Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Desarrolla Tu Idea De Negocio En La Web" |
"El Curso en espaol mscompleto y concretopara llevar tu idea de negocio a la web.Joomla 2018, de nivel bsico a AvanzadoSabemos que un web site es una extensin de cualquier negocio y all reside la importancia de que todas las empresas, productos o servicios cuenten con un web site profesional y PERSONALIZADO, actualmente la demanda de estas caractersticas va a la alza dando una gran oportunidad para ti y para mi, personas que queremos emprender negocios en internet ofreciendo servicios profesionales y adaptados a las necesidades del mercado actual.En este curso aprenderemos cmo hacer un web site completamente personalizado y adaptado a los ms especficos requerimientos que nos podamos enfrentar. Este curso te llevar del nivel ms bsico al nivel mas avanzado, lo hemos creado con un equipo multidisciplinario de mercadlogos, diseadores, publicistas y expertos web de nuestra agencia, para que no solo te lleves una herramienta tcnica, si no tambin nuestra amplia experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos reales y funcionales.Es momento de emprender y consolidar negocios!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Sketch out Wireframe Experiences for Augmented Reality apps" |
"If you are an Entrepreneur that is looking to create the next big thing in augmented reality(ex. pokemon go),then this course is for you... In this course you will learn how to create an effective interactivewireframe storyboard -to help you demonstrateyour prototype idea withanyone (developers, designers, business owners, and/or even potential investors).You will also learn how to access ""FREE TOOLS"" to help youmake your app concepta reality(No experience is required).So If you are excited and eagerfor -iphoneX,Microsoft Hololens, orMagic Leap,then this course will be an asset for you. CONSIDER THIS COURSE AS A TRIAL RUN TO SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY -- ""PRIOR TO FULL DEVELOPMENT"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Practice Tests" |
"These practice quizzes help you pass AWS certified solutions architect associate exam first attempt. This preparation will give you confidence to clear AWS CSA-A certification exam in first attempt without worries. We have created practice questions that will help you prepare 100% complete and pass the AWS CSA-A certification exam first attemptUpdated with latest 2020 exam format to pass AWS certified solutions architect associate examThese practice exam questions are the final step in preparing for Amazon web services certified solutions architect associate exam and will help you pass first attempt. Our exam question series covers 540 updated questions in timed exam format similar to real time exam pattern. We are updating the questions each and every day to keep this up-to-date and latestPrepare with 100% confidence as all our questions are prepared by AWS certified professionals and are 100% up-to-date with latest changes in recent examsAll AWS certified solutions architect associate exam topics are covered in very detail. Type of questions included reflect real-time exam questionsGeneral multiple choice questionsScenario based questions that are equivalent to real examTrue or false questionsAll updated based on latest 2020 CSA-A examThe practice test questions are based on AWS Certified Solutions architect-Associate exam Curriculum and covers the following topics:Designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWSLift and shift of an existing on-premises application to AWSIngress and egress of data to and from AWSSelecting the appropriate AWS service based on data, compute, database, or security requirementsIdentifying appropriate use of AWS architectural best practicesEstimating AWS costs and identifying cost control mechanismsAWS Certified Solutions architect-Associate exam Information :Exam Name: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - AssociateExam Format: Computer-based exam composed of Multiple choice and multiple answer questionsExam Time: 80 minutesExam Language : Available in English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, Spanish, and Brazilian PortugueseExam Cost: $150 USDWhat is AWS Certified Solutions architect-Associate exam all about?The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam is intended for individuals with experience designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform. Exam concepts you should understand for this exam include:Designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWSLift and shift of an existing on-premises application to AWSIngress and egress of data to and from AWSSelecting the appropriate AWS service based on data, compute, database, or security requirementsIdentifying appropriate use of AWS architectural best practicesEstimating AWS costs and identifying cost control mechanismsTarget Audience who can benefit from this courseThese quizzes are designed for students who are looking for some final test preparation of AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification exam. Also, to start your first step in your AWS journey these questions come handy as useful knowledge base"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Datapump interview question answer" |
"Oracle datapump is the export and import utility that comes inbuilt as part of an oracle database. If you are to attend an interview, preparing to crack your oracle database administrator job at beginner, middle level, senior oracle dba level datapump related questions are a mandate. Being an oracle dba for more than 12 years I've included all the possible questions that will be asked at all level. This will help you clear interview with ease"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Tests" |
"AWS CERTIFIED DEVELOPER ASSOCIATE PRACTICE TESTSwill help you passAWS CERTIFIED DEVELOPER ASSOCIATE PRACTICE TESTS easilyAll our questions are created by AWS Certified Developer Associate professionals who know all the exam topics and have created exam questions to prepare properly for the exam with confidenceAll our practice exams are in format similar to realtime exam covering all the topics needed to prepare forthe exam with full confidence"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Investment Banking Interview Questions" |
"Investment Banking Interview Questions Answer Preparation helps you prepare the terminologies, terms, meaning of each and every stock trading techniquesThese question answer will help you prepare for upcoming interview questions in investment banking sectorIf you are looking for job roles like investment banking associate, portfolio analyst, risk analyst etc these question answer will help you prepare and crack the interview very easy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Les Secrets de la Confiance en Soi et de l'Estime de Soi" |
"DEJA PLUS DE 6 MILLIONS DE PERSONNES SUIVENT DAVID MICHIGAN SUR LES RESEAUX SOCIAUX. David Michigan a t cit ou interview dans Muscle & Fitness, FOX News,Forbes, Harvard, TED, Men's Fitness, IBTimes, La NASA, Huffington Post, CNBC, USA Today, Yahoo News, Florida Times, Buzzfeed,M6,...Chers lecteurs,Les conseils et les secrets que je vais vous partager vont couvrir beaucoup dedomaines dans la faon de de grer votre stress. Tout ce que vous voulez savoirchaque question dont vous voulez la rponsechaque nuance que vous voulez que je vous explique sera couverte.Les conseils que je vais vous partager peuvent tre utiliss comme un Puit ressource, o vous allez pouvoir prendre dedans toute rponse que vous dsirez pour nettoyer toutes les confusions o les problmes que vous avez. Ce cours complet vapouvoir vous aiderentre autres :- Vous Apprendrez comment avoir Confiance en vous- Vous Saurez comment tre lAise en toutes Situations- Vous Deviendrez Plus Fort Mentalement- Vous Apprendrez Vous Connecter avec Votre Inconscient- Vous Aurez une Meilleure Estime de Vous Mme- Vous Dtruirez la Peur du Jugement des AutresMais ce nest pas tout.Parce que vous et moi nous savons tous les deux quePour Avoir Vraiment ceque Vous Dsirez Vous Avez Besoin dAvoir Maintenant Accs A la Meilleure Source dInformation dans ce Domaine Votre russite se limite linformation la connaissance que vous avez accs. Et en ce qui concerne le fait d'avoir vraiment confiance en vous, vous aurez difficilement et aussi rapidement de telles informations autant efficaces, organises et prtes lemploi immdiatement pour des rsultats instantanes. Encore une fois, vous navez pas besoin dtudier tout ce qui existe pour avoir les meilleurs rsultats. Ici vous avez directement accs ma prsence, mon savoir, mon exprience et mon soutien, ds que vous avez un point obscur claircir o une confusion que vous voulez nettoyer. Et parce que je vais appuyer chacun de mes conseils par ma prsence, mon aide permanente et mon soutien direct pour votre corps et votre espritnos entretiens seront plus pratiques et auront bien plus de valeurPossder Tous Les Livres sur La Confiance de SoiQui Ont Et Publis! Ne vous me mprenez pas. Il existe dexcellents livres pour avoir une bonne confiance et une bonne estime de soi. Jen recommande certains. Maissoyons franc Les informations dans les livres peuvent avoir parfois une seule dimension et, vous et moi savons que lire des livres peuvent parfois demander beaucoup de temps et mme demander desheures et des heuresdtudes sans interruptions.En contraste, vous allez pouvoir avec moi avoir accs aux informations spcifiques que vous avez besoin rapidement ny a pas besoin de semaines et de semaines dtudesil ny a pas besoin dessayer de se rappeler quel livre il faut regarderetil ny a pas de sensations dtre mis de ct par le savoir du livrequi vous laisse avec plus de questions que de rponses quand il sagit dobtenir un rsultat rapide dans la situation de vrai vie.Mais ce nest pas tout.Parce que nos changes vont vous permettre deAvoir vraiment Confiance en Vous dans Presque Toutes les Situations en Ayant Toutes les Techniques NcessairesSi vous dsirez maintenant obtenir tout ce que vous dsirez (et surtout ce que vous mritez! dans votre vie),commencez ds maintenant regarder ce cours!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Los Secretos del Carisma, de la Influencia y Persuasin" |
"YA MS DE 7 MILLONES DE PERSONAS SIGUEN A DAVID MICHIGAN EN REDES SOCIALES.Michigan David ha sido citado o entrevistado en Muscle & Fitness, FOX News, Forbes, de Harvard, TED, aptitud de los hombres, IBTimes, la NASA, Huffington Post, CNBC, EE.UU. Hoy en da, Yahoo News, Florida Times Buzzfeed ...Estimados lectores,Los consejos y secretos que compartir contigo cubrirn muchas reas del Carisma, de la Influencia y Persuasin. Todo lo que quiere saber ... cada pregunta que quiere responder ... todos los matices que quiera que le explique estarn cubiertos.Los consejos que voy a compartir se pueden usar como un recurso ""bueno"", donde podr tomar cualquier respuesta que desee para eliminar cualquier confusin en la que tenga problemas.Con Este Curso Completo:Aprenders cmo desarrollar tu carismaSabrs cmo sentirte cmodo en todas las situacionesDestruirs el miedo a no ser convincenteDesarrollars un Poder Magntico de InfluenciaTe volvers ms fuerte mentalmenteTendrs las claves de la persuasinAprenders a conectarte con tu inconscientePero eso no es todo.Porque t y yo sabemos que ...Para tener realmente lo que desea, necesitas ahora tener acceso a la mejor fuente de informacin en este dominioTu xito se limita a la informacin, el conocimiento, a la que tiene acceso. Y en lo que respecta al carisma, influencia y persuasin , le resultar difcil y rpido tener tal informacin que sea tan efectiva, organizada y lista para usar de inmediato para obtener resultados instantneos. Nuevamente, no necesita estudiar todo lo que existe para obtener los mejores resultados. Aqu tiene acceso directo a mi presencia, mi conocimiento, mi experiencia y mi apoyo, tan pronto como tenga un punto oscuro para aclarar o una confusin que desee limpiar.Y porque apoyar cada uno de mis consejos con mi presencia, mi ayuda permanente y mi apoyo directo para su cuerpo y su mente ... nuestras entrevistas sern ms prcticas y tendrn mucho ms valor ...Que de Poseer todos los libros de Carisma, Influencia y Persuasin que se han publicado! No me malinterpretes Hay excelentes libros sobre el Carisma, la Influencia y la Persuasin. Recomiendo algunos. Pero ... seamos honestos ... La informacin en los libros a veces puede tener una sola dimensin, y usted y yo sabemos que leer libros a veces puede llevar mucho tiempo e incluso requerir horas y horas de estudio sin interrupciones.Por el contrario, usted podr tener acceso a la informacin especfica que necesita de forma rpida y ....... no hay necesidad de semanas y semanas de estudio ...... no hay necesidad de tratar de recordar qu libro mirar ...... y ...... no existe la sensacin de ser dejado de lado por el ""conocimiento del libro"" que lo deja con ms preguntas que respuestas a la hora de obtener un resultado rpido en la situacin de la vida real.Pero eso no es todo.Porque nuestros intercambios te permitirn ...ConocerLos Secretos del Carisma, de la Influencia y de la Persuasin en casi Todas las Situaciones al Tener Todas las Tcnicas Necesarias.Si ahora desea obtener todo lo que desea (y lo ms importante, lo que se merece en su vida), comience a mirar esta clase ahora!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Contract Formation Beginner Guide and Revision Tool" |
"This express guide to Contract Formation is intended to supplement your studies and/or aid your ability to negotiate business contracts. It should give you the background and foundation you need to enjoy the subject and inspire you to then invest the time required to excel.Contract Formation is an in-depth subject with complex doctrines. This course should help you break the subject down into manageable sections in a fun and easy to follow manner. Given the vast nature of Contract Law this express course cannot cover all that you must know and it is not its intention either. What this express course will do though is assist you in your quest to learn the subject and become a master!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inmunologa para Todos" |
"Curso ""Inmunologa para todos"" va dirigido a cualquier persona que quiera saber el funcionamiento de su sistema inmune y como ayudar a mantenerlo saludable. En este curso aprender a comprender su sistema inmune en diferentes situaciones de la vida de salud y enfermedad.Se trataran muchos puntos, hablaremos sobre las vitaminas, oligoelementos y antioxidantes y decomo interaccionan con el sistema inmune, usted mismo podr recibir las herramientas necesarias para identificar las fallas en su alimentacin yen suestilo de vida que podra estar afectando al sistema inmune, as mismo como actuar frente a los posibles errores y cuando acudir a su mdico.Durante el curso podr entender la razn por la cual muchos productos del mercado pueden ser engaosos. aprender a reconocer posibles fraudes y como actuar frente a ellos.Comprender como situaciones cotidianas de la vida, pueden afectar a su sistema inmune y de la forma en que usted puede contribuir en su mejora."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Atendimento ao cliente em vendas" |
"O curso online de excelncia no atendimento ao cliente tem como objetivo melhorar o nvel de atendimento das empresas, levando-as para o nvel de encantamento do cliente.Neste curso, inteiramente em vdeo aulas, vamos abordar tcnicas e relembrar conceitos que fazem as pessoas terem percepes maiores do que as suas expectativas, gerando assim um encantamento pela marca, produto ou servio.O curso indicado para pessoas e empresas de qualquer ramo de atividade, que atenda clientes e precise melhorar o seu nvel de atendimento, no bastando um bom atendimento, mas indo para o nvel de excelncia. O curso possui 50 minutos de vdeo aulas e certificado digital de 04 horas.Ocertificado digital ser enviado pela Myedu cursos aps a concluso do curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Informtica Bsica" |
"Curso online gratuito de informtica bsica, com o objetivo principal de apresentar o que so os principais hardwares de computadores, principais sistemas operacionais e programas indispensveis e tambm dicas de navegao na internet.Carga horria:4 horas.Ocurso gratuito, mas o aluno pode solicitar a certificao impressa e enviada pelos correios pelo valor de R$60,00."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"O novo assistente administrativo" |
"O curso online ""O novo assistente administrativo"" conta com 11 vdeo aulas, num total de mais de 1 hora de vdeo e materiais adicionais. O curso tem como objetivo atualizar e capacitar pessoas que trabalham ou que buscam recolocao no mercado de trabalho, na rea administrativa. apresentado novas tecnologias, novas exigncias do mercado para assistentes administrativos, processos financeiros, de RH e o funcionamento de uma empresa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Continental Knitting" |
"This workshop teaches the continental knitting style, which is considered a faster and more accurateway of knitting by many who have tried it. It is especially easyfor people who crochet, since we use the left hand to deliver the yarn. We cover short tail cast on, knitting and purling continental style, as well as several cast-off options. Students will explore many tips and tricks to keep the practice fun and are inspired to create their own style and designs.Several beginner projects are includedBeginner level"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Course for Beginner and Intermediate Crochet" |
"Learn to crochet or if you already know how, kick it up a notch. In this complete Library of Crochet we learn perfect tension, foundation chain, single, half double, double and triple crochet and how to keep your edges straight. We learn how to increase and decrease. We practice shells, clusters, rounds and squares and cover information about materials and tools. Practice fun and projects with finishing touches, such as picots and fringe, are included with each section. This course encourages students to start creating their own design ideas."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Heritage Crochet Lace In Contemporary Application" |
"This course takes an in-depth look at 3 Heritage Lace techniques: Broomstick Lace, Hairpin Lace and Tunisian Crochet and Lace.Each technique is given some historical background and a detailed look at the tools used, so students can make their own choice about which ones to purchase.Students with basic crochet knowledge learn how toeasily create Broomstick Lace and Broomstick Mesh with the use of knitting needles and how to design with and incorporate this technique into their own projects.Students learn how to use different size hairpins to make Hairpin strips for one strip creations and how to combine several strips for larger designs.Students learn how to master the basic Tunisian stitch, Tunisian half-double, Tunisian cross stitch and Tunisian knit stitch. They progress to complete Tunisian Lace.Time for practice, project ideas and design suggestions are included in each section."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crochet for Knitters" |
"This Workshop reviews basic knitting and crochet techniques and encourages the combination of hook and needles. It shows how to use crochet techniques within a knitted project, how to use crochet to border a knitted project and how to use crochet to create a variety of trims and final touches."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Start & Run Your Very Own Subscription Box Business!" |
"If youve been wanting to start and grow your own Subscription Box business online, then today is the day to start!Ecommerce Empire Builders Subscription Box Business Course is a proven, step-by-step system for starting or growing a successful online subscription box business using the massive power of eCommerce Subscription Funnels and getting you on the road to getting paid month subscribers in as little as 30 days.In just 2.5 hours, Pete will show you in SIMPLE terms how to start, build, & grow your very own Subscription Box Business!Dont believe us? Check out these reviews! This course was exactly what I needed to gain the confidence to start taking action and to make my subscription box dream a reality! I'd recommend it to anyone thinking of starting a subscription box business or with the desire to start their own business of any kind! Thank you Peter! - Trevor Davis This is a good course for beginners. The information is very thorough, but presented in small, digestible segments that are easy to understand. Each section has great information on what to do and it also has fantastic real world suggestions on vendors, suppliers, marketing avenues, etc. All around an outstanding course. Tracy Nicholas I love Peter's enthusiasm and inspiration to get us MOVING into ACTION. - Raya WasserThe Subscription Box Business Course Is For EVERY Level!This course is your fast track to Subscription Box Business success and will provide you everything you need to get your new business off the ground!Join now and youll learn how to: Finding Your Passion & Target Subscription Business Niche Designing Your Subscription Box Building Your Subscription Box Business Website Creating Pre-Launch Buzz For Your Subscription Box Business Launch Day Collecting Your Potential Customer Emails How To Ship Your Subscription Boxes On A Monthly Basis How To Source Products For Your Subscription Box How To Source Boxes For Your Packaging Marketing Your Subscription Box Business Launching Your Subscription Box Business Growing Your Subscribers Every Single Month and so much more!No experience or past business required. We'll cover strategies to grow from the ground up even if you are on a low budgetOnline Entrepreneurs Have Already Created Massive Success With Ecommerce Empire Builders:For the students who take action, follow this course to the letter, and WIN as a result, we award them our Empire Builder trophies for hitting over $10,000, $50,000, and 7-Figures in their eCommerce businesses!Your Empire Starts Now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Official Uber Driver Surge Techniques Course For 2019" |
"What if you could totally change the way you work as an Uber Driver with a simple 30 minute podcast lecture? And what if that lecture could teach you the trick to get the biggest surge rides while you see other drivers driving for less? Would it feel pretty good knowing that you are working smarter, not harder? If you value your time and you believe that knowledge is key for success, then you have discovered the course for you. I have made sure that the information included here can be used to help you strategize within your market to drive up your income. I have been an Uber Driver for 6 years since September 2013, and in this business, experience matters if you want to really make money. Don't be a survivor making minimum wage anymore, instead, transform your driving career into being able to live successfully and provide a comfortable life for yourself and your family! Learn from the professionals at MyRideshareBusiness (MRB)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo tomar la selfie perfecta" |
"De la mano de la fotgrafa de moda y celebridades Bonnie RzM aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber para tu selfie perfecta,En este curso hablaremosen detalle sobre: Iluminacin, poses, y ngulos.Te explicar como usar las selfies en diferentes ocasiones: selfies de accin, de comida, de romance, de trasero, y mucho ms.Y por supuesto te ensear como editar paso a paso tus selfies con diferentes aplicaciones."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AutoCoaching + Neurociencia + Gestin Emocional" |
"En este curso vas a encontrar un espacio especialmente diseado para ti, un programa muy ameno y sencillo de seguir. El objetivo del curso es desarrollar tu inteligencia emocional y profundizar en tu autoconocimiento. Profundizar en el conocimiento de uno mismo es la herramienta fundamental para el crecimiento y desarrollo. Vas a encontrar muchas herramientas de Coaching, Programacin Neurolingstica e Inteligencia Emocional pensadas para favorecer tu bienestar y aportarte recursos para una gestin emocional saludable y efectiva, ensearte cmo funciona tu cerebro y descubrir como entrenarlo a tufavor. Y por ltimo pondr a tu alcance los pasos necesarios para alcanzar cualquier meta u objetivo que te propongas conseguir a lo largo de tu vida."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Dibujo Intensivo para Principiantes, s un Artista" |
"En ste curso de Dibujo y Arte, aprenders a dibujar cualquier cosa que quieras, con un mtodo novedoso y rpido podrs manejar el lpiz con soltura sin ningn tipo de problema. Est enfocado en personas que deseen aprender a dibujar desde cero o bien para aquellas personas que quieran mejorar an ms su tcnica, es decir, artistas, ilustradores, etc.El curso est dividido en 20secciones que tratan los fundamentos del dibujo artstico. Cada seccin se compone de 3 clases, al final de cada seccin se pone a prueba lo aprendido con sencillos y entretenidos ejercicios.Lo ms importante es que tendrs las bases del dibujo artstico y con ellas podrs realizar cualquier trabajo artstico posterior, ya sea pintura, escultura, grabado, etc."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Pinta 4 Paisajes Marinos al Pastel, Aprende Dibujo y Pintura" |
"Bienvenido/a al Curso de dibujo y pintura de paisajes marinos al pastel. Un lugar destinado a ensear de una manera excelente, la tcnica del pastel seco aplicada a paisajes de estilo martimo o marino. El curso comienza desde lo ms bsico y sencillo, poco a poco el contenido del mismo se va haciendo ms y ms complejo. ste entretenido curso se compone de 38 clases, divididas en 7 secciones distintas, cada una de ellas con su tema especfico. En total consta con ms de 6 horas de contenido en formato de vdeo, sin tomar en cuenta todas las actividades terico prcticas de cada seccin.Si quieres aprender esta bella tcnica del pastel o bien, quieres mejorar la tcnica que ya posees, te invito a inscribirte en mi curso, estoy convencido de que te gustar.Nos vemos!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mega Curso de Dibujo Artstico, Aprende a Dibujar Increble" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Dibujo definitivo, aqu encontrars todo lo necesario para aprender a dibujar de una manera profesional. Este curso est recomendado para artistas o para cualquier persona que desee aprender a dibujar de forma increble. Tendrs a tu disposicin ms de 15 horas de contenido, clases en vdeo, actividades y material de apoyo que siempre estar disponible para ti en cualquier momento y lugar.Quieres aprender a dibujar rostros? Figura humana? Paisajes,etc? Pues djame decirte que ests en el lugar indicado para ello.Te invito a inscribirte y nos vemos en la primer clase!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Dibujo Bsico de la Figura Humana, Aprende a Dibujar Bien" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de dibujo de la figura humana. Aqu aprenders todo acerca de este apasionante gnero de dibujo, desde sus fundamentos y bases hasta trabajos ms complejos. Este curso agrupa los puntos ms importantes del dibujo de figura humana y los expone de forma organizada e intuitiva para que sea muy fcil su desarrollo. Encontrars material de apoyo a las clases y tareas que te sern de gran utilidad conforme avances en el curso. Espero que te puedas inscribir, creme que no te vas a arrepentir... Nos vemos en la primer clase!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ArcSWAT Model with ArcGIS - Run for any Study Area - GIS" |
"ArcSWAT in most widely used watershed simulation model in GIS. Most of paper accepted in peer review Journals that used SWAT model. This model has inbuilt data for USA. But it does not have data for other countries. So we need to configure this model for non-us location. Even you will be able to run this model for USA after this course because we configure this model for whole world. Only India has different process to configure this model and different for other countries. So I will cover all methods and prepare dataset, simulate two time this model for you one for India and one for any other country in world. I will Start from scratch. Show you configuration of data , data download , sources, modify data-set , theoretical aspect, Practical . even after simulation I will show you how to represent results in Excel. So this course will cover entire SWAT model. You only need knowledge of two things, Landuse generation and ArcGIS Just basic not advance. Rest of all you leave on me I will cover. You just need Basic GIS. The only thing is that you must have land use. After Enroll to this course you will get ready made soil map for SWAT for world also. You will also learn how to make it for SWAT. You will learn to setup all weather and climate data for swat. I hope you will publish good papers after learning this. You can also use this course for short term training course in your University. Just need to play on screen. Everything in this course is 90% practical. This course is advance course of GIS. Applicable to ArcGIS 10.0 to 10.5Hardware Requirement : For small study area less than 10,000km/sq no Problem. But larger than this you must have high performance PC. Hardware Requirement for larger study area as follows: i5 or i7 Turbo Boost processor, Minimum 8Gb RAM (16GB Recommended) at least 250 GB C Drive, Have a SSD Drive in PC. Must have Gaming Graphic Card at least 4GB. (4GB RAM also ok, but it will take hours to process, or sometime run into processing errors)"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Groundwater Potential Zones GIS - Complete Project ArcGIS" |
"This course covers everything from basic to final results. It starts from Google Search data Download and process data till last result. it also covers the use of available online data sources to prepare Groundwater. It covers all Practical aspects till final results. Only you need to have land use map ready before starting of this course. Rest of things covered in this course from basic. You no need to go anywhere outside of you room to run this project. But if you have observation data then you can generate fluctuation map also, that is optional part of this project. By using GIS it is also possible to generate groundwater maps without groundwater data also. But this data is not easily available. So, while performing groundwater potential zone analysis we not used observed data it is optional. Observed data covered in other section of this course for fluctuation map analysis. The data, which used for Groundwater analysis, same data can be used for other analysis also, like Flood risk, Drought prone area analysis. So this analysis are also performed in this course. Because data is same just difference of value. You will also learn data plotting. This project also covers watershed Delineations. If your study area is not watershed, just use study area boundary and skip watershed delineation. Therefore, it covers more than it specified. You by taking this course you not only learn groundwater, you will learn many more advanced task of GIS also, Like DEM mosaic, Data Re-Project , Cutting of study area, soil map generation etc. Therefore, This is complete project from scratch. Feel free to ask me question in Q&A Section. I assumed you know very basic of GIS to perform this analysis. This is Expert level work. This course is in Full HD 1080p for better Experience use Setting to HD and headphones. Only take this course if you know basic of GIS. You must have landuse landcover file before processing to this course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Social Media in 20 Minutes a Day" |
"Keeping up with your social media content calendar can be difficult for a time-strapped business. Maintaining profiles, monitoring brand mentions, and creating content are vital to your social media efforts, but can often put stress on your already limited resources. This coursewill help give you the knowledge to create a manageable, effective social media plan and posting schedule that can be executed in just 20 minutes a day.We'll take a closer look at:Using data to make better social media decisionsFocusing your social media effortsCreating a content and posting strategy that you can actually manage with limited resourcesTools that our agency uses to collect valuable data and to save time"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 na prtica" |
"Curso para Iniciantes ou profissionais de TI que queiram aprender a fazer uma instalao, configurao e gerenciamento bsico de um servidor com Windows Server 2016 com autenticao de usurio, configurao de AD, DHCP, DNS, compartilhamento de pastas e arquivos,cotas, direitos de acesso e subir uma mquina cliente no domnio."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Cmo programar en Go (golang)" |
"Go conocido en internet como ""golang"", es un lenguaje de programacin open source y de propsito general desarrollado por el equipo de Google y muchos colaboradores de la comunidad open source que facilita el desarrollo de software simple, confiable y eficiente.Go es un lenguaje de programacin moderno que puede ser usado para construir una gran variedad de software como: Aplicaciones distribuidas, juegos, Aplicaciones web, Aplicaciones mviles nativas, APIs RESTful back-end, herramientas de infraestructura, DevOps, graficas, maquinas de aprendizaje, Microservicios e internet de las cosas (IoT) entre otras.Go tiene un proyecto Mobile que da soporte para el desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles nativas tanto para Android como para iOS.Al da de hoy Go es uno de los 20 lenguajes ms utilizados en el mundo para desarrollar software.Lo mejor de todo es que en este momento es un lenguaje cotizado y uno de los mejores pagados, por lo que estoy convencido de que es una buena opcin para invertir tu tiempo en aprender este lenguaje de programacin.Otra ventaja que ofrece es que la curva de aprendizaje es suave, por lo que te podrs familiarizar con la sintaxis a corto plazo.Hay que observar la cantidad de empresas de renombre que en la actualidad estn usando go en algunas partes de sus desarrollos como son:Cloud Foundry, Dell, DigitalOcean, Dropbox, eBay, Facebook, Medium, Mozilla, Netflix, New York Times, Oracle, Reddit, Shopify, SoundCloud, Tumblr, Uber, Yahoo y muchas mas.La cantidad de usuarios, comunidades y libros que hablan sobre go cada dia crece mas.Puedes iniciar hoy mismo con este curso y hacer una buena inversin para aprender un lenguaje que tiene mucho potencial.Este curso est dirigido a los estudiantes que tienen conocimientos bsicos o experiencia con algn otro lenguaje de programacin y qu desean aprender las bases necesarias para empezar a desarrollar en Go. Al final de este curso, tendrs los conocimientos base necesarios para entender los programas en Go y pasar a un siguiente nivel ms avanzado."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Forex 101 for the Smart Casual Trading Method" |
"Welcome to Forex 101 for the Absolute beginner to trade the Smart Casual Trading Method!This course is designed and delivered to engage students on the very first baby steps towards trading forex using the OANDA platform. You will learn not only what you need to know and how to do them, but also what NOTyou need to know or do to be a Smart Casual Trader!The structure is easy to follow, lectures are 15mins or less, and are lectured live as though I am right there with you.I hope you will enjoy the course, and please give me feedback through your reviews of the course, and ask questions should you have any.Look out for more courses by me to go more in depth in the Smart Casual Trading Method!James"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |