Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Digital Female Portraiture An Artist's Guide" |
"Hello fellow artist!My name is Matthew Dewey and I am a portraiture artist. I have worked on portraits for several years but after a few lessons I grew a knack for realism in portraiture. I am here now ready to teach you how to create better and more realistic portraits.Portraiture is a desired art-form by any artist. To create fantastic portraits of ones loved ones and friends, developing a skill to capture a person through art. Portraiture started centuries before I time and as it has always been a brilliant art form that inspired many of the classical artists of our time. Realism in portraiture soon grew to an outstanding size as the form changed and developed to as far as hyper-realism.In this course I will teach you how to:Develop realist portraitsBlend skin tonesPaint realistic featuresCreate detailed hair and eyesPaint satisfying appeal to your portraitPaint realistic clothingManage proportionsI hope you enjoy this course and use it to your advantage in your art-style development!""Art has and will always be the essence of life. Without art we have nothing that makes life worth living."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java Masterclass Beginner to OOP Programming with NetBeans" |
"Welcome to my Basic course on Java Programming with NetBeans!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course. Further on, once completing the basic section, we move onto advanced Java programming and OOP. Data is important in the technological world that we live in, but what we use is processed data, so you, as the budding programmer need to know this as well. I show you how to scan through large amounts of data with ease as well as extract specific types and process it as well.What about NetBeans?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several projects that will helpyou get truly comfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataAdvanced Java MethodsData CollectionData Processing and StorageData ExtractionData ScanningOOP, Object Orientated Programmingand BONUS tips and tricks!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my masterclass course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Java Masterclass Beginner to OOP Programming with Eclipse" |
"Welcome to my Masterclass course on Java Programming with Eclipse!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course. Further on, once completing the basic section, we move onto advanced Java programming and OOP. Data is important in the technological world that we live in, but what we use is processed data, so you, as the budding programmer need to know this as well. I show you how to scan through large amounts of data with ease as well as extract specific types and process it as well.What about Eclipse?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several projects that will helpyou get truly comfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataAdvanced Java MethodsData CollectionData Processing and StorageData ExtractionData ScanningOOP, Object Orientated Programmingand BONUS tips and tricks!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my masterclass course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# Expert Class Basic to OOP Programming with Visual Studio" |
"Welcome to your Expert course on C#Programming with Visual Studio!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the C# programming language.C#, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving C#over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that C#is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you in a programming career?There are many skills in programming that are required in any form of the field, but what I plan to to teach you in this course is exactly what you will find on many job requirements as well as many advanced methods that will no doubt help you in the future. I speak of OOP, Object Orientated Programming, in addition I included data processing.What about Visual Studio?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several projects that will helpyou get truly comfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.In short, you will learn:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataAdvanced C#MethodsData CollectionData ProcessingOOP, Object Orientated Programmingand BONUS tips and tricks!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will take you from a novice to an expert! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you in your career or further studies on C# programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Python Masterclass Basic to OOP Programming with Anaconda" |
"Welcome toBasic PythonProgramming for Beginners!My name is Matthew Dewey, lead programmer at Programming Tut. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as taughtseveral programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in a funand easymanner. In this course I do just that with the Pythonprogramming language.Python, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving programmingover any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Pythonis an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Python?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course. From there I move to advanced studies which incorporates an understanding of special data types and processing of data, finally ending off on Object Oriented Programming, OOP for short. OOP being one of the essential skills that every programmer worthy of employment has in their tool kit. I help you attain this knowledge and much more.I help you:Install your software, AnacondaEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataAdvanced PythonMethodsData CollectionData Processing and StorageClass creationObject useAttribute development and connectionsOOP, Object Orientated Programmingand BONUS tips and tricks!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Python programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Java MasterclassBasic to OOP Programming with IntelliJ IDEA" |
"Welcome to my Masterclass course on Java Programming with IntelliJ IDEA!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course. Further on, once completing the basic section, we move onto advanced Java programming and OOP. Data is important in the technological world that we live in, but what we use is processed data, so you, as the budding programmer need to know this as well. I show you how to scan through large amounts of data with ease as well as extract specific types and process it as well.What about IntelliJ IDEA?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several projects that will helpyou get truly comfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataAdvanced Java MethodsData CollectionData Processing and StorageData ExtractionData ScanningOOP, Object Orientated Programmingand BONUS tips and tricks!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my masterclass course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"NetBeans Your Basic Java Programming Course" |
"Welcome to my Basic course on Java Programming with NetBeans!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!What about NetBeans?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several lessonsthat will helpyou getcomfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"IntelliJ IDEA Your Beginner Java Programming Course" |
"Welcome to my Basic course on Java Programming with IntelliJ IDEA!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as taughtseveral programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in a funand easymanner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!What about IntelliJ IDEA?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several lessonsthat will helpyou getcomfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Programa F.I.R.E. U.P" |
"Junte-se a mais de 60 alunos e descubra como irda procrastinao criAO em apenas 6 passos!Hey, voc! ... VOC que vive abandonando suas ideias no meio do caminho... Voc cansou de nunca ver a luz no fim do tnel com os seus projetos?Isso acaba agora!Eu vou te ajudar a levar o seu gnio criativo at o fim da sua jornada!O F.I.R.E U.P.acontece 100% online e composto por 6 mdulos. Eu vouteguiar nessepasso a passo transformador e te ajudar aincendiaro seu gnio criativo de uma vez por todas!Em cada um dos mdulos voc e seu gnio criativo tero acesso a vdeo-aulas, podcasts e cadernos de exerccios que iro te mostrar como:Realizar um projeto de vida que tenha significado;Encontrar foco, motivao e inspirao para seguir em frente com as suas ideias e no morrer na praia com os seus projetos;Calar as crenas limitantes e desenvolver mais autoconfiana e coragem;Usar os seus talentos para fazer a diferena na sua comunidade!OLHA S O QUE DIZ QUEM J TEVE AULA COMIGO:""Eu conheci aBia no final de 2016!Assistir todos os vdeos da srie foi maravilhoso e euchegueia concluso de que eu no estava feliz no meu trabalho. O vdeo que mais me abriu a mente foio das6 razes para vocpedir demisso agora! Foimuito inspirador, pois eleme deu coragem para comear a viver uma vida criativa e fazer algo que me fizesse sentir maisfeliz.Depois de passar um tempo lendo os artigos aqui do Incendeie eume descobri apaixonada por maquiagem. A partir da comecei a tomar iniciativasimportantes:sa do meu trabalho, me inscrevi no Programa F.I.R.E.U.P evou comear meu curso de maquiagem ms que vem! Estou muito feliz,Bia. Pode ter certeza que voc e o seu trabalho me inspiraram muito aquererviver sim uma vida criativa e sem medo!"" - Joyce""A Bia , certamente, uma grande fonte de inspirao para mim e para muitas outras pessoas. Todos os seus projetos seja ele o blog, o Rock Your Life, os livros - abrem nossos olhos para novos horizontes. Nos permite enxergar coisas que passavam despercebidas a ns e nos transforma, pouco a pouco, por dentro. Mudamos nossa maneira de ver o mundo, nosso jeito de pensar e a nossa mente fica fervendo com novas idias e projetos. E por isso que eu a acompanho: quero sempre ser melhor, me desenvolver, me transformar. A Bia te d as ferramentas e voc vai l e... puft! Faz acontecer!"" - Lilian S. Cardoso""Eu conheci a Bia por acaso, no mundo da internet. A afeio foi instantnea. Participei do Rock Your Life e a energia e criatividade dela foram fundamentais para eu dar um novo ar ao meu trabalho. A Bia tem paixo e transmite isso em tudo o que faz, ela enrgica! Sua energia e inspirao nos contagiam."" - Ruby Borba"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Your Official Breakdance Fundamentals Course" |
"Want to Learn How to Breakdance?Breaking, commonly known as Breakdance is one of the coolest Street Style dances. It requires a lot of practice and can look amazing when done right. It is a Style that you see people on TV do, and many attempt to do the same. This is the Beginners Guide to Breaking (Breakdance), and is suitable for people with little or no experience. The course covers the Breaking basics, Top Rocks, Get downs, Down Rocks, Freezes, Power Moves and more. Not sure what that all means? You will learn!If you are serious about learning then this course is for you. It covers the COMPLETE basics that areperfect for a COMPLETE beginnerwho knows absolutely nothing about Breaking but wants to learn.This is Not Just a Course, but aPersonal GUIDE as wellto help you on your journey to unlocking the movesyou've always wanted. You'll have access to a30-Day Beginner's Schedule that will teach youthe foundations of this dancestep by step.In addition, we'll also be sharing our secrets and techniques that will help you learn difficult moves with ease.Who will be teaching?Graham,known asbboy Kilo. He represents his dance crew, Titanz and 8Ball from New York City.Henry, known asbboy Henrae. Also representing 8Ball from New York City.They havebeen dancing for almost a decade and have participated in many tournaments. While Henry focused more on mentoring students, Graham loved competing andhave won many competitions.He was placedTop 32 out of 200+ dance crews in one of the world's most competitive Breaking competitions,Silverback Open Championships (UDEFPro Breaking Tour 2014).Come and train with us and learn to be an AWESOME Dancer!& Have a few Laughs!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM - Material Management -SAP Purchasing hands on Course" |
"If you are looking to become an SAP MM Functional consultant or an end-user in SAP MM, this course will both ""paint the big picture"" as well as ""show you the weeds"" .SAP MM is a very vast subject. The goal of the course is to simplify this process as much as possible.This course does not claim to be the most comprehensive course in MM, nor the most advanced course in MM. It has just one goal - to let you learn SAP MM as simple as possible.In this course, we will learn complete Procure to Pay cycle of Material Management. We will see how to create RFQ, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, Quotation, Invoice Verification etc.Also, there are few articles and PDF attached which will help you understand the Material Management concept in depth.Just remember, slow and steady wins the race. You can't learn everything in a small span of time. SAP is an ocean. You need to learn and understand topic by topic.After completing this course, you can proceed further with Inventory Management course.All the very best!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rehab Construction for Real Estate Investing" |
"This course will educate you the process of Rehab Construction. When this course is over, you will be able to run jobs, hire contractors and understand the steps and process from A-Z. You will become a master rehabber and leader on the field. Knowledge garners power and power garners respect. You will learn how to manage contractors and subs, the 50 step rehab process and the systems and process to start and complete each of your flips. You will walk away with the confidence to take on your next flip as a leader. The overall idea is to understand construction so you know when and how your contractor is performing. We will teach you how to set the expectations from day one k the rehab process."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"International Travel 101: Learn How to Travel the World" |
"This course will give you an easy to follow step by step system teaching you how to plan your own independent overseas trip better, cheaper, and with less stress. Travel is usually marketed as very expensive, time consuming, and inthe realm of onlya lucky few. You can now become a travel expert planning your own trip anywhere in the world on a budget.Have you said the following?I would like to travel, and dont know where to begin,I would like to travel but it is so expensiveThere is so much information online it gets overwhelming.Plan your own dream overseas trip for cheaper with this stress free easy to follow step-by-step system.You can visit many world famous tourist destinations such as Peru, Thailand, or Costa Rica on a budget of just $40 per day.You can also plan amazing trips to destinations such as France, Australia, Japan, or Italy for less than $100 per day.This course will teach you how to plan your own trip whether your budget is $50 per day or $200 per day per person.Learn how to research a destinations, estimate a budget, and develop an itinerary.Learn with easy to follow tutorials how to identify and book the best tour operators, guides, accommodations, flights, transportation, and activities.Includes planning tools such as a travel planning checklist, travel planning worksheet, budget planning tool, and tour operator evaluation form.The course includes over 2hours of high definition video instructions, step-by-step screen casts, 5 useful checklists and worksheets, and easy to use money saving ideas. Tools include the international travel planning checklist, travel planning worksheet, tour operator evaluation checklist, and packing lists. Youll receive bonuses including packing checklists, packing tips, and learning all about travel insurance. You can also ask questions on the course discussion board interacting with other students and the instructor. The course presents you with an easy to follow step-by-step system that will allow you to confidently plan trips anywhere in the world saving money, time, and stress."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Ethical Hacker Certification Exam Prep Course" |
"If you are curious about new technologies and passionate about jump starting your career as a ethical hacker, then this course is for you! The Complete Ethical Hacker Certification Exam Prep Course[1] gives you a solid foundation in all the topics you need to master to pass the Ethical Hacker Certification [1] Exam. Dive into hands-on projects, and defend yourself from would-be-attackers. This course offers you a clear and structured approach to getting certified; as an ethical hacker youll know the ins and outs of cyber-security, overcome security vulnerabilities, and even develop your own protection solutions for networks around the globe. In this course, you will: Learn the business and technical logistics behind penetration testingIdentify evolving threats from different types of hackersReveal shocking truths about the information operating systems can divulgeRealize the power of footprinting on the InternetDetect live systems by inferenceGet by a step-by-step, no-nonsense introduction to cryptographyIdentify differences between vulnerability assessments and penetration testsMaster ways to prevent and disable system hackingProtect yourself from malware, including Trojans, backdoor, viruses, and moreThwart hackers attacking wireless networks and mobile devicesUnderstand the pros and cons of intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention system, and web application firewallsImplement countermeasures to stop SQL injections and other database attacksAnd more!Along the way, youll also watch 15+ special instructor demos and take 15 practice quizzes featuring over 1200 exam questions. More than any other course on Udemy! IT's like buying 2 courses for the price of one! Each question comes with a carefully crafted explanation why each answer choice is right or wrong. Set yourself up for success by working towards exam mastery: I highly encourage you to work through these questions at your own pace in order to test your knowledge.Take a look at the many students who have already used this course to ACE their Ethical Hacker Exam. Don't take my word for it, ask questions to them directly in the forums. Just as Brayden and many others did... Do you want to pass on your first attempt? I did. So I did what Tim told me and I just got my Certification today!! Thanks Instructor TIM! This course made all the difference.Why Learn Ethical HackingA growing number of companies today seek ethical hackers to protect their most sensitive information. Very few days go by without a breaking news story revealing break-ins, security breaches, and massive quantities of data stolen from major business organizations. Companies that house this data are the ones most at risk: therefore, ethical hacking has quickly become one of the most sought after qualifications in multiple industries including government, banking, research and development, retail, real estate, healthcare, and more. Learn an in-demand skill while making the world a safer place. Youll also find that ethical hacking is a surefire way to increase your income and work towards professional development. Why Learn From MeThe ethical hacking landscape is huge and not for the faint of heart. To become a successful ethical hacker, you dont just need the knowledge to pass the Ethical Hacker [1] exam; you also need the real-world skills to excel as a practicing security professional. Thats why this course has been so carefully crafted; I have distilled my 35 years of experience as a technical trainer, consultant, and pen tester into this course material. I have personally taught my Ethical Hacker Exam prep course in person well over 300 times and have developed a course containing the spot on knowledge of the required skill sets necessary to pass the exam. Whether you take a defensive approach against the would-be attacker or whether you wish to become a penetration tester yourself, the Ethical Hacker exam is designed to assess the tools that are in your security toolbox. If you commit the time and effort to mastering the concepts covered and completing the assignments and quizzes, you will set yourself up for success on exam day.I took a lighthearted approach during the coursejust like I do in my regular classesto make the course more interesting and humorous for you. I greatly enjoy hearing from my students and hope to hear about your success in the future. Preparing for an upcoming exam date? Make sure to check out the So Youre Ready to Take Your Test lecture to gain insights on how to answer questions more accuratelyeven if youre not sure of the answer. By the end of the course, youll have everything you need to ace the Ethical Hacker Certification [1] exam and hopefully encourage new students to take this course. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you.Join me on this journey, and enroll in the course today.References: [1] ""Certified Ethical Hacker"" and ""CEH"" are Registered Trademarks of EC-Council, Note: ""Ethical Hacker"" is not a registered trademark."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Dance: The Hip Hop 2 Step" |
"The hip hop 2 step is the most important move you will master because it is the foundation for many other hip hopmoves. Learn and master this dance move in this 10 lesson comprehensive course.Layers Upon LayersIn this course, you will learn that a proper hip hop 2 step is not just a simple side to side step but layers upon layers of moves. Ceech will teach you the up-down, the rock back, the double time, and tempo change. Most importantly, Ceech will teach you how to stay on beat.By the end of the course, you will learn to incorporate all of these layers of moves together.Repetition is KeyThe more you practice, the more natural you will look. The course is designed for you to practice each lesson at 3 different tempo: 1/2 time, 90 bpm (beats per minute), and 110 bpm.Explanation Videos & Exercise VideosWith over 20 years of teaching experience, Ceech explains the key elements of each exercise video as well as many potential pitfalls and/ormistakes that most beginning students might make. You will watch each explanation video before watching andpracticing to its respectiveexercise video."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Dance: Shuffle / Running Man" |
"The Shuffle / Running Man is one of themost important move you will master because it is the foundation for many other hip hopmoves. Learn and master this dance move in this 9lesson comprehensive course.Layers Upon LayersIn this course, you will learn that a proper shuffle / running manis not just a simple running momentbut layers upon layers of moves. Ceech will teach you this move progressively by starting with a simple jumping jack; slowly, he will make minor adjustments to incorporate knee raises, doubling, arm variations, and free style combos. Most importantly, Ceech will teach you how to stayon beat.By the end of the course, you will learn to incorporate all of these layers of moves together.Repetition is KeyThe more you practice, the more natural you will look. The course is designed for you to practice each lesson multiple times.Explanation Videos & Exercise VideosWith over 20 years of teaching experience, Ceech explains the key elements of each exercise video as well as many potential pitfalls and/ormistakes that most beginning students might make. You will watch each explanation video before watching andpracticing to its respectiveexercise video."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Previous life horoscope- The step-by-step course" |
"The Previous Life can be found in each individuals horoscope, containing data on the karmic built-up and debt, from a past existence. This information regarding both a previous life as well as the current destiny, is offered by the position of the plants and the karmic elements in the zodiac and houses, as well as by other calculations.Karma represents what individuals have gathered from their previous lives, how they acted and how they took on the lessons they have dealt with and the start base in building a new life-plan they should take on. In a natal horoscope, the karmic duties are given by Saturns position, indicating a major spiritual mistake which would lead to repeating an existential lesson until it is undertook, in the South Node, which represents a position in the nativity concentrating all previous and Liliths karmic duties, bringing about a karmic duty from a previous life, when the individual has not accepted their condition. Destiny has to do with current life and focuses on the individual evolution that has abide by the vocation undertook at birth. Throughout life, the individual must solve thee karmic duties brought on from their previous life and also carry on the current life plan. In a natal horoscope, Vocation is given by Neptunes and the North Nodes positions within the zodiac and houses. Apart from these planets and karmic elements, which are paramount in determining karma and destiny, the rest of them are important for an individuals life. Consequently, the Sun and the Moon offer information on personality and feelings. Mercury, Venus and Mars indicate how the physical, psychical and emotional skills were used in a previous life and how the individual will now benefit from the acquired qualities and flaws. Jupiters position offers an insight on the missed changes the individual experienced in a previous life and where they could now benefit from luck and divine intervention; Uranus position shows the unforeseeable and mandatory events of a previous life and how the mental and spiritual expansions will take place, and Plutos position shows which were and will be the major life changes. We will now tackle the significance of planets and karmic elements for the zodiac constellations and houses in order to determine the karmic dimension and mapping the individuals directions of evolution of this life. Press the ""Take this Course"" button right now to join us and we will see you on the inside to start your journey in the world of Past LifeAstrology!________________________________________________________________________PS: Don't worry, you have a 30 day money back guarantee, so if there is something you don't like or you feel that you didn't learn anything useful, you can always have your money back. No risks involved for you whatsoever!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn complete Java - Core Java & JSP & Servlets" |
"This course has been prepared with great efforts to make you learn Core Java programming in an easy-to-understand and relaxed manner. The journeystarts from datatypes passingthrough OOPs coding, constructors, method overloading, packages, interfaces, exception handling, multithreading, String handling and more. All the concepts have been put forth with the help of fully explained slides followed by complete programs.I assure you that this meticulously designed course will bust the myth that Java is difficult to master. It will definitely brace you to move ahead and learn Advanced java (J2EE), Android, Hadoop etc."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Become a Modern Edison: Inventing for Fun & Passive Income!" |
"Happily I've discovered a process to take almost any product idea or invention Ihave and turn it into a reality. Even better, it's easy to then sell these new products on autopilot while you come up withy our next big idea or sip mai-tais on the beach. I had to share it!Iknow it can feel like all the good invention ideas are already taken - but Ican't emphasize enough how with the power of the Internet - there REALLYhas never been a better time to invent than TODAY. I look forward to having you join me on the road tobecoming a modern-day Edison : )"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Character Design: From Concept to Vector" |
"Hey, everyone!Welcome to my class""Introduction to Character Design - From Character Development to Digitization and Turnarounds"".Characters are everywhere and they are really fun to create. I am creating this class for anyone who is willing to learn character design. In this class, I have explained the fundamentals of creating characters, the design process, and practical approach for creating a character that everyone will love.This class is about theprocess and workflowthat you can follow fordesigning versatile charactersand is a perfect introduction for beginners.Character designingis vast industry in itself. It's diverse, its competitive and is growing everyday. More games, apps, animated movies and such contents are being consumed today, more than ever before.If you are creative and know how to draw stuffs. You should give it a try. Learning how to design different characters is greatbecause acharacter is what drives a story. In this class, we are gonna be talking about different archetypes, gestures, and background of a character. Archetype is a very typical example of acertain type of person or thing. It lays the foundational definition of any character, even before it takes any final shape.You will learn how to do creative research around the character. How to construct different physical elements of any character based on basic shapes. How to develop a concept into a functional character.We will also see how to designorthographic projectionsof any character, which is also known as""turnarounds"".You will love how detailed a character is even in its simplest form.Finally, I will discuss the best practices of using adobe illustrator. Vectoring any character design in Adobe Illustrator has a tonof advantages on your side. If you are familiar with adobe illustrator, then great. If not then you still can easily follow this class.You can try different forms, tweak different colors, apply textures or develop different variations. You can even use it for animations or for designing illustrations based on that character, directly from Illustrator.I welcome you to all to my class."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Surface Pattern Design : Create Scandinavian Patterns" |
"This class is about creating surface patterns and is a perfect introduction for beginners. In this class, you will learn about the Scandinavian style of design. Which is characterized by simple forms and clean lines, adding elegance to such designs, without affecting its functionality.Scandinavian influence in pattern design is nothing new. It's widely used in brand identities, modernist graphic designs, furnishing, and interior decors.The most mesmerizing feature of such an elegant style is how things are boiled down from complexity to something very simple. Something very pleasing to the eyes. In this class, we are gonna be talking about how to start working on a piece of asurface pattern. And how to minimize the details of an element in the design.If you are familiar with Adobe Illustrator, then great. If not then you still can easily follow this class. We will learn how to digitize pattern sketches. How to mix and complete the puzzle pieces while designing a repeating pattern.You will learn quite a few things related to the smooth workflow of how patterns are designed. How to break down an object into simple shapes. How you can try different color moods in the same pattern design, without touching individual elements of the design. You will love the creative control while designing such patterns.Finally, you will learn how to use this patterns for different purposes and end use in mind.I welcome you to all to my class.---(Music Used In Class Trailer:Mariont Beats - War Is Hell (Epic Amazing Old School Rap Beat Hip Hop Instrumental) byYourRapBeatsTVis licensed under aCreative Commons License. )"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Icon Design: Create Custom Flat Icon Designs" |
"Iconsare auniversal languageand it is everywhere whether it iswebsite, applications, products and various signages. But when it comes to learn icon design, there are very less resource out there. Very few resource available that are really useful and which guide to the icon design process. That's why I created this course to fill this gap.The class begin with theicon design fundamentals, then I have discussed theicon design processwhich you can follow to create your icon sets. Finally I will show you how you candigitalizethem in adobe illustrator. I will show you how you can use basic shapes to create beautiful icons. In between I will share tips that will help you in becoming better designer.Whether you are a designer, student or anyone who is interested in learning icon design. This class will help you in understanding the world of icon design."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Texturing For Designers - Bring Life to Design With Textures" |
"Hello,I welcome you all to my new class""Texturing For Designers - Bring Life to Design With Textures"".This class is all abouttextures. Textures are key element to make your artwork real from digitally rendered object.Textures add soul and tactile visual quality to any artwork.That's why i created this class. In this class you will learn:What are texturesTools to capture texturesWhere you can find texturesCreating workable texture fileApplying textures in adobe photoshopApplying textures in adobe illustratorCreating texture brushesThis class is for anyone, whether you are adesigner, artist, logo designer, visual artist.If you work onadobe photoshop and adobe illustrator, then this class is for you.So, enroll in this class and start this new adventure.Let's get started!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Course Bundle Exploring Art : Silhouette & Linear Line Art" |
"Hello Everyone,This is a special bundle class. Here i will discuss two different art style in different directions. In first, i will discuss about ""Silhouette Art"". Using ""Silhouette Art"", we will create beautiful prints. In second class, i will discuss ""Linear-Line Art"". Using the art, we will create a beautiful illustration.Class 1Welcome to my new class ""Designing Repeating Surface Pattern: From Silhouette Art To Products, Prints And More"". In this class we will create surface pattern design with Silhouette Art. Silhouette Art is a technique used by designers all around the world in different projects. So, in this class i will show you, how you can apply this technique in your surface pattern design project. In Silhouette Art, we create designs using silhouettes. It can be colorful or just black & white. I will start from scratch. We will discuss how you can choose theme for project, create inspiration board, create elements from inspiration board and finally use everything to digitize in adobe illustrator and finish pattern.You should take this class, if you are interested in surface pattern design, or you want to explore this new side of creativity. So, get you creative juice flowing and enroll for this class.Class 2Welcometo my new class""Exploring Illustration Art - Linear Illustration (From Concept to Vector"".In this class i will discuss about the art form""Linear Line Art or Continuous Line Art"".This is a widely used technique by artists and designers all around the world. The art form is unique, adaptive, fun to work with and very creative. So, in this class i will show you,the fundamental of linear line art, how you can create them and what are the important rules you must know. After that we will finish the artwork in adobe illustrator.Creating Linear Line Illustrationis a great fun, you will enjoy the process. Anyone can take this class.You should take this class, if you are interested inillustration design, learning new art-formor even you just want to try out adobe illustration. There is something for everyone.So, join me and let's begin the fun."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Gestalt Principles & Pattern Design : Create Festive Pattern" |
"Festive seasonis going on, season of gifts and you also want to gift something to your close ones.But What?What can be more special gift for anyone thanpatterndesigned by you?Join me in this special class where i will teach you creating pattern repeats especially for this festive season usinggestalt principles.In this class i will start with discussing gestalt principles, what are its type, how you can design patterns using it. Then i will walk you to theillustrator techniquesand we will digitize pattern together.By the end of this class, you willcreate a beautiful patternthat you can include in a product and gift to your friends and relatives.This class is for designers, illustrators, artists, aspiring surface designers or anyone who just want to make gifts for their friends and have some fun.So, Join me in this beautiful journey and explore new world of gestalt!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Illustrative Surface Patterns Design : From Life To Products" |
"Welcometo my new classCreating Illustrative Surface Patterns & Repeats: Capture Life Moments on Products.As you already know the best part of being a surface pattern designer is the scope of creativity. As a surface pattern designer, you are free to explore anything & everything. We will do same in this class.In our life we encounter with some very creative and beautiful moments, but we usually just use them to upload on Facebook or Instagram. We forgot that they are more precious and useful that just showing them to others.And that's what this class is all about. In this class, I will pick some creative moments and convert them to surface pattern design. This class will help you in exploring this new side of creativity and force you to think like a designer.You should take this class, if you are interested in surface pattern design, or you want to explore this new side of creativity. So, get you creative juice flowing and enroll for this class.Enroll Now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Masterclass - Become Efficient & Achieve Goal" |
"Everybody says that ""time is money"". Every successful person you can recall is good attime management and productivtiy. No goals can be achieved without aproper plan and dedication.Learning how to effectively manage time is as important as completing a college degree. Whereas I still doubt about the later. That is why i created this class. To make you understand the core concept of productivity and how you can achieve goals in your life.In this class, i will discuss about productivity,how you can achieve short and long term goals.I know everyone wants to be successful, but your ability to set a path within a deadline, is what makes all the difference. I will also share tips and strategies which you can use to plan your goal. You will learn about how ton plan your days and save time to do what really matters to you. Lastly, I will show you how you canuse technology to boost your productivity.Productivity is all about effiency and my goals for this class is to make you far more efficient than before.This class is for everyone. Whether you area professional, a student or an entrepreneur. No matter which industry you are involved in, you should find this class great for your improving your productivity.Join me in the class, and start chasing your dreams. Dreams can be only realized in real life, if you know how to break it into different short and long term goals, with practical deadlines attached to them. No matter how wild or big your dreams are, you can achieve it. Just remember, wilder the dream, it needs wilder version of yourself.If you are motivated and patient about your dreams, now, all you need is handful of productivity for marching efficiently towards that dream.Remember, you have one life, live everyway you want to. Don't let bad habbits, loose productivity or shallow work ethic stop you. Take a moment to understand how to be productive in your daily life.So, let's dive right in."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"eBay - Automate Drop shipping Listing Creation & Stock Sync" |
"There are many eBay drop-shipping sellers using third party retailers to fulfil their shipment. Drop-shipping listings usually are priced high and get low chance of sale for each listing. Those sellers must create big number of listings in order to get sales. The more, the better.This creates challenges for them.How to create a large number of listings with minimum effortHow to avoid item out-of-stock in third party when eBay sales arriveAutomation is the solution.I developed two Apps (dsLister and dsStockMgr), which solve these two problems.dsLister is able to create eBay listings from Home Depot , WalMart, or Overstock in bulkdsStockMgr will sync eBay inventory with source stock automaticallyBoth Apps run on local computer (Mac and Windows)and are based on MS Excel files. This makes eBay listing management very easy.WithdsLister, you can easily create 100 or 200 eBay listings at once. WithdsStockMgr, you will never worry about out-of-stock in yourHome Depot source.In this course, I will introduce these two Apps and give a video tutorials. If you are using Home Depot, WalMart, or Overstock as your primary source to fulfill your shipment, then these two Apps can be big helper to you, they can do more than a VA (virtual assistant) can do, but with very low cost."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding the Middle Ages" |
"The purpose of the course is to clarify key points of medieval history and discover causes and connection between historical events and their aftermath during the Middle AgesAt the end of this course students will be able to develop their knowledge about the Middle Ages. They will have a better understanding of the social and political environment of the period as well as motives and lifestyle of medieval people.My course consists of 6 sections and 12 lectures:Introduction(motivation, purpose of the course)ollapse of the Roman Empire (Impact of the Roman Empire,Economy and social life, Barbarization, Crisis of authority)Middle Ages( The main features of the Middle Ages)Early Middle Ages (The Byzantine Empire and the Rise of Islam, Frankish Empire, Vikings, Turkic tribes, Slavs and Hungarians)High Middle Ages (The main characteristics of the High Middle Ages)Late Middle Ages ( The main characteristics of the Late Middle Ages )ConclusionsSo enjoy your learning and find out simple ways to understand the Middle Ages."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Wealth System Breakthrough" |
"You will learnstep-by-step exactly what to doto build yourprofitable online business and gain time,money and location freedom--and live the dotcom lifestyle! By the end of thiscourse, you will know how to choosethe most profitable products to promote and how to set up theentire system so it runs on autopilot. You will learn themost successful techniques for driving traffic and how to implement them with ease. In addition, you will gain access to the mosteffective recommended resources for your business, includingvaluable bonuses as you move throughout the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Foundations of Computer Design" |
"Learn how a computer works with this basic, but detailed course on the foundations of computer design. In this course you will learn how a computer really works and by the end you will be able to understand the design of a programmable central processing unit. This class is the foundation of a computer science curriculum.Designing your first computer! Learn binary and hexadecimal numbers Understand logic gates Recognize multiplexers decoders and the ALU Learn how to design memory chips and CPU registers Build a basic central processing unit A building block to more advanced computer topics This course starts from the ground up and completes with a fully functioning programmable computer. Advanced computer design topics such as power or speed optimizations are not covered but all the information needed to understand basic computerdesign is packed into this course. A total beginner will likely need to repeat a few of the lectures but it can be understood by anyone who takes the time to study each of the lectures. Anyone who desires to become a computer science expertmust know how processors really work and this course is the first step towards that goal."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |