Python servers is not only easy, but allows you to use Python's modules with the server.The Suspendee Studios Networking Engine is an engine written in Python that allows you to easily write Python servers for GameMaker Studio games.Take this course to learn to make multiplayer GameMaker Studio games with theSuspendee Studios Networking Engine!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Complete GameMaker Studio 2 Multiplayer Course" |
"Want to learn to make multiplayer games inGameMaker Studio 2 the easy way?In this course I'll teach you how to use GameMaker Studio 2's native networking, and, how to use the regular networking engine and theHTML5 NetworkingEngine we built at Suspendee Studios.The Suspendee Networking Engine allows you to write your servers in Python 3forGameMakerStudio 2 games.Using the powerful SuspendeeStudios NetworkingEngine, you can make any kind of multiplayer game! With the Suspendee Studios Networking Engine you can build MMOs, create scoreboards, and, multiplayer mobile games.In this course I will teach you how all the functions work and how to use them to make high quality multiplayer games.Build a chat app and a platformer using the Suspendee StudiosNetworking Engine.GameMaker Studio 2 is the new version of GameMaker Studio that has many new features, this course is designed for GameMaker Studio 2 users who want to implement the Suspendee Studios Networking Engine into their game.You must have intermediate knowledge inPython 3 andGameMaker Studio 2 to take this course.Looking to learn how to make a multiplayer game with the Suspendee Studios Networking Engine? Enroll today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Make Your First Multiplayer Game With GameMaker Studio" |
"This course is for those who want help producing their first multiplayer game for GameMaker Studio users. Students will produce a game called ""Paddleball With Your Friends"" where two players play against each other in scoring goals.GameMaker Studio is a popular game engine for making 2D games. The engine is capable of making multiplayer games. Many amazing games have been made withGameMaker Studio, which, is why it's the engine we use in this course.Making multiplayer games are difficult, but, we guide you through on how to make a simple game with the assistance of theSuspendee Studio Networking Engine. This course is not for learning the basic networking functions for GameMaker Studio, but to help get you on track for making multiplayer games."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"GameMaker Studio 2 - The Complete Guide" |
"Learn GameMakerStudio 2Inthis course we cover how the game engine works and how to produce certain games. We want to help anyone wanting to get into game development so they can produce the game of their dreams.Become A Game Developer And LearnTo CodeWe will build example games so you can understand how to use the engine and the functions provided.Examples are very important as we believe to truly become a game developer, you must know how to solve problems and not just have the tools to do so.You will truly understand at the end of this course how to solve problems that others will not have the answers to.To control your player and enemies in yourgame, you need to learn to code. Coding is not difficult at all; in fact,it's easier than it looks.You will know what if statements, while loops, for loops, and what variables are. Once you learn all of these skills you can impress your friends and start creating games!The programming language you will learn is GML; which, is similar to many other popular programming languages you may want to learn in the future.BenefitsThe knowledge from learning to work withGameMaker Studio 2will enable you to learn and understand other programming languages such as Java and C# with ease.Less work is needed in transitioning to other engines and languages when you understand how to work with basic computer logic and math."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Become A Game Maker With GameMaker Studio 2" |
"Learn To Make GameMaker Studio 2 games in this course by building a game with commonly used mechanics.We will be covering how to code inGML, and how to use that code to build your game.This entire course uses the game we are building as a way for you to learn how to implement certain tools GameMaker Studio 2 gives you.You'll learn how to use -The Create and Step EventAlarms (Timers)CollisionFunctionsTile-mapsRoom FunctionsView FunctionsThe built in image variablesThe location variables for both the object and mouseCreation codeObjectsSprites (and it's new animation system)If you don't know how to program this course is for you, you are walked through on how to solve certain problems and implement certain mechanics.The boss fight we produce in the end uses everything we learned in the course.So what are you waiting for? Enroll in this course andbecome a game maker withGameMakerStudio 2!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The HTML And CSS Bootcamp" |
"If you've ever wanted to know how to make webpages this course is for you.You will learn how to use HTML to structure your page.Along with structuring your page, you will learn CSS so you can color the text on your page, position it, and animate it.At the end of this course, you will be able to produce webpages for your front-end."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Godot Game Engine - The Complete Course" |
"Welcome to the GodotGame Engine course!Godot is a free open-source game engine that is gaining traction due to it's multi-platform capability and ability to make both 2D and 3D games.In this course, you will learn Godot'sscripting language GDScript and learn all the basic features so you can start making games.Whether you want to make games or learn to code, you will learn both in this course.The Godot game engine is gaining traction with more and more people deciding to use a free game engine, it's necessary to understand it well so you can make great games."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Game Developer Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to The Game DeveloperBootcamp.If you're looking to be not just a gamer, but a game maker, you've came to the right course!Learn To WorkWithGodot GameEngine 3 - 2D and 3D engineGameMakerStudio 2GDScriptGMLC# (Coming InThe Future)Python 3Building a game doesn't have to be difficult, in TheGameDeveloperBootcamp we will teach you everything. If you know absolutely nothing about programming and about game development, this is the course for you. We welcome all skill levels to our course!The course will start out by teaching you how to code inPython 3, with your first program where you print Hello World. You will receive the most valuable information in the course, by learning to network by writing a server and client that can communicate with each other. We learn Python as it is nearly identical to GDScript, which has only slight differences. You will then use your Python skills in Godot Game Engine 3. We will go into detail on the node system, which, is a challenging, but an incredibly rewarding object system. Then, we will be building a platformer demo, where will build a player, and AI.COMINGINTHEFUTUREWe will be building a 3D physics demo which will teach you how to use the 3D functions in Godot. C# will also be taught in the course, using the Mono Version of Godot. You will also get a glimpse of VR in Godot.Finally we will go into GameMakerStudio 2, we will go over the features of GameMaker Studio 2, with your already obtained knowledge ofGodot, going through GameMaker Studio 2 will be easier. We will be building a multiplayer platformer, making a GameMaker Studio 2 client, and a Python server from scratch to communicate.Art assets, and quizzes will be available in the course! Check out the curriculum for more details!Skills FromThisCourse Can Be Used ForBuilding your own gameCollaborative projects or jobs to program for other peopleLearning other game enginesLearning other programming languagesUnderstanding how games workWriting software (you don't have to just make games with the knowledge in this course!)Build 4 Demos InThe Course : Develop GamesPlatformer - Learn to use the collision and physics engine(COMINGINTHEFUTURE) Space Shooter - Learn the art of instancing, an important asset to object-oriented programming (COMINGINTHEFUTURE) 3DDemo - We will be learning to use the 3D features inGodot Game Engine, swapping between a first-person and third-person perspective and using the 3D physics engine.Multiplayer Platformer -We will build a platformer in GameMaker Studio 2, which, finally our Python knowledge will be put to full use by upgrading it to multiplayer. We will be making a GameMaker Studio 2 client and a Python server.Ask questions, chat with our other students across all of our courses, through our Discord server!If you have a Discord account, you can join our discord server to ask questions, request for us to add new things to the course, get one-on-one support from us and other students.When you finish the course, you will come out as a true game developer, knowing how to use two of the best game engines to date!Get the lifetime access to the course today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Make An RPG With GameMaker Studio 2" |
"Welcome to Make AnRPGWithGameMaker Studio 2.In this course we will build an RPG consisting of commonly used features from other games.We will create a player, that will be able to run around and attack enemies. Later on we will builda smart enemy that follows around your player that will be later on enhanced as the boss in the game.GameMaker Studio 2 is a great engine for building 2DRPG games;since, it gives you the tools to not only produce a decent game, but also makes it easier for you to understand your own and other people's work.We will also build a world that you can explore, in the course, I leave it up to you to make the world as detailed as you want, but we will go over how to use tilemaps to build the world.This course is for intermediate GameMakerStudio 2 users. if you already have knowledge in GameMakerLanguage and know how the game engine works, this course is for you.We will use many of the features that GameMakerStudio 2 has to offer!If you are forgetful, we will recap most of the important things in GameMaker Studio 2 for an hour in the beginning.After taking this course, you should know how to implement these features into your game.Tilesets for the world of your gameFinite State Machines(enumerators)A fully functional playerAn enemyA controller object that stores data across all roomsOpen chests and have your players hold up the item for a couple of secondsUnlimited alarmsYou'll receive the GameMaker Studio 2project file for the game at the end of the course.Feel free to check out the previews below to get an idea of what the course is like!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete GML GameMaker Developer 2D: Learn To Make Games" |
"Welcome to the Complete GML GameMakerDeveloper 2D course!At the end of this course, you will know how to both code and make games inGameMaker Studio 2!We will be going over the absolute basics of GameMaker Studio 2 and the absolute basics of GML(the programming language for GameMakerStudio 2).Anyone can take this course, whether you're an absolute beginner that has never touched a programming language, or a person who has made some small projects inGameMaker Studio 2, but, still has much more to learn.Here's What We'll Be CoveringThe AbsoluteBasics Of GameMaker Studio 2TheAbsolute Basics Of GMLMakingA CalculatorMaking APlatformerMaking ASpace ShooterThe course will help you create three demos from scratch, a calculator, a platformer, and space shooter.CalculatorGameMaker isn't just for making games, you can build software from it too!Learn to create buttons you can hover over, and, build a useful application where you will learn to work with basic arithmetic in programming. PlatformerIn the platformer, we will make a player that can jump, move left and right, from scratch. You will learn to use the room editor and tile-maps to produce levels for your game.Next, we will make an enemy that will walk towards the player, the enemy can jump over walls and gaps.Space ShooterWe will produce a spaceship that can shoot, which can be controlled by the player.You will be utilizing the power of randomization, where, you will use the random functions to create the game unique for every time you play the game. Meteors will spawn in random places that you either destroy or dodge.The player must shoot meteors, and, then defeat the boss.In the end, we will program a boss, where the player must fight the boss, and, dodge the attacks of the boss.Your Journey Starts Now!If you want to learn to make games in GameMaker Studio 2, this course is for you! We will start out easy, and progress towards finally making an awesome game you can be proud of!Enroll Now To Get Started On Your Journey To Learn GameMaker Studio 2!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete GameMaker Studio 2 Course 2019: Learn GML" |
"Welcome to The Complete GameMaker Studio 2 Course 2019 in this course you will learn how to make 2D games in GameMaker Studio 2!You will be learning how to code, how to use GameMaker Studio 2, and, how to make games, by building a top-down adventure game!We will be learning GameMaker Studio 2, by building one large game, feature by feature. If you don't know how to code, we will go into how to program your game using GameMaker's programming language GML, from scratch.The course is designed to take you on a journey to build a ninja adventure game, where you will learn how to use features of GameMaker Studio 2 to build the game. For the game, we will program a ninja that can run around and throw shurikens, and enemies that will follow and attack the player. We will code all of this from scratch, if you don't know how to code, there's no need to worry, as the course is designed to teach you to code too.Here are a few examples of features we will be covering in this course:Random number generation, use randomization in your games to create unique experiences.Use GML to program enemies that follow the playerRoom PersistenceGUI, show your health on screen as your player moves.Work with tilesets, to make your levelsAt the end of this course, you will have built a ninja adventure game, where you can fight enemies, and defeat a boss. With this, you will have learned how to program and make games in GameMaker Studio 2."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
JavaScriptWEB |
"351JavaScript1.2.JavaScript3.()31JavaScriptWEBJavaScriptPepperWEBLancersPepperWEBWebWeb0WebJavaScriptPCWebHTMLCSSHTML,CSS,JavaScriptWebWEBHTML,CSS,JavaScript9600JavaScriptWEBJavaScript19800HTML,CSS,JS 79WebHTML,CSS,JavaScriptWebWEBJavaScriptWEB224000"
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
HTML,CSS,JavaScriptWebWEB |
"351Web(HTML,CSS,JavaScript)1.2.HTML, CSS,JavaScript3.()31HTML, CSS, JavaScriptWEBHTML, CSS, JavaScriptPepperWEBLancersPepperWEBWebWeb0WebHTML, CSS,JavaScriptWeb(HTML, CSS,JavaScript)Web()FaceBookTwitterPCWebWebHTML,CSS,JavaScriptWebWEBHTML,CSS,JavaScript 9600JavaScriptWEBJavaScript 19800HTML,CSS,JS 79Web HTML,CSS,JavaScriptWebWEB JavaScriptWEB 2 24000"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |