Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Rational Expressions and Functions: Your Complete Guide" |
"Learning about Rational Expressions and Functionscan be tough. Once you feel you mastered one type of problem you get stumped on the next. This course is structured to not leave you behind in the dust. I start off each section with basic definitions and processes you will need to know moving through the course. I then present two types of videosto you for each skill. First is the overview video where I explain the concept as a whole like a typical lecture in a classroom. I then work through multiple examples showing you step by step how tocomplete different types ofproblems. We both know watching someone do math is not the best way to learn. You have to practice! Each section you are provided with multipleworksheets to practice your skills as well as the answers to check your work. Revert back to videos if you get stuck and forget how to solve the problems. Once you feel you have a goodgrasp of your understanding it is time to take your quiz. There are multiple quizzes provided for each section. Take the quizzes as many times as you need to earn100%. There is no pressure you are hear to learn. By taking this course you will not only gain a better understanding of Rational Expressions and Functionsbut you will gain confidence to solve more problems on your own. That is why I created this course. I want students to no longer fear learning math or walking into their math class because they just don't understand. Everyone can learn math. Some it just takes a little longer, some just need a little boast and some need a course like I designed to guide them through the material. Heck once you complete this course, show your teacher! You deserve and A. I am here for you and by joining this course you are now one of my students just as important to me as the 140 students I teach in the classroomduring the school year. So please keep in touch, let me know how I am doing and if there is anything extra I can provide to assist you with your learning of Rational Expressions and Equations."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Full Stack Web Development" |
"Eduonixintroduces its biggest and best course yet! To cater to thechanging role of developers and technologies around the world, wehave introduced a brand new master course to become a FullStack Web Developer.Withthe fast paced nature of technology, developers can no longer becomeexperts in aspects of development, but now must learn the entireprocess of development from design to actual deployment. This hasintroduced a new role for developers Full Stack Developers.Whatare Full Stack Developers?FullStack Developers are developers that design complete apps andwebsites. These developers work on all facets of development, fromfrontend, to backend, to database and even debugging and testing. Inshort, the developer must understand the app through and through.Frontend developers are more sought after because of their expertiseof not in one but multiple technologies. They can handle all aspectsof development, and it can result in a more seamlessly createdproduct.However,resources to become a Full Stack Developer are limited and only offersections or just random technologies that you must learn and combineon your own. So, we introduced this course that compiles alltechnologies in perfect sync to help developers transition from asimple developer to become a Full Stack Developer.Startingfrom frontend development, the learner will slowly progress to becometo other aspects of development including backend, database,debugging, version control and other essential technologies that arehelpful for a developer.OurFull Stack Course breaks down the fundamentals of each technologythat you would require to become a Full Stack Developer. The entirecourse is broken down into five separate segments: Frontend, Backend,Database, Other Essential Technologies and Debugging/Version Control.Each section includes multiple technologies to help you gain moreexperience as a developer.Thatsnot it! In addition to theorybased learning, the course also focuses on practical applications bycovering multiple projects in great detail, helping you learn withhands-on experience.Letslook at the different technologies and frameworks that you willlearn:Frontend HTML, HMTL5,CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQueryBackend Node.js, Meteor.js,Angular 2, PHP, Rubyon RailsDatabase MySQL, PostgreSQL,MongoDB, CouchDB, ApacheCassandraOtherEssential Technologies Memcached, Redis,Apache Lucene, ApacheSolrDebugging/VersionControl GIT, Subversion, Task Runners (Grunt, Gulp), Debuggers(Xdebug, Firedebug)Eachtechnology will include functional projects that you will create withthe help of the instructor. Here are a few of the projects areincluded in this course:PHPJob BoardAJAXGithub Profile FinderRESTfulJSON APISASSTemplate Page Cache/MemcachedPHPMYSQL Messaging AppHTML5Note App Using LocalStorageTheseare just a few of the 40 different projects that are packed in thisbrilliant course. So, what are you waiting for? Lets master FullStack with this course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn MEAN Stack By Building A ToDo App" |
"Thisbrilliant MEAN Stack course will get your acquainted with the entirestack by helping you create a complete functional application.MEANStack is a combination of four different technologies MongoDB,Express, Angular, and NodeJS that help developers create dynamicapplications and websites using just the stack. The stack includesfrontend as well as server scripting technologies, both of which canbe coded using JavaScript, eliminating the need for learning multiplelanguages.ThisMEAN Stack course is the perfect course for you to learn thisbrilliant technology. You will design a working To Do App that willallow you to add, edit and even delete To Dos. Additionally, you willalso learn how to use mLAB, a remote MongoDB database.So,what are you waiting for?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Build A Google Map App Using Angular 2" |
"GoogleMaps have simplified navigation and almost all websites these daysinclude Google Maps for contacting, or directions helping usersfind them. Do you want to learn how to add Google Maps to your ownwebsite? Well, in this course you can!Inthis short MapIt project based course, you will learn how to use theGoogle Maps components for Angular 2 and incorporate a MapIt feature.In this project, you will be able to search and pin locations usingLatitude and Longitude or simply by clicking on the location on theMap. These pins will parse to Local Storage, so they will stay evenif you restart your applications.So,what are you waiting for? Let's SAY MAP!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to build an Auth0 App using Angular 2" |
"Securityis important, especially when it comes to sensitive data. From banksto even local news sites, you require creating accounts so that thecompany can provide you with access and keep your data secure.Thisis why we have created this comprehensive project based course tohelp you design an authentication page that will allow your users tocreate an account and log in every time they want to access theirprofile.Thisproject will show you how to create a website using bootstrap,incorporate the Auth0 authentication component and create an account.You will also learn how add Auth Guard so that you can restrictaccess control to certain routes and also go through the Auth0dashboard to learn how to manage your account.Allof this and so much more await you in this course. Lets getstarted, already!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Build A User Login System Using NodeJS" |
"Authenticationsystems have become an integral part of many companies and theirwebsites. This course will show you the step by step process of building a user authentication system.Wehave designed this course to help even a beginnerto learn login systems and tocreate a complete user login authentication system. We will useNodeJS (server side application platform), Express (a simple webapplication framework) and Passport (authentication middleware) todesign the login system.Userswill be able to register and create a login username. They will so beable to log in and arrive at a user manager page. The possibilitiesof adding this to any other website is endless.So,lets get started."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Build a Shopping Cart using NodeJS" |
"Thismini NodeJS course will help you learn how to design your ownecommerce website using NodeJS, Express and Kraken. NodeJS is abrilliant open-source JavaScript runtime environment that allowsdevelopers to create powerful and dynamic server-side webapplications.Inthis project-based course, you will build an entire Bookstore fromscratch. You will be able to add, edit and delete books to thebackend and customers will be able to browse, add and delete booksfrom their cart as well as purchase it using Paypal.Thisis a great course to start getting your hands dirty and learning thetechnology by actually doing it. So, well see you on the inside."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Build An Elearning Website Using NodeJS" |
"Node.JS is currently one of the fastest growing web sever technology on the market. An open-source, cross-platform server side platform, it simplifies the process of creating sturdy and complicated server side applications, including login systems. This course has been designed to help you learn how to build a complete e-learning system from scratch with a hands-on project. As firm believers of doing by learning, we focus on helping students learn theory as well as practical applications of a particular technology.Thats not all. In addition to Node.JS, you will also learn related technologies such as Mongoose and MongoDB, Express Handlebars and Validator and even Passport and bcrypt for creating this login system.With so much in this short course, what are you waiting for? Lets start our Node journey."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Build WordPress Plugins By Creating A Movie Plugin" |
"If you want to really unleash the power of WordPress you must learn to create plugins. This course is aimed to provide you with all the concepts you need to create wordpress plugins.Here you will learn how to create a simplemovie directory using WordPress Movie Listing Plugin, which willdisplay multiple fields such as name, rating, plot, the name of thedirector, YouTube trailer and even a custom genre.Thistutorial will start the beginning helping you create the page, addpagination, create an AJAX re-order list, learn how to use theWordPress Editor and also changing the settings.So,whats keeping you from creating your own plugin? Lets start building WordPress Plugins."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Plugin Development - Build A Facebook Footer Link" |
"WordPresshas revolutionized the way people make websites, which wereoriginally required hours of coding experience. Long lines of HTMLcodes were now reduced to simple drag and drop features and users nowdid not even need to have any coding experience.WordPressthen took it a step further and introduced Plugins, or small widgetsthat could be plugged into the system without requiring anyadditional coding. These plugins allowed developers to add multiplefeatures to their website by a few simple clicks.Youcan learn how to create your own WordPress plugins and follow the step by step process by creating a facebook footer plugin from scratch.Frominstalling and setting up your WordPress, creating the pluginstructure including the stylesheet and scripts, creating an adminsettings page and also saving your settings.Thislittle course can help boost your career or your business. So, letsget started."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build A Video Gallery WordPress Plugin" |
"Itis said that a picture speaks a thousand words, but what aboutmultiple pictures back to back in the form of a video? They tell astory. Videos have a huge impact on stories and when it comes tospreading information and in todays world, they play a moreimportant part than text and images.Inthis course, you will learn how to create your own YouTube VideoGallery in WordPress, one of the simplest website creation platform.You will learn how to create the YouTube Video Gallery Pluginand include custom post type, which will be videos.Thisshort tutorial will include how to create a video post type, createdynamic embed code for videos and also how to use the Settings API.So,whats your story?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Projects in Cloud Computing" |
"The ONLY course to help you understand Cloud Computing using a hands-on approach is finally here!The fast paced acceleration of technology has resulted in futuristic concepts to become real. What used to seem like sci-fi technologies have now become the norm. The same can be seen with storage and system platforms. The bulky computers are long gone for more sleek and modern ones. However, these systems are not at all cheap, but expensive and time consuming to set up. This has given way for cloud computing.Cloud computing is a shared platform where users can borrow storage, processing power and other services on demand, without having to physically add more systems to their current network. This drastically reduces the cost and offers better opportunities for companies, most commonly startups.With the huge number of apps and software that are in the market, cloud computing was definitely a needed option to reduce costs and help boost technological advancement. There are three innovative companies that are often associated with Cloud Computing Microsoft, Amazon and Google. Each company has significantly contributed to growing the cloud platform to the great heights it is currently on.With cloud computing being the future of development, there is no one course that caters to helping you learn everything you need to know about Cloud and its many technologies Until Now!We have collaborated with industry experts to design the only course you would need to learn the ins and outs of Cloud Computing and many of its related technologies. From AWS to Azure to GCloud, you will master the entire cloud platform in this course.The course covers a vast syllabus that includes Cloud Engineering Techniques, the Cloud Architecture, Providers, Application Clients, Build Tools, Design Patterns, Programming Languages and also emerging cloud technologies to keep an eye out for.Here is a further breakdown of what you will learn in this course:The course includes:Cloud Provisioning: Ansible, VagrantOrchestration: KubernetesProviders: AWS, GCloud, Microsoft Azure, Heroku and OpenShiftArchitecture: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a service) and SaaS (Software as a service)Application Clients: Azure Python SDK, GCloud SDK, Heroku SDK, OpenShift ClientBuild Tools: Gradle, WebPack and PIPDesign Patterns: Circuit Breaker, Service Registration and Discovery, Load Balancing, Universal JavaScriptCloud Programming Languages: Python, Java, Go, JavaScriptEmerging Cloud Technologies: Docker clusters, ReactJS zero configuration, MicroservicesIn addition to learning the theory behind cloud computing and the different cloud platforms, you will also work with each technology, including building platforms from scratch. You will gain a complete working experience as well as confidence by the end of this course.With this much packed in this humongous course, whats keeping you from boosting your skills and your career to greater heights? Enroll Now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Development Using VueJS" |
"Your One Stop Shop for Vue.JS is here!This course has been design to be your only go to resource for learning the brilliant Vue.JS front-end framework.Vue.JS is a simple and adoptable JavaScript framework that work as a view-only framework, similar to ReactJS and Angular. However, it differs from these drastically. Vue is not only faster but also easier to work with and comes with less overheads.It has been designed to be adoptable and is easy to integrate with other existing technologies or libraries. This brilliant framework is currently one of the most popular frameworks on the market for simple single page applications (SPAs). Here is your chance to learn this amazing technology from the start. You dont need any other course, tutorial or resource. We have created this course to be your only guide for learning this amazing technologyIn this comprehensive course, you start from the ground up understanding what is Vue, what is it good for, how can it benefit you for programming, its basic fundamentals, the UI development syntax, components, how to incorporate APIs and even design a complete project using Vue. The course starts with helping the learner understand what is Vue and how it can help in development, as well as compare it to other technologies such as React.JS. It will provide a detailed look into the syntax including directives, interpolation, what is data-binding and how can we create two-way data bindings through input fields and handle events. It will then progress on to discussing watchers, reactive properties and how to use them in an app, components (stand-alone as well as ones that are used with the Vue CLI and Webpack), and also understanding the Vue Router. The last section includes a project that will help you get some hands-on experience with Vue.JS, allowing the student to learn how this technology can be used in practical applications. In this project, you will design a webpage using Vue that makes API requests using the Vue Resource Package to Reddit, and has subreddits displayed on the webpage.This truly is the complete course to help you learn Vue. So, what are vue waiting for?! Enroll now and master this framework."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"End Game: The Ultimate Accelerated Learning System" |
"Note from Timothy:I added a 9th course to this bundle in 2019.04 on test taking, it was formerly a separate course called ""Ace Your Finals"" but it really applies to any kind of test or quiz taking...I just happened to release it during finals season a few years ago. It also reflects the big idea of this course which is that different learning projects have different outcomes, sometimes you want to memorize for a test and then it's ok to forget most of it, other times you want long term retention, or you want to build a specific skill like playing an instrument or composing music or writing a program. Each learning project should be done differently based on what outcomes you are looking for. Each of the courses/sections in this mega course that come after note taking should be seen in this frame, of a certain TYPE of end game or outcome or deliverable that the learning project is designed to fulfill.-Timothy (2019.06.09)The Most Successful Accelerated Learning Course Series of All Time -- Now All in One Course8 Courses, covering all 7 stages of the learning process, now combined into one Massive Course. 27+ Hours of high quality, 720p and 1080p video. The #1 learning system in the world.What does any Grandmaster teach their pupil first?End Game.End game means focusing on results.And then working your way backwards.You want to win?You start with the end in mind.Then you learn mental frameworks for how to get there.This is the principle that separates this learning system from everything else on the market.Sometimes I hear jokes.HAHA!If you're teaching accelerated learning, why is your course so long? It should be, like, an hour long.I don't bother with these people much anymore. But when I did, I would tell them this.You have been lied to.Learning is not easy.Learning fast is not easy.Achieving greatness, in anything, is not easy.It's not a hack or cheat code you plug in.It's not a ""switch"" that you ""flip"" in your head.It's not a pill you take or some magic pixie dust you sprinkle on yourself.It is a discipline. It is a system that you apply.You work the system, you get the results.The first big lie that most people believe in when they start out is that learning is basically what you did in school. When done right, it's the furthest thing from it.Most people learn in school to play an elaborate game of reading, cramming, test taking and forgetting.The second big lie comes later.You are interested in productivity, so you do I get more productive with my learning?You might hear something about speed reading.Which is mostly a joke. Yea, skimming has it's uses, and yea, if you are making egregious mistakes you can clean them up, but it's not a game changer by any means. (You'll learn what really is game changing inside the course in the ironically named ""speed reading"" section).Here's the deal with speed reading. It ignores the end game.The end game is one of three things.Long term retention of knowledge. (Years, Decades)Building a skill. (via deliberate practice, the scientifically proven best way to build skills)An Action Plan. (You don't need to memorize everything...just implement the plan, store your plan in your organized learning project system and then retrieve it later if needed)What the speed reading gurus fail to mention is that they have no strategy for long term retention.Great, you read fast.Great, you say you actually comprehend it.Now you're telling me you are also memorizing it on the fly? And that the laws of spaced repetition for memorization don't apply to you?It's not real. It's not a real thing. It's a pipe dream.You can't get spaced repetitions unless you are taking notes in some way as you are learning. You will learn how to do that most efficiently inside the course.Now, onto the second part of big lie number two.This one is about memory.The ""darling"" of the accelerated learning world for the last decade.It also doesn't stand up to scrutiny.What you will learn in most accelerated learning courses is that you can develop an infinite, photographic memory if you just learn some mnemonic tricks and build some memory palaces.Turns out, this doesn't actually work.And, on a side tangent, don't pay attention to the memorizing decks of cards or digits of pie strategies, they turn out to only apply to a tiny minority of memorization situations, those where you have a small set of the same things that you are memorizing over and over again, like 52 cards or 10 digits. They don't work nearly as well for arbitrary info. Here's why they don't work.Even if you use these memory palaces and mnemonics, you are still not even half way home.Why?Because if your goal is years or decades long retention, you still need to do spaced repetitions. Mnemonics just make it so you have to do spaced repetitions slightly less often.What that means is that you still have to do all those spaced repetition.It sucks, but it's really the only way to keep stuff reliably in that extremely valuable and limited real estate between your ears.In other words, the rent is not cheap when it comes to your brain.You have to pay top dollar in terms of time and energy to retain information long term, or it will get evicted.And this is where other learning systems fall apart.They have no system for helping you to get those spaced repetitions months and years after the fact.That book you just read?Where are your notes?How are you going to get your 5th spaced repetition on it one and a half years from now?How many piles of papers will you have to page through to find it?How many hundreds of search results will you have to pore over in Google Desktop or Dropbox or Google Drive or Evernote or OneNote until you find them?Now multiply that by the hundreds of books and courses and other stuff you will be learning from over the next few years, not to mention decades.It's a joke. But it's not funny if you are serious about your learning.You get to a point where you eventually realize you need a system for this stuff to even begin to work.You realize you need a learning project organization system that will allow you to easily retrieve your notes months and years later so you can get your spaced repetitions.You need a sane way of scheduling those repetitions so you aren't spending all of your time figuring out what you are supposed to do next. If you are ready to truly become an elite level accelerated learner, this is the only course that will take you there.If you think you are ready, I look forward to seeing you on the inside.-Timothy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Freelance Bootcamp - The Comprehensive Guide to Freelancing" |
"Are you ready to launch your own freelance development business but don'tknow where to start? I used to be the same way and I spent years refining my system in order to run a successful freelance business. My name is Jordan Hudgens and I'll be your instructor for this course. In addition to being an instructor I also have a freelance development business that generated over $295,000 last year alone. In fact, in one month I made over $43,000 in freelance work. And in this course I'm going to walk through the exact process I used to build my freelance service so that you can learn from it and launch your own business.I have spent the last year putting together this curriculum based on my own real world experiences with clients. This includes discussing the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to becoming a freelancer. Many other freelancing courses are filled with 1-2 hours worth of theoretical concepts. I took a different approach and focus 100% on practical real life experiences so that you can truly use this course to launch a freelance business. The result is that this course gives you 2 to 3 times more material than most other freelancing systems.I've organized the course into practical sections so that you can follow along, this includes:Preparing for the launch of your business. Including how to schedule your launch, how tocreatea portfolio that actually gets clients, how tocrafta list of template proposals, and every other component you'll need in order to start your business.Next we'll move onto the top challenge freelancers come across: how to get clients! This was the most difficult obstacle for me to overcome when I started my freelance business and I walk you through my marketing system that generated so many clients that I had to hire additional freelancers to help take on all of the new clients that were signing up.As important as getting clients is when it comes to launching a freelance business I don't end the course there. I dedicate sections to the topics of managing projects, testing for code quality, working with legacy applications, and how to manage client communication to ensure that your clients become your biggest fans.If the idea of hard work doesn't scare you off and if the concept of making your own schedule and being able to work from anywhere in the world is appealing, then this is the course for you.Since these concepts are part of my life's work, I didn't simply record myself discussing the material. I also wrote a full book on how you can launch your freelance business called: The Freelancer's Manifesto, and I'm giving every student that signs up for this course a copy completely for free (sold for $30 online and in stores). The book is a great companion to the video lessons and includes additional stories and examples from my own freelance experience.In addition to the book, when you sign up for the course I will also send you all of the documents you'll need in order to become a freelancer, including: the legal agreements I give to clients, my full list of template proposals, and as with all my other courses you can message me anytime with any questions that you may have.Please feel free to review the course curriculum and I look forward to going through the material with you on your freelance journey!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Angular 2 + Rails 5 Bootcamp" |
"Are you ready to build professional applications that combine the Angular 2 application framework with Rails 5 as a backend? Then this is the course for you. My name is Jordan Hudgens, and I'll be your instructor for the course. In addition to being the lead instructor for devCamp I've also been building web applications for over a decade for organizations such as Eventbrite and Quip.After you have completed this course you will be able to build modern Angular 2 and Ruby on Rails 5 applications. In fact, in this course we're going to develop three applications, with Angular working as the front end, and two Rails API apps functioning as the backend. This is a powerful combination since you will learn how to create incredibly fast, dynamic Angular applications that embrace features such as real time updates, along with the power and flexibility provided by the Rails framework.We'll start the course by walking through the application architecture, this will teach you the concepts you will need to understand how microservices should be designed from a software engineering and best practice perspective. From there we will start building the Angular 2 front end application, including integrating the Bootstrap 4 framework to style the app. After the front end is complete we will create two Rails 5 API applications that will store and manage the data for the full system.Throughout the course material you will learn concepts such as:How to configure your system to run Angular ApplicationsHow to generate an Angular 2 application from scratchWhat it takes to build Angular componentsHow to work with Angular Observables to automatically update page elements without even needing to refresh the page.Along with how to communicate with APIs and parse the data they return.And everything else you'll need in order to build real world Angular 2 + Rails applications!This is not an entry level course. You will need at least a basic understanding of Rails in order to go through this material. Additionally, I also recommend that you are familiar with the TypeScript programming language since the entire Angular 2 framework is built on TypeScript, however if you haven't worked with TypeScript you can still work through the course. Also, since we will build 2 Rails applications in this course I highly recommend that you are either working on a Mac or using an online IDE such as C9.Each lesson of the course is paired with the source code that I used in the guide so you can check your work. And since the application we're building is a real world app I'll constantly be adding to the course material with new features, as I do with my other courses.Please feel free to review the course curriculum and I look forward to going through the material with you on your development journey!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Vim for Ruby Developers" |
"Have you always wanted to learn how to use the Vim text editor, but never knew where to start? Then this is the course for you. My name is Jordan Hudgens, and I'll be your instructor for the course. In addition to being the lead instructor for devCamp I've also been building web applications for over a decade for organizations such as Eventbrite and Quip.After completing this course you will know how to code with the Vim text editor. But that's not really a big deal. If you just wanted to use a text editor there's no point in learning Vim. Vim is more than a text editor, you can ask professional developers from around the world and they'll tell you that Vim development is a lifestyle. Which is why I don't stop at simply teaching you how to use the editor. After going through the basics I will show you have to use Vim like a professional Ruby developer to automate your entire development workflow. This will include learning:How to process Ruby code so that it renders right inside of the file, this makes it possible to efficiently debug and build Ruby programs without even having to leave the text editor!How to customize the Vim environment like a pro, including how to integrate the file system, multiple view panes, and even how to customize the keyboard shortcuts so that you can focus on your code and not the editor.How to install Vim plugins, such as being able to perform fuzzy file searches and autocomplete.This course is not for beginners, the ideal students for this material are those who have some level of Ruby experience and want to take their skills to the professional level. I won't be teaching much Ruby code throughout these lessons, instead this course will walk through how to setup your development environment to maximize development efficiency.In additions to the lessons, as a student you will be given access to my personal Vim setting file and a Vim cheat sheet that I've spent the past several years creating so that you can use it as a reference as you continue to learn how to use Vim.Please feel free to review the course curriculum and I look forward to going through the material with you on your development journey!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Get Productive: Time Management Hacks, Strategies and Tools!" |
"Look, I'll cut the small talk.I created thisproductivitycourse as a complete resource ontime management of productivity for professionals everywhere.I've been passionate about time managementfor over 10years and placedall that practical experience and documentation into this 3 hour course.There's nobodyblockingyou more from achieving your goals than yourself.And it doesn't really matter if we are talking aboutpersonal or professional productivity. Goals are goals and achieving or failing to achieve themfollows the same principles.SoHOWDOIPLANto get you from ""wanting"" to ""doing""?First we go over the productivity of you where we look at things like willpower, motivation, habits, goal setting, decision making and of course your comfort zoneThen we go over your patterns that include everything you do and how you do it. We look at the 4 quadrants of productivity, at the Pareto principle, analyze the grey zone andthe pomodoro technique. We also look at enemies of time management like multitasking, information overload and procrastinationThen we shift focus from you to building a team, because once you've mastered yourself it's time to grow. We look at recruiting, managing your team, effective meetings, reports and even company culture.Nearing the end we look at a wide range of productivity tools either focused on maximizing your output by being productive or by making communication more efficientThen although not central to business we look at some very influential factors to your productivity like exercise, nutrition, stress, sleep and the people around you.And we wrap everything up with a simple and actionable battle plan that will allow you to go from knowing to doingSoHERE'SMYPROMISE:If you watch this productivitycourse andAPPLYat least one time management techniqueyou learned from it,you will get significant improvement in that area of your life.It's as simple as that. No secret recipe, no magic.The only variable that I have zero control overand you are the only one that has, isYOUTAKINGACTION.That's all.Right now you might lack some productivityconcepts, tools or strategiesto achieve your goals, but after watching thistime managementcourse all you'll lack will be ACTION.MyONLY MISSIONwith this courseis to get an email from YOU, 4 weeks from now,saying:""I did that thing you said in Lecture Xand got these results. Thank you.""And that THANKYOUis MYWIN.So, Enjoy!And remember what's essential....DOING!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Launch Your Own Online School and Increase Your Profits" |
"""This is the exact course that I've wanted. I have been teaching on Udemy for years, and my income is dropping all the time. It is very encouraging that Cha-zay is giving me tools to branch out on my own. She is very inspiring."" Mary Monique Littlejohn*************************""She is so professional and the information she delivers is clearly stated. I appreciate the way she simplifies her courses. That's why I continue to sign up for so many of them."" Summyr Bernard*************************""Great course, absolutely loaded with value. Thank you so much. This was exactly what I needed for where I currently am on my course(s) creating journey."" Debbie Zsolnai*************************Do you dream of running your own online School or Academy?If you love creating online courses, then this course is for you.I will show you in 8 simple steps how to create your own school or academy using the Thinkific platform. What are income potentials for running your own online School? Look over my shoulder as I share my side-by-side income comparisons between the Core Freedom Academy and my Udemy courses.Watch over my shoulder and see how easy it is to create an online course using the Thinkific platform. Watch me organize my computer files, add my course title, description, upload videos, set the course price, and eventually hit the publish button. IMPORTANT: Thinkific is a paid third-party service. However, I will show you how to get started for free so that you can focus on creating your course first while you are building your list so that you have an anticipating audience ready to buy from you before you switch to a paid account. *************************""Great course that guided me tremendously in better organizing my course planning. Valuable information to get me started (and to release procrastination)."" Judith Kohnen*************************""Excellent information for anyone starting out in online courses and she includes an absolutely brilliant technique for using Udemy effectively, despite the usual drawbacks of Udemy. Highly recommended!"" Scott Babb*************************""Excellent fast track course for those with no experience and just starting building education platform online business."" Paulina Milewicz*************************Keywords: #thinkific, #teachable, #udemy, #learnworlds, #skillshare, #podia, #ruzuku, #click4course, #digitalchalk, #pathwright, #zippycourses, #kajabi, #academyofmind, #learndash, #accessally, #coursecats, #lifterlms, #opensesame, #coursemerchant, #lmscheckout, #courseindex, #learnpress, #coursepresspro, #sensei, #wpcourseware, #goodlms, #namaste!lms, #masterstudylms, #create and sell online courses, #online course masters, #best-selling online instructors, #online course ideas, #build a course in 1 week, #online courses, #create an online course, #how to create an online course, #1 week to creating an online course, #become an online instructor, #Cha~zay,"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Web Development w/ Googles Go (golang) Programming Language" |
"The Go programming language was created by Google to do what Google does: performant web applications at scale. Open-sourced in 2009 and reaching version one in 2012, the Go programming language is the best choice for web development programming today. Ruby on Rails, Python,Django, Node.js, PHP, and ASP all fall short. Go is the most powerful, performant, and scalable programming language today for creating web applications, web APIs, microservices, and other distributed services.In this course, you will gain a solid foundation in web development. You will learn all of the following and more:Architecturenetworking architecturethe client / server architecturethe request / response patternthe RFC standards defined by the IETFthe format of requests from clients and responses from serversTemplatesthe role that templates play in server-side programminghow to work with templates from Gos standard librarymodifying data structures to work well with templatesServersthe relationship between TCP and HTTPhow to build a TCP server which responds to HTTP requests how to create a TCP server which acts as an in-memory databasehow to create a restful TCP server that handles various routes and methodsthe difference between a web server, a servemux, a multiplexer, and a muxhow to use a third-party server such as julien schmidts routerthe importance of HTTP methods and status codesThe net/http packagestreamlining your web development with the net/http packagethe nuances of the net/http packagethe handler interfacehttp.ListenAndServecreating your own servemuxusing the default servemuxhttp.Handle & http.Handlerhttp.Handlefunc, func(ResponseWriter, *Request), & http.HandlerFunchttp.ServeContent, http.ServeFile, & http.FileServerhttp.StripPrefixhttp.NotFoundHandlerState & Sessionshow to create state: UUIDs, cookies, values in URLs, securityhow to create sessions: login, permissions, logouthow to expire a sessionDeploymenthow to purchase a domainhow to deploy an application to Google CloudAmazon Web Serviceshow to use Amazon Web Services (AWS)how to create a virtual linux machine on AWS EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute)how to use secure shell (SSH) to manage a virtual machinehow to use secure copy (SCP) to transfer files to a virtual machinewhat load balancers are and how to use them on AWSMySQLhow to use MySQL on AWShow to connect a MySQL workbench to AWSMongoDBunderstanding CRUDhow to use MongoDB & GoMVC (Model View Controller) Design Patternunderstanding the MVC design patternusing the MVC design patternDockervirtual machines vs containersunderstanding the benefits of using DockerDocker images, Docker containers, and Docker registriesimplementing Docker and Godeploying Docker and GoGoogle CloudGoogle Cloud StorageGoogle Cloud no-sql datastoreGoogle Cloud memcacheGoogle Cloud PAAS App EngineWeb Dev ToolkitAJAXJSONjson.Marhsal & json.Unmarshal json.Encode & json.DecodeHash message authentication code (HMAC) Base64 encoding Web storage Context TLS & HTTPS JSON with Go using Tags Building Applicationsa photo bloga twitter cloneBy the end of this course, you will have mastered the fundamentals of web development. My name is Todd McLeod. I am tenured faculty in Computer Information Technology at Fresno City College and adjunct faculty in Computer Science at California State University Fresno. I have taught enough students over 17 years to know that by the end of this course, you will be an outstanding web developer. You will have the best skills available today. You will know the best way to doweb development today.You will have the hottest, most demanded, and highest paid skills in the marketplace.Join me in this outstanding course. Come learnbest practices forweb development. Sign up for this course now and open doors to a great future."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Data Analysis with Excel's Power Pivot" |
"Data is being collected all the time and for increasingly detailed transactions. This can lead to an overwhelming amount of data, which brings about a need for people who can analyze large amountsof data quickly.Excel provides Power Pivot to help you organize, manipulate, and report on your data in the best way possible. Since a tool is only as good as the person using it, it is important to gain asolid understanding of Power Pivot to maximize your effectiveness when analyzing data.Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to use Power Pivot along with Excel 2016 toanalyze data from a variety of sources.You will:Get started with Power Pivot.Visualize Power Pivot data.Work with advanced functionality in Power Pivot."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Functions in Excel" |
"You already know how to get Microsoft Office Excel 2016 to perform simple calculations to make your job easier. However, manually entering formulas will take you only so far. As you progress with Excel, you'll need to know how to ask Excel more complex questions about your data and to get the answers you expect.There are over 300 functions in Excel. No need to learn them all. This course is right for you if you want - or need - to perform more complex calculations, e.g. calculate with Date and Time or perform calucaltion based if a criteria is met or not. You will learn how to use the most important function in each category. You will Understand the difference between formuals and functions.Work with cell names instead of the cell addresses. Work with logical functions.Word with DATE and TIME functions.Work with TEXT functions. Because you will understand how functions work, you are able to locate and work with other functions you need."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Part 2 (Intermediate Level)" |
"In this course you'll learn create advanced workbooks and worksheets that can help deepen yourunderstanding of organizational intelligence. The ability to analyze massive amounts of data, extractactionable information from it, and present that information to decision makers is at the foundation ofa successful organization that is able to compete at a high level.Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to leverage the power of data analysis andpresentation in order to make informed, intelligent organizational decisions.You will:Work with functions.Work with lists.Analyze data.Visualize data with charts.Use PivotTables and PivotCharts.This course covers Microsoft Office Specialist exam objectives to help students prepare for the Excel2016 Exam and the Excel 2016 Expert Exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher Certification" |
"Become a Certified Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher and learn how you can perform Crystal Reiki sessions on yourself and others as well as teach Crystal Reiki.Learn how to perform specifically tailored Crystal Reiki sessions that focus on the intentions you or your client are wanting addressed. If you find yourself drawn to crystals and their resonance, this course will teach you how to choose crystals to work with specific aspects of the body and mind in your Reiki sessions.If you find you have a special connection with nature, this course will guide you as you explore some of the most fundamental structures that our world and bodies are built with to deepen that connection and understanding. If you are wanting to provide a new way of working with your clients in your existing healing practice, this course will give you the tools to do so.Take your Reiki practice to the next level.Crystal Reiki is a new branch of Reiki combining the use of crystals with Reiki, universal life force energy. This form of energy healing combines the specific metaphysical healing properties of crystals with Reiki energy, allowing practitioners to tailor each session they perform with the specific intentions the recipient wants to focus on. Crystal Reiki also includes the use of symbols that are incorporated into the sessions which further refine and amplify the Crystal Reiki energy.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for individuals who have already completed study in Traditional Reiki Levels I and II and will provide the tools to perform specific and focused Crystal Reiki sessions. In this course you will learn about the internal structures of crystals and how that impacts their metaphysical properties. You will also learn about sacred geometry and how to utilize fundamental patterns in your Crystal Reiki sessions.You will practice selecting crystals based on their known healing properties as well as your intuition and select their placement in a Crystal Reiki session that amplifies the energy.This course includes scientific theory as well as opportunities for you to practice what you are learning. You will have the chance to share your experiences with a warm community of like-minded individuals. When you have questions, you have one on one support from your Instructor who is here to help you succeed.You will receive specific Crystal Reiki attunements that will help you to connect on a deep level with crystals and the Crystal Reiki symbols.What makes this course special?This course has over 35 lectures that consist of video, audio and written resources with more topics being added each month. You will also receive an 85 page manual you can download for your reference. You have lifetime access to the course materials as well as updates and additional information and there are no deadlines so you can take as much time as you need to work through the course.You will have resources including certificate templates and a course outline to teach Crystal Reiki to others if you feel called to.At the end of the course, once you have met the certification requirements you will receive a Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher certificate (emailed pdf file) suitable for display purposes with your clients. These requirements include completing each lecture as well as a course exam to ensure that students with this certification meet a high standard of professional competency.This course combines science with the metaphysical in a step by step method that will give you the confidence you need to confidently begin your Crystal Reiki practice. Crystal Reiki has a unique resonance that will take your practice and awareness to another level. Follow your heart if this resonates and begin this amazing journey by enrolling now.Important Note: Students who wish to receive certification in this course will receive an attunement which will require that they provide personal information (name, email) when they schedule these attunements. Note: information provided is confidential and only used for the purpose of the attunement ceremony. "
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"React.js: Building Production Ready Apps, Start to Finish" |
"This course is a complete view into building production ready applicationsusing Reactand Reactive Extensions!Reactis a view library created by Facebook that has taken the JavaScript community by storm over the last few years. It's largely responsible for a paradigm shift in web development, emphasizing the creation ofreusable, modular components that are easy to understand and manipulate. Used properly, React can eliminate most, if not all, of the error-prone, long-winded, DOMmanipulation code you may have had to write in the past!Reactive Extensions (RXJS)is a library that allows us to write reactive code inJavaScript. As you'll see in this course, RXJSand React go hand in hand to provide a complete, modern, easy to understand architecture for our applications. While we use RXJSin lieu of Redux or Flux, inspiration from both are heavily borrowed; so you will leave this course with a leg up in understanding the core principles of those patterns as well!This series is a project-based look at using all of the technologies that are becoming commonplace in the web development world. We use Gulp, WebPack, Babel, SASS, and Jasmine to put together a real-world asset pipeline that will support the development and deployment of our application.This course has four main sections:React Primer:we start with an introduction to React terminology and syntax by putting together a few simple applications.Asset Pipeline:next, we begin our main project in this course by wiring together Gulp, WebPack, Babel and SASS in order to create an asset pipeline that is necessary to support a React application.Project Client:the ""meat""of this course;inthis section we build all of our client-side code, and use RXJS and Reacttoestablish the architecture that will support our project.Project Server: the final main section will focus on the creation of a socket-io server that will provide all of the server-side logic of our application.Finally, at the end of this course, we will deploy our application to afreeHeroku hosting account!The goal of this course is simple:to be astart to finish, end to end, complete look at how we can architect an application properly using modern patterns and techniques while takingadvantage of theReact library!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Be an Expert Witness- Certificate" |
"150students in 28 countries!!! In this course, I cover all aspects of work as an Expert Witness, otherwise referred to as Medico Legal work. From how to write a Medico Legal Report to how to put together your Terms and Conditions, this course will provide the potential expert with most of the information needed to begin their career as an Expert Witness.With over 15 years in mental health work and over 7 years acting as a Medico Legal Professional, I hope to answer many of the questions that I had in the early days of Medico Legal Work, including:What are the benefits of getting involved in Medico Legal work?How do IStructure a Medico Legal Report?What are the legal Requirements of me as an Expert Witness?What Terms and Conditions should I have for my Medico Legal work?What are some ofthe do's and dont's of Medico Legal Work?How can I build my Medico Legal practise?How do I manage the administration part of Medico Legal practise?How do I keep up to date with the legal changes involved in Medico Legal Work?"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Rebeloper Messages - the Ultimate iMessage App Template" |
"The ONLY course with an iMessages App Template with In App Purchases!13.0.0 - (05.08.2019) Brand new project rewritten from the ground up in Swift 5.1 for GIF supportWorks on iOS 12, Xcode 10, Swift 5.1 (you can get the older versions too detailed below)Update: Rebeloper Messages 12 is here with a brand new Swift 4.2 project and awesome new features:everything included in Rebeloper Messages X +written from scratch in Swift 4.2iOS 12 readyworks in Xcode 10now has a Parent appUpdate: Rebeloper Messages X is here with a brand new Swift 4 project and awesome new features:new videos: What's new in Rebeloper Messages Xwritten from scratch in Swift 4iOS 11 readyworks in Xcode 9 or laterunlimited stickersunlimited categoriesunlimited in-app purchases (auto-renewable subscriptions, non-consumables)choose sticker count in a rowlet users download your iMessage app for free - this is how you will get tons of downloadsfree stickers / locked stickerscustom Backgroundcustom theme colorsupports simple stickers (png, jpg)put Locked stickers anywhere in your category (at the beginning, at the end, mixed)the whole app supports Accessibility Voicefrequently used stickers sectionlocked stickers cannot be sent; instead an alert pops up asking for in-app purchaseunique categories menusetup takes only 15 minutes due to newly added Plist filessupports all Apple mobile devices including iPad Pro, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone Xmuch more...Don't want to update to Swift 4 / iOS11 / Xcode 9? We have got your back. You can still have access to Rebeloper Messages 3 that works gorgeously with Swift 3/ iOS10 / Xcode 8! Just take a look at the features the lates version 3.0.5 has to offer.Update: Rebeloper Messages 3 is here with brand new features:new video: Whats new in Rebeloper Messages 33 categories3 auto-renewable subscriptions3 non-consumable in-app purchasesthe ability to choose sticker sizesmuch moreUPDATE: Now Supports Auto-Renewable Subscriptions and Gifs (Gifs are no longer supported in v.10.0.0+)!The iMessage App Store Gold Rush has just begun! Be among the firsts who make a huge profit!Rebeloper Messages brings Free to Play to the iMessage App Store.Now you can let users download your app for free, let them try out some of your stickers and than pay for extra Stickers with In-app Purchases.You will get your hands on the Rebeloper Messages source code and hands on video tutorials how to put your own reskin of it on the App Store.How to Set up and ReskinTo better understand how to create your very own version of Rebeloper Messages I'll be showing you how to do it step by step creating a brand new iMessage app called Black Cats Messages. Search for it on the App Store and try it out!Setting this source code up takes less than 5 minutes! It only takes 3 steps:Add your Free Stickers and app theme imagesAdd your In-App Purchase IDsPublish on the App StoreAnd if you need guidance than youre in good company. You will get access to 2+ hours of hands on video documentation. A step by step video walk trough of everything you need to know from downloading Xcode to Submitting your app to the App Store!When you purchase a Rebeloper Source Code you purchase more than just a source code. You purchase the awesome documentation and constant support.Act now and catch the iMessage App Store Gold Rush! Be the first who unlocks the massive potential of Free to Play! Leverage the power of In-app Purchases.Enrich your app portfolio with this delightful, fun and money maker iMessage app Template! Buy now!Got a question? Ask it in the comments section. I answer each and every question in less than 24 hours, but mostly within 3 hours (if we're not asleep). Customer happiness is our #1 priority.Change Log12.0.6 - (02.06.2019) Updated KeychainSwift and BulletinBoard Added even more explanation on how to reset keychain in ResetKeychain.swift12.0.5 - (20.03.2019) Fixed keychain issues that prevented to unlock bought stickers in the Extension app Made reseting keychain easierfiles changed: Setup.swift, RebeloperStoreExtensions.swift, StickerCell.swift, RebeloperStoreSetup.swiftfiles added: ResetKeychain.swift12.0.4 - (18.02.2019) Fixed background issue in Extension appfiles changed in extension app: CollectionViewController.swift12.0.3 - (24.01.2019) Fixed iPad crash when presenting an UIAlertActionfiles changed in main app: RebeloperStoreService.swift12.0.2 - (21.01.2019) Added option to use only Auto-Renewable subscriptions Added example Setup of auto-renewable subscriptionsfiles changed in main app: Setup.swift, RebeloperStore.swift, ShopViewController.swift, CategroyViewCell.swift, StickerViewCell.swift12.0.1 - (21.01.2019) Fixed crash (index out of range) when app has only one non-consumable purchase and we tapped on last category Cleaned up code Added example Setup of one category Made category bar disappear when there is only one category and app behaves as sticker back Added option to set category cell size Added option to set sticker cell sizefiles changed in main app: Setup.swift, MainViewController.swift, ShopViewController.swift, CategroyViewController.swift, StickersViewController.swift, StickerViewCellfiles changed in extension: MessagesViewController.swift, StickersViewController.swift, StickerCell.swift, CategroriesViewController.swift, Category Cell.swift12.0.0 - (16.12.2018)Brand new project rewritten from the ground up in Swift - (13.07.2018)Fixed Restore Purchases not working (files changed: StickersCollectionViewController.swift, MainTabBarController.swift, SwiftyStoreKit folder)10.2.3 - (02.07.2018)Fixed support for Only One Category version of the app. All you need to do is have only one category set up in the CategoriesData.swift file: Item 0 (files changed: StickersCollectionViewController.swift)10.2.2 - (19.01.2018)Added support for Only One Category version of the app. All you need to do is have only one category set up in the CategoriesData.swift file: Item 0 (files changed: MainTabBarController.swift)10.2.1 - (18.10.2017)Added support for Trial versions in Auto-renewable subscriptions (files changed: MainTabBarController.swift, SubscriptionsData.plist)10.2.0 - (15.10.2017)Fixed scrolling all stickers out of view in some cases when in compact mode (files changed: MessagesViewController.swift)Added cool alert controller (files changed: MessagesViewController.swift, MainTabBarController.swift, StickersCollectionViewController.swift, Setup.swift; folder added: JHTAlertController)10.1.2 - (13.10.2017)Fixed number of stickers issue on iPad orientation change (files changed: MessagesViewController.swift, MainTabBarController.swift, StickersCollectionViewController.swift)Made app compliant to Appstore Review Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions to fully meet the terms and conditions for auto-renewing subscriptions, as specified in Schedule 2, section 3.8(b) of the Paid Applications agreement. (files changed: SubscriptionsData.plist, StickersCollectionViewController.swift, MainTabBarController.swift)10.1.1 - (10.10.2017)Added ability to set the number of stickers to be different on an iPhone and on an iPad. This way you will not get those gigantic stickers on an iPad or too small ones on an iPhone. (files changed: StickersCollectionViewController.swift, Setup.swift)10.1.0 - (07.10.2017)Added option to make app totally free (without any Locked Stickers). Just set AppUsesInAppPurchases to false in Setup.swift, remove all IAP IDs from the CategoriesData.plist file and set all Stickers to be unlocked (files changed: StickersCollectionViewController.swift, Setup.swift)Added option to make the app behave as a sticker pack (file changed: StickersCollectionViewController.swift, Setup.swift, MainTabBarController.swift, StickerCell.swift, StickerCategory.swift; file added: AssetExtractor.swift, CustomMSSticker.swift) NOTE: if you select the Sticker Pack Mode than the Frequently Used Stickers menu item will automatically be disabled because of the limitations of the native MSStickerView.Cleaned up comments and code10.0.4 - (06.10.2017)Fixed issue of hiding the app and showing the keyboard on every sticker tap (file changed: MessagesViewController.swift, lines 111, 112, 265-269)10.0.3 - (04.10.2017)Fixed bug when an auto-renewable was bought but upon tapping on sticker it still asked to purchase with non-consumable (file changed: StickersCollectionViewController.swift, line 348)10.0.2 - (03.10.2017)Removed unnecessary imagesMoved 1024x1024 icon into the AppIcon assets folder10.0.1 - (01.10.2017)Added new circular Categories Menu10.0.0 - (28.09.2017)Updated code to Swift4 / Xcode9 / iOS11 / iPhone8 / iPhone8 Plus / iPhone X. This is a brand new project! You will need to start from scratch3.0.5 - (13.09.2017)If you have only one IAP than the Purchase All button should not be present in the shop (files changed: MessagesViewController.swift, Settings.swift)3.0.3 - (30.08.2017)Fixed Locked Stickers remaining at the top when unlocked in case they are presented at the top at the first time (files changed: StickerBrowserViewController.swift)Added Selected Sate for the Category Buttons (files changed: MessagesViewController.swift; files added: ButtonCategory1Selected.png, ButtonCategory2Selected.png, ButtonCategory3Selected.png)Changed design for images ButtonBuy1.png, ButtonBuy2.png, ButtonBuy3.png to better inform the user3.0.2 - (26.08.2017)New Feature: Added ability to chose to put the Locked Stickers at the top of the stickers list (files changed: StickerBrowserViewController.swift, Settings.swift)3.0.1 - (26.07.2017)Fixed and improved support for removing the Shop or the Subscribe buttons/functionality (files changed: MessagesViewController.swift, MainInterface.storyboard)Fixed bug of Categories button not working after leaving and coming back to the app (files changed: StickerBrowserViewController.swift)3.0.0 - (10.07.2017) - This is a BRAND NEW PROJECT; youll need to start a new project to update your pre 3.0.0 version appsAdded option to choose sticker sizesSilenced a few WarningsUpdated project to recommended settingsResized ButtonPurchaseAll.png, ButtonRestore.png and HeaderBackground.pngAdded new images for updateRemoved Store.swiftAdded new stickers to accommodate CategoriesChanged Setting.swift and MKStoreKitConfigs.plist to accommodate new in-app purchases2.0.1 - (21.02.2017)Added support for gif Stickers (files changed: StickerBrowserViewController.swift - line 53, Settings.swift - line 27)Added more robust explanation for how to set up Auto-Renewable Subscriptions (files changed: Settings.swift - line 16)2.0.0 - (18.02.2016)Supports Auto-renewable subscriptions (this is a brand new project; start with a fresh download)1.0.1 - (20.12.2016)Added Progress Hud (files added: JGProgressHUD folder; RebeloperMessages-Bridging-Header.h; files changed: MessagesViewController.swift, Store.swift)1.0.0 - (10.11.2016)Initial Release"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Comic Book Self-Publishing" |
"This straight-forward course talks about what an author or creator needs to know about the process of self-publishing graphic novels or novels through CreateSpace/KDP, Amazon/Kindle, iTunes, Comixology, and other channels, as well as info about ISBNs, Copyrights, printing options, file formats, and much more. Templates and links are provided, including Purchase Order forms and Invoice templates, so you are also ready to make sales. Distribution and Marketing topics are also discussed and tips and tricks on pricing your books. This is a fun and easy-to-digest course that gives a lot of information in a short time, with useful tips and lings to follow through with!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn Directives in AngularJS with Simple Demos" |
"Description :This course is designed to help you to understand directives inAngularJS quickly and thorough. AngularJS is basically a JavaScript framework (an open source web application framework) library, which is distributed as JavaScript file. Mainly used in developing Single Page Application (SPA). It extendes HTML with additional new attributes hence making simple development and making it more responsive at users end, since HTML was never design for dynamics views. AngularJS is very easy to understand hence learning it is a fun. Every feature of it can be modified as per the the requirement.To learn AngularJS you should have a basic understanding of web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will have access to source code of lecture (wherever applicable).Topics are covered in this course aretwo way data bindingng-repeat usageunderstand ng-show, ng-hide and ng-ifForma submissionI hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to working with you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become A Full Stack Web Developer in 14 Days" |
"This course covers all leading programming languages, starting with PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS and NodeJS.You are meant to watch 1 hour per day for 14 days. This is a commitment you must set aside before you start this course.We will start with PHP where we will cover basic syntax, variables, loops and decision constructs. Then we will learnobject oriented features along with string functions. After this we will move to arrays then after understand howREQUEST, GET, and POST works with server variables. Next will be how to connect to MySQL database.Next section will cover MySQL starting with creating database and tables, then we will move tobasic commands INSERTand SELECTalong with WHEREclause. We will also practice how to sort data. Then understand how JOINs work on multiple tables. After this we will touch the section where see practicedata manipulation using basic UPDATEand DELETEcommands.After MySQLwe will start with JavaScript, where we will learn how to write JavaScript inside HTML tags. Then we will dive in to basic types with arithmetic examples. We will understand how stringand boolean works. We will also understand how complex arrays work in JavaScript along with most useful functions. We will discuss how conditional statements work, then learn loops in JavaScript. Document Object Model will be covered in details along with simple practice exercises.Then we will understand jQuery - JavaScript library works with easy to understand demos. This section will cover Selectors, Events, Effects and Animations and many more. We will learn how to change HTML content of a webpage using jQuery. With thediscussion and demos we will cover AJAX with how to handle request, response and errors.In Ruby section we will learn how to run Ruby interactively at the command prompt. Then understand variable,constant, variables, methods, classes and control structures. We will also cover attribute specifiers, then learn implementing inheritance and how method access in Ruby works.Then we will move on to Rails with Model View Controller design pattern and how it implements it. We will build small hello world app using scaffoldinRails. We will make contact app with simple controller. We will add action to this app such as show, edit and delete.In AngularJSsection we will try to understand Expressions, two way data handling along with our first basic app. Then we will dive in to usage of ng-repeat, ng-show, ng-hide & ng-if, after this we will learn how form submission works with validations and how search and case filter works.And then at last we will learnNodeJS - a powerful JavaScript engine. We will understand basic of working with NodeJS then we will understand how core libraries work along with Node Package Manager. We will learn three ways to write and run simple web server using node.I hopeyoull join us for this exciting course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn Basic Commands in Linux Shell" |
"This course is teaches the basics of using thelinux shell, and is intended as a first course in using the terminal. In next 30 minutes you will learn get familiar with linux terminal by understanding how navigate the directory structure, how to list content of directory and understand how file permissions works along with how to change file permissions.Topics include:How to open the linux terminalAll about directoriesListing a directorys contentsUnderstanding file permissionsChanging permissionsThis course is a lite version of our main linux shellcourse for beginners.I hope you join me as we explore basiclinux file and directory structuretogether."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |