Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduccin a Data Scientist programando en R" |
"Aprende la Ciencia de los Datos utilizando R con ejemplos del anlisis de Redes Sociales. Al finalizar el curso sers capazde usar ellenguaje R como Data Scientist, desde la instalacin del programa hasta la realizacin de los fundamentos de la Ciencia de los Datos, esto es, captacin y limpieza de datos, anlisis exploratorio, modelizacin y prediccin y la visualizacin de los datos recogidos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Meditacin y Mindfulness" |
"Si quieres aprender a meditar, crear el hbito de la meditacin en tu vida y comenzar a obtener todos los beneficios que la prctica de lameditacin y mindfulness ofrece, este es un curso para t.Es un curso dirigido para principiantes e intermedios en la meditacin. A lo largo del curso conocers qu es la meditacin, cmo sepractica ydiferentes mtodos para que encuentres el ms apropiadopara t.La meditacin es una herramienta que genera cambios, fsicos, emocionales, cognitivos y principalmente mejora la calidad de vida de las personas que lo ejercitande una manera consistente.Conociendo que lo ms complicado es mantener la prctica en la vida cotidiana,este curso te ayudar a comenzary a sostenertu prctica hasta volverlo parte de tu vida."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Substance Painter2 e Modelagem de Assets para Jogos AAA" |
"Aprender a criar armas para jogos pode ser difcil. H muitos processos onde as coisas podem dar errado. Determinados tutoriaissobre modelagem e texturizao,disponibilizados gratuitamente,muitas vezespodem transmitir informaes errneas, ou mesmo, deixardetransmitir detalhes importantes;deixandoconfuso sobre como modelar e texturizar armas de jogos.Perguntar-se: Como voc poderia melhorar a qualidade do seu trabalho de arte?Este curso projetado para lhe dar todas as habilidades necessrias para criar belas armas para jogos. Voc ser percorrido cada passo do processo de criao de uma faca de primeira pessoa. Todos os passos foram gravados e narrados para dar-lhe as habilidades para no s construir esta arma, mas para construir qualquer tipo de objeto 3D com a mais alta qualidade. No final deste curso, voc ter as habilidades para criar belas armas e modelos para jogos. Agora a hora de aumentar a sua habilidade artstica e realmente permitir que suas verdadeiras habilidades evoluam.Ento no perca tempo,inscreva-se no curso para criar Assets bonitos para seu portflio de arte ou videogame."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ZBrush Completo para iniciantes de modelagem e escultura" |
"O Zbrush hoje uma das ferramentas de escultura digital e modelagem 3D mais utilizadas no mundo por empresas e artistas da rea de computao grfica, desenvolvendo parte de grandes produes como filmes, cinematics para games,produes de games e tambm colecionveis e impresso 3D.O curso foi criado com foco na parte tcnica do programa para iniciantes que nunca usaram a ferramenta e desejam comear do zero at para aqueles que j trabalham um poucoe ainda sentem dificuldades e tem muitas dvidas na hora de usar os recursos existentes.No curso vocs terovideos sobre a ferramenta, tcnica ou processo de forma simples ebem objetiva, ou seja sem enrolao e repeties,tudo issopara aprender mais rpido e claro poder servir de referncia para quando tiver dvidas e encontrar o tpico bem rpido.Vero desde os primeiros passos e se familiarizar com a ferramenta;Aprendero tcnicas de criao de projetos, brushes, alphas e como aplicar em projetos;Projeto completo e passo a passo de criao orgnica de uma criatura baseada em um concept at a texturizao e composio;Trataremos das ferramentas e tcnicas de modelagem hardsurface, com dicas e aplicaes e um projeto completo par apor em prtica;outros temos como, exportao para impresso e para outros programas 3D, re-topologia, fibermesh e muito mais...Durante o curso teremos um projeto do incio ao fim, aplicando seu conhecimento adquirido no decorrer do curso.Aproveite agora mesmo e adquira agora!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Insider Secrets of Top Commercial Real Estate Agents" |
"All of our courses have the highest quality information with no hype and no fluff. We dont just teach theory either. We give you real world strategies from people who are in the trenches everyday just like you. We know where you are and we know what you need to be successful in commercial real estate.Whether moving into commercial full time or just adding an occasional commercial transaction to your investment portfolio or residential agent services, we have step by step information to show you the exact steps to take to move forward.Additionally, we have individual courses on specific commercial property types and subjects so that you get in depth education on each subject while breaking it up into multiple courses so you can absorb the material and put that information into action."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Open a Successful Restaurant-The Step by Step Method" |
"Learn the Step by Step Process to Opening Your Own Restaurant from a professional who has done it many times. Are you a potential restaurant owner? Have you dreamed of owning your own place? Do you have strong opinions on food and drink? Are you a people person? The restaurant business may be for you. This course will teach you: - The real world techniques learned from years of trial and error and learning. These concepts are not available to the public and especially the first time owner.Among the many things you will learn: Avoid the many pitfalls that restaurant startups run into. Save yourself many thousands of dollars using the techniques in this course. Learn key insider information and secret tips that will lead to success. Understand the process involved with opening a place. How to Choose a Concept & Location 4 Different ways of getting a restaurant How to build a profitable menu Step by step how the opening process works Learn about liquor licenses How to raise money from investors. Key ingredients to marketing your restaurant to ensure consistent traffic. How to open a restaurant if you have no money. I have over 20 years of experience in designing, building and managing restaurants, bars and nightclubs of all kinds. I will teach you everything that I have learned in my career in an easy to digest manner. Beginner to Advanced you will be guaranteed to learn valuable insights. All courses come with lifetime access. I update my courses monthly and provide new materials as the business changes day to day. All course come with a 30 day money back guarantee. All students can email me anytime with questions and concerns about the course materials. I am here to help assist you in your desire to open your own restaurant. I am a full time professional hospitality consultant so I have to know what I am talking about to do my job. It takes hard work and desire to succeed in any business. The key ingredient is knowledge. That is what this course delivers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Find and Flip Books for Cash with Amazon FBA" |
"Over 1,045 Students Now Have Joined and know How to Go out and Find Books for under $1.00 that Sell Online for $100's!Update: This course is updated for 2020. These Techniques I still use up to this very day and you will have the ability to use these same techniques. After 3 Months and making $8,958 I am ready to teach you how to go from $0 to almost $9KYou will learn I started this business with little money and now make $2500+ per month just by going out and spending a little time searching for books. You will know what books to look for, how to price the book, and how to make bank starting from the first day!You will learn why you need to take advantage of this opportunity right now because Book season starts soon in August and you will to have your books in stock. You will learn what Amazon FBA is and why it is a GodSend that Makes Amazon Your B*^%h That Advertises Your Books, Does Your Customer Service for You and hands off why you just collect the check. It only takes a little time to run this business why making big Bank. After finish this Course You will learn how to find .50 book that sell for $100's daily. You will learn how to find 50 or more profitable books daily. Thanks. Torian"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"UpWork: Understanding and Winning the Hiring Process" |
"This course was crafted in order to present UpWork Freelancing Platform in a time-saving manner.You will get to know and see how to make a great impact and create yourself a well deserved home business or part-time along with your normal job.I will put you in the feet of the Employer and you will see exactly how the things work from the opposite side.This course seeks students who:Are starting out with FreelancingWant to know how UpWork worksThey struggle getting noticed on UpWorkWant to see an Employer perspective on the platformThis is mandatory: Work on your favorite skill and make a great portfolio upon it."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming Language: Excellent for Beginners" |
"Are you new to programming? Are you interested in this industryand you dont know where to start?This course will introduce you to what is called Java Programming Language, and will help you understand the basics functionalities that it offers If you:Want to land a high paying job at a great company, this path is the right way to goWant to create applications for yourself and later make money freelancingWant to see if this career is for you, then.. This course is for you and you will proudly add it to your Curriculum after you finish, for others to see and get impressed.This course assumes no coding experience, it offers filmed content in HD quality and will set you to write your first Java 8 program right from the start. You will get to know all the Java keywords, operators and statements, and of course Java expressions, all the basic will be here. You will see what you need to download and install on your local machine in order to write Java code effortlessly. Basic Object Oriented Programming Concepts will be presented, this is very helpful regardless of what programming language you choose to learn, this standard is used by all companies in the industry. You will get a taste of the Graphical User Interface of Java (GUI). You will see how you can interact with your application through graphics. Also all the lectures are uploaded with complete subtitles for you to better understand the valuable information that is presented. So why to learn Java? It is the most popular programming language, it works across all computer platforms, also Java is used in developing Android Applications, you can easily switch to mobile development by learning Java. Ready to get started? You can preview the free courses presented to see if you understand the lectures, even after you buy this course, you have 30 days guarantee money back, no questions asked, so.. Im waiting you in class. Lets learn some Java"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How To Get a Golf Scholarship in the USA" |
"In this course, you'll learn about the steps you need to follow to best positionyourself to earn an Golf Scholarship in the USA.I will talk you through everything from what statistics you should be recording to exact templates you can use when contacting coaches! Having been through this whole process myself, I'll give you insider knowledge on the best practices and golden information you need to give yourself the best chance at earning the scholarship you've been dreaming of!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Applications in Delta-PLC" |
"It talks about practical and important applications and examples of programmable logic controllers & to reach to proffisoinality in PLC of type delta from company Delta-instrumentyou musthave principles in WPL-soft program & classic control & automation industrialThis course will start with a simple introduction to the course and its contents in the order in which there are 16 sections and each section is listed with a title is a practical example that needs to be applied in practice where there is no sound for this course and explanation is a file that is explained in theory by reading the eye and explaining it detailedAny questions or questions you have with me on my email in the last video"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Solve Life Problems Like A Pro" |
"Everyone has their problems, so I assume you do too...lack of money, debt, problems with your love life, tension in family relationships, lack of motivation...I'm sure there's ONE major thing in your life that you just wish you could change, right?Six months ago, I was in the same position. My bills were high, my wallet was empty, and I wanted a better life.One day while I was sitting with a few of my college friends in the library, they started working on a problem together. I couldn't help but notice that every single one of them had a VERY similar way of going about solving the problem. These weren't just friends...they were the smartest people I knew: an astrophysicist, a mechanical engineer, a physical therapist, an emergency room medical doctor, and a theoretical mathematician. So imagine how intrigued I was when I saw that they all had this problem-solving methodthat I had never heard of before...I asked them, ""what is this process, and where did you learn it?"" It was amazing to me that, although I had spent almost20 YEARSin school, I was never taught how to solve problemsEFFECTIVELY,FAST, andPERMANENTLY. When they were done explaining it, I asked...can that process be applied toANYproblem??"" They said that it could, and immediately I went to work studying the process and applying it to MY problem.Once I realized how incredible this problem-solving process was, I had to share it. I went to work capturing all of the details, each and every step, explaining it as specifically as I could...and the result was an amazing online program...What's Your Problem? Troubleshooting Your Life.We'll show you, step by step, how to begin solving whatever problem is troubling you the most in life. The beauty of it is, this process can be used to solveANY PROBLEM, so whether you're struggling with getting out of debt, building wealth, building better relationships, losing weight, or finding a more fulfilling career, THIS IS the program for you! Learn how to solve problems like the pros!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn 101 Popular English Idioms with 8 Songs" |
"One of the maindifferences between native English speakers and non-native English speakersis thatNATIVESUSEIDIOMS. ALOT.One of the main problems of learners of English is that they forget new expressions/words and idioms. ALOT.So,if you are a student who tends to forget new words and expressions sometimes - this course is for you! If you'd like to seem more like a native speaker - this course is for you!You will learn, remember, and be able to use 101 English Idioms on 8 different topics after taking this course. Learning idioms helps us understand English culture better, makes our speech more interesting and ""alive"", and by using idioms we can give an impression of a more native-like English speaker.The most unique feature of this course is songs. I've written 8 songs, specifically for this course, each songincludesabout 13 idioms. So, first you watch a lecture, and then you listen to a song, which includes all the idioms from the lecture you've watched. This methodhelps us remember things much much better. But that's not all, also in this course you'll find:downloadable homework sheets;downloadable lecture slides;a quiz after every topic, to check you understanding and memory;downloadable songs to be able to revise idioms wherever you are;memorable visual clues(pictures)for idioms, which you'll see twice during the course.Study! Enjoy! Remember! And never forget again! :)See you in class!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The complete guide to becoming a master English speaker" |
"TECHNIQUES TO TAKE YOUR LEVEL OF SPOKEN ENGLISH TO AN AMAZING LEVEL!My mission is for this course to be the most comprehensive English language and language learning strategy course available online.My experience both teaching and learning foreign languages has helped me to create this course and you will quickly notice that my values and beliefs in the way a language should be learned are really felt in the lectures. In this course, I will talk you through eight articles Ive written over the past three to four years. Talk you through does not mean describing how grammar works or what certain words mean. I will show you how you can train yourself to become fluent in English by listening to these texts, storing key phrases and collocations in a document and, most importantly, creating personalised sentences from these phrases and collocations. What is unique about my course is that I promise to check all of your personalised sentences as well as up to two assignments per lecture. This is the reason the course will be so comprehensive - because of the community I wish to build and the level of interaction I will develop with students.As you will hear in the following lectures, the methods I describe helped me to become fluent in a second language in a very short space of time. You can transfer these methods to the learning of English. My aim is to give you the tools and weapons to take control of your learning and focus on specific areas which I feel you need to pay attention to. Not only do we consider my articles and language learning strategies, but we will also consider other aspects of the English language - such as collocations with the word get, phrasal verbs and also the schwa sound - all of which contribute to smooth and confident speaking. Eight of the lectures focus on articles I have written over the past three to four years and they will be complemented by an assignment, extra materials, a words table which you can use as model to create your own sentences and a multiple choice quiz. All in all, I hope you will enjoy this journey with me and I am looking forward to building what promises to be an active online English language learning community."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Screen Print from Home, with Minimal Investment." |
"So you want to start screen printing from home but the internet is full of conflicting advice and the costs involved seem ridiculous. The equipment is not only expensive but restrictive, allowing you to only print one color, before you have to fork out more cash to allow you to print more than one color.Now the basics of economics dictate that for a business ( no matter the size) to survive, it needs to make a profit.If you are spending thousands of dollars on equipment before you have even sold one item, you are putting yourself under tremendous strain to not only recoup the start up costs, but also to acquire customers, never mind the fact that since you have never printed before, there is still the time and expense that you are going to have to sink into your business before you will be able to create any form of income.What if you could cut out those high equipment costs, while still being able to print unlimited colors from day one? not only will you be saving money, you will be more productive from day one, since you will not have to keep learning new equipment as your needs change.This course, will teach you how to Screen Print from anywhere, take me for example ,right now I am in Thailand, teaching kids to screen print on a platen that is portable since I need to get around using Uber.You will need some basic Equipment, they are available from Screen Printing Suppliers, and if You need assistance with this, let me know and I will Find the equipment at the best rates in you own country.Adobe also offers 30 day Trial copies of Photohop that you can download to complete the Photoshop Tutorials, if you get stuck with anything please message me and I will assist, I have a network of over 6000 screen printers worldwide."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Database Design & Modeling Beginners Tutorial" |
"Are you new to Databases and Database Design? Do you feel like youre left guessing how to properly design the database for your project? ..Or maybe you just want to add this on-demand skill to your CV. Our Database Design Beginners Tutorial is here to help. Heres how: Learn by Designing a Real Life Database from A to Z. The tutorial covers the design of an online stores database. By the end of the course you will learn how to apply database design concepts to a real project, not just a mock, nonsense database. You will eliminate guesswork and design a database confidently. Going from simple to complex in simple, incremental steps: you wont feel overwhelmed by the complexity of database design. Every new concept will develop naturally, making database design feel easy peasy. Several examples for each theoretical definition: Database design theory can be daunting. Following every theoretical aspect with several practical examples makes it easier to understand.Short & Sweet: No rambling. Straight to the point. This is a tutorial that youll actually finish. Just the right amount of theory and practical examples that will enable you to take action fast and apply what youve learned on your projects!NEW(2018)Quiz Test! 35 Popular Database Design Interview Questions.You will learn the answers to the following topics:What is a database? How do databases work? The power of database indexes. What are some different types of database management systems (DBMS)What is a relational database? What are tables, columns, primary keys, foreign keys, relationships, and much moreWhat is database design and why is database design important? What are the 3 levels of database design? Conceptual, Logical and Physical database design. Data modeling and database design tools. You will also learn how to setup MySQL Workbench on your computer and how to design a database with its aid. What database normalization is and how to apply the three normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF)What does data redundancy mean?How to design and create database relationships: one-to-one, many-to-one and many-to-many.Complete the design of an online stores database. Create entities and attributes for: products, items, customers, categories, brands, reviews, etc. Finally, you'll learn how to use forward engineering (a feature of MySQL Workbench) to create the actual database on MySQL Server.Every technical lecture has attached a screenshot of the resulting database schemaThis tutorial is perfect for professionals, entrepreneurs or students who need to integrate databases in their projects and use data more efficiently than using Excel or simply add Database Design to their CV and make a step forward in their career. Here are some comments from students after taking this course: Fantastic fast pace course, well presented and explained backed up with many examples.Danny SchellThe instructor has in depth knowledge abut databases and database design.I would highly recommend this course for any one trying to learn the fundamentals of database design and table relationships further more learn how to create physical databases ..this course is the basis for a strong understanding of the chapters covered.I highly recommend it.ZakThis tutorial fulfill it's promised. It is simple to understand and to the point.I think the author is very experienced and know what he is talking about. No need to ask what else do we, the student need, just make it happen.Alcides Apaza YanaricoThe Complete Database Design and Modeling Beginners Tutorial is a heck of a deal compared to the cost of time spent on searching for this information all over the Internet and putting it together in a well structured way; not to say having a real life example on how to design a database step by step. Because this tutorial takes you through a series of incremental steps, from simple to complex, with real life examples, Database Design will be easy to understand.Buy NOW and join our 10812+ students community that are learning Database Design and improving their skills just like you. Learn Database Design easily or get your money back! Our course is backed up with Udemys 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.Join NOW and get exclusive deals and special offers, including free courses, available only to our students through students announcements.Special thanks to artmonkey & makyzz / Freepik for the course image design."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Convert More Prospects into Customers with TRACKFARE" |
"James White's TRACKFARE model outlines the 9 core foundations you must have in order to achieve sales success and convert more prospects into customers.So what does TRACKFARE stand for?TrustworthyReliableApproachableConfidentKnowledgableFriendlyAppearanceRecommendedEnthusiasticJames will talk you through why each of these elements is vital in businessand give you some great tips, followed by some actions for you to completeto help you display each of these attributes andmake your customers fall in love with you and your business!You will be supplied with a huge amount of video content, as well as plenty of supporting documents, including a checklist of actions to complete to put TRACKFARE into practice!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"6 pasos para crear un producto exitoso" |
"Siempre hemos pensado en emprender y nos encontramos con documentos engorrosos y difciles de diligenciar, en este curso encontrars unas herramientas bsicas paso a paso que debes saber y tener en cuenta a la hora de emprender ya sea en tu empresa o de manera independiente, no hablamos de planes de negocio gigantes, hablamos de que hay en tu corazn que te lleve por el camino del xito y obvio damos muchas pautas para lograr cada uno de los pasos.emprender es una decisin que se toma con el corazn y las ganas, ven a hacer realidad tu sueo de ser emprendedor, no es fcil, pero Quhay satisfactorio que sea fcil?, a mayor esfuerzo mayor satisfaccin, ven y atrvete a cumplir tus sueos"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mnnliches Selbstbewusstsein und authentisch sein" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du als Mann AUTHENTISCH selbstbewusst sein kannst, um Dich in deinem Leben glcklicher zu fhlen und wie Du damit deine Traumfrau finden kannst. Dieser Kurs ber mnnliches Selbstbewusstsein ist der Grundstein fr ein glcklicheres und erfllteres Leben. Vor allem legt der Kurs einen starken Fokus auf das AUTHENTISCHE Mnnlich-Sein. Mnnlichkeit heit nmlich im Besonderen eines: Sich nicht zu verstellen, sondern Du SELBST zu sein. In ber 3,5 Stunden bekommst Du die wichtigsten Tipps hierzu, wie Du selbst - ohne eine Maske aufzuziehen - selbstbewusster und glcklicher leben kannst und damit auch deine persnliche Traumfrau ansprechen und mit ihr eine starke Beziehung aufbauen bzw. fhren kannst. Dabei zeigen wir Dir leicht nachvollziehbare bungen, die Dich als Person wachsen lassen.In unserem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du deine eigene Vergangenheit bewltigen und verarbeiten kannst, in der Gegenwart frei und glcklich bist und keine Angst vor der Zukunft hast, sondern Dich darauf freust. Du wirst in deinem Wesen als Mann und Menschen gefestigter werden und mit Dir vielleicht etwas schwierigen Situationen (auch vor allem in Bezug auf Frauen bzw. deine Traumfrau) besser und leichter umgehen knnen."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Dein Weg zu mehr Selbstbewusstsein und innerer Strke" |
"In diesem exklusiven ber 6 1/2 stndigen Video-Online-Kurs erfhrst Du, woher es kommt, dass Du wenig Selbstbewusstsein oder nur wenig innere Zufriedenheit in Dir hast. Und Du wirst erfahren, dass Du nichts dafr kannst und viele andere das gleiche Problem haben!Der Dozent beschftigt sich jahrelang intensiv mit Persnlicher Weiterentwicklung und kann aufgrund von eigenen Erfahrungen auf die Mittel und Wege zurckgreifen, die nicht nur die Theorie darstellen, sondern auch in der Praxis, also im Leben, helfen.Das gleichnamige Buch ""Dein Weg zu mehr Selbstbewusstsein und innerer Zufriedenheit"" schaffte es im April 2018 auf Platz 1 der Kindle-Ebook-Bestsellerliste von Amazon. Dieser Kurs ist in 3 Abschnitte untergliedert:1) Im ersten Abschnitt wirst Du erfahren, was das Selbstbewusstsein ist und wie Du daran arbeiten kannst2) Im zweiten Abschnitt werden wir uns dein inneres Wesen ansehen und Du bekommst detaillierte Einblicke und auch Wissen darber, wie Du dein Selbstbewusstsein und deine innere Zufriedenheit nachhaltig und lang anhaltend stark vergrern kannst (""Der langsame Weg"")3) Im dritten Abschnitt widmen wir uns dem, was Du tun kannst, um sofort sprbare Vernderungen in Dir herbeizufhren, sodass Du Dich bereits nach krzester Zeit besser und selbstsicherer fhlst als davor (""Der schnelle Weg"") Gemeinsam bringen Dich diese beiden Wege bereits nach krzester Zeit zu mehr Selbstbewusstsein und innerer Zufriedenheit und bauen zeitgleich eine lang anhaltende Basis dafr auf, dass dies auch so bestehen bleibt. In diesem Kurs geht es darum, dass Du DU SELBST sein kannst, ohne Dich zu verstellen. Deine Persnlichkeit, dein Wesen und dein Charakter sollen stets AUTHENTISCH sein und bleiben!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Laravel fr Anfnger - Lerne Laravel in nur 4 Stunden" |
"Mit Laravel macht PHP wieder Spa!Laravel ist eines der aktuell populrsten PHP-Frameworks. Nicht ohne Grund! Mit Laravel macht PHP wieder Spa. Das Framework bietet einen schnellen Einstieg, starke Funktionen und einen bersichtlichen Code. In diesem Kurs gibt es eine Einfhrung in Laravel. Wir gehen dabei langsam Schritt fr Schritt vor und lernen die Grundlagen von der Einrichtung bis zur Benutzung von Laravel kennen.In nur 4 Stunden die Grundlagen von Laravel lernenHunderte Teilnehmer haben bereits mit uns Laravel kennengelernt31 Lektionen von Routes ber Views bis hin zu EloquentUsersysteme in Sekunden initialisieren dank LaravelDieser Kurs ist von den Autoren des Buchs ""Laravel in 60 Minuten"" (Bestseller bei Amazon Deutschland in der Kategorie PHP-Bcher).INFO ZU LARAVEL 6:Im September 2019 erschien Laravel 6. Der Kurs wurde mit einer Version von Laravel 5 aufgenommen. In Laravel 6 gab es keine gravierenden nderungen, sodass der Kurs berwiegend auch mit Laravel 6 kompatibel ist. Dennoch werden wir mit der Zeit einzelne Lektionen auf Laravel 6 aktualisieren bzw. erweitern. Diese neuen Einheiten sind fr Kursteilnehmer natrlich kostenfrei.Bisheriges Feedback:""Sehr gut fr Ein- und Umsteiger.""""Fr Anfnger ist der Kurs perfekt!""""Ich arbeite seit langem mit Codeigniter und konnte keinen guten Grund finden mich mit riesigen Frameworks zu beschftigen. Mit den Videos konnte ich verstehen, was Laravel (Eloquent) noch kann und wie die TemplateEngine die Entwicklung vereinfacht. Tolle Leistung!!!""""Kurz und knackig auf den Punkt gebracht.""""Eingngig, durchdacht und kompakt auf den Punkt, dazu noch eine sehr angenehme Stimme. Super!""Wir freuen uns ber weiteres Feedback! Es ist auch geplant, den Kurs noch zu erweitern. Wnsche fr zuknftige Kapitel knnt ihr uns gerne schicken."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"HTML lernen fr Anfnger" |
"HTML lernen in knapp ber einer Stunde! Hier bist du richtig!Herzlich Willkommen zu unserem Kurs ""HTMLlernen fr Anfnger"". Wer im oder mit dem Internet arbeitet, hat sicher schon etwas von HTMLgehrt. In diesem Kurs bringen wir dir die Grundlagen der Markup-Sprache bei. Dabei richten wir uns an komplette Anfnger. Auch wenn du noch nie einen Text-Editor geffnet hast oder in den Quellcode des Internet-Browsers geschaut hast, wirst du hier eine lehrreiche Einfhrung bekommen.In nur1,5 Stunden alle HTML-Grundlagen lernen18 Lektionen fr komplette AnfngerAlle 12 HTML-Dateienaus den VideosinkludiertHTML-Grundgerst, Text, Links, Tabellen und Formulare einfach erklrtAusblick auf CSS bereits enthaltenWieso ist dieser Kurs perfekt?Wir mchten in diesem Kurs eure kostbare Zeit gut nutzen!Daher versprechen wirkein stundenlanges Videomaterial, das sich ohnehin niemand am Stck anschauen kann. Hier lernst du HTMLin 1,5 Stunden. Zudem klicken wir keine Powerpoint-Folien durch oder lesen ein vorgefertigtes Skript ab. Der gesamte Kurs ist vollkommen frei aufgenommen. Somit ist er weniger trocken und wir kommen sofort zu einem Ergebnis!Wir haben bereits andere Kurse mit hunderten Teilnehmern bei Udemy. Auch dort kam dieser Stil sehr gut an. Schau dir unsere kostenlosen Vorschauvideos an oder profitiere von der30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie, wenn du doch lieber einen trockeneren Stil bevorzugst.Was bietet der Kurs?Der Kurs richtet sich an komplette Anfnger, die noch nie mit HTML gearbeitet haben. Nach den 1,5 Stunden wirst du grundlegende HTML-Dateien anlegen und damit umgehen knnen.SonstigesDer Kurs ist nicht statisch. Wir freuen uns auf eure Fragen, Kritik und Anregungen. In Zukunft knnen wir auch zustzliche Lektionen zu Themen nachreichen, die euch noch interessieren. Ein CSS-Kurs ist bereits geplant."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin und Kryptowhrungen kaufen und verkaufen - So gehts!" |
"Du bist bestimmt auf der Suche nach einer mglichst schnellen aber aufklrenden Einfhrung in die Kryptowhrungs-Welt - um in Bitcoin und Altcoin also andere Kryptowhrungen zu investieren.Herzliche Willkommen! Dann bin ich sehr froh, dass du meinen Kurs gefunden hast! Mir geht es nmlich vor allem um deine Sicherheit! Auch als Lehrer im Sportbereich ist dies mein Vorsatz, denn bei einem ungnstigen Fehler kann das schon mal sehr weh tun. Und um nicht auch teure Fehler zu machen, will ich dich kurz warnen! Denn gerade in dieser neuen Geldanlagemglichkeit sehen viele auch einen schnellen Weg um Menschen reinzulegen. Ich werde dir aber mit meinem Guide Schritt fr Schritt Alles beibringen, dass auch Du sicher und glcklich dein hart verdientes Geld in Kryptowhrungen investieren kannst ohne auf Abzocken reinzufallen.Ich wrde mich freuen Dich dabei begleiten zu drfen!Heute steht der Bitcoinpreis bei ca. 9.500,- EUR, vor wenigen Jahren noch bei 1,- EUR! Wir sprechen hier also von einer Vertausendfachung deines Investments. Ich beobachte Bitcoin nun schon seit einigen Jahren, habe aber auch erst vor nicht all zu langer Zeit selber investiert und seit dem nur gute Erfahrungen gemacht :) Sehr gute sogar, sonst wrde ich mein Wissen und meinen Weg und meine privaten Daten nicht mit Dir teilen! Ich profitiere nun davon, da ich das riesige Potential in Kryptowhrungen erkannt habe. Und du kannst auch davon profitieren! In diesem Kurs werde ich unter anderem meine persnliche Hauptstrategie mit dir teilen!Ja, der Zug ist schon losgefahren, aber JETZT ist immer noch der richtige Zeitpunkt um aufzuspringen. Viel Erfolg und viel Spa!(Update: Informationen zum Bitcoin Halving)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
JavaOKAndroid |
"AndroidAndroidAndroid StudioAndroidJavaAndroid* Android Studio 3AndroidNoAndroid StudioAndroid 30100%Android! * PCWindowsMacOSLinux Android StudioOK"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Curso profesional de Zbrush - Esculpido de un busto en 3D" |
"Con este curso vas a poder aprender las diferentes herramientas del software Zbrush para poder crear tus propios personajes en 3D, el curso va orientado a cualquier tipo de nivel desde un nivel bsico a uno avanzado ya que la estructura del curso cuenta con un modulo especial en donde se ensea el uso bsico de zbrush as como las diferentes herramientas que se van a usar durante el curso y poder avanzar sin problemas cuando se toquen temas avanzados y junto con mi experiencia y mi ayuda vas a poder llevar a cabo un busto realista en zbrush en poco tiempo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Street Photography Basics" |
"Course Objective:Thiscoursewill teach you the fundamentals, approach, and execution of street photography.Street photography has been around for many years as a documentary tool for our culture. This documentation of the growth and differences in our society sheds light on things that aren't normally seen. In our historywe need those moments capturedbecause, in the blink of an eye, those moments can be gone. The images that you capture today may not mean anything now, but in a few years they will mark a time in our history that is now immortalized.Course Overview:Mentality of approachThe tools ExecutionPost productionB&W vs. colorStorage"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Private Cloud with OpenStack and Ceph Storage" |
"This course is a step by step guide to deploy a private cloud with OpenStack cloud computing platform and Ceph Storage cluster as storage backend to the OpenStack.The students will be first given the Introduction of OpenStack, Ceph Storage before dive into the deployment.The deployment will use Oracle Virtualbox, a free Virtualization software running on Windows 10.CentOS 7 will be the base OS for all the Virtual MachineThere will be 4 main sections in this course,1. Introduction2. Openstack Installation - Install 1 Controller node and 1 Compute node of Openstack step by step3. Ceph Storage installation - Install 1Ceph monitorand 2Ceph OSD nodeswith ceph-deploy4. Integration of OpenStack service with Ceph Storage - Using ceph storage as back-end for Glance image service, Cinder block storage service and Nova compute service."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
BlenderAR |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
UnityDD |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |