Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
diploma_wordpress_create_web_sites |
". . . . udemy"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"E-Commerce For The Artist" |
"This course isfor the artist or illustrator seeking tosell their artwork online via auctions, static store fronts, and viasocial media. You will learn the pros and cons of selling on different kinds of platforms and how to get started without a large initialinvestment in time or money.Throughout the lectures I will describetactics you can employ to drive sales without spending money on advertisement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to draw professional manga artwork by Punix" |
"This course will teach you how to draw the basic artwork in Manga style from the beginning. No matter you stop in which lecture, you can still used the things you learned to create quality task. I would teach in Thai and EnglishNow there are 3 section in this course that is :1. Create character face in manga style [Englishlanguage]2.Create character face in manga style [Thai language]3. Create Black &white and Color artwork [English + Thai]In the future , the more advance lecture from me will come out :) See you in the class !!!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Verilog Programming with Xilinx ISE Tool & FPGA" |
">>>> This is Crash Course on Verilog Programming which includes Verilog Basics to Advance Design <<<<This Course of Verilog HDL Programming for Beginners is targeted for those enthusiasts and beginners who want to get idea of Verilog, Its programming methodology, Syntax, Operators, Always Block,Conditional Statements-Case/IF else, Writing Simulation Testbench etc. We have started this course from very basic to the designing combinational and sequential circuits (including Finite State Machine) Design.We have used Xilinx ISE Design suit in this course because of it's License is free from Xilinx (You just need to make a user account and follow: our Video Lecture on this Course ""How to Get free Xilinx ISE Design suit License"" ).We have showed up you the implementation of Projects of ISE and Spartan 3E & Nexys 2 FPGA and there are some Demo of the implementation on Spartan 3E & Nexys 2FPGA. Finally we have Session on ""How to Create PROM File with ISE and Program PROM of Spartan 3E & Nexys 2 FPGA"".So you can practice this course on Xilinx ISE Design Suit or Altera Quartus Suit."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Xilinx VIVADO Beginner Course for FPGA Development in VHDL" |
"""Learn VIVADO Development from Basic to Intermediate Level!!!""This Course is of VHDL Programming from Basic (logic gate design) to Advance Design (Structural Design and State Machine Design). After completing the course student will get idea of VHDL programming design methodology, VIVADO Design Flow, Zynq Architecture, Creating Simulation Testbench, Conditional Statements, Combinational Circuit Design with VHDl, Sequential Circuit Design, Structural Design in VHDL and State Machine Design in VHDL.In each section we have included Lab session on VIVADO which have been implemented on Zynq Board (i.e ZedBoard) FPGA, so Student will getcomplete design skill on VHDL with VIVADO.You guys can Learn the course while using ISE Design Suit.WhileVIVADO is successor of ISE so this Course and VHDL Design Methodology is same for ISEbased design so do not scare about VIVADO because of it just a latest version of Design tool than ISE."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Embedded System Design with Xilinx Zynq FPGA and VIVADO" |
"Note: Course is updated with HLS Design Lab &Debugging Sessions.Embedded System Design with Xilinx VIVADO Design Suit and Zynq FPGA is targeted for Hardware (FPGA) Design and Embedded enthusiast who want to upgrade and enhance their hardware(FPGA) Design Skills with State of Art Design Tools and FPGA from Xilinx. This course cover from Introduction to VIVADO, Intellectual Property (IP), IP Design Methodology, designing basic embedded system with Vivado and SDK, Creating custom AXI-4 Lite Led Controller IP, Programming Processing System (PS) of Zynq (i.e Zedboard) with Embedded Application projects from SDK , Utilizing Timer API and Debugging Features on SDK for Zynq PS,and Creating Boot Image of the Application Project for SD and QSPI flash of Zynq (ZedBoard).Finally we have included the session on ""Embedded Design with VIVADO HLS"" this session includes the HLS Design Methodology, Synthesizing HLS C/C++ Project, Generating RTL/HDL from C/C++ and Exporting C/C++ project in to IP-XACT/ Pcore/Sys Gen Format.So from this course you will able to get design/implementation skills of simpleembedded system (Memory Test Application) to complex application design (utilizing Timer, Debugging etc.) and Create Bootable Image file of the application project.For more details please watch the demo video and some Free video of course."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"FPGA Design with High Level Synthesis Tool (VIVADO HLS)" |
"Learn from Basic HLS Design & C-Simulation to Design Computer Vision Application [Real Time Sobel Edge Detection]High Level Synthesis is new approach on FPGA Design with C/C++ Language.This Course covers : Creating new project on HLS, Running C Simulation on HLS, Synthesizing the HLS Project's which converts C/C++ Source in to Verilog/VHDL and System C, Running C/RTL Co-simulation, Exporting HLS Design in to IP core Format to VIVADO IP Integrator. We also have include session on ""Sobel Edge IP design in HLS, exporting it to VIVADO tool and then implementing/testing it on Zybo FPGA"". After Completing this course you will be able to Design, Simulate,Synthesize and Implement/Export HLS projects. HLS includes large number of C/C++ Libraries for Computer Vision (OpenCV), Video/Image Processing and Mathematical Computations which is very much complex while implementing on HDL/RTL. In this Lab you are going to do lab on Design, Simulation , Synthesis and Implementation (Export Design) of Counter, Matrix Multiplier, Frequency Modulator, Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO Design) in C++. You will also integrate the exported HLS project with Zynq Processing System at VIVADO IP Integrator and Synthesize, Implement the Project on VIVADO IPI."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn VHDL Programming with Xilinx ISE & Spartan/Nexys FPGA" |
"Learn VHDL Programming with Xilinx ISE Design Suit and Spartan/Nexys FPGA.This Course covers from the basics of VHDL Syntax, VHDL Design Methodology, Basic Logic gate design with VHDL, Creating Simulation testbench on ISE , Simulating design, implementing design and testing/verifying functionality on FPGA.In the thirdSection Course includes the conditional statement on VHDL, Creating Combinational and Sequential Circuit on VHDL, Structural Design in VHDL and State Machine Design inVHDL. We have Lab Session on each Section so you will be more familiar with labs or doing projects on VHDL with Xilinx ISE Design suit. We also have included the Uploading the Bit file to Spartan/Nexys FPGA and the Demonstration of the Outputon the FPGA.We also have attached the ""VHDL Programming Reference Guide Prepared by Digitronix Nepal"" in the course. Meet You in the Course!!!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn Verilog with Xilinx VIVADO Tool" |
"This Course is crash course on Verilog Programming from Top to Bottom with Xilinx VIVADO Design suite. Verilog is dominant Hardware Description Language on FPGA/ASIC/VLSI Design and Verification Market globally. It has more than 50% of market share in global market. So getting idea of Verilog programming will be the plus point in your Resume for Job Application.In this course we have introduced Verilog Programming in very simple manner so beginner who don't have any idea can get Verilog HDL idea from scratch to intermediate level.We have Sections on Introduction and Basic Design with Verilog Programming, Simulation with Verilog and Creating Verilog Testbench, Conditional Statement in Verilog, Combinational Circuit Design with Verilog, Sequential Circuit Design with Verilog, Finite State Machine (FSM) Design and Structural Modeling with Verilog. All the Sections have Lab sessions which will done on VIVADO Design Suite.VIVADO is State of Art FPGA Design environment which have great features of Designing HDL Projects, Synthesizing, Implementing the HDL Project and Generating Bitstream as well as Configuring the Project on FPGA. VIVADO has awesome features on Design/Resources Optimization, Static Timing Analysis and Performance Optimization."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Video Processing with FPGA" |
"This Course is on implementing different Video Processing algorithm on FPGA. We implement the algorithm on High Level Synthesis [HLS], simulate it with the image input, generate & export IPfrom the HLS. The HLS IP is integrated with the necessary video processing pipeline [block design] and implemented on the FPGADevice.We have ""Implemented Sobel Edge Detection, Dilation, Histogram Equalize, Fast Corner like algorithm"" on HLS and then FPGA. For the debugging the algorithm on the FPGA, we have initialized the Test Pattern Generator [TPG] IP and Video DMA [VDMA] for processing the image streams on the DDR with the Processing System involvement.After Completing this course you will be able to:Utilized the HLS Video Processing Library and Implement as well as Simulate different OpenCV Algorithm on HLSIntegrating the HLS IP with Video Processing Pipeline with TPG and VDMAand Implementing on the FPGA Device.Implementing the XfOpenCV [SDSoC] Library on HLS for Computer VisionMigrating the OpenCV algorithm into XfOpenCV"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Entre las problemticas de salud pblica contemporneas que precisan formacin de profesionales, se est destacando el consumo/abuso de drogas, por las implicaciones que esta tiene en las personas, las comunidades y en los sistemas de salud. El impacto del consumo de drogas tanto legales como ilegales es indiscutible, al originar problemas y trastornos de distinta ndole afectando a un alto nmero de personas, y originando dolor, sufrimiento y enfermedades desconocidas que surgen con la patologa dual. Por otro lado las dependencias psicolgicas empiezan a ser preocupacin para la salud pblica como es el caso de la ludopata y algunas dependencias tecnolgicas (videojuegos, internet), la dependencia al trabajo, al sexo, a las compras y al ejercicio fsico. Es por tanto urgente una sensibilizacin de esta problemtica y urge abordarlo desde la informacin efectiva y emocional, la formacin personal del individuo y de la sociedad y desde una prevencin desde la infancia ante el abanico de estmulos que presenta una sociedad tecnosfrica y adictiva como la que vivimos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
uoxbluzr |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Winning Strategy for ML Baseball Daily Fantasy Sports" |
"This course will take you on a journey to learn and explore Daily Fantasy Baseball. The course starts out by explaining some of the terms and language you may hearwhen you participate in the game. Math exercises are included for key concepts to allow you to gain an understanding of some of the terms used by DFS (Daily Fantasy Sports) players. The course then explores some of the differences with playing the game as it relates to other sports games and provides an explanation of the rules and scoring for 2 of the most popular Daily Fantasy Sports sites. A winning lineup is thenanalyzed to see what winners need to score to rise to the top. In the last section, researchof key players for the game of baseballis discussed with demonstrations on where to find this information for pitchers and hitters and explanations of other factors that could effect your score for the game."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Access Avanado - Sistema de Vendas" |
"Curso passo a passo criando um sistema de vendas profissional, onde voc vai aprender a trabalhar com tabelas, formulrios, consultas, e relatrios, alem de aprender um pouco sobre os comando VBA para automatizar seu sistema. Durante o curso voc aprender tambm a como personalizar um formulrio de menu, podendo aplicar o mesmo aos demais formulrios, aprender a como relacionar corretamente suas tabelas evitando erros futuros no sistema. Podemos destacar tambm algumas funcionalidades do sistema desenvolvido: Controle de clientes, fornecedores, estoque, venda, contas a receber e contas a pagar, varias opes de relatrios personalizados, de nota de venda at relatrios gerenciais para controle financeiro, emitir recibo e muito mais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Get into DevOps: The Masterclass" |
"From the author of Get into DevOps, the learning blog trusted by over 19,000 DevOps professionals every month:Welcome to the only course on Udemy that teaches you all about the DevOps mindset, methodologies and practices, plus hands-on tutorials on 15 of the most popular DevOps tools on the market, such as Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins and Amazon Web Services.Get into DevOps: The Masterclass is for anyone looking to learn more about DevOps ways of working and how to use the most popular DevOps tools to build Continuous Delivery pipelines.DevOps is one of the most sought-after set of skills in the job market right now, with tens of thousands of open roles globally. According to PayScale, the median DevOps salary in the U.S. is $92,327 per year. The best DevOps specialists on the market can name their price, and often earn more than $200,000 in a year. The best time to start learning DevOps was 5 years ago - the second best time is now!The first part of this course teaches you the fundamental DevOps concepts such as Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment and continuous improvement via frequent feedback loops. You will learn the key principles for designing modern testing environments, and how to improve delivery team throughput by improving team autonomy. We'll also discuss The DevOps Teacher model for building DevOps capability in software teams.After you know why you should implement DevOps ways of working, you will learn the how - the second part of this course is about hands-on tutorials on DevOps tools. You will learn the basics of using 15 of the most popular DevOps tools to implement automation, Infrastructure as Code, and self-service interfaces on modern cloud platforms.Note: The course is not designed to be an exhaustive reference guide to all these tools, but a crash course to enable you to quickly learn the fundamentals and identify the key differences between them.This course covers the following hands-on examples:Cloud platformsAmazon Web ServicesHow to create a Virtual Machine on EC2How to create an S3 bucket for hosting imagesHow to create a MySQL server with RDS (AWS Relational Database Service)Google Cloud PlatformHow to create a Virtual Machine on Google Compute EngineHow to use the Google Cloud ShellOpenstackHow to create a Virtual Machine on Openstack NovaHow to create and associate a floating IP with Openstack NeutronHow to create a Security Group rule to allow SSH access to Virtual MachinesMicrosoft AzureHow to provision a Microsoft SQL Server installation on AzureContainers & Container orchestrationDockerHow to create and run a Docker image for a Node.js applicationKubernetesHow to run a Kubernetes cluster locally with MinikubeHow to deploy a simple containerised application on KubernetesRancherHow to install Rancher on Google Cloud PlatformHow to deploy a simple containerised application on RancherHow to run an Elasticsearch cluster on top of RancherAWS EC2 Container Service (ECS)How to create an ECS cluster and deploy a simple containerised application on itPipelines & AutomationJenkinsHow to create a Continuous Integration pipeline for building Docker images with JenkinsGitlab CIHow to create a Continuous Delivery pipeline for building, testing and deploying Docker images to KubernetesRundeckHow to create a self-service dashboard for launching preconfigured virtual machines in AWS EC2Configuration management & Infrastructure as CodeAnsibleHow to use Ansible to launch a virtual machine in AWS EC2, configure it to install Docker, and then deploy a Docker container on itTerraformHow to provision a Load Balancer (ALB) and two web servers in AWS with TerraformChefHow to run Chef Solo to configure application servers built with TerraformPuppetHow to use Puppet to configure Apache and PHP on a server built with TerraformJoin thousands of satisfied students and enroll now!Note: Unfortunately, the instructor is unable to provide technical support for individual technical issues using the tools demonstrated on this course."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Learn JIRA with real-world examples (+Confluence bonus)" |
"This course walks through all the core features and concepts of JIRA with real-world examples and has been catered for general users, managers and admins. Updated as of June 2020, it incorporates and uses some of the latest features released for JIRA Software on Cloud (standard version).Plus bonus Confluence content - learn how to use Confluence and how to take advantage of it in tandem with JIRA.JIRA is a very comprehensive tool and one of the most popular agile project management tools out there. When used and configured correctly, it will help you work smarter, faster and more efficiently.WHY TAKE THE COURSE:Learn the most important characteristics of Scrum and Kanban agile methodologiesCover all the main aspects of JIRA including working within an agile team, leading an agile team, and administering the main things that make up JIRAReal-world examples includingHow to manage your daily task-list via a daily scrum-based processConfigure permissions and projects for internal team members, as well as external members (Eg: consultants, customers etc)JIRA allows you to create stories and epics for agile projects - learn how to create another issue type used in agile called Spike and create custom screens, fields and workflows for this new issue type.Modify the default software development workflow to include steps for QAHow to manage multiple teams working on the same projects via multiple agile boards catered to each teamSupport - I am only a message away from answering any questions you might haveSTRUCTURE OF THE COURSE:Agile Concepts - Goes into detail with Scrum and Kanban methodologies. By the end of the section, youll have a full refresher on these methodologies as I made sure I hit the most important notes when it comes to how they work.Working within an agile team - Get your first look at navigating the Jira user interface and learn how to create issues, work on issues through the agile boards, search for issues, create custom dashboards to see whats happening in Jira and other functions beneficial to any agile team member.Leading an agile team - Configuring and managing agile boards, creating and maintaining the backlog as well as starting and ending sprints and creating releases. All these steps stay true to the agile steps described in the prior section.Jira Administration - Goes over all the main administration sections and each part has an example that you can use to follow along with. By the end of this section, you will understand all the customizable aspects of Jira and be able to cater your own instance to fit your own specific needs.Next-Gen Projects - a section that dives into the versatile next-gen projects in Jira and all its capabilitiesReal-world examples, scenarios and bonus content - This is where I show you how I use Jira to track and forecast my personal day-to-day tasklist, while using a daily scrum-based process, among other examples.Confluence - Jira's best friend when it comes to managing contentBOTTOM LINE:Bottom line is that I tried to make this course a comprehensive guide to Jira that anyone would need to either get introduced to JIRA or get fully up to speed with the basic concepts and features. I feel the best way of learning something is by example. And so I put in a lot of content explaining the features and concepts with examples and am continuously working on adding more examples and scenarios to share my experience and knowledge in using JIRA within the real world. I'll be here to help answer any questions you might have along the way."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Batteries, Batteries, Batteries!" |
"Have you ever wondered whybatteries explode? How whywe don't have more electric vehicles? Or just wanted to know how batteries produce electricity?This class will teach you fun and useful facts about batteries that you can use to impress friends and family. If you want to know more, it will alsogive you a simple but comprehensiveoverview of how batteries work.At the end of this class you will be able to:Understand the basic principles of how batteries work.Be able to understand important concepts in batteries such as current, voltage, and energy density.Describe different types of batteries and their applications.Understand what lithium batteries are and how they differ between them.Know some fun facts and resources to expand your knowledge on batteries.The class is composed mostly of lectures and videos where I explain interesting facts about battery technologies. The course is designed so that with each section you go deeper and deeper into knowledge. If you are new to the battery world you will start from the very basics. If you have some advanced knowledge of chemistry you can skip some of the initial lectures and go into more advanced sections.Join the class and improve your knowledge on the technologythat powersourworld.No previous knowledge required!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# from the beginning" |
"Thankyou for watching my course!Ifyou're a newbie in .NET or in programming in general - you'rewelcome! After this course you will be profound with C# syntax andObject-OrientedProgrammingbasics. During passing theselessons youll have enough practice to improve your new skills.This course will definitely helpyou to start up in programming!I really like this course it's great for it's price and i would really recommend it! Russian accent is not hard to understand and teacher knows what hes doing David K.The course is good, The explanation is superb. Well done! Gonniy F."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LINQ - ! LINQ , , . , , :- XML-- LINQ-- - . . !"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"WordPress : Conviertete en un experto en pocas horas" |
"Este curso le guiar a travs de la instalacin y el funcionamiento de Wordpress en un entorno local y remoto (PC propia y Proveedor de Hosting) y mostrar cmo desarrollar un sitio web exitoso, hermoso, amigable con mviles y Google, del cual estar orgulloso.No se requiere tener conocimiento previo de Wordpress. Paso a paso te guiar a travs de todas las principales opciones de WordPress y explicando el funcionamiento de ellas. Durante el curso le har sentir que se encuentra a mi lado trabajando conmigo en el desarrollo web. Al final del curso habremos construido un website profesional, responsivo (compatible con dispositivos mviles) y optimizado para los ms populares motores de bsqueda como Google, sin olvidarnos de la seguridad. Este curso no solo est pensado en quienes quieren aprender WordPress para crear un website propio, tambin est enfocado en aquellos que desean aprender WordPress para dedicarse a brindar soluciones profesionales en un mercado con alta demanda de websites profesionales, modernos y compatibles con mviles."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Political Psychology" |
"(NEW LECTURES COMING SOON ON PERSONALITY AND POLITICS - ENROL NOW AT THE CURRENT PRICETO GET THESE NEW LECTURESFOR FREE AS SOON AS THEY ARE PUBLISHED!)Are you tired of seeing one political side shouting over another? Do you struggle to understand why people see some things as morally fine, but you think they're abhorrent? If so, you need to delve intoThe Social Psychology ofthe Moral and PoliticalMind.In this course, you will:- Learn about how people make moral decisions based on automatic gut reactions, rather than reason and logic- Understand the foundations of human morality, personality, and motivated decision-making- Hear about the psychologicalevidence behind 'liberals' and 'conservatives' having different psychological make-ups- Apply the evidence to current political debatesThis course gives you what you need to know to understand the socialpsychology of the culture wars - fast.You will be learning all of this from an expert in this field. I am a university-based psychology lecturer, apractising research psychologist, and have published academic papers in the area of social psychology.I hope you enjoy the course, and will be happy to answer an questions you have about the content.Welcome aboard!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
startwithninaspica |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Skyfall |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coaching: The 7 Skills You Really Need" |
"It's all too easy to get confused by all the 'stuff' out there about coaching. And the formal accreditation process is expensive and time consuming.Whatever your level of experience, these videos coverwhat you really need to do effectively if you are going to stand out as a skilful coach (or coaching leader)who makes a lasting and valuable difference."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"What You Won't Learn in Coach Training Programmes!" |
"Most coachesset themselves up for failure right from the start. Don't be one of them!In this course you will learn the mistakes that would doomyour coaching practiceto underperform, or evenfail, and what you need to do about it. Instead -Position Yourself as a Highly Professional, Authoritative and Valued Coach.By the end of the course you will learn:Why you need to pay close attention to forming the coaching engagement in ways that benefit both you and your clientAt least 7 ways that professional coaches fail at this stage, including the number one sin.How to check that your client is in fact coachable.How to deal with expectations around confidentiality - this is much more challenging than you might think.How to elicit the most valuable and desirableoutcomes for yourclient.The self discipline of aiming for significant return on investment (ROI) for your client.My suggestions for how to build a model engagement contract or agreement.Along the way you will find reflective assignments that aim to help you to apply what you've learned in building your own coaching practice. These can be shared and exploredwith other students.The course instructor,Hugh Todd,is one of the truepioneers in the coaching industry, with a deep understanding of the challenges facing professional coaches. The course content reflects the best tips from his experience,and will save you many years of effort.Filmed in Krakow, Poland."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Malware Analysis Course for IT Security" |
"Malware Analysis Course for IT Security lays the Groundwork for the course by presenting the key tools andtechniques malware analyst use to examine malicious programs. You will learn how tosave time by Exploring malware in two phases. Behavioral analysis focuses on the Specimen's interactionwith its Environment such as Registry, Network, the File systemCode Analysis focuses on the specimen's code and make use of a disassembler and a debugger. You will learnhow to build a Secure Laboratory to perform such analysis in a controlled mannerFeatures of this Course:You will learn How to use System Monitoring ToolsDisassembling and Debugging with IDA and OllyMonitoring Network with WiresharkAnalyzing Office Documents Powerful Skills Every Info Tech needsYou will learn the art of analyzing Malware in a Real Environment , The course is Divided into Two Parts , In the first Half You will learn to analyze Malware's Behavior with all Core tools and we follow a Simple Approach, In the Second half I you will learn something Different from the first half, You will learn to analyze Microsoft Office Documents for Embedded malware and Macros"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Gate to Darknet-World of Anonymous" |
"The Gate toDarknet is an Intermediate level course which will guide you through simple Concepts ofSurface WebBergie WebDeep WebDark WebThis course doesn't requires you to be a Computer Expert,:Anyone having a sound knowledge of computers & using the internet regularlyIn this Course you will Learn how to access Banned, Private and Encrypted Sites and Black Market which exist on Internetsafely without getting Caught or Traced and You will Learn how to use TOR(The Onion Router) and how to Set up our own TOR Service(.onion domain) andother available Search engines to Surf AnonymouslyThis Course is Divided in Levels and in each Level of thiscourse has a Natural Timeline whichwill take you from Basicto Intermediate levelStay Safe Search Anonymously"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advance WiFi Exploitation & Router Pentesting Techniques" |
"Advance WiFi Exploitation and RouterPen testing Techniques can be Hard at the Beginning of the Chapter, But as you Move further you will soon realize that there's no Rocket Science Behind Wireless Attack, All that you need know is the Core concept and Behind the Scenes activity, Thats why I am here to Help YOU !This course will guide you Through Basic Introduction to the Challengeswhich you will encounter aheadIntroduction Section will consists of Course Introduction and Method ofWireless Security in Networkfollowed by an in-depth discussion on Frames then comes the actual Attacking Vectors, tools and Techniques that Penetration Testers uses acrossthe GlobeFrom this Course you will LearnWireless FramesAnalyzing Wlan PacketsScanning and Connecting from Linux TerminalAircrack-ng suiteModifying Router FirwareHacking Wireless RouterReversing Router FirmwarePen-testing Router ServicesAt each lecture you will be one step closer to become a Wireless ExpertAll the students who complete my course will also have access to other Courses andresources for an incredibly special price such asThe Gate to Darknet-World of AnonymousMalware Analysis Course for IT SecurityNow, hit that purchase button, I ll see you on the other side!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Shell Bash de Linux: Comandos para el manejo de texto" |
"Los datos en formato de texto son fundamentales para configurar y obtener informacin de cualquier sistema operativo Linux. En este curso aprenders cul es la forma ms rpida y efectiva de manejar estos datos y utilizarlos para propsitos concretos.Sabrs seleccionar y filtrar la informacin que contienen los ficheros de texto y los resultados de otros procesos que muestran lineas por pantalla.Entenders cmo se pueden recibir y enviar texto con el sistema y tambin entre otros comandos entre s. Tuberas y redirecciones son valiosas herramientas para el usuario Linux."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building Your Own Security Consultancy 101" |
"Starting your own business is, to be frank, tough. When you enter the service industry, and you're competing against other consultancies, it takes more than just hard work to stand out and make a profit.I'm Luke Bencie, Managing Director of Security Management International.If you took the beginner course, the Global Security Consulting Seminars, you got a taste of the tips and tricks necessary to make it in the Security Industry and consulting as a whole.This course aims to take you a step further and introduce you to some of the practical nitty gritty of running a consultancy, including: how to increase the fees you charge clients, the type of mindset you need to maximize your profits, how to set goals to get your business from Point B to Point C, and my own 9 Box System for strategically organizing your revenue streams."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lieder am Klavier begleiten: Ein schneller Einstieg." |
"Lernen Sie, sich und andere am Klavier zu begleiten!In diesem Kurs werden die Grundlagen gelegt diese Fhigkeit zu erlernen. Anhand von 5 Beispielstcken werden Siein 3 Abschnitten und20 Lektionen lernen, wie Sie mithilfe eines Keyboards oder Klaviers Songs und Liederbegleiten knnen.Ich stehe Ihnen jederzeit bei Fragen persnlich zur Verfgung!Sie knnen nach dem Kurs nicht nur die 5 Beispielstcke begleiten, sondern wissen auch, wie sie eigene Songs erarbeiten. Sie lernen,drei wichtige Akkordarten auf dem Klavier zu konstruieren, eine Bassbegleitung vom Blatt zu spielen und einiges mehr.Es handelt sich um einen Einsteiger-Kurs. Sie lernen als Anfnger, wie Sie das Klavier als Begleitinstrument nutzen. Der Kurs kann fr Chorsnger/innen sein, die sich selbst begleiten, Eltern, die mit ihren Kindern musizieren wollen und berall dort, wo man gemeinsam musizieren mchte.Der Kurs ist eine exzellente Grundlage fr die Klavierbegleitung in allen Musikstilen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |