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"Fundamentos para el diseo de Bases de Datos Relacionales" |
"Descripcin del Curso.En este curso tendrs la oportunidad de aprender conceptos bsicos y fundamentales del diseo de bases de datos relacionales. Las bases de datos relacionales son las mas utilizadas en el mundo!! As que inscribete!!!.. No debes tener conocimiento previo en el rea, solo las ganas de aprender y empezar a entender como los verdaderos programadores desarrollan esos modelos de datos que le permiten crean hermosas aplicaciones, ya sean para Pc's, dispositivos mviles o la web. Si eres un estudiante que cursa sus primeros semestres en una carrera de tecnologa pero sientes que tus profesores dejaron muchas dudas en el tema de base de datos relacionales, entonces apntate en este curso: Entender la tcnica bsica involucrada en la elaboracin de base de datos relacionales es fundamental para ser un programador exitoso.Tendrs disponibilidad 24/7 y durante toda la vida para que puedas descargar y consultar el material en caso de cualquier duda. Puedes ir a tu ritmo, no hay ninguna presin para visualizar las clases o realizar las practicas. El curso consta de 8 secciones y 60 clases, en las cuales te explicare desde lo mas bsico hasta lo mas complejo tratando de utilizar un lenguaje sencillo. Cada seccin esta compuesta por un vdeo de introduccin, clases y practicas en vdeo, un quiz al finalizar la seccin (que podrs tomar las veces que lo necesites), documentos descargables para que puedas practicar en tu casa (yo colocare mi propuesta de solucin parcial para que puedas comparar tus resultados).Si estas aprendiendo a programar, te recomiendo que tomes este curso ya que todo programador en algn momento tendr que disear una base de datos sin importar si desarrolla una pagina web, una aplicacin mvil, o una aplicacin de escritorio. As que si estas deseoso de empezar a crear software como lo hacen los verdaderos programadores te recomiendo:1. Toma este curso y aprende las bases del diseo de bases de datos relacionales desde cero.2. Repite este curso al menos dos veces, interactua conmigo y con otros estudiantes. Es importante que al finalizar te sientas seguro de lo aprendido y que sientas que eres capaz de resolver problemas de baja o mediana complejidad.Te garantizo que con esfuerzo, estudio y dedicacin en pocos meses estars listo para crear y desarrollar software del cual estars orgulloso de mostrar a tus familiares y amigos.Nos vemos en clase! Te espero :D Miguel"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin & Ethereum Masterclass: People Friendly Language" |
"Cryptocurrency may experience few bumps on the road but it is not going anywhere. Facebook creating its own cryptocurrency Libra with the support of Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, Stripe, Uber and others only proves it. Are you ready for the future?This course will teach you what you need to know and way more about Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum (also EOS, Litecoin, Dash, Ripple) and especially the technology called blockchain that drives both of these. We will also learn about the mining process which is the process of verifying transactions and rendering new coins. We can not forget about creating your first Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets and buying your first Bitcoin and Ether coins. You will understand what makes Bitcoin so great and what makes it imperfect, you will be able to distinguish between Ethereum and Bitcoin and understand the brilliance behind Ethereum Smart Contract feature that helped to create the phenomenon of Initial Coin Offerings which are crypto projects you can invest into and make even 10x return on your investment. To complete your training we will also teach you how to send transactions and trade the crypto coins on cryptocurrency exchanges. Everything you need to know to finally properly understand all about cryptocurrency & everything you need to know to be able to monetize on it and correctly invest is right here. This is the package that will take you from a newbie to a complete beast. Don't forget that there is the 30 day money back guarantee! If you don't like what you see, you can always get your money back. We will see you on the inside :) "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Writing 7 Plus: Complete IELTS Writing Preparation" |
"Here is your complete guide to IELTS Writing [Academic] success!It's true...Many students find IELTS Writing preparation super confusing.It's also true that IELTS Writing is one of the most difficult sections of the IELTS test!This course has been designed to help increase your confidence and score in the IELTS Writing Academic test. If you're taking the IELTS Academic test and want to improve your bandscore - this is the course for you!With a full video curriculum, you can supercharge your IELTS Writing skills for both Task 1 and Task 2 score in only a few weeks.IELTS Writing 7 Plus offers easy to follow, step-by-step preparation that carefully builds your confidence and fluency. This is your complete IELTS Writing preparation course with lessons for both Task 1 AND Task 2 [Academic]. Learn strategies, skills and methods to superpower your IELTS Writing score and impress the examiner.Key Skills You'll Learn...Understand what the IELTS Writing test isLearn how the examiner marks your writingKnow how to read and answer any IELTS Writing question typeBuild vocabulary and language to level up your reports and essaysUnderstand essential writing structures to plan and paragraphDevelop a grammatical structure to build IELTS writing fluencyUnderstand key question strategies for all question typesThe lessons focus on building your IELTS writing skills to score band 6, band 7 or even higher.But that's not all IELTS Writing 7 Plus gives you...Throughout the course, you'll be asked to complete a range of practice activities, quizzes and assignments. Many courses don't make students active learners! This course is different. You will need to apply new skills and strategies in practice activities to sharpen your writing and build your IELTS Writing fluency.The IELTS Writing strategies taught in this course are proven to work. Thousands of students have improved their score using these exact same methods taught here. But... You will need to be ready to study hard!Reviews From Former StudentsSerin, ""I loved the course as its simple, easy to understand. The tricks and tips taught are quite easy to remember . Really grateful that I chose this course as I was able to learn many things that aren't taught at the local IELTS centers or other online site, especially in the IELTS writing and speaking modules . I would truly recommend this to my friends.""Shahriar, ""I really enjoy learning the IELTS with this method, it's very helpful and recommend it to anyone who wants to have the IELTS exam.""Lawer, ""It's a great course. I scored a 7.5 previously with this course and I'm hoping to improve to an 8.""Is This Course For Me?If you are studying the IELTS Academic test - this course can help you.If you're looking to achieve a band 7+ or higher - again, this course is for you.If you're looking for a COMPLETE IELTS Writing preparation course - come join in!For students studying IELTS GENERAL test - this course is NOT recommended for you.On top of all this...Lifetime access to this courseAll updates and new lesson content includedQ+A feature to discuss and share your progress30-day money-back guaranteeActive IELTS Writing learning community This is your one-stop, complete preparation resource for IELTS Writing Academic success!Enrol NOW to supercharge your IELTS Writing Academic score!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Detox Yourself" |
"This course will show you how you can do a complete detox of your life. It will make you become more aware of toxic elements in your life.It will also teach you how to reclaim parts of yourself that have been overlooked, or maybe forgotten about, and show you how you can stop being a victim.In summary, the course will show you how you can do a detox in many different ways."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Physics: from Galileo to Einstein" |
"This is an overview of the conceptual foundations of physics, from its inception in the 17th century with Galileo Galilei and Newton to the 20th century physics of Einstein (and somewhat beyond). It is for those who would like to get an overview at a bit higher level of popularized science but less than an academic one, and without having to piece together with long searches all the concepts from different sources. Special emphases is set on the philosophical implications of the 20th century findings such as on determinism and final causes in physics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Basis Administration" |
"This course helps you to become professional SAP Basis Consultant of SAP System Administrator which includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance analysis of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP.The course is designed to understand the in-depth concept of SAP system and its architecture. Every section is explained with live demo, participants can have real time understanding of SAP system and the architecture behind SAP system."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Appium WinAppDriver UI Automation Testing Windows Apps in C#" |
"Appium Based Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) is the newest automation testing tool for UI Automation and Software Functional Testing for testing desktop applications by Microsoft. Microsoft Coded UI, the UI test automation licensed tool sold by Microsoft in the past, is now deprecated. Appium WinAppDriver is a free tool that provides APIs for many programming languages, including C# Dot Net, Java, and Python. The WinAppDriver is based on Appium, which is based on Selenium, hence an industry standard automation testing tool. Appium WinAppDriver is entirely compliant with the WebDriver specifications(since it is based on Appium).Windows Automation and Desktop Automation are at the heart of this course. It teaches you Appium WinAppDriver based Automation with source code and examples step by step.WinAppDriver provides the following things to facilitate Automated Testing:WinAppDriver UI remote control, the executable which is capable of receiving Appium commands and performing actions on the UI of a given Windows PC for automation testing.WinAppDriver UI Recorder, a lightweight UI inspection tool that allows you to find various properties of Windows UI elements.API support for various programming languages, including C Sharp (C#), Java, Python, and many more.Many students of this course have used it to learn Windows UI Automation concepts in this course and are performing in Python automation and Java automation. This course is a complete answer to your Windows automated software testing questions. In this course, I'm going to show you how to get started using Appium WinAppDriver in C# and how to go full throttle test automation in a short period.Note: Appium is based on WebDriver which is also the basis of Selenium, this way if you start from Appium/WinAppDriver you can easily move forward to Selenium based UI testing. Although, you will need to understand how the DOM based HTML websites work. The best part is that this course is in C# Dot Net, and I show you the techniques which work instead of typical open source trial and error. Appium based Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) is a course for the QA persons, by QA persons.Appium is very popular in the automated tester community for mobile Automation. Appium for iOS and Android is already out there, now Microsoft has also joined the bandwagon by providing the necessary tooling to bring Windows application testing into the Appium world.I'll show you how to automate the testing of legacy Win32 Applications, how to deal with Unified Windows Platform (UWP) applications, and how to take care of it challenging to identify UI elements in C# (C Sharp) with WinAppDriver.The first section covers tool installation in detail, and I'll show you how to download and install everything you need for test automation. This will include Visual Studio Community Edition, Node.js, Appium, WinAppDriver.In section 2, the Windows Application Driver (WAD) UI Recorder is introduced. As soon as the tools are installed, you'll set up your first UI Automation solution in C# .Net and add Appium WinAppDriver. You'll write your first test automation program using C# (C Sharp) and Appium WinAppDriver in the next 5 minutes. I'll show you how to take a screenshot using Appium WinAppDriver from C# code, how to read a Windows Win32 application title, how to maximize a window, and how to quit an application started by Appium WinAppDriver test automation scripts.In section 2, I'll show you how to perform common UI Automation operations such as mouse click and typing with the keyboard (SendKeys). You'll learn how to use Selenium implicit wait using C# in Appium/WinAppDriver scenarios.Next, I'll introduce you to the MS Test (Visual Studio Unit Testing) Framework. If you want to create a unit test project in Visual Studio. You'll practically see the life cycle of an MSTest based unit test and implement it using keywords like TestClass, ClassInitialize, TestMethod, TestInitialize, TestCleanup, ClassCleanup in C#. I'll also teach you about how to see if your automated tests are passed and failed(the TDD red-green cycle), I'll show you the Visual Studio TestExplorer window for this purpose. You'll also learn how to see test failure error details. These are general test automation concepts which can be used later on in different languages and environments as well with different test automation tools. Afterward, I'll show you how to mix MS Test with (Appium) Windows Application Driver to create proper automated software testing scripts. In this section, I'll show you how to debug a test for identifying problems and devising solutions to difficult problems (sometimes, you just can't find a Windows Element beforehand). This section will conclude with more useful information about practical, functional UI testing using automated software testing tools.In the next section, I will be showing about data-driven testing in MS Test. I'll show you how to incorporate Excel data in Appium Windows Application Driver tests. This section will show you how to run the same set of tests with different data for testing a variety of scenarios. However, I'll show you how to use TestContext in automation testing.The last section of this course will be about automated testing WinForms based applications in WinAppDriver (Appium). I'll show you how to access the most commonly used Windows controls in RPA/UI Test Automation. Windows UI Elements (controls) covered explicitly by this course are given below:CheckboxRadio buttonButtonDataGridPopupWinTreeMenuIn the end, I hope you will find this course to be useful for learning automated software testing and UI Automation in general for RPA like scenarios with Microsoft C#, Appium based WinAppDriver, and Visual Studio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Animals, Landscapes and Portraits in Pastel" |
"Have you ever wished you could draw?Would you love to be able to draw AMAZING pictures you never thought possible?With this course you'll learn to draw 3 stunning pictures by following our easy step by step videos.Pick up and LearnIn my 30+ Years of Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to draw an animal, landscape and portrait. Specifically:Longhaired CatGalleon SunsetEduard Manet's Irma BrummerWhen you have finished this course not only will you walk away with 3 incredible paintings but you will also be able to apply what you have learnt to draw your own pictures.MaterialsFor all pictures I use Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for all kinds of subjects. It is ideal for someone fairly new to pastel pencil work as you can erase so easily on the paper. I also use Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils and refer to these throughout the course. You can of course use any materials that you wish to use.I would recommend this course for beginner to intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!I provide you with an outline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. I walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing beautiful wild animals and create pictures you can be proud of.I have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"5 courses in Stress Management: 300+ ways (Oxford Diploma)" |
"DO NOT ENROL ON THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SAMPLE LESSONS AND ALSO READ THIS COURSE DESCRIPTION. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THIS IS PAID FOR, A GIFT OR EVEN...FREE. IT STILL TAKES TIME TO WATCH. MAKE SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS COURSE. THANK YOU.240 lectures: This course details 300 coping skills that you can apply to every day life! What more could be wanted? This course features the following:Coping skills aimed at the problemCoping skills aimed at emotionsHealthy coping strategiesUnhealthy coping strategiesResearch studiesCase studies where you are asked to apply the coping skillsA new 31-day section in managing pain and stress. This has THREE resources per dayPlus over 300 clearly identified coping skills...enroll today!Latest additionsSEVEN Coping Skills workbooks.These include:Mind mappingFifteen coping strategiesDownloadable worksheetsPractical applicationsDBT and coping skillsA FREE COURSE (link)12 Coping Skills for ChristmasProactive coping inventoryDyadic Coping InventoryBrief Resilient Coping ScaleStressA special section on the impact of COVID-19:Job securityFinancial stressIsolationUncertaintyWorkbook on Holistic Medicine (January 2020)DefinitionBalanced lifeWhat do you want from your doctor?Lifestyle modificationsPrinciples of holistic medicineThe immune systemTypes of treatmentLong term?Focus on preventing diseases"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn Java Programming - Beginners guide 2020" |
"As a Software Developer the road to success can be a long and complex path. This is especially true for Developers in their first years of learning which can find it hard to stick to a direct learning path as the amount of topics one can learn can seem very overwhelming as new Frameworks and programming languages is being introduced on a monthly basis. But what one most understand is that becoming a Software developer is very different from a formal education, where one can rely on what is being taught at a college or university as the one and only secure path to success. But with Software development the real success comes from what is being learned outside of the classroom as most of the knowledge comes from self-teaching and endless hours of practicing ones skills. This course will give you the ability to learn the Java programming language in a easy and structured way. You will work with real life applications developing both Desktop and Web Applications. The course will give you the needed material to become a Java Developer as the topics in each section is based on best practice approaches."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DUNGEON PAINTER STUDIO: Create your own fantasy maps" |
"Have you ever dreamed to create your own fantasy maps to use for role playing games? This software is done for you. Dungeon Painter Studio is very easy to use to create your own maps. Get ready to click, to drag and drop and draw rapidly and easily the grounds, places, forests and walls of your dangerous dungeons and share them to your players. Become a greate game master!This course is not limited to game masters, or people fond of role playing game, but also open to anyone who is curious about create such fantay maps."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"FLEX: Use and handle a high quality 3D model" |
"If you need to handle a 3D models for your job, or as an artist to have an anatomy reference, or any other use, this course is done for you. I'm going to present you the software FLEX. This software is very easy to use, as it give you the possibility to move a 3D character, to handle it the way you want, to launch animations and to change the light of the scene."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FLEX: Utilisez et manipulez un modle 3D de grande qualit" |
"Si vous avez besoin d'utiliser, de manipuler et de bouger un modle 3D reprsentant un humain, le logiciel FLEX est fait pour vous. Avec lui, vous allez pouvoir choisir un modle masculin ou fminin et changer la pose, voir les animations qui vont avec, et changer la couleur de la scne. Tout cela, trs facilement et rapidement. Finissez par faire une capture de grande qualit de votre travail."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Standing Stake - Zhan Zhuang" |
"Qigong is an ancient Chinese health and healing practice based on coordinating body movement and breath to improve blood flow, organ function, joint and bone health. Qigong has a profound depth that is often lost in translation and turned into something mystical rather than as a practical toolbox to aid us in reconnecting with our ability to become still. Qigong allows the individual to become aware of the body and breath moving together, an uncommon practice in our modern, fast-paced society. Once learned you can practice anywhere.A primary benefit of Qigong is the immediate impact on the entire body and nervous system through its ability to move both blood and lymphatic fluid simultaneously. Qigong practices move the blood and lymphatic fluids differently depending on whether you are doing a moving set such as the 8 Pieces of Brocade (Baduanjin), or doing a non moving set such as Standing Stake (Zhan Zhuang) or martial art like Taijiquan or Baguazhang. Qigong uses neuro-differentiation by engaging the nervous system in much the same way that we learn other motor patterns, the way babies learn to crawl and walk. The conditioned reactions of fight or flight give way to a third option of calm observation and stress becomes non-existent with regular practice. With Qigong a person can rewire themselves, body, heart and mind and learn to be present as a physical experience and not a limited series of mental exercises. These webinars will cover the basics of movement and structural mechanics within the 8 Pieces of Brocade (Baduanjin), Standing Stake (Zhan Zhuang) and Eight Trigram Palm Boxing (Baguazhang) so that you can begin to develop the Six Harmonies and the Three Treasures, which form the foundation of all aspects of the movement arts.Six HarmoniesExternal: Feet and Hands - Elbows and Knees - Hips and shouldersInternal: Qi Jing ShenThe Three Treasures.Jing essence refined refinement of tissue and structural alignment to feel the QiThe Baduanjin is famous for strengthening the kidneys which in turn strengthens a persons Jing. Jing is stored in the kidneys - kidney health is essential for a healthy body and long life.Qi vital energy, blood feeling the blood move and the body open and close to be physically presentShen spirit; soul, mind refined intention, being present and aware of all things in your body as you open and close the joints and align the body and move so you can refine deeper awareness"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads / AdWords Hands on Experience Course - Practical" |
"Hello Friends!Welcome to my course on Google Ads. This is a practical course. With this course you will be able to know how to setup a successful Google Ads campaign.About MeI am a certified Google Ads professional, I have spent 5 years working as a Google Ads specialist for various companies, agencies & clients. Managed tons of Google Ads accounts and helped businesses to succeed through Google Ads.In this course you will learn Introduction to Google AdsInterface TourHow to setup your first Google Ads accountImportant definitions like clicks, impressions etcAbout Quality ScoreConversion TrackingAccount StructuringKeyword Match TypesHow to Setup your 1st Google Ads CampaignAd groups, Ads & Keywords SetupCampaign settings which includes Bidding Strategies & Ad ExtensionsYou will also have a chance to learn advanced optimization concepts likeSearch term reportsImpression share analysisLocation optimizationAd SchedulingHow to get 10/10 quality scoreBy enrolling this course you will be able toSuccessfully launch your own Google Ads Campaign.Promote your own business or your client's business.Learn the insider tips & secretsLearn advanced concepts like optimizationWho this course is for?For students who want to choose their career in Google Ads.Unemployed people who are looking to get high paying Job.Agencies who want to setup campaigns for their clients.Entrepreneurs or business owners who cannot afford to pay for agencies and want to run campaigns themselves.Each of my video is a result of my experience and years that I spent working as a Google Ads Specialist. You will surely benefit from my course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meditation 101" |
"Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as a way to reduce anxiety and live with a greater sense of tranquility and wholeness. Anyone can learn to do this simple, powerful practice and receive its many benefits heres a chance to learn how to get started! Meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce stress in the body, lower blood pressure, and prevent the effects of aging in the brain. This transformative practice helps us to live with more compassion in our hearts and more clarity in our mind, and to create and enjoy more harmonious relationships.In this course you will learn:What meditation is and isntHow it benefits you physically, mentally, and emotionallyHow to build a comfortable meditation postureBasic breathing exercises you can use anywhereSimple meditations you can do in 3 minutes a dayWays to create a sustainable home meditation practiceHow to avoid common pitfalls and cultivate compassion for yourselfLearn multiple forms of meditation and decide which one suits you bestReceive 5 guided meditations that you can use at home in your private practice"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Korean Conversation for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Korean Conversation for Beginners course.This course is designed to help you develop your Korean speaking skills. The course will cover some of the most common conversation topics, and you will learn useful language related to these topics and practice using them throughout the course so that you retain everything you learn on the course.Some of the key languages you will learn areHow to greet people and say our namesHow to talk about where we're from and our ageHow to greet friends and talk about where we liveHow to talk about our job and say goodbyeHow to talk about phone numbers and our birthdaysHow to talk about things we like and dislikeHow to talk about familyHow to talk about people's appearanceHow to talk about weekend activities and favourite thingsAs the aim of the course is to help you become better Korean speakers, the course is loaded with speaking practice, and you can also download writing practice sheets to practice writing the language you are learning in the lessons.Thank you for reading this course description and I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Healthy Eating" |
"In this course you will learn to understand your relationship with food, the health benefits of eating vegetables, the health benefits of eating fruits, the dangers of processed foods, the food pyramid, how food can be your medicine, the dangers of diet trends, and bringing it all together with meal planning, and much much more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Punctuation Course: English Writing - Grammar" |
"This Udemy course gives you, the English language learner, a complete overview of English punctuation.This course will give you the ability to understand English better and the confidence to write (and speak) English more fluently.This English punctuation and writing course is taught by two world-renowned communications trainers, TJ Walker and Derek SmithMessage from Derek Smith:My name is Derek, Im a native Brit and qualified and experienced TEFL/TESOL trainer.I have been teaching English to adults for over 10 years and look forward to using technology to reach a wider audience.I have a neutral accent which is clear and easy to understand.Downloadable PDFs for each lesson will form a valuable resource collection for you.Where there are differences between UK and US punctuation usage, these are explained in the lesson.We also have a free Facebook group that you are welcome to join. It gives a more sheltered environment to ask any questions you may have. This is, of course, in addition to the course Q&A section.The course is not designed to be accessed in sequence but takes more of a pick and mix approach.I encourage you to ask questions if you feel that something has not been fully or clearly explained. You will get an answer and, if necessary, the course material will be updated. Depending on the answer, I will add a new lesson to the course.Here is a brief summary of the course benefits for you:Native speakerExperienced and qualified teacherNeutral and easy to understand accentLessons structured for easy accessDownloadable resources for each lessonFree Facebook groupValid for UK and US EnglishUpdates as required by the learnersUdemy 30-day refund policyHow many of your boxes did I tick?This is the English punctuation and writing course you need. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.Message from TJ WalkerI have been teaching executives around the globe to deliver presentations in English for the last 30 years. Most people, even native English speakers, are insecure about their English grammar. You can become an accomplished speaker and communicator and know that you are using excellent English Grammar every time you speak. Derek is one of the top English grammar instructors in the world and I am proud to be teaching this course with him. He has the English and European sensibility down perfectly. And I have been living in and working in the United States my entire life. When you put us together, it is a powerful combination designed to help you become a master at English grammar and communication.Good luck and I hope to see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"JAIIB: Principles and Practices of Banking (Part 1)" |
"Are you a Banking Executive planning to take up JAIIB Examination for Internal Promotions?Are you passionate about learning Banking law related matters?Are you finding it difficult to join classes due to your busy banking schedule?Then worry not - This course will help you.Welcome to your course ""JAIIB: Principles & Practices of Banking (Part 1)""This course will take you through Indian Financial System and Banking Regulation.You will learn basic to intricate concepts and you can also test your knowledge level by taking various quizzes.This is a self paced learning course. For effective learning experience, use your headset and take notes while listening to lectures in mindmap form.See you inside the course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sicher fliegen mit Drohnen" |
"Drohnen sind heutzutage zu gnstigen Preisen zu haben und es macht Spa damit rumzufliegen. Allerdings gibt es immer wieder Schlagzeilen wieDrohne auf Autobahn geflogenNachbar schiet Drohne abWegen Drohnenunfall ins GefngnisDieser Kurs hilft dir zu erfahren, wo das Fliegen von Drohnen berhaupt erlaubt ist. Er gibt dir mehrere Checklisten an die Hand, die du als Grundlage fr deine Fliegerei nutzen kannst und er zeigt dir praktische Flugbungen.Nach diesem Kurs und seiner Umsetzung fliegst du in Zukunft deine Drohne sicher."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Etsy 101: How to create Geofilters to sell on Etsy" |
"Introducing...Etsy 101: How to Create Geofilters to Sell on EtsyThis completely guided course will teach you the basics of creating, and selling unique and personalized Geofilters, for your Etsy business.Isn't It time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy Geofilters course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to Create and sell Geofilters on Etsy... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create and sell Geofilters.I will also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for growing (or commencing) your Geofilters Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to run a SUCCESSFUL Geofilters shop on Etsy!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Seth Godin's Workshop for Bootstrappers" |
"Overlooked in all the hype around fancy VC funded startups is the truth: Most businesses are bootstrapped. Built without outside capital. The work of an entrepreneur who sees an opportunity and makes something out of it.Included here are all of the video lessons from the fabled Akimbo workshop on bootstrapping. And as a bonus, a digital PDF of The Bootstrapper's Bible, which has been read by millions of people around the world.Do the workshop at your own pace. It's all pre-recorded, with no coaches or instructor interaction. You create your own magic by doing the work.Take this in a group. Find the others. Do it together. But mostly... do it. You'll get back far more than you put into this workshop.It's time to build something that makes a difference."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"How To Use Elementor And Wordpress To Create Sales Funnels" |
"Hello and Welcome!If you are on this page and you want to learn how you can easily create stunning landing pages, sales pages or even whole high converting sales funnels for your products, offers, services or for your clients than you are in the right place!Usually to outsoruce these things costs a lot, you can start from 300$ and go up, and that is kind of a minimum. Plus you have to wait a lot of time for the web designer to finish the work and on top of it things might not turn out exactly as expected.If you are just starting out your online business, you want to learn how to do this for your clients and charge for it or you simply want to be able to have the flexibility to create your own funnels and pages at 0 cost and fast than this course is for you!Wordpress and Elementor and FREE so you won't have to pay a dime for them, plus they are always updated and with new features added on a weekly basis. You don't need anything else to be able to create great looking and high converting landing pages!So, what are you still waiting for? Enroll right now and let's get started!PS: If you decide that the information in this course was of no use for you than you have 30 days to get your money back, no questions asked so there is no risk for you involved whatsoever!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Master Regular Expressions in Python with 50 examples" |
"Unique characteristics of this course1) 50+ step by step solved examples2) Interview questions - solved with detailed explanations - This helps you to get your dream job3) If you are having any queries you can post in Q&A, I will help you out in just 1 working day.4) You can use the concepts in any programming language like PHP, Javascript, JAVA, Ruby, and so on.This course will help the students to understand all the concepts of regular expression. In this course, the students will use Python programming language (No need to know the concepts of Python - As I will explain it step by step). After completing the course, the students will be able to apply the concepts of regular expressions in any programming languages. Register this course and get a certificate on completion, you can also post this certificate on LinkedIn and increase your profile ranking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Java 8 Fundamentals" |
"Do you want to learn the fundamentals of the Java 8 programming platform? Would you like to be able to understand how to make use of the latest Java 8 functional programming features? Maybe you're on a new project which is based on Java 8 and you'd like a gentle introduction to how the Java 8 platform hangs together?Then this course is for you!I take you from knowing nothing about Java 8, assuming just an intermediate level knowledge of Java, and take you through each concept in the Java 8 platform, step by step, from first principles.In this course you'll be introduced to and come to understand:What's new in Java 8 (and why you should take notice!)Lambda Expressions (what they are and how to use them)Functional Interfaces (why they're important and what role they play)Function Descriptors (a handy tool for understanding lambdas and functional interfaces)Method References (the different types and how to use and apply them)Default Methods (what they are, why they were introduced and where to use them)Pipelines and Streams (understanding through example)Optionals and the Optionals API (what they're for and how to use them)This course is a concise, no-nonsense guide to Java 8 which explains just enough detail so that you can absorb and understand the core concepts and get you up and running, quickly and effectively with coding in Java 8.I can't wait to teach you all about the exciting features of Java 8 inside! ;)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 6 Uygulamal Sfrdan leri Seviye Eitimi" |
"Merhaba Sevgili renci;Bu kursa kim, neden kayt olmal sorularn ve giri derslerini kursun giri videolarnda cretsiz olarak paylatm. Mutlaka bu cretsiz dersleri izlemeni neriyorum.Kaptan Garantisirencilerim bana genelde Kaptan Der;Bugne kadar Udemy ve Youtube zerinde on binlerce rencim oldu. Tanynca seninde eitimlerimi seveceinden hi phem yok. Eer Sabr, Dikkat ve Merak lsn sen garanti ediyorsan bende sana bu eitimde Uygulamal olarak retmeyi garanti ediyorum.rencilerimin ProjeleriKurslarma kaytl rencilerimin rendikleriyle yaptklar projeleri grmek istersen internet sitemde rencilerim/Projeleri menlerini izleyebilirsin. Sadece ders anlatan biri deil reten bir eitmenim ve sizde retmek iin sabrszlanyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Make Video Ads with Microsoft Powerpoint" |
"PRICE FOR THIS COURSE WILL INCREASE TO $24.99 STARTING DECEMBER 1, 2019In this course you will learn how to create a video for your products or services to upload and share. This course is designed for those who have little to no experience creating video ads and will guide you through creating a video ad from start to finish using Microsoft PowerPoint. You will learn how to create a great looking video using images, effects, music, and optionally voice-over."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Recreate the 'Stranger Things' Theme using Logic Pro X" |
"I love the Netflix show Stranger Things. I particularly love the music, and so I decided it would be a good idea to try and recreate the Stranger Things theme tune just using Logic Pro X sounds only. That will be easy I thought. It should only take me a few hours I said to myself.Famous last words.It turned out that the theme tune is like the Rabbit Hole in Alice in Wonderland. The more I listened to the track, the deeper and layered it became. Four days later and after many hours of scratching my head and feeling in awe of the task at hand, I finally managed to get something that I was happy with.The track makes use of multiple layers of synths, some retro and some more modern. The new Alchemy synth in Logic Pro is the new Daddy synth for Logic, and was the goto place for the many textures needed. The Retro Synth also came in useful, particularly with the FM Synthesis parts. The main things to contend with was the enormous amount of automation needed to replicate the evolving nature of the track. It can really get messy if you are not careful. I alway leave the volume automation last, so as not to make balancing levels too awkward.After I put my recreation on youtube, I started to get requests for a tutorial to show how the track was made. To be honest, this track was HARD, but I have now managed to put together a tutorial that delivers the goods.All the sounds used, plugin settings, automation, arrangement and mix settings are all there for you to explore and try and understand. The highly annotated videos will take you step-by-step through the editing process.You start with just the MIDI notes of the arrangement, and as you go through the videos, you will start to create the synths and plugin chains needed to create your version of the Stranger things theme.At the end you will have a better understanding of how this amazing theme tune was put together, and hopefully that will help you on your own compositions.Of course, I am always open to answering any individual questions about the arrangement that you may have, but you would probably get more out of it if you discover the processes yourself (like I did!).Finally, you can see and hear my arrangement by unhiding the tracks using the H button in the arrangement page (top left)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Visio Masterclass - Beginner To Advanced" |
"__________Course Overview:Information is at the heart of the modern workplace. It comes from everywhere people, processes, applications and devices. The greatest challenge can be making sense of all that data. What if you could unlock that old adage, A picture is worth a thousand words, and create visualisations evocative enough to represent those complexities? Or, put another way, what if you could visually represent your data like a professional graphic designer? With Visio, you can. Visio lets you easily and quickly visualise the information you deal with every day. With over 250,000 shapes and templates designed for a variety of industries, Visio makes it simple and intuitive to create professional diagrams in just a few steps.This Microsoft Visio Masterclass - Beginner To Advanced course gives you a comprehensive understanding of how to use Visio features such as Diagrams, Stencils, Shapes, Connector Points, and many more! It will show you when, why, and how to use tools and features of Visio and guide you through interactive, hands-on demonstrations every step of the way.__________We'll start by covering everything you need to know to get up and running with Microsoft Visio, including:The Visio EnvironmentVisio Diagrams & ToolsShapes & Connector PointsDesign & FormattingHeaders & Footers__________We'll then progress onto more complex areas in Microsoft Visio, including:Creating a StencilManaging a StencilControlling LayersAutomatically Linking DataManually Linking DataReports__________Whether you're looking for a quick overview on Diagrams, trying to diversify your Visio skill set, or hoping to step up your reporting game in a major way, you've come to the right place. In today's increasingly data-driven world, Visio makes it easy and intuitive to create flowcharts, diagrams, org charts, floor plans, engineering designs, and more, using modern shapes and templates. Enroll today and start your journey to becoming a Visio master!See you there!-Richard Walters (Microsoft Visio Trainer)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"VPN Tunneling Protocols on MikroTik with LABS" |
"Virtual Private Network, or what we normally call as VPN, is being very populated in the last 10 years. With VPN's, companies are able to connect to each others in a secure way via the internet. Also mobile users are able to connect to their office network in any place they are but just having internet service on their device and a VPN client installed.MikroTik RouterOS has a very rich VPN feature which support almost all type of VPN technologies that are available in the market nowadays. Configuring VPN on MikroTik RouterOS is always a challenge, that's why I have designed this course to show you step-by-step how VPN can be configured on the RouterOS on every VPN technology used.This course will be based on LABS, so you will see all steps needed to make your router as a VPN server or a VPN client and what are the steps to follow to make them work.I look forward to see you in my course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |