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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master WordPress Security: All in One WP Security & Firewall" |
"At least one WordPress site is hacked very five minutes. Don't be the next victim!In this course you will learn how to secure and protect your site from hackers using the free WordPress plugin ""All in One WP Security & Firewall"".Who is the target audience?This course is for students with WordPress sites who have little or no knowledge about WordPress security and want to secure and protect their site from hackers byapplyingquick fixes and without making any changes to their hosting account or domain.This entire course is included inmycomprehensive course ""The Ultimate Beginners Guide to WordPress Security"", if you are interested in applying more security measures to your site, including your domain, and hosting account, look at ""More Courses by Yasaf Burshan"" section at the end of this page for my complete course""The Ultimate Beginners Guide to WordPress Security"".Here is what you will learn in this course:__________________________________How to automatically backup your WordPress site, and keep thebackup safeHow to install and configure the free WordPress security plugin""All in One WP Security & Firewall"".Setup WordPress Firewall.Protect WordPressFiles and Database.Reduce SPAM.Prevent other sites from stealing your content.Setup secure login.How to periodicallycheck if your site is clean__________________________________"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Automation: Forms and Workflows" |
"Update:16/1/17 - Based on feedback Ihave updated the coursewith new lectures and improved audio!*Here is what students are saying about this course*===========================Thank you for such a great course I learned a lot from this course and is up to date, unlike many other courses which aren't updated.It helped me a lot and will surely apply what i learned. (Sumeet 8/11/17)===========================The course was awesome. I learnt so many things which I was not aware of previously on security and Automation. I am glad that I subscribed for this course. (Gauatm 8/11/17)===========================I enjoy the subject, and the instructor takes his time to clearly demonstrate the areas - while not taking so long that it becomes boring. Excellent! (Nic 30/7/17)===========================WordPress is well known for its content management capabilities, plugins, themes, and has great use in online marketing. In fact it is the #1 platform in the world for setting up blogs and sites.However, is is often overlooked that with the right combination of plugins, WordPress can be used for other tasks as well, including ""offline"" businesses, and workflow automation.This course takes youfrom having no WordPress site at allto owning a fully automated forms, and workflow approval system. By the end of the course you will have a working WordPress site, you'll know how to setup forms and email notifications, and how to automatically process and approve requests.What's the course about?The course is about forms and workflows automation with WordPress.What does it mean?It means that by the end of this course you'll learn how to turn any WordPress site into an automation system for forms and approval workflows.What can you use it for?Anything from job application forms and vacation approvals to daily checklists and change management - you are only limited by your imagination!Why did I make this course?Simple - I am using the same techniques myself on a daily basis with my team, they are cost-effective, they work, and I love sharing my experience and knowledge with others.Who should enroll?This course is targeted to anyone who is looking to add automation to his daily ""office"" tasks without spending a lot of money on workflows and approval tools.Are there any prerequisites? There is only one - You need to own, or to be able to purchase a single site license for Gravity Forms plugin ($39), in order to complete the course.If you don't already own a WordPress site - Don't worry, This course shows how to setup one in less than 10 minutes.If you don't know how to write code - Don't worry you can complete this course without writing a single line of code!Course materials includes form resource files, to help you complete course objectives and interactive practice sessions so you can implement what you have learned.By the time you complete this course you should have at least 3 workflows automated!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to WordPress Security" |
"The most comprehensive WordPress security course for non-technical users!Update 4/3/18: How to avoid the next Google slap by adding SSL Certificate to your site - FREE!Update: 13/01/2018: Added lecture - Protect your site from Ransomware and Cryptomining.*Here is what students are saying*===========================Absolutely a must course for new WordPress sites and probably for any WordPress sites...nothing too hard or technical...Couldn't recommend it more! Great WordPress Security coursein my opinionand great value for your money! Thank you Yasaf for this course, be sure I'll register to more of your courses!(Snir Ben-David 7/1/18)===========================This Course has Given me In Depth Knowledge regarding WordPress Security. Now I am veryconfident to Use that knowledge and implement in my websites. Thank You Yasaf Burshan. (Success 11/11/17)===========================Great content, full of useful information. I feel much better about the security of my WP blog. Thanks!(Brad 3/11/17)===========================Would you like to protect your site from hackers? But don't have the technical skills...Would you like to secure your site like a pro? But don'tknow where to begin...Would you like to back up your site so you can keep your data safe? But don't know how to set it up...If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place!By the end of thisWordPress security course, you will know howto secure andprotectWordPress site fromhackers and you'llhave an automated backup system in place, to keep your data safe!WordPress is the most attacked content management system in the world.At least one WordPress site is hacked every 5 minutes.The primary goal for attackers it to get access to as many sites as possible so they will be able tocontrol them and use them for their own needs. Most attacks are computers based, and the size of the site and the target audience doesn't really matter.And so, while content management in WordPress is easy to learn, WordPress security is still hard to master.The good news is, that you can protect your site, you can improve WordPress security level,andyou don't have to spend a lot of moneyin the process.The Ultimate Beginners Guide to WordPress Security courseis specifically designed to give you all the WordPress security tips, WordPress securitytools, and best practicesto do it yourself.Here is what you will learn in this course:__________________________________Why WordPress is ranked as the #1 (most attacked) content management system in worldWhat are the most common forms of attackWhat the the fivelayers of securityHow to apply security fixes to each security layerHow better security can improve your site performanceHow to automatically backup your WordPress site, and keep thebackup safeHow to make sure your site uses a secure connectionWordPress security: SetupFirewall, protect WordPressFiles and Database, setup secure login and much more!How to periodicallycheck if your site is cleanWhat should you do if you think you've been hackedHow to protect you WordPress site from Ransomware andCryptomining.__________________________________Together in this WordPress securitycourse we will apply more than 30 security measures to your WordPress site, using step-by-step video tutorials and guides.This is an evergreenWordPress security course and it will be updated as plugins and other toolsmentioned in this course are updated.WordPress security is on your hands!Take action right now. Click on the Enroll button, and start protecting your WordPress site today!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Passive Investing Blueprint - Build Wealth Passively" |
"Join over 1,140+students just like you whore having massive success with Passive Investingusing this exact course (and learning to earn a profit on autopilotright away!)Student Reviews:'This is by far the best course on investing on Udemy' - Hamid Mahmood'What I have watched, this material is superb. No matter if you are a newbie which can grab this information for better use and more mature investor. The tips on fees and historical statistics pay the course.' - Diana Chan(5/5 Stars)'Great comprehensive course for the basics of passive investing, definitely covers quite a bit! Helped me massively.. I have already opened an account and started investing.. Will look to now further my studies in this field. Thanks Jari'-Avinash Verma (5/5 Stars)-----------------------------How would you like to have your ownpassively managed stock portfolio, that takes a dayto set up, constantly works for you,grows your money and costsonly 10 hours a year to manage?I know it may sound too good to be true, because the method of investing that most people attempt is to find a needle in a haystack. They try to find that one company that they think will outperform the market and they do so by spending weeks analyzing different companies before making a decision. The painful truth is:For the majority of investors thisturns out to be the wrong decision and they end up losing.I do things differently..I putt the odds of winning in my favor as I approach my financesby this creed:""Invest your time actively and your money passively. It's the best kept secret in the world."" -Michael LeBoeuf, Ph.D., author of The Millionaire In YouThat's solid advice. Andmore and morepeople are heeding this advice becausepassive index investing has gained MASSIVE popularity over the past half a decade.Why is this? It's very simply because of money and time.Passive investing earns more money. Passive investing costs almost ZEROtime.More and more investors are waking up to the fact that, for years and years now, passively managed funds have outperformed active investorsacross the board. Even the most popular ACTIVE investor in the world,Warren Buffett,encouragesinvestors to switch to a passiveway of investing their money.He said: ''most investors would be better off investing their money in a low-cost index fund''.And that's because he knows that most people aren't him. Most people just don't have the time and skill toperfect the art of value investing like Warren Buffett has.. And a passive investing strategy provides a nearlyperfect answer. It requires a lot less effort and time than an active strategy and earnsmuchmore money in the end. Total win-win. With that being said, you will need to take certain specific steps in order to set up the best possible portfolio for your personal situation. And those steps are perfectly laid out in this course. AFTERCOMPLETINGTHECOURSEYOUWILL: Have your ownautomated, highly profitablemoney-making machine(stock portfolio)that will earn you money 24/7Have the ability to earn money while yousleep. Literally.Radiate financialconfidenceHave the ability topass on your knowledge to your children or other people YOU want to see financially well offHave the ability to construct Passive Portfolios for those you want to grant some financial security in the futureand much, much more.--------------------------------Student Reviews:'Iam a newbie to investing. Iread some other books and articles but Icouldn't understand the essentials as easy as Idid with this course. the tips and recommendations are very helpful.'-Tammy Cheung'A detailed look at investing that was just the right for me. I learned a lot and will go back to review to keep learning. An excellent course - worth a look.'-Frank DeSwart--------------------------------If you watch all 3hours of the course and takebold actionas you follow the steps in the course you WILL have your own portfolio and youWILL be outperforming 90% of all investors in the most relaxed and low-effort way possible. ""The evidence is clear that the vast majority of individual investors would improve their outcomes if they adopted the passive strategy.""-Larry Swedroe, author of Think, Act, and Invest Like Warren Buffett TheBenefits of Passive Investing : High Returns :Did you know that the average individual earns only 2.9% per year? Thats ridiculously low. Passive investing earns3X that amount.Time Efficient :You dont need to put in a lot of time. Spending only a couple of hoursper yearis enough.Automation :Passive investing = automated investing. You can basically earn money while you sleep (or do something more productive,for that matter)Low Costs :The costs of passive investing are much lower compared to other strategies. This will literally save you thousands of dollars in the end.Accessibility :You can already start investing with ahundred dollars, you dont have to put in a lot of time and you dont have to be a rocket scientist to start. It's and everyman's strategy.Most investors beat themselves by engaging in mistaken stock market strategies rather than accepting the passive buy-and- hold indexing approach (..). The way most investors behave, the stock market becomes a losers game. -Burton Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street A small selection of the topics covered: The power of compound interestThe essentials ofIndex fundsThe essentials ofETFsHow to use large-cap stocksEffectiveDiversificationHow to useREITsHow to use mid-cap stocksA bit of personal financeEvaluating your risk tolerance levelsDetermining your investing time horizonFull automation (investing automatically)How to use small cap stocksEffective broker selectionCost minimizationSelf-awareness & characterizationMoreMoreMoreI'll also give you: A list of my best performing index fundsA list of recommended brokerage firms/investing platformsA personal finance templateLook over my shoulder as I walk you through all of this and morein a step-by-step way so you can follow along and have a passive portfolio working for you in less than a day!I'll see you on the inside!Jari RoomerInvestor and Entrepreneur -------------------------------------------Student Reviews:'Very thorough, exceeded my expectations. Great explanations of the various asset classes, including their risks and rewards.'-Chris Ross'A detailed look at investing that was just the right for me. I learned a lot and will go back to review to keep learning. An excellent course - worth a look.'-Frank DeSwart"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The #1 Strategy To Profit From The Next Stock Market Crash" |
"Join over 1,931students just like you whore having massive success with Stock Market Investingusing this exact course (and learning to earn a profitright away)Student Review:'Instructor was very knowledgeable and helpful. I'm so glad I stumbled around this, because if there was a market crash, I would be those investors that panic and sell my stock instead of buying. So glad I know what to do during a market crash!' - Tommy Dodd (5/5 Stars)'Great content, engaging delivery and top notch information.' - Yoshi Maeshiro (5/5Stars)-------------------------------------------------Are you prepared forthe upcoming stock market crash? Or will yoube crushed when it would happen tomorrow?Too many investorsAREN'T prepared for a stock market crash - and they are guaranteed to LOSEa lot of money soon.And that's a huge shame..Because duringeachstock market crash, newkings are being made.Some stock market investors will makeHUGEAMOUNTSOFMONEY because of the upcomingstock market crash..Yep, that's right.. you can earnhuge amounts ofprofit because ofa stock market crash.That's because stock market crashes provide very rare opportunities that only come once in every 7 - 10 years.(Honestly, stock market crashes are a blessing in disguise.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But right now atthis very moment,would you be prepared to take advantage of a stock market crash?Would you be one of those investors who becomes a new king?One of those investors who makes an ENORMOUS amount of profit?Or will you becomeone of the losers..One of thoseinvestors who blame'the system'..One of those investors who passed on a great opportunity to make a small fortune?You have the choice :Take this course and learn how to make a small fortune.. or be left behind.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By following this course, you will :Learn the 3-phase preparation to PROFITfrom a stock market crashLearn exactly what to do before and during a stock market crashLearn what NOTTODOduring a stock market crash (85% of investors make mistakes here)Learn how toearn ALOT of money from thisrare opportunity hidden in plain sightIn less than 3hours you will learn what to do during a stock market crash so that you won't lose money, butEARN money instead.It's not some weird, complicated or shady investment strategy - it's simple logic used by the most successful investors such as Warren Buffett, Sir John Templeton and Seth Klarman.See you on the inside!Jari RoomerFounder GetGoInvesting------------------------------------------------Student Reviews:'The strategy is clearly explained and became more realistic to me. The author gave examples of Buffet, Templeton and other super investors who used this strategy. (..) Hopefully now I will be better prepared for next bear market!' - Boris Rogov 'Great course - I will take more from him.' - Michael Singer'Excellent investing course!' - Matt F."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The Value Investing Blueprint - Invest With Confidence Today" |
"Join over 2,338+students just like you whore having massive success with Value Investingusing this exact course (and learning to earn a profit in the stock marketright away)Student Reviews:'The best value investing course I have come across so far.' - Kannan Thangaraju (5/5 Stars)'Good job Jari. I have gone through 3 value investing courses, this is the best one. Appreciate your hard work in putting the excels together.' - Ramamohan Reddy (5/5 Stars)'Thank you Jari, your course was really helpful. I learned a lot of things that I would have not found anywhere else.' - Alexis (5/5 Stars)------------------------------------Do You Want To Learn The #1 Investing Strategy To Earn Consistently High Returns In The Stock Market While Minimizing Risk?Than this is the must-have course for you! Most investors follow the wrong strategy and thats a HUGE shame. In fact, chances are that YOU are following the wrong investment strategy RIGHT NOW. Most investors take unnecessary high risks and still earn below average returns But that doesnt have to be the case. Investing can be really easy as long as you know what strategy to use. Being a successful investor doesnt just happen you need a plan, a solid strategy to follow. In The Value Investing Blueprint we will guide you to financial success as you will learn the most solid investment strategy used by the most successful investors : Value Investing Enroll Now And Change Your Financial Destiny For Good ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that the great majority of the investors on the Forbes 500 List are Value Investors? Thats because Value Investing WORKS. The millionaires and billionaires have understood this and use it to their advantage but why is it that the average stock marketinvestor just doesnt seem to understand this? Now is your chance to escape AVERAGE and become HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL in the stock market.Why would you wait any longer? Imagine the possibilities when you are financially independent.. When you no longer have to work for money, as you let your money work for YOU. What are you going to do with all the money you earn from your investments? The choice is up to you.. Do you want to learn the #1 investing strategy to earn consistently high returns in the stock market? Or.. Do you keep on going at it alone making mistake after mistake? Missing out on the winners while other investors grab them with ease? Enroll Now And Change Your Financial Destiny For Good ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student Reviews:'Best of the best course on value investing, top class.' - Wajahit Ali'Excellent guide through evaluation of stocks. Thanks so much for all the documents!!'- Katerina Langerova 'Clear, concise, easy to understand. The audio and visuals are both excellent. Very well done.' - Christy King-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just A Handful of Successful Value Investors : Warren Buffett (Net Worth $76 Billion) Charlie Munger (Net Worth $1.52 Billion) Seth Klarman (Net Worth $1.55 Billion) Peter Lynch (Net Worth $350 Million) Sir John Templeton (Net Worth $1 Billion) Let me repeat it once again :The most successful investors are Value Investors and thats for a reason.. Value Investing is the #1 Investment Strategy to earn market beating returns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ive spend over a year of hard work building The Value Investing Blueprint so that you will learn from A Z how to become a successful stock market investor. No longer do you have to guess which stock will outperform.. No longer will stock marketinvesting be complicated.. No longer will you lose money in the stock market.. Finally you will be able to spot UNDERVALUED companies with ease.. Finally you will be able to spot High Quality companies in a split second.. Finally you will be able to spot the NEXT BIG WINNER.. All with absolute CONFIDENCE in your own skills and abilities simply because you followed The Value Investing Blueprint --> Enroll Now and change your financial destiny for good ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In ONLY 4 hours, you will learn How To Become A Successful Investor How To Earn Consistent Returns of 15 20% Per Year In The Stock Market What Strategies The Greatest Investors Use How To Invest In The Next Big Winner How To Analyse Financial Statements The ONLY 3 Reasons to EVER Sell A Stock How To Make Better Investment Decisions How To Value a Stock How To Spot The Best Company In ANY Industry How To Analyse If A Company Is Financial Healthy How To Minimize Risk & Maximize Returns How To Spot A Company That Will Go Bankrupt Soon How To Calculate The Intrinsic Value of A Stock How To Spot UNDERVALUED Companies FastAnd much, much more. Furthermore :You will get 2 PREMIUM Spreadsheets that make picking stocks much easier, faster and more profitable You will get a PREMIUM100+Page E-Book 'The Value Investing Blueprint'You will get a PREMIUMInvesting Checklistso that you no longer make any mistakesYou will get a PREMIUMFinancialRatio Cheatsheet so that you can easily analyze financial ratiosPLUS:You Have a30-DAY FULL-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.There is literally no risk on your sideThe course will be updated regularly with new case studies and real life examplesLearn The Same Strategy That Warren Buffett Is Using To Consistently Earn MASSIVE Returns in the Stock Market > Enroll now and change your financial destinyI'll see you on the inside!Jari RoomerFounder GetGo Investing--------------------------------------------------Student Reviews:'The instructor sounds like he knows what he is talking about. He often draws references from some of the best investors in the world. Sounds like he himself is an excellent student of some of those masters of the investment game.I believe this is excellent Value for my money.'- Cedric Smith'Comprehensive and well designed course.' - James Lim"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Discounted Cash Flow Valuation: Spot Undervalued Stocks Fast" |
"Join over 174+students just like you whore having massive success with Discounted Cash-Flow Valuationsusing this exact course (and learning to spot undervalued stocksright away).Student Review:'An excellent course'- Vikram SankhalaStudent Review:'Great Course. So far it makes the subject seem simple.' - Ryan Taylor------------------------------------------------------------Do you know why some investors are highly successfuland others aren't?Because the most successful investors (like Warren Buffett)invest inundervalued stocks..In other words -they know how to buy a dollar for just 60 cents, which is the #1reasontheyearnMASSIVE profits in the stock market.And that's exactly whyImade this course.. Iwant you to learn how to 'buya dollarfor 60 cents', so that you can win in the stock market.------------------------------------------------------------All the successful investors know how to calculate a stock's intrinsic value (what it's REALLYworth)and then they easily see if they should or shouldn't invest in a stock.You cancalculatea stock's intrinsic valueby doing a Discounted CashFlow Valuation.. and that's what you'll learn here.In other words, you'll calculate a specific price that the stock is really worth and then you simply compare that to theprice it trades forin the stock market.If the intrinsic value is higher than the stock price, then you've hit the jackpot.You'vefound an undervalued stock that will likely earn you very highreturns!So in this course you'll learn exactly how spot these undervalued stocks..You'll learn the essentialtools toeasily do a Discounted Cash Flow Valuation(in just 6 steps), so that you can becomea much better investorand massivelyincreaseyour returns in the stock market.-----------------------------------------------------------Doing a DCFvaluation yourselfisn't hard at all..The hard thing is findingsomeone who canexplain itin a correct andeasy to understand way,so that you can do it byyourself - with confidence and precision.Therefore, I've designed this course in the following way :It's astep-by-step system (6 easy steps)Itcovers EVERYTHINGthat you need to knowWe'll look at REALcompanies so that you know how it works in the real stock market and not just in theory.You'll get .PDFfiles to read over the steps at your own paceYou'll learn what onlineresources and toolsIuse to do a DCFvaluationYou'll learn how to avoid the most made mistakesMuch, much more..--------------------------------------------------------------When you areready to become a better investor, easily want to do a Discounted Cash Flow valuation,earn higher returns in the stock market andspot undervalued companies with confidence and precision --> there is no reason to wait any longer -->ENROLLNOW!I'll see you on the inside!Jari RoomerFounder GetGo Investing"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market For Beginners - How To Start Investing Today" |
"Join over 765students just like you whore having massive success with Stock Market Investing,using this exact course (and learning to earn a profitright away)Student Review:'I know absolutely zilch about the stock market. And I found this course to be the perfect introduction to it. I learned a lot without ever feeling overwhelmed with too much information. I found the instructor and his slides to be engaging and fun. Perfect first stock market course, IMHO'. - Carol Burns (5/5 Stars)Student Review:'Really easy to follow and learn from. I feel confident in my learnings. I feel like I CAN do this. I CAN invest wisely.' - Des Fam (5/5 Stars)-----------------------So you want to start investing in the stock market? Great! I know that starting in the stock market can be very overwhelming and challenging, especially if you go at it alone (Ive been there myself..)In the beginning, I just didnt know where to begin..When I started, I made mistakes after mistake, costing me thousands of dollars. It took me years of frustration, hard work and dedication before I finally understood how to become a successful stock market investor.In others words Ive learned the dos and dont of the stock market the hard way. BUT, there's a much easier way to learn investing.. A way that couldve saved me thousands of dollars and A LOT of time - if only I wasnt so stubborn to go at it alone.. If I just decided to learn from other experienced investors, whove already achieved what I wanted to achieve.If I just decided to learn in a couple of hours what theyve learned in a lifetime.. I wouldve had a much better start to my investing career. And thats exactly the reason I created this course..So that you can learn in just 2hours, what I learned in years of investing.-------------------------Student Reviews:'Its very easy to follow and easy to understand.' - Homanda Thomason'Jari taught all the basics, the material moved fast and was engaging. It was really easy to watch and learn in 1 or 2 sittings. He also give advice on finding a broker.' - Catherine Forbes'I haven't even finished this course yet and it has already taught me more than anything else I've used to learn in the past. I will definitely be telling everyone I can to use Udemy. Thank you.' - Keron Siewdass-------------------------With the Stock Market For Beginners course...I want to give you the tools to get a successful start to your stock market journey.I want to prevent you from making (easy-to-avoid) mistakes, losing thousands of dollars and getting demotivated.I want you to know from day 1 what investment strategy is best for YOUI want to give you the secrets of reducing the risks of investing MASSIVELYIn other words.. I want you to learn all the essential lessons that I wish someone told me earlier, so that you can start investing successfully from day 1.------The Stock Market For Beginners courseis designed in such a way that it covers EVERYTHING you need to know to get started investing. From A-Z, well go over the essentials in just 2hours.Well cover : The basics of stocksHow to keep investing simpleWhat investment strategy is best for YOUHow to avoid the 7 most made investing mistakesHow you can get started investing as soon as possible (even as fast as today!)How to earn a profit in the stock market, consistentlyHow to reduce risks&avoid unnecessary mistakesThe different types of stocks (and which ones SHOULDbe a part of your portfolio)What the most successful investors (such as Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch) do to consistently earn a huge profit in the stock marketHow you can automate your investments entirely (this is really the #1 hack of the wealthy)The #1 secret that all billionaire investors know - and you should too.Furthermore, you'll get :Support materials (2 Worksheets)30-Day Money Back Guarantee - So there is 0 risk involvedThe ability to ask me for investment advice or any other questionDiscount on my other investing courses Are you ready to start your journey in the stock market?Enroll now!See you on the inside!Jari RoomerFounder GetGoInvesting------------------------------More Student Reviews:'This is a very good course. I would recommend it to especially the beginners.' - Xuam Lam'Very concise and easy to understand for a beginner like myself.' - Lillian Williamson'The course is very informative! Its easy to understand and follow along with. I would recommend this course!' - Mahalia Logan'Course is great, easy to follow and understand. I will take more classes.' - Sheila Basham"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Motivation Mastery: Become Unstoppable & Crush Your Goals" |
"'I'll do it tomorrow.'is what I told myself over and over again..Like most people,Iused to have theseamazing plans for my life. I wanted to start a business, build six-pack abs, earn more money, learn new skills- but Inever had the consistent motivation to make my goals a reality.Yet, I always had 'some' motivation.It wasn't like I had none at all..Regularly Ihad series ofa couple of days (sometimes weeks)in a row, whereI was highly motivated and dideverything right. I'd feel unstoppable.. Killing my workouts, eating healthy andworking hard on my goals.Every time againI thought I'dfinally reached a point inmy life where 'things'would be 'different' from now on - only to be confronted by the harsh reality when I'd fall back into 'laziness' and full-timeprocrastination again.I felt really bad about myself.. I thought Iwaslazy, a failure - and unworthy of success.But that was the past... Now, things are ENTIRELYdifferent.-----------------------------------I've been able to create a 'system'throughwhich I am consistently motivated to work on my goals &habits, which has enabled me to build a profitable online business, improve my health &fitness, earn more money, beat procrastinationandincrease my sense of self-worth and confidence.In 'Motivation Mastery' I'll share with youthe exact steps,strategies and habitsthat I've implemented in my life to stop procrastinating, to feel 'naturally' motivated - and to make things like hard work, studying and exercising anautomatic and internal part of my life.Mastering the art and science of motivation is one of thoseessential skillsthat will propel you towards a heavily improved life - just like it did for my life.But unfortunately, too many people are unaware that mastering your motivation is essential for success in any area of life,so they never even botherstudying the topic - leaving them frustrated, confusedand limiting theirresults in life..Luckily, as you'rereading this page, you aren't one of those people -and that's why I can't waitto share these principles with you!-----------------------------------In Motivation Mastery, you'll learn exactly:How to stop procrastinating once and for allHow to generate consistent motivation to crush ANYofyour goals(whether it'slosingweight, buildingmuscle mass, improvingyour grades, starting/growing a business or getting a promotion)How to set up a fool-proof 'motivation'system that prevents you from falling back into 'laziness' or procrastinationHow to make motivation 'internal', so that it becomes an automatic and effortless part of your life.Furthermore, you'll learn:The 3-Step Formula For Instant MotivationThe 2 Types of Motivation (And The More Powerful One)The 3 Main Reasons For Procrastination To Kick In (And How To Beat It)How 90% of People Fall In The Trap of 'Subtle' ProcrastinationHow The '15-Minute' Exercise Is The CureTo Stop ProcrastinatingThe 7 Sources of External MotivationHow Your Direct Environment (Such As Your Home, Office ANDYour Friends)Either Motivates or Demotivates YouHow Books, Video's and Music Can Be Part of A Motivated LifestyleHow To Use Social Media As Motivation Instead of a DistractionWhy an 'Accountability Partner' Will Help You SucceedWhy You Should NEVER Work Where You Relax or Relax Where You WorkThe Power of Neuro-Associations On Your Level of Motivation (How It Controls You and How You Can Control It)Why You Should Get Control Over Your 'State' If You Want To Achieve Your GoalsThe 3 Easiest Ways To Get Into 'Peak Performance State'How Your Breath Can Generate Energy To Work Hard(Bio-Hacking)How 'Pain' and 'Pleasure' Drives EVERY Single Decision You MakeHow Different Types of Fears Determine Our Motivation Level (Very Common!)How To Overcome Fears That Are Holding You Back (You May Not Even Be Aware of This)Why 'The Rocking Chair Test' Is A Must-Do Exercise If You Don't Want To End Up With RegretHow The '6 Basic Human Needs' Regulate Our MotivationHowOur Past Identity Will Resist Towards Our New Life (aka The Blindspot) and How To Overcome ThisHow To Use The Power of Goal-Setting To Give Us Clarity and MotivationHow To Identify Limiting Belief Systems That Have Been Forced UponYou Because of Social Conditioning (This Will Change Your Life!)How To Create a 'Mantra' That Will Instill Confidence, Motivation and Energy Wherever and Whenever You AreHow To Use Habits To Make Motivation 'Effortless & Automatic'How To Build Strong Habits for SuccessWhat The 'Habit Loop' IsWhy AMorning Routine Is ESSENTIAL For A Motivated LifestyleHow Affirmations &Visualizations Will Prime You For A Productive &Successful DayThe 4 Health Habits That Will Give You Unlimited Energy To Work On Your GoalsThe 3 Productivity Habits That Will Make You More Efficient and Help You To Achieve Your Career Goals Faster Than EverHow This21-Day Challenge Will Change Your LifeMore, more & more...Whether your goal islosingweight, buildingmuscle mass, starting/growinga business, getting a promotion or improving your grades -the process of motivation works exactly the same. By mastering your motivation, you'll be able to achieve ANYgoal you set for yourself. You'll be in full control over your mind, which meansyou'll be in full control over your consistent level of effort - which is the #1 factor in achieving success of ANYkind.-----------------------------------So, when you are ready to say goodbye to procrastination and say hello to an improved lifewith more achievements, impact and fulfillment, I'd love to see you on the inside of Motivation Mastery!To Your Personal Growth,Jari RoomerFounder Personal Growth LabPs. You'll geta 30-Day Money Back Guarantee on this course,so there is literally no-risk involved. See you on the inside!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"APA Tips & Tricks - What Professors Want To See When Grading" |
"Online education is growing at record speed. Today a college professor teaches an average of 3 to 5 courses simultaneously with an average of 30 to 40 students per course. Doing the math, you'll see how they have to grade on average of 200 or more papers every single week. Because of this, professors are forced tospeed read or even skim through papers and only slow down when a paper is poorly constructed. Being proficient in basic formatting increases your chances for a higher grade and fewer minutes under the professors pen. This course will teach you how to make your paper Pretty and get you that 4.0 GPA."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dinosaurs, Giants, and the Creation: One Mormons Discovery" |
"Im not a spokesperson for the church. Im not a mission president, stake president, or even a bishop. But I love the scriptures especially the Book of Genesis. I love the restored gospel with all my heart. And from the years I spent studying the miracles found on every page, my faith has increased beyond what I ever dreamed possible. I invite you to take a journey with me to discover for yourself through the scriptures, answers to many question that may have put doubts in your mind. Questions such as: Where do I find actual proof that God exists? Why there were dinosaurs and where did they really go? Were there really tribes of giants that existed and why? Where did the fallen angels go? What are the strange creatures called Cherubim and Seraphim? All about floating flaming swords and other exciting topics! I promise and testify That if you discover an avenue of scripture study that will spark an interest, whether its this series, or something you discover on your own, something that will instill in you a desire to want to learn more, your outlook on the Gospel of Jesus Christ will forever change, your faith will strengthen, and your testimony will increase. Dr. Fowler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Majestic Animals: Cats Master Drawing Animals" |
"Over 1000 students have joined this ArtCourse and learned to Draw amazing Cats!Learn to Draw Cats, theseMajestic Creatures, with us.- Teachers with Years of experience on Drawing and Digital Painting;- Professional Artists;- Fundamentals of Drawing explained in a Simple manner;- Several Courses on the Udemy Platform with High Ratings!This Art Course is suited forany level of Drawing, either if you want to up your Character and Creature Design skills or to learn some of the basics. We'll be Drawing Cats throughout the Art Course while going over basics, so you can follow Step by Step and improve your Animal Drawings by Practicing!We'll be covering a lot of the principles of Drawingfrom:SketchingtoInking to ColoringFor the Course you'll need either aPencil + Piece of Paperor aDrawing Tablet + Drawing Softwareof your choice! Either works, you can also just pick your favourite Drawing Tool and follow along the shapes, there's nothing wrong with that! It's better that you keep yourself comfortable while doing these Drawing exercises, than to use something you dislike.I'll be using Manga Studio /Clip Studio with my drawing tablet but you're free to use whatever you feel more used to, since the important thing to do here is just practice.In this Art Course we'll be Drawing Cats from different Cat Breeds. This will help you figure out different Shapes and when to use them properly, so you can improve your Drawing Skills by Drawing Animals.We'll be Covering:the Slick Sphynx;the Pompous Persian;the SmoothBombay;We believe in Improving your Drawing Skills by Doing, so we won't be spilling out hours of Theory where you just listen and watch us draw, we'll have you Drawing Cats from the Start!We believe in Improving by Practising.This Course is alsosuitable for Childrenand for Kids, since we'll be Drawing very family friendy and Cute Cartoon Cats, a fun subject perfect for a Beginner. (Who doesn't love Drawing Animals?)At the end of this class you'll be able to Draw ANY Cat you want in whatever pose you desire by Mastering these 3 Cat Breedsin 3 Main poses for each.Learn to Love Drawing Cats.Can't wait to see you in Class! Join now and be a part of the Community!Click the Buy Now button and we'll see you inside!Patricia Caldeira and Miguel Silva @ Don Corgi"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Majestic Animals: Dogs Master Drawing Animals" |
"Over 1500 students have joined this ArtCourse and learned to Draw amazing Dogs!Master Drawing Dogs, theseMajestic Creatures, with us!- Teachers with Years of experience on Drawing and Digital Painting;- Professional Artists;- Fundamentals of Drawing explained in a Simple Manner;This Class is suited forDrawing Beginners, either if you want to up your Character and Creature Design skills or to learn some of the basics. With this Drawing Course where we master how todraw a Dog, we will cover a lot of different basic Techniques to improve your overall Drawing Skills.We'll be covering a lot of the Principles of Drawing from:Sketchingto Inking to ColoringFor the Class you'll need either aPencil + Piece of Paperor aDrawing Tablet + Drawing Softwareof your choice! Either is fine to use, pick theDrawing tool that you feel more comfortable with.Master Drawing Animals by following step by step instructions, we won't be giving you a lot of Theory to hear, we believe in Improving by Practising! So you will be Drawing Dogs from the very beginning of this Art Course.I'll be using Manga Studio /Clip Studion with my Drawing tablet but you're free to use whatever you feel more used to, since the important thing to do here is to just practice. Master how to draw a dog ofthe following Dog Breeds and more!We'll be covering how to draw:the Small Derpy Corgi;the Tall and Spotty Dalmatian;the Big and Fuzzy Saint Bernard;This Course is also suitable for Children and for Kids, since we'll be drawing very family friendy and Cute Cartoon Dogs, a fun subject perfect for a Beginner. (Who doesn't love Drawing Animals?)What else is there?Practical Assignments to improve your Drawing Skills;Personal Contact with me, the teacherLifetime acess to everything in the courseMoney-Back Guarantee through Udemy!At the end of this Art Course you'll be able to DrawANY Dog you want in whatever pose you desire by Mastering these 3 Dogs Breeds with3 differentMain Poses for Each.Learn to Draw a Dog the easy way!Can't wait to see you in Class!Press the Buy Now button on the side, and come join the Community!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Figure Drawing - Design a Dynamic Character" |
"Do you want to Start Figure Drawing but don't know where and how?Would you like some guidance on what to do and what NOT to do when drawing figures and anatomy?I've got you covered.Over a THOUSAND people have taken this Figure Drawing Course and we keep adding updates to it!So many people can't be wrong. Here's an example Review from one of our student artists:""Amazing teacher. Simple and fun creative exercises to stretch your drawing abilities.""Here you'll learn how to understand Figure Drawing easily and quickly, and put your drawing skills to use right away. This is what you'll be learning throughout the Course:Use shapes to create Body Masses of your Character so it looks super Dynamic;Use Anatomy Reference Material and Inspiration to improve your Figure Drawing Skills!Start drawing from Scratch or with your previous Idea and Design your Dream Character.The course is Constantly updated with more Resources and Content so you can keep on learning and improving your skills!This course will equip you with the knowledge to design amazing characters!Come and take this Figure Drawing Course with me! The course is covered digitally, using a drawing tablet and software (Clip Studio Paint). This is mostly so it's easier for me to record and show you my exact drawing process without worrying about other things getting in the way. Everything that you learn here can be used in traditional art, the basics are exactly the same! Only the tools change.So feel free to use a pencil and a piece of paper to follow along this course.Throughout this Drawing Course, we will cover a lot of Character Design features in bite-sized Classes so you don't feel overwhelmed. We'll go through How to Draw Step by Step each individual feature. From Eyes, Lips and Noses... to other anatomy parts like the Torso, Arms, Hands, and Legs.Currently here are the Major Headlines of what's in the Course:Gesture Drawing for posing your characters dynamically;Figure Drawing Anatomy Shapes and Masses;Drawing Heads in 3/4 View;Creating Facial Features and Expressions;Drawing Hair and Beard;Drawing every Body part of the human anatomy;And much more.Bring your Figure Drawing skills to the next level.Why should you take this Course?Are you tired of hearing a professional artist just commenting on their drawing instead of actually teaching you? Then this is the course for you.This is one of the most complete figure drawing courses on Udemy. Not only that, but it also doesn't give you just hours and hours of drawing theory without getting you the results YOU want. You will be drawing right along throughout the course, and will see your figure drawing and anatomy drawing skills improve along the way!There are Practical figure drawing Assignments for you to create during the drawing course so that you can put your Skills to the test right away, and I highly encourage you to do so! Start drawing your own Characters and illustrations with small step by step exercises.Learn The Basics And Beyond.In this figure drawing course, you'll not only be able to learn the general shapes to create your dynamic characters, but also to go into detail on how to draw each body part that you want.You will learn how to draw step by step any facial feature or anatomy part that you have difficulty with. Each Section can be watched independently. So you can practice Drawing specific body parts of the human anatomy, or specific part of the figure that you have trouble with.This course is COMPLETELY self-paced. Allowing you to take the time you need to learn everything about figure drawing.What if I have Questions?Not only this is a full course that will take you from start to finish in improving your figure drawing skills and creating better characters, but I'll also be answering your Questions and helping you get better and faster at your own Drawings. So this is a place for you to discuss and seek help as well! You'll never find yourself stuck in the middle of this figure drawing course, I'll be right there with you helping out along the way.I love helping my students grow.There's no risk here!If you're still not certain if this is the course for you, I offer a 30-day 100% Moneyback Guarantee in the first 30 days of purchasing the course - no questions asked.This is a Drawing Course where we break down and simplify Figure Drawing and Character Design step by step, so it is intended for any Beginner that wants to improve their Drawing skills. If you're new to drawing anatomy as well, this is the place for you. We're going to break each section of our Character Design process one step after the other, so you can improve your anatomy drawing skills for each body part.Learn to love Figure Drawing.Let's get started with this drawing journey!Join the Course and I'll see you in this Figure Drawing Course right after!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Vector Art in Inkscape - Icon Design Make Vector Graphics" |
"Updated!Added Tips and Tricksfor Inkscape to help you Master Inkscape and Vector Art, while working quickly. We're active members of the Udemy Community so if you have any question or need help with your own project, just post it in our Course(s) and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!Learn how to create Vector Art in Inkscape by learning Icon Design!We'll be making a lot of Icons in Inkscape by following simple design Decisions and a step by step process.This Icon Design Courseis suited forany level, either if you want to up your Vector Art and Icon Designskills or to learn some of the basics.We'll start by pointing you tosome Resources and Inspiration for Icon Design through different websites, then we'll move on to Downloading and Installing Inkscape, our Icon Design and Vector Graphics tool of choice for this Course,while weexplain some of the Basic tools we'll be using throughout the Course.Keep reading for some more info on Inkscape and how you can use Vector Art for Fun and for Business!Inkscape: Is one of themost used FREE Vector Art software, with a wide array of options and tools. Whether you are an Illustrator, Designer, Web designer or just someone who needs to create some Vector Graphics, you will find this tool very Easy to use. Here are some of the features:Flexible drawing toolsBroad file format compatibility (Export in PNG, SVG and more!)Powerful text toolBezier and spiro curvesProgressive Learning Experience:Then it's time to get our hands dirty! We'll begin by Designing simple Icons in Black and white, then go through some Basic Colors and Shadows,furtherprogress to Soft Shadows and Colorful Icons and finallywrapping everything up with Gradients. This Learning Curve will help you improve your Icon Design skills step by step withouthuge jumps in difficulty and complexity.We believe that making the Content of this Icon Design Course accessible to anyone is very important, and are constantly improving the course with New videos to further soften the Learning Curve.Create your own Icons!We don't want you to just follow blindly, so you are free (and encouraged!) to take your spin on the Icons we'll be Designing. We try our best to diversify the Techniques and Themes of the Videos so we keep the Icon Design practice Fun and Challenging! Create your own Vector Graphics that you'll be able to use later on in your Website, Mobile or Computer App, or just for fun!Icon Design Assignment: We're also giving you a PracticalAssignment as part of the Course, where you'll be making an Icon from a randomized table. This we'll keep you focused on using your acquired skills and techniques while putting them to use right away! We believe it's important to improve your Icon Design skills by practising.Free Content:Everything we'll be doing in the Class will also be available for you to download, completelyFREE. Yes, you will receive all the Icons we're making in SVG format, so you can edit themon Inkscape and compare to what you have done!Learn to Love Icon Design and Inkscape.Thank you so much for taking an interest in this Icon Design Course, if you're ready to start:I'll see you inside!Press the Buy Now button and join us!All the best,Patricia and Miguel"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Desenha Animais Majestosos : Gatos Desenho Artstico" |
"Aprende a Desenhar Gatos, estes Animais Majestosos, connosco!- Professores com Anos de Experincia a Desenhar e a Pintar Digitalmente; - Artistas Profissionais;- Explicamos os Fundamentos de Desenho de Modo simples.Este Curso de Desenho de Personagens adequado para qualquer nvel de Desenho, caso queiras melhorar a tua Habilidade em Design de Personagense Criaturas ou aprender os bsicos.Vamos falar de muitos Principios de Desenho desde:Esbooat limpar as Linhasat ColorirPara esteCurso deDesenho Artsticovais precisar de um Lpis + Bocado de Papel ou uma Tablet de Desenho + Programa de Desenho tua escolha! Qualquer ferramenta de Desenho funciona, escolhe o que te sentires mais vontade e usa-a para o Desenho de Animais! Omais importante praticares o Desenho de Personagens!Eu vou usar o Manga Studio /Clip Studio com a minha Tablet de Desenho mas ests vontade para usar o que sentires mais confortvel, pois o mais importante a fazer praticar. Atravs dos nossos mtodos passo a passo, vais conseguir desenhar Gatos e outros Animais, aprendendo adesenhar do Zero!VamosDesenhar e falar sobreos seguintes Gatos:Sphynx;Persa;Bombay;Ns acreditamos em aprendizagem de Desenho atravs de Prtica!Por isso no vamos falar horas sem fim sobre o tema, vais comear a Desenhar os teus Gatos desde o nicio deste Curso de Design de Personagens.No final deste Curso de Desenho Artstico vais ser capaz de Desenhar QUALQUERGato que queiras em qualquer Pose que desejas, Dominando estas 3 Raas de Gatos em 3 Poses Principais cada.Este Curso tambm prprio para Crianas e Adolescentes, ns Desenhamos os Personagens (neste caso Gatos) em estilo Cartoon, numa temtica bastante divertida para um iniciante. (quem no adora Animais?)Aprende a ADORARdesenhar Gatos.Mal posso esperar para ver-te no Curso! Junta-te agora e s parte da Comunidade!Clica no boto ""Compre Agora!"" e vejo-te no Curso!Patricia Caldeira eMiguel Silva @ Don Corgi"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How To Draw Adorable Cartoon Chibi Characters Step by Step!" |
"This course will teach you how to create beautiful and adorable cartoon drawings of chibi characters, how to draw expressions for them and even how to design your own clothes for your characters!This cartoon drawing course is designed to quickly teach you how to draw adorable characters in a simple and step by step way. Every lecture and video is split into easily digestible chunks so that you can learn the MOST in the least time possible.Not only this, but you also won't just be hearing me talk over and over. You will take action and follow along with the video with your own chibi characters!You will learn everything there is to know about cartoon drawing cute characters that you can use for various ends, such as selling online in products, working with commissions, or even just drawing for fun.This course will equip you with the knowledge to create amazing characters!The course is designed for every level of artistic ability. If you're a beginner artist that wants to start with a cute cartoon drawing or chibi style, this course is for you. And if you're a veteran artist that wants to dive into a new style, there's still a lot to learn here as well!From ""cute"" proportions to drawing stylized expressions and clothing, Ipromise that you'll get your money's worth with this course.Once you've purchased the course, you'll instantly get complete access to 3 different sections with over 2 hours of content on drawing cartoon chibi characters.Here's what you'll learn with the course:What makes a character cute.The basic proportions and shapes to create your amazing and adorable cartoon drawing chibi characters.How you can use color to draw appealing chibi characters!Drawing expressive emotions on your characters, to make them come alive (with several examples).Drawing cartoon clothing for your characters in different stylesWhere to find reference images to help you.Not only this, but there are several Assignments in the course so you can test and improve your drawing skills right away.Master Drawing Cute Cartoon Characters Today!By improving your cartoon drawing skills, you'll be able to use this knowledge for several means. Not only you can have fun drawing cartoon chibi characters of your friends and yourself, but you'll also be able to earn a living with this skill if you so desire. The cuteness factor is a very important detail in many art forms. You can create cartoon drawing of characters and earn money by:Selling cartoon drawings on Products (T-Shirts, Cards, Mugs and more)Getting paid as a freelance artist for companiesCreate your own characters for video games and animationAnd much more!With this course, this skill can be yours.But who is your Instructor?I'm Patricia, I've been working as an illustrator and graphic designer for a long time. I've worked with publishing companies, youtubers, twitchers and done freelance commission work for dozens of clients. Nowadays Idedicate myself 100%to helping people like you to improve their drawing skills and become better artists.You'll have all your questions answered in the course, through personal contact with me, the instructor. I'll help you become a better artist.Other than that you'll also have: Lifetime access to all the course material and future updates.Assignments created to improve your drawing skillsPersonally written reviews of your work in the Assignments.There's no risk here!If you're still not certain if this is the course for you, Ioffer a 30-day 100% Moneyback Guarantee in the first 30 days of purchasing the course - no questions asked.Ican't wait to see you in the course!Join now and start creating amazing cartoon drawings, today.- Patricia"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Complete Filmmaker Guide: Become an Incredible Video Creator" |
"This filmmakingcourse coversall the creativeaspectsof planning, shooting, and editing an incredible video.If you are a beginner,youtuber, orfilmmaker looking to successfully create awesomevideos,then this course ismade for you.1. Creative & PersonalSkillDevelopmentBefore I even dive into the filmmaking aspects, I explain the secrets other courses leave out.These principles act as a framework for your creativity to build on, which include: Self Discovery Optimized daily routine Life map and progress tracking Emulating others success Clarity of video production2. Understanding Pre-ProductionThis step is one of the most crucial and misunderstood parts of creating an incredible video. Here I explain how to properly plan and develop your video before the production process, including: Guidelines that all films follow Pre-Production Process Research and Development Creating Characters,Story, and Shot list3. Secrets of ProductionThis is my favorite part, I share the golden rules and timeless principles of filmmaking that will allow you to create incredible videos regardless of what equipment or editing software you are using. This portion will absolutely have the most impactful effect on your videos. A few of these techniques include: Mastering Your Lenses Key Principles of Lighting Sound Recording Fundamentals Filming Fundamentals Mastering the framing, shot choice, and camera movement4. Mastering Post-ProductionThe most complex and time consuming part of any video is the post-production process. I shed some light on using this step to create an awesomely unique video that stands out among the sea of bland online content. Capturing,Organizing, and Creating a Rough Edit 4 Main Factors of Knowing When to Cut Matching Color, Shape, Movement Montage Essentials Color Correction and Color Grading"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Filmmaking Career: A Video Production Course" |
"Start making money with your passion!Turn your videography skills into a full-time business!In this in-depth course, Phil Ebiner and Julian Melanson, walk you through seven steps that take you from doing video production work for fun, to landing clients and growing your own business.If you are a beginner videographer or filmmaker, YouTuber or vlogger, looking to successfully earn a living by making videos, this course is made for you!STEP 1: Plan for SuccessTo get going, Julian walks you through getting in the right mindset. He'll break down old paradigms, and shows you a new way of thinking about filmmaking.STEP 2: Shoot Personal ProjectsMaking and sharing your own personal videos is the best way to start your filmmaking career. Phil shares his own personal stories of how creating personal projects propelled him to his first paying clients, and how you can do the same.STEP 3: Develop Your ImageTo legitimize your personal video production business, a solid demo reel, website, and solid online presence are key to getting your first clients. Julian takes you through all the steps, so by the end of this step you'll have a better online presence and stronger self-image that helps you as a filmmaker.STEP 4: How to Actually Land ClientsIt's time to get your first paying clients! Phil shows you the ropes - helping you find clients in 4 different way - online, cold calling, through referrals, and in person.STEP 5: Retain Your ClientsGetting clients to pay your for a video project is only the first step. Retaining clients is the way to consistent work, and growth as a filmmaker. Julian teaches you how to get consistent work by delivering video products that people love.STEP 6: Business Techniques & ProtocolLet's take your business to the next level! Legitimize your business and protect yourself by incorporating. Negotiate prices to get paid what you're actually work. Use contracts to make sure both you and the client are happy.STEP 7: Next Level Communication SkillsIn this last step of becoming a full-time filmmaker, Julian shows you some high-level t more tools to get and retain clients.READY TO START YOUR FILMMAKING CAREER?Enroll now to get started!WHAT DO YOU GET IN THE COURSE?3+ hours of premium video lessonsDownloadable resources and business templatesPremium support from both instructors to answer any questionsFeedback on your own video projects, websites, etc.30-DAY 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThere's no reason to hesitate! Enroll now to see how we can help you take your filmmaking career to the next level!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Basics of Business Structures for Entrepreneurs" |
"Are you unsure how much is involved with each business structure in regards to cost and paperwork?Do you feel insecure in the protection of your business?Are you not sure if they have picked the right business structure?If you want to have a better understanding of the difference between the business structuresandfeel more confident in your choice of structure then this course is for you!Iwillbreakdown the liability protection, taxes, paperwork, advantages and disadvantagesof sole proprietorships, general partnerships, corporations and LLC's in easy to understand language and examples. Iknow there are a lot of legal aspects to starting and running a business which can be incredibly overwhelming. This course will help you havea solid foundation knowing you which business structure is rightfor you and your business."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Los tres pasos del xito." |
"Probablemente seas como las millonesdepersonas que deambulan por la vida sin una meta u objetivo.Es muy probable que en el pasado hayasintentado algo sin xito y te hasresignado a ""simplemente vivir"", a pasar por la vida ""haciendo"" lo que en el momento es necesario, reaccionando a la vida en lugar de haciendo que la vida reaccione para que las cosas sucedan como lo deseas.O tal vez pertenezcas altipo de personas que te topasconstantemente con un sentimiento de frustracin porque no lograsconcretar tus metas y te preguntasconstantementequ pasa que no logro tener xito en lo que me propongo?La respuesta es muy sencilla. Estssiguiendo un mtodo inadecuado para soar, establecer objetivos,metas yplanes para lograrlos.Es por la manera como ests realizando.Si ests leyendo esto, es porque deseas mejorar tu vida.En este taller te ofrezco la mejor tecnologa para disear, establecer y cumplir tus objetivos y metas.hacerlo. Utilizars tcnicas de laProgramacin Neuro Lingustica, ""la tecnologa del xito"".Espero que disfrutes tanto del programa como yo disfrut al hacerlo para ti.Nos vemos en la meta!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Websites from Scratch with HTML, CSS and Javascript" |
"This is the course create websites from scratch with HTML, CSS andJavascript. In this course, you will learn the how of making a webpage and create you own web profile at the end of the course withHTML, CSS and Javascript. Not familiar with the names? No problem!This is a course designed for you, designed for beginners who donteven know what are they and how they build up a webpage. So, if youare an expert of HTML, CSS and Javascript, you may want to look for amore advanced course. There are courses that teach NodeJS,AngularJS and React, but not matter what framework you use, theyare all based on HTML, CSS and Javascript. This is a course aims atbuilding you foundation of creating websites.This course will use many examples to demonstrate the best way oflearning web development. I will guide you through each of theexamples and build up your foundation before going to the nextstage.In the first three sections, I will talk about HTML, CSS and Javascript respectively.The three sections seem separated, but they actually requireknowledge from the previous sections. So, stick with the order, youwill be guided in the best way.After the three sections, I will introduce some tools that are heavilyused in the industry to create fancy and extraordinary websites. Bythe end of the course, you are not only learning HTML, CSS andJavascript, but also having you own personal webpage with you toshow you friends."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Software Testing 101" |
"Software Testing 101 is a crucial guide to building reliable software.Starting from ""why"" software testing is important, the course trains your brain to appreciate the benefits of software testing.Followed by ""how"" to do software testing, the course provides you an overview of software development cycle and introduces multiple testing skills that cover the whole development cycle.Unit testIntegration testSmoke & sanity testEnd-to-end testPerformance testUser Acceptance testFor each lab section, I will introduce the ""what"" to you - ""what you can use to carry out the test"".With the approach of ""why"", ""how"" and ""what"", you will be leaded to the road of building a reliable, scalable and cost-effective software."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Day trading strategy for all levels, with 72% success rate" |
"Like any of my strategies1 SHOT 1 KILLis also a full and completed day trading strategy.You can learn it in 1 courseand apply it on the next day, simple as that!In the last 5 years this strategy showed a 72% success rate and with this strategy you won't have to guess on how to find the right stock or at which point to get in or out of a trade.All of that and many more will be taught in this course.Anyone with at least 2 months experience can learn and trade this strategy.In the course we will cover EVERYTHING you need to know in order to trade right,Can you imagine your trading without the stress and the unknowing feeling?When you'll finish this course this uncertainty will disappear I guarantee you that.Bonus !!!Since I'm a big believer in mentoring and guiding, you will not just get my strategy crouse but also:A gift of a FULL month in my trading room. you will trade with me, see what I'm seen and trade like a pro."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Uygulama Gelitirerek C# renin: A'dan Z'ye Eitim Seti" |
"Pek ok kii yazlm dnyasna ilk adm atmak ister ancak nereden balayacan bilemez. Bu kapsaml C# dersim ile sizleri Sfrdan leri Seviyeye karmay hedefleyerek, yazlm serveninizde Trke hazrlanm eitimler ile size bir para da olsun katkda bulunmak en byk arzum.---------Peki C# Nedir?C# Microsoft'un gelitirmi olduu yeni nesil bir programlama dilidir ve yine Microsoft tarafndan gelitirilmi olan .Net teknolojisi iin gelitirilmi dillerden biridir. C# ile mobil uygulamalar (iOS, Android, Windows), oyunlar, websiteler ve masast uygulamalar gelitirebilirsiniz!---------Dnya zerinde yazlm dillerinin poplerlik sralamasnda ilk 5 iinde yer alan C# programlama dili ile otomasyon projeleri, veri taban kayt uygulamalar, akll sistemler, stok takip ve kontrol uygulamalar, 2D oyunlar ve .Net proje temelleri gibi eitli balklarda projeler kodlayarak ister hayalinizdeki projeleri geree dntrebilir ister freelancer olarak alarak para kazanmaya balayabilirsiniz. --------- Bu derste zerinden detaylaryla geerek reneceklerinizi ise u ekilde sralayabilirim:Ara kullanmlar ile balayp kurs sresince yaklak 50 farkl ara kullanmnn uygulayabilir olmak,Temel syntax konular olan ""deikenler, karar yaplar, dngler, diziler"" kavramlarna hakim olacak,OOP tabannda ""metot, snf, nesne"" gibi kavramlar uygulamalarla renecek,SQL veri tabannda pratik bir projeyle DML komutlarn (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) renecek,Veri tabannda filtreleme ilemleri yapacak,Dosya klasr ilemlerini oluturup yazabilecek,SQL'de tablo ve veri tabann en optimal veri tipleri ile oluturabilecek,Grafik, raporlama, dinamik ara oluturma, enum, point gibi ekstra daha pek ok yap hakknda bilgi sahibi olacak 20 derslik bir gerek dnya projesi ile uygulama gelitirip akabinde kendi projelerinizi gelitirebileceksiniz!Dipnot: Kursumuzun gelitirmesini windows ortamnda yaptk. C# kullanclar iin windows iletim sistemi bulunan bir laptop yeterli olacaktr :)Takldnz en ufak konularda bile bana 7/24 ulaarak, sorularnza en ksa srede bilgi alverii yoluyla cevaplar bulabileceksiniz. "
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Pek ok kii yazlm dnyasnailk adm atmak ister ancak nereden balayacan bilemez. Bu kapsaml C# dersim ile sizleriSfrdan leri Seviyeyekarmay hedefleyerek, yazlm serveninizde Trke hazrlanm eitimler ilesize bir para da olsun katkda bulunmak en byk arzum.---------Peki C# Nedir?C# Microsoft'un gelitirmi olduu yeni nesil bir programlama dilidir ve yine Microsoft tarafndan gelitirilmi olan .Net teknolojisi iin gelitirilmi dillerden biridir. C# ilemobil uygulamalar (iOS, Android, Windows),oyunlar,websiteler vemasast uygulamalargelitirebilirsiniz!---------Dnya zerinde yazlmdillerinin poplerliksralamasndailk 5 iinde yer alan C#programlama dili ileotomasyon projeleri,veri taban kayt uygulamalar,akll sistemler,stok takip vekontrol uygulamalar,2Doyunlarve.Net proje temellerigibi eitli balklardaprojeler kodlayarak isterhayalinizdeki projeleri geree dntrebilirister freelancer olarak alarakpara kazanmaya balayabilirsiniz.--------- Bu derste zerinden detaylarylageerekreneceklerinizi ise u ekilde sralayabilirim:OOPtabannda""metot, snf, nesne"" gibi kavramlar uygulamalarla renecek,OOPtabanndaveri taban uygulamas gelitirebilecek,Katmanl Mimari Yapshakknda sfrdan orta seviyeye gelecek,SQLveri tabannda pratik bir projeyleDML komutlarn (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) renecek,Prosedr yazabilecek,liki kurabilecek,Tetikleyici oluturabilecek,Entity, Facade, Business Logic gibi Katmanlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacak ve bunlar pratie dkecek,Veri tabanndafiltreleme ilemleriyapacak,SQL'detablo ve veri tabann en optimal veri tipleri ile oluturabilecek,TemelOOP yaps hakknda bilgi sahibi olup uygulamal projeler yappakabindekendiprojelerinizi gelitirebileceksiniz!Takldnz en ufak konularda bilebana 7/24 ulaarak, sorularnza en ksa srede bilgi alverii yoluyla cevaplar bulabileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Asp.Net Bootstrap le SQL Tabanl Web Projeleri Gelitirin!" |
"Pek ok kii yazlm dnyasnailk adm atmak ister ancak nereden balayacan bilemez. Bu eitimim ile sizleri Sfrdan leri Seviyeye karmay hedefleyerek, C# dilinden sonra asp platformunda Bootstrap, CSS, JS gibi balklar SQL alt yapsndaki bir projeyle retme hedefindeyim. yazlm serveninizde Trke hazrlanm eitimler ilesize bir para da olsun katkda bulunmak en byk arzum.--------- Bu derste zerinden detaylarylageerekreneceklerinizi ise u ekilde sralayabilirim:SQL Database ve TablolarSQL Veri Tiplerilikili TablolarDiyagramlarBirletirme lemleri (Join)Prosedr OluturmaDataset YapsHazr Template Kurulumu ve DzenlenmesiCSS KontrolleriBootstrap YapsDinamik Web Projeleri OluturmaLayout KontrolAdmin ve Kullanc Panellerive ok daha fazlas...Takldnz en ufak konularda bilebana 7/24 ulaarak, sorularnza en ksa srede bilgi alverii yoluyla cevaplar bulabileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Awareness - Benefits of Meditation in daily life" |
"Mindfulness = AwarenessOur thoughts, our emotions, our behaviour, and therefore our mental health, is largely dependent on our understanding of the world; our thoughts about ourselves, other people and the futureOf course to set and intention and get the ball rolling you have to start with a Healthy mindsetso what better way to make mindful awareness the starting point in creating what you actually want your life to look like for you. One thing you can start noticing and talking about are things and people that you like or love. Looking at what is working well in your life, rather than what is not working well. Having an Attitude of Gratitude . Get a Journal and start writing things in it daily.These are all things that you can start doing daily to make a difference and start the changes.Let it begin with you - by the way these are all things l practice and action in my own life, so without a shadow of a doubt l can definitely say how well it all works and by knowing how much research has gone into how the brain works and practicing the techniques you will have no regrets just shiftsWhat is Mindfulness?Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware in the moment with eitherour internal or external experiences empowering us to see clearly what is happeningin our lives. It offers us the opportunity to develop a more positive approach to life by cultivating clarity, insight, understanding and compassion towards ourselves, others and situations that may arise during our daily life experiences.MEDITATION Is Living Your Life As If It Really Mattered.That means you gotta be there for it, with kindness towards oneself, and an understanding of the deep interconnectedness of all life and beings.MINDFULNESS MEDITATION is the practice of paying attention to what is happening from moment to moment without judgment. Our minds are so often planning or worrying about the future or reflecting on the past, we miss the place where life is actually happening, here in this moment.Take small steps = start by making small changes consistently in your day, so you do not feel to overwhelmed by the changes (this helps to make it very do-able). Creating the BIG change for an extraordinary life - once you start the small steps, you will become to notice changes occurring, noticing how these changes are making you FEEL. So overtime all of the small steps you have been making consistently in your day will bring about a noticeable shift as you start noticing more and more the changes that are occurring for you and others around you.If you continually practice daily just reminding yourself once completed this course how much you have grown in all areas of your life when your aware of the changes that have occurred in your own behaviour from the beginning to now. Make sure whilst you are practicing that you always remain kind toward yourself (in other words when you make a mistake it is ok however learn from it so it is not being repeated). Some of the toughest times in life can create the biggest learnings."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"C++ ile Yapsal ve Nesne Ynelimli Programlama" |
"Programlama renmek ou kiinin hayal ettii fakat yeterli ve dzenli dokman bulamad iin yarm brakt bir itir.Bu kurs kapsamnda C++ ile hem YAPISAL PROGRAMLAMA hem de NESNE YNELML PROGRAMLAMA reneceiz.Her ders kodlama egzersizleri yapacaz.Uygulamalar ile rendiklerimizi pekitireceiz.Algoritmik dnme yetenei kazanacaz.Sadece neyin ne olduunu deil, nasl kullanldn ve ne ie yaradn da reneceiz.Bu kurs srekli olarak gncellenecek yeni ders ve uygulamalar eklenecektir.---------------------------------------------Gncelleme Mays 2018StandardTemplate Library blm kursa eklendi.Yeni uygulama dersleri eklendi.---------------------------------------------NEDEN C++ ?C++ dnya zerinde en ok kullancs olan programlama dilidir.C++ hem yapsal programlama hem de Nesne Ynelimli Programlamaya imkan tanr.C++ Sistem Programlama'da kullanlacak kadar gldr. Gnmzde en popler iletim sistemleri C++ ile yazlmtr.C++ oyun programlamada kullanlmaktadr.Yazlm i ilanlarnda ok fazla karmza kar.C++ ile yapabilecekleriniz hayal gcnz ile snrldr."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de WordPress, Desde Cero Hasta Experto!" |
"En este curso completo de WordPress conocers los secretos de un desarrollador web exitoso, y adems al terminar este curso podrs hacer proyectos web reales en poco tiempo y crear sitios web profesionales con diseo complejo.En la actualidad existe la necesidad de aprender correctamente a crear pgina web profesional y exitosa para aumentar ingresos reales ya sea de tu negocio, de un cliente o de alguna empresa. En este curso te ensear en profundidad a utilizar WordPress, desde su instalacin hasta la gestin de caractersticas ms avanzadas como galeras de imgenes, formularios de contacto y tiendas con carrito de compras. Todo esto sin tocar una sola lnea de cdigo.Al terminar este curso, no necesitars contactar a otra persona para crear un sitio web o cada vez que quieras editar algo en tu pgina web, eso ya es cosa del pasado. Ahora estars capacitado para solucionar algn problema que surja con algn sitio web.Aprende a crear un sitio web completamente dinmico para tu negocio o para tus clientes de manera fcil y didctica. Paso a paso.Convirtete en un experto haciendo Sitios Web profesionales con WordPress.No necesitas ser un programador profesional para empezar con WordPress, en este curso te ensear los pasos correctos para empezar inmediatamente a crear tu pgina web con un aspecto profesional.** nete a los miles de estudiantes que ya estn mejorando sus capacidades en desarrollo web utilizando WordPress.Ya es momento de que lo hagas t mismo tu pgina web. Djame guiarte en este mundo de Sitios Web."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |