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"Curso de Piano Completo para Iniciantes, por msica e ouvido" |
"Curso estruturado para os Iniciantes e para os que desejam retomar os estudos. Atravs de agradveis lies prticas e tericas, Luciano desvenda o caminho das pedras para estudantes de todas as idades que desejam entrar ou se aprimorar no maravilhoso mundo do piano. Logo voc estar apto a executar vrias msicas.ANTES DE COMPRAR SEU CURSO:Leia este texto at o finalAssista as sete Aulas de DemonstraoLeia a Descrio Detalhada do Curso (abaixo)Consulte a Grade Curricular do Curso que funciona tambm como uma descrio das 180 aulasAssim, voc poder se certificar de que este o curso perfeito para voc!Se voc j conhece os princpios bsicos do piano, v direito para as msicas (Seo 3).Aqui, voc vai participar de 35 Atividades Prticas e aplicar o que est aprendendo, pois ter oportunidade de tocar 56 msicas junto com o professor. Para que voc aproveite o curso ao mximo, responda os 16 questionrios e faa os 21 testes e as atividades prticas.As partituras em PDF encontram-se acopladas s aulas (boto Recursos) e podem ser visualizadas na tela ou impressas. Alm disso, esto tambm no e-book ""Coletnea para Piano Nvel Iniciante"" o qual pode ser adquirido atravs da Internet. As lies de teoria musical no tm PDF no curso ou na Coletnea. Elas fazem parte do livro ""Teoria Musical - Lies Essenciais"" o qual pode ser encontrado nas melhores livrarias virtuais da Internet. Faa deste livro o seu livro de cabeceira. Luciano Alves fundador e professor da escola de msica CTMLA, sediada no Rio de Janeiro desde 2003 e comeou a lecionar ainda na juventude. Toda a experincia adquirida ao longo de sua carreira aqui compartilhada por intermdio de vdeos, partituras com nomes das notas, dedilhados, aulas de teoria gravadas da tela, partituras em PDF etc. DESCRIO DETALHADA DO CURSO INICIANTE So 180 aulas / 16 Questionrios / 35 Atividades prticas / 21 Testes (leitura de notas e cifras; identificao de teclas e acordes etc.) / 56 msicas (clssicas e populares) / 88 Partituras e exemplos musicais em PDF / 22 Exerccios de tcnica / 19 Aulas de teoria / 8 Aulas de percepo musical / Diversas aulas de acompanhamento (balada, rock, jazz e blues). O curso vitalcio e voc acessa as aulas quando quiser. Alm disso, s paga uma vez. Aps se inscrever, veja a Descrio Detalhada do Curso e das Aulas no arquivo PDF disponibilizado juntamente com a Aula 1 (Introduo).A didtica foi desenvolvida de forma que voc aprenda a tocar de forma eficaz e prazerosa. As lies so introduzidas passo a passo: primeiramente voc vai aprender sobre as notas musicais, nmeros dos dedos, postura correta e como praticar. Em seguida, vai comear a tocar com a mo direita, com a mo esquerda e com as duas mos juntas.Paralelamente ao aprendizado das msicas, foram adicionadas lies de teoria, de tcnica e de leitura de notas. Para que voc verifique o que aprendeu, foram includos diversos Testes, Questionrios e Atividades Prticas. As regies do piano so exploradas gradativamente, sempre utilizando msicas como base. Aos poucos, voc passar a tocar em todas as teclas incluindo as pretas. Neste ponto entram as msicas mais densas e as lies sobre acordes e cifras. Em seguida, so apresentadas as lies de mos cruzadas, de arpejos e as diversas tcnicas de execuo. Para que voc aprenda a tirar msicas de ouvido, foi introduzida a seo Percepo Musical, a qual seguida de uma seo muito importante: as Escalas maiores e menores. Assim voc poder dominar o piano e a linguagem musical como um todo.Os arquivos PDF do curso possuem marca dgua. Na Coletnea Nvel Iniciante encontram-se todos os andamentos e dedilhados. A pedido dos alunos e professores os nomes das notas por extenso e a marca d'gua foram suprimidos na Coletnea. Contedo geral 56 msicas do repertrio clssico, popular e folclricoTeoria musical (do livro Teoria Musical de Luciano Alves)Exerccios de tcnica (do livro Exerccios para Piano e Teclados e da Coletnea 101 Exerccios de Luciano Alves)Tocando por imitao e por partituraCifras, acordes e inverses (do livro Dicionrio de Acordes de Luciano Alves)Escalas em vrios tons (da Coletnea para Piano Nvel Intermedirio de Luciano Alves)Como tirar msicas de ouvidoTcnicas de pianoTeste de leitura de notas, de cifras e de percepo musicalAcompanhamento de balada, rock, jazz e popInformamos que no garantimos resposta s perguntas e mensagens de todos os alunos. No entanto, tentaremos respond-las sempre que possvel.O Curso Online e a respectiva Coletnea de Partituras so produtos separados.Em momento algum este curso viola a lei de Direitos Autorais. Todas as msicas so de Domnio Pblico e de autoria de Luciano Alves.Todas as msicas e exerccios de Luciano Alves possuem proteo de Copyright."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"Complete Piano Course for Beginners (by ear and by score)" |
"This course wasspecially created for Beginnersand for those who wish to resume their studies. Through enjoyable practical and theoretical lessons, Luciano reveals precious tips and tricks for students of all ages who wish to enter or to improve their knowledge in the wonderful world of piano. In short time, you will be able to play piano and keyboard with confidence and enjoyment.Before buying your course:Read this text until the endWatch the seven Demonstration LessonsRead the Accurate Course Description (below)See the Courses Curriculum that also works as an Accurate Description (click on ""Expand All"" to see the list of the 180lectures available).In this way you can make sure this is the perfect course for you!If you already know the basics of piano and keyboard, go directly to practicing the songs (Section 3).In this course you will participate in many Practice Activitiesand apply what you are learning, as you will have the opportunity to play 56songs along with the teacher. For you to enjoy the course to the fullest, answer the 16quizzes, do the 21tests and take part in the 14practice activities. Luciano Alves is the founder of and teacher in CTMLA Music School, based in Rio de Janeiro since 2003 and began to teach at the age of thirteen. All the experience acquired throughout his career is shared through videos, scores with note names, fingerings, digitalized screen theory classes and sheet music in PDF etc.Youll have 180lessons / 56songs (classical and popular tunes) / 16quizzes / 14practice activities / 21tests (note reading, chord symbols, key identification, chords etc.) / 150sheet music and examples in PDF / 22technique exercises / 19theory classes / various accompaniment lessons (ballad, rock, jazz, blues etc.). The course is a Full Lifetime Accessand you can practice the lessons whenever you want. You only pay once. After signing up, see the Accurate Course Descriptionmade available in PDF file, together with Lecture 1 (Introduction).The didactics have been developed in a way that you learn how to play effectively and enjoyably. Lessons are introduced step by step: first you will learn about musical notes, finger numbers, correct posture and how to practice. Soon you will start playing, first with your right hand then with your left hand and finally with both hands together.Several theory, technique and sight reading lessons were added in parallel to the learning of the songs. Besides, many Tests, Quizzes and Practice Activitieshave been included.The regions of the piano are gradually explored, always using songs as a base. Gradually, you will play all the keys including the black ones. At this point, more complex pieces and lessons on chords and chord symbols are introduced. Then, come the classes about hand crossing, arpeggios andsplit chords.So, you can master the piano and the musical language as a whole.General content:56 songs from the classical, popular and folkloric repertoireMusical theory (from the book Musical Theory, by Luciano Alves)Technique exercises (from the book Exercises for Piano and Keyboards, by Luciano Alves)Playing by imitation and by reading sheet musicChord symbols, chords and inversions (from the book of Chords Dictionary, by Luciano Alves)Scales in various keys (from the book Scales for Improvisation, by Luciano Alves)How to play by earPiano techniquesTests of noteand chord symbol readingAccompaniments of ballad, rock, jazz and pop musicPlease be advised that we do not guarantee a response to all students' questions and messages. However, we will endeavorto answer the inquirieswhenever possible.At no time does thiscourse violate Copyright Laws. All songs are in the Public Domain or wereauthored by Luciano Alves."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Piano Nvel Intermedirio (por msica e ouvido)" |
"Curso para pianistas e tecladistas do Nvel Intermedirio. Atravs de agradveis lies prticas e tericas, Luciano desvenda o caminho das pedras para estudantes de todas as idades que desejam se aprimorar no maravilhoso mundo do piano e dos teclados. Este curso integralmente baseado em msicas, mas com slido embasamento terico. O curso pode ser feito de ouvido, por imitao ou atravs das 70 partituras disponibilizadas em PDF juntamente com as lies.ANTES DE COMPRAR ESSE CURSO:1. Leia este texto at o final2. Assista as Aulas de Demonstrao3. Leia a Descrio Detalhada do Curso (abaixo)4. Consulte a Grade Curricular do Curso a qual funciona, tambm, como uma descrio das aulasAssim, voc poder se certificar de que este o curso perfeito para voc!Se voc j conhece os princpios bsicos do piano e dos teclados, v direto para as msicas (Seo 2).Aqui, voc vai participar de 21 Atividades Prticas e aplicar o que est aprendendo, pois ter a oportunidade de tocar 40 msicas junto com o professor. Para que voc aproveite o curso ao mximo, responda os 12 questionrios e faa as atividades prticas.Luciano Alves fundador e professor da escola de msica CTMLA, sediada no Rio de Janeiro desde 2003 e comeou a lecionar ainda na juventude. Toda a experincia adquirida ao longo de sua carreira aqui compartilhada por intermdio de vdeos, partituras, dedilhados, aulas de teoria gravadas da tela etc. DESCRIO DETALHADA DO CURSO So 142 aulas / 40 msicas (clssicas e populares) / 70 Partituras em PDF / 12 Questionrios / 21 Atividades prticas / 10 Testes (leitura de notas, cifras, acordes etc.) / 17 Exerccios de tcnica / 11 Aulas de teoria / 8 Aulas de percepo musical / Diversas aulas de acompanhamento (balada, bossa-nova, rock, jazz e blues).As partituras encontram-se acopladas s aulas (boto Recursos) e podem ser visualizadas na tela ou impressas. Alm disso, esto tambm no e-book ""Coletnea para Piano Nvel Intermedirio"" o qual pode ser adquirido atravs da Internet. As aulas de teoria e as partituras das msicas If I ain't got you, Clocks, Garota de Ipanema, Summertime e All of me no esto no curso ou na Coletnea pois no so de domnio pblico. Contudo, elas so mostradas na tela a ttulo de anlise.O curso vitalcio e voc acessa as aulas quando quiser. Alm disso, s paga uma vez. Aps se inscrever, veja a Descrio Detalhada do Curso no arquivo PDF disponibilizado juntamente com a Aula 1 (Introduo).A didtica foi desenvolvida de forma que voc aprenda a tocar de forma eficaz e prazerosa. As lies so introduzidas passo a passo: primeiramente voc vai aprender msicas de mdia dificuldade, dedilhados e como praticar. Gradativamente, voc vai aprimorar sua tcnica, seu conhecimento geral de msica e estudar msicas mais complexas tanto da rea popular quanto da erudita. Paralelamente ao aprendizado das msicas, foram adicionadas lies de teoria, de tcnica e de leitura de notas. Para que voc verifique o que aprendeu, foram includos diversos Questionrios e Atividades Prticas. As partituras em PDF das lies de teoria no foram aqui includas pois elas se encontram no livro Teoria Musical Lies Essenciais (Luciano Alves). As partituras das msicas em PDF do curso possuem marca dgua. A Coletnea Nvel Intermedirio inclui todos os andamentos, dedilhados e no possuem marca dgua. Contedo geral do curso Msicas do repertrio clssico, popular e folclricoTeoria musical (do livro Teoria Musical de Luciano Alves)Exerccios de tcnica e escalas em vrios tons (do livro Exerccios para Piano e Teclados de Luciano Alves)Tocando por imitao e por partituraCifras, acordes e inverses (do livro Dicionrio de Acordes de Luciano Alves)Como tirar msicas de ouvidoTcnicas de pianoTestes de leitura de notas, acordes e cifrasTestes de percepo musicalAcompanhamento de balada, bossa-nova, rock, jazz e popInformamos que no garantimos resposta a todas as perguntas e mensagens dos alunos. No entanto, procuraremos respond-las sempre que possvel.O Curso de Piano Intermedirio e a respectiva Coletnea de Partituras so produtos separados. O site de venda da Coletnea encontra-se indisponvel em alguns pases.Em momento algum este curso viola a lei de Direitos Autorais. A maioria das msicas so de Domnio Pblico e de autoria de Luciano Alves. Algumas msicas protegidas so aqui apresentadas apenas para finalidades de didtica musical e de anlise da harmonia.Todas as msicas e exerccios de Luciano Alves possuem proteo de Copyright."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Design beautiful landing pages that generate quality leads" |
"In this course youre going to learn how to design a landing page in Photoshop thats optimized for conversions and will help your business generate more leads.This series of videos will take you over the whole process of designing a lead generation landing page from scratch. Well begin by finding inspiration on the web, create wireframes and then build a landing page design inside Photoshop.Once the page is completed in Photoshop, Ill use Instapage to build a live version and start getting leads.Now in addition to 1-2 hours of videos this project is packed with resources, youll receive the fully layered Photoshop file of the landing page created and the Instapage document, which you can upload right away and start using it as a template.This course is aimed at students that have previously used Photoshop and are at an Intermediate level.By joining this course you can either follow along and create the same page, or start your own project and build the landing page your business or product needs.The landing page I'll design will have the goal to get visitors to sign-up for a free trial.Are you ready? Lets get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Thermodynamics - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering" |
"This course serves as a springboard into Engineering Thermodynamics for new students or as a refresher for students already familiar with some of the concepts and are looking for somewhere to brush up the fundamentals.The course covers a broad spectrum of common topics that are applicable to a wide variety of situations in numerous engineering sectors;Hydrostatic pressure theoryBuoyancy and Archimedes PrincipleFluid flow (Reynolds number, types of flow & viscous fluid flow)Bernoulli's EquationLift and DragCombustionThermo power cycles (including the Carnot cycle, Otto cycle & Diesel cycle)All of these topics are fascinating and are around the A-level to University level in terms of technical content... but don't worry! We cover these topics in a logical order and start off simple so that we do not lose you along the way. Most videos follow the format of a discussion of the theory and then we go through a worked example. We then recommend that students have a go at the practice questions that accompany most videos so that you can put your skills to the test. There are full worked solutions so you are able to check how you perform. We at Learn-Ed believe that the format of ""Theory - Worked example - Have a go for your self"" is one of the best methods of learning - particularly the ""Have a go for yourself"" element.We also try to describe various applications that each theory has to help give context as to why its interesting to learn about.We hope to see you in our lessons!Note: This course does not replace a formal qualification. Formal qualifications in engineering can be obtained through colleges or universities and these may be of interest to you if you enjoyed this course."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mechanics / Statics - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering" |
"This course serves as a springboard into Engineering Solid Mechanics for new students or as a refresher for students already familiar with some of the concepts and are looking for somewhere to brush up thefundamentals.The course covers a broad spectrum of common topics that are applicable to a wide variety of situations in numerous engineering sectors;Forces (including Newtons Laws)Engineering stress and strainModulus of Elasticity and Poisson's RatioStiffness (Geometric)Bending of BeamsStresses in beam bendingStrut BucklingThermal expansionPin jointed frame worksShearingTorsionThin wall pressure vessel theoryAll of these topics are fascinating and are around the A-level to University level in terms of technical content... butdon't worry! We cover these topics in a logical order and start off simple so that we do not lose you along the way. Most videos follow the format of a discussion of thetheory andthen we go through aworked example.We then recommend that students have a go at the practice questions that accompany most videosso that you can put your skills to the test. There are fullworked solutions so you are able to check how youperform.We at Learn-Ed believe that the format of""Theory -Worked example -Have a go for your self""is one of the best methods of learning - particularly the""Havea go for yourself""element.We also try to describe various applications that each theory has to help give context as to why its interesting to learn about.We hope to see you in ourlessons!Note: This course does not replace a formal qualification.Formal qualifications in engineering can be obtained through colleges or universities and these may be of interest to you if you enjoyed this course."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Revised** Learn Advanced Love Meanings of All 78 Tarot Cards" |
"Hello, Lexx Reader here. My passion is to bring you real and life-changing messages through Tarot. I am here to improve your life and deepen your relationship with tarot.What results will you get from this course?Intuitive and advanced meanings of all 78 tarot cards.This will give you an advantage as you do readings for clients and yourself. If you have difficulty seeing the messages beyond the traditional meanings this is the course for you.You will grow your knowledge and skillset to understand the tarot cards. Move past the superficial and know the true lesson or feelings of the person based on the cards.Understand why certain cards come out over and over by uncovering the deeper meaning and resolving that issue.Why purchase a course from me?After an intense spiritual awakening and dark night of the soul. I was looking for a tool to use to regulate my energy and to realign my life, my relationships, and my career choices onto the right path. Being suggested by friends to local readers and getting readings while on vacation in Florida, I found the energy of the places felt negative, outdated and to be honest scammy.Specializes in channeling, numerology, twin flame guides, intentions, future, and current action projections.I provide deeply meaningful readings full time as a psychic using channeling and Angel assistance. Owner of a successful online tarot reading business that specializes in twin flames and soul mate relationships.What is included in this course:Video description of each of the 78 tarot cards as they relate to love relationships.PDF booklet of all card meanings for love relationships.3 Graphics Tarot Spread Examples.How to clear your deck properly and get into a safe space for doing tarot readings.Learn how your partner is feeling and thinking intuitively through tarot.Unlimited follow-up emails with me clarifying the meanings of each card.Benefits:You will know why cards come up and how to take positive action to heal the relationship situation.Learning how each card relates to your partner's feelings, conflicts you may have or even how to get an ex back.Become a more skilled tarot reader by expanding your knowledge.What you won't get in this course:Information on the history of tarot.Basics of how to shuffle or pull cards.How to do readings in general.**This is an informational course teaching you in-depth tarot definitions for love and romance relationship readings.**Why I made this course:Learning tarot can be difficult, I learned how to read tarot by reading a lot of blogs, books and watching thousands of tarot videos online. On top of that, I am a psychic and use channeling to bring intuitive messages to my clients. This course is a combination of the traditional meaning along with channeled meanings to improve your tarot reading skills. I wanted to combine all of the research and make learning tarot easier for you. Testimonials from Psychic Tarot Readings on my Etsy Shop (RUBY LOVE TAROT) using the card interpretations you will learn in this course.""Lexx is amazing everything that was said in this reading was true. her energy Is amazing I highly recommend her to anyone that looking to know how your ex feels about you and what to expect for the months to come. Shes just on point."" Lisa"" The quality of the reading was beyond excellent. I would suggest you get one because of the accuracy and care she used in delivering the reading. She really devotes her time to give you concise information, that will be beneficial to your twin flame union and life in general. It was well worth it, as you will discover. I definitely will recommend her to friends and family. Thanks again."" - Nyeshia""It was a very interesting and thought-provoking reading which was great. She has a lot of positive energy that you can feel in the reading. Helpful and explained everything fully. Would def do another reading with her."" - Zac Testimonials from this Udemy course: ""I was surprised how well the meaning of the cards were explained. Her perception of the Tarot is enlightening. The course is well worth taking. Lexx knows her stuff when it comes to the cards. There could be a little more on some of the combinations of cards in a romance reading. Fun course. Glad I took it. Thanks.""- Catherine""Great information, I'm learning more than ever."" -Carla""Yes! Valuable information, clear explanations, engaging delivery, helpful practice activities, accurate course description, and knowledgeable instructor."" - NikkiSo whatcha waiting for? Let's get learning! What's the worst that would happen, you will learn something hehe?If for any reason you are not 100% happy with the course you have a full 30 days to simply get a refund directly from Udemy.Ps. I have had no courses returned thus far.XoXoLexx ReaderStill not convinced? Check out my Etsy, Website or youtube listed on my profile page. "
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Afiliado de Sucesso" |
"Este curso foiespecialmente pensado e estruturado para pessoas que desejam iniciar um empreendimento digital de maneira rpida e assertiva. Neste curso voc aprender sobre os principais conceitos de:Marketing Tradicional;Marketing Digital;Marketing de Afiliado;Tambm aprender sobre:Principais plataformas de afiliados do Brasil;Aprender a analisar e selecionar os melhores nichos e micro-nichos de mercado;Definir seu pblico-alvo;Analisar ofertas;Definir canais de comunicao consistentes;Aprender sobre tipos de publicaes;Gatilhos Mentais;Criar link de afiliados amigveis;Estruturar ofertas e vender seu produto;E como forma de agradecimento, te entrego um bnus exclusivo com aulas especiais de:Facebook Ads na Prtica;Email Marketing para iniciantes;Introduo ao Marketing de Contedo;SEO para iniciantes;Como se tornar afiliado de grandes empresas.Este um curso vivo e sempre ser atualizado de acordo com as novidades do mercado e suas necessidades, espero que todo contedo aqui descrito transforme sua vida de maneira significativa, assim como a minha foi transformada desde o momento em que passei a me dedicar a estudar a fundoo marketing digital e em especial marketing de afiliado.No perca esta chance, cadastre-se hoje mesmo neste curso!Vamos criar juntos um novo modelo de negcio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sylenth. Curso de Produccin Musical. Tutorial en Espaol." |
"Tutorial Sylenth.Curso de Produccin Musical.Preprate. Conecta tus monitores, regula el volumen en tu estudio a un nivel ptimo de escucha y embrcate conmigo rumbo a sacarle el mximo partido a nuestro sintetizador favorito, Sylenth1.Con los tutoriales mi curso de produccin musical, y durante 16 horas, te ensear adestripar todos y cada uno de los parmetros de esta gran herramienta, la cual se ha convertido en la preferida de artistas TOP durante los ltimos aos.Hardwell, Deadmau5 o Skrillex, son algunos de los deejays que lo usan en sus producciones, y con mi curso aprenders a sacarle todo su potencial.Desde los osciladores, a los filtros, envolventes, efectos.. veremos todas las posibilidades que nos ofrece Sylenth1.Adems practicaremos y recrearemos sonidos profesionales para que entiendas cmo debes hacerlo t para conseguir ese resultado.Si alguna vez te has preguntado como mejorar tu msica o si te gustara crear sonidos nicos y originales empieza viendo los vdeos gratuitos dentro del curso.En ellos te doy algunas pautas que te pueden venir bien.Mi curso tiene una duracin de alrededor de16 horas, lo que supone una gran cantidad de informacin que estoy seguro te ser de utilidad, no slo para aprender a manejar Sylenth1, si no tambin para entender ms an el proceso de creacin musical.Entre las clasesque componen el temariodel curso encontrars algunas como:Arpegiador: Auto melodas (Clase 8.2)SideChain Manual (Clase 9.3)Colocacin y Coloracin MID/SIDE (Clase 11.1)Cada Seccin incluye varias clases en vdeo. El curso est compuesto por 20 secciones.Recursos Adicionales ycontenido extra:Como recurso adicional el curso incluye mi banco de presets Rivers of Ashgard Vol 1 Sylenth1 el cual incluye una gran variedad de presets que puedes usar como punto de partida a la hora de crear tus propios sonidos y texturas. () //Log: ActualizacionesLanzamiento/Release:Da 24 Mayo 2017. Versin del Curso 1.0"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 formas de mejorar los Bombos de tus canciones Music Theory" |
"Si alguna vez te has preguntado cmo puedes mejorar tus sonidos de bombo (kick) en tus canciones, estas clases son para t.Estas son mis 7 formas de mejorar los bombos de tus canciones, con las cuales vas a poder potenciar su sonido, y hacer que suenen mucho ms transparentes y con ms definicin.Es un proceso que puedes aplicar a tus kicks favoritos, o bien probar con los que no te gustan para ver que resultados consigues.Te aseguro que los resultados te sorprendern.Si buscas la mejor forma de mejorar tus bombos, estas clases te mostraran los procesos necesarios."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"5 Tcnicas mejorar mezclas de tus canciones Music Theory" |
"Estas son mis 5 tcnicas para que tus canciones suenen mejor y hagas mejores mezclas de audio.Compresores, limitadores, maximizadores..Un mundo lleno de palabras y trminos raros que nos pueden despistar.Con estos vdeos aprenders un poco ms sobre cuando y cmo tienes que regular los volmenes de los canales en tu cancin, cmo y cuando comprimir, y varias pautas ms.Utilizaremos la lgica para entender siempre el ""porqu lo hacemos"".De esta manera nos aseguraremos de que cada paso que demos en el proceso de creacin de nuestra cancin sea correcto.Incluye los sonidos que uso en clase para que puedas practicar con ellos."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Nexus Vst. Curso de Produccin Musical y Diseo de Sonidos." |
"Bienvenidos a mi nuevo curso de produccin musical para NexusSi alguna vez te has preguntado cmo sacarle ms partido al sintetizador NEXUS, este curso es para t.A lo largo de varias horas te ensear todo lo que s de l, los trucos y secretos que harn que tu msica suene mucho mejor.Veremos desde como crear sonidos desde cero con l, a como modificar los presets de fbrica para conseguir nuevas texturas con un carcter propio.Te explicar sus filtros, envolventes, gestin de sonidos, trucos de modulacin, y mucho ms."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Investment Hacking 101" |
"Do you know what the #1 Passive Income earnings machine is? No, its not a blog, its not a podcast, and its not selling items on Amazon.Its investing in the stock market!We started investing in 1999 and were able to retire in our early 40s in 2015. It took us only about 15 years to retire in San Francisco, one of the most expensive places to live in the world.The key is understanding HOW to invest in the markets. In this course, well show you all the top techniques we used to significantly grow our wealth over the years.This trajectory of our net worth illustrates the power of smart investing over time. We retired in January of 2015, and you might think our net worth would have stayed flat or even dipped since then.No, its continued to climb over 30% in the past three years, with a few plateaus and dips.Its not rocket science - anyone can do it! BUT, if you dont know what youre doing, you can actually lose a lot of money in the market.Here are just some of the things you'll learn by the end of the course:How We Went from $0 to Early RetirementThe One Financial Technique You Have to MasterThe Top 4 Investment Hacks & How to Apply ThemWhat to Do When the Markets Go DownHow to Put Your Investments on Autopilotand much more!In addition, the course includes:Assignment-- To help you get started investingBonusModules-- Podcast & Guide about early retirementLifetimeAccess-- Including any additions & updates over time30-Day Money Back Guarantee-- If you're not satisfied, we'll refund your money!Are you ready? Let's do this...."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"First impression hack" |
"Youll never get a second chance to make a great first impression.In other words, when you meet someone for the first time, you need to be on top of your game from the very beginning. This includes what you wear, being aware of your surroundings, body language and every word that comes out of your mouth.Whether you're meeting new connections, clients, class mates, team members or potential employers, I've put together a framework - based on scientific evidence - to help you put your best foot forward and make a positive and lasting first impression.This course beyond the frequently heard tips: smile, be on time, put your phone away, look the other person in the eye, give a firm handshake and show genuine interest. In this course you will learn to build rapport.Rapport is the lubricant for social communication. When rapport is established, communication barriers go down and you will have the opportunity to make a lasting connection. This practice is used actively by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to get interviewees to open up.Throughout this course you will learn similar techniques, which is why you should at least watch the free videos before you decide to enroll. Cheers,Soerin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Application Security for Absolute Beginners (no coding!)" |
"Within one hour you will understand web application security without having to code. This course will jumpstart your security career. I will teach you the 10 most common threats identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). At the end of the course you will understand: 1) what the top 10 threats and are, 2) the impact per threat for your business 3) how these threats can be executed by attackers 4) how these threats can be mitigated You will able to understand the above-mentioned points without having to understand code...For your convenience I've combined the OWASP 2017 and OWASP 2013 top 10 list into a single list of 10 common threats.How is that possible?The threats are explained conceptually, since the implementation of a threat may differ per situation. Therefore, having a general understanding of the threats, its implications and potential solutions will provide you with the essential knowledge to mitigate the impact of these threats. So, after following this course am I able to develop code-based solutions for the top 10 threats? No. This course will teach you the basic concepts behind the 10 most common threats so that you can critically question and discuss these security issues with software/operational engineers.Uhm, after following this course I'm a full-fledged security expert, right?Depends on the knowledge of the person that is judging your expertise. Most likely this won't be the case. What!?! Why should I enroll?Only enroll when you are new to secure coding, secure web development and want a complete beginners perspective on web application security. This course is specifically developed for:- (Project) managers that lead software projects, but have no clue how software engineers could mitigate potential security issues - Recruiters hiring software engineers- Software engineers that want to refresh their knowledge on web application security- Anyone interested in the basics of web application security, explained in laymans termsOk, but there is already a lot of information on OWASP available on the web. So, whats in it for me?I thought you would never ask! This course differentiate itself from existing available information because: - Existing OWASP documentation is technical and therefore difficult to comprehend (I'll include some examples of technical documents as a resources that you may download).- Unlike most other courses, you may actually claim 1 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) after finishing this course completely- I'll update this course with new videos on request or as significant security issues surface that have important implications for managers. Thus, over time this course may become your one-stop security education! - I've included lots of documents that explain detailed mitigation strategies. Please note that these documents contain code and are therefore more suited for people that are implementing or testing security fixes. - I've included lots of links to websites that provide comprehensive background information. - That's not it, there is more... BONUS Material:- Defense in depth- Basic explanation of STRIDE (spoofing, tampering, repudiation, information disclosure, denial of service, elevation of privilege).- Overview of a secure software development process- Frequently asked questions. Ask a security question and I'll answer it with a video.Why include bonus material, is the main course not exciting enough?Again, excellent question! Getting security right goes well beyond web application security. With the bonus material, I would like to inform you about the complementary measures that should be taken into account.Im fully convinced of the benefits, but I dont see why I should learn all this from you.True, let me explain by giving you an overview of my experience: - Parttime PhD Candidate (6 years - present). I read the science, you'll get the knowledge! What more do you want? - Security operations manager (present). Acting as a security liaison on strategic accounts, I monitor the security of 2500+ workstations, 500+ servers and 10+ firewalls and routers, report on the operational security status of European and Dutch law and integrate intelligence results from AVDS, Check Point, Nagios, Nessus, Palo Alto Traps,SCCM, SCEP, SEP, SCOM and SIEM;- Software quality consultant (6,5 years). I've advised many managers of large / small IT projects on various software related aspects; - IT auditor (1 year). I have closely worked with accountants and audited large governmental IT projects; - Quality assurance engineer (3 years). I have implemented large IT systems for large companies. You can find more details on LinkedIn on or my profile.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Soerin"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java for Beginners (A visual guide)" |
"Why look through hours of talking-head videos when you can just watch & learn through easy to followanimations? This uniquecoursewill helpyou masterJavain just a few hours by using a new system invented by the author to teach programming. Watch code develop in front of your eyes: one line at a time.Thismimicshowprograms areactually developedin the real world, and how programmers think through and solvea programming problem.This approachmakes programming easy-to-learn and our course:fun to follow.Fun animations,code highlightsand talk-bubbles, make this new systemthe fastestwaytolearnJava and master object oriented concepts.So enroll now.Start learning Java, and code your brains out.This Java course covers all of the main conceptsyou need to know in order to start programming in Java with a strong emphasis on object oriented design. They include:A Simple Java programVariablesData typesConditionsLoopsMethodsStringsArraysFile I/OExceptionsData structuresArrayListsHashmapsData wrappersClasses & objectsProgramming withobjectsThe core Object classObject EncapsulationObject InheritanceObject ReferencesObject ConstructorsInner ClassesAbstract ClassesInterfacesJava program structurePDF VersionThe full text version of the course is also availableas aPDF file for download.Code ListingTo give you a head start, thecode listingfor every program in this courseis also available to download (84 ready-to-run Javaprograms). Just compile and run.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEThis Java course comes with a""noquestionsasked""30-day money back guarantee. So if -for any reason -you arenot happy with this course, just askfor a full refund."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"C# for Beginners (A visual guide)" |
"Why look through hours of slow-paced talking-head videos when you can just watch & learn? This uniquecoursewill helpyou masterC# in just a few hours by using a new system invented by the author to teach programming.Watch code develop in front of your eyes: one line at a time.Thismimicshowprograms areactually developedin the real world, and how programmers think through and solvea programming problem.This approachmakes programming easy-to-learn and our course:fun to follow.So enroll now.Start learning C#, and code your brains out.This course covers all of the main conceptsyou need to know in order to start programming in C# with a strong emphasis on object oriented design. They include:Anatomy of a Simple C# programVariablesData typesConditionsLoopsMethodsStringsArraysFile I/OExceptionsData structuresArrayListsHashTablesStructsClasses & objectsProgramming withobjectsThe core Object classObject EncapsulationObject InheritanceObject ReferencesObject ConstructorsAbstract ClassesInterfacesC# program structureWindows Forms ProgrammingGUI ComponentsEventsPDF VersionThe full text version of the course is also availableas aPDF file for download.Code ListingTo give you a head start, thecode listingfor every program in this courseis also available to download (80 ready-to-run C#programs). Just compile and run.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEThis C# course comes with a""noquestionsasked""30-day money back guarantee. So if -for any reason -you arenot happy with this course, just askfor a full refund."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
JavaScript |
"Web94.6%*1JavaScriptJavaScriptUI/UXWebJavaScriptReact.jsAngular.jsNode.jsjQueryJavaScriptJavaScript?JavaScriptWebWebJavaScript?YESJavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript DOM WebES2015ES6 HDPCQ&AQ&AWeb94.6%JavaScriptWebReact.jsAngular.jsNode.jsjQueryJavaScriptReact.jsAngular.jsNode.jsJavaScriptJavaScriptMacWindowsGoogle ChromeAtomGoogle ChromeAtomMacWindows*1Usage of JavaScript for websites w3techs"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails 5 -Ruby-" |
"Ruby on RailsWebRubyRuby on RailsRuby on RailsWebRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsWebRubyRuby on RailsCloud9WebRuby on Rails 5Hello WorldCRUD2018/1/9 Cloud9AWS2017/4/19Ruby2017/4/18 5-13Controller2017/4/72017/4/7 Hello World"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Linux - Web" |
"LinuxLinuxVPShttpsWordPress30 LinuxLinuxWebLinuxLinuxhttpsWebLinux YESLAMPCentOS7Apache2.4MySQL5.7PHP7WordPress 4.8PC2Q&AQ&AHDPC(macOS Windows)macOSWindowsPCLinuxVPS(Virtual Private Server)221,000/2019/10/22 CentOS7 ios2018/1/9 Virtual Box2018/4/11 WindowsSSH VPS2018/3/31 VPS2018/03/08 Let's EncryptSSL"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails-RubyRailsWeb" |
"Ruby on Rails WebWebWebAirBnBGitHub Kickstarter30WebWebWebRubyWebRuby on Rails AWS Cloud91Ruby Ruby on RailsQAWebHerokuWebRuby 2.5.1Ruby on Rails 5.2.1WebAWS Cloud9 WebHerokuRailsGoogle Chrome Web(macOS Windows)macOSWindowsWeb Google ChromeAWS Cloud9Web1 Heroku10IT"
Price: 16800.00 ![]() |
"Kitchen Detox to Boost Health, Energy & Prevention" |
"Food is our greatest medicine. It can hurt us, or it can heal us. What's the first thing you see when you walk into your kitchen? What do you normally snack on? These are hints for the state of health you're in now.Most people have no idea how to turn their kitchen into a healthy sanctuary. You're here NOW, so let me guide you through the process so you can live a healthy life filled with energy & vitality!Let's eliminate inflammatory oils, toss the energy-robbing sugars, burn the gut-disrupting packaged ""foods"". Let's bring healthy, wholesome, nutritious foods into the daily life. It all starts with a kitchen detox. Refresh your kitchen, spruce up your chef skills, and you'll never want to eat out again. This program is good for anyone wanting true, healthy, long-term-goal weight loss, rid aches and pains related in inflammation, improve digestibility and gut mobility,and anyone wanting to live a fulfilled energetic life without harmful side effects! ***Must be willing."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Start Running Today and Become a Fundamental Runner!" |
"Join the Go Run Right Tribe and learn how to easily improve your running with our 5 step approach. Develop your running style, become a more efficient runner and smash your goals.Upgrade your shoes or upgrade your bio-mechanics, which will work?As humans we are built for runningThrough thousands of years of evolution we have been blessed with features that make us exceptional runners, yet we see that 79% of runners get injured every year.The odds are not good for you, why? Weshouldall just be able to run, right?Modern life is great; we live in nice warm homes and eat lots of food, sit in comfortable chairs, wear shoes to make life easy, but with great comfort come changes.The problem is that we have degraded our biomechanics. Our feet have got weak, are shoes are spongie so we dont get good feedback and or movement pattern changes. Add a multiplier effect of many years and we have a problem.This odyssey that lead me to build this program took me under the tutelage of the Vivo Barefoot instructor program, designed by famed Lee Saxby. Followed by 9 years of applying these methods and designing my own programming for 100s of clients across London.What is your vision of a perfect, effortless flowing runner?When we think of Kenyan athletes eating up the miles across the savannas (some time shoe-less) does it look forced and strained or is there effortless flow that seems to bring a mystical happiness to their movements?Want to move from where you are now towards that vision???Let me ask you a question, what do you honestly think will help you move in that direction, wrapping you feet in more expensive materials or reprogramming you bio-mechanics?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn French for beginners with Audrey&Nico" |
"Bonjour et bienvenue, welcome in our creative Frenchclass,Our method is really simple andefficient. We will teach you French, starting from the very basics with alphabet, phonetic and essential grammar. Through videos, exercises, quizzes and games, step by step, having pleasure learning a new language, we want you to progress and feel more and more confident using French as a second language.Thisclass isa total immersion inFrench and it is based on phonetic, accessible to youth in afamiliar environment. With us, you will discover theFrench alphabet, the French pronunciation through phonetic and havesome vocabulary to introduce yourself,express simplefeelings and emotions,recognize some colors,count till 50,mastera French famousrecipe and the reading ofa French text.For everylessonsand videoswe willoffer a written transcription of all thedialoguesand the phonetic of the new words, but also exercisesthat you can do at homeat your own rhythmand smallgames to learn and have fun in the same time. This course includes good qualityvideos and printable documents with vocabulary, exercises and phonetictranscriptions.To choose Audrey&Nico to learnFrench is a good choiceif you want to discoverFrench in arelaxed atmosphere with funnyinteraction. Weimagined foryou situations of the daily life and weused familiar objects tointroduce you to the basics of French. We hopethis learningmethod tobe a good start for you to progress at your own rhythm with concrete knowledges to get further and further in your learning practice.A tout de suite"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator Online Training Course" |
"Create beautiful vector art.Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard vector graphics app lets you create logos, icons, sketches, typography, and complex illustrations for print, web, interactive, video, and mobile. Vectors are drawings consisting of points and fills. The advantage of vectors is that they can be resized in any way, from the size of a postage stamp to a billboard, without losing any image quality.This Adobe Illustrator course will focus on the workspace and exploring the various tools in Illustrator. You will start with the basic tools and work with shapes and use fills and strokes. Demonstrations using pencil, pen, and brush tools which will familiarize you enough with the program so you will be able to create more intricate projects. Those types of projects include; creating a logo, creating a caricature from an old photo, recreating a Picasso painting, all of which will be featured in this video series. And once youve finished your project, the various types of exporting methods will be shown so you can export your drawing in the best file type for use for print, web, or to use in other Adobe software."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop Online Course" |
"Create anything you can imagine. Anywhere you are.The worlds best imaging and design app is at the core of almost every creative project. Work across desktop and mobile devices to create and enhance your photographs, web and mobile app designs, 3D artwork, videos, and more.This course covers all the facets of editing from import to export using Adobe Photoshop software. In this course you will learn:IntroExploring the Tools and Work AreaColor Mode BasicsUsing Selection ToolsWorking with LayersCrop & Transform FunctionsUsing the Type ToolApplying Photoshop FiltersApplying Layer StylesAdjustment Layers OverviewPhoto Retouching DemoPoster Design DemoColoring Digital Art DemoColorize B&W Photo DemoWebsite Design DemoOutro"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acting 101 for Adults" |
"If your dream is to be in front of the camera, acting in a major motion picture, television show or national commercial, then this Acting 101 for Adults course is for you.Actor Aaron Jackson offers many lessons to help you become the best you can be. He introduces students to various methods which he uses to teach and enhance their acting skills. Whether you are just considering an acting career, want to learn new techniques, sharpen your skills or are a seasoned actor, he can refine your talents. He will explain the basic tools for your tool box which include a resume, headshot, website, manager, demo reel, and proper warm up. From working on auditions, monologues, and scene study to sharing the secrets of success in local markets and in Hollywood, you will learn the ins and out of marketing yourself.This course will give you the tools you need to be a successful working actor."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects Online Course" |
"Adobe After Effects is a Motion Media, Compositing, Animation and Special Effects software. It is used for post-production process of television and film production. After Effects can also create 2D and 3D layers and effects and simulate particles like fire, rain, etc. and even be used for color correction and add music to a project.In this course, you will be given an in-depth instruction on After Effects and all the tools and effects in the workspace. You will be shown how to create and animate primitive shapes and move onto a simple to complex bouncing ball. More advanced techniques like 3D layers and cameras will be also demonstrated, along with animating text, particles, lights, and other common effects. Lastly, you will be shown how to build and puppet in Photoshop, then import into After Effects to perform techniques to the puppet called rigging and pinning and then how to make the puppet walk.After Effects can be complicated to use, but once you get the hang of it, its very powerful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe InDesign Online Course" |
"Adobe InDesign is a layout software that takes images and text and lay them out across pages. InDesign is best used for working with multiple page documents like books, magazines, brochures, portfolios and can even be used to create business cards, letterheads, posters and flyers. Graphic designers and production artists are the primary users of this desktop publishing software. It can also be used in conjunction with other Adobe products primarily Photoshop and Illustrator.In the InDesign course, you will be instructed by a top professional in the design industry that holds the titles of 2D Animator and Adjunct Professor of Animation and Digital Art. You will first be shown how to navigate through the InDesign work area and how to create a new document and import images. You will be introduced to master pages, an important tool in creating multi-page projects, then you move onto other tools like creating tables and packaging. This course will be also go through more advanced techniques and design methods as well as types of exports."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro Essentials Online Course" |
"Make visually stunning videos virtually anywhere. Adobe Premiere Pro is the industry-leading video editing software, you can edit virtually any type of media in its native format and create professional productions with brilliant color for film, TV, and web.This course focuses on how to use the workspace and tools along with different videography techniques such as different ways to splice footage and control transitions. You will first be shown how to create a new project in Premiere Pro and how to import footage and organize media. The instructor will then showcase the editing essentials that are offered in Premiere Pro and adding music to your project. You will be shown more advanced techniques like sequence editing and incorporating transitions. Exploration of the tool panel, effect control, and color correction will also be provided in this course. And once your project is completed, its time to export and all the different ways of exporting will be gone over so your project will be displayed on its high quality whether its for film, TV or web."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Film or TV Casting Director" |
"Casting Directors organize the casting (selecting) of Actors for all roles in a film. The casting director is responsible for working with the Director and Producer to understand their requirements.The casting director finds & discovers talent, makes recommendations, and handles auditions and casting sessions. Once the film is cast, he or she also oversees contracts and other negotiations and works closely with the director and with actors and their agents.Become a Film of Casting Director course is instructed by Brandon Rodriguez. As a casting director, Brandon is an advocate for actors - his passion for actors and their craft is evidenced by both his approach in the room and the material with which he chooses to align himself. Drawing on his early experiences as an actor, he takes great care to create a safe, creative, and collaborative environment for actors. Ultimately, he is committed to cultivating a mutual quest for verisimilitude."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |