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"Bootstrap 4 Crashkurs" |
"Bootstrap ist eines der beliebtesten & besten Front-End Frameworks und erleichtert jedem Webworker die Arbeit ungemein. Gerade beim Entwickeln von responsiven Websites spielt Bootstrap durch sein ausgeklgeltes Spaltensystemseine volle Strke aus und macht die Arbeit bedeutend einfacher. Mittlerweile ist das Framework in der Version 4.0 erschienen und bringt viele Neuerungen mit sich. Mit diesem Crashkurs mchte ichdir den Einstieg in das brandneue Bootstrap 4so einfach wie mglich machen und deshalb lernst du auchnur die wichtigsten Features um damit schnell starten zu knnen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kaleido Journaling for Self-Discovery" |
"As an Expressive Arts and Creativity Coach, I've beenteaching people how to Kaleido Journal for the past twelve years and I want toteach you too! The word Kaleido comesfrom the Greek words Kalos and Eidos which translates to beautifulpattern. I believe that you too have abeautiful pattern and Kaleido Journaling can help revel that pattern. Kaleido Journaling offers you the opportunity to explorecolors and how they influence your thoughts and behaviors. Through life coaching tools and techniques,you will learn how to recognize your inner critic and break free from self-limitingthoughts. Discovery how to brainstorm,create action plans and use small steps for momentum toward your dreams andgoals. AND explore positive mind-settools that will help you stay motivated.This course includes lecture videos, articles, worksheetsand a 30 page e-book. It's a magical mixthat takes a creative, playful and relaxed approach to self-discovery, reachinggoals and staying motivated."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Acentuao Grfica" |
"O curso sobre as regras gerais de acentuao grfica de acordo com a nova ortografia. Sendo uma aula de reforo, onde pessoas interessadas ao assunto podem ver os vdeo com instrues, e ainda, realizar atividades para fixao.O curso apresentado em trs mdulos, o primeiro de introduo ao contedo, o segundo com as regras gerais de acentuao e, por fim, um mdulo com testes.O curso destinado a qualquer pessoa interessada ao assunto, procurando escrever melhor, conhecer as regaras gerais, distinguir quais palavras recebem acento, revisar e aplicar as regras gerais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Portugus para Concursos" |
"O curso sobre as principais matrias de lngua portuguesa exigidas em concursos pblicos de nvel mdio. Sendo uma aula de reforo, onde pessoas interessadas ao assunto podem ver os vdeo com as explicaes acessveis.O curso apresentado em vrias modalidades, sendo abordados diversos assuntos de lngua portuguesa.O curso destinado a qualquer pessoa interessada ao assunto ouque vise um concurso pblico de nvel mdio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Des cartes pour comprendre le monde - Term. S et ES - 2016" |
"Rsum illustr des notions principales du cours de gographie au programme 2016 des classes de terminales S et ES.Ce cours illustre les differents type de cartes que vous aurez analyser et interpreter; ainsi que les diffrentes clefs de lecture politiques, conomiques, culturelles et environnementales utiles bien cerner les problmatiques poses en examen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ear Training - Develop Your Listening Skills on the Piano" |
"Student Reviews:Kenneth S Blatt - 5 Stars - This is a very good introduction to ear training. All the concepts are very clearly explained and demonstrated. The follow up tests reinforce all the important principles. Mattias Hgstrm - 5 Stars - Very easy to follow along. He makes a seemingly complex matter easy to approach. I have improved my hearing already only halfway through the course. Ayreon Green - 5 Stars - This method is fun and easy to follow! Samantha Vickery Gray - 5 Stars - Loving it thus far. Fun and the speed of learning is perfect for me. --------Have you ever wondered how some people can listen to a song just once, and then just sit down at the piano and play it?This is because they have a well developed musical ear, and can hear the notes played and figure them out on the Piano/Keyboard.This coursewill help you to develop your musical ear, taking you from the earliest stages of Pianonote recognition to being able to figure out basic PianoChords without the use of any aids other than your own listening ability. These skills when developed properly, will open up a whole new world for you in the realm of music. Youll no longer be restricted to the notes on a page, or have to search the internet for the chords to a song.But most importantly, you will improve as a musician.The best musicians always have a well developed ear, because it gives them a connection between what is in their head and translating that through their instrument, rather than being restricted to sheet music. If you develop this skill properly, you'll be able to listen to songs and understand what is happening, and figure them out and play them on the Piano all by yourself.You may also find that having a highly trained ear will help you in other scenarios whether its playing Pianowith a band, improvising on the Piano, music listening exams or writing songs. For example, lets just say that you are trying to write a song, and have a melody in your head, you need to be able to play that on the Piano, or figure out the chord that will accompany it. This course develop the skills needed to be able to do this using the Piano.So if you want to learn howto play by ear using the Piano, take this step-by-step course and have fun developing this essential skill.This is a course that anyone wanting to learn to play music can enjoy, so why not enroll today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"HP UFT - Basic to Intermediate" |
" In these videos you will learn about a functional regression testing tool by HP Company named as HP UFT i.e HP Unified Functional Testing . Previously known as HP QTP i.e Quick Test Professional. This course is designed specially for first time users and beginners. It does not consist of any advanced topics. I want people to understand the basic concepts with the help of this tutorial. HP UFT/QTP tool is primarily for software testers having basic knowledge of Manual testing. In this course we will make sure that any participants who joins this course will be able to understand right from scratch basic like downloading and installing the software till he test any application by its own. As mentioned basic knowledge of manual testing is required. This videos are made on the latest version of HP UFT in the market i.e 14.00 Version.Note : API Automation testing will not be covered in this video seriesSome reviews :* Easy to follow videos with clear explanation on the basics and how to create the charts. Teaching is superb - Sowjanya* I love this course. I am learning a lot and I believe it will contribute greatly towards my knowledge of automation testing and my career. The fact that with this course, you can actually see the instructor, makes the course more interactive and engaging. I am really enjoying the course - Marwan Sultan* Here all information given very straight to point. I really like all these videos - Paras Rudani* The course is very understandable and lecturer explains it clearly - Mounika * The explanation about each concept is given in simple and easy to understand language. The presenter has also tried to expand on each point explained -Zohra * Very well explained videos. Pls continue the great job and post more videos to cover the course content even though you put a reasonable price to it. Thanks Pavan- Gayathri* I am very happy to get this course and found this is the best HP UFT training. The way he explains it's fantastic and I love it. I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn HP UFT in proper and easy way. Thanks again- GaziThis is an excellent free course that I have ever seen on Udemy. Thanks to Pavan with his wide knowledge of UFT and the very smart way of recording and editing the video. I hope to see more videos come in soon - Loung*Pavan has been fantastic with the way he is articulating about HP UFT. Videos are intuitive too and doesn't cause any attention lapses that usually happens with online videos. One of the most productive online sessions i have had in recent months. Super glad i got them for free . Wonderful job Pavan .Expect ROI very soon buddy.- KishoreI was able to understand the concept even though I am not from QA background. - AartiHope you will enjoy this.ThanksPavan Lalwani"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity3D: De 0 a la Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada" |
"Con este curso sers capaz de desarrollar cualquier tipo de aplicacin con Unity3D, desde un juego 2D hasta una aplicacin de Realidad Virtual con los ms modernos dispositivos de realidad virtual como las google Cardboard, las Oculus Rift o las HTC VIVE.El curso se ir actualizando con los nuevos contenidos en Unity as como para los nuevos dispositivos de realidad virtual que vayan surgiendo.Empezaremos desarrollando una aplicacin 2D, un juego del tipo infinite runner.Crearemos fondos dinmicos, crearemos personajes y los animaremos desde UnityImplementaremos clases reutilizables en cualquier proyecto para reproducir sonidos y efectos especialesAprenderemos a manejar el sistema de interfaz de usuario, UI, de Unity y crearemos unas pantallas de registro, inicio, pause y fin para nuestro juego, as como un interface para el gameplay.Aprenderemos a crear una base de datos es un servidor y a conectarla desde Unity para almacenar y recuperar informacin desde ella, haciendo que nuestra aplicacin sea compartida por cualquier persona en el mundo (aprenderemos elPHP y mySQL para permitir que cualquier aplicacin de Unity3D interacte con bases de datos)Crearemos un escenario 3DAprenderemos a manejar la librera de Realidad Aumentada Vuforia y crearemos un proyecto de realidad aumentada en Unity empleando esta librera.Adaptaremos nuestro escenario 3D para crear aplicaciones para las gafas Google Cardboard y veremos los mecanismos para interactuar con la visin dentro de este entorno, como crear interfaces 3D (mens de opciones, botones de accin,...) e interactuar con ellos.Adaptaremos nuestro escenario 3D para crear aplicaciones para las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rifty veremos los mecanismos para interactuar con la visin dentro de este entorno.Adaptaremos nuestro escenario 3D para crear aplicaciones para las gafas de realidad virtual HTC VIVEy veremos los mecanismos para interactuar con la visin dentro de este entorno, as como cambiar los mandos por defecto por unos customizados. Adems interactuaremos con los mandos que vienen con las gafas y desarrollaremos funcionalidades como el teletransporte, coger ysoltar objetos, simular un arma y disparar apretando botones de los mandos,..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Editor Unity3D: Domnalo y amplalo creando mens a medida" |
"Con este curso sers capaz de entender cmo ha sido creado el editor de Unity y podrs crear tus propias ventanas, integrarlas dentro del entorno y usarlas durante la fase de desarrollo de tus proyectos, ahorrndote tiempo de desarrollo.El curso se ir actualizando con los nuevos contenidos que vayan surgiendo enUnity.Empezaremos repasando y probando los atributos que Unity nos brinda,que muchas veces pasan desapercibidos y que muchas veces nos pueden ayudar a crear scripts mucho ms legibles y fciles de entender, as como ayudarnos a que sean mas intuitivos y eficientes. Veremos atributos que alteran el aspecto visual del editor como Space, Range, Header,... as como otros que alteran su ejecucin como por ejemplo ExecuteInEditMode. Tambin crearemos opciones para el context menu de nuestros scripts o variables que hayamos definido en ellos, que nos permita mejorar la interaccin con ellos.Veremos los ScriptableObjects, cmo crearlos y usarlos y cmo nos pueden ayudar a reducir la memoria empleada por nuestra aplicacin, as como ayudarnos a organizar mejor la estructura de nuestros proyectos.Seguiremos con los PropertyDrawers y cmo nos pueden ayudar a mejorar la visualizacin y comprensin de nuestras clases; y emplearemos el atributo CustomEditor para customizar la forma en que Unity muestra en el editor un script que hemos creado, haciendo que sea mucho ms fcil de entender.Indagaremos en la clase EditorWindow y la emplearemos para crear nuevos mens que integraremos al editor de Unity y que nos ayudar a un desarrollo ms eficaz de nuestros proyectos al poder disponer de herramientas hechas por nosotros que nos resuelvan problemas cotidianos a los que nos enfrentamos a diario al desarrollar aplicaciones dentro de Unity3D. Esto lo haremos creando varias herramientas de ejemplo como son un buscador de tag o un controlador de playerprefbs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Create A Blogspot Site In 10 Minutes Like A Pro" |
"Learn Step by step guide on howyou cansimplecreate a FREE BlogspotPROFESSIONAL site usingBlogger platform.Launching a website used to be a challenging task. Think of spending tons of cash on domain name, buying hosting, paying website developer. Now, you don't need all that again. You can now learn how to make afree bloggerhosting website for your business. Without paying a dime and with ZERO design and coding knowledge.Thanks to Blogspot Platform, creating a free site is now easier than ever.In this course, I will practical show you how to Create A Blogspot Site In 10 minutes Like A Pro With NO Coding Skillsrequired.Once youre done with this training you will be able tocreate solid blogger freewebsites for yourself or foryour clients.With blogger[Blogspot]websites you will enjoy: 1:Free Domain. 2:Free hosting 3:Lots of Beautiful and attractive FREE Templates to use. 4: Easy to Set Up and Manage.The blogger free websiteplatform offers the most advanced tools for building a solid blogspot freewebsites, including dozens of spectacular website templates and otherpowerful free tools.In this course, I show you, step by step, on how to create your own professional content/affiliate site using bloggerplatform without spending a dime.Here are other benefits you start to gain creatingblogspot freewebsites after this training:* ZERO coding skill required* Save you money* Build business sites in no time for free* No designing skill needed* Zero cost professional websites* Make affiliate websites for free* Make adsense websites for free* Make landing pages for free* Make business websites free* Test A niche using blogspot site* Create Easy to Rank blog website* Make Unlimited SEO Friendly free sites* Create unique sites in under 10 minutes.Blogspot platform is a leading cloud-based development platform with millions of users worldwide. They make it easy for everyone to create a beautiful, professional freeweb presence. And in this course i will show you how you can set it up immediately.Promoteyour business, showcase your product and service, set up an online shop or just test out new ideas. The blogpot freewebsite builder has everything you need to create a fully personalized, high-quality free website.Do it yourself! No designer to pay! No programmer to hire! No scary check to write!Whether your website is for business or pleasure, this coursewill help you succeed online.At the end of this course, you will be able to set upprofessional blogspot websites in no time.. Free of charge, start your business and earn more money.Create a website for your business today its easy and freeGet Started NOW! Don't Wait!Enroll Now!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Success With ZERO Website" |
"Testimonies.............................................................................................................Lhoucine Achqir""thank you so much"".............................................................................................................Kim Shaw""seems interesting...""..........................................................................................................How To Promote Clickbank Products Without A Website and With ZERO Budget.Are you ready toDuplicate My CLICKBANK Affiliate SUCCESS Without A Website?Do You have difficulties making money with your clickbank Affiliateaccount?Are you new to clickbank affiliate marketingand needs a provenstep by step guide?How many different affiliatemethods have you tried in attempts to make money online?Are you struggling to get started making money from clickbank affiliate marketing because you lack a definite step by step plan..?How many different clickbankmethods have you tried in your attempts to make moneythat failed?Or maybe you were trying to figure it out on your own for some time now butdidn't quite make it yet?If you're struggling to make money with clickbankaffiliate marketing, thenthis course isjustyour missing link.Well, thenSTOP Right Nowand let me show youa shortcut to success with clickbank affiliate business without havinga website and without paying a traffics!No need buying domain name and hosting!No need paying for traffic! I will show you how you canGenerate targeted traffics for FREEHere is a lifetime Opportunity and a great connection to the real things that works, you are about to learn from someone with record success and you are set to work things out and make money, then tell me what will hinder your success in making money on clickbank?NOTHING!I will show youThe Best Way To Get clickbankBuyer Traffic FOR FREE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I Want You To Succeed...Simply put I am revealing this courseto you because I don't want to see you struggle any more. I want to teach you this method [my clickbank success secret]because I want to see you making an excellent side income from your clickbank affiliate marketing business. I want you to understand that you CAN make cash on clickbank even without a website and with zero or low budget. It doesn't matter if you arethe most novice of internet user!Whatever the case may be for you and whatever your experience level may be, I want to be the guythat holds nothing back, only tell you the real truth and most importantly brings you all the way to clickbank affiliatesuccess.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You will soon be running a successful online clickbank affiliate marketingbusiness, making a very nice side income for yourself!Each Lectures in this coursecontains exact step-by-step guideyou can follow to get AMAZING results.At the end of this course, You will go from clueless and frustratedclickbank affiliate marketer to making an excellent side monthly clickbank income while doing very little work without a website and with low or zero budget.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You are backed by100% money back're covered by ""No-Questions-Asked"" 100% Money Back Guarantee.I truly do believe in this system. I take customer service very seriously. I know that if my customers are happy, I can feel happy. If you have any question or query about any aspect of this course, please contact me without hesitation, I will refund you instantly.....because I don't want your money if this doesn't make you any cash.I want you to know that you 100% completely backed with no-risk on your part.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Decide That You Are Not Going to Struggle Online Anymore and You Are Going to Take Action.Here are the simple facts.. The sooner you get started with""This clickbankhidden method""the sooner you can start getting results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"All your home loan calculations in Excel" |
"Learn to calculate how much money you can save by making additional payments into your home loan / mortgage or other loan.In this course we'll learn how to use the Financial Loan formulas in Excel to calculate how much money you can save when making additional payments into your loan. We'll also learn to calculate the exact period at which you can pay your loan off. This will really assist you to set achievable goals regarding your outstanding mortgage bond.This course will take you through a step-by-step guide to create a spreadsheet which details the payment for each period of a loan over the lifetime of the loan. In the example we look at a mortgage bond of 1,500,000 which is paid monthly over 20 years.The course is created using Excel 2016 and although prior versions of Excel have all the same functionality, the screen may look different so if you are not comfortable using Excel you could get confused. You really should have some basic knowledge of Excel already and you should be able to use formulas and understand how to link cells into formulas.The topics we cover in the course are:The Excel PMT function to calculate the monthly paymentThe Excel IPMT function to calculate the interest portion of each months paymentThe Excel PPMT function to calculate the principal (capital) portion of each months paymentThe Excel IF function for logical conditionsIt is very encouraging to calculate how much you can save on your bond with even small additional amounts!You can easily find templates or similar calculations but this course will truly help you understand how a loan works."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso Rapido di Programmazione Java" |
"Il Corso rapido di Programmazione Java stato realizzato con lobiettivo di insegnarti a diventare un programmatore Java in tempi brevissimi e nel modo pi semplice e lineare possibile. Non hai mai programmato prima? Nessun problema! Si parte da zero, quindi dalle basi della programmazione, e in sole 2 settimane, con un po'di costanza potrai imparare tutta la sintassi principale del linguaggio ed essere in grado di distribuire le tue prime applicazioni complete! A breve saranno disponibili nuove sezioni che esploreranno le caratteristiche aggiornate della nuova versione di java e in pi sono previsti esercizi alla fine di ogni sezione.Java attualmente il linguaggio di programmazione pi richiesto in assoluto dalle aziende operanti nel settore Information Technology (IT). Inoltre Java alla base di un insieme di tecnologie molto utilizzate in diversi ambiti tra cui la realizzazione di App per Smartphone. Di conseguenza Imparare a programmare con questo linguaggio pu davvero fare la differenza in questo particolare momento di crisi occupazionale.I programmatori Java che si occupano della parte di sviluppo applicativo sono sempre richiesti e ben retribuiti dalle aziende, proprio perch hanno un ruolo fondamentale nellinnovazione tecnologica che in continuo evolversi. Un curriculum che comprende lo skill di Java Developer in pratica un passaporto sicuro per lavorare in qualsiasi parte del mondo, fortunatamente anche qui in Italia ;).Con questo corso, anche se non hai mai programmato prima, imparerai in modo semplice e graduale tutti i concetti fondamentali di questo linguaggio, quindi la sintassi completa, la programmazione orientata agli oggetti, la creazione dinterfacce grafiche utente (GUI), la gestione delle eccezioni ecc .Arriverai a fine corso a realizzare un applicazione completa e pronta da distribuire!Se hai gi familiarit con i concetti della programmazione object-oriented, potrai imparare in un modo pi semplice a convertire le tue conoscenze nello sviluppo di applicazioni Java.Il corso stato comunque concepito per essere rivolto a studenti che non hanno alcuna esperienza di programmazione, niente quindi dato per scontato.Dopo aver completato questo corso, potrai, con un po di pratica e un minimo di approfondimento teorico, diventare un professionista esperto in grado di candidarti per la figura aziendale di programmatore java, oppure offrire consulenza e servizi pratici alle migliaia di aziende che ovunque utilizzano questo linguaggio.Inoltre Java il passaggio obbligato che ti consente di acquisire le competenze necessarie per affrontare il successivo studio della programmazione Android, altro linguaggio in continua crescita esponenziale, che ti assicura lavoro certo e ben retribuito!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Como ter sucesso com a inteligncia comportamental" |
"Este curso voltado para profissionais que esto inseridos no ambiente organizacional e que buscam oportunidades de crescimentoprofissional, desejam elevar performance profissional e tenham interessem em destacar-se no ambiente profissional, por meio do desenvolvimento de habilidades comportamentais e atitudinais.Ao final do curso voc poder comunicar-se com assertividade, encontrar solues diante da resoluo de problemas, manter o controle emocional em situaes desafiadoras e a escrever um plano de desenvolvimento profissional."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Natural Dog Nutrition & Wellbeing - Nature Knows Best!" |
"Almost half of all dogs are overweight or obese, while half of all dogs will get cancer at some stage in their life.Worryingly, these statistics are just the tip of the iceberg in a whole host of 'modern man' conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and heart diseasethat are affecting our dogs in epidemic proportions, not to mention our wallets!The principles of this course will transform the long-term health of your dog and significantly reduce the likelihood of your precious pet becoming yet another sad statistic.How? By identifying natural foods that promote optimal health and eliminating the ones that trigger the onset of disease.This course will enable any owner to create a tailored nutrition plan for their dog, no matter what stage of life it's at.1000s of dog owners have switched from highly processed commercial dog food and embraced natural feeding - and with amazing results and success stories.Enrol now and start your dog's journey to a healthier, happier life!But don't just take our word for it, here iswhat some of ourhappydog ownershave said about the course:'Thank you so much, we are amazed at the difference, not only in Bling's health and condition, but also her temperament. She has so much more energy for walks and is much calmer around other dogs too - we can only assume she is less cranky now that she feels better. The course was easy to follow and apply and we could not be happier as a result...and nor could Bling!' Ramona Carraro & Dog Lady Bling - Frome, Somerset'Look after your dog from the inside out. Often over looked, diet can play a part in behaviour and we should be looking at diet when assessing a dog's behaviour and implementing a training program. Do Good Pet Co. offer a course for dog owners that is simple to follow and gives you a clear understanding of what's best to feed your dog as well as an insight to some of the nasties hidden in some packaged foods sold in supermarkets and pet shops. A recommended read for all pet dog owners.' Emma Cummings,Force Free Dog Trainers, Surrey'The course helped me learn how much rubbish really is in a lot of dry dog food!!! Also, I didn't realise how much more healthy natural food dogs can actually have!!! Every dog owner should have to read this course when buying a law!!!' Dan Jenneson withDogs Betty & Fred - Bournemouth'This is a brilliant course for all those folks who what to feed their dogs good food but want to make sure that it's balanced and healthy. I loved the bright and informative literature that make the subject easy to understand and less daunting. I would thoroughly recommend it to all dog owners.' Charlotte Russell & Dog Robert - Gillingham, Dorset'I really enjoyed the videos andthe brilliant and pretty informational PDFs that accompany them. My Chihuahua loves his new species appropriate diet which includes foods I would never have thought of giving him. Thank you Do Good!!!'Mimi Elias & Dog Jehst - Acton, London'After finishing the Do Good course I feel in charge of giving my new puppy Royston, the best start in life. I was shocked to learn the damaging ingredients in standard dog food & how it can lead to so many diseases, but now I have peace of mind that I know exactly what Im giving my puppy & why its the right food for his species, plus Ive got some recipes to make treats for him too. Thank you for a wonderfully put together course that both me & Royston are very grateful for! Kelly Dunworth & Dog Royston - Weybridge, Surrey'I found the course very good and very informative. A lot of the stuff I know now, but 6 months ago it was a nightmare to find out what to do for Amber due to her compromised immune system. Since changing her diet and the amount I feed her she has lost weight and has loads more energy too. I think everyone should do this course before they get a puppy.' Susan Brooker & Dog Amber - Wiggywags Dog Walker'After doing the course, we were shockedby how many nasties are in common dog foods!!! Scooby was getting scabs at the edges of his ears and after doing the course and switching him to a natural diet we have noticed such a difference in him. He is in much better condition and his ears have completely cleared up. Thank you Do Good.' Fi Balkwill & Dog Scooby - Wandsworth, London'Thank you for providing a great course. This has really added to my existing canine nutrition knowledge and I hope will be useful in the future for my own dogs and potentially my clients!' Danielle Taylor - Norwich, Norfolk"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Tools For Inspecting Your Home Or One You May Want To Buy" |
"Houses are very complicated and often you will not know a problem exist until it breaks. In this course you will be better equipped and armed with the necessary tools and knowledge to Identifying deficiencies in houses and interpret what's Good, Bad or Ugly. Whether these problems could exist on your home or a home you want to buy, you will save a lot of time and money when you are equipped to recognize deficiencies."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MS Project 2013/2016 Completo: Tudo o que voc precisa saber" |
"O MSProject a ferramenta mais utilizada em Gerenciamento de Projetos do mundo. Neste curso iremos ensinar, direto ao ponto, as principais funes utilizadas no mercado. Ao final do curso o aluno ser capaz de elaborar o seu cronograma, com prazo, recursos e custos bem definidos, e o mais importante, aprender sobre ACOMPANHAMENTO da execuo do projeto. Muitas organizaes negligenciam o acompanhamento e engavetam o planejamento aps oprazo definido.Obs: O produto incluso apenas o curso, no fornecemos o download do software oficial. Caso queira, podemos fornecer um link para uma verso de teste para auxili-lo durante o curso."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Course 2020 UPDATED: My Method To 6 Figure Income" |
"FORGET THE ""YOUTUBE GURUS"" THAT PROMISE YOU MILLIONS A MONTH WITHOUT SHOWING YOU ANY PROOF. DON'T FOLLOW ANYONE THAT WON'T SHOW YOU INCOME PROOF. [SEE MY PROOF VIDEO]. I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE =]Learn how to make money on youtube - my 2020 bullet proof method!Made me over $20,000 in a few months (proof inside.)If you're looking to make money online, specifically from youtube, do yourself a favor and join this course. Seriously.If you go throw it and actually follow my steps, I personally guarantee you, you will make money on youtube.In short, you will learn exactly how I constantly make an income from Youtube.How Much Can You Make From Youtube? Well thats a tough question, but my average month on youtube is around $6,000, from 1 channel only.To be more specific this month I made $6,011 (i'll show you a proof inside).At the month of December (2016) I made over $7,300. Next month im expecting to make over $8,000.I know these numbers sound insane, it took me around 7 months to get there, but its POSSIBLE. Nice numbers right ? Now what happens when I open 3 more channels ? (which I will, i'm on it) - you do the math :)My promise to you is this - you can do it too, especially with the help of my course ! SO, What Will You Get From This Course ? I will teach you THE EXACT METHOD I USE TO MAKE MONEY ON YOUTUBE, I will tell you EXACTLY how to start your own profitable channel based on my strategy from scratch, which by the way doesn't include filming (you could choose to film videos, which is awesome and works too, I just think my way is a little bit faster).After making money online in so many ways, some I still make money with, and others I left because they're too time consuming (I'm on amazon FBA, I do affiliate marketing, and so on...)I can guarantee you, after years of research, that this is the MOST passive way to make money online. PERIOD.I really want to help others achieve financial success, as others taught me everything I know today, and helped me achieve my dream (which is NOT a Lamborghini) but the opportunity to work from home, when I feel like it, and being financially free. Thats it !Basically my rule for success in life is only take advice from someone who has a proven success, period. We all see these videos of ""gurus"" who rent lambos and ferraries to show off in their videos and claim you will make millions, fast and easy, while MOST (not all) of them are affiliate marketers trying to push you to buy something from them that will make them rich and will give you little to no value ( happened to me too many times - avoid it).Who is this course for ? This method I use doesn't require high technical skills, you will need to edit some videos now and then and maybe a little bit of photoshop for thumbnails but even if you don't you can invest a few bucks for someone to do it for you (more about that later).So I would say this course is for people who want to make money online, as a full stream of income or as a side business, mainly entrepreneurs. You don't need any previous knowledge - I will guide you !NOTE : I TRIED TO MAKE THIS COURSE AS SHORT AND TO THE POINT AS POSSIBLE, SO I WON'T DUEL ON STUFF LIKE "" HOW TO REGISTER A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT"", THERE ARE A TON OF GUIDES ONLINE THAT CAN HELP YOU WITH THESE SMALL THINGS - INSTEAD I FOCUS ON MY METHOD TO MAKE MONEY.Ready to START ? Lets do this ! Don't procrastinate, this is a huge problem I had myself, learn from my mistakes. I will make the proof of income public so you can see it, but once you see everything here is legit don't be a procrastinator and make up excuses - just get the course, join me and take action to change your life ! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO Crash Course 2020 : Master The Art of SEO From A To Z" |
"Whether you're trying to gain more organic traffic and exposure to your small business or are an internet marketer, it is critical that you will learn how to do SEOeffectively.Seo crash course was built to help you guys learn everything about this important skill of optimizing your websites for search engines.The course was builtmainly for beginners and intermediate SEOers.Here's what you'll learn in this course -How to optimize your onpage and offpage SEO in order to get more organic traffic from google and other search engines.What to avoid when it comes to SEO, and some beginners mistakes that can cost you a lot of time and energy.By the end of this course, you'll be able to do your own search engine optimization.This course is perfect for business owners that want to get more exposure to their website, and for entrepreneurs who want to make money online."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adsense Crash Course 2020 : Profit With Adsense Websites" |
"Ready To Make Money With Google Adsense?In this Course I'll Reveal My Strategy That Makes Me $1000-3000 Per Month, PERWEBSITE.IWill Of Course Show YouThe Income Proof IHave So You Know I'm The Real Deal.Some Of You Probably Watched My Youtube Crash Course That Became ABest - Seller on Udemy, and teaches you how to make money on youtube!In this course Icover :1. How to create profitable adsense websites2. How to find profitable niches and keywords for adsense3. How to plan and structure your website for success4. How to drive FREEtraffic to your website5. How to monetize the right way for MAXprofits.Enroll now and start your adsense empire!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Own Profitable Amazon FBA Business 2020 UPDATED" |
"Wondering how to make money on amazon? Want to start your own Amazon FBA Business?You're in the right place.In this course I'll show you exactly how I started my own 6 figure / month business selling on amazon fba.I'll reveal all of my secrets to success that i've learned through the years and from other mentors of mine.The course covers;1. How to find the best products to sell on amazon 2. How to find the right supplier to work with and get your products from?3. How to exit and sell your amazon fba business4. How to scale your business and make huge profits with PPCAnd more!Enroll know, this knowledge is priceless..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Pharma Sales Interview Breakthrough Blueprint" |
"Tired of interviewing for the job you want and coming up short? Frustrated that you don't know what else interviewers could possibly be looking for in a candidate?I have been there. I know your frustrations. And, over the past 15 years, in various pharma industry roles, I have accumulated a great deal of insight and understanding of what it takes to break into the pharmaceutical/medical sales industry. Invest in yourself and your career and purchase this guide.Don't hope that things will go differently next time. Shift the odds in your favor. Enroll in this courseThe three sections of the coursefocus on the following:Section 1: Increasing Interview PreparednessExplores how to get ""inside"" the organization you are interviewing with,as well as how to quickly acclimate to the disease and treatment landscape.Section 2: Increasing Interview ReadinessWill push you to better understand the local marketplace, identify key customers, and create a S.W.O.T. analysis based on the intel you gatherSection 3: Increasing Interview ConfidenceHelps you understand the role competencies play in the interview process and more importantly, how to hone your interview skills to represent your best self with your Brag Book, Playbook, and Strategic ImperativesAlso, with the purchase of this course, you receive access to numerousPDF basedresources:Annotated ResumeS.W.O.T. Analysis TemplateStrategic Imperatives TemplateThis is the Pharma Sales Interview Breakthrough Blueprint. Let's get to work and get the job you want!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Learn why and how to help older people master IT" |
"Have you ever been frustrated trying to teach a parent or grandparent to use a computer or even their phone? Do you find it hard to understand their reluctance to join the digital society? In our ageing societies the proportion of older people is increasing. Many of them missed out on the digital revolution and are becoming increasingly isolated from former friends, community and even family. However with the ability to connect through digital devices, older people can remain connected, independent and engaged with the activities that make life worthwhile. Older people can learn to use digital devices but they must be (1) motivated to do so because they can see some way it would improve their well-being; (2) have a device that suits them and they can afford; and (3) get someone to teach and support them in an appropriate way. In this course you will develop the skills to (1) motivate a particular older person tobecome interested in the digital world, (2); help them acquire the digital technology that suits them; and (3) learn to use that technology to maintain a good quality of life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Java EE mit Servlets und JSPs unter Tomcat und Eclipse" |
"Professionelle Webapplikationen zu entwickeln ist gar nicht so schwer. Die Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) bringt hier die passende Umgebung mit, in welcher verteilteAnwendungen geschrieben werden knnen, die eine groe Anzahl an gleichzeitigen Benutzern bedienen knnen. Aus diesem Grunde ist die Java Enterprise Edition fr die Nutzung zur Bereitstellung vonPortalseitengroer Firmen beliebt.Innerhalb dieses Kurses ist sowohl Theorie wie auch Praxis zu erlernen. Innerhalb der Praxis wird der Apache Tomcat Webcontainer vorgestellt und mit der Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse entwickelt."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"JSF - Java Server Faces mit CDI" |
"Innerhalb des Webs begegnet man einer Vielzahl an Formularen, in welchen Benutzer ihre Daten hinterlassen oder diese auch zum Editieren anzeigen lassen, um Dienste in Anspruch zu nehmen. Banking wird mit einemberweisungsformularbewerkstelligt. Im Onlineshop mssen zum Abschluss des Bestellvorganges Adresse und Bankverbindung in einem Formular hinterlassen werden. Selbst jede Email oder jeder Blogeintrag wird ber ein Formular verfasst.Formulare in HTMLhaben jedoch ihre Tcken. Zum einen entstehen durch eine unsaubere Programmierung Sicherheitslcken, zum anderen ist es ein leidiger routinemigerProzess die Daten im Formular mit Daten im Backend synchron zu halten, um die Daten dann auch verarbeiten zu knnen. Zustzlich mssen Eingabedaten validiert und eventuell auch in andere Formate konvertiert werden. Moderne Webseiten bieten Mglichkeiten schon whrend der Eingabe mit Hilfe von AJAX-Requests an den Server zu reagieren und die Webseite und damit die Formulare entsprechend anzupassen.Um all diese Prozesse zu vereinfachen, wurden die Java Server Faces (JSF)entwickelt. Sie dienen dazu mit Hilfe des Model-View-Controller-Patterns den View vom Model zu trennen und einen standardisierten sicheren Prozess fr die Verarbeitung von Eingaben zu definieren. Dabei werden die Java Server Faces nicht zu unrecht als eine Erweiterung oder sogar Ersetzung der Java Server Pages (JSPs) bezeichnet.Dieser Kurs fhrt in die professionelle Entwicklung in die Java Server Faces (JSF) ein. Dabei beginnt er bei den Grundlagen und endet damit, dass Java Server Faces auch mit der Context and Dependency Injection (CDI)genutzt werden. Der Kurs wird von einem Praxisprojekt begleitet. Am Ende des Kurses ist der Student / die Studentin in der Lage, umfangreiche Java-Server-Faces-(JSF)-Projekte selbst aufzusetzen sowie selbstndig zu warten."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JPA - Java Persistence API mit Hibernate und der Oracle DB" |
"Frher oder spter muss jede Applikation Daten dauerhaft abspeichern. Man nennt diesen Vorgang ""Persistieren"". Sehr gerne wird dies durch die Nutzung von Datenbanken getan. Geht man fr das Schreiben und Lesen von Daten den manuellen Weg, so sind SQL-Statements zu formulieren, die die Daten zwischen der Datenbank und der Objektwelt hndisch synchronisieren. Ein solcher Code kann bei komplexerenSystemen sehr aufwndig werden.Gerade an dieser Stelle schafft die Java Persistence API(JPA)fr Abhilfe. Sie bietet die Mglichkeit an, Java-Objekte automatisch ber einen Aufruf ohne das manuelle Schreiben von SQL-Statements in die Datenbank zu mappen, um sie dorthin zu schreibenund auch wieder zu lesen.Dieser Kurs stellt die Nutzung der Java Persistence API (JPA)vor und versetzt den Teilnehmer in die Lage, diese APIeffektiv fr seine Projekte einzusetzen. Es lauern nmlich diverse Herausforderungen auf den Entwickler, sowohl wenn er manuell vorgeht, wie auch wenn er mit Hilfe der Java Persistence APIvorgeht:Datenbanken existieren hufig weitaus lnger als die Java-Software existiert, die auf diese zugreift. Datenbanken beinhalten das Lebenselixier eines Unternehmens und sind historisch gewachsen. Deshalb muss sich die Java-Anwendung meist an das Datenbankschema anpassen, statt dass das Datenbankschema an die Java-Anwendung angepasst werden kann. Die Java Persistence API(JPA)verfgt hier ber eine groe Anzahl an Mglichkeiten, die Default-Konfiguration des Objekt-Relationalen Mappings (O/R-Mapping)zu berschreiben und sich an das Datenbankschema anzupassen. Dies ist Thema des Kurses.Relationen in der objektorientierten Welt sind sehr einfach und schnell navigierbar. Dies ist in der Datenbankwelt anders, wo sie hufig noch nachgeladen werden mssen. Der Kurs zeigt, wie die Java Persistence API(JPA)genutzt werden kann, um hier performante Lsungen zu bieten.Innerhalb von Vererbungshierachien existiert zwischen der objektorientierten Welt und der Datenbankwelt eine Unvertrglichkeit im Objekt-Relationalen Mapping, die sich auch Impedance Mismatch nennt. Auch die berwindung dieses Impedance Mismatch ist Thema dieses Kurses.Der Kurs richtet sich an den Einsteiger in die Java Persistence API (JPA). Allerdings fhrt er auch in komplexe Themengebiete ein, so dass der Teilnehmer zum Experten wird. Java-Kenntnisse werden fr diesen Kurs vorausgesetzt.Der Kurs fokussiert sich nicht allein auf die Theorie, sondern hlt eine Balance zwischen den theoretischen Grundlagen und der praktischen Anwendung. Auf der praktischen Seite kommt Eclipse als Entwicklungsumgebung und Hibernate als JPA-Implementierung zum Einsatz. Die Daten werden in einer Oracle Express Datenbank gespeichert, welche eine speicherlimitierteVersion zur groen Oracle-Datenbank darstellt."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Java with NetBeans" |
"This is a mini-course about the programming language Java. You will learn about how to install the NetBeans IDEtogether with Java, create your first project and start this project. The course will introduce you into commands, variables, conditional statements, methods, classes, inheritance and visibilitymodifiers.This is a very short course about the Java language. It will teach the very basics. It is create for those who need a quick start maybe because they have to solve some exercise questions they received by their teachers as homework. Or it is intendedfor people who need a first feeling what Java is."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning Java using JShell" |
"This course is intended for all students who are new in programming and want to learn a programming language. It covers a new approach to learn to program by using the shell which is included since Java 9. It covers the basic concepts of variables, variable assignments, operators and conditional statements like the if-statement or the while-loop. It does not cover object oriented programming which has to be learned separately."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VLOOKUP in Google Sheets - Step by Step" |
"Welcome to VLOOKUP in Google Sheets - Step by Step. Learn one of the most effective functions used to locate data in your Google Sheets tables.As a new or experienced Google Sheets user, this course will teach you VLOOKUP - a very useful function that will save you time when searching tables.With this course, you will accomplish the following:Learn what a searchable table is and how to create your own.See how the VLOOKUP function is broken into components and how to utilize each and every component effectively.Create a basic VLOOKUP Google Sheets application.Make your VLOOKUP function interactive to search tables without editing your formula each time.How to use VLOOKUP between two sheets on the same spreadsheet as well as on completely different spreadsheets.This course works!Melanie, who used this course said, ""This was pretty much what I wanted, as I need to create a less unwieldy way of creating and updating recipe costings for my shop, while only needing to update the ingredient costs once to impact the whole range of recipes. I like that this shows both the really simple in-sheet way of doing things, and how to work across sheets within the same file, because that's the thing I'm going to be doing most. I also like that there is a simple set of exercises for the student to complete in real time. I now feel confident to get on and create the sheet I wanted :)""Please let me know if I can help - I'm here.Updates:Note about leaving a review - 2Feb19Handling Errors with IFERROR - 7Feb19"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets - Step by Step" |
"Have you ever seen spreadsheet rows change color as a deadline approaches?As a payment became late?Do you like the convenience of cells highlighting if there is a certain word or number in them?Conditional Formattingis an excellent tool that Iuse on a daily basis in many different ways.Iuse conditional formatting in my Google Spreadsheets to:indicate items sold.indicate items sold at discounthighlight customers in a listhighlight customers Ihave not spoke to in more than a yearThere are many more applications for conditional formatting of course.In this course, Iwill show you each and every way conditionalformatting is used. This is a very confusing topic, if you never used conditional formatting before. By walking through each option, you will get a clear understanding of the process and easily use any of the necessary techniques."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MYOB Accounting Software Training" |
"In this MYOB Accounting Software Training Course, Lau Jun Hong introduces you to the fundamental skills needed to perform the main accounting functions offered by the software. You will learn by watching Mr. Lau perform the operation he is instructing on, as he explains step by step how to use the functions in MYOB. This MYOB training not only gives you an insight into how MYOB works but is delivered in such a way that everyone who takes this course will have absolutely no problem in understanding all topics discussed. By completing this training course, you'lllearn to use MYOB to manage your business's finances. We will show you important featuresfromhow to create MYOB company file to handlingaccounts, sales, purchasesand item records. Learn how to setup MYOBfor the first time and learn how togenerate reports, reconcile bank statements, setup inventory, receive payments, andmuch more."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |