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"Big Data e Inteligncia Artificial: Domine os Fundamentos!" |
"Big Data, Inteligncia Artificial e IOT (Internet das Coisas) so fenmenos tecnolgicos relacionados, e esto mudando drasticamente o mundo em que ns vivemos. As nossas vidas, e de nossas empresas, cada vez mais controlada por algoritmos inteligentes. Neste curso, voc vai ter uma imerso nessas tecnologias, entender o que so, quais suas causas e o que devemos esperar para o futuros. Entre os tpicos abordados no curso:Entenda o que Big Data, Inteligncia Artificial e IOTCompreenda a produo massiva de dados, e como isso afeta a tecnologia e nosso mundoDescubra o que vem mudando em termos tecnolgicos com a produo de dados em grande volumeEntenda porque a Inteligncia Artificial est cada vez mais influenciando nossas vidasConhea as principais tcnicas de Inteligncia Artificial j utilizadas hojeTenha um panorama sobre o futuro, que pode ser cheio de oportunidades mas as mesmo tempo sombrio!Voc ter acesso ainda a diversos quizes para reforar os conceitos estudados.Ateno!Embora algumas aplicaes de Inteligncia Artificial sejam mostradas e explicadas, esse no um curso prtico de codificao!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Dashboards Matadores: Domine a Arte de Apresentao de Dados" |
"Criar objetos de visualizao, alm de uma arte, uma cincia. Muita pesquisa feita na rea mostra como devemos alinhar elementos, que tipo de grficos usar, como nosso crebro percebe melhor a informao. Este curso traz um conjunto de recomendaes dos maiores especialistas do mundo no assunto no tema.Inclui Checklist para voc aplicar em seus prprios Dashboards!Aula prtica para aplicar as tcnicas ensinadas (Requer Sistema Operacional Windows)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bootcamp Cientista de Dados: 10 aplicaes Web Completas" |
"Neste curso voc o Marcos, e trabalha para a ABCAnalytics implementado solues para projetos orientados a Dados. De forma totalmente prtica, voc vai aprender a criar aplicaes Web de data science, sem precisar entender de programao para internet (HTML/CSS etc) utilizando Shiny, uma plataforma de desenvolvimento Web que utiliza a linguagem R e o IDERStudio. Neste super curso voc vai desenvolver passo a passo as seguintes aplicaes (classificadas conforme a complexidade):Prevendo quais sero os custos para abrir uma franquia Criando um mentor de Carreira em Cincia de Dados usando Inteligncia Artificial Classificao da qualidade de veculos de acordo com suas caractersticas Estimando a produo futura de um fazenda leiteira Avaliando a probabilidade da quebra de equipamentos em uma fbrica Avaliando se dados esto normalmente distribudos Criando um sistema de recomendao interativo Criando uma aplicao que faz um benchmark entre 10 modelos de sries temporais Explorando e investigando dados pblicos Otimizando a escolha da carga de uma empresa area, tornando seu processo mais lucrativo Cada projeto est composto de:A apresentao do problemaA teoria do ponto de vista de cincia de dados para a soluo do problemaCodificaoInclui curso bsico de Rpara quem no tem proficincia na linguagemVoc ainda pode baixar slides e scripts completos das aplicaes no ambiente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Projetos de Data Science e Big Data" |
"Projetos de Data Science e Big Data possuem caractersticas exclusiva e alto risco de falha. Este curso sumariza 10 anos de experincia do autor em projetos de Data Science, que vo ajudar voc a minimizar riscos em seus projetos, entregando produtos e servios que entreguem de fato valor. Entre os temas abordados voc vai estudar:Pontos a serem observados antes de iniciar um projetoPrincipais riscos que podem afetar um projetoPorque empresas implementam Data SciencePrincipais processosData Science gilChecklist para voc usar em seus projetosInclui ainda atividades para fixar o contedo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel Mistrz - Makra i VBA dla pocztkujcych" |
"Jeli korzystasz z Excela i chciaby usprawni swoj prac, zautomatyzowa pewne czynnoci i po prostu sprawi, e praca bdzie przyjemniejsza to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Dowiesz si jak tworzy wasne funkcje i jak wykorzystywa makra do zwikszania efektywnoci pracy.Zosta mistrzem Excela w swoim biurze!W tym kursiedowieszsi jak tworzy wasne funkcje i jak efektywnie wykorzystywa makra w pracy z arkuszami Excela."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Twrz Gry VR od podstaw w UNITYWirtualna Rzeczywisto VIVE" |
"Witaj w kursie tworzenia gier VR w Unity dla HTC VIVE!Ten kurs ma na celu umoliwi Ci szybki i efektywny start z tworzeniem gier w wirtualnej rzeczywistoci VR w Unity z HTC Vive. Naucz Ci jak dobrze skonfigurowa rodowisko pracy w Unity i SteamVR, tak abymy mogli szybko zacz prac nad tworzeniem scen VR. Zajmiemy si podstawami konfigurowania rodowiska programistycznego i zbadamy cz kodu zawartego we wtyczce Steam VR Unity. Wemiemy pod uwag rozpoznawanie zdarze wejciowych z kontrolerw Vive i uywanie tych zdarze do interakcji z obiektami w wirtualnym wiecie.Do kursu doczam pliki z kodem nad ktrym bdziemy pracowa, tak aby zawsze mg z nich korzysta i porwna je ze swoj prac.Do zobaczenia w pierwszym video!"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Matrisez ClickFunnels de A Z" |
"Avis des tudiants :""Excellente formation pour un dbutant qui souhaite apprendre matriser clickfunnel. Tout y est : technique, marketing, cration de funnel, emailing etc. La formation est claire, prcise et trs complte.""""Trs complet comme formation pour le prix demand trs satisfaisant , merci:)""ClickFunnels est un outil avanc ultra complet, cest larme absolue du web marketeur, vritable machine de guerre ou vous pouvez crer:Des landing pages aux dsigne professionnels. Des minis sites web pour prsenter vos produits Des tunnels de vente automatiss avec du one-clic up-sell. Des tests A/B. Des espaces membres. Des campagnes demails bass sur la segmentation comportementale. Un programme daffiliation. Des webinaires. Et tout cela sans rien connatre la technique, sans plugin, sans devoir faire appel un dveloppeur. Vous pouvez faire des choses que quasiment personne ne ralise sur le web franais, cest--dire des partages de tunnels de vente une de vos connaissances en un clic et a, cest assez grandiose. Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez crer des Funnels ( entonnoir de vente ) qui boostent vos ventes et permettent de rentabiliser vos campagnes publicitaires. Au programme de cette formation Click Funnels : Vous y dcouvrirez le cur de la bte et ses bases, mais aussi tous les lments indispensables la cration d'un funnel profitable ds le 1er euro investi. A l'issu de cette formation ClickFunnels, vous serez mme de crer votre premier funnel en 5 minutes chrono, je vous donnerais 5 types de funnels prts lemploi. Un funnel de lancement de produits Un funnel pour vendre un livre Un funnel pour organiser une srie de webinaires Un funnel pour vendre un produit physique Un funnel de marketing de rseau J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouves que jaie personnellement utilises pour faire des centaines de ventes. Ce programme de 20vidos live inclut, ou je vous montre depuis mon compte ClickFunnels les manipulations raliser. Vous aurez ainsi une premire vue sur les fonctionnalits caches de ClickFunnels, leurs configurations, la manire d'organiser les funnels, les lments vitaux mettre en place avant de commencer annoncer. Ce programme vous permettra enfin d'conomiser des heures tenter de comprendre ClickFunnels et ses multitudes d'options. Vous aurez ainsi la garantie de gagner du temps et de rapidement crer des funnels qui convertissent vos prospects en clients. Ce cours est rgulirement mise jour pour y inclure les nouvelles fonctionnalits et pour que vous soyez jour avec tous les outils prsents dans ClickFunnels."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matrisez SG Autorpondeur Comme un PRO" |
"Grce cetteformation en vido, dcouvrezcomment bien utiliser SG Autorpondeur, solution d'emailingen mode SaaS (pas d'installation de logiciel sur votre ordinateur). Les vidos vous feront prendre en main les principales fonctionnalits du service, notamment l'envoi de newsletters Lancez-vous dans l'email marketing avec cette formation GRATUITE de SG Autorpondeur Grce ce cours, vous apprendrezpas pascomment crer et paramtrer votre compte SG Autorpondeur, crer et grer uneliste d'abonns, crer untemplate(modle) d'emailing ditable trs facilement en drag & drop, envoyer desnewsletters segmentespar profil d'abonns et intgrer unformulaire d'abonnement personnalis sur votre site. Cetteformation SG autorpondeursadresse toute personne amene envoyer des emails marketing : professionnels du ecommerce, responsables communicationet marketing, community managers, rdacteurs web. La formation est pense pour vous permettre d'apprendre utiliser SG, mme si vous tes dbutant en emailing. Ellerequiert une bonne connaissance de lenvironnement informatique et de lutilisation classique des outils de bureautique. A la fin de ce cour vous aurez acquis toutes les fonctionnalits de SG autorpondeur et pourrez envoyer vos premires campagnes demailing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer un produit qui cartonne en 48 heures" |
"Avis d'un tudiant :""Trs bonne formation que vous pouvez suivre pas pas pour lancer votre premier produit, les explications sont claires, l'instructeur vous guide pas pas les cours sont clair et concis Un vrai pas pas pour viter de se disperser et aller droit au but. C'est un rel gain de temps et d'argent, accessoirement)""Dans cette formation sur la cration de produits, vous allez apprendre crer facilement un produit en 48 heures dans une niche ultra rentable et raliser un lancement explosif ds le lendemain. Au programme de cette formation :vousallez dcouvrirla mthode EXACTEqui mepermet de crer un produit rapidement, mais aussi comment leprsenterafin de le rendre unique et vous dmarquer de la concurrence. l'issue de cette formation, vous serez mme de crer votre premier produit et toucher vos premires ventes ds le lendemain.J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouvesque jaipersonnellement utilispour faire des centaines de ventes sur des dizaines de produits crs. Dans ce programme de 13vidosplus1 PDF inclus, je vous montre de A Z comment crer facilement un produit qui cartonne. Dans le premier module, vous apprenez trouver une niche rentable et des ides de produits, je vous montrerais comment tre dans la tte du prospect afin de crer le produit idal quil sera content dacheter. Dans le second module, vous crez votre produit en 48 heures avec la structure EXACT que vous aurez juste recopier, je vous montrerai comment crer une gamme de produits, les outils que jutilise et comment raliser une jacket tape--lil. Dans le troisime module, vous prsentez votre produit afin de le rendre irrsistible, mme si vous dtestez vendre. Nous verrons ensemble 3 stratgies de promotions efficaces que jai personnellement testqui mont permis de raliser des lancements explosifs. Dans le quatrime module, vous crer votre machine vendre, en relanant vos clients sans faire du spam, je vous montrerai 7 moyens pour augmenter le panier dachatet comment augmenter le prix de votre produit en ajoutant de la valeur. Nous verrons aussi comment fidliser vos clients afin den faire des fans et des ambassadeurs de votre marque. Enfin dans le dernier module vous automatisez votre business, je vous montrerais la plateforme que jutilise pour hberger mes produits( facturation, moyen de paiement, espace membre )sans devoir passer par des plateformes aux prix prohibitifs. Ce programme structur vous permettra de crer rapidement un produit qui va se vendre et vous pourrez ds demain commencer faire vos premires ventes, tout comme jai russi le faire, en quelques semaines seulement.Vous aurez ainsi la garantie de ne pas travailler pour rien en ayant choisi la mauvaise niche, mais apprendrez vous-mme crer un produit dans une niche rentable et faire un lancement EXPLOSIF."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Devenez un SUPER AFFILI qui gnrent 5 chiffres par ans" |
"Dans cette formation sur laffiliation, vous allez apprendre devenir un super affili qui se dmarque des 99% des affilis pauvres en exploitant de nouvelles niches en OR, et vendre des milliers de produits. Au programme de cette formation :vousallez dcouvrirla mthode EXACTEqui mepermet de trouver rapidement un bon produit proposer, mais aussi comment faire uneprsentationqui va engager votre audience et vous dmarquer de la concurrence. l'issue de cette formation, vous serez mme de trouver votre premier produit et toucher vos premires ventes ds le lendemain.J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouves que jaie personnellement utiliss pour faire des centaines de ventes sur des dizaines de produits proposer. Dans ce programme de 14 vidosplus2 PDF inclus, je vous montre de A Z comment entre dans le cercle trs ferm des supers affilis. Dans le premier module, nous verrons ensemble quest-ce que laffiliation et pourquoi 99% des affilis gagnent des miettes, je vous montrerais comment faire partie des 1% des supers affilis qui vendent des produits en masses. Dans le second module, vous entrez dans la peau dun super affili qui convainc ses visiteurs de passeruniquement par son lien affili , je vous montrerai La technique simple pour pousser vos prospects acheter vos offres, et comment devenir un affili reconnu avec une audience fidle contant dacheter les produits proposs.Dans le troisime module vous trouvez les meilleurs produits d'affiliation dans des niches en OR encore peu exploites. Nous verrons ensemble Les critres EXACTES pour slectionner un bon produit d'affiliation, et les 3 types de produits trs demander que vos prospects vont s'arracher. Je vous montrerais les 3 meilleures plateformes d'affiliations pour trouver des produits qui sarrachent et la nouvelle niche en OR que 0.5% des affilis exploitent. Dans le quatrime module, Nous verrons ensemble Le systme EXACTE de promotion pour faire dcoller votre business, je vous montrerai comment faire une prsentation de produit qui va engager votre audience et La structure EXACTE d'une lettre de vente d'affiliation que vous aurez juste recopier. Enfin je vous montrerais une astuce mconnue pour vous crer une liste client en OR que vous pourrez relancer par la suite. Enfin dans le dernier module vous relancez vos clients intelligemment en proposant de nouveaux produits, je vous montrerais comment segmenter votre business en relanant vos clients intelligemment sans les harceler. Ce programme structur vous permettra de trouver rapidement un produit proposer qui va se vendre et vous pourrez ds demain commencer faire vos premires ventes, tout comme jai russi le faire, en quelques semaines seulement.Vous aurez ainsi la garantie de ne pas travailler pour rien en ayant choisi la mauvaise niche comme le font 99% des supers affilis, mais apprendrez vous-mme crer un business prenne sur l'affiliation et entrerezdans le TOP 1% des supers affilis."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"crivez des livres IRRSISTIBLES sur Amazone Kindle" |
"Dans cette formation sur la cration de livre numriques ou vous allez apprendre crire un livre irrsistible en 1 week-end mme si vous partez de zro.Je vous propose dapprendre crire un livre que vous allez vendre sur AmazonKindleparce que cest un modle simple et GRATUIT pour dbuter sans risque et faire vos premiers revenus sur le net. Au programme de cette formation :vousallez dcouvrirla mthode EXACTEqui mepermet dcrire un livre rapidement, mais aussi comment leprsenterafin dele rendre uniqueet vous dmarquer de la concurrence. l'issue de cette formation, vous serez mmede crer votre premier livre et toucher vos premires ventes ds le lendemain.J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouvesque vous pourrez utiliserpour faire des centaines de ventes sur des dizaines de livres crs. Dans ce programme de 24vidos, 8fiches actions plus un tableau Excel, je vous montre de A Z comment crire un livre qui cartonne Dans le premier module, vous allez dcouvrir pourquoi vendre des livressur AmazonKindle est rentable, aussi que llment primordial qui fait toute la diffrence entre un auteur basique et un auteur succs. Dans le second module, vous allez trouver des ides de livresrentables, je vous montrerai comment analyser le march pour savoir ce que le publique achte, les deux types de livresqui se vendent comme des petits pains, pourquoi il faut tre concis lcriture et comment classer vos ides dans un tableau Excel pour ne jamais manquer d'ides. Dans le troisime module, vous allez rdiger un livreirrsistible en un temps record avec un plan prcis que vous aurez juste recopier, je vous montrerais comme tre inspir pour viter la page blanche, vous dcouvrirez le secret pour scotcher vos lecteurs mme si vous ntes pas un expert dans le domaine choisi. Enfin nous verrons ensemble la technique qui vous permettra de rdiger 2 fois plus vite que la normale. Dans le quatrime module, vous allez prsenter votre livredune faon irrsistible. Je vous montrerais 7 modles de Templatepour crire des titres accrocheurs et comment raliser une couverture qui attire lattention laide dun logiciel gratuit. Nous verrons ensemble comment crire une description simple en 6 tapes qui donnera envie au visiteur dacheter votre livre, et comment trouver les bons mots cls pour apparatre dans les moteurs de recherche grce deux logiciels gratuits. Dans le dernier module, vous allez promotionner votre livresans liste demail, sans blog, sans faire de je vous montrerai commentpublier votre livresur la plateformamazone direct plublishing. Puis je vous parlerais du programme KDP select avec ses avantages et ses inconvnients. Vous dcouvrirez lastuce mconnue pour utiliser les groupes Facebook afin davoir une avalanche de commentaires positifs authentifierdachat vrifi. Enfin je vous montrerais dautres plateformes ou vous pourrez vendre votre livreet augmenter vos ventes. En BONUS, je vous montrerais la stratgie EXACTE pour russir un lancement EXPLOSIF, comment dicter le contenu de votre livre avec un outil GRATUIT et comment transformer GRATUITEMENT votre ebook en livre papier.Ce programme structur vous permettra dcrire rapidement un livrequi va se vendre et vous pourrez ds demain commencer faire vos premires ventes puis passer au livre suivant afin de devenir un auteur star. Vous aurez ainsi la garantie de ne pas travailler pour rien et de faire monter en puissance un business dditeur de livre prospre jusqu devenir indpendant financirement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matrisez Builderall de A Z et Lancez Votre Business" |
"La seul et unique formation de Builderall en franais la plus complte disponible en france. Builderallest la nouvelle perle des plateformes marketing tout en un, cet outil gnial vous permet de lancer un business pour un prix drisoire.Builderalldispose tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour crer votre business, attirer plus de clients et vendre beaucoupplus!La plate-forme de marketing Internet ultime pour monter en flche votre entreprise enligne!Vous pouvez crer :Destunnels de ventes optimiser, avec On ClickUpsellDes Upsell, Downsell, commandant BumpDes espacesmembresscurissDes tests A / BDes BlogsDes Sites WebDesjacketsde produitDes Vidos D'animationsDes Vidos flottantes HTMLDes Applications WebDes notifications PUSHCarte Un ClicDesShareLokerpour rendre votre produit viralDeswebinaireDes campagnes d'emails avec un auto-rpondeur Un programme d'affiliation levierEt tout celasans rien connatre la technique, sans plugin, sans devoir faire appel un dveloppeur. Vous pouvez faire des choses que quasiment personne ne ralise sur le web franais.Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez matrisez Builderall de A ZAu programme de cette formation Builderall :Vous allez dcouvrirle cur de la bteet ses bases, mais aussi tousles lments indispensables la cration de vos tunnels de vente, blog, site web, application, vido .A l'issu de cette formation Builderall, vous serez mmede crer votre premier tunnels en 30 minutes chrono, je vous montrerai comment optimiser le SEO pour apparatre au meilleures places sur Google.J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouves que jaie personnellement utilises pour faire des centaines de ventes.Ce programme de38 vidos liveinclut, ou je vous montre depuis mon compteBuilderallles manipulations raliser. Vous aurez ainsi une premire vue sur les fonctionnalits caches de builderall, leurs configurations, la manire d'organiser les tunnels, les lments vitaux mettre en place avant de commencer annoncer.Ce programme vous permettra enfind'conomiser des heures tenter de comprendre Builderallet ses multitudes d'options. Vous aurez ainsila garantie de gagner du temps et de rapidement crer un business qui converti vos prospects en clients.Ce cours est rgulirement mise jour pour y inclure les nouvelles fonctionnalits et pour que vous soyez jour avec tous les outils prsents dans Builderall."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automatisez Vos Factures Stripe avec Quaderno" |
"Fatigu du traitement comptable et des factures clients ?Quaderno est un service qui vous permet d'automatiser vos factures et votre comptabilit tout en restant conforme aux exigences fiscales dans le monde entier, y compris les rgles spciales pour les produits digitaux et services numriques.Ce service peu s'intgrer facilement surStripe, Paypal,Shopify, Amazone,Woocommerce,Clickfunnelset vous affranchir de la lourdeur comptable, avecQuadernovouspouvez:Automatisez entirement l'envoi de vos factures et votre comptabilit.Vous conformer aux exigences fiscales dans le monde entier, y compris les rgles spciales pour les produits et services numriques.Crer vosmodlesde factures et d'emails.Crer des bons decommande, des bons de rductions, pour vos produits et services.Crer deswebhookspour augmenter votre productivit.D'envoyer des devis et de faire des estimations de dpense.Crer des raccourcis avec des tags.Crer un espace tiers pour votre comptable.Et tout cela sans rien connatre la technique, sansplugin, sans devoir faire appel un dveloppeur.Vous pouvez entirement automatiser votre systme de facturation et gagner un temps prcieux pour vous concentrer sur votre business.Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez matriserQuadernode A ZAu programme de cette formationQuaderno:Vousallez dcouvrir le cur de la bte et ses bases, mais aussi tous les lments indispensables la cration de vos factures,emails,webhook, comptabilits,devis.l'issue de cette formationQuaderno, vous serez mme d'automatiser votresystmede facturation avec une comptabilit impeccable respectant les taxes de vente, de la TVA et de laTPS.Respecter automatiquement toutes les exigences lgales, y compris les lois de l'UE sur la TVA pour les produits et services numriques..Ce programme de 15 vidos live inclut, ou je vous montre depuis mon compteQuadernoles manipulations raliser.Vous aurez ainsi une premire vue sur les fonctionnalits caches deQuaderno, leurs configurations, la manire d'organiser vos factures, les lments vitaux mettre en place avant de commencer vendre.Ce programme vous permettra enfin d'conomiser des heures tenter de comprendreQuadernoet ses multitudes d'options.Vous aurez ainsi la garantie de gagner du temps et de rapidement crer un systme de facturation automatis.Ce cours est rgulirementmis jour pour y inclure les nouvelles fonctionnalits et pour que vous soyez jour avec tous les outils prsents dansQuaderno."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matrisez Systeme.IO de A Z + [7 modles de tunnels]" |
"Systeme.IO est une outil tout en un crer par un marketeur pour les marketeurs, cest larme absolue du web entrepreneur, vritable machine de guerre ou vous pouvez crer:Des pages de captures aux dsigne professionnels.Des minis sites web pour prsenter vos produitsDes tunnels de vente automatiss avec du one-clic up-sell et downsell.Des order bump.Des espaces membres scuriss.Des campagnes demails sur des listes segmentes.Votre programme daffiliation.Des webinaires pour prsenter vos produits et services.Et tout celasans rien connatre la technique, sans plugin, sans devoir faire appel un dveloppeur. Vous pouvez faire des choses que quasiment personne ne ralise sur le web franais, cest--dire des partages de tunnels de vente une de vos connaissances en un clic et a,cest assez grandiose.Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez crer des tunnels ( entonnoir de vente ) qui boostent vos ventes et permettentde rentabiliser vos campagnes publicitaires.Au programme de cette formation Systeme.IO :Vous y dcouvrirezle cur de la bteet ses bases, mais aussi tousles lments indispensables la cration de tunnels profitableds le 1er euro investi.A l'issu de cette formation Systeme.IO, vous serez mmede crer votre premier tunnels en 15 minutes chrono, je vous donnerais7 types de tunnels prts lemploi, que vous pouvez recopier des maintenant.Le tunnels de capture d'emailLe tunnel de venteLe tunnel webinaireLe tunnel lancement de produitLe tunnel affiliation - MLMLe tunnels E-commerce - DropshippingLe tunnel tripwireJ'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouves que jaie personnellement utilises pour faire des centaines de ventes.Ce programme de15 vidos liveinclut, ou je vous montre depuis mon compteSysteme.IOles manipulations raliser. Vous aurez ainsi une premire vue sur les fonctionnalits caches de Systeme.IO, leurs configurations, la manire d'organiser les tunnels, les lments vitaux mettre en place avant de commencer annoncer.Ce programme vous permettra enfind'conomiser des heures tenter de comprendre Systeme.IOet ses multitudes d'options. Vous aurez ainsila garantie de gagner du temps et de rapidement crer des tunnels qui convertissent vos prospects en clients.Ce cours est rgulirement mise jour pour y inclure les nouvelles fonctionnalits et pour que vous soyez jour avec tous les outils prsents dans Systeme.IO."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Builderall CASH-MACHINE - EXPLOSER vos revenus X10" |
"Builderall Affiliation, Massacrer la concurrence, EXPLOSER vos revenus X10 Dans cette formation sur l'affiliation, vous allez apprendre promouvoir facilement Builderallen proposant des formations vidos, des webinairesdans une niche ultra rentable qui va vous gnrer des revenus rcurrents.Au programme de cette formation :vousallez dcouvrirla mthode EXACTEqui va vous permettre de gnrer des revenus rcurant avec laffiliation, mais aussi comment prsenter votre offre afin dela rendre uniqueet vous dmarquer de la concurrence. lissue de cette formation, vous serez mmede crer votre offre et toucher vos premires ventes ds le lendemain.Jai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouvesque jaipersonnellement utilises pour forcer mes prospects souscrire un abonnement. Dans ce programme de 21 vidosplus 3 PDF inclus, je vous montre de A Z comment faire la promotion de Builderall. Dans le premier module, nous verrons ensemble quest-ce que laffiliation et pourquoi 99% des affilis gagnent des miettes, je vous montrerais comment faire partie des 1% des supers affilis qui vendent des produits en masses. Dans le second module,vous allez apprendre utiliser Adword, je vous montrerais comment cibler une audience qualifier, le fonctionnement du CPC, comment rdiger des annonces percutantes plus une squence demails et un modle de page web. Dans le troisime module, vouslancez une campagne Facebook, je vous montrerais les deux types de publicits qui cartonne, comment vous servir du power-ditor, un modle de page web recopier, et comment lancer une campagne de retargeting. Dans le quatrime module, vousallez apprendre scraper 1000 emails cibls, je vous montrerais loutil gnial pour scraper facilement des emails cibls, des modles demails recopier, et comment lancer votre campagne de cold emaling avec succs. Dans le cinquime module,vous allez envoyer du trafic en masse sur votre page web, je vous montrerais une mthode simple et redoutable pour envoyer du trafic en masse en utilisant la data . Ce programme structur vous permettrade crer rapidement une offre pour promouvoir Builderall. Vous aurez ainsila garantie de ne pas travailler pour rien, mais apprendrezvous mme crer votremachine cash-flow."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to design & write a winning cv" |
"Nobody can ever underestimate how important it is to have a good resume. First impressions count, and the first impression that a potential employer will have of you, is going to depend on how you present your resume. This is going to be your one and only chance to capture a potential employers attention, or for your resume to be tossed into the file of those they do not want to pursue. Therefore, the idea behind this course is to give you the ability to design an awesome and professional resume, of course without using Photoshop or Illustrator, only Microsoft Word is enough."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Square Wheels Toolkit...for Supervisors & Team Leaders" |
"The Square Wheels Toolkit and Online Training Course is a self-contained, ready-to-go solution, created specifically for busy teamleaders,managers & supervisors.If you haveeverstruggledtoengageyourteam in constructive,positive discussions about their workthen youwill benefit from using the Square Wheels Toolkit in yournext teammeeting, workshop or group discussion.Square Wheelsis simple to use, and while the ideas and results it can generate are virtually limitless, your opportunity to introduce the material correctly and quickly engage your team is not.Getting things right the first time is a must.The success andprogress of your team is something we takeseriously, and that is why we have created this course to make sure you start off on the right foot. Bylearning the key elements and techniqueswe haveused to run Square Wheels sessions with businesses from around the world, you will have your team focussed, engaged and contributing to whatever topic you wish to tackle!If you're tired of hearing onlyyourself talkingin meetings, or you are sick of having to answer your own questions all the time,then join the thousands of other team leaders, managers and supervisorsusing the Square Wheels metaphorto help teams shift their thinking, create new ideas and communicate more effectively.**********Its always fascinating to watch how one idea spurs another and listening to groups share their ""a-ha"" moments together. The Square Wheels Toolkit is such an effective tool to get people talking and thinking. ...JEAN MARRAPODI, NEWENGLANDCOLLEGEOFBUSINESS""We just used the Square Wheels Toolkit for our regional meeting with 60 supervisors. We actually extended our session beyond the alloted time because there was so much energy in the room! A fantastic experience and I was thrilled with the materials. Thank-you!...GLENDAKEIPER, MEETINGFACILITATOR**********WEINCLUDEEVERYTHING YOUNEED:The Square Wheels toolkit provides everything right out of the box soyou can quickly and easilydeliver a high-impact session for your team;Comprehensive Facilitators Guide (PDF)Participants Workbook (PDF)Video Based Training Course (Online)Preformatted Presentation/Slideshow (PowerPoint & PDF)and 12 monthsFREE access to our online membership siteCOURSEHIGHLIGHTSDirect access to downloadall the Square Wheels Toolkit resources in one placeUnderstand all ofthe core concepts, metaphors & themes used in the The Square WheelsToolkitLearn which materials you need and how to manage participant groups to ensure your session is setup forsuccessLearn exactly what questions to ask for maximum clarity and impactLearn how to make group decisions that really stickBonus video: The Importance of Team Ownership (by Dr. Scott Simmerman, creator of the Square Wheels universe)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Architecture:A Beginner's GuideTo Architect Your Cloud" |
"This course will start from beginnerlevel likeConcepts, terminology, technologies, benefits, challenges of cloud computing technology along with SaaS, IaaS, PaaS delivery models,and common cloud deployment models(Public , Private , Hyper), also cloud characteristics,,to advanced level such as focus on complex cloud-based solution design, including the incorporation of hybrid cloud deployment models, compound design patterns, and solution architectures that span cloud and on-premise environments."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Assertive Communication: Build The Independent You" |
"Learn the most effective style of communication and become more independent in your thinking, your emotions and your social interactions.Start building the Independent You right now through Assertive Communication.Learn how to guide your thinking in a way that boosts your confidence and self-esteem and that allows you to regulate your emotions betterLearn how to build healthier relationshipsCommunicate your opinions openlyDeal with criticism and conflict efficientlySay NO and create time for the goals that truly matter to youRegain the confidence in your inner power to create the future you want.Assertive Communication is one of the top skills that people want to learn how to master, due to its extensive applications in both personal and professional contexts. Assertiveness is the key toward an authentic and independent life.Thoughts, emotions and behaviors that rely on the assertive principles allow you to break free from toxic contexts and focus on your own significant goals.Learn how to activate The Assertive Style of Communication and you will be able to approach personal and professional contexts in a confident, goal-oriented manner.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for anyone who would like to learn how to activate The Assertive Style of Communication in order to increase their cognitive, emotional and relational independence.While considering the multi-dimensional aspect of Assertiveness, the course will simultaneously address thinking patterns, the understanding of how these patterns shape our emotions and ultimately, how to project these inner events into observable behaviors, such as verbal and non-verbal communication and the overall management of social relationships.We will first take a look at what Assertiveness is, the reasons why you should learn this complex skill, its benefits and when to use it.Then we will zoom in into each of the five communication styles, so that you will be able to identify them in yourself and others.We will then address the Assertive Rights or Assertive Principles and that will mark the passage to the practical part of the course.You will learn how to identify and eliminate the main cognitive distortions and how thoughts and emotions are linked in the assertive realm.Then we will get to the really interesting part, the actual techniques and strategies of the Assertive Style of Communication.You will learn how to communicate in a more authentic and confident manner, how to efficiently deal with criticism and conflict, how to provide constructive feedback and how to make sure that your verbal message matches the non-verbal one.And then youll be ready to go. The foundation for the Independent you would have been laid and you will have the main skills to start creating the life you want."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Dealing With Criticism: The Assertive Way" |
"Learn how to transform criticism into opportunity and protect your self-confidence and self-esteem levels.Manage Criticism Effectively through this Assertive Communication Strategy.Learn how to think about criticism in a way that protects your self-esteem and confidence levels and that allows you to regulate your emotional responses betterLearn how to analyze critical messages and discover their growth potentialSilence the critical noise and focus on the goals that truly matter to youRespond to criticism efficiently and enjoy healthier relationshipsUnlock the mindset that allows you to live a more authentic, independent and satisfying life.Largely accepted as the most efficient mindset and communication style, Assertiveness provides the best guidelines we know for dealing with most personal and professional contexts. Management of criticism makes no exception.The 3-Stage Assertive Strategy exclusively presented in this course addresses the entire process, from thoughts to emotions to behaviors, and aims at providing a framework in which the individual thrives and transforms negative feedback into a powerful self-development tool.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for anyone who would like to learn how to efficiently deal with Criticism, protect their self-confidence and self-esteem levels and discover the growth potential hidden in negative feedback.Drawing on the multi-dimensional character of Assertiveness, the course addresses the activation of the assertive traits on three main levels: cognitive, emotional and behavioral, thus creating an extended framework for understanding, analyzing and responding to criticism.The course is divided in two parts: An introductory, theoretical segment, in which we will take a close look at what criticism is, what personal and social roles does it hold in our lives, the forms in which it gets delivered to us and what efficient and inefficient reactions to criticism look like. The second part is a more practical one and it is where you will discover, step-by-step, The Assertive Strategy For Dealing With Criticism.The Assertive Strategy For Dealing With Criticism includes three Stages -The Attitude toward Criticism, Analyzing The Critical Message and Responding to Criticism, each of them comprising more steps to help create and activate the cognitive, emotional or behavioral traits that generate the most efficient responses to negative feedback.Three specific Assertive Communication Techniques for dealing with justified and unjustified criticism are provided at the end of the course.Then you will be ready to start implementing the Assertive Strategy, focus on the meaningful, silence the useless critical noise and activate your resources to create the life you want."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"SELF's 4-Week Guide to a Fitter, Healthier You" |
"Have you ever tried to get in shape but didnt know exactly how to start? Maybe youve looked at different diet and workout plans but felt overwhelmed by all the optionsor unsure of which one best fit your needs. Weve all been there before. It can be difficult crafting realistic fitness goals, reaching them consistently, and keeping the weight off.At SELF, we know healthy living. Thats why weve created this special Udemy course for you. Over 6 million people come to us for fitness, nutrition and wellness advice every month. Our readers love being inspired by our unique insights and tactical tips on how to reach their goalswhether its losing weight or gaining confidence.This course is built specifically to get beginners off the bench and into the game. Not sure how best to get started or reach your goal? Weve teamed up with two of the best fitness and nutrition experts out there to create a personal four-week blueprint that you can follow to get in shape, eat healthier, and transform your life. Use the customizable four-week workout schedule and two-week meal plan to build a healthy lifestyle that is perfect for you.In this course, you will learn how to:Implement quick wins before starting your new fitness routineIncorporate mindful eating techniques into your daily lifeEstablish a morning and pre-workout ritual to center around your health goalsUse rest days to prevent injury and build strengthPut setbacks in perspective, bounce back, and get right back on trackPlan healthy meals easily and economicallyAvoid the 4 common misconceptions of healthy eatingReduce long-term stress using science-based strategiesGet more high-quality sleep every night using our actionable adviceStart incorporating meditation in your lifeAnd more!Adopt Our Fun, Easy to Follow RoadmapThis course is also chock full of wellness wisdom so that you can continue feeling fit, healthy, and happy for the long haul. New to working out or not sure how to achieve proper form? Well teach you how to achieve the proper technique for push-ups, lunges, planks, bodyweight squats, dumbbell presses, dead lifts, glute bridges, burpees and more. Weve crafted 8 metabolic strength workouts with rest days scheduled in between to maximize muscle repair. Our workouts are customizable to your individual fitness level; check out our free preview strength workout to gauge whether this course is a good fit for your individual needs.Maintain A Fit Lifestyle With Our Expert Nutrition AdviceNo more guesswork required for implementing a healthy diet. We give you clear guidelines on the macronutrients needed for a healthy, well-rounded mealalong with a grocery shopping list fully aligned with USDA calorie needs. Indulge in our easy to make recipes: enjoy pumpkin pie breakfast smoothies, banana pancakes, or black bean burgersall customizable to your individual dietary needs.This is NOT a one-and-done course. We provide you with the information and tools you need to sustain an overall healthy lifestyle. Incorporate what youve learned in your daily life, and keep challenging yourself as you get stronger.You deserve to be living your absolute best life. Achieve your health, fitness, and wellness goals. Come join us today."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From Stress To Success!" |
"Stress is an increasing problem for our society and its constantly present in ourdaily lives.Stress at work, in your relationship, with your spouse or relatives,stressing about finances. When you're stressed for a long period you can get anervous breakdown. Eventually, you will not be able to recover and you get burned out. At this point, youll get trouble with your daily routine. You try to get it all back under control, but thats counterproductive.The cause of negative stress may be due to the pressure to meet the demands ofother people, like your boss, friends or relatives. It can also be caused by strongblack and white thinking and leaving no space for making contact. Or by not dealing with events in your life and not being able to enjoy the beautiful things around you. The pressure you experience in your life cant always be avoided. But you do haveinfluence on your response to stress. Here in lies the secret of becoming anempowered person. Handling everything that life throws at you.The causes of stress isnt only because of pressure, but it also depends onwhat you eat. Food is a necessity of life. Nutrition plays a major role in stress.Studies have shown that eating certain types of food increases more negative stress. Thats why its absolutely essential to improve your nutrition. This course will provide you all the crucial tools and information you need toreduce your negative stress & to empower yourself."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Foundations of Singing: Level 1" |
"There are so many different approaches to singing out there, that it can get very frustrating. I myself have been to quite a lot of teachers when Iwas young, just wanting to know where to start, but there was never one way. Frustrating, I get it...There are a lot of courses out there that promise to make you a better singer within 30 days or in a very short amount of time. Speaking from experience, these courses give you a quick overview of what you need to do in order to become a good singer. But they all lack to provide you with an in-depth understanding of what you're supposed to do - not only at the very beginning stages of singing - and can leave you more clueless as you progress, because in singing, everything's connected. From the very beginnings of learning how to breath properly right up to learning how to belt or sing with compression and working on your expression.It's like learning a new language, so if you only know the structure and grammar of one possible sentence, as soon as you want to say something different, you don't know what to do.I have developed this course theway it is,because it is my believe that if you're really serious about singing, you should have as much information as possible so you really understand why we do things a certain way. You should also work on individual topics for longer, so the concepts really stick with you as you progress. Spending half an hour on breathing,supporting and placementreally isn't going to help you sing better. That's why this course focusses exclusively on these basic topics.I personally believethat there can be no good development without gettingproper feedback. This is why this courseincludes an invitation to anexclusive group of singerson Facebook. There youcan post your singing exercises, videos,any singing /music relatedquestions about this course or in general. I will give you afull feedback on your video/questionand I'm sure some of the other members of the community are there to give you some feedback and advice as well.Singing is such a vast topic with so many different aspects to it, that finding a place to start is probably the most important part in your musical development. From there you have a much better understanding not only of the foundations of singing, but also of where you want to go next.-----------------------------------------------------------------For everyone who has mastered the techniques of this course, I recommend having a look at my second course The Foundations of Singing: Level 2 where we will look at more intricate voice building techniques.-----------------------------------------------------------------For me there is a natural progression when it comes to learning. You start at the very basics and once you have internalized these, everything else starts to make more sense. Of course you will still have to practise, hell I'm still constantly practising and adding stuff to what Ican do.The concepts of this course are easy enough, but sometimes hard to apply, because we have to re-adjust our body and learn to control and move areas of our body we sometimes didn't even know existed. This is why I am trying to deliver the understanding of these concepts in a way that it's easy to grasp and easy to apply. This course is designed to teach you the understanding and application of the underlying concepts, hence it is a very technical course, where you won't spend hours singing. But once you understand and can apply the techniques, you will be able to sing for hours with good tone and all.Imagine you're wanting to become a dancer. Without learning proper technique, your dancing will be limited and those with better technique will always advance faster than you. This isbecause they can build on their foundations. So while this (and I admitthat) isn't the super-fun part of learning, it is essential for the development of your craft and the foundation for everything else you're learning about singing and the best way to start.You will also need to practise a lot, depending on how fast you can apply the concepts. Unfortunately no one can do that for you- yet, maybe there are robots for that in a couple years time ;) -but I'm sure that with the right motivation and a strong mindset, you will be able to become the best singer you can be and you'll be constantly adding technique and expression to your singing repertoire based on the fundamental singing techniques.To end this, here'swhat some of my students over the years have said about my teaching:Tim is a fantastic teacher - he doesn't just teach the best techniques, he has always been able to identify the best ways for me personally to overcome any challenges specific to my own voice to help me sing the songs I want to sing. He has me hitting high notes I never thought possible, and with power too! - Matt K. (Singer/Songwriter, UK)Tim is an outstanding, professional and well experienced singer/musician. When I first started with him I was a sad case, limited range and vocal techniqe. But after each lesson with him and good practice at home I started seeing more and more results. Expanded my vocal range at least an octave, my control over my voice was becoming better and my technique was improving. What I loved about the sessions with Tim is that he's not one of those teachers who just waste your time explaining you how to do something, but he first makes it straight and obvious for you and after that shows you how it's done. No excuses whatsoever, the way it should be. - Achilles Z. (Singer,Bulgaria)I was stuck with my vocal abilities when I decided to take some lessons by a rock vocal coach. I just googled rock vocal coach in London and basically he was the first who came up. To be honest, I didn't have to look for another coach after that. Technically, I just needed a few lessons to take my voice to the next level...well...without him I wouldn't be able to do the things I can do now. He basically opened/showed me a way to a completely different singing technique that helped me with A LOT of things. Reaching high notes, better support... the list could go on and on. How I like to describe it is that he made a 'click' in my voice and since then my way of singing has completely changed for the better. It's like I discovered my voice again through his technique... and still discovering. I just can't believe what I can do now with my voice, which I'll always gonna be grateful for. Thanks Tim!- Lorence J.(Singer/Songwriter,Hungary)Tim has helped me immensely throughout my journey as a vocalist. Thanks to him, I reached notes I've never reached before and was able to explore different areas of my voice that I wasn't familiar with! Totally recommend him!!- Cat P. (Singer and Singing Teacher,Portugal)It's quite a journey for meto London every time, but I'm looking forward to every single lesson with Tim. The lessons have a solid structure, I always learn new aspects of singing and I can see the improvement from lesson to lesson. I was only able to sing up to a E4 previously. Now I can hit notes like B4 and even sometimes a C5 without straining my voice and with a strong tone.- Simon B. (Singer,UK)Just like those guys, I hope you will find success in what you do and if I can help you achieve it, evenbetter :)Lookingforward to seeing you inside,Tim"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Master English : Learn to use 'Get' and 'Get Phrasal verbs'." |
"Learn to use 'Get' and 'Get' Phrasal verbs like native Englishspeakers.Is this course for you?See what other students say......... -Theo Bruder: ""Amazing Course!! I am learning a lot of important things. Thank you!"" -Ana Santos:""This is the best course I have taken!!really like the lessons and the details from the teacher. I feel like my English is already much better and I am very motivated to learn."" -Bruno Omar : ""Excellent course. C'est formidable!! je suis en train d'etudier pour IELTS et ce cours m'aide beaucoup!! Merci teacher.""Are you ready to Master English and speak English like a Native Speaker?The verb Get and Get Phrasal verbs arevery important in Englishand English speakers use themall the timein their everyday conversations in many different ways.The truth is that if you want to speak English fluently NEED to be able to understand and be able to use the verb Get the way native English speakers use it. You also need to know a lot of theGet Phrasal Verbs that native English speakers useuse all the timein everyday conversation.For example:get by / get to / get into / get away with/ get through / get down to / get around to...etcThis course has over4 hours of video lesson where I carefully explain the different ways to use the verb get in English and where I carefully teach you the most common GetPhrasal verbs and give you real life example sentences to help you understand the meaning.There are also Practise Tests which help you practice using what you learn.If you have any questions or any problems, contact me and I can help you.So, is this course for you?Do you want to speak English fluently, like native English speakers?Do you sometimes find it hard to understand native speakers in conversation in English?Do you want to understand Native speakers, TV Shows and Movies more easily in English?Do you need English for your job or studies?If the answer is Yes then this course is for you..What will I learn?Over 4 hours of video instruction and real life examples with Professional Teacher.You will learnhow to sound more fluent in English by using get that way Native speakers do.Learn the most important and common everyday GetPhrasal verbs that Native speakers use all the time.Listen toand understand English with much more confidence.You will learn how to use Get to talk about movementLearn how to use get to talk about Possession.Learn how to use get to talk about Obligation and Necessity.Learn how to use get to talk about starting an activity.Learn how to use get to talk about a Change of state.Learn how to use get is passive sentences.Learn about Phrasal verbs and the grammar of Phrasal verbs.Learn 75+ different ways to use the most common and important Get Phrasal Verbs.Become a much better English speaker and listener.Benefits of courseAfter taking this course, you will be able to;Use the verb get in many different ways like Native English speakers do.Use Get Phrasal verbs in conversation and writing in English which will help you sound like a fluent speaker.Understand native speakers much better.Sound more fluent when you are speaking English by using Get like Native speakers.Understand English TV shows and movies much better.Improve your chances of achieving a better score in your IELTS, CAE, and FCE exams.Impress native speakers with the language you use. E.g, Maybe in a job interview, or on skype with a friend in a different country.Are you ready to learn to speak English like a Native Speaker?Let's get started!!!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Master English: Learn important Idioms with 8 fun Stories" |
"Master English by learning important Idioms with 8 fun storiesIs this course for you?See what other students say.........-TomasHeinrich - ""I am really liking this course. It is a good way to learn the English Idioms with these stories which are very interesting. I think it will help a lot of students like me, who want to learn English.""- Bruno Omar - ""Excellent course to learn Idioms. I recommend this course for who wants to learn English perfectly!!"" -Ana Santos - ""Really Great course. I love the stories and am be able to listen to them on my phone. There are lots of exercises and tests which help me a lot.""At the end of this course you will be able to...Use over 60 of the most common and important English IdiomsUse and recognise these Idioms in - IELTS, CAE, FCE, TOEFL examsUnderstand English speakers better and sound more fluent speaking EnglishUnderstand TV shows and movies better in EnglishIdioms are phrases or expressions that cannot be translated word-by-word.They are very important in English but they areare one of the hardest challenges for English language learners.Why do you need to learn Idioms?Learning Idioms will help you speak English more like a native English speakerOne study found that on average English speakers use about 4 idiomsevery minute!!The same study also found that there are about 3 idioms used per minute in TV shows.So, as you can see they are very important!You also need to know a lot of IDIOMS for the IELTS, TOEFLand other official exams.There are thousands of idioms in English, but, in this course I want to teach you some of the most common idioms oridiomatic expressions that native speakers use very, very frequently.How the course is taught?Research shows that people remember information better when they hear it in a story. Therefore, I have written 8 fun and interesting stories which contain all the idioms in this course. There are 8 stories. Story 8 has 2 parts - so in total 9 videos ofStories.Each story recording contains Idioms relating to a category.There are 9 categories of IDIOMS;Intro sectionIdioms with a reference to ColourIdioms with a reference to AnimalsIdioms with a reference to ClothsIdioms with a reference to FoodIdioms with a reference to HealthIdioms with a reference to MoneyIdioms with a reference to TimeIdioms with a reference toTravel + TransportIdioms with a reference to Body partsEach section begins with a story. The story is animated with pictures to make it fun.After the story, I introduce each Idiom with a picture to help you visualise it.Then I analyse the the idioms and explain what they mean.I also give 2 more examples to show you how they are used in Real Life English.At the end of each section there is a small test where you need to match the idioms to their definitions.There are 3 Progress Teststo help you practise. These include 3 quizzes and Audio Sentence Completion ExercisesOne of the BEST THINGS ABOUT THIS COURSE is that you can download all the Stories andAudio Sentence Completion Exercisesto listen to on your smartphone when you are having a coffee or travelling. This will help you learn the IDIOMS much easier.I hope to see you in this course.Happy Learning!!Steve"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Master English: 100 Phrasal verbs for IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, FCE" |
"Learning Phrasal verbs is one of the hardest things for people learning English.Why? - because there are so many Phrasal verbs in English and students get confused about which ones are common and important.However, Phrasal verbs are essential in English and essential for exams likeIELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE.Using Phrasal verbs in English helps you speak more fluent - like a Native English Speaker.When you take official exams in English like IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE your objective is to demonstrate that you have a level of English as close to that of a native speaker. In this course I teach you 100 of the most common and widely used Phrasal verbs in English. These are Phrasal verbs that you are likely see in official exams and that you can use in the official exams to get a higher score.You should be using some Phrasal verbs in the speaking part of official exams like IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE. You will also see them in the reading texts and hear them in the listening exam. You can also use them in informal writing exercises. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN IN THIS COURSE?In this course you willLearn to use 100 of the most common English Phrasal verbs. Learn howthese can be used in official exams through studying sample exam answers and dialogues.The Grammar of Phrasal verbsYou will learn about Transitive and Intransitive and Separable and Inseparable Phrasal verbs.After this course you will be able to Use 100 of the most common English Phrasal verbs in English and in officialexams to get a higher scoreRecognise these Phrasalverbs in reading texts and listening exams which will help youunderstand English better. OVERVIEW OF COURSEThis course is has 3.5 hours of videos lessons and test and over 65 lectures.There are 10 dialogues using the 100 Phrasal verbs from the course.*Dialogue 1 - 4 -consists of Exam like questions where there is an interview by an examiner.Dialogues 1-4 are like the speaking questions 1 + 2 in the IELTS speaking exam and similar to questions in other official speaking exams.*Dialogues 5 - 10 -you will hear natural conversations between native English speaking friends. In each conversation there are approximately 10 phrasal verbs used. These conversations allow you to see how native speakers use these phrasal verbs in daily English conversation and how you can use them too.*Phrasal verb lessonsAfter each dialogue there are video lessons where I teach you the meaning of the phrasal verbs what type of Phrasal verb it is (Transitive or Intransitive) (Separable or Inseparable).How the Phrasal verb was used in the dialogue and what it means in the dialogueExtra examples of how to use these Phrasal verbs.*Tests-After each Dialogue there is a TEST where you will test your knowledge of the Phrasal verbs from the previous lessons. SO WITH THIS COURSE YOU GET.....Introduction video lessons on the Grammar of Phrasal verbsDialogues Videos 1-4 : Sample Speaking exam questions between Student and ExaminerDialogues Videos 5-10 : Sample daily conversations between Native English speaking friends.20 Video lessons analysing 101 Phrasal verbs used in the dialogues with teacher explanations and extra example sentences.10 Video TESTS to test your knowledge of the Phrasal verbs learned.Transcripts of all the Dialogues and downloadable MP3s of the dialogue conversations.PDF Phrasal Verb Exercise Book -with 100+ exercises and AnswerBookPractise QUIZES (Timed)If you have any questions or any problems, contact me and I can help you.See you in the course,Steve"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Backup Exec 16 Administration" |
"In Backup Exec16 Administration Course we will learn the Installation for Backup Exec Software and how we can geta trial Licenses for 60 day , in addition to ConfigureBackup Exec .Backup Exec Allow you to make Plan & Schedule easily for your data & servers ,and its one of the important thing in this course.this Course Explain and view Backup & Restore for "" Active Directory , Microsoft Exchange , File Share , Data And Hyper-V "" , and you will be able to work great in the Symantec Backup Exec 2016 .the Backup Exec Administration Course will make you a good Admin forBackup Exec Software , and keep your data safe from Ransomware & wanna cry virus.What make Backup Exec software one of the best is the lovely interface and easy use , in addition to have a great support team 24*7."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin na Prtica para Iniciantes" |
"Descubra como funciona a tecnologia que permite existir uma moeda digital sem um banco ou governoQuais as principais diferenas entre as moedas convencionais (fiducirias) e as criptomoedas?O que carteira digital?O que minerao?Como comprar, vender e transacionar seus Bitcoins de forma segura?(no incluianlise grfica)Como criarsua carteira digital e manter seus Bitcoinssegurose protegidos.O que Blockchain?Conhea os principais cases de Startups no universo de plataformas descentralizadas e criptomoedasDescubra todo o potencial da tecnologia por trs da Bitcoin, a BlockchainFaa parte do futuro, agora!"
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Mastering DNS on Windows Server 2016" |
"This course will take you step by step from a novice to an advanced DNS administrator. You will start by learning the complete basics of what DNS is and how it works from a users perspective. Next you will learn how to use the DNS manager and the different resource record types used by DNS.Next you will learn how to create a DNS server in a Windows Environment, before moving on to more advanced DNS topics like creating and understanding zones, zone delegation, active directory replication, recursive and iterative queries, DNSSEC (DNS Security), creating forwarders and conditional forwarders, using tools like NSlookup, ADSIEdit, Troubleshooting DNS and MUCH more!Great News - I have just added 14 lectures to my DNS course! Checkout the DNS Update promo in the New Features Section for details.As a bonus, I just added a PowerShell for DNS section. Here you will learn how to create DNS records all using Windows PowerShell."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering the Mac" |
"""A lot of the information wasn't new to me. I had most of the pieces of the puzzle there but the course helped me put them in the right place. Thanks!"" - L. Grey - Mastering the Mac Student""Clear, concise and informative. More informed user than before."" - C. Philly - Mastering the Mac Student""I learn so many useful things. Thank you so much for this course."" - D. Tabag - Mastering the Mac Student.""It it excellently presented and highly comprehensive."" - V. Kodongo - Mastering the Mac Student.""Great for beginners. Easy to follow along!"" - A. Johnson - Mastering the Mac Student.""Very engaging, welcoming, and straightforward."" - R. Foto - Mastering the Mac Student------------Computers have become a central part of everyday life. Learning how to master the computer gives you an advantage in your work and personal life. Learn and Master the Macintosh Computer Like a Pro!Learn how to setup the Mac properly. Discover how to use the Mac more efficiently. Learn the basics, then build on that foundation to tackle everyday tasks. I want to help even the most un-techy individual not only feel comfortable using a Mac, but also feel like theyve mastered it. And this course will help you get there! Have you ever experienced any of these situations? You Frequently getting lost while using the Mac? Constantly misplace files? Accidentally change settings that you dont know how to fix? Feel like you could be getting more out of your Mac? If so, this course is perfect for you. While I worked for Apple, I learned how to master the Mac. I want to help turn your frown upside down and turn you into a Mac pro too. Course Overview In this course, well tackle the basics, like learning what the Desktop, Doc, Finder, and Mac OS are all about. After you have the basics down, we address everyday tasks like how to install and delete applications and how to use settings to customize your user experience. Then I will walk you step-by-step on how to setup some of the most popular features on a Mac: iCloud, Mail, and Siri. Finally, well wrap up all the knowledge youve gained in the course by walking through some basic troubleshooting steps to help you solve many of the issues youll run into on a Mac: a slow or freezing computer, storage issues, internet issues, and more. Well use quizzes and handouts throughout the course to make sure you are retaining the most important concepts to set you up for future computer success. Stop being frustrated with your Mac and learn the skills needed to help you master your Mac once and for all!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"7 Day Healthy Living Program - The Investor's Approach" |
"If you are sick and tired - both literally and figuratively - of the results you are getting from your currentlifestyle than The Investor's Approach 7Day Healthy LivingProgram is going to help you understand the changes you need to make to get healthy!Never in the history of Western society have people been this unhealthy. Obesity is completely out of control - 68.8% of Adults and 33.2% of children and adolescents are either overweight or obese - and diet related illnesseshave risen every yearfor the last half century.So the question is why?Why are we getting so fat? And why - as a society - do we continue be more unhealthy with each passing year despite the continual advancements of modern medicine?The answer is simple yet profound: We have been taught/programmed/brainwashedthewrong way to live a healthy life. We have been fed lies from our governments and the multi-billion dollar food industry that receives huge financialbenefits from our current lifestyles. Make no mistake about it, the food industry spends billions on marketing andgovernment lobbying - having a direct and meaningful impact on our currenthealth and wellness policies.This Introductory7Day Program walks you through the fundamentals of healthy living and- more importantly - it details exactly what changes you can make to immediatelyimprove your overall health, prevent illness and disease,significantly increase your energy, and start the process of losing yourexcess weight.And here is a list of thebenefits you will receive from taking this introductoryprogram:IncreasedHeart, Mind, and Body HealthInitial Weight Loss (and continued weight loss after the program is complete)Increased Energy and FocusReduced Inflammation and PainDelaying Aging/Preventing Sickness and Disease And so much more!If you are readystart your journey to a healthier, smaller, more energetic you then do yourself a huge favor and start this program today!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |