Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"PACK: Comipo! & Kuma Manga Creator" |
"Vous adorez les mangas mais vous ne savez pas dessiner. Pourtant, vous avez des histoires raconter, et vous aimeriez pouvoir les crer dune faon ou dune autre a vous dmange ! Plus de problme, voici un cours qui va vous aider raliser vos envies :Voici un cours runissant les deux meilleurs logiciels pour crer des mangas sans savoir dessiner:-COMIPO! MANGA MAKER-KUMA MANGA MAKEREn apprenant ces deux logiciels, vous vous retrouvez avec tous les outils ncessaires pour crer vos propres mangas et ainsi raconter les histoires que vous voulez.Crez les pages, importer les personnages dj proposs par les logiciels, et changez leurs mouvements, leurs vtements, leurs aspects physiques, rajoutez des bulles de textes et des effets spciaux et le tour est jou!Vous allez tre le maitre de vos propres histoires, sans aucune contrainte pour mettre en scne, crer, mettre en page, en bref, amener utiliser votre imagination et ces deux logiciels pour crer toutes les histoires que vous voulez crer.Ainsi, vous pourrez publier vos mangas sur diffrentes plateformes de BD en ligne et vous crer un lectorat de personnes qui pourront vous suivre en tant quauteur, car oui, mme si vous utilisez des logiciels, vous pourrez malgr tout vous considrer comme un auteur part entire !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kuma Manga Editor et les bases du dessin manga" |
"Vous voulez apprendre des bases pour dessiner des mangas? Vous voulez apprendre un logiciel qui vous facilitera la vie grce des options conues pour vous faciliter la vie dans la cration de vos pages de manga? Parfait! Cet cours est fait pour vous!Il s'agit d'un pack de cours runissant le cours sur Kuma Manga Editor et le cours sur les bases du dessin manga.Grce aux bases du dessin manga, vous pourrez vous initier au dessin afin de bien dbuter dans la cration de vos personnages.Dans Kuma Manga Editor, vous aurez accs une multitude d'options qui vous faciliteront grandement la cration de pages de manga, comme l'intgration de dcors, la cration facile de cases et l'utilisation de personnages manga en 3D.A vous de jouer, et soyez cratif! Utilisez toutes les options du logiciel pour laisser votre imagination crer les histoires que vous voulez et ainsi permettre des milliers de lecteurs de bnficier de vos histoires. Car oui, vous pourrez publier vos pages dans des formats comme le PDF qui pourront ensuite tre mit disposition sur des plateformes de lecture de bande dessines.Ainsi, vous pourrez faire profiter un maximum de lecteurs de votre talent raconter des histoires qui seront mise en forme grce Kuma Manga Editor, dans un aspect trs professionnel."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Crer des personnages en pixels avec GAME CHARACTER HUB" |
"Vous avez ador les jeux vidos des annes 90, avec tout plein de pixels qui se baladent? Parfait! Game Character Hub est fait pour vous !Ce logiciel trs simple va vous offrir une interface qui va vous permettre de crer des personnages de type Pixel Art, un peu la faon ""Zelda"". A l'origine, ce logiciel a t conu pour intgrer et personnaliser des personnages pour la suite de logiciels RPG Maker, mais il peut compltement tre utilis indpendamment. Apprenez utiliser les ressources dj proposes par le logiciel pour crer vos propres personnages et, si vous avez photoshop, je vous apprendrais aussi comment pixeliser des photos de manire pouvoir les intgrer vos jeux vidos en 2D."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre utiliser le logiciel STORYBOARDER" |
"Vous voulez un outils gnial pour crer vos storyboard de film, de pub, etc? Storyboarder est l pour vous !Dans ce cours, apprenez utiliser les options de Storyboarder et dcouvrez combien il est facile de crer, mettre en page et imprimer ses storyboards. Que vous ayez des connaissances en dessin ou non, vous y trouverez votre compte et arriverez produire des storyboards de qualit!Pour les dessinateurs, rien de plus simple, les cases sont dj pr-concues, vous n'avez plus qu' dessiner l'intrieur. Pour ceux qui ne dessinent pas, un outils d'intgration de personnages 3D est disposition et trs facile d'utilisation.Rajoutez cela les dialogues, les actions et toutes les informations ncessaires la bonne comprhension d'un storyboard, et le tour est jou."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"VOXEDIT pour crer et animer des personnages en pixels 3D" |
"Les jeux en pixels 3D, les voxels (volume + pixel) sont trs rpandus depuis l'arriv de Minecraft. VOXEDIT est un logiciel super simple qui va vous permettre de crer et d'animer vos personnages en pixels 3D.Vous allez apprendre utiliser l'interface, les outils qui sont proposs, et trs vite vous serez capable de crer vos propres personnages. Dcouvrez VOXEDIT et soyez le matre de votre univers en pixels 3D !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre utiliser la tablette graphique XP-PEN15.6 Pro" |
"Vous voulez connaitre une tablette graphique puissante, facile brancher et utiliser? La XP-PEN PRO 15.6 est une merveille. Ce cours va vous apprendre la brancher et l'utiliser. Des bases de dessin vous seront aussi expliques dans ce cours avec diffrents exemples de crations ralises avec la tablette. Faites vos premiers pas dans l'Art Numrique en dcouvrant cette tablette et tous les conseils de dessin proposs dans ce cours."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create a Game of Thrones scene into a comic book" |
"This course is giving you the tips to transform one of the scene of Game of Thrones to comic book pages. You will find several techniques to analyse the scene, to cut it into a storyboard and then to create the pages step by step. This course is showing you how to create the drawing of the main characters involved in this scene. So get your graphic tablet ready, and have fun !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
blockchain-bible |
Price: 17400.00 ![]() |
"AWSAmazon Web Services" |
"AWSAWSAWS 1. AWSAWSAWSAWSAWSAWSWordPressAWSAWS2. AWS WordPressAWSAWS--- --- WordPress1. AWS AWS2. AWS AWS3. VPC VPCIP4. EC2Web EC2SSH5. Route53 Route53DNS6. RDSDB RDS7. EC2WordPress WordPressWordPressTCP/IPHTTP--- --- WordPress8. ELBWeb ELBWeb9. RDSDB RDSDB10. S3 / CloudFront S3CloudFront11. CloudWatch CloudWatch12. IAM IAM"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"The Future of Energy" |
"Do you have a curiousity about the future?Are you interested in shaping the future long into the second half of the 21st century?If you are you might be ready to become and Energy Futurist. Energy Futurists are specialist that every business should have. They can earn a lot of money, but often the courses they go on never actually tell them what they need to know. They are confined by the need to calculate carbon emissions from their business; or sold an idea that there is nothing we can do about the future. This course however helps you to become a real Energy Futurist with potential of better earnings via writing and blogging about the future of energy.This course will teach you the probably future of energy. We consider the evidence of resource depletion; potential solutions, challenges we face in implementing the solutions; and outline 3 possible energy economies, that will be mixed together to hopefully solve the loss of economically available fossil fuels.The course is split into videos and will cover the following topics:-Resource Expiration &the Exponential ProblemEROIE and the dominance of Oil based fuelsPotential Solutions to the loss of OilImplication of Failing to find a solutionBehavioural SolutionsClimate Change - What does it teach us about transitionHow African might help Change the WorldWhy are the Media NOT highlighting the coming oil crisis?The course will challenge many of your long-held beliefs. For example, many people who have complete this course live, have commented that they believed that 'exponential growth' was commonly understood as rapid growth. This is in fact incorrect. Exponential growth as we shall note, can be applied to anything that has a doubling time. Every percentage rise undergoes exponential growth. When we appy this to consumption rates it seriously undermines the belief that many people have that oil will last forever, or for thousands of years.The course will also look at subjects such as Net Energy which is based upon Energy Return on Investment of Energy. If you don't understand this, consider coal mining. We have to use energy to extract energy. Most of that energy is from oil or secondary sources such as electricity (often generated by burning different kinds of fossil fuels like gas, or hydroelectricity, etc., etc..) Net Energy tells us the likely possibility of maintaining civilization in the face of using more resources to extract resources to meet our energy demands.We will also show you how difficult it is to replace fossil fuels and what is required to do so, over the next 50 years just with oil. We will provide you with 3 types of energy economies, each with a different slant."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Azure MasterClass: Manage Cloud Storage With Azure Storage" |
"How many times do you actually come across this term cloud computing or the word cloud? How much do you know about it? How can it benefit you? Most importantly, have you already started using it? Do not get overwhelmed with these questions as they point to the core of a revolution that our generation is experiencing. Lets sum everything up in one line: Cloud computing has made our work easier, increased efficiency, and reduced costs. The concept of cloud computing can be summarized as Let someone else host machines and servers for you. While this may be an oversimplification of this vast concept; but it does touch upon the root idea. With the concept of cloud computing, the world is also introduced to the concept of cloud storage. Cloud computing has made possible to store your data in the cloud without you having to maintain dedicated physical hardware. Cloud storage also solves the scalability problems associated with on-site data storage efficiently. In case of a cloud file storage server, you have the freedom to choose the amount of space you need, and the icing on the cake is that someone else is handling all the pain of maintaining data storage servers for you. Microsoft Azure Storage Services provides top-end cloud-based storage services to its users. Opportunity is KnockingLet us look at these statistics:As estimated by McKinsey Global Institute, in the coming days there could be a scarcity of about 140,000 to 190,000 workers in the U.S. The workers with analytical skills are required to work with big data and associated enterprises. For these workers, the average salary is roughly around $120,000+.As per the report by Ryerson-led Canadas Big Data Consortium in 2015, there is a shortage of about 19,000 professionals that possess data and analytical skills. While there has been a significant shortage of professionals possessing deep analytical literacy and the number goes up to 150,000.There has been a significant rise in demand for cloud experts and data scientists as more and more companies are switching to cloud-based storage setup. As per the latest Q1 FY 2018 results, it is reported that Microsoft's Azure has single-handedly generated revenue growth of 90% as compared to the previous year's report. When it comes to gaining ground in application workload, Azure holds 29.4%. Why Azure? Azure offers cloud-based digital data storage solutions that comprise of an extensive range of data services. You get access to blobs, files storage, queue and table storages in a timely and reliable manner. One remarkable feature of Azure is that it replicates your stored data across its various datacenters to tackle the problem of data destruction due to unexpected threats or hazards. Azure takes the hassle out of the task of managing data on the cloud-based platform as most of the critical data management issues are handled by Azure itself. The best thing about it is that you have all the right to your data anytime and anywhere in the world without the need of installing or maintaining any type of dedicated hardware or software. The data is available over HTTP, HTTPs, and Azure provides development kits over a wide range of programming languages. It also supports PowerShell CLI. What will you learn? This course would focus on providing you with hands-on knowledge of managing and employing data storage strategies on Azure. Work with different disk types and storage accounts available to you as an Azure userCreate managed and unmanaged disk types as well as the conversion process of managed to unmanaged disks and vice-versaThe concepts and applications of storage poolsHandy tips and tools for a smooth workflow on AzureAnd much moreWhat sets us apart?Designing, deploying and managing scalable containerized applications in the cloud is a real technical challenge for DevOps and IT teams. At TetraNoodle we focus on in-demand skills and real-world education. Gaining this practical knowledge and experience with these cloud and containerisation frameworks will be very valuable for your career. And it will be a right step towards improving your work or project or career prospects. Numerous Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies such as Hewlett-Packard, McAfee, and Adobe, just to name few are constantly in search for cloud experts to manage their infrastructure and related resources.This course, Azure MasterClass: Manage your Storage and Disks in the Cloud with Azure Storage will provide you with all the information you need to get started with Azure Storage. So if you are ready to master the techniques and learn the tools for Managing your Storage and Disks in the Cloud with Azure Storage, then make sure you click the Add to Cart button. Grab your copy today! Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our Azure MasterClass:Manage your Storage and Disks in the Cloud with Azure Storage.Lets do this together. Happy learning!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS IAM: The Cloud Engineer's Security Handbook" |
"Attn:Cloud engineers, security engineers, software engineers ""Learn How To Avoid Any Costly Security Breaches Which Can Affect Your Business In As Little As In 3 Hours Or Less""Yes!I'm ready toSecure their AWS account,Manage the users, permissions and roles effectively and easily, andKeep control of my AWS cloud resource usage!I Understand That When I Act Now, I getInstant Accessto ""AWS IAM: The Security Architect's Secure Cloud Handbook"", which includes:How to manage AWS IAM users, roles, groupsHow to manage AWS IAM permission policiesUnderstand IAM identitiesHow to secure your AWS resourcesEnforce fine grained permissions for your AWS usersUse encryption for stronger security AWS IAM: The Security Architect's Secure Cloud Handbookwill show you exactly how toSecure my AWS account... it will take me by the hand, step-by-step toManage the users, permissions and roles effectively and easily... and will help to help meKeep control of your AWS cloud resource usage! ENROLLNOW!To Your Success,Manuj AggarwalP.S. - Every minute you wait toget ""AWS IAM: The Security Architect's Secure Cloud Handbook""is another minuteyou may be running your AWS cloud in a insecure manner and exposing yourself to malicious hackers. Put the power of""AWS IAM: The Security Architect's Secure Cloud Handbook""to work for you so you can quickly and easilySecure their AWS account,Manage the users, permissions and roles effectively and easily, andKeep control of your AWS cloud resource usage!P.P.S. - But don't just take my word for it... take a look at our reviews from other happyCloud engineers, security engineers, software engineersjust like you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unravel the mystery of DevOps Jenkins, Vagrant & Ansible" |
"The success of an organisation is based on its ability to plan and develop rapidly than its competitors do. The faster an organisation can adopt, test and release the new applications, the bigger its advantages are in the market. But as long as there is a communication gap between development, quality analysis, and operations teams, the application cannot be deployed rapidly and successfully.DevOps is a compound term of Development and Operations. It encourages the communication between Software developers, Quality Analysts, and Operations personnel and thereby increases the speed at which applications are to be delivered. DevOps is a set of practices that enhance the communication between the teams involved in the process. But its implementation includes a series of tools used at various stages of the lifecycle. There is no one single tool that can be considered as DevOps tool. A series of tools from a variety of vendors are used in one or more phases of the application development cycle.Just look at these amazing numbers.The global DevOps market size is expected to reach USD 12.85 billion by 2025, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc., registering an 18.60% CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) during the forecast period.North America is estimated to account for the largest market size in 2018, whereas the Asia Pacific (APAC) region is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period in the DevOps market.According to 2018 Salary Guide for Technology Professionals published by Robert Half, DevOps engineers will be one of the topmost professions in demand among North American employers in 2019.A report published by The Linux Foundation by the title Open Source Jobs, showed that 60% of the hiring managers are actively looking to hire and fill DevOps practitioner positions.According to quickstart 42% of the employers responded to the Open Source Job Report by stating that they would like to add DevOps expertise across their hiring portfolio which makes DevOps skills rank among the 5 top sought after skills which include open source cloud, big data, security skills, and application development.According to Glassdoor (a job site), currently, the average median salary for DevOps engineers is nearly $133,378 based on 990 job postings submitted.There is already a serious shortage of hireable DevOps engineers, and this gap is growing rapidly. Simply put, theres a massive opportunity for people like you to equip yourself with the right skillset so that you can:1) Join talent-hungry large tech companies or start-ups and be at the forefront of global innovation2) Launch unique businesses or application development services for the next generation3) Enjoy plush paying cool projects powered by DevOpsWhatever your choice may be, DevOps is going to be YOUR KEY to financial success and growth and for the success of the community as a whole!Why DevOps?In traditional and agile methods of product lifecycle, there are many gaps in performance. But in DevOps, you will find the right tools and techniques to perform the tasks. A cycle of continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment is called DevOps. This is what differentiates DevOps from traditional and agile methodologies.DevOps is a process that brings the development, quality analysis, and operations teams together to complete product development. This allows organizations to be more productive in less time. When the teams work together they can experiment and innovate more efficiently and this helps to speed the development process. They can focus more on getting the product to market rather than their individual goals. The main agenda of DevOps is to have one goal for all the departments involved in the product lifecycle.This trending software development approach has many technical and business benefits that include shorter development cycles, increased rate of deployment and faster time to market. Therefore many enterprises are adopting DevOps tools for continuous delivery support and improvement. Cloud service providers and large IT organizations are anticipated to adopt DevOps practices as a prime strategy for their software development lifecycle. Companies like Amazon, Netflix, Target, Walmart, Facebook, Sony Pictures Entertainment and many other enterprises have embraced DevOps tools. Both old and new as well as big and small companies have brilliantly made the transition and have the proof of success in their pockets.Unravel the mystery of DevOps Jenkins, Vagrant, Docker and Ansible course is designed to enhance the learners knowledge on using DevOps toolchain to power your applications step by step.This course does not assume any expertise in DevOps toolchain. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises. So you can follow along and understand exactly how DevOps Jenkins, Vagrant, Docker, and Ansible come together and what each step means.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding of the inner working of the DevOps toolchain for infinitely better results down the line.Real-world knowledge We work with real start-ups and real projects every day. We know first-hand the problems engineers and architects face on daily basis. All this real-world experience is passed on to you in the courses. Each module comprises of in-depth demos and walk-throughs, meaning youll garner enough skill to build your own application powered by DevOps process rather than just passing a glorified memory test and forget like most other courses. Practice truly does make perfect.Student support Were fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven DevOps course on the planet. So we are there for our students whenever you need our help. You can contact us and ask any question at any time - youll get a response from us within 48 hours.What if I dont have any need for DevOps course right now? - As the statistics and figures show DevOps culture is rapidly expanding, meaning even though you may not be directly using DevOps right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably. Can you imagine when Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity and people around him ignored it as an irrelevant phenomenon - how much the world will be missing out on? The same thing goes for tech you would have been puzzled by the need for a Smartphone ten years ago, yet now we cant imagine our lives without one. The true potential only become apparent in time, do you want to risk missing out?Is it too difficult for me to understand? - Not at all. Well take you step by step from a novice level to an expert on the DevOps process. We work as technology leaders and mentors to several engineers every day. We know how to explain things and use the lingo. We just choose to teach in ways that are a lot more fun (and less headache-inducing). By the end of this course, youll be able to develop your applications supported by DevOps in your project and achieve amazing results.I am not an engineer, will this course still benefit me? - Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using technologies like DevOps Jenkins, Vagrant, Docker, and Ansible. Going through these courses will give you a deeper understanding of how your engineering team is using technologies like DevOps Jenkins, Vagrant, Docker, and Ansible. You will be able to discuss the pros and cons of their technical approach with higher confidence.To become a part of this change just click on Add to cart button which you will find below the video. We assure you that when you purchase a copy of Unravel the mystery of DevOps Jenkins, Vagrant, Docker and Ansible it will be value for money."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"OpenShift, Docker & Kubernetes - Perfect Container Platform" |
"Today, almost every industry is facing disruption and unanticipated competition that requires them to respond to changing business needs in a faster way. Businesses need their IT departments to take a fresh approach and leverage modern tools to provide innovative solutions. Traditional approaches are proving to be too slow to deliver a timely solution. The platforms which are deployment centric with DevOps initiatives are proving to be beneficial.OpenShift is an open source, cloud-based platform-as-a-service that combines everything into a single platform and allows you to manage tasks easily. OpenShift combines DevOps, Containers, Microservices, Kubernetes on the Cloud and fits on top of these. OpenShift container platform is built around Docker, providing application containerization and Kubernetes, doing container orchestration and management. It supports a vast range of applications and makes the developers job of developing and deploying applications easy. It allows you to create, modify, deploy and scale your apps quickly and easily.In the coming years, more and more organizations will spend about 80% of IT budgets on cloud solutions.Based on a report by the Information Communications Technology Council (ICTC), Canada will have to fill 182,000 IT professionals by 2019There is already a serious shortage of hireable developers. Simply, theres a massive opportunity for people like you to equip yourself with the right skillset so that you can:Join talent-hungry large tech companies or start-ups and be at the forefront of global innovationLaunch unique businesses or containerised application development services for the next generationEnjoy plush paying cool OpenShift projectsWhatever your choice may be, OpenShift container platform is going to be YOUR KEY to financial success and growth and for the success of the community as a whole!Our course ""Hands-On Guide To OpenShift Container Application Platform"" will provide you with all the information you need to get started with Openshift.Now look at these figures:4.7% population in the US is unemployed14% of the US population is underemployedThe rate of unemployment stands at 6.6% in CanadaA whopping 40% of the young Canadian graduates are overqualified for the jobs they are handlingTogether we can bring happiness in the lives of these young, unemployed and underemployed population by teaching them the skills that are in demand and paying well.We know what youre thinking But dont these pioneering companies and exciting tech start-ups need a college degree or certifications to even get my foot in the door? - not quite. Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, said during an interview Theres no need to even have a degree at all, or even high school certificate...if theres a track record of exceptional ability....skill trumps credentials.The challenge is - where do you learn these skills? Not everyone has the 7+ years to get a Ph.D. in computer science or the patience to self-teach from scattered sources and dense textbooks, not to forget the bank-busting financial investment!. It is about time that the world gets access to these valuable skills and we need it NOW!Why OpenShift Container PlatformOver the years containerization has become a very popular technology. However, the excessive growth in this direction is posing a big challenge of managing containerized applications. This challenge can be met with the use of OpenShift. Many technology giants like Barclays, UPS, and Pioneer are using OpenShift. Startups are also trying to make the most of this boom by building containerized applications.Therefore, OpenShift container platform is presenting numerous opportunities before businesses. OpenShift combines DevOps, Containers, Microservices, Kubernetes on the Cloud and fits on top of these. Developers job of developing and deploying applications becomes easy with OpenShift.What Sets Us Apart?OpenShift container platform course does not assume any expertise in container application development. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you. So you can follow along and understand exactly how OpenShift and container application deployment comes together and what each step means.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding of the inner working of the OpenShift for infinitely better results down the line.Real-world knowledge We work with real start-ups and real projects every day. We know first-hand the problems engineers and architects face on daily basis. All this real-world experience is passed on to you in the courses. Each module comprises of in-depth demos and walk-throughs, meaning youll garner enough skill to build your own container application using OpenShift, rather than just passing a glorified memory test and forget like most other courses. Practice truly does make perfect.Student support Were fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven OpenShift container platform course on the planet. So we are there for our students whenever you need our help. You can contact us and ask any question at any time - youll get a response from us within 48 hours.Grab your copy today! Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our ""Hands-On Guide To OpenShift Container Application Platform"".Lets do this together. Happy learning!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cluster Management Using Apache Mesos on AWS" |
"Cluster management is a simple but effective solution for managing complex applications, and it has worked very effectively for many years. But in recent years, there have been some glaring problems that really make you think, is there a better way we could be doing this?While a cluster management framework is adept at allocating resources and scheduling tasks, it does set limitations on the type of users that can be a part of the cluster. Basically, all jobs must be submitted through the same scheduler. This limits the types of frameworks and technologies you can use and eventually, the type of tasks you can perform.In recent years, the popularity of parallel computing frameworks has increased, and it has become increasingly popular to run multiple frameworks on a single cluster. The advent of containerization technology has further made the previous monolithic architecture obsolete. And this is where technologies like Apache Mesos come in.Apache Mesos is an open source cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications or frameworks. It is one of the most popular systems for cluster management and orchestration in the market today. And this is all possible because of the versatility of its framework. The Mesos kernel runs on every machine and provides applications with APIs for resource management and scheduling across entire datacenter and cloud environments.Mesos ranks no. 32 overall and no. 3 in the software category on the 2018 Inc. 5000 list.Prominent users of Mesos include Twitter, Airbnb, MediaCrossing, Xogito and Categorize.Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program Cluster Management Using Apache Mesos on AWS is for you.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise with Apache Mesos. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.Student support Were fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven course on the planet. So, we are there for our students whenever you need our help. You can contact us any ask any question at any time - youll get a response from us within 48 hours.What if I dont have any need for learning Apache Mesos right now?In recent years, the popularity of parallel computing frameworks has increased, and it has become increasingly popular to run multiple frameworks on a single cluster. The advent of containerization technology has further made the previous monolithic architecture obsolete. And this is where technologies like Apache Mesos come in.Apache Mesos is the opposite of virtualization because, in virtualization, one physical resource is divided into multiple virtual resources, while in Mesos, multiple physical resources are clubbed into a single virtual resource.There is an advancement in technology, and it is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.What are you waiting for? Get started today with our course Cluster Management Using Apache Mesos on AWSLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS MasterClass: Go Serverless with AWS Lambda & AWS Aurora" |
"The next big thing in Cloud computing is Serverless architecture.So what is this Serverless computing architecture?Traditionally the applications are developed and deployed in servers. Apart from coding, the developer should also look into pre-deployment checks such as storage allocation, and server maintenance.With Serverless computing, the code execution is entirely managed by the cloud provider. Developers can concentrate on the coding part, and the cloud provider takes care of managing, provisioning and maintaining servers for the code deployment.Serverless architecture has an automatic scaling feature which helps to reduce the computing and operational costs. Serverless doesnt require containerization, developers or programmers will write code in the vendor console.AWS Lambda is a front runner in serverless computing services. Even companies like Netflix, Codepen, Zalora, Coca-Cola, and Nordstrom have embraced AWS serverless.There is no wonder why there is an increased demand for developers with AWS Lambda skills.According to Indeed jobs listings, Average salary of developers with AWS Lambda skills is $121,481.That's why today, we are thrilled to be able to share with you our new training program ""AWS MasterClass: Go Serverless with AWS Lambda and Amazon Aurora.What does the AWS Serverless course offer to you?1. You will learn AWS Simple Storage Service, its features. How to host a static website (in HTML) using S3.2. Learn about the basics of API Gateway. How to map URL query strings to variables in backend programs in Lambda and how to use mapping templates in API Gateway.3. You will learn how to provision and use AWS RDS (MySQL). How to connect to RDS MySQL using a database client from EC2 and your own laptop.4. You will learn how to provision and use AWS Aurora Serverless Database and connect to it from EC2 instance.5. You will learn what is a Lambda function. How to host backend in Lambda using Python programming language. You will also learn various features of Lambda and connect to Aurora Serverless database from Lambda Function.6. For better understanding, you will go through an actual demo of a 3-tier application. Front end tier would be hosted on S3 using HTML. Backend application will be executed using Lambda function, front-end requests would be directed to backend application using AWS API Gateway. DB tier would be hosted on Aurora Serverless. Finally, how to stitch all these components together.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in the Serverless architecture. We give you step by step instructions, and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to go serverless, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course AWS MasterClass: Go Serverless with AWS Lambda and Amazon Aurora.Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Managed NoSQL Database In The Cloud - Amazon AWS DynamoDB" |
"Today, enormous amount of data is getting generated from everywhere. All these years, for storing and handling huge amounts of data, the IT world has been dependent on the Relational Database Management Systems or RDBMS. However, around 80 to 90 percent of this generated data is in the unstructured form such as presentations, texts, audio/video files, photos and various forms of business documents. RDBMS is proving to be insufficient to handle the unstructured data that is being generated with the exponential rate.Since the amount of unstructured data is growing so rapidly, there is a need to store and harness the benefits of this huge amount of data. So what is the solution? Where can you store such huge amount of unstructured data? A new category of Database called NoSQL Database presented a solution to this problem by providing possibilities beyond the traditional relational approach that was followed by RDBMS. NoSQL Databases can be used to easily store and process unstructured data. DynamoDB is one such NoSQL database. It is fully managed NoSQL Database service provided by Amazon, where you can create database tables that can store and retrieve huge amounts of data.Opportunity Is KnockingJust look at these amazing numbers:According to alliedmarketresearch NoSQL Market is expected to garner 4.2 billion by 2020, registering a CAGR of 35.1% during the forecast period 2014-2020.NoSQL is a database technology driven by Cloud Computing, the Web, Big Data and the Big Users. NoSQL market grew $14 Billion in 2013-2018 according to cloudave.More than 100,000 AWS customers have chosen DynamoDB for mobile, web, gaming, ad tech, IoT, and many other applications needing low-latency data access.NoSQL now leads the way for the popular internet companies such as LinkedIn, Google, Amazon, and FacebookAccording to bureau of labour statistics, Employment of database administrators is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations.According to recent data from indeed, the average salary for an AWS Database Administrator is $86,208 per year in the US.Based on a report by the Information Communications Technology Council (ICTC), Canada will have to fill 182,000 IT professionals by 2019.There is already a serious shortage of hireable database administrators and engineers, and this gap is growing rapidly. Simply put, theres a massive opportunity for people like you to equip yourself with the right skillset so that you can: Join talent-hungry large fintech companies or start-ups and be at the forefront of global innovation Launch unique businesses or application development services for the next generation Enjoy plush paying cool projects powered by DynamoDB DatabaseWhatever your choice may be, AWS DynamoDB is going to be YOUR KEY to financial success and growth and for the success of the community as a whole!Why AWS DynamoDB?Over the years NoSQL Databases have become very popular. DynamoDB is a very popular NoSQL database and can be used for a variety of application workloads. It can be anything - a web application, or a backend application, or a mobile application. It is completely managed by AWS. So you can offload all your administrative workloads to DynamoDB.Therefore, most companies are using DynamoDB to power their products at scale. It is used by a huge number of AWS customers for mobile, web, gaming, ad tech, IoT, and many other applications that require a low-latency data access. Big companies like Netflix, Expedia, Comcast and Redfin are using DynamoDB as their NoSQL database storage. So that's why it's very important to learn DynamoDB, which is one of the most popular NoSQL databases.What will you learn?The Managed NoSQL Database In The Cloud - Amazon AWS DynamoDB course is designed to enhance the learners knowledge on using DynamoDB to power your applications step by step. The complete course bundle which will give you access to these top rated courses:Learn all about AWS DynamoDBWhat Sets Us Apart?AWS DynamoDB course does not assume any expertise in databases. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we handhold you through all the exercises. So you can follow along and understand exactly how DynamoDB and NoSQL Databases come together and what each step means.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding of the inner working of the DynamoDB for infinitely better results down the line.Real-world knowledge We work with real start-ups and real projects every day. We know first-hand the problems engineers and architects face on daily basis. All this real-world experience is passed on to you in the courses. Each module comprises of in-depth demos and walk-throughs, meaning youll garner enough skill to build your own application powered by DynamoDB, rather than just passing a glorified memory test and forget like most other courses. Practice truly does make perfect.Is This For You?What if I dont have any need for DynamoDB course right now? - As the statistics and figures show NoSQL Database technology is rapidly expanding, meaning even though you may not be directly using DynamoDB right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably. Can you imagine when Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity and people around him ignored it as an irrelevant phenomenon - how much the world will be missing out on? Same thing goes for tech you would have been puzzled by the need for a Smartphone ten years ago, yet now we cant imagine our lives without one. The true potential only becomes apparent in time, do you want to risk missing out?Is it too difficult for me to understand? - Not at all. Well take you step by step from a novice level to an expert on AWS DynamoDB. We work as technology leaders and mentors to several engineers every day. We know how to explain things and use the lingo. We just choose to teach in ways that are a lot more fun (and less headache-inducing). By the end of this course, youll be able to develop your applications supported by DynamoDB in your project and achieve amazing results.I am not an engineer, will this course still benefit me? - Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using technologies like DynamoDB. Going through these courses will give you a deeper understanding about how your engineering team is using the DynamoDB and other NoSQL Databases. You will be able to discuss the pros and cons of their technical approach with higher confidence.To become a part of this change just click on Add to cart button which you will find below the video. We assure you that when you purchase a copy of Managed NoSQL Database In The Cloud - Amazon AWS DynamoDB it will be value for money."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Guide To Microservices With Java Spring Framework 5" |
"The Spring framework is the most widely used framework in the modern world of software and Java application Development. It is a comprehensive tool that supports Java applications and allows you to create high-quality software at a rapid pace.While there are a multitude of web applications and other technologies that use Java, what sets Spring apart from them its large array of resources for integrating applications, streamlining code, and promoting more efficient development of strategies. The Spring framework has a broad set of strategies that supports various enterprise applications, allowing you to create efficient, testable and versatile code in all development environments.Just look at these numbers.Spring is growing at an exponential rate and is set to become the most popular Java Framework soon. Surveys have shown that almost 40% of web developers have switched from using Java EE to Spring, with 50% using both technologies.And more so, the move to Spring Framework 5.0 is evident, with 25% of Spring-backed systems running on the latest version.In the last three years, Spring MVC and Spring Boot have steadily been voted the most popular tools for web framework and microservices development.The average salary of a Spring professional is roughly $114,000, with a steady increase each year.Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program ""Hands-On Guide To Microservices With Java Spring Framework 5"" is for you.Enroll in this course today and unlock the full potential for Java application development using the Spring Framework.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in the Spring Framework. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.What if I dont have any need for learning Spring right now?Whether you are on board or not, Spring is the future of web development. And it offers so much more than other technologies! It is extremely lightweight, it offers declarative transactions, it gives you a better way of doing everything, from dealing with JDBC, to working with ORM, to implementing web services. Spring is just one step ahead!There is an evident shortage of Spring professionals today. There is so much to learn in the Spring Framework, and the demand for competent Spring professionals is definitely high! In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a job posting for Java developers that doesnt mention Spring as one of the requirements.There is an advancement in technology that is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your applications, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course ""Hands-On Guide To Microservices With Java Spring Framework 5""Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microservices With Kubernetes, Docker & API Gateway Kong" |
"Containerization technology has changed the software and cloud infrastructure dramatically. More flexibility, portability, scalability, the list of benefits just goes on and on. Kubernetes is a portable, extensible open-source platform that you can use to manage containerized workloads and services. Built upon Googles massive decade and a half of experience with running production workloads at scale, Kubernetes has managed to take the world by a storm. Kubernetes provides you with all the tool you may require to build and deploy reliable and scalable distributed applications. Moreover, Kubernetes can be used for a wide range of applications because of its ability to be integrated with multiple industry standard infrastructures, architectures, and software.Kong is a high performance, open source, traffic control, API gateway, and microservice management platform that helps in managing the networking requirements of the highly demanding workloads.Deploying Kong APIGateway in conjunction with Docker Containers And Kubernetes makes Kong to automatically configure itself and manage the workload traffic as the new applications are deployed and the services for them are created in Kubernetes.Deploying Kong onto Kubernetes is an easy process. Now integration of services on Kubernetes with Kong is made easier with Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes.We are happy to announce our new training program ""Microservices With Kubernetes, Docker & API Gateway Kong"" is for you.In its 2018 cloud predictions, Forrester Research proclaimed that Kubernetes ""has won the war for container orchestration dominance.""Kubernetes is now one of the fastest-growing open source projects in history.A research survey of enterprises using containers found that 71% of respondents were using Kubernetes.DevOps engineers make an average of $140,000 to $200,000 annually. And one of the most in-demand skills is Kubernetes Deployment.Job searches for Kubernetes have increased by over 173% over the last year, with global organizations like Microsoft, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Oracle and VMware looking for suitable candidates.Enroll in this course today and unlock the full potential for Kubernetes container orchestration capabilities.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise with Kubernetes. We give you step by step instructions, and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your knowledge for infinitely better results down the line.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the latest technology to survive. Containerization technology is the new frontier of cloud-enabling technology and application development and learning about Kubernetes will help you stay at the forefront of that curve.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your workload, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below and get started today with our course Microservices With Kubernetes, Docker & API Gateway KongWhat are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course Microservices With Kubernetes, Docker & API Gateway KongLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Machine Learning and Deep Learning with TensorFlow" |
"Take your expertise in Machine Learning to the next level!Chase your dream job in Artificial Intelligence.What was once an elite field of technology has now become the buzzword of futuristic innovation, Artificial Intelligence. It is evolving fast, and we are witnessing leaps and bounds of progress with advanced algorithms that literally do the thinking for you!With mountains of data targeted towards consumers every day, how can you determine patterns from the chaos?How can you use technology not only to make sense of all this data, but also benefit from it?Artificial Intelligence concepts of Machine Learning and Deep Learning have opened up a whole new arena of possibilities! Inspired by the human brain and its complex structures, Machine Learning and Deep Learning programs rely on neural networks to relay information and learn from it.Which brings us to TensorFlow! Developed by the very talented team of developers and data scientist at Google Brain, this open-source computational library for conducting high-speed numerical computations. With TensorFlow, machine learning becomes simpler, handles more complex computations with ease, delivers high-end and accurate results, all without any human intervention! You program the algorithm, input the data, and voila, the results are brought to you on a silver platter!Lets look at some numbers, shall we?The field of artificial intelligence is experiencing a steady surge in innovation and investment. IT market researchers predict that the Artificial Intelligence software market is set to touch $105.8 billion in revenue by 2025!Businesses today want algorithms and architectures that teaches itself, and makes smarter decisions for them. More than 8,000 enterprises are using TensorFlow today! Starting with the leading financial services company, Capital One, to Apple, to the Ford Motor Company! The number of companies jumping on the TensorFlow band wagon is ever-increasing!Also, Google says that TensorFlow has generated more than 6,000 GitHub projects, and counting!Theres more! According to Payscale, the average salary for a data scientist is $115,000! Sounds like success, doesnt it? Are you looking to hone your skills? Do you want to excel in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning? Wouldnt it be great if big companies sought you out for your expertise in TensorFlow?If you have answered Yes to all these questions, then we have just the right thing for you!We bring you our newest training program Mastering Machine Learning and Deep Learning with TensorFlow.Enrol in this educative and informative course today, and see yourself becoming a part of the elite AI crowd!What Sets Us Apart?Complete Beginner to Expert Skills This course does not assume any expertise in TensorFlow. We give you step-by-step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical Demo Tutorials What fun is learning without application? Most learning platforms today simply bombard you with text heavy material and set you on your way. But you and I know that doesnt work! We believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.Youve seen all the amazing aspects of TensorFlow, but we know you still have some questions.How do I know if I need this course?Artificial Intelligence is a fast-growing technology. Thousands of companies are investing in such tools, and generating billions of dollars in revenue. To top it all, there is a rising demand for data scientists and machine learning experts today! If not now, then soon enough you will experience a need to hone your skillset. With TensorFlow expertise under your wings, you are sure to fly high and grab that dream job in artificial intelligence!How will this course benefit me?If you are a developer or a data scientist, it is highly likely that your organisation works on machine learning projects. You very well know that the field of IT is constantly innovating and looking for new ideas. While machine learning is the hottest thing today, we suggest you make the most of this buzz and take the first step with us! Even if you are simply a machine learning enthusiast, this course of TensorFlow is a great way to venture into AI.All you need is invested time and an eagerness to learn, and we guarantee you quality education with real-world applications, at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant.We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.If you are ready to take that first step with us, click the Add to Cart option below.What are you waiting for? Get started today with our Mastering Machine Learning and Deep Learning with TensorFlow.Lets do this together!Happy Learning!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Guide To Applications With Spring MVC And Security" |
"The Spring framework is the most widely used framework in the modern world of software and Java application Development. It is a comprehensive tool that supports Java applications and allows you to create high-quality software at a rapid pace.While there are a multitude of web applications and other technologies that use Java, what sets Spring apart from them its large array of resources for integrating applications, streamlining code, and promoting more efficient development of strategies. The Spring framework has a broad set of strategies that supports various enterprise applications, allowing you to create efficient, testable and versatile code in all development environments.Just look at these numbers.Spring is growing at an exponential rate and is set to become the most popular Java Framework soon. Surveys have shown that almost 40% of web developers have switched from using Java EE to Spring, with 50% using both technologies.In the last three years, Spring MVC and Spring Boot have steadily been voted the most popular tools for web framework and microservices development.The average salary of a Spring professional is roughly $114,000, with a steady increase each year.Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program ""Hands-On Guide To Applications With Spring MVC And Security"" is for you.Enroll in this course today and unlock the full potential for Java application development using the Spring Framework.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in the Spring Framework. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.What if I dont have any need for learning Spring right now?Whether you are on board or not, Spring is the future of web development. And it offers so much more than other technologies! It is extremely lightweight, it offers declarative transactions, it gives you a better way of doing everything, from dealing with JDBC, to working with ORM, to implementing web services. Spring is just one step ahead!There is an evident shortage of Spring professionals today. There is so much to learn in the Spring Framework, and the demand for competent Spring professionals is definitely high! In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a job posting for Java developers that doesnt mention Spring as one of the requirements.There is an advancement in technology that is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your applications, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course ""Hands-On Guide To Applications With Spring MVC And Security""Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Beginners Guide To Google's Go Language" |
"Programming is one of the fastest growing and lucrative profession in today's high-tech age. No wonder, a lot of people are jumping into this profession in droves. But the amazing thing is that industry's appetite to employ more and more engineers is only growing. The demand is way too high to fill this gap. Which is why companies are ready to pay higher and higher salaries and hourly rates for these skills. Do you want to join the high-tech industry and be part of this IT revolution? Do you want to go from no previous programming experience - to be a confident programmer who can code in one of the most popular programming languages in the world ? Do you want to earn high 5-figure or 6-figure salaries as a seasoned software engineer?If your answer is YES then you have come to the right place.This course does not assume any prior programming or coding experience. It has been designed from the ground up to take you through a spectrum of concepts, terms, and paradigms to give you a solid understanding of what Go Language is all about.Hands-On KnowledgeWe are a group of coders and programmers ourselves. So we understand the importance of learning by doing. This course is jam-packed with practical demos, homework assignments and a lot of live coding which will help you immensely in grasping these complex topics.Why Go Language?Golang is a programming language by google was created back in 2009, but has gained popularity in last couple years.As per statistics in october 2018, Golang leaped from 65th to 17th in most popular programming languages.Go's increasing is a lightweight, open source language very well suited for microservices architectures. Containers such as Docker and Google's container orchestration Kubernetes are built using Go. Go is also gaining popularity in data science due its performance capabilities.Are you ready to get started? In that case, we're guessing you'll want to know what your investment is going to be. Well, here you will find real actionable information and education in exchange for your time, willingness to learn and a fraction of the cost you will be able to demand as a cloud engineer or consultants. We can guarantee that you will get your investment back many fold in no time.So if you're ready to make a change and learn how to code in Go language, just click the ""Add To Cart"" button you'll see below this video.Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert and generate a real income for you and your family, you need to take action and get in the game.Imagine getting that promotion in your current role which you have been promised for months of years. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers which companies are desperately seeking to hire. Imagine getting a massive bump in your income as a result of your newly acquired in-demand skills.That's what we want for you, and we know it's what you want for yourself, so grab your copy of Ultimate Beginners Guide To Google's Go Language NOW and let's get you started today! Click the Add to Cart button below and we will see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering DevOps: CI and CD With Jenkins And Ansible" |
"As recently as five to ten years ago, most organizations around the world had heavily structured teams that worked in silos. Development teams worked at innovation and production, and Operations teams worked hard at making sure everything ran smoothly and none of the software and technology stopped working. Everyone had their assigned tasks and rarely got a glimpse of the bigger picture.Eventually, this system started showing cracks, with more issues falling through the gaps, stretched out timelines, increased dependencies and rework. The list goes on.DevOps was developed from an increasing need for operations to work together with engineers to expedite production in a smoother, automated, more efficient, and repeatable manner. And since then, it's adoption in the IT industry has only exponentially increased. A recent survey of 1400 IT leaders across the world showed that 86% of them see DevOps as part of their future IT strategy, and 77% plan to incorporate DevOps methodology into their application development and delivery.DevOps is one of the most sought-after set of skills in the job market right now, with tens of thousands of open jobs across the globe.DevOps engineers make an average of $140,000 to $200,000 annually. And one of the most in-demand skills is Jenkins.Here are just a few of the global organizations that have transformed their business processes using DevOps pipeline implementations. The list includes organizations like Amazon, NASA, Netflix, Target, Hertz, and many more.Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program "" Mastering DevOps with Jenkins & Ansible"" is for you.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise with DevOps. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.What if I dont have any need for learning about DevOps right now?Whether you are on board or not, DevOps is definitely here to stay in the IT landscape. No more worrying about inconsistencies in deployment processes, extended development timelines, or environmental differences.DevOps has practically shaped the software landscape over the last decade and is projected to grow even more significantly in 2019.As the statistics and figures show there is an advancement in technology is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. DevOps is the new frontier of software and application development and cloud-enabling technology and learning about DevOps with Jenkins and Ansible will help you stay at the forefront of that curve.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your software development and delivery using DevOps, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course Mastering DevOps with Jenkins & Ansible.Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering DevOps With Ansible : Manage Docker Containers" |
"The advent of container orchestration technology has transformed the way that people think about developing, deploying, managing, and maintaining software. This technology is based on the native isolation capabilities of modern operating systems and has taken the IT world by a storm!Applications are the lifeblood of any business, and Docker Enterprise is at the forefront of cloud-enabling technologies that can manage all of your application needs.Ansible is an open-source IT automation engine which can eliminate the drudgery of manual automation, deployment, and maintenance. It can help you dramatically improve the scalability, consistency, and reliability of your IT environment. It can also automate the configuration of a wide range of systems and devices such as databases, storage devices, networks, and firewalls. In simple terms, Ansible enables us to define our infrastructure as code in a simple declarative manner.Just look at these numbers.Since its release in 2012, Docker has become one of the fastest growing technologies in DevOps and web development. According to Docker, over 3.5 million applications have been placed in containers using Docker technology. Major software and technology companies like Amazon, Oracle, Google, and VMWare have embraced Docker and are building services to support it.According to recent data from jobs site Glassdoor, the national median salary for a DevOps engineer in the US is $110,000.60% of hiring managers are looking to fill DevOps engineer positions.DevOps engineer ranks #2 on Glassdoors 50 Best Jobs in America rankingsDo you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program ""Mastering DevOps With Ansible : Manage Docker Containers"" is for you.Enroll in this course today and unlock the full potential for DevOps using Dockers containerization and Ansible capabilities.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in Docker or Ansible. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.What if I dont have any need for learning Docker right now?Whether you are on board or not, the future of IT is fast becoming Dockerized, where nearly all software will be developed and deployed in containers. Docker will revolutionize how you develop and deploy your applications. No more worrying about inconsistencies in deployment processes, extended development timelines, or environmental differences. Docker Enterprise will manage all of these and so much more, just with the push of a button!Docker increases developer productivity by a whopping 1300%! With a faster time to market of over 300%, Dockers usage rates are rapidly increasing with the infrastructure size of organizations around the world.There is an evident shortage of Docker professionals today. In fact, Docker professionals were one of the top three fastest-growing targeting options for employers around the world last year.As the statistics and figures show there is an advancement in technology is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. Containerization technology is the new frontier of cloud-enabling technology and application development and learning about Docker will help you stay at the forefront of that curve.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your Docker containers using Ansible, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course Mastering DevOps With Ansible : Manage Docker ContainersLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS, Docker Containers, Cloud Cluster With Mesosphere DC/OS" |
"Mesosphere DC/OS or the Mesosphere Datacenter Operating System. cloud scale OS (Operating System) that gives you the ability to operate all the servers present in your infrastructure in a single machine. It is based on the Apace Mesos kernel and gives you further the ability to execute containers, data and other applications in singular computing environment. Yes, all your computing needs are in one place managed and easily scalable any time. Let us look at these statistics:As estimated by McKinsey Global Institute, in the coming days there could be a scarcity of about 140,000 and 190,000 workers in the U.S. The workers with analytical skills are required to work with big data and associated enterprises.For these workers, the average salary is roughly around $120,000+.As per the survey from Robin Systems conducted in the year 2017, 81% of corporations suggested that they will increase the utilization of containers in the coming futureAs per enterprisersproject's 2018 report, 57% of hiring managers report seeking container-related skills, that is almost double than last year.There has been a significant rise in demand for container experts and data scientists as more and more companies are opting for the use of containers in their IT infrastructure.Why Opt for Mesosphere DC/OS?DC/OS or the Datacenter Operating System is a distributed operating system built and developed with Apache Mesos kernel. It is an open-source OS (Operating System) which was developed by Mesosphere Inc, a technology company based in San Francisco, California, U.S.A.It takes care of all your container management requirements as it is an effective container scheduling tool at its core. You would require a container scheduling tool for managing how you will place your containers as well as schedule the execution (running) of your application instances.In short, you can manage multiple containers from a single place and this is what the main function of Mesosphere DC/OS is. It provides a one only unified management experience regardless of what platform you use.As you can now clearly conclude that DC/OS is not your typical OS (Operating System). It also acts as a:Distributed SystemCluster ManagerContainer PlatformThis course is designed in a way to give you blend of theory and super exposure to practical demos so that you gain the most out of it. You will be introduced to the Mesosphere DC/OS and understand its architecture. Youll be given hands-on knowledge on DC/OS architecture using its GUI (Graphic User Interface) and CLI (Command-line Interfaces). In addition to that, this course is designed to give you a high-quality learning experience of managing and deploying applications and nodes on DC/OS along with installing, deploying and debugging with the help of tools and applications such as WS, Docker, Marathon-LB, MySQL database, and Mesos DNS.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in DC/OS. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So what are you waiting for? Click on ""Add to cart"" button and grab your copy of ""AWS, Docker Containers, Cloud Cluster With Mesosphere DC/OS"", where youll learn software skills for Mesosphere DC/OS and related Tools!Happy Learning!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS MasterClass: Data Warehousing With AWS Redshift" |
"Data Warehousing is used for extracting data to make it simpler, efficient and faster for processing queries from different data sources. Amazon web services Redshift is fully managed, reliable, fast data warehousing product. Built on the Massive Parallel Processing, Redshift is a simple and cost-effective way to analyze data.Some of the Benefits of AWS Redshift are:Highly scalableCost effectiveNative SQL SupportIntegration with popular BI toolsCan process and query unstructured data as wellAccording to payscale average salary with Amazon Redshift skill is $103KAmazon Redshift is one of top three data warehouse product!There is no wonder why there is an increased demand for individuals with AWS Redshift skills.That's why today, we are thrilled to be able to share with you our new training program ""AWS MasterClass: Data Warehousing With AWS RedshiftWhat does this course offer you ? Introduction to Data WarehouseOLAP vs OLTPAWS Redshift Cluster ManagementArchitectureClustersDatabaseBackup & SnapshotPutting database in a VPC (n/w isolation)SecurityQuery a databaseImport & Export data in/out of RedshiftDevelopment in Redshift (Application DBA)Distribution KeySchema DesignPerformance TuningRedshift SpectrumAnalytics on Redshift (AWS Quicksight)Use casesWhat Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in the Serverless architecture. We give you step by step instructions, and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn ""AWSRedshift"" click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course ""AWS MasterClass: Data Warehousing With AWS Redshift.""Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"High Availability Solutions For Windows Active Directory" |
"Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is Microsofts implementation of a directory service that provides centralized authentication and authorization services to the users.So Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) stores directory data and manages communication between users and domains, including user logon processes, authentication, and directory searches.An Active Directory domain controller is a server that is running Active directory domain services.Azure active directory, or Azure cloud services are a rest based web GUI services that provides identity management and access control capabilities for all the cloud applications you have.These can be SQL databases, any other databases, virtual machines, storage, and of course the active directory services are there.These active directory services are designed to work together with your on premises identity solutions that can be your on premise active directory.You can run active directory through virtual machines on Azure. So in this way you can also extend your on premises active directory to the active directory which is present on the virtual machine in Azure, or you might use the Azure active directory service right here to give your users single sign on services to software as a service applications, like Microsoft Office 365 uses this technology, for example and application is running on Azure, like the SQL databases, they can use this Azure active directory for your users to log in.Look at this amazing numbers:According to payscale average salary of Active directory administrator is around $75000.As of May 1, 2019, the average annual pay for an Active Directory Administrator in the United States is $89,665 a year.According to ZipRecruiter annual salaries as high as $134,500 and as low as $46,500, the majority of Active Directory Administrator salaries currently range between $80,500 (25th percentile) to $105,500 (75th percentile) across the United States.The High Availability Solutions For Windows Active Directory course is designed to enhance the learners knowledge on Active directory services step by step.You will be able to learn the following from this course : Explain key features of Microsoft Active Directory Set up an AD Domain Controller on-premises Set up a secondary AD Replication on Azure server Troubleshoot common issues with AD Domain Controllers Describe key features and installation of Azure Active Directory Improve Your Project And Career ProspectsWhat Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in the Serverless architecture. We give you step by step instructions, and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn about active directory, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course High Availability Solutions For Windows Active DirectoryLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ORDBMS With PostgreSQL Essential Administration Training" |
"Take your career to the next level. Move into highly sought after PostgreSQL Database Administrator rolesToday huge data is getting generated from a variety of sources. Whether you are collecting data from an IOT device, having a content management system or simply want to record your transaction information you are dealing with a lot of data. And if you need to store and access your data, you are going to need a database.But the question is which is the right database for your needs?The huge and fast-changing database landscape is making the choice of databases ever more difficult. So out of this vast range of relational and non-relational databases available, which is the right choice?Out of the relational databases, PostgreSQL is the most advanced database in the open source relational database market. Its adoption is increasing rapidly.PostgreSQL is object-relational database management system and has a lot of capability. It is built using an object-relational model and supports complex structures and a range of built-in and user-defined data types. It provides extensive data capacity.Moreover postgreSQL is trusted for its data integrity. PostgreSQL is fully ACID that is - atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability compliant and therefore ideal for Online Transaction Processing workloads as well as for analytics.And whats more?PostgreSQL is free and open source software. Its source code is available under PostgreSQL license, a liberal open source license. You are free to use, modify and distribute PostgreSQL in any form.Just look at these numbers.According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of database administrators is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. Growth in this occupation will be driven by the increased data needs of companies across the economy.According to indeed company, average salary for PostgreSQL DBA is $94,611 per year.According to Bureau of Labor Statistics , Database Administrators rank # 5 in best technology jobsDo you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program ""PostgreSQL Essential Administration Training "" is for you.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in PostgreSQL or RDBMS. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.Student support Were fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven course on the planet. So we are there for our students whenever you need our help. You can contact us any ask any question at any time - youll get a response from us within 48 hours.What if I dont have any need for learning PostgreSQL course right now?Some of the major issues in terms of databases today are availability, scalability and security.PostgreSQL is object-relational database management system and has a lot of capability. It is built using an object-relational model and supports complex structures and a range of built-in and user-defined data types. It provides extensive data capacity.Moreover postgreSQL is trusted for its data integrity. PostgreSQL is fully ACID that is - atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability compliant and therefore ideal for Online Transaction Processing workloads as well as for analytics.The lack of PostgreSQL expertise is the number one challenge today. There is a shortage of PostgreSQL professionals today. Database administrators job is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations.As the statistics and figures show there is an advancement in technology is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.Ive seen other courses charge for a certificate, is this course the same?We dont believe in charging hundreds of dollars just for a certificate of completion. As we stated above real-world experience is much more valuable than certificates alone.I am not an engineer, will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a startup founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. There are certain aspects of IT that you cant afford to ignore and databases is one of them and that is why you need to know more about PostgreSQL.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your databases, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our PostgreSQL Essential Administration TrainingLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Expert Guide: Mastering PostgreSQL Administration" |
"Take your career to the next level. Move into highly sought after PostgreSQL Database Administrator rolesWith the increasing popularity of Open Source Databases, organisations are looking for best alternatives among the widely available choices in the market.Among the various choices available, PostgreSQL is the most widely adopted database in recent years in the industry. Thousands of companies are using PostgreSQL for their business critical as well as non-critical applications. PostgreSQL is not just limited to one industry it is pretty much everywhere.But why PostgreSQL? Why not any other open source DBMS like MySQL or MariaDB?The reason is - PostgreSQl is the most advanced open source database management system that are available today. It is - ORDBMS, that is object relation database management system.PostgreSQL is the best tool as it is available for free and it is open. It will never be bought. Its source code is available under PostgreSQL license which is a liberal open source license. You are free to use, modify and distribute PostgreSQL in any form.Moreover, PostgreSQL comes with many features aimed to help developers build applications. It also helps administrators to protect data integrity and build fault-tolerant environments. It is extensible. For example, you can define your own data types, build custom functions or even write code from different programming languages without recompiling your database.Also, because of the advanced features and powerful capabilities, the adoption of PostgreSQL is increasing widely in the market since past few years. It requires very minimum maintenance efforts because of its stability. Therefore, applications based on PostgreSQL have a low total cost of ownership in comparison with other database management systems.Just look at these numbers.According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of database administrators is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. Growth in this occupation will be driven by the increased data needs of companies across the economy.According to indeed company, average salary for PostgreSQL DBA is $94,611 per year.According to Bureau of Labor Statistics , Database Administrators rank # 5 in best technology jobsDo you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program ""Mastering PostgreSQL Administration"" is for you.Enroll in this course today and become a part of ORDBMS revolution.What Sets Us Apart?Master the skills This course needs you to have intermediate level skills in PostgreSQL or RDBMS. This course helps you become a Master in PostgreSQL administration. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.What if I dont have any need for learning PostgreSQL course right now?Some of the major issues in terms of databases today are availability, scalability and security.PostgreSQL is object-relational database management system and has a lot of capability. It is built using an object-relational model and supports complex structures and a range of built-in and user-defined data types. It provides extensive data capacity.Moreover postgreSQL is trusted for its data integrity. PostgreSQL is fully ACID that is - atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability compliant and therefore ideal for Online Transaction Processing workloads as well as for analytics.The lack of PostgreSQL expertise is the number one challenge today. There is a shortage of PostgreSQL professionals today. Database administrators job is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations.As the statistics and figures show there is an advancement in technology is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer, will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a startup founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. There are certain aspects of IT that you cant afford to ignore and databases is one of them and that is why you need to know more about PostgreSQL.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your databases, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our Mastering PostgreSQL AdministrationLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 Administration & Infrastructure" |
"Are you interested to learn Windows Server technology? Do you want to learn the core new features of Windows server 2016? Then this course Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Administration & Infrastructure is for you. Microsoft Windows Server 2016 is a server OS and is developed for running networked applications.Windows Server 2016 includes two native containers: Windows Server Containers and Hyper-V Containers.One of the highlighted feature of windows server Nano Server or tiny servers is developed to run in cloud based container needs. It is 93% smaller than traditional Windows Server setups and doesnt have a GUI or .NET framework; administrators will manage Nano Server instances remotely.Just look at these Amazing numbers, According to Payscale, the average salary of windows server administrators is $62K to $100KAs of May, 2019, the average annual pay for a Windows Server Administrator in the United States is $82,473 a year.Needless to say the job vacancies for Server Administrators is on the rise.That is why we are thrilled to announce our training program Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Administration & Infrastructure.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in the Serverless architecture. We give you step by step instructions, and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how Windows server 2016, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Administration & InfrastructureLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Run Containers At Scale With Docker And Docker Swarm" |
"We now live in a world that is unchained, where we are not bound to a desk to fulfil our tasks. We are a community of people who are constantly on the go and because of that we have now learnt how to work on the go. This is why technologies that are in tandem with this lifestyle are becoming insanely popular.Docker is one such technology for developers and system architects! The days of depending on heavy-duty desktop systems or lugging power draining virtual systems are long gone! Now, we can depend on containerization to help us not only to build our apps, but also to manage and deploy them!Benefits of DockerOpen Source Docker is an open source software which means that in addition to being free, it also allows developers to add features to the technology depending on their needs.Containers vs. Virtual Machine Where virtual machines take a greater toll on the system, containers make it easier to simply wrap the applications and all of its files to make it easily deployable on any other Linux system.Fast Adoption Docker is one of the technologies that is being adopted at an extremely fast rate. The adoption rate is similar on both personal as well as enterprise levels.Faster & Less Load on RAM Since containers already pack everything they need to run the application, they dont add a lot of load on the system and are extremely fast when it comes to setup and running.Easier Deployment Containers also make it easier to deploy apps as well as maintain them.Just look at these numbers.Since its release in 2012, Docker has become one of the fastest growing technologies in DevOps and web development. According to Docker, over 3.5 million applications have been placed in containers using Docker technology. Major software and technology companies like Amazon, Oracle, Google, and VMWare have embraced Docker and are building services to support it.According to recent data from jobs site Glassdoor, the national median salary for a DevOps engineer in the US is $110,000.60% of hiring managers are looking to fill DevOps engineer positions.DevOps engineer ranks #2 on Glassdoors 50 Best Jobs in America rankings.Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question?If so, then our new training program ""Run Containers At Scale With Docker And Docker Swarm"" is for you.Enroll in this course today and unlock the full potential for DevOps using Dockers containerization and Ansible capabilities.What Sets Us Apart?Complete beginner to expert skills This course does not assume any expertise in Docker or Ansible. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.Practical demo tutorials Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what youre doing, but why youre doing it. Thats why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.What if I dont have any need for learning Docker right now?Whether you are on board or not, the future of IT is fast becoming Dockerized, where nearly all software will be developed and deployed in containers. Docker will revolutionize how you develop and deploy your applications. No more worrying about inconsistencies in deployment processes, extended development timelines, or environmental differences. Docker Enterprise will manage all of these and so much more, just with the push of a button!Docker increases developer productivity by a whopping 1300%! With a faster time to market of over 300%, Dockers usage rates are rapidly increasing with the infrastructure size of organizations around the world.There is an evident shortage of Docker professionals today. In fact, Docker professionals were one of the top three fastest-growing targeting options for employers around the world last year.As the statistics and figures show there is an advancement in technology is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not be directly using any of this right now, sooner or later you will run into it inevitably.I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we dont blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive. Containerization technology is the new frontier of cloud-enabling technology and application development and learning about Docker will help you stay at the forefront of that curve.Is your IT career on the right track?Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to proactively and efficiently manage your Docker containers, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.What are you waiting for? Click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our course Run Containers At Scale With Docker And Docker SwarmLets do this together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |