Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Beach Day: Acrylic Painting" |
"The ocean is a symbol of beauty, relaxation, and wonder. Not only does the beach calm and rejuvenate us, but it also is a place where we have so many fond memories. Painting the ocean is something artists want to do, yet capturing the mood and details of the sea can be a little confusing if youre not sure where to start.In this acrylic painting class, you'll learn how to create:WavesReflectionsHorizonsSea foamSandA simple, yet dynamic skyNo prior painting experience is required. Youll learn color mixing, how to work with the proper brushes, what paint is best, and how to troubleshoot if you goof up. Ive seen new students make beautiful pieces because we go through the process step by step. So take a creative vacation with me and Ill see you inside the class!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de jogos com Unity" |
"Comece a dar vida para suas ideias. A plataforma de desenvolvimento 3D em tempo real do Unity fornece tudo o que preciso para criar, operar e monetizar.Aprenda a desenvolver seus prprios jogos, tire aquela ideia do papel e coloque a mo na massa na produo de seus games. Para isso a melhor forma aprender na prtica, e foi pensando nisso que o curso Desenvolva Jogos com Unity 2019 - Top Mecnicas, esse um curso focado em ""colocar a mo na massa"" aprendendo ou se aperfeioando descobrindo como foram feitas mecnicas de jogos conhecidos no mercado. Esse curso foi feito tanto para voc que est comeando a dar os primeiros passos como desenvolvedor como tambm para voc que deseja aprender ainda mais, para estar apto a desenvolver qualquer tipo de jogo."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Negoziare e Vendere in trattativa. La Bibbia del Commerciale" |
"In questo corso studieremo ogni fase della trattativa. A partire da ci che avviene prima della negoziazione vera e propria, passando per la caratterizzazione psicologica del potenziale cliente, fino ad arrivare alle fasi di chiusura della vendita.Ogni fase della trattativa sar corredata da esempi concreti ed aneddoti realmente accaduti.verranno presi in considerazione anche aspetti minimi che nell'insieme della trattativa possono fare la differenza."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD , 3DS Max, Revit and Interior Design Test Series" |
"The test series is designed to check your knowledge on AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max and Interior Design. Interior, Architecture and Civil student looking for interior designing job or working professionals trying to be freelancer will be benefited a lot as the test series will test your knowledge on various aspects of interior designing. Test series is divided into 4 setsSet 1- Interior Design: This set is designed to test your domain knowledge itself. There are 206 questions based on material, textures, seating arrangement and other important topics.Set 2- 3DS Max : This set is based on 3DS Max software and has 136 questions. Questions are based on shortcuts, rendering , mateial, camera, lights and regarding settings. Set 3- AutoCAD : This set is based on AutoCAD software and has 135 questions. Questions are related to layout, dimensioning, shortcuts, layers and other commands.Set 4- Revit: This set is based on Revit Software and has 75 questions. Questions are based on commands working, shortcuts, basic and advance settingsWe have plans to add two more sets covering software such as sketchup and vray. Also we are working on adding more questions in existing sets and take the number to 1500 (right now there are 552 questions)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Essay Writing Mock Test Series" |
"In this test series you can check you level whether you are at 6.5 Bands or at 7. We will check your essay as per official marking criteria.You are going to get 10 tests (only essays) in this test series. We have provided links in the resources section. You need to click on those links and write essay. We will check your essay as per official marking criteria.In these second section, we have included free lessons for you. This section would be helpful for those who do not know how to write essays. You will learn how to write an introduction, body paragraph and conclusion.****Course was updated on 12th July 2020. Earlier it included only lectures on essay writing but now I am providing mock test service as it is more beneficial for students.****"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Manufacturing Process - Becoming an Injection Molding Pro" |
"This course will teach you the Injection Molding process. Although basics such as applications, advantages & disadvanatges, materials are taught but main focus is on industrial process, cad considerations and defects. This course is specifically for those who are new to molding process. To make sure that you feel like live class is going on. We have also included interview questionnare so that you are able to answer questions related to injection molding process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oil Pastel Paintings with free Sketching Course" |
"This course is for those students who want to learn oil pastel painting right from the very basic level. As of now six chapters are there but in the future we will be including more scenes. Right now we have taught how to paint a flower tree, morning scene, evening scene, full moon sky painting.There are no pre-requisites for this course. Anyone can join. We have taught in such a way that even if you are new to painting, still you would be able to do what we have done in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aplicaes realtime com Angular, Firebase e PhaserJS" |
"O curso visa introduzir um conceito cada vez mais requisitado entre aplicaes, principalmente as de dispositivos mveis, que so aplicaes realtime (de tempo real).** Para ver a demonstrao do que ser desenvolvido durante, assista a primeira aula do curso, que est disponvel na prvia do mesmo!Com o recurso de realtime, conseguimos criar cada vez mais uma experincia nica ao nosso usurio, e as empresas esto cada vez mais na busca por profissionais com esses requisitos, ento por que no ser um dos primeiros a domina esses conceito?Com o surgimento de frameworks como o Angular e Firebase por exemplo, est cada vez mais simples criarmos tal aplicaes, e o curso tem como objetivo lhe ensinar a utilizar ambas tecnologias, para que voc seja capaz de criar os mais variados tipos de aplicaes realtime com os conceitos que sero ensinados.Voc criar no curso um jogo de quiz multiplayer completo, assim como seu painel de administrao, que introduzir conceitos essenciais como a criao de um CRUD completo com o Angular e Firebase.As aulas so 100% prticas, portanto se voc apaixonado por TI, ser diverso garantida ao mesmo tempo que voc aprende!E de quebra ainda apresento o framework PhaserJS, que um framework popular utilizado na criao de jogos web, o utilizando para criar uma animao para o jogo a ser desenvolvido durante o curso.Tenho certeza de que esse curso ser de grande valor para voc e sua carreira profissional, portanto espero te ver em breve no curso!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Docker em 7 dias" |
"O curso Aprenda Docker em 7 dias tem como objetivo lhe ensinar tudo o que for necessrio para gerenciar e criar suas prprias imagens Docker em apenas sete dias!Se voc deseja aprender rapidamente a usar o Docker, ou se voc j o conhece mas quer melhorar sua produtividade ao utiliz-lo, este curso para voc.Ao trmino do curso voc ser capaz de:Entender o que o Docker e o que so containersUsar os principais comandos Docker via linha de comandoCriar uma imagem Docker de uma aplicao Java com Spring BootCriar uma imagem Docker de uma aplicao Angular com NgInxFazer o deploy de uma imagem Docker na nuvem no HerokuAprender a compor aplicaes com o Docker composeUtilizar o Docker Hub para executar imagens pblicas como o MySQL em sua mquina localO curso est estruturado de modo a ser finalizado em apenas sete dias, dedicando-se de 2-3 horas por dia.A grande maioria das aulas so prticas, limitando a parte terica somente ao essencial e imprescindvel, portanto espere um curso bastante dinmico e mo na massa."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"MERN Stack - React Node from Scratch Building Social Network" |
"Welcome to Become a FullStack / MERN Stack JavaScript Developer from Scratch with React, Node JS and MongoDB. In this course you will Learn React with Node JS from Absolute Scratch - Build A Complete MERN Stack Social Network from Scratch and Deploy to the Cloud Hosting.In this course you will learn:Node JS From ScratchNode JS API Development from ScratchReact JS from ScratchModern JavaScript from ScratchA FullStack Social Network Application from ScratchBuild Rock Solid Authentication with Password Forgot/Password Reset using JWTAuthorizationImplement Social Login using JWTCRUD, Image Upload, User Posts Relationships, follow, unfollow, likes, comments and moreSuper Admin based on RoleCustom reCAPTCHAPaginationDeploy FullStack React Node Social Network to Digital Ocean Cloud HostingFull Source Code is available for each major section and lecturesDirect help from Instructor if you ever get stuck!In depth understanding of Modern JavaScript, React and Node JSEach line of code is explained!Easy to understand (Course starts from absolute basic and gradually makes progress)Follow the best practices while codingFully understand the code you are writingBest way of structuring Node Js and React application so that it scales in futureThis course has so much more, It does not make sense to write them all here. But I can guarantee that this course is your gateway to become a FullStack JavaScript Developer.Enroll into this course. This is revolutionary :)You will master your JavaScript skills, Understand Core Node JS programming, Build fast, flexible and scalable API with Node JS.Not only that, you will also learn React JS from scratch. You will learn to build lightning fast frontend web app that will consume the data from the API you build.This course is unlike any other course you have seen online. This course first focuses on giving you the deep understanding of the topic before diving into building practical projects.This course shows you how to master the most in demand technologies of present time in easy, fast and effective way. Grab this opportunity, don't let it go!* Full support from the instructor himself on each lesson, if you ever get stuck!* Even though I called this project A Social Network, It is much more than that. The skill you learn from this course can be applied to build various kinds of applications.So what are you waiting for :) Let me take you on A Wonderful Journey to Learn Node JS and React JS from Scratch and build A MERN Stack Node React Social Network Project along the way!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MERN Stack React Node Ecommerce from Scratch to Deployment" |
"COURSE UPDATE: Deployment, Domain, CDN and free SSLLearn to Deploy your fully functioning Ecommerce app to production by using Digital Ocean cloud servers. Learn to add your own custom Domain name. Learn to use Cloudflare's CDN to supercharge the speed of your site and also use free SSL to secure your app.Full Stack / MERN Stack (Mongo Express React Node) Powered Ecommerce App from Scratch to DeoplymentAs a Web Developer, I have always wanted to build an Ecommerce App.I wanted to know how to implement Add to Cart, Payment Gateways, Order Management System and so much more... And I know a lot of you out there want to experience building Ecommerce app. The experience is absolutely amazing and it gives you loads of must have knowledge and confidence to start off your next big project using React Node and MongoDB.This course also uses latest React Hooks which is an absolute joy. Your code will be so much simplified and readable, you wont believe it. Our Node API will follow MVC Pattern. The codebase will be so clean and elegant, you will be absolutely loving it.You will also get introduced with Braintree (A PayPal Company) for handling Payments. Braintree is hands down the best payment gateway you could possibly use in a production site for both PayPal and Credit Card payments.By the end of the course you will learn to deploy your fully functioning Ecommerce app to Digital Ocean cloud servers for production. Not only that... you will also learn to add your own custom Domain, use Cloudflare's CDN to supercharge your app and free SSL to secure your app.All this goodness for the price of lunch? YES! Thats right!We are really living in an age of goodness. Aren't we?OK. Enough said, I know you cant wait to get your hands on this course :) By the way, you will never get stuck with this course because each lecture has the Source Code available. Really?Here are some of the course highlights:Search productSearch products based on particular categoryNew arrivalsBest sellersProduct imageProduct informationProduct in stock/out of stockView productRelated productAdd to cartRemove productAdjust quantitySignin to checkoutUser dashboardAdmin dashboardPrivate routesAdmin routesShopping cartCheckout with credit card and paypalCheckout with delivery addressSuccess messageUpdate profileAdvance search of productsAdvance search based on category and price rangeLoad more productsAdmin dashboardCreate categoryCreate productView ordersManage products update/deleteRole based accessand lots more...............Let me welcome you in an Incredible Journey of Building a MERN Stack React, Node and MongoDB powered Ecommerce Application from the groud up. Let's do it. Let's code together."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ocho brocados de seda QI GONG" |
"En este curso encontrarslos ejercicios de estiramientopara mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao). El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesorossistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo)sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china,AHORAATUALCANCE.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad deconocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinSi buscas MEJORARTUCALIDADDEVIDAeste es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad decanalpara preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Chi Kung de Hua Toude la antigua china.Este es tucurso conunprograma paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Qi Gong."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Einstellungsgesprche und Recruiting-Verfahren von A-Z" |
"Mit diesem Kurs werden Fhrungskrfte und Personal-Mitarbeiter, die bislang wenig Praxiserfahrung bei Einstellungsgesprchen haben, zu Interview-Profis.Mit diesem Kurs beherrschen Sie alle Grundlagen und praxiserprobten Vorgehensweisen sowie Schritt fr Schritt-Anleitungen rund um Recruiting und Einstellungsgesprche - fr Ihre erfolgreiche Mitarbeitersuche. Mit 17 Vorlagen zum Download!Kursinhalte:Durch diesen Kurs nutzen Sie in Zukunft die besten, praxiserprobten Methoden des Recruitings, um:Einstellungsgesprche zu fhren, mit denen Sie genau die richtigen Bewerber identifizierenGenau die Fragen zu stellen, mit denen Sie die wichtigen Informationen der Bewerber herausfinden - und nicht nur die auswendig gelernten FloskelnBlender zu erkennen und auf den Prfstand zu stellenRohdiamanten zu finden, die von den meisten Recruitern bersehen werdenJobausschreibungen mittels Scorecards zu optimieren Teams in die Entscheidung mit einzubeziehenBewertungsverfahren richtig vorzubereiten und optimal zu nutzenPsychologische Fallen (z.B. HALO-Effekt) zu vermeiden, die Sie ansonsten hunderttausende von Euro kosten knnenHINWEIS: Falls Sie bereits seit 10 Jahren Einstellungsgesprche fhren, dann knnen Sie in diesem Kurs noch einige Feinheiten und Techniken kennenlernen oder vertiefen. Dieser Kurs beginnt jedoch mit der Vermittlung der Grundlagen der Einstellungsgesprche, die Sie dann berspringen sollten.Praxisbeispiele zu Einstellungsgesprchen aus Unternehmen wie Amazon, Zenga und Google sowie mittelstndischen und kleinen Unternehmen aus Deutschland ergnzen die abwechslungsreichen Inhalte.Nutzen Sie unsereChecklistenGoogle Docs Vorlagen zur beliebigen WeiterverwendungPraxisbeispieleSchritt-fr-Schritt-AnleitungenAblufe fr Einstellungsgesprche Vorlagen fr Bewertungsverfahren im Recruitingund vieles mehr sofort in Ihren Einstellungs- und Bewerbungsgesprchen. Sparen Sie sich das mhsame Experimentieren mit ungeprften Checklisten. Nutzen Sie die praxiserprobten Verfahren, mit denen Sie die richtigen Kandidaten fr Ihr Unternehmen gewinnen.Sie lernen, worauf es im Recruiting wirklich ankommt: von der Ausschreibung ber das Fhren von Einstellungsgesprchen bis zur Entscheidung. Sofort umsetzbar:Die praxiserprobten Methoden sind verstndlich erklrt und lassen sich sofort im Unternehmen anwenden. Nebenbei lernen Sie, Ihre persnlichen Fhigkeiten beim Fhren von Einstellungsgesprchen optimal einzusetzen und bei den Bewerbern zu punkten.Warum Ihren Einstellungsgesprchen so viel Bedeutung zuzumessen ist?Der Mangel an den richtigen neuen Mitarbeitern hemmt viele Unternehmen. Auch Ihres?Ihre Abteilung/ Ihr Unternehmen wchst? Sie haben Bedarf an neuen Mitarbeitern? Doch trotz mhevoll zusammengestellter Jobbeschreibung, viel Zeitaufwand beim Studieren von Lebenslufen und dem Fhren von persnlichen Einstellungsgesprchen finden Sie einfach nicht den richtigen Kandidaten?Ob als Ergnzung eines bestehenden Teams oder zur Bewltigung neuer Aufgaben im Unternehmen - qualifizierte Mitarbeiter zu rekrutieren ist fr den Unternehmenserfolg unerlsslich. Das Kernstck beim Recruiting und im Human Resources Umfeld: Das EinstellungsgesprchSie wissen selbst aus Erfahrung, dass schlechte Mitarbeiter teurer sind als gute. Tatsache ist, dass nicht nur fehlende Motivation und Unzufriedenheit ein Unternehmen teuer zu stehen kommen. Bereits zu unterschiedliche Arbeitseinstellungen (beispielsweise Einzelkmpfer vs. tgliches Team-Meeting) knnen dazu fhren, dass der (laut Lebenslauf) scheinbar perfekte Kandidat eben doch nicht so perfekt fr Ihr Unternehmen ist.Daher spielen neben Erfahrung und Fachwissen, das Sie dem Lebenslauf entnehmen, die persnlichen Skills eine bedeutende Rolle - und hier kommen Einstellungsgesprche ins Spiel. Nutzen Sie das Einstellungsgesprch optimal, knnen Sie bereits in einem ersten Gesprch ein umfassendes Bild ber die Persnlichkeit und Fertigkeiten eines Kandidaten erhalten und bewerten, ob ein Kandidat zu Ihrem Unternehmen und Team passt oder nicht.Dieser Kurs ist speziell fr Fhrungskrfte und Entscheidungstrger konzipiert, die ber keine bis wenig Erfahrung im Fhren von Einstellungsgesprchen verfgen. Auch HR-Mitarbeiter/Personaler erlernen neue Methoden und Erkenntnisse, um Bewerbersuche, -auswahl und -gesprche zu optimieren. Abgerundet wird der Kurs durch zahlreiche Tests und Praxisbeispiele. Sie lernen, worauf es im Recruiting wirklich ankommt: von der Ausschreibung ber das Fhren von Einstellungsgesprchen bis zur Entscheidung. Die praxiserprobten Methoden sind verstndlich erklrt und lassen sich sofort im Unternehmen anwenden. Nebenbei lernen Sie, Ihre persnlichen Fhigkeiten beim Fhren von Einstellungsgesprchen optimal einzusetzen und bei den Bewerbern zu punkten."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Compositing: How To Match Subject With Background" |
"Welcome to Photoshop compositing, how to match subject with a background, where you will learn how to composite and match any subject with any background in PhotoshopMy name is rabii, and Ive been doing Photoshop compositing and retouching projects for a long time now and I'm excited to teach you my secret techniques of realistic Photoshop compositingI designed this course for photographers or anyone who wants to learn compositing who struggles to replace a subject from a photo or adding it to another background and cant get it to look realistic, because in this course I'm gonna show exactly how to do that, and by the end of it you will be able to composite and match your subject with any background and make it look realistic everytimeWe are gonna start with a quick introduction and talk about what to look for when choosing your images and why one photo may work better than anotherThen I'm gonna show you how to match the perspective and test your composite to see if your subject is going to work with with the background and look realistic before you do any commitment or time-consuming selectionsAfter that, we are gonna match the luminosity, and you will learn how to get your lights and shadows matching with the background using luminosity check layer techniques and adjustment layersOnce the perspective and the luminosity are matching we are gonna move to matching the color and you are gonna learn several techniques to automatically match color fast and also how to use some powerful color check layers techniques to get the color matching with your background every timeAnd lastly, we are gonna go even further and youll learn how to enhance your composites by adding a realistic camera depth of field effect using the powerful depth map masks, you will also learn how to paint lighting effects and apply a color grade to an imageThe ideal student for this course is an existing photographer or anyone wants to learn Photoshop compositing, has a basic understanding of Photoshop and wants to take his compositing skills to the next level, and if that sounds like then you are gonna love this course, so feel free to take a look through the course description watch the preview videos and im looking forward to seeing you inside"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unity: Curso Completo Profesional de Programacin desde Cero" |
"Quieres empezar a trabajar Unity? No sabes programar mucho? Quieres aprender acerca de variables, estructuras de control, funciones, estructuras de datos, programacin orientada a objetos, clases y conceptos de ingeniera en computacin grfica para hacer desarrollos profesionales? Este curso es para ti! No debes tener experiencia previa en absoluto! Aprenders toda la interfaz. TODOS los conceptos necesarios para programar y desarrollar sin mayor inconveniente. Comprenders todo el API de Unity, programars utilizando tcnicas de la industria y mtodos enseados en carreras de ingeniera. Tendrs conceptos matemticos y tcnicos FUNDAMENTALES para sobresalir de tu competencia.Haremos varios ejercicios, primero utilizaremos un software llamado processing. Es perfecto para empezar. Veremos tcnicas de la industria y utilizaremos tcnicas imprescindibles que permitirn que tu trabajo tenga la mxima calidad posible. Al final, tendrs un proyecto que atacar con nivel PROFESIONAL que debes terminar por tu cuenta!. Mejor an, Encontraste el curso ms completo, ms nuevo, ms econmico y actualizado de Unity, Processing & Programacin en general en todo Udemy en espaol!Te esperamos!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Classic Metallica Guitar Method" |
"This edition of Phrase By Phrase explores the popular guitar styles of James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett from Metallica's Kill 'Em All, Ride The Lightning, Master Of Puppets and ...And Justice For All albums. Learn the most intricate details of Metallica's impressive guitar style, while improving your own playing and creativity.The Phrase By Phrase Guitar Method by Marko Coconut explores some of the greatest guitarists of all time, breaking their complex styles into simple, recognizable phrases. Thorough, easy-to-understand descriptions teach proper finger placement and technique, followed by half-speed practice tempos and combined sections that are played at full speed.All the leads, fills, guitar harmonies and rhythms, presented in the easy-to-follow Phrase By Phrase format.LESSONS:Album: Kill 'Em All""Seek And Destroy""Album: Ride The Lighting""For Whom The Bell Tolls""""Fade To Black""Album: Master Of Puppets""Master Of Puppets""""Welcome Home (Sanitarium)""Album: ...And Justice For All""One""""Harvester Of Sorrow"""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Colored Pencil for the Curious Beginner" |
"Welcome to Colored Pencil for Beginners! In this course you will learn the basics of colored pencil drawing. You will learn techniques such as measuring, layering, shading, blending, and how to use the color wheel. By the end of the course you will be able to recreate a realistic image from a photograph of a lit candle. Ihope you enjoy the course!No previous knowledge or skill is required... open to complete beginners."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Charcoal Basics for Beginners" |
"Welcome to Charcoal Basics for Beginners! In this course you will learn the basics of charcoal drawing. You will learn techniques such as measuring, shading, blending, and creating textures. By the end of the course you will be able to recreate a realistic image from a photograph. I hope you enjoy the course! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn SolidWorks basics, rendering and animation" |
"This course is going to help beginners understand concepts of 3D modeling and software that is being used is Solidworks 2017. Users of all versions of Solidworks can take this course as resource files in .step format are also added.What is the need of learning 3D CAD Modeling?For the representation of concept ideas.For better understanding of machines, products and their components.As we will be learning parametric modeling, we would also be able to model parts with actual material properties which is helpful for the determination of Mass, Volume, Density and other physical properties as well as fro carrying out basic motion and stress analyses.What you'll be able to do after completing this course?3D Modeling of basic-to-complex parts. (You'll be able to model almost anything* around you).Detailed assemblies comprising of many components.HD Photorealistic rendering for your presentationsHD Photorealistic animations for better representation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn French! Start Speaking French now !" |
"So you're serious about learning French.You've come to the right place. As your guide, I will be helping you navigate this journey.I'm here for you the whole time, so relax your mind and dive with me into this journeyAllons-y!Course Roadmap:1. Learning tactics, tips, and important French language structures.2. French pronunciation. Proper pronunciation will be emphasized throughout the course. 3. French grammar. Giving you a solid understanding of how each grammar point works and preparing you for real world French.4. Special Teaching Method that works with your Brain.You will never get bored with this pedagogy that is constantly prompting you to answer out loud and practice."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Hotel Cleaning - Clean Hotel Room - How to clean a room" |
"In the Cleaning Mastery Course, you learn how to clean a room the right way to receive great OTA ratings. If you follow the step by step process no guest can ever complain about your cleanliness. The cleanliness is one if not the most important aspect that has to be perfect in an accommodation business. It is crucial that the guests do not find hair of previous guests on the bed, in the bathroom or anywhere else in the room at all. Just imagine yourself staying in a hotel and you find various objects that do not belong in your assigned room at all. Thus, I show you in this course how you make your guests feel comfortable right away. How your guests want to stay longer than planned, how your guests will praise you after their stay and how you can hand over the room key with certainty that everything is well prepared for the guest. Let me tell you by experience: It is awful to receive complains of guests saying that the room is not clean. (that happened at the beginning of my business) You can avoid these complains by cleaning the room the perfect way. You will feel more confident by providing your guests your room knowing that everything that could be complained about is taken care of. Besides, I reveal our secret sauce that definitely saves you a lot of money in regard to your cleaning detergents. After so many years in this business, I know that this mixture is what it takes to provide clean and neat rooms. Enjoy!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence in Arabic" |
". 10 . , **** . ****"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 2.0" |
"NOTE:This is independent from my other course, Hands-on PentrationLabs 1.0 - they both have original content and you're not required to buy one or the other by itself.Welcome to my Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 2.0 course. You can think of this as part 2 of my other course which has a similar name. This lecture will provide an overview of what you can expect for the remainder of this course.First of all, this course is extremely hands-on. This means we're not going to be doing much talking about the theory of penetration testing, we're going to be diving into hands on technical application right away. We'll be using VirtualBox as a software hypervisor to build a host-only lab environment. Not only will this help you gain insight into penetration testing, but will give you the skills and resources to create your own environment to test and research beyond what you learn in this course.The lab is going to consist of Kali Linux, and a variety of intentionally vulnerable Linux and Windows VMs. Some of the things we'll be covering are enumeration and vulnerability scanning and local and remote exploitation with industry standard penetration testing tools such as nmap, dirb, and nikto, Metasploit and standalone exploits. We're also going to focus upon exploit development, covering in detail how to craft a buffer overflow exploit for a custom Linux and Windows binary.In order to accomplish this goal of buffer over flow exploit development and debugging, we're going to be creating a Windows 7 analysis and attack machine. This will have industry standard tools for exploit dev such as Immunity Debugger. We're also going to learn how to use Kali Linux's built in gnu debugger for this purpose.The technology and methodology used is in this course is current at the time of this recording, which is January 2019. If you're watching this after the stated date, don't be worried too much, as this content should still be highly relevant for aspiring penetration testers. I will also be introducing you to several free training platforms which I've found to be extremely helpful prior to earning my many hands-on penetration testing certs including OSCP and eWPT. This training has also helped sky rocket my progress as a skilled senior penetration tester and subject matter expert.I truly hope that you enjoy my course and I'm very excited to be working with all of you. If you have any trouble, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the Q&A system or by direct message. However, please make sure you include a detailed and specific question, not something like ""I can't get it to work"". Also, I highly encourage independent research and attempting to find answers on your own. This is the single most important skill as a penetration tester, the ability to find solutions to problems you haven't yet encountered.I ask you to please go through the majority of this course prior to leaving a review so that you can accurately measure the course's quality in entirety. I always appreciate constructive feedback, and encourage students to reach out to me if they think anything valuable could be added to the coursework. Thanks, and have fun!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 3.0" |
"NOTE: This is independent from Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 1.0 and 2.0. All three are standalone courses and can be taken in any order, or on their own.Hello students, and welcome to my Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 3.0 course. If you're familiar with my previous courses, this is part three of the series. We're going to be diving straight into hands-on technical labs with little focus on theory, as in my opinion this is the best way to prepare for the actual job and for hands-on practical certifications such as OSCP. There's no better way as a penetration tester to gain the raw skills that are needed on the job than to actually use and master the necessary technology and skills.I should mention right now that this course requires a reliable Internet connection, and a decent laptop or PC which can support at least two virtual machines. I suggest that you have at least 8 GB of RAM, but the more the better, especially if you want to make an advanced virtual lab in which to practice and hone your pentesting skills. Ideally, you should have 16 GB or 32 GB of RAM and a decent processor, but you can get away with less.During our course work we'll be using Virtual Box as a software hypervisor in order to spin up Kali Linux, which is an industry standard penetration testing operating system. We'll also be setting up several intentionally vulnerable VMs to demonstrate vulnerabilities within a variety of network services and web applications, walking through various tactics, techniques, and procedures to simulate adversarial activity. I'll be providing all of the necessary software, which is completely free and open source.We'll be covering enumeration, vulnerability scanning, and automated and manual exploitation. More specifically, we'll be going over key essential pentesting skills such as port scanning and service enumeration, local file inclusion, web directory brute forcing, buffer overflows exploit development, SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting, various types of reverse shells, a variety of local privilege escalation, and much more.All of the technology which is utilized within these recordings is current as of June 2019. Technology is constantly changing, so some of the software seen in these videos may be different when you take the course. However, it should be similar enough for you to figure out with quick Google searches, or with my assistance if needed. You can always reach out to me via the messaging or Q&A system, although I highly encourage you to perform troubleshooting on your own, as the ability to research and troubleshoot is one of the single most important skill sets as a penetration tester and IT professional in general.I'm looking forward to working with all of you, and hope you enjoy my course. Please leave a review if you enjoy my course, as it allows me to reach more and more dedicated students and existing or aspiring cyber security professionals."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate C# Course Using OOP Arabic C#" |
"C#.Net Complete Guide Course Plus Database Sectionfull c# course in arabicArabic c# Course ( ) 60"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"70-764 SQL Server 2016 Database Administration (DBA)" |
"this course, professionals who administer and maintain SQL Server databases and who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases will gain the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.This course incorporates material from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure and can assist you in preparing for the 70-764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure exam."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Querying Microsoft SQL Server in arabic" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Eletrnica Nvel C-I" |
"ELETRNICA NVEL C-IABORDA: INTRODUO AOS CIRCUITOS INTEGRADOS;AMPLIFICADORES OPERACIONAIS;AMPLIFICADOR OPERACIONAL 741;741 NO SIMULADOR DE CIRCUITOS - PRTICA;CIRCUITOS OSCILADORES;555 NO SIMULADOR DE CIRCUITOS - PRTICA;FOTO ACOPLADORES;REGULADORES DE TENSO.Ocurso Nvel C-I abrange as informaes necessrias para o entendimento dos circuitos integrados, explorando os amplificadores operacionais, osciladores, foto acopladores e reguladores de tenso.Requisitos bsicos para o entendimento das Fontes de Tenso e outros equipamentos eletrnicos."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Eletrnica Nvel C-II" |
"ELETRNICA NVEL C-IIABORDA: IGBT;FILTROS ELETRNICOS;FONTES DE ALIMENTAO;FONTES LINEARES;FONTES LINEARES - PRTICA;FONTES CHAVEADAS.Ocurso Nvel C-II abrange as informaes necessrias para o entendimento dos IGBTs, Filtros Eletrnicos, Fontes de Alimentao, Fontes Lineares, Fontes Chaveadas.Com o entendimento adquirido no presente mdulo, o aluno j ter conhecimento suficiente para iniciar a anlise das Fontes ATX (chaveadas), inclusive para consertos."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Programming in Godot Game Engine 3" |
"Welcome To Programming in GodotGame Engine 3!In this course, we will go into how to code inGDScript. This course is designed for both absolute beginners of Godot Game Engine, and users of GodotGame Engine who wish to expand upon or improve their knowledge of GDScript.GodotGame Engine 3 uses a powerful scripting language very similar to Python, called GDScript.You can very easily write a couple of lines of code, to make it so you can move a sprite using input from the player. In the course, we will be going over the absolute basics, and, will go over how to control nodes inGodot using GDScript.Topics Covered InThe CourseIf Statements,Variables, FunctionsWhile Loops and For LoopsNode GroupsControlling, Creating, And Deleting New NodesInputSignalsIn the end, we will have covered how to program inGDScript, and, how to control, add, and delete nodes using code."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Coding GML In GameMaker Studio 2" |
"In this course you will learn how to code games in GameMaker Studio 2.Using GameMaker's powerful programming language, GML, you can make almost anything in GameMaker Studio 2.The course will be covering the basics of GML, which includes variables, if statements, and functions.We will be coveringCollision Functions - How to program collisions between moving objectsRandomization - Generate random numbersInstance Creation -Create new objects using codeInputs - Detect keyboard and mouse input from the playerAlarms - Run code after a certain amount of timeThis course is designed for people who wish to learn GML to code games in GameMaker Studio 2, or GameMaker Studio 2 users who wish to expand or improve their knowledge of GML.At the end of the course, we will have covered the basics of how to code, and, how to control your objects using code."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |