Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gluster FS - Storage Distribudo" |
"Aprenda como construir um sistema de Storage Distribudo em Rede, utilizando GlusterFS.Com GlusterFS possvel criar um Storage unindo 2 ou mais servidores, de modo a promover redundncia e alta disponibilidade, garantindo uma maior confiabilidade ao sistema de armazenamento da sua rede.Durante o curso, iremos criar Volumes GlusterFS utilizando 1, 2 e 4 Servidores.Ainda iremos acessar os dados nos servidores, utilizando NFS e SMB/CIFS, tanto em mquinas Linux como Windows.No deixe de conferir esse importanto sistema para a sua Rede.O que ?GlusterFS um sistema de arquivo escalvel, distribudo, qhe agraga recursos de disco de multiplos servidores, em um nico sistema global.Vantagens?- Escalvel a muitos petabytes- Suporte manipulao de milhares de conexes clientes- Compativel com padro POSIX- Pode usar hardware commodity- Pode usar qualquer sistame de arquivo que suporte atributos extendidos- Acessvel por NFS e SMB por exemplo- Permite replicao, cotas, geo-replicao, snapshots e deteco de degradao de dados"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de VDI com Proxmox VE" |
"Ol! Bem vindo ao curso bsico de VDI com Proxmox VE.Aqui iremos aprender como ativar o SPICE e acess-lo tanto dentro do Proxmox VE como por fora, ou seja sem estar logado na interface web de administrao.Tambm iremos trabalhar com Apache Guacamole, uma maneira fcil, rpida e prtica de ter um desktop dentro de um navegador web.Espero que seja de grande proveito.Abraos.GilbertoP.S.: A utilizao do VDI ensinada aqui no tem relao nenhuma com o VMWare Horizon View ou MS RemoteApp! uma abordagem bem diferente! Portanto, considere isto antes de se inscrever no curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"OviOS Linux Avanado Replicao Cluster e HA de Storage" |
"Este curso uma continuao do Curso OviOS Linux - Storage de Rede.Neste curso iremos utilizar o OviOS Linux em um ambiente que necessita de alta disponibilidade de dados.Iremos trabalhar com:- Criao de Pool ZFS utilizando ZRAID- Criao de Lun e Volumes- Criao de target iscsi- Configurao e ativao de Replicao de Storage com ZFS, com 2 servidores- Disaster Recovery com 2 servidores- Configurao e ativao de soluo de Alta Disponibilidade para continuidade de servio de dados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Laravel essential guide." |
"Do you want to learn the whole process of building an App with Laravel ?.This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how to install it....and why should I to actually understanding how Laravel communicates with the front and backend.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Laravel in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding, after the getting to know laravel sections we will put everything in practice with a practice project.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Laravel. How to install and set up everything( Mac and Windows )We will talk basics with templates, controllers, migration and models.Once we are done with the basics, we will learn about Eloquent.We will connect our Laravel app with mysql.Perform crud operations.Will use plugins like WYSIWYG, Filemanager, slugs, etc.Put everything into practice with a practice project.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript, css and HTML is required.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Server side rendering with Next + React" |
"Do you want to learn the whole process of building a server side React App ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how to use it..and why should I? to actually understand how Server side with Next + React works and make it communicate with other technologies like Auth0 and Express.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Server side Next + React in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding, after the most important section we will put everything in practice with a course project and deploy the app to production.We will use Next of course, and react to make the front end work.Dont know how to use React ?Dont worry, there is an optional full min course where we will show you how to use plain React, so once you have a strong base of React you can start with Next Js.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Next. How to install and the logic behind it.Create Layouts, using Links and all the power of Initial props.We will understand how CSS, Sass, Less work with Next.How to use routes properly and make it work with React.Everybody is using Redux, so we will learn how to use redux with our Next.Since our app will need a database, you will learn how to use it with MongoDB and mongoose.Apply security, authentication with Auth0, restricting routes,etc.We will create a practice project using React, Redux, Next and MongoDB.Of course, we will learn the whole process of publishing you app using Heroku.If you want to refresh your React abilities you also get a Full React course.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with TypeScript" |
"Do you want to take your application to the next level with Typescript ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know what it is..and why should I? to actually understand how Typescript works and make it work on a real application.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Typescript in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.We will use ES6 syntax to code our scripts.Dont know how to use ES6 ?Dont worry, there is an optional full ES6 min course at the end where you will learn all the basics of ES6 so you don't miss out on anything.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Typescript. How to install and the logic behind it.Understand how type annotation and inference work.Learn how objects, classes , arrays and functions work around TS.Use Namespaces and modules.Make an application work with JS, HTML and a bit of CSS.Use external libraries and definition files.Build you app using a build tool like Webpack.Create a React application with typescript.If you want to refresh your ES6 abilities you also get a Full ES6 course.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The complete Angular Course , Typescript included." |
"Do you want to take your application to the next level with Angular ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how to install it.and why should I? to actually understand how Angular works and make a real application.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Angular in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Angular was built on top of Typescript.Dont know how to use Typescript ?Dont worry, there is an optional full Typescript course at the end where you will learn all the basics of Typescript so you don't miss out on anything.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:We will learn how to install Angular app.Understand how use the most basic tools to create a simple App.Handle mor complex code with services and directives.Apply authentication and route preventing.How to use typescript with or without Angular.Use external libraries like RXJS, Angular Material and NGX Bootstrap.Create two practice projects and also an authentication template..What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reverse Engineering with Radare 2" |
"In this course we will learn about the Radare 2 reverse engineering framework. It is an open source free alternative to IDA Pro. I started to work with it because I think nobody will buy IDA Pro unless it is paid by your employer. Radare 2 is a perfect free alternative, its only disadvantage is that it could be hard to start using it. This is where this course comes in. My goal was to get you over the hard part as fast as possible. So that you can get comfortable with Radare 2.These are the things you will learn in this course:Setting up RadareUnderstanding its syntaxUnderstanding its configInformation gathering about the binaryNavigation in the binaryCross referencesRun-time debuggingPatching the binaryHowever there are a few things that are not goals of this course:We are going to focus on the tool and not on assembly, so this is not an assembly course. You can follow along without understanding everything in assembly and that is fine, but dont expect that you can learn assembly in a few hours.We will learn some reverse engineering techniques but it is not our goal to learn everything.However what you are definitely will learn is how to use Radare 2, and after this course if you need to analyse a binary you will be able to pull out radare from your sleeves anytime you need it.All exercises are hand-on, so you are expected to repeat the exercises yourself. I have done quite a lot of trainings myself, live or online, and I can tell you that without practicing they won't stick. This is a really practical training so I encourage you to try everything yourself, because just watching the videos will only give you the illusion that you learnt something, 80% of the learning happens when you do the exercises."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Disea anuncios efectivos en poco tiempo para redes sociales" |
"Te tardas mucho diseando tus anuncios? Tienes poco presupuesto para mandar a hacer banners? o Cuentas con poco tiempo para aprender programas de diseo como CorelDraw, Photoshop o Ilustrator?An cuando sub-contrataras a un diseador grfico, debes ajustarte a sus tiempos de entrega. Y si tu presupuesto es pequeo, solo mandas a hacer uno y lo usas en todos los medios digitales disponibles.Es posible disear tus anuncios (o banners) modernos, prcticos y de diferentes tamaos en muy poco tiempo y fcilmente para promocionar tus productos y servicios en distintos medios digitales (incluso tradicionales). Dndote ms tiempo para tus otras actividades de negocio. Y hay ms, te ayudar a:Elaborar piezas publicitarias de tus productosLlamar la atencinCrear recordatoriosConstruir la imagen de tu empresaEclipsar a tu competenciaHacer una inversin estratgica en contenido visualCrear buena voluntad al ganar la confianza de la gente con banners frescos y modernosAcortar tiempos de diseoReducir el tiempo de comercializacin con diseos frescos y prcticosPromocionar tu empresa de manera atractiva y profesional sin ser diseador grficoEn solo un par de horas descubre cmo usar una herramienta que te ayudar a disear rpido sus banners, incluso compartiendo tus diseos con otras personas para mejorarlos esto ya es posible con internet!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"7 Pasos para tener Presencia en Internet" |
"Este curso te ayudar a posicionar tu empresa en 7 lugares estratgicos de Internet para que tu empresa sea encontrada. Diseamos este curso para emprendedores, profesionistas y empresarios que tienen su marca o empresa registrada en muy pocos lugares de interent o an no est. Si no tienes experiencia previa y es tu primera vez que muestras tu empresa en internet, debes tomar este curso, que asume nunca has registrado tu empresa en algn sitio en internet, te mostrar desde cmo disear un logotipo hasta registrarte en 7 lugares de internet, paso a paso y sin asumir conocimiento alguno.No importa si solo sabes navegar en internet, te llevamos de la mano para que puedas darte de alta en esos 7 lugares en internet. Si ya tienes experiencia, aprenders cules son las redes sociales favoritas y por qu, en las que crearemos de la mano tu presencia en internet y a vincularlas con tu oficina virtual.En este curso aprenders lo bsico de cada tecnologa y despus vincularemos todo, es decir: crearemos presencia en 7 lugares distintos y luego veremos como vincularlos sin duda lo que considero la mejor forma de aprender e implementar.Cada lugar es un paso por lo que en 7 pasos estaremos configurando una estrategia para que tus clientes presentes y futuros puedan encontrarte en internet y te contacten.Que te encuentren en internet es considerado una prioridad para todo negocio que desea ser rentable (es decir lograr ventas), porque los usuarios cada vez se apoyan ms en internet para tomar decisiones de compra.Permite que tu empresa sea encontrada, investigada y conocida por internet incluso antes de que te contacten. Dales todas las opciones para contactarte: llamando, enviando un mensaje o visitando tu empresa.Estar en internet nunca fue tan fcil, pero estar en los lugares estratgicos, eso es trabajar inteligentemente. Aqu te decimos y te enseamos cmo poner una oficina virtual que muestre dnde ests, qu vendes y cmo contactarte.Este curso est lleno de tips y recomendaciones para sacar el mximo provecho al momento de que te registras en internet.Qu esperas para empezar? Nos vemos dentro del curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Maya 2019 Beginners Course" |
"Hi everyone welcome to Maya 2019 beginners course my name is Vito and im going to be your instructor throughout this course.This course is for those with no prior experience in Maya or 3D Modeling in general. Not only youll learn Maya but youll be introduced to fundamentals of 3D Modeling which will help you work with any 3D Modeling application. This in-depth Maya course is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in Maya, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program. During the course of these lessons, you'll have a chance to learn about different aspects of Maya. In the first portion of this course, you'll get familiar with the fundamental skills that you'll need in order to begin moving around and working in Maya. From there, you'll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in Maya, From there, you go through the entire process of creating materials and textures. Then, you'll see the process of uv unwrapping. Finally, you'll discover how to add lights, shadows, and how to render your final animated sequence. This course is designed for new Maya users, so its goal is to help you form some really good habits and workflows, allowing you to see the entire start-to-finish pipeline, and by the end of this Maya course, you'll be at a point where you can feel very comfortable using the software. So let's go ahead and get started"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Maya 2019 Beginners Course in Hindi/Urdu" |
"Hi Everyone! may hu aap ka instructor iVito and welcome to Maya 2019 Beginners Course. Ye In depth Maya Course designed kia gaya hain un k lia jin ka pass Maya ya 3D Modeling ka koi experience nahi hani. App sirf Maya nahi seeky gay balke aap ko introduce karwaya jay ga 3D ke fundamental sy. jis sy aap kisi b 3D Modeling Application may kam kar saky gay. Ye in depth Maya course designed kia gaya hain aap ko ek solid understanding danay k lia jo core features hain Maya may. Aur aap ka jo ek transition hota hain ess powerful application may us ko easy banay k lia. Ess Course may aap ko chance mila ga Maya ko different aspect sy seeknay ka. Ess Course k first portion may aap ko familiarize karwaya jay ga fundamental skills sy jo aap ko zaroorat hotay hain moving around or basic work ka lia Maya may. From there aap ko Advanced Modeling tools sakay jay gay. Per app yaha sy ek entire progress sy jay gay jis may aap Create karay gay Materials, Textures per aap UV unwrap karay gay, Aur next aap discover karay gay k Lights, Shadows kasay add kartay hain. Aur finally aap ek Animated Sequence ko Render karay gay.Ye Course Maya k new users k lia designed kia gaya hain so ess course ka goal hain k aap ko kuch really good habits sakay jay. Aur aap ek pura start to finish pipeline daky. Aur by the end of this course aap ek asy point per hoin gay jaha aap very comfortable feel karay gay ess application ko use kartay huay so let go ahead and get started :)EnglishHi Everyone! i'm your instructor iVito and welcome to Maya 2019 beginners Course.This course is for those with no prior experience in Maya or 3D Modeling in general. Not only youll learn Maya but youll be introduced to fundamentals of 3D Modeling which will help you work with any 3D Modeling application. This in-depth Maya course is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in Maya, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program. During the course of these lessons, you'll have a chance to learn about different aspects of Maya. In the first portion of this course, you'll get familiar with the fundamental skills that you'll need in order to begin moving around and working in Maya. From there, you'll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in Maya, From there, you go through the entire process of creating materials and textures. Then, you'll see the process of uv unwrapping. Finally, you'll discover how to add lights, shadows, and how to render your final animated sequence. This course is designed for new Maya users, so its goal is to help you form some really good habits and workflows, allowing you to see the entire start-to-finish pipeline, and by the end of this Maya course, you'll be at a point where you can feel very comfortable using the software. So let's go ahead and get started"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Android : Making a Quiz app using Fragments and API(poi)." |
"In this course we make a Quiz App using Fragments and poi API.Fragments have been used to display changing UIs(Screens) for different buttons.API-poi has been used to read data from an excel sheet present in the assets of the app.Students will learn how to deal with fragments and how can they use poi API to read data from their excel.It is great class for students who are looking forward to making Android App projects and want to learn advanced techniques in Android SDK."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Taming Big Data using Spark & Python" |
"The Course is for those who do not know even ABCof BigData and tools, want to learn them and be in a comfortable situation to implement them in projects. The course is also for those, who have some knowledge on Big Data tools, but want to enhance them further and be comfortable working in Projects. Due to the extensive scenario implementation, the course is also suitable for people interested to write Big Data Certifications like CCA 175. The course contains Practice Test for CCA175.The course is being provided with fully functional BigData labs on Cloudera &Windows VMs, you need not to buy cluster very often to practice the tools. Hence, the Course is ONETIMEINVESTMENT for secure future.In the course, we will learn how to utilize BigData tools like Hadoop, Flume, Kafka, Spark,Scala (the most valuable tech skills on the market today).In this course I will show you how to - 1. Use Python and Spark to analyze Big Data.2. Practice Test for writing CCA 175 Exam is available at the end of the course.3. Extensive and Real time project scenarios with solutions as you will write in REALPROJECTS4. Use Sqoop to import data from Traditional Relational Databases to HDFS&Hive.5. Use Flume and Kafka to process streaming data6. Use Hive to view and store data & Partition the tables7. Use Spark Streaming to fetch the streaming data from Kafka &FlumeBigData is the most in demand skills right now, and with this course you can learn them quickly and easily! You can also learn the components in the basic setup in files like ""hdfs-site.xml"", ""core-site.xml"" etc They are good to know if working for a project.The course is focused on upskilling someone who do not know BigData tools and target is to bring them up-to the mark to be able to work in BigData projects seamlessly without issues. This course comes with project scenarios and multiple datasets to work on with.After completing this course you will feel comfortable putting BigData, Python and Spark on your resume and also will be easily able to work and implement in projects!Thanks and I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Setup BigData on Windows" |
"The Course will let you know, how you can setup Hadoop components on your windows and create required shortcut or batch program so that all the Hadoop components get started when you want. The course also ensures, the components can well talk with each other and can communicate through without any issue."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Upgrade Cloudera VM with Kafka and Spark 2.2.0" |
"In this course, I will let you know, how you can upgrade the existing Cloudera VM which does not have Kafka & also, has Spark 1.6, so that you end up having Cloudera VM with Kafka &Spark (Any latest Version) and then fix some Performance Issues immediately received after the fix and the integration between all the tools."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete AWS SQL Server RDS Bootcamp: Beginner To Expert" |
"If you are looking to find out vital information with SQL Server RDS then this is the course for you.You will learnHow to create and delete SQL Server RDS instancesHow to create a SQL Server RDS instance from your computers operating systemHow to administrate an SQL Server RDS instanceHow to backup and restore a SQL Server RDS instance to S3Best practices when using Amazon RDSAfter this course, you will be able to administrate SQL Server RDS environments on AWS"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete SQL Server DBA Bootcamp: Beginner To Expert" |
"Learn to become an SQL Server DBA (Database Administrator) and become a Junior SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA).This course is for anybody who wants to become a SQL Server DBA but doesn't know what skills or steps to take.Nearly every company needs a DBA and usually, they need a SQL Server DBA. To become a good DBA, you need technical, communication and problem-solving skills.In this course, I will cover how to be a DBA and you will learn the same skills no matter which version of SQL Server you use.This step by step approach will be as followsLearn all the concepts of installing and configuring SQL ServerGain knowledge on how to secure a SQL Server and DatabaseLearn how to backup and restore a databaseLearn T-SQL skills to be an amazing SQL Server DBAThis your first step to becoming a SQL Server DBA, let's get started!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Vagrant Fundamentals for Achieving DevOps Success" |
"The DevOps movement has seen the release of a whole host of tools to help ops engineers and developers work together collaboratively to write, test and deploy code that supports their business. One of the most useful tools in this space is Vagrant by HashiCorp.Vagrant provides a no-nonsense way to streamline your development workflow by orchestrating virtual machines and enabling you to easily define complex environments and deploy them with ease in a repeatable and reliable way. Vagrant finally solves the age old developer mantra of; ""It worked on my machine!""Groups of developers and system engineers can work on identical environments that are crafted to reflect their end production systems. This gives developers the ability to work side by side using identical environments and to test changes on systems that have a close parity to production. Ops engineers can deploy those same environments to test infrastructure configuration or application integration.Vagrant is not limited to just developers and ops engineers. It's so versatile it can solve a whole range of problems, I even use it in my other training courses as a teaching tool ensuring all of my students are working from the same, tested known environment! Vagrant really is for everyone!In this course we'll cover the fundamentals of Vagrant, you'll learn what boxes are and how to use the Vagrant Cloud to find them. Throughout the course we'll create a new Vagrant project and deploy out packages and content to spin up a working web server from a single command."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cybersecurity 1.0 for Beginners" |
"Now a Days Cyber Security is a Must Have for IT professional!Each and Every IT company is Hiring Cyber Security Expert to secure there system. Adobe, Amazon, start-up, Alibaba, Different Banks all are hiring Cyber security Expert to Secure their System!Within 2020 there will be 10 millions New Job Worldwide in the Cyber Security Space.While other types of IT jobs like network administrator or software developer are more common and well-known, cyber security jobs are smaller in number but fast increasing in importance. As our global economy has led to more Internet-based computing and connectivity the world over, organizations have grown ever more vulnerable to hacking and cyber attacks. And just as a business might hire security even when theres a local police force, so must a business hire cyber security staff. It is ultimately the duty of the organization to protect their proprietary data as well as any customer information they are privy to.These cyber security professionals are in short supply, however. Last year, NASSCOM reported that India alone would need 1 million cyber security professionals by 2020, while job portal Indeed reported a spike of 150 percent in cyber security roles between January 2017 and March 2018. Companies like KPMG have doubled the size of their cyber security teams in recent years."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain For Business+Finance Professionals 2019 - NEW" |
"""Blockchain is the NEXT Internet. Block Chain will revolutionize Business, Healthcare, Finance, Banking, Development""- BBC News*******************************************Please Note********* *****************************We are not going to show you how to write code. But we are going to explain everything else, which is relevant and important to know about blockchain. ******************************************************************************************* What if You get a chance to Ride a Time Machine? What if You are the Early investor in Facebook, Google or Microsoft?I know Only a Few Cracked the Early Stage of Internet and able to Understand the True potential of Internet!The History is Going to Repeat very soon! Something Big is Coming ....Which is *** BLOCKCHAIN ***Blockchain will Disrupt the World in Next 10 Years!It is the Hottest Topic of this Time!The Blockchain For Business+Finance Professionals 2019 course provides you with a clear,solid, overall, understanding of blockchain technology, blockchain for Healthcare, Banking and how it relates to the different industries. Together we cover the most essential areas and use-cases regarding Block Chain Technology.Later well see how it's disrupting the different industries and how it can also generate new opportunities.You will be prepared to understand the changes that are, and will be occurring in various industries due to the revolutionizing aspects of this technology.Blockchain technology is the backbone that supports Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoins,Ethereum,Litecoin,EOS,Stellar.Blockchain is a protocol for exchanging value over the internet without an intermediary, such as a central bank. It is the technology which allows a secure management of a public ledger or database which is nothing but the distributed ledger, where transactions are verified and securely stored on a network without a physical governing central authority.It is believed to have the similar disruptive potential that the internet had in the 1990s.Just like the internet revolutionized the exchange of information, Blockchain is being said to revolutionize the exchange of value. Clearly, Chartered Accountants, CFOs and business leaders are intrigued by the promise of the Block chain technology.In a marked difference from the prevailing systems of exchange of value, where two or more parties need to agree on the value and other commercial considerations for a transaction to happen, Blockchain allows for transactions within a closed group underpinned by a cryptocurrency. Blockchain offers the storage of records of transaction data through distributed networks. It retains the full history of transactions, which makes them verifiable and independently auditable. It also enables peer-to-peer transfer of value, potentially eliminating the need for intermediaries. In addition, event triggered programmable contracts, also known as smart contracts, can be stored and executed on Blockchain.What this Blockchain technology is so powerful ?Blockchain has several intrinsic features which allows it to record and transfer value over the internet in a peer-to-peer manner:Irreversibility: This technology prevents double spending, fraud, abuse, and manipulation of transactions because it contains certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made that cannot be altered without altering the entire chain.No intermediary: It allows any two parties to transact directly with each other, without any trusted third party.Near real time: It enables near real time settlement of recorded transactions, removing friction, and reducing risk.Censorship resistant: Crypto economics ensures that Blockchain continues pumping out new blocks and that blocks are not being reverted or altered.Distributed ledger: The peer-to-peer distributed network records a public history of transactions, making Blockchain distributed and highly available.There are several specific use cases where the Blockchain technology can prove to be useful for the Finance Function. Some of these are listed below:Budgeting and ForecastingIntercompany reconciliationsFinancial AuditVendor ManagementShareholder Voting Who can take this course?Any person with interest in Finance and emerging technologiesAny individual from Software DevelopmentAny Student from College with any degree backgroundAny individual who is working on BlockchainAny working professional interested in Blockchain to upgrade their skills and knowledgeNon-IT finance professionalsCFOsControllersManagement accountantsPublic accountantsPartnersStaffManagersInternal auditorsWhat should students must know before taking the course? Basic terms of TechnologyBasic terms of FinanceBusiness Workflows What will students gain after completing the course? Advanced Concepts in BlockchainImplementation of BlockchainCryptocurrencies - How, What and When Next Generation Blockchain TechnologiesFinancial Use Cases in Blockchain - Deep DiveBlockchain FrameworksHow to transform to a blockchain Startup - Success Stories of implementation In fact, in 2018 global blockchain survey, 84% of organizations reported that they were working with blockchain. When combined with AI, the internet of things (IoT), and intelligent automation, blockchain can play a central role in moving finance organizations toward the future they envisionone in which routine tasks are completed without a second thought, giving finance professionals time to focus on strategy and operations.Today, most finance organizations are held back by inefficiencies. They spend inordinate amounts of time sifting through and manipulating data that is often either inconsistent or located in several disconnected systemsjust to retrieve answers to basic questions. Legacy systems can be far more powerful when combined with blockchain, which can bring business users closer to a single, trusted source of truth.Blockchain can pave the way for this future. The technology promises other benefits, as well: Internet-connected devices seamlessly uploading data, and artificial intelligence (AI) systems tapping into historical records and proactively suggesting actions that finance professionals can use to bring their company to the next level in their digital transformation.While blockchaina secure digital ledger of all transactions in a decentralized networkmight not yet be a top priority for you or many other finance leaders, thats changing. Though blockchain has gained prominence for powering cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, its now beginning to demonstrate its incredible potential to evolve how business is done.So, what are you waiting for ? Grab this course and become part of the new industrial revolution that is already shaping the future! We believe that youll get every single thing which will help you to become a blockchain finance professional from this excellent and brand new course.But if you are not completely happy with it end of the course we offer a full 30-day unconditional refund. So, lets begin! Take this course today and become part of the new industrial revolution that is already shaping the future!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAS Predictive Modeling - (3 in 1) with 3 live Case Studies" |
"**THIS COURSE IS FOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL SAS PROGRAMMER. DO NOT BUY THE COURSE IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER **Why this Course is Different?This course is NOT like the Other Courses Over the Internet! As you have knowledge in Base SAS so this course will take you to the Intermediate and Advance Level. We will cover all the Hard Things in a easy to understand and Simple Way. Linear Regression,Logistic Regression, Time Series Forecasting we will cover all the 3 Predictive Modeling Technique Step by Step.After Each Chapter We cover ONEIndustry Level CASE Study and 3 Case Studies in Total.What Exactly SAS Predictive Modeling Is?Simply Predictive modeling is a process that forecasts outcomes and probabilities through the use of data mining.Why Predictive Modeling is Important?It helps Organization / Business to Predict the Future Outcome from the Past Data. Which helps the Organization to make Better decision and Sales.How Much Salary SAS Programmer is Getting?In USA SAS Programmers are getting anywhere between $88,000 - $100,000/yr.Job Demand For SAS Programmer?Job Demand in SAS is Sky High. All the top Companies are using Predictive Modeling for future Outcome.Companies Like Facebook, Google, AirBnB, Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba all are Hiring Experts having Experience in Predictive Modeling. TechniqueThis course gives an overview of All SAS Predictive modeling Solution and Specifically introduces the functionality in the SAS High Performance Statics for Predictive Modeling.This course shows examples of applying advanced statics to huge volumes of data and draw specific interpretations out of it.Who Should take the Course?This is an intermediate course designed for whom are comfortable with Base SAS can take the course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OpenStack for Complete Beginners" |
"According to the Linux Foundation OpenStack is One Of the Most Popular Open source Project. The Big IT firms and the Small Start ups are adopting OpenStack and the that is the reason that OpenStack is growing so rapidly last years.Which Companies Are Using OpenStack?Here is the List of the Companies who are using OpenStack:AT&T.Ericsson.Huawei.Intel.Rackspace.Red Hat, Inc.SUSE.Tencent Cloud.Salary Of an OpenStack Engineer?The Average Salary of an OpenStack Engineer is $99,676/yrWho this course is for:DevelopersSystem AdministratorsCloud EngineersArchitectsIT LeadersNetwork AdministratorsAnyone with an IT background and wants to level up career!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Advanced C Programming: Pointers (In Depth)" |
"To be an expert C programmer you need to master on pointers.The course explain Pointers really in depth and hands on! You will learn all the concepts that are very valuable to understand the real Funda of Pointers which Most of the Text Books and FREE Youtube video dont cover.In this course you will get:5 Hours Of High Quality VideoQuizzes after each video to test your KnowledgeCoding QuizzesC codes of all the programmes!This is not a course for the beginners. This is an intermediate level course. Who have the basic knowledge in C programming and what to move to the Advance Level can really interested about pointer can take the course.If youve struggled with pointers and have knowledge gap in this area then this course fits you.This course is designed in a very scientific way, In a series of short, tightly-targeted lessons, you will learn all about:computer memory and how pointers access ithow memory is allocatedwhat happens when you cast pointers to specific typeswhy some pointers are genericWhat happens if type mismatch problem occurs and how to avoid it.Malloc, calloc, realloc with real hands on in depth!With this course we provide you all the source codes in C. So just download and run your code on your IDE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAS For Data Handling - Learn SAS For Data Handling in Weeks" |
"Data Handling has become a very crucial part of commercial industries over the few years as it enables a more-informed business decision based on research.After completing this course, You will be able to:Demonstrate the methods to read, process,combine and access data sets or data files.Create SAS data sets, manipulate data values and control which values in data set and processed and presented as an output.Manage and manipulate data sets by investigating SAS data libraries: sorting observation, using conditional logic, assigning, modifying and aggregating variable values using DO loops and SAS Arrays and validating and clean data.Generate list and summary reports using different procedures and enhance reportsIdentify and resolve programming logic, syntax and data errors."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Design and Analysis of Algorithm Masterclass [ 2019 ]" |
"Algorithm used in everywhere. People Don't know how Complex Algorithm they are executing when doing there day to day task like: Riding a Bi-Cycle, Travelling from one place to another even Watering Garden. If you are Coder then the Knowledge of algorithm is Very much important for you. The knowledge of Algorithm teach you How to Think to solve a Problem?Algorithm is the concepts which differentiate one average software engineer and one better software engineer. In our daily life in the industry we used different kinds of algorithm to make the system faster, better and efficient.But the problem is 90% of the freshers and graduates dont have the basic knowledge of algorithm. That is the reason we make this Design and Analysis of algorithm Masterclass.What you are Going to Learn?Asymptotic Notations, Recursion, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Dijkstra's, Bellman Ford, Floyd Warshall Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm, Knapsack Problem, String Matching with Finite Automaton, Heap sort, Huffman Codes, n-Queens Algorithm, Rat in Maze, 0/1 Knapsack Problem, 15 Puzzle Problem, NP Completeness, Approximation Algorithms"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"REST API Design and Best Practice - Learn the SECRET Tricks!" |
"Facebook, Google, GitHub, Netflix and a lot of Tech Companies have given the access of their Huge Database to the Developer using REST API.If you are a Developer and You NOT write API for Other Companies then also it is a Healthy and Good thing to have beautifully crafted APIs.Over the Internet, there is no such ""OFFICIAL"" guideline for API Designing and Best Practices BUT in the Industry, we use some STANDARD Practices for API. The API is an interface, through which a lot of developers communicate or interact with data. A good designed API is always very easy to use for the Developers and it helps them a lot. You can Say, API is the GUI for developers, if it is confusing or not verbose, then the developer will start finding the alternatives or stop using it. Developers experience is the most important metric to measure the quality of the APIs.Here in the course, we are going to give some lights into the Standard Design and BEST Practice for the REST API.Meet Your Instructor : -This course is designed and Developed by Mr. Sayan who has more than 10+ Years of Experiences in JAVA, JEE, Microservices, and Andriod Development.He is also a SCJP Certified Java Developer.Over a Decade he Served Different Organization like Cognizant, Sychrony, Indus Net, IsIs Design etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advance C Programming : Pointers (In Depth Hands On)" |
"Think You are Familiar with C Programming Language and Interested to Learn the Advance Concepts of Pointers!Almost every Colleges and University include C Programming into their Curriculum but almost 87% People who have good C Programming knowledge fails in one Area --- Pointer.And the question is Why?Simply Because it is Hard compared to other topics in C Programming.That is the reason we launched this advance easy to understand step by step hands-on C Pointer course.Why Learn from Us?This course is taught by Mr. Ravi who has more than 15 Years of Experience in different Programming Language like C, C++,Java and also has sound knowledge in Linux. He is an Architect and he also writes different books like C for Kidz, C++ Hands-On, Linux for an absolute beginner.What you will Learn?At the end of the course, you will learn not only learn the concepts of pointer but you will grab the concepts behind it.This course is 10 hours long, divided into 5 interactive modules. At the end of each module, you get interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and 24x7 support in our community forum.Lets discuss the course curriculum.In the first chapter, we just discuss some Introduction and overview of the course2nd chapter is all about Pointers and Arrays. Here we discuss Pointers with 1D Arrays, Pointers with 2D Arrays, Array of Pointers, Pointer to Group of sequential 1-D arrays, Double Pointer for 2D Array Representation and Command-Line Arguments. Live coding and Quiz help you to grab the concepts easily.Our 3rd chapter is all about Pointers and Functions. In this chapter we will cover Call by value vs call by address, Passing 1D Arrays to function Arguments, Passing 2D Arrays to function Arguments, Function pointers and Function returning a pointer.4th module is all about Pointers and Strings. Here you will get the concepts of Overview of Strings and their initialization, Pointers to strings, Allocating dynamic memory for pointers to store strings in them. Here we also implement some string library function like Strlen, strcpy, strcmp, strcat, strrev with live coding. Our last module is on Pointers with Structures and Unions. In this chapter you will learn Basic concepts of Structures and Union, Memory Organization and Array of Structures, Pointers with Structures, Dangling Reference, Memory Leaks and Self Referential Structures.Who Can Take the Course?This course is Strictly NOT for Beginners. You must have a basic understanding of C Programming. This course helps you to be a master in the Pointer Concepts.BonusThis course comes with 30 days Money-back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied anyhow you will get your money back no question asked.When you enroll in the course you will get access to our Private Facebook and Telegram Group absolutely for free.So why you are waiting for? Take the course right now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Discrete Optimization Data Science Heuristic & Metaheuristic" |
"Discrete Optimization is something all of us use in our daily activities when say, we order at a restaurant, decide which subject to study, take up a new activity or look for a change. It comprises of choosing between alternatives that best suit some objective we have in mind. When such things are formalized, i.e. the objective and the ability of each choice to fulfill that objective are quantified, we get a mathematical expression of the problem we would optimize.The classical or statistical method of enumerating all solutions and choosing the best out of them is the ideal way of solving any optimization problem, and will always lead to the global optimal solution however complex be the discrete optimization (or Combinatorics) problem. But such a brute force solution is only feasible for some smaller problems involving a handful of features. As soon as the dimension of the problem starts growing, brute force fails, sheerly from time considerations. We then have to think of better ways to solve and come across methods or heuristics such as a greedy algorithm, which chooses the most beneficial solution step at each iteration. Such a procedure gives an acceptable solution fast enough, but not always able to find the shortest route (our original objective). This results in a compromise or trade-off between accuracy and speed, without which most practical problems would never be solved.The major treatise of optimization is considered equivalent to finding the shortest route through a series of cities. This comprises the generic Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), generic in the sense that most discrete optimization problems can be reduced to the TSP very easily. Different algorithms can be employed to solve this problem. The solution methods in this discrete optimization course are practically illustrated with different instances of the TSP (and a knapsack problem) as examples.Nature-inspired metaheuristics give us some excellent ways to solve a discrete optimization problem in an elegant way. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one such algorithm proposed by Marco Dorigo in the 1990s, and is considered a state-of-the-art method to solve the TSP.The course progressively relates live real-world experiences to optimization problems and casts them in the language of mathematics. The methods to solve the TSP is introduced lucidly, and with care. Three example problems of increasing difficulty are solved through different methods introduced in the course, and their individual results compared."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Le langage Go Formation complte" |
"Go est un langage open-source cr par Google. Sa popularit est en explosion, il est maintenant dans le top 20 des langages les plus populaires du classement TIOBE. De plus, Go est encore jeune, cest le bon moment pour vous y mettre !Ce cours sadresse autant aux dbutants en programmation qu ceux qui ont dj une exprience dans un autre langage (Java, C#, Python ou Ruby). A la fin du cours, vous serez capable de raliser des projets Go complets.Go est un langage la fois abordable et puissant. Avec lui, vous pourrez aussi bien faire des outils simples (traitement de fichiers, compression zip, etc. ) que des applications web performantes (gnration de miniatures, API REST, etc). Qui utilise Go ?Go est n en 2009, et en moins de 10 ans a dj conquis le monde. Grce son accent sur la performance et la facilit de dveloppement, on le trouve chez de grands noms comme :Google (of course !)NetflixGitHubUberMolotov TVLeBonCoinStructure du coursGrce aux quizz et aux exercices, vous serez capable de matriser toutes les spcificits de Go. Voici quelques exemples de projets que nous ferons ensemble :Un outils de remplacement de mots dans des fichiers ;Le jeu du pendu en console incluant des tests unitaires pour vrifier la logique de jeu ;Un dictionnaire stockant ses dfinitions en base de donnes ;Un gnrateur de certificats de russite qui produit des PDFs et du HTML.Un logiciel de filtre massif dimages, qui converti en noir et blanc ou applique un flou tout en divisant par 4 le temps de traitement grce aux Goroutines ;Un serveur web proposant une API HTTP Rest pour un catalogue de film avec authentification JWTPour raliser ces applications, nous allons aborder tous les aspects importants du langage :La syntaxe de base du Go, dclaration des variables, contrles de flux (if, for, etc.) ;Les diffrences de Go avec dautres langages (Java, Python, etc.) ;Lorganisation du code en package ;Lutilisation de bibliothques externes ;Les Goroutines et les Channels pour parallliser vos traitements ;Les requtes HTTP GET / POST avec du contenu JSON ;Le routing pour crer un serveur web performant ;Les interactions base de donnes en SQL ;La scurisation d'API avec JWT.Je compte ajouter encore beaucoup de contenu dans ce cours, attendez-vous recevoir des mise jour rgulires. Rejoignez moi et maitrisez le Go pour rpondre la demande croissante sur cette technologie !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android Sensors Cas pratiques d'applications" |
"Bienvenue dans la formation Android Sensors Cas pratiques dapplications. Dans ce cours, vous allez raliser des applications Android professionnelles tout en dcouvrant lutilisation de nombreux capteurs (GPS, QRCode, NFC, appareil photo, etc).Lobjectif de la formation est de vous armer pour que vous soyez capable dattaquer nimporte quel projet sur Android. Parfois, on ne sait pas comment organiser son travail pour avoir une structure solide. Aprs les 3 projets complets de ce cours, vous aurez la mthode pour faire des applications en bton !Les 3 applicationsJe vous propose des vrais cas pratiques dapplications que lon construira de A Z. On ralisera chaque projet fond, comme si on allait le publier sur le Google Play Store.Pour rendre lapprentissage plus ludique, jai inscrit chaque projet dans un univers de film / livre. Si on peut apprendre et samuser en mme temps, profitons-en !La 1re application, The Endor Map se base sur lunivers du Seigneur des Anneaux pour explorer les cartes et la golocalisation. On y aborde :La golocalisation et le geofencing ;Lintgration de Google Maps et la personnalisation des cartes ;Les notifications Android ;Les tests unitaires.La 2me application, Bond Gadgets vous place dans lquipe de R&D de James Bond, o vous devrez faire linventaire des gadgets de lAgent 007. Chaque gadget est quip dun QRCode ou dun tag NFC que vous devrez scanner. On y aborde :Le scan de QRCode ;Le scan de tag NFC en lecture et criture ;Les animations ;Les view customs.La dernire application, Stranger Cam, nous propulse dans la srie TV Stranger Things. On va raliser une application photo qui reproduit leffet de la dimension parallle Upside Down. On y abordera :Preview de lappareil photo en direct ;Prise de photo ;Gestion de plusieurs lentilles (appareil photo arrire et frontal) ;Lenregistrement et le partage de fichiers dans les dernires versions dAndroid ;Une galerie photo personnalise.Larchitecture au cur de la formationJe vais profiter de tous ces projets pour discuter avec vous dun sujet qui me tient coeur : larchitecture de projet. Dans cette formation, jai puis dans mes 10 ans dexprience professionnelle en dveloppement pour vous parler de :Comment faire du refactoring efficace ?Comment organiser et nommer ses packages ?Comment profiter de la puissance dAndroid Studio ?Comment simuler des composants pour acclrer le dveloppement ?Quand et comment faire des tests utiles au projet ?On ne fera pas qucrire du code, je le commenterai au fur et mesure et je vous montrerai comment je rflchis pour amliorer mes projets.Structure de la formationPour arriver couvrir tous ces sujets, jai structur le cours pour quil y ait une progression naturelle.On commencera par une introduction aux composants que jutilise dans tous mes projets Android, les Architecture Components :Lifecycle : simplifier la gestion du cycle de vie des Activity et des Fragments ;LiveData : rendre vos donnes observables pour ragir la moindre modification ;ViewModel : structurez autrement vos Activity et modulariser vos applications ;Une fois ces bases poses, on dmarrera fond avec les 3 projets dapplications. Tout au long de la formation, vous aurez 16 exercices pour mettre en pratique et ensemble, on va crire plus de 4000 lignes de code. Le programme est charg !Un dernier motAvec cette formation, jespre partager avec vous ma passion pour le dveloppement et pour les applications bien faites. Mme si a fait des annes que je fais du software, je me torture toujours autant pour nommer une simple variable, et je veux vous faire profiter de toutes ces rflexions ;-) !Jespre de tout coeur que vous me rejoindrez dans le dveloppement de cette nouvelle gnration dapplis sur Android ! Je suis trs ractif dans la section Questions / Rponses et adore changer avec les tudiants autour de ce sujet passionnant.A trs vite !"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |