Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Comandos de Linux: desde cero hasta programar Shell Script" |
"Sabas que los conocimientos sobreLinux y Software Libre es el campo que ms est creciendo en la oferta laboral actual?(En genbeta te lo explican)Sabas que conocer Shell/Bash es una de las tecnologas ms demandadas y mejor pagadas ($63.000/ao)? As lo dice la ltima encuesta realizada en la mayor comunidad mundial de desarrollo STACKOVERFLOWNO ESPERES MS Y APRENDE YA!, en este curso te ensear desde cero y sin necesidad de conocimientos previos a manejar Linux como lo hacen los profesionales, desde el terminal, usando el Shell ms popular: Bash.Aprenders a automatizar tareas y a combinar comandos para resolver desde pequeos problemas, hasta cuestiones complejas.Linux est en todas partes, nuestros mviles, telfonos, tablet, PC y sobre todo se encuentra en la gran mayora de los servidores de internet. Tanto si quieres ser Administrador de Sistemas como si quieres programar cualquier tecnologa que funcione sobre este verstil sistema operativo, este curso te ayudar a ser mejor profesional y distinguirte de la competencia.En el da a da un informtico se enfrenta a multitud de problemas, te sorprender cmocrear tus propios Script te puedeayudar a resolver fcilmente tareas que de otra forma seran muy difcilesde solucionar.Pero esto no es todo, si usas MAC OSX tambin podrs aplicar los conocimientos de este curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"eInk Masterclass - 4 Device State-of-the-Art System in 2018" |
"I've spent over $10,000 buying and testing all the latest technology in the eInk space.This Masterclass is the result of everything I've learned, and will give you the exact setup I use in my day to day personal and professional life.Simply put, there is nothing like this out there.For whatever reason, nobody has sought to review all the major devices and integrate them into a single system.This course is not for those of you who have a passing interest in eInk, it' specifically only for the very small group of people who can imaging spending 3-5k on this kind of setup.The price of the course reflects both the unusually high cost of developing this course and the very small potential audience.You will learn:-Which devices to buy-How to set them up-How to install them-How Iuse them-What the future of eInk holdsAlso, I'll be available in the discussion section if you have questions about anything above.If you're wondering what this course might be like, you can get a taste of part of the system in my other, cheaper and now outdatedeInk course. But if you want the full and most up to date version, this is it.See you on the inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Escalas del Acorden de Sol. Aprende desde 0" |
"En el presente curso de acorden podrs aprender a tocar todas las escalas bsicas para el acorden de botones.Aprenders a tocar las escalas sencillas, terceras, sextas, octavas.Entenders como se forman las escalas mayores, todo esto te ayudar a poder entender el acorden de botones. Adems esto te ayudar a sacar tus canciones de odo en el acorden.Es muy importante que te aprendas todas las notas en el acorden para eso te dejamos informacin adicional para complementar tu conocimiento.Si quieres en verdad aprender a tocar este maravilloso instrumento, el acorden, tienes que tomar este curso que llevar tu conocimiento a otro nivel."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop Completo - Do Zero ao Profissional" |
"Adobe Photoshop o software mais conhecido e utilizado em reas de produo grfica, como Web, Design, Fotografia e Vdeo. a principal ferramenta utilizada em edio e ps produo de imagem digital.Com uma interface simples e intuitiva o Adobe Photoshop fornece um grande desempenho e poderosos recursos para edio e construo de imagem, possibilitando edies fotogrficas, ilustraes, edio de vdeo e GIFs, texturizao, construes simples em 3D, e muito mais.Neste curso voc ir aprender passo a passo os componentes que integram este software, realizar correes em fotografias, criar logomarcas e capas para mdias sociaise ao final do curso teremos diversas aulas prticascom objetivo de treinamento e aperfeioamentodo aluno. Este curso pode ser adquirido por profissionais da rea e tambm por leigos que desejam aprender a utilizar a ferramenta."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Planejamento de contedo para Mdias Digitais com Photoshop" |
"Mais da metade das agncias de comunicao brasileiras que trabalham com comunicao digital atende a pequenas e mdias empresas. Entre os servios mais procurados por estes clientes podemos citar, em primeiro lugar, a gesto e criao da identidade visual destas marcas no Instagram, Facebook e Youtube.Esses dados revelam que, mais do que nunca, empresas de pequeno e mdio porte esto recorrendo s redes sociais e mdias digitais para se relacionarem com seus clientes, demandando por profissionais qualificados para este fim. Entretanto, para que este tipo de comunicao seja, de fato, eficiente, fundamental que ela seja planejada e que faa parte de uma estratgia de comunicao com objetivos e aes bem definidas por algum que consiga entender quais so as necessidades do cliente e o que ele pode fazer para potencializar o alcance de suas publicaes.Nosso curso foi pensado de forma a proporcionar a quem trabalhaou que pretendetrabalhar com redes sociais e mdias digitais em pequenas e mdias empresas, o desenvolvimento correto na parte de criao de logomarcas, banners, flayers ou qualquer outro item que faa parte da identidade visual,tendo como foco o alcance dos objetivos do negcio.Como bnus ao cursos deixamos as sees iniciais com uma introduo ao Adobe Photoshop e ao final com uma pequena apresentao do uso de robs de auto atendimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Edio de Vdeo com Adobe Premiere Pro CS6" |
"Hoje em dia vdeo uma mdia indispensvel para o marketing de qualquer empresa, nas redes sociais como Facebook, Instagram, e principalmente no Youtube, ouve uma verdadeira revoluo no mercado audiovisual, provocando uma necessidade enorme das empresas em procurar profissionais que saibam criar e editar vdeos de forma profissional e criativa. O Adobe Premiere Pro um dos softwares de edio mais utilizados no Brasil e no mundo, essencial para quem quer se destacar na carreira de edio de vdeo e neste voc aprender todas as opes que o software oferece, e tambm ver muitos exemplos e dicas reais, focando em todas as etapas essenciais da rotina de um editor de vdeo, que te deixaro pronto para enfrentar novos desafios."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Transition from Excel to Tableau - Your 1st Step to Tableau" |
"Do you want to learn a new skill to increase your chance of employability?Are you stuck with excel reports and dashboards, and looking for a new tool to increase the effectiveness and efficiency?Do you want to take your skills to next level in report and dashboard development?Do you want to learn tableau but confused with hard hitting technical courses?If the answer of any of above question is yes, then you should take this course.You should take this course to come out of your comfort zone of excel report and dashboard development and do amazing things in Tableau.You should take this course to see how tableau is changing the entire scenario of reports and dashboard development.You should take this course to increase your skills and your chance for better employment.You should take this course for a life long learning of an ever evolving tool Tableau.This course is for absolute beginners in tableau and you just need to have a good understanding of how you can develop the reports and dashboards in excel."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Transition from Excel to Power BI - Your 1st Step to PowerBI" |
"Do you want to learn a new skill to increase your chance of employability?Are you stuck with excel reports and dashboards, and looking for a new tool to increase the effectiveness and efficiency?Do you want to take your skills to next level in report and dashboard development?Do you want to learn Power BIbut confused with hard hitting technical courses?If the answer of any of above question is yes, then you should take this course.You should take this course to come out of your comfort zone of excel report and dashboard development and do amazing things in Power BIYou should take this course to see how Power BIis changing the entire scenario of reports and dashboard development.You should take this course to increase your skills and your chance for better employment.You should take this course for a life long learning of an ever evolving tool Power BI.This course is for absolute beginners in Power BIand you just need to have a good understanding of how you can develop the reports and dashboards in excel."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Transitioning from Excel to QlikSense - Handson training" |
"Do you want to learn a new skill to increase your chance of employability?Are you stuck with excel reports and dashboards, and looking for a new tool to increase the effectiveness and efficiency?Do you want to take your skills to next level in report and dashboard development?Do you want to learn tableau but confused with hard hitting technical courses?If the answer of any of above question is yes, then you should take this course.You should take this course to come out of your comfort zone of excel report and dashboard development and do amazing things in QlikSense.You should take this course to see how QlikSenseis changing the entire scenario of reports and dashboard development.You should take this course to increase your skills and your chance for better employment.You should take this course for a life long learning of an ever evolving tool QlikSense.This course is for absolute beginners in QlikSenseand you just need to have a basicunderstanding of how you can develop the reports and dashboards in excel."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Active Directory mit Windows Server 2016" |
"Dieser Kurs soll Ihnen helfen die notwendigen Kenntnisse zu erlangen, um die Active Directory-Domnendienste (AD DS) unter Windows Server 2016 zu planen, zu implementieren und zu verwalten.Schwerpunkt dieses ""Active Directory mit Windows Server 2016"" Kurses sind dabei die theoretischen Grundlagen, der korrekte Aufbau, verschiedene Verwaltungsarbeiten, sowie die Implementierung von Organisations-Einheiten, Benutzerkonten und Gruppenrichtlinien. Zudem erhalten Sie einen ersten Einblick in die Powershell.Dieses Wissen knnen Sie spter in Ihrer tglichen Arbeit als Netzwerk-Administrator, Server-Administrator oder IT-Support-Administrator bestens anwenden!Viel Erfolg mit dem Kurs Active Directory mit Windows Server 2016!!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Linux Foundation Certified System Admin (LFCS) - Teil 2/2" |
"Dieser Kurs vermittelt den Teilnehmern die notwendigen Kenntnisse, die fr das Bestehen des Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) Exames notwendig sind und die sie in ihrer Arbeit als professionelle Linux System Administratoren bentigen.Sie lernen, wie man Linux-Systeme verwaltet, konfiguriert und aktualisiert, und erfolgreich in einem Netzwerk betreibt. Sie lernen auch alle Werkzeuge und Konzepte, die Sie bentigen, um eine produktive Linux-Infrastruktur effizient zu erstellen und zu verwalten.Wir werden fr diesen Kurs die Linux Distribution CentOS einsetzen. Somit kann dieser Kurs auch gleich fr die Vorbereitung zum Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) verwendet werden. Auch kann dieser Kurs als Vorbereitung fr die CompTIA Linux+ / LPI LPIC-1 eingesetzt werden.Wenn Sie sich nicht fr die Zertifizierung interessieren und ""nur"" Linux genau kennen lernen wollen, dann sind Sie hier ebenfalls genau richtig! Sie werden Schritt fr Schritt die Linux Umgebung erkunden und lernen wie Sie Linux einsetzen und verwalten knnen.Viel Vergngen mit diesem Video Training!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Office 365 Grundkurs" |
"Ziel dieses Kurses ist, Ihnen die Mglichkeiten von Office 365 fr Unternehmen nherzubringen und Ihnen zu zeigen wie Sie dies umzusetzen knnen. Dadurch kann eine Infrastruktur zur Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen geschaffen werden ohne, dass eine aufwendige IT-Infrastruktur aufgebaut werden muss. Also keine lokalen Exchange-, Sharepoint- und Skype for Business Server, alle diese Dienste stehen im Office 365 zur Verfgung (mit dem entsprechenden Lizenz-Plan).Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die notwendigen Skills zur Administration und zum Troubleshooting von Office 365 und der grundlegenden Dienste von Office 365, wie Exchange Online, SharePoint Online und Skype for Business. Auerdem wird der Bereich ""Sicherheit und Compliance Features"" von Office 365 angesprochen.Dieser Kurs kann Sie auch bestens als zustzliche Prfungsvorbereitung zum MCSA Office 365 untersttzen.Viel Spass mit dem Kurs ""Office 365 Grundkurs""!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Hyper-V Failover Cluster mit Windows Server 2016" |
"Das primre Ziel dieses Kurses ist, Ihnen zu zeigen wie Sie einen Failover Hyper-V Cluster planen, installieren, konfigurieren und verwalten knnen.Sie werden in diesem Kurs verschiedene Themen kennen lernen. Wie zum Beispiel: iSCSI, Clustered Shared Volume (CSV), Quorum, Live Migration, usw. In einem ersten Schritt, starten wir mit dem Aufbau der Testumgebung. Danach geht es weiter mit der Planung der Netzwerk- und Speicherkonfiguration. Das Vorbereiten der Clusterknoten und die Installation des Failover Cluster Managers (FCM) sind die nchsten Schritte. Das Erstellen von virtuellen Maschinen und die Live Migration bilden den Abschluss dieses Kurses.Wir haben viel Arbeit vor uns lassen Sie uns also sofort beginnen.Viel Spass mit dem Kurs ""Hyper-V Cluster mit Windows Server 2016""!!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Routing und Switching Grundkurs" |
"Routing und Switching ist am einfachsten zu erlernen, wenn direkt damit gearbeitet wird. Nur so erhalten Sie den grssten Lerneffekt und werden fasziniert sein was es in der IT Netzwerkwelt alles zu entdecken gibt.Dieser Kurs startet zuerst mit einer kurzen Einfhrung zum Thema OSI Modell und TCP/IP. Anschliessenderhalten Sie einen Einblick in meine Testumgebung und ich werde Ihnen zeigen wie Sie mit einem softwarebasierten Werkzeug (z.B. Cisco Packet Tracer) auch Router und Switches konfigurieren knnen.Sind wir mit unserer Testumgebung einmal soweit, dass wir Wissen wie die Werkzeuge eingesetzt werden, dann starten wir mit den ersten Konfigurationen. Wir werden bei den Gerten eine ""Grundkonfiguration"" umsetzen, damit wir spter beispielsweise mit SSH auf die Systeme zugreifen knnen. Danach folgende spezifische Switch Konfigurationen wie VLAN, STP (Spanning Tree) und DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocol) etc. Weiter geht es mit Router Konfigurationen wie ACL (Access Control Lists), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) und NAT (Network Address Translation) etc.Dieses Wissen knnen Sie spter in Ihrer tglichen Arbeit als Netzwerk-Administrator, Server-Administrator oder IT-Sicherheit-Administrator bestens anwenden!Viel Erfolg mit dem KursCisco Routing und Switching Grundkurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A Successful Fashion Business" |
"Do you want to become an entrepreneur?Do you have a passion for fashion?If you answered yes, then you are in the right place to learn all the steps, tips, and intricacies to create your own fashion business!You have the option to follow the course through either watching the videos or reading along with the complimentary PDF versions.This course is a compilation of my many years spent working in the fashion industry. I have taught hundreds of emerging designers the ins and outs of creating a fashion business by opening the door to the sacred world of fashion. Through my experience and strong desire to share my knowledge with as many people as possible,I have designed this course for people wholove fashion and want to take their love to the next step by turning their passion into a career! Breaking into the fashion world is not easy, but I believe that it is very doable for the right person with a glowing amount of imagination and motivation! I teach all of the concepts within this course by Skype, at my office in Downtown Los Angeles, and now on Udemy!Get ready to to launch a fashion business from scratchhow to prepare a business planthe backstage of the fashion industryhow to create a fashion project in 7 stepshow to sell your fashion project in creative wayshow to take your career to the next levelwhat qualities make a fashion entrepreneur successfulhow to present a full fashion project to investorshow to use social media to engage with your customersgoal setting strategies to achieve all of your dreamshow to create a strong, compelling company imagehow to make an attractive website for your businesshow to have a strong foundation for building your projecthow to manage your stress levels to have a balanced lifeIf you have any questions, ask them in the Q&A section. We are here to answer them!Are you ready to climb the steps to success?Here we go!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A Business Plan" |
"Welcome to How To Make A Business Plan brought to you by Jomsy Fashion!In the course you will learn how to craft an extremely detailed business plan for your company.This plan will be the roadmap of your business! Learn the four steps: Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Marketing Plan, Finances & Projection.These videos were created to help you build your business with a powerful foundation! We have spent years perfecting and refining the components of what we think will serve as the strongest base for your company. This is a very intricate plan with lots of details that we encourage you to think about as you begin the entrepreneurial journey. We also included someentrepreneur basics in this course which involve naming your business, creating a website, and understanding SEO and the importance it plays in your online presence.We hope you enjoy the videos!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Brand Your Company 101" |
"Branding Your Company 101: How To Design Your Image is going to show you build a strong company image for your business.We built this course for people who need help branding this company.The purpose of building your company image is to give an identity to your brand! An identifiable brand is a strong brand.Learn how to build a personality for your business this course through our three step process. In addition, you will learn how you can carefully craft your company's brand to make your business stand out amongst competition! You are going tobrandyour company's products and find out how to have a successful photoshoot! We give you a checklist to ensure a smooth shoot that will ultimately showcase your company!Are you ready!?Here we go!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Start & Sell A Clothing Line" |
"How To Start & Sell A Clothing Line: Your Complete Guide is here to give you the freedom to pursue your passion! Learn all of the steps involved in developing your idea into a fashion collection!If you want to design your life (and clothes!) by becoming a fashion entrepreneur, then this course is FOR YOU.This course is a compilation of my many years spent working in the fashion industry. I have taught hundreds of emerging designers the ins and outs of creating a fashion business by opening the door to the sacred world of fashion. Through my experience and strong desire to share my knowledge with as many people as possible,I have designed this course for people who are love fashion and want to take their love to the next step by turning their passion into a career! Breaking into the fashion world is not easy, but I believe that it is very doable for the right person with a glowing amount of imagination and motivation! I teach all of the concepts within this course by Skype, at my office in Downtown Los Angeles, and now on Udemy!Get ready to to launch a fashion business from scratchthe backstage of the fashion industryhow to create a fashion project in 7 stepshow to sell your fashion project in creative wayshow to take your career to the next levelhow to present a full fashion project to investorsIf you have any questions, ask them in the Q&A section. We are here to answer them!Are you ready to climb the steps to success?Here we go!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Share Your Message On Social Media" |
"Do you want to optimize your social media to share your company's message?If you answered yes, then you are in the right place to learn how to awaken your social media!This course is a compilation of my many years spent working in the fashion industry. I have spent years creating marketing plans and studying social media. This course will teach you how to share your company's message on social media. There are 4 steps to optimizing your social media that we outline in these videos. We have also included sections on blogging and building your reputation, as they are two supporting aspects to your online reputation. I teach all of the concepts within this course by Skype, at my office in Downtown Los Angeles, and now on Udemy!Get ready to learn...Know the 5 primary objectives of social media for businesses!Understand the 4 steps to awaken your social media!Gain customer engagement!Create a social media content calendar!Provide value through blogging!how to take your social media to the next levelBuild a strong reputation for your company!Start blogging to share your company's message!If you have any questions, ask them in the Q&A section. We are here to answer them!Are you ready to climb the steps to success?Here we go!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build A Creative Career & Understand The Role of PR" |
"During this course, you will be able to use your creative skills to develop and further your career in the creative industry. Learnhow to build your freelancing career, and understand the professionof PR (public relations) and what makes them so vital to your success!We also give youan introduction tothePR career fieldand howPR plays a role inthe world of fashion. Sections of the course include:1. Image:Who are you? How do you market yourself as a service in the creative industry?2. Content:How do you develop a portfolio that accurately portrays your creative skills?3. Professional Environment: How do you network using tools like LinkedIn?4.Learn the 10 commandments for becoming a serious PR5.Write an attention-grabbing press releaseLet's jump right in!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Blender |
"Blender Blender"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Cmo Dormir Bien y Estar al 100% de Energa al Da Siguiente" |
"Alguna vez en tu vida has querido saber la clave para poder dormir en segundos? Has ansiado querer la frmula para descansar rpidamente y poder despertarte lleno de energa al da siguiente? Pagaras incluso por que alguien te diese los secretos mejor guardados para un descanso correcto y eficiente?Bienvenido...ests en el lugar correcto.Mi nombre es Ernesto, y al igual que t he sufrido las largas noches de insomnio y su posterior consecuencia durante el da. Se lo que se siente al estar en la cama dando vueltas y vueltas sin parar, sin dormirPero eso un da dije que se acabara. Acabara con mi insomnio y con mis esfuerzos sobrehumanos por conseguir dormir y as hiceEn este curso aprenders lo que me llev del insomnio al descanso total, te ensear lo que me ha llevado aos y aos aprender, para que t tambin lo puedas aplicar y lograr el mismo resultado.Aprenders tcnicas, hbitos, trucos y claves para poder dormir rpido y bien, sin ningn tipo de esfuerzo.Si deseas de una vez por todas dormir correctamente, este es tu curso.Nos vemos dentro."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Como Ganar Energa Para Estar Al 100% Durante Todo El Da" |
"Seguro que ms de una vez ha habido ocasiones en las cuales te has levantado cansado, te has levantado sin ganas de hacer nada, y con muy poca energa. En cambio, otras veces, te has levantado lleno de energa, te has levantado con muchas ganas, con mucha motivacin y con una fuerza enorme para comerte el mundo.Que raro, verdad? Por qu algunos das estamos tan cansados y otros radiantes de energa?En este curso se encuentra la solucin.Mi nombre es Ernesto, y llevo varios aos investigando las formas para poder ganar energa durante el da. En este curso he querido recopilar todas las tcnicas, trucos, claves y consejos que me han ayudado a mi a pasar de ser una persona muy perezosa a convertirme en una exitosa y muy energtica.Si quieres aprender cmo lo logr, y cmo t puedes hacerlo tambin, accede a este curso para verlo.Te espero dentro."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Copywriting Desde Cero y Dispara Tus Ventas" |
"En este curso te ensear desde cero cmo llevar tu copywriting al siguiente nivel. Aprenders:Cul es la mentalidad necesaria para triunfar con tu copywriting.Mtodo sencillo de cuatro pasospara tener mayores conversiones.Cmo dejar huella en este mundo con el copywriting y diferenciarte del resto de copywriters.Qu es exactamente lo que tienes que escribir en los ttulos para tener mayores visitas.Etc...Adems, la gran mayora de cursos te ensean la teora pero nunca ponen casos prcticos. En este curso eso no pasar. Tendrs ms de 30 minutos divididos en 7 videos explicndote los mejores casos prcticos, para que puedas entender mejor los conceptos y, en definitiva, para que puedas saber cmo llevarlos a la prctica."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Los 10 Hbitos De Todo Emprendedor Exitoso" |
"En este curso aprenders los secretos que los mayores emprendedores de este siglo XXI realizan para tener tanto xito con sus negocios. Y lo mejor de todo es que lo aprenders mediante la prctica, ya que el curso es muy prctico, para que puedas ver cmo aplicar en la vida real todos los conceptos aprendidos.Si eres un emprendedor o tienes pensado serlo, este curso es la mejor inversin que podrs hacer para pasar tu vida al siguiente nivel."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Productividad: Haz Ms Trabajando Menos" |
"En este curso aprenders los 9 poderosos secretos que han sido probados cientficamente que harn de ti una persona msproductiva, ser una persona ms enfocada y, en definitiva, puedas terminar todas las tareas de tu da a da sin esfuerzo ni estrs.Un PASOa PASO lleno de ejercicios prcticos para que desde HOY puedas mejorar y ver los resultados."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass : Be a Creative Professional" |
"Adobe Illustrator is the smartest & most creative design application you can try.As you can start from scratch inside Illustrator cc and design Logos, Branding designs, Posters, infographics, illustrations, Typography, Printing & Screen designs including Web design and much more plus it's so precise & neat.You will really understand Illustrator & your Creativity will be increased by the end of this course :Through 9 Modules covering all the Illustrator cc aspects alongside with downloadable Artistic exercises, you will be Mastering the Illustrator cc in a very Artistic & Creative way along with the Technical side just like a creative professional.How To Build Your Illustrator Muscles Through this Course :In these Modules, you will be Advancing gradually Through- Illustrator Fundamentals & Main concepts ( For absolute beginners to illustrator although it has so details that even many advanced level users don't know I promise)- Illustrator Effects, Different Graphic Styles & Visuals- Mastering Illustrator Drawing tools & Techniques including complex illustration technique- Learn About different illustrator Brushes & create your own custom brushes- Learn Typography Anatomy & rules then master how to control it in illustrator to create your Typography Artwork- How to Design With Images in Illustrator & how to Trace them into Vector Artwork- An entire module on how to export from adobe illustrator different formats & how to prepare your design for printing or screen application- Special Module on Advanced illustrator Techniques, tips & tricks to become the expert in Adobe Illustrator ccVery Practical & Engaging Course:At the End of Each Module there is One big Exercise covering the Module's skills and main concepts along with it's Downloadable exercise Illustrator file (Ai) including the final result as well in a separate layer so you can check any specific step and you can use this Artistic design later after tweaking it a bit to add your Creative signature in your Portfolio to either enhance or build your Portfolio.Also, some lessons have their own dedicated exercises to make sure you are sharpening those tricky illustrator skills.The Instructor is What Makes the course so special, Right?Khalil Ibrahim is a Chief designer who promoted to that title after working in many international advertising agencies with experience over 15 years in the design field and using adobe illustrator. Besides traveling around the world learning about different Design Schools, Trends & Art Directions. and who really cared to not only make sure you understand the Illustrator's tools, technicals & concepts but Also to really learn it in a creative way and to use it Artistically like a Creative professional.Enroll Now and let's Master Adobe Illustrator Together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables, Excel Dashboard" |
"Microsoft Excel - Excel Data Analysis and Excel Data Visualization with Excel Pivot Tables, Excel Pivot Charts and 2 Interactive Excel Dashboards.Excel Charts and Excel Graphs are one of most powerful features of Microsoft Excel which allows the users to represent numerical data in Graphical Data Visualization format so that end user gets a better view of the Information discussed.In this course You will learn the Excel Pivot Table and Excel Pivot Chart Function in detail and you will learn how to create Dynamic Excel Charts and Excel Graphs.We will help you understand how to present your data Graphically on a Dynamic Chart, Graph or 3D Map, to make the information appear in a simplified manner.You will learn the Top functions and Top formulas used to Pivot your data.You will Learn to create a 2 Dynamic Sales DashboardYou will learn how to design, style and format aspects of Excel 2016 are applied on charts, graphs and 3D maps.You will use the dynamic graphical representation to display your complex data in an impressive way.Learn to customize Layout, Axes, Grid lines, Spark lines, Trend lines and Error Bars.This Course is structured in 8 Plus chapters and you will learn all the aspects of Pivot Function in depth .We will go through, 20 Plus different Chart types used in Dynamic Excel Dashboards , Top formulas and Top Functions, Design and Style Elements and finally you will create a 2 Dynamic Excel Sales Dashboard.So Lets the Show begin!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Excel Data Analysis with Interactive Excel Dashboards" |
"Excel Dashboard- Excel Data Analysis and Data Visualization with Excel Pivot Tables, Excel Pivot Charts and 6 Interactive and Dynamic Excel Dashboards. Microsoft Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2016.Excel Charts and Excel Graphs are one of most powerful features of Microsoft Excel which allows the users to represent numerical data in Graphical Data Visualization format so that end user gets a better view of the Information discussed.In this course You will learn the Excel Pivot Table and Excel Pivot Chart Function in detail and you will learn how to create Dynamic Excel Charts and Excel Graphs.You will Learn to create 6 Dynamic Sales Dashboard in ExcelYou will learn how to design, style and format aspects of Excel 2016 are applied on Excel chartsYou will use the dynamic graphical representation to display your complex data in an impressive way.This Course is structured in 30 Plus chapters and you will learn all the aspects of Excel Dashboard in depth .We will go through, steps in detail to create 6 Dynamic Excel Dashboards using Charts, Design and Style Elements. So Let the Show begin!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
web-application-development |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 19800.00 ![]() |