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"Design & Deploy an Enterprise WiFi Network" |
"I have designed, installed, and maintained wireless networks for Hotels, Stadiums, Retail Stores, University Campuses, Warehouses, Shopping Malls, &Airports.I will use my real world experience to teach you how to design a reliable, secure, redundant Wireless Networks for different types of buildings, and different client needs. I also show you the business aspect of a Wireless Network, allowing you to understand the real cost of designing, implementing, and maintaining it.This course teaches you:How toDesign & Implement WiFi Networks for different types of buildings (hotels, office buildings, stadiums, retail stores, hospitals, shopping malls, airports, & schools) and businessesHow toUse Fluke AirMagnet to perform Passive & Active Site SurveysThe different components of a Wireless Network (access points, repeaters, switches, routers, controllers, VoIP phones, barcode readers) and what each component doesDifferent types of Access Points,Antennas, Repeaters, howand their signal coverage variesWhere to place Switches, Routers, and Access Points in a building, especially in large buildingsSecurity risks associated with Wireless Networks, common and uncommon attacks, and how to keep the network SecureHow to Design a Redundant Wireless NetworkHow to Design & Install outdoor Wireless NetworksDeploying a multi-site Wireless NetworkDeploying Voice Over Wireless LANUnderstand the business aspects of designing, installing, and maintaining a Wireless Network, and the costs associated with the networkApplications that benefit from, or rely on, Wireless Networks (Guest WiFi, Voice Over WLAN, Premium WiFi, Location-Based Services, Inventory Management)Practical construction tips when dealing with existing structures, new construction, government buildings & hospitals,"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"American English Vowels for Indian IT Professionals" |
"In this American English pronunciation course, specifically designed to meet the needs of speakers from India, learn to accurately produce the American vowels which Indian speakers of English often confuse. These tricky vowels include learning to distinguish between ""peek"" and ""pick"" and between ""look"" and ""Luke."" Also learn to distinguish between ""bone and ""born"" and many other troublesome pairs. Computer professionals can learn to reduce or minimize their accentsin an IT vocabulary context. Repetition audio practice is included so you can repeat the target phrases until the correct pronunciation becomes part of your muscle memory!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vowels for Advanced Chinese learners of American English" |
"Learn how to correct the American English vowel pronunciation errors that native Chinese speakers frequently make. The instructor describes and shows exactly how to produce each vowel and puts the vowels in example sentences that use advanced vocabulary from professional settings, such as high tech and business. Quizzes are included to test your understanding of concepts taught. The written lessons can also be downloaded, so you can follow along and takes notes while watching the videos. Repetition audios are included so you can listen and repeat the target words over and over until they become part of your muscle memory! Students are encouraged to ask the instructor questions and even meet with the instructor to check progress."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Frher aufstehen: Dein Weg zum wirklich frhen Vogel" |
"Frankfurt, 01.06.2017Morgens mehr Zeit zur Verfgung haben ohne auf Schlaf zu verzichten?- Mglich!Trotzdem ist frher-als-sonst-aufstehenfr jeden von uns erstmal unvorstellbar. Dabei knnteuns eine zustzliche Stunde am Morgen viel Kummer und Sorgenersparen. Dass wir uns das bisher nicht zunutze gemacht haben, liegt vor allem an einem: Der fehlenden Bereitschaft frher dasBett zu verlassen.""Ich bin dann den ganzen Tag mde und unproduktiv"" warauch meine Lieblings-Ausrede (und sie istes an manchen Tagen immer noch). Wenn du dich trotzdem auf den Versuch einlsst, wirst dusehr schnell merken, dass du sogar fitter bistals sonst- wenn du ein paar Dinge beachtest.Mein Versprechen an dichDu kriegst allesvermittelt,was du wissen musst, um dein Lebenin Zukunftschon frh morgens selbstin die Hand zu nehmen. Egal, fr was du deineneu gewonneneZeit nutzen mchtest: Hier lernst du, wie du sie bekommst.Ich bin selbst jeden Tag bemht, mein Frher-Aufstehen zu optimieren. Updates sind also garantiert!Du wirst zu schtzen lernen, wie es sich anfhltvor 8Uhr morgensschon mehr erledigt zu bekommen, als viele andere den ganzen Tag ber.Dieser Kurs deckt alles ab, was du dafr wissen musst. Insbesondere: Wieso viele erfolgreiche Menschen Frhaufsteher sind Warum es biologisch gesehen keine Nachteulen gibt Um wie vielUhr du optimalerweiseschlafen gehst Was deinen Schlaf erholsamer machtWie du abends schneller einschlafen kannstWelche Tricks dir dabei helfen, morgens schneller aufzustehenWelches Schlaftracking-Tool am besten fr dich geeignet istUnd, und, und, ...Am Ende dieses Kurseswirst du genau wissen, was du tun kannst um in Zukunftkeine Probleme mehr damitzu haben, vor allen anderen auf denBeinen zu sein.Bist du bereit auszuprobieren, welchen Einfluss eine zustzliche Stunde am Tag auf dein Leben nehmen kann?Schreib dich jetzt ein und wir sehen uns in der erstenLektion!Bis gleich!- Tim"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Deine perfekte Morgenroutine" |
"Frankfurt, 16.07.2017So wie der Morgen beginnt, soverluft oft der ganze Tag.Weshalb es umso wichtiger ist, dass wir einen optimalen Start hinlegen.Egal ob wir mit der Waage auf Kriegsfustehen oder endlich die nchste Befrderung in Angriff genommen werden soll:Unser Verhalten nach dem Aufstehen hat mehr Einfluss auf das Ergebnisals wir glauben wollen.Der UnterschiedDie meisten fhlen sich morgens erstmal berfordert. Wir verlassen hektischdas Haus - und wissen dabei genau, was bei unserer Rckkehr noch alles auf uns wartet...Wie wre es, wenn wirin Zukunft mit einem guten Gefhlin der Firma, der Schule oder der Universittankommen?Wie wre es, wenn wir stolz auf das sein knnen,was wir heuteschongetan haben?Die Trainingseinheit. die wir uns vorgenommen haben.Bereits erledigt.Die wichtigste Aufgabe des Tages.Bereits erledigt.Unsere tgliche kleine Mutprobe zur Willensstrkung.Bereits bestanden.Unsere Tage sind variabel geworden - mach denMorgen zu deiner Konstante!Damit du etwas hast, worauf du dich jedenTag verlassen kannst.Du entscheidest selbst, was fr dich von Nutzen ist:Hol dir Energie - damit du das, was du dir vornimmst auch umsetzen kannst.Werde tiefenentspannt -damit dich in Zukunftnichts mehr aus der Ruhe bringen kann.Organisiere dein Leben -verplant wirst du so oder so. Besser du machst es selbst.Mein Versprechen an dichDu kriegst allesvermittelt,was du wissen musst, um dein Lebenin Zukunftschon frh morgens selbstin die Hand zu nehmen. Egal, welches Ziel du in nchster Zeit verfolgst: Hier lernst du Methoden, um es zu erreichen.Ich nderemeine Morgenroutine selbst inregelmigenAbstnden.Updates sind also garantiert!Du wirst zu schtzen lernen, wie es sich anfhltzu Beginn des Tagesschon mehr fr deinenErfolg getan zu haben, als viele andere den ganzen Tag ber.Dieser Kurs deckt alles ab, was du dafr wissen musst. Insbesondere: Wie wir unsere Wnsche zu Gewohnheiten machen Was du bei deiner Ernhrung beachten solltest [cooming soon] Wie du schon morgens fr einen aktiven Lebensstil sorgst Wie Eisduschen dein Leben verndern knnenWie du durch Meditationsbungen zur Ruhe kommst, ohne spirituell zu werdenWie du deinen Tag bestmglich strukturierstund organisierst - um jedes deiner Ziele zu erreichenWie berhmte Persnlichkeiten morgensdie Basis fr ihren Erfolg legen Und, und, und, ...Am Ende dieses Kurseswirst du genau wissen, wie du dir deine eigene, individuelle Morgenroutine zusammenstellst - und damit optimal in den Tag startest.Bist du bereit herauszufinden, welchen Einfluss eineMorgenroutineauf dein Leben nehmen kann?Schreib dich jetzt ein und wir sehen uns in der erstenLektion!Bis gleich!- Tim"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Produktivitt: Der etwas andere Produktivittskurs" |
"Frankfurt, 15.08.2017Das erledigt bekommen, was man sich vorgenommen hat.Um seine Ziele zu erreichen ist es wichtig, dass man die Dinge umsetzt, die man sich vorgenommen hat.Und je grer das Ziel,desto mehr gibt es zu tun. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass wir schnellstmglichunsere Aufgabenbeenden,ohne dass die Qualitt selbiger darunter leidet.Heit, wir mssen produktiver werden.Es gibt natrlich jede Menge Produktivittskurse. Was davon jetzt genau hilft und was nicht, wei keiner so richtig. Auerdem funktionierenwir nicht alle gleich und was sich fr den einen als hilfreich herausstellt, hilft dem anderen noch lange nicht. Deshalb ist es wichtig, eine Gruppendynamik zu entwickeln und sich gegenseitig mit seinen Erfahrungen weiterzuhelfen.Deshalb ist der Kurs interaktiv aufgebaut, damit sich eine Community entwickeln kann, die sich gegenseitig untersttzt und mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht. Etwas anders als die klassischen Produktivitts-Theoretiker eben.Auerdem gibt es ein5-SeitigesArbeitsblatt zum ausdrucken und schriftlich mitarbeiten. Das zwingt dich dazu konkret zu werden, und die Theorie auf deinepersnlicheindividuelle Situation in der Praxis anzuwenden.Mein Versprechen an dichDu kriegst allesvermittelt,was du wissen musst, um deine Aufgaben in Zukunft schneller erledigt zu bekommen.Egal, fr was du die dadurchgewonneneZeit nutzen mchtest: Hier lernst du, wie du sie bekommst.Ich bin selbst jeden Tag bemht, produktiver zu werden und offen fr neue Anstze.Updates sind also garantiert!Du wirst zu schtzen lernen, wie es sich anfhlt die Dinge endlich anzupacken und erledigt zu bekommen.Schneller, besser und konzentrierter.Wir hinterfragen auerdem unsere Prioritten und erinnern uns daran, dass Produktivitt nicht alles im Leben ist.DerKurs behandeltviele weitere Themen.Insbesondere: Warum wir so oft nicht vorankommen Die Sinnhaftigkeit von Zeitmanagement Wie wir unseren Krper maximalleistungsfhig halten Wie die optimalen Rahmenbedingungen aussehenWie man es schafft endlich anzufangenWie manAufgabengnadenlos durchziehtWie man richtig Pause machtUnd, und, und, ...Am Ende dieses Kurseswirst du genau wissen, was du tun kannst um in Zukunft produktiver zu arbeiten. Und durch die Community ist gewhrleistet, dass du dich stetig weiterentwickelst.Bist du bereit auszuprobieren, welchen Einfluss eine hhere Produktivittauf dein Leben nehmen kann?Schreib dich jetzt ein und wir sehen uns in der erstenLektion!Dort zeige ich dir, wie du deinen eigenen Beitrag anlegst und wo du das Arbeitsblatt findest.Bis gleich!- Tim"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Sozialkompetenz steigern: Der richtige Umgang mit Menschen" |
"Frankfurt, 10.09.2017Menschen vergessen was du gesagt oder getan hast, aber nie wie sie sich dabei gefhlt habenEine hohe Sozialkompetenz ist wichtig. Ich wrde sogar so weit gehenund sie zu den wichtigsten Kompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts zhlen. Denn wer wei, wie er mit anderen umzugehen hat, wird auch selbst deutlich besser behandelt werden. Man hinterlsst einen strkeren Eindruck, wirkt sympathischer und kompetenter. Und da das Leben nunmal ein Multiplayer-Game ist, wird man immer auf seine Mitmenschen angewiesen sein. Die Art und Weise, wie sie uns wahrnehmen kann dabei viele Tren ffnen - oder schlieen. Abhngig davon, wie geschickt wir im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich agieren. Je grer das Ziel. desto mehr gibt es hier zu beachten.Doch wie kann manall das auf eine authentische Art und Weise transportieren ohne zu manipulierenoder auf irgendwelche billigen Psychospielchen zurckgreifen zu mssen?Die Antwort ist genauso einfach in der Theorie, wie sie schwierig in der Umsetzung ist: Indem man andere so behandelt, wie man selbst gerne behandelt werden wrde.Den Umgang mit anderen wirklich zu beherrschen ist eine Lebensaufgabe, die so viel Fingerspitzengefhl und Toleranz erfordert, dass ich mir gar nicht anmaen mchtewirklich gut darinzu sein. Ich wei, dass ich in diesem Bereichbesserwerden mchte. Und dass ich darin besser werden muss, wenn ich die wirklich groenZiele im Leben haben mchte.Und auch wenn wir nicht alle gleich funktionieren, so gibt es doch einige Grundstze,die sich auf jeden Menschen dieser Welt anwenden lassen. Fr alles andere gibt es in diesem Kurs Diskussionsrunden zu verschiedenen Themen, in denen wir uns austauschen knnen, umdie Dinge auch einmal aus einer anderen Perspektive zu betrachten und neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen, die dazu beitragen die eigene Sozialkompetenz deutlich zu verbessern.Mein Versprechen an dichDu kriegst alle Grundlagenvermittelt,um bessere Gesprche zu fhren, andere von dir zu berzeugen und Konflikte besser zu lsen.Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungenwerden dich dein Leben lang begleiten. Hierlernst du, wie du sie verbesserst. Und das Beste daran: Auch alle anderen profitieren davon, wenn sie dich mgen:Weil es angenehm istin deiner Gesellschaft zu sein (auch wenn es natrlich trotzdem noch Leute geben wird,die das anders sehen).Ich bin selbst jeden Tag bemht,besser im Umgang mit anderen zu werden.Updates sind also garantiert!Du wirst zu schtzen lernenwie es ist, ein grundlegendes Verstndnis davon zu haben, was sich die andere Person aus einem Gesprch mit dir wnscht - ganz ohne Psychologiestudium.DerKurs behandeltviele weitere Themen.Insbesondere: Warum wir nicht von Natur aus gut im Umgang miteinander sind Wie man authentisch wirkt Was man tun kann, um auf Anhieb gemocht zu werden Wie man ein tolles Gesprch fhrt und was man dabei vermeiden sollteWie man Vertrauen aufbautWie manherausfindet, was andere wollenWie man andere fr seine Vorhaben begeistert und siedazu bringt unsere Wnsche zu erfllenWas man bei einem Streit alles zu beachten hatUnd, und, und, ...Am Ende dieses Kurseswirst du genau wissen, wie duin Zukunft mit anderen interagierenmusst, um das zu bekommen was du willst. Unabhngig von der jeweiligen Situation.Und durch die Community ist gewhrleistet, dass wir uns dabeistetig weiterentwickeln.Bist du bereit auszuprobieren, welchen Einfluss bessere zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen auf dein Leben haben knnen?Schreib dich jetzt ein und wir sehen uns in der erstenLektion!Dort zeige ich dir alles und wir setzenden Rahmen fr unsere gemeinsame UnternehmungBis gleich!- Tim"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Ziele erreichen: Die ultimative Step-by-Step Anleitung" |
"Frankfurt, 16.10.2017Ziele erreichen, von denen wir als Kinder nurgetrumt habenEtwas, das wir uns alle wnschen - oder zumindest bis zu einem bestimmten Punkt in unserem Leben gewnscht haben.Doch irgendwann wurde es Zeit. Zeit um erwachsen zu werden. Und dann heit es meistens Arrivederci Trume! Auf Nimmerwiedersehen!Schlielich erwartet uns das echte Leben.Doch was soll das berhaupt sein? Ein imaginrer Ort der Selbstverstmmelung, an dem man sich und jedem der es hren will erzhlt was fr groe Plne man doch hatte undwarum dies und jenes nicht geklappt hat.Meistscheitert esschon amGlauben daran, dass man es tatschlich schaffen kann.Angst, Hass und Verzweiflung beseitigen mehr Trume als Versagen es jemals tun knnte.Und doch sind wir bereit dazu, das einfach so hinzunehmen.Ohne Widerworte.Ohne auch nur eine Sekunde darber nachzudenken, warum wir heutedort stehen wo wir nunmal stehen.Ohne die Mglichkeit in Betracht zu ziehen dem Leben eine positive Wendung zu geben.Du musst dafr nichtdeinenJob hinschmeien und dem groenGlck nachjagen (auch wenn ich das fr meinenTeil getan habe).Es sind die kleinenDinge im Leben die uns bei der Stange halten.Dinge, die dich mit Freude erfllen und die deinLeben tatschlich besser machen.Endlich inForm kommenBefrdert werdenDie Frau (oder den Mann) deines Lebens findenEinBuch verffentlichenProgrammieren, Surfen oder Klavierspielen lernenSelbstbewusster werdenDeinem Leben sind keine Grenzen gesetzt und genau so solltest du auch an deine Ziele rangehen.Mein Versprechen an dichDu kriegst alles vermittelt- und ich meine wirklich alles - was du wissen musst, um herauszufinden was dir wichtig ist und wie du es erreichst.Egal was es ist: Hier erfhrst du, wie du es in denLeben ziehst..Ich selbst habe mehr Ziele als Zeit auf diesem Planeten und bin daher bestrebt neue Anstze auszuprobieren und meine Vorgehensweisen zu verbessern.Updates sind also garantiert!In diesem Kurs geht es vor allem um die Umsetzung.Denn ohne die, werden deine Trume fr immer welche bleiben. Undauf den nchsten""ich wnsch mir was ich will und alles geht inErfllung""Kurs hast du wahrscheinlichgenauso wenig Lust wie ich.Deshalb gibt es zustzlich zu den VideolektioneneinArbeitsblatt, das dich dabei untersttzt die zahlreichen bungen dieses Kurseszu absolvieren.Du wirst schon sehr bald zu schtzen wissen, wie es sich anfhlt Blut,Schwei und Trnen in etwas zu investieren - und imGegenzugauch tatschlich die gewnschten Ergebnisse zu erzielen.Es wird Zeit endlich das umzusetzen, was du dir so oft schon vorgenommen hast.Alles, was du dafr wissen musst, lernst du in diesem Kurs.Wir besprechen auerdem: Die Nebeneffekte und Nachteile von Zielen Warum die meisten Trume immer welche bleiben werden Wie wir herausfinden, welches Ziel das richtige fr uns ist Wie wir die richtigen Prioritten setzenWas es beim Ziele setzen zu beachten giltWie manmit Durchhngern und Rckschlgen umgehtWorauf es beim Ziele erreichen tatschlich ankommt Was danach passiertUnd, und, und, ...Am Ende dieses Kurseswirst du genau wissen, was zu tun ist, um in Zukunft jedes Ziele grundstzlicherreichen zu knnen.Bist du bereit auszuprobieren, welchen Einfluss dasauf dein Leben nehmen kann?Dann schreib dich jetzt ein und wir sehen uns in der erstenLektion!Dort zeige ich dir, warum es berhaupt sinnvoll ist Ziele zu haben.Ohne irgendwelches Vorgeplnkel.Denn dafr ist das Leben eindeutig zu kurz.Wir sehen unsauf der anderen Seite!- Tim"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to do a Startup? (A crash course in Entrepreneurship)" |
"AN INVESTMENT IN KNOWLEDGE PAYS THE BEST INTERESTI guarantee to make you an expert ondoing startups.You will get to know everything you need to know in order to build a successful startup. The course is derived from the knowledge of many entrepreneurs which i have summarized in a very corecompact form.Let me start teaching you some concepts for free1. While building the product, instead of getting cut off from the world, you should also take continuous customer feedback in the problems they are facing. You use this feedback to improve your product. Thats called Customer development.Engaging customers through product development cycle is very important! The primary questions that we are going to solve through the course are Will customers want the product youre building, will they pay for it and can you provide your service profitably?2. The second concept says that - Experimentation is the key! A successful startup requires constant and disciplined experimentation before its launch. Lets say after a lot of experimenting we come up with Plan A and if Plan A is not successful for your startup then we shall shift to plan B, C or Z. These plans are not decided through luck, gut or intuition but through a systematic process of stress-testing your plan A. 99 percent of the successful startups change their plans along with their way and the tools you will learn in the course will help you decide what works and what doesnt for your startup.3. We will try to develop a minimum dependence on outside debts and investors money from the very beginning. This is called Bootstrapping. In this course, you will learn all thesteps of successfullydoing a startup, right from the idea stage to the final product/market fit. Note that accounting, legal and financial aspects of launching a company will not be taught in this course.I would end the descriptionwith FOUR wordsKNOWLEDGE IS POWER SUPREME"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pharmacy Assistant Preceptor" |
"Broaden your knowledge about the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the NHS in the United Kingdom. This can help anyone track trends and changes in an industry closely guarded by academic institutions. Here's a chance to delve into a fulfilling subject guaranteed to inform or add to your existing knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Relationship Management in Corporate Banking" |
"This course will bring you to the world of large Corporates and the Corporate Bankers/Relationship Managers that deal with them. Relationship Managersare in the driving seat of Corporate Client Relationships: theyset the pace of what happensbetween theCorporate Client and the Bank,andBanks dependon theircapabilities, strategyand performance to achieve results. This coursegives you anextensiveoverview of what is the day to day job of a Relationship Manager in Corporate Banking.Managing Corporate ClientRelationships requires specificknowledge, high professional standards,several skills,and involves many responsibilities. Thecourse will describe which they are and what it takes to master them all.Corporate Client Relationships areoften based on large financing deals. Therefore, the course leads you through the process of properly pricing financing offers to the Client, and then through your role in thepreparation of credit applications, andhow to bestprepare toconvinceapproval bodies that thelending relationship you proposeis one that the bank should pursue.The course will teachyou about crucial topics inLegal and Compliance that a Relationship Manager must dominate, and about your involvement in negotiating aCredit Agreement - one that the Client accepts but alsoprotects the Bank from allthe risks it is exposed to.You will learn about leading client meetings,negotiation skills, and corporatebanking products. Andwhy not onlyacquire but alsomaintain aCorporate Client Relationship that issustainable and profitable is key for the bank. You will also learn aboutthe rules forsocializing with clients and how important they are.All this will be given to you from the perspective of an insider, as if you would be already in the Clients'Department of the Bank, feeling the emotion and challenge that will face you day by day.After this course, you will beready togo out there,experience the job, and with time and dedicationbecome a successful and excellentCorporate Banker.(if there is music included, credits go to: The Beginning - Factor Eight by Tune Core.)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Getting Business Loan Requests Approved by Banks" |
"This course explains how Banks look at business loan requests, and what these requests should include and why in order to improve the Chance-to-Yes, meaning, a loan approval. Preparing a good request for financing and being able to discuss it with the Bank is essential to increase the probability of having the loan approved. During the course you will see the parallel between what the request for financing includes, and how banks interpret it from their risk point of view. Many times entrepreneurs not only do not know which information to provide to banks, but also do not understand which information is crucial for banks to make a decision. This course will explain it all. We will also look at what type of loans requests Banks do not usually support and the reasons for that.By getting the request for financing right, convincing Banks to grant the business loan becomes far easier.(The course deals with business loans only, and not personal loans like mortgages, car or other consumer financing)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Economics: Market Forces of demand, supply and equilibrium" |
"In this digital age, things change overnight in the markets and it is far more important to be able to take fast and right action than ever before. If you're wondering how an event or a policy would change the economy, you must first start analyzing how it will affect the behaviours of buyers and sellers and their interaction on the market. That's why it is crucial to understand how market forces work.This course is carefully designed and structured in the mostsimplest way to give you the understanding of how buyers and sellers behave by explaining markets, competition, demand, supply and market forces, the most important Economics concepts. It shows how prices are determined by buyers and sellers in a market economy and how prices change to adjust the allocation of scarce resources in the most efficient way.In this course, real life case studies from different parts of the world are given. It shows step by step how to analyze changes in market forces through diagrams as well as tips to get you used to anlyze any change in any market."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn piano or keyboard from scratch - Complete piano course" |
"NOW WITH FREE EBOOK: ALL THE SCALES AND CHORDS IN ALL INVERSIONS WITH FINGER POSITIONS (110 PAGES!)No other online piano course offers such a detailed and complete overview of scales and chords.With the clickable index, youre never more than only one click away from the piano chords or scales you were looking for.THE ONLINE PIANO COURSE THAT HELPED 1000S OF PEOPLE TO FINALLY PLAY SONGS ON THE PIANO, TO READ MUSIC AND TO IMPROVISEThe way the course is created, with lots of songs and easy explanations of every detail, means that you will advance rapidly every day.VERY QUICKLY, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY YOUR FIRST SONGS ON THE PIANO OR KEYBOARDAt a very early stage, you will already apply what youve learned and start playing songs. First playing the melody with your right hand, later also adding your left hand.And what makes it a real pleasure to practice, is that you play a song together with a band that accompanies you while you are playing on your piano or electronic keyboard.This is what others say about the course:***This piano course is extremely educational and highly entertaining as well. For beginners specially, Mr. Cohen didn't raise the bar of excellence, he is the bar simply put. His lectures will start you from know nothing into craving to learn more and highly addictive too. If you are searching over and over to find the right piano lesson for you, your search is over. You found the learning center. Cheers (Rolando Marucut)***This is exactly the course I was looking for. I love piano music since I was a kid, however I never had the opportunity to learn. I am a total beginner, I love the way the teacher explains and shows the most important and key things in order to move forward in any lesson. My dream is closer. Thank you so much! (Daniel Madrid Sanchez)***WOW! This is an amazing course. Thank you very much. Highly recommended. (Stefano Buiaroni)***I really liked the way the course was created, with lots of songs, advices, quizzes. It was a challenge, but with perseverance and with a lot of exercises the results appeared. I think the most pleasant moments were when I played the songs from the course, but by far I think it was when I managed to control both hands independently. It was like a revelation. Now I have the needed tools: scales, chords, improvisation techniques, the rest depends on me, a lot of exercises. (Csizmadia Miklos)***LEARN PIANO IN A FUN WAY, NOT BY ONLY ENDLESSLY RUNNING UP & DOWN THE SCALESIn order to play the piano or keyboard well, you have to practice scales. But only endlessly going up & down the scales is not very fun way of learning the piano or keyboard, thats why in this course you practice the scales in songs that contain just the notes of that particular scale.And of course, the band will accompany you in all the songs.This makes practicing the scales a pleasure!TRY THIS ONLINE PIANO COURSE WITHOUT ANY RISK.If youre still not sure, why not just give it a try? Its without any risk: if for whatever reason this is not the course for you, you can get a full refund within 30 days after purchase.So, theres no need to wait any longer: just hit that enroll button and get access to more than 18 hours of video, interactive music theory exercises and to an amazing BONUS: a 110 page ebook with all the scales and chords in all the inversions with finger positions, as well as plenty of other resources (play-along files in different tempos, PDF files with sheet music for every song, ).It only takes you one click to have access to ALL of this.Still not convinced?Just have a look at the promo video and the free preview videos to have an idea of how I teach, and also have a look at the course curriculum.COURSE CHARACTERISTICSYou will apply the theory and skills learned during the lectures in songs that you will play together with a band (play-along mp3 files and MIDI files included). In this way, practicing the notes in the scales becomes a pleasure!Lots of practice files (mp3 and MIDI) in all 12 keys and in several tempos includedAn ebook included for FREE with ALL the scales and chords in all inversions with finger positions (110 pages!) with clickable index that leads you directly to the scale or chord you were looking forMore than 450 downloadable resources! (more than any other piano course)Clear explanations by an experienced teacher (more than 25 years of teaching experience)Apart from the introduction section (8 lectures), the course consists of 4 main sections, each with a lot of lectures that will help you to advance in a steady way. The 4 main sections are:Scales (90 lectures)Piano chords (41 lectures)Reading music (11 lectures)Improvisation (21 lectures)SOME OF THE TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSEMajor scales in all 12 keysMinor scales in all 12 keysTransposing songs in other keysLots of songs to practice the notes of the scalesCircle of fifthsIntervalsMajor triadsMinor triadsDominant 7th chordsMinor 7th chordsDiminished chordsLots of songs to practice the chordsTreble clefBass clefTime signatureKey signaturePractice songsPentatonic scale (major and minor)Blues scaleThe 12 bar bluesImprovising with the pentatonic and blues scalesLicks and riffsAdding rhythm in the left hand accompanimentAdding colors (9th, #9th, 13th) in the left hand accompanimentExtend the blues scale with extra notes"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
ReactRedux |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Stock Options for Successful Stock Trading" |
"In this course, we introduce all of the basic information necessary to begin trading stock options. This is one of the key ways to become a successful stock trader.Because options differ from stocks in their risk, applicability, and usage, it is important to note those differences prior to initiating trading in those securities. Therefore, this course introduces all of the basic information necessary in order to begin trading these potentially exceptionally profitable instruments.Stock trading comes in many forms. However, Ihave found that stock options are the most methodological, systematic, and probability-based method in order to attack the markets!This course introduces the basic concepts needed to dip your toes into these securities."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn 5 Stock Trades That Can Win in ANY Stock Market" |
"In this course, you will get to see me go through five specific, and different stock options trades, that can winregardless of whether the market moves up, down, or sideways. I walk you through the initial set up, and update my commentary each week during the trade cycle in order to teach through the entire trading system.This is the exact strategy that Iteach at Sell That Option, my independently run stock educational website. Every one of my trades is alerted to my members so that they are able to learn and follow along with my trading.Each day I send a watchlist in the morning, highlighting securities that Iam looking to initiate positions, positions I am looking to close, discuss the market, and go over my overbought and oversold scans. Each evening I send a daily recap video, and on Sunday I send out a portfolio review. This is intended to teach you how to create monthly portfolios in an ever-changing marketplace and beat the market year in and year out."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Historia de Espaa (siglo XIX)" |
"Si siempre quisiste saber ms sobre la historia de Espaa pero nunca te has animado a empezar porque has visto los manuales y te han desanimado o ests preparando esta asignatura para algn examen importante, has llegado al curso ideal para ti.En este curso haremos un recorrido paso a paso por el siglo XIX espaol, desde el Antiguo Rgimen hasta la regencia de Mara Cristina de Habsburgo,de un modo atractivo y con material de apoyo para que llegues a conocer tanto como desees de poltica,sociedad, arte, moda, literatura, etc.El lmite lo pones t! Bienvenidoal siglo XIX!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Flute Instruction" |
"Are you or someone you love interested in learning to play the flute? Whether you play other instruments, or have never played any instrument, this course is designed to help you get started playing the flute. If youre a band director, or instrumental music teacher and have a student who wants to add flute but you dont know how to teach them, this course can help you give them a good foundation in flute instruction. Well cover: The types of flutes and the sounds they make Choosing an instrument to purchase Caring for your flute Getting started making music Beginner songs by ear How to practice & progress This course is taught through video lectures where I take you step by step through each topic. I will demonstrate techniques then ask you to try them. I will give pointers on what youre hearing from your flute. Well even play duets where you play the melody and I play harmony. You dont need to read music to learn how to play flute in this course. I will teach you where to place your fingers to play notes. Then we will put notes together to play beginner songs by ear.Come and join me. You'll love playing the flute!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Beyond Beginner Flute" |
"Are you or someone you love interested in taking your beginner flute skills to the next level?This course is designed for those that have begun to develop skills on the flute and want to learn how to go to the next level. If you are a beginner flutist who wants to keep developing your knowledge about flute performance, this course can help you increase your flute skills. If youre a band director, or instrumental music teacher but flute is not your primary instrument, this course can help you give your flutists a good foundation in flute instruction. Well cover: A review of the notes well use in 6 beginner songs Embouchure development Breathing technique Gaining the octave & what to do if you cant A discussion of flats, sharps, keys & scales Practice methods including long tones & scales What to do next to keep progressing This course is taught through video lessons where I take you step by step through each topic. I will demonstrate and give pointers along the way. Well play songs and scales, and learn how to practice.You dont need to read music to learn how to play flute in this course. But you do need some beginner skills. Come and join the course and take your flute skills to the next level!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Telepathic Healing 101" |
"In Telepathic Healing 101 you will findPractical Course on Healing through secret ""mind-to-mind"" communication and a way to apply the ancient Chinese Art of organ-emotion healing, Emile Coue healing, autogenic healing and more. This way of interacting with aperson needing a healing of the mind, body, or spirit is fully integrate-able with any healing modality you my be using. Or it can be used on its own to amazing effect. It is simple and straightforward. You will learn to use your latent telepathic sense to heal or speed up healing. The principles learned herein will have wider applications beyond healing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implementando y administrando Hyper-V en Windows Server 2016" |
"Este curso tiene como objetivo que inicies en el mundo de la virtualizacin si an o haz iniciado y si conoces sobre virtualizacin en otras plataformas como VMware puedas conocer todos los aspectos de implementacin en un entorno con Microsoft Hyper-V en Windows Server 2016Cuales son los beneficios de Hyper-V?Los beneficios de la plataforma de virtualizacin de Microsoft Hyper-V tiene muchos puntos que son beneficiosos para una empresa entre las cuales se destacan:Migraciones en vivo de VMs sin necesitar licencias adicionalesCluster Shared Volumesalta escalabilidad y uso flexible de almacenamiento compartido (SAN) para almacenar mquinas virtuales.Agregar almacenamiento o NICs en calienteDynamic Memory: uso eficiente de la memoria manteniendo el rendimiento consistente en la mquina virtual.Remote FX: la mejor experiencia visual para virtualizar Windows 10en un entorno VDI.En pocas palabras Hyper-V te ayudar a virtualizar cargas de trabajo a un menor costo y con la administracin de toda la vida en Windows"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Instalacin y configuracin de Windows Server 2016 / 2019" |
"La nube ofrece a las organizaciones de TI oportunidades de prosperar bajo un nuevo modelo que ofrece un tiempo ms rpido para valorar e innovar. Muchas organizaciones, sin embargo, se enfrentan a estrictos requisitos de cumplimiento o negocio. Para las organizaciones que lo necesitan todo: seguridad, eficiencia e innovacin, Windows Server 2016 lo entrega. Windows Server 2016 es el sistema operativo listo para la nube que admite sus cargas de trabajo actuales al mismo tiempo que introduce nuevas tecnologas que facilitan la transicin a la computacin en la nube cuando est listo.Es por esto que como administradores de sistemas o futuros debemos estar a la vanguardia de la tecnologa, en este curso aprenders desde cero TODA la implementacin y administracin de Windows Server 2016 en sus roles y caractersticas.Aprende a:Identificar licenciamiento, edicin y tipo de instalacin que mas conviene a una infraestructuraImplementalos principales roles y caractersticasConoce toda la administracin de Active Directory Domain Services, elprincipal rol de Windows ServerRealiza la configuracin de servicios de red como DNS, DHCPDespliega polticas de grupo GPOImplementa servicios de Escritorio remotoY mucho mas...No puedes quedarte en versiones anteriores, Windows Server 2016 incorpora muchas nuevas funcionalidades que hacen la vida diario de un administrador mucho mas sencilla y productiva al igual que ayuda a minimizar costes a las empresas y aumentar su produccin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Secretos de un CEO para tu nuevo puesto" |
"Crecer en una organizacin es, para muchos, parte del camino. Pero solemos enfocarnos en lo ms conocido de esas promociones, en lo ms atractivo, y en lo ms fcil.Hay 7 aspectos que, si no atendemos bien, pueden volver en nuestra contra. No son difciles de resolver si los encaramos con tiempo, planificacin y la misma pasin con la que buscamos crecer.En este curso voy a compartir estos 7 Aspectos que solemos ignorar y cmo resolverlos positivamente.Pero, adems, voy a compartir una tcnica muy eficaz para ser exitoso apenas promovido, algo que me ayud muchsimo en mi carrera."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Secretos de Oratoria de un ex-CEO/El curso mejor calificado" |
"No te animas a hablar en pblico?La Oratoria es importante para tu carrera o estudios?Cansado de cursos repetitivos, bsicos y largos?En este curso entenders que hablar en pblico no es tan difcil como creemos, a partir de la experiencia de Leo, ex-nerd, luego CEO y en 2020, orador TEDx.El curso ""Secretos de Oratoria de un ex-CEO"" cuenta con docenas de tcnicas y tips que te darn herramientas para mejorar tu forma de presentar muy rpidamente, pero que tambin te servirn para volver peridicamente a revisar.Quien imparte el curso aplica esas tcnicas en el mismo, hacindolo interesante y llevadero, y tambin siendo en s un ejemplo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Dance In A Club For Beginner Men" |
"Hi, have you ever...Said to yourself ""I have no rhythm"" or ""I can't dance""?Needed alcohol to get dancing and only ended up dancing like ... a drunk?Didn't know what to do when popular Latin (Merengue, Reggaeton, Salsa) songs were played?Had a wedding or social to attend and stayed on the sidelines?Wanted more dance moves other than rocking side to side?Wanted to actually have FUN in a night club or anywhere there's dancing?Got tired of the same boring club experience and wanted a NIGHT TO REMEMBER?Thought that you were the WORST DANCER IN THE WORLD?Just wanted to be comfortableon thedance floor?Hi, my name is Jesse (Ialso go by the dancer name Ki'une), and welcome to the Club Dance For Men Level 1. I'm really excited to be introducing this program to you as it's beennewly updated, totally revamped, and is now theBEST Club Dance Programout there. I createdthe first and originalClub Dance For Men program a few years ago when I was frustrated with the club dance scene. It was the same dance scene, same dance moves, same so-so experiences with women.I wanted more.I wanted something different. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted to face my fears. I love facing my fears. In fact, I keep a whole separate blogon this topic. So, I went out to the clubs every night, experimented a LOT, learned all kinds of dance, mixed and matched, and came up my with my unique dance programs.My Youtube Channelhas received millions of views since then, but the core of my interest is developing a program based on my teaching experiences and feedback from my original program. Over the years, I re-released revisions of the program as it evolved, but this time around, I've gone back andre-filmed the entire programto make it the best program out there. In fact, it's so full and jam-packed, that I consider it more to be adance coursethan just a program.The fact is, dancing at a club or social venue doesn't have to be intimidating.It should be fun.Here's the deal. You've probably have a long life to live, and it's much better to be dancing through it. Whether I'm traveling in exotic countries or at home, I always find myself in situations where dancing is useful.The Club Dance For Men program is all based on real teaching and dance experiences. The women in it are real girls I've met dancing and in clubs. The students I've taught are real. I've taught men of all shapes, sizes, and dance levels - ESPECIALLYbeginners and ultra-beginners. I've heard it all:I can't dance. I have no rhythm. I'm the worst dancer in the world. And yes, I can help.The dance system taught on this program was created from learning and combining years of experiencein different dance styles, spending countless (but enjoyable!) hours in the club refining the moves, and most importantly,actually teaching guys how to dance in clubs! This is the original program that's themost popular out therebecause it works. Watch, learn, and step up your dancing today!In Club Dance For Men Level 1, I put together all the core, basic dance moves you need to learn to get comfortable and to start building your confidence on the dance floor. Rather than covering a whole lot of dance moves and losing you, I spend time working on styling and making it look right and natural, along with plenty of practices, which is more important.This newly updated, beginner course features:Basic rhythm exercises designed for ultra-beginnersEasy, beginner dance moves to get you movingImportant practices at slow and club speeds, and to urban and electronic musicOver 50 licensed commerical club tracks, with an increased emphasis on electronic dance musicSeparate lessons covering hand movements for each dance stepIntroduction to transitioning dance moves and customizing your dance to the music (musicality)Basic dance moves with a girl with demosOver 5 hours of dance lessons and practices"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How To Bollywood Dance Class For Women Plus Bonus Workout" |
"Learn how to Bollywood dance with our beginner dance programs for women! Bollywood is an insanely popular style of dance imported from Indian films and are first and foremost fun-focused! Learn two Bollywood dance routines with Angela, then a longer combination routine, and finally a fun cardio-based workout.This program is part of a series of six dance programs for beginner women featuring these styles of dance: Bollywood, Belly Dance, Contemporary Hip Hop, Chair Dance, Burlesque, and Alter Ego (Music Video). Try all of them today!Based on the most popular new dances of today, we've put together an exciting dance program that combines fun, fitness, and dancing. Best of all, the program is designed for absolute beginners, so you can take your time learning from the comfort of your own home. The variety of the Beginner Dance For Women program dances will take you everywhere from the zany fun of Bollywood dancing to the sexy, seductive chair dancing routines.And of course, the program is designed specifically for women. Since this program is ladies first, we go where the boys don't dare - shimmying, flirting, teasing, moving our hips, rolling our bodies, and showing off all our sexiness.For each unique, exciting dance, Angela will teach you two full beginner dance routines. The dance routines will follow the structure of a dance class, except you have the option to go through the dance steps and practices, if you're stuck on any one move, or wish to perfect it.The dance routines are built gradually, learning one or two sets of dance moves (called counts of 8 in dance terminology) at a time, and then doing a practice to the newly-learned moves. Afterwards, another set of dance moves are built on the existing dance moves and practiced until the full routine is learned.Don't worry if you don't the moves right away. Angela has plenty of experience teaching beginners, and we've created the dance program with that in mind. The moves have been carefully designed for easy ""body memorization"". We've chosen moves for beginner dancers, BUT if you think you've got it down, we've put in plenty of extras to keep you busy and coming back to the program.Finally, we finish with a workout in each style of dance that either focuses on stretching, cardio, or strength!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Music Theory" |
"When tutoring music theory at the university-level, I would often see students who struggled in the classroom setting. Much of the time this is because everyone thinks and learns in a different way. What makes sense to some students, might have to be explained another way to others. I have designed this course to address this problem by explaining concepts through several different mediums and in various ways.This course is a standard, university-level music theory class. The material covered at universities in beginner music theory classes is the same material covered here, but here it does not cost nearly as much. Another benefit of this format is one can go through it at their own pace and are not rushed to complete everything throughout one semester. Once purchased, the student will have access to this class for life. So, students will be able to regularly review any concepts they might struggle with. This class is comprised of: Written lectures that operate as chapters for a simplified textbook Video lectures that cover the written material in depth Quick definitions guides for each lecture Exercises to test ones understanding and answer guides to check each exercise Quizzes for each section Examples of topics covered in this course include: Reading pitch Reading rhythm Reading most other symbols in music notation Tempo Time signatures Tuplets Key signatures Keyboard pitch labeling Dynamic indicators Tone-color Solfge Scale degree numbers Intervals Quality Major and minor scales Modes and pentatonic scales Triads Seventh chords Figured bass Lead-sheet notation Chord progression construction And many more subjects pertaining to the aforementioned material This course is the first in a series that will cover the entirety ofundergraduate level music theory classes. Students enrolled in this class will receive discounts on future courses of mine."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Your Own Horror Novel" |
"This course explores horror as a genre as well as what elements of writing are essential to telling a good story. As a creative writer myself, this genre presented in both literature and film has captured my interest for many years. I have noticed that when writing horror, its sometimes easy to forget many of the essentials of good storytelling; it is tempting to simply layall of ones focus onthe antagonist andwhat they do to the main characters. Although those are important and memorable features of this genre, there are so many key elements that are often glossed over.It is important to scare readers, but it is much more impactful if you can change them.Do not settle for stories that are justsomewhat creepy. Dig deeper!Explore what terrifies you and what truths those horrors represent. Show readers something about themselves or the world that will shake them. If you can make them come to a realization they had not come to before and if you can chill them to the deepest layer of their subconscious, then you will have created horror.Although this courseconsists of a large number of writing basics, itcovers elements of writing that even the best can get wrong at times. Thismay seem simple, but understanding and mastering the fundamentals of good storytelling are essential to writing in most every genre. By the end of this course you should have at least one outline for a full horror story, a list of characters with in-depth descriptions of who they are and what they look like, a list of ideas for plot devices to improve your story, and an understanding of how to regularly recreate the aforementioned documents for any future projects.Thank you for visiting this course and please take the time to look through it further,Sincerely,Kalynn Fleischman"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn The Basics of Kenpo Karate 1" |
"In this courseyou will be introduced to the basic skills neededin foundational Kenpo Karate. These skills include basic stances, basic blocks and strikesusing both hands and feet. KenpoKarate Basics Level 1 is recommended for students of any age who have had aninterest in martial arts but perhaps have never studied or may have taken somelessons and would like a refresher course to brush up on fundamentals. Thiscourse it very basic and at an introductory level.The only requirements needed for this course is the abilityto understand and follow instruction in the English language both verbally andwritten. Other requirements are to have an open mind to the informationpresented and to have fun with learning.Ive been studying martial arts for over 30 yearsand in that timeIvehad the privilege of training in various styles such as Kenpo Karate, Shotokan,jiu-jitsu, Aikido and Boxing.During this time I noticed that stances, striking, blocking,positioning and movement are thefoundations common toKenpo and manyother traditional styles. This basic knowledgeis a requirement totruly understanding theself-defense concepts of any traditional martial art. Having a good understanding of thesefundamentals will improve your ability to perform many techniques effectively andprogress through Kenpo Karate or any of the various versions of Karate.This course is designed for the absolute beginner or anystudent whois looking fora refresher courseon the basics of Kenpo Karate.This introductory levelcourse would be theequivalent of trainingfor 2-3 weeks with an instructorat a local martial arts center.This course is set up in an easy to follow format. It'ssetup in a progressive manner containing 3 main sections which are broken downinto smaller subsections.Each subsection contains information, commentary and tips and in some areas I've included breakdownsof positions and body alignment diagrams.In this course you'll learn basic stances, hand strikes,blocks and kicks.We'll use some basic drillsto reinforce and help you practice what you learn. As you progress through this course you'll be shown some basic techniques to help you better understandthe application of your new skills. These techniques are for instructional purposes onlyand not meant to be used exclusively as combative strategies.These techniquescan bepracticed with or without a partner.At the end of this course you will be able to perform thebasic positions and movements used in Kenpo Karate and have a general understanding ofthe applications of those movements.This course will take the mystery out of learning martialarts and bring it down to a basic level using easy to follow steps andlanguage.Keep in mind that practicing often and consistently will help you betterimprove your skills."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |