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"Tesouro Direto Intermedirio (IF)" |
"O curso Independncia Financeira: Tesouro Direto intermedirio a continuidade da trajetria para Independncia financeira que comeou com o curso:1) Independncia Financeira: O Guia para Iniciantes (Mais vendido da categoria na Udemy);2) Independncia Financeira: Tesouro Direto para IniciantesEste curso tem como objetivo te ensinar a interpretar melhor as suas escolhas no Tesouro. um grande compilado das principais dvidas que tive no meu processo de entendimento mais profundo deste ativo financeiro. Minha misso esclarecer isso para voc, o que deixar voc ainda mais seguro ao comprar um ttulo pblico.Uma forma do investidor refinar a sua avaliao sobre as estratgias de compra do Tesouro Direto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Construct 2 - Construindo um clone do jogo Timberman" |
"O curso tem como objeto ensinar de maneira prtica e dinmicaos conceitos necessrios para se criar jogos na ferramenta Construct 2.O curso abordartodos os conceitos bsicos da ferramenta, como criao de cenrios, movimentao, coliso, uso de sons, criao de eventos, comandos de input e muito mais.Ao final do curso o aluno ter construdo um jogo estilo infinity runner baseado no game Timberman.Timberman um jogo casual no qual o jogador um lenhador e tem como objetivo cortar os galhos da rvore para evitar que os mesmos batam em sua cabea.O curso tambm ter uma sesso com contedos extras."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Construct 2 - Do bsico ao multiplayer" |
"O curso tem como objeto ensinar de maneira prtica e dinmica os conceitos necessrios para se criar jogos na ferramenta Construct 2. Cada jogo que implementado voc aprende/revisa um novo recurso da ferramenta como por exemplo, utilizar sons nos jogos, utilizar partculas, interagir com objetos em cena e muito mais.O curso Construct 2 - Do bsico ao multiplayer ideal para quem esta iniciando no mundo do desenvolvimento de jogos, pois todo o contedo apresentado ao aluno de maneira prtica, fcil e dinmica. O curso abordar todos os conceitos da ferramenta como criao de cenrios, movimentao, coliso, uso de sons, criao de eventos, comandos de input e muito mais. Ensinar a exportar seus jogos criados para a plataforma Web e abordar tcnicas de criao de jogos multiplayer (conceitos bsicos e intermedirios). Acesse a grade curricular do curso para conhecer todos os jogos que sero construdos durante nossos encontros. Alm dos jogos que sero implementados no curso voc tambm encontrar uma sesso com contedos extras.Bons estudos."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Construct 3 -Crie jogos de maneira prtica, fcil e dinmica" |
"O curso tem como objeto ensinar de maneira prtica e dinmica os conceitos necessrios para se criar jogos na ferramenta Construct 3. O curso abordar todos os conceitos bsicos da ferramenta, como criao de cenrios, movimentao, coliso, uso de sons, criao de eventos, comandos de input e muito mais. Para ensinar todo o contedo proposto, ser desenvolvido os seguintes jogos: Turret Defender: Jogo estilo defenda a torre.Tower Defense war: Impea o avano dos soldados criando armas para proteger o seu castelo.TopDawn Tank attack: Salve o mundo matando todos os zumbies e suas bases de spawn. Durante o desenvolvimento desses jogos, o aluno ir utilizar a maioria dos objetos e comportamentos presentes na ferramenta, como:Componentes: Local storage, Button, Text, Function, Particles, Sprite, Sprite font, Text, Tiled Background, Tilemap, Touch, Keyboard, AdmobAds, dentre outros.Behaviors (Comportamentos): Bound to layout, Fade, Line of sight, Pin, Scroll to, Bullet, 8 Direction, Pathfinding, Turret, etc.Alm dos jogos que sero implementados no curso, voc tambm encontrar uma sesso com contedos extras."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Crie sites ASP.NET (webforms) utilizando C# e JavaScript" |
"O cursoASP.NET (Web Forms) com um toque de Javascrip tem como objetivo capacitar os alunos no desenvolvimento de sitescom acesso a banco de dadosutilizando a tecnologia Web Forms presente no ASP.NET.Durante o curso o aluno ira aprender:Conceitos relacionados a tecnologia ASP.NET.Utilizar os principais componentes presentes no Visual Studio como Button, TextBox, DropDownList, ListBox, Table, PlaceHolder, Calendar, Panel, RadioButton, Panel, MultiView, View, Image, ImageButton, HiperLink, LinkButton e muito mais.Uso de junes JavaScript juntamente com os componentes ASP.NET.Conceitos sobre Cookie,Session e acesso a banco de dadospor meio da criao de uma agenda (CRUD) com acesso as suas funcionalidadespor meio de uma tela de login.Criar uma conta de hospedagem para sites ASP.NET e banco de dados Sql Server gratuita.Criar, gerenciar e utilizar um banco de dados Sql Server local e on-line.Criar um sistema on-line de controle de frases com o acesso ao banco de dados via cdigo evitando ao mximo o uso de componentes visuais.Contedo extraComo contedo extrao aluno ganhara um curso sobre a linguagem Javascript para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de suas pginas ASP.NET. O curso tmcomo objetivo ensinar todos os conceitos bsicos da linguagem Javascriptcomo, lao de repetio, comandos de deciso, funes, variveis e eventos.Alm do curso de javascript o aluno tambm ter acesso a uma gama de materiais que o auxiliaro no aprendizado da linguagem de marcao HTML5 e a linguagem de formatao de pginas CSS."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Srie jogos icnicos: Campo Minado e Arkanoid" |
"Que tal se tornar um desenvolvedor de jogos e criar vrios jogos icnicos como o jogo campo minado e Arkanoid para brincar com seus familiares e amigos? Com o curso Srie jogos icnicos: Crie seus prprios jogos 2D voc conseguir iniciar no incrvel mundo do desenvolvimento de jogos.O curso tem como objetivo ensinar os principais conceitos sobre a Engine Unity por meio do desenvolvimento de vrios Jogos. Cada jogo que implementado voc aprende/revisa um novo recurso da ferramenta. Os jogos que sero implementados no curso so:UFO GAME: Jogo estilo Top Down no qual o player dever capturar pepitas de ouro. Campo Minado: O jogo campo minado foi inventado por Robert Donner em1989e tem como objectivo revelar as minas de um campo sem que as mesmas sejam detonadas. Arkanoid: Arkanoid umjogo eletrnicoparaarcadedesenvolvido pelaTaitoem1986. O jogo baseado emBreakout, jogo daAtaritambm para arcade lanado em1976. O que aprenderei nesse cursoDurante o curso voc aprender: Conceitos bsicos da Engine.Deteco de colises.Triggers (gatilhos).Entrada de dados (Capturar comandos do jogador).Interao com objetos.Controlar a cmera do jogo.Asset Store.Efeitos sonoros.Animao.Cenas, objetos de cena, prefabs e controladores de jogos.Construo de jogos paraa plataforma PC.Por que aprenderdesenvolvimento de jogos com Unity?A indstria de jogos uma indstria que vale$100 bilhes de dlares a nvel mundial. At 2020, esse nmero dever chegar prximo a$120 bilhes de dlares. ComoUnitysendo o motor mais utilizado para desenvolver jogos em vrias plataformas, nunca houve um momento melhor para entrar na rea. tambm uma carreira emocionante e gratificante, onde muitos desenvolvedores bem-sucedidos, incluindo eu prprio, aprenderam os fundamentos do desenvolvimento de jogos atravs de cursos como este e no na sala de aula tradicional."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"GDevelop - Crie jogos de maneira prtica, fcil e dinmica" |
"O curso GDevelop - Crie jogos de maneira prtica fcil e dinmica foi idealizado para todas as pessoas que querem aprender a criar seus prprios jogos.O curso tem como objetivo ensinar os principais conceitos sobre a Engine GDevelop por meio do desenvolvimento de vrios Jogos. Cada jogo que implementado voc aprende/revisa um novo recurso da ferramenta como por exemplo, utilizar sons nos jogos, utilizar partculas, interagir com objetos em cena e muito mais.O curso GDevelop ideal para quem esta iniciando no mundo do desenvolvimento de jogos, pois todo o contedo apresentado ao aluno de maneira prtica, fcil e dinmica. Durante o curso voc aprender:Criar projetos.Configurar a engine de desenvolvimento.Criar objetos nos jogos (Naves, inimigos, etc).Implementar eventos para os objetos em cena.Emitir sons e reproduzir musicas nos jogos.Trabalhar com coliso de objetos;Exportar os jogos para plataformas Windows e Web.Uma grande vantagem no curso a ferramenta adotada para o desenvolvimento dos jogos, pois o GDevelop uma engine de desenvolvimento de jogos gratuita e sem restries."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Smart Data Collection with Excel UserForm" |
"[UPDATED April 2020]SHORT Summary:Check out several examples of Office Automation using Excel UserForm. Apply these ideas in real life situations.***This course explains how simple and free Excel UserForm can be used to improve work with very basic and simple excel workbook:UserForm provides the advantage to have all relevant information in one place that helps to concentrate on task and be productive when dealing with information.UserForm allows customization of data entry to make sure users would collect 'clean' data Course is not focused to teach basics of the VBA coding by doing abstract coding exercises. Focus is made on understanding on how VBA code is applied for this particular situation. Learn coding by re-using provided examples in fun case studies.Ready-to-use templates could be used as is e.g. personal goal tracking templateThe course plan will be the following: Introducing you to the typical data collection decision reporting situationUnderstanding and quantifying advantage of UserForm using a funny competitionUnderstand mechanics of UserForm Case study on adding inputs to the UserForm How to deal with Images in UserForm Write information from UserFormCase study to add second UserForm and reuse the code How to create reports in PowerPoint from Excel data Case study to practice sending data to the PowerPoint slideBONUS: Archiving/Saving to SharePoint LibraryDrafting Outlook EmailsTemplate 'Set Powerful Goals'In the summary, this relatively short course is providing very simple solution that can be applied for easier data collection, decision making and reporting. In cases where instant online collaboration is not required but we want to be efficient - then this course will very likely be capable to solve the problem"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pizza Cooking at Home, Easy!" |
"Learn how you can make pizza at home using pizzeria alike oven.Get all you want to have to cook crispy Italian Pizza in one placeHardware and ingredientsTips and techniquesfor cooking pizza alla ItalianaHow to organize spaceComplete tutorial from dough preparation to pizza assemblyLearn by copying pizza making techniquesDetailed SummaryThis course, created in one Sunday morning, will guide you through the process of pizza making at home. In fact you will see exactly what should be done in very smallest detail. You can just copy, improve and improvise and you will get the best result ever.You will have a fulloverview of all the Kitchen Hardware you may need. To make your job easier we will look on how to organize space in the Kitchen. We talk on which ingredients you may need and how to prepare pizza base in a simple and lean way. You will see that it's actually possible to cook nice pizza without cumbersome operations to spend minimum time possible with excellent results.By reviewing how to cook several popular Italian Pizzas you can make start to improvise and prepare your own best style pizza of your choice.Every section of the course contains simple quiz that can help you in case of doubts.Enjoy this simple and quick course! And can do it too!p.s.[edited] Please consider that course was recorded ""As is"" without any staging and preparation. It was just filmed during my usual ""Pizza cooking day"" 20 August 2017. I don't believe one need to watch 2 hours videos to make pizza at home:)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Identify Problems with Artificial Intelligence - Case Study" |
"Inspired by Albert Einstein [1879-1955]Course summary:Learn how to identify anomaly within several similar objects with Artificial IntelligenceWorking withtime-seriessensor generateddataUnderstand how Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithmworks using real life datasetLearn developing in R and ShinyApp with a possibility to better explore the data, instantly deploy your projectExplained use of Version Control to be organized and save timePractice with real life generalized Dataset coming from Manufacturing!Versatile method is presented using a Case Study approach.This method helped to discover real life inefficiency and to solve the problem!Start with R here! Step by step introduction with examples and practiceBasic understanding on Time-Series data manipulation in RMore approaches of Anomaly Detection including Deep Learningon h2o frameworkiscovered in the coursePractical Developing the idea of IndustrialProcess Control with Artificial Intelligence with DEMO ShinyApplication includedCourse video captions are translated to[Chinese-Simplified, Hindi,German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Malay, Indonesian, Russian] languagesDescribed:Problem-solvingin Manufacturingis usually perceived as a slow and boring activity especially when many possible factors involved. At the same time it's often common that problems going on and on unobserved which is very costly. Is it possible to apply Artificial Intelligenceto help human to identify the problem? Is it possible to dedicate this boring problem solving activity to computer? Apparently yes!!!This course will help you to combine popular problem-solving technique called ""is/is not"" with Artificial Intelligence in order to quickly identify the problem.We will use data coming from four similar Machines. We willprocess it through the Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithmk-means. Once you get intuition understanding how this system work You will be amazed to see how easy and versatile the concept is. In our project you will see that helped by Artificial Intelligence Human eye will easily spot the problem.Course will also exploit different other methods of Anomaly Detection. Probably the most interesting one is to use Deep Learning Autoencoders models built with help of H2O Platform in R.Using collected data and Expert Knowledge for Process Control with AI:In this course we will build and demo-try entire multi-variablesprocess supervision system. Process Expert should select dataset coming from the ideally working process. Deep Learning model will be fit to that specific pattern. This model can be used to monitor the process as the new data is coming in. Anomaly in the process then can be easily detected by the process operators.Ready for Production:Another great value from theCourse isthe possibility to learn usingShinyApp.Thistool will help you to instantly deploy your data project in no time!!!In fact all examples we will study will be ready to be deployed in real scenario!Additionally:You will learn R by practicing re-using provided material. More over you can easilyretain and reusetheknowledge from the course-all lectures with code are available as downloadable html files.You will get useful knowledge on Version Control to be super organized and productive.Finally:Join this course to know how to take advantage and use Artificial Intelligence in Problem Solving"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cryptography is more fun with R!" |
"SUMMARYThis course is providing to you unusual but powerful way to exploit""Public Key Cryptography"" in R Statistical Software. Courseis created by non-Programmer for non-Programmers!Jointhis course because bycompleting ityou will be able to:Learn and practiceusingCryptographytosecurely keep your passwords and even entire datasets*Learn entire process using Open-Source R Statistical Software and openssl libraryUse encryption without theneed of paid, or free 'locked' softwareUse provided Code toeasily encrypt/decrypt passwordsor textwithin secondsManage Private, Public Key: generate them, store them as a fileAdditionally learn more use cases for encryption (subject of further course development, content may change):using ShinyApp to manage your keys, store, encrypt passwordsstoring credentials encrypted in GitHub and securely sharing them to collaboratorsencrypting passwords in the R-Server projects of ShinyAppsstoring Private Key on USB Stickstoring encrypted information in Google Drive accountfast encryption/decryption of passwords using batch / shell scriptshashing:be able to generate your unique password strings*encrypting of folders, files, video, etc are out of scope of this courseWHAT:The main goal of this course is to create a way all of us can use open source encryption algorithm to keep and protect our secrets without using 'locked software'.We will achieve our objective without reinventing the wheel or new encryption algorithm but just using existing open source and free R Statistical Software.You will learn how to generate and use your own private keys, sharing common credentials encrypted and more.This will be very practical and interactive course where you can practice and follow along. Entire material will be available to you and you can keep experimenting further to reach your customdesired resultsWHY:Course is createdby non cyber-security expert or super advanced programmer. Very minimum coding skills are required!There will not be any deep information or attempt to developtop secret algorithm. Yet course willgive you huge advantage to practicallyexploit Public Key Cryptographyfor the day to day useYou WILL...know exactly all the steps you need to take during encryption/decryption process.create your own routine on managing passwords.not rely anymore on paid or free locked software that you don't know and have no idea what is happening behind the scenes. you don't risk to download computer virus or trojan when you are getting this softwarealso get multiple practice exercises so you will keep yourself engaged during the course.get more ideas on how to apply public key cryptography especially if you are already an RUserbe able to spend only few minutes to start using provided template [in case you already know R]know related risks of loosing information due to improper key management***********************************************************************************************************************DISCLAIMERAll methods are provided for training purposes. Course developed by non security expert by explaining the practical use of OpenSSL software library in R Statistical Language. There is a risk that you can loose your information in case you are not properly follow the instructions or by loosing your private key or alike. Make sure you know what you do at any time when using the material of the course and beyond. Always test your knowledge on dummy data before applying it to real data... Memory areas for your private key, secrets, or passphrase are not securely cleaned after use.You are using the material of the course at your own risk! Author of this course can not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage due to loss or leak ofinformation"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reinforced Concrete II: Design of Beams" |
"knowledgeof Reinforced Concrete derivations is essential for this course.In the previous course, you have been introduced to the philosophy of Reinforced Concrete Design.This course 'Design of Reinforced Concrete Beam' gives you detailed understanding, explanations and procedures for the design of RC Beams.What to expect from this course:After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to design: the two types of rectangular Beams (singly and doubly reinforced), and T-Beams. In addition, you will be able to design the shear reinforcement for beams.What are exactly the points covered in this course:This course focuses on the following concepts:Philosophy and Design of Singly Reinforced BeamsPhilosophy and Design of Doubly Reinforced BeamsPhilosophy and Design of T-BeamsTypes of Cracks and how to resist them using the appropriate Types of reinforcementPhilosophy and Design of Shear ReinforcementStudents completing the course will have full understanding of the design of Rectangular and T- Beams. In addition,students will be able to design these beams given the service loads.Quizzes will be added on demand."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Reinforced Concrete III: Design of Slabs" |
"Make sure you know Reinforced Concrete Theory and How to design Reinforced Concrete beams before taking this course.about the course:Inthe previous course, you have been introduced to the philosophy of Reinforced Concrete Design. This course 'Design of Reinforced Concrete Slab' gives you detailed understanding, explanations and procedures for the design of RCSlabs.What to expect from this course:After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to design the two types of RC Beams:Joist Slab System, andSolid Slab System.What are exactly the points covered in this course:This course focuses on the following concepts:Philosophy and Design of Solid Slab SystemPhilosophy and Design of Joist SlabSystemStudents completing the course will have full understanding of the design of Solid Slab System and Joist Slab System. In addition,students will be able to design these slabs given the service loads.Quizzes will be added on demand."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Programming and App Development" |
"HighlightsIntroto Programming and App Design andDevelopment SeriesCovers Android / Java and iOS / SwiftPartly Based on anUpper-division UndergraduateCourse atUCLA2 Sample Apps: Yoga Postures App (iOS/Android), Family Group Chat App (Android)14-Week Course (68Lectures)19+ Hours of Video Instruction400+Pages ofLectures Slides, Notes, Source Code4 Additional Weeks of Student Project:Online Q/ASupport during ""Build Your Own App"" ProjectGet StartedMakingYour OwnApps for Fun, as a Freelancer, or to Become a Professional SoftwareDeveloperNo Prior Knowledge or Experience NecessaryOverviewThis is an introduction to programming and app development class series, partlybased on an upper-division undergraduate introductoryprogramming languagescourse from the Computer Science department atUCLA.Whether you're interested to learn making apps for fun, would like to start app development as a side-job, or even want to pick up software development as a career, this course will give you the background and practice you need to get started and take off on your own.This is a 14-week course.We will spend8 weekson principles of computer programming. Next we'll learn things specific to designing and developingmobile apps,forboth iOS and Android, and we'llfinish the course by developing twosample apps together in both these platforms:Yoga Postures App (iOS/Android), Family Group Chat App (Android).The course covers concepts from Functional languages, Imperative languages, and Object-Oriented languages, in the context of the following languages: Javafor Android, Swiftfor iOS. Over the course of the two sample apps, you will practice many aspects of app development, including Xcode and Android Studio IDEs, performing in themlayout, generating views programmatically, scrollviews, using Google FireBase as a database backend, asynchronous listeners/callbacks for handlingevents, database exchanges, and much more.PerquisitesNo prior knowledge orexperience in programmingis necessary and all ages are welcomeTo be able to learn andpractice programming languages concepts, you only need a computer with internet connectionTo be able to practice making appson your own, you will needa computer with Xcode(for iOS) or Android Studio(for Android) installedSectionsIntro: Introduction to this seriesWeek 1: Orientation,Swift Primer, Functional Languages, Functions, Types, Type Inference, Type CheckersWeek 2: Control,Imperative LanguagesWeek 3: Recursion, Data StructuresWeek 4: Data Structures, Optional TypesWeek 5: Scoping, Closures, Interpreted and Compiled Languages, Static and Dynamic TypingWeek 6:Object Oriented Languages, Interfaces, Inheritance, PolymorphismWeek 7: Object Oriented Programming TopicsWeek 8: Generics, Concurrency, Asynchronous Computation, ExceptionsWeek 9:Java PrimerWeek 10:App Programming Primer: Layout, Layout in iOS (Sample App 1:Yoga Postures App)Week 11:App Programming Primer: Coding in iOS(Sample App1:Yoga PosturesApp)Week 12:App Programming Primer: Layout in Android(Sample App1:Yoga PosturesApp)Week 13:App Programming Primer: Coding in Android(Sample App1:Yoga PosturesApp)Week 14: Sample App 2:Family Group Chat App (Android)Outro: Final Lecture, Instructions to build your own app"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"High School Computer Science and Programming Intro Workshop" |
"HighlightsIntroduction toComputer Science and Programming WorkshopDesigned for High School and Junior High StudentsTrains and Encourages Critical Thinking, Logical Reasoning, andTechnology Orientationin Young AdultsWorkshop:The Majority of Each Class Spent onExercisesDone by the StudentCovers Fundamental Topics in Computer Science and Programming, Major Areas of Computer Science,Including:Science and EngineeringReal-WorldModelingPhysics SimulationsFrom Model toImplementationReverse Engineering and TinkeringMath and Computer Science TheoryData Structures:Trees,GraphsAlgorithms:Shortest PathArtificial IntelligencePropositional LogicNetworksInternet ProtocolsProgramming LanguagesFunctionsObject-Oriented ProgrammingAnd MoreNot a Course about a Programming Language, Rather about Fundamental Ideas in Computer Science and ProgrammingExercises Aid Learning, UsingUC-Berkeley'sSnap! Programming Tool (Designed for Kids andYoung Adults)15-Week Course (26Lectures)8+ Hours of Video Instruction, PlusMany More Hours SpentDoing theExerciseson Your OwnAccompanying Web Page for Each ClassIncludesLectureSlides, Links to Exercises on theWeb PageLearning Fundamental Ideas in Computer Science and Programming Will Set Students up to Go and Learn Any Programming LanguageNo Prior Knowledge or Experience in Computer Science or ProgrammingNecessaryOverviewThis newclass is designed specifically for high school and junior high students who want to get a head start learning about what Computer Science and Programming areabout. This course isn't about learning a specific programming tool or language. Rather, it is designed tohelp them strengthen their critical thinking and logical reasoning faculties, as well as give them the depth of understanding infundamental concepts inComputer Science and programming, so that they could later onget started with any programminglanguage or technology project.A solid overview and key concepts in many areas ofComputer Science are covered by this course, including BigIdeas inScience and Engineering (Real-WorldModeling, Physics Simulations, From Model toImplementation,Reverse Engineering and Tinkering),Computer Science and Math Theory (Lists, Sets, Data Structures such as Dictionaries, Trees,Graphs,Algorithms such asShortest Path), Programming Languages (Functions,Object-Oriented Programming), Artificial Intelligence (Propositional Logic), and Networking (Internet Protocols), and more.I teach this class to some Living Wisdom School high school students in Nevada City, CA, as an alternate Math course.This is a 15-week workshopcourse. Each class (week)'s lecture takes about 90-120 min. on average. Each class includes some lecture with slides, but the majority of the time the students will be working onprogramming or designexercises on their own computer.After each exercise the students can resume the lecture video to check their work against the teacher's.The majority of theexercises included in each class are done in Snap!--the programming tool from UC-Berkeley. Students can share their work and view programs done by other students around the world.Perquisites and RequirementsNo Prior Knowledge or Experience in Programming NeededExercises Only Require a Computer with Internet AccessSectionsIntro: Introduction to this workshop seriesWeek 1: Lists, SetsWeek 2:A Snappy Snap! PrimerWeek 3:Concurrent and Event-Based ProgrammingWeek 4:Revising the List Example: Under the HoodWeek 5:Modeling, Design, Implementation: Traffic Light, ATMWeek 6:Implementing the Traffic Light SimulationWeek 7:FunctionsWeek 8:Binary Search TreesWeek 9:Values, Types, DictionariesWeek 10:Graphs, An AlgorithmWeek 11:Implementing a Graph AlgorithmWeek 12:Propositional Logic, ""Have I Lied?"" GameWeek 13:State MachinesWeek 14:Internet ProtocolsOutro: Next Steps"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kha hc Java Online Ting Vit ton tp (VietJack)" |
"Tm kim trn java v tm kim trong phn mm dnh cho bn, tm kim v tm kim trn ton th gii nm 2016 (phin bn sql, css, javascript). Gii php cho Java bng Java (Java Web) (tm thi .NET) cho anh y trong vic tm kim s thay i. Ci t trong b trang im ca bn.Mnh hc Java Trc tuyn v ti u 4,7 / 5, sinh, trc tuyn, vui v, vui v, thoi mi.y l ngn ng Java cho ngi dng ca bn v c hai bn u thch nhiu thng tin hn so vi th nghim Java. Cha kha chnh khng th l bn c th hon thnh d n ca bn vo cc trng ca bn v bn s t ng gp s c khi c vn vi ci t ci t Java ti h thng tp. Vit vi cc tp tp c nhiu khong thi gian c t dng ngi dng v nhm ln. Nu Tm hiu Java vi cc loi ngn ng khc trn internet khc, ch c mt ngn ng tip theo vi Java m bn c th c dy, nhng tr thnh gia nh ca bn, t nht l 10k vi n.Lin kt vi mua mt cch lin tc trn facebook chiu tuyen.vietjackTm kim cng vic ny t 1 ny v bn c th truy cp bng chnh sch chnh, kha u tin.Thn thin vi bn, bng xng v m thanh, tng v s nghip ca bn. Li sau bn s l mt tp trong tp h thng ca bn khi bt u.T kha t kha sinh vin ca sinh vin Vit Nam:- T kha k ton k ton chnh thng qua th Facebook hoc chuyn i.- To mt ti khon trn udemy, gi tn ngi dng / mt khu ca bn.- Dy mua kha hc cho bn.- Bn ng nhp 100 video v ti nguyn khc.Phn mm ca chng ti c th s dng c."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Grade 5, 6, 7 Geometry Math" |
"Learn Grade 5,6,7 Basic Geometry Math. This course is made of up lessons on i) Perimeters ii) Area iii) Volume and iv) Surface Areas. It provides a basic understanding for grade school by teaching what is a perimeter and how to calculate perimeter, but also teaches areas, volumes, and the surface area of a cube. It is targeted at anyone wanting to learn some basic geometry and how to calculate perimeters, areas, volumes and surface area. The lesson is taught on a white board with a marker."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Procesando el Big Data con Apache Spark (en espaol)" |
"A travs de este curso los alumnos aprendern a programar con Apache Spark, la solucin ms eficiente y popular para procesar enormes cantidades de datos en clusters de cientos de mquinas.Spark es hasta 100 veces ms rpido que Apache Hadoop si el procesamiento se hace en memoria y 10 veces ms rpido si se hace en disco. Para conseguir este rendimiento, Spark incorpora un motor de ejecucin avanzado basado en Grafos Dirigidos Acclicos (DAGs) de tareas que permite el flujo de datos acclico u la computacin en memoria. Spark es fcil de usar, y permite utilizar diferentes lenguajes de programacin, en concreto Python, Scala, Java o R. Ofrece ms de 80 operadores de alto nivel que facilitan la creacin de programas paralelos escalables a cientos o miles de mquinas. Y es posible utilizarlo de forma interactiva mediante los interpretes de Python, Scala o R, o utilizando herramientas como Apache Zeppelin, como veremos en este curso.Spark se puede ejecutar en un PC simple, en un cluster con Hadoop YARN o Apache Mesos, o en la nube, con soluciones como Amazon Elastic MapReduce o Microsoft HDInsight. Y puede acceder a datos almacenados el HDFS, Cassandra, HBase, Hive, Tachyon y cualquier fuente de datos accesible por Hadoop.Empezaremos viendo los elementos bsicos de la programacin Spark: los RDDs o Resilient Distributed DataSets. Veremos como crearlos, transformarlos y operar con ellos para procesar nuestros archivos.Continuaremos viendo aspectos avanzados para mejorar y optimizar nuestros cdigos Spark y finalizaremos adentrndonos en el conjunto de soluciones de alto nivel de Spark: Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, Spark ML para problemas de Machine Learning, y GraphX para procesamiento de grafos. Todas estas soluciones pueden combinarse en la misma aplicacin para alcanzar nuestros objetivos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Class- The Seven Anchors" |
"Have you ever wondered why certain people get ahead in the world but you do not? Are you curious why luck never seems to come your way?In todays global society, there is a lack of exposure to common sense ideals that can help anyone get ahead in the world. In this book, you will learn key exposure points that have propelled others, like yourself, towards the personal and professional success they desire. Through the exercises presented, you will alter your paradigm and understand that you are not alone in this journey; others have successfully navigated this course before you. You hold the road map to your success; all you need to do is take the first step."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Master Class For Finding Online Teaching Opportunities" |
"Learn the steps that Itook from not having any teaching positions to having more then Ican handle. Iwill walk you through my process to finding excellent online adjunct teaching positions. You will learn how to create a CV for mastery by looking at mine, provide a reference page,how to cold email perspective deans and hiring decision makers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
ethical-hacking-abdullrahman |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time" |
"""The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time"" is my first course on Udemy. I put in a ton of effort because I wanted to come out swinging. It covers a wide-ranging subject: Video marketing.Rank YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion Like A Boss!I will teach you to rank YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos at the top of Google's organic traffic without having to pay. This course isn't ""another secret hidden YouTube loophole."" Theoretically, your videos can hold their rankings until someone comes along and does better. If a competitor tries to usurp your position, I will show you how to ""juice your video"" back over them. I've also included some advanced RSS strategies to ensure that will never be an issue.A big ""problem"" I had making this course, the videos I was using for my case study kept going to #1 before I could complete all of the steps. That is a good problem to have. If reaching your goal STOP! Enjoy your success and move on to the next project.I am showing you everything from the most white-hat to the most aggressive ranking methods. You probably won't even need to use the manipulative tactics.My concept is simple:Does the video you created answer a Google query Google better than something else?If not, it probably won't rank.But here is your huge advantage: In the case of Youtube, you are playing on their home turf! Don't under-estimare Vimeo and Dailymotion either! You spent tim creatin ou video. Why just distribute it one place?Gone are the days of making spam videos, live streaming pre-recorded PLR videos and expecting results. In fact, I show how live streaming hurts you unless you are using in for legitimate purposes.So. forget everything you think you know about video marketing, a lot of what I teach goagainst the grain of what the ""Gurus"" like to spew. Video production is a part of it, but there is no need fancy video creation software, mics or lighting. If fact, you have everything to create quality videos using programs you already have installed on your computer. There's a crash course on video editing, which is easier than you think and makes a HUGE difference.""Video Keywords"" Are A Myth!If anyone has ever told you there are only certain keywords a video can rank for THEY ARE WRONG!There is no need for expensive keyword tools! I will teach you to get BETTER keyword ideas for FREE! You can rank a video for any term, you just have to do the right things.There is no fooling YouTube after you upload, Rank Brain has already transcribed it into multiple languages. Hence, gone are the days of slapping up un-original video are over!I'll teach you all ""spiderbait,"" best practices for metadata, some insane playlist tricks, ""Spin-O-Gram,"" philanthropic videos, why branding is critical, authority siphoning and the ""new school embeds, API uploads, instant branding, how to create ""youtube subtopics"" and so many more things nobody else teaches.I'll show you video curation, you will learn Youtube's ""fair use"" policy and how to stay off YouTube's ""pest list.""This is where it just starts. Anybody can take #1-10 for a term, but how about taking the entire front page? Does that sound good?Enter: The Video Tsunami MethodI usw Daily Motion and Vimeo. If you created a quality video, why just stop at YouTube? (which is something nobody addresses) You will learn how to ""shock your video"" and when initially uploaded to create a buzz around it. I'll teach you my the IFTTT trifecta, the discretionary power of Video Powerhouse, and everything you can do to rank your video post-upload.Once you are #1, how number one are you?You have to try to turn your longtail into a short tail. Everybody knows a ranking longtail phrase is nothing more than a parlor trick.Next up, do you make the ""decision for war"" (go blackhat), the triple tsunami method, the double-semantic-LSI-video-spin, and learn how to stay on the down-low. Then there is the monster of the course I borrowed this from HP Lovecraft, ""Hastur The Unspeakable Video Marketing Lesson."" I show proof of concept (live rankings) for everything.One of the advantages of ranking your videos on so many platforms is: So know those little links you add to the description? Those links are from DA 90+ properties. I don't care if they are ""no followed"" or not. By ranking these videos you ""drag up your site"" with it.In The Unlikely Case, You Aren't Already #1?I never even need to use these techniques to rank, but I included PDF power, ""Twitter War"", ""World War Three and Four"" (spamming your engagement) just in case you are swinging for the fence.If you stick to the core lessons I teach at the beginning, you won't need these aggressive methods, but they are at your disposal if you need them.As bonuses there a two-hour GSA training, how to stop negative SEO and how to turn a YouTube video into a blog post."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Best Pinterest SEO Course Of All Time" |
"Advanced Pinterest SEOMost SEO ""Guru's"" will tell you that Pinterest is useless for search engine optimization because ""it is only pictures. ""The Best Pinterest SEO Course Of All Time""was developed over three years, and I am proud to have proved them wrong. Pinterest is one of the most powerful and underutilized forms of social media on the internet. Interestingly enough, Pinterest was the first (and only)social network to embrace a structured data. This is a big deal as we headinto Web 3.0. This almost make itmandatorythatPinterest isa part of any SEO and Social Mediastrategy.Not only is Pinterest a great platform to enhance your SEO efforts, but it's traffic also has a high""commercial intent"".This course covers a wide range of SEOtactics:NAP data, JASN-LD, GeoTagging, Metadata, and the influencer marketing. The endgoal is to make YOU the influencer! Meaning your ""Master Account"" you willbecome the puppet-master for clients, affiliate products, E-commerce, fashions, cooking, etc.Why Is Pinterest So Powerful?For starters, let's take a look at the domain metrics. Since Google is no longer displaying PageRank, we now turn to third-party metrics to determine the strength of a site. As you can see, Pinterest has a domain authority of 96(almostthe same as Google itself) and a very high trust flow, which Iconsiderthe most important metric.So Why Should I Take This Course?Of all the different Web 2.0 properties, Pinterest is perhaps the most under-appreciated and most robust. People aren't aware of the power under Pinterest's hood because it's simplicity. This course teaches you how multiply the effects the powerful features inside of Pinterest including NAP placements, Pin geo-tagging, and semantic data, whichmany people don't even know is available because ""it's just pictures"". Iteach a newmethods that don't even have a name in the SEO vernacular, such as:""Pin Silos""just like with website architecture, you can silo your pins and between accounts by creating group boards, which are weighted more heavily by Pinterest. In some situations, you can have other people doing your SEO for you, and they won't even know it!Recent Major Pinterest Shakeups - Pinterest is constantly changing and updating new features!As with all of my courses:They perpetually an update.If any major changes occur you will be among the first to know.""Tag Pinning""- Most SEO experts will tell you to ""noindex"" your tags to avoid duplicate content problems. Using the power of Pinterest and some ultra-stealth on-page techniques, you can turn it your ""useless"" tags into multiple new paths for people to find your website. In the case study contained in the training, I show you how I ranked a WordPress tag for a medium competition term by just pinning it using the ""Pin Silo"" and ""Thunder Pin"" techniques. Better yet, I saw results so fast I didn't even finish filming the videos when I reached my goal. That is why you will find a case study in the middle of the curriculum.""Map Stacking""With just the press of a single browser button you can Embed semantic map data inside more semantic map data then in more high domain authority properties. With a combination of geo-tagged pins and ""hard NAP"" data, we have been able to quadruple stack location data. If you are a local SEO, this is a huge advantage.""Thunder Pinning""Did you know that you cansend your pins to at least 5of the Google Data aggregators with apress of a button? Thunderpinning is the difference between your pins being so quiet you can literally ""hear a pin drop"" and an atomic bomb! The infamous""thunderpin"" could soon be a lexicon in the SEO Hall Of Fame.""Adding Schema JASN_LDData To Pins""- Schematic data has been a buzzword for some time in the SEO community, Pinterest caught onAnd has been using it for three years. Using your business account, you can add Schema Data with ""rich pins."" This feature dramatically affects the SERPS and click-through rates! Very recently, like August 13th 2017. I am seeing huge changes in how rich pins are look even more dramatic in the feed.Crash Course In JASN-LD - While semanticdata could be a whole course in itself, I provide you with just what you need to know, so you can compose a rich snippet in minutes. It won't be long before your brand or client is ""seeing stars"".""Creating A Master Board""- Using this technique you can have one high authority ""Master"" /""Influencer"" board that will leverage everything.How To Use Pinterest To Bring ""Evergreen Posts""Back to Life:Say you have am epic 4000 word blog post, but it's 6 months only and is starting to wain in the rank? You can watch it sink of the first page or you can send Pinterest to the rescue. I broke my promise not to get into design elements and show you how you can create original pins that will bring you dated post a seconds chance at life.""Pinterest For Business""- a majorly overlooked aspect of Pinterest. You can use business accounts to verify an ad on authority to your websites as well as reinforce map and geographic data for local search.""Making Your Pins Sexy""This will help bring engagement to your boards. It is not the number of times you have postto social media, it'sabout the level of engagement! With Pinterest a little goes a long way!Plus, by using your ""Master Board,"" you can be the puppet-master to leverage that engagement.""BlackHat Pinterest"" - I bet you never thought you would here ""BlackHat"" and ""Pinterest"" In the same sentence, but we are here to change that. I'm not a fan ""BlackHat"", ""WhiteHat"" or ""Grey Hat"", but I made it clear to avoid confusion""Defensive Pinning""- Pins that get a decent amount of social engagement also rank quite well. They can be used to bump your competitors off the front page.Pinterest And Reputation Management - Pinterest is a powerful tool for ORM. There are a few things you need to be aware of before you start tying you ""influencer board to a client. (Hint:You shouldn't!)""Advanced RSS Strategies""- I bet you didn't know interest has an awesome RSS feed that also looks great! I will teach you how to strategically use it to your it to your advantagePinterest and High Commercial IntentI refer to Pinterest as the ""Bridge to Amazon"". Here is some demographicdata to back that clai:88% of people purchase what they pinPinterest has over 70 million usersThe 70 million users have posted a combined total of over 30 million pins80% of pins are re-pins (like re-Tweets)This all sounds awesome, but I don't have enough time!As an Internet marketer, I realize that you are always trying to juggle multiple projects. That is the beauty of Pinterest. Its interface is so clean that incorporating Pinterest into your SEO strategy can be done in less than a minute. If you are producing so much content that not being able to hit a browser button becomes an issue, this is a process easily outsourced and scaled via virtual assistants.But The Links Are ""Nofollow""Get it over weather links are followed or not!The original purpose of the ""nofollow"" tag was to combat WordPress comment spam. All links to your site whether they are followed or notare visible in your search console. Do you think that Google cares about a snippet of code that says ""nofollow""? Would you turn down a link from a popular YouTube channel or Wikipedia page because it had a ""nofollow"" tag?I didn't think so.Is This White Hat?There is no such thing as ""white hat"" or ""black hat"". If you are trying to manipulate Google results, your hat is black.That said, I took is a time to break the curriculum into into what is totally WhiteHat, more Greyish, and complete BlackHat, just so there will be no confusion.PS:I only adviseusing the White and Grey unless you really know what you are doing. Do you know what the best part is? If you do the WhiteHat right, the BlackHat isn't even needed? I only include in because some people are stuck in that mindset, which is fine.Thanks for your attention,Jason QuinlanCreator of:""The Best Pinterest SEO Course Of All Time"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Greatest YouTube Cards Course Of All Time!" |
"What is YouTube Card Tricks?This course is t he most complete guide to YouTube Cards ever to exit. That's a bold statement, I know. YouTube cards didn't come out of beta testing that long ago. YouTubewas quietly sneaking in a lot of new features that I would have never even note about unless I was tirelessly optimizing clients youtube channels. What about annotations? We have bad news for fan of annotations fans. YouTube killed them off. They weren't visible on mobile, so you were missing 60% of your audience anyways.What are the benefits of using Google cards and what will I learn?This course is t he most complete guide to YouTube Cards ever to exit. That's a bold statement, I know. YouTube cards didn't come out of beta testing that long ago. YouTubewas quietly sneaking in a lot of new features that I would have never even note about unless I was tirelessly optimizing clients youtube channels. What about annotations? We have bad news for fan of annotations fans. YouTube killed them off. They weren't visible on mobile, so you were missing 60% of your audience anyways/What are the benefits of using Google cards?They are numerous:1. CHANNEL HEALTH: YouTube cards give you the ability to be a traffic conductor of your channel. YouTube is a lot like Facebook and most other social media. Those that get people to the platform and keep them engaged or rewarded. YouTube cards, when used strategically, boost your engagement!2. THE 5 MINUTE AFFILIATE SITE: Using YouTube cards, you have a way to drive traffic to affiliate offers, and the best part is no hosting is required, domain expenses, etc. are necessary because you use all Google properties! 3. THE 3 MINUTE SQUEEZE PAGE: Now that the Google Drive properties have become more robust, you can capture leads in either using Google forms or a third party provider.4. POLLS DONE CORRECTLY: The ""dead simple"" way to set up polls to drive engagement on your videos and works with any niche AND IS DEAD SIMPLE. :)5. OFF-SITE ""CARD TARGETS"": There are some surprising ways you can use Google cards to push traffic almost anywhere you want, even popular sites like Tumblr.6. LINK BUILDING WITH CARDS: A common video marketing practice is playlist silos, which involves putting the links to playlists in the video description. This is a useful technique, but what could be more efficient been putting the links into the video themselves? It's almost like putting it directly in Google's brain! Think about it.7. COOL TRICKS: I will show skills a get a phone number in a card, the ""Pinterest method"" method, and a sneaky way to create a subscribe card!8. HOW TO USE CARDS IN GOOGLE HANGOUTS / WEBINARS: You can put your cards into Live events and GOOGLE Hangouts. Watch and learn.9. CARD SILOS: Just like playlist silos (in #7) or website silos, you can use cards and the silo method to keep the Google spiders running in circles on your channel.10. STAYING OFF YOUTUBE ""PEST LIST"": Want to know a fool proof strategy for turning yourself from a ""Pest SEO""? Pay Google! Without spending a fortune, you can considerably increase your organic reach for a few dollars a month.11. FAN FUNDING / FEATURED CHANNEL: Did you know you can just ask for free money from fans on your Youtube account? You can.12. END SCREEN ANNOTATIONS / TEMPLATES: ""End Of Screens"" are newer feature YouTube added and as a sure fire way to increase subscribers. We cover everything you can use these for function thoroughly,FACT: JUST USING CARDS IMPROVE YOUR CHANNEL!Just using cards on your channel is going to send signs to YouTube that your channel is of a higher quality. Using them correctly will keep people on your channel longer. The more view time your channel gets, the more your videos gets suggested by YouTube, which is the number one source of traffic for most channels.GOOGLE TOYS AND WHY YOU SHOULD PLAY WITH ALL OF THEMYoutube / Google has many toys. They want you to play with ALL OF THEM! They reward you for it! Take for example live streaming: Briefly, videos were getting boosted just for using it. That lasted in until people started trying to abuse the system by streaming pre-recorded videos. The exception is cards are not just a loophole; YouTube designed them for you to use! They aren't going anywhere!As YouTube comes up with the new uses for this feature, they will be added to this course. How's it with all of my courses, they perpetually update. Meaning, if a significant change comes to Google cards, it will be updated in this training within a short period.So what are you waiting for? For the price of a Starbucks, you will become a YouTube Cards expert!Peace,Jason Quinlan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zeichnungen, Aquarell und Lettering digitalisieren" |
"Fr Knstler, Hobbykreative,Blogger,Influencer, Grafikeroder Digitales Natives ist dieser Kurs eine groartige Kombination aus kreativem Schaffen und Digitalisierung. Zeichnungen und Kunstwerkezu digitalisieren, bedeutet vor allem Zeit einzusparen in der Arbeitmit den eigenen Bildern.In 27Schritt-fr-SchrittLektionen lernst du die verschiedenen Bearbeitungswege kennen und zu entscheiden, welchen Weg, du auf dein individuelles Kunstwerk anwenden kannst, um zu deinem gewnschten Ergebnis zu kommen.Es gibt ganz unterschiedliche Grnde, warum Knstler, Grafiker oder Creator ihre gemalten oder gezeichneten Bilder digitalisieren wollen:Kunstwerke digitalarchivierenKunstwerke am PC katalogisierenkreativeKundenauftrge schneller bearbeitenprivate Kreativprojekte professionellumsetzenFotogeschenke mit eigenen Kunstwerken verschenkenkostenlose und hippe Artprints oder Wallpaperfr die Community anbietenArtprints verkaufen und mehr Umsatz generierenDigitale Produkte mit der eigenen Handschrift verseheneigene Design entwickeln undverbreitenMerchandise Produkte als Knstler kreierenals Knstler auf Etsy, Redbubble, DaWanda, Spreadshirt etc. verkaufenDie eigene Webseite mit individuellen Grafiken verschnernPhotoshop lernen mit buntenProjekten statt durch langweilige TheorieBrauche ich Photoshop Vorkenntnisse?NEIN!Anhand von vielen Praxisbeispielen und Projekten, zeige ich dir, die notwendigen Anwendungen fr die Digitalisierung deiner Bilder. Aus dem Wissen aus allen Lektionen kannst du dann ganz individuell die verschiedenen Techniken auf deine Kunstwerke oder gewhlten Finalgrafiken anwenden.Was lerne ich in diesem Kurs?In diesem Kurs steigst du damit ein,deine Zeichnungen,Watercolorund Lettering Ergebnisse farbecht und hochauflsend einzuscannen. Anhand 4 verschiedener Methoden zeige ich dir, wie du Watercolor einwandfrei in Photoshop bearbeitest, ohne dabei den natrlichen Aquarell-Look zu zerstren. Mit einfachen Tipps und Tricks kannst du dir deinen grafischen Arbeiten deutlich erleichtern und ersparst dir viel Zeit. Ein Highlight ist das Erstellen eines Seamless Watercolor Pattern in Photoshop.In denbeiden darauf folgendenAbschnitt werden wir dann Zeichnungen und Letteringsbearbeiten, vektorisieren und umfrben.Da ich die Lektionen leicht nachvollziehbarSchritt fr Schritt aufgebaut habe, ist der Kurs auch fr Photoshop-Anfnger sehrgut geeignet.Vor allem mchte ich aber, dass du Spa hast. Spa am Ausprobieren der Technik und der verschiedenen Bearbeitungsmethoden.Happy Digitalisieren!Christin"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Zeichnen Masterclass - Lerne Zeichnen in nur 6 Wochen" |
"Zeichnen lernen kann jeder. Wenn du ein neues Hobby entdecken oder das Fundament kreativer Arbeit lernen mchtest, bist du hier genau richtig!Dieser sechswchige Zeichenkurs zeigt dir, wie du mit einfachen Tipps & Tricks wahre Kunstwerke erschaffen kannst. Fr Anfnger sind die Video-Tutorials eine gesammelte Anlaufstelle, um alle Informationen rund um das Zeichnen auf einen Blick zu haben. Aber auch fortgeschrittene Kreative knnen viel neue Inspiration fr ihre eigenen Projekte entdecken. Der Kurs umfasst alle Bereiche des Zeichnen: Von den ersten Linien und Formen, ber Landschaften, Tiere bis hin zu Menschen.In ber 30Lektionen und 6 Stunden Videomaterial wirst du in nur 6 Wochen zum wahren Zeichen-Profi.Ich erklre dir nicht nur die Techniken, sondern in vielen anwendbaren Projekten vertiefen wir deine neu-erlernten Fhigkeiten. Durch Wiederholungen und immer neuer spannender Motive bleibst du am Ball und verbesserst deine Zeichenknste in Rekordzeit. Du mchtest das Zeichnen als Grundlage fr weitere Kreativ-Projekte anwenden? Aquarell, Acryl oder Gouache fiel dir bisher sehr schwer, weil dir die Basics gefehlt haben?Gar kein Problem! Ich zeige dir, wie vielfltig einsetzbar dein gelerntes Wissen ist.Gestalte deine Geschenke und Karten demnchst selbst mit den Grundlagen, die du in diesem Kurs lernst. Wir zeichnen unter anderem se Tierchen wie eine Eule, Katze oder Libelle, mit denen du sofort wunderschne Karten oder kleine Bilder zum Verschenken gestalten kannst. Moderne Motive helfen dir dabei, deine Motivation nicht zu verlieren.Das bekommst du in meinem Kurs:Die Grundlagen des ZeichnensAus einfachen Formen und Linien detailreiche Objekte zeichnenLicht und Schatten einsetzen fr 3-D-EffekteTexturen und Kontraste nutzen fr spannende KunstwerkeMit Perspektive rumlich zeichnengesammelte Theorie an modernen Motiven ben und vertiefenMenschen und Gesichter zeichnenIm Bonusteil gehe ich noch auf weitere Zeichentechniken ein bzw. wie es nach dem Zeichenkurs weitergehen kannDu kannst die Vorteile der Udemy Plattform in vollem Umfang nutzen und mir jederzeit persnliche Nachrichten schreiben bzw. Fragen zum Thema stellen. Auerdem mchte ich dir in meinem Zeichenkurs dabei helfen, deinen eigenen Zeichenstil zu finden und deine ganz persnliche Note mit einzubringen. Das Verstndnis und die Achtsamkeit Dinge so zu beobachten, dass du sie auf dein Papier bringen kannst, kannst du mit ein paar Tricks leicht ben. Trumst du von kreativer Erfllung? Dann mchte ich dich in meinem Kurs herzlich willkommen heien!Liebe Gre,Christin"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Life in the UK Test Course with IELTS Listening and Speaking" |
"UPDATE 2020: Full access to extra 5 hours of new lectures giving you a complete solution to the Life in the Uk TestTo become a British citizen, you must pass the Life in the UK Test. 1 in 3 immigrants fail the test. This unique course is guaranteed to help you pass the test.In this introduction course you will gain new knowledge which will help you prepare for the tests.What topics will you cover?The values and principles of the UKWhat is the UKBritish HistoryModern BritainThe UK government, the law and your roleWhat will you achieve?Understand the knowledge necessary to pass the testPrepare for the test Learn new vocabularyImprove Speaking, Listening and WritingWho is the course for?This course is for anyone preparing for IELTS Listening and Speaking and the Life in the UK Test. It's useful to anyone who would like to improve English and learn about British values, history and traditions. With this course you will learn new words and gain knowledge. And with premium video tutorials, you will memorise the information quicker. Plus you get to practice with real teachers your listening and speaking skills. Remember, the secret of success is to repeat, repeat and repeat.You will also get FREE access to the Official Study Guide text.This course will also help you improve your writing. By following a series of video dictations, you will better remember the knowledge necessary to pass the test.METHODOLOGY (a secret to your success)Direct MethodGuaranteed results, fast progress and immediate speaking these are just few reasons why you should start learning English with Say OK now.What is more you will get an exclusive UNLIMITED access to for you to use 24/7 from the warmth of your home.Why do we use the Direct Method?From our knowledge and experience of the Direct Method, we can assure you that it is the quickest and the most reliable method of teaching English and remembering new information.What is it?It is a direct method created specifically to enhance your comprehension and speaking abilities in a pleasant but intensive atmosphere. The question-answer format of the lesson ensures that you are actively involved in hearing and using the language to a maximum. The teacher keeps the lesson moving swiftly in order that you learn to understand English at its natural spoken speed.Speed is essential:A language is normally spoken at 180 words per minute. Say OK Online School teachers speak to the student at about 240 words per minute in order to make it easy for the student to understand English outside the classroom. Do not think:A language reflex comes from the mouth and not the brain. The student must learn to speak and understand without thinking.Mechanical repetition:A quick reflex can only be developed by mechanical repetition.The more you repeat, the quicker you finish:If the student repeats everything many times, he will finish his studies much more quickly.Dictations:The dictations in the Method consist of themed passages, which cover all the recently learned vocabulary.Certificate:At the end of the course, each student obtains a Completion Certificate."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Master Course -Complete Guide To Success On YouTube" |
"YouTube has undeniably become the number one platform for hosting and sharing videos, making it an important platform to have for individuals and businesses. The YouTube boom has become the biggest thing to hit the market since Google, following the popular phrase Google it, with its very own YouTube it.YouTube was originally designed as a platform for making it easier to share videos, and has now become the go to service for marketing anything, including individuals and products. In todays world, it has become impertinent to have the knowledge of YouTube from how to create an account to how to conduct marketing on YouTube.Do you want a YouTube channel to push forth your brand? Want to become a tech savvy marketer? Well, then here is a course designed just for you!We have designed a complete course to help you understand and master YouTube from scratch. A beginners course to help you turn from a newbie to master in just a few hours.From how to sign up for a Google Account and creating your own Channel on your YouTube Account, to making content and even linking your Google Adwords account, this course includes it all and helps you understand it using a systematic approach.In this course, you will not only learn how to create and set up your YouTube Account, but also learn how to market yourself and your channel including Keyword Optimization, Video Keywords Tags, etc.Lets look at a complete breakdown of what you will learn in this course:A detailed introduction to YouTube and creating a YouTube account including your won Brand Channel.Working with the YouTube Control PanelCover Art and Main Channel VideoHow to record high-quality content and how to use a scriptLearning Keyword OptimizationUploading and Adding an effective video titleVideo description and tagsWorking with Advanced Settings and Location TaggingUnderstanding what are Closed Caption Transcript, Custom Thumbnails & Verifying YouTube ChannelCreating custom thumbnailsLinking your YouTube Channel with Adwords Account and getting Paid TrafficLearning how to Promote your video using Social MediaHow to add comments to help your channel growUnderstanding YouTube Cards, Captioning, and Branding Watermark.So, what are you waiting for? Lets learn how to Broadcast Yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Big Data com Hadoop: direto ao ponto e foco na prtica" |
"Porque esse curso importante?Primeiro para entender o que Big Data um diferencial competitivo. Um estudo elaborado pela International Data Corporation (IDC) ressalta que poucas organizaes sero capazes de contratar todos os membros da equipe com a qualidade necessria o suficiente para alcanar os resultados desejados. A escassez de profissionais qualificados em um mundo que est cada vez mais voltado para os dados leva a uma enorme demanda por profissionais capazes de analisar os dados existentes em suas corporaes. As empresas esto comeando a entender como os processos de coleta e anlise de dados so cruciais para que tomem melhores decises de negcios. No entanto, existe uma infinidade de tecnologias e conceitos que dificultam muito o incio nesse novo paradigma. Por isso, este curso foi projetado para transmitir os conceitos, processos e ferramentas que os profissionais precisam dominar para se sarem bem no mundo de Big Data. Ao final desse curso voc ser capaz de identificar problemas de Big Data e descrever e implementar solues como as tecnologias existentes.O curso fornece uma compreenso profunda da estrutura do Hadoop, incluindo HDFS, YARN e MapReduce e nele voc tambm aprender a usar o Hive para processar e analisar grandes conjuntos de dados e Sqoop para a ingesto de dados. Nele voc aprender por meio de aulas tericas e prticas e estar pronto para aplicar os conceitos no seu dia a dia.Para quem esse cursoProfissionais que trabalham com dados diariamente e que esto em busca de aprender de forma rpida os fundamentos para comear a trabalhar com tecnologias de Big Data.Analistas de negcios, profissionais de Business Intelligence, Matemtica, Estatsticos, Cientistas de dados, Analistas de mdia social, Publicitrios, Gestores de marketing e CRM, Gerentes de projetos e profissionais do e-commerce.Profissionais de outras reas que desejam entender o que Big Data.Profissionais que precisam tomar decises baseada em dados."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"Podcasting: Zero to Launch on Apple Podcasts in 30 Days" |
"This course isfor Beginners without any experience creating a podcast,recording anepisode,editing a podcastor publishing a podcastto iTunes.This course is designed for someone that already has a podcast show title, a description of what their show will be about and the showformat istwo people talking over Skype.Answers to the following questions will be covered.How do I start a podcast?How do I record a podcast episode?How do I edit an episode?How do I publish a podcastto iTunes?This course is designed the way leanstartups are launched by following a streamlinedprocess that will get your podcast successfully published on iTunesand build a rock-solid foundation for future success.Get ready to go from Zero to LAUNCH!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Como Vestir y Comunicarte en tu Entrevista de Trabajo" |
"Si estas en busca de empleo o no eres tomado con seriedad en tu empleo actual quizs te identificas con estas preguntas: Te ha pasado que vas a entrevistas de trabajo con tu mejor ropa y tu mejor actitud pero el reclutador no te regresa la llamada? Has dedicado tiempo y dinero en ir a entrevistas de trabajo y luego sientes que quizs no vali la pena? Piensas que tienes todas las habilidades y conocimientos para el puesto pero aun as no lo consigues. Quizs puede deberse a que comunicas una imagen o una proyeccin inadecuada Se ha demostrado que en el 80% de los casos el reclutador se queda con la primera impresin que el candidato proyecta, como su manera de vestir, su forma de saludar, su lenguaje corporal. Y que en el 95% de los casos en una entrevista de trabajo se le regresa la llamada al candidato que tuvo una mejor impresin y mayor empata con el reclutador. Por eso es importante aprender a definir tu imagen personal, saber conocerte a ti mismo y saber comunicar lo que quieres con tu lenguaje corporal. En este curso te enseare a cmo combinar los colores y los accesorios, la actitud que debes llevar a una entrevista o a tu lugar de trabajo. Pero, Sobre todo, aprenders las bases para crear esa confianza en ti mismo con la que puedes lograr los grandes cambios que esperas conseguir en tu vida. Yo soy Nora Gmez y llevo ms de 8 aos especializndome en el rea de Recursos Humanos y te puedo decir que en base a mi experiencia conozco el tipo de talento que buscan las empresas y las fallas ms comunes de los candidatos en una entrevista de trabajo Durante los siguientes 6 mdulos aprenders: Como transmitir una excelente imagen personal Que proyectan los colores en una entrevista Mtodos para mejorar la imagen Profesional para Mujeres y Hombres El poder de la Vestimenta Como incrementar la confianza en ti mismo Comunicacin no Verbal detrs de la cara bonita Inscrbete al curso hoy mismo para que puedas acceder a la informacin que te ayudara a conocerte a ti mimo y conseguir el trabajo que quieres"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |