Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Goals - Why You Are Not Succeeding With Them" |
"We all have different goals that we want to achieve from career, financial, weight loss or something entirely specific. Sometimes we cant achieve those goals, and we have plateaued on our progress. In this course we will be looking at our mindset and other things that hold us back from achieving your goals. I will help you get some tools together to ensure you can make progress daily towards success with any goal you may have."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Applied Music Theory" |
"This course isabout putting music theory to work. You will learn the fundamentals ofMelody, HarmonyandStructure while writing your own music along the way.We all love to hear and play music so why not also create it!? Even though in todays digital world, music composition is more exciting and affordable than ever, its not a very common hobby. For one reason because some music educationis requiredbut also because its so daunting to get into it. A finished piece of music seems to be so complexthat many people shy away from giving music composition a shot. This course is my attempt to make this awesomehobby more accessible for anyone who is excited about music. Iwill introduce you to all the necessarytheory andtools and techniques to be able to write your own music.I will alsoshow you by means ofmany examples that it'sactually not that hard. See you in the course :D"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Drupal 8 Komplett: Der Kurs fr Anfnger und Web-Designer" |
"Erstelle groartige, richtig flexible, modulare WEBSITES mit Drupal 8!Der erste groe, deutschsprachige Drupal 8 Kurs mit kostenlosem Bootstrap Basis-Theme inkl. Font-Awesome!Vergiss teure Komponenten und Module, wie bei Joomla und Wordpress. Bei Drupal baust du beispielsweise Immobilien-Websites, Produktdatenbanken und mehr auchohne Programmierkenntnisse- (Stichwort Views, Inhaltstypen, Taxonomie)Lerne, wie du deine Drupal Website in Minutenschnelle erweitern kannst.Dieser Kurs bietet dir EINECHTESPRAXISBEISPIEL - vom grafischen Design bis hin zur Umsetzung in Drupal!Mit Drupal 8 erlernst du bereits jetzt die BASISfr knftige Drupal-Versionen.Wusstest Du, dass viele internationale Unternehmen und Institutionen ebenfalls Drupal als CMS fr ihre Websites einsetzen?Mit diesem Kurs, kannst Du das auch!Drupal 8 ist ein Content-Management-Framework (CMF) und -System (CMS). Es ist kompakt und komplett flexibel. Jede Funktionalitt lsst sich modular nachrsten. Im Gegensatz zu Joomla!und Wordpress sind alle Module kostenlos, ohne heimliche und kommerzielleBacklinks und gemeinschaftlich von der groen Drupal-Communityentwickelt. Das bedeutet fr Dich: Groartige Websites mit geringenKostenaufwand.Mit diesem Kurs schubse ich Dich inskalte Wasser von Drupal. Ich verspreche Dir, du wirst schnell selbst schwimmen knnen - und das komplett ohne Programmierkenntnisse!Wir behandeln anfangs die Grundlagen von Drupal, gehen ber in die Besonderheiten und befassen uns am Ende mit dem Theming und der Optimierung deiner Website.Es gibtMomente, da verzweifelt man ein wenig an Drupal. Dieser Kurs schafft Abhilfe und erklrt auch den teilweise schwierigenEinstieg in Drush. Drush ist eine Shell-Kommandozeile fr Drupal.Willst Du ein eigenes Theme fr Drupal umsetzen, so ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Dich. Ein Basis-Template inklusive Bootstrap-Framework stelle ich Dir gratis zurVerfgung.Bis zum Theming erklreichdie Grundlagen von Drupal. Bis dahin sind noch nicht mal HTML- und CSS-Kenntnisse notwendig. Beim Theming allerdings schon. Und wenn du Dich bereits mit Bootstrap auskennst, wirst Du diesen Kurs sogarlieben!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC: Der groe Webdesign-Praxis Kurs!" |
"Photoshop CC Der groe Webdesign &Digitaldesign-Praxis Kurs!Vom Einsteiger zum Profi!Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die Photoshop im Bereich Webdesign (Digital Design)privat und beruflichnutzen mchten. Er eignet sich fr Anfnger, die knftig eine Ausbildung in derMediengestaltung (Schwerpunkt Digital) beginnen mchten ebenso, wie fr den bereits beruflich nutzenden Photoshop-User, der bestimmte Kenntnisseerweitern oder vertiefen mchte.Mit diesem Kurs wirst du zum professionellenWeb-DesignerIn diesem Kurs nutzen und lernen wir Photoshop aus der Perspektive eines noch jungen Web-Designers. Du lernst(ohne groe Theorie) praxisnah dieGestaltung von Werbebanner, responsive Websites, erfolgreiche Landingpages und Social-Media-Grafiken, App-Icons, 3D Produktboxenund vieles mehr (der Kurs wird laufend aktualisiert!).Zustzlich lernst Du:Bilder optimieren und manipulierenFiguren/Objekte zeichnenBildelemente schnell und professionell freistellenzahlreiche Photoshop-TricksScrolle am besten jetzt ganz runter und schau Dir den Lehrplan an. :)Erweitere deine Berufschancen!Ein Abschlusszeugnis sagt viel. Gute grafische Referenzen sagen noch mehr und berzeugen jeden Personaler! Mit diesem Kurs lernst du das Handwerkszeug in Photoshop undkannstzeigen, was du drauf hast. Damit hebst dudich von anderen Designern ab, die sich mit Photoshop &Webdesign nicht so gut auskennen.Das Beste:Dieser Kurs wird laufend aktualisiert und erweitert.Inkl. Photoshop-Dateien (zur eigenen, weiteren Verwendung!)Ich beantworte Dir alle, zum Kursthema betreffenden, Fragen innerhalb einer kurzen Zeit (persnlicher Support!).Wunschbox:User-Fragen als Lern-Lektion fr Alle.Dein Dozent:Mein Name ist Laith Wahab. Ich bin selbststndiger Mediendesigner. Seit mehr als 10 Jahren nutze ich Photoshop nahezu tglich.Geringfgig fr den Print- aber hauptschlich fr den Digitalbereich. In diesen letzten Jahren habe ich bei diversen Unternehmen aus der Digital-, Gesundheits- und Kosmetikbranchegearbeitet. Dabei habe ich allerlei Aufgaben mit Photoshop umsetzen knnen. In diesem umfangreichen Webdesign-Videotutorial, zeige ich dir viele Projekte, die man als Webdesigner mit Photoshop spielend einfach umsetzen kann.Viel Spa beim Kurs,Laith Wahab"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Das ultimative 4 in 1 Webdesigner- & Webentwickler-Bootcamp!" |
"Lerne Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator und Adobe XDund setze im Workshop Schritt fr Schritt eine eigene One-Page Website mit HTML &CSS selbst um.Der erste groe Praxis-Kurs, der professionelles Webdesign mit anschlieender Webumsetzung und Entwicklung vereint! In diesem Kurs erlernst Du nicht nur die Gestaltung professioneller Websites mit Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator und Adobe XD, sondern setzt diese auch noch Schritt fr Schritt mit HTML- und CSS im Responsive Design selbst um! Das Beste:Du bentigst keine Vorkenntnisse und kannst direkt loslegen!Umfangreicher HTML- und CSS Kurs!Dieser Kurs ist sehr einfach aufgebaut und startet mit den Grundlagen. An das Thema HTML &CSSwirst Du spielend einfach und Schritt fr Schritt in vielen kleinen Lektionen herangefhrt. Lerne Webdesign mit Adobe Photoshop CC!Du solltest im Besitz der Adobe Creative Cloud sein. Mit dieser werden wir zunchst die Grundlagen von Photoshop kennen lernen und im Anschluss an den Grundkurs und zahlreiche bungen (Buttons, Grafiken, Werbebanner), anspruchsvolle Websites gestalten. Im Workshop erstellst Du Lektion fr Lektion jeden einzelnen Bereich einer One-Page Website, die du spter gerne fr eigene Zwecke einsetzen kannst.Gestalte und entwickle Deine eigene One-Page Website mit Photoshop und HTML+CSS! Die in Photoshop gestaltete One-Page Design Website setzen wir im Anschluss Schritt fr Schritt im Video um. So kannst Du Dein vorher bereits erlerntes HTML- und CSS-Wissen vertiefen und direkt einsetzen!So wirst Du zum HTML- und CSS -Profi!Grundlagen-, Grafik- und Icon-Kurs mit Adobe Illustrator CC! Die Icons gestalten wir mit Adobe Illustrator. Auch hier werfen wir Dich nicht ins kalte Wasser. Wir lernen erst die Software mit all ihren Facetten im Crashkurs kennen und erstellen dann immer anspruchsvollere Grafiken. Mit diesem Kurs wirst Du Illustrator lieben und erstellst spter Deine eigenen Icons in Windeseile.Als Extra kannst Du alle hier erstellten Grafiken und Icons kostenlos herunterladen und fr eigene Projekte verwenden! Hinweis:Dieser Illustrator-Kurs erklrt nicht, wie man Print-Produkte gestaltet und vorbereitet. User-Experience mit Adobe XD:Erstelle Designs und teste sie direkt am Computer!Bestimmte Teile eines Designs kann man nicht erklren. Das muss man schon selbst erleben! Mit Adobe XD (fr Experience Design) erstellst Du schnell eigene Weblayouts und kannst diese in Funktion fr Webentwickler und fr den Kunden (Prototyp-Modus) schnell vorfhren. Wie das geht zeigen wir Dir in einem ausfhrlichen Grundkurs!Mit diesem Kurs erhltst Du somit vier aufeinander abgestimmte Kurse zu einem Preis!Darum solltest Du Dich fr diesen Kurs entscheiden:44 Stunden ausfhrliche Lektionen im Video.Keine Vorkenntnisse in Adobe CCoder HTML notwendig!Ausfhrlicher Grundkurs in HTML &CSS! Mit Responsive Design!Ausfhrlicher Basis-Kurs in Adobe Photoshop CC (Schwerpunkt Webdesign)Ausfhrlicher Grundkurs in Adobe Illustrator CCAusfhrlicher Grundlagenkurs in Adobe XDLerne Schritt fr Schritt die Gestaltung und Umsetzung einer ""Under Construction""-SeiteErlebe Schritt fr Schritt die Gestaltung und Umsetzung einer One-Page Website im Responsive Design!ber 50 Downloads, davon zwei Icon-Sets (inkl. Gestaltungsanleitung im Video und ausfhrliches Design-Material)Alle im Kurs erhltlichen Icons darfst Du fr Deine eigenen Projekte verwenden!Alle im Kurs erhltlichen und selbst erstellten Grafiken sowie Vorlagen darfst Du fr Deine eigenen Projekte verwenden!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Find Motivation to Workout At Home" |
"Hi. Im Bryan Bolt and I want to completely change the way you look at motivation.Would you desperately like to exercise, but you just can't find the motivation to start? Have you tried exercising before but struggled to stay motivated and quit only a few weeks or even days later? Or do you feel you just don't have enough time to exercise? Does life feel just too busy right now?In this course Im going to teach you how you can motivate yourself to work out in just 5 minutes and how I used this very same technique to beat my 12 year old workout procrastination in a single evening.Ive now helped more than 970 people from more than 90 different countries all over the world to finally beat their workout procrastination and motivate themselves to exercise. And people have been absolutely thrilled by the results they have been getting.This course is for anyone who feels exercising is too overwhelming to start, for people who feel they just don't have enough time to exercise and for anyone who has tried exercising before but struggled to stay motivated and quit only a few weeks or even days later.If you want to lose weight, shred some belly fat, run a marathon, build your ideal beach body.. then this course is for you.Most people don't know where motivation really comes from and we think hopefully, one day, we'll just have motivation. You know, we'll wake up and feel motivated.But my favorite metaphor to teach people is this one: The power plant doesn't have energy, it generates energy. In the same way, we don't have motivation, we generate motivation.Listen motivation is not something you have, motivation is something you create. And you can create it any moment you want.My goal is to help you defeat your workout procrastination so you can reach your exercise goals.Inside this course, Im going to show you how you can literally manufacture your own motivation, how to stay motivated during the long run, and how to make working out and effortless part of your life.I know that sounds like a lot, but this rule is a proven form of metacognition which means that its a way of tricking your brain in order to achieve your greater goals.Learning this technique is a totally new way to approach motivation and it gives you a powerful, powerful new superpower. And I'm really excited to have it all in one awesome course for you to discover.If you are ready to get started, and if you want to discover how you can motivate yourself to work out in just 5 minutes, beat your workout procrastination and make working out surprisingly easy, then I invite you to join me in this breath-taking new online course.See you inside. Cheers!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Founder's 5-Minute Cure for Procrastination" |
"Hi. Im Bryan Bolt and today you are about to learn how to stop procrastinating using a simple 5 minute technique used also by Instagram's Founder Kevin Systrom.Ive now thaught this technique to more than 1200 people from more than 98 different countries all over the world to finally beat their procrastination. And people have been absolutely thrilled by the results they have been getting.I've studied the leading researchers in psychology and behaviour and what they've thaught me is that the moment you want to change, break a habit, or do something that is hard or scary and you hesitate, your brain goes to work to stop you.We keep telling ourselves that this time we are really gonna do it, but we never do.Something seemingly more important and more urgent always seems to come up, and we don't get it done.This doesnt have to be your experience.Ive created 5-Minute Motivation to show you how to free yourself, beat procrastination and take control of your life, once and for all.This program is also a rallying cry.Every week I meet people who would desperately like to exercise, finish their latest project, who would like to study and finish college, but they just can't do it. They feel stuck and overwhelmed.Others start, but then fall off the wagon in a matter of weeks or even days.And this also happened to me, in my own life.Ever since my later years of high school, I had tried to make exercise a permanent habit.But for over 12 years it never stuck, despite my efforts.I just couldnt get motivated.I went out and I read every book and I listened to every audio and video course on motivation.. I went through my usual get motivated routine. I listened to motivational vidoes, did visualization techniques, learned from some of the greatest motivational speakers like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and Nick Vujicic and you know what?And things didn't change for months.. not until one evening, whenI accidentally discovered a suprisingly effective technique, and saw that the changes I madewereactually lasting, I realized why the prior strategies I relied upon were completefailures.I now exercise almost every day. I work out at my local gym two times per week and do yoga 5 times per week. I'm really close to achieving and even exceeding my fitness goals.I thought myself how to beat my procrastination with a simple mind trick.. which let to an amazing superpower..And that's what I am going to teach you how to do.You'll get my complete step by step blueprint on how to use the 5 minute rule in your own life and a series of 9 video trainings plus set of powerful exercises to help you beat your workout procrastination reach your biggest, wildest dreams.Inside this course, Im going help you create your very own 5 minute rule that fits perfectly with your own unique life situation, how to stay motivated during the long run, and the 3 critical rules you can't afford to break to make your 5 minute rule a success.This technique, backed by the latest findings in neuroscience and behavioral psychology and Instagram Founder Kevin Systrom's favorite life hack, allows you to beat your brain at its own game and distract it from the ways that it tries to sabotage you. Andthis changes everything.Learning this technique is a totally new way to approach motivation and it gives you a powerful, powerful new superpower. And I'm really excited to have it all in one awesome course for you to discover. And I think this is going to be it's going to be a life changing experience for you and I think it's going to be a lot of fun.Alright, if you are ready to get started, and if you want to discover how you can cure your procrastination in just 5 minutes, then I invite you to join me in this breath-taking new program.Watch session number one NOW, learn the science behind why we procrastinate, go through the program and do ALL the exercises that I'll give you.It will make a huge difference in your life.Okay, see you inside. Cheers!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Tenses with Beautiful English" |
"Beautiful English Grammar Tenses is a new, innovative and very effective English course that will help you to learn about English grammar tenses, practice making correct sentences and get the most effective and the most beautiful speaking practice. Built on the Synergetic Language Matrix it shows English grammar and English sentences in rainbow colours and in pictures so that everyone can understand everything without translation and initial knowledge of English. "" Beautiful English"" - , , . , , ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Value Investing Made Easy" |
"Learnhow to CREATE MULTIPLE Streams of incomeSAFELY and CONSISTENTLY WITHOUT quitting your job, or BETTER, while TRAVELING THE WORLDAre you worriedaboutinflation and rising cost of living?Are you thinking of creating more sources of income but dont know how?Are you feeling stuck in your job while hoping to start something part-time for yourself to earn extra income?Do you want to travel around the world without having time and monetary constraint?Do you want to learn the ""Investment Secrets"" of the greatest investors of all time?But very often, people who are interested in learning investmentdon't know where to start with. They get floodedby never-ending influx offinancial news. Theyfeel lost in the jargon and the many strategies which the investing world has to offer. Some unfornately fall intoget-rich-quick schemes, and lost their hard earned savings.If you are facing the above problems and want to make changes to your life,then this course is for you!This investment course teaches you a Powerful, Simple yet Safestrategy which manygreatest investors such asWarren Buffett, use to earnbillionson the stock market: Value Investing. To equip you with the necessary investing skills, this course goes in-depth with quizzes to test your knowledge,recommended readingsto deepen your understanding, afinancial calculatorto speed up important calculations. This calcalator will enableyou to filter good stocks from the bad ones, and help you to calculate the sensible entry/exit price for the stock.Concepts are introduced gradually, so that even a beginner will be able to follow along andbecome a confident investor in no-time! Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to: Understand all aspects of Value Investing, the strategy of the pros Identify companies with strong competitive advantages and lastingmoats to stay aheadUse powerful financial numbers to differentiate good businesses from the bad onesFind money-making companies in less than 2 minutes using advanced screeners Calculate the ""intrinsic value"" of any stock and determine the entry priceCalculate the exit priceof any stock and know when totake profits Understand why the majority of investors lose money (and how you can avoid this!) Manage your own portfolio with confidence Consistently earn above-average returns using a simple, low-risk, proven strategy Protect and grow your hard-earned savings with minimum effort Plus much more! Enroll now and kick start your journey to financial freedom and realise your travel dreams.Our team Invest Travel Playspentyears to learnthe right investment strategies. We don't want you to go through all the necessary paths. We want you to start right from the start. That's why we spentmonths to compress all this knowledge into this course, to make it easy and systematic for you to learn! If this course helps you to buy just 1 good stock or avoid 1 bad stock, you'll already have earned your money back. If you are serious about changing your current lifestyle and starting earning consistent passive income safely every month,then enroll right now.Because the earlier you start, the harder your money will work for you, and thefaster you will realise your goals.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start BuildingYour Wealth TODAY! Who should join the course? Peoplewho want to build passive incomeand earn above-average returnsBeginners who want to learn investing safely and profitably over the long runInvestors looking for a low-risk, proven strategy to consistently grow their wealthThis course is NOT for people looking to become a millionaire in a dayWho can join this course?Peope who areopen-minded and willing to invest in themselvesHave a drive to challenge the status quo of depending on one single stream of incomeEager to learn how to generate passive income every monthNo prior knowledge about the stock market is requiredEmerge a better investor. Generate passive income.Invest in yourself today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Keeping Your Children Safe On Social Media & Facebook" |
"Are you one of the 46% of parents who admit that their children know more about theinternet and social media than they do? If your answer to this question is yes, then I dont know about you, but that sounds like a huge gap in knowledge, to me. I understand that can feel scary. Yet it doesn't have to be! Take Back ControlI'm Marcia and I've run my own Social Media Consultancy for many years. More recently I've trained and worked extensively with Parents, Carers and Youth Outreach teams to help them feel more confident about discussing the subject of social media with children and young people, by improving their child protection and safeguarding skills and knowledge.I've spoken to so many busy, overwhelmed parents who are already swamped with day-to-day issues.This can leave you feeling that it is near-on impossible to have any control over what your children are doing online and on Facebook. That's why I've created this course, to put YOU back in the driving seat! I've researched and put together all the information you need to do just that, so you don't have to!If you're a busy, overwhelmed Parent, this course will help you get past your worries about what your children are getting up to online and particularly on Facebook, and give you back the control you feel you should have. Who is this course for?Have you bought your child or teen a new computer, lap top or digital device for Christmas or their birthday? Then this course is for you!But this course is not just for Parents; it's also for Carers, Guardians, Teachers, anyone who is responsible for safeguarding the children in their life.The course is split into four modules, and for each one I will be working with you guiding you through each step and showing you exactly what action you need to take to protect your children whether theyre online or on Facebook.At the end of each module I will be giving you a worksheet as a record of the steps you have taken to protect your childs online activities. It is important to work through these as well as listening to the modules. How will you benefit from this course?In Module 1 Start Smart I will show you how to set up Parental Controls on your home broadband / WiFi to help you protect your children from the things they shouldnt see or do online. Many parents put this off because they think it's too difficult. Its easy and I can show you how!In Module 2 Techie Smart I will show you how to set up your child's devices such as their smartphone, tablet and laptop before you give them to them, giving you the confidence that they are surfing safely. I will also show you how to control what apps your child can download, and show you how to prevent them from purchasing apps in the app stores.In Module 3 Active Smart I will show you how Facebook works, and what your children are doing on Facebook. I will also talk through what you need to know as a Parent about the risks to your child on Facebook, and how you can minimise those risks. I will then go on to show you how you can take a more active role in your child's activities, and how to monitor their Facebook activity at a distance. Finally, I will show you how to protect your child's experience on Facebook and Facebook Messenger by customising their privacy settings, blocking users, and much more.Just as we prepare our children for life in the real world, we should prepare them for life in the online world. So, in Module 4 Monitoring Smart I talk you through the importance of monitoring your child's Social Media activity, so you can quickly step in if there is an issue. I also give you guidance on how to start that conversation with your child and educate them on how to keep their most sensitive information safe on social media sites.I'm so excited about getting you started with keeping your children safe on Facebook, so let's dive in!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"The Fast Route to a Faster Financial Close" |
"The pressure on the finance function has never been higher to deliver financial results as soon as possible after the period. Managers, analysts, boards, and investors are digesting market information in real time and are beginning to expect the same of financial results.To meet these high expectations, the CFO and controller need to find ways to speed up their financial close processes to report the financial results before they become perceived as old news in the new world.In this course Blair Cook, a many-time CFO, explores ideas for shortening the financial close process.Leading companies have found ways to close their books in as little as one day and see the benefit of almost real-time analysis (in addition to the actual period financial data) that can be performed with a shorter close."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel Spreadsheet Auditing Part 1" |
"In this session, Excel expert David Ringstrom, CPA, shares some of his favorite spreadsheet auditing techniques. You see how to enhance Excel with the ability to instantly add a worksheet comment that displays the underlying formula within a worksheet cell. You also learn about the under-utilized Watch Window feature, tracing cell precedents and dependents, and explore the nuances of circular references in Excel. In this presentation, David demonstrates techniques in Excel 2016, but where applicable, he notes any differences in Excel 2013, 2010, or 2007. His courses are fast-paced, and attendees often are surprised at the amount of ground he covers in a session. David's detailed handouts, with numbered steps, serve as reference material you can utilize going forward. He also provides an Excel workbook that includes the examples he uses to demonstrate techniques during the presentation.Topics covered:Use the Watch Window to easily monitor the ramifications of even minor changes to your workbooks.Understand the difference between manual and automatic calculation modes in Excel.Move through formulas in slow motion with the Evaluate Formula feature.Verify sums and totals quickly by simply selecting cells with your mouse.Discover how to use Excels Personal Macro Workbook.Learn two ways to instantly display all formulas within a worksheet.Learn the nuances of circular references in Microsoft ExcelSee the pros and cons of using the F9 key within Excels formula bar to evaluate a portion of a formula.Learn how to trace dependents and precedents, both with Excel features and keyboard shortcuts.Enhance Excel by creating the ability to display the formula within any worksheet cell in a cell comment.Learn techniques for accessing password-protected workbooks when the password is not known.Although each course may be taken individually, this is part 1 of 2. 1.Excel Spreadsheet Auditing Part 12.Excel Spreadsheet Auditing Part 2"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Excel Macros Part 1" |
"Excel expert David Ringstrom, CPA, takes you step-by-step through the process of creating and using macrosone of Excels most powerful features. In this comprehensive presentation, he introduces the concept of Excel macros as well as the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro. David also explains step-by-step how to use the Record Macro feature and Excels Personal Macro Workbook. After completing this course, youll be equipped to use macros immediately.David demonstrates every technique at least twice: first, on a PowerPoint slide with numbered steps, and second, in Excel 2016. He draws your attention to any differences in Excel 2013, 2010, or 2007 during the presentation as well as in his detailed handouts. David also provides an Excel workbook that includes most of the examples he uses during the webcast.Topics Covered:Making sense of the Enable Content prompt related to macros in Excel.Uncovering macro-related commands within Excels user interface.Automating a repetitive task, such as formatting a set of phone numbers consistently.Utilizing the Relative References setting for creating Excel macros to be played back on any cell versus specific cells.Understanding the purpose and nuances of Excels Personal Macro Workbook.Recording a contact info macro.Deciphering and managing Excels macro security prompts.Converting .XLS workbooks to the up-to-date .XLSX format with just two keystrokes.Understanding how macros are used in Excel, along with the risks and benefits associated with them.Learning the risks and frustrations of using merged cells in Excel worksheets.Learning how to use Excels Record Macro feature to create simple macros, without having any knowledge of programming.Although each course may be taken individually, this is part 1 of 4.1. Intro to Excel Macros Part 12. Intro to Excel Macros Part 23. Intro to Excel Macros Part 34. Intro to Excel Macros Part 4"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Effective Executive Presentation Skills" |
"Being a successful finance leader in part hinges on your ability to communicate your ideas and authority in a clear and compelling manner. As finance executives are called to deliver presentations more often inside and outside the organization, how you deliver these presentations is ultimately a reflection of your executive presence.In this course, you will learn how to ""up your game"" by delivering powerful presentations that convey information in a compelling, memorable and actionable manner. You'll learn how to:Plan and organize your presentation, including identifying the right kind and level of content for your audienceTell your message in a way that your audience will remember it and act on it--from delivering a killer opening, including visuals, using storytelling, creating an emotional connection, and generating discussionDeliver your presentation with poise and confidence, including body language and tips for overcoming stage frightHandle tough Q&A sessions"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Avoiding Common Mistakes New Managers Make" |
"Its your first day. New role. New responsibilities. New organization. New people. New culture. Everything is new. Everything.OrIts your first day. Changed role. Changed responsibilities. Same organization. Same people. Same culture. But everything has changed. Everything.This is the reality of a new manager. It doesnt matter if youve been with an organization for 20 years or 20 minutes, its a whole new ballgame now.Your role is unlike any other pre-management position youve held before. The job description is much broader including verbs likelead,direct, anddetermine. The responsibilities and stakes are higher with the ability to impact either positively or negatively on a greater scope.The sociological implications are significant. Remember all those conversations you used to have about your manager? They are having those conversations about you. What are they saying? What do you wish your manager would have known or done at the time you reported to them? Its not enough that you are beginning a challenging new role; you are doing it on a stage.And its no longer about what you can accomplish as anindividual contributor, but rather what you can accomplish through others asan individual and team developer.First impressions are everything. Your people want to know if you are competent, capable, and worthy of their allegiance. And theyll make that decision within a matter ofdays. The first conversations, the first meetings, the first initiatives all set precedents that can take months to undo if you start out on the wrong foot.Start on the right foot. Learn about the 10 mistakes new managers make and how to avoid them. This course is for new managers or any director or human resource professional helping support a new manager.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: 10 Mistakes New Managers MakeAnd How to Avoid Them!. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Effectively Dealing with Difficult People" |
"Identifying difficult people...thats the easy part. Dealing with them? Well, thats a different story.Hoping and wishing that things will somehow get better hasnt worked. You need tools and strategies to deal with the stressful, emotional, and difficult interactions that occur.Keep your cool. Take a deep breath. (And maybe even bring a mirror to take a look at yourself.) This course teaches practical, everyday skills to deal with difficult people.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: How to Deal with Difficult People. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"60 Minutes to Fundamental Accounting Skills" |
"This course is for aspiring accountants or non-CPA finance professionals who want to improve their understanding of how accounting works.This course packs the best of what you need to know to understand core accounting concepts and perform common accounting transactions in one hour.Along the way, I show you tips and techniques to make sure you stay on track and your books balance.I teach you how to prepare financial statements using a simple conceptual model that can apply to any organization small or large."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Cash Flow Statement - An Introduction" |
"The statement of cash flows is described in this course, and a technique for preparation is presented by working through examples. You will see how changes in assets, liabilities, and equity affects the Statement of Cash Flows, along with sale of equipment.This online self study program in the field of accounting will serve as an overview for accounting and finance professionals who need to sharpen their fundamental understanding of the core financial statements and how they work together."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Find and Fix Fraud at Your Company" |
"In this course we tackle a topic that doesnt factor into many senior financial leaders agendas all that often or until something happens: fraud in the workplace.Occupational fraud is a giant global industry. Organizations are losing an estimated 5% of revenues to employee fraud each year according to the experts at the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). Does that statistic shock you? Are you in disbelief that the number could be so high? In this course, we discuss how employees are doing it, how we can detect it, and most importantly, what can be done to prevent it in the first place.Using the research of the ACFE to look at the fraud cases under investigation, we will reach a deeper understanding of this issue. You will be astounded, you may be surprised, but the goal of this course is to make you enlightened."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Core Financial Statement Concepts" |
"Accountants and finance personnel are schooled in the basics of the concept of financial statements during their educational years.The focus is often on the calculations, format and purposes of the statements.Once professionals enter the working world they find that the financial statements are truly an integral tool for managing and monitoring the financial health of an organization.This course is focused on discussing the concepts of the primary financial statements utilized at every company: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and retained earnings statements. Many professionals feel uncomfortable with trying to read and interpret the financial statements.In reality, if you can read a nutrition label you can learn to read the financial statements.Rather than focus on the computations and tactics of each of the statements, we will cover the important concepts of how the statements interact and relate to each other providing management with the critical information needed to manage financial stability of their organization.It is important professionals recognize that no one statement tells the complete story, but combined they provide a powerful tool for management.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Critical Concepts to Understand on the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow and Retained Earnings. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Financial Statement Audits" |
"Many organizations are audited by independent public accountants.The purpose of an audit is to express an opinion on the fairness of presentation of financial information prepared by management.An audit enhances the value of financial information by making it more trustworthy and credible.This course begins with an overview of the financial statement audit itself.The course is taught by a long time CFO and finance/accounting leader at companies of many sizes, and he has designed professional developmente-learning programs for the Big 4 audit firms.Although all sections can be taken individually,this is part 1 of a 4 part course.1.Intro to Financial Statement Audits2.Planning and Executing a Financial Statement AuditPart3.Corporate Internal Controls and Fraud Controls Part4.Financial Statement Auditing Cycles"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Ethics" |
"The topic of ethics has seemed to permeate every aspect of today's business operations, including occupying a significant spot in today's business and professional curriculum. Yet, with all the discussion and awareness on the topic, why is it that significant ethical dilemmas and incidents continue to impact our daily lives?We often get caught between our independent ethical duty, the legal or compliance viewpoint of an issue and managements concerns surrounding attention and reputation. This course delves into understanding the concepts behind ethics and utilize that understanding to evaluate scenario issues that may impact your workplace. We take a practical look at the variables involved in creating and maintaining an ethical culture and identifying how internal audit can impact those variables. We also evaluate the evolving role of technology and ethics and how social media has impacted the view of ethical behavior. Lessons learned from ethical issues and dissecting the true meaning of Ethics. Ethics 101 Understanding the psychology behind ethics. Risk factors for identifying ethical dilemmas. Examination of scenario incidents and the impact on governance process. How Corporate Governance issues impact Ethical concepts and the Internal Auditors Role."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ratio Analysis for Financial Statements" |
"This course provides a comprehensive review of a companys business and financial statements using ratio analysis and market based factors.Ratio analysis is an effective method to analyze and evaluate the liquidity, operations, profitability, capital structure, solvency, management and viability of the business model of a company. Key, liquidity, solvency, profitability and market value ratios are reviewed and discussed. The Dupont equation of the return on equity ratio is analyzed. The Limitations of ratio analysis are also discussed.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Financial Statements Ratio Analysis. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Building a Balanced Scorecard" |
"This course describes in detail the step by step process for building a Balanced Scorecard. This includes how to build strategy maps and extend different components into a common framework. Several best practices are also discussed such as applying evaluation criteria for developing the right performance measurements and rules to follow to keep scorecards simple and clean.Upon completion of this course, you will know the exact steps to take for building a balanced scorecard that drives execution of specific performance objectives. Links to templates and other resources will be provided, ensuring you are fully equipped to build a balanced scorecard."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Latest Updates 2016 Financial Accounting Standards Board" |
"This quick spin through the latest Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) updates over the last year (through June 2016) will help senior finance leaders get up to speed quickly on the latest rules and what they mean.This course will help senior finance leaders understand what the latest changes in lease accounting, revenue recognition and other rules mean to them.The details are complex and the impacts are profound, but we have condensed the major points into a one hour strategic briefing for you.The course covers:Whats new with ASC 606 (revenue from contracts with customers)ASC 842 the new lease accounting standardWhat these new rules mean to your organizationStatus of the FASBs current projects and proposed rules"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Nailing Your First Quarter as CFO" |
"In this course we look at getting started in a new CFO role. Whether this is your first appointment as CFO or perhaps you are transitioning to a new CFO role at another organization, we look at different approaches for your first 100 days. We begin with a profile of the modern CFO, that is, what you need to bring to the organization. From there, we look at team building principles and using proven tools to help you assess the existing finance function against best practices. We use a strategic approach to developing an overarching mission and value statement for finance to bring context to specific action plans. We look at structuring the finance function within the organization context to optimize and balance responsiveness to stakeholders with the need for control. Finally, we look at change management principles to help you initiate your first major project."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Leadership & Likability - Striking the Right Balance" |
"Have you ever struggled with leading your team to generate the results you want?Leaders often struggle with knowing what results they want to produce, but not knowing how to get their team on board, especially if what they know to do hasnt worked in the past.Does it ever feel like your only options are to beg your team or to bulldoze them? Neither is effective.In this course, we identify two different styles of leadership,creative and reactive, and discover where you spend most of your time.We dive deeper to understand what is driving our leadership behavior and our human desire to be liked, and learn ways to practice powerful leadership and team building.Finally, we cover the tools and techniques for having more successful one-on-one meetings with their team."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Investigating Corporate Inappropriate Behavior Complaints" |
"Newspapers have recently reported many stories of complaints of sexual harassment beingpoorly investigated - or not investigated at all.This neglect, if true, led to additional behaviors and reports by alleged victims of these accusations. If they just exist as rumors and are, in fact, untrue, the reputation of the person (or persons) being accused is destroyed almost as badly as it would have been if there had been an investigation and this person was found guilty. And in either case, the victims (alleged or in fact) received no justice. No matter what, it is important to take any complaint seriously and to make sure there is a neutral, comprehensive and fair investigation conducted.This course starts off by offering two examples of accusations being brushed off by management and the ensuing results. Next, we do a very brief review of the laws pertaining to harassment and discrimination. After this, the focus is on how to conduct a neutral, comprehensive, and fair investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct in a corporate setting, along with additional case studies.This course covers how to conduct an investigation into a complaint of inappropriate behavior in the workplace - and what to do if the complaint reveals a problem."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Top Tips for Corporate Leader & Employee Conflict Resolution" |
"This course shows you how to recognize the deeper causes of interpersonal conflict. It emphasizes skills to help you critically evaluate explosive situations and choose the appropriate strategies and tools to manage and/or resolve these conflicts. You will develop greater awareness of what pushes your buttons and how to control your reactions. You will also be able to assist your direct reports in looking at their own triggers for upset and coach them in behaving in more productive ways.Many conflicts are situational and focus on business problems. Fortunately, by gaining agreements around a specific issue the tension is easily resolved. However, many times conflicts are based on personality disconnects and these are usually more intense and impactful over longer periods of time.When you and your team have awareness about both types of conflicts you can evaluate the situation more quickly and make a judgment call on which tools will get the conflict resolved faster and smarter. If you can ask the right questions to find out the underlying cause of interpersonal disputes you have a much better chance of finding a long term solution.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Conflict Resolution Tips for Executives and Their Direct Reports. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Proper Segregation of Duties for Internal Control" |
"Segregation of duties (SOD) is the cornerstone of strong internal control. Inability to maintain proper SOD can hamper an organization's ability to deliver service efficiently. Personnel often struggle with the proper concepts of what contributes to SOD. When resources are scarce, the concept is even more difficult.This course delves deeper into core business processes and examines the concepts of which duties should be segregated to provide adequate internal control.The basics of segregation of duties indicates that no one individual should be given or assigned job functions in more than one of the following categories:Asset custodyAuthorization and approvalRecordkeepingReconciliationThis course examines each of the following business processes and discuss key roles/tasks that should be evaluated for proper segregation of duties.Revenue and receivablesDisbursementProcure to payTreasury and cashInventoryPayrollIf you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Segregation of Duties for Core Business Processes. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Why EQ Trumps IQ" |
"A bad boss is the number 1 reason people leave their jobs. With the cost of recruitment and trainingthen added to cost ofthe improvements of productivity and engagement, emotional quotient (EQ) is truly the trump card in improving profitability and job satisfaction.EQ is defined as a measure of a person's ability in areas such as self and social awareness, self management and empathy. Many believe that some people are naturally people people and perhaps you were not born that way.The truth is EQ can be learned and is a skill that with daily practice will develop and help you become the leader you aspire to be. This course is a must for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Why EQ Trumps IQ. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |