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"Travaux pratiques Java" |
"J'entends parfois : ""On veut pas de blabla, on veut juste coder !""Est-il possible de coder d'abord ? Faire ses propres expriences, ses propres erreurs aussi et ensuite comprendre et assimiler la thorie ?Quand j'tais instituteur, j'tais fascin par les thories de Georges Charpak et notamment sa mthode qui s'applique au domaine des sciences nomme La main la pte. Elle consiste poser d'abord le problme et noncer ensuite une thorie.Oui, a fonctionne ! Certes, je ne vous le cacherai pas, l'apprentissage est plus long et fera appel votre persvrance. Mais le rsultat est de meilleure qualit, ce qui a t acquis est ancr bien plus profondment, on le comprend par ce que c'est l'exprience qui nous l'a fait comprendre.Et puis, il faut avoir envie d'apprendre et pour a, rien de mieux que le jeu, c'est pourquoi nous avons essay avec Thomas de vous proposer des travaux pratiques ludiques et varis. Il y en a pour tous les gots !L'hritage grce Dragon Ball ZLe transtypage grce MacGyverLes constructeurs avec Marioetc...Vous ferez face 2 niveaux de difficult :Des exercices de code adapts tous et auto-corrigs par la plateforme UdemyDes exercices dfi pour lesquels il n'y a pas de solution unique, mais grce la plateforme Udemy vous pourrez d'changer votre solution avec Thomas et moi ou les autres tudiants afin de dterminer ensemble la solution idale ! C'est aussi a la main la pte.Mais rassurez-vous, vous ne serez jamais perdus ! Et comme un cheat mode Pacman, vous trouverez en bas de chaque nonc la rfrence au chapitre thorique du ""Cours de programmation Java pour dbutants"" relatif au concept mis en uvre.Vous avez dj suivi le ""Cours de programmation Java pour dbutants"" et voulez plus de pratique ? Ce cours est galement fait pour vous ! Vous avez t nombreux me demander encore plus de travaux pratiques, les voil !Prs de 50 exercices sont dj disponibles et si le concept fonctionne, nous nous ferons un plaisir d'en ajouter aussi rgulirement que possible !Le cours s'inscrit dans un cursus complet de formation pour dveloppeurs Java :Devenez dveloppeur JavaTravaux pratiques Java (ce cours)Librairies Java et Intro MavenJava et les bases de donnes avec JDBC, Hibernate et JPAJava EE : Devenez dveloppeur d'applications Web Java"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics" |
"12Google Sheet34UTM56789101112131415161718192021222324252627Google Sheet28API2930Adwords31Optimize"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Google Tag Manager" |
"Google Tag ManagerGTM1GTM2GTM3Tag4Trigger5Variable678GTM9"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Goolge Tag Manager" |
"1 2 3 4 5 6UserIDGA 76 8 9 10IP 11 12 13 14 15"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"APP1APP2APP3GAAPP4Firebase AnalyitcsGoogle Analyitcs"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"(Google Analytics)" |
"AB 1 2 3 4 5AB"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel . , Excel, . . Excel. , Excel. Excel . . , . Excel, , Excel, , , . , , , , . , Excel ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
mpceynkp |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"API () . HTTP VK. - API- . , , . - API: , , JavaScript PHP. , , , , -. - - : . - API . - . ? (, , ) , ( ) !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"(GUI) Python" |
"Qt -- (GUI). ++, Python. Qt Python -- PyQt. Qt Python. : , , . , ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Excel |
", : , , . , "" "" Excel:- , , , , ;- ,- . (add-on) "" "" Microsoft Excel."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript :" |
"JavaScript:38 +. , JS: , JS . , BOM DOM. JS.: 2017 . . , , . , ( !), . , JavaScript, . JavaScript , JavaScript."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Grand Master Levels 5-20" |
"The distant Reiki Grand Master 5-20 attunements expand upon the original Reiki system and add new symbols, practices and energetic tools for personal and spiritual growth.Although not part of the original Reiki system, the Reiki Grand Master attunements build upon it and as such have a remarkable sense of familiarity. Each level or degree (often called secret degrees due to some of the symbols having being removed from the original system) has a symbol and specific focus area that build upon each other the higher you work up the levels.The term Grand Master is of course subjective and does not impart any particular level of skill or separation from other levels of Reiki. It is used to imply that they are additional to theReiki Master level, which is a prerequisite of working with the Reiki Grand Master attunements. True mastery takes time, practice and dedication. However, working with these levels is often an exciting and rewarding journey that may reveal many learning discoveries and assist in increasing spiritual expansion."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Usando Python para Anlise de Dados" |
"AVISO: O CURSO EST EM ANDAMENTO, TODA SEMANA TEREMOS NOVAS AULAS!!!!Neste curso voc aprender a utilizar as principais ferramentas de anlise de dados em Python, tais como NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, alm de aprender IPython, Jupyter Notebook e a utilizar a distribuio Anaconda.Anlise de dados a atividade de transformar um conjunto de dados com o objetivo de poder verific-los melhor dando-lhes ao mesmo tempo uma razo de ser e uma anlise racional. analisar os dados de um problema e identific-los. A anlise de dados possui diferentes facetas e abordagens, incorporando diversas tcnicas . Tem grande importncia em reas como: cincias, estudos sociais e negcios, por conta da diversidade de modelos possveis."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ADHD Study Skills For High School, College, & Grad School" |
"Learn to harness your ADHD superpowers and start earning grades that match your ACTUAL potential and intellect (without sacrificing your mental health 8 sanity)! Award-winning professor, author and psychotherapist Alina Kislenko MA RP, who has ADHD herself and specializes in it (so....she gets it) takes you through cutting edge, research-supported methods and counter-intuitive approaches that you've likely never tried before. AND, you get to learn all this in short little videos while laughing along with Alina's absurd analogies, dark sense of humour, and fun graphics (she'll do anything to help you learn, including embarrassing herself and the ones she loves :p). Alina herself went from almost failing out of undergrad to graduating in the top of her class from her graduate studies and wants to show you how you can too! These methods come from her own successful experience improving her grades (and her husband's, who also has ADHD) as well as lessons learned from her thousands of clients during the decade that she's been obsessed with this field. In This Course, You'll Learn How To:Predict The 3 Parts of Most Exams (& The ADHD Way To Study For Them!)Convert Your Learning From Bottom Up To Top DownWhy ADHDers Learn Differently & How to FINALLY Harness Our Intellect (Including a short neurobiology lesson!)Apply Quick Tricks Right Away To See A Boost In Your GradesLearn Relationships Between Concepts, The ADHD WayMemorize anything, including ADHD-friendly memorization tricksDo The Super Student MethodAvoid & Recover From The Dreaded Slide (The Cause Of Most Of Our Pain)Tame The Last Minute Monster (And All About The Cordrenaline Effect that Causes It)Start (and finish!) Anything Boring & Get It In ON TIME!How to Start the Semester Off RightRecognize Your Procrastination Type & Prevent EpisodesSelf-Advocate & Access Accommodations and grantsThe videos in this course were filmed all over the world while Alina was travelling for international advocacy work, including Bali, Cuba, Quebec, and Italy, which adds a bit of extra oomph to the course!This course was made for us ADHDers, but would do wonders to anyone's grades!What people have said about Alina Kislenko's Previous ADHD Courses:""I wish I'd seen this 20 years ago! They should teach this in school. My son LOVED this course, and you usually can't get him away from his video games!"" - Dr. Loraine Murphy, Cardiologist""I've tried dozens of courses on ADHD and this is the first to have changed my life."" - Erik Wong, IT""Alina is silly, brilliant, and definitely one of us! So much better than learning from a stuffed shirt who takes themselves too seriously Her classes are professional and informative, and the first place where anything about ADD brain chemistry ever stuck!!"" - Pat Rodrguez, Paralegal"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Python Basics to Advanced in Telugu" |
"This Python course covering all core concepts of Python starting from scratch.This is a all level coursefor both fresh programmers and also to experienced programmers working with other languages.It covers.......Installation & Environment setup of PythonFundamentals of Python including variables, operators,control structures etc..All objects covered like Strings,Numbers,Date&Time,Lists,Tuples,Dictionaries,How to develop your own Functions ,Modules & PackagesFiles (I/O) handlingExceptions & Error HandlingObject Oriented Programming with Classes & ObjectsRegular ExpressionsCGI programming in PythonDatabase Programming in PythonXML Processing in PythonNetwork ProgrammingMulti-ThreadingE-Mails through PythonGUI programming in Python"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Music Composition 100" |
"Want a course that will give you the basic history and principles of composing basic musical structures and more? This course will take you behind the scenes and show you the history of how music notation came about and how it developed into the standard music notation we use today. We also go into melody (intervals), two different types of harmony, rhythm and all the basic elements that a musical composition is made of. Get this course if you are new to music composition or as a help for your music composition or theorylessons. This course features music theory concepts that are laid out in layman's terms.Even if you're just interested in learning about music notation, or writing music in general, this is a great primer course for those who want to get their feet wet in the area of music. As always, if you ever need help, I'm right there to help you with those questions and concerns. Also, any suggestions for improving the course are welcome!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps To Building Your Email List Quickly and Efficiently" |
"This course will teach you how build a huge email list in the shortest amount of time. I cover the 5 must-have elements of list building and discuss the importance of picking the best online services so you don't suffer bad results some online marketers face.Step by step guide tosetting upSqueeze pages and the format your squeeze pages should follow, 10 hottest list building tricks, follow up processes, bounces, split tests, segmented lists, and much more. I also cover using auto res-ponders, generating targeted traffic and of course how to analyze and track your performance."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Spanish for Beginners. The complete Method. Level 2." |
"FULLY MASTER THE ESSENTIAL STRUCTURESAND VOCABULARY IN A MATTER OF HOURS, NOT YEARS!Learnbasic communicative Spanish with the easy to follow, carefully graded method for complete beginners.The method allows you to: Talk non-stop from the very start. Produce thousands of practical frases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at A1 level. Progress without effort, without the need to memorise or ""study"" in the traditional sense.ALLOWYOURSELFTOBECARRIEDAWAYBYTHEMETHOD.""Tell me and I willforget, teach me and I may remember, involve meand I learn.""(Benjamin Franklin)ELMTODOwill allow you to use and understand basic Spanishin a matter of hours, without the need for memorisation or lengthy explanations. This is achieved through acarefully designed methodthat builds up the language in your mind,step by step, until you are able to form relatively complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be forming your own sentences, effortlesslyabsorbing structures without even realizing it. The method guides you through basic Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.ELMTODO does not teach you theory, itteaches you to speak Spanish and helps you achieve this in much less time than traditional methods.LEARN NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn ELMTODO as in real life,learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The processcontinues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposureto new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these areacquiredfor life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?ELMTODO, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After everylessonthere is a series of written exercises as well as an optional musical task.We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk,talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn Spanish.My goal with ELMTODOis for you to become ""hooked"" on the method therebymastering basic Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spanish for Beginners. The Complete Method. Level 3." |
"FULLY MASTER THE ESSENTIAL STRUCTURESAND VOCABULARY IN A MATTER OF HOURS, NOT YEARS!Learnbasic communicative Spanish with the easy to follow, carefully graded method for complete beginners.The method allows you to: Talk non-stop from the very start. Produce thousands of practical phrases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at A1 and A2 level. Progress without effort, without the need to memorise or ""study"" in the traditional sense.ALLOWYOURSELFTOBECARRIEDAWAYBYTHEMETHOD.""Tell me and I willforget, teach me and I may remember, involve meand I learn.""(Benjamin Franklin)ELMTODOwill allow you to use and understand basic Spanishin a matter of hours, without the need for memorisation or lengthy explanations. This is achieved through acarefully designed methodthat builds up the language in your mind,step by step, until you are able to form relatively complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be speaking and forming your own sentences, effortlesslyabsorbing structures without even realising it. The method guides you through basic Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.ELMTODO does not teach you theory, itteaches you to speak Spanish and helps you achieve this in much less time than traditional methods.LEARN NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn ELMTODO as in real life,learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The processcontinues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposureto new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these areacquiredfor life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?ELMTODO, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After everylessonthere is a series of written exercises as well an optional musical task.We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk,talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn Spanish.My goal with ELMTODOis for you to become ""hooked"" on the method therebymastering basic Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
PythonStan |
"MCMCMCMCPyStan()*()*""Python""PythonPythonPythonPythonPython(1,2)MCMCPythonMCMCStanPythonPyStanPyStan11. ()2. Python3. PyStanHow to4. *(*)*.1. /2. .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MAP./MCMC1.2.3.4.MCMC5.6.MCMCM-H, Gibbs,.PyStan1.2.PyStan3.()4.()"
Price: 21600.00 ![]() |
"The Unfair Advantage of a Debit/Prepaid/Credit Card" |
"You've probably done thousands upon thousands of transactions over your lifetime. Were they all satisfactory? No. In this course, you'll learn how to get a refund (on those transactions) in a fast, legal and ethical way. This skill will help you for the rest of your life and, if you have a business, it can even be applied for your business expenses,."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes Mastery on AWS" |
"Here are some student testimonials.** Really the course is so helpful because explanation is so good and explains every lesson in simple language, which means anybody can understand**** Clear information and right to the point **** Among the best kbs tuts I've had **Iwelcome you to join my course to learn about the wonderful and exciting world of Kubernetes!!This course is designed for those who are beginners in Kubernetes, but wanting to attain its mastery.You'll learn Kubernetes in a step-by-step manner with increasing sophistication.You will be deploying Kubernetes on AWS and doing a number of labs.No prior knowledge of Kubernetes, Docker or YAMLis assumed.This course will help you absorb the material faster and retain it much longer.After completing this course, you'll:1)Learn the basics of Kubernetes,its architecture and how to deploy applications on it.2) Practice hands-on by deploying, scaling, rolling back and autoscaling applications on your cluster. 3) Do a number of labs with increasing sophistication, starting from the very basics of a Pod.4) Learn the declarative approach of working with the Kubernetes system.5) Learn themicroservices style of architecting applications.6) Learn how to spin-up a Kubernetes cluster on AWS, scaling the clusterand tearing it down.7) Learn how to work with Kubernetes using the kubectl command line client anddashboard.8) Learn to monitor a Kubernetes cluster's performanceon AWS.9) Learn to provision an AWSELB, SSLTermination on the ELB.10) Learn to deploy Services, expose services securely to the Internet and deploy Ingress."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acoustics 201 : Loudspeaker measurements" |
"Learn how to measure frequency responseThe first thing you will learn from this course is to measure the frequency response of a certain speaker driver, loudspeaker or sound system. The difficult part is to get an anechoic response without an anechoic chamber. Using different measuring techniques and with the help of intuitive software, you will learn how to measure the full frequency bandwidth anechoically in your own living room. This will help you set up your audio system using measured data, or it can be used to design crossovers for your particular DIY loudspeaker.A little bit of electrical engineeringA sound system is a combination of both acoustical and electrical parts. You will also learn how to measure impedance and create impedance plots. Measure different electrical components like capacitors, inductors and resistors. Also, if you have an unknown speaker driver you will learn how to measure the Thiele / Small parameters without much fuss.Dip your feet into crossover designWhile this course will not teach you how to design a crossover, it will show you how to create FRD and ZMA files. These are frequency response and impedance files which are used in crossover design apps. At the end of the course I will show you how to load these files into such program, and tryout different circuits and see how adding crossover components behave. A comprehensive course about crossovers will be released in the near future.Do I need certain equipment?Yes, you will need 2 core pieces of gear :A measurement microphone (like miniDSP UMIK-1).A device for measuring impedance (like Dayton Audio DATS v2 (recently released v3 as of 2020).These are roughly 100$ each, but you will get a more comprehensive list of the equipment needed inside the course. With alternatives that you can buy, or more cheaper options. Also, some accessories that will make your life easier are included in the list.Software optionFor the different acoustical measurements we are going to use Room EQ Wizard (or REW). This is a free to use software. Usually, acoustics software are quite expensive and difficult to follow. However, REW is free and quite intuitive to use. Pretty much a complete package. It only misses one function, which I consider important. Don't worry, we're are not going to step up to those complicated application. I devised an Excel spreadsheet which handles this shortcoming. You will find the spreadsheet inside the course.Nov 2018 Update - Added English subtitles.June 2019 Update - Corrected a measurement error for the 3-way speaker and added more info to that sectionJan 2020 Update - Update the equipment list"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sales Machine: The Sales Training B2B Master Course" |
"WHYLEARNSALES?Whether youre selling a product or service, pitching an idea, or even selling yourselfwere all in sales now.But there are a lot of challenges we have when it comes to selling like: How do you get people to like you?What should you say in a meeting?How do you pitch your product, service, or idea?How can you tell if theyre interested in what you have to offer?How do you close the deal?What if they say NO!?INTRODUCING SALES MACHINEFortunately, there is a PROVEN system top sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and everyday people have been using to build their business relationships for years, and its called the Sales Machine Methodology.Now, most sales people focus on short term tactics that trick people into buying something they dont actually need (think used car salesman). And this typically leads to buyers regretting their decision and broken business relationships. Heres the good news: this failure is an OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. As long as you use our proven Sales Machine Methodology (which Ill show you how to do step by step), youre going to learn how to authentically build long term business relationships with ANYONE without sounding sales-ey. Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to master the art of sales (and, close deals to grow your business): We will show you how to instantly build rapport with ANYONEHow to develop the right mindset and be more confident in yourself and what youre sellingExactly how to successfully run a business meetingHow to become a stronger listener and identify customers main pain pointsThe best way to uncover how much a person is willing to spend (budget)The best way to pitch your idea and convince people to believe in youHow to get your customers to buy emotionallyHow to handle deal breaking objections and turn skeptics into buyersHow to close deals without using high pressure techniquesThis course will teach you everything you need to know to successfully build business relationships and sell your product, service, or idea. Ive personally tested all these bullet proof sales strategies myself with small, medium, and Fortune 500 companies in all types of industries like retail, real estate, health care, etc. during my time as one of the TOP 1% of sales professionals at Oracle and at one of the fastest growing Y-Combinator backed startups in Silicon Valley. Ive also trained thousands of students around the world with my sales methodology and helped them not only use sales to improve their professional lives, but to also apply those skills to better their personal life as well. I promise the Sales Machine Methodology will work for you whether youre a sales person, consultant, employee, freelancer, or entrepreneur or your money back guarantee.30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE The Sales Machine MasterCourse is designed to teach anyone the essential selling skills youll need to sell your product, service, and even yourself to anyone. Everything is given to you. Youll have all the tools you need. If you do this program, take action and arent satisfied with your results then I will give you a full immediate refund. No questions asked. So if youre ready to take your sales skills to the next level and learn how you can sell ANYTHING, Ill see you inside! -Patrick"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Business Development & B2B Sales for Startups- Sales Valley" |
"WHY LEARN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & SALES? You might be offering an amazing product or servicebut developing business relationships and generating sales is typically the hardest part about growing yourstartup. The first challenge most startup comes across is generating leads and scheduling yourfirst meetings with potential customers who might be interested in buying your product or service. The second challenge startups face is once your do get your first meetings, what exactly should you say to sell your product/service and how exactly do youclose the deal? Now, most startups aimlessly try finding new clients by cold calling or going to networking events and play the numbers gamewhich we all know can lead to inconsistent results, and frankly, can be a huge waste of time. THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY, RIGHT? Fortunately, Ive created a PROVEN methodology specifically for startups and high growth companies to generate a consistent flow of leads using cold emailing, develop their communication and sales skills, and close more deals. And its called Sales Valley. Unlike other courses, Sales Valley is the COMPLETE PLAYBOOK the top Silicon Valley startups use to develop business relationships and exponentially grow their businesses.As long as you use our proven Sales Valley Methodology (which Ill show you how to do step by step), youll be able to get a meeting and close a deal with anyone! Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to master the complete sales cycle from start to finish: We will show you how to build your own sales process to maximize efficiency for your businessHow to send cold emails to get a meeting with ANYONE from small, medium, and Fortune 500 companiesHow to write like a professional copywriter even if you dont have any copywriting experienceBonus Cold Email Scripts & Templates for every situationExactly how to run a successful business meetingHow to become a better listener and identify customers main pain pointsThe best way to pitch your idea and convince people to believe in youHow to get customers to buy emotionally and justify logicallyHow to handle deal breaking objections and turn skeptics into buyersHow to close deals without using high pressure techniquesHow to exponentially scale your businessThis course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to develop more business relationships and generate more sales for your startup whether youre already familiar with business development & sales or if youre just getting started. Ive personally tested all these bullet proof growth strategies myself with small, medium, and Fortune 500 companies in all types of industries like retail, real estate, health care, etc. as one the TOP sales people at Oracle and Y-Combinator backed startup, Lob. I'mconfident the Sales ValleyMethodology WILL WORK for YOU to grow your startup or your money back guarantee. 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Sales Valley is designed to walk anyone through the steps to get a meeting with your dream clients and closing the deal, start to finish. Everything is given to you. Youll have all the tools you need. If you do this program, take action and dont generate more leadsthen I will give you a full immediate refund. No questions asked. Now if youre ready to take your startup to the next level, Ill see you inside! -Patrick"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Machine: Time Management & Productivity Hacks" |
"WANT TO GET MORE DONE IN LESS TIME?No matter who you are or what you, we all face a similar challenge Theres so much to do and so little time! And as our lives become busier, its incredibly easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything, but by the end of the day, end up accomplishing nothing. Unfortunately, most people still try to squeeze every minute out of the day and hustle themselves to death. And this typically leads depression, physical and mental exhaustion, and ironically, can be extremely unproductive. THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY, RIGHT? Fortunately, Ive created aPROVENProductivity Methodology that will show you how to have crystal clarity on your most important and ambitious goals and accomplish them without working yourself to death. And its calledProductivity Machine. Unlike other courses, Productivity Machine is theCOMPLETE MASTER COURSEthousands of people have used to take their productivity and time management skills to the next level while getting more done in less time. As long as you use our provenProductivity Machine Methodology(which Ill show you how to do step by step), youll be able to find the time to accomplish anything you set your mind to! Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to master productivity skills: We will show you the core foundations world class performers use to get more done in less time How to set crystal clear goals and develop a step by step plan of execution How you can unlock your full potential and accomplish your wildest dreams The best way to hyper focus on your most important task while eliminating any distractions How to best organize your day to get the most done with the hours you work How to be productive in every aspect of your life from work, family, friends, health, and hobbies The best way to design your life that will allow give you the freedom to do anything you wantHow to make sure you always have time for the things that matter in your lifeThis course will teach youEVERYTHINGyou need to know to develop your productivity and time management skills and become more productive in your professional and personal life. Ive personally tested these bullet proof productivity strategies during my time as one of theTOP sales professionals at Oracle, aY-Combinator backed startup,as well as in my everyday life. I'mconfident theProductivity Machine MethodologyWILL WORKforYOU. Now, if youre ready to take your productivity to the next level, Ill see you inside! -Patrick"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion Machine: Master Persuasion Psychology & Influence" |
"WANT TO BECOME MORE PERSUASIVE & INFLUENTIAL? No matter who you are or what you, we all face a similar challenge Why do people say YES and how can you make that happen more often? As you know, its incredibly frustrating when others cant see situations from your perspective and sometimes, they may even strongly disagree with whatever it is you say without reason And this typically leads to heated arguments, unproductive outcomes and honestly, can be a huge waste of time. THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY, RIGHT? Fortunately, Ive created aPROVENPersuasion Methodologythat will show you how to become more persuasive and have more influence in both your professional and personal life. And its calledPersuasion Machine.Unlike other courses, Persuasion Machine is theCOMPLETE MASTER COURSEthousands of people have used to master the psychology of persuasion and communication skills to have more influence in their everyday lives. As long as you use our provenPersuasion Machine Methodology(which Ill show you how to do step by step), youll be able to take control of any situation. Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to master persuasion and influence skills: We will show you the core foundations world class performers and companies use to be more persuasive and influential backed by hard science How to develop your communication skills to know exactly what to say and how to say it to become more persuasive How you can get more people to say YES without being seen as pushy, needy, or aggressive The best way to build rapport with anyone and get people to authentically like you How to master persuasion psychology principles like Social Proof and Scarcity to have more influence in your everyday life How to position yourself as an authority figure and get people to listen to whatever it is you have to say How to defend yourself from anyone who tries to use manipulative persuasion tactics on you and how to use this to your advantage This course will teach youEVERYTHINGyou need to know to develop your persuasion skills and become more influential in business and life whether youre already familiar with persuasion psychology or if youre just getting started. Ive personally tested these bullet proof strategies during my time as one of theTOP sales professionals at Oracle, aY-Combinator backed startup,as well as in my everyday life. I'mconfident thePersuasion Machine MethodologyWILL WORKforYOU. Now, if youre ready to take your Persuasion and Influence skills to the next level, Ill see you inside! -Patrick"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Deploy Machine Learning & NLP Models with Dockers (DevOps)" |
"Machine Learning, as we know it is the new buzz word in the industry today. This is practiced in every sector of business imaginable to provide data-driven solutions to complex business problems. This poses the challenge of deploying the solution, built by the Machine Learning technique so that it can be used across the intended Business Unit and not operated in silos.This is an extensive and well-thought course created & designed by UNP's elite team of Data Scientists from around the world to focus on the challenges that are being faced by Data Scientists and Computational Solution Architects across the industry which is summarized the below sentence : ""I HAVE THE MACHINE LEARNING MODEL, IT IS WORKING AS EXPECTED !! NOW, WHAT ?????"" This course will help you create a solid foundation of the essential topics of data science along with a solid foundation of deploying those created solutions through Docker containers which eventually will expose your model as a service (API) which can be used by all who wish for it.At the end of this course, you will be able to: Learn about Docker, Docker Files, Docker ContainersLearn Flask Basics & Application Program Interface (API)Build a Random Forest Model and deploy it.Build a Natural Language Processing based Test Clustering Model (K-Means) and visualize it.Build an API for Image Processing and Recognition with a Deep Learning Model under the hood (Convolutional Neural Network: CNN) This course is a perfect blend of foundations of data science, industry standards, broader understanding of machine learning and practical applications and most importantly deploying them."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Criando cenrios com Unity e Blender" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para aqueles que gostam de modelagem 3D e construo de cenrios. Aqui criamos assets usando o Blender 3D e posteriormente montamos o cenrio dentro da Unity.Um dos tpicos estudados no curso, a construo de cenrios modulares, ou seja, a forma como o asset modelado, pode ajudar no ganho de desempenho e tambm de um cenrio bastante flexvel. Os cenrios modulares permitem que voc ajuste o tamanho e altura do seu modelo sem perda de qualidade. Antes da construo do cenrio, o curso aborda alguns tpicos essenciais para o entendimento do aluno, como uma breve introduo ao Blender, e tambm alguns mdulos de Unity 3D, assim o aluno pode relembrar aquilo que j estudou antes de comear a criar os cenrios. Blender 3D A ferramenta utilizada para a modelagem o Blender 3D, que Open Source e totalmente gratuito. Com essa ferramenta modelamos todos os assets dos jogos, abrimos a malha UV, texturizamos, exportamos os arquivos .FBX, entre outros. Unity 3D Para a construo do cenrio utilizado a Game Engine Unity, que gratuita at um certo lucro Anual. O contedo do curso se aplica as mais recentes verses da Unity, por conta dos Shaders e ferramentas nativas. Dentro da Unity aplicamos iluminao, criamos e estruturamos os cenrios, criamos o baked da iluminao, customizamos o cenrio, criamos materiais, entre muitos outros tpicos."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"PROBUILDER - Crie cenrios na Unity com esta ferramenta free" |
"Quando trabalhamos com jogos 3D, precisamos ter vrios assets para compor o cenrio e tambm ser o coadjuvante da Gameplay, acontece que nem sempre os modelos criados em softwares de modelagem 3D fluem bem dentro do cenrio, e para fazer o ajuste, precisamos editar os modelos e importa-los novamente.Pois bem, agora temos um asset gratuito para a Unity 3D, chamado de Probuilder, ele um verdadeiro software de modelagem, na qual podemos criar nossos cenrios sem sair da Unity, e o melhor de tudo, que podemos ajustar cada vrtice do jeito que quisermos. Podemos criar casas, prdios, estaes de trem e metr, navios, cidades, e uma infinidade de coisas usando apenas o Probuilder sem nenhuma dificuldade. A ferramenta ainda permite fazer a texturizao e edio dos mapas UV. Aqui no curso, vamos conhecer algumas das principais ferramentas do Probuilder, entender como ele funciona, exportar os modelos e tambm vamos criar projetos reais para a nossa Gameplay. O Probuilder uma ferramenta muito grande, com muitas opes, ento ao trmino do curso, voc saber como consultar a documentao e ter conhecimento suficiente para criar seus modelos mais elaborados e prosseguir com os seus estudos de forma autnoma."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |