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"Conhecendo as Mirrorless" |
"Tem curiosidade em saber o que so cmeras Mirrorless (sem espelho) e como elas funcionam?Nesse curso vamos abordar seu mecanismo em alguns modelos disponveis no mercado das quais fazem parte do meu acervo:- Sony A6000 (APS)- Sony A7 (Full Frame)- Leica DLux Typ 109 (Micro 4/3)- Fuji Film XT100 (APS)Nesse curso vamos mostrar algunas funces das cmeras, onde ficam os botes que mais usamos, como elas se comportam, comparativos, e claro, fotografias de exemplo com essas cmeras. Se voc est em dvida se compra ou no uma dessas cmeras (ou modelo semelhante) e se tem vontade de ver na prtica, esse curso para voc. A idia mostrar um pouco de cada cmera e no lhe convencer se esse sistema melhor ou pior que Dslr. Quero ajudar voc compartilhando um pouco do que sei baseado em minha experincia de 5 anos fotografando apenas com Mirrorless. Observao: importante que voc saiba os conceitos bsicos de fotografia (abertura, velocidade, iso, foco, raw), pois vamos falar sobre esses botes tambm. Observao 2: Esse curso NO UM REVIEW OU VDEOMANUAL dessas cmeras. Quero aqui mostrar a vocs na prtica como so seus corpos, botes, clicks, foco, etc...Preparado (a)?Ento vamos l!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Punishment-Free Dog Training: 30 Day Perfect Dog Blueprint" |
"Designed by popular demand - today, you'll gain access to the most impactful dog training games on the planet so that you can quickly (and enjoyably) create a calm, confident dog who is tuned in to your every word...Without having to resort to punishment.Unlike many trainings out there which rely on force to stop bad behavior... In these games you will learn how to proactively change the way that your dog thinks, so that you can instead create good behavior from the inside out. Iknow, sounds kind of crazy... But here's the thing.Chasing your dog around the house, worrying about your belongings, or getting pulled around on the leash - they're all symptoms... In this training, we will show you how to use games to fundamentally change the way that your dog thinks and lives in your home, so that these issues and more will go away. Whether you are brand new to training dogs, or have been doing this a long time - my goal is for you to leave with a brand new dog... And a brand new way of teaching your dog what you want. We break down dog behavior to its most simple form, and help you to change the way that you think about pet training forever. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to create a calm and confident dog -- and who want a step-by-step gameplan to get them there. Anyone who believes that relying on punishment to change a dog's behavior seems a little bit outdated...Here's a small sample of what will be included in this dog behavior masterclass:You RECEIVE meticulously designed training games tailor-made to teach your dog the most important lessons ~89% of owners miss You FOLLOW along step-by-step as your dog's confidence and desire to learn grows with every gameYou LEARNthe secret principles used by some of the world's best dog trainers, and apply them in a fun 5 minute sessionsYou SAVE thousands of dollars on dog training lessons, mentoring and consultations that may or may not workYou GAIN access to tested, proven dog training methods that have already worked on dogs all around the worldYou SKIP the thousands of hours of research, testing, tweaking and retesting required to create your perfect dog in 30 daysYou SEE fully transparently how to apply these games on BRANDNEWDOGSYou BOOST your dog's confidence and the quality of their day to day lifeYou GROW a relationship with your dog that you never thought possibleYou WIN every game, every single day, creating brand new habits that will last a lifetimeThis course leaves NOTHINGto chance, and sets you up for lifelong success with your dog. Dog training no longer has to take months, or worse, years to accomplish...YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO Make training the most fun thing in the world for your dogTeach your dog to always wait for your permission to eat anythingShow your dog that walking on a loose leash is funCreate a dog who is calm in the houseMake your dog's alone time fun for them, so that you don't have to watch them 24/7Show your dog that you are the most amazing thing in the worldCalm your dog down in any situationGet your dog to come back to you every single time you callGive your dog an amazing feeling every time you say their nameMake pet training easy by focusing on addressing the root cause of dog behaviorTraining a dog can be tricky. Because of all of the conflicting, and often misleading information in the world, it can be very difficult to find the things that actually work for your (or your clients')dog. In this training you'll gain instant access to 12 years of research into dog behavior and pet training, testing tweaking and refining - and play dozens of games that actually work right before your eyes. Want to know more?Here are just a few of the step-by-step lectures that you'll be following in Punishment-Free Dog Training:The cause of 90% of Behavioral Issues in DogsHow to Train Your Dog to LOVEAlone Time1 FREEMealtime Hack ThatWillCreate A Dog That CAN'T WAIT To ListenHow to Train Your Puppy Using 1 Game So You Can Trust It Around AnythingHow To Get ADog To Come To You Every TimeHow To Teach Your Dog ToLOVE Walking With ALoose LeashHow To Calm Down An Excited Dog - No Matter Where You AreGetting Your Dog To Respond To Its Name With ENTHUSIASM1 Simple Game To Ensure Your Dog Waits Patiently For Everything They WantTeaching Your Dog 1 Skill That Will Teach Them to Sit, Lie Down, Come, Spin, And Dozens More CommandsA Little Game To Create A Dog That Is Calm And Behaved In The HouseOne Little Sound To Make Sure Your DogCAN'T WAIT to Obey YouHow To Have Your House Do 90% Of Your Dog Training For YouWhat Makes Dogs Spoiled And Bratty - ANDHow To Avoid ItThis Simple Mistake That Causes Selective Hearing In Dogs, And How To Fix ItHow To Get Rid Of Separation Anxiety FORGOOD, ANDHave Your Dog Still Love YouThe Cause of Almost All Dog Behavior Issues - And How To Solve The Core Rather Than The SymptomsThe Simple Mistake That Causes Selective Hearing In Dogs, And How Pet Trainers Can Fix ItDog Not Doing Your Commands?Here's Why. ...And Many More!If you're ready to create your perfect dog, and ready to do so without punishment - allow me to unlock that opportunity for you with Punishment-Free Dog Training - Your 30 Day Perfect Dog Blueprint. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Warum mit den eigenen Finanzen beschftigen?" |
"Im Modul 1 erfhrst Du, warum es sich lohnt, dass Du Dich mit Deinen Finanzen beschftigst. Themen des Moduls sind: Verstndnis fr die Bedeutung von Geld fr unseren AlltagGlaubensstze erkennen und verstehenVorteile der Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen Finanzen erkennenGlaubensstze nachhaltig verndern knnenPersnliche Antreiber entdeckenDurch viele praktische bungen, lehrreiche Videos und hochwertige Zusammenfassungen weit Du nach diesem Modul ganz genau, warum Du Dich mit Deinen Finanzen beschftigen solltest."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Tableau Prep Bootcamp" |
"Tableau Prep is a data preparation tool which can help you prepare your data for analysis with Tableau Desktop or other Business Intelligence tools. You transform your data by building a sequence of events called a flow, to clean, combine, filter and modify your data to suit your needs. In this Udemy Bootcamp course, you'll learn everything you need to know to get up and running with Tableau Prep in just one hour of your time. This course is created to suit all learners, whether you are a novice in the realm of data preparation, or veteran Business Intelligence Analyst. Each short video explains a key core concept. Combined, the videos provide you with a solid foundation that I am confident will allow you to start using Tableau Prep in your workplace immediately."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Surface Modelling with Rhino 3D V6 ( or V5 ) Level 1 & 2" |
"In this course, I will create 3 bottle designs , each example increasing in complexity. The purpose is to show how to surface properly on a typical project. In this case I will use a Jerry can , a detergent bottle and a motor oil bottle as subjects for my demos. This tutorial is more intended for those who have some basic familiarity with the Rhino environment as I will delve more on the surfacing and design aspect rather than understanding Rhino's basic commands. After this course who will have an understanding on how to surface and get your model ready for prototyping."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rhino 3D tutorials with Rhino V6 ( updated version )" |
"This course is the updated version of the best seller Rhino 3D v5 &v6 Beginner Level to Advanced Level.I wanted to keep make an updated version with some new insights about Rhino 3D V6 version. Since Rhino V6 came out for Mac and Windows this learning tool should prove useful for new Rhino users. If you happen to be a v5 user, you will have no problems following along as well."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Programmer" |
"I want to share with you my vision of how to become a programmer, is it worth it and what steps are needed for this because not everybody has friends or mentors to ask and clarify what is it all about. I think that choosing the right profession is one of the most important decisions in life and almost always people are choosing it randomly. I hope that my advices can help you to understand how does it feel to be a programmer and to understand if you want to go in this direction.What you will learn in this course:Why I suggest you to become a programmer?How to understand is it your's or not?How to choose right language?Where to start?What to learn?What skills you need?How to find your first job?What do you need for interview?How programmers are working in the team?"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Git Training: Step-by-Step Guide to Git Version Control" |
"This course starts from scratch, you don't need to know anything about Git or version control systems!You'll learn all about installing Git, creating commits, working with branches, pushing to Github, merging features, correct workflow, resolving conflicts, writing custom aliases and much more!And if you do get stuck, you benefit from an extremely fast and friendly support in discussions to the course. Git is the most popular and powerful version control system nowadays. It allows you to control all your file changes and work as a team. Learn all the fundamentals you need to know and benefit from them your whole life as a developer!Specifically you will learn:How to install gitHow to initialise Git project and adjust basic configurationHow to create commitsHow to check any commit contentHow to push your code in remote repository on GithubWhat are branches and how to work with themHow to merge branchesWhat is the correct workflow with GitWhat is gitflow and how to use itHow to create releases and hotfixesHow to create and use tagsHow to resolve Git conflictsAdvanced git commandsHow to configure git properlyHow to create own git aliasesDont lose any time, gain an edge and start using Git as PRO now!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Lodash - The Complete Guide" |
"This course is about writing javascript with using such a popular library as Lodash. javascript doesn't have enough functions to cover all our needs so Lodash helps us to write efficient and cross-browser code. The code is written with small, pure functions is easy to support, reuse, improve and test. But it's not an easy task because the amount of function in lodash is huge. It's important to understand its principles, the most needed functions and how we can combine and reuse them. The course will help you to learn Lodash step by step from the very beginning to pro.We won't simply go through all functions. There are lots of quizzes from real usecases for you to try using Lodash on you own.What you will learn in this course:Array and object transformationsGrouping and sortingComposing functionsWorking with string and arraysCloning and assigning propertiesChecking the typesDebounce and throttleExtending lodash with own functionsAnd much more...If you are feeling like you want a deep dive into efficient javascript to improve the quality of your code then this course is for you."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"React Redux - -" |
"React Redux. React Redux. . , React . , . , , . : React Redux API redux Ramda API , React Redux, , . React Redux!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How to Write A Syllabus" |
"A syllabus is used to communicate information. Broadly this communication conveys what the course is about, why the course is taught, how it will be taught, and what will be required of students to successfully complete the course.The course syllabus also sets the tone for the class. Creating a learning-centered syllabus versus a traditional syllabus can help foster a more engaging and shared learning environment.In this course you will learn how to construct a syllabus that will engage students. Learn the various sections of a common syllabus, with best practices for making the syllabus a more valuable tool in any class. Learn how to add policies and grading criteria, and how to summarize exactly what students will accomplish by the end of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Information Technology" |
"Are you serious about starting a career in IT, acing tech interviews, and landing your dream job? This course was made for people who answered yes to these questions.My Fundamentals of Information Technology course is packed with relevant, up-to-date knowledge in the world of computing. First we will get a broad but comprehensive look at the basics of IT. Types of computers, parts of a computer, computer storage, 5 generations of programming languages, and steps to programming systems and applications will all be covered. Then we will look at computer networking and learn about both wired and wireless networking, IPv4 and IPv6.An entire section is devoted to database concepts, so get ready to learn the foundational knowledge for data engineering and database design, one of the hottest tech trending topics in 2019. We will learn database theory, database concepts, and various models for databases.Then we will learn about XML the Extensible Markup Language. We will learn XML uses, syntax, and all about elements and attributes. XML is often used for data interchange and is an important language for all IT professionals to be familiar with.After that we will learn about JSON JavaScript Object Notation. We will learn JSON syntax, JSON validation, and the differences between JSON and XML. JSON is used for data interchange and is popular due to its ease of use, readability, and the fact that it is easily parsed on the client side.Then comes a whole section on Charles Proxy, the industrys leading software for intercepting web requests and responses. This will help us to gain a better understanding of how the internet works. If you are an aspiring web developer, app developer, or network engineer Charles is one of those tools you want to be sure to have under your belt.After that is a section called Ultimate Guide to IT terms and jargon. This section is the ultimate review resource before an IT test, interview, or networking session. Key industry vocabulary is taught in an easy-to-understand way so you can talk the lingo of an IT pro.Then comes what I view as the most useful section of the course, Starting a Career in IT. This section isnt about IT facts, it is my personal help to you for landing your dream job. I provide a PDF resume template based on the structure and style of my own resume, which has landed me two high paying tech jobs in NYC and an interview with Google. I walk you through writing a resume with this template step by step. I also give you insider tips on preparing for an interview, acing an IT exam, and building hands-on experience to showcase to employers.On top of that, this course comes with a comprehensive review sheet of the material taught. Not a boring moment in this action packed course.Everything is taught in an easy-to-understand way so it is beginner friendly as well as very informative, exciting, and fun. If you are serious about learning about IT and taking your skills to the next level, then welcome aboard.This course features:A whole section dedicated to teaching you resume writing, interview prep, and everything you need to know to land a job in ITAction-packed sections with up-to-date, relevant industry information on each subject that they coverHands-on section using Charles web proxy softwareSection on some of the hottest IT topics in 2019 including Database Design, Computer Networking, and moreFree PDF resume template (downloadable) included!Free PDF cover letter template (downloadable) included!Comprehensive course review sheet (downloadable) included!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Computer Programming in Python and JavaScript (Intermediate)" |
"This course will build up your knowledge of Python and JavaScript with hands-on coding projects that I will build with you step-by-step.By the end of this course you will have an understanding of the following:Data Structures and Collections in Computer Programming what they are, why they are used, and how they are implemented in Python and JavaScriptProfessional industry code editors PyCharm and Visual Studio Code and the ability to navigate and code in these programs. Code more efficiently and effectively using these FREE tools!2 hands-on projects that you will have created from scratch:A Tic Tac Toe application in Python, complete with User Interfaces, User Input Recognition, and Artificial Intelligence code so that a user can play against the computer.A Rock-Paper-Scissors application in JavaScript, complete with User Interfaces, User Input Recognition, and Artificial Intelligence code so that a user can play against the computer.Section 1 of this course is the Course Introduction. We will learn the objectives of the course, download and install PyCharm and Visual Studio Code, and learn the basic navigation of these programs. After this section you will be ready to dive into the rest of the course material.Section 2 of this course is Collections and Data Structures. In this section we will learn all about data structures, lists, arrays, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. We will learn what each of these is, why and how they are used, and their role in computer programming. By the end of this section you will have a solid understanding of these key programming constructs.Section 3 is Collections and Data Structures in Python. In this section we will get hands-on exposure learning how the following data structures and collections are used in Python and the different options Python gives us to work with them:Data StructuresListsDictionariesTuplesSetsBy the end of Section 3 you will understand these programming constructs and have the ability to work with them in Python.Section 4 is Collections and Data Structures in JavaScript. In this section we will get hands-on exposure learning how the following data structures and collections are used in JavaScript and the different options JavaScript gives us to work with them:Data StructuresArraysJavaScript ObjectsBy the end of Section 4 you will understand these programming constructs and have the ability to work with them in JavaScript.Section 5 is Hands-On Python Programming. We will build our Python skills with a learn-by-doing approach as we develop a Tic Tac Toe application that allows the user to face the computer in a game of Tic Tac Toe. During this section I will walk you step by step through the different phases of building this application from looking at an overview of the project, setting up the UI, coding the user input and core program logic, coding the AI logic, and testing out the finished product. By the end of this section you will have a desktop application you built using Python.Section 6 is Hands-On JavaScript Programming. We will build our JavaScript skills hands-on by building a Rock-Paper-Scissors web app. In this section of the course we will go through the same steps as we did in the last section for the Tic-Tac-Toe game, but use JavaScript to code a web application. By the end of this section you will have a web app that you developed using JavaScript programming.Section 7 is the Course Summary and Wrap-Up. This section will review what we learned in the course. By the end of this section you will feel accomplished at all of the hands-on skills you built up in the course.By the end of this course you will have a solid skill set in both Python and JavaScript programming and hands-on exposure using these languages to build small, fun applications that utilize the skills and concepts taught in this course.This Course Features7 sections of content totaling over 2 hours run-time!Two full hands-on projects: Tic Tac Toe (with AI) in Python and Rock-Paper-Scissors (with AI) in JavaScriptPacked with information on some of the most important data structures and collections in computer programming, including lists, arrays, tuples, sets, dictionaries, and JavaScript Objects"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building a ""Snac-Man"" Arcade Style Game In Unity" |
"This course will walk you through building an entire video game hands-on, and will take you step-by-step through the game development process.Are you a fan of classic arcade dot-eater games? Want to learn how to make a Snac-Man character that can go through a maze gaining points, evading enemies, and clearing boards? Are you motivated to take your Unity and C# skills to the next level? Then this course is for you.As a beginner, one of the hardest things about game development is knowing where to start and building a full game project. Understandably, this process can be a bit overwhelming for beginners. This course is meant to give you a hands-on, beginner-friendly approach to building a fun arcade-style game that you will be proud of. By developing the project featured in this course, you will be learning techniques that you can apply to your own personal game projects. Some of the core game development techniques this course will teach you are:Keeping track of current scoreSaving high score permanently across play sessionsCreating power-upsWriting code to make the character moveDeveloping enemy AI with pathfinding capabilitiesBuilding a progressive level systemKeeping track of the game state internallyEvent driven programmingCreating animated cut scenesMaking a settings screen that lets the user customize elements of the gameplayEssential C# game development skills such as obtaining user input, invoking actions, listening for events, utilizing PlayerPrefs to save game data across multiple sessions, creating an Editor script, and more!By the end of this course, you will have a full game project you developed from the ground up! You will also have some more C# tips and tricks that you can add to your arsenal. If you want to learn game development or are aspiring to build a career in the game industry, then this course is for you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"IP Subnetting For Certification Students" |
"Subnetting is one of the most difficult topics to learn. This course explains subnetting with examples that make it easy to understand. Subnetting will become easier and intuitive with practical examples. Learn how to segment your network with address zones for security purposes. The course is great for all certification students, network administrators and data center operations. Essential skill for I.T/networking jobs Network address classes and zonesFixed and variable length addressing Easy step-by-step learning approach Includes Packet Tracer practice labLearn how to use a subnet calculator"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-301 (v1.0) Full Certification Prep Course" |
"Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA 200-301) This course is designed for any candidates that want to attain the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 certification. Take your skills to the next level with a course that goes beyond CCNA for your current career. CCNA 200-301 is the new industry standard certification for network administrators, support technicians and data center operations. Study with a certification prep course instead of a CCNA networking course for best results and optimal training. This course is also recommended before starting higher level CCNP, CCIE and security certifications. Study plan is 100% Cisco approved curriculum with no outdated topics. Course includes top-rated study notes, instructional quizzes, labs, network simulations, and exclusive study tools. Learn fundamentals with each lecture designed specifically for Cisco CCNA 200-301 certification. Each lecture includes downloadable labs with instructions to learn hands-on CLI configuration skills.CCNA authentic prep course designed to get you 100% ready for the new CCNA 200-301 exam.Learn all CCNA topics with a configuration-oriented ""learn by doing"" approach to start with.Understand networking concepts with study notes from a top-rated CCNA study guide.Test your knowledge with section learning quizzes that explain why an answer is incorrect.Learn how to configure CLI with downloadable labs and step-by-step instructions to follow.Practice and verify your technical skills with CCNA question and answer simulation labs.Essential certification study tools that include popular whiteboard and configuration tool. Last mile key lectures with recommendations for how to score your best on the exam.Get your questions answered from me directly via instructor link anytime for virtual classroom. Start your networking career, update your skills for job promotion, and study for higher level certifications.Udemy Instructor message link is available to discuss course training and get your questions answered!Author of certification books, video courses and recipient of Cisco spotlight awards. 20+ years of experience with Fortune 100 companies, large data centers, certification training, and globally connected infrastructure. CiscoNet Solutions (Discount Coupon Link)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Una gran cantidad de alergias se han originado en el organismo como consecuencia de un error que comete el sistema inmunitario, al confundir a sustancias inicialmente inocuas como si fuesen virus o bacterias. Una vez que se ha cometido el error, nuestro cerebro mantiene en su memoria el elemento, sustancia o alrgeno que caus el dao, y desde ese instante, cuando el organismo detecta la ms mnima presencia del mismo, pone en marcha de inmediato el sistema inmune, para defenderse de lo que en su momento consider que fue una agresin, crendose de este modo una respuesta automatizada (alergias de estmulo y respuesta). PRESENCIA DEL ALRGENO = PUESTA EN MARCHA DEL SISTEMA INMUNITARIOEn este tipo de alergias se encuentran las reacciones a los diferentes plenes (olivo, pino, pltano, encina, salsola, gramneas, parietaria, etc), conocidas como rinitis alrgicas, polinosos o fiebre del heno. Tambin algunas alergias alimentarias como pueden ser: a los frutos secos, a los mariscos, a los lcteos, etc. Las alergias a los epitelios de los animales, a los caros del polvo, e incluso alergias tan extraas o raras como: al agua, al alcohol, a las prendas textiles, y un largo etc.Una de las caractersticas principales que distinguen a la PNL (Programacin Neurolingstica) , es su practicidad, eficacia y rapidez en la mejora y solucin de numerosos problemas, entre ellos ""muchas alergias"".Cualquiera de las tcnicas que se exponen tienen la capacidad por s mismas para mejorar y eliminar alergias, sin embargo podr comprobar lo sencillo que puede resultar ser tratar a otros, o autotratarse las rinitis alrgicas a cualquier polen, las alergias por caros del polvo, y a los epitelios de los animales con cualquiera de las tcnicas 1, y 2, ideales para iniciar el trabajo con este tipo de alergias. Con la tcnica 3, algunas alergias alimentarias y otras extraas o raras."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Metamorphische Massage, Weiterfhrung der Rexflexzonenarbeit" |
"Metamorphische MassageSie ist eine Weiterfhrung der Reflexzonenarbeit nach St. John, ein Heilpraktiker in den 60ern.Ich selbst habe die Massage vor ber 10 Jahren kennengelernt, lange bevor die ""Metamorphose"" ein geschtzter Begriff wurde, eine Marke. Ich gebe hier mein Wissen ber die Hintergrnde und die Theorie der Massage weiter, so wie ich es gelernt und auch erfolgreich angewendet habe. Verantwortung bernehmen und freier werden von Mustern, die sich vorgeburtlich gebildet haben, das ist das Ziel der Metamorphischen Massage. Die Zeitebenen der Vorgeburtlichkeit werden auf Fssen und Hnden abgebildet und genau hier wird gearbeitet. Dies funktioniert so gut, weil alle Information des Menschen in jeder Zelle gespeichert ist. Abgesehen davon die Metamorphischen Massage eine wunderbare Enstpannungsmethode, die fr ruhigen Schlaf sorgen kann und Stress vorbeugt bzw. bei akutem Stress sehr hilfreich sein kann."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Mentalidad financiera con coaching creativo - Neurocoaching" |
"Un coaching de forma creativa - dibujamos juntos!Tiene un bloqueo o creencias inhibidoras, por ejemplo, en relacin con su crecimiento financiero? O una creencia, algo que te limita?El principio de la neurografa es simple y comprensible:Dibujamos temas y los energizamos.Todo lo que duerme en tu subconsciente no es visible para ti, pero el dibujo que hace tu mano no miente y lo que no est claro para ti, se puede llegar a ver en esta sesin. Slo lo que es visible puede ser transformado. Puedes cambiar tus metas y tu realidad en el dibujo para que luego este cambio pueda entrar en tu vida.Te guo en tiempo real a travs de los diferentes pasos de dibujo y te enseo una tcnica de dibujo con la que puedes llevar pensamientos, experiencias y experiencias al papel. Nos dibujamos en cada imgen, dibujamos nuestro mundo y nuestras soluciones. Con la ayuda de la neurografa, esto se hace extremamente efectivo y agradable!Al hacerlo, se resuelven las restricciones internas. Es un proceso: se trata de crear tu propio dibujo y modelarlo de tal manera que est en armona con el Universo.En esta sesin dibujamos un hermoso rbol, un rbol de dinero que simboliza tu crecimiento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Experience Manager 6.5-AEM Website Building course" |
"Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is an enterprise-grade content management platform with a wide array of powerful features. AEM is managed through a rich graphical interface accessible through any modern browser, enabling such desktoplike features as in-place editing of text and graphics, drag and drop of page elements, and visual design of workflows.The AEM application modules sit on top of the AEM shared framework, which contains all functionalities that are shared among all the application modules, for example, mobile functionality, multi-site manager, taxonomy management, and workflow. In addition to the shared application framework, the AEM applications (Sites, Assets, Apps, and so on) share the same infrastructure and same user interface (UI) framework."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FreeIPA - IdM , Identity Management" |
"FreeIPA - IdM , Identity ManagementGua de identidad, autenticacin y polticas de dominio de LinuxFreeIPA es una solucin de gestin de informacin de seguridad integrada que combina Linux (Fedora), 389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS, Dogtag (sistema de certificados). Consiste en una interfaz web y herramientas de administracin de lnea de comandos.FreeIPA es una solucin integrada de identidad y autenticacin para entornos de red Linux / UNIX. Un servidor FreeIPA proporciona informacin centralizada de autenticacin, autorizacin y cuenta al almacenar datos sobre usuarios, grupos, hosts y otros objetos necesarios para administrar los aspectos de seguridad de una red de computadoras.FreeIPA se basa en los conocidos componentes de cdigo abierto y en los protocolos estndar, con un fuerte enfoque en la facilidad de administracin y automatizacin de las tareas de instalacin y configuracin.En pocas palabras, podemos resumir que es el AD ( Active Directory ) que conocemos en Windows pero en Linux.Espero que disfruten el curso del mismo modo que yo lo hice durante su creacin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OpenStack - De Principiante a Experto" |
"Openstack esta dentro de las plataformas Cloud de software libre ms importante que existe y est creciendo rpidamente, donde muchas empresas han optado por su implementacin.Con este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para administrar una plataforma Cloud con Openstack sin tener conocimientos previos.Tambin vas a aprender a administrar Openstack tanto por lnea de comandos (CLI) como por la interfaz web (Horizon Dashboard). Pero nos enfocaremos mayormente en la lnea de comandos.El curso comienza con una descripcin general sobre los diferentes componentes core de OpenStack. Despus, hay una seccin dedicada y separada para cada uno de los servicios core (horizon, keystone, glance, nova, neutron, cinder, swift, etc) de Openstack.Este curso ha sido diseado para profesionales de TI. Ayudar a cualquier profesional o administrador de TI que desee saber si OpenStack es la solucin adecuada. Adems de las lecciones prcticas en cada seccin. Los participantes podrn comenzar a operar y utilizar OpenStack para desarrollar confianza para avanzar en los prximos pasos.Tambin el curso le ayudar en su preparacin para el examen de certificacin de OpenStack.Espero que disfruten el curso del mismo modo que yo lo hice durante su creacin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Administracin de Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization" |
"RHEV, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization es una plataforma de virtualizacin de clase empresarial producida por Red Hat. Su objetivo es virtualizar aplicaciones importantes en el centro de datos empresarial mientras se logra el rendimiento, la resistencia y la seguridad.Es importante aclarar que los procedimientos que vamos a realizar en el curso, seran con propositos educacionales. No es un curso oficial de Red Hat. Pero si vamos a utilizar el periodo de evaluacin que ellos mismo ofrecen gratuitamente para la creacin del laboratorio. Tambin vamos a consultar la documentacin oficial de Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization como referencia en muchos objetivos del curso.El curso tambin le ayudar en la preparacin para el examen de certificacin de Red Hat Certified Specialist in Virtualization EX318El curso comienza con una descripcin general sobre los requerimientos necesarios para crear el laboratorio. Despus, sin perdir mucho tiempo pasaremos a la instalacin y creacin del laboratorio para de una vez adentrarnos en el hermoso mundo de la virtualizacin con RHEV.Este curso ha sido diseado para profesionales de TI. Ayudar a cualquier profesional o administrador de TI que desee saber si RHEV es la solucin adecuada. Adems de las lecciones prcticas en cada seccin. Los participantes podrn comenzar a operar y utilizar RHEV para desarrollar confianza para avanzar en los prximos pasos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Administracin de Aplicaciones JBoss I" |
"JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, o EAP para abreviar, es la plataforma empresarial de cdigo abierto y lder en el mercado para aplicaciones Java empresariales de ltima generacin y altamente transaccionales. EAP es una plataforma de servidor de aplicaciones Java EE. Los servidores de aplicaciones proporcionan el entorno y la infraestructura necesarios para hospedar y administrar aplicaciones Java EE.JBoss es uno de los servidores de aplicaciones Java ms estables y maduros al da de hoy. Cuenta con el apoyo de la comunidad Java y empresas de todos tamaos confan en sus soluciones, ya que se encuentran respaldados por RedHat, empresa lider en el desarrollo de software.En el curso usted aprender a realizar una instalacin de JBoss EAP desde lnea de comandos o desde la interfaz de usuario. Tambin comprender la diferencia entre domain y standalone mode. En fin, en el curso aprender a administrar Jboss EAP profesionalmente.La configuracin, la implementacin y la administracin de JBoss EAP lo convertirn rpidamente en un administrador de JBoss completo. Nos centraremos en las caractersticas clave del servidor de aplicaciones JBoss que lo harn un usuario avanzado, rpida y fcilmente.El curso Administracin de Aplicaciones JBoss I, tambin le ayudar como preparacin para el examen de certificacin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"RHEL 8 - Camino a la Certificacin RHCSA" |
"RHEL 8 - Camino a la Certificacin RHCSAEs la versin actualizada de mis cursos anteriores ""Entrenamiento para la Certificacin de Red Hat RHCSA"" y ""Camino a la Certificacin RHCSA - Reloaded"". Este curso es trabajado con la nueva versin rhel 8, y nos enfocaremos en los objetivos para el examen de certificacin.Objetivos del examen y del curso:Los objetivos son publicos, y todos los podemos encontrar en la pagina oficial de Red Hat. Pero para que tenga una idea de lo que aprenderemos en el curso en vista a la certificacin aqu se los comento:(Es importante aclarar que estos son solo los nombres de los objetivos globales, en donde cada uno cuenta con alrededor de 6 y 8 sub-objetivos)Conocer y usar las herramientas esencialesUsar los sistemas en funcionamientoConfigurar el almacenamiento localCrear y configurar los sistemas de archivosImplementar, configurar y mantener los sistemasGestionar las conexiones de red bsicasAdministrar los usuarios y los gruposAdministrar la seguridadDescripcinMi formacin consiste en multiples y completos videos por cada mdulo. En donde explico parte terica para que asi tenga una base del contenido, pero profundiz mucho ms con ejemplos prcticos en donde pone en accin lo explicado.El 30% de todos los estudiantes que se presentan al examen de RHCSA por primera vez no pasan el examen en su primer intento. Sea parte del 70% que pasa el examen de certificacin de Red Hat RHCSA en su primer intento.TE GARANTIZO que si prcticas todos los objetivos como los muestro en los videos, absolutamente pasars el examen real.RESULTADOS:Ya suman mas de 600 estudiantes ( y contando ) que se han certificado gracias a mis cursos. Puede ver los comentarios, valoraciones, y reseas positivas que han dejado los estudiantes que toman mis cursos. Sobre el curso:La primera sesin es para mostrarle y explicarle lo que necesitar para seguir todos los ejercicios. Recomiendo usar KVM ( virt-manager ) como software de virtualizacin bajo cualquier distribucin Linux, de preferencia CentOS o Fedora. Pero puedes hacerlo en VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation. Pero tenga en cuenta algunos conceptos sobre las redes virtuales. (NAT, briges, etc).Me concentro ms en la prctica y menos en la teora. Porque la clave para pasar el examen en el primer intento es ""prctica y ms prctica"".Actualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"LVM - Logical Volume Manager" |
"En el curso usted va conocer desde lo mas bsico hasta alcanzar un nivel superior en el manejo de LVM en cualquier distribucin GNU/Linux.LVM - Logical Volume Manager es el curso que todo administrador de sistemas Linux debe tener en su portafolio. El cual le dar la confianza y conocimientos para lograr sus metas personales y laborales. Implementando y administrando su infraestructura de forma correcta con esta excelente herramienta.En el curso veremos ejemplos prcticos junto con su explicacin terica, la cual es muy importante para comprender cada componenle o elemento de LVM.Obetivos del curso:01. Volmenes lgicos02. Configurando volmenes lgicos lvm03. Modificar el tamao de un volumen lgico.04. Gestin de volmenes fsicos lvm.05. Mostrando componentes lvm06. Informes personalizados para lvm07. Configurando volmenes lgicos raid08. Instantneas de volmenes lgicos09. Creacin y gestin de volmenes lgicos con aprovisionamiento ligero ( thin volumes )10. LVM cach volmenes lgicosActualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ansible Best Practices" |
"Ansible se ha convertido en la herramienta de automatizacin ms famosa en la actualidad. Gracias a la no necesidad de agentes y basndose simplemente en SSH y Python, unido a la facilidad de su sintaxis, la convierte en la solucin ideal tanto para administradores de sistemas, de red y programadores.Este curso asume que tienes algo de experiencia usando Ansible para automatizar las tareas de administracin del sistema Linux. Ansible es fcil de aprender y fcil de usar. Sin embargo, a medida que trabaja con funciones ms avanzadas y proyectos ms grandes y complejos, se vuelve ms difcil administrar y mantener Playbooks de Ansible, o usarlos de manera efectiva.SI es tu primera vez con Ansible, te recomiendo comenzar por el curso Ansible, Automatizacin de Principiante a Experto, en donde obtendrs los conocimientos necesarios para poder continuar con este curso.Este curso presenta una serie de caractersticas avanzadas de Red Hat Ansible Automation. Tambin se discute cmo usar Red Hat Ansible Automation de manera efectiva y eficiente. Los siguientes tres puntos resumen el uso efectivo de Red Hat Ansible Automation; Estos puntos se basan en declaraciones similares de Jeff Geerling, los cuales explicaremos en el inicio del curso. Mantn las cosas simples Mantenerse organizado Prueba a menudoEl resto de la agenda del curso va ser siguiendo la frmula ""teora - prctica"". Dedicaremos varios minutos en cada captulo del curso a explicar, aconsejar, mostrar, confirmar y ampliar los conocimientos tericos que ya sabemos. Y seguido de esto, realizaremos un ejercicio guiado en donde pondr en prctica lo aprendido.Actualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Terraform - Automatizar Infraestructuras AWS" |
"Terraform ha ganado mucha popularidad ltimamente y es la herramienta que necesita dominar si quiere entrar en un mundo de Ops / DevOps. Por lo general, utiliza una tecnologa como Ansible, Chef o Puppet para automatizar el aprovisionamiento de software. Terraform parte del mismo principio, ""infrastructure as code"", pero se enfoca en la automatizacin de la infraestructura misma.En el curso aprender cmo usar terraform para automatizar su infraestructura. Primero le mostrar los conceptos bsicos de terraform y luego le explicar cmo automatizar la infraestructura en AWS usando Terraform. Puede que los tema tericos no sean de mucho inters, por lo que me enfocar en ejemplos prcticos que le ayuden a comprender mejor cada componente de Terraform.En el curso explicar lo neceserio que t debes saber para iniciar con lo principal que es crear una cuenta en AWS. Esta cuenta es muy importante y necesaria ya que es donde vamos a realizar nuestros laboratorios.Los objetivos del curso son muchos, por lo que la lista se hace muy extensa. Pero para que tenga una idea aqu les menciono algunos temas que aprender en el curso: Creacin de VPC Creacin de Subnets Creacin de Security Groups ( SG ) Creacin de key pairs Crear y destruir instancias en AWS, y otros componentes Aprender a trabajar con Variables, Data Sources, Loops Maps y Lookup functions Aprender a crear mdulos reusables Aprenders a configurar Auto Scaling, Cloudwatch Crear Elastic Load Balancing Crear y administrar zonas DNS con route53 Crear y asociar Elastic Aprender como hacer integraciones con Ansible despues de crear sus instancias en AWS con TerraformEl curso lo puede seguir utilizando su sistema operativo de preferencia, ya sea Windows, GNU/Linux, o Mac OS.Otros objetivos se agregarn a la lista mientras avancemos en el curso.Actualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master ASP.NET MVC Core 3.1" |
"This is a Beginner to Advanced level course on ASP.NET Core 3.1 that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is new to core 3.1 or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to take a first stab at understanding what is different in core 3. From there we would be building multiple projects to understand all concepts in ASP.NET Core 3.1 as we will deploy our final application on Azure, IIS and other hosting website!Throughout this course we would understand the evolution of ASP.NET Core and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.We would then take a look at new concepts in ASP.NET Core 3.1We would build a small Razor application with CRUD operations using entity framework for integration with database.We would build our Granite House website where we will learn advance topics in ASP.NET MVC Core 3.1Finally we will deploy our Granite House website on Microsoft Azure and IIS.What are the requirements?3-6 months knowledge of c#Visual Studio 2017SQL Server Management StudioWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn structure of ASP NET Core 3.1 ProjectLearn basic fundamentals of ASP NET Core 3.1Build applications using ASP NET Core 3 using Razor Pages and MVCBuild 2 Projects throughout the courseIntegrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to UsersIntegrate Entity Framework along with code first migrationsCustom Tag Helpers in MVC Core 3.1Learn two factor authorization and other important details of ASP.NET Core 3.1What is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn core 3.1Anyone who wants to learn most latest changes with Microsoft newest framework"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master ASP.NET Core 3.1 Razor Pages" |
"This is a complete course on ASP.NET Core 3.1 using Razor Pages that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is new to ASP.NET Core 3.1 or who is familiar with ASP.NET MVC and wants to take the first stab at understanding what is different in core 3.1. From there we would be building multiple projects to understand all concepts in ASP.NET Core 3.1Are you interested in learning the latest framework Microsoft has introduced? Not just that long with that also use the most recent introduction to their stack? If so then this is the correct course! ASP.NET Core and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.We would build a CRUD Operations application with EF and use Razor Pages for the first projectFinally, we would build an Auto Shop website where admin can enter service records for their customers and customers can view all the service history.What am I going to get from this course?Learn the structure of ASP NET Core 3.1 ProjectLearn basic security of ASP NET Core 3.1Build applications using ASP NET Core 3.1 using Razor PagesIntegrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to UsersIntegrate Entity Framework along with code first migrationsAuthentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 3.1Sessions in ASP.NET Core 3.1Data Seeding and deployment to AzureWhat is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn core 3.1 Razor PagesAnyone who wants to learn the latest changes with Microsoft newest framework"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC" |
"Repository Pattern? Yep. N-Tier Architecture? Covered! Data-Seeding and Deployment to Azure? Its here!If you're looking to learn Repository Pattern, N-Tier architecture in record time with ASP.NET Core MVC 3.1 you're in the right place! You'll find absolutely no filler content here, only direct, accurate, and concise explanations of exactly how to build professional ASP.NET Core applications.This is an Intermediate to Advance level course on ASP.NET Core 3.1 that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is familiar with ASP.NET Core basics and wants to know how to architect and code real-world applications in ASP.NET Core 3.1. What are the requirements?3-6 months of knowledge of ASP.NET Core MVC6 months knowledge of c#Visual Studio 2019SQL Server Management StudioWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn the structure of ASP NET Core 3.1 ProjectLearn basic security of ASP NET Core 3.1Build applications using ASP NET Core 3.1 using MVCRepository PatternN-Tier ArchitectureIntegrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to UsersIntegrate Entity Framework along with code first migrationsAuthentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 3.1Sessions in ASP.NET Core 3.1Data Seeding and deployment to AzureWhat is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn core 3.1Anyone who wants to learn latest changes with Microsoft newest framework"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |