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"Desenvolvedor Qlikview do Zero" |
"Nesse curso vamos ver dois projetos Qlikview.No primeiro projeto veremos o bsico da ferramenta. Desde conceitos de Business Intelligence e levantamento do projeto, passaremos pela extrao de dados, transformao e criao de painis e anlises para seu cliente.No segundo projeto, veremos alguns conceitos mais avanados de Script, transformao e criao de painis.Tudo para voc se tornar um desenvolvedor e designer Qlikview.Claro, no adianta aprender se no souber as boas prticas, ento o curso baseado totalmente em boas prticas de desenvolvimento e design."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Qlikview Set Analysis do Zero" |
"Saber Qlikview e no saber Set Analysis como saber dirigir sem saber trocar de marcha.Aprenda Set Analysis nesse curso direto ao ponto, sem firulas, desde o mais bsico at recursos avanados da ferramenta no Qlikview.Set Analysis o que separa desenvolvedores amadores de profissionais nesse mercado!Aumente sua caixa de ferramentas Qlikview com esse curso!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Minicurso Qlikview do Zero - Introduo ao Qlik!" |
"Esse minicurso tem como objetivo introduzir alguns conceitos da ferramenta Qlikview e de projetos Qlikview.ATENO: Esse curso no um curso completo, apenas para quem tem dvidas sobre o que Qlikview, como comear com o Qlikview e para quem quer uma introduo aos grficos.Aprenda a extrair dados de Excel, de bancos de dados e a tratar os scripts do Qlikview. Aprenda os tipos de arquivos do Qlikview (QVW e QVD)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Minicurso Qlik Sense do Zero - Bsico" |
"Aprenda o bsico do Sense e d seus primeiros passos com o Qliksense nos seus projetos hoje mesmo!Vamos comear baixando o Sense, criando nossa conta com a Qlik e extraindo dados, criando visualizaes e contando histrias.Descubra como o Sense pode mudar o jeito que fazemos Business Intelligence e torne-se um desenvolvedor Sense hoje mesmo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NLP: Mit NLP Blockaden lsen durch Glaubenssatzarbeit" |
"Schlussmit unntigen Problemen: Starte heute dein neues Leben.Was Kursteilnehmer berdiesenKurs sagen?""Es ist sehr inspirierend damit zu arbeiten. Es ermglicht wirklich einen sehr eigenen Blick auf die Biographie und ffnet neue Tren. Gut gemacht der Lehrgang!"" - K.Berthold""Zum Kurs: Gerade das Thema der Glaubensatzfindung hat mich sehr beeindruckt. [...].Das ganze jetzt bewusst einmal durchzugehen gibt einem wirklich einen Einblick in sich und seine Glaubenstze und hilft einem dabei zu verstehen warum man wann bestimmte Handlungen ausfhrt. Zum Tutor: Netter Tutor :) kommt sehr sympathisch rber - pass ja vor dem Hund auf ;) (Spa). Aufjedenfall eine angenehme Stimme fr den Vortrag und es ist auch mglich ihm gut bie 1,5x Gewindigkeit zu folgen. Manchmal merkt man wie er mit seinen Gedanken schon ein bis zwei Schritte weiter ist, finde ich persnlich aber nicht weiter schlimm."" - Thomas Kremer""mir gefallen der bersichtliche aufbau und die schlssigen erklrungen ebenso gut wie die praktischen bungen."" - Noa Strautmann""Half mir ber mich und meine Glaubensstze klarer zu werden.Ein sehr guter Kurs den ich nur empfehlen kann."" - Yakov Kotlyarenko_____________________________________Greife jetzt auf meine Praxiserfahrung aus 7 Jahren Glaubenssatzarbeit zu.Ich habe die besten Techniken fr Glaubenssatzarbeit zusammengetragen um auf verschiedenste Situationen, die Menschen blockieren und belasten, eine Antwort zu haben. Dabei sind viele Techniken flexibel und auf viele Themen anwendbar. Ich habe viele bungen und Aufgaben fr dich integriert. Diese werde ich dir systematisch erklren sodass du problemlos anfangen kannst (auch wenn du noch keine Erfahrung mit NLP hast).Dabei beschrnke ich mich nicht nur darauf, hinderliche Glaubensstze aufzulsen.In diesem Kurs gebe ich dir nicht nur einen Einblick, wie du kreativProbleme lst. Ich zeige dir, wie du auch mit den enthaltenenTechniken dieses Kurseskreative Lsungen entwickelst, indem du deine Strken und Fhigkeiten entdeckst.Zustzlich stehe ich im Forum fr deine Fragen zur Verfgung.Dieser Kurs basiert auf den wirksamstenTechniken des NLP und hat Einflsse aus verschiedensten Coachingmethoden. Unter anderem aus demHypnose-Coaching und dem Systemischen Coaching. Somit entsteht ein flexibles System, dass von jedem erlernbar ist (auch ohne Vorkenntnisse).Also warte nicht lnger und starte jetzt. Du hast nichts zu verlieren und es besteht kein Risiko.Du bekommst eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie. Ohne lstige Fragen. Wenn du dein Ziel nicht erreichst , gib den Kurs einfach ist das ;)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"NLP im Alltag - Menschen beeinflussen und berzeugen mit NLP" |
"berzeugen und beeinflussenist nicht anderes als gelungene Kommunikation. Wir beeinflussen uns den ganzen lieben Tag lang gegenseitig, ob wir das wollen oder nicht. Das ist eine Tatsache die wiranerkennen sollten. Wir knnen nicht, nicht kommunizieren hatte der Kommunikationsexperte Paul Watzlawick einmal gesagt. Da wir ohnehin den ganzen Tag kommunizieren und uns beeinflussen, knnen wir das doch richtig machen, so, dass Kommunikation zur einer Bereicherung unseres Lebens wird. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Das sagen die Teilnehmer:""Der Dozent erklrt das Thema sehr einfach. Ich kenne mich in diesem Bereich schon sehr gut aus, finde aber eine Auffrischung immer gut. Daher Kann ich sagen, dieser Kurs ist fr Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene gut geeignet.""Christian Mathieu++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++In dieser Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung werde ich dir genau zeigen, wie Du mit NLP-Kommunikationstechniken andere Menschen bewusst beeinflussen kannst, sie von deinen Ideen berzeugst und auch bessere und tiefere Beziehungen zu Menschen aufbauen kannst. Vor allem zu den Menschen die dich interessieren und ebenfalls begeistern.In diesem Kurs geht es nicht darum, mit billigen Taschenspielertricks die Menschen zu tuschen, sondern diese wirklich auf einer tieferen Ebene kennen zu lernen und gemeinsam das Leben zu bereichern. Dabei werde ich mich in diesem Kurs durchaus auch kritisch mit dem Thema NLP und Beeinflussung auseinander setzten."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NLP: Soziale Konflikte lsen und besser verstehen mit NLP" |
"Befindest Du dich gerade in einem Konflikt mit einer anderen Person? Oder hast Du in der Vergangenheit einen Konflikt mit einer anderen Person erlebt und dieser beschftigt dich manchmal noch heute?Das muss wirklich nicht sein. Das sagen Kursteilnehmer ber diesen Kurs:""Interessante Herangehensweise an die Konfliktthematik. Guter Kursaufbau der bei mir keine Fragen offen lsst.""Monika Spottke""interessanter Einblick ins NLP mit konkreten Anwendungsbeispielen"" Sonja Philipp---------------------------------------------------------------------In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du mit NLP deine sozialen Konflikte mit anderen auflsen kannst. Egal ob sie gerade aktuell sind oder ob sie schon lnger zurckliegen. Es spielt im Prinzip noch nicht mal eine Rolle, ob Du mit dieser Person noch Kontakt hast.Mit diesem Kurs gebe ich Dir ein Tool an die Hand, womit Du lernen kannst, mit vergangenen Konflikten besser umzugehen, sodassdich diese heute weniger belasten und morgen vielleicht sogar schon loslassen.Du brauchst nicht mehr lnger darber zu grbeln, was du falsch gemacht hast. Du brauchst auch nicht mehr lnger das Gefhl ertragen, nicht zu wissen, was Du in diesem Konflikt tun sollst.Stelle Dir vor, es gbe eine Mglichkeit und dieChance, deinem Konflikt ein Ende zu bereiten. Was wrde sich in Deinem Leben verndern? Was wrdest Du jetzt anders machen?Ich wei aus eigener Erfahrung wie es ist, wenn man daran verzweifelt, jemandem seine Sichtweise zu erklren. Und der andere schaut einen nur an und versteht gar nichts... vielleicht mchte er es auch gar nicht verstehen :/Ich wei auch wie es ist, wenn mein Gegenber tobt und schreit und man am liebsten davon rennen mchte... es vielleicht auch tut. Und vielleicht sogar gar nicht mehr zurck kommen mchte, um sich mit der Person auseinanderzusetzen.Und ich wei auch wie es ist, wenn einem ein Streit mit einer anderen Person sogar nochJahre nachhngt und man sich immer wieder schlecht und traurig fhlt, sobald man sich an die Situation zurck erinnert... man verletzt und enttuscht wurde.Und genau deshalb habe ich diesen Kurs fr dich entwickelt.Die Strategien undTechniken in diesem Kurs haben mir selbst bereits sehr gut dabeigeholfen zu verstehen, wie meine Konflikte mit anderenentstanden sind. Ich werde dir genau zeigen, an welchem Kommunikationsmodell sich fast alle Menschen orientieren und wie das zu Problemen fhrt. Danach erklre ich dir eine Technik, mit der du genau diesen Fehler vermeiden kannst. Und zum Abschluss kannst du mir ber die Schulter schauen, indem ich dir an einem Praxisbeispiel zeige, wie man diese Technik anwendet um das Wissen besser in deinen Alltag zu transferieren.Als hr auf damit dich hilflos zu fhlen oder in alten Geschichten gefangenzusein. bernimm Verantwortung fr deine Konflikte und fange an diese zu lsen.Falls Du dir noch unsicher bist: Udemy gibtdir eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie.Also hol dir jetzt den Kurs und lass uns zusammen arbeiten."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Emotionale Intelligenz - Wie man gute Entscheidungen trifft" |
"Das sagen dir Teilnehmer ber diesen Kurs:""Der Kurs enthlt einige gute und v.a. auch unterschiedliche bungen und Techniken, die es einem ermglichen auszuprobieren, was fr einem passt. Ich habe mir vorerst den gesamten Kurs angesehen und mir so einen berblick verschafft. Die etwas aufwndigeren Techniken zur Entscheidungsfindung sind gut angeleitet und zustzlich schriftlich dokumentiert. Zudem hat mir das Bonusvideo gefallen, dass nochmals einen anderen Blickwinkel reinbringt."" Yvonne Stalder++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Wie Du eine gute Entscheidung triffstStell dir vor, Du bist gerade befrdert worden. Du bekommst mehr Geld, mehr Verantwortung und natrlich eine begehrte Position in einem guten Unternehmen. Du freust dich unglaublich ber das Angebot. Doch als Du die neue Nachricht deiner Familie mitteilst, erntest Du nur bse Blicke. Du bekommst von deiner Frau oder Mann Antworten darauf wie:Ach, dann sehen wir dich ja berhaupt nicht mehr. Bist ja jetzt schon kaum zu Hause.Du weit natrlich, dass das richtig ist. Dich berkommt nun zustzlich ein schlechtes Gefhl. Und schon passiert es. Wir finden uns in einer Situation voller Widersprche wieder. Auf der einen Seite freust Du dich. Auf der andere Seiten weit Du, dass die Situation unter Umstnden einen hohen Preis fordert. Vielleicht deine Beziehung oder deine Ehe.Zugegeben, dieses Beispiel ist nicht ganz alltglich.Aber hnliche Situationen haben wir hufig. Wir mssen uns stndig zwischen Dingen entscheiden. Haben nur wenig oder gar keine Informationen. Wir wissen nicht was wir tun sollen. Wir wissen nicht, was das Richtige ist. Zeit zum berlegen haben wir auch immer weniger. Und dann kommen auch noch diese Gefhle hinzu, die uns oft mehr verwirren und blockieren, als dass sie uns ntzen.Wie gut bist Du in der Lage auch in schwierigen Situationen Entscheidungen zu treffen?Situationen, in denen Du das Gefhl hast, zu wenig Bescheid zu wissen. Situationen, wo dich ein ungutes Gefhl plagt, obwohl rein rational alles richtig ist. Situationen, in denenDu gleich mehrere Gefhle hast. Gute und Schlechte. Situationen, in denen Du dich innerlich hin und hergerissen fhlst.Wenn Dir eine dieser Situationen bekannt vorkommt, ist dieser Kurs fr dich gemacht.Ich habe in meiner Laufbahn als Coach immer wieder entdeckt, dass das Treffen von Entscheidungen eines der Hauptprobleme vieler Menschen ist. Sie fhlen sich schlecht, innerlich hin und hergerissen. Sie glauben, das mit Ihnen etwas nicht stimmt, da sie sich so schwer damit tun eine Entscheidung zu treffen. Sie haben Angst, dass andere sich ber sie lustig machen oder schlecht ber sie denken. Das Ergebnis ist, dass viele Menschen ihre wichtigen Entscheidungen aufschieben oder ihnen aus dem Weg gehen.Doch das muss nicht sein. Ich werde Dir in diesem Kurs ein Schritt-fr-Schritt-System zeigen, bei dem Du lernst, dich und deine Emotionen besser zu verstehen und letztlich auch klare Entscheidungen zu treffen.Ich werde Dir folgendes zeigen:Wie Du deine Emotionen ganz genau wahrnimmstWie Du herausfindest, was diese Emotionen bedeutenWas fr dein Leben wirklich wichtig ist und was nichtIch werde dir Techniken und Strategien zeigen, mit denen Du in der Lage bist, mit einem guten Gefhl Entscheidungen zu treffen (auch wenn diese unangenehm sein sollten)Ich zeige Dir, dass man nur gute Entscheidungen treffen kann, wenn Verstand und ""Bauchgefhl"" optimal zusammenarbeitenWie Du mit gemischten Gefhlen umgehst und diese sinnvoll fr deinen Entscheidungsprozess nutzen kannstWie Du negative Gefhle herunter regulieren kannstWie Du deine positiven Gefhle nutzen kannst, um dich zu motivierenIn diesem Kurs lernst Du nicht nur, wie Du gute Entscheidungen triffst. Du lernst Dich besser kennen und verstehen. Du lernst, kreativ herauszufinden, was Dir wirklich wichtig ist. Fr welche Werte und berzeugungen Du stehen mchtest und wie Du diese in dein Leben integrierst.Denn erst dann bist Du auch wirklich in der Lage authentische und berzeugende Entscheidungen zu treffen. Entscheidungen, die dein Leben verbessern knnen.Also worauf wartest Du noch? Genau jetzt ist der richtige Zeitpunkt gekommen. Lerne, wie man richtig gute Entscheidungen trifft. Alles was Du dafr tun musst, ist, dich in den Kurs einzuschreiben. brigens: Diesen kannstDu 30 Tage testen. Wenn er dir nicht gefllt, kannst Du ihn ohne wenn und aber zurckgeben.Also bis gleich im Kurs,Andreas"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Accounting basics, create financial statements easily" |
"The course is very comprehensive as it takes you through its four sections into the world of accounting. It shows what bookkeeping is. The difference between accounting and reporting. The goals of bookkeeping, accounting and reporting. It also displays various accounting terminologies. It also develops your mathematical skills and how you can maximize your skills to perform accounting information efficiently. Understanding revenues, expenses and other income statements items is crucial to create an income statement easily. Realizing assets with its kinds current and non-current is the first step to create a balance sheet smoothly. Liabilities with their two kinds is the second step to set up your balance sheet. Finally, you study equity and how it contributes to shareholders."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar tenses & structures" |
"It is a well-crafted course. It teaches you how to build English grammar sentences which are perfect in both structures and tenses. It takes you to step by step to be able to differentiate among subject, verb, and object. It enables you to transform any English sentence from active to passive and vice versa. We provide you with daily quizzes that come with model answers."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"English grammar tenses & structures, the ultimate course" |
"The course provides you with a variety of grammar rules that enable you to read, write and form perfect English sentences. The course forms a great combination of grammar rules with examples. It takes you step by step from understanding the rule into applying examples that enhance your English language skills. We add weekly quizzes with model answers."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lavorare con le Tabelle Pivot in Excel" |
"Un corso di base sulle Tabelle Pivot Excel, che in sole 16 lezioni ti dar l'opportunit di analizzare l'efficacia del Database di input e di generare Report o Dashboard professionali utilizzando le Tabelle Pivot.Imparerai ad utilizzare le opzioni pi importanti di questa eccezionale tecnologia, ponendo le basi per eventuali futuri approfondimenti che miglioreranno l'efficienza del tuo lavoro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: Power Query e Data Modeling" |
"Il modo di lavorare in Excel sta cambiando, e anche velocemente.Purtroppo pero', inutile negarlo, in Italia non siamo al passo con i tempi, ne prova del fatto che, in italiano, si trova ben poco sull'argomento ""Power Excel"" , mentre all'estero, specialmente oltreoceano, questo flusso di lavoro e' ormai consolidato e largamente utilizzato sia in ambiente ""standard"" che in Business Intelligence.E solo chi ha speso molto tempo a codificare in VBA o a predisporre complicate formule Excel capisce davvero i vantaggi che questo flusso innovativo in grado di proporre: solo utilizzandolo ci si rende perfettamente conto del salto di qualit ed efficienza che in grado di operare e delle enormi potenzialit che esprimer nell'immediato futuro.Complesse trasformazioni testuali, aggregazioni dei dati, pulizia delle tabelle, merging, gestione degli aggiornamenti, collegamento immediato all'ambiente Pivot e molto altro... tutto a disposizione in pochi click e con una velocit di apprendimento del tool che ha dell'incredibile.Nella mia esperienza di docente posso sicuramente confermare che chi ha conosciuto Power Query non lo ha pi abbandonato e anzi stato sempre invogliato a proseguire nello studio di questo incredibile strumento e nella sua integrazione con Power Pivot e Data Model.Per questo ho deciso di proporre questo corso, molto innovativo nel contesto italiano, sicuro che chi conosce Excel, credetemi, non ne pu, e potr, pi fare a meno.Infine mi sento assolutamente di sottoscrivere quanto espresso da Billy Jelen, alias ""Mr. Excel"": "" Power Query and Power Pivot were the best thing to happen to Excel in the last 20 Years""Provatelo e non ve ne pentirete... Garantito."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Programming for Beginners with Examples in Python 3" |
"Hello, andwelcome to the programming course for beginners. This course if for anyone that wants to learn programming, even if you don't have any idea what programming is.This course contains the basics of the programming - elements that almost all the programming languages have. And after you finish this course you will be able to understand the basic principles of programming and coding and also you will be ready to learn more advanced programming.All the coding examplesare in Python but you can switch very easy to another programming language after you finish the course because you will know the programming basics.During the course there are a lot ofdifferent diagrams and drawings so the students can understand better all the concepts. Also the students have different exercises that they can solve to practice and to get better.Here are the sections of this course:IntroductionPreparationVariablesData TypesDecision MakingLoopsProblem SolvingFinal ProjectsAt the end of the course there is a section that has two final projects, where I will show you how to create two simple games.If you want to learn something new then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Virtualbox Mastercourse: Virtual Machines Step by Step" |
"Oracle VirtualBox is a type 2 Virtualizer for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris, that enables you to install one or multiple operating systems within your own operating system.You can run Linux inside your Windows environment to use the operating system or teach yourself Linux. There is no longer a need to do a dual boot on your computer. In this course you will be able to: Download and install VirtualBox, Yes, its FREE! Create virtual machines to run other operating systems Learn more about what a Virtual Machine is Install Guest Additions to allow amazing features inside your virtual machine Share files between your host operating system and guest operating system Create a seamless environment between your virtual machine and host OS to use both environments at the same time and you can barely even tell your using a virtual machine!AMAZING!And More! BONUSSECTION:I show you how to get Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 in a prepackaged virtual machine FREE &LEGAL!Ill go thru all the steps you need from scratch to get you up and running. Ill take you from someone who might have heard about a virtual machine to someone that installs and uses virtual machines like a pro! We will go thru the process to install the following operating systems: Windows 7 Windows 10 Ubuntu Desktop Once you install one operating system there isn't much of a difference between the other operating installations, which is why this course will not install 15 different operating systems and only a few and really focus on the features of Virtualbox and how to use your virtual machine.Virtual Machines allow you to: Learn a new operating system Test software and changes in a safe environment that can be reset Install software and features and export the Virtual Machine to send to another machine Run old applications on an older operating system while still using your latest version of your operating system Access Virus-Infected Data Browse the web in a completely safe environment, protecting your Host Operating system Run Linux on top of Windows (or Windows on top of Linux) Back Up an entire operating system Create a personal cloud computer Run headless for web development Make a backup of your server for emergencies And more! Dont mess with your main operating system where you can break it! Use a virtual machine and go to town, use a snapshot to go back to a point where it was working again. I know you are ready to jump in and get started and I cant wait to help you along the way! WELCOME TO THE COURSE Jesse"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Glamour Presents: How to Tell Your Story" |
"At Glamour, we know how to tell a story. We produce more than 185 pieces of new content per day. Thats a lot of stories! And we know how to get them in the hands of readers who will take notice and remember them--1 in 8 American women readswhat we publish. In this course, we will share our expertise with you to teach you how to craft YOUR story. This class is for the person who wants to find their voice and share it in writing. Maybe you want to write a passionate post on Facebook. Maybe you need to craft just the right personal statement for your grad school application, or maybe youre daydreaming about starting a blog. If you have something important, sad, scary, opinionated or hilarious to say and you want to find a compelling way to say it in writingthis class is for you.CONTENTS & OVERVIEWThis course is made up of 49 short lectures, where youll get a comprehensive guide on how to write a personal essay of your own. Each lecture will introduce a key pillar or concept followed by a simple, practical step-by-step exercise designed to help you put the learnings to use. Although the course will focus on developing a personal essay, the method youll learn can help you write everything from a passionate blog post to a memoir to a fiction novel.Youll learn how to: Frame your subject Find your written voice Develop your character (even if that character is you) Evoke a compelling setting Plot your action or turning point Tackle the revision processand much more! Everything you need is here in this course, right down to the notecards youll use to organize your thoughts and shape your ideas.Through Glamours exclusive access, you will also learn from six top-selling writers including Jessica Knoll, J.Courtney Sullivan, Camille Perri, Stephanie Clifford, Mbolo Imbue and Ed Park about how they apply each of these pillars of storytelling to their own writing. Youll get their expert advice and plenty of inspiration to get you started on your path to becoming a writer. By the end of this class, you will have completed a personal essay of your own. And youll learn some tips and tricks to help you continue with your writing and take this from a passion project to a career, if thats your dream.Be the author of your own story and join us."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Investimento em Aes" |
"Nosso curso ir abordar desde o histrico de mercado, o funcionamento do mercado, passando sob a importncia de uma gesto de risco eficiente e as estratgias de investimentos que podem ser adotadas pelo investidor.Iremos conhecer as duas correntes de anlise a Fundamentalista e a Tcnica, iremos aprender como analisar uma empresa, iremos conhecer um balano, um DRE, os principais indicadores da anlise fundamentalista.Na anlise tcnica iremos conhecer como os preos se formam, os principais indicadores bsicos e como utiliz-los."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Natural color toning for buttercream flowercake -G.G.CAKRAFT" |
"Buttercream How to make color when making a flower cake is a very important issue. We need to make a lot of efforts to create a natural-looking cake. This lecture describes an efficient way to create beautiful colors when using buttercream to colorize, especially when using yellow butter. Describes in detail how to remove yellow from buttercream, basic color mixing theory, gradation skills, etc., from pigment description. Start with making beautiful buttercream colors with GG !* This lesson does not include a formula for making each single color, but rather a comprehensive color principle. By acquiring this principle, you can try various color creation.*Relevant course"" How to make glossy buttercream""Joohee Kang(G.G.)Cake Artist(since 2013~ )- G.G.CAKRAFT CEO- The Great Hands.Corp. CEO- President of Republic of Korea Flowercake Association (RKFA)- First development and patent registration of Glossy Buttercream manufacturing method- Trademarkregistered in Korea, China and Hong Kong. etc- Korean buttercream flowercake courses were helded in Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Spain, Malaysia, Dubai, Vietnam, Abu Dhabi, USA, Brazil, Etc.- Graduated from Seoul Art High School and graduated from Ewha Womans University's Korean Painting Department, the author creates the flowercake as a work of art."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Disea una Vida Extraordinaria con Design Thinking" |
"Este curso te llevara paso a paso a:Evaluar tu nivel de satisfaccin actual en las 4 grandes reas de la vida.Generar una Visin de Vida extraordinaria basada en tus Valores e Ideales mas altos.Identificar aquellas actividades que te hacen sentir Pleno.Generar al menos 3 posibles vidas futuras que te entusiasmenExperimentar prototipos que te permitan saber por adelantado lo que te har feliz.Reencuadrar tus fracasos para convertirlos en enseanzas de sabidura y cambio.Identificar personas que te apoyen a crear una Vida Extraordinaria.Basado en el Curso de Satandford Desinging Your Life, con herramientas de Coaching y Psicologa positiva. Tropicalizado para los hispanoparlantes al estilo inigualable de Cuauhtli Arau"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"El Mapa de los Solteros y las Parejas: Descubre tu Lugar" |
"Quizs no exista nada que impacte con mayor profundidad en nuestro estado de animo que la manera en que nos relacionamos con los dems; Particularmente la forma en que nos involucramos sexual y amorosamente.Cuales son nuestras creencias en torno al amor, la soltera, la intimidad, los compromisos y las parejas?Aprendimos a relacionarnos a partir de la forma en que se relacionaban nuestros padres y personas cercanas. que tan buenos maestros habrn sido? que tan buen ejemplo te habrn dado? hasta que punto realmente te gusta la idea de repetir los patrones que ellos te ensearon?Este curso es una exploracin profunda y divertida sobre lo que significa ser soltero y lo que significa una relacin. Nos ofrece un mapa muy concreto en el que localizar nuestra situacin actual y las herramientas para transitar el mapa y desplazarnos a al sitio en que nos gustara estar.Este es el mas completo mapa de las Relaciones Humanas... Bienvenido al Mapa de los Solteros y las Parejas en donde tu estas en el centro y eres la pieza clave."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Universal Balance: Developing a Successful & Meaningful Life" |
"Universal Balance: Developing a Successful & Meaningful Life When you first read this title, what comes to your mind? What are you thinking? It's very hard for a lot of people to understand that they have the capacity to create an Amazing life for themselves and a great positive impact to others if you properly utilize your Inner Being. The majority of people just complain and stay in their comfort zone, people are afraid of facing changes that will challenge them, Push their faculties to the Limit. If you are Reading this Description it's because you are searching for something Better for you and your Loved ones, you know deep inside that you deserve don't completely understand what things are happening to you... you know you are capable of accomplishing many things..but you are not sure where to Start, Am I Right? In this course I will give you practical tools that will liberate all your talents, capacities and wisdom to become the person that you always Dreamed to will be able to Build and Develop a Successful and Meaningful Life..How do you feel if you can accomplish that?. Please close your eyes for a minute and see yourself accomplishing the different Goals that you have in your life that up to today you haven't been able to accomplish....Choose one Goal, the most Important one and I want you to feel it, touch it,..taste it...smell it..Its Real you made it. How will your life change? Can you see it?You hear me, Can you see it? As I said this is a Practical, Hands On Workshop that will allow you to Enrich your Life...Change and become the Best Version of yourself...this sounds Great, Right? this point I have to be completely Honest...I need to tell you that any Book, Audio Book, Seminar, Course, Guide, etc. that you will see in your lifetime....will not do hear me ANYTHING...if you don't take Les Brown said: ""...Information alone will not change people. If it did, everyone would be Skinny, Rich and happy...."" NOW!!, Ifyou arecommitted to put in the Time, effort, honesty,and have anopen mind,leavingthe Fear outside the door and TAKEACTION!!!!. This is the Right Program forYOU...if Not Please don't waste your time and Money...and Yes theres a money back policy but your TIMEismore valuable than theMoney that you are paying, You will NEVER recuperate this Time....Then if you are the kind of person that willtake ACTION, GO AHEAD and ENROLL NOW and Start your Journey of Developing a Successful & Meaningful Life"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Habits for Weight Loss" |
"Top THREE REASONS on why you should take this course and whats unique about it.Reason No #1: This is not just another dieting course. Dieting just doesnt work. According to New York times, ninety-five percent of people who lose weight on a diet gain it back, and a significant percentage of people gain back more than they had originally lost, just like in less than a year or two almost everyone who wins the lottery is worse off than before they won it!Reason No #2: Latest Scientific Evidence. You just don't need opinions but facts backed by science. This course has dozens of latest scientific studies cited.Reason No #3: Anecdotal Evidence. I walk mytalk.I have been personally following all these habits described in this course long enough to be convinced that they work not only for me, but for hundreds of people who have personally consulted me.THIS COURSE WILL HELP YOU:-Lose weight and keep it off permanently-Optimize your health-Get rid of stubborn fat-Become more conditioned and improve your posture-Improve your cardio fitnessWHAT WILL YOU LEARN:Knowledge only becomes wisdom once its applied towards a specific goal. My ultimate goal with this courseis to MAKE sure that you at least imbibe few habits for life that will not only make you lose weight but also make you super healthy.Therefore after listing every habit, I will give you an action plan that will get you started immediately.However, I strongly urge you to NOT to buy this course, if you are not planning to take any action.This course will work wonders for you if you start to TAKE ACTION FROM TODAY!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Fab Detox Diet" |
"Do you have bloating or gas especially after meals?Does your face feels puffy and inflamed?Do you suffer from frequent constipation?Do you have bad breath or an offensive body odour?Do you suffer from frequent colds and flu?Do you feel exhausted and fatigued most of the time?Lastly, Have you literally tried everything to lose weight but the weighing scale just doesnt move?If you have answered, YES to more than one question then you have a sluggish or a toxic liver and colonyour major detoxifying organs and therefore you are in a state of toxic overload.The 11-Day Fab Detox Diet will help you to:Lose upto 10 lbs in 11 days.You can expect your digestion to improveYoull have mental and emotional clarityYour hormonal fluctuations will stabilizeYour energy level will rise,Your immune system will be strengthened that will enable you to cope more effectively with common illnesses.Your skin will clear up of any acne or skin rashes.Youll feel more relaxedWith an overall increased sense of well-beingCOURSE STRUCTUREThe Fab 11 day detox diet is divided into 3 phases:The ELIMINATION PHASEwhich is for 5 days where you will be required to eliminate addictive and other harmful foods and include superfoods that contains specific nutrients to aid your detox organs like liver and colon.The JUICINGPHASE which is the 6th day where youwill drink only juices and fast otherwise andThe MAINTENANCE PHASE which isfor another 5 days willensurethat the weight that you lose doesn't bounce back.The lectures are very detailed and will provide you everything that you need to make this detox diet a success.You will findrecipes for the meals, salads, smoothies, and juices along with the shopping list.Absolutely no guesswork, you will know what to eat every few hours, every day for the next 11days.No guesses, No confusion, just follow this diet as it is and Ican promise you get great results."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Internationally Accredited Diploma in Diet Planning" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineCourse Description :Nutrition and diet is 70% of your results. You gotta nail it down if you are looking for great results.For the past 17 years, since the day I left my parents house, I have been on my own:PlanningPreparing&Cooking my Meals Every Single Day.Diploma in Diet Planning & Weight Management is a summary of what I have learned, analyzed and implemented (related to diet & nutrition) on myself and my clients to help them lose fat/gain muscle or simply to optimize health.By the end of this course you'll Learn:- A simple 'SEVEN STEP' process to create a perfect Fat Loss/Muscle Building Diet Plan for your client (it's fine if you are your own client:))- Design Diet plans based on your clients Lifestyle & Schedule- Simply choose from 5 Meal Patterns Provided- Learn the 'Simple Trick' to ensure that you are taking in all the essential vitamins/minerals from your diet- Learn how to calculate the 'Exact Calories' based on the approach you choose- Enjoyable Realistic Aggressive and based on your goals i.e. Fat Loss/Muscle Building/Optimal Health- Learn how to 'Monitor' & 'Track' your progress and stay on track with your goals- Learn to estimate your fat loss/muscle building rate per week/month/quarterly- Learn advanced strategies to 'breakthrough' fat loss/muscle building plateausModule-1: Seven Steps to Diet Planning and Weight Management will start off by discussing a simple 'SEVEN STEP' process to create a perfect Fat Loss/Muscle Building Diet Plan for your client Module-2: Meal Structure, Pattern and Framework will dive deep into five most common meal patterns that will allow you to structure your clients meal based on their lifestyle and preferences. This module will also discuss about a concept called Intermittent Fasting and discuss various I.F. patterns that you and your clients can follow for best results. Module 3: 21 Superfoods to build muscle, lose fat and optimize your and your clients health! Almost 90% of the calories from literally any diet around the world will come from these superfoods listed. That's, why I haven't, picked exotic superfoods like spirulina, chlorella, acai berry or even macadamia nuts which are indeed superfoods, but not as readily available and perhaps quite expensive. Instead, I have picked up superfoods that can be found anywhere in the world, and are affordable for most people. Being fit and healthy does not have to be expensive, right?Module 4: Diets of the World! Paleo, Ketogenic, Indian, Mediteterean, Vegan, Standard American Diet and FAB-D diet discussed. These are diets of the world most commonly followed by people all around the world. Our world is shrinking and if you want to be a master diet planner, and have clients all over the world, you need to have a good idea about what your clients are exposed to. Module 5: Bonus Resources and Videos -Additional reading for all modules, to help you further understand key concepts. -7 Meal Combo- Vegetarian[With Exact Portions+Calories Counted]-6 Meal Combo- Non-Vegetarian [With Exact Portions + Calories Counted]-My Weekly Intermittent Fasting Diet -Every meal, every calorie, counted for you!! No Guesswork:) High Protein Meals, Low Carb Meals, Countless Indian Meals all included!-Advanced Strategies/Methods/Tips to 'Break Through' Fat Loss/Muscle Building Plateau-Recipes10 High-Powered Quick & Easy Breakfast Recipes11-Nutritous & Delicious and Easy to Make Lunch/Dinners15 Yummy Healthy Snacks-On-The-GoNutrition Guide [40+ Recipes]+ Shopping List&3 Recipe Videos of me making my Favorite Meals for You:)Along with visually pleasing lecture slides, you will find a voiceover presentation which explains all the slides in detail plus you will find the accompanying script in case you want to read [Helpful for people who are hearing impaired]STOP wasting your time with:- Fad-diets which destroys your health and gives you no results- Starvation diet which dramatically slows down your metabolism and in the long term causes more weight gain and hormonal imbalances- Cookie-Cutter-One approach diet plans that your clients can easily find for free onlineInstead, learn the Simple Seven Step Process that will help you create your Personalized Diet with ease for ANY fitness goal.All Lectures are Video based where I take your through the whole process of creating your diet easily and quickly.Who is the ideal student for course?Anyone who wants to know how to create a personalized diet plan for their clients based on their goals and most importantly their schedule and lifestyle Anyone who is frustrated from following fad diets (paleo/ketogenic/low-carb/low-fat/blood group etc) with ZERO resultsAnyone who wants to stop relying on their gym trainers/fitness pals/ to give them a One-approach cookie-cutter diet to them which is NOT according to your cultural preferences, habits/behaviors, schedule, lifestyle and goals And Lastly,This course is perfect for anyone who just cannot give up favorite foods like ice-creams, pizzas/burgers even alcohol to lose-weight or get fit.Hey,Let me say this: You DO-NOT have to give up your favorite foods to get fit or lose weight/build muscleI have given three approaches that you can select based on how you would like get results:The Enjoyable Approach This approach is ideal for people who:-Party out a lot-Are Big Foodies-Have a strong inclination towards eating junk food/sweets etcThey want to lose weight/get fit but are NOT ready to give up their favorite foods or their lifestyle to get results.I have provided videos to explain the estimated rate of fat loss/muscle gain based on this approach & other two approachesi.e. Realistic Aggressive Life is too short to give-up Ice-Creams Anyways.Be the driver. Choose the 'Exact' Way You Want to Create your very own diet plan.Decide the process, know what to expect & get Fit & Healthy.So LET me ask this question:Would you pay less than the cost of ONE MEAL in a restaurant to completely figure out the diet planning process that is literally counts more than 70% of your health and fitness results and at the same time, make your more marketable by adding this as a fabulous skill to your resume?###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LEAN-The Ultimate Skinny-Fat Solution" |
"A Skinny-Fat Guy or a Gal is someone who has a Higher Body Fat Percentage and relatively Less Muscle Mass.I was a classic example of a skinny fat person.I was somewhere close to 26% body fat with a decent amount of lean muscle.Here are some of the Exact mistakes I made that resulted me being Skinny-Fat:Do you relate to any of these mistakes?Mistake No #1: I decided to Gain Muscle even though my body fat was somewhere around 20%When a guy who has a body fat percentage around that mark, he is more predisposed to gaining even more fat when trying to gain lean muscle.Let me explain.You see if you have a higher body fat percentage youll have a higher insulin sensitivity. What this does is you gain more fat than muscle when trying to bulk up. Ultimately my body fat increased from 20% to 26% and I lost muscle in the process:(Mistake No #2: I ate close to 4,000 calories everyday.I had only one desire and that was to gain lot of muscle. It was clear to me at that time that if you need to get Big you need to eat big, Period! I convinced myself that I can cut down all the body fat down once I gain enough muscle (the typical bodybuilding way)So I did. I didn't counted my calories (although I had a rough idea and it was close to 4,000). Youll be even more surprised to know that I ate pretty clean. I did had my cheat meals and use to drink socially at the time. But you see your body doesn't need so many calories to build lean muscle, it only requires marginally more than your maintenance! The extra 1000-1200 calories thats I ate accumulated as body fat. Yes, even eating extra healthy food can get deposited as Belly Fat, like it or not!Mistake No #3: I was in the Gym almost everyday busting my ass.When it came to my workouts, I was in the gym almost everyday. This instead, resulted me in losing lean muscle instead of gaining them. Muscles are build when you rest and recover. The simple fact was that I was overtraining.Besides these mistakes there are also some Common Mistakes that people make that causes them to become Skinny-Fat:-Do chronic cardio everyday & Eat way less than your Maintenance calories.This strips away all your lean muscle. And when you get off your starvation diet, you gain all the weight back mainly around the belly area. In 99% cases more weight (fat not muscle) than what you have lost.-Little or no weight training.This one is pretty obvious. No weight training = No Lean Muscle.I created LEAN because I dont want you to repeat the same mistakes I did and waste your Precious Years!The FOCUS of this Course is : BODY-RECOMPOSITION i.e. Target Belly Fat & Build Lean Muscle at the same time.But do so, in a very intelligent manner i.e. cycling through Three Different Phases over the course of 18 weeks.Heres what youll get with LEAN-The Ultimate Skinny-Fat Solution Course:3-Phase LEAN Workout PlansEach Phase aka The Destroyer, The Preserver & The Booster are 6 weeks long! They all serve a unique purpose and are specifically designed to do just that.Youll be only working out with weights 3 times a week! No more!Total time commitment with LEANfitness routine is no more than 6 hours a week! Thatt not even 5% of your entire week.3-Phase LEAN Calorie-Counted Weekly Nutrition & Diet PlansEvery meal, every calorie, counted for you! No Guesswork.High Protein Meals, Low Carb Meals, Indian Meals, Mediterranean or Continental menu are all provided.Are you a Non-Vegetarian and still prefer protein supplements? You are covered. [Or]Are you a Vegetarian who prefer to workout without using protein supplements? Don't worry you are covered too!Bonus-1: LEAN-The Nutrition GuideThis nutrition guide contains more than 40 mouth watering recipesboth main meals & snacks, most of which I personally cook and consume! Further, exact steps on how to calculate your TDEE, nutritional tips, supplementation guidelines, and a shopping list are all included in this guide.Bonus 2: LEAN-Tracker SheetsDaily Meal Tracker, Weekly Goals Tracker and Goal Analysis Sheets etc are given to keep you accountable and motivated throughout the program.Bonus 3: Unlimited Access to Premium Content At No Extra Cost To You for Next 12 MonthsI am obsessed about progression. Be it my physique, my mind or my programs/courses. As I create more content for LEAN it will be automatically added to your account completely at NO cost to you.Think about this..Just ONE session with a personal trainer will set your wallet aback by ($25-$75) depending upon where in the world you reside!Train with him/her for just 3 months (3 times a week) and you are looking at a bill of $1000 or more.LEAN will only cost you $65for Lifetime Access! Thats just $2.7/week. [ LEAN PRO is a 24week program]Yes, just $2.7 a week!For a program that is a result of my over a decade of research through trails and errors and by spending thousands of thousands of dollars on the best certifications, scientific books, journals, and then relentlessly applying the strategies, tools and philosophies on myself and hundreds of the clients I trained both at my health club and otherwise Why Am I literally giving it away for so cheap? My Answer is real simple.My Mission is to reach out to millions of people and help them save time, effort & their hard-earned money from the mis-information. I just don't want them to make the same mistakes I made.I want everyone reading this to be able to afford it comfortably.Building your Fabulous Physique doesnt have to be expensive.Give LEAN a try for 30 Days and see if it works for you or not.Your Friend & Coach,Akash"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"[0-20] The Ultimate Fat Loss Transformation Program" |
"LOSE WEIGHT & GET FIT AT HOME...STARTING TODAYDiscover A FoolProof Step-By-Step Plan To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals More Quickly And Easily Than Ever![0-20] is a 9-week complete body transformation system.Its not about the latest diet or the exercise fad, its a lifestyle.[0-20] is like hiring a personal trainer, a coach, and a nutritionist all in one!This 9 week holistic home-workoutweight loss system will not only give you the 'Body of your Dreams' but gift of good health.You will:Lose upto 9kg (20lbs) of body fat in less than 9 weeksReduce your belly fat and face fat (moon face)Get rid of your stubborn fatBecome more conditioned- correct muscle imbalances, improve co-ordination, balance and your postureBecome more flexible and agileIncrease lean mass and toneImprove your cardio fitnessHere's what you will get with [0-20]:[0-20] 9-Week Exercise & Workout RoutinesFrom the comfort of your home, I will take you on your fat-loss journey with over 50+ Fun & Challenging movements using only a pair of dumbbells and your own body as a weight!The follow-along video (with instructions) workouts are spilt into two phases with build-in modifications for beginners, intermediates and advanced trainees.You will be required to workout 5 times / week with weekends OFF!With a time commitment of no more than 3 hours/week (There are 168 hours in a week), these workouts are both efficient & effective!Meal-by-Meal, Calorie Counted 63- Days Daily DietEvery meal, every calorie, counted for you!! No Guesswork:) High Protein Meals, Low Carb Meals, Countless Indian Meals all included! Weekly diets with build in concepts of high-low, intermittent fasting, flexible dieting are provided for best results.Say bye-bye to 6 meals a day, bland boiled chickenrestrictive broccoli diets and say Hello to Flexible Dieting!BONUSESBonus No # 1: Three Hatha Yoga WorkoutsBonus No # 2: The [0-20] FLP Fitness & Program GuideThis fitness guide explains how this program works and what you can expect from it. If you are the nerd types (like me) it goes deep into explaining The Science behind these workouts.Further, lot of fitness tips and guidelines are also given that will help you to successfully complete this 9 week transformation challenge.Bonus No #3: The [0-20] FLP Nutrition GuideThis nutrition guide contains more than 40 mouth watering recipesmost of which I personally cook and consume! Further, exact steps on how to calculate your TDEE, nutritional tips, supplementation guidelines, and a shopping list are all included.Bonus No #4: [0-20] Tracker SheetsDaily Meal Tracker, 9 Week Workout Calendar, Weekly Goals Tracker and Goal Analysis Sheets etc are given to keep you accountable and motivated throughout the program.Bonus No #5: Bi-Weekly Motivational & Educational EmailsEmails straight to your inbox packed with information that will keep you inspired and on track throughout the 9 week tenure and beyondThe 0-20 program is designed by using the latest in scientific research and is well-grounded in the practicalities of modern lifestyle.[0-20] has been 'Tried and Tested' since 2014, and has transformed lives of hundreds of people who have pursued this program.Know this:[0-20] FLP is no cookie-cutter program but RATHER is the result of my over a decade of research through trails and errors by spending thousands and thousands of dollars on the best certifications, scientific books, journals, and then relentlessly applying the strategies, tools and philosophies on my myself and hundreds of my health-club clients to see what works and what doesnt.Since 2014:This program has beenfine-tuned with numerous feedbackfrom my clients to give the best in progressive fitness and latest in nutrition science.STOP Waiting and Wishing that your Body Fatwill just melt away by just doingCardio or Dieting.Coz it wont!Did you know that more than 95 percent of dieters who lose weight on a diet gain it back[New York Times]?Did you know that doing prolonged cardio is actually the worst way to lose fat?In-fact astudyshows that Cardio increases stress hormone cortisol, which then causes you to gain belly fat!Why then most of us still do the same thing over and over again, and expect different results?Hey I am not trying to discourage you here. What I am suggesting is to open your mind and look at the subject of weight loss with a new perspective.Let me say this: If a fitness plan, or a diet has not been working for you in the last few months, it wont work in the future. Change it and give my program a tryWith [0-20] I will NOT ask you to :Starve yourself with low-calorie bland boring dietsSpend hundreds of dollars on worthless supplements every monthSpend couple of hours everyday on treadmills/recumbents doing boring cardio[0-20] has worked wonders for me and for hundreds of my clients and WILL work for you, if you take ACTION NOW and follow my instructions to the T.Access to [0-20] FLP normally costs over $100, thats what my initial few hundred clients paid when I first launched this program in 2014 and this too over and above their gym-membership fees!But I want to keep it affordable for YOU and slash the price so that maximum people can enjoy the benefits of this program.Consider this:Just ONE session with a personal trainer will set your wallet aback by ($25-$75) depending upon where in the world you reside!Train with him/her for just 3 months (3 times a week) and you are looking at a bill of $1000 or more!Hey, I still haven't added the bill for the hundreds of dollars of worthless supplements you buy that are doing you more harm than good!In one report [Consumer Reports dot org], fifteen protein powders and drinks were tested for levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. Out of these fifteen, three samples were of particular concern, as they tested high for levels of these toxic chemicals!!(Dont worry, in [0-20] Nutrition Guide, I will give you the EXACT criterias you should look for when choosing a Supplement brand, if any!)So LET me ask this question:Would you pay less than the cost of single months gym membership to get the body of your dream?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Internationally Accredited Diploma in Health & Wellness" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineCourse Description :In 1948, World Health Organization [WHO] defined health as:""a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity""This was decades ago, and over time the definition has evolved. Instead of just being a 'state' i.e. either a person is healthy or he/she is sick at any given point of time, health is now viewed as a 'CAPACITY'or a 'RESOURCE' for living. This means that instead of a state Health is a dynamic equilibrium with human body always trying to achieve Homeostasis!So even if someone is suffering from Diabetes (God Forbid), he/she still can experience optimal health. Health and disease can co-exist. The term 'Wellness' or 'Optimal Health' is also discussed. Wellness encompasses five dimensions of health. It's not enough to eat healthy & workout, but in order to be truly well, ones needs to take into account other dimensions of health like mental, emotional, spiritual and even social!Yes, even ones income, level of education and social support are equally important when compared with ones diet and training!Let me discuss the benefits that will accrue to you once you graduate from this course:-You will receive a CPD certificate (different from what Udemy provides)-You will be able to use titles like Wellness Coach, Health Consultant, Health Advisor etc after receiving the certificate from me-You will learn about different dimensions of health not just limited to Physical. Let me tell you what I have in store for you in this course:Module 1: Starters Pack. Learn about CPD, the titles you can use, about me and start by downloading the complete Training Manual for this course. Module 2: Introduction to Health & WellnessLearn about the evolving definition of Health. Understand what Homeostasis meansLearn about Holistic Health/WellnessModule 3: 5 Key Bio-Markers that you need to get tested onThese 5 numbers that I am going to discuss in this module will give anyone an overall excellent idea on how healthy an individual is as these numbers can have a huge impact positive or negative depending on whether they are in the optimal ranges or not! Module 4: Mental and Emotional HealthMental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. In this module, I will start off by providing you a questionnaire/sign that will tell you are mentally healthy a person is. You will be required to rate yourself/client on the scale of [1-5] and check your progress over time. Although, mental health is something that gets a bit technical (like physical health) and requires a specialization. Fortunately, the ways to improve one's mental health is related to one's diet, workout and the way that person thinks, and therefore I have provided many ways in which you can help yourself or your client to improve their mental and emotional health. Module 5: Spiritual HealthWe are spiritual beings having a humanly experience. We all are born for a unique purpose which is very specific to us. And once we find it and start pursuing it to the best of our abilities only and only then we can be spiritually health. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. Not only I will discuss 6 Spiritual Laws that I diligently follow in my life, but will also provide you an elaborate spiritual questionnaire that will help you move from a lower frequency/vibration (or whatever vibration you are at) onto to a higher existence of living:) Module 6: Physical HealthPhysical health is also an important aspects of staying healthy. Eating healthy and working out is paramount and if you have been my student in other courses, you know that I am a specialist when it comes to physical health. So I have just provided you an intro and have asked you to look at lectures of my other courses that you can take to improve this aspect of your health. However, sleep can also be considered a part of Physical Health which I have discussed in the next module. Module 7: Optimal Sleep Here I have discuss about Sleep Cycles and Stages. I share my own practical example of the quality of my sleep using an amazing app that you all should use. I then provide many ways to drastically improve and optimize your sleep. Sleep for me is as important as my training and nutrition and I strongly recommend this for you too, if you want to stay healthy!Module 8: Final Graded ExamYou need to secure a 50% passing marks in order to secure your CPD Diploma certificate from me. Don't be in a hurry to take this exam. Go through the course material, from the perspective of learning and evolving as a health professional or anyone who is passionate about health and fitness and only then take the exam. Module 9: Bonus ModuleSome links, resources etc is provided in this module. Do take a look. Do note: Me and my team is always there for your assistance. Once you become part of my courses, you get full support be it anything related to health, wellness, fitness, nutrition etc. I truly wish you good health:)Your instructor and Coach, Akash###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Diploma in MeditationMeditation for Beginner to Advanced" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineCourse Description :Summary of what you will get with this course:-Fabulous Benefits of Meditation (scientifically proving all facts and figures)-Discussion of the most common type of Meditation Practices pursued all over the world (will give you a good idea on which one to pursue and go deep into based on what you prefer)-My 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Experience (very interesting)-The Four Noble Truths given by Gautama The Buddha (basically practical lessons on how one can end suffering)-How to Meditate: 4 Simple Steps and breaking it down into very digestible checkpoints-21-Meditative Challenge along with many Guided Meditations-Final Exam and CPD Certificate (including with this course)-Lifetime access to all lectures-Audio Files (very low in size) of all Lectures to stream this course very easily -A Master Meditation Manual (covers complete script of this course)Meditation is a vast topic, and just a a few hours of this course will obviously not do justice to it, however, I feel its an effective way for anyone wanting to start this beautiful practice. This course is also for anyone like me who is an intermediate/advanced meditator (personally I have 3000-4000 hours of meditation behind my back) so I have been doing it for more than a decade and only recently have moved on to sitting cross-legged for many hours per day! This course can also be helpful for all wellness professionals wanting to help their clients to include mediation in their lives.Only when you are truly aware of the fabulous benefits of meditation, will you gather sufficient motivation to start sitting down cross-legged from anything from 5 min to even 20 minutes daily, maybe even twice a day. For a modern person, this much time devoted to meditation is enough, however, anyone wanting more benefits can/should do more. Unlike, other things, more is better with meditation. But then we are all not yogis and actually have a life and the above mentioned time frame is sufficient to induce positive benefits. In Module 2, I have taken help from a lot of studies done on meditation and how it affects our health. Make sure to go through this module, as literally knowing how this simple act of concentrating on your breathing can have a profound effect on your health. In Module 3, I discuss various types of Meditations. In ancient spiritual texts, there have been mentions of over 1000 types of mediations, however in this course I discuss few common types of meditative practices which are widespread around the world. Starting with Vipassana Meditation, I discuss my 10-Day Experience at their retreat (All Vipassana retreats worldwide are 100% Free of Cost)I then discuss Zen Meditation, Loving-Kindness Meditation, Transcendental Meditation. I then introduce Yoga as a form of meditation and finish this module with The Four Noble Truths taught by Gautama The Buddha. Module 4 is where the rubber hits the road. Learning and empowering yourself about the benefits and types of meditation is very essential to at the very least motivate us and generate enough momentum to give this ancient healing art a sincere try. If you already have been practicing meditation and have not been able to find continuous success, then gaining the information I discuss in the first 3 modules will most probably propel you to give this fabulous technique a sincere try again:)So in Module 4, I break down on how a beginner can start meditating in 4 easy steps!You will not only be learning about how to find the best place in your house to meditate, but also learn important pointers on how to achieve the most effective posture(s) to meditate i.e. The Best Butt Position, The Best Leg Positions, Shoulder, Head, Spine and Hand positions. Module 5 will provide you a 21-Day Meditation Challenge for Beginners/Advanced. This program has certain rules and guidelines and you'll be required to stick to them in order to get fabulous results. In order to make the most of your Meditation Challenge, I have created many guided meditations. From observing your breath as a starting point to observing sensations all over your body to AUM Chanting, there are many guided meditation sessions that you will find very useful. I highly recommend that everyone who pursue this course, take up this 21-Day Challenge. Module 6 is your final exam and you need to score above 50% if you want your CPD Certificate. All instructions on how to get your certificate is provided in this module. May you ProsperMay you HealMay you all be Blessed###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Practitioner Certificate Course" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineCourse Description :There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle-EinsteinHeres a Summary of what you will get with this course:-Difference between Mind-less-ness with Mind-Ful-ness.-Varying definitions of Mindfulness to understand this term in a holistic manner.-Dimensions of Mindfulness including its Awesome Benefits. Here you will realize that Mindfulness has many facets to it and not just bare attention on the present moment.-Discussion of two models of Mindfulness: 2500-Year Old Historical Model and 25-Year Old Contemporary Model. Both have their roots in Buddhism.-The next topic is Consciousness. Very smart people including world famous scientists, psychologists have been trying to understand what consciousness really is and still are not sure!But consciousness is a very important topic to discuss when mindfulness comes in so I try and tackle this topic with the help of Map of Consciousness. It is concept picked up from Dr Hawkins awesome book: Power Vs Force. It is super-interesting.Then well delve into:-The Four Foundation of Mindfulness. This is the core of Mindfulness.-The Four Noble Truths (the first sermon gave by GautamaThe Buddha when he become The Enlightenment One!-The Noble Eightfold Path which is included in the Fourth Foundation is a step-by-step guide for anyone who wants more wisdom and insight into the nature of reality.-The Five Hindrances that distracts and disrupts from seeing clearly the nature of reality and with clear awareness.-Moving on we will then shift our focus on the Contemporary Model of Mindfulness inspired by Jon Kabat Zinns Mindfulness Based Reduction Program.-In the west, people like measuring everything. Even though its next to impossible to measure mindfulness, but youll be surprised to know that there are scales, assessments and models that can actual measure mindfulness.I have using these scales for over 6 months now and can actually see tangible positive results in me when going through the questionnaires. You will find these scales and questionnaires it very useful.-And then, I will teach you:Mindful EatingMindful listening, Mindful Working, Mindful DrivingMindful Sleeping There is a lot of practical and useable information provided in this course.The theory is also not some ancient scriptures that will bore you to death but rather you will find them very interesting and highly applicable to your lifestyle.Well, at least I hope so:)My courses always come with a CPD Certificate but first you need to give the Exam and only then you will be able to secure your Certificate.So this course will be useful for all wellness professional who want to help their clients include Mindfulness as a skill in their lives.Lastly, do remember all courses like this one gives you lifetime access to all lectures &-A Master Mindfulness Manual (covers complete script of this course) is provided which covers all the script. I hope to see you on the inside.Your Coach, Akash ###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us. Who is the course for?-Anyone who want to reduce stress, anxiety and worry in their lives-Anyone who wants to find lasting peace and happiness!-Anyone wants to reduce suffering -Health & Fitness Professionals who want to help their clients include Mindfulness in their daily lives!By the end of this course, what will you Learn?-Learn about the Two Models of Mindfulness: The 2500-Year Old Historical Model and The 25-Year Old Contemporary Model-Learn techniques and strategies to get rid of The Five Hindrances like doubt, worry, sloth, torpor, restlessness etc-Develop mental qualities such as concentration of the mind, tranquillity, equanimity etc. -Learn about Buddha's teachings including The Four Noble Truths, The Noble Eightfold Path-Learn to stay more in the Present-Learn how to be Mindful while Eating, Sleeping, Listening, Workout, Driving Etc. & much more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Internationally Accredited Diploma in Keto Dietary Advisor" |
"Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Sports Nutrition accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet the criteria of personal development plans. CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.Pass Mark: 50% to secure your CPD Certificate!Course Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-4 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below. Quizzes & Graded Exam:Graded Exam Certificate:Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)Course & Exam Location: OnlineWe all THRIVE on different diets. Our genetics differ based on where we are born besides other factors!Udemy has students from 190 countries. As a Master Diet and Nutrition Coach I wanted to design a course that appeals to all!But with a Ketogenic Diet this proved to be very challenging. After all, most diets around the world including Indian, Mediterranean, Standard American Diet [SAD], Mexican have a significant percentage of calories from carbohydrates, the very nutrient restricted on a Ketogenic Diet. A Standard Ketogenic Diet is a diet with close to 70 percent of calories from fats, 20-25 percent protein and less than 5 percent carbohydrates, somewhere between 20-50g/day. Just think if you eat a large banana there is a high probability that you may go out of ketosis (a metabolic state where our bodies start to use ketones as fuel)!To an Asian Indian this is a nightmare. For generations they have thrived on a 70-80 percent diet of carbohydrates!Asking them to skip rice, roti, pulses, beans, milk (lactose is a form of sugar, so this needs to be limited), potatoes, & most importantly fruits is asking for trouble. And trying suggesting an Italian or a Greek to skip their pastas! Good luck with that:)It does help to be a non-vegetarian especially if want to pursue a Ketogenic Diet, but unfortunately 99 percentage of meat (includes eggs and dairy products) comes from CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) [1] and are loaded with antibiotics, hormones and are grain-fed. This can cause lot of health problems. And I think this is one of the main reasons (besides spiritual reasons) why in the past many years, lot of Americans are turning vegetarians and/or vegan!Whats my point? Why then I created this course in the first place?Good Question. Let me start by saying that if you are a non-vegetarian, being on a Ketogenic Diet is relatively easy. Although it does not give you the ticket to eat processed foods just because they uphold the Ketogenic Diet Macros (Fat 70%, Proteins 25%, Carbs 5%). This some experts term as the bacon phenomenaEven on Keto, Food Choices Matter, and if you adhere to the guidelines and tips I have provided in this course, amazing health benefits will accrue to you overtime. I have discussed Keto & its Fabulous Benefits in Module 2. In my more than a decade long experience of creating diets for people all around the world, I strongly believe in this statement:Only a very minor percentage of people can restrict their carbs to less than 5 percentage or 30g/day. Look around you, there are carbs in literally everything. Only in the past 100 years, sugar consumption has increased to 180lbs (up from 90lbs per person per year). Staple foods like rice, wheat have become super refined and processed. Most beverages are sugar sweetened and are the leading cause of the obesity epidemic.And this is THE MAIN REASON why I created this courseTo help people be mindful of the carbs they are consuming, reduce its consumption and only select the ones that are healthy for you (Yes, carbs can be healthy too!)A Large Majority of you will be able to:-Lose fat in a rapid and enjoyable manner -Drastically improve your health -Build lean muscles -Triple your energy levels-Optimize your sleepprovided you reduce your calories from Refined and Processed Carbohydrates. This is where Module 5, 6 & 7 will come to your rescue:)Module 5 is where I will discuss the types of Ketogenic Diet. There are mainly 4 variations based on your goals & preferences. Module 6 is taking a step by step approach to creating a customized Ketogenic Diet for yourself and your clients. I am super-exited about Module 7. This is my in-house variation of the Ketogenic Diet called the FAB-D Diet. As Buddha say Take the middle road And this diet does just that. I strongly believe that cutting a macronutrient completely is not enjoyable and sustainable for most people. And therefore FAB-D Diet takes the middle road by keeping the calories from carbohydrates in a low-to-moderate range! It can keep you in Ketosis for few days a week!In Module 8 you will find a comprehensive 21-Day Keto Reboot Challenge. This will help anyone to get on their selected variation of the Ketogenic Diet. Its a step-by-step program which covers everything from what needs to be done everyday including recipes, meal and diet plans, shopping list, tips, guidelines to maximize fat loss and/or muscle building.This course has everything what you need to become a Master Keto Coach if that is what your goal is. You will be required to give an exam and once you score more than 50% you will be able to secure a CPD Certificate. Your coach, Akash###IMPORTANT###We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy's Certificate of Completion. If you want your CPD Certificate from us, you are required to provide your full name and email-address. Your details will remain confidential with us."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Beginners Guide to Meditation" |
"I have put togetherThe Beginners Guide to Meditationas I would like the practice to be as accessible as possible to everyone. I believe that learning the practice ofmeditation is one of the most valuable gifts you can offer yourself, as the benefits that can follow can transformeverything in your life, including mind, body and relationships.I have been practicingmeditation for over 20years, and havebeen teaching it as a fully qualified yoga teacher for nearly a decade. During thismeditation course you will benefit from this wealth of experience, learning amongst other things that meditation is apractice that anyone can benefit from.This course will teach you jargon free, effective meditation practices thatgivesyou a clear way to understand and learnfromany othermeditation pathsyou come across after further reading. This course is a Beginners guide and offers afantastic introduction to meditation, but bear in mind that this is just only just the start of your journey. If anybody suggests, that theircourse or school tells you everything you need to know, you may want to... well meditate on it.In the yoga world, we like to think that everybody is potentially your teacher, especially your students.The time investment neededto see benefit from this course varies (and depends on the benefit sought), but manypeoplenotice positive changesafter practising foronly90 minutes per week for 3-4weeks. This time is normally broken out into short daily, or twice daily sessions. It of course also needs to be maintained long term!Meditation is probably one of most essential life skills you can learn. I hope one day it will form part of school curriculums*, but Udemy is a great place to start, rememberits never too late to learn!Thank you for dropping by, Ihope to welcome you to the course soon,Here's to the start to a new & exciting journey...Laura Watson*I am honoured and delighted to have played a part in getting meditation (as part of an overall yoga practice) into theprimary &secondary education system in Kent regionin the UK."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |