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"Adobe Lightroom CC: Profi Fotobearbeitung leicht gemacht" |
"Wenn deine Bilder eine schnelle und effektive Bearbeitung auf Profiniveau brauchen, ist dieser Kurs das Richtige fr dich!Letztes Update: November 2017Version: Lightroom Classic CC 2018 und ltereJustus Zeemann ist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst um mit Adobe Lightroom durchzustarten und deine Bilder in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu bearbeiten.""Vielen Dankfr diesen groartigen Kurs!Bevor ich diesen Kurs kaufte, kannte ichmichberhauptnicht mit Bildbearbeitung aus. In diesemKurs zeigte mirJustus nun aber Schritt fr Schritt wie ein Profi Bilder bearbeitet und jetzt sehen meine Fotos aus wie vom Fotografen. Toller Kurs!""-(Andreas, Dsseldorf, Deutschland)""Ich bin nun bereits seit 3 Jahren professioneller Fotograf und habe mir diesen Kurs gekauft um noch mal ein wenig hinzu zu lernen. Das dachte ich zumindest. Schon in den ersten Kapiteln musste ich aber feststellen wie wenig ich eigentlich ber Lightroom wusste. Justus ist brilliant auf seinem Gebiet und konnte meine Kenntnisse noch mal sehrvertiefen. Jetzt kann ich meinen Kunden qualitativ hochwertigere Bilder anbieten, bin schneller im Bearbeitungprozess geworden und verdiene erheblich mehr Geld. Vielen Dank Justus!Dein Kurs hat meine Karriere in bessere Bahnen geleitet!""-(Susanna, Mainz, Deutschland)In diesem Kurs lernst du alles ber die Bildbearbeitung mitLightroom. Angefangen beim Dateiimport und der Bildverwaltung geht es ber die komplette Bearbeitung mit allen Werkzeugen bis zum Export (fr deine Kunden, sozialeNetzwerke, Verkaufsseiten, deine Website etc.). Jede Funktion wird durchgesprochen und erklrt. Zustzlich erfhrst du Tastenkrzel, Tipps & Tricks, erhlst die Kursbilder zum Mitarbeiten, ein Workflowbeispiel und vieles mehr.Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist deine Chance!Es ist Zeit, deineBilderbearbeitung auf Lightroom Niveau zu heben!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom CC Meisterkurs: Der Komplette Lightroom Kurs" |
"**WILLKOMMENZUM#1 ADOBELIGHTROOM CLASSIC CCKURSAUFUDEMY!**(Kursstand: 11.2017. Lightroomversion: Die Aktuellste - also alles bis Lightroom Classic CC 2018)Mchtest du wie ein Profi Fotos bearbeiten knnen?Du weit noch nicht, wie man mit Adobe Lightroom Classic CC umgeht oder mchtest deine Fhigkeiten vertiefen?Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr dich!Bevor wir viel aufschreiben, mchten wir als erstes einen unserer glcklichen Teilnehmer zu Wort kommen lassen:Zwischenzeitlich bei Lektion 37 angelangt und damit fast die Hlfte der Lektionen abgearbeitet. Fr die bungen werden die Beispielbilder mitgeliefert. Ich selbst habe es an meinen letzten Urlaubsbildern getestet und bin zwischenzeitlich begeistert. Justus erklrt Schritt fr Schritt alle Funktionen und zeigt diese an den mitgelieferten Bildern. Er gibt Tipps, wo man mit den Reglern vorsichtig sein sollte und was er selbst bei manchen Einstellungen noch als vertretbar sieht. Und wenn man etwas nicht versteht, einfach das Video nochmal anschauen. Zwei klitze kleine Anmerkungen mchte ich noch machen, die aber wirklich nicht schlimmt sind. Bestimmte Sachen sieht man nicht im Video, z.B. die Vorschau bei den Details. Das ist aber kein Probem, wenn man die bungsbilder mitnutzt und die Einstellungen wie Justus vornimmt. Und gewissen Fachbegriffe muss man im Internet selber nachlesen aber dank Google ist das kein Problem.Ich erhhe meine Berwetung auf 5 Sterne und kann den Lehrgang nur empfehlen. Toll gemacht!- 5 Sterne Bewertung von Andreas Sauter, Oktober 2017WASWIRSTDUINDIESEMKURSLERNEN?Strukturierte und gut organisierte Bildverwaltung.Schnell und Professionell Bilder ver- und bearbeiten.Mehr Reichweite in sozialen Netzwerken durch bessere Bilder zu erzielen.Die Farben deine Bilder richtig einzustellen.Den Zuschnitt und die Belichtung deiner Bilder so zu whlen, dass sie das Auge anziehen.Bilder fr den Druck vorzubereiten.Webgalerien zu erstellen und zu verwalten.Die ntigen PlugIns fr Facebook und Instagram einzurichten und zu benutzen.Den Umgang mit Lightroom Mobile zu meistern.Eine Diashow zur professionellen Prsentation deiner Bilder zu erstellen.Einen schnelleren und effizienteren Workflow zu erarbeiten.Tipps und Tricks zur Fotografie zu erfahren.Und noch vieles mehr...BERDENAUTORJustus Zeemann ist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler verschiedener Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst um mit Adobe Lightroom erfolgreich zu sein und deine Bilder in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu verwalten und zu bearbeiten.Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Jetzt kannst du deine Chance nutzen! Schreibe dich jetzt hier in diesen Kurs ein!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro CC: Der Komplette Premiere Pro CC Crashkurs" |
"WILLKOMMENZUM#1 ADOBEPREMIEREPRO CCCRASHKURSAUFUDEMYJustus Zeemann ist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler verschiedener Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst um mit Adobe Premiere Pro CC durchzustarten und deine Videos in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu bearbeiten.""Vielen Dankfr diesenschnen Kurs, Justus. Ich finde es Klasse, wie sehr du in diesem Kurs ins Detail gehstund mir auch dieletzten Kniffeverrtst, meine Videos noch professioneller wirken zu lassen! Der Kurs ist jeden Centwert! Freue mich schon auf deine nchsten Kurse!""- (Jan Marschall,Osnabrck)""Justus ist wie ein Professor blo mit mehrpraktischemBezug - er ist ein absoluter Experte, hat viele viele Jahre Erfahrung und scheut auch nicht davor zurck mal etwas neues auszuprobieren und aufkreative Weise unfassbare Ergebnisse zuerzielen. Ich bin nebenerwerblich YouTuber seit 4 Jahren und hatte schon einigeMale mit Adobe Premiere Pro CC gearbeitet. Nie htte ich jedoch geglaubt wie viel man wirklich aus derSoftwarerausholen kann! Danke fr diesen Kurs!""- (SabineFreitag, Ulm)Mit diesem Kurs und Premiere Pro CC von Adobe findest du schnell und professionell deinen Einstieg in die Welt der Videobearbeitung. Du lernst in diesem Kurs alles was du brauchst, um deinen ersten Film oderdein erstes Video zu schneiden und zu exportieren/verffentlichen.Premiere bietet dir eine umfangreiche Mglichkeit, deine Bearbeitung professionell zu gestalten. Im Kurs erfhrst du, wie du deine Medien importierst und strukturierst, auswhlst und synchronisiert, schneidest und mit berblendungen versiehst, den Weiabgleich korrigierst und das Rauschen aus der Tonspur bekommst. Mit dem Export wird als letzter Schritt noch der Adobe Media Encoder angerissen und schlielich der Weg fr dein Werk in die ffentlichkeit oder das ""Heimkino"" gezeigt. Viel Spa mit diesem Kurs!Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Publishing Promoting Your Book: In print or digital eBook" |
"This course, entitled Publishing and Promoting Your Book, consists of fourmain sections and 19 lectures coveringFinishing Your BookGenre, Proofreading and Reader ProfilePreparing Your Book for PublishingPseudonymEditingCover DesignBook DescriptionPublishing Your BookPublishing on Amazon Kindle Direct PublishingPublishing on B&N Press (Previously Nook)Publishing on Google PlayPublishing on SmashwordsPublishing in print with Amazon CreateSpacePromoting Your BookCreating your websiteGeneral and promotion-related discussion forumsFree and paid promotion using your favorite social networksFree and paid publisher site advertisingConnecting with local bookstoresPaid promotions and servicesAfter finishing these lectures, you will be well prepared for a career as a self-published author. Will this be a full-time career or part-time in addition to a ""real"" job? That would depend on the quality of your writing and your ability to promote to the masses."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Complete Applications Using C#,VB.Net,Java,VBA,LO Basic" |
"After finishing these pages you will have a complete application which will work for either console or desktop platform. Your development efforts will be utilizing three languages C#,VB.Net and Java for creating this application. Each section covers a single language and either the desktop or console application coded in that language (Java does not natively allow a console application, so it includes only Desktop). For console program automation purposes, we will be using an Excel sheet with VBA coding plus a LibreOffice Calc sheet utilizing LibreOffice Basic. The desktop application allows for more flexibility in web page processing, with entry fields for beginning and ending text along with DIVs and other processing options. Enjoy this learning experience. This list includes some of the types/commands and the languages that use themWebResponse, WebRequest, HttpWebRequest, StreamReader (C#/VB)GetResponse, Regex.Replace, String.Replace, IndexOf (C#/VB)Substring, ReadLine, Trim, WriteLine (C#/VB)EndsWith, AddRange, ReadToEnd, Count (C#/VB)GetCommandLineArgs, GetResponseStream (VB)getText, endsWith, split, length, openConnection (Java)toString, BufferedReader, getSelectedIndex, replaceAll (Java)isEmpty, substring,indexOf, readLine, PrintWriter, write (Java)ActiveCell,Value,ChDir,Shell,Activate (VBA)ThisComponent, GetByName, GetCellByPosition (LO Basic)Why would you want to work with the same program in multiple languages? A simple answer to this is versatility. You may come across a need for Java where a .Net-based language just wont work. A perfect example of this is Windows versus Linux web hosting. If you have designed a .Net program and placed it on your site based on Windows, it will work beautifully. If you then change the hosting plan to Linux, the .Net program will not work without some tweaking or an interpreter. If that were written in Java, however, it would have moved over fine.What will a web site text extraction program do for you? Well, if you had a need to capture the main text from a few web pages, this would be too much trouble. If you are migrating a web site designed in ASP.NET into another format, maybe a CMS, this approach can be quite useful. If you have 1,000 pages in the site and all are similarly structured, it may take a week for a single person to manually copy and paste the body text from these pages. Using the automated approach, with a pause between each page for accuracy purposes, approximately 700 pages per hour can be processed. That equates to a tremendous labor savings."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Let's develop a message-driven microservices application" |
"Dive into modern application development while you build a webscraping service from scratch. Understand the whole development process that goes from an idea to a plan to the implementation of a multifaceted application.Get a profound understanding of many important frameworks and tools in one single crash course.Web design using BootstrapJavascript frontend development using the elegant Knockout.js libraryREST API design and hypermedia-driven APIsSpring & Java backend developmentRapid prototyping with Spring BootMicroservices architectureMessaging with RabbitMQWeb scraping with PythonThis class offers a unique distraction-free learning experience that allows you to start coding anytimejust by clicking a linkIt ships with a virtual machine image that has all requirements installed and a tutoring application that guides you through the course.Instead of wasting your time with installation or configuration issues that regular courses require, you just open your console and type in ""vagrant up"". I developed atutoring applicationthat guides you through the lectures and manages your source code and exercises. Youstart codingjust by clicking a link and having the tutor taking care of the rest.Most courses either focus on too much theory without practice or are not more than a guided hacking tutorial ignoring deeper concepts. My class delivers the material in a concise form by teaching just enough essentials so you can start coding on your own.Why watch hours of videos and forget most of it when I can get the same knowledge in a fraction of the time?Contents and OverviewThis course will take you from an idea to a plan to thecomplete application. We start with the requirements of our application that we have gathered with our fictive client. We plan the development as we would do in a real life software company. Then we develop each part of the application.We start with the frontend that we implement in two steps. First, we use Bootstrap to layout the website. Second, we make the website interactive using Knockout.js.Next we move to the backend side and talk about REST API development. Using Spring Boot and Java we demonstrate how to create an API quickly that clients consume.In the final part of this course, we add a web scraping service to our application. We gain an understanding of the microservices architecture and learn how to increase modularity by taking advantage of messaging with RabbitMQ.The reason I created this class is that I feel there are not enough offers available for developers who want to maximise the time spent on their education. As software developers, we constantly need to learn something new. Our time is precious. That's why my lectures focus on active coding and teaching what is most important.As a bonus for my students I personally answer every open question you may have in the forum regarding the course material. My motivation is to help you succeed!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ciberseguridad para PYMEs" |
"ste curso para principiantes te mostrar sencillos pasos prcticos para proteger un pequeo negocio de la creciente amenaza que es el cibercrimen. Se trata de un curso orientado a propietarios de PYMES, no es para nada un curso pensado para gente con avanzados conocimientos tcnicos sino que para aquellos que se aun especializados en un rea no tecnolgica desean protegerse. Con el creciente riesgo que suponen los recientes ataques de Ransomware como por ejemplo WannaCry, Petya, etc es necesario prestar atencin a nuestra Ciberseguridad. En ste curso cubriremos: Qu necesita proteger una PYME.Qu puede obtener un hacker de una PYME.Principales mtodos de ataque.Pasos para proteger tu negocio Para quien est pensado: Principiantes en Ciberseguridad.Propietarios de pequeos negocios.Gente NO tcnica (programadores, ingenieros)Todo aquel preocupado por el Ransomware.Gente que necesita un curso conciso y efectivo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Design, Build and Manage your own Cisco Meraki Network" |
"This course will teach you how to design, build and manage a Cisco Meraki network.We've designed this course to appeal to multiple levels of experience. For someone that is relatively new to networking by the completion of this course you will have the knowledge required to to build a network with Switching, Firewall/Routing and Wireless Access points. For someone that already understands the basics this course will save you a lot of time.To make the above possible we've chosen a single brand of networking product. The Cisco Meraki range is fully cloud managed. It's comparatively simple, while still being powerful and extremely easy to manage.Ideal students for this course:Students that want practical steps to build their own networkRegular peoplePeople that want a good basic understanding of computer networkingSecurity conscious students"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security for Home Users" |
"This beginners course will teach you practical steps to protect yourself and your family from the growing online threats of Cyber Crime and Ransomware.This course is aimed at home users. We have a similar course for small business, so please look at that one if you want this for business use rather than home.We've designed the course to be for normal everyday people rather than the very tech savvy because no matter how technically competent you are - you need to be protected.With the growing risk from Ransomware such as WannaCry, Petya, NotPetya and so many others everyone needs at least some focus on Security.By taking the steps in this course you will be far safer. This course is designed to be as short and concise as possible while still packing in a huge amount of information.We will coverWhat makes you vulernable to malwareWhat attackers hope to gainMain methods attackers will usePractical steps to defend yourself and your familyWho is this for?Average home usersRegular peopleNOT programmers or engineersAnyone that is concerned about ransomwareTime poor people that need a concise and clear coursePeople looking for actionable steps"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Poshmark Seller Mastery" |
"An in depth Step-by-Step Course on how to scale up your Poshmark Closet & turn it into the Passive Income Stream you've always dreamt aboutPoshmark is a fantastic app for selling clothes you no longer use. One person's trash is another person's treasure and those old clothes you don't wear anymore can make you thousands, literally! Don't donate them or sell them to a store that'll offer you pennies compared to their worth. List them on Poshmark and watch the money come in!!Now, of course it's a little more complicated than that. There are some serious inside tips and marketing strategies to understand before you can make serious money on Poshmark, but there are already tens of millions of people on the app looking for the clothes you want to sell. The market and demand are there for you. You just have to learn how to tap into them properly.This course will teach you the ins and outs of listing items on Poshmark that sell and the basics that are not so basic. It will also give you step by step instructions on how to build a following of hundreds of thousands of people (all more likely to purchase the products you list). From there, you'll learn more in depth strategies on how to continue to grow and acquire cheap items you can turn for a profit consistently.The last two things the course lays out are vital for long-term sustainable profit. You'll learn how to continue to get products and start your own boutique (all within the website/app). This allows you to scale up your business and use the massive following of loyal consumers to your advantage. Sit back and watch the profit roll in! The best thing about all of this is there are literally no start up costs needed at all. That is not a typo. THERE ARE NO START UP COSTS NEEDED WHATSOEVER. You won't need any of your own money to purchase products. You wont need any of your own money to ship items. You won't need any of your own money to package those items. You won't need anything else besides your phone, the app, and some old clothes from your closet.Take this course today and you could be the next Posh Seller Master tomorrow!! "
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Online Arbitrage Mastermind 2.0 [Resell Products from Home]" |
"Reselling products online is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make money from home.I didn't invent this business model. In fact, I actually stumbled upon it a few years ago when I was transitioning from a part time job and a college student into Entrepreneurship.Reselling and Online Arbitrage have been the ""rock"" and the ""safety net"" I've always needed. Whether I just needed some extra side money to make ends meet or I scaled it all the way up to a Business that paid for my lifestyle and all my expenses, it's always been part of my skillset and has allowed me to make money online.I'm not special though...You can learn this invaluable skill too. And you can also use it to make money from the comfort of your own home too. All you need is a computer and a desire to learn how to do it and you'll be off and running.Students of mine have turned this business model into more monthly income then I even pull in. And other students have the goal of simply making an extra $1,000 a month to put away for their kids college.Regardless of what your goals are, Reselling is a great skill to have. It's a fire-proof skill you'll always be able to use to multiply your money.And because version 1 of this Course has been such a smashing success and a ""Best Seller"" on this platform, I spent months perfecting version 2.0 of this course...MAJOR UPDATES > 2.0The second version of this Course is almost 10 hours longer and comes with a lot more valuable tips and strategies to make money flipping products online. It no longer teaches outdated techniques like reselling coupon products back on Amazon (like you might see in some of the reviews). The reality is that business model is what the first version focused on...and it actually worked extremely well a few years ago. In fact, my first year as an Entrepreneur I pulled in 6 figures just reselling coupon products back on their same Amazon listings! So, naturally I wanted to teach people how to do the same thing. But now that business model is slightly outdated. So, enter 2.0...2.0 now teaches 3 different ways to make money online and also teaches several forms of software you can use to help automate your business so you can make great money in less time. It's literally everything I know on reselling products back online and have compiled over the last 4 years in my own reselling business.Some examples of things you'll learn in 2.0....Software and other things that Will Make Online Arbitrage Easier and More ProfitableHow and Where to Get Cheap Products to Resell OnlineHow and Where to Get Free Products to Resell OnlineHow to Resell Liquidation Products to Make Money Online20 different Marketplaces You Can Resell Products on to Make Money OnlineHow to ship products into Amazon FBA and get Amazon to do all your fulfillment, customer service, shipping, etc... for youHow to Automate Managing Your Amazon PricesHow to sell more products and make more money on AmazonHow to sell more products and make more money on eBayHow to sell more products and make more money on PoshmarkHow to sell more products and make more money on MercariSystems and processes that will make your Reselling business runs smoother, more efficient, and be more profitableHow to get a prep center to do all your prep work, shipping, etc... for youAnswers to the most common Online Arbitrage/Reselling QuestionsA full hour long case study on 6 Ways I'm able to Make Substantial Money from Home Every Month Reselling Products Online in my own businessHow to Save Yourself Money on Your Business's Biggest Expense [Hint: it's taxes!] >> learn how to keep more of the money you make!How to return products on Amazon for freeHow to make extra free money on purchases you're already makingand so much more!If any of that interests you, enroll in Online Arbitrage Mastermind 2.0 [Resell Products from Home] today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Successful Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0" |
"Starting an Agency is smart for so many reasons. Service-based Businesses like starting your own Agency are perfect because they...Require 0 money to startRequire 0 investment for the life of the BusinessRequire 0 risk on your partAre 100% profitCan be started immediatelyName another Business that can claim all of those things... it doesn't exist.You don't just have to start a Social Media Marketing Agency, though. You can start an Agency around literally ANYTHING.Step 1) Identify a Service that can help save businesses time or make them moneyStep 2) Get very good at that service (if you're not already)Step 3) Provide that service to businesses in exchange for a monthly feeStep 4) Outsource your service, hire more service providers, or increase your monthly fees to scale your businessNow, obviously it's slightly more complicated than that, but if you're interested in learning how to start a Successful Social Media Marketing Agency (or agency of any kind), this Course is perfect for you. Enroll today.Major 2.0 Updates. I've added over 12 more hours of video content to this Course for you. There's loads more value, strategies, and information to help you start, run, and scale your Social Media Marketing Agency remotely. You'll learn...Why Starting an Agency of Any Kind is SmartWhat Types of Agencies Can You StartWhat Services You Can Provide to Your ClientsHow to Sign Your First SMMA ClientHow to Pick your SMMA NicheHow to get more clients to grow your agencyHow to outsource, hire, scale, and ""arbitrage"" your servicesTips on How to Grow an Instagram Page for Your Social Media Marketing ClientHow to get your client Verified on InstagramHow to Build an Email List for Your Social Media Marketing ClientHow to Write Better Emails for Your ClientHow to Grow a YouTube Channel for Your Social Media Marketing ClientHow to create professional looking images for your client using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe LightroomHow to run Email Marketing and Building Websites for Your ClientHow to Start a Successful Social Media Marketing Agency ImmediatelyHow to do all of this from the comfort of your own home...or from anywhere.And much much more!Enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fitness Nutrition 101: How to Lose Fat & Build Muscle" |
"Losing Fat is Hard. Building Muscle is understand Nutrition & how to apply it. Understanding Nutrition can make reaching your Fitness goals 10 times EASIERWe all know someone who's been ""trying"" to lose fat or build muscle for years, but they don't ever reach their goal. Why is that?It's because they don't understand Nutrition & how it applies to fitness.If you want to stop guessing you'll reach your fitness goals, enroll today to learn the ins & outs of Fitness Nutrition once & for all!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting 101 - How to Turn Words into Passive Income" |
"What is Copywriting & why is it important for EVERY BUSINESS?Copywriting is the art of selling in written form.Every Entrepreneur, Business, & Person uses Copywriting.Your emails, your landing pages, your sales pages, your SocialMedia Posts, etc...their success all hinges on how well you can writeCopy.Just a few simple Copywriting tweaks can be the difference between selling $10 & Selling $100,000. It can be the difference between getting 10 Instagram likes & getting 10,000!It's true. Copywriting is the #1 THING EVERY BUSINESS OVERLOOKS. It's such a lost art that improving (even slightly) will make your words come off as magic to your reader (& customer).If you want to learn how to Turn Words into Passive Income, Enroll Today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel Fundamentos 2016" |
"Voc acha desafiante o Excel? Acha difcil desenvolver seu trabalho como ele? Estou aqui para desmistificar essa ideia. Eu mesmo tinha essas ideias quanto comecei, pensei mesmo que seria incapaz de aprender, at que deparei-me com um excelente autor que ajudou a dar a partida e deslanchar na vida profissional. Seja bem vindo a essa fantstica ferramenta, aquela que vai lhe proporcionar mais produtividade, confiabilidade e rapidez no seu trabalho. Aproveite o contedo, ele foi criado para facilitar a sua vida."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to be a Highly Effective Team Leader +1 Coaching Session" |
"This courseintroduces you to, and helps you apply, the7 proven principles for building a highly effective and productive team. It includes content from my popular 1 day Team Leader training event (whichcost $895 to attend).Video trainingon the 7 principlesLeadership Top Tip videos8 supportinghandouts2 eBooksPLUS a 30 minute Skype Coaching Session (valued at $129)The course looks at these 7 principles within the3 critical areas of an effective team which are:Building greatPeople,Achieving a united andclearVision, andIncreasing the completion of the right Tasks.Thiscourse will help you understand and applyeach of the following principles:The first area we will explore is that of People, here we look at theprinciples of Acceptance and Attitude:Acceptance: The principle of creating an environment of ACCEPTANCE where those in your team feel welcome, safe and accepted. When team members feel safe and welcome they are more likely to connect, engage, grow and achieve.Attitude: The principle of encouraging the right ATTITUDE, where there is a greater emphasis on the strengths and successes than on weakness and failures. When we begin with the positive (without ignoring the negative) we create a more engaging, inspiring and ultimately more effective team culture.The second area is that of Vision, here we look at the principles of Aspiration and Actuality.Aspiration: The principle of getting to a common ASPIRATION, where there is clarity about team and personal purpose in this moment and into the future. With a transparent and agreed purpose the energy of the team increases andbecomes more focused.Actuality: The principle of being clear about ACTUALITY, where we face the reality of our current situation in terms of our roles and/or responsibilities. When we take responsibility and are clear about the situation we are actually in, then we are in the place to determine how to move forward.The third area is that of Task and here we explore the principles of Agreements, Action and Accountability.Agreements: The principle of getting to clear AGREEMENTS. When we can drill down to the Who will do What by When we move from cheap talk to positioning for effective action.Action:The principle of ACTION to complete my side of my agreements. Only as we personally do what we say we will do, when we say we will do it, can we build our integrity, reputation, and lay a foundation for holding others accountable for their commitments.Accountability:The principle of ACCOUNTABILITY, of holding people to their word regarding the clear agreements they have entered into. This rare and uncomfortable skill is the key that releases people into higher levels of positive selfregard and results in greater positive personal and team effort. The focus here is not always a successful outcome, but the application of appropriate processes and effort which in the long run create the character, skill and fertile soil out of which growth will come."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Negotiation Skills for Better Results" |
"Most of us negotiate all the time, even if we don't realise it. We haggle over the price of a used car, try to convince our children to tidy their rooms, and negotiate prices with our customers or suppliers. Learning to negotiate is crucial for success in both your business and personal life.But it's not an easy skill. Many people find negotiation highly uncomfortable, and would prefer to avoid it when they can. This course is designed to help you overcome your fear and master this critical skill. By using the nine steps, you'll feel prepared to navigate your next negotation with confidence.Course detailsIn the course, Peter will walk you through everything you need to know to get started in negotiating. For more seasoned negotiators, you'll learn how you can improve to get even better results. There are four main areas you'll cover:Basic types and concepts of negotiationHow you can effectively prepare for, conduct, and close negotiationsHow to maintain good relationships as part of negotiationCommon errors and barriers to negotiation, and how to overcome them.To give you highly practical help in negotiating, this course includes plenty of bonus material and worksheets. Early in the course you can download a quiz to learn more about your negotiating style and how you can improve. The worksheets will guide you through the process of preparing for a negotiation, including determining your BATNA. Other resources give you insight into the psychology behind negotiation and provide a list of helpful further reading.About the instructorPeter Watson has been involved in teams for over twenty years, as a manager, board member and pastor. In that time he has come to understand how crucial it is to negotiate effectively. He has overcome his natural fears to approach difficult interactions with confidence and care. He has also raised three children who mostly keep their rooms tidy."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4 Class: Blueprints" |
"Este curso recebeu o Epic Mega Grants!Epic Mega Grants recipient!Audio: Portuguese-BRSubtitles: English and Portuguese-BRCheck Captions Roadmap lesson to learn more about the subtitles.All companion material are available in Portuguese and English.>>>ENGLISH<<<In this course you will learn the Blueprints Fundamentals. This is the first step to start creating your own games and projects, and to begin to understand the Unreal Engine. There are more than 250 lessons, prepared in a didactic way.The couse was recorded in Portuguese, but many English speaker students can follow with the English Captions.----What are Blueprints? Blueprints are the visual system that frees the user from direct contact with programming language. C++ code are visually represented within the engine. This way you can create whole games and project without having to know the programming language used in the background.Therefore, this course goal is not to show you countless lessons so you can just copy. I will teach you the whys of every fundamental and you can apply all you learned in any kind of project as you wish. It is this fact that most students like about this course.Still in doubt? Access some classes available for free.= = = Content Description = = = =In this course we will see all Blueprints fundamentals so you can start creating your own games. Unreal Engine allows you to create interactive projects and games and using the same tools used by large AAA studios and indies developers around the world. If you want to start your career in game development with one of the best engines in the market, this is your course.We will learn about variables, Events, Functions, Blueprint Communication , Materials, Timelines, Vectors, First and Third Person Characters, Interfaces, and then use all this knowledge to publish our first Project for Windows. This course is not a tutorial that will show you just how to create a game. The proposal is to teach you the fundamentals before you start making the first project. If you already have any knowledge, you can skip the initial classes and go straight to the practical classes. = = = What do I need to know to start the course? = = = You need no previous experience with games to follow this course.But you need to have some basic knowledge in Unreal. How to navigate and basic editor navigation.>> The couse was recorded in Portuguese, but many English speaker students can follow with the English Captions.***************************************************************************************************>>>PORTUGUS<<<Neste curso voc vai aprender os fundamentos sobre Blueprints.Esse o primeiro passo para comear a criar seus prprios jogos e projetos, e para comear a entender a Unreal Engine.So mais de 250 aulas, preparadas de forma didtica para voc que est COMEANDO na Engine.Este curso tem um foco para usurios INICIANTES na engine.Se voc espera contedo mais avanado, por favor, no d nota baixa ao curso por esse motivo.----O que so Blueprints?Blueprints o sistema visual que dispensa o contato direto com linguagem de programao.As funes, eventos, classes e objetos do cdigo c++ so representados visualmente dentro da engine.Dessa forma voc pode criar jogos inteiros sem precisar conhecer linguagem de programao a fundo.Por isso, o objetivo desse curso no s te mostrar inmeras aulas para voc copiar.Eu vou te ensinar os porqus de cada fundamento e ao entender isso voc pode aplicar como quiser. esse fato que a maioria dos alunos elogia, e no a toa que esse curso possui um dos maiores ratings entre todos os cursos de games disponveis na plataforma.Ainda em dvida?Acesse algumas aulas disponveis gratuitamente.--------------=== Descrio detalhada do Contedo ===Nesse curso vamos ver todos os fundamentos de Blueprints para voc comear a criar seus prprios jogos. A Unreal Engine te permite criar jogos e projetos interativos, utilizando as mesmas ferramentas usadas por grandes estdos AAA e desenvolvedores indies em todo o mundo.Vamos usar as Blueprints, sistema visual de script que dispensa o uso de programao.Se voc quer iniciar sua carreira em desenvolvimento de jogos com uma das melhores engines do mercado, esse seu curso.Vamos aprender sobre Variveis, Tipos de Eventos, Funes, Personagens, Comunicao entre Blueprints, Materiais, Timelines, Vetores, Personagem em Primeira e em Terceira Pessoa, Interfaces, e depois usar todo esse conhecimento para publicar nosso primeiro projeto para Windows.Este curso no um tutorial que vai lhe mostrar apenas como criar um tipo de jogo.A proposta te ensinar os fundamentos ANTES de comear a fazer o primeiro projeto.Se voc j tem algum conhecimento, pode pular as aulas iniciais e ir direto para as aulas prticas.=== O que preciso saber para comear o curso? ===Voc no precisa de experincia prvia com jogos para acompanhar o curso.Se voc nunca usou a Unreal Engine, voc pode ser matricular ao mesmo tempo no nosso curso Unreal Engine Essentials. um curso totalmente gratuito voltado para quem est usando a Game Engine pela primeira vez.Nvel Iniciante - no se preocupe, vamos comear as aulas a partir dos fundamentos e conceitos bsicos.Nvel Intermedirio - existem alguns conceitos e teorias que podem te ajudar. veja na lista de aulas todo o contedo do curso.------"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4 Workshop: Composio e Render" |
"A Cubo Class j conhecida pelos seus cursos completos e detalhados.No Workshop apresentamos um novo modelo de ensino, voltado para a prtica.Como um grande atelier, vamos acompanhar um instrutor mostrando seu processo completo.Eu quero te mostrar na prtica como fiz uma cena inteira, desde a importao dos assets, at chegar na imagem final.Voc vai poder usar o mesmo processo para criar suas prprias imagens 3D.Confira na imagem de capa do curso e no video promocional a imagem que vamoscriar durante as aulas.Mas antes disso, faa uma promessa para mim.Prometa que voc vai usar tudo o que aprender nesse curso para criar as imagens 3D incrveis.Istopode mudar completamente sua vida profissional e dar um upgrade em seu portfolio.Descrio Detalhada:Nesse curso voumostrar como Criar, Iluminar,Renderizar e Comporuma cena na Unreal Engine 4 e Photoshop.Vamos comearpela busca de Referncias, escolha de Cores, Layout e posicionamento de Camera, Composio e Blocagem. Chegando at posicionamento das Luzes e configurao, Build da Luz, Exportao das imagenseComposio no Photoshop.Vamos utilizar os assets do Infinity Blade,GRATUITOS edisponibilizados na UnrealMarketplace.Este curso recomendado para alunos de todos os nveis.Alunos iniciantespodem ter um primeiro contato com uma pipeline completade Iluminao, Render e Composio.Alunos avanadosconseguem avanar mais rapidamente e vo absorver melhor os conceitos.Tpicos Abordados:RefernciasCoresLevel DesignBlocagemImportao de AssetsConfigurao da Cena e CamerasIluminaoBuildLightPs-ProcessamentoRenderTratamento de CorComposio Final"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Project Scope Management" |
"Scope Management Knowledge area is a very important knowledge area for the project management professional credential. You can expect 10 to 12 questions from the scope knowledge area itself. In this course we will cover the consept of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure. and the scope baselines. You should be very clear on WBS, WBS dictionary, and project scope statement. You should also know the concept of decomposition as well as the concept of validate scope and control scope. determining what is the difference between perform quality control and validatescope. I hope you enjoy the course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Project Cost Management" |
"Project cost management is traditionally a weak area of IT projects. IT projectmanagers must acknowledge the importance of cost management and take responsibility for understanding basic cost concepts, cost estimating, budgeting, and cost control. Project managers must understand several basic principles of cost management to be effective in managing project cost."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Complete Android Kotlin Developer Arabic Course" |
"(Kotlin) Complete Android Kotlin Developer Arabic Course ,after you finishing this course you will able to ready to Start Android developing programming to create your first Android Application"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estrategia de inversin para principiantes - 2019" |
"Este curso es perfecto para cualquiera que quiera iniciarse en el mundo de las inversiones, pero disponga de tiempo limitado. Si eres un principiante, y estas buscando una gua slida de inversin que sea sencilla de entender, este curso es para ti.Este curso no aborda temas de trading, ni de bitcoins: con este curso no te vas a hacer rico en 2 das. sta es una estrategia de inversin para vagos: se trata de obtener el mximo rendimiento a us ahorros a largo plazo. Con ello puedes conseguir conseguir unos rendimientos superiores a los de la gran mayora de inversores sin tener que estar pendiente de los mercados, saber anlisis tcnico o entender los grficos de la bolsa. La educacin financiera no slo es para expertos en anlisis de mercados e inversores, sino tambin para cualquiera que decida ocuparse del dinero que tanto le cuesta ganarlo. Si quieres que tu dinero empiece a trabajar por ti, en vez de tu por el dinero, tienes que empezar a invertir. Slo una hora! Y estars listo para empezar a hacer tu primera inversin. Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Guide pratique de finances personnelles" |
"Il vous arrive souvent d'attendre la paie avec impatience? Malgr votre salaire, vous ne parvenez pas toujours joindre les deux bouts? Vous n'arrivez pas planifier des projets qui vous tiennent pourtant coeur?Que diriez-vous de remettre de l'ordre dans vos finances personnelles pour y voir plus clair? Ce cours et ses outils vous aideront mieux respirer et, pourquoi pas, raliser vos rves les plus chers!Contenu du cours:Avoir un portrait clair de vos dpenses et de vos revenusFaire un bilan financier personnelCet outil permet de calculer votre avoir net en dressant la liste de ce que vous possdez et de ce que vous devez.Il sagit dun exercice crucial qui vous procurera une vue d'ensemble de vos revenus et de vos dpenses, pour mieux identifier les choix qui s'offrent vous pour redresser la situation.Garder un meilleur contrle de vos dpensesRaliser vos projets: mettre en oeuvre la bonne stratgie pour raliser vos projets.pargner, c'est s'enrichir!En fait, l'pargne constitue une scurit financire qui vous assure une tranquillit d'esprit. l'inverse, vivre sans pargne vous expose de grands risques: le moindre imprvu une perte d'emploi, une maladie, un problme avec la voiture peut devenir catastrophique.Il suffit d'un peu de discipline: l'pargne systmatique est la meilleure faon d'amasser de l'argent. vous de dcider du montant faire prlever sur votre compte et de la frquence du prlvement.Il peut s'agir, par exemple, de 50 par mois ou de 10 par semaine. C'est simple et surtout efficace long terme!Investir: dcouvrir les principes rgissant les placements et les rouages en matire d'investissementVoici un cours et des outils qui vous aideront mieux respirer et, pourquoi pas, raliser vos rves les plus chers!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Testing in Xamarin (Forms/Native)" |
"Testing in apps is very important because if you publish an untested app, then you will probably get a negative feedback from the app users and a result of that is the decrease of sales.Nowadays the gaps between app releases become smaller. That means that the test effort grows. Normally, all functionalities of an app have to be tested manually by a tester before every release. But with a short release cycle it is almost impossible because there are other projects that have to be tested.To solve this problem there are automated tests. With automated tests you can test functionalities after every bigger code change or before a release. We can run these tests automatically in the background so we dont waste so much time on manual testing.In this course we will write tests for our shared code. At first we create unit tests where we test single functionalities of an exampleapp. In the integration test section we will involve other components in our tests like the database. There we need to create a good test environment to addnew tests fast and easy.It doesnt matter if you use Xamarin Forms or the Xamarin native approach. This course is intended to test the shared code of a Xamarin app."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Etiquette Training: a Practical Guide to Networking Mastery" |
"Greetings! Pleased to meet you!In this course, we will help you will learn the basics of being an etiquette artist. That is to say, you will learn the mindset and skills you need to become the most pleasant person in the room, in both social and business environments. This will help you to build relationships faster, network at a deeper level, get better job positions and career advancements, get along better with your friends and family and become more successful in any type of social engagement.The course is broken down into 3 major sections:1) What is Etiquette? - where we discuss the history of etiquette and the mindset you need to have, as you learn the skills taught in this course;2) The Social Skills - how to be pleasant in your interactions with others. Here we tackle topics such as: the first impression (how long it takes to make a first impression, what people take into account, and how to send the right messages)the art of making a good conversation (the 3 elements of a good conversation, topics to discuss, topics to avoid with new acquaintances, cell phone issues tips & tricks);how to network properly (the greeting and the handshake, what makes a good handshake, handshake variations, how to respond to handshakes, how to give and receive business cards)how to be a gracious guest and host (things to take into account, information to request/have available, when to arrive at events and why)how to show courtesy in various situations (giving/receiving gifts, responding to insults)the dress codes (all 7 dress codes, as well as various tips & tricks on what makes an attire look appropriate)3) The Reception, Buffet and the Banquet - how to be pleasant at events, where we discuss: event invitations (how to classify them, how and when to respond to them so as to be pleasant)the 'thank you' note (what to write in it and when to send it)the receptions and the Swedish buffet (how they are organised, when we can use them and how to network in those settings)the 3 table arrangements (which they are, when they are)dining etiquette (flatware etiquette, glassware etiquette, napkin etiquette, silent service code, how to network at a dining in)The course also touches on the things you can do that would make you a high quality individual beyond the skills you will learn here.There are also two quizzes: one intermediate quiz, after Section 2, and then the final quiz at the end of the course.and much more...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 3 hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY !It's Time to take action, enroll in the course now and we will see you on the inside!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP BI/ BW 7.4 Training - Step by Step" |
"Current lifestyle make us tied to lot of personal and work related task to be performed on a day today basis. Keeping this situation in mind ,we offer high quality video tutorial,instructor led SAP BWtraining, which will help aspiring students , wherever they are can attend our state of art training program.We use latest technologies to record the video ,which allows our distant education students to experience class room feel atmosphere.We alsoprovide server support, assignments, reading materials, tests,stimulation projects,reference materials, project scenarios.Our training will provide you to acquire SAP BW knowledge in depth, which will give youample years of project experience in real world situation.Our training program will help you achieve SAP BW Certification.Getting a break into SAP is not that easy , especially with the present market scenario, in depth understanding of technical knowledge is required to ACE an interview, Our course is prepared towards break into SAP for aspiring students , IT professional looking for change in their career."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Como ser Gerente de Projetos: o guia completo" |
"Voc tcnico e tem interesse em atuar numa rea de gesto que melhor paga e mais cresce mundialmente? Voc busca orientaes prticas e que realmente funcionam para comear na carreira de gerenciamento de projetos? Falta a voc tempo e dinheiro para investir num processo de aconselhamento de carreira ? Um guia para ajudar voc a entrar na carreira e se desenvolver com dicas prticas e excelente contedo que tem como foco trazer a voc ensinamentos prticos e imediatamente aplicveis no seu dia a dia. Dentro das boas prticas do pmbok."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Descomplica Excel - Bsico ao Avanado em apenas 30 dias" |
"Descomplica Excel - Bsico ao Avanado em apenas 30 dias um curso Completo do Microsoft Excel onde voc aprender passo a passo e com uma metodologia divertida e descomplicada desenvolvida pelo Prof. Josu Gimenes.Estudos j provaram que aprendizados mais divertidos aceleram o desempenho e resultado do aluno. Ao sentirmos alguma satisfao, aumenta os nveis de dopamina no crebro, ou seja, ela age no sistema de recompensa e nos faz sentir prazer, e diminui os nveis de hormnios do estresse. Isso tudo modifica a atividade das ondas cerebrais, deixando a memria mais eficaz para o aprendizado. E ainda melhora o sistema de defesa do organismo.Este curso de Excel est divido em 10 Mdulos intensos e bastante completos, onde o prof. Josu Gimenes te ensinar de forma bastante envolvente e passo a passo desde os conceitos bsicos do Excel a recursos e funcionalidades avanadas dessa incrvel ferramenta que o Microsoft Excel.Cada mdulo explicado de forma prtica e descomplicada, isso significa que o curso vlido tanto para usurios totalmente leigos aos mais avanados. Nos Mdulos Bsicos, voc ter mdulos inteiros para aprender cada funo (frmula) existente no Microsoft Excel, ento, no ficaremos limitados apenas as funes bsicas, aprofundaremos em cada funo que o Excel nos oferece!Nos Mdulos Intermedirios, veremos recursos e funcionalidades impressionantes, bem como o desenvolvimento de frmulas complexas e planilha inteligentes, porm, sempre aplicada com a metodologia do curso: descomplicada!Nos Mdulos Avanados, abordaremos sobre Macros e VBA e iniciaremos um projeto (aplicativo em Visual Basic for Applications) onde voc aprender todo o conceito na prtica para criar telas de login, formulrios, cadastros, consultas, enfim, tudo que um projeto completo possui. Ou seja, voc ser capaz de criar aplicativos para empresas!No Material Extra, voc ter acesso a todas as planilhas e arquivos para acompanhamento e prtica dos ensinamentos aplicados no curso. Enfim, um curso completo!No Final do Curso, voc estar apto(a) a desenvolver qualquer planilha, grfico, frmulas e aplicativos que quiser e se tornar um excelente profissional em Excel Avanado.Eu realmente espero que voc faa parte dessa turma hoje!Prof. Josu Gimenes"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Video editing for YouTubers" |
"Learn what you need to know to edit your YouTube videos and get your audience engaged.This course is for you if you don't aim to be an expert in a software or in Editing; you just want to be able to do the work yourself. I have made it simple and easy to follow, so you can go right to the point and learn the essentials in a short time.The lessons are tailor-made for you who own a channel and want to enhance your work. If you don't post videos yet, this is also a great chance to learn, as it is beginner level.In this course you will learn how to add rhythm, flow and technical elements that will add up to the quality of your content.From cutting footages to creating and animating an Intro with your logo. We got it all covered."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP PM Modulo I- Estructura Organizativa y Datos Maestros" |
"Este curso va dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieren comenzar a introducirse en el mdulo de Mantenimiento de Planta SAP PM tanto como consultor funcional como usuario del sistema. Se detalla paso a paso el procesamiento de la estructura organizativa y datos maestros del mdulo as como la configuracin necesaria de manera detallada y con ejemplospara su funcionamiento.El acceso al curso es de por vida y podrs realizarlo al ritmo que desees. Adems desde nuestra pagina te ofrecemos diversos paquetes que podrs adquirir para realizar tu curso desde el propio sistema SAP, podrs configurar y realizar ejemplos y procesos en el sistema.En este curso te ofrecemos:Ms de 60 clases tanto prcticas como tericas del procesamiento en el sistema completamente detalladas y con ejemplos reales.Documentacin de cada una de las clases.Presentaciones tericas.Manuales de usuario paso a paso.Manuales de configuracin paso a paso.Tarea para disear un caso en vivo.Asesoracon el instructor 24x7.El contenido del curso es el siguiente:Seccin 1: Introduccin-)BienvenidaSeccin 2: Informacin Terica-)Qu es SAP PM?-)Funcionalidades y Ventajas del mdulo SAP PM-)Datos Maestros del mdulo SAP PM-)Escenarios comunes del mdulo-)Integracin con otros mdulos SAPSeccin 3: Estructura Organizativa SAP PM-)Conceptos y Definiciones de la estructura organizativa de SAP PM-)Configuracin de Centros de Emplazamiento-)Configuracin de Centros de Planificacin-)Configuracin de Grupos dePlanificacin-)Configuracin de Emplazamiento-)Configuracin de rea de empresaSeccin 4: Datos Maestros SAP PM-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Ubicaciones Tcnicas-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Equipos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Puestos de Trabajo-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Catlogos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracinde Conjuntos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Listas de Materiales-)Conceptos, Procesamientoy configuracin de Sistemas de Clasificacin-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Vehculos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Hojas de Ruta-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Puntos de medida-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Nmeros de SerieSeccin 5: Conclusin y Cierre-)DespedidaSe entregar material multimedia conSesiones de Videos con demostraciones prcticas del uso del sistema yDocumentacin Terica y prcticapaso a paso en PDF."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |