Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Master iPhone LCD repair" |
"A beginners course in the repair of iPhone LCD, using the iPhone 6s to show the processes we will also show you the differences when repairing other models of iPhone. This is a beginners course and only focuses on the LCD repair. A steady hand and good eyesight is all thats needed."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Magia Profesional: Pasa de Principiante a Experto." |
"Te gustara ser capaz de poder sorprender a cualquier persona? Te encantara ser el alma de las fiestas y el centro de atencin?Siempre has querido ser la estrella?Pues qudate conmigo.En este curso vas a aprender los mejores trucos de MAGIA que has podido imaginar nunca. Vas a ser capaz de aprender cmo se realizan los trucos que hacen los mejores magos de televisin, tener una habilidad increble con las cartas y saber manejar a los espectadores como quieras sin manipularlos.Voy a compartir contigo todas mis experiencias y lo que he ido aprendiendo a lo largo de 6 duros aos largos en la magia aprendiendo de los mejores magos del mundo de cerca. Te voy a ensear desde lo ms bsico hasta lo ms avanzado y profesional, para que ests en el nivel que ests, no puedas perderte.El curso est grabado con 2 cmaras 1080p FULL HD, con focos de luz de estudio de grabacin y un micrfono profesional, ademas de una edicin de vdeo avanzada.Pongo la mano en el fuego a que cuando acabes el curso, si pones en prctica todo lo que te enseo, vas a poder lograr cosas que nunca te imaginaste, e ir a sitios y fiestas increbles. Yo lo pude conseguir y aqu estoy yo para ensearte cules son mis mayores y grandes secretos que me han permitido sorprender a personas por todo el mundo entero y conseguir objetivos impensables.Mi nombre es Carlos Muoz y nos vemos dentro ;)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo ser ms Feliz y Cambiar Tu Vida" |
"En este curso sers capaz de aprender y obtener todas las herramientas y claves que necesitas para transformar tu vida por completo.Logrars pasar de una vida que quizs no sea la vida que siempre deseaste a una vida que te encanta y a una vida que vas a por lo que quieres sin importarte lo que pueda opinar el resto o todos los miedos que tengas porque aqu aprenders a:Derrumbar todos esos miedos y barreras mentales que siempre has tenido.Te dar las mejores claves paraaprender y que de esa forma puedas evolucionar mucho ms rpido.Te ensear a cmo encontrar lo ms importante en tu vida: Tu propsito, loque has venido a hacer al mundo.Conocers las claves exactas que te permitirn salir de tu zona de confort y afrontar nuevos retos.Aprenders qu es el xito y fabricars tu propia definicin para que puedas ir encaminado/a hacia ese objetivo.Y muchsimas ms sorpresas que te encantarn."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trading: Convirtete en un Inversor Experto desde Cero" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Trading,aqu vas a aprender a ganar dinero desde casa con Forex y Trading de forma fcil y sencilla,voy a ir explicndote paso a paso desde cero todo lo que he aprendido a lo largo de aos de experiencia y aprendizaje en este mundo de inversiones.Vas a aprender desde cero qu es Forex hasta los Lotes de Forex, tipos de Brokers y un gran etc... aprendiendo paso a paso desde la A hasta la Z todo lo que necesitas saber para ganar dinero desde tu casa.Tambin,tengopreparado para ti un regaloenel vdeo final por comprar este curso."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Rekognition Development: A Complete Guide" |
"Amazon Rekognition is a sophisticated deep learning based service from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that makes it easy to add powerful visual search and discovery to your own applications. With Rekognition using simple APIs, you can quickly detect objects, scenes, faces, celebrities and inappropriate content within images. You can also search, analyze, organize and compare faces. ""I love how you structured the course (demo and code) and most importantly you showed how to use the technology. Most of the course that I've seen and taken lack the latter part."" - Sovanna Chuon, Student""It is exactly what I was looking for: a quick and clear introduction to AWS Rekognition."" - Miguel Cabral, Student""Buen curso, ritmo adecuado y entendible, tal vez falta entrar ms en detalle en el cdigo pero en general muy recomendable."" - Eduardo Vargas Aguirre, StudentAre you a Developer looking to incorporate visual search and Image recognition capabilities to your own Applications using the recently launched Amazon Rekognition service from AWS? Are you an Architect or Tech Lead willing to explore reference Architectures and implementations on how Amazon Rekognition fits in with other AWS service offerings to solve Real-world problems? Either way, you are in the right place.This course emphasize on learning by doing. You will be developing 6 complete end-to-end solutions with different capabilities of Amazon Rekognition. You will be developing the following projects:Deliver Dynamic Targeted Advertisement ContentIntelligent Family Photo Search App Face Based Authentication and Verification SystemTravel Photo Smart Search AppEnhance the Travel Photo Smart Search App with Image ModerationCelebrity RecognizerIn the process, you will also interact with and learn to use the following AWS servicesS3Lambda FunctionAPI GatewayDynamoDBElasticSearchCognitoSNSCloudWatchIdentity and Access Management***Important Update - ImageMagick Fix***September 15, 2019ImageMagick is no longer bundled with the Node.js 10.x runtime in Lambda due to security reasons. I have included a lecture with all the instructions to install and use a lambda layer to address this issue."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hindi - Hindi Basics for beginners" |
"The course is aimed at a wide range of students with a general interest in Hindi. No prior knowledge of Hindi isrequired as the course is for complete beginners.Objectives of the course:By the end of this course you will be able to: 1. UnderstandsimpleHindi words and phraseson a variety of thematictopics. 2. Pronounce the Hindi words, alphabet sounds & phrases correctly. 3.Easilysubstitute the English words with the new acquiredHindi words in your day to dayconversation. 4. Communicatein very basic everyday-life situations, including greetings, daily activities, finding your way, directions, date, days & months. 5. Understand the Hindi Devnaagari script and the phonics sounds of vowels and consonants in Hindi. Course Outline: There are 4 sections in this course. Section 1: Introduction to the course Know your instructorSection 2: Focuses on Devnaagari Script of HindiConsonants in Hindi Pronunciation Guide Vowels in Hindi Pronunciation Guide Section 3: Thematic Units Colours Animals Birds Fruits Numbers 1-10 Directions Days of the week Months Household Items 10 Most Common Phrases Section 4: Test your Hindi Skills QuizAfter finishing this course, students should be ready to join a Basic Hindi Level 2 Course by edXHindi."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Conversational Spanish Fast" |
"This course is for students who want to speakconversational Spanish and have been confronted with the challenge of not being able to understand native speakers. The first step in this process is to learn correct Spanish pronunciation.You will then practice REAL Spanish through songs and audio recordings and will besubmitting multiple 1 minute recordingsto me for individual feedback on pronunciation. Then you will be using this knowledge to practice conversational situations.I want to empower you to learn how to practice Spanishon your own, and I will give you the tools to do so! Along the way, I give insider tricks and tips on how to study the language and amazing tools that will help you in the process!In order to learn Spanish conversation quickly, you will need a solid foundation for the language. The goal of this course is to guide you in the right direction and to give you personal feedback about what you are saying in Spanish.The foundation for learning Spanishincludes:Being able to pronounceevery word in the Spanish language without hesitation.Being able to learnreal-life listening skills to improve conversational Spanish fast.Being ableto practice real Spanish on your ownby mimicking native speakers through songs and audio with various free tools and websites(and you will receive feedback on these recordings from me).Being able to apply this knowledge by knowing and studyingpractical conversational phrases. These will includehow to order food, how to introduce yourself, how to ask basic questions, and other key concepts.Being ableto break down conversational phrasesso that you can combine them with other words in different contexts. You will notbe memorizing word listslike what most teachersdo in schools.Myapproachwill give you the full understanding of a fewbasic grammatical structures that are vitalfor conversational Spanishso that you can continue your own self-study. This helps students avoid the high costs of hiring multiple tutors or teachers in the future!Knowing the importance of cognates! By the end of this course, you will learn 50 Spanish words and will know how to use them in basic sentences.Being ableto use key Spanish-learning tools and websiteslike Spaced Repetition System (Anki), Audacity, Forvo, and many othersto self-learn the language.Being able to slow down an mp3 file to analyze each syllable in it's real context in order to sing/speak variousphrases fluently.All of this includes fast feedback from me, your instructor! I know that students normally prefer face-to-face interactions with their teachers, so I want this course to be as close as possible to a real interaction!My goal is to help all of my students to learn the language faster than they thought possible, and this requires feedback from a fluent speaker.By the end of the course, you will feel comfortable with basic conversation situations and you will be able to expand on that knowledge by using the different tools that I give you. I firmly believe that you learn better when you know how to learn the language yourself. Plus, my strategy is way more fun than any other course!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Editorial Fashion Photography (with No Budget or Team)" |
"This course will show anyone with novice to intermediate experience how to produce professional fashion images using natural light that will look like as if an entire team participated in the shoot with little to no cost. Starting from scratch, from choosing equipment to finding models to scouting locations to shooting protocol to editing in fashion industry standards to submitting to magazines and representation, this course will assist in pursuing your passion. Adhering to the theme of no budget, this course does not cover the use of artificial light (strobes or constant lighting), which you would have to purchase or rent and/or have team members assist you with."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn C# From Scratch with Real Applications" |
"WANT TO LEARN C#?Want to make a good beginning in C#? Then this course is for you The content of the course is delivered in a very clear manner we will learn everything step by step and build many APPS. First of We will never use Console because its boring so we will learn how to create real app and that willmakeyou eager.THIS IS THE ONE OF THE BEST C# COURSE WHO WANTS TO LEARN C# AND CREATE REAL APPS IN C#. This is the BEST COURSE CHOICE for completely beginners anybody who wants to be a C# programmer but hasnt any idea of where to begin. Heres great news: If you can type, install a program, and open your browserin your Computer, youre good to go. What is C#... First, say C# pronounce islike: See Sharp,. C# is the best programming language for a newbie to start. Why? Because its very simple to learn and Visual Studio allows you create your app easily you don't need to type codes for interfaces everything is simple just drag and drop to design area. WHY this C# course? Youre a newcomer to coding and want to learn everything from scratch? Youll learn C#s programming language, with clear instruction and well detailed videos. And youll write your own codes What We Will Do? The BEST way to become a proficient programmer its about writing lots of code and learn different examples. Don't worry we will do that we will type a lot of code and build many different apps. We will learn how to use Tools in Visual Studio and create different real app in C#. We will also create database apps in C# and learn how to use SQL server. Other good news is we will also create games in C# and you will learn game programming. Finally i want to say what C# is very powerful language you can create many different apps with C# for example Android,IOS, Windows 8/10APPS and Games (with Unity or Xamarin) softwarefor Windows and more. For C# my slogan is One Language many platforms!!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ship It! Hardware Product Development for Beginners" |
"With the advent of the Maker Movement and the boon of easier fundraising from Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms today, it seems like everybody and their grandmother are bringing an electronic product to market. Maybe you too have a desire to design, create, and sell an electronic product. But many first-time entrepreneurs don't know where to begin.They wonder...What makes a good product idea in the first place?How do I know people will buy it?Where do I begin?And how do I get from my pile of breadboard parts and Arduino shields to something I can sell?Well, as the saying goes, success is 90% preparation and only 10% perspiration. Just like how writing a single line of code is one of the last steps in a successful software product, we'll see that designing the electronics is one of the last steps when it comes to creating hardware. I'll show you how to get your hardware project out the door faster by following this simple process first.I have learned this material over a decade of practice, and by reading through textbooks, manuals, documents, tutorials, etc. I've taken all of this information and, for the first time ever, put it all together for you in one place and in a concise approach meant for beginners.This course is the first of a holistic series about designing electronic hardware. Later courses will cover schematic and PCB design, PCB automated testing, advanced coverage of Design for Manufacture (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA), marketing, and more. But you are going to want to start here! Many entrepreneurs who skip this step and rush to the ""fun stuff"" of playing with circuits and firmware live to regret it, by creating a 100% polished product that nobody wants.And I'm so sure that you're going to learn a ton from this content that this course is backed by a no risk, 30-day, money back guarantee. No questions asked, no hard feelings. You have nothing to lose!So let's get started already!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Business Idea" |
"There are no limits as to who can become an entrepreneur. However, few actually step out to make it happen. Perhaps, it might be because you do not know where to start. What is the nature of your business, is there a market for your service or product, what kind of set up is suitable for me, where do I obtain my funding from, how do I compete against my competitors? These are just some of the questions that flood your mind. In this course, we aim to start you off on your entrepreneurial journey. We will discuss the fundamental characteristics of being an entrepreneur and explain the steps of setting up a business."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Business Plan" |
"Wanting to pitch to an investor but not sure how to start?What is a business plan? Why is there a need for a business plan? This course is to start you off on this journey of writing your business plan. We explore....How to select your business mission statement.How business objectives are important to communicate and assign roles, responsibilities and expectations of performance to employees.How to set business objectives. And how these objectives should be consistent with your values and goals while remaining achievable.We will also draw up a road map of all the components to achieve your business goal."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Speaking 7 Plus [Improve your IELTS speaking score]" |
"ThisIELTS Speakingcourse will teach youtop tricks and speaking skills in preparationfor IELTS speaking task 1, task 2 and task 3.Youcan score band 6, band 7, band 8 or higher.""My vocabulary is too basic""""I run out of things to say""""I'mreallynervous about IELTS speaking""""I don't have enough time to study!""These arecommon worriesIELTSstudentsoften have in preparation for their test.You might feellike this, too. But I can tell you that there isabsolutely nothing to worry about.Lots of IELTS courses offer long,boring lectures - but this online course gives you EXCITING, FAST and EASY to learnlessonsthat will quickly supercharge your score. Don't wastetimeonhours of boring,sluggish courses. IELTS Speaking 7 Plus will give you everything you needin a fraction of the time. Practice and rehearse whichever skillyou need to improve the most.Understand what the IELTS Speaking test isLearn how to get higher band scoresImprove your vocabulary and speaking skillsSpeak confidently in all parts of the IELTS Speaking testLessons demonstratetop vocabulary and language that you must use. Steal it, rehearse it, own it! The course gives you the language required to confidently talk about any topic;even better it's modeled by a highly qualified UK instructorand former IELTS students. Watch your mentor and IELTS graduatesuse real-life, high scoring language to answer real life test questionsand task 2 topic cards.The IELTS Speaking 7 Plusmentor(David Morris, UK) has years of experience in international education and understands exactly what you need to improve. That's why lessons are full of quick, easy to understand language tips - guaranteed to boost your score within a few hours of practice.Who is this course for?IELTS students who want to improve their speaking band score.Students who want to improve their vocabulary and language for the IELTS speaking test.Anyone who wants to improve their English conversation skills.What else is included in this course?A30 day money back guaranteeif you aren't 100% satisfied.Lifetime accessto all learning materials and future updates.Mobile responsiveplatform - Learn on the move.Quick and friendly supportfrom instructor and in the Q+A section.English captionsoffered for all videos."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"English Speaking: Conversation Masterclass" |
"Superchargeyour English speaking skills and increase your confidence in a range common English speaking topics. You'll learn British English pronunciation, upgrade yourvocabulary and boost your conversationbasics.Sound more like a native English speaker in 2to 4 weeks in this fun, short English language course.In English Speaking: Conversation Masterclass, you'll learn common phrases and language used by nativeEnglishspeakers and improve your pronunciation. Expand your vocabulary for common basicEnglishand learnto tips and tricks for natural English speaking.In this course, you'll use the uniqueSpeak. Recite. Write. language learning method to boostyour English conversation and English speaking confidence. Learn and memorise scripts to grow your Englishspeaking brain - then create your own scripts in common topics to further practice and increase your fluency and language skills. Test your speaking skills with quizzes, listening tests and assignments designed to help you use the language taught in this course.Boost your English speaking confidenceExpand and develop your vocabulary word bankBuild confidence in common English conversation topicsLearn native English speaking phrases and languageEnglish Speaking: Conversation Masterclass is designed to be fun and engaging, featuring speedy language lessons and easy to follow English speaking tips. Ever wanted to sound more like a native speaker? Check out the English speaking tips in this course to superpower your native voice and conversation.SPEAK. RECITE. WRITEThis is aunique language learning method, that trains your English speaking brain. By learning scripts (created by the course instructor) and rehearsing language, you will develop your native sounding English speaking skills and quickly sound more fluent and confident. You'll create your own speaking scripts in the course assignments. A great way to boost your English speaking skills and practice new vocabulary!Who is this course for?English learners with agood understanding of at least basic English speaking.English language learners who want a quick, fun course to boost English speaking and listening skills.Students who want to speak like a nativeusing common phrases and language.Anyone who wants to improve their English conversation skills.What else is included in this course?A 30 day money back guarantee if you aren't 100% satisfied.Lifetime access to all learning materials and future updates.Mobile responsive platform - Learn on the move.Quick and friendly support from instructor and in the Q+A section.English captions offered for all videos."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"MS-DOS Complete Course: from Zero to Professional!" |
"Learn MS-DOS operating system with an IT-Expertwhich has more than 10 years experience in Information Technology.=================================================================================In this course we will start from thebeginning, step by step guide, everything explained practically, easy to understand,high quality lessons.Everyone who wants to make his IT skills betterand wants to learn administrating windows operating systems, and to startlearning Ethical Hacking, this is a BEST Course to start.=================================================================================In this course we will start from thebeginning such as like introducing the Command Prompt, different ways to openthe command prompt, changing time, date color of MS-DOS, dealing with files andfolders through CMD, Making programs, creating and editing user accountsthrough CMD, practicing network related commands in DOS and lots more and atthe end, we will show you how to protect your Privacy and do Ethical Hackingthrough the Command Prompt.So, what are you waiting for! Lets start thejourney of learning MS-DOS."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Encoding and Unicode Demystified in Python" |
"Hello and welcome to this course: Encoding and Unicode Demystified in Python. Where you can get to the important points quickly without having to watch hours of typing into an editor!Unicode is the worldwide standard for character representations, supporting 154 different writing systems and over 143,924 individual characters. This complete course provides an in-depth explanation of Unicode, encoding and how it all works together, with practical examples in both Python 2 and Python 3.The course covers everything that you will need to know to solve the problems caused by improper, broken handling of Unicode and its encoding. An example of this is when you see some ordinary text like 'a va' go through a program or website and gets totally ruined, ending up like 'a va'?. Not good!if you write software that handles text, you need to understand how to use Unicode and its encoding.By the end of this short course, you will know exactly how to write software that handles text correctly, every time!. So why wait? Let's get started today."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"New in Big Data: Hive, HiveMall, AWS Lambda, Solr, Kibana" |
"This course is for people who wantto learn how to do things, not just to fill their heads with importantconcepts, paradigms, and heaps of information they kind of know but have no idea how to use.This course works you through the full Big Data process:Data InputETLPredictive Modelling using Machine LearningData VisualizationDeployment to AWS using AWSLambda andAmazon EMR bundleApache Hive is an easy SQL based tool that allows to process large amounts of data on Hadoop fast. Hive gained popularity immediately after Hadoop MapReduce became widely used as it allows to work with data by means of SQL queries.It is used by many organisations to process their data. This course shows a number of interesting Hive queries and explains what Hive UDFs are.ApacheHiveMall is a Machine Learning library of tomorrow. Like Hive it allows to use complex machine learning algorithms knowing SQL only. No need to code, compile and debug!It is reallyeasy to use for programmers and non-programmers. Apache HiveMall Machine Learning library implements many useful Machine Learning algorithms (Supervised classification, LDA, RandomForest, etc.)using Hive UDFs. This course focuses on Text Classification when presenting HiveMall.Hive +HiveMall is no less (or maybe even more) attractive and efficient than Spark +SparkMLib. Also, as HiveQLis more or less SQL. Knowing SQLand knowing only SQL will allow many non-developers to enter BigData world.AWSLambda is a must to know now. Ishow how to use it with Java to make it suitable to be a part of a BigData pipeline. AWS Lambda +AmazonEMR+Hive combination is also explained.Solr and Hueis a search engine and visualisation dashboard combination.ElasticSearch and Kibanais another such combination.Both technologies use thesame idea:use connectors to push data from Hive or Spark directly to Solr or ElasticSearch. Hue andKibana use properties and inner data representations oftheir corresponding search engines to display data on a dashboard. This course shows how to integrate Hive with both technologies.Instead of being comprehensive this course assumes a bit of prior knowledge of the topic.It teaches bypresentingsolutions for the problems that occurred repeatedly during the time i worked on different BigDataprojects. Itshows how mastering small things gives youan ability to create a simple solution to almost every problem from concept to delivery.We start with importing data to ApacheHive correctly, andslowly progress to an ability to quickly deliverresults of your work as an AWSservice, a Search Engine service, or a Hue dashboard.The course shows data processing with Hive (also teaching how to write User Defined Functions for Hive of different levels of complexity:UDF, GenericUDF, UDAF and UDTF), it shows anapplication ofMachine Learning to Text Classificationusing HiveMall, and then exporting data from Hive to Solr &Hue or ElasticSearch &Kibana.You will also learn how to write anAWSLambda that runs Hive. All together that gives you an ability to builda simple dataprocessing pipeline. A datapipeline that is simple, robust and ready to be delivered and used in no time."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Wie du einen genialen Vortrag hltst" |
"Dein Vortrag ist deine ChanceMit dem Kurs ""Wie du einen genialen Vortrag hltst"" geben wir dir Profi-Tipps und praktische bungen, um aus der lstigen Pflicht eine richtige Chance zu machen. Du wirst feststellen, wie du mit einfachen Tricks ngste abbauen, dein Konzept entwickeln und deine Performance verbessern kannst.Wir freuen uns auf die Arbeit mit dir zu den Themen:Vortrag planenPerformance pimpenDer groe AuftrittJetzt einschreiben und mitmachen. Wir freuen uns auf dich,Michi &SimonMichael Schmidt - PersnlichkeitsentwicklerSimon Schnetzer - Jugendforscher &Speaker"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to find the right product to sell on Etsy?" |
"Life's too short to invest time in products that nobody wants!So we have created a course for the first step you have to do when starting an Etsy shop. Which is finding out what is in demand on Etsy, what kind of product niches there are and which are profitable. What are the products that people are buying, and define what is the product I have to make to be competitive and be able to achieve my financial goals!This course is created by 3 authors - 2 very successful Etsy shop ownersand 1 entrepreneur/mentor, who knows how to translate their 6 year experience on Etsy into actionable steps that students are willing and able to complete!Edite KlidzejaLaila MasaMikus LosansThe course have been created based on a 1 yearexperience of organizingphysical in-class courses on starting an Etsy Business. We have had around 200 graduates and 6seasons (in every 2 months). In these physical courses we were able to learn every season and improve the course in next seasons.Course Consists of 3 main parts:1. Defining your goal;2. Doing market research;3. Defining your product and it's uniqueness;In the end of the course you will define a product that you want to create and that is profitable and in demand. You will also have feedback from course creators about your product that you have found."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Geld verdienen mit Affiliate Marketing" |
"Eine klassische Affiliate Webseite kann der Grundbaustein fr dein Online Business Modell seinund mit Provisionen durch das Amazon Partnerprogramm kannst du deine ersten Einnahmen verdienen.Die Inhalte des Videokurs kannst du auf deinen ersten Affiliate Webseiten in die Praxis umsetzen.Deine Besucher kommen ber die organische Suche, d.h. Sie suchen gezielt nach den Inhalten die du erschaffst.-- Volle Kraft voraus und den Videokurs freischalten! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How You Can Build an Online Business on Even the Tight" |
"Have you dreamed of having your own business?Maybe you hate your current job or need the flexibility of being able to work from home.Or maybe you already have your own offline or service business and want another outlet for selling.Either way,it can be a risky undertakingif you decide to start a business and then sink in a lot of money from the beginning.With an online business, that doesnt have to be the case.You caninvest as little as $100and have an online business up and running in no time.Whats the trick?You just have to apply some simple budgeting tips that allow you to get your business off the ground, test it out, and then scale up for success.We know what if feels like to be up late at night worrying that youve made the wrong investment decisions.Even worse is being stuck in place, afraid to start something online that could drain away savings without a payoff.It doesnt have to be that way.Weve put together a course that will walk you through the secrets of starting an online business on a shoestring budget,and well help you decide just where to spend and where NOT to spend money.Introducing:How to start out online without spending any more than you have to!InHow to Build an Online Business on a Shoestring Budget, Ill walk you through the key strategies and tools for getting off to a successful start online on as little money as possible.Youll look at the critical steps you need to take when getting started that maximize your success.Well go through the essential start-ups costs youll need to plan for.And youll learn about some free or low-cost tools and processes you can use to get started and keep growing without spending more than necessary.Finally, youll put together a plan for your next steps in getting your online business off on a great, low-budget start.By the end of the course, youll be able to:Recognize the benefitsof operating a virtual business rather than a brick-and-mortar operationFeel confidentthat an online business can help you realize your particular and unique goals and desiresPlan the main componentsof your online business for a profitable, but low-budget startList your necessary costsfor start-up and ongoing maintenance of your online businessExplore free and budget friendly toolsfor creating and growing your online businessUse proven processesand strategies which will continue to steadily grow your business on a limited budgetWeve divided up the course intoeasy, bite-size sectionsso you wont get overwhelmed. And, youll have no reason to procrastinate!Youll also get an actionableWorkbookto take notes and complete the activities!!!Want the specifics?Here are the topics well cover in each major section of the course:Module 1: Introduction Why Take Your Business Online?Well start by discussing the massive benefits of having an online business and why its a great way to achieve your financial goals without having to risk your life saving, or even much money at all.Module 2: Good Business Strategy and Planning to Keep Your Costs LowKeeping your expenditure down starts with good business planning. In Module 2, well talk about the exact planning steps you need to take, including market research to perform and how to select the right business model for your skills and personality.Module 3: Building Your Online Business on a BudgetSo how much do you really need to spend to get started? In Module 3 well break it all down and go through the essential expenses youll need to budget for. Well even discuss one type of expense that most people dont plan for but should!Module 4: Popular Tools for Building Your Business on a Tight BudgetIts easy to get sucked into paying too much for business tools that promise incredible results. Most of the time, you just dont need to invest in any of those. In Module 4, well go through some free, low-cost, and scalable tools to keep your start-up and ongoing costs low.Module 5: Strategies to Keep Your Online Business Running on a BudgetIts also easy for costs to get out of control quickly when you get started and see all the great opportunities out there. In Module 5, youll learn the strategies that successful online start-ups use to maximize their profitability while growing their business on a tight budget.Conclusion: Create Your Action PlanBy this point, youve learned a multitude of ways for getting your online business off to a fast start with minimal cost. In the concluding module, youll spend time putting it all together by identifying your next steps and what you need to get started.Anyone can build an online business with as little as $100, so now you have no more excuses.Get started right away and begin building up a brand new source of income for yourself.Even better, your new online business can grow to be as big (or as small) as you want it to be!Dont waste another minute worrying about whether you can afford to build an online business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"What Is Affiliate Marketing?" |
"What Is Affiliate Marketing? Get Paid to Promote ProductsAffiliate marketing is probably the easiest way to make money online. The main advantage of affiliate marketing is that you dont have to create a product to sell. You simply create a website that sells somebody elses product or service, drive traffic to it, and make money from the sales.One of the first online affiliate marketing programs wasAmazons, launched in 1996. It wasnt the first one to be set up, but it was the first one that was huge and popular. Amazon basically wrote the book on how affiliate marketing is done and they continue to innovate."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creativity Workshop For Unlimited Flow Of New Ideas" |
"The ""Creativity Workshop For Unlimited Flow Of New Ideas,"" allows you to unblock creative flow through nine simple but powerful exercises. Also explore your natural rhythm, and use your surroundings for creative ideas.You will see that by the end of this short, digestiblecourse the way you come up with new ideas to apply into your everyday life will come with such ease and excitement. We live in a world of art, so using that art to fuel our creative engine is exactly what this course is all about.Bonus: With this purchase you will be able to get the ""Creativity Workshop for Unlimited Flow of New Ideas,"" for $65by using a promo code that will be provided in the bonus section of this course.There are a lot of benefits of taking these courses together. Although they are great stand alone courses as well."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Check Point Certified Security Administrator" |
"The Check Point Security Administration course provides an understanding of basic concepts andskills necessary to configure the Check Point Security Gateway, configure Security Policies, andlearn about managing and monitoring secure networks.This Course covers the following topics:Describe Check Point's unified approach to network management, and the key elements ofthis architecture.Design a distributed environment using the network detailed in the course topology.Install the Security Gateway version R77 in a distributed environment using the networkdetailed in the course topology.Given network specifications, perform a backup and restore the current Gateway installationfrom the command line.Identify critical files needed to purge or backup, import and export users and groups and add or delete administrators from the command line.Deploy Gateways using sysconfig and cpconfig from the Gateway command line.Given the network topology, create and configure network, host and gateway objectsVerify SIC establishment between the Security Management Server and the Gateway usingSmartDashboard.Create a basic Rule Base in SmartDashboard that includes permissions for administrativeusers, external services, and LAN outbound use.Evaluate existing policies and optimize the rules based on current corporate requirements.Maintain the Security Management Server with scheduled backups and policy versions toensure seamless upgrades and minimal downtime.Configure NAT rules on Web and Gateway servers.Use Queries in SmartView Tracker to monitor IPS and common network traffic andtroubleshoot events using packet data.Using packet data on a given corporate network, generate reports, troubleshoot system andsecurity issues, and ensure network functionality.Using SmartView Monitor, configure alerts and traffic counters, view a Gateway's status,monitor suspicious activity rules, analyze tunnel activity and monitor remote user accessbased on corporate requirements.Monitor remote Gateways using SmartUpdate to evaluate the need for upgrades, newinstallations, and license modifications.Use SmartUpdate to apply upgrade packages to single or multiple VPN-1 Gateways.Upgrade and attach product licenses using SmartUpdate.Centrally manage users to ensure only authenticated users securely access the corporatenetwork either locally or remotely.Manage users to access to the corporate LAN by using external databases.Use Identity Awareness to provide granular level access to network resources.Acquire user information used by the Security Gateway to control access.Define Access Roles for use in an Identity Awareness rule.Implementing Identity Awareness in the Firewall Rule Base.Configure a pre-shared secret site-to-site VPN with partner sitesConfigure permanent tunnels for remote access to corporate resources.Configure VPN tunnel sharing, given the difference between host-based, subunit-based andgateway-based tunnels."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Blogging professionale: Il metodo completo con WordPress" |
"****Aggiornamento di Febbraio 2019:Inserita nuova sezione sulla creazione di contenutiInserita nuova sezione sulla SecurityAggiornate le descrizioni di alcuni video****Sviluppa il tuo blog di successo con il mio Corso Completo DI Blogging Professionale Con WordPress.Imparerai a realizzare il tuo blog partendo dall'installazione di Wordpress, passando per la configurazione di tutte le funzioni del tuo blog, fino ad arrivare ai metodi migliori per costruire i tuoi articoli nel modo giusto, in modo da farti trovare rapidamente dai motori di ricerca.Io sono Filippo e sono un Web Developer ormai da quasi cinque anni. Mi occupo della realizzazione e della promozione di siti web aziendali per conto dei miei clienti e so bene quanto sia difficile emergere in un mercato online sempre pi saturo.Nel corso degli anni, ho realizzato e posizionato oltre 30 diversi siti web per i miei clienti ed ho sviluppato un metodo di lavoro efficace, in grado di portare ai risultati migliori in tempi rapidi. Con il mio corso, ti dar tutte le competenze necessarie per lanciare il tuo blog nel modo migliore, mettendoti in grado di costruire la TUAnicchia di utenza e di EMERGEREdalla massa, costruendo un tuo pubblico.Sei pronto a lanciare la tua presenza online col piede giusto? Salta a bordo ed approfitta dell'occasione che ti propongo per cominciare fin da oggi a realizzare il tuo spazio online secondo il mio personale metodo di lavoro.PERCHE' DOVRESTI SEGUIRE QUESTO CORSOAcquistando il corso non otterrai soltanto l'accesso a tutti i video proposti al momento dell'acquisto. Il corso pensato per aggiornarsi continuamente sulla base dei feedback e delle richieste degli studenti.Acquistando il corso, otterrai l'accesso A VITA a tutti gli aggiornamenti che verranno introdotti e di conseguenza, avrai a disposizione un canale di apprendimento in continua evoluzione, sempre aggiornato sulle ultime novit e sugli ultimi strumenti.NON FINITA QUI!Oltre all'accesso ai video, potrai entrare nel gruppo facebook dedicato al corso, in cui potrai entrare in contatto diretto con me e con tutti gli altri studenti. Il gruppo perfetto per scambiarsi idee e lanciare nuove collaborazioni.COSA ASPETTI?COMINCIA OGGI STESSO IL CORSO ED INIZIA LA COSTRUZIONE DEL TUO BLOG DI SUCCESSO CON WORDPRESS!TI ASPETTO!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Test Driven Development con Java: il corso completo sul TDD" |
"Benvenuto al Corso Completo di Test Driven Development con Java!All'interno di questo corso, imparerai a realizzare applicazioni Java seguendo l'approccio Test Driven, che ti permetter di realizzare codice semplice, facilmente manutenibile e totalmente testato in ogni sua parte.All'interno del corso, ti insegner tutte le strategie e le tecniche di testing fondamentali per realizzare le tue applicazioni in ottica test driven. Ecco nello specifico cosa vedremo:Cos' il Test Driven DevelopmentUnit Testing con JUnitIntegration Testing con JUnitMutation Testing con PITVersionamento con GitHubCode Coverage con JaCoCO e Coveralls*****Il corso pensato per chiunque voglia imparare la metodologia di sviluppo Test Driven. Anche se all'interno del corso lavoreremo con Java, tutte le tecniche mostrate sono applicabili a qualunque linguaggio di programmazione Object Oriented.*****ILCORSOHo sviluppato il corso per essere un percorso graduale alla scoperta degli strumenti e delle tecniche chiave del Test Driven Development.Acquistando il corso, potrai cominciare il tuo percorso di apprendimento che ti porter a diventare un perfetto programmatore Test Driven.Alla fine del corso, padroneggerai gli strumenti necessari a gestire in completa autonomia i tuoi progetti Test Driven e potrai decidere se applicare questo metodo di lavoro anche ai progetti che stai gi gestendo.Che tu programmi con Java o con qualsiasi altro linguaggio di programmazione Object Oriented, questo corso perfetto per imparare i dettami della programmazione Test Driven.ILTUOINSEGNANTEIl mio nome Filippo e sono un Web Developer da oltre cinque anni. Mi occupo di sviluppo di siti web aziendali e di programmazione di Web App in ambito enterprise per clienti di ogni tipo.So bene quanto possa essere tedioso e frustrante affrontare la programmazione di un progetto complesso, ma per fortuna, sono stato formato come programmatore ed ho imparato a fare mia la metodologia di lavoro Agile.Ho studiato Informatica presso l'Universit Degli Studi di Firenze e studio Java da oltre cinque anni, prima per passione personale e poi per necessit accademiche.Ho realizzato applicazioni Java di ogni sorta, da piccoli giochi da tavolo a gestionali per accesso e manutenzione di database.So bene quali sono le problematiche di un programmatore e sono qui per aiutarti ad affrontarle con un metodo di lavoro efficace, che ti permetta di scrivere codice in modo confident, facendo uso della metodologia Agile.Ho realizzato questo corso per aiutare gli studenti che vogliono portare le proprie skills di programmazione al livello successivo, oltre che per dare il mio contributo alla diffusione di questa metodologia di lavoro anche nel nostro paese, che purtroppo risulta molto arretrato rispetto agli altri paesi europeri, in cui l'approccio Test Driven considerato lo standard.PERQUALEMOTIVODOVRESTIACQUISTAREILCORSOSe vuoi portare le tue abilit di programmatore al livello successivo, imparando una metodologia di lavoro che renda in grado di dominare la complessit dello sviluppo di applicazioni complesse, questo il corso che fa al caso tuo!Se vuoi imparare un metodo di lavoro efficace ed innovativo, che ti permetta di aumentare il tuo valore come programmatore ed essere pi appetibile agli occhi di un'azienda, questo il corso che fa al caso tuo!Se vuoi imparare l'approccio Test Driven per cominciare il tuo progetto personale e costruire la tua StartUP, questo il corso che fa al caso tuo!Se vuoi semplicemente imparare una nuova skill, questo corso fa al caso tuo!Non ci sono altri corsi in Italia con questo grado di completezza sul Test Driven Development."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Solve College Statistics Problems Easily Using TI-84 plus" |
"This course will show you steps to solve the common statisticsproblems easilyusing TI-84 plus.You will see how Descriptive and inferential statistics problems are easily done using this wonder calculator. Topics include Measures of center: Mean, Median and Mode, Probabilities, regression, correlation, confidence intervals and tests-z-test, t-test, chi-square and F-tests.Watch how super easy it is to solve and understandyour Statistics homework, Quiz, tests or any assignment using TI-84 plus. After this series, you maynot need your tutors or professor again. Your statisticalstruggles are almost over."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NATRON: The FREE robust alternative to NUKE & AFTER EFFECTS" |
"Nuke is the industry standard in compositing Visual effects, but it costs a lot.Natron is open source and Free, It has the same interface, same workflow, similar nodes and and functionality.By learning Natron, you are also learning NukeYou can apply in Nuke everything you've learned in Natron, from day one, even if you have never opened Nuke before. Natron is the Free Nuke alternative.- You will make your first compositing in 10 minutes- You will navigate easily the interface- See the huge similarity with NukeYou will learn:- settings for a faster workflow- Tracking and Screen or sign replacement- Color correction using several nodes (Grade, ColorCorrect, HueCorrect, HSVTool)- Rotoscoping to target an object and for example change it- Use Rotopaint node to duplicate or make somebody disappear from your footage- And of course green screen keying- You will also add more free plugins to Natron- and you will learn how to renderThis is an opportunity to learn 2 compositing applications in one course, and add, using a free application, the power of node based compositing, the industry standard."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"GREEN SCREEN BOOTCAMP 2018: Key it right with 8 softwares" |
"(1) FILM IT RIGHT, (2) KEY IT RIGHT, (3) UPGRADE YOUR TOOL SET 1. You will learn what mistakes you should avoid when filming with green screen2. Whatever software you use, I will teach you how to key a green screen in:Adobe PremiereAfter EffectsNUKE StudioNatronDavinci Resolve 15 using color correction toolsFUSION, integrated in Davinci Resolve 15Avid Media composerBlender 2.8For a richer tool set, you get to explore how to do green screen keying in other software which you can keep as a reference for the future.You will learn different techniques, this way, what matters most is not the software, what matters most is the artist and filmmaker."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.8: Your first step - Get the basics right" |
"Blender 2.8 is major update, everything is different, the interface, the shortcuts, even the behaviour of some tools has changed. If you want to use the latest version, older tutorials won't help you much, they're outdated. And if you are a beginner, you want to get the basics right.In this course I will get you started fast in Blender 2.8 using best practices for modeling workflow, you will learn how to use reference images, create a model, light the scene, set the camera using the rule of thirds, shade the model using variations of materials, and Render. This course gives both the techniques and the confidence to do more, You will be up and running fast in Blender 2.8."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"EU GDPR: Employee Awareness Training Certificate 2020" |
"NOW INCLUDES A PROCESSING INVENTORY TEMPLATE TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR GDPR COMPLIANCE!From the author of the Ultimate GDPR Practitioner Guide (2nd Edition) and an IAPP Fellow of Information Privacy comes this employee awareness course to aid you and your organisation achieve compliance with GDPR. You will learn from an established Data Protection Subject Matter Expert what you need to know as an employee in any organisation processing personal data.GDPR has arrived. The Regulation applied as of 25 May 2018 and it is already affecting organisations large and small as they process the personal data of EU citizens.If you want to make sure you are doing your bit then enrol and let's get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |