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"MIndfulness - Estar no Presente - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai comear a experimentar viver no agora, vai focar naquilo que realmente importa na sua vida, se tornando plenamente consciente de suas opes e escolhas=> Muitas pessoas no conseguem uma meditao de tempo presente, estarem focadas em seus reais objetivos, ficam presos em pensamentos preocupantes do passado ou mesmo projetando desnecessariamente o futuro, fazendo com que crie emoes que as prendem em um momento diferente do agora=> Voc vai se conectar com sua vida usando o poder do momento presente=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para o Tema MIndfulness - Estar no Presente deixar de lado mgoas do passado com mais facilidade, no ficar projetando um dia no futuro para ficar bem, sua concentrao ir melhorar te tornando mais produtivo. Tanto que suas habilidades sociais e seus relacionamentos se desenvolvero no presente de forma positiva, pois voc estar com a mente presente em qualquer situaoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a MINDFULNESS - ESTAR NO PRESENTE Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. MINDFULNESS - ESTAR NO PRESENTE o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para MINDFULNESS - ESTAR NO PRESENTE Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Equilibrar o Chakra do Terceiro Olho - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai auto curar seu chakra do terceiro olho para desenvolver a sua intuio e seu sexto sentido=> Se voc perdeu contato com sua verdadeira intuio, ou no tem f no seu prprio julgamento, se tornou uma pessoa muito logica, ou mesmo muito dogmtico e arrogante, precisa desenvolver rapidamente uma inteligncia emocional=> Seu terceiro olho precisa de cura se voc: extremamente rigoroso e dogmtico, tem muitas dores de cabea, sinusite e problemas oculares, muito impaciente, indisciplinado, sente que no tem nenhuma ambio, teme ter sucesso na vida e/ou muito exagerado nas coisas=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para Equilibrar o Chakra do Terceiro Olho se tornar profundamente consciente desenvolvendo a intuio e autoconscincia, equilibrando-se de forma livre, sem medo do desconhecido, vai ousar mais na sua vida seguindo sua intuioEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO TERCEIRO OLHO Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO TERCEIRO OLHO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO TERCEIRO OLHO Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Equilibrar o Chakra Larnge - Chakra da Garganta" |
"=> Voc vai aprender se expressar com mais harmonia com os outros e melhorar sua comunicao em todos os sentidos=> Voc no ter mais problema para expressar sua voz no mundo, vai poder comunicar suas emoes para aquelas pessoas que estima, vai pensar e falar claramente, sua comunicao ser muito mais fcil=> Cure o seu chakra da garganta se: for incapaz de expressar suas opinies, quando sentir que sua opinio no importante e se calar sempre, quando tiver crises de arrogncia e hipocrisia, no conseguir se auto expressar, passar desapercebido pelo seu ponto de vista e seguir somente o que os outros falam, esteja sofrendo de infeces e dores de garganta=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para Equilibrar o Chakra Larngeo - Chakra da Garganta voc despertar seu centro de energia na garganta para se comunicar de forma melhor e eficaz, desenvolvendo seu senso de confiana e segurana pessoal ao se comunicarEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA LARINGEO - CHAKRA DA GARGANTA Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA LARINGEO - CHAKRA DA GARGANTA o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA LARINGEO - CHAKRA DA GARGANTA Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Equilibrar o Chakra do Corao Reprogramao Mental" |
"=> Voc vai experimentar uma completa auto aceitao e desenvolver a compaixo dentro do seu Ser=> No sabotar mais seus relacionamentos com sentimentos de cimes e raiva, no vai mais sentir medo de se abrir as emoes com medo de se machucar, voc deixar de bloquear o amor na sua vida e desenvolver seu potencial mximo nos relacionamentos=> Voc vai precisar auto cura seu chakra do corao: se estiver vivendo irritado e amargo, cheio de medos e inseguranas, sentindo que nunca vai encontrar o amor, experimentando constantemente dificuldade nos relacionamentos. Sofrendo de hipertenso, alergias, asmas, bronquite, cncer de mama, problemas cardacos em geral=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para Equilibrar o Chakra do Corao voc ativar seu centro de energia para o amor incondicional a si mesmo e a compaixo pelos outros, depois se abrir para amar as pessoas a sua volta sem medo, vai saber expressar seus mais sinceros sentimentos sem medo de se machucar, sentir profunda paixo pela vidaEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO CORAO Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO CORAO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO CORAO Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Block Buster: Overcoming Writer's Block" |
"This is a class for both new and experienced writers whowish to overcome writer'sblock and fill their blank pages with inspiration and creativity.Take this CreativeWriting Course now and learn to unleash the creative writer within you.Gain confidence in your creative abilities. Learn how to overcome your writer's Block. Discover theenjoyment and playfulness of daydreaming and imagining on paper!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Adobe Illustrator CS5 Tutorial" |
"AVerifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Along with Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator is one of the most important graphic design tools in the world, and absolutely the best choice if you want to create vector graphics that can be endlessly resized without degradation. Andy Anderson's Illustrator CS5 for Beginners video course can help you quickly become proficient with Illustrator'scutting edge tools and functionality. This Adobe Illustrator video tutorial teaches you to work confidently with vector graphics no matter what your focus. You will get a thorough introduction to the individual tools Illustrator offers and also gain a better understanding of how the program can be used as a go-to choice in virtually any workflow. Andy thoroughly demonstrates vector graphic design techniques that can be used to create logos, business cards and enormous posters, and also covers 3D, animation, file conversion and printing, too. By the completion of this computer software training course, you will be completely competent in the use of Illustrator, creating your own masterpieces of vector art. This course includes working files that allow you to work alongside the author."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop for Photographers" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Photoshop is now a household word, and with good reason. It can make washed-out imperfect images into digital masterpieces, or even take decades-old photos and repair damages that have been there for years. Professional technology trainer Andy Anderson will show you how to get professional results, with the same straightforward teaching approach he used in seminars for Disney and The White House in this Photoshop CS5 Tutorial that will inspire and inform.This Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers course goes through techniques that are tried and true, and used by professionals everywhere to touch up and enhance digital and scanned photography. This tutorial is not for the beginner to Photoshop. You should have at least a basic working knowledge of Photoshop and the tools that are available. Starting with a basic introduction to the fundamental photography concepts of ISO, Depth of Field and Shutter Speed, you will quickly discover that this video tutorial covers more than correcting red-eye, although it does that too, but it also is rife with techniques that photographers can use both in Photoshop, and before you even take the picture with your camera. When combined with the Photoshop for Beginners tutorial course, you will have an impressive range of knowledge of the program and a specific expertise when it comes to working with photos after learning these Photoshop Actions for Photographers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Acrobat X Professional Tutorial - Learn The Easy Way" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Adobe Acrobat Professional is the perfect tool for professional document creation and distribution, from official forms to scanned copies and customer surveys. In addition to the security and reproduction quality offered by PDFs, Acrobat now includes a full suite of data collection and collaboration options that this course will cover step by step. In this Adobe Acrobat X video training course, expert author and trainer Michael Hoffman will show you how you can create documents, forms, add interactivity, collaborate and publish your work for everybody to view. Starting with a review of the interface and toolbars, this video tutorial will teach you to get the most out of Adobe Acrobat X. But this is much more than a rundown of product features. You'll learn exactly how Acrobat fits into a professional business environment, with tips on workflow and productivity that can save you time and frustration. By the conclusion of this video training course on Adobe Acrobat X, you will be fully capable of creating, editing, and sharing your documents in PDF form. The author has included extensive project files to allow you to work alongside him as you learn."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Program with C++" |
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. As one of the most popular general purpose programming languages in the world, C++ can be used to create everything from small apps to complete video games and critical system drivers. Now you can get started with C++ in a step by step, hands-on video course, in far less time than trying on your own with this ultimate c plus plus tutorial . In this 10 hour tutorial series, computer science professor Mike McMillan introduces you to the basics of programming in C++. With over 25 years of programming experience, 13 years of teaching, and having written 6 textbooks on programming, Mike offers the definitive guide to coding. Starting with the basics of the C++ programming language, this video tutorial covers all of the basic operations you need to start building your own programs with c plus plus programs"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Excel Shortcut Guide Become a Power User in Days!" |
"This Microsoft Excel Shortcut Guide training course from Infinite Skills takes you beyond the basics of Excel, showing you numerous useful shortcuts within this spreadsheet program. This course is designed for users that already have a basic working knowledge of Excel. You will start by learning simple shortcuts, such as adding hyperlinks to Excel objects and using the fill handle for quick data patterns. You will then jump into learning Excel interface shortcuts, how to move swiftly between workbooks and worksheets, and creating and using custom views. Guy proceeds to teach you how to work with dates and times, as well as working with data and formula. Finally, this video tutorial will show you shortcuts for creating charts and pivot tables, including referencing a pivot table value in a formula and separating worksheets from a single pivot table. By the completion of this video based training course, you will be comfortable with using many of these shortcuts in Microsoft Excel. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Beat the SAT Math" |
""Beat the SAT Math" contains 15 sections, each covering an essential SAT Math topic. Section 1: Algebraic Techniques Section 2: Equation Solving Section 3: Exponents Section 4: Number Properties Section 5: Angles Section 6: Triangles Section 7: Area & Perimeter Section 8: 3D Shapes Section 9: Slopes & Coordinate Geometry Section 10: Functions Section 11: Graphs Section 12: Probability Section 13: Sequences & Patterns Section 14: Averages & Percent Section 15: Test-Taking Tricks How to use this course: Step 1: Read the section introduction Each chapter starts with a written overview of the main ideas, including sample questions explained and key formulas (included in the PDF at the beginning of each section). Step 2: Practice with Set A After the section introduction, each chapter is broken down into two problem sets, Set A and Set B. After reading through the necessary formulas and sample questions for a given chapter, try the questions in Set A. Check your answers in the answer key. For any questions you need assistance with, watch the video tutorial. Step 3: Master the topic with Set B After reviewing Set A questions, try Set B. You'll see that Set B mirrors Set A. The purpose of this is to reinforce what we covered in Set A and to give you an opportunity to master the material."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aperture 3 a fondo" |
"Capitulo 1 Abrir Aperture Partes de la Interfaz Importar imágenes desde una tarjeta de memoria Trabajar con imágenes en el explorador Ver y usar los metadatos Ajuste de imágenes Clasificar y rechazar imágenes Compartir fotos por mail Subir imágenes a Facebook, Flickr y MobileMe Capitulo 2 Importar archivos desde el finder Personalizar ajustes de importación Mostrar metadatos Palabras Clave Editar vistas y ajustes de metadatos Clasificar y filtrar proyectos Capítulo 3 Crear vistas previas en aperture Evaluar imágenes a pantalla completa La herramienta Lupa Clasificar imágenes Comparar un grupo de imágenes Usar opciones de selección Clasificar imágenes usando el teclado Revisar imágenes en la tabla de luz Capitulo 4 Completar grabación Aplicar palabras clave 2.4 Trabajar con el HUD de palabras clave 2.5 Modificar Metadatos por lotes 2.6 Utilizar los botones de palabra clave 2.7 Lift & Stamp 2.8 Capitulo 5 Editar vistas y ajustes de metadatos 2.9 Clasificar y filtrar un proyecto 2.10 Crear álbumes y álbumes inteligentes 2.11 Capitulo 6 Crear vistas previas 3.1 Evaluar imagenes en pantalla completa 3.2 Herramienta Lupa 3.3 Capitulo 7 Clasificar imágenes 3.4 Comparar y clasificar un grupo de imágenes 3.5 Pilas de fotos 3.6 Clasificar imagenes con el teclado 3.7 Mesa de luz 3.8 Capitulo 8 Importar bibliotecas de iPhoto 4.1 Places 4.2 Añadir ubicación manualmente 4.3 Importar rutas de GPS 4.4 Crear un smart album de una ubicación 4.5 Caras 4.6 Capitulo 9 Bibliotecas en OSX 5.1 Importar fotos referenciadas 5.2 Trabajar con imagenes referenciadas 5.3 Organizar bibliotecas 5.4 Crear copia de seguridad de la biblioteca 5.5 Capitulo 10 Acerca de la edición en Aperture 6.1 Trabajar en el inspector de ajustes 6.2 Corregir imagenes sobreexpuestas y subexpuestas 6.3 Reencuadrar una fotografía 6.4 Capitulo 11 Realizar ajustes a pantalla completa 7.1 Mejorar las altas luces y las sombras 7.2 Ajustar los niveles de una imagen 7.3 Convertir imagenes a blanco y negro 7.4 Comparar versiones de imágenes 7.5 Capitulo 12 Ajustar la saturación 8.1 Aplicar controles de matiz 8.2 Controlar la viveza de la imagen 8.3 Mejora selectiva del color 8.4 Trabajar con curvas 8.5 Corregir las aberraciones cromáticas 8.6 Trabajar con un editor externo 8.7 Capitulo 13 Pincel de desenfoque 9.1 Suavizar pieles 9.2 Aclarar zonas 9.3 Oscurecer zonas 9.4 Aplicar pincel a toda la imagen 9.4 Corrección de Halo 9.5 Capitulo 14 Retocar imágenes 9.6 Crear pincel a partir de ajuste 9.7 Crear multiples instancias de un pincel 9.8 Capítulo 15 Introducción a archivos RAW Trabajar con RAW + JPEG 10.1 Decodificacion del formato RAW 10.2 Boost y Hue Boost 10.3 Enfoque y reducción de ruido 10.4 Eliminar efecto Moiré 10.5 Guardar ajustes preestablecidos 10.6 Archivos DNG 10.7 Capítulo 16 Ajustes preestablecidos de pases de diapositivas Crear un album de pases de diapositivas Como mejorar un pase de diapositivas Títulos, transiciones y efectos fotográficos Mezclar música y efectos de sonido Vídeo Editar con ritmo Edición improvisada Compartir un pase de diapositivas Capítulo 17 Subir fotos a Facebook, Flickr y Mobileme Crear un diario personal Cambiar y modificar temas en un diario web Publicar un diario web Capítulo 18 Componer un libro fotografico Personalizar imágenes y diseños de página Realizar un pedido Entrega de fotografias impresas Imprimir con ajustes preestablecidos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intro To AJAX With jQuery ( Web Programming Made Easy )" |
"This Introduction to AJAX With jQuery training course from Infinite Skills welcomes you to the world of programming using AJAX and jQuery. This course is intended for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior knowledge or experience with AJAX is required to take full advantage of this tutorial. You will start by learning how to use jQuery to change a webpage. From there, you will learn how to load external content into a page element. Walter teaches you how to send data and get information back from the server so you can update your page. He will also show you how to dynamically update your page so that it can support tagging, search, and other features. This video based training course will also teach you basic form validation with jQuery, how to handle potential errors when submitting data, and how to build a search form. Once you have completed this training tutorial, you will be fully capable of programming your website using jQuery. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Using Microsoft SharePoint 2013 - A Comprehensive Guide" |
"This video based SharePoint 2013 training course from Infinite Skills shows you how to utilize SharePoint and get the most out of the program. With SharePoint, you are able to create, manage, store, and retrieve information for yourself or your company. This course is an introduction to SharePoint, meaning no experience with the software is needed to benefit from the tools and techniques you will learn. You will start out by navigating the user interface and personalizing SharePoint. From there, you will learn how to understand information in SharePoint lists. Erin will teach you how to sort and filter content, upload and create library items, and how to secure content within SharePoint. You will learn how to use document management features, which is one of SharePoint's most popular uses. In this training course, you will work with lists, wikis, blogs, My Site, SkyDrive Pro, and Office applications. Finally, you will learn about SharePoint's social networking and how you can discover colleagues. By the completion of this video based training course, you will have a solid understanding of how to use SharePoint and its many useful features. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Building a Personal Brand" |
"Building a personal brand will earn you more money, give you better career options and make you virtually unemployment proof. Yet most of us depend on strategies devised in the 1980s rather than utilize some of the new networks and technologies that exist today. Learn how to turn your passions into a well recognized brand from a best selling book author and Forbes columnist that has done it himself. Mark will walk through the process of identifying and growing your personal brand, including building a powerful network, developing thought leadership, creating compelling content, and connecting with influencers. Mark also pulls in the best ideas from some of the most influential people in business today and presents it in an easy to follow and easy to execute style. In this course Mark shares the latest strategies and technologies, with a focus on what is practically important and useful for developing a personal brand. Among the topics you will learn: How to build a powerful social network that is feeding opportunities to you. How to develop multiple streams of income. How to connect with influential people that will help build your brand. The best tools and solutions for brand building. How to create a great personal profile that sells. Why building a personal brand will get you promoted. How if you're an independent worker, this course will help you generate much higher levels of income. By building a recognizable personal brand, you'll find that opportunities find you effortlessly. Whether it's at work or at play, you will literally become a magnet for the opportunities you're most interested in. So are you ready to get started? Do you want to become unemployment proof? Testimonials about the course and Mark's Socialized! book (from which the course was developed). “This is a wake-up call for any executives who think that social doesn’t matter to their business. Harnessing social provides a powerful competitive advantage and Mark provides a playbook for how.” - Jonathan D. Becher, Chief Marketing Officer, SAP "As the chief customer officer for an award winning social enterprise, I consider Fidelman's thought leaderships to be among the very best in industry." Vala Afshar, Chief Customer Officer, Enterasys Networks “Yet again Mark Fidelman charts the real stories from the digital heartland of the social future of work with panache, power and facts” -Paul Miller, Author, “The Digital Workplace – How Technology is Liberating Work” "I am still in awe over your personal branding presentation that you presented at ExecuNet...have a great weekend!", Bill G., ExecuNet member "I wanted to thank you again for participating in our IMF event yesterday. I have received so much great feedback. No doubt, you seriously rocked it", Kristin, Integrated Marketing Summit."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Basics of Private Real Estate Lending" |
"Did you know you can become the bank and lend money for real estate purchases? Did you know you can earn interest completely backed by real property as collateral? Did you know you can invest in real estate out of your IRA and earn passive income completely TAX-FREE? Learn all this and more in this comprehensive guide outlining the basics of private mortgages. Learn from an investor whose company has borrowed close to $1,000,000 in private funds for successful real estate acquisitions! See an entire real life private money deal from start to finish. We will discuss WHY private lending works and how real estate investors can afford to pay higher rates of interest than what you may be used to earning. Cash is king in the new real estate market, and private lenders are certainly cashing in on a unique opportunity to make highly secure, profitable investments. Take control of your life savings instead of leaving it to the whim of the stock market. See you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Experto en HTML5: Aprndelo desde cero y a fondo" |
"En este curso aprenders a fondo la asombrosa tecnologia de HTML5 para crear pginas modernas y preparadas para todos los dispositivos mviles. Con este Video Curso aprenders: Qu es HTML5 y para que sirve Que compatibilidad tiene entre los diferentes navegadores Como hacer paginas que se vean iguales en todos los dispositivos mviles Como escribir la nueva estructuracin del documento HTML (semntica) Como usar las nuevas etiquetas HTML5 Como manipular contenidos multimedia de video (sin Flash) Como manipular contenidos multimedia de audio (sin Flash) Como crear animaciones sin Flash Como trabajar con los nuevos formularios y todas sus funcionalidades Como validar datos de los formularios sin usar Javascript Como trabajar con el elemento lienzo para generar grficos en HTML5 Como trabajar con la Geolocalizacion en los navegadores Como almacenar informacin en la computadora del usuario Y mucho ms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Puedes visitar tambin mis otros cursos para continuar avanzando en tu formacin: PSD a HTML Paso a Paso: Responsive Design desde Cero:"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop High End Beauty Retouching - Retouch Like a Pro" |
"HIGH END BEUTY RETOUCHING RETOUCH LIKE A PRO More than 690Students have enrolled already Over 25+ Beauty Retouching lessons"" Making Photoshop Fun & Easy ""Includes all raw & psd files which you can profit from -Instantly All Lessons include step by step video instructions! 15+ 5 Star Reviews from really happy & satisfied studentsNo Prior Photoshop knowledge needed ""Guaranteed""Full & free lifetime access to the complete courseAll future & additional lectures will always be free of charge Please Note: All Students to this course here on Udemy, get full free access to my Intermediate Photoshop Beauty Retouching - How To Get The Perfect Look course. ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH ADVANCED BEAUTY RETOUCHING? AND NEVER GET THAT PERFECT SKIN LOOK? AND STRUGGLE WHEN IT COMES TO ADVANCED STEPS? AND NOT ABLE TO APPLY IT TO YOUR OWN IMAGES? AND WITH NO PRIOR RETOUCHING KNOWLEDGE? --------------------------- Then this course is for you ------------------------------- What This Course Entails: I will teach you how to get into advanced beauty retouching, so dont worry if you dont have prior experience with Photoshop or other plugins. Follow my lead and Ill teach you to be good at it! Seriously All my retouching instructions form part of a comprehensive guide that can help you to accomplish your goals by applying these techniques. During all the lessons you get to eavesdrop as I work, giving you some insight as to how I work and what I do. The idea is to make basic beauty retouching look authentic and stunning! Whether you have previous experience with photoshop or not, it doesn't matter. Apply your knowledge for at least half an hour a day and you could be making huge improvements or even earn someextra money, just like me. ""And I'm not kidding when I say that you need nothing but Photoshop!"" All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free. Unconditional Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of success! In this course you'll learn How to perfect intermediate level of beauty retouching How to take your beauty retouching skills from basic to intermediate Learn how to do quick andqualityskin retouching Learn how to use dodge & burn methods for basic beauty retouching How to refine and be pixel perfect with beauty retouching How to create a high key look in Photoshop How to create a glowing beauty look in Photoshop How to retouch or touch-up make and color How to create unique color grades How to do final touchups, finallook(s) & style(s) How to use Photoshop in order to retouch your personal beauty work How to tweak and adjust facial expressions / optimizing the body How to applynew skin(layer) and grasp anunderstanding ofall advanced beauty tools ... and much, much more! Need to know more? Then keep reading! As with all my courses: the initial low price will increase after time. This one is currently $80 and it will next upgrade to $90 so join in now! ""You will have unlimited lifetime access at no extra cost"" Not just that; all future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always free. There's an unconditional, no-questions-asked full 30-day money-back guarantee! I'm known for always offering support in Udemy, so feel free to shout out if you're stuck or need assistance. ""I'm here to help"" One final note: My goal is to teach you Advanced Beauty Retouching, so don't stress about not having worked in Photoshop before. ""I do my best to make it simple, informative & fun"" I've crammed all my advanced beauty retouching knowledge into this course! After going through this course you'll be able to apply your new beauty retouching skills to retouch any beauty images and make some extra cash along the way. All you have to do is click on the ""take this course"" button on the top right corner. You have nothing to lose. In fact, you've got a lot to gain. Thank you, Manni"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Winning Options Trading System" |
"We do go into agreat deal of detail about options and trading not available anywhere else and instead we provide you with top level knowledge about how markets operate that is the privy of the top 5%%%% of all traders... not something you can get for free or even buy anywhere else that we are aware of. Instead of guessing, using out-dated and overused technical analysis that everyone else is using or listening to a talking head on TV why not learn the very foundation of large market moves that pros use to make massive profits? What this knowledge could mean to you and your family Imagine going short just a few weeks after October 2007... in this training you'll learn what you could have looked for in that period that would have alerted you to the phenomenon happening at the time and the pattern to watch as this new phase of the market took over. The profits, had you gotten in when the signal came, would have been astounding. Imagine again going long just a few weeks after March 9th, 2009 when the market had been beaten to a pulp with the DOW at around 6,700... in this training program you'll be shown exactly what was done and what you could have instructed your friends and family to do based on this phenomenon. Watch and listen as this play is explained in detail and the exact pattern to look for that would have tipped you off that the market was going to rally strong - what to look for, why the decline was over (this alone is worth the price of this training!) and the best way to profit from the inevitable rise in prices... In this simple but powerful screen capture video training program you'll learn: How to identify the phenomenon - what it is and how to harness the power it holds in ANY KIND OF MARKET... When you see the phenomenon I'll teach you what pattern to look for gives you a clear signal to go long or short and why it dangerous to act before you get confirmation of the pattern... Why 99%%%% of all retail traders lose money or only make a small amount of money using options, stocks and futures and how to trade like the professional 1%%%% of traders that make a killing in the market... What options are, why they are the best trading vehicle for most traders... What the ""greeks"" are and how each one works and which ones you need to pay attention to and WHEN... Why, of all the greeks, one (and it's not Delta as most option traders think!) is the most powerful greek of all and how paying attention to it can make you HUGE profits... (I actually show you in real-time how this one greek can make you a killing)... Proven, practical techniques to use in any kind of market to make real and substantial profits with real case studies... How to KNOW ahead of time that the market is likely to have a big drop - what to buy and when to get out... How to KNOW when a market has stopped declining and is ready to advance strongly - what to buy and when to get out... Why buying CALLS at the bottom of a large decline in prices is the WORST thing you can do and why and what options to buy instead for massive profits as the market starts to rally... How to leverage options so you can profit as much as shorting or going long the actual stock at 1/10th the investment - exactly what to buy and when... The best way to profit when you know prices are going up (and it's not buying CALLS)... The best way to profit when prices are about to enter a new bear market (and it's not complicated)... Why the simplest trades are sometimes the best trades... The only thing you need to know to make money in the market (and it has nothing to do with technical analysis, indicators or whether the market is moving up or down)... Which option to choose - how and why - when going long or short the market... A new way to trade long/short ETF's that recurs with such frequency that you could trade this one phenomenon alone and make a killing with it... And much more... * Please message us once you sign up so that we can send you access to the 2nd course"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"BIM Training" |
"BIM Training. The rollout of BIM (Building Information Modelling) across the built environment industry is continuing apace. Obtain the knowledge and develop the skills to meet the current and forthcoming requirements with BIM Training Course. This is a beginners training course in the management principles for Building Information Modelling (BIM) projects. Looking to redirect your career by managing BIM projects? Or maybe youre seeking career enhancement in your current firm or want to become more competitive in the job market. Be one of the first to understand the requirements to operate BIM. The BIM Training course is one of THE most comprehensive, cost-effective BIM courses youll find on the web. Its a one-stop-shop for everything you need to start putting together professional building information management systems that engage clients and other construction industry professionals, call them to action, and ultimately boost your career in this new and increasing used area! If youre looking for a genuinely effective course that equips you to understand BIM and enhancing your career in the process, this is guaranteed to be the number one course for you. By outlining the fundamentals of Building Information Modelling (BIM), these tutorials provide clear road map for construction and design practitioners eager to learn the requirements to operate and work in this environment. Understand BIMs drivers and impacts, key standards, and how to implement it to achieve your projects objectives."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Geolocalizacin con HTML5 y Google Maps" |
"Con este curso aprenders a trabajar con la API de Geolocalizacin de HTML5 en conjunto con la API de Google Maps para insertar en tus pginas, mapas personalizados totalmente interactivos. Aprenders: Como detectar la ubicacin del usuario e imprimir un mapa en panalla Como insertar un mapa interactivo de Google Maps Como insertar marcadores por coordenadas en el mapa Como insertar marcadores por direccin exacta en el mapa Como personalizar marcadores con iconos Como agregar ventanas emergentes con informacin a tus marcadores Y mucho mas..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Magic of LinkedIn" |
"The Magic Of Linked In will teach you how to leverage Linked In for profitability in any niche. You will have fun while learning the magic secrets to grow your business and connections. You will need to set aside some time each day to answer all your emails you will receive after implementing this course. Look out when the magic starts working!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beyond eBay - How To Build An eBay Buyers Email List - eBay" |
"STUDENT REVIEW: ""Ive had 40+ email addresses added in 3 days!"" -Patti---------------------------------------------------------- ""Beyond eBay - Leverage the power Hi Dave just got done going through this course...This information is priceless. Wish I would have known about it when I first started."" ----------------------------------------------------------- Although millions of people across the U.S. saw me on my eBay infomercial, what a lot of people dont know is that, prior to being discovered and asked to appear in that infomercial, I was quietly making up to $15,000 a week on eBay using one extremely powerful strategy. At the time, I called it going Beyond eBay because it allowed me to sell my collectibles OFF-eBay and sell them a LOT faster than on eBay by using the power of email marketing It was a revolutionary hybrid eBay / Internet Marketing strategy that literally transformed my eBay business overnight And I will show you how you can do the same... I mean, instantly upon implementing these super simple steps, you'll be able to: Dramatically accelerate your eBay sales. (I sold out of my entire eBay inventory within 48 hours by simply sending out ONE EMAIL!) Watch your PayPal account flood with cash. Transform your single-purchase eBay customers into ongoing, repeat customers (some of my repeat customers went on to happily spend many thousands of dollars with me) Pump your auction prices much higher by sending a FLOOD of crazed bidders to your auctions (this applies to ALL of your auction items) Increase the sell-through rate on all of your FIXED PRICE items, as well! Get rid of those high eBay fees legally by sending your customers to your own website! Gain far more control over your eBay business Be able to take your customers with you away from eBay, if need be and onto your own website, your Amazon listings or any other marketplace you wish. And This is the same exact strategy that turned my little $1,200 a month vintage Hot Wheels hobby business into a $15,000 a week BEHEMOTH of a business, complete with hungry, ready-to-buy, repeat-customers who have bought from me over and over and over again over the last 14 years! And the funny thing is, it is SO SIMPLE to implement; I'll show you how, step-by-step, in this course! But Dave, How Do We Achieve These Powerful Results? Its simple, we use a hybrid marketing strategy As you know, the word Hybrid just means a great combination of two or more distinct elements. Well, in this hybrid strategy, we are going to combine the awesome power of eBay (to generate new, first-time customers) with another super-powerful strategy email marketing. Thats right, we are going to create an email list of your eBay customers so that you will be able to easily email them (all at one time) to let them know that you have listed new, related items on eBay each time you list. And thats it! I told you it was simple! Once youve created your list, (following the simple steps that I lay out for you in these videos) you can now: Send your eBay customers to your latest eBay listings Send your eBay customers to your Amazon listings (oh, the irony) Send your eBay customers to YOUR OWN WEBSITE, (where they can buy from you over and over again) without you incurring eBay fees Send your eBay customers wherever you want you have complete control Believe me, this strategy looks almost TOO SIMPLE (and it is easy to do) but oh, how POWERFUL it is! By the way, I've purposely left several of the lectures unlocked and available for you to check out because I want you to see the insane benefits of adding this powerful strategy to your eBay business. In one of the lectures, you will see results like this: The increases in number of bids from 25 bids to 69 bids! (a 176% increase in ONE DAY!) The increases in number of watchers from 64 to 163 watchers! (a 154% increase in ONE DAY!) The increases in total bid amounts from $122.12 to $816.04 (a 568% increase in CASH, in ONE DAY!) AND Check out the increase in the bottom item Hot Pink Turbofire (a 2,383% increase in that one items bid amount IN ONE DAY!) One more point... The SOONER you begin to do this in your business, the better. When I first discovered this strategy, I realized that I had lost the ability to communicate with about 500 of my customers simply because I didn't discover and implement this strategy earlier! Had I started from the beginning (getting EVERY customer onto my email list) I would have been so much better off. So, whatever you do, do not hesitate to learn and implement this in your eBay business AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This way you will be able to capture ALL your customers onto your email list and be able to market to all of them, not just a small portion."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Population Aging and the Demographic Transition" |
"We are at a very significant moment in human history. Our population used to be growing at an astounding rate, but recently that growth has begun to slow. This course will provide an overview of recent changes in human population, describe the demographic transition, and its effects on specific countries, and will conclude will an assessment of the impact of population aging.This course consists of 5 animated lectures, that total 30 minutes of content.Students who are interested in understanding the impact of demographic changes, and population aging should take this course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Man in the Arena: a 7 day crucible for male empowerment" |
"There are many perspectives and philosophies on how to develop as a man. In this course you get to see various perspectives side by side. Watch each interview, follow the challenge of the day, and see how you augment your perspective on your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Conversational Filipino (Tagalog)" |
"Learn and speak the Filipino (Tagalog) language right now! The Conversational Filipino for Beginners course is here to give you the absolute basics of the Filipino (Tagalog) language in a quick and efficient way. As your language teacher and guide, I will give all the information you will need to speak the language after just a few lessons. Absolutely no prior knowledge about Filipino (Tagalog) required! Learning a foreign language may overwhelming at first, but because this is an online course, you can work through it at your own time and at your own pace. You just need to have an ardent desire to learn a foreign language and that will surely help you become successful in learning Filipino (Tagalog). There's no doubt that there are a lot of Filipino (Tagalog) language learning materials out there. But this course will teach you how to speak the kind of Filipino (Tagalog) that Filipinos speak day in, day out. Don't worry, I won't bore with Filipino (Tagalog) grammar lessons. I know that grammar may be intimidating for many beginners. Instead, I will guide you on how you can interact with other people using the Filipino (Tagalog) language. So, we will learn expressions, phrases and sentences that you can use in various situations. As a bonus, you will also get to learn about the wonderful and fascinating Filipino culture along the way! By learning and speaking the Filipino (Tagalog) language, you'll be able to relate more with Filipinos (as well as Philippine locals) and get to know them better. I am sure that your travel to Philippines would be more memorable and more meaningful if you'll be speaking the language of the locals. So, what are you waiting for? Tara na! (Come on!) Let's begin learning and speaking the Filipino (Tagalog) language! Course Features Lessons are delivered via video lectures. Drills and exercises are incorporated into the lessons. Downloadable handouts and review notes are also provided for each section or each standalone lesson. Students may use these while viewing the lecture. They may also be used for reviewing before attempting the quizzes. Each section also ends with a quiz to measure your understanding of the lessons. The quizzes will also help in reinforcing the language lessons found in each section. Course Content This includes lessons that will teach you how to perform basic communicative functions in conversational or colloquial Filipino (Tagalog). In short, this course focuses on ""survival"" or ""essential"" Filipino (Tagalog), which will surely be beneficial to those traveling or relocating to the Philippines soon. After taking the course, it is expected that students will reach approximately A2 level of fluency in the Filipino (Tagalog) language as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Aside from teaching the Filipino (Tagalog) language, this course also aims to familiarize students with the Filipino culture. Course Duration The course was designed to allow students to work through the course at their own time and pace. Students may sign up and enroll in the course at anytime they wish. Course activities may also be completed at the most convenient time for them. While students have the freedom to choose their learning schedule, it is advisable that they complete at least one lecture a day. Course Completion Students are required to view all the lectures and accomplish all included activities to be able to qualify for a Certificate of Completion to be awarded by Udemy. It should be noted that there are no deadlines for completing the course. Nevertheless, students are advised to devote a few minutes of their time regularly for language learnings to fully benefit from the course. Questions If you have any questions on the Filipino language, you are encouraged to post your questions on this course site. You may also contact me through Udemy's messaging system."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Professional documents using Microsoft Word 2010" |
"Do you believe you could save time and create better looking documents if you just knew how to fully leverage the power of Microsoft Word? Do you wish you could learn from an expert how to create professional documents? If so, this course is for you! Microsoft Word 2010 is a powerful application in which you can design, author and edit professional documents. In this course you will learn how to use styles, text layouts and images to create good looking documents, you will learn how to create professional reports with references and table of contents. You will learn how to create structured documents using tables to create a professional resume. Finally you will learn how to use more advanced tools in Word such as Mail Merge to personalize letters and emails. Instead of learning how to use Microsoft Word 2010 feature by feature, you will see how Microsoft Word 2010 is used in real life by productivity expert Ulrika Hedlund."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blues Guitar Lessons - Robert Johnson and Scrapper Blackwell" |
"Almost by definition, acoustic blues guitar has a dark side - it was born from suffering, after all. This course presents 6 songs by blues legends Robert Johnson and Scrapper Blackwell, two giants of acoustic blues guitar. You will learn all songs in great detail. Each song is covered in one video lasting between 15 and 25 minutes, which also includes on-screen guitar tablature and a PDF file for downloading for later study. Everything needed to learn and play the song is included. Scrapper Blackwell songs - Blues Day Blues, Down and Out, Kokomo Blues and Blues Before Sunrise. Robert Johnson - Me and the Devil, and Love In Vain. The level is not super complex, but you should have some experience in finger picking guitar techniques and changing basic chords - you will also be learning (probably) some new blues chord structures. Jim Bruce was voted N2 Internet Guitar Instructor by Truefire in 2013."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home: How to Start a Home Daycare Business" |
"In this course, LaDonna will teach you how to start and operate a home daycare business. You will learn how to set up your business, market your services, track your finances, and operate efficiently. You will have access to tools and resources every childcare provider needs. If you have a love for children and are looking for a way to work from home, the childcare business is for you!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Excel 2010 the Easy Way" |
"Impress your colleagues and wow your boss by developing your spreadsheet skills with our Microsoft Excel 2010 Beginners course. Microsoft Excel 2010 is still one of the most popular and widespread editions of Microsoft’s famous spreadsheet program, but it can seem very overwhelming to the novice getting to grips with the software. In this 7 hour Microsoft Excel 2010 Beginners course, you’ll go from shunning sums to cheerily calculating, and by the end of the course you’ll be comfortable with every aspect of the layout and basic functionality of Microsoft Excel 2010. Our professional instructor will talk you through Excel 2010’s features, starting with the basics, from creating files to editing existing documents. You’ll start with creating a new workbook and entering text and numbers, moving onto saving and printing your documents, and working with larger and more complex workbooks. Next you’ll move onto moving and managing data across rows and columns, as well as different sheets, in addition to introducing your first formulas. Formatting workbooks comes next, in addition to adding attractive charts and graphs to display your work. You’ll then move onto sorting and filtering data, linking multiple files, and, finally, working with some more advanced formulas. With this informative course, you’ll learn the skills you need to make an impact with attractive, functional spreadsheets that help you do your job better. Plus, when you sign up for our class, you’ll also get these 3 BONUSES: Downloadable & printable keyboard shortcuts - to help you save time and get your work done faster. An online quiz (40 questions) - to test what you've learned. A certificate of completion - to tell everyone you've aced the course. What people are saying: "Simon Sez IT is one of the best resources if you are looking for Microsoft Office tutorials." - Note: All videos are high-definition and are therefore best viewed enlarged and with the HD setting on."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Save More of What You Earn" |
"You know you need to give your finances the attention they deserve. But who has the time? This course brings you actionable financial advice for growing, saving and managing your money. You get all the advantages of learning the same insider know-how of top financial advisers. These courses provide you the confidence to make informed financial decisions to manage and increase your wealth while giving you peace of mind that the financial security of your family is in good hands. The lectures which include videos and handouts are Life Insurance 101, Managing Your Credit 1, Managing Your Credit 2, Budgeting, Getting Out of Debt, Identity Protection, Investing 101, Retirement Planning, Saving Money and Tax Planning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |