Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"A Masterclass On How To Build A Winning Business Strategy" |
"Though strategy is fundamental to business success, it continues to be an ill-understood discipline. In this course we will therefore demystify what strategy is and what it isnt and we will guide you through a clear process on how to develop a winning strategy. We start that process byAnalyzing where you want to play- here we show you how to evaluate the general attractiveness of an industry and how to identify the customer segments you may want to serve Then we explore How to identify opportunities for a new distinctive value proposition in a market -because to compete in an industry you need to understand what product or service factors drive current competition and whether there are any unmet needs or unresolved pain points in the industry you can serveNext, weshow you How to reconfigure your company's value chain to best deliver on that new value proposition - During this step of the process we help you evaluate what all the things are that your company would have to do differently in how you create, produce, market, sell, deliver and support your product or service in order to best deliver on that new distinctive value propositionThen weproceed by showing you how to Determine the capabilities your company will need to have to realize that value chain And finally, wetalk about What it takes to successfully execute a winning strategy- because in the end a strategy only becomes a winning strategy if it is well executed!!!! Throughout this process we will share with you a variety of simple yet powerful frameworks that you can use to support your strategy development efforts. And rest assured that we will also illustrate these concept and frameworks with lots of real life examples to really bring them to life, so you won't be bored !And lastly, we should mention that you will be in very capable hands as Brenda has 20+ years of strategy development experience. First as a strategic management consultant for Booz Allen & Hamilton and later on as an executive leader working across various industries in Europe, the US and Asia."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Super Woodburning Project - Desert Sunset" |
"This course offers great wood-burning and colouring techniques that will teach you how to create a beautiful desert sunset artwork. The design is very manageable in its simplicity yet stunning, when completed.Here is your chance to try out a simple wood-burning project that you can be proud of. Surprise yourself and amaze everyone with your creativity. Create this fun project that you can display up on your wall or share with family and friends."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Practice Exams LPIC-2 Engineer (201-450 & 202-450) QA PDF" |
"NO obsolete RHEL 6 or repeated questions (Only RHEL/ Centos 7+, SLES12+ and Ubuntu 18+) You can see which answers were correct and which were not by clicking on ""Review Questions"" button when you complete or end the practice tests. A link to the PDF File with 500+ Questions provided.LPIC-2 is the second certification in LPIs multi-level professional certification program. The LPIC-2 will validate the candidate's ability to administer small to mediumsized mixed networks. The candidate must have an active LPIC-1 certification to receive LPIC-2 certification, but the LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 exams may be taken in any order.Current Version: 4.5 (Exam codes 201-450 and 202-450)Objectives: 201-450, 202-450Prerequisites: The candidate must have an active LPIC-1 certification to receive LPIC-2 certification, but the LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 exams may be taken in any orderRequirements: Passing exams 201 and 202Validity Period: 5 yearsLanguages: English, German, JapaneseTo become LPIC-2 certified the candidate must be able to:perform advanced system administration, including common tasks regarding the Linux kernel, system startup and maintenance;perform advanced Management of block storage and file systems as well as advanced networking and authentication and system security, including firewall and VPN;install and configure fundamental network services, including DHCP, DNS, SSH, Web servers, file servers using FTP, NFS and Samba, email delivery; andsupervise assistants and advise management on automation and purchases."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn The Google Ads Foundations Used At The Top Agencies" |
"Learn the core Google Ads strategies used at the largest global agencies. These are the foundations my teams have followed to win UK and European Search Awards.We're going to cut through the clutter and focus on what is really important. You have to understand the rules of the game so you can play to win. Without the right foundation all the bells and whistles don't matter. My aim is to provide you with a solid grounding in the core concepts of Google Ads.This course will provide foundational theory. The knowledge being shared here comes from over 10 years of working in PPC with clients like ASDA (Walmart) and Sky. ""Ashley has the desire to help others succeed, and this is why I highly recommend him as a mentor and coach. He made my time at iProspect an extremely positive experience"" ~ Amy Heden ~ Senior PPC Lead at Jet2""Working with Ashley helped me progress from a PPC Executive to Senior Paid Media Executive. He uses his wealth of knowledge and experience to teach everything from the foundations of Paid Media to more in-depth strategy, in manageable and understandable sections."" ~ Mathew Koroshko, Senior Paid Media Executive Branded 3""Ashley's training gave me the hunger and drive to want to learn more. He taught me the importance of the fundamentals, whilst demonstrating how to create and execute award winning strategies. Without his Coaching throughout my career I would have been lost. His greatest asset is his ability to find the balance between the detail and the wider picture. This gave me focus and has stuck with me ever since."" ~ Dan Roberts, Account Director iProspect & Founder of PPCHubBub"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Le Sacre Direzioni e il potere della Ruota di Medicina" |
"Il mio libro sulla Scienza delle Direzioni il fil rouge di questo corso, in cui imparerai i significati e la simbolica della Ruota di Medicina dei nativi americani, e saprai come costruirla e utilizzarla per portare nella tua vita guarigione e armonia.Non ci sono ricette per costruire la ruota, ma modi diversi. Tantissimi.Gli animali, prima di noi, hanno imparato a orientarsi nello spazio, a percepire mutamenti, pericoli, nuovi eventi. Ad annusare le direzioni e a riconoscere i segni diquel che stava arrivando: nellacqua, nella foresta, nelle steppe. Il sapere legato allo spazio ci proviene dalla nostra natura animale. Luomo, in seguito, ha attribuito simboli, signicati e pratiche rituali a quelle che per lanimale sono conoscenze immediate. La scienza delle direzioni uno strumento semplice e meraviglioso di auto-analisi ed esplorazione del cosmo,grazie al principio come in alto cos in basso, come fuori cos dentro. Non un sistema di credenze ma una via di conoscenza, che ci mostra il modo in cui noi incorniciamo il nostro mondo.Forse, ancora pi interessante il fatto che il sacro cerchio uno strumento di guarigione, nel senso che, se usato con consapevolezza, in grado di guarire psiche e corpo. Avere fede bello ma non basta, e lunico ragionamento che tiene quello della sperimentazione in prima persona.Se funziona funziona e non c altro da aggiungere.Quando avrai finito di seguire questo corso: avrai appreso il metodo di ricerca fenomenologico dell Anthropology of Consciousness , applicabile ai fenomeni magico-religiosi; conoscerai la losoa che fa da sfondo alla scienza delle direzioni ti sar diventata familiare; distinguerai i diversi approcci e le diverse visioni del mondo legate al sacro cerchio; saprai costruire una ruota di medicina, sia in un luogo chiuso che allaperto; conoscerai miti e simboli legati ai quattro punti cardinali e ai quattro punti intermedi; sarai in grado di camminare la ruota di medicina con le diverse tecniche elaborate dalle culture etniche; potrai utilizzare gli intensi poteri delle direzioni ottenendo beneci e doni di conoscenza e consapevolezza, importanti per la tua vita; avrai appreso le tecniche pi antiche della storia umana, elaborate e testate dai nostri antenati, per entrare in contatto con le forze cosmiche che hanno plasmato il nostro mondo."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Relocation" |
"Planning a relocation? Already in the process of relocating to another country?Entrepreneurship and family life can be hard to navigate in a new country.This course is a unique combination of practical tools and personal coaching, created to guide you through the journey of relocation.Leading you through the major stages of this adventure, the course is built to provide deeply personal insights into the complexity of this decision, and to supply you with ready made to do lists and tools for the practical aspects.We recognize 3 main stages in relocation: from the initial offer, through the planning of the transition, to the stage of creating purpose and self realization in your new home.With the course, we want to facilitate this experience for women worldwide, and empower you to make the most of the great changes and opportunities relocation brings.So... Now its your time to invest in yourself and create your own successful relocation story."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Relocation- NowMe-" |
"? . . , , . , . ..."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Become a Memory Athlete- Bundle Course (2 courses in 1)" |
"** WELCOME TO THE MEMORY TECHNIQUES BUNDLE COURSE! ** With more than 4.5 hours of video lectures in 2 courses and with a lot of useful supplemental resources, this course will help you to really improve your memory and will give you the tools you need to make lasting improvements in your life, your studies and in your career.Here are the 2 courses of the series:1. The Memory Techniques Course (Basic Systems)2. Advanced Memory Techniques Course (the WMC Challenge)In the next lessons you will find actionable, easy-to-apply techniques and activities that can be used immediately to ensure your success in different situations that you face every day.At the end of this course, you will have all the tools, the entire Memory Arsenal,for becoming a Memory Athlete. The first course of the Bundle includes the Basic Mnemonic Systems.You will find simple techniques that you can apply in your daily life, that can ensure your success in different situations that you face everyday: The Acronym Method ,which has two variants: The Acronym Mnemonic Technique and The Sentence Method.The Link System with the variants: ""The Chain Link Method"" and ""The Story Method"". The Location Method (Loci), where you will learn The Roman Room Technique"" and "" The Journey Technique"". Next, you will discover ""The PEG System"" and the most important techniques of this kind: The Alphabet Method; The Number Shape Method;The Number Rhyme Method;The Body Parts Method;and The Major System. Finally, you will find some other simple memory techniques, that can help you to memorize more effectively: The Sound Alike Method, Rhymes and Jingles, The Sing-a-Long Method and Mind Maps. Each method and technique is explained in detail and with a lot of examples. You will also learn tips and tricks from the memory experts, to help you memorize more effectively. The second course of the series presents the Advanced Mnemonic Systems. The techniques presented in this course can become your new mnemonic nuclear arsenal that will help you: to memorize short, medium or very long numbers, including binary numbers;to remember peoples names and faces;to remember the dates for appointments , birthdays, anniversaries; to memorize the exact order of one or more complete packs of cards ;to memorize random abstract images or entire lists of random words. In this course, you will learn the most powerful memory techniques explained in detail and with practical examples. Keep in mind that these methods and systems are tested and used by memory experts and they will also work for you! I will also introduce you to the atmosphere of the World Memory Championships(WMC). You will see what the 10 contest disciplines are, how the tests take place, what are the rules for them and you will also learn tips and tricks on how to choose the right method for each memory contest discipline. * * * What is the challenge of this course? In the first place, I want to make you understand what memory improvement is about, and see for yourself just how simple and handy this skill is! After you understand how it works, and I guarantee that you'll understand it after watching this course, improving your memory will be just a matter of consistency and practice. This course will take you on a journey of self-discovery, showing how to develop your memory full potential, and how to use it effectively in your daily life.If you consistently apply the memory techniques presented in this course, in addition to improving memory, in just a matter of months, even weeks, you will notice an improvement in the overall quality of your life.I'm sure you will enjoy it and I can't wait to be your guide and mentor on this exciting new journey!Chris M NemoMemory Improvement Writer& Blogger at The Mnemo Bay"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bronchial asthma diagnosis and management, A GP guide" |
"5 18% . Bronchial asthma is a common health problem among adults and children with prevalence of 5-18% among international populations, Many myths regarding the disease and its treatement prevail .the course is offered to health care professional specially family doctors and other primary care doctors as well as medical students and high nurses : By the end of the course you will be able to succefully evaluate and plan management of bronchial asthma cases and plan an evidence based management"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Augmented - Intermediate Gypsy Jazz Guitar" |
"Use Augmented to add a strange and dreamy color to your guitar playing!Master the basics of the powerful Augmented sound! One of the most useful devices in music, Augmented has been employed in Jazz, Rock, Pop, Classical music and more to evoke a sense of wonder and other-worldliness. Augmented is a simple and easy to learn concept that will imbue your music with an unusual harmonic beauty. In this course we will dive deep into what Augmented is, how to play it, and when it can be used. Master the guitar with the elegance of Augmented!This intermediate/advanced course is taught from a Gypsy Jazz guitar perspective. You will learn the ins and outs of how Augmented can be used to substitute for Major, Minor, and Dominant chords. We will also get into some virtuoso licks and arpeggios that will send your fingers flying from one end of the guitar to the other! Getting the hang of augmented has a secondary effect of greatly increasing your sense of where things are on the guitar neck. Sign up now to take your solos, rhythm playing, and original compositions to the next level with Augmented!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Implementando e Gerenciando Maquinas Virtuais no Azure" |
"Este curso busca dar conhecimentos fundamentais, intermedirios e avanado para os alunos, a fim de que possam ter uma tima base para progredirem e evoluirem tanto na rea de administrao como na rea de programao.Fornecendo ferramentas aos usurios para que possam criar uma estrutura que rodem em toda a suite de produtos e servios disponveis no Microsoft AzurePartindo do ZERO a 100 em poucas horas!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Configurando e gerenciando redes virtuais no Microsoft Azure" |
"Este curso busca dar aos estudantes conhecimentos fundamentais, intermedirios e avanado para os alunos, a fim de que possam ter uma tima base para progredirem e evoluirem tanto na rea de administrao como na rea de programao.Fornecendo ferramentas aos usurios para que possam criar ambientes, scripts e ferramentas que rodem em toda a suite de produtos e servios disponveis no Microsoft AzurePartindo do ZERO a 100 em poucas horas!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciando Identidades no Microsoft Azure" |
"Este curso busca dar aos estudantes conhecimentos fundamentais, intermedirios e avanado para os alunos, a fim de que possam ter uma tima base para progredirem e evoluirem tanto na rea de administrao como na rea de programao.Fornecendo ferramentas aos usurios para que possam criar ambientes, scripts e ferramentas que rodem em toda a suite de produtos e servios disponveis no Microsoft AzurePartindo do ZERO a 100 em poucas horas!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Migrando Servidores para o Azure" |
"Este curso busca dar aos estudantes conhecimentos fundamentais, intermedirios e avanado para os alunos, a fim de que possam ter uma tima base para progredirem e evoluirem tanto na rea de administrao como na rea de programao.Fornecendo ferramentas aos usurios para que possam criar ambientes, scripts e ferramentas que rodem em toda a suite de produtos e servios disponveis no Microsoft AzurePartindo do ZERO a 100 em poucas horas!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Administrao do Microsoft Azure" |
"Este curso voltado para apresentar a utilizao do portal e das ferramentas disponveis para administrar o Azure pelo portal e por ferramentas de linhas de comandos.Usurio ao concluirem o treinamento devero ter cincia de como usar o portal para administrar o Azure, alm de ter as bases necessrias para usar o Azure PowerShell instalado no proprio computador e/ou usando o Azure CLI"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Administrao de Azure Virtual Machines" |
"Este curso voltado para apresentar a utilizao do portal e das ferramentas disponveis para administrar e criar Maquinas Virtuais pelo portal e por ferramentas de linhas de comandos.Usurio ao concluirem o treinamento devero ter cincia de como usar o portal para criar Azure VMs, alm de ter as bases necessrias para usar o Azure PowerShell instalado no proprio computador e/ou usando o Azure CLI para trabalhar com Maquinas Virtuais no Azure"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Dr Hud's 10 Steps to a Lean Body" |
"Your body wants to heal itself and burn fat, you are the one thats stopping it! Just as your body works continuously to make sure you have enough oxygen in your blood stream and enough water in your cells and works tirelessly to ensure you get rid of waste products, it also tries to regulate your weight and body fat composition.Yes! Your body WANTS to lose weight and burn fat. The problem is, everything you have been putting in to your mouth (by choice!!) has been battling against your bodys natural desire to stay healthy and nourished,The trick isn't to just move more and eat less but feed your body the RIGHTfoods to correct your metabolism and do the RIGHTexercises to boost your metabolism so your body actually burns fat and gets you lean.In these 10 steps Dr Hud will give you actionable, science-backed tips on taking control of your health through diet and exercise.No gimmicks or supplements.Correct your metabolism by eating more and exercising smartly with Dr Hud Shaker."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trend Rider 2019" |
"In this course we will explain , how to do intra day trading with low risk and high reward.also how to do scalping with my secret trick .Money management and trading plan also explain in this course .So if you wanna be a pro trader you you are still in loss then this course is for you ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn English, With a Difference." |
"This course Learn English. With a Difference is for any of you who wish to be able to understand spoken English, written English and the different English accents and word spellings. It can be very daunting to anyone whose first language may not be English, but it is necessary to have a good understanding of the language. Some of the items we shall be discussing.Word pronunciation and spelling.Different meanings of words sounding the same.American and English spelling.Some different English accents.English ""Slang"" expressions including some examples of the ""Cockney"" Rhyming Slang.Putting a basic sentence together, the correct use of Comma's, Full Stops and Paragraphs.These are just a few things that we will discuss and help give you a better understanding of the English language.For anyone living in England or working with English people, where English is not their first language, it can be sometimes difficult to fully understand a discussion. I am English, born in a town called Chesterfield in Derbyshire. We have our own accent, just like Liverpool, Birmingham, Newcastle, The West Country and of course London. You will find different accents in Wales and Scotland, some of which I even find difficult to understand.There is also a lot of confusion with spelling where there are ""Silent"" letters. I will show you these.I will demonstrate some examples to help you, and there will be a number of quizzes available for you to completeWho should Take This Course? Anyone can take this course if you have the very basics of English.People who use English on a daily basis but wish to improve their understanding.Anyone who associates with English people from different parts of England and would like to understand the different accents. This course will help you.This is just a short description explaining what you will learn but there is a lot more that you will learn if you take the Learn English, With a Difference.There are a number of quizzes that you can complete after each section to help you reinforce your knowledge and gain confidence.At the end of the course, you will feel confident writing, reading and communicating in English.The majority of the course consists of video tutorials where I will explain all the different aspects of the English Language.The more you can use it, the better you will be,So if you are really serious about learning English, With a Difference, then this course is for you. Enroll on this course and you can be learning Today."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Quick Start Sax 1 Smooth Jazz for Alto Sax" |
"Quick Start Sax caters for all beginner saxophone players ranging in age from about 10 to 90 years old. It is NEVER too late to learn how to play saxophone.Learn saxophone fast. Within a week of practice, you will have learnt 12 notes, and will be trading 4s with me on the video, picking up some great phrases.You can use these online beginner saxophone lessons as a great start to learn how to play the sax. Or, you can use them as an addition to the sax lessons you might be having privately.We will be playing mostly by ear. Which means that you will copy the way I play, and that will soon give you a head start.This course concentrates on playing by ear! But also gives you the notes on the music stave, to slowly introduce the idea of reading music.As part of the course we have backing tracks as MP3 files that you can download, and played on your computer, or tablet. You also have permission to use them to record your sax over to impress your friends.We have a PDF booklet to download with the sax fingerings and history about the saxophone with extra videos to watch, via links.The call and response videos are designed to be played daily for fun, and the on screen graphics help you get the correct fingering.Start your sax journey today, be guided by me, I am 43 years ahead!!!!!!!!Simon Currie"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Solo on the Saxophone tune from the game Fortnite" |
"I will show you step by step how to play all the notes from the famous sax tune ""Phone it in"" from the game Fortnite. I will teach you 35 easy phrases that can be use in any order (like a Pick and mix) to make up a great solo. I will teach you the 5 note scale called a pentatonic scale, and show you how to incorporate it in with the phrases you have mastered to make you sound like a pro. Finale I will demonstrate a great solo and give you a chance to ""Go solo"" with a play-along video. There is a professionally recorded backing track that can be down loaded, and a pdf document with all the phrases in ready to print out if needed.The pdf has links to the score of tune and free lessons on how to play the tune."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning avec Python : La formation complte" |
"Cette formation vous permettra dacqurir les bases du Machine Learning (apprentissage automatique partir de donnes).Si vous souhaitez crer vos propres modles de prdiction et de classification en Python avec des algorithmes de Machine Learning et dcouvrir cette branche de la Data Science, n'hsitez plus et rejoignez cette formation (cf. programme ci-dessous)Cette formation explique pas pas les notions compliques de Machine Learning pour les rendre accessible au plus grand nombre.Lors de cette formation Machine Learning, apprenez construire, optimiser puis dployer des modles prdictifs avec la librairie Python scikit-learn.La formation se veut progressive et pratique. On dcortique tape par tape les mcanismes des algorithmes des k Nearest Neighbors (k plus proches voisins), de la rgression linaire, de la rgression logistique et de lalgorithme des k-mean clustering. Une palette assez large et fondamentale du Machine Learning. Vous apprendrez valuer la qualit et prcision de ces modles via des mtriques derreur. La validation croise et loptimisation dhyper paramtres nauront plus de secrets pour vous.A chaque vido/tape, vous aurez un nonc et cest vous qui construisez pas pas vos comptences en Machine Learning, ce qui ncessite plus de travail que de simplement suivre un formateur qui tape du code lcran et explique vaguement les concepts.Devenez acteur de votre apprentissage !A la fin de cette formation, vous aurez toutes les bases pour comprendre et construire vos propres modles de Machine Learning plus pousss. Contenu en quelques chiffres:- 3 grandes parties de niveau progressif (de dbutant intermdiaire)- 18 sections cls pour apprhender les algorithmes et techniques de ML- 7 datasets rels pour entrainer des modles et faire des prdictions- Code source inclus- 3 projets guids complets (cas rels)Au programme: - Cration de modles prdictifs- k Nearest Neighbors- Validation croise holdout et k-fold- Optimisation des hyper paramtres- Rgression linaire- Slection des caractristiques- Gradient Descent - Rgression logistique- Classification- K-mean Clustering- Techniques d'amlioration des modles- Rseaux de neuronesA trs vite dans la formation !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete 2020 PV Solar Energy with PVsystExcelAutoCAD." |
"""Renewable Energy is becoming substantial, especially Solar System"".Hello there,If the word 'PV System' baffles your mind and you want to master it, then this is for you.If you want to start your career in the Off-grid or Grid-tie solar Design and make money from it, then is for you.If you want to learn how to design PV System for any Project, then this course is for you.If you get bored of the word 'this course is for you', then this course is for you.if you are interested in the solar energy track.if your need to start your solar energy career. if you are a solar energy student.Well, renewable energy is becoming a widely-used word on everybody's tongue, and this is reasonable as the other energy resources began to reduce and furthermore; it's not clean.So we introduce to you the complete PV Design course that you need in order to get your hand on Renewable Energy Solar Design, and you'll not have to go to other resources, as this course collects most of the knowledge that you'll need in your journey.We believe that the brain loves to keep the information that it finds applicable, and that's what we're doing here in YouCan Academy, we give you years of experience from our instructors that have been gathered in just one an interesting Our course you will the designing steps of theOff-grid & grid tie PV solar systems with the manual calculation. Off-grid & grid tie PV solar systems with the Excel sheets. Off-grid & grid tie PV solar systems with the PVsyst software.Off-grid & grid tie PV solar systems with the AutoCad layouts and Diagrams . Implementing the financial and the economical analysis of any grid-tie Solar project.PV Solar System Panels.PV Solar System Charger Controllers.PV Solar System Batteries.PV Solar Inverters.PV solar system protection devices. PV solar systems components datasheets & manuals.Understand all the required electrical engineering basics. Solar panels required Area. ** At this course : These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.You'll learn with practical exciting method in order to understand without being bored. All you need is an open mind and the passion to be successful!** Our help in YouCan is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - our support is legendary in Udemy--> So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now "" button so you can begin on the right path!start your solar energy career now with many practical solar energy accepts in our course as the solar energy is the trend nowadays"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento Seguro de Software Avanado" |
"A fim de tornar o mundo ciberntico mais seguro, temos que ter como prioridade a segurana de aplicaes web. No de admirar que as vulnerabilidades de aplicativos foi classificada como a ameaa n 1 para os profissionais de segurana da informao.Esse curso o nico no setor criado para garantir que a segurana seja levada em conta em todo o ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento do software. Do conceito e planejamento a operaes e manuteno e, finalmente, eliminao, ela estabelece padres e prticas recomendadas do setor para a integrao de segurana em cada fase. Sigilo, integridade, disponibilidade, autenticao, autorizao e auditoria os princpios bsicos da segurana devem se tornar requisitos no ciclo de vida do software. Sem este nvel de compromisso, as informaes esto em risco. Incorporar desde cedo a segurana e mant-la durante todas as fases do ciclo de vida do software , comprovadamente, 30 a 100 vezes mais barato e incalculavelmente mais eficiente do que a metodologia de lanar e corrigir, usada com frequncia atualmente.Durante o treinamento preparatrio, so abordados os seguintes macro temas: Ser visto como lder em segurana de software , superar vulnerabilidades de aplicativos, oferecendo mais valor para o seu empregador, demonstrar um conhecimento funcional sobre segurana de aplicativos, oferecer um diferencial na carreira, com maior credibilidade e capacidade de negociao."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Fact-Finding and Documentation" |
"Are you a human rights professional or a social activist or a student seeking to acquire or strengthen your skills of fact-finding and documentation to protect human rights?This course will help you in your quest!What will you get from this course?Very briefly, the course provides an overview of the importance of fact-finding in human rights work, discusses the application of human rights standards in fact-finding and documentation, and reviews the main aspects of fact-finding such as identifying sources of information, standards of gathering evidence, collecting information from victims and witnesses. It also reviews the challenges in fact-finding work. Lastly, the course discusses the basics of information recording and digital security.How is the course taught?The course is taught using the following:Lectures, with lots of examples to help you connectQuestions for reflectionCase studiesPractice exercises based on case studiesRole playLesson-end quizWhat else do you get?This course is a basic study on fact-finding and documentation, hence each component discussed in this course needs further in-depth inquiry and learning. Therefore, it is likely you will have clarifications and questions. Simply post your questions and the instructor will respond to them promptly.If all this sounds exciting to you, then get ready to add this course to your cart and make it a part of your knowledge-acquiring journey knowledge that you can put into action for a better world!_______________________________________________Content and OverviewThis course is divided into seven lessons:Lesson 1: Importance of Fact-Finding in Human Rights Work This lesson reviews the importance of fact-finding in human rights work, examines the purpose of fact-finding, reviews the principles governing fact-finding, and provides an overview of the methods of information collection.Lesson 2: Application of Human Rights Standards This lesson discusses the use of human rights standards in fact-finding and documentation work. It discusses why one should use human rights standards and the nature of human rights standards that should be applied.Lesson 3: Sources of information and Standards of Gathering Evidence This lesson explains about identifying sources of information, the level of proof that is to be maintained in fact-finding, and the method of cross checking information through corroboration.Lesson 4: Steps in Collection of Information from Victims and Witnesses This lesson discusses the basics of collecting information from victims and witnesses through conducting interviews. It also reviews the elements involved in interviewing, and the challenges faced in interviewing victims/witnesses. Along with, the lesson reviews a role play on interviewing skills.Lesson 5: Clarifying the Challenges Involved in Information Collection This lesson reflects upon some challenges of information collection and the strategies for mitigating such challenges.Lesson 6: Recording of Information This lesson examines the importance of recording information and the points to keep in mind while developing standard formats for recording information. The lesson also covers the aspects of controlled vocabularies and information retrieval.Lesson 7: Digital Security The concluding lesson lists and explains the secure methods of storing and communicating sensitive information relating to human rights."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing for Therapists" |
"Are you a therapist, counsellor or wellbeing practitioner? Do you want to learn the fundamentals of digital marketing so that you can get more clients?Maybe you get all of your clients through referrals and think digital marketing won't work. That's true if you do it the old way. In this course, I'll show you how to systematically build up trust with a digital audience to bring them knocking on your door.I'll take you step-by-step through the process of building a website, using Google My Business, setting up Google Ads, creating Facebook pages, running Facebook ads, promoting events with Eventbrite and more.You'll watch my screen as I create a digital marketing campaign for Courthouse Street Therapy. This course isn't a dull academic lecture: you'll see exactly how and what I press so that you can do it for your practice.I'll also take you inside the campaigns we've run at my practice, Leeds Anxiety Clinic, so that you can see the tricks and secrets that get us all of our clients.Why wait? Click the ""Buy Now"" button to get started now.We're sure you will love the course. But in case you don't, it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. Try it at no risk to you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads 2019 with Chris" |
"Do you want to master Facebook Ads? Maybe you're an entrepreneur or small business owner looking to reach new customers. A marketer looking for new audiences. Or maybe you're new to digital marketing and want to find out what it can do for you.This is a complete beginner to advanced course: we'll cover the basics from setting up your account and creating your first campaign to advanced topics like split testing, retargeting and instant experiences.We'll cover:Creating campaigns, ad sets and advertsTargeting your ads to the correct audienceUsing pixels and custom audiences to retargetCreating killer ads optimised for Facebook and InstagramUsing social media to make things go viralAnd much moreI'm Chris, your instructor. I'm a software consultant and psychologist, so I have the technical knowledge and communication skills to talk you through everything step-by-step, and the psychological knowledge to help you create advertising that produces results.You'll love the course, and it's all backed up by Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee. So, if all of that sounds good, hit the buy now button to get started. I can't wait to see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Without Fear Diploma" |
"Do you want to conquer your fear of public speaking, improve your confidence and build your communication skills? Maybe you want to be an amazing speaker, or maybe you just want to feel less terrified every time you have to give a presentation at work or ""say a few words"".If so, this is the course for you.We'll start by learning 12 different strategies for managing public speaking anxiety. We'll then move on to how to prepare, write and deliver amazing speeches. We'll learn how to practise our skills in a safe space, with exercises workbooks and expert tips.I'm your instructor, Chris. I'm a psychologist who specialises in anxiety. I'm a seasoned public speaker, having competed in the Public Speaking World Championships at an international level and a former Area Director of Toastmasters International. I've already taught tens of thousands of students online and I would love you to be the next one!This course is accredited by the International Association of Therapists, so you can be sure it contains high-quality and accurate information.If all of that sounds good, hit the buy now button to get started. I can't wait to see you inside the course :)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Social Psychology Foundation Certificate" |
"Are you looking for a concise yet comprehensive introduction to social psychology? Do you want to better understand how other people think and act? How groups function together and the effect of social influence?In this course, I'll provide you with an introduction to the key topics within social psychology. We'll look at:Understanding our self and othersAttitudesGroup processes and behaviourSocial influence and persuasionLove and relationshipsCultural issues like racism and sexismAnd much more!It is an academic overview, but presented in a fun way with real-world examples, like what we can learn from climate change, elections, and even online dating.AccreditationThis course is accredited by the International Association of Therapists.About the instructorChris Worfolk is a qualified psychologist. He studied psychology at Leeds Beckett University before co-founding the Leeds Anxiety Clinic. He has over 10,000 satisfied students on Udemy."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for Productivity" |
"Do you ever feel stressed about how productive you are? Are you hard on yourself for not getting enough done? Do you feel tired and struggle to focus on the more important things?If so, Mindfulness for Productivity is the course for you. It gives you ten guided mindfulness practices you can follow along with to make you more productive, and maybe even a little happier, too.It will help you:Feel more motivated about your goalsReduce stress around feeling unproductiveFocus on the things that are importantCarrying on when obstacles fall in your wayStarting and ending your day positivelyThis course is suitable for all levels: we'll jump straight into the practice videos that you can follow along with, but we'll also cover how to mindfully meditate and the science behind it.I'm Chris, a qualified psychologist and founder of the mental health charity Anxiety Leeds. Tens of thousands of students have already taken my mindfulness courses right here on Udemy, and I hope you will be the next one. See you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Feel-good Productivity" |
"Do you want to stop stressing about being productive, and start getting important stuff done?Productivity is not about filling time: it is about focusing on the stuff that really matters. Setting goals and achieving them, rather than avoiding, procrastinating, or giving up. But how do you actually do that? Whats the step-by-step process for avoiding procrastination, improving grit, or cutting back on something you are emotionally attached to, to free up time for a more critical project?In this course, well learn that.Im Chris, and Im a psychologist. In this course, I will teach you the skills that allow me to run three companies, two charities, be a father and an Ironman triathlete.Tens of thousands of students have already joined and loved my Udemy courses, and I hope you will be the next one. Youll love the course, and if not, it is all backed up by Udemys 30-day money-back guarantee.Well cover:AvoidanceProcrastinationFocusGoalsCommitment and gritTime managementKilling bad projectsRelaxationTools...and more. There will be videos, quizzes, exercises, articles and hand-outs, so whichever way you learn there will be something for you.This course will make you more productive, and maybe even a little happier, too.If all of that sounds good, hit the buy now button to get started. I cant wait to see you inside the course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |