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"How To Dance Like A Pop Star In A Music Video For Women" |
"In this dance class, you'll harness your alter ego and become a pop star in a music video by learning two beginner level dance routines followed by a dance workout after. The routines will combine dance elements that are designed for a music video or the stage of a concert, so make sure you're smiling throughout!Based on the most popular new dances of today, we've put together an exciting dance program that combines fun, fitness, and dancing. Best of all, the program is designed for absolute beginners, so you can take your time learning from the comfort of your own home. The variety of the Beginner Dance For Women program dances will take you everywhere from the zany fun of Bollywood dancing to the sexy, seductive chair dancing routines.And of course, the program is designed specifically for women. Since this program is ladies first, we go where the boys don't dare - shimmying, flirting, teasing, moving our hips, rolling our bodies, and showing off all our sexiness.For each unique, exciting dance, Angela will teach you two full beginner dance routines. The dance routines will follow the structure of a dance class, except you have the option to go through the dance steps and practices, if you're stuck on any one move, or wish to perfect it.The dance routines are built gradually, learning one or two sets of dance moves (called counts of 8 in dance terminology) at a time, and then doing a practice to the newly-learned moves. Afterwards, another set of dance moves are built on the existing dance moves and practiced until the full routine is learned.Don't worry if you don't the moves right away. Angela has plenty of experience teaching beginners, and we've created the dance program with that in mind. The moves have been carefully designed for easy ""body memorization"". We've chosen moves for beginner dancers, BUT if you think you've got it down, we've put in plenty of extras to keep you busy and coming back to the program.Finally, we finish with a workout in each style of dance that either focuses on stretching, cardio, or strength."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become Master of Ms-Excel Documents with Microsoft ExcelThe course is designed for individuals and office professionals who need to master the capabilities of the latest edition of Microsoft Excel. Through the video lectures you'll learn the essentials of Mircorosoft Excel:Learn Microsoft Excel for Beginners - Basics to Advanced: Create documents, embed videos, and set up for online collaboration for joint projects for school or work.Become an Ms-Word power user. We start at the very beginning progressing with more than helpful videos. All you need for work, hobbies, and running your own business. Feel confident with every aspect of WordDesigned to help beginners get startedLessons start right at the very beginningProgresses slowly with more than 80 helpful videosA big 6 hours of expert instructionLearn what's new in Excel 2016Master the most common uses of ExcelLearn to create many types of documentsUse the full palette of functionsExperienced users can fill in gaps in knowledgeWork faster with better results and greater confidenceDiscover how to use mail mergeNow you can learn Excel from the very beginning. Beautifully designed for beginners to get a great start while helping more experienced users fill in any gaps in their knowledge. You enjoy expert tutorial videos that clearly show you how to accomplish every aspect of Excel.Learn what's new in 2017. Now you can be up to date in order to be a true Excel power user. You have an opportunity to cover every inch of Excel.This course is just what you want for being confident with Excel in the workplace. Also gives you everything you need to know for personal use, hobbies, non-profit volunteering, or running your own business.The self-learning video format lets you study on your own schedule. Watch videos as you have time, then come back to learn more later.Now you can become a master at using one of the world's most popular computer applications Microsoft Excel.Contents and OverviewLearn Microsoft Excel for Beginnersstarts with what is new in this latest version. If you already know Excel, this can help you get up to speed with Ms-Excel right away. Next we start with a blank document and learn how to use Conditional Formatting, Filter, Advance Filters, Sort, Formulas,Autosum,Pivot Table,Charts, Sparklines,Data Validation etc.Anyone new to Microsoft Excel or upgrading from a previous version or Fresher or New Learner in Computer."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Guida agli esami di certificazione di AutoCad" |
"In questa guida vedremo come preparasi per sostenere gli esami di certificazione. Quali argomenti studiare e quali approfondire. Sono proposte lezioni con argomenti slegati tra loro, con lo scopo di apprendere come gestire quegli strumenti che posso e devono essere utilizzati durante l'esame, come l'utilizzo di alcuni pannelli o strumenti.Inoltre, durante le lezioni, verranno mostrati esempi di domande reali, per comprendere il grado di difficolt dell'esame."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP2000 para Anlisis y Diseo de Estructuras" |
"ESTE CURSO ES UN COMPENDIO DE TODO LO MANEJADO DE SAP2000 EN LOS CURSOS DE OCS ESTRUCTURASEste curso est orientado a abarcar las temticas fundamentales que permiten desarrollar modelos matemticos de estructuras de forma tcnica y congruente con el comportamiento real de las mismas travs del Software SAP2000. Estudiantes de pregrado de ingeniera civil sern capaces de desarrollar modelos que permitan replicar los resultados de problemas realizados durante su carrera, adems expandirn dichos conceptos a modelos tridimensionales. Estudiantes de postgrado o especialistas en el tema pueden afianzar sus conocimientos o tener una gua de uso del programa. IMPORTANTE:El curso est planificado a crecer en contenido conforme los cursos de OCS ESTRUCTURAS se publican. Tome en cuenta que nicamente se agregarn los contenidos de SAP2000 de todos los cursos y por lo mismo si es estudiante de ellos no necesita este curso.Los temas a desarrollar (no limitado a ello) son:Modelados de ArmadurasModelado de Sistemas de Marcos o PrticosModelado de Sistemas TridimensionalesModelado de Losas PlanasAplicacin de Cargas GravitacionalesAplicacin de Cargas LateralesAnlisis de Historia de TiempoAnlisis Modal EspectralDiseo en Concreto - Tema FuturoVigasColumnasNodosMurosDiseo en Acero - Tema FuturoVigasColumnasBreizas o RiostrasLa cantidad de actualizaciones es indefinida y TODO EL MATERIAL DE SAP2000 desarrollado para los cursos ser publicado tambin en este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Estructuras de Concreto Reforzado II: Columnas Cortas" |
"Este curso est orientado a abarcar las temticas fundamentales que permiten desarrollar los criterios para anlisis y diseo de elementos de concreto reforzado que principalmente resisten en combinacin cargas axiales con momentos flectores y fuerzas cortantes.Estudiantes de pregrado sern capaces de desarrollar Diagramas de Interaccin para diseo de de columnas y determinar los factores de reduccin de resistencia pertinentes. Posterior a esto se proceder a aplicar dicho concepto en el diseo de columnas cortas para la determinacin de su refuerzo longitudinal. Tambin se desarrollar la temtica del calculo de refuerzo transversal para resistir cortantes. Se toma como base la Normativa ACI 318 -14 y las consideraciones nuevas relevantes para el ACI 318 - 19.Dado al hecho que la gran mayora de bibliografa disponible en el tema se encuentra en sistema ingls el mismo es empleado en este curso como sistema principal de medida.Los temas a desarrollar (no limitado a ello) son:Diagramas de Interaccin de Capacidad NominalDiagramas de Interaccin para DiseoUso de Excel y Matlab para obtencin de los Diagramas de InteraccinAnlisis de secciones Rectangulares y CircularesDiseo de Refuerzo Transversal (Estribos)Calculo de Longitud de Desarrollo y Zonas de Traslape.Anlisis y Diseo Estructural aplicado con SAP2000 El curso ser actualizado semanalmente hasta completar las temticas descritas anteriormente."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis Geomtrico e Hidrulico de Canales Circulares" |
"Curso corto para aprendizaje de anlisis y diseo de la geometra en canales construidos con seccin circular y semicircular.Las temticas que son desarrolladas incluyen:Deduccin de las ecuaciones a emplearEmpleo de grficos de apoyo para anlisis y diseoAplicacin de la metodologa simplificadaSe recomienda contar con conocimiento en el anlisis de canales incluyendo el manejo de la ecuacin de Chezy-Manning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB para Ingeniera Civil" |
"ESTE CURSO ES UN COMPENDIO DE TODO LO MANEJADO DE MATLAB EN LOS CURSOS DE OCS ESTRUCTURASEste curso est orientado a abarcar las temticas fundamentales que permiten desarrollar modelos matemticos , programar y resolver problemas de Ingeniera Civil con Matlab.Estudiantes de ingeniera civil sern capaces de desarrollar modelos que permitan replicar los resultados de problemas realizados durante su carrera.IMPORTANTE:El curso est planificado a crecer en contenido conforme los cursos de OCS ESTRUCTURAS se publican. Tome en cuenta que nicamente se agregarn los contenidos de MATLAB de todos los cursos y por lo mismo si es estudiante de ellos no necesita este curso.Los temas a desarrollar (no limitado a ello) son:GeneralidadesMtodo de RigidecesAnlisis dinmico con SimulinkDiagramas de InteraccinSuperficies de Interaccin - Tema FuturoCalculo de Tirante de Canales - Tema FuturoDiagramas de Momento CurvaturaLa cantidad de actualizaciones es indefinida y TODO EL MATERIAL DE MATLAB y SIMULINK desarrollado para los cursos ser publicado tambin en este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"El Mtodo de Elementos Finitos" |
"Este curso se orienta en introducir y preparar al estudiante en el entendimiento y uso del Mtodo de Elementos Finitos o FEM (Finite Element Method) en el campo del anlisis de estructuras.Dicho mtodo es eficiente para analizar estructuras de complejidad considerable y al mismo tiempo su entendimiento permite que sea fcilmente extensible a otros fenmenos fsicos cuyo modelado es similar. Los programa de anlisis de estructuras ms poderosos ( SAP2000, RAM, STAAD, ETABS, RISA 3D, SAFE, CYPE) se basan en emplear dicha metodologa la cual puede entenderse como un smil al mtodo de rigideces con aproximaciones a travs de la divisin de un miembro en elementos pequeos o finitos a los cuales se le aplican ciertas funciones predefinidas para aproximar la solucin exacta o real. A pesar de que su aplicacin profesional es a travs de software especializado generalmente muy validado, es indispensable entender su formulacin, desarrollar la teora y ejercitarla manualmente para visualizar su capacidad pero al mismo tiempo entender que tiene limitaciones. Este curso desarrollar toda la teora necesaria para entender el mtodo. Se realizarn ejercicios aplicados resueltos de forma manual y posteriormente se validar lo aprendido aplicndolo en software especializado y comparando los resultados. Se desarrollarn algunos ejercicios en MATLAB para entender el proceso de programacin del mismo sin perder de vista que nuestra finalidad es el entendimiento conceptual del Mtodo. Los temas a desarrollar son:Formulaciones Fuertes y Dbiles de fenmenos relacionados con el comportamiento de estructuras bajo carga externa aplicada.Aproximaciones y funciones de prueba. Funciones de PonderacinCuadratura de GaussFormulacin para problemas unidimensionalesFormulacin de sistemas de elasticidad bidimensionalFormulacin en vigasSe desarrollarn algunos ejemplos en SAP2000 y STAAD con la finalidad de validar el mtodo aunque tenga claro que este no es un curso de uso de software."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop for Social Media Marketing (Beginner Level)" |
"Learning the world's most powerful design and photo editing software doesn't have to be a long, confusing process!Don't believe the hype. Adobe Photoshop really isn't that scary, I promise.For too many years you've sat on the sidelines and watched as your friends edited themselves into Beyonce's wedding photos, or in front of the Eiffel Tower when you know they've never set foot in Paris.Now it's time to join the exclusive 'people-who-actually-get-Photoshop' club.Are you ready to design something awesome today?With a focus on practical design skills, you'll be able to confidently work in Photoshop as a freelancer, or support a business with their graphic creation needs. And yes, you'll also be able to do all the fun stuff like edit yourself into Ellen's infamous Oscars selfie too.You know that you're awesome, now your photos and designs can be as well.This course is for you if:You want to learn how to design amazing graphics for your social media platforms, your website or your businessYou're a business owner who wants to learn how to design your own logos, business cards and eBooks without having to rely on professional designersYou're a freelancer who wants to take your design skills up a notch without needing to learn expensive softwareOr you're just someone who enjoys learning new things and you can't wait to show off your newd esign skills!What will you find on the inside?PHOTOSHOP NAVIGATION- Well begin the course by learning how to create a new Photoshop document and set it up correctly for both web and print. Well navigate around the Photoshop workspace and have a look at the menu bar, options bar, tools panel and how keyboard shortcuts work. Ill also teach you how to save your designs so you never lose any important work!ZOOM, HAND, MOVE AND THE LAYERS PANEL- Well dive deeper into some of the most important tools in Photoshop. Well cover the zoom, hand and move tools and their respective keyboard shortcuts, as well as how to understand and utilise the layers panel - one of the keys to your success as a Photoshop expert.PHOTO EDITING, SELECTION TOOLS & BRUSHES- Photoshop is not just for creating beautiful designs, its a powerful photo editing tool as well. In this lesson, Ill teach you how to enhance your favourite photos, how to use the selection tools like an expert and the many different awesome ways you can use Photoshop brushes!THE ERASER TOOL AND LAYER MASKS - Everyone makes mistakes, and Ive made a ton of them in Photoshop! This lesson is focused on understanding how to correctly use the different eraser tools so that your design quality is not affected. Ill also introduce you to the wonderful world of layer masks, a powerful function that will dramatically improve your design skills.SPOT HEALING, CLONING AND USING FILTERS- The phrase Photoshop it out has become synonymous with removing unwanted people or things out of images. This lesson is dedicated to learning that skill, as well as the spot healing and cloning features that make it possible. Well also get to know the filter tools and how they can help in editing portraits and other images.MOCKUPS AND FLAT LAYS- In the modern business and social media world, mockups and flat lays are all the rage - and the majority of them are created with Photoshop. In this lesson well go through managing perspectives, shadows and glare, as well as helpful tips and tricks to ensure that your images look authentic and in proportion.BRANDED GRAPHICS AND YOUR LIBRARY- This lesson is dedicated to creating graphics for social media, websites and business materials. Well go through how to use gradients, colour overlays and also how to find and import a vector into Photoshop. Lastly, Ill show you how to take advantage of the library section to speed up your workflow.CREATING MATERIALS FOR PRINT- Photoshop might be popular for creating digital imagery, but how about images you want to physically print? In this lesson, Ill show you exactly how to use art boards to create eBooks, how to create realistic eBook mockups and also how to use Canva and PowerPoint as an alternative to Photoshop.Q&A- This section of the course is reserved just for you to be able to ask me anything and everything! Theres so much to learn when it comes to Photoshop, and Ill be here for continuous support.Are you ready to create something amazing with me?I'll see you on the inside!- Maggie xx"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Scrum Master: Conquering Servant Leadership" |
"Knowing the scrum ceremonies and executing them on autopilot is where some scrum masters struggle. In this part of the scrum conqueror training we are focusing in on the team leadership and cultivating it like a true servant leader. It's important to strike an efficient balance with the product owner to help the team thrive and ultimately grow the agile mindset on the business side. It's also often very necessary to expertly navigate the dynamic of a project manager integrated with your team to often break some old habits of the organization."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Excel - Tablas Dinmicas y PowerPivot" |
"Si quieres ser un experto en el manejo integral de tablas dinmicas en Excel, si te interesa conocer y analizar de forma profesional los datos que frecuentas a diario en la oficina, este curso es perfecto para ti. Las tablas dinmicas son la herramienta ms poderosa que puede tener Excel, y que muchas personas pierden de este gran beneficio por no saberlas manejar correctamente. He ayudado a miles de estudiantes a manejar esta poderosa plataforma, y en esta ocasin aprenders a: - Manejar profesionalmente tablas dinmicas en Excel - Analizar grandes cantidades de datos con tan slo arrastrar y soltar campos en las diferentes columnas- Realizar informes avanzados que permitan filtrar cientos de miles de datos de forma fcil y rpida- Crear grficos dinmicos interactivos usando diagramas de divisin y lneas de tiempoEn conclusin, al trabajar con una tabla dinmica adecuadamente podrs crear los reportes que tu quieras sin necesidad de insertar una sola frmula. Es hora de trabajar como todos unos expertos en Excel, as que si tu ests listo, empecemos ya!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server DBA 2017 - Advance Level - A Guide" |
"Hello aspiring Learner, Greetings and Thank you for reading this course landing page !Here I am industry veteran having experience of 18+ years having expertise in SQLserver as Architect DBA , Introducing one more new job oriented course which will help you to introduce yourself as SQLServer DBAin industry as level 2 orLevel 3+ level. Microsoft SQL DBAis traditional database technology which are very popular in ITspace. Industry are using this technology since year 1997 when Microsoft came out with release of their first version of SQLserver. I would encourage and recommended to aspiring learners to go ahead with this Advance Level course who would like to learn more about Sql server and would like to deep dive in Sql server technology and want to build career as Advance level SQLDBA.I would also recommend for those who are working as SQLDBA and having more than 2+ years of experience. Who should take this course - 1. Those who would like to build their career as SQL Server DBA OR Students /IT Graduates/MBA/MCA with basic computer knowledge and Basic SQLServer Skill. Please go with my other course for Beginners to Moderate level professional. 2. Existing DBA/IT professional who would like to learn advance level of SQL server as Database professional3. Any other professional with Beginners level SQL server skills.What aspiring learner will achieve after completion of this course -1. He/She Will be professional Advance Level DBAor 2+ Level and 3+ Level DBA 2. Complete course to enter in an organisation as Sr. SQL Server DBA Professional ( L2 & L3+)3. Free additional recommendation by instructor those who will enrol for this course upon requestPlease visit to my course page to know moreAdvantage : Upon your request enrolled professional or students can get free career guidance for limited period as a promotional activity and will guide them with most frequently asked questions and best answers with data bank. Many Thanks.Course Design, developed & Instruct by Rakesh Jain Leenetics"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server 2017x - Performance Tuning & Advance Utility" |
"Hello aspiring Learner, Greetings and Thank you for reading this course landing page !Here I am industry veteran having experience of 18+ years having expertise in SQLserver as Architect DBA , Introducing one more new job oriented courses which will help you to introduce yourself as Perforamnce Tuning Consultant and SQLServer DBAin industry as level 2+ or3+ level Consultant. Microsoft SQL DBAis traditional database technology which are very popular in ITspace. Industry are using this technology since year 1997 when Microsoft came out with release of their first version of SQLserver. I would encourage and recommended to aspiring learners to go ahead with this Performance Tuning and Advance utility course and take a deep dive in Sql server technology towards become ad perofmance tuning consultant. Existing DBA's must go through with this course to resolve your day to day performance related issues on production Server.Who should take this course - 1. A Database Professional or Consultant who is in to into SQL Server related technolog and would like to build their career as SQL Server performance tuning consultant OR DBA Consultant to serve in the industry and would like to become a key assest in managing their production databases. 2. Existing DBA/IT professional who would like to learn advance utility related to performance issues of SQL server as Database professional3. Any other database or ITprofessional with Beginners level of SQL server skills.What aspiring learner will achieve after completion of this course -1. Performance related issues are frequent issue which Database consultant faces during their day to day work and this course will help them to analyse the issue and would be able to resolve the performance related problem. 1. He/She Will be professional Advance Level DBAor 2+ Level and 3+ Level DBA 2. Performance Tuning Consultant of SQLServer Please do visit to my other course page to learn more : 1. SQL Server DBA 2017 - Beginners to Moderate Level - A Guid2. SQL Server DBA 2017 - Advance Level - A Guide Many Thanks.Course Design, developed & Instruct by Rakesh Jain"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adobe XD Einfach & Komplett: Der groe UI-/UX-Praxis-Kurs" |
"Gestalte mit Adobe XD eigene User-Interface Designs fr groartige Apps, Websites und Cloud-Software! Mit diesem Kurs gestaltest du ausgezeichnete Apps, Websites und browser-basierte Software (Cloud-Software / Software as a Service) auf Profi-Niveau. Fr Anfnger ohne Vorkenntnisse!Mit diesem Kurs schaffst du spielend einfach den Einstieg in die Software Adobe XD. Es gibt einen umfangreichen Grundkurs, den du nach eigenem Tempo bestimmen kannst. Realistische Praxis-Projekte fr groartiges App- und Webdesign!Wir gestalten in vier umfangreichen Projekten eine App, die dazugehrige browser-basierte Software und eine Website mit Adobe XD. Als vollstndiges eigenes Projekt, wagen wir uns an ein KFZ-Radio Interface. Dabei nehmen wir uns Projekte vor, die so auch tatschlich umgesetzt werden knnen. Zustzlich gebe ich noch Tipps fr die Gestaltung einer Smartwatch App, eines Dashboards und einer Mediathek-App.Alle Projekte erhltst Du in diesem Kurs als Download gratis dazu!Die User-Experience: Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit dem Prototyp-Modus testenJede Gestaltung wird mit Adobe XD noch besser und erlebbar! Mit dem Prototyp-Modus kannst du jede Seite deiner Gestaltung realistisch verknpfen und dich so durch deine gestaltete Benutzeroberflche oder App testen oder eindrucksvoll deinen Kunden prsentieren. Im Kurs gehen wir dabei auf den Prototyp-Modus bis ins Detail ein und erklren auch die mglichen Klick- und Animationseffekte fr mehr Wow in jedes deiner Designs!Online-Kurs mit persnlichen & schnellen Support im Fragen & Antworten-Bereich!Einmal kaufen. Immer behalten. Diesen Kurs gibt es nicht im Abo. Du zahlst einmalig den oben angezeigten Preis und erhltst den Kurs ein Leben lang. Solltest du Fragen haben, helfe ich dir im Fragen & Antworten-Bereich kostenlos sehr gerne weiter.Dein Udemy-DozentLaith Wahab"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Linux ve Shell/Bash Script Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs size Linux komutlar ve Bash Scriptleri'nin nasl yazlaca konusunda hzl bir giri yapmay hedeflemektedir.Linux dnyasnda kullanlabilecek yzlerce komut vardr. Fakat gnlk hayatta bunlarn ounu kullanmayz, sadece zel ihtiya durumlarnda kullanrz. Bu sebeple eitimlerimde olabildiince hzlca linux ve scripting konusuna girii ve en ok kullanlan komutlar rencilerime retmeyi hedefledim. Konular olabildiince sade ve yeri geldike gndelik rneklerle aklayarak anlatmaya altm. Eitimlerde kullandm komutlarn kodlarn da video aklamasn da paylatm.Dersi alan arkadalarmza imdiden baarlar dilerim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Thee Simple Methods To Improve Sky In Photoshop" |
"Even our best cameras today are not always able to balance exposure between brights and darks while photographing landscapes, and in many cases you have to sacrifice one or the other, or have a variety of neutral density filters in your arsenal. In this course I will show you how you can dramatically improve your landscape sky in photoshop."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Shoot Sunsets For Dynamic Range" |
"You will learn how to shoot multiple exposures of the same image, pick out three or more selected exposures and then blend the selected exposures in photoshop to create a high dynamic range image. Bonus: You will learn how to shoot fireworks and then add them to other images taken at night in photoshop."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Open Eyes In Photoshop" |
"When photographing portraits it is advisable to take three to five exposures of the same pose so that you have poses with the eyes open in the event you need to open eyes. This course will show different techniques on how to open eyes in portraits that are ordinarily closed or squinted. We will perform these techniques using layers and masks in photoshop."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Restoring Old Photos In Photoshop" |
"Because of digital, we now have the capability to fix heirloom photos with software such as photoshop and then print or have them printed for preservation. This course will show you how to restore medial to heavily damaged photos in photoshop. Segments are as follows:1. Introduction2. Faded and discolored photos.3. Medial damaged photos.4. Heavily damaged photos.5. Torn to pieces photos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IT startup: Prepare Business Plan and Investor presentation." |
"This course is designed for startup leads and innovators who are ready to create a business plan. All the essential steps are covered, including drafting the original document; identifying the audience; gathering information; researching; describing product plans; and marketing, sales, and accounting terms.Course objectives:- Develop business plan structure- Proceed with feasibility and environment analysis- Define the business niche.- Make research and provide competitors analysis-Present market strategies- Built a financial plan in a Business plan- Develop and present Income and Expenditure forecast- Prepare an Investor presentation and an Elevator pitch."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Office: create and improve" |
"The course deals with the detailed overview of project management office. Students learn the challenges, company face with, which leads to the idea of creating a project management office. Students learn how implement check lists to find the most ""pain"" items in company project management and improve them by introducing a PMO.Students learn different types of PMO, maturity model. Based on those typology students learn how to create a roadmap for creating a new or improving existing PMO.At the course we discuss corporate project management framework, requirements to a corporate project management system (IPMS).Students learn challenges and advantages of PMO, define the appropriate place of a PMO in an organizational structure.During the course flow students make practices and discuss them with mates and the certified trainer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Use Your Mac like a Pro : Be more Effective with your Mac" |
"******************Includes all major Mojave 10.14 updates*********************** Review from other students : *****""Presenter was very clear and easy to understand. I learned many useful tips and understand now much more about the functionality on my Mac."" Derek Crummy""Excellent course. Very thorough and detailed. Lots of interesting tips. Well done"". Thank you. Jackie Miller""I thought I was quite confident with my mac knowledge but within just a few videos I found myself learning several useful tips that I never knew about. Very simple and clear explanations and really well presented. I can see myself returning to this course as a reference for many years. A huge amount of useful info for people just beginning on macs and plenty more for those looking to sharpen up their existing knowledge to a higher level."" Shilendra Selvan""With just one class I learned way more about my MAC than any other person taught me in my school...where I needed a MAC. Great course, very needed right now since I don't want to broke or do anything wrong with my MAC. Thank you."" Mayra Guadalupe Gonzalez Vazquez""An excellent course for understanding my Mac. I learnt many new and useful features I never knew existed. This course will definitely elevate you to the next level of Mac user. Highly recommended!"" James Steele******************IMPORTANT: What you'll learn in this course is perfectly fine from machine 2012 forward. ******************COURSE DESCRIPTION:Are you overwhelmed by thousands upon thousands of videos on youtube about how to use your Mac?Learn your Mac in under an Hour?Learn tips and tricks in 10 minutes or less? Sounds familiar?I know because I have been there too.Now you and I know perfectly well that to learn a skill takes time and energy. But it doesn't have to be a burden.The course addresses many common and uncommon questions, but most importantly, one in particular: How do I use My Mac efficiently for professional endeavours and make it a trusted tool for my work and personal life?I start by showing you some essential functions so that you are comfortable exploring the rest by yourself and learn some unique features and techniques to speed up your work.I'll guide you through various ways to organise your desktop to make it easy to use.You are not going to learn just shortcuts. You'll master many ways to manipulate your text, take screenshots the way you want, use Siri and Dictation and troubleshoot issues that can get you otherwise stuck for days, in a matter of minutes.You'll learn how to create automation for repetitive and time-consuming tasks that you'd instead let your Mac doing while you are sipping a tea!I'll show you an easy way to create apps that will help you with your daily routines without having to learn to code.I will include a bonus section where you can get access to my other Best Seller Course ""Mastering your Mac : 10x yourProductivity'' as well as video requests from you and other students in the class.You can ask me any intermediate or advanced queries, and I will be posting it in the Bonus Section as well.What will students learn in your course?Become incredibly faster and more efficient in executing basic tasksFeel confident in using the Finder and customise it for your needsBeing able to setup your work space in a matter of a clickBeing able to create simple applications for repetitive tasks without knowing codingUnderstanding Privacy, Security and browsing internet safelyBeing able to troubleshoot issues that can get you stuckBecome a Master in Text ManipulationAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?A mac computer with at Least Sierra / High Sierra or MojaveBeing comfortable using a mouse or trackpad to point, click and dragPatience and Willing to Learn and love for detailsDesired but not necessary : Have watched Mastering your Mac : 10x your Productivity Course (Included as a bonus in this course)Who are your target students?Students, Housewives/Husbands, Freelancer Professionals & EntrepreneursBusiness owner who wants improve their computer skills and step up to the next levelWindows users who hate MacsWindows users who wants to love MacsSeasoned users who wants to deepen their knowledge and use their computer to its full potentials.I will make sure you get all your questions answered.I'll see you inside.Can't wait to get started!Fran"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mac Keynote: Creating Amazing Presentations On Your Mac" |
"A win from the start.If you've never delivered a presentation before, this course will give you a step by step intuitive instructions until you build a stunning presentation from beginning to end.Keynote is the perfect tool for presentations, animations, training videos, interactive guides and the most accessible animation tool that comes free on your Mac, iPhone or iPad.Keynote makes it easy to create stunning and memorable presentations with powerful tools and dazzling effects.With real-time collaboration, your team can work together on the same project, whether they have a mac, iPhone or iPad or even a PC Windows.Your ideas coming to life.In this course, you are going to learn how to build professional-looking slides from beginning to end.From a basic sequence of beautifully designed slides to a more complex sequence using Images, shapes, tables and charts.I'll guide you step by step throughout the creation process.You'll learn how to customise slides with logos, images, tables, charts and more than 700 customisable shapes.You'll learn how to create your themes to make your presentations more personable and engaging.You'll be able to work with shapes, create your custom graphics, diagrams and adding dazzling animations.Then you will dive into tables and charts and how to make them look stunning and less tedious with prebuilt animations.Then you'll learn how to deliver your presentation using presenter notes and how to customise your presenter display, so everything is under control.With iCloud, you also be able to stream your presentation or training live using the iCloud live feature.With real-time collaboration, your team can work together on the same project, whether they have a mac, iPhone or iPad or even a PC Windows.This course will be updated with more tips and tricks and video requests from the students.I can't wait to get you started!Frank"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB CTFL 2018 Practice Tests" |
"Practice the ISTQB exam, before the real examAre you ready to pass the ISTQB certified tester foundation level exam?You can practice the test in real-time - duration is 1h - and real passing score - 65% -.These practice tests contain the newest 2018 questions. This helps you to practice the tests on a real exam simulation environment.Practice Test 6 is the mix of previous questions to be able to recheck and practice again all previous questions. * * *Copyright noticeThe source of this practice test and this practice test based on and using the ""Sample Exam - Questions - ISTQB Certified Tester Syllabus - Foundation Level"" AND ""Sample Exam - Certified Tester Foundation Level Questions - American Software Testing Qualifications Board - ASTQB Created - 2018"" based on the following statement in the documents: ""Copyright Notice: This document may be copied in its entirety, or extracts made if the source is acknowledged."" * * *ISTQB foundation level certificationUsing these practice tests will improve your ISTQB related knowledge.It helps you also to be more prepared to pass the ISTQB real exam.#istqb #ctfl #mocktest #exam #foundation #training * * *What is ISTQB CTFL Exam?International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) holds a Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) exam that is the most popular criterion of software testing worldwide. CTFL certification is offered to the candidates that pass the ISTQB certification exam. The certification has managed to become a qualification scheme that is followed by institutions worldwide. Moreover, its syllabus has become an official reference to the industries for a career in software testing.ISTQB certification is famous for its common language, objectivity, professional standing, public availability, high-quality syllabus, global recognition, liberty, and continuous improvement. It is registered in Belgium as a nonprofit organization and was founded back in 2002. * * *Why the ISTQB exam?You get recognized worldwide as you are subscribed to the Code of Ethics that is followed all over. Furthermore, with ISTQB exam you canIncrease your knowledge and skills in software testing.Have greater marketability in the worldwide software industry.Get more opportunities to boost your career.Increase your earning potential.Have the all-important ISTQB Certified Tester tag to your name. * * *Why ISTQB foundation level exams?The ISTQB Foundation level certification is aimed at professionals who need to improve on their practical knowledge of the fundaments of software testing. ISTQB foundation certification is provided to test managers, test consultants, test engineers, test designers, user acceptance testers, test analysts and IT professionals. Not just that, ISTQB certification also provides basic knowledge of software testing to project managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors, management consultants, and quality managers. Moreover, the ISTQB foundation level is valid for a lifetime period.Keeping all these features in mind, one would definitely want to get the logo attached to their name. But, training for such an exam is the real hurdle for most of the students. This is where we help, as we have you covered on preparations in a professional way. Train with Udemy and clear your ISTQB exam like a pro. * * *Train for the ISTQB exam with usWe at Udemy will help you prepare for the ISTQB exam. Training with us will give you a real opportunity to prepare in the best way possible. This training will enable you to have greater confidence and knowledge of the subject before heading to the exam. You are most likely going to pass the real ISTQB exam in the first attempt after passing our test exam. * * *How does our course help you?Our course includes two tests of 40 questions each. Both the ISTQB Foundation Practice Exams are prepared according to the average potential of all kind of students. Our practice tests are prepared exactly the same as the real tests, in term of duration, passing score, number of questions, and difficulty levels. You can improve your ISTQB related knowledge using these practice tests. Also, the practice tests will prepare you for the real exam in a way followed by many. * * *Who is eligible for this course?Students before an ISTQB foundation level exam are all eligible to take our training course. This can be your chance too. So, what are you waiting for? Register yourself now and let us help you with practice exams that are in no way lesser than the real exams.(C) Training Academy by Tibor Szraz V20.8.23 - Release name is United Kyrlandsne"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Practice Tests Level B1 2020" |
"The course contains six practice tests. A practice test contains 25 questions.Target audience are students before an English Level B1 exam; alternatively, English language learning students who want to test English Level B1 knowledge.The purpose of the practice test is to support students before an English Level B1 exam.#englishgrammar #englishb1 #englishexam #englishlevelb1 What is the B1 English level Test?CEFR or CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference) is an international language ability standard by the Council of Europe. There are different levels for over 40 languages, which are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. B1 is considered as an intermediate level for English learning ability. B1 also is the official level described by the CEFR. The B1 English Level Test is generally valid for a period of 2 years but can be used even after 2 years in some conditions.Why the B1 English Level Test?A B1 English Level Test will help you interact with English speakers at your workplace, school, or the area you visit. Moreover, you will be able to write emails and read reports in your particular field. The B1 level might not make you fully competent in English but will help you get through simple situations. Also, a good score at the B1 English Level Test can help you get an easy visa to places with the English language.What can you do after passing the B1 English Level Test?At the B1 level, you can deal with basic situations at work, school or at a tour. Also, you can write about different topics of your interest and briefly explain your experiences, dreams, ambitions, opinions, hopes, and plans. Furthermore, at B1 Level, you can easily understand the main points of any input from other English speakers at work or school.Do you feel the need of getting a B1 Level tag? Don't worry, we have you covered with the preparations. We at Udemy will help you pass your B1 English Level Test with ease.Train for the B1 English Level Test with usWe at Udemy make sure that you get trained with the best practice tests for any particular test. Similarly, for a B1 English Level Test, we have our set of practice tests that will help you prepare for the tests in the best possible way. The syllabus, duration, and nature of questions of our practice tests are as same as the real test. Our practice tests will enable you to perform the real test with great confidence and efficiency. Once you have done our practice tests, you are definitely going to find your way through the real test.How does our course help you?We have 6 practice tests; each test contains 25 questions.1st Test makes you assess tenses, Auxiliaries, Active Passive voice, and Reported speech.2nd Test is about different phrases including gerund, Infinitive, Gerund or Infinitive, Participle, and Relative Pronouns.3rd Test is about Prepositions, Comparison, Clause of Purpose, Causative and, Imperative verbs.Test 4 makes you examine your capabilities in Linking words, Inversions, Questions and, Time Clauses.Test 5 makes you prepare yourself with Adjectives, Pronouns, Singular, and Plural.And, last but not least, Test 6 is about Definite Indefinite Articles and Preferences.With all our practice tests, we at Udemy make sure that our students go into the real exam all prepared and full of knowledge. Anyone can register and learn with us to make the B1 English Level Test their success story.(C) Training Academy by Tibor Szraz V20.8.23 - Release name is Marko Moasuta"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Forms: Do bsico ao SQLite" |
"O curso Xamarin Forms: Do bsico ao SQLite voltado para todas as pessoas que desejam criar os seus prprios aplicativos (apps) multiplataforma. Ao final do curso voc estar apto a criar aplicativos que armazenam dados localmente por meio do SQLite utilizando uma infinidade de recursos presentes no Framework. Alguns dos assuntos/recursos abordados no curso so:Construo de paginas: ContentPage, MasterDetailPage, NavigationPage, CarouselPage.Interface: Button, Entry, Image, ListView, DatePiker, Label, etc.Layouts: StackLayout,Grid.Estilos: Personalizao do app por meio de estilos prontos no Android.Uso de Intents: Utilizar Recursos externos, como Mapas, Email, etc.SQLite: Construo de uma CRUD completa.Entity Framework: Construo de um app utilizando Entity Framework.Durante o curso voc ir construir vrios projetos/aplicativos com o objetivo de aprender de maneira prtica, rpida e fcil os recursos presentes no Xamarin Forms. Cada projeto tm como objetivo apresentar um recurso especfico do Framework. Os projetos construdos durante o curso so:Calculadora do WindowsDecifra-meIngls para crianasBloco de anotaes com SQLiteRob de busca na Web (Textos e imagens)"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda lgica de programao usando Node.js e Javascript" |
"Que tal aprender Javascript e Node.js? Com o curso Aprenda lgica de programao usando Node.js e Javascript voc aprender passo passo como se tornar um desenvolvedor Javascript utilizando a tecnologia Node.js.Durante o curso voc aprender:Lgica de programao;Conceitos bsicos da linguagem Javascript como variveis, comandos de deciso, comandos de repetio, funes e muito mais;Conceitos fundamentais sobre o Node.js, como instalao, construo de projetos no modo console, instalao e utilizao de pacotes (mdulos);ExtrasNa seo extra do curso voc utiliza-r toda as vantagens do Node.js para criar chatbots e muito mais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Docker Containers for Data Science and Reproducible Research" |
"Get excited!This course is designed to jump-start using Docker Containers for Data Science and Reproducible Research by reproducing several practical examples. Course will help to setup Docker Environment on any machine equipped with Docker Engine (Mac, Windows, Linux). Course will proceed with all steps to create custom and distributed development environment [RStudio] in a container. Forget about manual update of your Development Environment! Work as usual, add or develop the research document into your Container, test it and distribute in an image! Result will be reproducible independently on the R version, perhaps after several years...Same about running R programs in the container. We will demonstrate this capability including testing the container on completely different machines (Mac, Windows, Linux)Summary of ideas we will cover in this course:Reproduce and share work on a different infrastructureBe able to repeat the work after several yearsUse R-Studio in an isolated environmentTips to personalize work with Docker including usage of Automated BuildsWhat is covered by this course?This course will provide several use cases on using Docker Containers for Data Science:Preparing your computer for using DockerWorking pipeline to develop docker imageBuilding Docker image to work with R-Studio in Interactive modeBuilding Docker images to run R programsUsing Docker network to communicate between containersBuilding ShinyServer in Docker containerWalk-though example of developing Shiny App as an R Package and deploying in Docker Container using golem frameworkMore relevant materials may be added to this course in the future (e.g. continous integration and deployment, docker-compose)Why to take this course and not other?Added value of this course is to provide a quick overview of functionality and to provide valuable methods and templates to build on. Focus of this course is to make a learning journey as easy as possible - simply watch these videos and reuse provided code!Just Start using Docker Containers with your Data Science tools by reproducing this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Logodesign und Typografie in Illustrator" |
"Designe unvergessliche und wunderschne Logos ganz von selbst. Logodesign und Typografie muss gar nicht so furchtbar kompliziert sein. Wie du ganz eigene Firmenzeichen in Adobe Illustrator entwickelst und dazu noch deine eigene Handschrift mit einflieen lassen kannst, zeige ich dir in diesem Kurs. Logo und Branding sind essentiell wichtig fr ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen. Nicht nur steigert es den Widererkennungswert, sondern erhht auch den Umsatz drastisch. Lerne in diesem Kurs alles, was zu einem guten Logodesign dazu gehrt. Wichtig fr ein Logo und die Typografie sind Einzigartigkeit und Zeitlosigkeit, aber gleichzeitig auch der Blick auf Trends und in die Moderne. Tauche in ber 50 Lektionen 4 Stunden Lernmaterial tief in das Thema Design und Typografie ein und lerne, wie du Unternehmen mit deinem Logo einen einzigartigen und frischen Look verpasst.Starte mit den Grundstzen wie Arten von Logos, Farbtheorie und den Basics von Adobe Illustrator. Auerdem erklre ich, welchen Unterschied die richtige Schriftart macht und wie du ganz eigene sogenannte Letterings ben und gestalten kannst. Als Lettering-Knstlerin und Illustratorin zeige ich dir, wie du deine vorhandenen Zeichen-Skills nutzen kannst, um ein herausragendes Logo zu entwerfen, was deine Kunden begeistern wird. Als Kursvoraussetzung solltest du die Software Adobe Illustrator installiert haben. Wenn nicht, kannst du auch mit der kostenlose Testphase arbeiten, die du auf der Adobe Homepage findest."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"How To Start and Earn Income With Import/Export Business" |
"How to start and earn income with Import/Export (Practical/Real Method) is a great course and the main goal/agenda of this training is to get started with earning income by importing/exporting goods. It is a practical training and I have made steady income by myself. I believe you can do it too. By the end of the course, you will be able to start building your own trading business successfully."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 - Fuses Avanadas + 8 projetos" |
"Como trabalhar com Fuso / Foto Composio de forma simples e organizada. Ideal para quem j domina o Photoshop e busca o aperfeioamento tcnicoNesse curso voc vai dominar e entender tudo o que precisa saber sobre como criar Composio na Fotografia utilizando Photoshop para entregar uma imagem com qualidade, seja para projetos pessoais, profissionais ou publicitrio.Esse curso voltado para usurios intermedirio de Photoshop e desejam avanar e especializar em fuso de imagens.Voc vai terminar esse curso preparado para trabalhar com diversas situaes reais em projetos que o mercado solicita.Faa agora sua inscrio e no perca mais tempo buscando tutoriais na internet.Nesse curso voc ter meu acompanhamento e suporte.Um grande abraoTe vejo dentro do cursoThiago Christo"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |