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"Aprende a programar jugando con Scratch" |
"Este curso tiene un doble objetivo; el primero es claro:la enseanza de un lenguaje de programacin al alcance de todos con el que podrn divertirse creando videojuegos de toda la complejidad que nos permita la imaginacin,aplicaciones educativas y creaciones arttisticas interactivasde diverso tipo, todocon una asombrosa curva de aprendizaje... en pocos minutos de curso ya se visualizarn resultados, lo que facilita la rpidacomprensin de los conceptos.Iremos paso a paso... no doy por sabido nada, por lo que cada detalle se explicar porqu y para qu se hace.El segundo objetivo es menos evidente: el desarrollo y el ejercicio del pensamiento computacional que es el proceso que nos permite formular problemas de manera que sus soluciones pueden ser representadas como secuencias de instrucciones y algoritmos. Al enfrentarnos aun problema... es pensar cmo loresolvera un programa de ordenador. Y estos conceptos los aplicaremos al programar con Scratch... pero nos servirn en su totalidad si luego pasamos a estudiar un lenguaje ms profesional, como Java, C, C++, etc. El alumno en este curso adquirir los fundamentosde la programacin... jugando. Y el pensamiento computacional, una vez que se aprende, es como andar en bicicleta,... no loolvidaremos ms.Y porqu Scratch? El MITcre este lenguaje pensando en los nios y eso fue una idea genial porque nos ha dado un lenguaje que, a diferencia de los tpicos lenguajes de toda la vida, no es un jeroglfico ilegible sino que los programas se crean simplemente apilando bloques, como jugando al Lego. Y ya que tenemos un lenguaje de aprendizaje rpido,intuitivo, divertido... y gratuito... por qu no lo va a aprovechar el resto de la humanidad?Vamos a aprender!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Guide to smartphone Virtual Reality (VR)" |
"Virtual Reality... A technology that opens aworld full of amazing experiences! But it is too expensive,too difficult and addressed only to specific people,right? Well, in this course I will show you that things are very different!Hello and welcome to the ""Guide to smartphone Virtual Reality"" course!This is a simple but very useful course for anyone who wants toenter and experiencethe fantastic world of VirtualReality without spending much.You don't have to know everything about smartphones, as long as you are willing to learn about VirtualReality andtakeadvantage of your smartphone'sfull potentials.Games, movies and photos can be transformed with VRinto a truly unique and immersive experience!Right now there are several premium options of PC powered VR systemsfor anyone who wants to experience this new world and is willing to pay up to 1000$/! In this course however,I amgoing to focus on the smartphone powered VR, which is muchmore affordable and accessible.More specificallythis course covers the following:The basics of smartphone VRHow to choose the right devicesto enjoy the VR experienceHow to use the ""VR BOX 2""headset with a smartphoneWhere to find freeVR apps &games, which are the most popular and how to watch movies &videos in VRHow to enjoy almost any content in VR modeVirtualReality has incredible potentials! Not only for watching movies and enjoying games of course, but also in education, healthcare, virtual travel, social interactions and many more. Weve just started experiencing the technology of tomorrow, today!So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and learn how toenter and enjoy the world of VR! Exciting new experiences, knowledge and fun awaits you. This course isjust the beginning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bring your old computer to life with Live Linux" |
"Do you have an old computer lying around the house that you have havent decide if you should recycle or just give it away? Don't get rid of it yet! Why not? Because Ill show you that this old computer can still be useful without spending any money to upgrade it. The only thing you will need is to download some free software packages, spend some time to complete this course and use a blank DVD or a small USB stickthat you already have. Your old computer will have a new life by running a new and free operating system on it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to make an online business in 2017" |
"Hello students, my name is Micheal J. Rogers and i am marketing and sales graduate from the university of california. I have been running a sucessful online and offline business for 20 years as well as becoming the top affiliate for multiple fortune 500 companies. I am a husband and father of 3 beautiful daughters. I've worked on huge affiliate campaigns for companies before theinternet became big and i still do today. I would like to offer you a course that will help you and change your perspective on how to really earn revenue online in 2017. My goal is to give back &teach you how to use strategies online to better your chances of makingcontinuous revenue. You will learn all the ends and out of the online worldrelated to having an online business and making revenue in 2017. Keywords, SEO, advertising, tools, where to go and when to do it.Have you ever wonder how to run a successful online business without all the extra drama?. Are you tired of all those scams or people suggesting a new overpricedsystem or productsthat will make you ""millions"" and never delivers. If your answer is simply ""yes"" then we are on the same page. I am proud to introduce to you the best online course out there for the 2017. If you really want to learn how to use online strategiesand have a succesful online business in 2017. Then you have come to the right place to learn it. This course is for anyone beginners, Intermediateand experts. I am proud to be your instructor and if you ever need anything i will be here to answer all your questions. No excuses, this is one of the best courses online as well as on udemy. So let's get started on finding out accurate ways to have a online business in 2017. See you there!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Algorithms and Data Structures Easy Way Java - job interview" |
"Here you will learn the most common algorithms and data structures and also prepare for some interview questions.This is not an ordinary course. We will write line by line of codetogether and explain what is is doing. Each algorithm and data structures will be introduced to you in a easy and friendly way to understand.It will definitely helpyou to get to the next level in your career. It will help you on yourdaily coding as well.On this courseAlgorithms and Data Structures you will learn and codeEuclid,Linear Search,Insert Sort,Binary Search, Quick Sortalso Binary Tree, Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Prefix Tree or Trie Tree, Stackand finallysome coding interview questionsPrint Odd Numbers,Longest Substring Without Repeating Character (Amazon Question),Sudoku(Amazon Question)Algorithms and Data Structures arevery important topics since your choice of algorithm and datastructure will affectmemory and CPU time differently.Be ready to code and be eager to learn more.It is priceless to have the confidence to show off your skills without fear. You will be able toprove in a whiteboard interview that you are not justgood but you are awesome.Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java for Dummies - Master the Beginners Level" |
"I will teachyou how to develop using Java. We will use Eclipse, Java 8, maven and JUNIT and a little bit of imagination to create fun exercises so you don't get bored.We will jump right into the fun stuff.Wewill first install what is necessary then start codingand understand the principles of java as we do it.As a Java developer I remember the hardest parts of learning it and I design this to make it easier for you.At the end of this course you should be able to develop small application in Java using clean and solid code."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AngularJs with Bootstrap in Action" |
"If you heard about directives, scope, routes, Dependency Injection,Browserify, bootstrap,controllers, factories ...and you have no idea or not quite sure what they are or how to use them or you just want to learn AngularJS then this course is for you.This course was designed for eithernew or existing developers. All the sections and lectures are split in a way that will help you get the most of this course which no boring sections.You will not just learn AngularJS but you will understand it. Learn from whom works with it on adaily bases and have the passion to coach ( that would be me lol).All the code is written on each lectureand explained as we write it.Every section has one ""introduction"" and one ""overview and download"" lectures which helps to prepareyou for what is coming and to wrap it up withwhat we just learned.There are 10 projects to be developed with you on the fly and if you feel like skipping it no worries you can always download it.For the last project we will create a niceBlog applicationusing Bootstrap, toastr which can be seen on the last freepreview.Angular 4 is there but many companies cannot move even to Angular 2 because of compatibility. This will teach you from the basic$scope tothe complex stuff likerouting, services, multiple controllers, using date filter, promises and much more.I hope you join me on this adventure.Feel free to watchthe introduction video and the previous available.CheersMarcos Costa"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2019 Course - Project 2D and 3D" |
"In this Learning AutoCADtraining course, expert authorwill teach you everything you need to know to be able to create 2D drawings and 3D modelsusing the latest version of AutoCAD. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with AutoCAD is required.You will start by learningthe basic operations of AutoCAD. From there, Awais will teach you about the drawing and drafting toolsand complete 3D modeling Tools.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have learned everything you need to know to create your own 2D drawings and 3D modelsin AutoCAD."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Revit 2019 Architectural Course For Beginner With Project" |
"In this Revit 2019 Architectural Course We will learn Revit Basics first and then once we gain enough knowledge to start our main 2 story house Model and then We will learn by actually Creating Complete 2d and 3d Model of a House which I think the best way to learn any software."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn JavaScript Fundamentals" |
"Do you want to learn the number #1 programming language that powers theinternet?Are you tired of wasting your time and money on random youtube videos or JavaScript courses that are either too simple, or too difficult to follow?Or do you struggle to deeply understand and use JavaScript in real projects?If your answer is a big YES... Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!In this course we will learn JavaScript and then we will create a Quiz Application in JavaScriptProject 1 : Quiz Appproject 1 introduction : In our project we will create a Quiz app from scratch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ongoing Spanish 3 (+3 online sessions)" |
"With this Spanish course designed by MSc. Miriam Hidalgo, certified teacher in English and Spanish with more than twenty (20) years of experience in the teaching field. Ongoing Spanish 3 is designed including a mix of methods, as there are many learning styles, but mainly using the communicative approach. This approach takes into consideration the communicative competence, in which you will learn discourse, linguistic, social and strategic competences to become competent in Spanish.How you are going to learn with Ongoing Spanish 3? With a mix of contents (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, etc.) and skills such asListening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. Speak Spanish easily, fluently and naturally from the first second of your course learning about interesting and useful topics.Speak Spanish throughout our: 5 Chapters divided in 25 different classes. More than 20 hours of fluent Spanish speaking. 3 online group discussions through zoom directly with your instructor.Lets acquire the Spanish language while you learn about predictions, routines, the past, biographies, work, habits and much more."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AToZ:Software Testing and Automation With Real Life Projects" |
"******Notice******""Awwwww thank you. This course has help me a lot and its one of the best. I just got a job after completing this course. I will recommend this course to anyone anytime any day. Thank you Mr Ola"". by OlufemiWelcome to AToZ Software Testing and Automation With Real Life Projects Included.First and foremost please have it in mind that this course is going to be hands-on training tutorial (Meaning 90% of this course is extraordinarily practical and 10% is theoretically base), i.e. it is learning by doing.This course will teach you step by step Manual and Automation Software Testing (Functional) journey on Intermediate level skills for companies requirements using the Selenium WebDriver 3 GUI automation, WinAutomation, and iMacros browser addons for automating the Functional part of Web Applications with over 20+ real life projects.This course is very well structured:Highly focus practical on one of the most useful skills for testing front-end Web Applications, Desktop Applications and Mobile Apps (Manual Testing, Automation Testing), Extract Transform Load (SSIS - ETL testing), Create Test Script Templates with Microsoft Excel, MSSQL Server, Bugfinder & Reporting using BugTracker Engine and asking questions. You will also learn to use Code Templates written (Java - Selenium WebDriver) provided for practices.Market is never short of jobs in Software Testing & Automation, there are a lot of jobs in both Manual and Automation Testing using Java and other programming languages.This course assumes that you have no programming background and if you have some experience in programming then it's a plus point. But If you have never write programming code or have some basic programming experience, this course is one stop place for you.You will get the best in class support from the instructor for any question you have related to this course.This course is backed by udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the code files of the course as a thank you for trying out the course !!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AToZ: Software Testing and Automation In Yoruba Language" |
"kab si course ton j K Software Testing Ati Automation Plu (Real-Life Projects).Lakk j ki a ni lo kan wipe course yi ma j hands-on training tutorial (itumo nin pe 90% practical ati 10% theories). Kiko ni mi mo.Ninu Course yi ma learn step by step Manual and Automation Software Testing (Functional) ti a ma lo WinAutomation, Selenium WebDriver 3 ati iMacros browser addons fun automating the Functional part of Web Applications plu over 20+ real life projects. Software Testing Manual ati Automation j most important skills lati le test front-end ati backend Web Application, Desktop Applications ati Mobile Apps. Paapa ju li lo iMacros ati Selenium WebDriver 3 fun GUI automation, Software Testing Automation je popular larin large community.Course yi structured si n pup:Awn k yi pisi video screencast ati guide, Homework wa ni be ti a ma se, Ninu k yi, a o k lati Setup Working Environment fun Software Testing ati Automation, A o k In and Out Functional Testing fun Web Application, Mobile Apps Ati Desktop Applications, A o k lati lo SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) lati Query SQL Server Database, A o k lati lo Selenium WebDriver fun Automating Web Applications, A o k lati lo Java Eclipse Integration Development Environment (IDE) plu Selenium WebDriver, A o k lati lo Extract Transform Load (ETL Testing), MS Excel, Notepad++, Test Script, ati Java Code Templates, A o k lati lo SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) lati Upload Data sinu SQL Server Database, A o k nipa Basic Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheet) ati Microsoft Word (Document) Object fun Creating Simple Dashboard, A o k bi a o e Migrate Microsoft Access Database l si MSSQL Server Database, A o k Data Migration Testing, A o k lati le Report Bugs tabi Defects ati b b l.This course is backed by udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the code files of the course as a thank you for trying out the course !!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Manage Your Stress Now" |
"Based on the experience of running stress management workshops for businesses and individuals countrywide, Heather has designed this course to be fun and informative. She uses cartoon humour to illustrate stressors, keeping the mood and experience light-hearted, and the information is easily retained and remembered. When one is suffering from stress, the last thing one needs is a great tome of wordy material, lesson after lesson.The mind just cannot take it in. Fun quizzes and questionnaires are included as PDFs to print out and fill in. Students can run out extra copies and see their progress after a month or two. A PDF 'course revision' is included for the student to quick-reference the strategies for particular stressors. A bonusa PDF 'What Kind Of Animal Are You?'is included, which can be used as a team building exercise or just a bit of fun for a group of friends, or the family."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Train Your Rescue Dog" |
"With 20 years' experience, help and advice from dog behaviourists, dog trainers, dog handlers. and successful rescue dog re-homers, Heather has put together some helpful insights into the introduction, familiarisation and training of your new dog.The course looks at his learned behaviours, how his mind works, and which methods work best to gain his trust and achieve favourable behaviour in the home and out and about."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Ingeniera de Software con PHP, HTML 5 y Material Design" |
"Si comienzas a desarrollar o ya tienes experiencia, pero te gustara aprender ms, entonces estas en el lugar indicado, ya que este curso ser esencial no solo para iniciarte no solo como desarrollador web si no tambin en el mbito laboral como profesional emprendedor, ya que al terminar te podrs desenvolver como freelance o incluso crear tu propia empresa.Este curso est pensado para que cualquier persona principiante o experto puedan aprender de manera sencilla y prctica, no solo conceptos bsicos sino tambin conocimientos especficos avanzados, con los cuales puedas crear desde un simple sitio web administrable hasta un complejo sistema empresarial a la medida. Ya que hablamos desde conceptos importantes como la seguridad tanto del lado del cliente como del servidor, consultas a las bases de datos seguras y que te ayudan a optimizar el rendimiento, adems de una gran variedad de mtodos de trabajo para optimizar el proceso de programacin. Pero una excelente programacin siempre debe de ir acompaada por un buen diseo y en este curso no lo dejamos de lado, ya que utilizaremos Material Design para crear una interfaz de usuario apropiada y que el entorno del sistema ofrezca una interaccin intuitiva. La principal meta para ti como estudiante, es la gran satisfaccin de que al completar el curso contaras con todos los conocimientos necesarios para ser un profesional del desarrollo web, y no solo eso, adems contaras con un proyecto 100% funcional que puedes mejorar o adaptar para incluso obtener ingresos de l."
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de Aplicaciones en Android Studio con Kotlin" |
"Google ha implementado un nuevo lenguaje para crear aplicaciones con Android, lo cual nos lleva a desarrollar este fantstico curso en el que conocers las bases para emprender con este nuevo lenguaje llamado Kotlin.Este lenguaje es mucho ms sencillo que java, lo que hace que desarrollar aplicaciones se vuelva ms accesible. Afortunadamente no es necesario que cuentes con conocimientos en java, ya que te ensearemos paso a paso el funcionamiento de Kotlin, desde cmo crear un hola mundo, hasta como operar con clases y crear tus propias aplicaciones. Adems, veremos todo lo necesario para familiarizarnos con el IDE de Android Studio en su versin especial que ya incluye Kotlin. Sin dejar de lado uno de los temas ms importantes y que la mayora de los alumnos buscan, esto es las bases de datos con Shared Preferences,SQLite, Realm y Firebase (tiempo real)realizando ejemplos sencillos, prcticos y comprensibles para que el cdigo sea lo ms especfico posible. Adems, este curso se mantendr actualizado constantemente, agregando nuevas clases para que tu conocimiento este siempre en crecimiento y a la vanguardia."
Price: 2070.00 ![]() |
"Crea tu ecommerce con PHP, PDO, Firebase, Paypal y Bootstrap" |
"Te invitamos a este nuevo curso en el cual vamos a desarrollar un ecommerce desde cero, utilizando PHP, firebase, Bootstrap 4 y PayPal.El proyecto a desarrollar cuenta con un mdulo para el administrador iniciando sesin mediante firebase con coreo y contrasea, aqu se podrn gestionar los productos a vender en diferentes categoras, con un panel de notificaciones para visualizar ganancias, pedidos, reseas y suministrar inventario. En la parte de los clientes podrn iniciar sesin con redes sociales como Google, Facebook y Twitter, y en el cual podrn ver los productos por categora, guardar su lista de deseos, dejar una resea al producto, agregar a su carrito de compras y realizar el pago mediante PayPal. Esto lo implementaremos aprendiendo a utilizar PHP desde cero, conociendo el lenguaje desde su base hasta convertirte en un experto. Adems de utilizar PDO para ejecutar las sentencias a la base de datos en MySQL. Crearemos un sistema de comentarios y calificaciones para los productos mediante el uso de AJAX. Tambin aprenders a utilizar el framework de Bootstrap en su versin 4 para ofrecer un diseo de calidad en tus aplicaciones. Manejaremos la web en tiempo real creando un CRUD completo con el servicio de google. Por ltimo, conoceremos la librera de PayPal para implementarla con PHP y as poder recibir pagos en cualquier proyecto que desees. Estamos seguros de que al finalizar este curso contaras con todas las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar cualquier tipo de tienda electrnica."
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"Watercolor painting - in and out of your studio" |
"Learn the basics of painting a watercolor landscape, how to use ordinary materials to enhance the look of your work and what it takes to work out in the open, away from your studio. This course aims to overcome these challenges and prepare you for creating beautiful watercolor paintings. Create a strong foundation for your watercolor painting process regardless of where youre painting, inside or outside. Gather up materials and set up for painting inside the studio Practice simple exercises with ordinary, household materials Follow step by step instructions for painting a landscape Prepare for painting outdoors Paint outdoors with different subject matters and weather conditions Start making watercolors with confidence wherever you are. Learning the basics of water coloring is a great way to improve artistic toolbox. Works you crate can become a great part of your creative career or a passionate hobby. They can be sold as originals or as prints. Excellent choice for a present or a decoration for your home. Finally, you can use them as a reference for a painting done in some other medium. The choice is up to you. Creating something out of nothing is a very satisfying and in time youll achieve more and more confidence in your artistic process. In this course will cover much of it and split it up to easy to follow steps that can only benefit your work. Content and overview This course is divided in two main sections, for painting inside the studio and when youre working outdoors. It is mostly designed for beginners but almost anyone, regardless of experience level, can improve their skills by the end of it. First, well look at the materials that you can use in your studio and how to arrange them. It is very good to have them all within your reach but not making the working area too messy. Practice is the key ingredient for everything that you do. Same applies for watercolors. Here well cover the simple exercises that can come in handy later when you start making landscapes. Also it is a great way to get familiar with materials and how to use them for maximum effect. Next up youll have a full step by step process of painting a watercolor landscape with all the instructions that I could muster. Follow it and create your own work. Painting outdoors is different than working in the studio and that is what we will cover in the second part of the course. Ill share with you my experience, prepare you for the art trip and give you some tips on how to go about it. Finally, youll learn the ways I paint with watercolors out in the open. You will receive tips on finding the right place, time of day to work, how to adjust the composition to fit your vision and practice, practice, practice. J By the end of the course, youll have valuable skills to paint whenever you feel like it, wherever you go. Confidence of exploring different materials in you painting process is something that will come more naturally. Youll know how to set up your workplace or what to pack up when you go out. With these lessons, youll find that youre able to paint a great landscape in a short period of time."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Drawing exercises: Basics of line making" |
"Learn the basics of drawing and how to use drawing materials to enhance the look of your work. This course aims to help you to overcome the challenge of drawing and prepare you for creating beautiful lines.Create a strong foundation for your drawing process and from there make art that your friends and family would love to see on their walls.Gather up materials such as pencils, charcoal, erasers and ink. Set up your workplace and start practicing.Make simple exercises to master your linesLearn new things about line divisions and how it is helpful in order to understand construction of a human faceExperiment with one point perspectiveSee how to use overall shape to put all the elements of your drawing on the format of your paper.Use simple lines to create a basic shape of a human body.Enjoy the bonus material lessonsStart making drawings with confidence of a professional draughtsman.Learning the basics of drawing is a great way to improve artistic toolbox. Works you crate can become a great part of your creative career or a passionate hobby. They can be sold as originals or as prints. Also, they can be excellent choice for a present or a decoration for your home. Finally, you can use them as a reference for a painting done in some other medium like you see in the bonus material. The choice is up to you.Creating something out of nothing is a very satisfying and in time youll achieve more and more confidence in your artistic process. In this course well cover much of it and split it up to easy to follow steps that can only benefit your work, whether it's in graphic design, illustration or painting."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio 20 - Trap Music Production" |
"Key to the step ahead with FL Studio.You can taste of how your music talent leads you to guide the others. All production stages gathered for you!As you may see in the course list we will learn make lead melody, plucked melody, 808 bass, drum loop etc... We will create a track and we will learn the essential of the TRAP MUSIC.If you want to be a pro-like composer you'd better start wit FL STUDIO---------------------------------------------------------------------------------List of what we will learn : Start a projectCreate a great drum loopCreate snare fxCrate noise fxWrite lead melodyWrite plucked melodyMixing & MasteringColoring & RenamingUsing animation clipReversing a soundLearn the how to use playlist, mixer, pattern, channel rack---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feel the heat, remember how life had started with a single beat :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Wunschkunden-Strategie - Gewinne leichter Kunden" |
"In diesem Vertriebs-Kurslernst Du, wie Du leichter genau die richtigen Kunden gewinnst.Der Kurs ist ideal fr alle Unternehmer, Selbstndige und Freelancer, die nicht genug Kunden haben oder denen Kundenakquise einfach ein Graus ist. Der Kurs vermittelt in 8 Lektionen, wie man ein unwiderstehliches Angebot entwickelt und so die perfekten Kunden gewinnt. Das Ganze ist keine Zauberei, sondern eine Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung, die ber 10 Jahre in der Praxis erprobt und perfektioniert wurde. Es funktioniert heute schon fr viele Unternehmer - also starte und probiere es aus.Was Nutzer ber den Kurs sagen*** Anja:""Ein super detaillierter und trotzdem direkt praktisch umsetzbarer Kurs."" ****** Ramona:""Der Kurs ist fr mich eine tolle Ergnzung zum Buch ""Wunschkundenbusiness"" und beinhaltet eine Menge wertvoller Informationen. Besonders hilfreich finde ich die Beispiele zu den jeweiligen Kapiteln. Die dazugehrigen Arbeitsmaterialien sind wunderbar dafr geeignet, um die Inhalte zu vertiefen und zu verankern. Der Kurs ist fr Menschen geeignet, die ihr Wissen zum Thema Positionierung und Geschftserfolg erweitern mchten."" ****Der Kursleiter: Dr. Steffen AdlerDer Trainer ist absoluter Profi, wenn es um die Gewinnung neuer Wunschkunden geht. Er hat mehr 120 Beratungsgprojekte durchgefhrt und viele erfolgreiche Vertriebs-Strategien entwickelt. Seine Methodik hat er in einem Buch verffentlicht.Er ist selbst Unternehmer und wendet sein Wissen so tglich an. Durch die vielen Praxisbeispieleist der Kurs keine graue Theorie, sonderneine Anleitung zum handeln. Alle Tipps des Kurses haben sich in der Praxis bewhrt und funktionieren.Die sechsKerninhalte des Kurses sind:1. Eine Methode,umseine Wunschkunden zu definieren und deren Gemeinsamkeiten zu beschreiben.2. Eine Anleitung, mit der jeder ein unwiderstehliches Angebot fr seine Wunschkunden entwickeln kann.3. Die besten Tipps und Tricks fr Emotionales Verkaufen. Kaufentscheidungen sind Bauchentscheidungen. Lerne, wie Du das am besten nutzt.4. eine klare Anleitung, um Produkte und Preie zu definieren - egal fr welches Angebot5. Erprobte Varianten, um die neue Vertriebsstrategie zu testen und dabei direkt erste Wunschkunden zu gewinnen6. Das Geheimnis, warum Empfehlungen so gut funktionieren und eine Anleitung,wie jeder mehr Empfehlungen erhltWarum sollte man diesen Kurs unbedingt belegen? Ganz einfach: Wenn man durch das imKursvermittelte Wissenauch nur einen einzigenneuen Kunden gewinnt, hat man mehr verdient, als man investiert hat. Und das praktische Wissen wie Du Kunden gewinnst, kann Dir keiner mehr nehmen.Ist das nicht alles sehr theoretisch?Nein. Der Autor vermittelt alle Methoden in kleinen, nachvollziehbaren Schritten. Zahlreiche Arbeitsbltter und die vielen Praxisbeispiele machen den Kurs lebendig.Was ist, wenn ich allein nicht weiterkomme? Steffen Adler betreut alle Teilnehmer persnlich und beantwortet alle Deine Fragen zeitnah. Auerdem kannst Du Deine Fragen mit den anderen Kursteilnehmern teilen und so weiteres Feedback bekommen. Du bist also nicht allein und bekommst immer einen passenden Tipp.Und wenn ich merke, dass der Kurs nichts fr mich ist? Kein Problem. Du hast eine uneingeschrnkte30-Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie. Wenn Dir der Kurs also nicht hilft, erstatten wir Dir den Kurspreis. Ohne Wenn und Aber.Der Kurs ""Die Wunschkunden-Strategie"" gehrtebereits nach weniger Tagen zu den Bestsellern in der Kategorie ""Vertrieb"".Also: Gleich anmelden und die erstenLektionen erledigen! Deine Wunschkunden warten!!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Asleep in Six Minutes - Bedtime Meditation for Kids" |
"How to use meditation with your children to create an effortless and enjoyable bedtime routine in four easy steps, even if:- You have tried other sleep methods for children, to no avail.-You have no experience with meditation yourself.- You have no time to meditate.- You have lost all hope in ever having a bedtime routine that works.Let me explain howIn four easy steps I will introduce you to The Secret to Deep Sleep.Creating a Routine that Works.Meditation and the Subconscious Mind.Setting the Scene to Get Results.1. The Secret to Deep SleepMost sleep methods focus around the act of putting your child to bed at night. With step one, the Secret to Deep Sleep, it starts from the minute your child wakes up in the morning. Knowing exactly what to do during the day to make sure your child is tired going to bed is key to sleep success. More on this later...2. Creating a Routine That WorksCreating a routine and creating a routine that works are two very different things. Using the most effective routine means you dont waste months trying to implement a routine which doesnt deliver the desired effect. No thinking, wondering, second guessing yourself or investing in a sleep expert, just plug and play my bedtime routine. Trust the routine and get results. 3. Meditation and the Subconscious MindThis is my secret weapon to sleep success and it can be yours too! Programming the subconscious mind isnt as scary as it sounds. In fact, we are doing it all the time but without awareness of it. I dont know of any other meditation experts who teach this powerful technique. Its a simple process but one that you need to learn about in order to reap the rewards. 4. Setting The SceneSetting the scene isnt as simple as mood lighting, although that does help! Knowing how to optimise your childs bedroom for sleep will fast track your sleep success. Follow these proven tactics and optimise your childs sleeping environment to get the results you want. Ready to use meditation to make bedtime an effortless and enjoyable activity?Join this course and get:The four key factors which influence sleep.A full walkthrough of a bedtime routine that works.How to effectively use meditation for sleep to make bedtime an effortless and enjoyable experience.Access to 5 custom created meditations for sleep written specifically for children - you get both the audio to download to listen to and the meditation scripts to read to your child.How to optimise your childs bedroom for deep sleep.My troubleshooting guide if things go wrong.Plus, access to information sheets, cheat sheets and further resources.And there are these happy parents, grandparents and carers who have reaped the rewards from using my guided meditations.Five Star Reviews:Woo hoo! My son was asleep before the end. Thank you. ~ CynthiaThis works every time with my daughter. She even asks to listen to it. Thank you! ~ TammyVery helpful for my restless 2-1/2 year old. Thank you. ~ TaylorSends my daughter to sleep every single time! ~ HeatherMy 3.5-year-old son asks to listen to this every night at bedtime. Such a lovely intro to meditation for my child. ~ MeredithMy kiddos have yet to make it through this to the end! ~ LauraAmazing......4 and 8 year old calms completely down. Love it. ~ LeAnnaThis is lovely. Quickly becoming a beautiful habit for my 4-yr old daughter and I each night. We love it. ~ AmyKnocked my 4 year old out to sleep within 6 minutes! Yay! ~ Basia"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Qa Testing: Guia Basica para QA y Robot Framework" |
"En este curso estaremos abarcando todo lo referente a la gestin de calidad. Navegaremos por conceptos asociados al aseguramiento y conversaremos sobre como realizar planes de prueba y coberturas de pruebas en sistemas. Tambin aprenderemos de conceptos relacionados con: Planificacin, Ejecucin y reporte de resultados en el proceso de pruebas de calidad del software"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Develop your leadership philosophy" |
"This class discusses and explores your leadership philosophy, which is a summation of all the convictions, principles, and rules of conduct that guide you in your life and your leadership.We will guide you through a process to help you draft a first version of your leadership philosophy by asking you lots of questions to help you crystallize the personal convictions, principles and rules of conduct you believe in and seek to honor in how you live and lead every day.Taking the time to articulate your leadership philosophy will enable you to become more intentional about your leadership i.e. it will provide you with an explicit platform to hold yourself accountable.It will help you truly walk your talk, which as you know is fundamental to your leadership credibility. However, articulating your leadership philosophy is not just for your own benefit.It will also help you share more easily with your team what they can expect from you as their leader and how you expect them to go about their work.To help you articulate your leadership philosophy, we will look at how you live and lead from 4 different angles:Leading yourself: In this section of your leadership philosophy you articulate what propels you in life & work and how you manage yourself to achieve things in life and work.Leading your people: In this section of your leadership philosophy you describe what kind of relationship you want to have with each of your team members and how you want to interact with your people.Leading for performance: This part of your leadership philosophy you outline how you believe your people need to behave to successfully perform their jobs. Leading a Whole life: This final part of your leadership philosophy is about the boundaries you set and adhere both for yourself as a leader and for your people to help you more successfully manage the integration of your work and personal life.Once we have worked through all that, you will have a comprehensive first draft of your leadership philosophy and we will finish the class with a lecture on how to put it to use. Because writing it is only the beginning. A leadership philosophy that ends up in your drawer or hidden in a folder on your laptop is of no use at all. However, when you follow our guidance on how to put it to real use, it has the power to exponentially improve your leadership effectiveness."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Building & Managing High-Performing Teams" |
"As a leader, we achieve our organizational goals through the work of our people. But that is easier said than done. To achieve your vision, your people will have to work together, which involves a great number of challenges.Irrespective of your peoples individual expertise, motivation, and emotional intelligence, the sum of their parts is usually smaller than the whole, unless you as the leader have carefully created the required conditions for them to work effectively together.That is the topic of this class: We will together explore what the 7 conditions are that you as a leader need to create to help your people to come together as a team and enable them to work together successfully.Building and sustaining a successful team is like making a souffl: it requires careful attention to many details omit one and your souffl will fail.Similarly, the 7 aspects of successful team management, which we will discuss in this class are not a list from which to choose some and ignore others. They are interdependent. Together these 7 conditions provide the framework for your team to succeed. Omit one of them and your team may not outright fail, but will likely trip or falter at some point.We have broken these 7 conditions for building and sustaining a successful team into 2 parts. The first 3 conditions show you how to enable a group to become a team. The next 4 conditions focus on what you need to do to enable a team to operate successfully."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Interpreting Financial Statements" |
"A company's financial statements provide a lot more insight into how the company is operating then many non-financial managers realize. You just need to know how to interpret them and that is what this course is all about! In this course we'll demystify the jargon and show you how to see beyond the numbers. As a result you will be able to gain a much better understanding of how a business is operating and what actions or decisions may need to be taken to improve those numbers. To show you how to do that I will be walking you through the financial statements of a number of companies including Apple, Microsoft and Accenture. However, the ultimate aim is of course to help you to apply this to your own organization. We have therefore included several exercises to help you do just that. So, by the end of this course, you won't have just learned about how to interpret financial statements in general - you'll have actually learned how to apply this to the financial statements of your own company and as a result you'll have a much better understanding of your own company's financial performance and what you can/need to do to help maintain or improve it."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Essential Guide to Business Budgeting" |
"This 2-part course covers both the operational budgeting process and the capital budgeting process.In part 1 of this course we focus on how to prepare an operating budget. Done well, a budget provides a clear flight plan for where the organization wants to go in a given year, what route it plans to take there and what resources it will need to do so. However, unfortunately few budgets are done well and even fewer leaders use their budget effectively on a day-to-day basis to manage their department, business unit or division.So, to help you buck that trend we will teach you a 4 step process to help you prepare a really good budget and we will also discuss in detail how to use your budget as an effective management tool.In part 2 we then focus on the capital budgeting process. This is the process of allocating resources for major capital expenditure or investment expenditures. Leaders throughout a company will need to know how to work through this process as and when their strategic plans for their department or division involve significant capital investments. It varies by company what the actual threshold is at which a company requires its leaders to go through this process for approval. It can be as low as $1000 or as high as $50,000.We will explore in detail how to analyze any proposed capital expenditure and how to make recommendations based on the outcomes of those analyses. This will involve a review of the following 4 capital budgeting methods:Payback periodNet Present ValueInternal rate of return (IRR)Profitability indexAfter working through this part of the course you should feel fully equipped to successfully handle your companys capital budgeting process as and when you need to gain approval for key capital expenditures.Note: At the end of each section you'll find a downloadable copy of the syllabus for that section of the course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Achieving Peak Performance" |
"We all understand that it takes incredible dedication and practice to be a top athlete. We appreciate that athletes need rest between races or matches to recover from their exertions in order to be able to put in another peak performance during the next race or match.It also doesnt surprise anyone that top athletes watch what they eat and when they eat so that they have the energy to perform and that their coaches actively work with their athletes to ensure that they are in the right frame of mind and are inspired to perform at their best.So, all in all everyone appears to intuitively understand that an athlete needs to carefully prepare their body and mind along all these dimensions in order to achieve peak performance.Yet, when people think about how to become successful at work, most stillbelieve that professional success is the result of brainpower combined with time spend and super-human effort. However, just like the star sports athlete, a corporate professional needs to be in the right frame of mind and feel motivated to be able to fully access his or her talents every day.Professional success thus also requires someone to seek a stable and fulfilling emotional life.In short, long-term professional success cannot be achieved through the combination of long hours and raw talent. Instead, long-term professional success is underpinned by the same factors as athletic success: Physical fitness, emotional control, mental acuity and clear sense of purpose.In this workout we will therefore explore each of these factors in depth. The aim is to help you fully understand the direct relationship between your success and each of these factors and to guide you on how to effectively incorporate certain strategies and practices into your life and work to strengthen each of these dimensions ultimately enabling and boosting your professional success.So this workout is about developing your personal training program to enable your peak performance as a leader."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Mahjong Genius" |
"Mahjong Genius is a comprehensive learning skill designed for absolute beginners who wish to learn how to play the traditional HongKong Mahjong game. This course also addresses intermediate players who wish to improve their level of play to achieve high-scoring winning hands.Mahjong Genius is a ""Mind Sport"" and its goal is to provide the student with a full understanding of how to strategize the use of the 13 tiles he or she is dealt with in order to achieve a winning hand. Creating order from chaos by means of random drawings, that is amazing! Mahjong is played with 144 tiles intricately engraved with Chinese characters and symbols. But dont be scared by the explanation of the game, I guarantee its lots of fun! Similar to the card game Gin Rummy, Mahjong involves mental skill, strategy and calculation, with a degree of chance.A good game should bring thrill and excitement, allow you to think and plan your strategy which could bring about a win! In Mahjong, every winning hand is unique. Mahjong stimulates the thinking process, keeps your brain alert and thinking, is a great game which allows social interaction, and creates enjoyable experiences to live happy, healthy and fun lives."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Nutricin para nios, aprende sobre alimentacin saludable." |
"My Leafy Kids es un curso dirigido a Padres o cuidadores, el cual fue diseado paraeducar en materias de nutricin y alimentacin de nios desde un punto de vistaintegral (cuerpo, mente y espritu) haciendo nfasis en la nutricin del cuerpo. Se divideen cuatro etapas: la 1era describe el ambiente en que vivimos para entender el origende enfermedades y dolencias actuales, la 2da cubre el cmo hacer frente a esteambiente con herramientas sencillas y realizables, la 3era abarca principiosfundamentales de nutricin y por ultimo la 4ta el cmo implementar lo aprendido atravs de la creacin de hbitos. El curso incluye recetas, tcnicas y consejos paramejorar el nivel de nutricin de los nios de manera rpida y efectiva.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------El curso se compone de 4 videos y material de apoyo escrito que incluye: Un recetario con 14 recetas Ejemplo grafico del Plato Ideal Etiqueta modelo con valores nutricionales de consumo diario para nios y elequivalente en protena y fibra de los alimentos mas conocidos. Lista y link de Dirty Dozen y Clean 15 (Lista de los 12 alimentos mascontaminados y los 15 mas limpios con relacin a pesticidas) y link a laorganizacin que regula que los organismo no sea genticamente modificados. Lista de alternativas mas saludables que al azcar refinadaDurante el curso se pueden hacer consultas por escrito a lascuales sern respondidas con un margen mximo de dos das.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Te gustara llevar una vida mas saludable para ti y tu familia pero no sabes por dondeempezar?- Tratas de buscar mejores versiones de alimentos para tus hijos pero estas confundidacon tanta informacin contradictoria que hay all afuera?- Te sueles preguntar si deberas o no darles leche? Carne? Cereales de caja para eldesayuno?- Tratas de leer etiquetas pero te confunden tantos nombres confusos?No estas sola! Eres una de miles de madres que queremos darle una alimentacinsaludable a nuestros hijos, en un ambiente que no lo es.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Si eres una madre que reconoce la importancia que tiene la alimentacin en eldesarrollo de un nio, si entiendes la influencia de la alimentacin en sus estados deanimo, el desarrollo de su cerebro y el impacto que tiene en su felicidad en general, esteprograma es para Ti.----------------------------En My Leafy Kids aprenders:- Diferencia entre un producto saludable de uno que no lo es. Leer etiquetas.- Mejores versiones de los alimentos que ya conoces. Recetas fciles y deliciosas.- Que evitar y que incluir en su dieta.- Snacks saludables y mucho mas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |