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"Logic Pro X el Curso completo con los secretos de Produccin" |
"Curso de Logic Pro X basado en Produccin musical.En este Curso parenderas todos los fundamentos, bases, tecnicas, ejemplos y tips que debes de conocer de este fabuloso prorama para aprender a Manejar como un experto todo este sistema de produccin.Aprenders a Grabar de cero instrumentos como guitarras, bajos e intrumentos virtuales a base de un teclado externo, pero sobre todo encontrars los mejores tips que me han llevado a ser un Productor musical de mas de 150 canciones producidas basadas en este increible Programa."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Amazon AWS Story From A System Admin Perspective" |
"AWS is the future of ITinfrastructure ! Are you looking for an ITjob? Maybe your are looking to move up in your current career ? Recently Cloud solution become abuzz word in ITindustry and knowing about the cloud is a must have knowledge for people working in this area, it's like a series for gradually learning about Amazon AWS, we will start with creating AWS account and going through different LABs ( EC2 , S3 , VPC , load balances etc )and hands on experience on configuring different features in AWS and will give you cloud configuration information."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Want to go India:learn Bengali for it" |
"This is course is for learn basic communication and basic words of bengali language.After this course you can easily communicate with the local people,in market,in anyspace in India.This bengali laguage is mainly use in West bengal.This course will help you to understand new place and you can understand their words also.Numbers are there in this course so you can communicate with the money."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Anime Illustration: Space Girl" |
"We will teach you how to draw Space Girl (), an illustration of Takako Inoue Sensei.Takako Inoue Sensei graduated from Kodansha Famous School and won multiple awards in the recent years. She has created designs and made illustrations for publisher Kodansha, japaneseTV channel NHK andgame producer Bandai.Thislecture consists of 17 Units within 5 Levels.In order to offer you a Top-quality experienceas closely as possible with the artist, the lesson is approximately 6hours longand allow you to follow the artist step-by-step during the process of creation while enjoyingthe detailed explanations and drawing tips for improvingyour artskills.The artist will be drawing and explaining at the same time so you won't miss any details. As the artist is Japanese, the explanations aremade in Japanese, however we haveadded subtitles in English so thatyou can understand everything.For more related contents, please follow us on social media^^"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Writing, Publishing, Marketing and Selling Your First Book" |
"Thisonline course is designed tohelp aspiring writers realize their potential and guide them through the process of writing, publishing, marketing and selling their first book. It will look at the writing process, examine publishing and distribution options and highlight potential opportunities and pitfalls.Topics Covered Include:Whats The Big Idea?Have you got a book inside of you?Inspiration and where to find itFail to Plan, plan to failThe Writing ProcessThe writing process (think job, not hobby)Setting targets and hitting deadlinesThe editorial processCommon pitfalls/roadblocksPitching to a Publisher/AgentThe benefits of working with a traditional publisherWhen and how to pitchWhat you should expect from a publisherWhen to walk awayGoing it AloneDisadvantages of working with a traditional publisherDigital disruption (youve never had it so good)Indie not amateurSelf-publishing vs Vanity publishingGetting help (freelance editorial and design support)Self-Publishing platforms/distribution networksMultiple FormatsHardback, Paperback, eBook (epub, mobi), audiobooksEmbracing Your Inner-Self Publicist (Selling Your Work)Public RelationsBlogging/PodcastingPublic SpeakingSocial MediaEmail MarketingMaking MoneySetting expectationsAlternative streams of revenueBuilding a Back CatalogueRinse, repeateBook SinglesWriting a seriesFree vs paid distribution"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Distributed configuration with Spring Cloud Config" |
"This course will lead intermediate to advanced SpringFramework and Spring Boot developers in creating a centralized Cloud Configuration server for use in cloud environments and MicroService architectures.The course starts by creating a centralized Spring Cloud Config server. Students will learn how this can be used with or without a cloud oriented system like AWS. This technique can give great flexibility and manageability to any Spring-based deployment.Students will create Spring Boot projects based mostly on Maven, but will also learn how to create the same projects using Gradle.Then students will create a local GIT repository and pushingconfiguration files the students have created.Then students will create remote Spring Boot clients to pull configuration from the Central config server, detailing out the various configuration that each remote application retrieve.The students will then cover additional topics such as GIT TAG's and BRANCH's, and how applications can pull from them.Students will also learn techniques for dynamically changing version of configuration to be pulled from a Spring Cloud Config server, for applications like parallel Microservicedeployments.Spring Cloud Config Server features:HTTP, resource-based API for external configuration (name-value pairs, or equivalent YAML content)Encrypt and decrypt property values (symmetric or asymmetric)Embeddable easily in a Spring Boot application using@EnableConfigServerEnable BASIC Authentication for configuration accessConfig Client features (for Spring applications):Bind to the Config Server and initialize SpringEnvironmentwith remote property sourcesBind directly to complex Objects using@ConfigurationPropertieswith remote property sourceEnable BASIC Authentication for configuration accessnext..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Zaubern lernen: Zaubertricks im Onlinezauberkurs-Magic to Go" |
"Zauberonlinekurs fr Erwachsene und JngereKomplett deutschsprachig vorgefhrt, mit ausfhrlichen ErklrungenEinfach und schnell erlernbar, sofort einsetzbar, berall vorfhrbarKeine speziellen oder teuren Requisiten ntigSie erhalten keine ""billigen Tricks"", sondern ausschlielich von Profis Zauber-Effekte Zaubern lernen mit dem Onlinekurs Magic to GOSie wollten schon immer die Fhigkeit besitzen, Menschen zu begeistern und in Staunen zu versetzen? In diesem Kurs lernen Sie ber 15 Zaubertricks, die Sie ohne Vorbereitung und berall einsetzen knnen. Egal ob zum Spa, beruflich oder zum Flirten zaubern - diese deutschsprachigen Kurs sollten Sie sich auf gar keinen Fall entgehen lassen.Zaubern lernen einfach und wirkungsvoll - das ist Magie.Die Zauberer Felix Gauger und Sascha Sperling erklren Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt, wie Sie mit Spielkarten und ein paar Alltagsgegenstnden (Lffel, Feuerzeug, Stift, Mnze, Gummiband) in der Lage sind, fr magische Momente zu sorgen - die Verblffung und Begeisterung der Zuschauer ist Ihnen sicher! Leicht zu erlernen, einfach zauberhaft.Magic to Go ist spontan, verblffend und gro in der Wirkung!Der Grundkurs fr Einsteiger, aber auch Fortgeschrittene im Zaubern. Ein Must fr jeden, der andere begeistern mchte.Einige Tricks, die du erlernst: Du lernst wie ein Ring nach oben schwebtDu lernst, wie du einen ganz normalen Lffel verbiegen kannst, so wie Uri GellerGummibandmagie: Viele Tricks mit GummibndernProfikartentricks, die du mit ein wenig bung mit einem normalen Kartenspiel selbst zeigen kannstDer ideale Baropener. Damit kannst du jeden an der Bar ansprechen und sorgst fr Erstaunen Barmagic mit Zuckertten, Feuerzeugen und GeldMentale Vorhersage: Wie du die Gedanken und das Handeln deines Gegenbers voraussiehstDer Gentleman Trick: Achtung, dieser Effekt ist nur fr den Gentleman"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Truck Driving - An Introduction to Professional Trucking" |
"Every year thousands of hopeful people enter the trucking industry excited to start their new careers as truck drivers. Every years thousands of broken disillusioned and angry people also leave the industry within their first few months.Some barely make it even a few weeks!This course is designed to give you a good idea ofwhat to expect as a newentry level truck driver.It isa no nonsenseserious look at why so many people repeatedly fail in trucking so quickly - whythis happens again and again - and more importantly what you can do to make sure it doesn't happen to YOU!The hard cold truthis that very few of the people just starting out in truckinghave anywhere near enough accurate, realisticand pertinent information to understand what it really is that they are about to get themselves into.Neither do most family members or others who will also be affected in many different ways too by their loved one choosing a career intrucking. Everyone that is going to be affected needs to have an accurate expectation of what is coming and be prepared to deal with it properly as it happens.This course is designed to help you do just that.If you complete this course you will have a very goodunderstanding of what a career in trucking is and what it is not. That way whatever you decide - you will be making an informed decision with eyes wide open.If you complete this course you will be better prepared to begin a career as a professional truck driver if you decide that is the right path for you.You will know how to continue your research and where to get the rest of the information you need to make important decisions that will help you begin to build a successful career in trucking and a better life for yourself and those you care most about."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Trucking - How to Become an Independent Owner Operator" |
"To bean independent owner operator it is necessary to be a good driver - but to be a successful owner operator you will need much more than that.You must master the essential things that are necessary to run an efficient trucking business - and that is where far too many fall so short. Their dreams fade quickly into nightmares that often end in complete failure. Then broken, disillusioned and financially broke - or worse - deeper in debt, they return todriving forsomeone else as acompany driver. Not by choice but out of desperation to survive. That is tragic.Instead I strongly suggest that you stack the odds in your favor instead of against you by learning what you need to know before you even get started!This course will walk you through all the key things you need to know including a complete overview of the business of trucking and some ofthe manyoptions that are available to you. You will also learn how to get access to additional information, resources and support that can help you build your own trucking business successfully.We will cover the basics of how to chooseyour business entity type, company name, getting your authority, regulatory considerations, risk management, freight acquisition, planning, management, customerrelationship building and additional revenue and profit considerations as you grow your business.Trucking is a fascinating and complicated business. No single course, book or manual can everprovide you with every detail you need to know - and neither will this course. But it will give you a very good start in the right direction and the ability to continue your training and education as you build your business. You will know where and how to get the regulatory information that you need, and that frequently changes. You will also have a good basic understanding of the other key areas you need to understand in order to build your business the right way while avoiding the many common mistakes others repeatedly make."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Trucking Career Accelerator - How To Succeed In Trucking" |
"This course is NOT for the average truck driver.It is for highly motivated smart and driven entrepreneurs who have chosen trucking as a path toward a better life and who are pursuing it for all it has to offer with a vengeance.Trucking is a MULTI-BILLIONdollar industry that employs millions of people and offers massive opportunities to you if you know where to look, what to do, how to do it - then actually go and do the work. You can literally change your life for the better in ways you can probably hardly imagine yet - but this is NOT a get rich quick with no work kind of deal - you will work and work hard if you want all that is available. If you are willing to do that then the opportunities available to you in trucking are UNLIMITED!You can build a career that can take you as far as you have the vision, guts and determination to go. But be forewarned - trucking is not for the faint of heart, cry babies, or lazy people expecting a handout.In trucking you will earn all that you get...If you are sure you have what it takes - then take the course and lets get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Truck Driver Recruiter - How To Become A Rolling Recruiter" |
"The trucking industry is currently experiencing a massive driver shortage.It has been forsome time and will likely continue doing so for manyyears to come - at the same time there aremillions of people unemployed and many more underemployed in jobs they hate just itching for something better.While some carriers do a good job of bringingnew drivers into theirtraining programs and getting themthrough their programs - often theycant keep them beyond that because they fail to recognize and respond to their needs adequately.All That equals one massive opportunity for smart motivated drivers willing to learn some new skills and take the time and effort to help out these drivers and the good companies out there who desperately need them!Many of these companies will pay you for recruiting or referring a new driver to them once that driver is successfully aboard that company, through their orientation and delivering freight.In this course you will learn how to research and select the right company yourself to drive for - and one that offersyou a generous fee for each driver you bring in. Then you will learn how to market to, attract, recruit, onboard and help train them - and then stay in touch as a coach and mentor over the long haul to help make sure they are comfortable and successful in their new careers.Do Not Underestimate The Potential of Becoming a Successful Rolling Recruiter!The income potential is enormous if you are effieicent and productive at recruiting - and you will learn how to do everything you need to do to be successful in this course.Beyond all that you will also learn about other opportunities beyond being a rolling recruiter. You can use the expertise you develop and the money you earn to take your own career in trucking and beyond as far as your drive, ambition and ability can go...The only limits are the limits you set for yourself!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Debt Free Living Philosophy" |
"Beyond statistics I have worked with hundreds upon hundreds of people over decades and I have seen again and again the destruction in peoples lives that results from debt.It damages and destroys families, businesses, organizations and individuals - it even destroys entire countries.Despite claims to the contrary - there is NOSUCHTHINGASAGOODDEBT! All debt is bad debt and should be eliminated.Whether you live a continuing life of debt and indentured servitude as a result of it - or whether you decide to choose a much different course to follow, a debt free living philosophy of your own -either way it is a choice and you alone get to decide which way you want to live.This course will introduce you to ideas, concepts and tactics that are not normally taught. You will learn how to set up a system and aggressively attack any existing debts you now have while developing a new philosophy that will enable you to never again take on any other voluntary debt of any type forthe rest of your life.This is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of what main stream society pushes repeatedly...When you set up personal financial management control systems and get a firm grip on your finances, and at the same time begin to intentionally and aggressively eliminate all other debts, then every week that passes you regain more and more of your freedom and remove another hook from your life.If you love credit and debt and all that goes with it then this is NOT the course for you!But if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and broke - then here you will learn how to start changing that way of life. You will learn several different approaches - some extreme - that will work very quickly if you can handle them.For those who still want major results but who are not willing to do a total life reset there are more moderate options available too that work just as well but just take a bit longer.Look at it another way - if everything else you have been doing up to this moment has not been working and has not gotten you the results you want... Then What Have You Got To Lose?Take the course and think outside the box. Want a different result? Then take a different action!If you're ready to start changing your life, I will see you in the first lecture..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Freight Brokerage - How to Start Your Own Business" |
"If you are looking for a near perfect business that you can start on a shoestring as a microbusiness from your own home and then grow it as large as you wish with unlimited income potential - A successfulFreight Brokerage business can do all that and much more for you!You probably already have most if notall the tools of the trade that you will need to get started. The rest of what you need is mainly information and training - specialized information unique to this business. This course is a very good start and it will provide you with a good introduction to freight brokerage and show you how to start and begin operating your business.This course will also provide you with recommendations for continuing your education and growing your business. When you complete this course you will have a good understanding of what starting, operating and growing your own successful freight brokerage entails and should you decide to open your own company - you will know what to do next toward making that happen.If you are interested in learning more about this incredible business then go ahead and sign up and take the course!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Start and Operate a Successful Trucking Company" |
"There has never been a better time to open and operate a trucking company than right now. Today due to many factors along with the availability of specialized information to you anywhere anytime thanks to the technology we all currentlyenjoy, you can learn lessons in hours, days and weeks that took others months, years and decades to learn and benefit from.Trucking can offer you more than you may even imagine, especially as a successful fleet owner.It is a business that can literally make you very wealthy in time - but ONLY IF you learn how to do it right and then actually go do it. This is not a get rich quick and easy without any effort while money magically fills your bank account kind of thing. It will take work, and plenty of it. It will take informed and intelligent decision making on a consistent basis. It will require from you dedication and patience along with a desire and ability to learn many new things and then go out and apply that knowledge.To many failed trucking companies were started by drivers on a wing and a prayer and plenty of false assumptions. Many unfortunately believed that they would be successful fleet owners because they were successful drivers -somewere evensuccessful single truck owner operators.They were sadly mistaken.The skill sets and specializedknowledge requirements to successfully own, operate and grow a fleet are very much different. The scale is too- and mistakes are compounded. Seemingly little things have a wayof quickly becoming a crisis - sometimes one that a rag tag company will not be able to survive.Such struggling companies will go underand inevitablysoon be added to the the long and ever growing list of failed motor carriers.Others do manage to survive. Sort of. They hump and bump along year after year operating ragged equipment and a ragged trucking operation overall -just barely good enough to keep from being shut down by DOT. Their internal operations and management are pitiful as are their key personnel who are neither the right people for the jobs they fillin some cases and not properly trained in others. Some suffer from both ailments.Their drivers are poorly selected, inadequately trained, poorly paid and seldom if ever even recognized for their efforts. They have frequent customer service failures, accidents, incidents and all sorts of other problems. They alsomore frequently than not jump ship causing higher levels of churn than well performing carriers ever experience. The struggling carrier continuously suffers everything that goes along with it too.A repeated cycle of more customer service failures, accidents, incidents, lost revenue and significantly more risk management issues of all kinds. The carrier of this typehas high costs for everything and low profits so it always struggles to survive - in the same markets where efficient operators thrive.Learn from decades of personal experience in all aspects of trucking company management and from the many lessons I have learned through it all. You can have the benefit of many years experience available to you immediately in just the short time it will take you to complete this course.If you would like to learn more then go ahead and sign up and take the course. Remember this course is GUARANTEED...So you have everything to gain and nothing at all to lose!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to Start and Operate a Microbusiness" |
"You want your own business... But How Can YouEver Get It Started? Limited time, limited - or nonexistent start up capital, little to no real experience and lack of knowing what specifically to do stops many would be entrepreneurs in their tracks before they ever even try to get started!This course will help you break through the artificial barriers that stop others, and willshow you practical steps and give you usable solutions you can use immediately to start building your own microbusiness. This takes very littlemoney to get it going. Then by using specialized knowledge, developing additional skills one at a time you can leverage your resources and begin growing your microbusiness toward your next goal - whatever that may be.You can use it to grow your existing microbusiness into something larger - or fund the startup of another entirely different business.The only real limitsto your ultimate success are allcontrolled exclusively by YOU!If you have the drive, determination and true burning desire to become an entrepreneur then take action NOWand stop just dreaming!Take this course and learn how to;Develop A PositiveMindsetDiscover Your True Vision and Refine ItSet Specific Written GoalsDevelop A PlanUse Task Management Systems To Stay On Course And Make Consistent ProgressSystematicallyLaunch And Grow Your Own MicrobusinessGet More Support, Encouragement And Access To Additional ResourcesThis course is guaranteed -So you have EVERYTHINGto gain and nothing at all to lose, so take action now and enroll in the course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Negotiate Better" |
"Every interaction you have with another human being is a continuous negotiation to some extent or another.All that you now have - and all that you will ever have - isdirectly related to your mindset and yourability to Negotiate Effectively. Everything hinges on your ability to get other people to take action. In this course you will learn how to develop the right mental attitude, become more confident in dealing with other people and how to negotiate better.Your ability to negotiate determines your ability to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships which allow you to tap into any level and amount of specialized information, knowledge,skills and labor you may ever need to accomplish any imaginable task and achieve any setgoal.Think about that for just a moment.Everything you need and everything you could possibly want already exists and is available - but not to just anyone and not for free. You need the cooperation and the help of many other people in numerous ways to get the things you want and accomplish the things you want most to do in life.If you are ready to begin making more progress then sign up and take this course now!When you do - you will learn practical real world skills that you can use immediately to start negotiating better in all areas of your life and start getting more of what you want rightnow.Remember, this course is guaranteed - so you have everything to gain and nothing at all to lose..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Communicate Better" |
"This course is for you ifyou are looking for direct practicalinformation and methods you can use immediately to begin communicating better. Itisn't a wannabe movie production nor is it full of fluff.Just real world hard earned lessons learnedand information gatheredfrom decades of personal experiencedealing with large numbers of people inevery imaginable situation.I will share with you all theuseful information I learned from it all -both thegood and thebad.Very often how yousay a particular thing has far more impact than what you actually say inthe first place. One way gets a desired outcome and both parties mutually benefit. Another way angers the other party and ends the interaction without achieving the goal - orworse - oftenends any possibility of any future cooperation.Words and body language are very powerful tools. But just like any other powerful tool the results you getdependonhow the tools are used-whether they create art or wreckage.If you are ready for some simple but effective things you can do immediatelyto start getting better results right now - then sign up, come on in and take the course!You will be glad you did - and besides, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose since this course is guaranteed!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Counsel and Fire Personnel Effectively" |
"Every business will need to fire personnel sooner or later and end other relationships. These are not situations to be taken lightly nor handled by incompetent nor otherwise improperly trained personnel. Handling these situations wrong can cause an already stressful and unpleasant situation for the person being terminated to be much worse on them than ever need be - and it canend verybadly for all involved in the worst cases.Verbal altercations, threats, even physical violence are all real possibilities not to mention regulatory complaints and possible legal issues.Some risks are inherent yet the vast majority of the times things go truly sideways and end in some level oftragedy - the root cause can be traced directly back to the person who handled the actual termination and how they went about it.Learn how to handle these situations the right way.In this course you will learn not only how to handle an actual termination - but what you can do long before then and should do once it becomes apparent that a termination will be likely in the near future. You will need to counsel the employee involved at the beginning of the problem behavior and document everything you do - and do it all correctly. In some cases the employee may change their behavior and resolve the issues allowing you and your organization to be able to retain them and avoid the need to terminate their employment in the first place.In the event that fails you will be documenting that you took all reasonable steps prior to the termination. When it comes down to the date and time and the eventitself I will walk you through recommendations of what to do - and caution you on things you should absolutely NOT do...Counseling and firing people is a serious part of business with significant potential repercussions for all involved. Be sure you get the training and develop the skills you need to do it right!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Your Class A CDL and Become a Truck Driver" |
"In a world with so much uncertainty and job insecurity there is one industry that is currentlyoffering thousands of open positions to those who can handle the work and the lifestyle. The Trucking industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and it has opportunities available for you right now!Trucking is exciting and can provide you withall kinds of benefits you won't find in any other job anywhere else. You can get started in only a few short weeks and then learn as you go and grow your own career and business as far as your vision, goals and abilities can take you.This Course Is a Basic Quick and Easy Overview Of What Specific Steps You Need To Complete To Get StartedThe purpose here is to give you thekey steps necessary to get your CDL and quicklyget a job as an entry level truck driver. As youcomplete your road training, you will begin to gain additional real worldexperience and knowledge. Beyond that you will continue to gain moreexperience and learn on the job as you actually do the job.CAUTION!There are many otherconsiderations you need to carefully take into account BEFORE you head off to truck driving school! I highly advise you toconduct additional research and study in addition to this course to be sure trucking is the right career choice for you. Trucking does offer extraordinary opportunities and benefits to those who can handle the job and the lifestyle - BUT ITISN'TTHERIGHTCAREERFOREVERYONE. Make sure it is right for you before you just jump into it.Once you become a truck driver how far you take your career is totally up to you. I have many other courses, books and other resources for those who are really serious and want more than just a job and want to do far better than just getting by.If youwant to get ahead in trucking and inlife instead of just getting by, thenmake sure you get the information you need to make the best decisions you can make throughout your career... Your opportunity is unlimited!There are very few opportunities in life where you can literally start with nothing but drive and determination and then build a career from an entry level truck driver position all the way upto a fleet owner and beyond within a few short years.If you know what you are doing, if you have goals and a plan and you actually go do the work that is - but the opportunity is wide open and NOT for anyone else to set artificial barriers,limitations orceilings that stop you from going any further. How far you can go in trucking is only limited by your own vision,goals, abilities, drive and determination.How about you? How far do YOU want to take your career?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Build A Better Company" |
"Top performing successful companies don't become successful and stay that way long term by accident.They all have very specific things in common - things that you can learn about and model so that you can produce your own superior results in your company too.This course will show you how to do it.Learn how to develop, implement and maintain your own success driven systems methodically throughout every part of your organization. These concepts are both old as time and asnew as the latest technology. Learn how to harness the best of the best and forget everything else that does not work. That will help you adapt and change as technological changes require but do it without discarding foundational principles that are timeless.These systems and methods can be used to build your own company better than you may even be able to imagine right now - and then sustain that level of productivity and success on an ongoing basis for as long as you continue to apply these principles.Empower your supervisory and management personnel to do their jobs better by giving them the tools and resources they need and the authority to make decisions themselves on their areas of responsibility. Drive out inefficiency and bureaucracy by eliminating unnecessary obstacles and layers of bureaucracy wherever you find them.Better results happen when you make them happen - and that is done on a day to day basis through focused intentional effort applied by all members of your team toward continuous improvementThat is why building a team and maintaining it are such critical elements of a high performance company.I like nautical references for many reasons - including my personal love of boats of all types and sizes and of being on the water every chance I get. Beyond my personal preferences though the analogy of a ship and its crew serves a useful purpose in illustrating how important every member of the crew is and how well they work together matters.The very survival of the ship and all aboard depend on the crew and its leadership - whether the the result is a successful voyage and another opportunity to set sail again and again - or whether it is a tragedy resulting in the loss of the vessel, the crew and all aboard- you get the idea.While the failure of a company may not be as tragic as the sinking of ship that has run aground or hit an iceberg - it is still a tragedy that can and should be avoided.It all starts at the top. Leadership will either make it or break it in either case.Take this course and learn how you can start actively, intentionally and consistently building a better company of your own!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DOT Compliance and Risk Management Control Systems" |
"Trucking is one of the most regulated industries in the country, and a much more complex business than many people realize when they first get into it. Unlike other regulated professions like real estate, insurance,law, accounting etc. which all have education and testing requirements before you can begin operating such a regulated business - trucking has no such preliminary requirements.Virtually anyone who can fill out a few forms, or pay a third party service to do it for them, and then pay the filing fees can start a trucking company. It is not complicated or hard to do.Regardless of whether a new motor carrier (trucking company) understands it or not - they are immediately and fully under all of the applicable regulations that cover virtually every aspect of their business. These regulations are a maze of complex, and often changing regulations, rules and procedures that contain subtle almost hidden requirements that carry heavy fines, penalties and other liabilities in the event they are violated, whether intentionally or not.The key to reducing your chances of having problems, getting fined and even possibly losing your authority to operate and being forced off the road - and probably out of business as a result - is to take the time and effort to become familiar with the requirements BEFOREyou start operating your new trucking business.This course is designed and intended to give you an INTRODUCTION to and make you aware of key regulations, overall risk management practices and procedures and of what management control systems are as well as how to use them effectively.PLEASENOTE: This Is An INTRODUCTORY Course OnlyTo properly cover it all in detail to the level needed would make this a massive course, and is beyond our scope and purpose here. Having said that, it will help give you afar better understanding of what you are going to need to be aware of, and how to begin preparing to meet regulatory requirements. In the course I will tell you how you can get additional resources and much more in-depth information when you want it too."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Elder Care Solutions" |
"There is a coming tsunami that few are even aware of - never the less it's already on the way!As people age they eventually reach a point where they need help. Some more than others, and many will eventually become entirely dependent on a caregiver for daily survival.Often when the need for care arises it catches both the person in need of care and the those who will become responsible for providing that care off guard and unprepared.Most often it is going to be a family member who winds up caring for another family member. It may be a son or daughter taking care of a parent - or a husband or wife taking care of a spouse. These are typical scenarios that are occuring every day. There are other relationships as well, and in other cases no relationship at all - other than a financial one.When there is no family member who is willing or able to provide the necessary care then the services of a paid caregiver may be obtained - for a price that is, and hold onto your checkbook because it isn't going to be cheap either! Full time care can cost thousands of dollars per month, and even more.The harsh reality is that far more people need care than can afford it.The Sooner You and Your Loved Ones Prepare the Better!Sadly far to many people don't begin to prepare at all until it becomes an immediate crisis. A heart attack, stroke, fall or other event occurs and the need for care has arrived - ready or not.It is almost certain that you will either become a caregiver or need a caregiver in the coming years - and most likely both. While it may be unsettling to consider such possibilities - it will be far better if you do it NOW and are informed and prepared as soon as possible.The alternative is being forced to react immediately to a crisis that often comes with little to no warning until it is upon you. That will make a difficult situation almost unbearable - but not if you do something about it before the need arises. If it already has - then the next best thing is to get the information you need right now and to start making intentional and informed decisions immediately.This course is a good step in the right direction to help you do that."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SOLIDWORKS" |
"In this course we will learn the fundamental tools and concepts for the SOLIDWORKS engineering and design software. SOLIDWORKS is one of the largest computer aided design (CAD)softwares globallyused across numerous industries including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, defense, medical devices, robotics & automation, consumer products, construction, and many more!This course will run through the core concepts and tools available within SOLIDWORKS to help us design and build anyparts, drawings, and assemblies we may require for our specific projects.We will start by getting comfortable with the user interface and work-space of SOLIDWORKS, move onto creating our first sketch and design our first parts. Once we have learned a number of the core part design tools we will introduce drawing tools to generate technical or engineering drawings required to manufacture our parts. Finally, we will learn assembly tools to help us design and build our assembly projects that contain multiple components.By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation of the SOLIDWORKS fundamentals required to create and design your very own projects!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Traditional-Style Electric Blues Guitar For Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn to play basic blues rhythm guitar in a variety of traditional styles as they were played and recorded during the 1950s and 1960s. After learning some basics about the guitar, we will jump right into the essential elements and building blocks for playing this type of guitar. Topics covered in this course includebasic rhythm patterns, chords, turnarounds, and other skills needed to start playing right away! I will also take you through fifteendifferent examples of rhythm playing from the styles of the all-time greats - including the likes of Muddy Waters, Jimmy Rogers,Jimmy Reed, T-Bone Walker, Otis Rush, Albert Collins, Little Walter, Sonny Boy Williamson,and John Lee Hooker! Practice exercises and recommended listening examples are included throughout the course. When you are finished with this course, you will be ready to play traditional blues rhythmguitar --by yourself, orwith a band. You can also to use the skills and conceptslearned in this course to play contemporary blues and blues/rock. And, after completing this course, you will be more than ready to tackle my second courseon playing lead guitar in the traditional blues style. Enjoy! Lesson TABS are all included in a PDF file thatcan be downloaded from the Introduction section of the course!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Traditional Style Electric Blues Guitar - Part 2/Lead Guitar" |
"In this course you will learn allthe basic techniques for playing lead guitar in the traditional blues style - as heard on the recordings from the 1950s and 1960s. Lessons cover all the most importantconcepts and skillsneeded toplay solos, fills, introductions, and end tags. The course includes a section withlessons on the the specific techniques commonlyused in traditional blues guitar - including string bends, double stops, vibrato, palm muting, slides, hammering on and pulling off the strings. There is also a section to teach you how to play in every position on different parts of the guitar neck. To help you learn the ideas taught in the first part of the course, there is aspecial section withmore than50examples ofclassic blueslicks from the masters of traditional electric blues guitar - a veritable ""Lick Encyclopedia"" to get you started playing this kind of music. This section features shortlessons demonstrating and explaining specificexamples of licks by Freddy King, Pee Wee Crayton, T-Bone Walker, Buddy Guy, Jimmy Rogers, Little Milton, Otis Rush, BB King, and many others! There is enough bluesguitar taught here to keep you busy learning for months! Course comes with FREE downloadable booklet containing diagrams and TABS of ALL examples taught in the videos! For the money, this may very well be the BEST blues guitar lesson bargain on the market! *I highly recommend that you first complete part one of this course - Rhythm Guitar. It's not absolutely necessary, but I think you will find this course much easier to understand lead guitarif you do!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Traditional Acoustic Blues Guitar - For Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn how to play blues on the acoustic guitar as it was done on the recordings of the 1920s and 1930s. Wewill start by learning the basic concepts needed to understand this style of guitar playing - mainly the alternating and monotonic bass lines. Then I will teach you all of the basic chords needed to play acoustic blues guitar and give you a number of practice exercises to help you learn and master each one. In the main part of the course, I will teach you 25 different acoustic blues songs - five in each of the most commonly used keys. This will allow you to apply what you have learned and learn the nuances of playing in each key. The songs covered are: Key of C - ""Ella Speed"" by Mance Lipscomb- ""East St. Louis Blues"" by Blind Willie McTell- ""Ain't No Tellin' "" by Mississippi John Hurt - ""I'm Busy and You Can't Come In"" by Sylvester Weaver (Instrumental)- ""Hesitation Blues"" by Reverend Gary DavisKey of E - ""Groundhog Day Blues"" by Lil' Son Jackson- ""Mojo Hand"" by Lightning Hopkins- ""Annie's Boogie"" by Lightning Hopkins (Instrumental)- ""Sugar Babe"" by Mance Lipscomb- ""Key to The Highway"" by Big Bill BroonzyKey of A - Robert Johnson Style in A- ""Keep Away From My Woman"" by Blind Boy Fuller- ""Blues Come to Texas"" by Lil' Son Jackson- ""Coffee Blues"" by Mississippi John Hurt- ""Moppers Blues"" by Big Bill BroonzyKey of D - ""Stack O' Lee"" by Mississippi John Hurt- ""Big Road Blues"" by Tommy Johnson- ""Canned Heat"" by Tommy Johnson- ""Old Country Rock"" by WIlliam Moore (Instrumental)- ""Chump Man Blues"" by Blind BlakeKey of G - ""Step It Up and Go"" by Blind Boy Fuller- ""Love In Vain"" by Robert Johnson- ""Casey Jones"" by Mississippi John Hurt - ""That'll Never Happen No More"" by Blind Blake- ""Bye Bye Baby"" by Little Hat Jones Each lesson teaches the basic song plus any chords, introductions, fill-licks, bridges, solos, and end tags!When you are finished with this course, you should be well on your way to being able to play authentic country blues guitar and figure out more songs on your own!Make no mistake here - you are getting a shi#load of instruction for the money!!!! Basic TABS are included for each lecture. I am just getting started with Guitar Pro 7. Please note that I do not TAB out the entire songs in this series! I only TAB out what I teach. The TABS are very basic, but accurate. I plan on revising and adding to the TABS for this lesson as I become more skilled with the GP7 software. Let me know what you think!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Jimmy Reed Guitar Style" |
" Jimmy Reed was the king of the electric blues shuffle! His recordings for the Vee Jay Label in Gary, Indiana (later Chicago) featured 2-3 different guitar players working together to produce a sound and style that is one of the most commercially successful and influential blues styles of the post-war era. This stuff is NOT hard to play, but it is more challenging to play it ""correctly,"" that is, how it was played on the original recordings. That's what this lesson series is all about! In this first part of a two-part lesson series, I will teach you how to play the Jimmy Reed guitar style in the Key of E. I will breakdown and teach all of the important elements that made-up Jimmy Reed's tunes - bass rhythms and variations, fill licks, turnarounds, song intros, chords and chord rhythm patterns, and even a couple of solos! The guitar sounds heard on recordings like ""Baby, What You Want Me To Do,"" ""Big Boss Man,"" and ""Take Out Some Insurance"" are deceptively complex and feature a number of subtleties that often go unnoticed by listeners and guitar players alike. At the conclusion of the course, I will demonstrate how you can ""build"" a Jimmy Reed-style song in the Key of E. As far as I know, this is the first lesson series to tackle the complete Jimmy Reed guitar sound. When you have completed my course, you should be able to learn ANY of his songs in the key of E and/or apply what you learn to your own style of playing blues guitar. There are TABS and charts for each of the different lectures. My TABS are printed using Guitar Pro 7 and show the finger positions only! They are not written in standard notation -I am not musically trained - nor should one be to play this kind of music! Trust me. The TABS have been carefully researched and, to me knowledge, are extremely accurate if not 100% on the money. . *The second part of the course will teach the Jimmy Reed tunes in the Key of A! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Quick and Easy Natural Dairy Free Cheese Course" |
" Welcome To The Art Of Vegan Cooking with The Vegan Gents We believe that what you love, goes into how you cook so we want you to have fun and relax with cooking. We've studied food biology and have been in The Art Of Vegan cooking for over 5 years and have truly fallen in love. With this course we will show you how to make 6 of our Quick Cheeses in as little as 15 minutes, Because who has all the time in the world these days?As a bonus, we've included dishes that you can then use your newly created cheeses with. We're ready whenever you are!Cheeses:Smoked CheddarJalapeo CheddarRed Peppered Nacho CheeseRosemary & Sage Cream SpreadQuick & Easy ParmesanQuick & Easy RicottaBonus Dishes:Baked Stuffed ShellsSmoked Macaroni & CheeseGourmet Grilled cheese Seitan Philly Cheese Steakand many, many more. With this course, you will have gained the knowledge of how to make a Quick Cheese Base, where you can then add flavors, spices, and all different ingredients to personalize it and make it your own! Completion Certificate:At the completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion through your journey into The Art Of Vegan cooking with The Vegan Gents. We have different levels of completion, however, our focus is on dishes that can be made quick and easy. As you progress through the course you'll notice a pattern of simplicity with what we attempt to achieve. For any reason you need clarification or just have a question, please feel free to reach us any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible. GUARANTEE: Our course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so for any reason, you are not satisfied UDEMY will simply refund your purchase for the amount paid no hassle!Always remember, We're the vehicle and you're the driver. So let's get started! Danny & Manny The Founders of The Art Of Vegan cooking with The Vegan Gents "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Energy Reboot Smoothy Course" |
"JOIN THE OVER 800+ STUDENTSTHAT HAVE TAKING THE NEXT STEP TO A HEALTHIER, BETTER TOMORROW! TOP REVIEW:Rosie M.: ""So glad that they made this course. I was in search of smoothie recipes because mine was coming out like crap (laughing out loud). I enjoyed the videos, simple and to the point. I like that you can ask a question if you are not sure about something. Thanks, Vegan Gents""My name is Manny and I have been a Nationally Certified Fitness Trainer and Researcher in Nutrition for the last 10 years. I've studied food biology through The Art Of Vegan Cooking with The Vegan Gents for over 5 years and have truly felt that sometimes all we need is to be introduced to something different and our lives can change forever.OPENING THE COURSEThis course was designed with one main thing in mind!! Eating Healthy, Doesn't Have To Be Expensive With so many options out there, its no wonder 85% of us fail to stick with our health and lifestyle regimen.It seems we're set up to fail. In this course, we dont want you to stop eating or sacrifice your favorite foods. It's about adding new options not taking away the old ones, that will happen naturally.This course is for EVERYONE, I mean that literally. For all experience levels and learning styles. So whether its feeling better, Eating healthier, Introducing options into your diet or you just need a REBOOT!I've got you covered.WHAT YOU'LL LEARN... To craft 20 unique and delicious smoothies.How to sweeten your smoothies and dishes without added sugars. We all hate crashing and our body does too.And finally...How to save money by making your own nut milk.CLOSING OF THE COURSE! Theres a bonus recipe section because it can't all be about smoothies.We crafted our favorite energy-boosting desserts like our Truffles and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream & Our Nut-Butter Brownies.So stick with us!Remember to Take it Day by Day.COMPLETION CERTIFICATE: At the completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion through your journey into The Art Of Cooking with The Vegan Gents.As you progress through the course you'll notice a pattern of simplicity with what we attempt to achieve. For any reason youneed clarification or just have a question, please feel free to reach us any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible.GUARANTEE: Our course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, so for any reason, you are not satisfied UDEMY will simply refund your purchase for the amount paid no hassle!Always remember,""We're the vehicle and you're the driver"". Solet's get started!Danny & MannyThe Founders ofThe Art Of Vegan cooking with The Vegan Gents"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"15x schneller rechnen. In der Schule und Studium" |
"Hallo Herzlich Willkommen bei den Lernfilmen von BlitzGenie. In diesen Filmen von BlitzGenie mchte ich dir zeigen, wie man von dem kleinen 1 mal 1 bis zu den Gleichungen Blitzschnell und Kinderleicht rechnet. Diese Filme sind fr diejenigen gedacht die noch Probleme im 1 mal 1 haben. Nach diesem Film wirst du das kleine 1 mal 1 im Handumdrehen und noch viel mehr schriftlich und mit ein bisschen mehr bung auch im Kopf sofort lsen knnen. Du brauchst berhaupt keine Vorkenntnisse, aber was du brauchst ist etwas zu schreiben und ein Blatt Papier. UPDATE: 07.01.2019******************************** Videos fr gebrdensprache ********************************Die BlitzGenie Videos fr die Gebrdensprache werden produziert.******************************** Videos fr gebrdensprache ********************************UPDATE: 26.010.2017******************************** Videos aktualisiert ********************************Alle BlitzGenie Videos wurden frisch gerendert und neu hochgeladen.Ihr knnt nun alle Videos in HD Qualitt genieen :)******************************** Videos aktualisiert ********************************BlitzGenie ist anders! Die Videos bereiten nicht einfach den Schulstoff auf, sondern vermitteln unglaublich faszinierende Einblicke in die Welt der Zahlen. So werden Rechenprobleme an der Wurzel gepackt und eliminiert.Mit den BlitzGenie-Lernvideos kann u.U. teure Nachhilfe berflssig werden, weil die Ursache der Probleme die einseitige Darstellung und Methodik in der Schule ist.BlitzGenie stellt eine ganz andere Herangehensweise an mathematische Probleme vor und ermglicht dadurch v.a. Schlern mit Rechenschwche oder Mathe-Phobie aber auch Studenten, Auszubildenden und Berufsttigen einen neuen, kreativeren und in jedem Fall spannenden Zugang zum Umgang mit Zahlen. Dass man mit den Methoden beim Rechnen Zeit sparen kann und sicherer zum richtigen Ergebnis kommt, ist ein positiver Nebeneffekt, der nicht nur fr Schler bei Schulaufgaben oder Studenten interessant ist, sondern fr alle, die tglich mit Zahlen umgehen mssen. Nicht fr die Schule, sondern frs Leben lernen wir!Der Grund ist oft einfach die Art und Weise, wie uns z.B. das Multiplizieren, Dividieren, Prozent- oder Bruchrechnen in der Schule beigebracht wird: langweilig, unkreativ, streng logisch wie eine lstige Pflicht, um die man nicht herum kommt. Dabei ist eigentlich alles genial einfach!Es kann doch nicht sein, dass Generationen von Schlern unter dem Mathe-Unterricht leiden, und niemand unternimmt etwas dagegen! Deshalb haben wir uns auf die Suche gemacht und altindische Rechenmethoden ausgegraben, die es seit Jahrhunderten gibt die aber kaum jemand kennt. Erstaunlich. Einfach. Rechnen.Entdecken auch Sie die Faszination der Arithmetik, tauchen Sie ein in die spannende Welt der Zahlen, und verblffen Sie schon morgen Ihre Freunde oder Kollegen mit korrekten Rechenergebnissen in Sekundenschnelle. Fr schler konzipiert, fr Jedermann anwendbar. Die Zielgruppe ist riesig, da fast alle Menschen in Ausbildung und Beruf mit Mathematik konfrontiert werden.Die Videos sind zwar in erster Linie fr Schler und Studenten gedacht, knnen aber darber hinaus eine Reihe weiterer Personengruppen ansprechen wie z.B. Auszubildende und alle naturwissenschaftlich-technischen, kaufmnnischen und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Berufe. Denn vielfach ist es ja so, dass man sich als Schler durch den Mathe-Unterricht irgendwie durchmogelt und dann in der Berufsausbildung erst merkt, dass die Grundlagen fehlen. Das kann dann zu besonders unangenehmen und karriereschdlichen Situationen fhren. Die BlitzGenie-Videos knnen hier unkompliziert und schnell (in einem Nachmittag) fehlendes Wissen vermitteln. Der positive Nebeneffekt dabei ist, dass die Anwendung der BlitzGenie-Methoden Spa macht und den Anwendern einen groen Wissensvorsprung verschafft. Die Rechenmethoden sind berall auf der Welt die gleichen, sie veralten nicht und werden nie unmodern.Die BlitzGenie-Videos werden nicht speziell nur fr ein Land entwickelt. Mathematische Methoden sind sprachunabhngig und an keine Modeerscheinung gebunden. BlitzGenie-Videos sind eine einfache Lsung fr Probleme, die berall auf der Welt dieselben sind.Rechnen Sie ab sofort bis zu 15-mal schneller...Solche Geheimtricks, mit denen Sie jeden Mathelehrer in die Pfanne hauen knnen, gibt es fr alle mglichen mathematischen Operationen: Multiplizieren, Dividieren, Bruch- und Prozentrechnen usw. aber auch zum Lsen von Gleichungen. Ihre Erwartung ist frmlich zu spren Wo und wie kann man diese Geheimnisse erfahren? Ganz einfach: mit 29 kurzen Videos von BlitzGenie, die Sie auf Ihrem Computer/Online, oder auf Ihrem Smartphone anschauen knnen, so oft Sie wollen. In den Videos bekommen Sie die Inhalte klar, verstndlich und schlssig vermittelt kein verschwurbeltes Professoren-Deutsch, kein Blabla, keine Zauberformeln. Ehrenwort! und Sie verblffen schon am nchsten Tag ganz locker Ihren Chef, Ihre Lehrer, Ihre Eltern, Ihre Freunde Wundern Sie sich nicht, wenn sich in Schule oder Beruf pltzlich Tren ffnen, die fr Sie schon immer verschlossen waren. Denn:Weitere Planung:Videos mit Methoden zur Algebra, Produktion der Videos in weiteren Sprachen und Vertrieb weltweit, Aufbereitung der Videos fr Gehrlose in Gebrdensprache. Gleich werden Sie spren: Rechnen macht Spa! Und nein, es ist nicht zu spt egal, wie alt Sie sind. Sie werden gleich staunen: Multiplizieren Sie 43 x 47! Im Kopf Uhhh Halt, bevor Sie jetzt weggehen, oder doch nach dem Taschenrechner suchen Wenn Sie die beiden Zahlen anschauen, merken Sie, dass beide vorne die gleichen Ziffern haben (nmlich die 4) und die beiden hinteren Ziffern zusammengezhlt 10 ergeben. Und dafr gibt es einen kleinen Geheimtrick: Einer mehr als der vorher Sie multiplizieren die beiden vorderen Ziffern, wobei Sie zu einer Ziffer 1 hinzuzhlen, also nicht 4 x 4, sondern 4 x 5 = 20. und dann multiplizieren Sie die beiden hinteren Ziffern: 3 x 7 = 21Fertig!Jetzt nehmen Sie das Ergebnis der beiden vorderen Ziffern zuerst und danach das Ergebnis der beiden hinteren Ziffern und das Ergebnis ist 2021.Verblffend einfach, oder? Sind Sie neugierig geworden? Mchten Sie mehr davon wissen?Dann starte jetzt deinen Kurs mit BlitzGenie."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Wisdom Within" |
"You've probably read that successful people keep a daily journal. What do these visionaries write about? Why do they journal?Discover why keeping a journal is a powerful personal development practice:Clarity.Gain clarity on the most pressing issues in your life.Creativity.The blank page offers the opportunity to play with ideas. Eventhe very act of writing sparks creative ideas.Self-awareness.Each of us has thoughts and feelings wed rather keep to ourselves. Journaling about them helps to bring them out of the shadows so that we can face them and deal with them in an appropriate way.Motivation.Sometimes you just need to remind yourselfhow awesome you are. Yourjournal won'tjudge youwhen youchoose to blow yourown horn.Gratitude.Its easy to focus on whats not working, but its powerful to look at what is. Writing about what you aregrateful for improves youroutlook and inspires youto keep going.Spirituality. Yourjournal is the place where you canreflect on the important questions of yourlife and explore your purpose for being. You have a powerful tool at your fingertips. Use it to tap into the Wisdom Within."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |