Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Git - Versionsverwaltung fr Einsteiger" |
"Du mchtest Git lernen und bist auf der Suche nach einemdeutschsprachigen Kurs der die wichtigen Grundfunktionen und Konzepte erklrt? Dann ist der Git - Versionsverwaltung fr Einsteiger Kurs genau das richtige.Hier lernst du die Basis um mit Git durchstarten zu knnen und in deinem Entwicklungsalltag zu verwenden. Git ist derDe-facto-Standard wenn es um Versionsverwaltung geht - In immermehr Projekten und Firmen kommt Git zum Einsatz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"React JS: Lerne die Grundlagen" |
"Du mchtest React lernen und bist auf der Suche nach einemdeutschsprachigen Kurs der dieGrundkonzepte und die erstenSchrittevermittelt? Dann ist derReact JS:Lerne die GrundlagenKursgenau das richtige.Hier bekommst du einen kurzenberblick ber die Basics vonReact und bist dann fit um dich danachselbststndigin dem Bereich umzusehen und weitere spannendeKonzepte zu entdecken. Begebe dich mit mir auf die Reise der spannenden ersten Schritte und lerne React!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Superfoods, Herbs & Nutrition for a Better Brain" |
"Haveyou ever felt like you just cant remember a word or where you put thekeys? Or that sometimes when youaredealing with a hard problem you just cant think?I cant count the number of patients I have had that have brainfog on their intake form, or the number of students that askme what can I do to remember all of this material!?.The good news is, thereis usually a common cause to these problems, and a way to improve memory: diet.Memoryis becoming more important all the time, thankfully there are a milliondifferent courses and workshops on how to learn faster and remember more.For the most part, these are all very valuable and work, however my experiencein clinic and as an educator has been that there ismuch moreto the topic of memory then mnemonicmemory techniques and the memory palace.Thefirst place I always start is with the diet. No matter if you are findingthat your memory is slowly getting worse, or you want to boost an already keenmind, diet can make a difference. This course takes you step by stepthrough what nutritional factors could be the culprit in brain fog and mentalcloudiness. We then explore what foods and herbs can be added safely to yourdiet to help improve mental performance.Wewill cover all the main herbs and supplements like Ginkgo Biloba, Lions Maneand Bacopa, to name just a few and some other essential nutrients like Omega 3and Pro-biotics. Then we will dive into the realheavy hitterslike lions mane, MCT and caffeine.Iwill also be discussing and reviewing many of the common nootropic stacks andtalk about the pros and cons.Asa bonus, I will go through a few other activities you can do to sharpen yourbrain and think faster. The best part: a keener mindis only the start.After adding these superfoods and herbs to your diet, while removing the brainbusters, you will have more endurance, have an increased immune system, feeland look younger, and feel stronger"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Foreign Exchange (FX) Market Overview" |
"""Globalization has created this interlocking fragility. At no time in the history of the universe has the cancellation of a Christmas order in New York meant layoffs in China."" This quote from Nassim Taleb, respected scholar, risk analyst and author of the New York Times best-seller The Black Swan highlights how our world economy is more integrated than ever before. At the foundation of this increasing economic globalization is the foreign exchange market, the single largest and most liquid market in the world, which reached 5.3 trillion US dollars in average daily turnover in April 2013.This information packed FX Market Overview course is designed to help finance and accounting professionals, as well as those interested in or exposed to the foreign currency market, scale the learning curve quickly and easily. The overarching goal of this program is to share the essential knowledge needed to understand the fundamentals of the foreign exchange market, to clarify common misunderstandings, and to navigate this 24/7 365 global market in an efficient and effective manner in pursuit of accomplishing international business objectives.Would you like to know the many ways Apple is exposed to the FX market? Can you recognize a direct versus an indirect currency quote in the newspaper? Are you interested in how business and government participate in the FX market? Do you want to know how economists use technical and fundamental analysis techniques to forecast exchange rates? Have you wondered how the shift in time zones across major FX centers impacts trading volume andliquidity worldwide? If you are curious about any of these questions, make sure to attend this FX Market Overview program to get answers.While there are plenty of courses that teach FX trading for the retail investor, this unique program focuses onmultinational corporations that are seeking to deliver better currency risk management results to the bottom line. Join foreign exchange industry expert Evan Mahoney, CPA for this 1 hour program as we highlight the major trends and significant factors that are shaping the foreign exchange market. Upon completion of this program, you will clearly see how the currencymarket plays an incredibly large and important role in the macro-economy, is inextricably linked to economic globalization, and serves as the core mechanism for enabling international trade."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"User Experience Tools: The Complete Guide to Personas" |
"Today, more than ever, businesses need to understand their customers if they want to create brand-defining experiences that differentiate them from the competition.Regardless of your industry or niche, consumer expectations are being shaped by their experience withindustry leaders - people expect the convenience of Amazon, the pricing of Walmart, and the experience of Apple.This course will show you how to understand your customers better - through a tool known as personas. It's comprehensive, showing you not only why you need to use personas, but giving you a detailed toolbox on how to build them, and how to use them throughout your business.The course structure can be summarized as:Introduction - learn why customer experience (CX) is becoming a key business imperative, and where personas fit in your CX initiativesWhat is a persona - learn the history of personas, and today's thinking around how best to designthemCreating personas - learn the most effective tools to perform user research in order to create personas. The Persona Toolbox is introduced, showing you 6 different methodologies, with detailed explanations of all of themUse personas - learn how to use personas throughout your business to enhance customer-centricity.Success factors and common mistakes - avoid the mistakes we see businesses make when using personas, and discover the key success factors needed to create truly exceptional personasThe future of personas - learn how some companies are taking personas to the next level to derive more value for the business and their customersTemplates have been included to allow you to quickly start using these tools. We've also includedassignmentsto help you incorporate personas for your specific needs.All course notes are also available---TheSkills Spotlight series is a collection of courses that help designers master a specific skill that they can use throughout their career. Too often, we find designers that have an incomplete toolkit. In our experience, we see that many good designers are only missing a few essential skills. This series was developed so that intermediate-level designers could improve their skills where it mattered, not wasting time with general courses. Beginner designers can also use theSkills Spotlight series to build a comprehensive base from beginning, or consider doing a flagship course on a particular theme."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Modelagem no Maya - Desenvolva 15 Projetos" |
"inegvel que as tecnologias estoem um estgio relativamente avanado e continuam crescendo e se desenvolvendo continuamente, e com isso, os profissionais que as manipulam precisam tambm atualizar-see manterem-se afiados em tcnicas e habilidades, isso inclui a rea da Computao Grfica, onde a base para toda e qualquer criao 3D tem incio na modelagem que exatamente o que o curso oferece. Mas quem realmente consegue ser bem sucedido nesta rea?Como eu posso me tornar um profissional de sucesso?Quais so os requisitos do profissional de sucesso? Os que realmente se interessam pelo assunto e se dedicam a aprender cada vez mais so os profissionais que acabam tendo sucesso em suas carreiras, para voc tornar-se um profissional de sucesso necessrio ser bom no que faz e tudo comea por cursos como este, que lhe oferece uma ampla viso sobre o este mundo, os requisitos para o Modelador 3D de sucesso so:EsforoDedicaoPreparaoPrtica(Muito Importante)Entre outras coisas que voc encontrar dentro deste curso como um bom instrutor, que lhe apresentar timos mtodos de aperfeioamento de modelagem, e ainda muitos conceitos e tcnicas relacionadas a modelagem 3D no s no Maya como tambm conceitos generalizados que podem ser aplicados em quaisquer softwares 3D.Aprenda a utilizar o Maya, software usado para criar filmes como: Avatar, A Era do Gelo, Monstros Vs. Aliengenas e muito mais.Alm disso, este curso voltadoa prtica.Nele, voc vai desenvolver mais de 15projetos partindo do maisbsico ao mais complexo, assim, juntos ns vamos desenvolver suas habilidades, competncias e atitudes no conhecimento em modelagem 3D.No esquea de dar uma avaliaopara o curso,pois ela o parmetro de medida dos meus erros e acertos, se gostar, por favor, avalie com 5 estrelasou no, sua avaliao muito importante para o instrutor, pois alm de qualific-lo, funciona como um feedback que o ajudar a se policiar em relao aos erros.Estejasatisfeito com o contedo deste curso ou receba seu dinheiro de volta em at 1 ms aps o investimento, esta uma garantia de que no vai se arrepender da aquisio da sua cpia do material.Vamos construir juntos o melhor material sobre Maya 3D da internet!Uma ou maisaulasenviadas SEMANALMENTE."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Real Organization: How to Declutter & Organize Any Space!" |
"Decluttering and Organizing spaces can lead you to feel overwhelmed, unsure of where to start, and uncertain if you have enough time to get it all done. This course aims to overcome all 3 of those challenges, by introducing a tested method for decluttering and organizing spaces designed by two Professional Organizers who have been in the industry since 2012! This course is designed for beginners who are new to the idea of organizing or struggle with implementation.You can see all our client's stories on our website KW Professional Organizers.This course covers:Learning the step-by-step method for efficiently organizing your spacesReal life case studies with before and after photographsTechniques for starting and finishing successful projectsIndustry best practices to follow for maximizing desirable results There are many benefits to learning how to get organized. You become a more focused and relaxed person to be around, especially in our fast-paced society. You will develop productive habits that reinforce this new way of living, so it's a life-long investment of your time spent learning.Your ability to be open-minded and change your current behaviour will have a positive ripple effect in all areas of your life including work, relationships, and overall mental health.OverviewThis course contains over 1.5 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to declutter their life and get organized!You'll learn the best practices to follow when starting any decluttering project.You will see the best practices applied in real life case studies in a variety of settings including a kitchen, garage, office, and more.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you feel confident in living a more organized lifestyle."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Paper Organization - Tame the Paper Clutter" |
"Paper is and has been a constant source of clutter for many; coming in from all angles. Paper is also the most time-consuming projects with the least visual ""after"" impact. If paper leaves you feeling overwhelmed, unsure of where to start, and uncertain if you have enough time to get it all done, this course is for you. This course aims to overcome all 3 of those challenges, by introducing a tested method for Taming the Paper Clutter designed by two Professional Organizers who have been in the industry for over 4 years!This course covers:Learning how to builda project planfor effectively embarking on your paper challengeReal life case studies withbefore and afterphotographsTechniques forstarting and finishingsuccessful projectsIndustrybest practicesto follow formaximizingdesirable resultsThere are many benefits of taming paper clutter. You become more confident in your ability to find and make decisions about the paper. You will develop productive habits that reinforce this new way of living, so it's a life-long investment of your time spent learning.Your ability to be open-minded and change your current behaviour will have a positiveripple effect in all areas of your lifeincluding work, relationships, and overall mental health.OverviewThis course contains over 1.5 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes Declutter their Paper Clutter!You'll learn the best practices to follow when starting your Paper project.You will see the best practices applied in real life case studies in a variety of settings including how to handle receipts, how to build a system for monthly maintenance, and a home office.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you get control over your paper and ideas for going paperless."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"The Key to Happiness: Self Care" |
"A lack of understanding about your own personal Self-Care can lead you to feel depressed, anxious, and hopeless in how to feel well. As an alternative to traditional therapy, this course aims to overcome all 3 of those challenges, by guiding you through whatSelf-Care is ANDpractical strategiesfor creating your very own Self-Care Plan.JoinProfessional Organizers, Emilio, and Samantha, as they share with you their expertise from an inspiring outdoor locationTobermory, Ontario (Canada).This course covers:Creatingdefinitions for Self-Caretaught onsite in an inspiring location (Tobermory, Ontario)Learning how to create a personalizedSelf-Care PlanTechniques forrecognizingand understandingthe need for Self-Care and Mindfulness.Resources to contribute to further learning andmaximizinglife-longresultsThere are many benefits forunderstanding Self-Care. You become a more awareand empoweredperson to manage your own health.You will develop positivehabits that reinforce this new way of living, so it's a life-long investment of your time spent learning.Your ability to be open-minded and change your current behavior will havea positiveripple effect in all areas of your lifeincluding work, relationships, and overall mental health.OverviewThis course contains 15 lessons. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to better understand Self-Care.You'lllearn how to define and recognize the need for Self-Care, but also how to apply strategies to manage your depression and anxiety.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you feel confident in living a healthy lifestyle."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Como ""Declutter"" y Organizar Cualquier Espacio" |
"Aprende un mtodo efectivo para odernar cualquier espacio en tu casa y oficina.Reduce estrs y mejora tu salud mental. Este curso te va a ayudar a deshacerte de lo que no necesitas y crear espacios funcionales.Espacios que te permitirn tener el estilo de vida que siempre has querido. Espacios en los que te sentirs muy bien.Este sistema ha sido creado con la experiencia de ayudar a cientos de personas. Vas a ver muchos ejemplos reales con fotos del antes y despus para que veas la eficacia de este mtodo. Los ejemplos incluyen: Cocina, dormitorio, garaje, galera de arte, oficina y un apartamento entero que organizamos con nuestra clienta Judie.Tambin comparto muchas recomendaciones y productos que puedes utilizar para optimizar la utilizacin de todos los espacios en tu hogar.Hay varios videos gratuitos que puedes ver para aprender ms acerca de este curso, de nosotros, y del porqu hacemos esto.Espero verte dentro del curso :-)"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Lifestyle Design - Find Your Recipe for Extraordinary Living" |
"Are you someone who is a high achiever who KNOWS they can do more and just really needs help creating the right processes, habits, and mindsets to get organized? Youre not alone.You are probably busy trying to juggle the many aspects of your life and find yourself getting overwhelmed making it all work and manage time. With so many things trying to get your attention these days, its easy to get caught doing too much and still not feeling like you are being effective.This is exactly why we developed this course.To help smart people be able to do more and keep thingsSIMPLE.Over the years, we have been able to use proven systems, tools, and methodologies to help our clients create the freedom they desire by giving them simple ways to manage any aspect of their lives. And in a way that they can make intentional choices using practical steps.This course covers:Learning the 5 Step Lifestyle Design Method for making change in your lifeReal life examples from your instructorsA background on the theory of Basic Human Needs and how to achieve themTemplates and quizzes to solidify your learningIf what you have been doing so far hasnt been working, lets make your life easier by showing you exactly how to take CONTROLof your goals and your life. As experts in helping our clients get organized, we have noticed some very specific reasons people struggle to get results. We decided to put together this program to help you identify what you need to do to create positive change and take control of your future.Our goal is to help you create a new reality where you know exactly how to get and stay organized in any aspect of your life. Anytime you want.Sound good?OverviewThis course contains over 1.5 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes make change in their life or current state!You'lllearn the method for designing your ideal life and that knowledge will stay with you forever.You will be led by 2 experts in the field of Organization, Minimalism, and Self Care -- complete with real examples.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you feel confident in living Your Recipe For An Extraordinary Life."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Meal Planning For Any Diet" |
"Mealtime can lead you to feel overwhelmed, stressed about your choices, and feel like youll never be able to keep up. This course aims to overcome all 3 of those challenges, by introducing a tested method creating your own Organized System for Meal Planning for Any Diet designed by two Professional Organizers who have been in the industry for over 6 years!This course covers: Discovering what kind of chef you are and your preferences Creating your ideal kitchen and workspace Real-life case studies with before and afterphotographs Sample menu plans that can be modified to suit your tastes Industrybest practicesto follow formaximizingdesirable resultsThere are many benefits to developing a meal plan. You become a healthier and relaxed person to be around, especially in our fast-paced society. You will develop successful habits that reinforce this new way of eating, so it's a life-long investment of your time spent learning.Your ability to be open-minded and change your current behaviour will havea positiveripple effect in all areas of your lifeincluding your energy levels, fitness, and overall mental health.OverviewThis course contains over 1.5 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to create an organized system for meal planning!You'lllearn how to properly set up your kitchen and the practical steps you need to create any meal plan.You will see the examples applied in real life case studies in a variety of homes.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you feel confident that mealtime will never be stressful again!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Docker over AWS with ECS. Implementing IaaS, CI and CD" |
"The idea of this course is to master a really cool way to implement a scalable and highly available base architecture supported by an automated development pipeline.In this course, you will learn how to set up a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline on AWS. A pipeline helps you automate steps in your software delivery process, such as initiating automatic builds and then deploying to Amazon EC2 instances. You will use AWS CodePipeline, a service that builds, tests, and deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you define. Use CodePipeline to orchestrate each step in your release process. As part of your setup, you will plug other AWS services into CodePipeline to complete your software delivery pipeline. This guide will show you how to create a very simple pipeline that pulls code from a source repository and automatically deploys it to an Amazon EC2 instance.During the course we are going to be using all this AWSservices:Cloudformation,CodeCommit, CodePipeline,EC2 Container Service (ECS) over Docker,CodeDeploy andCodeBuild between other Amazon web services like...This course is totally practical: You will code some shell scripts, build Cloudformation templates from scratch, create and edit Dockerfiles, monitor containers execution over ECS and many more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS notifications, messages and logs in a Slack Channel" |
"The idea of this course is to explore and learn different ways to publish AWS notifications, messages or logs into your Slack Chat.First we are going to check some basicconcepts and also the AWS services used in the course. Then we are going to deepdive into different ways we have to publish messages and logs to Slack:1.- Triggering a lambda function from a SNS topic2.- Triggering a lambda function from a Cloudwatch rules3.- Triggering a lambda function directly from another AWS services.4.- Publishing to slack using Slack API.5.- Publishing to slack using an Incoming Webhook."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java EE : Devenez dveloppeur d'applications Web Java" |
"Pourquoi ce cours ?Java a quasiment depuis toujours constitu le langage de prdilection des entreprises ct serveur.On aurait pu imaginer que depuis toutes ces annes, raliser une application Web avec Java serait une affaire aboutie ? Malheureusement non car les standards voluent trs vite, aussi bien du ct client que du ct serveur.En effet la plupart des applications daujourdhui offre une interface web lutilisateur afin quil puisse interagir avec le systme simplement et agrablement, sans recourir linstallation daucun autre logiciel quun simple navigateur web type Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer etc...Ces applications Web dites modernes sont constitues de 2 parties :Une partie client qui sexcute sur le navigateur Web gnralement base de HTML, Javascript et cssUne partie serveur qui sexcute sur un serveur situ sur le rseau et qui exploite des langages de programmation classiques comme Java, C, PHP, Python, JavascriptComment un dveloppeur Java peut-il se frayer un chemin dans l'univers du Web, c'est ce que nous allons voir !Que contient-il ?J'ai voulu dans ce cours condenser les diffrentes techniques utilises pour raliser des applications Web Java.J'ai cherch garder l'essentiel, ce qu'il faut savoir absolument pour comprendre comment tout cela fonctionne aujourd'hui et pourquoi cela fonctionne comme a.Vous verrez tout d'abord la brique la plus fondamentale de Java EE : la technologie Servlet et son cosystme. Vous comprendrez en quoi elle est indispensable mais aussi quelles sont ses limites.Et puis nous partirons modestement la rencontre de cette norme intimidante qu'est Java EE au travers des Web Services RESTful.Nous voquerons galement de nombreux frameworks Java qui ne font pas partie de Java EE tels que Struts, Spring ou Jersey par exemple.Vous croiserez des concept et acronymes tranges premire vue mais qui vous ouvrirons non seulement les portes de Java EE mais aussi de .Net ou de PHP pour ne mentionnez que ceux-ci.Nous entrerons galement de plein pied sur le navigateur Web avec les applications Web ""monopage"" (Single Page Application) qui donnent une nouvelle dimension aux applications Web, des applications Web plus riches et plus interactives, offrant une rpartition plus claire des rles du serveur et du client web. Nous aborderons galement les standard du Web dit 2.0 avec Ajax et diffrentes librairies Javascript tel que JQuery.Le cours s'inscrit dans un cursus complet de formation pour dveloppeurs Java :Devenez dveloppeur JavaTravaux pratiques Java Librairies Java et Intro MavenJava EE : Devenez dveloppeur d'applications Web Java (ce cours)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Librairies Java et introduction Maven" |
"a y est, aprs quelques heures de cours et de petits exercices pratiques, vous vous sentez prts raliser quelque chose de concret. Mais qu'allez vous faire de vos nouvelles comptences ?Allez-vous :Dvelopper un jeu vido ?Dvelopper un site Web ?Raliser un morceau de musique ?Hacker le serveur des impts ;-)Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, vous ne serez pas les premiers ! Et il y a de trs fortes chances que ce dont vous avez besoin pour raliser votre objectif ait dj t crit par quelqu'un quelque part. Il serait dommage de ne pas pouvoir en profiter !Grce aux librairies que vous allez trouver sur Internet, vous allez pouvoir conomiser des milliers de lignes de code, garantir le plus souvent un travail de qualit et raliser parfois des choses que vous n'auriez pas imagin pouvoir faire vous-mme.Vous n'avez jamais travaill avec une librairie ou bien vous n'avez pas l'impression de le faire efficacement ? Ce cours est fait pour vous !Je vous montrerai :O trouver les librairies les plus populairesComment utiliser une librairie commerciale ou libre de droitsComment fabriquer et partager votre propre librairieComment grer les problmes classiques lis l'usage des librairies, dpendances entre les librairies, conflits, gestion des versionsJe vous montrerai comment le faire sans rien d'autre qu'un Kit de Dveloppement Java et comment le faire de faon automatise avec Maven.Cette mini-formation se veut tre la suite logique du ""Devenez dveloppeur Java "", mais avoir suivi au pralable cette formation n'est pas un prrequis, il vous suffit d'avoir une petite exprience en programmation Java.Ce cours vous donnera galement la possibilit d'amliorer, simplifier votre code en sachant comment intgrer des frameworks techniques populaires comme Spring, Hibernate et bien d'autres!Attention : Cette mini-formation est une introduction Maven, ce n'est pas un cours complet sur ces technologies.Le cours s'inscrit dans un cursus complet de formation pour dveloppeurs Java :Devenez dveloppeur JavaTravaux pratiques JavaLibrairies Java et Intro Maven (ce cours)Java EE : Devenez dveloppeur d'applications Web Java"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Developing Minecraft Bukkit Plugins (For Absolute Beginners)" |
"This course will teach you how to create classes, create packages, get familiar with Eclipse and also teach you the basics of java! This course will also teach you how to create a very simple plugin to teleport a player from position to position as well as give a player health boostwhen they use a health pack! We also go over how to create Gui's! this course is not for a Java expert, it is only to get you started with programming Minecraft Bukkit plugins. We make a whole bunch of awesome plugins that you can see by going down to see the curriculum that we offer. This course is the most recent and most up to date course on Bukkit Plugins on Udemy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Self Publish a Nonfiction Kindle eBook Like a Pro" |
"If you have never self published an eBook, or you've been disappointed with your previous endeavors, this course is for you! We will be focusing specifically on self publishing nonfiction eBooks through the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform.We'll be going through the self publishing process step by step. But before we launch into publishing, we'll cover all the pre-publishingpreparation steps and thought processes so that you can make your eBook the best it can be. Here are just some of the topics we'll discuss:Questions you need to answer before you even think about self publishing.Editing and proofreading (there is a difference between the two!) and why they're both important.Formatting your eBook manuscript with Microsoft Word.Using SEO techniques to createa great title, subtitle, and book description to help your eBook more easily get found.Creating an eBook cover on the cheap.Advertising opportunities available through KDP and Amazon Marketing Services.Building your author platform with blogs and social media.I'm Dr. Heidi Thorne, MBA/DBA, a nonfiction book editor and author of over 20 self publishing print books and eBooks on the topics of business, marketing, and self publishing. Previously, I was a trade newspaper editor for over 15 years and taught for 5 years at the college level. So Ihave a lot of writing and publishing experience and insight that I'd like to share with you in this course.Of course, I have to disclose that while I will be sharing what I've learned from working with the Amazon KDP platform over the years, I am not affiliated with,hired, endorsed, orapproved by Amazon and/or KDP. However, I do receive associate advertising compensation and/or royalties from Amazon, Createspace, and KDP as part of mynormal course of business.Ready to make your eBook into something great for you and your readers? Sign up and let's get started!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Using Public Speaking to Get Sales" |
"How many times have you heard that public speaking can help build your sales? That's a great idea. Butyou have toget booked for speaking gigs!Unlike so many other courses on public speaking, we won't be talking about public speaking skills. What we will be talking about areways that small business owners, solopreneurs, self-employed consultants, coaches, and authors can seek out public speaking opportunities."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Self Publish an Audio Book" |
"Audio content is growing in popularity every year! That's why self published authors need to consider offering audio editions of their existing books and eBooks. And it can be done more inexpensively and efficiently than ever before... even for free!We will be focusing specifically on self publishing audio books through Amazon and Audible's ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange) platform. Here are some of the major topics we'll discuss:Using the FREE Audacity open source software to record, edit, and export your audio book.How to use the ACX platform to get your audio book on Audible, Amazon and Apple Books (iTunes).Selecting a good, but inexpensive, microphone for recording yourself reading your book.Tips for controlling your voice when narrating your book.I'm Dr. Heidi Thorne, MBA/DBA, a nonfiction book editor and author of over 20 self published print books and eBooks on the topics of business, marketing, and self publishing. I have 9 audio books available for sale on Audible, Amazon and Apple Books. And I did them all myself!The lectures show PC instructions, special instructions for Mac users are provided as needed throughout the course.Note that ACX audio book publishing may not be available in all countries; check with ACX to see if it is available for your country prior to enrolling.Of course, I have to disclose that while I will be sharing what I've learned from working with the Amazon/Audible ACX platform, I am not affiliated with, hired, endorsed, or approved by Amazon, ACX, Audible, or Apple/Apple Books. However, I do receive associate advertising compensation and/or royalties from Amazon, Audible, ACX and Apple/Apple Books as part of my normal course of business. Also, any products or services mentioned or featured in the course are there because I have personally used them in preparing my audio books; I am not compensated for including them. No assurances of acceptance of your audio book by ACX, Amazon, or Apple/Apple Books is offered. This course should not be used as a substitute for your own due diligence and research.Ready to jump on the audio content revolution? Sign up and let's get started!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Character Strengths for Elementary School Teachers" |
"We love using positive psychology to helppeople thrive, especially in school. However we know teachers are pressed for time, and school budgets are tight. It broke our heart to think that schools aren't getting the benefit of positive education, sowecreated this online course.We know how beneficial this work is, and we are bursting at the seams to share it.In this course, you'll learn how to create The Happier Classroom, a place where teachers and students thrive.We all want our children to thrive andbe the best citizens they can be in the world. When we understand and cultivate children's character strengths, we enable them to be who they are at their very best. In other words, they flourish. But we also need to consider the wellbeing of our teachers, and staff.This is a basic introductorycourse for teachers who want toimplementthis life-enhancing workinto elementary/primary schools using the science of Positive Education."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Deja la pornografa y pon tu vida en TURBO" |
"La pornografa ha sido reconocida como una de las nuevas drogas. Recientemente se ha descubierto que una gran cantidad de hombres jvenes que miran pornografa frecuentemente, tienen en comn varios sntomas: La incapacidad para mantener una ereccin durante una relacin sexual, ansiedad generalizada, desmotivacin en general, y otros...Aprenders:Como el porno influye en tu qumica cerebral, modificando tu conducta y limitando tu vida.Aprenders de qu forma la pornografa ataca directamente tus instintos bsicos, convirtindose inevitablemente en una adiccin. Entenders cules son los mecanismos que se activan en tu mente, que te conducen a la pornografa como un escape sexual inminente. Aprenders a incorporar nuevos hbitos que te harn ir hacia adelante y crearn un nuevo balance en tu vida.Modificars tu qumica cerebral por medio de un proceso de restauracin.En resumen... te sentirs libre, volver tu motivacin y te convertirs en una persona mucho ms felz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Image compositing on 3D rendered background" |
"DescriptionIn this class I will show you how to composite a fashion style photograph onto a computer generated abstract background using Lightroom and Photoshop.Build a strong foundation in Image compositing and retouching with this tutorial for beginners.You will learnColor correction and colorization;Image retouching and compositing techniques;How to retain original shadows and reflections using the 50% gray technique;Lighting the shot to match the background;How to properly isolate the model from its original background;A Powerful Skill at Your FingertipsLearning how to properly isolate and composite an image onto a photographic or 3D rendered background puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips.Basically, you can create any type advertising, fashion or concept image you like.Jobs in image retouching and compositing are plenty and this course will give you a strong background to more easily create your portfolio in this direction.Content and OverviewSuitable for beginning photographers and retouchers, through this course of 11 lectures, youll learn how to properly isolate a fashion style photograph from its original studio background, how to add it on a 3d render image while maintaining its original shadows and reflections. We will also cover some retouching techniques and color correction methods.We will use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to accomplish these tasks.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create advertising, fashion and concept compositing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
", -. -, - , . - , HTML CSS ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Excel |
"Excel, 90- . .C , . , , , , , . , , . , , , !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Service Desk" |
", . , , , , . , . . , , ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Python. |
", Python . : . Python. . . . ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Python+Django. ." |
", Django Python . : ? ? , ? Django-? ? ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"On Page SEO: What Is Google Looking For On Your Site?" |
"In this course I'll show you how to create fully optimized pages foryour website that stand an excellent chance of ranking well on Google.Follow along step by step as Ishow all the processeslive on my screen.Importantly,everything we do will be based on DATA.I'll show you how to reverse engineer sites that are already ranking well for your targeted keywords so that you can identify how to beat them.Over the series of the videos you'll learnwhat themost important factors are Google looksfor on your pages, and how to set everything up from start to finishso that you outrank your competitors."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Freelanciami: come diventare freelance in 5 giorni" |
"Come trovo i primi 10 clienti? Come definisco il prezzo per le mie prestazioni? Come faccio a fare capire quali sono le mie competenze e come possono essere utili per i miei clienti? In questo corso dar una risposta ad ognuna di queste domande. Per farlo utilizzer metodi e strumenti che sono ormai prassi consolidate nel mondo delle startup e che io stesso utilizzo ogni giorno per capire come proporre unofferta di valore ai miei clienti."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |