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"What is the Problem with Corporate Fraud?" |
"This course explains the facts of insurance fraud, the elements of the tort of insurance fraud, the elements of the crime of insurance fraud, and how it affects the insured, the insurer, and the property owners. The course discusses the effect fraud has on the insurance industry and how insurance professionals have been compelled, by statute, to thoroughly investigate suspected fraud. The course also explains how investigations are conducted, what facts lead an insurer to suspect that an insurance fraud is being attempted, and what the insured can expect from an insurer if it suspects fraud whether in good faith or not.The course covers the following:What is insurance fraud?Insurance fraud and the tort of bad faith.Insurance fraud and the evidence of good faith and fair dealing.The red flags of fraud.The tort of insurance fraud.The crime of insurance fraud.Obligations of insurers when insurance fraud is suspected."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Contract Basics For People in Business" |
"The subject of contracts, contract formation, and contract interpretation occupies more than one year of training for young law students. This course provides, in simple, easy to understand language, everything a business person needs to know about contracts, contract formation, and contract interpretation as provided by an attorney with more than 45 years of experience."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Due Diligence for Centralizing Accounts Payable" |
"What does Centralizing mean? Is it different from Outsourcing?Discover how Centralizing Accounts Payable tasks can increase efficiency and improve compliance of company specific business rules.Explore what due diligence should be performed to identify how tasks are completed and what decisions are made at each Accounts Payable processing location today.Identify the groups of employees outside of Accounts Payable that will need to be involved in or aware of the decisions made.Change management is key in rolling out any new project. Discover the steps needed to communicate such a change to vendors and to any employees who are involved in the Procure to Pay Work Stream, receive invoices directly from vendors today or have invoice approval responsibilities."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Professional Visibility Enhances Promotability" |
"If you want to grow professionally, you need to be positively visible to those in a position to give you what you want. The work you do, the manner in which you present your ideas in meetings, how you interact with upper management as well as your peers -- all either enhance or decrease your odds of being recognized as promotion material.This course not only gives you ideas for where and how to be more visible, but offers suggestions for improving your professional style and image. How you look, sound, dress, and act are all part and parcel of how others see you. Perception of you as professional, competent, and future leadership talent will help you get the professional recognition you seek."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Group Decision Making and Problem Solving in Business" |
"Groups of all sizes and areas of responsibility are often called upon to reach consensus on an issue or to agree to the solution of problems. At the Board of Directors level this might include decisions about policy, compensation of the CEO, inclusion of new board members or other issues. The executive team is often in a position of having to agree about company direction, strategy and tactics. In our business world each manager, department and working team is confronted with decisions and sometimes confrontation.How do we go about making decisions that take the best ideas from the group involved and execute them so that they are good for the organization being served?In part the responsibility lies with the head of the chain of command of that group but probably more important is the facilitator of the process. And, of course, facilitation most frequently is a function allocated to Human Resources.One would think that the more educated and experienced the members of the group, the easier it would be for them to come to amicable agreements. Not so! Look at what happens on the floor of the senate! Let me also tell you that in the years in which I traveled the country training boards of directors, I found the same hurt feelings, bullying behavior, insulting the person with the other opinion, and voting on popularity rather than position.So how do we get away from these problems which are primarily based on emotion as opposed to logic. I believe part of the answer lies in creating processes that move people forward in a more rational manner. This course offers you a series of exercises that you can use where you believe them to be appropriate.The exercises include:Brainstorming, both structured and unstructured versions with ways to use the raw data obtained.A series of organization of data, such as affinity diagrams, fishbone exercises, iceberg chart, Pareto chart, rank order, slice of the pie and values clarification.Story Boarding, andSix Thinking HatsI provide you with tips based on my experience as to how best to implement each of these exercises."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Strengthening Vendor Relationships through Accounts Payable" |
"Wouldnt it be great to hear the following from a vendor? We show a past due invoice on your account. We must have made a mistake. Can you help us figure it out? Believe it or not, it can happen.This course covers Credit Holds - what they are, why they happen (it may not have anything to do with past due amounts) and how to have them removed. We also explore the pros and cons of Vendor Statement Reconciliations and some of the ways inquiries from vendors can be managed.We also look at some of the connections between vendors and the company. Things like: What information should be supplied to or requested from the vendor when onboarding them? Does the information to be supplied to the vendor include Accounts Payables (AP) requirements? How does your Accounts Payable staff feel about calls from Accounts Receivable teams - Especially when the funds are not yet due?Establishing strong working relationships with vendors can take a great deal of time in the beginning but once protocols are developed, the number of issues should go down and working on any remaining issues should take less time. And taking this course is the first step to strengthen those relationships."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing: Driving Quality Traffic to Your Website" |
"""Pinterest: The Secret Marketing Tool for Business"" is a marketing training that demonstrates how your business can attract ideal customers.These strategies will turn Pinterest into an integral part of your sales funnels.PINTEREST CAN BE ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL CONVERSION TOOLS AVAILABLE!This training provides actual statistics from a client's account illustrating the power of Pinterest. In addition,the training demonstrates how to utilize Pinterest analytics to develop leads for your company.The course also includes success stories about how companies such as Lowes, The Container Store, Bob Vila, and Four Seasons have used the Pinterest marketing tools effectively. With Pinterest Pro, we discuss how the new tools, the Lens and Showcase, can help to develop more traffic to your website."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ethics for the Insurance Professional" |
"This course explains the concepts of ethical behavior and how ethical behavior is an essential element of insurance acquisition, underwriting, and claims handling. The course discusses what ethics is and how various philosophers have developed ethical behavior for everyone in a society. The ethical standards, as they apply to insurers and those insured by application of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, work to allow insurers to apply ethical standards to its operation.The course covers the following:What is ethics?Kant and the categorical imperative.Hegel and ethics and that the ethical life is a concept of freedom.Virtue ethics.Metaethics.The Golden Rule.Applied ethics.Uberrimae Fidei.Understanding the concept ofUberrimae Fidei.How an insurer insists on insurer-wide ethical behavior.How an insurer acts ethically."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Read & Understand a Corporate Insurance Policy" |
"Insurance is a contract, and the insurance contract is a special type of contract. The course covers what an employee, officer, or director of a corporation needs to know to be able to read and understand an insurance policy in order to establish that it provides the insurance protection needed.The course covers the following:That insurance is a contract and how to understand the basic rules of interpretation of contracts.The application for insurance and how it is used by the applicant and the insurer.The need for offer, acceptance, and consideration to form an insurance contract.How to read and understand the insurance contract.The first party property insurance contract and how it is formed and made effective.The importance of conditions and limitations in a first party property policy.The rules of insurance contract interpretation.The ""contra preferentum"" rule.The standard fire policy.The auto material damage policy."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Insurance Fraud Prevention" |
"This course explains how insurers, insurance adjusters, and insurance special investigation unit investigators work to prevent insurance fraud (obtaining funds from an insurer wrongfully and illicitly). It explains staged losses, fake thefts, paper property, arson for profit, false documentation, and other efforts to defraud an insurer. The course also explains what is necessary to prove fraud as a defense to an insurance claim.The course covers the following:The use of investigators to gather evidence establishing that a fraud is being attempted.The various types of fraud attempted against first party property policies.Understanding the staged accident.Understanding the use of paper property.How to discover an arson for profit.How to prove that an insured is involved in an arson for profit.How to discover health insurance fraud.How to recognize professional conspiracies.How to recognize fraud in the legal profession.How to act in good faith and fair dealing with regard to insurance fraud."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"7 Facets of Employee Engagement and 50 Ideas for Doing It" |
"Do your employees jump out of bed each morning excited to come to work? When theyre at work are they totally absorbed in what theyre doing? According to a ton of research from over the last several decades, the answer is, unfortunately, probably not"".Employee engagement is about building an environment where employees are fully absorbed by their work, enthusiastic about achieving their goals, and consistently take action to further the organization. A fully engaged employee is willing to go the extra mile because she cares about the organizations well-being. He puts his entire mind, body, and soul into work when hes on the clock.Engaged employees work hard, but they are also satisfied with their jobs and experience high levels of morale, commitment, motivation, and loyalty. In turn, your organization experiences high levels of retention, productivity, innovation, attendance, customer satisfaction, and a good reputation. Its safe to say that organizations who focus on engagement are probably outperforming competitors who dont.This course provides the tools you need to create such a work environment."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Marrying Career Development with Succession Planning" |
"My ultimate goal in this course is to change from the Silos of succession planning responsibility typically found in our organizations to a merging of functions, championed by the CEO and managed by the professionals in Human Resources.In many organizations the people responsible for helping staff with their personal career development are not the same as the people who are responsible for creating and managing the companys succession plan. In part this is because succession planning is often considered only for the office of the CEO, or if expanded, it includes those at the C level in the organization. Thus, the key players are only the responsible members of the Board of Directors and relevant -level staff.On the other hand, career development and talent management are usually the province of the Human Resources Department. Often there is no communication between these different areas of the company.What we are striving to create by this suggested marriage is a culture that creates an exciting high performance collaboration through openness, transparency, trust and communication at all levels of the organization. Examples of how this is managed in some organizations includes looking at the clearly defined career ladders in police, fire, and some government organizations.In addition, we look at examples from small business, as well as how people related to the CEO are fast-tracked this is called nepotism. Attention is paid to typical career development strategies and succession plans. And, finally we offer several examples of how this marriage could be created. Of course there are rules and regulations that must be followed including the laws of your state, city, and possibly even your union. Some of these are negotiable and some are not. There are so many variations as to how to develop individuals and prepare for the succession of the executive team that each organization will have to make their own decisions based on knowing what they can and cannot do legally and culturally. In this course, I'm going to focus on what I consider possibilities and hopefully best practices.I share some ideas about helping staff with their professional development, ways to plan succession and then suggestions as to how to put them together so that employees and the company have the best possibility of achieving the best for both. Some of what I am suggesting is quite unconventional, so again I strongly suggest you find out what your organization, state, country, etc., will allow you to do. To the extent you are free to make changes, you will have some strategies for retaining the best of your employees and helping them to develop into management and up the chain of command to upper management."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Onboarding: From Entry-Level to Senior Executive" |
"Imagine yourself walking into the office on the first day of your very first real full-time job. You are terrified. There is so much you need to learn and you are hoping you wont make embarrassing mistakes.Imagine yourself walking into the office on the first day of your new position as Senior Vice-President of a company. You need to hit the ground running and arent even sure where to find your personal office.Imagine having accepted a position via phone and e-mail and are now about to start working from your desk in your second bedroom at home. You arent even sure how to communicate with anyone or who to communicate with in this new company where almost everyone works remotely.Now, imagine yourself as the HR professional responsible for creating policy and procedures to onboard all these people with different experience, needs, and situations.What do they have in common? What are the critical differences you need to take into account in order to make each of them comfortable, as well as ensuring they are legally compliant, understand and agree to company policy and procedures, respect and agree to comply with the company culture, and of course have everything they need to be successful in their new jobs?Those are all things to consider when onboarding new employees. Some companies have formal New Employee Orientation Programs in place to help with the process, and we will explore some of those ideas as well.In this course we strive to give you enough information to effectively onboard employees at all levels."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest 201: The Power of Pinning to Profits" |
"In this course, we discuss the different types of pins and features of Pinterest that businesses can use to increase their visibility and clicks. When you understand how to use Pinterest the right way for your business, you can quickly and easily create the right visual content that sells, expand your brands visibility, and drive exponentially more traffic and sales. You know how to use the Power of Pinterest to create your pathway to profits."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Maintaining a Culture of Innovation and Creativity" |
"In the beginning, a group of friends and/or classmates joins forces to create a company. They know and like each other. They have what they consider to be the greatest idea of the century, thus have dedication, excitement, and motivation.How do you sustain this enthusiasm and creative output?It seems the larger the company, the more difficult it is to continue to innovate and be creative. I operationally define creativity to be as much a part of the process and innovation as the product.Having spent many hours interviewing 50 C-Level executives about this topic, I have some ideas as to what goes wrong and what steps can be taken to revitalize the company.In this course, we explore some of the common problems faced by companies as they grow. These problems include issues of teams, trust, and decision making, as well as the manner in which good ideas are expected to go up the chain of command.I also explain the open-ended questionnaire I developed as I explored this dilemma, as well as the results of the interviews. Lastly, I offer some suggestions for how to encourage and receive the best of ideas from your employees."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Organization Development (OD) in Practice" |
"In this course, we discuss how Organization Development (OD) helps the people within an organization develop vision, understanding, clarity, and agility.We start with a brief overview of the OD perspective of the organization as a human system. This leads to a conversation about how the OD practitioner works within that system to facilitate the creation of a healthy and effective organization. Then we explore the role of the OD practitioner in impacting the system as a catalyst and an irritant. This course serves to demonstrate how OD can be used to support people playing an active role in driving positive organizational change."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Effective Meeting Management for Leaders and Managers" |
"Most books, articles, and courses on managing meetings ignore the fact that leaders, managers, and facilitators of meetings have different roles. Thus, a course in managing meetings effectively needs to take those three roles into consideration. We do.Briefly the Leader has something to say. The Manager wants interaction to lead to a specific end point usually a solution. The facilitator is there to make sure process is followed. In this course, we discuss how each of these three roles affects the manner in which meetings are designed and led.We also discuss the techniques that are useful for different types of meetings, both live and virtual. Settings, time, and expectations all differ depending on the goal of the meeting. We offer a comprehensive checklist to help in the preparation of meetings Types of meetings and how best to lead, manage or facilitate them is also discussed. The goal of this course is to enable you to go from oh no, not another boring meeting to we get things done quickly and effectively in our meetings."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Organization Development (OD): The Diagnostic Phase" |
"In this course, we develop the required skills and knowledge forOrganization Development (OD)practitioners to undertake a data-gathering exercise which provides both the practitioner and clients with a clear picture of how to proceed on the change journey.We start with a brief overview of the diagnostic phase of OD, its links to evaluation processes and how, before such a journey begins, the OD practitioner should start with the end in mind. This leads to a conversation about the types of data needed, data collection methods, and data analysis. Then, we explore methods of data feedback and action planning.This course examines the tasks and skills required for the diagnostic phase of the OD cycle."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Organizational Frameworks for People at Companies" |
"In this course, we discuss how in effective organizations, the vision, values, and purpose derive from the convictions of people in the organization and inform all other components of the organization. We start with a brief overview of how when the core components of effective organizations are in alignment with the vision, values, and purpose, they are more likely to be in alignment with one another and lead to effective work in a sustainable organization. This leads to a conversation about how a systems-led approach to Organization Development (OD) is essential in creating sustained organizational performance, takes longer than you think, and can be messy. Then we explore how OD is the process through which an organization develops an internal capacity to sustain itself over the long term. This course offers a critical perspective on organization development and highlights the direct connection between a commitment to ongoing OD approaches and the achievement of organizational purpose."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Training Design for Behavior Change" |
"In this course we discuss both the theoretical underpinning and practical fundamentals of training design for Behavior Change. We examine how to use group and human dynamic processes to emphasize the self-renewal ability of the individual, facilitated movement of groups and improvement of the health and effectiveness of organizations in a sustainable way.We start with a brief overview of theory relating to Personality and Behavior and how this links to the trainer being a facilitator of learning and the use of experiential techniques to help training delegates apply learning to their own situation. This leads to a discussion about designing training for people led change, specifically in the areas of freedom of choice, creativity and trusting their own judgment and ability.This course provides a tool-kit for trainers and Learning and Development professionals to design training interventions that most effectively promote a significant learning experience that if assimilated would result in behavior change for training delegates."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Human Resources (HR) as a Business Partner" |
"In this course we provide valuable information on how Human Resource Business Partnering (HRBP) operates in practice and discuss the required business partnering skills of those individuals working within the Human Resources (HR) function within an organization.We begin by reviewing the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) practice within the context of the organization. Next we develop a discussion on what HRBP skills are required to meet todays tough organizational challenges. This leads to a conversation of how an individual can operate successfully as a business partner, specifically in identifying business partnering opportunities and building relationships; promoting the HRBP role and understanding business needs.The course is suitable if you are aspiring to, or are new to the HR Business Partner role, or an HR professional working for an organization, which wishes to progress their HR function to operate as a Business Partner in practice."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Workplace Bullying: What Managers Need to Know to Prevent" |
"According to a study by CareerBuilder, 35% of the workforce encounters bullies at work. Workplace bullying is systematic psychological abuse that degrades and humiliates, and causes anxiety, depression, burnout, and lower levels of job satisfaction in targets and bystanders. Bullying includes frequent yelling, manipulation of work, nasty emails, social isolation, and a host of other negative behaviors. If allowed to flourish, it invites severe, damaging consequences for your organization including increased turnover, communication breakdown, reduced quality of work and poor customer service.Join Catherine Mattice, internationally recognized expert and author of the book hailed by Ken Blanchard as, the most comprehensive and valuable handbook on workplace bullying, as she takes you through the process of developing effective strategies for stopping workplace bullying and provides a step-by-step guide for building a healthy workplace where employees can thrive."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Organization Development (OD): The Evaluation Phase" |
"In this course, we discuss how evaluation of Organization Development (OD) is a continuous and constant process of assessment, which takes place throughout the OD cycle. We start with a brief overview of how evaluation allows the OD practitioner to make adjustments to keep things on track and respond to new information that becomes available as a consequence of each interaction and intervention. This leads to a conversation about how it is essential that mechanisms are put into place to evaluate progress and take stock of what has been achieved.Then, we explore how the organization evolves during an OD program, which means that plans that were crafted following the initial investigation will need to be adjusted or scrapped entirely. This course examines a range of OD evaluation methods available to assess the extent to which the OD intervention has delivered the outcomes agreed prior to program delivery."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Communicating Value to Increase Sales in a Crowded Market" |
"Consumer behavior has changed. Today, pushy sales talk that focuses on hype and countering objections turns potential customers off. Learn a new way of leading potential customers through the sales conversation in a way that helps them understand the value of your product or service; in a way that promotes trust and builds the relationship for years to come."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Great Special Events Organization and Management" |
"In this course we discuss the basics of planning, promoting and producing a successful corporate event. We start with the event objective and then create an event checklist, realistic timeline and working budget. From there location scouting is discussed with special attention and consideration given to the venue selection process and having a back-up plan.We then take a look at the event basics which include invitations, food & beverage, entertainment, transportation, decor, security, labor, etc are examined. Evaluating contracts, sponsorships, and sustainability are also considered to help increase the event ROI.This course serves business professionals who are tasked with producing a special event for their company. It will sharpen their fundamental understanding of creating a successful event from idea to post-function evaluation. While this course is geared towards corporate events, the principles discussed can be applied to any event."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Managing in Multi-Generational Workplace: Managing Diversity" |
"In this final course in the series, you learn specifically how generational diversity should affect you as a leader. This course builds upon the cohort definitions and introductory traits that you have already learned in class one (Managing in a Multi-Generational Workplace: Defining the Generational Cohorts) and the definition of what a multi-generational workplace looks like in class two (Managing in a Multi-Generational Workplace: The Cohorts at Work).In Managing in a Multi-Generational Workplace: Managing Generational Diversity, we discuss the cohorts definitions of an ideal leader/instructor, key job and education motivators and their ideal workplace and classroom. We then discuss managerial issues we have had in the past with employees that can further our understanding of multi-generational management, picking one specific generational management problem and using the Generational Management Decision Tree to personalize the information received. We end with a culminating discussion specifically focused on how the generational differences in members of your team can best be capitalized upon when you return to your workplace."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Human Resources (HR) Strategy Development" |
"In this course we discuss how to make the strategic connections between the organizations strategy and the people strategy.We begin with a review of how linking Human Resources (HR) processes effectively to support the organization can drive strategic value. Next we discuss how to develop HRs influence at the senior level in the organization and transform the HR functions effectiveness. Then we work through the key aspects of HR strategy from identifying organization needs and priorities and defining situation specific, integrated HR strategies that drive value for organizations in key areas.This course serves Human Resource professionals who need to develop their strategic thinking and translating their learning into practical plans for implementing a HR strategy in the workplace."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"People Resourcing for Businesses" |
"In this course, we develop the skills and knowledge (based on contemporary debates and future developments) needed to enable the organization to achieve the most fundamental Human Resource Management (HRM) aim of mobilizing a workforce.We start with a brief overview of the activities required to deliver the fundamental objective of the Human Resources (HR) function of ensuring that at all times the organization has the right people, with the right skills, in the right jobs. This leads to a conversation about the practical aspects of recruitment, selection, employee retention, and dismissal. Then, we explore how skills can be sourced by hiring employees, but also through other means such as the employment of peripheral workers and subcontracting, taking into account the demand and supply for skills.This course examines a strategic approach to attraction and retention of staff and the increased sophistication in the area of people resourcing reflected in proactive diversity management, employer branding, work-life balance initiatives, and innovative approaches to job design."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Implement a Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Program" |
"This course sets you up with the tools you need to create a workplace that celebrates diversity and inclusion. Employers who want the competitive advantage know that they must go above and beyond the requirements of the law and create an inclusive environment where the needs of all employees can be met. The most successful companies in the world place diversity high on their priority list.The course covers developing a diversity audit plan and related strategic plan, along with diversity recruiting, performance management and communication. We will finish with some thoughts on overcoming challenges."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Talent Management and Succession Planning" |
"In this course, we discuss how to create value from an intangible asset that is measured as head count cost on the organizational balance sheet. We start with a brief overview of how Talent Management is more than a process of identifying high potentials for leadership development programs.This leads to a conversation about how a large proportion of the employee population has unrecognized talent that is underutilized. Then, we explore how to put into place mechanisms to help employees explore, discover, and release their potential for the benefit of the organization. This course challenges the narrow focus of traditional talent management processes and provides practical steps line managers and Human Resource Managers can take to increase the utilization of human potential within their organization.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Talent Management and Succession Planning. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Sales Strategy For The Win!" |
"When you hear the term sales strategy you would be correct to think of things like decision makers, scope of the sale, budget and need.But theres another level of sales strategy you need to think of. This one is about defining your target markets, knowing your businesss why, having a clear mission, and more. It often requires that you as the business owner or leader of a significant part of the business make time to work on your business, not just in it.In this course you learn why having this other level of sales strategy well defined for your business helps you sell more and achieve important business goals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |