Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Life Purpose Tarot Coaching" |
"Discover how to use the ancient oracle of Tarot give life changing readings to your clients and loved ones. A Life Purpose Tarot Coaching Reading shows you the path to love, the most soul rewarding career and get the answers NOW!By taking this tarot course you will learn to read like a professional tarot reader and apply this tool to your Life Coaching techniques. By integrating the deep wisdom of these cards you can help others discover their Life Purpose, the purpose of their Relationships, and to make the Big Choices in their career. This course is current and updated on February 2017By the end of this course you will know how to:Confidently give life changing tarot readings for your clients. Reveal your clients Life PurposeSeek answers for your clients BIG Decisions in business, career and financesGive Relationship guidance and find out if people are part of their Soul Purpose Give Holistic Health readings with looking at Body, Emotions, Mind and EnergyLook at their Chakra system and give suggestions on balancing the energy levels. Guided Meditations to prepare for client consultations. Guidelines to a Professional Tarot SessionLife Purpose Tarot Coaching is for personal development and integration tool for Life Coaches and holistic practitioners. This course includes a Full interpretation of the full 78 Card Tarot Deck including the Major, Minor Arcana and People Cards. The most important tarot card layout and same readings to help your clients in life, love, business and happiness. How to set up a professional tarot session and how to reveal to your clients Life Purpose. Join me on my Facebook Page for Inner Doorways and there you will be able to ask me any question you want!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Influencer-Marketing auf Instagram" |
"Du mchtest endlich wissen, wie das mit dem Geld verdienen auf Instagram funktioniert? In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du:Wie Du ein Produkt auf Instagram vermarktestWie Du Influencer findest und sie fr dich arbeiten lsstWie Du mehr Likes und Follower bekommstWie Du Affiliate-Links in Instagram platzieren kannstWie Du die Mathematik der groen Zahlen nutzt, um auf einen vierstelligen Verdienst zu kommenWas Du in diesem Kurs NICHT lernst, ist:Likes und Follower kaufen (dafr brauchst Du echt keinen Kurs)Wie Du mit einem Mausklick reich wirstDubiose Hackertricks, fr die Du auf Instagram abgestraft wirstAndere Leute mit Spam belstigenDu bentigst fr diesen Kurs keinerlei Vorwissen. Hast Du bereits ein Instagram-Profil, kannst Du die hier gezeigten Tricks und Techniken gerne auf dieses Profil anwenden. Ich empfehle Dir aber ein neues Profil anzulegen, das hundertprozentig auf Dein Produkt zugeschnitten ist. Wie das geht, erfhrst Du im Kurs."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Sunrise Oil Pastel Painting" |
"This is a paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.This Lessons will give you tips, and techniques to do this Painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting, or looking to build on ""the foundation of knowledge you already have"", this lesson is for you.I will show you different techniques like Heavy Pressure Blending, Light Pressure Blending, Color Mixing, Stippling, Scum-bling, sgraffito as and when required.I will help you to gain confidence with the medium and learn to create, simple yet dynamic compositions.You will learn my techniques for using loose, confident mark-making to convey energy and emotion as you paint the landscape!Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Evergreen Oil Pastel Painting Lesson" |
"This is a paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.This Lessons will give you tips, and techniques to do this Painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting, or looking to build on ""the foundation of knowledge you already have"", this lesson is for you.I will show you different techniques like Heavy Pressure Blending, Light Pressure Blending, Color Mixing, Stippling, Scum-bling, sgraffito as and when required.I will help you to gain confidence with the medium and learn to create, simple yet dynamic compositions.You will learn my techniques for using loose, confident mark-making to convey energy and emotion as you paint the landscape!Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scenery Oil Pastel Painting Lesson" |
"Welcome EVERYONE! In this course, we are going to learn how to paint this oil pastel painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting, or looking to build on knowledge you already have, this lesson is for you.These are paint-along art lessons, that will guide you from start to end of the painting.These Lessons will give you tips, and techniques that will help you to do this Painting.You will learn my techniques for using loose confident mark-making. to convey energy and emotion as you paint the landscape!I will show you different techniques like Heavy Pressure Blending, Light Pressure Blending, Color Mixing, Stippling, Scumbling, and Skraffito as and when required.I will help you to gain confidence with the medium, andalso to learn to create simple yet dynamic compositions.Feel free to contact me if you need help on these lessons.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landscape Oil Pastel Painting Lesson" |
"Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.This is a paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Product Features:* High Definition Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.* Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.* Paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.* This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.* Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.PrerequisitesA desire to create some art work.All you need are oil pastels and paper to work on.When you take this course you will:Learn to paint without any line drawing.Learn to paint from the heart.Learn to paint with confidence.Learn different techniques I used in this painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting or looking to build on the foundation of knowledge youalready have, Pastel Painting Lessons is a wonderful journey into the world of pastels.I will help you to gain confidence with the medium and learn to create, simple yet dynamic compositions.You will learn my techniques for using loose, confident mark-making to convey energy and emotion as you paintthe landscape!Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nest Oil Pastel Painting Lesson" |
"Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.This is a paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Product Features:High Definition Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.Prerequisites:A desire to create some art work.All you need are oil pastels and paper to work on.When you take this course you will:Learn to paint without any line drawing.Learn to paint from the heart.Learn to paint with confidence.Learn different techniques I used in this painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting or looking to build on the foundation of knowledge youalready have, Pastel Painting Lessons is a wonderful journey into the world of pastels.I will help you to gain confidence with the medium and learn to create, simple yet dynamic compositions.You will learn my techniques for using loose, confident mark-making to convey energy and emotion as you paintthe landscape!Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Warm and Cool Oil Pastel Painting Lesson" |
"Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.This is a paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Product Features:High Definition Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.Prerequisites:A desire to create some art work.All you need are oil pastels and paper to work on.When you take this course you will:Learn to paint without any line drawing.Learn to paint from the heart.Learn to paint with confidence.Learn different techniques I used in this painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting or looking to build on the foundation of knowledge youalready have, Pastel Painting Lessons is a wonderful journey into the world of pastels.I will help you to gain confidence with the medium and learn to create, simple yet dynamic compositions.You will learn my techniques for using loose, confident mark-making to convey energy and emotion as you paintthe landscape!Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fire Logs Oil Pastel Painting Lesson" |
"Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.This is a paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Product Features:High Definition Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.Prerequisites:A desire to create some art work.All you need are oil pastels and paper to work on.When you take this course you will:Learn to paint without any line drawing.Learn to paint from the heart.Learn to paint with confidence.Learn different techniques I used in this painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting or looking to build on the foundation of knowledge you already have, Pastel Painting Lessons is a wonderful journey into the world of pastels. I will help you to gain confidence with the medium and learn to create, simple yet dynamic compositions. You will learn my techniques for using loose, confident mark-making to convey energy and emotion as you paint the landscape!Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grapes Oil Pastel Painting Lesson" |
"Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.This is a paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Product Features:High Definition Oil Pastel Painting Lessons.Learn how to do oil pastel painting with our lessons and tutorials.Paint along art lesson that will guide you from start to the end of painting.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.Prerequisites:A desire to create some art work.All you need are oil pastels and paper to work on.When you take this course you will:Learn to paint without any line drawing.Learn to paint from the heart.Learn to paint with confidence.Learn different techniques I used in this painting.Have a painting that you will be proud to hang in your home if you paint along with me.This Lessons will give you tips and techniques to do Oil Pastel Painting.Whether you are completely new to pastel painting or looking to build on the foundation of knowledge you already have, Pastel Painting Lessons is a wonderful journey into the world of pastels. I will help you to gain confidence with the medium and learn to create, simple yet dynamic compositions. You will learn my techniques for using loose, confident mark-making to convey energy and emotion as you paint the landscape!Feel free to contact me if you need help on the lesson.Thank you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get I.T.! Start a Career In Information Technology" |
"The multi-billion dollar information technology (I.T.) industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With that distinction, the industry has an ever-increasing need for workers who can fill the thousands of familiar IT positions already available, as well as take on the roles associated with newly created career options that keep popping up in the field.Considering a career in information technology, but don't know where to start? We created a series of books called ""Get I.T.!""that explores the vast number of entry level jobs available within the growing, lucrative IT industry. The series is published by Better Karma Publishing and it is the basis for this course.In this course you will learn the basic skill sets you'll need to break in to the field, as well as what you can expect to encounter in the way of industry culture, terminology, and career paths. Then, learn the specific job requirements for such positions as developer, analyst, tester, and more. The course is written in plain, clear language, to make it easy for anyone to follow. No prior background or education in I.T. is required. The intended audience for the course is absolute beginners looking tostart a new career in I.T."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Project Management for Machine Learning Projects" |
"The last few years have seen a meteoricrise in disciplines related to using and exploring large quantities of data(Big Data), such as Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. A partof the Artificial Intelligence domain, Machine Learning and Data Science inparticular took hold in many corporations and started impacting the businessoutcomes. In turn, IT Project Managers are suddenly facing a different type ofproject they are asked to manage: the Machine Learning project. This course is addressed to experienced IT Project Managers whowant to understand how to manage Machine Learning projects, what are thespecific challenges they will face, and what are some best practices to helpthem successfully deliver business value."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curvas de Animacin en After Effects" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a aplicar principios de animacin tradicional con piezas de motion graphics usando curvas Bezier en After Effects. Con el curso vas a aprender a usar el Editor Grfico al interior del programa para generar animaciones dinmicas siguiendo principios de animacin. El curso est dirigido a personas con conocimientos bsicos en After Effects, pero si no has tenido contacto previo con el programa empezars viendo como funcionan los fotogramas clave dentro de la linea de tiempo. Entenderas que es interpolacin, como funciona una curva Bezier y como manipular esas curvas en el editor grfico. Conocers cuales de los principios de animacin tradicional puedes aplicar con las curvas bezier y realizars tres ejercicios con tres diseos diferentes. Crears una transicin usando aceleracin y desaceleracin exagerada, animars un texto aplicando accin secundaria y finalmente le dars movimiento a un personaje con el principio de anticipacin. Con el curso descubrirs porqu aplicando los principios de animacin con el editor grfico puedes generar animaciones mas orgnicas y expresivas. Para seguir el curso solo necesitas tener instalado After Effects y tener ganas de mejorar tus animaciones usando esta herramienta. Bienvenidos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Presentacin con conos animados en After Effects" |
"Hola Mi nombre es Carlo Pico, realizo motion graphics y soy profesor de animacin y posproduccin en Bogot. En este curso vas a disear y animar una presentacin grficamuy sencilla usando solamente herramientas de After Effects.En el curso te muestro como establecer un flujo de trabajo con precomposiciones para resolver un proyecto que usa mltiples recursos grficos. Disears conos y lneas cinticas con capas de forma y aplicars animaciones en texto valindote de los animadores y selectores de rango, tambin ajustars las animaciones usando opciones avanzadas como el editor grfico para guardarlas y reutilizarlas a lo largo del proyecto. Durante el curso te familiarizaras con los atajos de teclado mas frecuentes en este tipo de proyectos, aprenders a organizar el orden de lectura de la informacin en la linea de tiempo y a establecer jerarqua animando textos y grficas. Aprenders a hacer correcciones muy frecuentes como cambiar la duracion de las composiciones, ajustar el grosor de las grficas o modificar la forma y el color de fondo de un diseo.El curso requiere conocimientos bsicos de la interface grfica del programa y est dirigido a cualquiera que desee resolver un proyecto grfico completo al interior de After Effects. Aunque el curso est en espaol se muestra el uso del programa con su instalacin en ingles. Tienes acceso a todos los archivos realizados durante las realizacin del proyecto y puedes enviar las dudas que tengas para ser resueltas. Incluso si no es lo que buscas tienes hasta 30 dias para devolverlo.Bienvenido"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Become An Expert YouTube User" |
"Do you want to be able to find any kind of video on YouTube?Would you like to know all the available options to enjoy the videos that are on YouTube as an expert?In this course you will learn how to use all the options to watch videos that YouTube has. Take into account that basically in YouTube there are two types of users, content creators and the people who only use it to watch videos for any reason. Then with the knowledge of this course, you will learn how to take advantage of all the YouTube features for people that just watch videos.I'm sure you have the feeling that with YouTube you can do more than just watching videos of cats playing piano, and you're right, YouTube is the world's largest entertainment and audiovisual education platform and you have to know how to take advantage of it.This is what you are going to learn with this course:You will know all the options that are on the YouTube site and also in the App.You'll learn how to use all the options to manage videos.You'll be able to perform basic and advanced searches to find any type of content on YouTube.You'll learn some external websites to find the best videos and channels on YouTube.You'll know how to set up the settings on YouTube, so you can enjoy even more the way you use it.This is the knowledge that might take you years to learn with normal use of YouTube, but here you can do it in a incredibly small fraction of time.Now press the button to Enroll Now and I'll see you inside the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP completo en Espaol" |
"El curso contiene un contenidocompleto que abarca todos los temas mas importantespara que te conviertas en un consultor SAP ABAP, esta diseado muy detalladamente y estructuradopara que de manera fcil puedas aprenderlos conocimientos necesarios para trabajar con el ERP mas grande del mundo como lo es SAP. Lo aprendido en este curso te abrir muchas puertas para comenzar a buscar un trabajo enunos de los lenguajes de programacin mejor pagados a nivel mundial y/o a mejorar tus conocimientos en ABAP de ser el caso. De la mano delinstructor Freddy Valderrama te guiara en los videospaso a paso para que aprendas el diccionario de datos, el editor ABAP, lenguaje ABAP, modularizacin, debugger,biblioteca defunciones, entre otros temas.Este curso esta creado tomando la experiencia de mas de 10aos en diferentes implementaciones de SAPque ha realizado el instructor a lo largo de los aos.El curso estaenfocado en ensear lo que realmente se necesita saber para entregar los requerimientos solicitados por el clienteen el tiempo solicitado."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAP WorkFlow Completo en Espaol" |
"El curso contiene un contenidocompleto que abarca todos los temas mas importantespara que te conviertas en un consultor SAP WorkFlow, esta diseado muy detalladamente y estructuradopara que de manera fcil puedas aprenderlos conocimientos necesarios para trabajar con el ERP mas grande del mundo como lo es SAP. Lo aprendido en este curso te abrir muchas puertas para comenzar a buscar un trabajo enunos de los Software empresariales mejor pagados a nivel mundial y/o a mejorar tus conocimientos en WorkFlow de ser el caso. De la mano delinstructor Freddy Valderrama te guiara en los videospaso a paso para que aprendas todo lo referente al sistema de WorkFlow de SAP, pasando por la definicin, ventajas, customizing, Business Objects, Agentes, Eventos, Administracin, Workplaceentre otros temas.Este curso esta creado tomando la experiencia de mas de 10aos en diferentes implementaciones de SAPque ha realizado el instructor a lo largo de los aos.El curso estaenfocado en ensear lo que realmente se necesita saber para entregar los requerimientos solicitados por el clienteen el tiempo solicitado.Podrs tener acceso ilimitado a la herramienta para poder realizar las prcticas del curso con acceso de por vida."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CISA: How to Answer the most common Exam Questions (Dom1)" |
"If you are anything like i was three or two weeks before my CISA Exam, then you are getting a bit overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you still don't remember or understand in the CISA Curriculum,You have probably tried your hands at some questions and found your self thinking ""yea that's definitely the answer, O No...! hows that!"". well i did something about it. After going through sample questions multiple times i started to see patterns in the questions, I could see that in certain domains questions were always asked on certain topics...Sometimes multiple Questions on the same topic, not all of them...but some...So i figured i would focus on these key topics, draw them out into easily memorable stuff, mnemonics, tables, pictures scenarios etc...I did....and I Passed was easy!... yea right..!and so this course is basically the fruit of those last few weeks well packed for those who are currently in my shoes...Enjoy..!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework Base de datos con JPA" |
"Java Persistence API (JPA), Bienvenidos a este curso en el cual aprenders a gestionar bases de datos mediante las tecnologas JPA, ORM, SPRING, HIBENATE y JAVA8. Aqu desarrollaremos los conceptos ms buscados por los desarrolladores Java en cuanto a consultas de bases de datos as tambin nos introduciremos al mundo de Spring Framework para conocer sus ventajas, usaremos los IDE de desarrollo ms conocidos como Netbeans, Eclipse e Intellij Idea."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework 5 con Hibernate 5, Booststrap, REST y ExtJs" |
"Desarrolla aplicaciones con Spring Framework 5 y el manejo de formularios a profundidad que nos ofrece Spring en esta versin, aprenderemos juntos a conocer la mayora de anotaciones de Spring 5 tambin nos introduciremos al mundo de Base de datos con Hibernate y JPA, Servicios REST, Bootstrap,Sencha ExtJs que son aplicaciones ricas para Internet(RIA), usaremos los patrones de diseo como DTO, DAO, BUSINESS LOGIC, MVC en su forma mas correcta para el desarrollo de software."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Spanish Pronunciation" |
"Spanish Pronunciation is a major issue for many beginner language learners. If pronunciation is causing you stress in class when you so desperately want to speak the words and phrases you've learned; this is the course for you!Withinthis course, we will go through the proper pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet and other sounds that are not included in the alphabet. We will cover visual, auditory, verbal and writing aspects of the Spanish Alphabet.This includes:Spanish alphabetSpanish vowel soundsTricky Spanish consonant soundsOnce you know the proper pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet, you will be able to pronounce just about any Spanish wordcorrectly!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SOLIDWORKS Course: Get Certified in CSWP Segment 1" |
"In this SolidWorks 2017ProfessionalEssential training course, Author Labeat Musaj, Certified SolidWorksCSWA, CSWP,CSWPA-SM, CSWPA-WD,CSWPA-MT,CSWPA-DTWill teach you how to work in the SolidWorks levelProfessional:Creating a part from a drawingChanging configurationsCreating configurations from other configurationsUsing linked dimensions and equations to aid in modelingUsing equations to relate dimensionsUpdating parameters and dimension sizesMass property analysisModifying geometry on initial part to create a more complex partModifying parameters on the part at different stages while maintaining all other dimensions and design intentWhat this course offersVideo LessonsProject Files to Work OnExercise lessonsDocuments for Quick ReviewSolidWorks-2017Working-Files11-video lectures1 hours of HD video tutorials"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks 2019 Beginner to Advanced (All Commands Included)" |
"In this SolidWorks 2017 Essential training course,Professor Labeat Musaj and Uresa Mustafa, Certified SolidWorks Teacherswill teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing using 90% of commandsin SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in SolidWorks, then this is also right course for them.This course will give you the opportunity to learn the software on your own and at yourcomfortability.An easymethod of explaining and solving problems onSolidWorks 2017 Essential subjects by makingsimple andeasy to follow tutorial videos.At the moment you will finish this computer based course, you will be fully capable of using at least 90% of commands and techniques to create your own drawings and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Also, working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons and opening the imagination of the students to explore SolidWorks by themselves.In this SolidWorks 2017 Essential training video tutorial series, for a very short time you will be able to apply your lessons on real life projects.Who is the target audience?This course is created for an audience that is totally beginner on this field, and alsoready to explore new things and make their own drawings by putting them on real life projects."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Learn the basics of the Web development: Coding Tactics" |
"After this course you will be able to build PROFESSIONAL WEBSITES starting from 0This course is for anyone who wants to become a web developer or simply wants to create web pages.In this course youare going to learnthe big basics of web development, how to be productive in development,and many other tips for a higher professional standard of building.THE MAIN OBJECTIVESOF THIS COURSE ARE:-Gaining the necessary knowledge for creating simple professional pages and start being a web developer.-Being able to create a website from scratch.-Opening the gates for potential developers for a higher income and for new opportunities.-Having fun while coding, and gaining the feeling of free-time when you(The future developer) will build!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"The Guide of the Advanced Techniques in Web Development" |
"If you want to know how to build ,easily, like a professional web developer starting from the basic knowledge or from 0, this course is for you!Here I am going to show you how simple it can be to learn and to implement some of the Advanced Techniques which will boost your coding skills.What are these Advanced Techniques?You may think that I will show you hard things to implement and you will have to exercise a lot to learn them. Nope :) In this course you will learn what is an animated Grid System , how to implement it, why colors and centered elements on the header are so important, how to manipulate your HTML elements and how to position them, what is responsiveness and how to do some awesome simple animations in JQUERY! + many tips to hold you on the line of success in web development.Is this course to expensive ?You may think that you can't afford the real price, but Udemy is creating many promotions.Now I am going to show you that this course is not expensive. For example let's say you got this for some money , you learn what is here, and you just have to find 1 client to regain twice or more of your investment.(and your income will be higher because you will have to rise your standards) That's why I am not creating 10 hrs+ courses, because I want to put them on an affordable price and I want the student to get results fast.Do you want to increase your income?Let's learn Developer!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Coding Faster - Web Development Productivity Masterclass" |
"Achieve more in less time!Do you know what that means right?more timemore projectsmore contractsmore moneyIn this course I will teach you how to be more productive (as a web developer/designer or not).Here, in this ProductivityMasterclass, you will learn: why is important to have a good text editor, to have a completed schedule, to start your day in the morning by using some productivity techniques and many other tips to help you develop a productive behavior.Many developers are paid per hour. (10$,20$ , and so on).This means you are not paid per hour, but you are paid for how much value are you invested in one hour!That's why is extremely important to achieve more in less time!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learn Bootstrap Fundamentals Bootstrap for Web Development" |
"Hello developer,This course is for you, and I know, I know, you may ask :""why should I take this course when out there are so many?""Because this course is simple, small, on the point, and here I show you the easy way to learn.You will see examples, you will learn them, and you will understand why is Bootstrap so important in Web Development.After you will finishthe ""Learn Bootstrap Fundamentals"" course you will be the master of :Bootstrap 3 by understanding :- What Bootstrap is.- Why is Bootstrap so important.- The Grid System (one of the most important techniques in this Framework)- Navigation part- Alert- Buttons types- Typography (text manipulation)- More (+personal advices, examples, quizzes)"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial: Sistemas de Recomendao em Python" |
"Os sistemas de recomendao so uma importante rea da Inteligncia Artificial e j tem sido utilizados comercialmente por diversas empresas. Por exemplo, algoritmos desse tipo esto rodando quando voc assiste um filme na Netflix, quando voc recebe a indicao de um novo livro na Amazon ou ento quando voc est no Spotify e aparece aquela msica que voc estava procurando! Outros exemplos so a recomendao de pacotes promocionais com descontos em produtos que voc tem interesse ou ento a recomendao de vdeos no Youtube. Em todos esses casos existem algoritmos inteligentes realizando as recomendaes automticas sem mesmo voc perceber!Baseado nisso, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e prtica de como esses algoritmos funcionam! Voc desenvolver passo a passo um algoritmo que utiliza a tcnica de filtragem colaborativa aplicado em um cenrio de recomendao de filmes. Em outras palavras: utilizando uma base de dados de usurios e notas que esses usurios deram para os filmes, ns poderemos gerar recomendaes muito semelhantes ao algoritmo que a Netflix utilizava! Outra vantagem que o mesmo cdigo fonte pode ser utilizado para os mais variados cenrios com pouqussimas adaptaes, ou seja, voc pode utilizar o conhecimento deste curso para criar os seus prprios sistemas! Alm disso, tambm faremos o teste com uma base de dados real do MovieLens com mais de 100.000 registros!Utilizaremos a linguagem Python para a construo das funes de recomendao, que uma das principais linguagens de programao no cenrio da Inteligncia Artificial! importante enfatizar que esse curso de nvel iniciante e pode ser considerado um primeiro passo para o entendimento terico e prtico dos sistemas de recomendao. Por isso, todas as funes sero desenvolvidas utilizando os recursos nativos do prprio Python, ou seja, no vamos utilizar bibliotecas especficas de sistemas de recomendao neste curso! E no h problema se voc no conhece Python, pois os conceitos sero apresentados de forma que se voc tem uma noo bsica de lgica de programao conseguir acompanhar as aulas tranquilamente. tambm importante enfatizar que se voc trabalha com alguma outra linguagem de programao, o cdigo visto neste curso pode ser facilmente adaptado!Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardo voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning e Data Science com Weka e Java - Completo" |
"A rea de Machine Learning (Aprendizagem de Mquina) atualmente um dos campos de trabalhomais relevantesda Inteligncia Artificial, sendo responsvel pela utilizao de algoritmos inteligentes que tem a funo de fazer com que os computadores aprendam por meio de bases de dados. O mercado de trabalho de Machine Learning nos Estados Unidos e em vrios pases da Europa est em grande ascenso; e a previso que no Brasil cada vez mais esse tipo de profissional seja requisitado! Inclusive alguns estudos apontam que o conhecimento dessa rea ser em breve um pr-requisito para os profissionais de Tecnologia da Informao! E dentro deste contexto est o cientista de dados, que j foi classificado como o trabalho ""nmero 1"" por vrios veculos da mdia internacional.E para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso completo voc ter uma viso terica e prtica sobre os principais algoritmos de machine learning utilizando a ferramenta Weka, que uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas para machine learning e minerao de dados. Alm disso, tambm utilizaremos a linguagem de programao Java para fazer a integrao com o Weka! Este curso apresenta desde os conceitos mais bsicos at tcnicas mais avanadas, de modo que ao final voc ter todas as ferramentas necessrias para construir solues complexas e que podem ser aplicadas em problemas do dia-a-dia das empresas! Voc aprender tudo passo a passo, ou seja, tanto a teoria quanto a prtica de cada algoritmos! O curso dividido em cinco partes:Classificao - extrao de caractersticas de imagens, naive bayes, rvores de deciso, random forest, regras, regresso logstica, mquinas de vetores de suporte (SVM), redes neurais artificiais, avaliao de algoritmos e combinao e rejeio de classificadoresRegresso - regresso linear simples e mltipla, polinomial, rvores de deciso, random forest, vetores de suporte e redes neurais artificiaisRegras de associao - algoritmo aprioriAgrupamento - k-means e agrupamento hierrquicoReduo de dimensionalidade com PCA e LDADurante o curso desenvolveremos um projeto prtico de reconhecimento automtico de personagens dos desenhos animados. Nosso objetivo principal ser construir passo a passo um sistema inteligente para reconhecer automaticamente as imagens do Homer e do Bart dos Simpsons! O sistema aprender com as imagens e depois ns forneceremos uma nova imagem como entrada e o software conseguir identificar automaticamente de quem a imagem! um projeto muito interessante que voc conseguir compreender todos os conceitos que envolvem a rea de aprendizagem de mquina.Este curso tem o objetivo de servir como um referencial de consulta sobre as tcnicas abordadas, por isso ele procura cobrir a maior parte dos assuntos que envolvem machine learning. Este curso pode ser categorizado para todos os nveis, pois pode servir de base para consulta para alunos mais experientes no assunto e tambm um timo guia para quem est iniciando na rea!Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardo voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial: Algoritmos Inteligentes de Busca" |
"A resoluo de problemas por meio de algoritmos de busca uma importante ramificao da Inteligncia Artificial, sendo responsvel por vrias aplicaes prticas utilizadas em nosso dia a dia, tal como o mecanismo para encontrar a menor rota em um aparelho GPS.Neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e prtica sobre essa rea, aplicando todos os conceitos em um projeto prtico que ter como objetivo aplicar os algoritmos para encontrar a menor rota entre duas cidades. Utilizaremos duas abordagens: a busca sem informao e a busca com informao. A primeira no apresenta inteligncia e composta pelos algoritmos de busca em largura e profundidade, enquanto que a segunda abordagem ser implementada por meio dos algoritmos de busca gulosa e busca A* (A Estrela). Esse ltimo algoritmo muito utilizado em jogos e foi ele que deu origem tecnologia de GPS (Global Position System) que muito utilizamos em nosso dia a dia! Utilizaremos a linguagem Java para a implementao do projeto, porm, o cdigo fonte pode ser facilmente portado para outras linguagens. E no h problema se voc no conhece a linguagem Java, pois os conceitos sero apresentados de forma que se voc tem uma noo bsica de lgica de programao conseguir acompanhar as aulas tranquilamente.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardo voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Minerao de Emoo em Textos com Python e NLTK" |
"A Minerao de Textos uma das subreas da Inteligncia Artificial que temcomo objetivo bsico a busca porpadres e conhecimento til em textos. O exemplo clssico dessa rea so os filtros de spam muito utilizados nos sistemas de e-mail, os quais aplicam algoritmos de machine learning para identificar se uma mensagem ou no spam! Alm disso, essas tcnicas tambmpodem ser utilizadas para classificao de notcias, ou seja, caso o sistema receba um conjunto de textos como entrada, os algoritmos podem identificar se so notcias sobre esporte, economia ou poltica;por exemplo.Com o grande crescimento das redes sociais existe uma quantidade muito grande de texto disponvel na web, os quais podem ser utilizados para identificar as emoes que as pessoas esto apresentando! E isso pode ser muito til para empresas que desejam saber quo satisfeitos seus clientes esto com seus produtos e/ouservios. Por exemplo,se uma pessoa compra uma nova televiso possvel medir seu grau de satisfao por meio das emoes transmitidas nos textos que essa pessoa escreve sobre a televiso! Dessa forma, a empresa pode conhecer melhor o perfil de seus clientese tomardecises estratgicas quanto ao seu posicionamento no mercado!Baseado nisso, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e prtica de como funciona o processo de minerao de textos utilizando a tcnica de classificao! abordado um estudo de caso prtico que mostrapasso a passo como utilizar o algoritmo Naive Bayes para identificar emoes em frases, ou seja, informamos um texto qualquer para o sistema e o mesmo retorna qual emoo foi encontrada! Sero abordados os conceitos sobre classificao de textos, remoo de stops words, aplicao de algoritmos de stemming, teoria sobre o algoritmo Naive Bayes e finalmente a implementao do classificador de emoes. Alm disso, tambm teremos um mdulo no qual voc aprender comoavaliar o algoritmo construdo e interpretar seus resultados. Com isso, voc ter uma viso terica e prtica passo a passode todas as etapas que envolvem a classificao de textos!Utilizaremos a linguagem Python e a biblioteca NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) para o desenvolvimento passo a passo do sistema inteligente, que so ferramentas muito importantes no cenrio da Inteligncia Artificial! E no h problema se voc no conhece Python, pois os conceitos sero apresentados de forma que se voc tem uma noo bsica de lgica de programao conseguir acompanhar as aulas tranquilamente. importante salientar que este curso ser melhor aproveitado por iniciantes na rea de minerao de textos e queno conhecem os tpicos citados anteriormente, sendo considerado um material inicial para estudos mais avanados.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardo voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |