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"The 30 in 45 Weight Loss & Body Transformation Program" |
"UPDATEDOCTOBER 2018 WITHMOREHELPFUL NUTRITION INFORMATION & TIPS TO HELP YOU TRANSFORM YOUR BODY, HEALTH & LIFE!The 30 in 45 Weight Loss & Body Transformation Program is not a diet!....This is a lifestyle modification and body transformation program the produces the lasting and sustainable changes and results you desire. You see diets are designed to fail, heck, the first three letters of DIET spell DIE, in fact I argue that diets actually lead to the death of weight loss.The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines diet as: ""A regimen of eating or drinking sparingly so as to reduce ones weight"". But, with the 30 in 45 program there are no restrictions on how much you can eat and no countingcalories. With this program you eat whenever you are hungry as long as you eat from the prescribed list ofacceptable foodswhich is liberal in choice and even better one day per week you MUST indulge yourself and eat anything and everything you want.This includes pizza, cupcakes, fried foods, pancakes, beer, cheesecake and anything else you desire (although only once every 7 days).Additionally, the 30 in 45 program allows you to workout at home with no equipment other than your own bodyweight for as little as 48 minutes a week. Its perfect for anyone who is truly serious about taking control of their weight, health, and future."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"12 Week Muscle Building & Fat Loss Transformation Program" |
"This 12 week science based and clinically proven muscle building, fat loss and body transformation program is the most effective and comprehensive program available today.This program was createdbased on my thousands of hours of training countless clients as certified personal trainer, health coach and nutrition consultant and helping them achieve their muscle building, fat loss & body transformation goals.This program removes all the guess work and provides you with bothstep by step, multi-phase trainingand nutrition programs that ensures you will reach your body transformationgoalsover the next 12 weeks.No detail is left to chance in this program. You'll know exactly what exercises to perform, what weights to use, what tempo to lift at and exactly how long to rest during every training session.Likewise you'll know exactly what to eat, when to eat it and why. In addition I'll also share with youexactly what supplements and at what dosages arenecessary to maximize your gains on this program.The bottom line isif you're serious about building lean muscle, losing body fat and transforming your body in just 12 weeks you've come to the right place. I'll guide you through each day of this powerful and transformativeprogramwith videos, downloadable training and nutrition guides and additional resources.It's time for you to stop talking about getting the body you want and start taking the action necessary to achieve it!Sign up now and transform your body and life in the next 12 weeks!I can't wait to help you and I can't wait to see and hear about your results.Today's the day, today's your day!Lets do this!!Enroll now!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The 31 Day Tabata Body Transformation Challenge" |
"Are you sick of being out of shape and overweight?Are you ready to transform your body & life?Are you ready to step up and take the 31-Day Tabata body transformation challenge?If you said yes, I want to welcome you to the revolutionary science-based Tabata Body Transformation Challenge.This program is structured to jump-start your body's fat loss and lean muscle building physiology in only 31 days and 20 minutes a day by following the science-based and clinically proven principles of the Tabata training protocol. Tabata training was discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. They conducted a study using an interval-based training model.Dr. Tabata took two groups and put them on an exercise program for six weeks. The control group did one hour of moderate-intensity exercise five times a week.The other group did the high-intensity Tabata-style training, which equates to 20/10 session repeated eight times. 20/10 simply means 20 seconds of all-out exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times. This adds up to four minutes total. That equates to 1,800 minutes of training for the control group versus 120 minutes of training for the Tabata group over the six-week period.The Tabata group improved both its aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels. In addition to increased fat loss through respiration the Tabata group also increased their anaerobic fitness level by 28% which stimulated additional fat loss through the lactic acid pathwayThis Tabata methodology of training has been shown in numerous controlled studies to burn up to 9 TIMES as much body fat as traditional steady-state cardio while also stimulating the development of lean muscle mass. It doesn't matter if you're just getting started with a fitness program or if you have years of training experience under your belt this program can serve as both a starting point and also help you blast through plateaus in your current training and accelerate your fat loss.I'm so excited that you've decided to join me and will be training with me for the next 31 days. It's true 31 days, one month isn't an excessively long period of time, however, this science-based program is designed to produce big results in a short time.If you truly commit yourself and follow this program as it is designed you will get results...PERIOD! It really is that simple... I SAID IT IS SIMPLE, I DID NOT SAY IT IS EASY, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO WORK HARD, BUST YOUR ASS AND PUSH YOURSELF OVER THE NEXT MONTH IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!But everything you need to succeed is laid out here for you. I've created unique, custom workouts designed to give you that lean hard body you've always wanted!Throughout this entire program, you'll never be alone. What I mean is that unlike most other programs that give you a list of exercises to do on your own, here you just press play and follow along with me. I'm there with you sweating, working hard, through every exercise and every repetition. I'll be right there working out with you, coaching, guiding, encouraging and pushing you to become the very best you can be. This is a truly interactive program, we're in this together!Even better you dont a gym or any fancy equipment. We only use bodyweight exercise and resistance bands for everything we do, so you can do these workouts anywhere anytime!Not only does this program take out all the guesswork out your training I also provide you with a complete food and nutrition guide that is clinically and scientifically proven to enable you to burn body fat, build lean muscle and transform your body! If youre truly serious about getting that lean, hard body youve always wanted youve come to the right place. Go ahead, enroll now and lets get busy transforming your body and your life! Ill see you inside the course and I can not wait to see your transformation over the next 31-days!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Microsoft Outlook 2016 y Mejora tu Productividad!" |
"Al finalizar este curso estars en la capacidad de utilizar las funciones mas importantes de Microsoft Outlook 2016, para mejorar la productividad y el manejo de tu correo electrnico personal o laboral.Aprenders desde lo mas bsico hasta llegar a las funciones avanzadas de Microsoft Outlook 2016 que le permitirn hacer un uso eficaz de su buzn de correo electrnicoEste curso es ideal para toda persona que desee iniciarse dentro Microsoft Outlook 2016, ideapara las secretarias, asistentes y todo profesional en general."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CSS: um passo adiante" |
"**ATENO**Esse curso constantementeatualizado.Ao se tornar aluno, voc tem acesso vitalcio a todos os contedos futuros!>>>LTIMA ATUALIZAO: abrilde 2019<<<Se voc tiver persistncia e disciplina, consegue aprender CSSsozinho. Mas depois de saber o bsico, vai saber o mesmo que todos os outros... Para se destacar, para ir alm, ser preciso dar um passo adiante!Eu comecei a desenvolver sites h 20 anos atrs e o que eu mais queria era que existisse um curso desse tipo... Mas naquela poca a internet estava apenas comeando no Brasil e os recursos para aprender CSS eram raros, ento tive que aprender na marra. Felizmente, agora voc no tem que passar por isso!Neste curso voc tem a oportunidade de aprender tcnicasde CSS usadas por experts do mundo todo, elevando suacodificao CSS ao prximo nvel ao aprender aescrever e estruturar projetos web front-end de maneira mais eficiente, sofisticada e profissional.Imagine voc aprendendo tudo isso para:Trabalhar com tcnicas CSS usadas por profissionais do mundo todoEscrever e estruturar melhor o CSS, dando ensejo a cdigos mais profissionaisUsar uma arquitetura CSS robusta, validada por experts internacionaisConhecer dicas, tcnicas e ferramentas CSS para dar um passo adiante na carreira**INVISTA MENOS PARA MAIS CONTEDO**Por motivos estratgicos, em breve vou tirar esse curso do preo promocional, ento ele s vai ficar disponvel pelo preo cheio de R$249,99... Aproveite para fazer sua inscrio agora!Quando eu comecei, o CSS era bem mais simples e tinha menos recursos.Ento tomei todo o cuidado de reunir todo o material e tcnicas de ponta para voc dar esse passo adiante!Os principais itens da grade do curso so:CSS Orientado a ObjetosSMACSSBEMPr-processadores CSSNamespaces CSSTask RunnersFaa como os mais de 4 mil alunos inscritos nos diversos cursos que eu disponibilizo na Udemy: comprove por si mesmo a qualidade do material (sou um instrutor com uma das maiores notas na Udemy) e inscreva-se no curso!D esse passo adiante no CSS. ;-)"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"CSS Grid: o sistema definitivo de layouts" |
"**ATENO** Esse curso constantemente atualizado. Ao se tornar aluno, voc tem acesso vitalcio a todos os contedos futuros! LTIMA ATUALIZAO: julho de 2020 **INVISTA MENOS PARA MAIS CONTEDO** O preo do curso pode aumentar porque novos contedos so sempre inseridos. Ao adquirir agora, voc tem acesso vitalcio a tudo sem pagar mais nada!No curso CSS Grid: o sistema de layouts definitivo o aluno conhecer CSS Grid Layout, a mais nova especificao para a construo de layouts de web sites, tornando-se capacitado a codificar layouts atravs desta nova tecnologia e aprimorando suas capacidades no front-end.O curso aborda:Explicaes tericas sobre CSS Grid LayoutNovas abordagens para a construo de layouts com CSS GridConstruo de grids em layouts ""do mundo real""Novas unidades e funes CSS para construo de layoutsDiversos exemplos prticos de construo de gridsE, atravs destes conhecimentos, aprender a:Trabalhar com tcnicas diversas de construo de layouts com CSS GridConhecer as possibilidades que CSS Grid Layout traz Conhecer dicas, tcnicas e macetes sobre gridsPara voc que j trabalha com front-end desenvolvendo sites diversos e quer conhecer a mais nova tecnologia CSS para a construo de layouts responsivos -- que, com absoluta certeza, surpreende pela facilita e novas possibilidades! --, certamente o curso CSS Grid para voc!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Apache Maven-Quick Start" |
"This course isdesigned to help you understand the core concepts of Apache Maven and get you startedon writing build automation scripts independently using it.You start with Maven installation and learn to make somecustomizations to it.Then you create asimple hello world java project automatically using Maven commands and with the help ofthis simple project you would learn various things that make Maven the de-factostandard that it is today.You will also learn toDownload and install Apache MavenMake use of Maven's central repositoryUnderstand concepts of Maven plugins, Maven dependencies, Maven lifecycles, Maven Project Coordinates, Maven goalsCreate a webapp automatically, using maven quick-start commands,Run code checks using Maven pluginsRun automated tests using JUnit plugins for ApacheMavenCreate multi-module java projects using MavenFinally deploy to a web server like Tomcat- all using Maven.Auto-generate great documentation for your project using mavensite lifecycle.The course is focused on getting you started real fast on Maven with lots of hands-on.To top it off, youwould be learning all these Maven concepts and implementing them on Eclipse IDE thatis free, open source and easy to use.The theory is kept crisp and is always accompanied with hands on in order to make the course more engaging."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DevOps CI CD with Jenkins" |
"DevOps CI CD using Jenkins, Git and ANT!This course will teach you DevOps concepts of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, with emphasis on Jenkins, Git and ANT build automation.It has been designed so that you would first get a conceptual understanding of what is DevOps and terms like Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and their differences before getting hands on with the software.After that you would be guided throughJenkins installationJenkins set upJenkins UI walkthroughBuilding your own simple Jenkins hello-world jobUnderstand differences between DevOps Continuous Integration, DevOps Continuous Deployment and DevOps Continuous DeliveryBuild a fully functional and complex DevOps CI CD pipeline in JenkinsHow Jenkins aids in DevOps CI CD processJenkins jobs that integrate with Git source control repository, fetch code, build and deploy artifacts in a fully automated wayJenkins distributed architecture with Master and Slave on both Unix and Windows systemsGenerate useful notifications from Jenkins in success/error/failure scenariosBasics of Git and ANT build automation scripting, thereby making you ready to implement a complete DevOps CI CD solution from scratch using Jenkins, Git and ANT at your organization.The course goes over each of the topics - DevOps, Jenkins, Git, ANT, Distributed builds step by step in sufficient detail and adopts a code/work along method so that students can run scripts/jobs/programs in parallel to the instructor.The theory has been kept to a minimum and crisp, just enough to get you the context before you start hands on."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"NodeJS API Development with Express MongoDB and Mongoose" |
"NodeJS is by far one of the most popularweb server technologies. NodeJSis used by pretty much every big company that needs speed, agility andconcurrency at its core and NodeJS developers are always in demand.In this course you would learnNodeJS, Express framework, MongoDB and Mongoose and develop API s using them.Ihave designed the curriculumto get youstarted with practical coding examples right from the beginning. So whether you want to start of your career with web-technologies or make a career switch, this courseis just right for you.You would first get a brief theory on each of the topics and then dive straight to code-along lectures.You would first learn:Basics of NodeJS, how it works under the hood and what makes it so greatCore NodeJS modules by way of practical coding examplesNode Package Manager(NPM) and how you can import existing modules/libraries and use them to build your App or APINode's Express framework and build a web-server using it. You would get introduced to the concept of developing an APIMongoDB and learn to interact with the database using NodeJS native driversMongoose - a very popular ODM used alongside MongoDBThen you would build a professional lookingAPI using all your learnings and test it.You learn about Git to put your NodeJS API code under version controlFinally you deploy your API built using NodeJS to acloud platform- HerokuAt appropriate stages you would be given exercises and projects to work on that would help you explore on your own and also refresh your learning.It would greatly help if you have a beginner's knowledge on coding in JavascriptThe course goes over the topics step by step in sufficient detail and adopts a code/work along method so that students can run the apps or API s in parallel to the instructor.The theory has been kept to a minimum and crisp, just enough to get you the context before you start hands on."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3d For Newcomers: Using Cycles Render Engine" |
"Blender is awesome platform, in this platform you can create superb quality models which can be exported to any game engines, 3D printer, or other animation software.This course will build a strong foundation from scratch, This course is project based, so you can make your own 3d assets(models). You will create own materials & textures, lighting effects, simulations. You will also learn house designing techniques and camera fly through animation, even you will do video editing quickly and easily. We will use Blenders Cycles render engine to create materials for our objects & lighting the scenes. We shall use the Node Editor to create and modify the materials for our assets(models). This course provides the fundamental concepts and techniques for creation of scenes, modeling, material & texturing, simulation and achieving great rendering output in Blender using Cycles render engine. We shall discuss about camera and rendering settings.You will learn the fundamental concepts and skills regarding three dimensional geometry. We shall begin with Blenders interface and navigation tools deeply, and move steadily into the modeling tools.We shall discuss extrusion , beveling, bridging, welding & other all useful modeling techniques so you will be able to create your own 3d models with ease. We shall make complex models from basic shapes, and you will also learn different Blenders Modifiers & you will make different objects(models) using that modifiers.You will also learn how we can make different simulations like water simulation, cloth simulation, rigid body simulation. You will learn how can we create ocean.We shall discuss about UV mapping techniques. We shall also discuss how can we export our UV maps out of Blender to make own textures in any image editingsoftware like Paintnet, GIMP, and Photoshop.We will then import these texturesinto Blender and will assign these texture to our objectsusing the Node Editor.This course will make solid foundation in Architectural mesh. Architectural adds-on feature will be discussed with you step by step to creating custom room environment. In architectural mesh you will learn how to quickly add rooms to the scene. We shall also add lamp, cabinet, roof, stairs, shelf, rail window, panel window, doors. We shall also discuss how can we add materials, lighting, and camera and render the final scene & we shall also make camera fly through animation. Thecourse will also build strong foundation through setting upBlenders very powerful Video Sequence Editor (VSE). You will learn about Blender's VSE (Video Sequence Editor), Editing your videos, adding 3d scene into video, Adding Text, Adding transitions, Adding Sound(s), adding image(s), Making Soft Cuts, Making hard cuts, compositing techniques, exporting audio, exporting your video for high quality playback Below are some of the reasons why you want to learn Blender Due to below reasons you can join this online training I am completely newcomer (beginner) to 3d worlds art.I want to create own 3d modelsI want to create assets for video games.I am filmmaker and want to learn video editingI want to start a career in modeling and animation industryI want to learn simulation I want to design my dream house, camera fly through etcI want to express myself through 3D artwork.I need comprehensive course covering all of the basics in blenderI have no experience in 3d modeling and animation All videos are high quality and each step is very clear. You can dive into Blender 3d easily. By the end of the course you will be very confident in the fundamentals of 3D modelling, texturing, lighting, animating, rendering, simulating, video editing techniques, you will be able to tackle bigger challenges easily So purchase this course now, in case of future updates to this course are yours completely free of charges Are you ready to accept challenges of 3d worlds industry? Then get this course now and start journey toward 3d modeling and animation using open source and 100% free Blender 3d!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"New Learning Approach to Mental Math" |
"Ever done courses on mental math but hardly remember anything after few days? If Yes, this course is perfect for you.Here, I will teach you the best and refined techniques of mental math which you can learn, practice and apply.Normally it is easy to learn the techniques but difficult to apply. Hence, in this course you will learn 360 degree application of every technique."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build your 1st Arduino Robot: Arduino for Kids & Parents" |
"Be a Creator Today !!! Discover the scientist in you.No risk #30 days money back Guarantee# No boring theories. Start Programming from very 1st Lecture.Are you excited to create something immediately without getting into too much subject theory which bores you? Then you have landed at the right course. Learn Theory while applying themStart learning by applying the fundamentals instead of learning the long theories first. The course has been deliberately kept short to deliver outcomes quickly & we have knowingly skipped few concepts which are not necessary while starting but are learning barriers to start enjoying technology. You will learn concepts to understand the electronics or science behind every item, Circuit designing & building circuits from scratch, logic building for programming Arduino but be assured that you will start building Arduino applications from the very first session. Believe me Robotics is for everyone and you are going to make it a kids stuff during this course.Arduino LED Circuit Design & Control - 10 ActivitiesArduino Motor Circuit Design & Control - 3 ActivitiesVery Simple Arduino Robot - 2 ActivitiesSensor Circuit & Programming - 4 ActivitiesObstruction Avoiding Robot Circuit & Programming - 2 ActivitiesEasy to use, learn 2 software togetherYou will use a Scratch based programming platform which makes it easy for the learners to start writing programs immediately. You will learn different programming concepts like for loop, while loop, if & else statements but in an easy way. You can also learn the coding & its syntax used in Arduino IDE as the software generates IDE codes too.# Student Reviews- This is great i love it.i wish they did this in my school because this is awesome thanks for making this. - Very well done. Material is easy to understand as presented. I am lookng forward to te advance courses for this subject from this instructor - using sketch to see how to write the program is useful - The pictures are very instructive. The lecture is very clear and describes the activities in full."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding for kids: Scratch, Python, HTML & CSS, 3D Design" |
"#The course is divided in 4 Major SectionsLearning basic Programming with3D Design 3D PrintingApplying the learning Electronics Programming, Control & Simulation - Working with 2 Electronic ChipsRobotics Programming, Control & Simulation - Programming Lego, ArduinoIntroduction to Scratch Scratch ProgrammingScratch GamingMoving to Python using fundamentals learned aboveHTML & CSS ProgrammingWeb Designing with Wordpress# Absolutely no hardware requiredThis course has been developed after 6 years of extensive research on STEM, Robotics, Scratch Gaming & Python Programming for kids. We have taken small steps to enhance the knowledge of Math & Programming using a software Robot Simulation.What you will learn ??Learn Scratch ProgrammingLearn Scratch GamingTransition from Scratch to PythonHTML & CSS Programming3D Designing, 3D PrintingElectronic Chips ControlRobotics Programming through Arduino & LegoLearn Math fundamentals through Programming & GamingDrag & Drop based software to learn programming easilyLearn to create Technology through ProgrammingBuild various 3D shapes & print them on 3D printer using ProgrammingLearn to build 2D games on ScratchLearn to build various 2D shapes on PythonControl Electronics & Robotics DevicesLearn about Robotics programming and how robots are made to move and turnUsing timers to wait between two different activities of a robot.Learn other programming fundamentals through Scratch ProgrammingLearn the Engineering & MathYou will learn different programming concepts in an easy way likeFor loopWhile loopIf & else statementsUsing variables Sounds boring but you'll love the way Maths concepts are explained in the course likeNumber linesX Y Z axes3D objects (Cube, Cuboid, Pipe, Tubes etc.)2D objects (Square, Hexagon, Octagon, Decagon, CircleSo, Enroll for the course & Enjoy learning !!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build your 1st Arduino IOT Project & Game : Arduino for Kids" |
"#Only course on this platform teaching Hardware gaming using Arduino to any age group#No special Hardware required for IOT CourseBe a Game Developer&Build your own Arduino Playstation !!Step by step approach to build animations, programming instructions tobuild games &Program theArduino to build your own games which can be controlled by hardware (push button, Sensor)interfaced with the Arduino you will also program your computer so that you can play the games using your keyboard.You will build many games during the courselike Flapping wings Bat GameObstruction avoider Bird can be played using theIR sensorA full fledged Paddle Brick GameCar Racing gameLearn to program fortheGame FeaturesDisplayingDynamic ScoresDisplay messages of Winning or Losing the gameBuild your own IOT (Internet of Things) Applications& be a Game DeveloperStep by step approach to build IOTsystems. Learn basic IOT fundamentals to develop & build your own applications on IOT without using special hardware.Control an LED from Internet, Mobile & KeyboardControl a Robot from Internet, Mobile & KeyboardBuild a Home Security system with remote control fromany part of the worldAnybody canlearnIOT Applications &Game DevelopmentScratch based software to build the animations & programming the Arduino, making it easy & effortless to build great IOT Applications &games for any age group from any background.Build anygame you can imagineThis course will help you learntoLearn to interact with your Arduino through Internet, Mobile & KeyboardBuild Graphics AnimationsConvert the animations intosoftware gamesInterface Arduino & hardware with the games and play them through the Arduino or keyboard"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Robotics, IOT, Gaming : Arduino for Kids & Parents" |
"Be a Technology Creator Today !!! Discoverthe scientist in you.# No boring theories. Start Arduino Programming from very 1st Lecture.Are youexcited to create something immediately without getting into too muchsubject theory which bores you? Then you have landed at the right course.#30 days money back Guarantee but you wont need that :)# Students Reviews- Easy Step by Step Course- Great into to IOT - This is a very useful course i have completed 1/2 of the course with in 1 or 2 weekends i have learnt a lot and i teach to my friends and i have i got second position and i am very happy. Learn Theory whileapplying themResearch has shown that theoretical learning leads to decrease in interest in the subjectand is one of the biggest hindrances to learn new things or new Technology. That's why we have created an Arduino course for every body where you start building Arduino applications and learn theory along with it. You can make such a complicated Technology look like a kids stuff !!The 3 Partsof the CourseArduino Robotics to learn all the fundamental of Arduino Hardware & ProgrammingArduino Internet of Things (IOT) to learn applications of ArduinoArduino Hardware Game Design course to program Arduino as a Game ControllerThe course has been deliberately kept shortto deliveroutcomesquickly &we have knowinglyskipped few concepts which are not necessary while startingbut are learning barriers to start enjoying technology.You will learn conceptsto understand the electronics or science behind every item, Circuit designing & building circuits from scratch, logic building for programming Arduinobut be assured that you will start buildingArduino applications from the very first session.Easy to use, learn 2 softwaretogetherYou will use aScratch basedprogrammingplatform which makes it easy for the learners to start writing Arduino programs immediately. You will learn different programming concepts like for loop, while loop, if & elsestatements but in an easy way.You can also learn thecoding & its syntaxusedinArduino IDE as the software generates IDE codes too.Build your own Arduino Robotics &Arduino IOT (Internet of Things) ApplicationsStep by step approach to build IOTsystems. Learn basic IOT fundamentals to develop & build your own applications on IOT without using special hardware.Build step by step electronic circuits for LEDs & MotorsBuild electronic circuits Control an LED from Internet, Mobile & KeyboardControl a Robot from Internet, Mobile & KeyboardBuild a Home Security system with remote control any part of worldBe a Game Developer&Build your own Arduino Playstation !!Step by step approach to build animations, programming instructions tobuild games &Program theArduino to build your own games which can be controlled by hardware (push button, Sensor)interfaced with the Arduino you will also program your computer so that you can play the games using your keyboard.You will build many games during the courselikeFlapping wings Bat GameObstruction avoider Bird can be played using theIR sensorA full fledged Paddle Brick GameCar Racing gameLearn to program fortheGame FeaturesDisplayingDynamic ScoresDisplay messages of Winning or Losing the gameEnroll today & enjoy Creating Technology !!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Automotive plant Design : Automobile Engineering" |
"A vehicle is designed by a Designer and it is assembled by Non Technical persons on the manufacturing plant. ""Manufacturing of Hi-tech engineering products with Non Tech people is the Art & Science of Plant Design""# One of its kind course on Udemy !!This is a Practical course on Automobile Manufacturing Plant Design & Setup.Key Learning / Outcome1. How an Automobile Mfg Plant is designed2. Capacity Planning of the Plant3. What are the different teams and how do they work together4. What is a Plant Layout and its significance5. Planning the Process for Automobile ManufacturingA car has approx. 15000 parts which are assembled in the Plant. From Designing to Assembling the car on production line is not a simple journey. It requires Setting up of such a facility where any body can manufacture such a sophisticated machine.The real Engineering is to simplify complicated things."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Vocabulary : 70 English words, picture vocabulary" |
"# Learn 70 words in < 3 hrs # 30 days money back guaranteeEmbark into the world of easiest way to memorize wordsThe complete Course is based on brains capability to retain a pictorial representation, having unique information embedded in it. To memorize a word, we are representing the word as a picture and then connecting it to its meaning. We will help you to capture this unique information through our well designed and very meticulously researched package. Once this information is captured by you, its a cake walk to recall the meaning of the word and vice versa. # You won't be able to forget the wordsWe wont claim big but most of you would be able to remember all the words as soon as you finish this Course. And above all if you follow the instructions properly, you will be able to retain them for as long as you want. They will be so strongly imbibed in your brain that even if you force yourself to forget them, you simply wont be able to do that.USP of CourseSpeedy Learning - 2.5 min / word Words with Memory techniquesUnique Image for each WordEasy to remember & applyEnroll for the course & Enjoy Learning... All the best !!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to estimate a Fair Value of your home or property" |
"Are you planning to BUY/SELL a House / Property ?? Do you know the right price ???In this course we will discuss various methods to Calculate the right investment price even if you are buying it for your personal use.You dont make profit when you sell. You make profit when you Buy -Warren BuffetTherefore it becomes very important to buy a property at a right price which is also known as FAIR VALUE. A Property can beOver Priced or Over ValuedRightly Priced or Fair ValuedUnder Priced or Under ValuedThe methods taught in the course are applicable to USUKIndiaChinaEverywhere in the worldeven if you have Moved into any new place You can calculate the FAIR VALUE of any property in any country/ village/town in MINUTES. So make a SMALL Investment by enrolling in the course to save BIG in your PROPERTY investments.All the best !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Get Wholesale Real Estate Deals In 7 Days Or Less" |
"Welcome to Get The Deals Now. This course is designed to teach you how to acquire heavily discounted houses as quickly as possible. Hence, the name Get The Deals Now. My name is Tyrus Gross and Ive been buying and selling houses for over 27 years. I started investing in real estate in Los Angeles, CA in 1989. The first lecture briefly provides my background and discusses some of the struggles I encountered in the early years. It also teaches you how to avoid the same mistakes that I went through. The course quickly moves on to teach you how to quickly find and buy wholesale houses from wholesalers wanting to assign their contracts to you. Therefore, helping you to avoid many of the headaches and stress related to trying to find the houses yourself. In other words, this course is truly a shortcut to dramatically decrease your learning curve and catapult you to success as quickly as possible. At the end of this course, students will be able to easily find houses with a lot of equity in seven days or less. They will also be able to find private lenders to fund their deals and learn how to sell their houses quickly. This course is for both the beginning real estate investor and for the experienced investor looking to take their business to the next level. The course is divided into five sections 1) Buying Houses From Wholesalers, 2) Funding Your Deals, 3) Auctions To Sell Your Property, 4) Bonus: Land Trust and 5) Forms. The first section gives you several ways to find wholesalers very quickly and I also provided some current wholesaler websites you can access today. Buying Houses From Wholesalers is the first section of this course because I wanted you to be able to find deeply discounted houses quickly and avoid wasting many months trying to find these deals yourself. The second section teaches you how to find Private Lenders that can quickly fund your deals (these are not your conventional banks) that you buy from wholesalers this includes the name and website of a company that is actively funding several deals each month right now. Auctions To Sell Your Property is one of the fastest ways to sell your house and speaks for itself. The Land Trust section is truly a bonus from me to you and was created by an experienced real estate attorney to protect your real estate assets against lawsuits. I spent well over $1,000 to have them produced and is absolutely essential if you are not going to sell your houses quickly. If youre going to hold on to them as rental properties, these documents are extremely important. You will receive the fill-in-the-blank version as well as the full instructions on how to fill the blanks in yourself. The last section is Forms. You will find all the forms mentioned in previous sections here. The appropriate form is also attached as a resource to its related lecture."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Smarter Homes: Home Automation with Apple HomeKit" |
"SmartHomes are no longer just for the tech elite. They aren't for rich home owners or for just the technical wizards. SmartHomes are here today and Apple HomeKit has made it easier for all of us to make our lives just a little bit easier.Who can benefit from HomeAutomation today:Parents who's kids leave the lights onAirbnb owners who don't want to give out physical keysRealtors who want to give their properties that edge to sell just a little fasterAnyone who wants to make their lives just a little bit easier.In this course, you'll learn how to start automating your home based around the Apple homeKit ecosystem of products.You'll learn-What is Apple HomeKit?- What do you need to get started?- Setting up your first Apple Home- Working with the three basic HomeKit accessorieslightsplugssensors-Setting up some automations and triggersWe'll compare some products on the market. Help you chose what's right for you and give you some ideas on how to make the most of your investments.We'll cover homekit accessories partners such asPhilipps HueLutroniHomeKoogeekElgatoFibaroand more!Advanced Topics:For those of you who want to know more, I'll also include some advanced topics which will be CLEARLYmarked such asDeveloper KitsCommunications protocolsSignal RepeatersRoutersDHCPand othersRemember these advanced topics are NOTrequired for you to get started!Feel free to skip any ofthese thatyou're not interested in.I can't wait for you to join me in making your house a smart home.Christopher"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Lo Still Life con 1 solo Flash - SUB ENG" |
"ADDED ENGLISH SUBTITLES!E' incredibile quello che puoi realizzare utilizzando 1 SOLO FLASH!Il controllo della luce alla base dellafotografia di Still Life.E se la controlli ti baster un'attrezzatura base per ottenere la luce che vuoi tu!Assisterai alla realizzazione delle 3 fotografie che vedi nel video di presentazione e in sole 2 ore imparerai:come e dove reperire i materiali per glisfondiquali accessori sono indispensabili per lo still life e perchcome reperirli a basso costo o auto-costruirli Vedrai nel dettaglio la tecnica del multi-scatto, che consente di illuminare i prodotti step by step ed ottenere immagini pi tridimensionali.Organizzerai la tua postazione di scatto remoto, per ottimizzare i tuoi shooting everificare sin da subito come disporre il tuo flash.Dopo ogni scatto si passa direttamente allo sviluppo dei file raw e poi alla fusione degli scatti in Photoshop, dando sguardo a come si usano le maschere e gli strumenti per la rimozione delle imperfezioni.Un video corso completo, che ti accompagna dalla preparazione del set all'editing delle immagini:senza saltare alcun aspettosenza dilungarsi in inutili chiacchieresenza proclami autocelebrativiLasciamo che siano le immagini a parlare per noi!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Still Life: Sfondi Digitali che Spaccano!" |
">>Please Read This<<I'm editingthe englishversion of this course.If you want to be informedwhen it will be online, please send me a privatemessageSostituire gli Sfondi alle tue foto di Still Life non mai stato cos Semplice!Non importa che tu abbia tantissimo spazio a disposizione o se scatti nel salotto di casa.In questo corso ti mostrer tutto quello che c da sapere per ambientare i tuoi scatti in post produzione.Ti mai capitato di sostituire lo sfondo di una tua foto e di ottenere una sorta di effetto immagine incollata?Ecco, in questo corso scoprirai come evitarlo e quanto facile sia, una volta capito il meccanismo, poter ambientare i tuoi scatti dove e come preferisci.Realizzer assieme a te 3 Fotografiedi barattoli, diversi tra loro ma con una caratteristica comune:essendo oggetti tondi, sono difficili da illuminare bene e riflettono tutto quello che c attorno, compresa la luce parassita che se ne va in giro per il set!Ti mostrer quindi cosa fare per illuminarli correttamente e ti spiegher:le tecnicheda utilizzare in fase di scatto per evitare leffetto immagine incollata come controllare la luce per evitare che se ne vada per conto proprioi trucchi per creare effetti di luce spot sullo sfondo e come creare ombre assolutamente realisticheOrganizzerai la tuapostazione di scatto remoto, per ottimizzare al meglio i tuoi shooting e verificare sin da subito come disporre al megliola luce.Per ogni scatto entreremo nel vivo sia dello Sviluppo dei file Raw che poi delleditingdegli scatti inPhotoshopper la sostituzione dello sfondo.Unvideo corso completo, che ti accompagna dalla preparazione del set allediting delle immagini:senza saltare nessun aspetto fondamentale senza dilungarsi in inutili chiacchieresenza proclami autocelebrativi"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Basic Electronic Components: an introduction." |
"This is an introductory course that is meant to provide a high level and basic view at the components that are the heart of electronic circuits. The Course will provide the basics of electronics. A look at passive components such as Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors as well as an introduction to transistors. Algebraic formulas to calculate the equivalent resistance, capacitance and inductance when these components are connected in series or in parallel in a circuit. Foundation laws and theorems that govern the foundation of circuits and circuit analysis. This course contains work with formulas and some mathematics and consequently students need to be able to perform and understand the calculations."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Amateur Radio" |
"This Course is intended to provide an overview of the ham radio hobby and how to start enjoying it. Classes of licenses, privileges, regulating body and how to fulfill the requirements will be provided. Links to question pools for the various classes as well as links to the ARRL and the FCC."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WireWrapping Jewelry Making GutsyGuide: Mastering the Basics" |
"This is anin-depth course with 60 core lecturesthat providesa thorough foundation in the versatile art of wire wrapping. Absolutely no experience is necessary to succeed in this course! All you need are some tools, supplies and the desire to become a proficient wire wrapper!In this course, you will:Demonstrate proficiency in all the wire wrapping basics, including tools, terminology, methods and techniquesConstruct basic wire wrapped components that serve as the structure of entire projects.Combine and connect wire wrapped components to create complete jewelry projects including earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings.Create your own gorgeous wire wrapped designs using the techniques and styles in this course.This course providesmaterial that is targeted to all types of learners. Whether you learn best by seeing, hearing, reading or doing, this GutsyGuide presents concepts and examples in ways that will make sense to you.Projects include:3 pairs of earrings1 anklebracelet4 rings1 necklace1 pendant5 bonus projects, including two pairs of earrings and three braceletsOnce you purchase this course, you are welcome to reproduce any of the projects to make for yourself, as gifts for family and friends, or even to sell for profit!All necessary tools and supplies are outlined in the free previews and I have provided links to the actual items you'll see me use in this course. Alternatively, I offer a kit that includes all of these items in a single purchase - I have provided a link to this as well as a discount code for$20 off the purchase price.Remember, you will have lifetime access to the coursematerial, so you will be able to come back to it at your leisure to watch andreview. You will also have access to me as your instructor to ask questions, give or receivefeedback and share your designs.Enrollment in this course is 100% risk free since your purchase includesa 30-day money back guarantee!Can't wait to see you in class! We're gonna have so much fun!! :)*A portion of the proceeds from every GutsyGuide sale goes directly to nonprofits that elevate women and girls*"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Chainmaille Jewelry Making GutsyGuide: Mastering the Basics" |
"This is a comprehensive, in-depth course with over 60 core lectures. If you're looking fora thorough foundation in the timeless art of chainmaille, this is the course for you. Absolutely no experience is necessary to succeed in this course! All you need are some tools, supplies and the desire to become a proficient chainmailler!In this course, you will:Learn about jump rings, tools, metals, aspect ratio and basic techniques.Construct seven different types of chain with multiple variations of each.Practice One-Ring-At-A-Time (ORAAT) Weaving and SpeedweavingFollow detailed, step-by-step instructions to create ten of myoriginal designs using only the simplest of weaves.This course providesmaterial that is targeted to all types of learners. Whether you learn best by seeing, hearing, reading or doing, this GutsyGuide presents concepts and examples in ways that will make sense to you.Projects include:3 pairs of earrings1 ankle bracelet1 keychain1 ring1 bracelet1 necklace (with a bonus project of matching earrings)1 lariat necklace1 hath panja (with a bonus conversion to a barefoot sandal)Once you purchase this course, you are welcome to reproduce any of the projects to make for yourself, as gifts for family and friends, or even to sell for profit!All necessary tools and supplies are outlined in the free previews and I have provided links to the actual items you'll see me use in this course. Alternatively, I offer a kit that includes all of these items in a single purchase - I have provided a link to this as well as a discount code for$20 off the purchase price.Remember, you will have lifetime access to the coursematerial, so you will be able to come back to it at your leisure to watch andreview. You will also have access to me as your instructor to ask questions, give or receivefeedback and share your designs.Enrollment in this course is 100% risk free since your purchase includesa 30-day money back guarantee!Can't wait to see you in class! We're gonna have so much fun!! :)*A portion of the proceeds from every GutsyGuide sale goes directly to nonprofits that elevate women and girls*"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Beadwork GutsyGuide: Adjustable Beaded Bra Straps" |
"This course shows you,step by step, how to make Adjustable Beaded Bra Straps. If you're looking fora fabulous and functionalsolution to the Tacky Summer Bra Strap Blues, this is the course for you. Absolutely no experience is necessary to succeed in this course! All you need are some supplies and a little bit of time to dedicate to the creative process!In this course, you will:Learn the basic design andtechniques to make single color strapsConvert standard straps into large size strapsCraft strap patterns using two colors and multiple colorsConstruct multiple types of straps using Swarovski crystals and pearlsCreate your own gorgeous bra strap designs using the techniques and styles in this courseThis course providesmaterial that is targeted to all types of learners. Whether you learn best by seeing, hearing, reading or doing, this GutsyGuide presents concepts and examples in ways that will make sense to you.The strap styles taught in this courseinclude:Two ColorLadderTwo ColorSwerveMultiple Color BlockMultiple ColorOmbreMultiple ColorRainbowSwarovski BlackberrySwarovski ChessboardSwarovski IvorySwarovski JetSwarovski Silver NightSwarovski Vitrail MediumSwarovski White AlabasterOnce you purchase this course, you are welcome to reproduce any of the projects to make for yourself, as gifts for family and friends, or even to sell for profit!All necessary supplies are outlined in the free previews and I have provided links to the actual items you'll see me use in this course. Alternatively, I offer kits that includeall items for one pair of strapsin a single purchase - I have providedlinks to thesein the Supplies and Materials sectionsas well as a discount code for15% off the purchase price.Remember, you will have lifetime access to the coursematerial, so you will be able to come back to it at your leisure to watch andreview. You will also have access to me as your instructor to ask questions, give or receivefeedback and share your designs.Enrollment in this course is 100% risk free since your purchase includesa 30-day money back guarantee!Can't wait to see you in class! We're gonna have so much fun!! :)*A portion of the proceeds from every GutsyGuide sale goes directly to nonprofits that elevate women and girls*"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Ansible for the Absolute Beginner - Hands-On - DevOps" |
"""Course is simple and awesome. I always wanted to learn Ansible, I have been through several courses and this is the best."" - StudentTestimonialWhat's in this course?This course introduces a beginner in DevOps to basic fundamentals of Ansible with easy to do hands-on exercises that you can practice right in the browser. The course introduces basic use casesof Ansible followed by an introduction to Ansible Inventory, Playbooks, Modules, Variables, Conditionals, Loopsand Roles. Each lecture is accompanied by a set of coding exercises giving the user a hands-on experience in developing Ansible Playbooks.What is so special about THIScourse?Lectures backed by animated slides makes it simple andeasy to understand. This is the only course that provides Coding Exercises were you can practice Ansible Playbooks right in your browser.""One of the best courses I've taken. The contents andthe explanationare wonderful"" - Student Testimonial""I liked the hands on with task completion. Would recommend to anyone looking for a getting started guide with hands on experience""- StudentTestimonialWhat is Ansible?Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.Legal Notice:Ansible and Ansible Tower are registered trademarks of Ansible, Inc. in the United States and other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Ansible, Inc."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ansible Advanced - Hands-On - DevOps" |
"""This ansible course is very helpful for the folks who has some ansible background. At the end of the labs you can write ansible yamls without googling. Really goodfor Ex-407 exam"" - Student, UdemyWhat is in this Course?This is the second course in the series on Ansible and in this course we will be focusing on advanced concepts in Ansible and some real life use cases. This course is for those with basic understanding of Ansible and are willing gain expertise in developing with Ansible.The course introduces advanced topics such as roles, jinja2 templating, lookups, error handling, vaultetc. The course also discusses strategies, filters and plugins and how to develop custom ones yourself.Why should Ienroll in THIScourse?Lecturesbacked by animated slides makes it simple andeasy to understand. This isthe only course that provides Coding Exercises were you can practice AnsiblePlaybooks right in your browser.""Very good, structured and the most important - HANDS ON - course."" - Student, UdemyWhat is Ansible?Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.Legal Notice:Ansible and Ansible Tower are registered trademarks of Ansible, Inc. in the United States and other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Ansible, Inc."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps" |
"Dockeris an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.This course introduces Docker to an Absolute Beginner using really simple and easy to understand lectures. Lectures are followed by demos showing how to setup and get started with Docker. The coding exercises that accompany this course will help you practice Docker commands and developing your own images using Dockerfiles and practice Docker Compose. You will be developing Docker files for different use cases right in your browser. This way you dont really need to have your own environment setup to get some hands on practice. The coding exercises will validate your commands and Dockerfiles and ensure you have written them correctly.And finally we have assignments to put your skills to test. You will be given a challenge to solve using the skills you gained during this course. This is a great way to gain a real life project experience and work with the other students in the community to develop a Dockerfile and get feedback for your work. The assignment will push you to research and develop your own Docker images.This course is designed for beginners in DevOpsLegal Notice:Docker and the Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Docker, Inc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Docker - SWARM - Hands-on - DevOps" |
"""This is the best course there is on Udemy for all things Docker. I just aced 3 DevOps interviews by studying this course from end to end. Can't wait for the Kubernetes course to come out.!!"" - Student TestimonialLearn advanced concepts in Docker with simple and clearly explained lectures with the help of animated slides. The lectures are followed by Demos. We then go through some coding exercises were you will practice Docker commands, and building your own application stack using Docker compose, Docker Service and Docker Stacks. You will be developing Docker compose files for various applications stacks and setting up cluster with Docker Swarm locally as well as on public cloud infrastructures . And finally we will work on an assignment that will give you exposure in deploying a complex application in Docker Swarm. ""This course is awesome. I am getting in depth knowledge on docker. I subscribed to some other docker courses on Udemy but this one is the best."" - Student TestimonialIn this course we go deeper into the concepts, we look at Docker Service, what a Docker stack is, what Docker Swarm is, what are overlay networks, and how we load balance in Docker. We will look at CI/CD pipeline integration with docker and dockers support on public cloud platforms.What is so special about THIS course?Lectures backed by animated slides makes it simple and easy to understand. This is the only course that provides Coding Exercises were you can practice Docker files right in your browser. Legal Notice:Docker and the Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Docker, Inc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |