Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Thai professional cooking BY CHEF NAME" |
"Learn how to make Thai food and snackquick.This is the course will make you feel a little bit closer to Thailand by food.This course is combinedthe 10 popularThai dishes for you to learn with fun.And as everybody know cooking is not just to put everything together and become food, So this course is not only teach you howto cook but also you will learn about the Thai cooking technique to make it perfect. And you will learn about Authentic Thai ingredients to make you understand why people love Thai food.1. This course is for all student'slevel and it's easy to understand.2. Teach in English andprovided English subtitle all the way is cooking. 3. Only needsimple kitchen equipment.4. You can cook it at home.5. Provided the greatrecipe6. It is fun!!!!^^"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Strengthen and Heal With Qigong: Body, Mind, Heart" |
"Qigong is an exercisemethodthat usesrepeated sequences of movements tostretchthe body (muscles, tendons, fascia)and open and close the jointsincreasing fluid movement (blood, synovial and lymph) and stability through structural alignment.The word Qigong (also spelledChi Kung/ Chi Gong) is made up of two Chinese words. Qi (Chi) is pronounced chee and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all things in the universe.The second word, Gong (Kung), pronounced gung, means accomplishment, or skill that is developedthrough regularpractice. In basic termsQigong (Chi Kung) means developingthe vitalenergy of the body, the mind and the heart with regular practice. It is a system developed and usedfor health maintenance, healing and increasing vitality. The main methodology used to accomplish this is with deliberate breathing coordinated with specific body movements.Qigongcan be classified as health, martial, medical, or spiritual. All Qigongstyles have three things in common: they all involve a posture, (whether moving or stationary), breathing techniques, and mental focus. Practices vary from the soft internal styles likeTaijiquan, Baguazhang & Xingyiquan; to the external, vigorous stylessuch as Hung Gar, Choy Li Fut and Shaolin.Most Qigong forms can be easily adapted, even for the physically challenged and can be practiced by all age groups.Qigong is not a a one stop cure all, but it is an extremely effective health care practice that can compliment virtually every other form of physical health care and therapy..Many healthcare professionals recommend Qigong as an important form of alternative complementary medicine.Qigong practice will buildan awareness of and influences aspectsof ourselvesthat are not accessible throughtraditional western forms ofexercise.Within Qigong,there are both external movements (Wei Dan) and internal movements (Nei Dan). These internal movements are calledneigongor ""internal power"". These internal neigong movements make qigong a superior health and wellness practice.The internal movements also differentiate qigong from almost every other form of exercise thatemphasizes prolonged aerobicendurancesuch asjogging, tennis, biking,) or that focus on muscular strength training such asCrossfit and weightlifting.Most other forms of exercise do not involve the meridian system used in acupuncture, the massaging of arteries or engagement of deep tissue anchors inside the body,nor do they emphasize the importance of adding mindful intent and breathing techniques to physical movements. When these elements are combined,the benefitsincrease exponentially.Consistent practice of Qigong builds a deep internal resilience to stressthrough the repeated connection to the calm focus built bymoving and breathing in a coordinated and relax fashion. With a regular personal practice, anyone can develop deeper awareness of their body, breath,and how the mind feels as it interactswith their body and emotional states leading to a personal language of self awareness.In this course students will learn one of the original qigong sets first recorded roughly 3600 years ago in China - the Ba Duan Jin or 8 Pieces of Brocade. Alongside this versatile and profoundly effective qigong set are included stand alone qigong movements designed to deepen connection to the body and provide even more tools for anyone to strengthen and support their body's healing process."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Foundations of Baguazhang Kung Fu 1" |
"This course covers the most basic foundations ofJiang Style BaguazhangIn this course Iwill share some of the methods Ihave used to develop real skill with Baguazhang Circle Walking, the foundation of all baguazhang skill and one of the most potent healing qigong disciplines anyone can learn.Translated, Bagua means ""Eight Trigram,"" referring to the eight basic principles described in the ancient metaphysical treatise the I-Ching, or ""Book of Changes."" Bagua is meant to be the physical manifestation of these eight principles. ""Zhang"" means ""palm"" emphasizing the use of the open hand over the closed fist.Jiang Rong Qiao(anglicized as Chiang Jung Chiao)lived from1890-1974was a student of both Zhang Zhaodong and Cheng Tinghua,both of whom were formal students of Baguazhang founder Dong Haichaun.No other martial art has flawlessly combinedthe whole rangeoffighting techniques in one package as effectively as Baguazhang.Baguazhang is characterized by its use of spiral movements and evasive footwork, relying almost entirely on open hand techniques, or 'palm' methodsand full body movement. Baguazhang contains a wide variety of techniques, including various strikes, low kicks, joint locking techniques, and throws.Bagua Circle Walking is the core foundation of all skill with Baguazhang. It is considered a master class in movement because of how much the muscle, skeletal-fasciaand nervous systems all have to work together in order to do the movements correctly. A person willliterally walkin a circleholding various static postures with the upper body or performing'palm changes'which arepatterns of movement or 'forms'in order totrain and conditionbody mechanics and methods of generating power that make upthe foundationof the styles' fighting techniques.The basic solo training of Circle Walking in Baguazhang teachesthe practitionerto control theirmomentum and timing in order to generate power with the entire body all at the same time. One whole integrated physical structure.Through consistent practice a person can develop the mind's internal spaces to be calm, still and clear of irrelevant thoughts. A person can also develop a body that is free of disease, always relaxed and grounded. The potential to develop a profound immovable internal calm no matter what the outside world is doing cannot be overstated."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Javascript Crash Course: Go From Zero to Basics, Dom and OOP" |
"Learn writing JavaScript code for your html and css. This is a bases of what a javascript web developer should know about JavaScript. 25 bite-sized lessons in HD and Full Life access! The lessonsbreak downinto learnable chunks. Also, there are 50+quiz questions on javascript languageand5 coding exercisesto ensure that you will remember the material covered. But don't worry, incase you are stuck somewhere, I have also provided the Hints for solving code problems.First partis designed to introduce you to the JS code and you will write your first programs in console of the web browser. Later we will also use html and css. We will begin from absolute zero, so you have really nothing to worry about. Next, you will learn about connecting JS to your webpage and we will descuss essential details of JS language. After this we will start discovering loops, conditionals, functions and objects!I wish you best of luck with JS!These lessons will be useful for anyone who knows web development related topics such ashtml, css, php, jQuery, AngularJS, Node.js or any other language related to front end web development, back end web development or other Javascript librariesand is a beginner in javascript. The html and css serve as the bases for this course so you must have some minimal knowledge of html and css even if you are a complete beginner.Here are some reasons why students choose this course on javascript for beginners:It'seasy to understand for beginnersEach lessoniskept short and simpleEach chunk is also kept short and simpleAll lesson on this javascript for beginners courseare in great quality of sound and videoIt'scourse on javascript for complete beginners and front endIt provides awesome practise to revise what you knowIt is good for people with experience injavascript as well and not only for beginners, because it involves a lot of practiseThere are 25 practise quizeson javascript for beginnersand they are after each lessonThere are 5 exercises for beginners in javascriptIn case you are stuck intructor is ready to help youProblems are provide together with hints on how to solve themYou begin by writing simple scripts in consoleYou know how to connect javascript to htmlYou build a simple calculator with just front endIn this short timeyou studyeverything from 0 to objects and functionsYou write fibonnachi functionIt takes you only half of a day to finishAt the end you receive a certificateGet practice of javascriptwith html and cssMake first steps to become Javascript Web Developer!Here is what some of the students say:Elvir Lojic: ""exellent course...with very good teacher""Dmitry Anderson: ""Thank you for this excellent cours!..""Singing up nowandyou will get:Quick videos to learnjavascript for beginnersHD quality of videoGood quality of soundAdditional Homework at the end (optional)Quick quizes that will help you learnCoding exercises that will help you practise your code writing skillsHints for the exercises in case you are stuckLife-time access to all the materialsCertificate of complitionDo you want all of these?Enroll Now! ->BecomeWeb Developer with thisJavascript for beginners course!So...Don't wait no more! You get100% satisfaction and30-Day Money-Back Guarantee and more than 4000+ students have already taken it, you have nothing to lose! Enroll Now!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Ohm's Law: Ohms, volts, amps, ohm law & Electronics' Basics" |
"In this course you will learnabout electrical circuits, from scratch to Ohm's Law. Do you need to studey about this topic and learn the material on the Ohm's Law from 0 fast? Then this quick guide course is for you!The goal for this course is to get you familiar with basic consepts of electrical circuits. Whether you are a current highschool or university student, this course is for you! I will show you how to solve problems related to Power, Voltage and Current as well as explain this concepts in detail. In addition to that, you will get a special access to my materials for this course - Power Point slides of lectures in HD quality, so that you can glance at the material that you have studied and repeate it in under 10 minutes! After some of the basic concepts, I will go in detail about resistors. Both Parallel and Series resistors will be shown and studied!The second sectionwill give you a complete clear understanding of resistors. Each lesson or resistors has it's Practice Problems that I explain in detail and solve in the video, so that you both get the sample problems and the step-by-step instructions on how to solve them, which is also included in the downloadable slides. I hope that you get maximum out of this quick guide to electrical circuits and ohm's law!What does this course cover:CurrentAmperesVoltagesPowerWattsResistorsOhm's LawResistors in SeriesResistors in ParallelAlso, the video lessons involve solving Practice Problems with answers!Do you need to learn basics of circuits or aboutOhm's Law?Enroll Now!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Discrete Mathematics: Beginner's Complete, Math Crash Course" |
"Are you a Math, Computer Science or Computer Engineering studentor maybe a professional who needs to succeed in Discrete Mathematics?Do you need to develop your mathematical skills and learn with practice?Are you already studying Discrete Math Subject but need a better resource and online teacherto study and get better grades?Do you need to increase your GPA but have little time to study?This is a great place tolearnDiscrete Mathematics! MasterDiscrete Mathematics Today andEnroll Now!In this courseyou will learn discrete mathematics and studymathematical logic, mathematical proofs, set theory, functions, relations, graph theory, number theory as well as combinations and permutations.Each chapter of the course can be taken independently if required, and each chapter covers all of the listed topics in details so you will studyeverything that is necessary and in the order that most suits you as a student. As students usually come to this course for specific topic(s) and exercises, here is the comprehensive list of what you will learn from each chapter of this course:Logic: Propositions,Connectives,Truth Tables,Logic Gates,Conditional and Biconditional Propositions,Rules of Inference, Predicates and QuantifiersProofs: Direct and Indirect Proofs, Proof by Induction and other Methods of ProofSets:Sets and Number Sets, Complement Sets, Cartesian Product, Operations, Boolean Algebra and De Morgan's LawFunctions and relations: Ordered Pair, Dom, Range, Inverse RelationsGraphs: Simple and Complete Graph, Bipartite Graph, Paths and Circuits, Euler Circuit and Euler Path, Hamiltonian Circuit and Hamiltonian Path, TreesNumbers: Divisibility and Division Algorithm, Euclidean AlgorithmCombinatorics: Combinations, Permutations,Fundamental Principle of CountingEvery lectureon these topics in discrete mathis in highquality - 1080pand the powerpoint presentations are downloadable. (you can use them when you will need and they can save you time by revisiting the learned material as well). All the concepts and definitions are explained in the videos and each topic is ending with a set of examples as well as a small theory quiz(optional). We will go through each step to solve the given examples in each lesson as well as practice them at the end of each of the7 chapters. In case of difficulties, you can post a question and get help from the instructors! You will have everything to learn discrete mathematics!This course will be useful to anyone studying discrete math and any related subject to discrete mathematics, such as linear algebra, calculus, economics, statistics, cryptography, finance, actuarial science,data structures, data science or algorithms. Andif you are a computer sciencestudent and you were searching formathematics for computer science than you will definitely need to go through this training! This is also a great start for computer and math related majors, because they usually require a solid knowledge in discrete math.The instructors have both completed discrete mathematics in there computer engineering sophomore year and got the A+ (4.0) grade in discrete mathwhich has lead to the idea of creating this training. We have seen how our university students in fields such as computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering werestrugglingto study the material and worried about passing their exams.And if you are tired of learning everything on your own with university or from professors whilegoing to the lectures everyday, you can now get these lessons for as little as two cups of coffee and this small investment will rapidly effect your life, career and especially your GPA! So make the right decision today and enroll now! Learn discrete Mathematics Today!In addition,to this,you get100% satisfactionorMoney-Back Guarantee for 30 days so you have nothing to lose. The lessonscan be watched on anydeviceand at the end you are even getting a certificate for completion that you can put on your resume, linkedin, show your co-workers and/or classmates andprofessors.After enrollingyou will feel 100% confident and will masteryour skills in Discrete Math. You will have all necessary materials to revisit and videos with lifetime access that you can watch even on your phone, laptop or TV screen. You willsolve the problems in discrete math step-by-step and even know all the theory and concepts that are necessary for your success in this subject. Feel free to look at the free materials that are provided to you on this page. All the powerpoint presentations are downloadable so that you will be able to simplyskim through them in 20 minutes if you will need to repeat some material or prepare for your class.Do you need to Master Discrete Mathematics?Don't wait no more!100% satisfactionorMoney-Back Guarantee for 30 days!ENROLLNOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: AI for beginners" |
"Hi and welcome to the introduction to artificial intelligence course. In this course we will talk about the past, present and the futureof AI. This course covers all the introductory topics to AI to get you started on the path of becoming AI specialist. You will learn about main philosophy, history and approaches of AI as well as its applications.Learn the Fundamental Consents of Artificial Intelligence and become ready to master the Field ofAILearn about the history and founding fathers of AILearn about 4 types of AI and 3 main domains of AI technologyGet familiar with the main fields of AI research and applications of artificial intelligenceLearn about the basics of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic AlgorithmsLearn the basics of Case-Based Reasoning, Bayesian networks and Behavior Based approachesKnow the main advantages and disadvantages associated with artificial intelligenceLearn about the future possibilities and tangible projects with artificial intelligenceLearn the fundamentals of AIIn this course we will talk about all that you need to know to get started in the field of AI. You will get familiar with the main approaches and research fields of artificial intelligence. You will know the advantages and disadvantages of AI as well as its possible applications in the future.The course is split into 5 main sections starting from the history of AI. In this section we cover the basics and the history, next we will go into the present day applications of AI followed by the topics on the main categories and methods of AI. Lastly we will speak about cons and pros as well as the future of AI technology."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Write Fiction That Sells" |
"Learn to create stories that sell, not half-finished drafts you slog through only to receive yet another rejection letter.From inspiration to final product, this course teaches the habits needed to become a productive working writer in the competitive short fiction market. Learn techniques to hone your craft, strengthen your storytelling skills, and create stories that catch an editor's eye, stand out from the slush pile, and ultimately, lead to sales.What This Course Will CoverWriting a short story from inspiration to final draftThe fundamentals of story structureHow to apply story structure to your own writingGenerate new fiction from regular writing promptsThe essentials of manuscript critiqueAn introduction to content, line, and copy editingGive and receive peer feedback in a closed, safe environmentLearn which feedback to take and which to ignoreInstruction on proper manuscript formatHow to find the right market for your story using market submission toolsHow to submit your manuscript to an editorCover and query letter essentialsHardware, software, and writing resource recommendationsTips & strategies to enhance your writing lifeAnswers to Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kindle Self-Publishing: Amazon Made Easy" |
"In 2016, Kindle Direct Publishing paid out nearly $200 MILLION to authors. That's money on the table for anyone with the knowledge and ability to reach for it.From manuscript formatting to listing your book in the Amazon store, this guide will walk you through the process of Kindle Direct Publishing, and ultimately, to becoming a self-published author.This course includes:How to maximize your profits with some simple tips & tricksAn easy to follow publishing checklistFormatting directions for MS Word, Pages, & Scrivener platformsThe basics of cover design including how to use Kindle Cover CreatorSoftware suggestionsKeyword techniquesAll the steps you need to upload and publish your book onto the Kindle bookshelfInsider tips & tricks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition Mastery: All You Need To Know About Carbohydrates" |
"This course cuts through the BS and nonsense that is littered across the internet and shares the truth about carbohydrates and what you need to know (and do!) to reach your health and fitness goals.This course will teach you:How to confidently identify premium carbohydrates -- those that give you long-lasting energy and keep your appetite in check.How to choose the perfect type and portion of carbohydrates pre- and post-exercise.How to set your daily carbohydrate goals based on your exercise habits and goal(s).After watching this course:You'llfeel confident in your carbohydrate selections, specifically when navigating the grocery store and when making healthy decisions dining out.You'll feel confident choosing the right type of carbohydrates before and after your exercise, as well as the right portion.You'll feel confidence you've set yourself up to feel energized between meals and during exercise.You'll no longer feel anxious eating carbohydrates in the evening.Each video within this course is 2 - 4 minutes long - talk about short and sweet! The video format features a combination of me on screen with a variety of images, graphics, and text throughout to enhance the learning experience.See you insidethe course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition Mastery: All You Need To Know About Fats" |
"As far back as the 1970s, the government first told us to follow low-fat diets and to minimize saturated fats. We were told this would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and everything in between. Yes, the next few decades, despite eating less fat, obesity rates sky rocketed This turnout created even more confusion than before. Was fat all that bad?Does fat make you fat? Which sources of fat are okay to eat?Hey, Im Paul Salter, Registered Dietitian, Sports Nutritionist, and Weight Loss Expert. The past few years, Ive helped more than 700 people 1:1 transform their lives, while collectively losing thousands of pounds of body fat and building hundreds of pounds of muscle. And during this time, Ive received hundreds, if not thousands of questions related to fat.This reason, coupled with the fact that media has continued to lead us astray, is why Ive created an online video course that separates fact from fiction and details everything you need to know about fat.In this video course Ill break down the key differences between unsaturated, saturated, and trans fats and share what you need to know to about each tobetter your health, physique, and performance Ill place emphasis on the essential fats, or what you may better know as omega 3 and omega 6 fats, detail why you need one more than the other, and tell you how you can make that happen Ill guide you in choosing the optimal type and amount of fat for your health and fitness goals, and share the many benefits fat offersAfter viewing this course, no longer will you feel confused about fat or wonder whether or not the fat youre eating is healthy"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hydration Tips: Optimal Hydration Strategies" |
"Throughout the past few years, Ive worked with over 700 people one-on-one, helping them transform their lives, while losing thousands of pounds of body fat and building hundreds of pounds of muscle.And during this time, the nutrient that I have talked about the most is the one many people think about the least.Its the topic I first have questions about when someone tells me they feel hungry or tired.Its the first nutrient I ask about when someone tells me theyve been experiencing headaches, or not performing well in the gym.This nutrient is water. And its essential.My name is Paul Salter and I am Registered Dietitian, Sports Nutritionist, and Weight Loss Expert.Ive created thepremier online nutrition video course detailing everything you need to know about hydration to help you further understand the significant impact hydration has on your energy levels, exercise performance, and appetite.In this video course Ill remind you, or perhaps help you understand for the first time, just how indispensable water is and the impact it has on many aspectsof your day Ill discuss your hydration needs and how they are heavily impacted by several factors, including your age, exercise, and environment Ill teach you how to monitor your hydration status and how to hydrate before, during, and after a workout to prevent the nasty consequences of dehydration"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Say Goodbye To Hunger" |
"You and I both know that hunger says hello quite frequently during a diet. We also know how uncomfortable and irritating this can be. Its an unfortunate reality, but hunger is inevitable when following a dietEven so, there are several Small Tweaks you can make to your nutrition and hydration habits that can Crush These Feelings Of Hunger, and ultimately, allow you to Stay On The Course Of Your Diet and Achieve The Results You Desire.My name is Paul Salter, and I am a Registered Dietitian, Sports Nutritionist, and Weight Loss Expert.The past few years, Ive worked with more than 600 people one-on-one, helping them transform their lives, while collectively losing thousands of pounds of body fat and building hundreds of pounds of muscle.Ive taken what Ive learned through my education and years of experience working with hundreds of people aspiring to lose weight, and created a course centered around research-backed, tested strategies that will help you reduce hunger.In this video course Ill show you that how you eat is just as important as what you eat Ill discuss how specific foods and fluids may help to curb your appetite more than others Ill provide you with an arsenal of hunger-fighting tools that last a lifetime If youre able to deviate less during your planned diet, it may be the difference between Buying a size 4 and a size 8 Seeing 6 abs instead of 2 Having the confidence to rock that bikini you havent worn in yearsSee You Inside The Course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition Mastery: All You Need To Know About Protein" |
"You know Protein plays an important role in Muscle Building. But you may not know that It Plays AMajor Role In Helping You Lose Fat, too. In fact, protein has a powerful impact on your appetite and the number of calories you eat per day.Of course, thats only if youre eating enough of the right type at the right timesAnd I can confidently tell you that your orange juice and bagel breakfast doesnt make the cut. And nor does your apple and almonds afternoon snackMy name is Paul Salter and I am Registered Dietitian, Sports Nutritionist, and Weight Loss Expert.The past few years, Ive worked with over 700 people 1:1, helping them to transform their lives while collectively losing thousands of pounds of body fat and building hundreds of pounds of muscle.During this time, Ive found The Misunderstandings Regarding Protein, specifically about how much to eat to be as prevalent as the carbohydrate confusion questions.And maybe more than any other uncertainty regarding protein, Ive learned that many are unaware that Some Sources Of Protein Are Better, Or, More Complete Than Others. And this has a crucial impact on your health, physique, and performance goals.The truth Is that the type, amount, and timing of your protein is very important. Thats regardless as to whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or simply learn to eat healthily.I created the courseto help clear up any confusion and debunk any myths surrounding protein that you may have.By The End Of The Course: Youll confidently understand the differences between protein from animal and plant sources, and how to confidently includeeach throughout your day Youll be empowered to select leaner cuts of protein Youll become confident adjusting your protein goals based on your age, size, training, goals, and more!Enroll Today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript - Become Higly Paid Front End Developer" |
"JavaScript is a programming language used to make web pages interactive and it's the most popular programming language in the world!.It runs on your visitor's computer and doesn't require constant downloads from your website. JavaScript is often used to create polls, validation and quizzes.Essentially JavaScript is designed to add interactivity to your website.What you will learn in this course?:JavaScript Syntax (Statements, Functions, Operators, Loops, etc)JavaScript ObjectsDOMmuch more!In this tutorialwe'll learnJavaScript from from scratch togetherand will implement andexplain a number of real-lifecode examples which you'll be able to re-use in your own JavaScript projects."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript 2017: Become Top Rated Web Developer" |
"JavaScript is the most popular and also one of the easiest languages to start learning programming.It allows you to create dynamic web applications by selecting and handling a different elements on the page. There are a number of programming languages which depend on JavaScript to deliver content to the user.This is an easy-to-use programming language that can be embedded into your web pages. This will enhance the dynamics and interactive features of your web pages by allowing you to perform calculations, check forms, write interactive games, add special effects, customize graphics selections, create security passwords and much more!This tutorial will take you step by step through the fundamentals of Javascript:JavaScript Syntax (Statements, Functions, Operators, Loops, etc)JavaScript ObjectsDOMHow to create JSONAJAX callsand much more!You will learn how to write functions, use data from text boxes, create IF-THEN conditionals, program loops, and generally make your web page ""smarter.""Upon completion of this course you'll be able to add a number of cool features to existing web pages to make them dynamic and also create your own JavaScript applications.In this tutorialwe'll learnJavaScript from from scratch togetherand will implement andexplain a number of real-lifecode examples which you'll be able to re-use in your own JavaScript projects."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Lights, Camera, Action: Video Mastery For Entrepreneurs" |
"You must have noticed video is EVERYWHERE. If you're not using video in your online marketing, you're missing out on aproven, dynamic and engaging way of showing your customers what you are all about and getting them to engage with you.But if you've ever thought video is too difficult, too expensive, too time consuming or too confusing, then step this way.I want to let you in on a secret.Video is easy, fun, exciting - and the only limit is your imagination. You CAN learn to film and edit beautiful videos yourself, and you most certainly do NOT need to be paying people thousands of pounds to produce video for you.Join me for two and a half hours of video lessons, during which I'll walk you through you how tofilm,produce,presentandeditstunning videos for your business.From your lead showcase video that WOWs your visitors and social media followers, through to vlogs and general demo/information videos, you're going to have it all covered.We'll be going over everything from creating storylines to the nitty gritty of editing footage (and I promise it's not as hard as you might think!)If you're just getting started with video marketing or toying with the idea of incorporating it into your overall marketing and visibility strategy, this course is for you.In it, you'll learnThe filming equipment you REALLY need,How to choose the right filming locationYour 'telling' and 'showing' storylinesHow to script & storyboardWhat to wearHow to look and sound confident, even when you dont FEEL it.Openings that capture attentionHow to create and use 3 powerful special effects that will make your videos look much more pro.Importing clips to iMovieiMovie editing in fine detail.Using music to set the sceneHow to go viralAND MOREClickbuy now for INSTANT ACCESS to Lights, Camera, Action.Video editing in Lights, Camera, Action is demonstrated using iMovie on a MAC. However, the course also covers editing on a PC, and graduates have gone on to edit video on both MAC and PCs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Music Production with Presonus Studio One" |
"Get those bigsong ideas out of your head and into Studio One! In this course from composer/sound designer Gary Hiebner will guide you throughPresonus Studio Oneand how to record and produce your first songs. You'll also learn how tobuild your confidence when navigating this feature-rich audio software so that you too can start producing your own music. You'll be guided through the software's capabilities, learn how to set up your gear, record in your ideas and edit, mix and export yoursong.Course Content includes:Learning the User Interface and its ToolsSetting Up YourAudio Interface and MIDI DevicesRecording to Audio and MIDI Instrument TracksUsing Melodyne to Pitch and Time Correct AudioExploring the Mai Tai SynthUsing Arrange Tracks to map out your song arrangementUsing the Scratchpad feature to sketch out different song arrangement ideasExploring the Mix Console and its functionsLearning how to use the Inserts and Sends in your mixApplying Automation to your tracks to give them more interestImproving your mix with Bus Processing and Mix Engine effectsFinalizing your song with some mastering and exporting out your mix.Compatible with both Macs and PCs, Studio One is a competitive DAW that allows beginners and pros alike to create and produce awesome audio content.What You'll Get From ThisCourse:Step-by step instructions on how to get started withStudio One for song productionEasy to follow on screen examples of how to navigate Studio OneTips &Tricks from an experience composer and sound designerSuitable for beginners and pros alikeCourse Goals:At the end of this course youll be able to find your way around the Studio One interface, record to audio and MIDItracks,use the features like the Scratchpad and Audio Comping to expand on ideas,and understand how to usethe Mix Console and its included Inserts and Sends sections all on your way to producing your first song."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Music Production - Designing Audio Logos" |
"Boost Your Brand by Creating an Audio Logo Music ProductionTap into the niche market ofcreating Audio Logos. In this course from composer/sound designer Gary Hiebner will guide you through the music production process onhow to create your own audio logo within your respective DAWs. This will cover creating your ownsound effects, such ashitsandwhooshes. Then onto how create tonal andsequencer patternsto build upmemorable chordsandmelodiesin your logo. And finally hell show you how tomix, master, andexportout the audio and embed it to the video logo.Course Content includes:Importing Video into your DAWCreating Markers for important areas in the VideoAdding Hits and Sub Hit soundsCreating your own Whoosh soundsAdding in Sound Effects to accompany the audioUsing Reversed sounds for BuildsEmbellishing your logo with Sparkle soundsAdding Tonal color to the LogoUsing Pulsing sequencer patterns to create rhythm and movementApplying Mixing processes to the audioExporting the finalised audio and embedding it to the videoWhat You'll Get From ThisCourse:Step-by step instructions on how to get started withthe creation process of building an Audio Logo in your DAW.Easy to follow on screen examples of how to create a complex sounding Audio Logo music production.Tips &Tricks from an experience composer and sound designerCourse Goals:At the end of this course youll have a good understanding on how an audio logo music productionis created. And you'll be able to use the same steps to build up components in your audio logo to build up an interesting and complex sounding audio logo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Music Production Essentials" |
"Your Essential Guide to Music ProductionThis course is all about teaching you the Essentials of Music Production.With all the music software choices out there, its very easy to get a bit overwhelmed with what to choose and how to use it. Well, the good news is that all the Digital Audio Workstations (DAW)out there on the market do the same thing. They allow you to record your musical ideas in, and then edit and mix them to get your songs sounding great!We want to help minimize this learning curve and show you how to get your musical ideas into your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), and then how to use the tools in the software to edit, mix and master your musicYou will gain from 30 Years of ExperienceThe two instructors of this course (Gary Hiebner andMikael Baggstrm)will share from the experience and knowledge they gained from all their years composing and producing music, which in total is well over 30 years.And together they have created thisEssentialsGuide on how you can improve your Music Productions.You will learn the following:Recording and Editing your AudioRecording and Editing your MIDIHow to use effects to improve your music productionsLearning to mix your songs like a Pro!How to master and finalize your songs so that they compare to other commercial releasesWhat You'll Get From ThisCourse:Step-by step instructions on how to get started with your DAW, and how to get your audio and MIDI ideas into the computerEasy to follow instructions that can be carried across to whatever DAW you are working inTips &Tricks from an experience composer and sound designerSuitable for beginners and pros alikeCourse Goals:At the end of this course youll be able to find your way around your DAW, and know how torecord to youraudio and MIDItracks. Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects to help improve your mix and mastering of your songs. We have also added in a bonus section on how to even build up your own DAW template so that you can get into your music productions even faster!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Game Music Production" |
"Did you know theVideo Game Industryis one of the fastest growing industry? Making millions and millions each year. And guess what? All these gamesneed music! And its an exciting industry to get into. You can be agame music composer, agame sound designer, or even agame dialogue and voice over artist. So there's many possibilities as a music maker and artist.In this course composer/sound designer Gary Hiebner will guide you through the interesting world of Video Games, and how you can get involved as a music maker. It is quite adynamic and challenging field. So knowing how sounds and music work in this field, plus the technology that drives it will make you a key player.Gary will cover the differentterms usedin this field so you become familiar with how it works. Then hewill explore the different roles that are available for music makers and artists. Then he'll go over these areas in depth and how to make you a bettergame music makerin these areas.In the end of this course you'll be able to start building up yourgamemusic portfolio.Which you'll be ableto take and show itto potential Gaming Studio and Companies.Course Content includes:What isGame Music, and Why its an Exciting FieldThe Different game Music RolesBecoming a Game Music ComposerBecoming a Game Sound DesignerWorking with Dialogue and Voice OversBeing a Team Player in the Video Game WorldStart our Own Game Music PortfolioWhat You'll Get From ThisCourse:A Guide on howthe Video Game Industry works and how Music and Sound Can helpThe Different roles that you as a music maker and artists can explore in this industryHow tofine tune which role you want to improve atHow to create your own Game Music Portfolio to ship around to Game StudiosCourse Goals:At the end of this course youll have a good understanding on what goes on in the Video Game Industry andhow music and sounds integrate into this world. And how you as an artistcan get involved in this industry as an extra way for you tomake moneywith your music."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Get your Music Licensed" |
"What isMusic Licensingand how you use it? In this course composer/sound designer Gary Hiebner will guide you through the interesting world of Music Licensing and how it can benefit you as a musician. In this modern day world of music making,multiple revenue streamsis the true way to go to be successful as an artist. And Music Licensing is a great way to take the music you already have and see if it can be used in other projects and media.Wewill cover the differentterms usedin this field so you become familiar with how it works. Then we will explore thestock library platformsand how you can submit music to them. With these platformstitles, tags and keywordsare of the utmost importance for generating sales. Well guide you on best practices for these and how they work.Then well move onto how to take these same principles to build up yourmusic portfolio. And finally well give you advice on how you can contactmusic librariesdirect to show them your music.Course Content includes:What is Music Licensing?Terms used in this FieldStock Libraries AvailableTypes of music you can submitHow to Upload songs, with titles, keywords and tagsPromoting your musicContacting Music LibrariesAnd Building up your Music PortfolioWhat You'll Get From ThisCourse:A Guide on how Music Licensing works and which avenues you can go downExploring the Stock Library platformsHow to build up your music portfolio for these librariesHow to promote yourself and contact Music LibrariesCourse Goals:At the end of this course youll have a good understanding of how music licensing works, and why it is a beneficial path for you to go down as a musician, and a way to generate extra revenue for your musical journey.This class is geared towards musicians who want to explore extra ways of generating money for their music. This will help you along your musical path, and ensure your success as a musician."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mixing & Mastering with Presonus Studio One" |
"If you want to improve your song mixes in Studio One,this is the perfect course for you!Learn how toMix and Master them within Studio OneThis is acomplete courseteaching you how to use all the tools and feature sets in Studio One to give you a great mixed, mastered and finalized song/sWith easy-to-follow tutorials and areal-world example of a song from start to finish, you'll enjoy learning while taking action.WHATWILLYOULEARN?Getting a Song ready to be mixed and masteredAdjusting the levels and panning of the tracksUnderstanding how EQ's and Compressors work in a mixUsingthe effects to help make your tracks sit better in the mixEnhancing your tracks with audio processing effectsCreating Mastering Projects with your SongsLearning how the spectral meters help with your masteringUsing Mastering Effects like: EQ, Multiband Compression, and LimitingExporting and Finalizing your Song/sWHYMIX AND MASTER INSTUDIO ONE?Studio One is a fully featured package.It has great editing and mixing tools.It is super easy to navigate and use.The songs and mastering projects integrate seamlessly.Includes spectral meters to help you get the best mix and master.WHYLEARNFROMUS?This course expands on my other bestseller Udemy course on Studio One. That course covered the basics, andI hope this coursehelps you step up your music productions in Studio One.My goal is to make this the best Studio OneMixing & Masteringcourse on the market, and will do anything possible to add value for you.I CAN'TWAITTOSEEYOUINTHECOURSE!Cheers,Gary Hiebner"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Composing Tools with Presonus Studio One" |
"If you want to improve your song composing in Studio One,this is the perfect course for you!Learn how touse the Composing Tools within Studio One to improve your songs This is acomplete courseteaching you how to use all the composing tools and feature sets in Studio One to allow you to explore new and different directions with your songsWith easy-to-follow tutorials and areal-world examples of a song composing tips and tricks, you'll enjoy learning while taking action. WHATWILLYOULEARN?The new composing tools available in Studio One from version 4 and up Exploring the Drum Editor How to use the Patterns step-sequencer-style mode How to Global Chord Track works Building up Chord Progression using the Chord Track Detecting Chords in MIDI and Audio Events Getting Audio and MIDI parts to follow the Chord Track Using Melodyne to help you move audio melody ideas to instrument tracks Using the Arranger and ScratchPad to build up your song arrangement ideas WHYCOMPOSE INSTUDIO ONE?Studio One is a fully featured package.It has great composing tools that allow you to explore different chord progressions and melodiesIt is super easy to navigate and use.The composing tools allow you to improve your song writing efficiency and workflow.Tools like the Arranger, and ScratchPad allow you to test out different arrangement and chord progressions very easily WHYLEARNFROMUS?This course expands on my other bestseller Udemy course on Studio One. That course covered the basics, andI hope this coursehelps you step up your music compositions in Studio One.My goal with the course is to give you tools within Studio One that help you write better songs I CAN'TWAITTOSEEYOUINTHECOURSE! Cheers,Gary Hiebner"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Dien Chan Rflexologie, Massage des Points limine-Douleurs" |
"Le Dien Chan est une mthode originale thrapeutique reconnue travers le monde, pour grer la douleur et traiter la plupart des troubles fonctionnels. Cette formation vous transmet la thorie ncessaire et la technique applique la rflexologie faciale Dien Chan. Vous apprendrez les principaux points, leurs localisations et les zones rflexes ainsi que les schmas de rflexion et de similitude des formes. la fin du cours, vous saurez mettre en place un protocole efficace de soins de sant adapts.* Cette formation est accessible tous. Aucun prrequis nest ncessaire. Laissez-vous surprendre par les RSULTATS ! _________________________________________________ Voici ce que les participants ont comment:* * * * * Je ne connaissais absolument rien cette pratique que je dcouvre l'instant. Ce cours est passionnant, bien expliqu et donne envie d'en apprendre toujours plus ! C. B * * * * * Excellent cours. Il est trs bien expliqu et largement document (vidos, Pdf.. etc) Mme pour une personne comme moi qui dbute dans cette mthode de rflexologie faciale contre les douleurs. Un grand merci de m'avoir permise d'accder votre super formation. N. N* * * * * L'introduction est claire et fluide, la voix est agrable entendre. M-A. D* * * * * J'ai vraiment apprci. M. M* * * * * Trs bien expliqu et trs enrichissant. S. N* * * * * Un cours passionnant et trs bien expliqu. Jai ador. C. L* * * * * Cours trs comprhensible. Facile mmoriser, les explications sont claires. J-L. B* * * * * Trs agrable et instructif. S. S* * * * * Bon cours, prcis. Il n'y a plus qu' pratiquer ! Merci. I. M* * * * * Formation dynamique et bien guide. Les ressources papier sont vraiment apprciables. Je conseille et je valide cette formation. S. C"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso Robot structural 2017 Nivel Basico Intermedio" |
"Este curso abarcar el uso del programa Robot Structural Analysis Professional para el modelaje, clculo y diseo de elementos estructurales en estructuras de hormign armado y naves industriales de acero.En un curso dirigido a arquitectos, ingenieros civil y tcnicos del rea que deseen profundizar en el uso de Robot para calculo de estructuras civiles segn el codigo ACI-318.en ese sentido el programa, brinda poderosas herramientas para realizar distintos tipos de analisis como ser:Anlisis estticoAnlisis dinmicolineas de influenciaAnlisis modalAnlisis espectralTime historyPushOverEl contenido de este tutorialaborda la configuracin y parmetros principales para realizar anlisis esttico y dinmico de la estructura, ademas de el diseo de elementos de hormign armado como serZapatasde hormign armado.Vigasde hormign armado.columnasde hormign armado.Losas de hormign armado.Si te apuntas en este curso te garantizamos que sers mucho ms eficiente y preciso al momento de ejecutar proyectos de estructuras, adems de adentrarte en el uso de una herramienta de diseo con muchas prestaciones, siendo altamente profesional y eficiente.Beneficios de este curso?Modelar y disear edificios de concreto armado y acero en autodesk robot structuralCrear el modelo geomtrico en el programaCrear el modelo analtico de la estructura"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso Revit arquitectura" |
"Esta herramienta, sumada al aporte de la experiencia prctica de los docentes en su utilizacin, aseguran la formacin conceptual y operativa para poder crear un Modelo BIM sobre Revit, que permita generar y obtener informacin necesaria para poder Ejecutar, Iniciar, Licitar, Administrar y Concluir un Proyecto , optimizando todos los recursos.Este curso, esta orientado a todas aquellas persona que estan relacionadas en as carreras de Ingeniera civil, arquitecturaCon esta herramienta podemos tener un mejor control de materiales, fases de proyecto, exportacin correcta a un programa de calculo estructural.realizar de manera clara y precisa los cmputos mtricos de nuestro proyecto de construccin"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Designing a Killer Business Model for Entrepreneurs" |
"This course provides an overview of what entrepreneurs need to know about business modelling. I first introduce the business model concept and its important elements. Then, Igo on with the value chain analysis since it provides a lens to design and analyze a successfulbusiness model. Iintroduce new business models for startups and advantages of each with examples and Italk about business model innovation.what do students tell about this course?""This course explains business modelling for startups in easy way""--Ms. Sasi Kumar""Itook the ""Designing a disruptive business model for entrepreneurs course"" when Iwas taking the initial steps to start my business. This course has helped me to design a new revenue model and think outside the box about other elements of a new business model""-- Mr. Matt GibsonA bonus lecture on system thinking is given to broaden your view on business dilemmas and how to tackle them. At the end, Italk about platform marketplaces and a number of important points to consider before launching your platform."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The KEYS To Understanding Life" |
"This course is all about helping you learn how to get what you want in life. The content of this course is generally not something taught in school but learned over a lifetime of teaching and counseling. it is designed to help take you from where you are to where you want to be and identifying the steps that will get you there."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"KEYS To - Dealing With Difficult People" |
"This course is all about helping you learn how to get along with difficult people. The content of this course will identify the 10 difficult styles and a strategy to help them stay on track. it is designed to help take you from the brink of war to declaring peace and the steps that will get you there."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"KEYS Behavioral Patterns" |
"This course is really all about you. It is designed to help you recognize your unique behavior style patterns and the styles of those you live and work with. You will be empowered to understand and value the different ways people behave and communicate. We all have 28 patterns that we prefer to use for our self and with others. Looking forward to sharing theKEYSSystem with you so you can find out more about your ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |