Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Chess 101: Learn how to play chess for newbies" |
"Lets learn how to play chess. This mini course has been created to teach you the basics to learn how to play chess. If you are a newbie and never played this game then this course is perfect for you. If you are super newbie this course is for you it is super basic for those who never ever played this game and would like to learn how to start.In this course you will learn...Learn to play chessLearn how the pieces moveHow to set up the board Basic rules of the gameThis course will also show you one head on match against the computer. In this stimulated match you will get to understand the thinking involved you play the game Olympic style with the timer set all against me and how I play this game against the computer and the eventual outcome of this game!************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VSD - Static Timing Analysis - II" |
"In static timing analysis - part 1 course, we introduced you to basic and essential timing checks, like cppr, gba, pba, etc. In this course, we are focusing on application of these concepts on real chip using opensource sta tool called 'Opentimer'. There is an amount of homework needed to make this tool work, but you know what, looking and feeling the power of this opensource tool, you will find the effort is worth takingWhy its worth? Because, you can now analyze your chip at $0 right from your home. Isn't that FREEdom that we have been looking for? In my advanced courses, including this one, the prime focus is on how to analyze complex chips like USB controller or DDR using Opentimer.Opentimer has been developed by Tsung-Wei Huang and Prof. Martin D. F. Wong in the University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), IL, USA. It supports important features like PBA, CPPR, block based analysis, and many more.I am using this tool in this course for explaining the concepts from STA-part 1 and also for some interface analysis that we will be looking in this course.So, hope you enjoy learning this course in the same way we enjoyed making them.Happy Learning !!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"International SEO: Reaching a Profitable Global Audience" |
"International SEO has it's own unique considerations as global websites target multiple countries and multiple languages. This requires international websites to have a strategic site structure and inform search engines which pages should be shown to specific visitors based on their location and / or language spoken.This course is designed for those with at least a basic understanding of SEO and will walk you through everything you need to do to prepare your website for international rankings in the search engines, countries and languages you'd prefer.Here we'll cover:How to determine if your international SEO efforts will be profitableWhich search engines you should targetThe keyword research process and the tools to use3 options for structuring international website contentHow to direct visitors to the right version for their language / countryLanguage tags your site must useThe type of back links you need for global sitesYou should be learning and implementing international SEO if:You have (or would like to have) content in multiple languagesYour website targets a specific countryYou are ready to scale your businessYour website / business already has customers around the worldInternational SEO can be quite complex especially with different versions of the same site all targeting different locations. What do you need to know to rank your website internationally? Inside this course we'll walk through the full process that will expand on your existing SEO knowledge so you will know exactly what to do with the website you are working with.I'm also available if you have any questions as you start taking action on your own international site.Join me to take your website to the next level. Enroll now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Programming for Beginners - Build games using Scratch" |
"A UNIQUEFATHER-SON TAUGHT COURSEWho is this course for?This course is specifically designed for people who are wanting to learn to program, especially children, teenagers, university studentsoh yes, and those more mature and looking for a change of direction or career!What's the course about?Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computerbecause it teaches you to think"" (Steve Jobs). Steve Jobs is not alone in this thinking. Many of the people who are shaping our modern world are saying the same thing programming is the language of the future. This course will introduce you to programming in the most fun, easiest, and most unique way possible.Funbecause you will build a game, a really great game - the famous Flappy Bird game!Easiest because you will learn to program in Scratch, developed by MIT to teach programming.Uniquebecause you will be taught by a unique duo - one withaPhD and one withaPassionYou will learn all the basics of programming, and by the end of this course you will be able to push the limits of what can be done in Scratch. You will learn about sprites, about code blocks that control them, about useful elements like sounds, randomization, sensing, and lots more. While the environment is easy to learn in, what you will learn will be amazing.Why this course?There are lots of courses that teach you programmingand of course I suggest you do as many as you can. However, if this is your first time, or if you are wanting to see if programming is for you, or your children, then this is the best course for you. Why?Firstly it will befun! Learning that is not fun is not funOK, I suppose that makes sense ;-) Every step of the process is fun, plus what can be more fun than making your very first program a gameand a fun game too!Secondly we will be usingScratchto teach you. Sure you will eventually want to learn programming languages like C++ or Swift or Javaas these will allow you to write mobile apps. However, I have seen countless people give up because these environments are so complex. You need to grasp the basics firstand that is exactly why MIT University developed Scratch. This is the best platform, used at schools and universities around the world, to learn to program. From here your options are limitless!Thirdly when you learn to program you need to learn it in aspecialwayand that is exactly what we are going to do for you. You will be learning from two people myself (Craig) and my son, Joshua. I have a PhD in educational technology and have been involved in technology and teaching it for over 30 years. I will share withyou the benefit of my knowledge of teaching. Joshua, who began programming at 12, has a passion for programming and sharing it with others. He has written many successful apps and shares his unique skills in this unique course.Together we are going to share with you how you can learn to program and set yourself up for the most needed career of the future. Everything is going to need software to work, whether it's your fridge, watch, phone, carall of these are programmed. Software is the language of our world, and those who know it hold the key to the future.What kind of materials are included?The course includes everything you need. The lectures are professionally created, as people have come to expect from my courses. We willexplain everything to you and give you access to the source code files in Scratch. Plus in addition to this we have attached additional exercises with solutions to the end of most lessons. This means you can try other things to see if you have grasped the concepts.How long will the course take to complete?There are 3sections to this course, with each section providing short powerful videos on individual concepts. Learning to become proficient in programming takes timebut this course will give you a jump start into what is one of the most needed and lucrative careers aroundask Mark Zuckerberg if your don't believe us!How is this course structured?This is an action course. So the course starts with getting to the doing straight away. The course starts with setting up your Scratch account and then in no time you have written your first program. The course is structured in the following way:1.Section 1 Introduction to Programming in Scratch- The purpose of this first section is to introduce you to the importance of programming, and the Scratch programming environment.2.Section 2 Making the Flappy Bird game- In this section we will guide you in a step-by-step way through the building of the Flappy Bird game. Here you will learn key programming constructs such as controls, sensing, data, and more.3.Section 3 Advanced Programming Features- This section now introduces some more advanced elements to our gameincluding more on data and variables, sounds, etc.Why take this course?It is quite simply the best course, in the best starter programming environment, by the most qualified and unique teaching team!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Set Up PayPal Instant Payment Notification with PHP" |
"Every e-commerce website needs a payment processing system, and PayPal is the most widely used processing system in the world. If you're a web developer, being able to implement a PayPal Instant Notification System is a must have skill for your toolbox. What Is PayPal IPN? PayPal IPN is used for managing orders and creating transaction reports. Instant Payment Notification is a message service that automatically notifies merchants of events related to PayPal transactions. Merchants can use it to automate back-office and administrative functions, like fulfilling orders and providing customers with order status. Who Should Take This Course? Every web developer on the planet! To take this course you should have a basic knowledge of PHP programming."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Swift 3: Exploiting the Latest iOS 10 Features" |
"Apple's Swift is swiftly (sorry) continuing its journey to replace C and Objective-C. Swift 3.0 is the latest version and first major release since the language was open-sourced. It contains major improvements and refinements, and we'll take you through the full lowdown in this online course. Learn everything you need to know about the language's latest features right here!Learn the Latest Swift 3 SyntaxImplement iOS 10 features with Swift 3 Use Swift 3 syntax fluently Boost your chances of having your app accepted Understand Swift 3 language fundamentals Optimise Your App for the App StoreThis online course is a must for any Swift developer who wants to get up to speed with Swift 3 and use iOS 10 features. You will need a working knowledge of previous versions of Swift, and some experience with app development. However if you're migrating over from C or Objective-C, you should be more than capable of following along.The course starts off with an overview of Swift fundamentals and Swift 3's new syntax. Once the basics are covered, you'll learn about classes and methods, message integrations, notifications, and Sirikit implementation. As you do so, you'll move into building small apps in each section, each one making use of a new iOS 10 feature. These are the building blocks that will allow you to create a wide range of applications, all based on Swift 3 and the latest iOS update.By the end of this course, you'll know how to optimise your app and use the latest iOS features to your advantage, therefore boosting your chances of having your app accepted to the App store and purchased by customers. About SwiftSwift is a relatively new programming language dedicated to all things Apple (iOS, MacOS etc.). It is considered the successor to C and Objective-C, taking the best elements of both and modernising them for safety and efficiency. It is a general purpose language and is designed to work with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks. It is used for building apps for all Apple platforms."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Starting with Ember.js 2" |
"Ember isn't like other JavaScriptframeworks. Instead of providing a solution to the 'view' part of theModel-View-Controller design process, it tackles the client-side applicationproblem as a whole. Whether it's web, mobile, or service applications, Emberworks it using the model-view-viewmodel approach and does it flawlessly. Ifyou're a IT professional or just a hobbyist interested in web architecture, UIdesign, or even testing and administrating, Ember will make your lifeinfinitely easier. Create Ambitious Web Applications Understand how Ember 2 works inweb and mobile solutionsLearn how Ember 2 solutions aredesigned, administered and developedCode an Ember 2 project with anonline IDEUse Ember's component paradigm,data management library, CLI tool, and moreImplement Ember Add-Ons,routing, authentication, and moreWrite and run Unit, Acceptanceand Integration testsStyle and Ember app with anEmber Material CSS LibraryLaunch Your Ember 2 Projects NowThis Ember 2 online course was designedspecifically with web developers who design and build UI/UX solutions in mind.However, the information presented is just as valuable for architects, testers,or product managers. Ideally you'll have some experience in creating web UIswith normal JavaScript tools like jQuery or Bootstrap, as well as programmingwith an object-oriented or scripting languageand JavaScript development of complete client-side solutions. EmberExperience, on the other hand, is absolutely not necessary.This course will start off by giving you anoverview of what Ember is and how and why it works. Then you'll install it andget going with the good stuff! You'll start off with routing, templates andhelpers, Ember components and Ember Data, and once you've to grip with thefundamentals you'll begin building your own Ember app. You'll design your app, build it out,create the components and complete the code, and then you'll move on to testingit. But it doesn't stop there; this course also covers more advanced aspectsincluding styling, add-ons and security. By the time you're finished, you'll bemore than capable of getting your own Ember projects up and running. About EmberEmber is a free, open-source, JavaScriptframework for creating ambitious web applications. It allows web developers andUI/UX developers to create scalable, single-page web apps by incorporatingcommon idioms, reducing code lines with Handlebars-integrated templates, andcreating application-specific HTML tags. Websites such as Groupon, Nordstromand the desktop app Apple Music all use Ember."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python Scrapy: Scrape Web Data Using Python" |
"Scraping data from webpages can be a tedious job. But it doesnt have to be.With Scrapy, you can scrape using XPath or CSS. With the large number of examples from both techniques, youre sure to find a solution that fits for you.Whether your targeting data on a single page or multiple, Scrapy can handle the job. No matter if the data is within a list, you can scrape specific patterns right out of the list. Building up your specific Scrapy job isn't a difficult task.Scrapy is a Python library. If you're familiar with Python, XPath or CSS, you'll feel right at home using Scrapy.At the end of this course, you will understand:- what Scrapy is used for- how to install it- how to use ScapyIn summary, you'll be able to target specific elements on a webpage, whether the element is stand along or in a list. Then you can retrieve a group of those elements or just one. This technique allows you to pull down specific types of data.The course ends with a project to help solidify what you've learned. There is a full walk through included with the project solution."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python SciPy: The Open Source Python Library" |
"Computational computing can be a complex topic. How to perform various mathematical functions in code isn't straight forward.With Python's Scipy library, we'll walk through a number of examples showing exactly how to create and execute complex computational computing functions.The course starts with an explanation of what Scipy is. Then we see how to install it. From there, we get into simple mathematical computations and and move into more advanced computations. The last few lessons demonstrate the full capabilities of Scipy.Scipy is for those that need to perform rigorous, complex computations and not have the program bog down computing them. If you're ready to see how to create even the most complex mathematical functions in code, this course is for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python NumPy: Scientific computing with Python" |
"At the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of Numpy' s features and when to use them. Numpy is mainly used in matrix computing. We'll do a number of examples specific to matrix computing, which will allow you to see the various scenarios in which Numpy is helpful. There are a few computational computing libraries available for Python. It's important to know when to choose one over the other. Through rigorous exercises, you'll experience where Numpy is powerful and develop and understanding of the scenarios in which Numpy is most useful.Express fully why Numpy should be usedAbility to install NumpyUnderstanding of how to use Numpy"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Blues Chords & Lessons: The Blues Guitar Of Broonzy & McGhee" |
"How Brownie McGhee and Big Bill Broonzy Used SwingBlues GuitarChords Guitar lessons cover many genres inside this musical form of the blues. Blues guitardeveloped from the African-American community &can be sad in the Delta style from the deep South, or happy in the Piedmont ragtime guitar style of playing which is evident in all forms of modern jazz, rhythm & blues. Between the two there are a group of acoustic blues guitar players who used many standard chord progressions to play with a definite swing, sill using blues notes, but a step up from the standard twelve bar blues. Learn AcousticBlues Guitar In The Old StyleBig Bill Broonzy and Brownie McGhee are two great examples of blues men who excelled at adapting traditional blues verses, using shuffles, walking basses and all the usual tricks but giving it that certain 'groove'; almost like rock and roll. The five lessons in this course take a look at just one of McGhee's songs - Livin With The Blues, and four of Broonzy's. Guitar Lessons - Learning BluesThe Right WayIf you can play one of Brownie's acoustic bluessongs, you can just about play them all! Both men were country blues singers originally, further developing what was basically the music of Africa evolving through field hollers and spirituals, particularly after the ending of slavery. Their swinging style of blues became a firm favorite in juke joints, together with Delta blues and the appealing Piedmont (ragtime blues.)What You Will Learn in these acousticguitar lessons:How to finger pick acoustic blues guitar in the distinctive swing style.Palm damping techniques to ensure that the sound is 'tight'!The chord structure of swing blues in the keys of E, A and CHow to reproduce that elusive 'old blues guitar' feeling.Broonzy's style was much broader and we take a look at several of his songs in some detail. Both men use a fingerpicking style called 'monotonic bass', which means that the thumb strikes just one bass guitar string every beat, instead of alternating between two or three strings.It's less complicated thanalternating bass fingerstyle blues, but that's not to say the guitar sound produced isn't as rich or musical. Both men were very inventive in their treatment of the blues, and the bass action helped drive the music forward in a very definite and unique way. Each lesson is between 20 mins and 30 mins long and provides everything you need to play the songs presented, including slow close up demos of both hands, tips on singing and printable guitar tab files. Acoustic blueslessons in the swing style just got easy - learn blues guitar now!#guitarlessons #blueschords"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Android 7 Nougat Tutorial - Learn beyond basics" |
"Lets gets started with Android Nougat . The newest version of Android and with it comes many new API and features that you would love to incorporate in your App.The No. 1 Android Development Tutorial that teaches you how you could develop a Professional Android App yourself - YES YOURSELF - using the latest Android NougatAPIs and Android Studio 2.3.We shall only be covering API with focus on Android Nougat covering the changes that have been added in Android Nougat. Get access to the latest API and learn the easy way of how to program.THE COURSE REQUIRES NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF ANDROID PROGRAMMING ,BUT A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF JAVA LANGUAGE IS REQUIRED. TO LEARN JAVA ,USE OUR JAVA COURSE TO GET YOUR JAVA BASICS IN ORDER.JAVA - MAKE IT YOUR CUP OF COFFEESO GET STARTED !!!!!Our dedicated Team provides support to all your queries at our Email id""""So if you are held up at any Lecture ,just drop us a mail and we are there to support you.So what are you waiting for . More exciting stuff shall be added to the tutorial. Get going with Android Nougat."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PowerShell for the Enterprise Desktop" |
"Putting together a simple PowerShell Script is the easy part... Ensuring that script will run reliably on thousands of Windows machines scattered across the globe is where a little guidance can save you a lot of time! This course is a cheat sheet for getting your scripts to run reliably on the Enterprise Desktop. Most of the concepts and samples apply equally to servers."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Toughen and Tone Your Body with My Thera Ball Tricks!" |
"INTRODUCTORY PRICE $89. GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME I like the way Colette breaks down exactly step-by-step the results we are looking for in every movement and which muscles we are stretching and why because it helps me do the exercise correctly and benefit from the workout instead of just going through the motions. -Sue It amazes me that after one hour of the Barry -Method class I felt better than I have in years, and I feel this is going to be more effective than any other therapy I have been through in rehabilitating my back and core strength. I look forward to my next session this week! Most Effective Therapy -Kurt P.T. Im approaching 40 and my friends tell me I look better now since Ive been training with her then I did in my 20s!! Colettes one on one program is absolutely addicting!! You have to try this ~ and you wont find anyone better to train with then Colette! Thank you Colette for everything!! Youve changed my life!!! -Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXCELLENT AND INSIGHTFUL! "Brilliant course! This course would assist anyone, whether beginner or more advanced in their yoga practice. Colette really knows her stuff and is clearly an experienced and insightful teacher. This knowledge also fires up the motivation to practice regularly! I will definitely be recommending this course to my yoga friends and look forward to practicing more (I have added the asanas to my daily yoga practice!)" Regards, Mia Randall, meditation author. Join us for the fun and challenge of using a Theraball with Wall Yoga. Come full circle, while learning how to steady your mind and body with over eleven innovative Theraball/Wall Yoga exercises by Colette Barry. With the buoyancy of ball work and the immovable force of the wall, you can move and balance your body to reach muscles you've never thought possible! . . . . . . . . . . Besides developing good overall muscle tone for your entire body, the ball provides numerous other benefits that range anywhere from rehabilitating back, hip, and knee injuries, to delivering a powerful workout to improve core stability, posture, and muscle balance. You also improve your flexibility and your cardiovascular system by using a low-impact workout. Following are a few of the most important benefits for anyone wanting to use the ball and wall work and get a little background on what exactly you're supposed to be working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BACK AND SPINE HEALTH The ball is great if you have back problems because it supports your lower back as you exercise and stretch. And that's exactly why physical therapists and chiropractors started using the ball for therapy. So many people suffer from back strain and injuries these days, that thinking of anyone you know who hasn't is a challenge. What other object can you think of that you can simply lay your body over and feel instant relief? CORE STABILITY With so much talk these days about working your "core", you may be wondering what your core actually is. Well, the core is the muscles in your body that stabilize and support all your movements. Your core, or what people used to call your "midsection", is made up of the deep abdominal and back muscles that work as stabilizers for your entire body. These muscles are the "deep" muscles because, although you cannot see them, they maintain the core stability in your body. Training on the ball is one way to work this group of hard-to-reach muscles. Just by sitting on the ball, you're able to activate the stabilizer muscles and not only improve your posture, but you also feel more in-touch with your center of gravity. This is just one of the many benefits you get from adding exercise balls to your fitness program. . . . . . . . . . . SCROLL BELOW TO READ MY BIO. Facebook I Twitter I in I Google + Barry Method on a Gravity System I Wall Yoga the Best Theraball Workout I Wall Yoga the Three Dimensional Workout I Wall Yoga Ultra Butt and Leg Workout I Wall Yoga Binding Poses for Beauty and Strength I Barry Method the Perfect Workout Package I Wall Yoga Weights, Chairs and Props Workout A disclaimer: If you are ill, injured or have a medical condition, please seek professional medical advice before beginning any of the practices outlined herein. The instructor disclaims any liability for any injury occurring in the practice of the program. All rights reserved by Yoga Trends"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin - deliver native apps for iOS, Android and Windows" |
"LAST UPDATED: 05/2020Deliver native apps for Android and iOS! Build apps for multiple platforms using one language, IDE and API's everywhere.You would like to make apps for both iOS and Android platform, but for obvious reason you don't want to learn Objective-C or Swift to build app for iOS and after that learn Java to write the same app for Android. You can learn once and write all apps in C# with Xamarin.Share code everywhere.You will learn various methods of sharing code, we find out which one allow you to share an average of 75 % of previously written code. To build interface you can use Xamarin.Forms and share nearly 100%.Project based course.Along this course you will create applications that show you step by step the most important elements and functions used in Xamarin projects. We guarantee that course will help you to create your own, advanced applications that fully native and adapted to most of mobile iOS and Android devices available on the market. C# is the best language for mobile app development - anything you can do in Objective-C, Swift or Java, you can do in C#."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CreateSpace Course To Set Up Your Paperback & Kindle Book" |
"This course will walk you through the step by step process of setting up your book on the Kindle and having your hardcover book sold on Amazon.We accomplish that by usingCreateSpace, which is owned by Amazon. Using CreateSpace, we will be able to first create a hardcover version of your book that will be sold on Amazon, and then using CreateSpace, we will create the Kindle ebook version of your book that will be sold on Amazon.I will then show you how to properly format your book for the Kindle using a tool called Calibre.Additional benefits from this CreateSpace courseBy uploading your book using CreateSpace, your book will also automatically be sold in Amazon Europe, Amazon Canada, and many other countries where Amazon or the Kindle are popular. You will also have your book distributed on many other book websites that Amazon owns, including the CreateSpace store."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Love: Destroy the beliefs that keep you alone" |
"Are you tired of dating without success? Are you frustrated because you have no luck when it comes to relationships? If so, now is the time to consider a more effective approach to finding the love. This course is filled with love tips, dating do and donts, self assessment questions and the 12 Levels of Love monthly guide to help you to determine if the relationship is right for you. As a bonus you can also download a copy of my ebook "How I bagged My Husband" which is the basis for this course. Unlike other relationship courses, Learn to Love will challenge you to:"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Ruby on Rails Developer with Rails 5" |
"Fully up-to-date fall-2017The Professional Ruby on Rails Developer with Rails 5 is the latest course brought to you by the creators of the best-selling Ruby onRails course on Udemy! Built by taking2 years of feedback from thousands of students over multiple Rails courses-itprovides the bestintroduction to Web Applications Development using thewildly popular Rubyon Rails framework. It takes you from beginner to expert in just 8 weeks!With Rails 5 and the introduction of ActionCable you can now build realtime features like chatrooms withease and we'll show you how!This course is for students of all levels and backgrounds, thosewho have no experience in programming at all, those who have worked with other web app development frameworks but want to make the switch to or try Ruby on Railsand also for students who have tried Ruby on Rails in the past but want to take their skills to the next level, just to name a few.Why Ruby on Rails? Since its introduction, Ruby on Rails has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools for building web applications for startups and existing software houses. Some of the top sites using Ruby on Rails are Basecamp, Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon, Hulu, Airbnb, Yellow Pages and much more. It's perfect for entrepreneurs or startups looking to rapidly prototype their ideas and bring them to life.This course provides a very structured approach of teaching Rails and how to use Rails to implement ideas. It teaches the techniques to make the code work for the student. There will be video lectures, text follow-up lectures after each video lecture,homework, challenge projects and monthlycode challenges. There will be references to free resources available on the internet to supplement the course materials. There is also a live chat channel where students from all our Rails courses hangout and help each other out with questions, solutions and general networking!A big focus of this course is practice and understanding fundamentals. Most of the code is done from scratch limiting the use of shortcuts, generators andabsolutely no scaffolding or ""magic"". This is also accomplished by diving right in and using a pre-configured Ruby on Rails development environment in the cloud eliminating time required to setup a local development environment and the roadblocks that go with it.Some key aspects of this course are:- Realtime Chatroom and Comments feature using ActionCable!- Rails 5using free cloud-based Integrated Development Environment- Live chat help from other students, you're joining a community of developers who will help youease your way in!- Working with git for version control and github as code repository- 20 hours of high quality content with text lectures after every video lecture with code and directions- Help from professional Teaching Assistant in the Q&Asection and also in the live chat!- Rails MVC structure in-depth - Models, Views, Controllers- Conceptualization and Design- Building own authentication system from scratch using default Rails stack, including admin feature, log in/logout and signup- Working with Bootstrap for UI, Amazon Web Services for file/image hosting, Gravatars- Test Driven Development (TDD) for majority of the application, introduced very early on. Build automated test suite side-by-side with the app featuring model (unit) and feature (integration)tests with the default rails testing framework- Model and non-model backed forms, implementing like/dislike voting feature- Migrations, one-to-many and many-to-many associations at the database layer and implementation using Rails and ActiveRecord- much, much more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cisco BGP Avanado" |
"Curso do Bsico at as configuraces mais avanadas do BGP.Neste Curso estaremos entendendo como a Internet funciona e qual o principal papel do famoso Protocolo de Roteamento BGP.O Border Gateway Protocol o protocolo de roteamento responsvel pelo funcionamento da Internet, e por isso em algumas situaes ele se torna um pouco complexo. Pensando nisso eu criei esse curso para abordarconceitos bsicos e avanados do BGP, a sua funo na Internet, a diferena entre IGPs e EGPs, Policy e attributes do BGP, Route-maps, Prefix-lists, Route-Reflectors, como um Service Provider (ISP) mantm a relao de Multiple BGP Neighbors e muito mais fazendo com que tudo se torne o mais fcil possvel.Utilizando uma topologia de CCIE, estarei realizandoa configurao bsica de 5 roteadores Cisco, aplicando os endereamentos IP, o protocolo BGP e ao final, executa testes de conectividade simulando uma topologia com 2 ISPs.Gostaria de entender mais e aprender a do bsico ao avanado sobre a configurao do BGP? Este o seu curso."
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Certificao Cisco CCNA CCENT 100-105" |
"Seja bem vindo ao Curso Cisco CCNA ICND1, ou tambm chamado de CCENT.Neste curso estarei ensinando todos os tpicos necessrios para voc entrar na carreira Cisco. Voc estar aprendo:Fundamentos de RedesConfigurao de Roteadores e Switches da CiscoFundamentos de RoteamentoFundamentos de SwitchingInfraestrutura de redesServiosE muito mais....Especialmente criado para iniciantes na carreira, neste curso voc vai aprender todos os fundamentos CCENT. Todos os tpicos foram gravados com video em formato HD, som digital e uma excelente tcnica de ensino.Neste curso eu no utilizo slides!!!! O curso 100% prtico, onde explico todos os tpicos e depois demonstro na prtica como realizada a configurao nos equipamentos.O que est incluso no curso:- Aulas sem slides! 100% prticas!- Videos gravados em HD 1080i de resoluo!- Tira-dvidas pelo Chat!- Certificado de Concluso do curso!- E muito mais...Entre hoje mesmo e seja bem vindo(a) ao mundo Cisco!"
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"How to Analyze Multifamily Investment Opportunities" |
"Justin Alamano - 5 StarsThe models provided are worth many times the price of the course.Marquez Cadet - 5 StarsExcellent course with fantastic resources. Instructors provided valuable detailed instruction!!!Gregory A. Weinstein - 5 StarsCourse material is comprehensive, presented in an engaging manner and the modeling tools have real world applicability making this course valuable!Thinking about investing in multifamily apartments but not quite sure how?This course will show you professional techniques and give you professional investment models to help you find the winners in multifamily properties.Before we go further, please note that this is an advanced course.This course assumes you have a working knowledge of real estate investing fundamentals and you're comfortable working with financial models in Excel.If you've never worked with financial models or aren't comfortable working in Excel, this is not the course for you. We also assume you understand the fundamentals of discounted cash flows and you have a working knowledge of IRR, yields, cap rates, etc...Youll get the most out of this if you take one of Symons introductory courses first, which you can find at the bottom of this page.What's covered in this course: How to conduct market analysis at the regional, neighborhood, and competitive level. How to conduct financial analysis for a multifamily investment. How to analyze and verify income sources How to analyze expenses How to look at capital expenditures Evaluating rent roll Creating tenantprofiles Key points of negotiations for the Purchase &Sale Agreement What is the Gross Rent Multiplier and how to use it Review of key investment metrics in the multifamily context. Proper due diligence Multi-family case studiesIvana Bunjevacki - 5 StarsA great course! Very detailed with in-depth explanations and analysis and above all, very practical and applicable to real life situations.Chris Ross - 5 StarsVery methodical, great pace, excellent presentation_______________________________________I don't live in the US, is the material still relevant to me?Yes! While all of the examples in the course use US properties, ALL of the concepts taught and tools provided inside are still useful for any market around the world. In fact, I have students from over 190 countries who are learning and using the tools provided in the course to help them invest in their local area.What if I don't have any real estate background?If you missed it earlier, this course assumes prior knowledge or background.Go take Symon's Intro to Real Estate Investing course if you have ZERObackground in real estate. Why is there so much math and numbers?You can't properly evaluate a real estate investment without looking at its numbers. So if you hate math and don't like numbers,this course isn't for you. Serious real estate analysis is probably not for you either.Why do you use Excel so much?Good question. Analyzing real estate investments involves looking at the numbers and it's easiest to do so with spreadsheets, which is why I use Excel extensively in this course.But the good thing is youDONOThave to build any of the models yourself.You just need to be able to follow along and then you'll be able to use the models I give you. For what its worth, these models are the same ones we built when we worked for multimillion-dollar investment funds to help them find and analyze multifamily deals.Can you make me rich by taking your course?No way! Not just from taking the course, at least. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil.If you take my course AND apply what youve learned to make smarter investments in the future, then you have a chance at making some real money.What we can guarantee is that you will leave with some serious real estate investing knowledge and techniques.What will I be able to do after I take your course?After taking my course, you will be able to confidently use professional real estate investment techniques to evaluate multifamily deals. What WON'T I get from this course? You will not get a Real Estate License from taking this course. You can only get licensed by taking the appropriate test with the testing agency of your state and country. But what is taught in this course has nothing to with getting a license, which focuses on how to legally transact real estate deals between buyers and sellers. This course is about investment analysis. We will not be evaluating your personal investment deals for you in thiscourse. This is about you learning how to do it on your own using the lessons and the tools here. If you really want us to consult, you can reach out to us. Ourhourly rate is $350/hr.Everton Allen - 5 StarsThe presentation is simple, clear and relevant.Richard Reichmann - 5 StarsAbsolutely the best value. Everything is very well explained. Trainer speaks slowly and clearly easy to understand. Excellent course highly recommended.Glenn Levine - 5 StarsThe instructor is exceptionally knowledgeable and keeps the course very informative and interesting!Whats holding you back?Are you afraid this course wont work? I promise you it will.If youre an advanced student you know the value of being able to evaluate multifamily properties. This is invaluable information for any professional to have.Best of all, there is absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee to ensure you get what you pay for.So go ahead, sign up and lets get started. We look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Dmarrer avec Angular 2 : les fondamentaux" |
"Bienvenue dans la formationcomplte de la dernire version du framework javascriptAngular 2pour apprendre crer des applications dynamiques et interactives d'une seule page et multi-vues.Dans ce cours exclusivement orient projets, vous apprendrez avec:des exemples, de niveau simple avanc.des dmonstrations dtailles et des codes challenge pour consolider vos connaissancesLes dmonstrations inclut :L'environnement de travail & dveloppementles composants &les templatesLiaison & accs aux donnes -Data Bindingles modulesLe systme de navigation & routage -RouterInjection de dpendance & ServicesLes formulairesPour qui est ce cours ?Ce cours s'adresse aux intgrateurs web et dveloppeurs. Des bases solides HTML et CSS aideront suivre le cours dans des conditions optimales.Au programme du cours:1- Prsentation & pr-requis = vue d'ensemble pour dcouvrir le dmarrage et lacomposition d'une applicationAngular 2. les utilisateurs apprendront installer les outils de travail . A la fin de cette premire partie, les tudiants seront capables de crer, configureret excuter une application Angular 2.Outillage Angular 2& Environnementde travail avec Node.js et Visual Code StudioOutils de configuration &TypescriptPremier Projet Angular 2 =Hello World2- Les bases Angular 2 = un chapitre entier consacr l'introduction desfondamentaux du framework.Architecture d'une application AngularCaractristiques du Composent Angular & Meta DataTemplate & Syntaxe AngularStyles et TemplateUrl3-4 Les principaux concepts du framework = sections 100% projet orient avec une combinaison de dmonstrations, exercices guidset codes challenges.Data Binding :liaisons de donnes propritet vnement & bidirectionnelleDirectives structurelles ngIf et ngFor& PipesDclaration & injection de dpendancesBoostrapper l'application5 - Deuxtutoriels dtaills et guidsGestionnaire de Tches(Liste Todo) = application intractivesur une seule vue.Composent: proprits et mthodesLiaison de DonnesFormulaire &validationRepertoire Clients = application multi-vues supporte par un systmede routage pour naviguer entre plusieurspagesSystme de navigation & routageIntgration de la librairie HTML &CSSBootstrap 3 pour une mise en page simple et rapide de l'interfaceRejoignez sans plus attendrela communaut Angular 2, framework javascript FrontEnd, rapide et performant,qui vous fera gagner en temps etproductivit. Profitez de cette formation de 8 heures pour dvelopper vos comptences Front Endenrichir votre votre CV.Sandy, Instructeur & dveloppeurWeb"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Become an IntelliJ IDEA guru" |
"Do you care about writing great Java software? Do you want to write perfect code and hunt down bugs like a pro?If your answer is yes, then this course about IntelliJis perfect for you:you'll learn everything there is to know about IntelliJand how it helps you become productive in every aspect of the development process.This includes:Write code faster using auto complete and smart completeQuickly find and replace text across all your filesNavigate your codebase like your backpocketBuild and run Java programs from within IntelliJ(no need to go to the command line)Powerful editing with the multi-cursorWork with tabs to organize your filesIntegrate your projects easilywith a version control systemAdd plugins for specific frameworksupport (Spring, ...)And much moreThink about it,the tool you depend on for writing Java applications will make or break your development experience.Therefore it's only logical to invest some time in mastering the tools you'll so heavily depend on.Moreover IntelliJ is a perfect fit for other languages than Java as well. And it has proven to be a mature and evolutive tool, from developers and for developers!!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Digital Detox : Detox From The Digital World & Start Living!" |
"***Updated October 2019 with 'Extraordinary News' lecture, designed for you to reclaim your sovereignty from the media!***Do you check your phone for messages even when it isn't ringing? Do you sometimes spend more time looking at a screen than observing the real world?Do you feel uneasy when you leave your phone at home, or when it runs out of battery life?Do you find it hard to go through the day, even on weekends without checking your email/social media? Do you find that going on social media makes you feel stressed, and gives you social anxiety, when you see others living these awesome lives? Yet you keep going online, rather than getting out there and living your awesome life?If the answer is yes to any of these, then you could be addicted to technology, and would benefit from a digital detox!You are not alone, the average person spends half their waking life staring at a screen! Is this real life?Newsflash - The digital world is designed to be highly addictive, more addictive than drugs, and it is hooking in the whole world, turning free people into consumers. You have to learn how to unplug!The whole world is becoming increasingly reliant on digital technologies, as more, and more, they become a part of our modern lives.However, technology should be about making your life easier. If you are going online compulsively, even when you don't need to, then it could be that you are making your life more complex, and therefore more stressful, than it needs to be. You need to end this stress and social anxiety in your life!Reclaim Your Life!Millions of people around the world are waking up to the fact that much of our digital appliances, platforms and apps have actually been designed to be addictive, in order that companies can profit from your compulsive behaviour.Remember you have a choice. You can break these habits as easily as you have formed them, and cleanse your mind and body from the stresses they are enduring from being overly subjected to the digital domain.Join this course now and begin immediately to take control back away from the digital world, and also from corporations, and the multi-media millionaires that profit from you being addicted to it.Rediscover how to find a balance between your digital life and your real life, and make technology work for you.Join the growing community of people who have found balance in their lives, with this powerful Digital Detox : Detox from the Digital World & Start Living!ENROL NOW! :)"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Render de interiores en MODO: Mi sistema" |
"En este curso vas a poder aprender como crear una escena 3D de interiores, incluyendo materiales, iluminacin, render y postproduccin, de una forma sencilla y directa, utilizando el renderizador nativo de MODO.El render de interiores es uno de los ms complicados de ajustar en cualquier software 3D. Los problemas de baja calidad en la iluminacin global generan siempre fallos en la imgen, que se solucionan aumentando la calidad a costa de tiempo de render, o bien invirtiendo una gran cantidad de tiempo en optimizaciones muy detalladas que consumen gran cantidad de esfuerzo y tiempo de trabajo.La principal caracterstica de este curso es su planteamiento prctico, que en todo momento evita complicados ajustes y nociones tcnicas que te hagan perder tiempo. Vamos a repasar los conceptos importantes y centrarnos en ellos para saber como tratarlos, de forma que los tiempos de render no se disparen, al mismo tiempo que consigamos una buena calidad, siempre librndonos de splotches, ruido y dems artefactos de imgen tpicos de este tipo de escenas.Una vez que tengamos nuestra imgen en bruto, aprenderemos a realzarla en la fase de postproduccin, trabajando tonalidades, colores, luminosidades y dems efectos.Cules son los requisitos?Foundry MODO versin 9 o superiorAdobe PhotoshopUso bsico de MODO (crear materiales, manipular elementos, conocimiento bsico de modelado)Qu voy a aprender en este curso?Recrear una perspectiva a la perfeccin basndose en una fotografia de referencia.Conseguir modelos de buena calidad para sus escenas de forma sencilla y gratuta.Optimizar geometras y materiales para adecuarlos a un buen funcionamiento dentro de MODO.Desarrollar un sistema ordenado de iluminacin, entendiendo la relacin entre las distintas luces, su temperatura y aporte.Decidir ajustes de render sencillos que ofrezcan buena relacin calidad/velocidad sin necesidad de complicarse con miles de pequeos ajustes.Entender los valores tonales, cromticos y luminosos de una imgen para la postproduccin.A quin est dirigido?Artistas 3D especializados en Foundry MODO que quieran conseguir un mtodo de trabajo para proyectos de render de interiores.Artistas 3D que estn plantendose un cambio de software y quieran comprobar el flujo de trabajo que podran conseguir con MODO."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CSC-Centro de Servio Compartilhado - Guia de Implementao" |
"explorado neste curso as etapas para ter uma CSC bem-sucedido, desde a anlise de viabilidade at a operao pelo gerenciamento de SLA (de acordo com os nveis de servio); Nosso objetivo apresentar e trabalhar o planejamento de uma CSC passo a passo; Identificar os principais fatores crticos de sucesso e como superar os obstculos; Realizamos uma dinmica onde criamos um ""business case"" e um ""roadmap"" para implementao para seu sucesso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Icon & Logo Symbol Design in Adobe Illustrator" |
"* 'Awesome course. You will not be disappointed.'* I've already learned so much! Excellent teacher, well structured videos, short and easy to digest.'* 'I loved this course. It was direct, clearly explained, and helped me kick start my icon design portfolio.'=================================*** UPDATED JANUARY 2020! ***Do you want to develop STUNNING, professional material design, vector icons for use on websites and apps? This is your opportunity to gain insight into the work of a published, award winning graphic design professional who will show you how to create STUNNING material icon designs within no time at all!In the course, you are going to learn, by way of several case studies how we prepare and execute designs for a wide range of uses and topics. You'll learn the tricks of Illustrator and how to use each tool to maximum effect to yield professional level graphics, quickly and easily!All you need to do is grab a FREE copy of Adobe Illustrator following my instructions in the course and you'll be well on your way to designing awe inspiring vector icons!Get your Certificate of Completion after finishing the entire course!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap Bootcamp - Responsive web development- 8 projects" |
"Bootstrap Bootcamp - Building 8 ProjectsIf you are coming from HTML knowledge and are looking to get some confidence in building projects OR you want to learn responsive web development, then you have landed on right page. In this course we will learn about responsive web development and will create 8 projects that you can use in your profile too.When any student starts learning HTML, although he gets the concept but still needs confidence in creating a full website. On top of that, creating a mobile website is not easy to do. In order to create a responsive design, that behaves according to screen sizes, is a tough task especially for a new web developer. With Bootstrap framework, it becomes much more easy to create web pages that are automatically responsive but of course, up to a limit. Beyond that limit we have to manually write responsive CSS to solve minor issues.Learning Bootstrap is an essential skill in present era as every web page, hybrid app and even CMS use Bootstrap to make front end of their web pages. You can further take your knowledge in converting your site templates to CMS templates. Even most of the wordpress templates comes as Bootstrap templates at front end.This course will teach you to understand Bootstrap directly from its documentation. Further we will apply that knowledge in create 8 different and professional projects. These are not any toy projects, these can be used in any professional website.All exercise files are already included with the course. Although we recommend to code along with us but in case, you got some mis match, then refer to these exercise files.Take a look at free video and check the projects that we will create in this course. This help further help you to make a decision for this course.Catch you inside the course !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Seamlessly Format and Publish Awesome eBooks With Vellum" |
"As an indie author myself, with over 200 books presently generating income on autopilot for me (admittedly some more than others!) I know how important it is to be able to create the best looking books you can, with the least amount of hassle.Technical headaches, design challenges and software issues present many stumbling blocks for indie authors, and there is nothing worse than discovering that your magnificent newbook looks like a dog's dinner once it has been uploaded to the digital book stores.Enter Vellum.Vellum is without compare the easiest and quickest way to create and generate publish-ready digital ebooks that look polished and professional from cover to cover.Even more amazing is that Vellum allows you to do this with no design skills, zero technical know-how regarding html, clickable T.O.C., or any of the geekish horrors that may present themselves in your journey from your bookidea to published-and-selling.Let me walk you through Vellum's incredibly easy and intuitive features so you can enjoy these benefits for yourself:A beautiful interface that makes creating your book a walk in the park.Drag and drop import from Word (with intelligent chapter recognition that verges on the miraculous).Point-and-click professional styling for your book from cover-to-cover.One click book generation for any digital platform you choose to publish to.5 MinuteBox Set creation in minutes (seriously, just a couple of minutes and your bundled box is ready to upload to Kindle or elsewhere - this needs to be seen to be believed)MySeamless Publishing Strategy (only for those who want to up their game and remove the roadblocks that stand in the way of your success).You will enjoy...Clear on point no-fluff lessons that will show you over-the-shoulder how to put Vellum to work for you.Key tips and tricks to save you time and headaches, and bypass simple mistakes that most people make when they are just starting out using Vellum to create and format their books.Downloadable PDF master Stylesheets for your convience and use to get the look of your book just right.Insider view of best-practices to quickly move your publishing business forward.As a fellow indie author right there in the self-publishing trenches with you, Icannot wait to see you indie and share my tips with you, and help you get up and running with Vellum as quickly and painlessly as possible."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"UNITY: ?" |
"; , . : Unity; """": game object, asset, prefab, , ..; ;, , , ; Asset Store Unity Technologies; . , Unity. , , , . Unity , . ( , , ), . ""Save Aliens!"". -- The author offers at each stage of the game to take advantage of ready-made files (three-dimensional model, scripts, textures), which will be available for download and use in your project. The project is dedicated to creating the same level of the computer game ""Save Aliens!""."
Price: 2799.00 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2017 2D para iniciantes" |
"Durante as 42 aulas o instrutor descreve de maneira simples e direta as principais ferramentas do AutoCAD dentro do desenvolvimento de um projeto prtico. O curso abrange desde as ferramentas bsicas de criao e edio de objetos at a criao de blocos, camadas, cotas, layouts de impresso e muito mais."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |